1 ! 1 at . I - s fjcUNortl) State 8AM SB I KV, ri:iDAV,MAY,14, 'C9. POETICAL. UOIL IT DOWS. Whatever you have lo say, my friend, , . Wlieiher uiy, or grave, or gay, , (joo dense aa much to ever you can, A i1 ty it is the reediest way; i Ami w In-(dor you wiite of rural affair, Ot pailicular things in town, fast take, a word of friendly advice lioil it down. Fur if you go spluttering over a page, When a roitjilo of lines would do, Tour butter i spread so much you see, That the bread looks plainly through, 80 wuen you have a story to tell, And would like a little renown, . To Make quit sure of your wish my friend, itur Boil it down, V v hn sriiting an ertiole for the press, Whether prose or ttf". jt lry To utter your thoughts in the fewest words, And let them be crisp and dry. And whettftisfiefehed, and you 1 It is done exactly brown, Jn-t look itofer again, and then ' - Boil it down. And the general reader does not care For a couple of yard of song. To gather your wits in the smallest space, If you'd win the authoi'f crown7, And every tune you write, my friend, lioil it down. ScrnmpUing Eggs. It ia generally supposed lucre is no art in scrambling eggs. They 'are usually broken into a skillet of melted lard, atirred up awhile and taken out. a hard unpalatable, mdi Utipn iestibles mass. 'Ihey should be hist broken into a dish and beaten till per fcctlv light and seasoned with salt ntxl pepper. Have spoonful of butter melted in a hot ekillet, pour the beaten eggs in tins and stir rupidl (so there m.iy be no mid lumps) tjt a little while, when they will be sufficiently conked. Serve up hot aud yon will bare dish equal to any omereC, JJlT&sqS, MEDICINES, &C NEW 3 Drug Store AN I) F;;ESH DRUGS. MEDICINES, AC in Salisbury, N. C. Dr. EDWARD SILL T) E3PKCTFULLY announces to his ntimer- . JLV ous old friends and patrons, and all others, M 11 Ml bfMM. lb Ihe LinMing ' ' 'H S K Uorner Main & miier streets, Boy den House, an near the intlrely Preah nd Gaxefully Selected STOCK OF , DRUGS, MEDICINES, Cnreleal Instruments, Pertamerv, Combs, Brushes, die, &c, embracintr almost every thing pertaining to a fust class Druff 8tore: which he will sell, as 1 as always been his custom, at the moat satis tact or, nrices to purchasers. ... ' s 1 .1 i. e :i Ilia long experience in, aim uiurouo mmu - iarity with, the business, in all its details and tlepartmeuts; logemcr whu ins i;uusioiuto unrerDiitinjf personal attention, authorises the hone ot that success, wn:cn i,as, nereioiore. 10- variahl, rewarded his exertions Salisbury. N. C. January 1869. I tf JOB PRINTING, BLANKS, dC HAND BILLS CIRCULARS LABELS etter ljcai0 AND gYJY OTPR KIND OF JOB PRJNTINU, EXI'EPmOU81 WELL, And fiLEAPLY don AT fmt OFTICE7 tarClorks of Courts, Sheriffs, Ma eistrates.aricl others, in ordering blanks - V vtll please reter to ine r oniia aa num bered in "Hand-Book for County Offi cers," published by Nichols & Gorman , Raleigh, N. AMrtK. j....... ...J. J. BHUVER. JOS. llult A H. HENRY UORAU. &H. HORAH WATCH MAKERS AMI JEVVELEttS. Having bought the entire stock of ,. M. Da v 1 : and added largely to it, we are now prepared to furnish anything; usually kept in a first class Jewelry Store. We may tc found in Cowan's Brick Row. next door to F. H. Spragoe's Office. All kinda of repairing done at short notice and satisfaction gnaran . teed. We return thanks to a generous public for past favors, and hope by strict attention to bnsinrm to merit a OQUtinnaQf of the same. P. 8. All persons hairW WffcJ&latcbfii and Jewelry with L If. Dais fr w ilson & Fvrii, to be repaired are request, and get fd to call SPECIAL NOTICE. RELIEF won tm SORELY AFFTCTED. It was the misfortune of the undersigned to have