.( TO fc ..ay otJ Ik i l)ClDlb Nor tl) State SALISBURY", 1'HIUA.Y, MA.T.U, 1 chill Bpaclal Newapaper AdrertUtag and General Collac- Has - - ' KmA t a, owr 1 1 o a. si VI 1WVJ 'VI HWItU VIVIII WM. A. HEAKNE & CO., I A nato lor the North Carolina Preea. and General Agent, for too Collection or Claim, of every eVtscription thraugbeut tlie SUU. Offlc, tiohle boro ' N. 0 Art a.lberiaed agmte for Tai Ou flOSTB BTATIt LOCAL Naw AoTvmTisnnirrt. Court No tice -A. J. Mason, U. 8. C. To Railroad Contractors Jtt. C. Tur ner, John 11. Enniss Variou articles. 1 ancitiff School Miss Roac (Jurncross. Siroassian Milk of Rosea- -Dr. E. BQL or "Santo vine," lbs great worm killer, ia only 26 miiU par box, in the reach of all. Prepared by W. L. Ei.EMtao and told . vtrv where. For sale by 0. B. Poclson, Druggiet, aft., Salisbury, N. C, iy Was) ha become of the Hende r- oii Index t We have not received it tor two weeks. IT" We aee it announced that Mr. Ed ward" B. Fulfings, of Charlotte, baa been appoiuted Collector of Infcfrntl Revrrrnw in this the 6th J District in place of 8. H. Wiley. For several weeks we haro been compelled to omit moat of our selected miscellany to make room for several very importaut acta of Assembly. We have a number of importaut acts s ill on liuud in which the public generally are interested, ami which we intend to publish. But they are comparatively brief and we will not allow them to trespass so largely upon our apace as we have heretofore done.'1 Subscribers would no well to preserve those papers which contain important laws. Jcdgk Cloud did not set aside the Terdict in Hardy's case, as the Statesville American infers, but simply imposed upon I the prisoner the lowest penalty prescribed by the law in cases of manslaughter. f The letter of Mr. Malloy, of Cheraw, was received by us ou Thurs day morning last just as we were starting to Davidson Court, and but a few hours before we were ready for press. Wo gave it to the foreman with instructions to pub lish it in the local column, but by one of those rnistpk.es which so often occur in a printing office the figures were transposed by the compositor so as to make it appear that the meeting referred to would take jlacf on the Slat instead of the liijjv'e deeply regret the mratake, atw it wpuld "Callore." -The readers of the North State for the years 1866 67 can not have forgotten the beautiful pieces then contributed to its columns by "Cal lore." For more than a year her contri butions have been wanting and have, doubtless, been much regretted by our lady readers especially. We welcome ber back this week with the sincerest pleasure. On our first page will be found one of the meet charming pieces that have yet appeared from her pen. We make our acknowledgements to Messrs Mock ft Brown for the compli ment of a new and fashionable bat Hoar, gratefulwe feel cap only be (imag ined by those who Iknow how proud we are, and what a 'seedy soule hat" we have time past the been wearing for only one we had. Messis Mock & Brown have an elegant assortment on band where all who are oitnated as we were can supply their want. ' Davidson CourtWe attended David son Superior Coart on Thursday and Fri day of last week, stopping with our old friend Mabry, who entertained Us in his usual elegant st vie. Only two eases7 of importance came before the court while we were there: the case of the State against VV. F. and David Henderson, which was removed to Farsytfae county, where jt will probably disposed of in some way next week or the week after, and the case of the State agtinst John Wagoner, indicted on the charge of stealing a mule, which was tried and the defendant acquitted. Virginia. Of the thirty eight conser vative papers in Virginia, thirty -two have taken ground Iff!1 Walker, and of the re maining six, but one opposes voting for bim. There can be no doubt of the elec tion of Walker and the expurgation of the IConetitutinn if the Conservatives but half do their duty. Important to Farmsrs The Ma number of the Carolina farmer is on our table. Like all its predecessors, it is handsomely printed, and filled with a large number of interesting and season able articles. We are glad to