" I I I 4w I Orijt lb Notll) State ri'BI.ISIIED WKKKLY BY w xm xx Jk. or Editor aud Proprietor. ate or ni b crip rioif. 0:B Vkak. parable in advance. ... Six Mi. m us. 5 Copies to dim address, Rate of Advertising. $3.00 . 1.50 f,30 On Rqnsrs. f rat jljmtiiw ' "";-BWii J.mi imrnii ntsenion.. . . Twelve lines of brevier li inches length wise the column or Im constitutes square hiirher than the above i at. - Court order, six week. 87. if the nash ac companies the order, $10 if it does uot. Obituary notices, over six Hues, charged as advertisements. To persona wishing to advertise for a lon ger time than one mouth the most liberal terms will be given. to hold to end of year Uetnents. Where any leato for yean of any land let for firming on which a rent is reserved, shall determine during a current year of the tenancy by the happening of any uncertain event determining the es tate at the lessor, the tenant in lien of emblement, shall continue hi neennu. tioo an tile end of snch current vrar and shall then give up snch possession to the succeeding on ner of the land, and ab.ill become due, proi ortinnate to the part of the period of payment elapsing after the terminations t the estate of the lestor, such case the lessor shall have the rights ' po-session of U deini-d preraisea ; and and be entitled to tin; remedy giveu by lection fourteen ol this chapter. oec. w. uh coiueyuuce oj tur reter- lion, dV, wo attornment necessary Kvery conveyance of any rent, rrver- ' sion, or remainder in land, tenements of lieM.d iliiniMn i j nilt...!.!.. -..W..A 1. 1 1 4 - - ...... . .-, 117 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 i,i . mi, i, i also for such ret" Mind damages as shall have been asr ed by the jury, and for coats ; and shil issue his execution to carry the ju.lgunl into effect, bee. 24. ' . r .-r of Justices the sameas on other trialsi Special notices will be ob liged 30 per oetttlta tiie giving up siieu possession, and the AN ACT" IN RELATION TO LANDLORD AND TENANT. Passed April, 10th, 1860. The General Assembly of Swlh Caro lina do enact as filiates : Sec. 1. Guardian of infant may lease to end of current year of full age ; bat twt to lease, &r. Tin- gu mli in of an infant may lease '.In lands of the infant lor a term not exceed ing tlie end of the current year in which the infant shall come of age, or die in non-age. Hut no guardian, without leave of the Court, shall lease any laud of his waid, without impeachment of waste, or for a term of more than three years, un less at a rent uot less than three per centum on the assessed taxable value of the laud. Sec. 2. Wlien lease shall be in writing: All leases and contracts for leasing land for the purpose ol digging for gold or other minerals, or of mining generally, of whatever duration, and all other leases and contracts for leasing lauds, exceed ing in duration three years from the mak ing thereof shall be void unless put in writing and signed by the party to be erewitu, or bv .some 4h.i' er- aon by him thereto lawfully authorized. Sec. 3. Lessors not partners with lessees unless they so contract. ' No lessor of property, merely by rea son that he is to receive as rent or com pensation for its use a share of the pro ceeds or net piofita of the business in which it is employed, or any other uncer tain consideration, shall be held a partner of the lessee. PCBIJC No. 329 1 J Sec. 4. formal demand if rent not ne cessary to create a forfeiture when there is a proviso Jor re entry. Whenever any hall year's rent or more shall be in arrear from any tenant to his laudlard, and the landlord has a subsist ing right to re-enter for the non-payment of such rent, he may bring an action for the recovery of the demised premises, and the service of the sumuons therein shall be deemed equivalent to a dein and of the rent in arrear and a re-en try on the de mised premises, aud if, on tiie trial of the cause, it shall appear that the landlord had a right to re-enter, the plaintiff shall have judgment to recover the demised premises and his costs. Sec. 5 Right to recover for use and 'occupation, when. Vhenever any person shall occupy land of another, by die permission of such other, without any express agreement for reut, or upon a parol lease which is void, the landlord may recover a reasonable compensation for such occupation, and if by such parol lease a certain rent was reserved such reservation may be -received aaevTjWBof the value of the occupa- Sec. 6. ReniWMtpportioned when the es tate of the leor terminates. IfaTtase of Undnwhich rent is re- tenant in such case ahull tie entitled to n reasonable compensation for the tillage and seed of any crop not gathered! at the expiration of such current year from the person succeeding ro the possession. 