auflered, as few have every autRred before, for six lonar and a-loomy years, from u affection of his feet slid legs, superinduced by overwork, during the Hrst year of the late war. During all that time, bt was compell ed to drajr his emaciated Irani about, or crutches. lu vaiu he iuvobed the best med IcaLtaUeiit of the eouutry; aud visited the most celehratt d iiiedlciiial Springe. V)orn down aud exhaUHtod, he gave up all boM of recovery. At this stage of his ease, having beeu governed by his medical frieuds from the beginning, lie determined lo adopt a method "f treatment, the result of ti is own retlet'tion. It is enough to say, that this method is not mi much new, as it Is, the more skillful application of what baa been long known, and attempted by the rliyslriuiis. After some week of the moat unwearied and persevering effort, he waa rewarded w ith the most gratifying results,. Indi -ed, his rap id improvement and recovery, was alunoat magical so inoeh so. that iu looking back upou his condition a year ago. he can, even now, hardly realize the truly wouderful im provement. Profoundly grateful for this extraordinary blessing, he is desirous of being the means of diffusing similar benefits to those who may be almilarly alUicted. Ho therefore, proposes not only to treat, but (THE. all manner of diseases of the lower extremities, sucha old and ill-conditioned I' leers of the legs : Vitrieoee Veins ; weak aud enlarged Joints, tic, 110 matter of hour longstanding It is oue of the great advantages of Ins mode of treatment, that no restrictions are imposed on the patient as rearda diet, exec ciae, Ac, aud for the most part, little or no uiuj,,,,,, nnrd. The charges shall be in accordance with the general Uepre-siou of the times ; and'tliose really indigent, will be treated "without uiou ey aud without price." tUWAKU NL.I M. U Feb. 12 tf falisbury, N. C. D. T.CARRAWAY, OmmiMion jtilrrchaiit, I ANI 1 illi,iTTai UCOlCt tit VDlOCCUCS PROVISIONS. HARDWARE, Glass and frorkrry Wnrr, WiH Npe r, Win dow Sundts. It., Ic. T) L ROMPT attention eiven to orders, and to the Rale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tubac 00, Dried Fruit, etc , on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDING, apriin M-ly KEWUKKN, V. C Desirable Propel I y to Rent A GOOD DWELLING lIOrBE, two miles from Salisbury with six comfortable rooms, all n cessary aut-buildinp and excellent water. Ft session given at once. A pply to pril S3i kt at OrawfcMAI New Goods ! THE SUBSCRIBER has just returned from the North, with the most complete Mtock ol GOODS ever offered before in this market, a', prices to suit the times. Ha, in? bought his entire Stock for. Cath and after a heavy decline inpriues, which enables him to sell lower than any in the market, fljj. sUajk.:ooiiiiU of a large and varied assortment of STAPLE & FANCY DEY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS HABDWABE, CUTLEEY 1 s KUeeilSWtire, 1 China and Delf, GAR, COFFEE, TEA MOLASSES. CONFECTIONERIES, LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, TOBACCO St Havana Cigars In fine, he has with peat care, lectcd his Stock to meet EJFERY WANT. Call and examine it will not cost you anything to do that, but Dont Ask For Credit. Our Motto is: "PA F AS YOU Gor 1 - - Country Produce of every descrip tion taken in exchanye. 1 Bunk otee and Specie taken at the highest Market rates. V W. H. UOWERTON. Salisbury, May 1 8G3. 