learn from the proprietor that the Farmer is a da cided success, its patronage already be ing much larger than ha most sanguine expectations bad predicted. Published monthly, at Wilmington, N. O., by Wm. H. Bernard, Terms, 00 per year. Spe cimen copies sent oa receipt of stamp for posuga. E Demomfi Magasine for June is upon oar table, and ia quite equal, if not sup rior, to any of its predecessors. The pat terns which accompany this Magaaine are worth the subscript! n prioe besides the fashion plates, reading matter, Sec. Ad dress W. Jennings Demo rest, 473 Broad way, New York. We are clad to learn that the firm of Messrs. Pierce, McCurdy cV Co., Real Estate Agents, of this town, of wbieh our townsmen, the Messrs. R. T. Fulgbum and B. F. Whitefield are members, hare formed a connection with the North Carolina Land Company, of Raleigh, which we trust may prove of mutual benefit to both companies as- well as to this community. Daily Messenger. The people of Haywood are in about as good condition financially as the peo ple of any other county in the State. 8o far as we have learned, only one Hay wood man has taken the benefit of the Bankrupt Law, and he was forced into it by citcurnfllauce absolutely beyond his control. It ia not every man who can aay that. Jackson county is in an equally flour ishing condition. Ash News. It will be pern hv advertisement that "Kairvicw Female Collet?.-" ffrnn rlv Mecklenburg UaMrge) t'lia City, is to be opened Tn Ssmbarnelt. by IVofti or F. IX Hahiftin. Wtrr.Dem; Mr Smith, President of the N. C. Rail road, offers a reward of $100 fur the de tection of those who are in the habit of throwing tonea into the passenger cars at Charlotte. We hope the offenders may be apprehended, for the guilty person or persons deserve the severest punishment for sach mean conduct. Ohar Dem. Destruction of Wheat in Anson. We are distressed to learn that the farmers of Anson county have found it necessary to plough up their wheat fields, one of the most disastrous hail storms ever experi enced, having destroyed the wheat of that section Wednesday night. This is truly distressing, not only that the labor of so many months should be brought to nought, but that we should be afflicted by the loss of 'much promised grain. Wadesboro Aargus. Narrow 1'soipc. Last week four calves, while graaing in the yard of Mr. R. A. Springs of York connty, 3. C, Were attacked by a terrier, and in their efforts to avoid the dog, one of them fell into a well 45 feet deep, with six feet of water. Mr 8. was absent at the time, so Mrs Springs had to send to the field for a man to extricate the calf ; and strange to say, when it was drawn from the well, it was found alive and unhurt Car. Times. Bishop Wightman, of South Carolina. The Rev. Bishop Wightman, of Char leston, 8. C, a Bishop of the Methodist Epj"epal Church, South, preached on Sunday, both morning and evening, at the Church of the Strangers, in the New York (Jniversiiv Chanel, on Waahinrrlon - . r - o auuare. of which the Rev. Dr. Deem, for. teTiw.yTlf North Care, is pastor. Tee Bishop was on his way to St. Louis to at tend to some official business, and was prevailed upon by his old friend. Dr. Deems, to remain with him over Sunday. This is probably the first time that a Southern Methodist bishop has preached in this city since the great division of the Church, which took place in 1844. N. Y. World. Beautiful Monunient.-The heirs of Hon. Richard S. Donnell, have recently had erected over his remains, a most beautiful memento of pure white marble This monument is now the largest in Ce- da throve Cemetery, being nineteen feet in height and weighing more than nine thousand pounds. It is a tasteful and or namental work of art, and was erected, under the supervision of .las. A. Biyan, Esq., by Mr. Win. Jones, whose hand work is too well known iu the city for os ("to -speak in its praiae- It - ia suough to say tun Mr. Jones placed the moiiumejit in position with his uoal skill. One face of the marble base bears this inscription : Richard Spatoht Doxxem , Born September -20, A. 1). 