8oc. 9. What length of notice required to terminate a tenancy. A tenancy from year to year may be terminated by a notice to quit given three mouths or more before the end of the current year of the tenancy ; tenacy fioin month to month by a like notice of fourteen days ; a tenancy Ir in week to week, of two days Sec. 10. Tenant not liable for damage for accidental tire. A tenant for life, or year, or a less term, shall not be liable lor damage oc riming on the demised premises accident ly, aud not wiihs'aiidiug reasonable dili gence on his part; unless he so contract. S c. 11. agreement to repair, how con r trued. A . . 1 . , 1 An agreement in a lease to repair a ete rnised house, ehd.ll not bo construed to bind the contracting paity to rebuild or repair in case the house shall be destroy ed, or damaged to more than one half of its value, by accidental tire not occurring from the want of ordinary diligence on his part. Sec. 12. Incase of accidental damage lessee may surrender his estate. If a demised house, or other building. be destroyrd during the term, or so much cieul, shall On trials Ui, r fhia chapter, the Jns- ue deemed complete without iiiiornuient , tice shall have.;-, Bowers given him in hy the holder of particular estates in said j other cases ol psU before him, and be lauas: irorMea, However, An bolder ol n ; subjeat particular est shall bu pi i III lijsjsj BOH tvwt, Vnirnni notice of such courey- Either party may npcl from the jung- anee. ineut ot tlie J uslice. afc js prescrllx-u m Sec. IS. Rights of-grankts of reerr- other r ises of appeal Iro the judgment sions, and (f tenants of particular estates, of a Justice; but no eiecutu command Tbu -1 ant.-, in, every-itfur,cc. nta.. iug tu 4-ef- defeiidam frnm rho reversion in lands, teiiemeuts or heredita- possession of the demised pretnVes, shall like advantages meals, shall have the and remedies by action or entry, ugaiust the holders of particular estates in such real property, and their assigns, for non payment of rent, and for the lion-per-formauce of other conditions and agree ments contained in the instruments by which the tenants of such particular es tates hold, as the grantor or lessor or his heirs might have; nnd the holders of such particular estates, and their assigns, shall have the like advantages aud reme dies against tlie grantee of the reversion, or any part thereof, for any c liiioii and agreements contained in such instruments, as they might have hall against the grant or or his lessor or his heirs. W any 41 ervea, payanie at the end ot a year or other certain period of time, be determin ed by the death of any person during one of the periods in which "the rent was growing due, the lessor or bis personal representative may recover a part of the rent which becomes due, the lessor or his personal representative may recover a part of tlie rent which becomes duo after the death, proportionate to the part of the jferiod elapsed before the death, subject to all just allowances ; and if any securi ty shall have been given for such rent it shall be apportioned in like manner. Sec. 7. Wlten perwn tutdkUiv rents, .f, limited in succession dies, to whom pay ment be made. In all cases where rents, rent charges, annuities, pensions, dividends or, or any other payments of af description, arc made payable affixed periods to success ive owners under any instrument execut ed hereafter, or by any will becoming op- efBjJve hereafter, and where the right of owner to receive payment, is termio- e by a death or other uncertain event, where such right shall so1 terminate ring a period in which a payment is growing due, the payment becoming due next after such terminating event, shall be apportioned among the successive owners according to the parts of such periods elapsing Leturc ai.d Iter tlie ter minating event. Sec. 8. Where lease of farmina land de damaged that it cannot be made reasona bly tit for the purpose for which it wai hired, except at an expense exceeding one year's rent of the premises, aud the dam age occur without negligence. on tin: part of the lessee or his agenlas or servants, and there bu in the lease no agreement respecting repairs, or providing for such a case, and the use of the house damaged was the main inducement to the Idling, 'he lessee may surrender hid estate in the demised premises by a writing to that ef fect delivered or tendered to the land lord within ten days from the damage, and by paying nr tendering at the same time all rent in arrear, and a part of the runt growing due at the time of the damage, proportionate to the time between the last perio I of payment and the concurrence of the damage, and the lessee shall be thenceforth discharged from all rent ac cruing afterwards ; but not from any oth er ng cement in the lease. This section shall not apply if a contrary intention ap pear from the lease. 