18 tf A COTTON Factory and Machinery, Grist Mill, Oil and Saw Mill, and 365 acres of Land, sit nated on Deep Creek, in Tadkin Co., for sale, f or information address J. H. JOHNSON, may7 18tf East Bend, N. C. Mrs. N. F. JACKSON, TAKES this method crf loformin thelA- dias of Salislmry and vicinity that she has , . . , . , .1 , osi rerumea irorn ine Aunn witn a large and landtxmie assortment of Sprine Milline rv. embracing all the latest styles of Hata, Bon nets, Flowers, etc. She ia prepared to sell Sxxls at unprecedented iow prices. I lata and onnets made, trimmed and repaired at the shortest notice. Also, stamping dona for Braiding and Embroidery: Give her a rati at her reaidaake opposite the Boyden House for the prasent. 18 It 7v 1 j 5U aa . . LEO A I NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Couarr or Paviaeea Bursaioa Cuunr. uraaioa ( buiy, ) am, P Ita. ) State oa relattoa of J. I- Poniioiii,y. U. K. hi olt, l.aura A . .Nor. 'laiauflk. Ja111r.Su ill.nnJ w lie ( I aaraiaar K. D. HsaiBton, Jalia A. tiray. aUiuliil-trntorof A. ti. KoMer, W. D. LlaiUay, and W. I. 1-iaJaSr, asadiniuiarsturor U A. kirtrsll. llelt'iiiUcU. To W. U. Mii4mv. one or tha above nanrd de friiilantK 11011 n .iilenl. You ara hereliy nulitie,! that a mmiHOiiH In the above entlUad caaf has I wen laned MsJast you, )iniH yon ara immonrd to siesr Uffors the Judpe of tlie Kujirrlor Court to be beld Sjrtuat ounty of DavilMon.al Hie t'oart IIoiim la l.,-:niuii oa ii.r an-ond Moaday after the third Mond y of April HUt, and answer I lie -o,ni!aint Ibririu. whieh I II ei wilh H a -.Vrk el lil SMBnaal Hiu Mb dny of April ItsSil. a enny of which, and of lbs samiaiina. were delimited ui the Miitoltlre attt, time, directed to von. and nolle vu siren that jiidKSxnt would be taken aKalast you II you failed, within tlist tiuia, to answer said complaint, wherein iLU alloired that the defendant bov named are In dehlril to the State of North Carolina, to thruae and henett of the p'uint ffs ntwve nmet, la the urn ol nfteea thiei-un.l (IA OHO) dollars with lawful intenral thereon from the 6th i!ay of I K tober IH57. dae by bond, (executed to the ritate of North Carolina, by B. A, KiUrell. K. D. llamioa. W. D. Lindsay and a.O, K utter) for a breaeb 0 the sawn: that no part thereof has been paid ; to be dlv-barred upon the iu meiit to the plalntifla of wkateva, damageatney way be antltled to lu thisactinn. Yen are alo nut. tied that th above name,! plaln tlfls hare sued out a Warrant of AUarnment ajrriiit yonruiopsrty for the amount of damajrea and fortlie rauai ol acUun ii.ereinerl Kirin. remrnunie 10 tlie Suiierior Court of Uavidxm Conntr on tha IHth day of June ItXi'l. when and where yon are hereby re qnlred teapptarand anawertla complaint, in default w liereo"Uiop!ii'iitirfM ill take Ju.ljininil BKallulyoo aa therein ilemanded. Witness, Levi E. Johnson. Clerk of the Superior Court of the 1 'utility ot Davidson, at office ia Lexing- ton, tha O'.li dny or April. TWT). LKYI K. JOHNSON, C. B. C ApHI IS. I State of North Carolina Covntu ol I JUSTICE'S COURT. pA VWSO.V, j April 21, 1SU J. 3. oymons. against Summons for Tub'n K. Q. Henderson rson. Deft ) To K. 0. Henderson, the above named" de fendant a non-resident : Vou are hereby nolifieil, tuat the lollowiug summons has beeu issued a"itist you, to-wit: The State of North Carolina To any Conttable or other lawful OM' ff oltatn CntV'mffr?t1tng? You are hereby commanded to summon E. Q. Henderson, to apiieur before H. D. Dusen- bury at his office in Lexington, in tlie county of Davidson, on the 28th day of April 1809. to answer the complaint, (winch was tins day fil ed in his ofllce) ol t rvmoiis, lor tlie non- navmentol the sum ol lnlv-tliree dollars and eighty-cent, due by accouut and demanded by sunt i'lnuitilt. Herein lail net, and of this summon make due return. This 21st day ol April, 1 8(J9. H. R Di-'iNHCRr. J. P. You are also notified that the above named plat null' has sued out a warrant of a'taelunect againt yourpioperty for the amount of dams- ge, and for tlie cause 01 action inerein set foilh, r turnable before the undersigned, at his office in Lexington, in the County and 8tate aforesaid, 00 the 12th day of June. 18I9, when and where you are hereby re quired to sppear and an.