1820; . - Died June 3, A D. 1667. TTunc semper mcmim issc jurabit. x While on the icvese are found the fol low i n g w ords : - "Beaufort cownty, his chosen home, re cords her gratitude for many years of un aelfish and distinguished services, upon hut honored tomb." Netcbern Jour, of Com. "Let us Hare Peace. We are aorry to see that the editors in Raleich and Newbeni quarrel so much, and sometime use such ugly language towards each oth er. It looks bad and gives strangers an unfavorable idea of journalism in North Carolina. It is much more pleasant to keep in a good humor than a bad one. There is no State or National elections peuding to cause "bad bloodto be exer cised, and we hoee our Kaleigkaud New- berneotemppraries will permit us to Bug seat the impropriety of their conduct. If we find we eannot produce more friendly feeling and less virulence between them, we .-li.il protest against their being con sidered rprefentatives of the Picas of the State. For a long time past the public baa Seen rt eihtbirwma of bad feeHng among the editors of Wilmington, Oreeus bo.ro, Goldsboro, Salisbury, Charlotte, &c. IiyCharlotte we are not awaie that any tiring but peace aud good feeling prevails, though we mar sometimes differ about men and measures; aud we do not eousid- er it presumptuous to ask our Raleigh and Newborn cotemporsries to follow the genteel example of the Charlotte editors. Let us have peace among N. C". Editors, oven if Gen. Grant ean't make peace be tween the office seekers. Char. Democrat. There is said to be one street in Phila delphia, where the atmosphere is so in pregnated with the ram sold in the neigh borhood that the verj horses shudder as they psss through it. Mai. Scaton Gales. We have know for some weeks that tbia well known citi- en. so lour associated with the press of the State, has been invited to deliver the Literary Address of the neat Annual Com mencement of Davidson College. He has accepted the invitation. The Major is an unusually graceful writer, and a tasteful and appropriate address may be expected. Sentinel. OaUTIOJ- AGAINST SwiKDLKR.-The Mayor of New fork has thought proper to publish the following caution to tin. people of the Ssuth which they will do well to heed : "1 beg to caution strangers against New York circulars and proicclusee of tick ets, shares and chances in co-operative unions, or gift enterprises, or dollar stores, or any oilier possible scheme wusiewy prope; ly or value is promised greater tnan the price asked to be paid. Every such advertised scheme is neresrarry a swindle and false pretense. There do not and cannot tangibly exist any such schemes ii this city. Country newi iprs whicn idvertise them simply oi l in the swindle. If all the newapupirsjn the Union will now muko a point of publishing and reit erating thia information, they will charita bly, and I think, effectively, counteract the swiudling iuUiutiaua of those who use J mails for false pretences, and will also save to the unwary hundreds of thousands of dollars. . - - A.OAKi.tUaTX, Mayor of die city of New York." The Georgia Govenwrthip. The New York World's Washington correspondent says t Intelligence from Ueorria leaves no doubt of the throwing overboard of Bul lock, who is a candidate for renomination to the Governorship. Instructions have been sent out from Ramal Seuators here to discard Bullock, because he procured the rejection of the fifteenth amendment by Republican voices. His aim was to secure lb impreasiou that by this action the State deserved to be totally recon structed over again but he has overleaped himself. DR. GODDIN'8 COMPOUND GENTIAN BITTERS. Cures Chills and Fever, Dyspepia, Indigestion Colic, Bick Stomach, Bronchitia, Asthma, Neuialyia, Klieumatim, Ac A UNIVERSAL TONIC. A sure, safe, snd reliable preventative and Cure for sll Malarial diseases, and all diseases reaniiinR a genera! lonio impreion. Prepared only b Dr. N. A. fl. Go Min and for sale everywhere. JAMKS T. WIGGINS, (SucceMor to J. R. Baker & Co.) Proprietary Agent and Wholesale dealer in Patent Medi cines, Norfolk Va. 17 ly Notice of Oo Partnership. Wrjirsoros, N. C, April 15th, 1869. I 7E, the undersigned have tins day entered V V into co-partnership under the firm, name and style of BANNISTER, COWAN St CO., for (ho