1 Sec. 13. Possession of crops deemed vested in lessors in ceria in cases. ' It shu!l be competent for any lessee of land to agree in writing to pay the lessor a share of tiie crop to be grown on the land during the term as rent, nr to give nun a Hen on the uliole crop, or.any part then of, as a security for the performaTrcc of any stipulation contained in the lease ; and nbeu the lessee has so agreed, such charge, or such crop, shall he deemed aud lleld tf be vested in possession in the les sor and his assigns at all times until such lien shall have been satisfied or discharg ed by some writing signed by the lessor or his assigns ; and such lessor aud his assigns shall be entitled against the lessee nr any other person who shall gather or remove any part of such crop without the consent of the lessor or his assigns, to the remedies given in the Code of Civil I'm- cedure, upon a cla'm for the delivery of personal property, i Sec. 14. When money rent reserved, the lessor shall hare like remedy. Where a tenant or lessee of land has agreed to pay a rent in money, such rent, unless otherwise agreed between the par tics to the lease, shall be a lien on the crop which shall be grown on the, land during the term; and the lessor in such case shall have the' rights, aud be entitled to the remedies, given in the next preced ing sectioju. oec. 15. Removal of crop by lessee with out notice, a misdemeanor. Any tenant of land, under a lease giv ing the lessor a share of the crop as rent, or giving the lessor a lieu on the crop ss security for the rent,, or.lor . the perform ance of any stipulation in the tease ; aud any person with knowledge of said lien, under the license of authority of such tenant, who shall remove any part of the crop from puch land without the consent of the. lessor and without having given the le-s.,r or bis agent, if to be found oh the demised premises or within five miles thereof, three day's notice, of such in tended removal, and before satisfying all liens on said crop, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. a Sec. 16. Lessees of land for mining aud-for getting timber entitled to the rem edies gieen by section 1 4 If, in a lease of land for mining, or of timbered laud for the purpose of manu- bl'MMARV PKOCEEPIXCS To nt'CtlVFR I'O BKS8IO.V OF LANDS K1IOM TEN' A N IS "wnr 7toi.n avr.it. Sec. 10. Tenants who hold over nun b: disitossessed, t hen. I Any tenant or lessee of any house or J land, and the atsigns, under tenants or I legal representatives of such tenants or 'lessee, who sh ill hold over and continue ' in the possession of the demised premises, i or any part thereof, without the permis sirn of the landlord, and after demand made for its surrend- r, may be removed from sucu premises in tne mat'er herein after prescribed in either of the following eases: 1. Whenever a tenant in possession of 'eal estate holds over after his term bus expired : . When the f":iant nr. lessee, or other person under him, has done or omitted any art by which, according to the siipu lalion of thi! lease l.is estate has ceased. summons shall issue; See :i). When oath !' . ssor. When, the lessor or his assigns shall ! mike oath in writing, before any "Justice ..t the Teae . (.f j4i v'ounty in-which the 1 demised premises ire, situated, stating j such facts as constitute one ot the c.ises j i above described, and describing thn preiu- i ises, and asking to be put in possession ! thereof, the Justice shall issue a summons I ' reciting the substance of the oath, ai d requiring tiie defendant to appear before ! i him or some other Justice of the c'ouniv, I at a certain place and time, ( not tn exceed five days from the issuing of the sum mons, without the consent of the plain- i till',) to answer the complaint. The plain- , 'iff may in his oath claim rent in arrears, ami damage tor the occupation ot the premises since the cessation of the estate of the lessee: Provided, The sum claim ed shall not exceed two hundred d .liar- ; but, if lie shall omit, ro make such claim, he shall not be thereby prejudiced in any j other uction for their recovery. . Sec. 21. Officer to serve summons, and how. I The ofScer receiving such summons j snail tmmetttatery serve tt iy the delivery of a copy to the defendant, or hy leaving a copy at his usual or last, pia e of resi dence, with some adult person, it any such be found there, or if the defendant have no usual place of -residence in the County, and Can not be found therein, by fixing a copy on some conspicuous part of the premises claimed. See. 2. What Justice to do, if defend ant fail to appear or deny allegation. The summons shall be returned accord ing to its tenor, and if on its return it shall appear to have been duly executed, and the defendant shall fail to appear, or shall admit the allegations of the com be suspended until the defciidaat sh .11 have giveu bond in an amount not less than one year's root of the premises, with sufficient security, who shall justify and be approved 0y the Justice, to he void d I the defendant shall pay uny judgment which in I hat or in any other action the I plaintiff may recover for rent, and for damages for the detention of the laud. Sec. 20. What done defendant tend , ers rent in arrear and ccsts. f It, in any uction brought to recover the possession of demised premises' 6 pon a i forfeiture for the Bon-payment ol rent, the tenant, before judgment given in such action, shall pay or tender the rent due and the costs ot the action, nil further I proceeding, in snch action shall cease; or if the plaintiff shall' further prosecute his action, aud the defendant .