-v erj 1 - complaint, uv delimit whercot, the plaintiff will t..ke udgrnent acfainst you as therein demanded. 16 pr.f.l!9:4w H. B. DrsKXBCBT, J. P. State of North Carolina, ROWAN COUNTY. ATfACIMEST. John M. Uartibardt, I' aii.' (T, AGAINST D. M. Basinger, Defendant NOTICE is hereby eiven that a Warrant of Att'iehment li is been issued asainst the estate 'sjt'ul Uefcniluiit, who ia beyond the limit of liis State, in lavor of Jehu It. liarunardt, and returnable before 11 Justice of the Peace, for the aid county of Uownii, on tha 23a day of i! y. i'J, nt saltsunry, lor t ;ie sum ot lorty-nve Mol ars with interest Hem the -l-t ilnvol ilavirnn. The said defendant isJjerehy mi'ilicd to appear said time and place and defend his suit, or udcmeul ill be rendered aeainst him. Wiliiess, liavid llauinirer, a J'.l.-tico of the e,ace for the county of linuun. this the 'Jtltli ol pill, IN.'J ( li:-lw.pi!-?."0 IM Till n.M.lMVnrR. J. L 'TA1U of north Carolina, O IKEDEMi f'OCNTY. Superior Cburt,. Spring Trim, lSt;9. It appearing to tlie satisfaction ul the Court that tlie Civil business of thi Court requires a Special Term thereof; It is therefore ordered that a Special term of the Superior Court, (or Uje.trial of Civil cao.-es only, be helJ for the County of Iredell at the Court House in States ville. commencing on Monday the lOib-day ol July next, at which time and place, all Jiai ties to Civil causes are hereby notified to be pre.'-, ent with their aiitnesses, to tlie end that the Civil business of said Court may be disposed of as required by Law. vVitness: Charles L. Summers, Cleric of our saij Court, at office in Statesville, this 10th day of April, A. D.. 18C9. C. L. SUMMERS, C. S. C. aptil 30 17td XIi. LAWUfclNCJli-fS CELEBRATED WOMAN'S FRIEND ! A aafe and reliable remedy for Ail Diseases Peculiar to Females . .mi UI .. A Leuchorrea, or Whites ; Prolapsus Uteri, or Falting of the nomb; Irregular, Painful, or Suppressed Menstru ation; Pain in the Back ; Nervousness. Wakefulness, Weakness, Ac. 4 DEDICATED TO TDK LADIES OF AMERICA, For wliow beneiit it vaM.e.ff txi, and wlif)f hftp pMMMl It H ill promote, by ine diworervr, M. 4. J. Li WRENCH. TO PHYSICIANS. Tlie articlcii etwhlek the Womsn's Prtend la eotn- ponnded ara pnblisheil aruuud each buttle, and it ia beiieved to be the best t'k-riue '1'vaic and alterative yet discovered. His a valnable and reliable asrent In alt deranire- monu ot rhe Keioale Ueiirodoctive1 Organs, and in llytena, .ervons lleaitarhe, riinnl irritations, Ac l&r Price 81,00 per Bottle. J J. H. BAKKR 6z CO., Wholesale agents, No. 4, Main street, Norfolk, Va. To ffhora all order or letters most be ad- dressed. march lp-r-ly CAMERON & HILL, 8tCCE880R TO t. H. COW.W A CO., GKXKSAL COMMISSION AND Si)tiptn0 fiitx tenuis AND Aganta rnrM.Da.lt Saa'i (Libert T.,) Cdebratmi Tirrtaia Co fa-Inn Tobacco. Afeatf for Ualir BroS. Suparpboipbatc of Lime and Boo. afannra. Affenla for Vulcan t ron Works. Richmood, Va. Afeata for Croalals Supcrpboapbala, I Wilmington, N. C lua. a. anix. 