purpose of conducting the huStnesW a KKAL ESTATE and FINANCIAL AGEN CV, with r- r -1 f'Vaqe Wilmington, S. C , and New York CTtCT Werespecttullv offei our service to the pub lic. LEMUEL BAN NISTEK. I) S. COWAN, J. C. KKNY'NN. For further information, adilres HANN1STEK, COWaN Si CO.. apriliiO lrn Wilmington, N.C. II. W r. C. DIXON, DIXON. S. UlXON Snow Camp Foundry, 8. DIXON A CO., Iroa--PcTmders. Mill- Wrights and MarcMnists, SNOW CAMP '. O. Alamance Co., N. 6'., ARE MANUFACTURING Improved 11 MfcEomerL. andJTJtrrshers Straw-Cutters, Corn'SitUers, tune - Mills, Saw arid Grist Mill Irons of eveTy Deseriplion, Shaft ing, Pulleys, Gear- rtng, etc., Ac.; AIpo, ate manufacturing an Improved Turbine Water Wheil, Which at no dlatsnt dsy41t is believed wi'Jsu neieede the Ovorshot- VV heel in most i:uu- tions, whet" eoonomj. urahi.lny and effici enev are propel iv coi;iiiereu. IV Mill owners who use water for the pro. pulsion of machinery, are particularly request- d to give this Wheel an examination before sending their money North tor oue not so eood. 1 . This Company is an association or Practical Mechanics, who have been enayed in thin .particular boaimiSS Jpt more than twenty fiv years, a'id aroquahned Irora long framing, and practical experu-tice, .to make tiioroagh work of any job entrusted to fheireare; to gether with the LOW PRICE at which work has been put under the ready-pay system, lately inaugurated in this country, will make it to the interest of those wanting any thing in our line to give us a catt. april 30 17:4t HIVES & PROCTOR, WHOI.KSALR AND BKTAIL DRUGGISTS DSALRRS IK 0 DRUGS riEDIOINES, Fluff i Toilet Artirlf Paints, Oils. DYK STUFFS, PERFUMERY, Imported Sc Dotrestic Window Glass, Putty, SPICES, sc., ac. ft AT Would respectful! v call the attention of aier chant -i. Physician. Planters, and others, to their extensive atack aud superior inducements. 107 Sycamore, St, Petersburg. a. r. hives, at. b. w. a. rancroa. Ssr23lG.-6m WALTER A. WOOD'S PRIZE Mowers and Reapers, Used ia all countries, and utiversalry t' iIllIIlt'IltitHi aftol THE BEST 111 A wariled mnre float premium ' M.tciniie maflulaeltiieii, I "I AND FOREIGN CQl Among which THE HIGHEST Two Grand Gold Miedals the Legion of 11 At Paris Expositi More than 130,000 noli Vel 20,000 manufactured nndcdjd in 1868 aud thi! demand uuBIIfblied. I Increasing Demand, lrrrr.iserfFac.mifs onal lpreTftfriar 1861 Wood's Prise Mowers, (1 and 8 Hone.) " Self Baking Reaper, with " New Mowing Attachment. " Hand Rake Reaper. Haines' Illinois Harvester. Manufnctiire-d by the Walter A. Wood slow ing and Heaping Machine Company. Oeneial Olnce and Hsnulactory, Uoosiuk falls, Bens aelaer count v. N. T. Hranch (rtk- and &i!et Room 11 Cort lan.it atreet, New York city. P. O. Box, &805. 20G Lake Street, Chicago, Ilk Alexandria, Va. Ma.lisou, Wig. 77 Upper Thames, St., Londen. Send for New Jhscriptivt Circular . and JPtic List. Application from the Soaafct, South of Vir ginia, -h.'uM be addressed to the New York Branch Office, as abore . UtlJAlJLE AGENT8T WANTED. Ejtta Inducements OftVred I MeCubl.ins, Sullivan Si Oa, are Agents for the above Reapers in Salisbury, spnll'a l&lOm ST. CLOUD HOTEL ry X HIS new and coniotnilioaarkoMt. located roroer l Broadirav mid 4-.M Mteet. aaaBSSsra advantage over all vtlier liouneii fur tit accoiaiuodation of it- i., -tr. II wh Iiuilt exptisaly for first elawir m tlv Hoarriioii llouf thi rooms latnic Iaree aod en auit. heuiou ly uteaiu with hoi aud cold water, and fartuli..'d second to none; whtle tha cnlloary Ue- pirttatMit i hi the most expsnsecad bauds, afford ing (fac t- .in nnequalledtalil. Uu of Atnrood'a Patent levator, ia atao anion? the "nio.i. i ii improvcmeuU sod at tlie service at all hour. The ftri.Klwsv and University rhoerri'rst.tt.f dosr every lour intnute4,itH; front the CitT Wfttl to Central tark. while the bixtli aadMeveiitn ave ii nv I. in. ,u. I. it a hhort iiiiM-k on l ithei i, .ie aflbrd tnr an)p t.i ilities lor commnntcatiajr with all the Depot MtamlioAt Laadinm. plaeea iiramuaemeut aud Uusiucnaoi the great metropolis. I jtiiiMl uou.r.r, nMixk t0-6m Prsnr.ttora. M. PI. PIISTNIX, ATTURNEY AT LAW. LhWXGTOX, N. C. W..X PRACTICE tp tse court of Darnl aud l.ttti- f ..t - me, liulUoid, Alamance r trcEi , lain any other I in tins mm, HRIZE! ttdOiioaaof 4 1867.1 i C. DIXUS!'1' couiif.cs: 1 fi'i..iN a IJitn. R. t Pearson, C. J, of N. C , Raleisl " E. 'i. Kea.le, Associate Justice, " " 1 :ioiuasllle, " R. P. Dirk, if Bedford Brown, Yanceyville, Hon. J.il.n. Kerr, N. C, ,1 It. MeLeaft, UreenshproVN. 0. " Tli'imas Ruffiii, Jr., P . " " J. M Cloud. Dobson, N.C. January 29, 189. . 4 tf Homestead Blanks (For laying o Homesteads.) And a new and improved form LAJSB DEEDS, Revised and corrected by the best legal authority ia this place, for sale. Address, mar. 10. J. J. BBUNER. THE MORNINi STAR. AMR ENLARGED MD HPftOVED ! rhis Well BstabJisbcd and popnlar llaily Newspaper has recently been neat & enlar(ritl arid tnipmrsd! (f hegcond eularo lAtut intiklitoan m.utha, and .ia eutiluieuuv olleVed to the people of the two Candinaa a ecoud to no (tally journal in euner 01 moss StnteK. Tl.e S7AH is a LIVE, PKaCTIUAL and PKOtiUl.SSlVE NEW6PAPKK, eminently adapted to the wanta of this ai'qtion ; aonnd and eonaairvative in itateschinir". arid devoted to the Commercial and Agricultural Inter ests of the South ft contains full aud reliable Reports of the Markets, Telegraphic Duspatches, Local Ncics and General Intelligence. TERMS IN ADVSXrK. fine Tenr.. 7 Six Month If. 3 Three " . ....1 W. One " It Addiess, WM. H. BBRKAKO, . SSSiiAItU, (tPaoPBIKTOS, "WlmluRton, X. Em to a April 9th, 18fl9. Wmmluston, X. t Purifies the Blood. joum n. ii i: i i ic . ATTOBVEV & COLXSILLOR AT LAW. A A T.T&RjTItt V V O. I -J- I a V M.J 4 a We y Will attend Bsasafesir toiheCollec Ittooa'Ciartas Grand Sale-of RE'AL ESTATE AND Personal Property by it North Car din Heal and Perianal Estate Agency, Raleigh, N. & 100,000 Capital Stock. QeTvaiW by (As Lsguiatw of North Cutvli no, Ftb 20, 18041. JOSEPH O. n K.STER, PrttidtnL JOSEPH DIXi'N, VitnPrmihmt, JOHN C. HKSlKlt, Secy, and Trtas. BOUT. O. I.K WIS, Legal Cmmmllor. 3,000 Valuahlt Piacn of Proper! to is Dil pond of. Worth UC,t94 I 3 A Chance I - HE A ifitrn Jfine Reeulence Four in the City of Raleigh ! One residence ia Raleigh, N. C, described boiu $10,000 One One One One One do do do do do do do do Warrenton, Chaw-I Hill. 1 (XXI do do do do 8.500 6.000 fi.OOO 2,000 2,000 One Hotel in Taylorsville, N. O, do List of Ptrtonul Property. Samples ou exhibition at Hester Bros. & Co.. No. 20 FayelteviUe St., Baku u, N. C, at Uu- regular rash prices. Hi Fine Phwions, $600 each, made by H D. Schmidt, Daltuuorv, Md. 6.000 la.Kine Toy.BogaieafaoO each, niade bv H D. bmidt, fWtnoTeTst 50 lt Premium, i octavo Pianos, inane by Tremaine Bros., N. Y., $650 each. 32,500 o Parlor or Cbureh Organs, 6 stops, $250 made by Tremaine Bros., N. l,25t 0UU Sewino .Miielrte s, W ilcox 5C Uibbs or Qrover A Baker's, $60 each, 30,000 Silk Dresses,, best article, 12 yards. earl,. $40, 20,000 0 Velocipedes, $75. 150 21 Rolls Krusaeu. Carpet, 15 yards, each $135, 3 240 6 Salamander Safes, Wilder' patent, best in the woiUl. -..!!. 1 560 1 Cash Pnir, $1 (100 cold, 1,334 10 Cash prirea, $10) each, 1.000 200 do do in do 2.000 672 do do & do 3..i0 lOOOdo do 2 do 2,000 3000 Prizes. Value of the total amt, $14G,694 Total number of Tickets,' 73,347 All of the above is put in the dtawing at the regular cash selling prices and will be dis posed of by a regular mode ol Drawing, and in order to accomplish this, the Company will sell 73 34i tickets at s'J e... ), ; lor tuither tiifornia tion read section 10 aud 11 cf the By-Laws of the Company : BV-LAWS. Hec. 10. The plan ol drawing shall be as follows: there shall be two wheels, one a prise wheel and one a number wheel, arranged in wnie public place in the city, where any one holding a ticket may be present on the day of drawing. In .1 he number wheel there shall be as many tickets corresponding in number as those which have been sola. In the prise wheel there shall be as many tickets as there are prizes, these tickets shall be deposited the wheels by a board of supervisors, who shall be appointed by the Dttectots, after which the wheel shall be sealed np ai.u placed in any bank in the city, the Director may direct, nn til the time ol