'a MO I McCublus, SulIlTan & Co's. COLUMN. NEW GOODS vVANP NEWS jIRM ! McCubbin4Sullivan& Co., CEIVINO- DIRECT FWDM NEW YORK nil a rery large an (Ml aeiecteit a 1 1 stock of new dcsirublo SMC t S GOODS, . Dry Goods, Hardware Drufffe ilfesliciDes, DVE-tTIJFFS and Boots and Shoes H A TSC AP S Straw Goods, Upper, Sole, Skirting, and HARNESS LEATHER, Calf, Pad and Lining NAIL8, IRON & STEEL, Tanner's, Linseed and Kerosene G JZ .EL ET s 53? q Louls'iicst WHITE LEiYD COLORED PAINTS, of all kinds, of differcut sizes ; And many other articles not ennrn,crated ; all of which were bontrht FOR V AJsfl, and will be told as Cheap as the Cheapest. Wc tender oar sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon as, and hope bgr close attention to business and fair dealing, to merit a con tinuance of the same Having had over twenty year's etperfcnce, and having all the capital necessary to conduct a large business. We feel confident that we can sell goods as low as any bouse in Western North Caroliua. a 1. 1. kiyij op Country Producs TAKEN IN EXCHANGE for GOODS AT THE UIClflEST Market PRICES. MeCnbbius Salliran & Co. Salisbury, NiO., April 2, 1869. lStly B EST ANCHOR BRANDS BOLT- ing Cloths, all combers, for fnlc by McCUBOIVai SULLIVAN & CO. Sallsbory, N. C. G reat Labor Saving MAOJl INE, WOOD'S CELEBRATED REAPER arid Mower combined ; Also, WOOD'S Mower detached oa' hand, and French BiiTr Mill Stones BEST FRENCH BURR Mill Stones, For sale by ycCUBBINB, SULLIVAN aV CO. . garisbaiy, N. C. raid 4Mrt mf mm 1 inn DR Y' GOODS, GROCERIES. The Greatest Inducement orriKKo TO THEPUBUG NEW GOODS ! NEW FIRM M Roberta, UlcU'eely fc Co. NO. 1, CORNER MAIN INNISS NTS. M'NftLY VOUNO a BLOCK. A RE NOW RECEIVING their new . aadaleyaat atock of Spring and Summer Goods, ronaistiDK in part of .Staple and Fancy Dry Coeds, Ladies' Dress Goods Trimming", Yankee Notions, Ready-Made Clothing, I lata, Caps, Boots V Shoes, Hardware Wood & Willow-Ware, Groceries, &c., &c All of arhlch tliev o!T"r aa cheap or cheaner tluio tbaoam rl. nt ',.ioa pir'lmaaa in in, wt-iina 01 the Maw. Tbeir ruoiIs aer,, iircaacl exclusively fur C SII. and will be sold exclusively for caah or produce hence the R-feat indnremruta fer barcaina. And preferring "the ni. bleaixpenrt to the slow alii'linu. tlieir motto will be quick aalea uml small prottu and ready pay. Call and see tliem and be t oiivinced. for tliev feel confident that they can give yon tlie UKST UOODS mr ine least mnner you ever bought. M irdi 13. IHM.' 10 tf GOODS ! H- aviing just nirruitN- eti from the Kustrrn Mar kets we call vur attention to much the largest anil uiusi comnlcte Ktock of tiooil-i in this uar- l.ct. all selected from new ami lreh stocks and tylcs, and a hirire pirrtjon imn tiii. ed directlt iruui the .otanaluc Hirers and their Agents since The Great Decline lo DrjGocd. All we ak U a call at the well known Eru- forium of thia mark t. We invitarour atten tion to a lew IjV.A DI.NO ARTICLES kept in this wholesale and retail block : Dry Goods, DRESS SO Notions, Hats, r.EADY-MADE CLOTKIXO, Drugs, Patent MctJit ines, Dye Mays, rainis, 'IvMUir trw, Kerosetwt and Unseed Oil, Lead, Upper, sole and liar ness CALF & LINING EONS HARDWARE, on. Steel, Saddle Hardware, and Cnrrinpro rimtninajaxifl laet, taenaahda ot articles too tetlius to euumerute. AVe are agents lor the -HGreat Threshers and CLEANERS, Alao. Mannfactnrcrs' Agents for the celebrated Hone Dust. bo. do. Killeand lllattinif roarder. ta Wo. invite tho attention., of Jterchanta and the trade (rencrally, to our stock, aaanrihjr them they will find niithmp but fresh and dcsi rablo Gooda. Wo hny alt kind of produce. Save your Blackberries and t ruita, wlneli will bo to rou aa treasure. Smith. Foster & Co., SALISDCltf", X.C., Sprairre'a Old Stand, near tha Market Hone. April a. IMti 13 FOR RENT. T, HE DWELLING opposite tha Bovden Housie. formerly known as the' Frankfort! House, it contains 8 rooms, with pas fixture, c,, aa well as a kitchen ami 'a pood garden spot, tor terms apply to Luke Blackrner. IVq. I a ,(,'. r rnnvpn JAJUCOU. llli.Nr.il. January 29. 