drawing, when the fcupervisors hall brui" ihe wh el to the place ot drawing break tlie seals aud the drawing shall be dis poxed of by taking a ticket from eseh wheel, at the same time and die prtee ticket taken from the peine whwel a ball defnf the (wia. drawu by the ticket corresponding in number to the one taken from the number wiieel at trie same time. The wheel shall be well shaken alter each ticket is drawn. Sev. 11. The Diteciors shajl designate the lime awl n!nre of diawinu, at which thiie and place iervi is shall"be reoiired to b preM-nt ami see that the drawing is conducted eiitii e!v equitable. A Board of U.iperviaors will be appointed who will have exeiusive control and manage men't of the drawing. They will conduct the distribution at.d setjhat each person is legally invested with the property he may draw. A duplicate legistry of tlie tickets sold will be kept , so, that, iu tho event of loss of ticket. ihe accident may be remedied aod no mistake can oceur. - The Drawing will fake place in TUCKER M A 1 .1 .. in the i ity of Raleigh, i n mediately af- t'-r sale of tickets, of which due notice will be given. Ti e company is working under the provis sious of a special charter granted by the Oen erul Assembly of North Carolina, which com pels the company to comply laithfully with all contract?. Copies csn'ke hadoh application to the com pany. A ll the above mentioned property will cer tainly le disposed ef as above stated, and those drawing it will be invested with the title in fee si mi lc. No member of the company is allowed to purehase any tickets. All moneys sent by mail, at the owner's risk ; that suit by Express, Registered, Letters, Cheeks or Craft,' at the risk of the company. No property will be listed unless the title is indisputable. Tho Treasurer has been required to give s kbond of five thousand dollars tor the faithfut performance of his duties, fia is required to deposit, dadv, in the baok, all monies received where it will remain until all the tickets are sold and uf the property iwill be positively drawn and delivered to the parties drawing, or the money relumed. Send t Wo dollar, by ex press, post office onlar, registered letrer, or diaft, at ont ii-k. or hy mail at your own, and take a chance at irreil.OOO'Vsfnabf e prizes of -fereil. ( t Tickets will be sent any where iu tlie United Stales at the company's risk. Lvtcripiiottsof Real Estate. Owe fine residence built of brick, in the best impioved style, in the city of Raleigh, with 8 acres of 'ground, and all necessary out-buildings, with many fine ornameutals about the yard; Value .....'$10,000 One large and convenient house in the city of Raleigh, on Newborn street, 13 large rooms, double partoi. with all necessar,out-buildingS 1 1 acres of ground nd a beautilul oak grove take 6,60 One large house on Newbern and Blood worth streets, containing 30 rooms suitable for a boarding hone, all neceary ont-builil'm-s. with a beautiful oak grave inhe yard and acre of Ground. Value .. . $5,000 Ont beautltol lnt KesMl-nee. Nf wbera turret, eiarbrt rw.iiis inS brnient, four uui-linilrtln nod rlablr, aerea are. at around, elm arovt, ery deiir.bl andattrx iiv.-. V.I1M .." J . Our In Wiri.riloli. S. C. kficwn til. Al-lop i mnert. In p- rfrel iHder, one of thr brat built liuami In the Suit, eontalnlaa 8 large rooms, double iiiwu aad poriiens,oa of Ihe mn mmmniidiat and oeaultlul reaidenera In tlie lr. with a .rri-.ef e-r. and. fine on-haid, BaaaaM oak Irrore tu the yard, and all uecenary out-buildiafe. Value, v. S3,O0S The properly ii l.Tlor.. itwr ii , cry .M.I...M. r, nd efeea. Ii 1 Hi4l at the counV t a Souruai- Inf eiiVI prnwina rillafe af a thousand or rrore lnhebiteou and pHuAied one Miuere from a food anfl SuurUhinf Col lege, do 1- ..I of better grade, right on the line of the At- Isnlie a Oto Kailrosi. and oeing siiomiea m uie moun-lelne-rgioB, the Kenrry W truly dr!igbirul and raaeioatiaf Contain. Iwroty roouit, and Ike buildings a.'. am. Value ti.00 Ont In Chapel It Tit, rontalniug I room, wtm Sre-ptaoel aad oae fertr-fnot dfnlng room. Atao.klleaen, oal-h. u.- ..i oae and Uiree fuurOaf acres ef jaart. Taltw SSS Persons deanmg any further tatormaUun, a-ill please amireRs Saceeury NEW ANO SPLENDID STOCK 0 F wm t mm GOODS ! AT J. M. KNOX It C0' No. 4:) Granite How, A LARGE LOT OF DOMESTICS 10-4 Sheetings, 4-4 sheetings. Bleached and ilrowu ahiruugs; 4-4 Bleached hirtinati-3 cenU ' ( At J. Al. Knox dk Oft. A Superb Lot of Tickings and and all kinds of white Plaids, Priuta, Muslin. Hoods At J. At. Knox d Co't. LINENS, Cassiuierc8,nd all kinds of Gentlemen s wear a splendtd variety At J. At. Knox t6 Co'e. LENO GRENADINES a very large and beautiful assortment ; the moat beau tiful asMirtment in the place ; going off rapidly. Call soon, 1 arrsr-jf; LADIE8' HATS Trimmed and nntrimmed ; the finest lot in this market, At J. M. Knox db CV. READY-MADE CLOTHING The finest and cheapest assortment in the city At J. M. Knox db Co'e. GLOVES, Hosiery, Collar, Em- broideries, and Dress Trimmings of ail kinds and styles -rif J. M. Knox db CVs. Ladies' Kid and Cloth Shoes, and Gaiters ; a haudaoms lot and of auperior excel lence 15-flw At J. At. Knots ft Cos. General Hardware ! CUTLERY. ROGERS W0S tenholm's and other Pen and Pock et Knives, liarbcr's Cloth and Tailor's Shears. Ladje and Gent's Scissors. Put ty Knives, Batcher Knives. Wane and Batcher's It asms. Base Knobs for tirotectinc Walls. Wire Fend i rs. liUMiting Koa. uut Biicas, nnwi uq liar Lead. Tobacco Caters, Shutter Lifts Screws, tt-c, for Glass Doors. . BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS. Bellows 26 to 40 inches. anvils. Vises Files! Rasps, Horse Shoeing Tools in Sets, liainjuiers and Sledges, Punches, Drills, Plyers Nippers, Screw Wrenches Stock and Dies, Emery and Saud Paper, , Horse Shoes and Nails, Screw Plates, Twier irons. Butteries, Borax. Machinists1 Tools, Of all kiuds iu Stock, or will be furnished at short notice. STEEL AND IRON. Cast Steel. Blister Steel, German Spring and Plow Steel, Tire Iron. r - Kod IroUsw. viil i, nd Half Oval Iron , Wide & Narrow Swedes Iron Jioop Iron. Band Iron, Square Iron, Scroll Tire Iron, Cot and Wrought Nails, Cauldrons. t Horse & Mule Shoes Horse Shoe Nails, Cart Body Nails, Door Bar Staples, Tst Chain, Jack Chains, Hatch Door Screw Rings, 1 1 it eli i ii , i Hooks aud Riugs, Lap or Chain Links, Box Scrapersj Box Ch'aels. .......-;..,.., Code Pot and Iron Stands, Brass, Porcelain and Jupanued Wardrobe Hooks, Brass and Iron Jamb Hooks. SAD IRONS. Gate and Door Springs, Scales, Beams, Steel Yards, Cotton. Flour. Cheese and Butter Triers. To merchants who deal in mixed Stocks we will sell at as low rates as tbjty can sup ply themselves in any market, north or dib. Our stock Is large, and low itor CASH. ' CRAWFORD & HEILIQ, Sausbcbt. N. C, ' April 16, 15:3m. Solom .a P m line, UPHOiiSTERER AND In Huts' Building, opposite thr. Market Hotter, J, " S prepared to do ever) taint- la bin line at abort nrrtir-e aad on the snort reoaonable terms. All kind, of fiirnitare renovated aBd repaired and made to look aa well as new. Special attention girea to th making aad repairing of SOFAS, SETTEE8, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, Sec, &c. fltve bim s call, exoruiae hia work, and yoa will o away pleoaed. halrabary. April 91k. IBM. mwm HUTU TO THE LADIES Of Rowan, Dvidoii, Uavlr , Ire dell. CnUwIm, Bnrke und Mc-owell. WE ARE THE AUTUOBIZRD AgenU for the sale of the We challenge a trial with any or all other machine. l propose to do mors work in the asms tune; more different kinds of work, aud better than auy other machine known. Any one puri hasina machines of ua can try them for turee months ui o ii liter do not aire efloVi islactlun toe money will In- rHunded. Baud and got circulars and samples of walk. AifcKONKY A BKO. Salisbury, Vf We are A renin for the sain of Voirler & Co'.., Shoes iiiiiinifaetured at Salem, V. C-, fur- msbeil at r acturr Prices iu qualities. Call ana aoo liat-m. si. A H. April 9, 18(59. IJ-am SEWING MACHINES. respeets to the best manufactured, i new attachments. I will sell this machine fur twenty-five dol lars less than other shuttle sowing inasniuce are sold for in this State. A sample tnaehiae. can be seen in opera tion at Mrs. Sallie Beard's Millinery Store, opposite the Old North State office, Salisbu ry. X. C. JOHN