18Cf. 4 tf r 1 TT'pl A Vf f WE drtire to warn lh VyA U I IV. 11 ! d.alersla, and eon.nmrrt of annf aeneralty, that since th. war, certain tobacco inanufactnrera. bcinf aaabta In And a market for their snuffs, felt Ihemaelve. owirea to conntertell tfte reneral appearance of oar packages, and IraiUte our Trade Marks, so thai a rlfHs? Inapcetion la oeceaaarr to detMt IK. spo- rlout article fr,in th. scmne. ana oth.n rolnst an rar as lo assert tbst "Lorrillarrt's Snuffi no loaremsd.. In raiUna; this puMic:,tion we ,1 -sire to vara the public srsinst the HnpoaiUona practteasl upon them ; as tber are the loavrs thereby. It wU! h. Irnod aponeoaapari.n thst L-,rllaril's Snng ia "far ahead" of all alters, bslaar made of the he i stoclr, after aa orirlnal and secret jtrucaa known only to ourselves, besides posse, Msg great age. strength and pangency, and ! warranud not lo contain ,i ,!ireriMis or dele:crfotts ruh-tsnces arhlch canonlbc ' tha aaaoy worthlcsa articles pal oa sal. bjr . then. Taw west tattic cheapest la ui. .nu. A Clrcaisr win l arajrs oe mailed on application. Ia ordering please apeei r if Salt Souf (Ulgh Toaat.) at Frank Banff Ultra Scotch) 1. JWmI i- p. LORILLARO. Ml nMK. mm nuEii FMT. m im - m ! NEW YOBK and North Carolina STEAMSHIP LINE 1 mm New York to Wilmington, This Li of will comprise the following atcam- era: ' FAMHAKKfl, Capt. A Hunter, WM. 1. CLYDE, " D.P.Morgan, II KM5UCA CLYDE, 0. Chichester. MABY BANFUKD, J&n Moore. With such additional Bteamers as may be required to meet the demands of the trade. Sailing from New York erery WEDS'ESDA T and ISA 1 VIWA Y at 4 P. M , Irom I'ler 1 j E. It loot of Wall strc t. (7 The attention of Shippers is called to the LOW BATES and FACILITIES offered bv this Line, which are superior to any heretofore oflred. TJJBOUGU BILLS OF LADING gireu to all points 011 the North Carolina Bailroad ana its Connections vie Golds boro. J. A. 8ADLEB, Solicitint; Aircnt. WORTH k DANIEL, Agents, Wilininirton, N. 0. JAMES HAND, Agent, fcbJJD 8tf J 19 Wall Street, N. Y. Norlii Carolina Land Company. vwnfauj. Incorporated by Special Act of 'the Gener at Assembly, 1869. FOB Til K LOCATION OP V..41. ..,J l' 0111 AVI lUUIU aim r.UI UJll-ail Ofllltjrs. TOR THE B.VLB OF IM'RQXluD FAUiLS, TIM BER it AIINEUAL LANDS, HOUSES, MINES, VV ATKlt POWER, &c,&".. AlaoofCOT TON, TODACCO, NAVAL SI ORES, Ac, ON CON SIGN M ENT, ADVANCES AIADE ON SAMK. FOR IMPROVED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. FEKTILI ZEKS, MACIJINERV, &c, ttc, tkc. ALSO, NEGOTIATE LOANS, ON MORTGAGE OK OlIIER SECURITIES. Those harlni; Lands or Karuis for sale. Will lind it to their interest to communicate with this Company. .Nocliarjro mule nnlean nanlc M effected j then only 5 per cent, to be paid when the sale is per lectcd. Officers. JL W. tieo. Little, Prest. Best, Seo & Treas. Aaents and Directors at Rnleiqh. Hon. K. W. Best, Col. Geo. Little. Oeo. V. Sweusini, R. Kimtilaud. Agents and Directors in New York k Boston. A. J. Uleeclccr, Son & Co. Raleipb, N. C, March U, 1H459. 8 3m THE NATIONAL Life Insnranee Ca!p r toe United Statbb o America." WASHINGTON, D. C. , Cli a rtercd by special act of Congress, July SS5J68. Cash Capital paid in Ml $1,000,000. It is no longer a question with any m n, who tenderly loves his wife aud children, who cou--idcra howJielplexs would be their condition in , v uf his death, as to the duty of taking out a I.I I'K 1'ULIcT, hut aa to winch Company he .i.,ill nay his money. 11 he ivlhvts a moment he will conclndo to patronise the Company w hich ahowd the great est degree of vitality, which extenda iU bnxi-ue.