BEARD. For sale by Clement 6c Bro., Moeksvillsa and Marler, Wilson 6c Co., Yadkinville.. March 2tith. HMSD. 12-3m WILD CHERRY TONIC AND ALTERANT, For Indigestion Liver Complaint Tor pid Botcels, Nervous Debility, and Broken Down Health, from tchatever cause. THIS elegant and truly valuable Medicine, has Irom time to time, been in extensive use, lor the last twenty-five years. It has been sold, and is wsll kqpwn in many of the Barb ara riu end' towns, via; Charleston, SaWn nab, Augusta, Atlanta, Charlotte, Colombia, Sic., and is highly valued, by the multitudes of people who have used it Many in this town and surrounding country, have enjoyed its benefits, and will no doubt, well remeaber it. A great number of the strongest, and most un qualified certificates of its value, have been voluntarily tendered the proprietor, many of them from persons of highest respectability snd intelligence. The Med wine is pleasant to take, and per fectly b ee Irom the possibility of harm, under any circumstances or conditions of health, i deed it is peitectty sale, even for an iclant. is especially adapted to ihe present season when the approaching warm weather occasions such a -degree ot lassitude, and debility, panic- ularly in weakly and prostrated systems, oiten to oecome almost insupportable. Price $1.00 per bottle. Prepared and sold only At E. SIT.LS. Drug Store, april -U.tf Salisbury, N. 0. - PECTORAL BALM! As approved and effectual Remedy for Chronic Bronchitis Asthma ; the wasting Coughs iu advanced age ; Bleeding from the Lunge, dec, and capable ol doing more real service in confirm ed Consumption, than all the Expectorants, Cough Mixtures, Sic, extant. , It is scientifically compounded of ingredients t well known for their virtues and adaptation to a the diseases named ; and is the result of long and extensive experience and patient investi gation of the laws of the animal economy ; to gether with an intimate kuowledge of remedial agents, in their physiological and therapeutic effect on the human system. ' It ts quite unlike the numberless Expector ants, Pectorals dec., so recklessly snd persist ently palmed upon the suffering and confiding people; 1u the tact; that it is not an Expector ant, per at ; nor is it loaded with Opium or Morpnine, m oider to lull the poor sufferer with its delusive influences. Many a valua ble life has been sacrificed and expectorated in to a premature grave. On the contrary, it is calculated to cheek excessive expectoration, which of itself is exceedingly exhaustive, and by its general aud specific action, to heal aod soot lie the weak, intiamed and uritated organs. ' Of the several ingredients which compose this valuable Balm, there ii no one, which is not constantly used, by the best Physicians, in the diseases above enumerated, and of many eminent medical gentlemen, to whom its com position has been made known, there has not been one, who has not highly appioved it; and in some instances, have not only prescribed it lor .their patients, but have used it in thsir-own cases, with marked advantage. f Ftepared and sold only, at Mr S. 81LV8 Drug Store, ' a Til 23-16 tf fcUliabury, N. a DR. O. A. HENDERSON. W A VINO resumed the practice of Medicine respectfully offers his professional services ld the public. OFFICE : The one la'e occupied by White, bead Si Henderson. Calls may be left atthor at his office, or at Enniss' Drug Store. Salisbury; Feb. 12, 1. To Jobbers k Gonjitry Merchant a Opodeldoc-Solid and Liquid. Godfrey's Cordial Bateman's Dropa Laudanum and Paragoric, Easeooe Cinnamon, " M Peppermint, " Lemon, &c., &c. DURING the years of the subscribers far mer resideaee here, he manufactured and pat np, large quantities of ihe above named, as well as other srtictea, sold by country met chants, of standard quality, and supariyr style ; all these he sold at hortkehs eity pri ces, barely adding the onst of transportation and for ail these years, the Jobbers here, as well as their customers, foeud it to their ad vantage to purchase them from the sabseri-' ber, instead of sending North. , They way be now again bad, at aiu.il rates, only at SLL S DregStora. aaefllS-l. Mil I I.I. I '' I I : I I 4-