-is over the largest area, which ia a Home Company in every locality; which furnishes in surance at the least cost; which issues no poli tics tiiat are furleilalile should he be nnaule next year, or any rabeeqaeal year to pay his re newal ; aud VsJliuh is uuuouhtedly able to meet all its prouiiscN. With these fuelings and views, he looka over the iienspnpcrs. and, hythc time hegcts through reading tlie adrertiaeineuts of Mutnal'tv Mixed Cotnpiuiien, he buds his mind mi fuddled that be id at a loss where to go or what to do. lie can not comprehend one-half that i writtenr and concludes that none hut Auctnaries. who are fa miliar with the principles upon which Life In surance U based, can coin prebend or explain anything about dividends and his liability for liides given in purl payment of premiums. In bis dilemma, he looks into 'lie elan adopted by the National Life Insurance tonipauy of the United States of America, and funis Just what ho wants: A ALL CASH PLAX, reduced to the low. est minimum rate, like any commodity in mar ket, so ninch Insurance for so much Slonev. Xo notes to give; no interest to nay ; no anxie tv about Asse-s!iipm; no agprehrnsfon of his Policy being forfeited hext'year if ha does not ay nis uuiuini neocwai; nuatiie tunes so mucii ower than other Companies, that he realizes a larger Dividend, lu aiivaiice. Hum other compa nies eaji pay Dim lu tue luture. Ue hmls that, Instead ol tins uncertain prom ise, at present high ra'e, that the Aatioual prc- sriit.s certain Uiitt dcnnitc ram tor a rrraen lower rale and puis np its paid up Capitol of si,ooo,ooo As a trunrantue fund, that its contracts will lie fulfilled, and. like thousands of others, cheerful- n calls on their A gout to make ids annlication for a Policy. Venae tho unprecedunted aud most wonderful knecess of the National aa con trasted with tho older and Mutual Companies. The Coiflnanr issued its lirst noliev an the 1st of Auirtist. ItitiH, and I to March '1st, lssnl. it had issued '.WSi poliates. Amount insnred, $iO,IK)5XoO 00 Total premium-, 300,117 03 The whole number issued bv the Connei tfeuf Mutual in the first veur of its existence was IM Iiy the Mutual Benefit nf -Kew Jersey, 693 " pw l.ngianii Mutual, 343 4 Phrcnix Mutual, 335 " Massachusetts Mntnal. 312 tqiiitable of Sew York, 217 ThcMutuii! Lifc.of Xew York, in'the first rear ol its existence, only issued 47ti policies. Iu its iot u year. Ijasj " Aud in its 'atoth vcar, 2.812 " this1 latter being 690 less than was issued by tha .national iu lis nrsi seven qionllis. ' J At, CUOK 4 CO., Agents lor the Southern States. P. F. PESCUD, ... General Ageut lot Aurth Carolina. April 19. 1S08. , 15-3ui LOOK The Ku-Klux-Klan is About I AM RhADY to exchange Leather for good lLJes, Kip and Caf Skins, Bark. Tallow Lime, Hobs, Barley, Corn, Bye, Oats, -and country produce generally. . I will also Tan good Hides, Eip and other Skins, for one-hajl. I leturn my sincere thanks to a. tcnerons atlic tor their liberal patronage in in? drfTer- eut businesses, in this county, for the last twen ty years. Moses L. Brown s old stand, corner of Lee and Liberty StreeL MARTIN RICHWINB. Salisbury, V. C, May 13, 186& wlj JXS URA NCR C0H PA N1ES. l)c ttnkkerbocker mm&i un INSURANCE COMPANY Of New York. Soothe rn Brunch, SaTannab, G.i. B. D. arxold: TriLBTJH, Manager. Consulting l'byalclan. The onl v Branch of a Iilfo Imnr. anco Company, where Folic lea are Xatsucd and Zroaoea Paid. ASSETS, 15,000,000 Annual Income nearly 3,000,000 Annual Dividend, ntarly. . . .60 per cent. 173,000 Losses paid by this Branch in two years. THE KNiCKEHBCXKER ia an old and reliahlu Company, and offera as great induea- "w,u r' ih"uI,.'7 as "BT ,ohTl KTK ean Juut Poluie ontverudttirablepUte. Ixxtnt i of the Premium to the Policy Holder. All Policies non forfeitable after Ihe Bailment of two or three premiums. NoWUhctionstn residence or travel. No extra charge far o$ !-0 nf ll A fill li Wfwtaa aw KVeaf .at La cei n 0 ine 1 rw.y, j ory, or r ir vtmt8tmm and Sad Vessels, or for Railroad Conductors. arc. THE KNIPK Eft BOOKER is one of the few Northern Companies whose Policies in the South were kept intact during the rebellion, whose lhcidends were accredited as though I'remiums were paid, and is TBI Company that after the war paid all Lotus which oc curred during the war. thus protiny iu integ rity, its honor, and indisputable solvency. The Knickerbocker paya lospea prompt!?, never disputing a just claim and is as 1. Ur al as any safe Com pa 11 y in America. General Agent for X. C. Raleich. John Beard, Agent, Saliabury, N. C February, 19, i860. 7 3m. THE AHLIN9T0N MUTUAL COMPANY ovircGiDsriA A Virginia and Southern Institution Its funds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond any contingency. The Company has capital and aaaeta. against Its liability that will compare favorably with any 1.1 tea Insurance Company on the continent, which ia tha true teat of responsibility. ItaarTam are cautiously administered by aelsct.q Directum, of responsibility and holiness capacity . wis nut lieu lie ciauu to ouiLtra i'atruuaga OFilCEBS: - I KE61DKNT, jPjaaiMV.VaJsII.S . vies rsMinrirT, eatraifaaT, D. J. li.nusoon: U. Isaacs, MF.PICAL EXAMTNKR, CnABLES H. SMITH, M. D LKOaL anvissa, GiKnaL ar.rsT, C. Cabell, J .no. II. i laibobsx II DIRECTORS: John nnders, Henry K. Eltyaoa, Asa Sny der, H. K. . . Baskerrilla, Famnel C. Tardy, Ceoige Jitci I-, J. W . Allisoa. George S. I'almer, H. II. Choeiley, H. G Cabell, D. J. Hartscok, John C. Williams, William (. Taylor, A. I A bell, Win. B. Isaaes. fieerge L. Birtirood, Bamael II. Price. William K. Tnylor, Samuel S. ottrell, John Iioolcy, Charles T. Worttiarh, William Willis, Jr., VA. A Smith. T bos. J. Krsfis, Jamca A. s ..it, II. M QiMirles, W. II .Tyler, J. K. r:darda, A. T. Stokes. J. B. Meit.m, R. II. Ililm-ll William H. Palmer, I LEWIS 12-lv C. HANES. Ao't. LrxwoToir, N. Feb, WHAT 1 CR4SIU.?TOSI?E BUSINESS rns . Connecticut HZataa! Life CflMPANY IS DOING. Synopsis of Stukment for 1P08. Income from Premiums 17.161,904.11 Income trom Interest I l.t84,Mi6 48 Total income for the year, 8 7s6 309 o9 Losses paid -,-l.ia 1.336 HO I'ividcnds paid ....888 S84.C0 Total Lsaaiws naid t dais, . ... . a iwi aaa en "Total lirtilenils paid to dr.te 5 l!,7 SflieO It will be seen irom the ahore thatthe IncoaM for Interest alone, greatly exceeds tha losses, and t the total income fur one year ia mora than tha total losses paid to date. The Assets of the Conipaoy are now over Twenty-three Million, and ith Ita lartre income offers greater inducements to those is- anting than anyotbercompanyiaihecoautry. Ita plans ot linsiuesa coaijitisc all the desirable tinsurauca. . ' N. V. WAIT. General Agent, a . mar 5 9 1 Raleigh. N. 4 A-1 1 -;98l '61 qwaK 'a;naaxon fnadtuoj aAoosnt loiinaSesi p.-in.tisjapan eni n0ti tMX) 8 L9l aasoaanioi ft iMKSI 'atnoaai tuuiwaiJ itiiuuv U00 000 9J j-1hbv inj XlHi'i'snoc'taijo taa. iui saj ) ttnttj 'jnsnrinn.-i att uo Xadnio,, sauejna -U m Aaa qjjav ajsdtuoJ i h vn, Mtviajai 1UUa atatars pat mjto inH AKVJKOJ - 'H-ul p liopoojcj , 3IIX JO aioog ooo'einssy 3JI1 31SVlfnfl3 3H1 Photogmpfc fiallely. Large Photographt. Porcelain Pictures. CARTES DE V18l'TESdnd all other styles ot I'ictnres-CHEAP. t w- Persons wiahimr n-nrb -a ..u i f n u,-ur n.'llIU ,H well to call a.n as the Gallery will be eWd aftaWuiva 15th, for th Snrnhier season. J U.LJ.IP 8. KENNEDY. May 1869. idtit INSURANCE

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