-hill nay into Court for the use of the plaintiff, u sum I be held to 1 1 ill to that which shall be lound to be j due, and the costs, to the lime of such payment, or to the time of a tender and I refusal, if one h is occurred, the defend ant shall recover from the plaintiff all I subsequent costs; the plaintiff shall be ; allowed to receive the sum paid into court ; tor his use, aud the proceedings shall be I stayed. I Sec. 27. If proceedings quashed, judg ' went of restitution. If the proceeding before tlie Justice hall be brought bof ore a Superior Court and quiishcj, or judgment bo given gains; the plaintiff, the Superior or other Court iii which final judgment shall bt given shall, if necessary, n store the de fendant to the pa sswasion, ami issue such writs as shall be proper for that purpose. S e. Damages may be recovered for occupation to time of trial. Ou an appeal to a Superior Court, the jury that tries the issues joined, shall also ass. ss the damages ot the plaintiff lor the detention of his possesajpu to the time of tiial iu that Court, ar:d judgment for the rent in arrear and for the damages as as sessed may, on mot ion, be rendered against tiie sureties to the appeal bond. Sec. M. Costs to xuficessfitl jnirty. In all cases umier this chapter, the successful paity shall recover costs. See. 30. b jendaht nmg recover dam ages for his removal from possession. If, by order of the Justice, the plain tiff shall be put in possession, and the , proceedings thall alterwards be quashed or reversed, the defendant may recover ; damages, of the plaintiff for his removal S.-e. 31. Purchasers trf land under ex ! centum to have like rnnedirs. Any purchaser of land sold under exe leution, who has completed his assigns, shall have, as against the defendant, since the lien of the execution attached, i who shall remain in possession of the laud utter a demand for its surrender, the remedies provided iu this chapter for ! lessors against tenUut or lessees who hold over after the expiration or Other ces sation of. their terms. Sec. 32. Like remedy given to the less ors when the tenant deserts premises. If any tenant or lessee of lands or tetie men is, being iu arrear for rent, or having agreed to cultivate tlie demised premises and to pay a perl of the crop to b; made thereon us r. tr, or who shall h-ve given to the lessor a lien on such crop as a security for the rent, shall de sert the demised premises, and leave them unoccupied and uncultivated, the lessor sho.ll have the iike remedies to In January, eighteen three. The act entitled "an act to amend an act entitled an act for the relief of land lards," ratified the twenty-eighth May. eighteen hundred apd sixty-fou. The act entitled "an act amend an act entitled an act for the relief of landlord," ratified the second February, eighleeu hundred and sixty six. ally similar, shall be sufficient in proceed itigs for the summary ejectment of ten nuts holding over, and others, under sec tions nineteen to thirty-three, both inclu sive of this act. Sec. 35. When this act to go into effect. This act shall go into effect from and after its ratification. tOURESPOKDEXCE. For the Old North State MARIUAGK AND DIVORCE. Mr. Editor: We call the attention of your readers to the following canon, en acted at the General Convention of the I'rotestant Episcopal Church, held in :he city of New York, October, 18C8: plaint, the Justice shall give judgment, put in possession as are given to lessors that the defendant be removed from, ani the plaintiff be put in possession of the premises ; and if any rent or damages for the occupation ot the premises after the cessation of the estate of the lessee, not exceeding' two hundred dollars, be claimed in the oath of the plaintiff, us due and unpaid, the Justice shall inquire thereof, ind five judgment as he may find the fact to be. Sec. 23. What to b: done, if both par ties require a trial by Jury. If the. defendant by his answer ; ; sbalil deny any material allegation iu the oath of the plaintiff, and the parties shall waive a trial by jury, the Justice shajl hear, the evidence and give judgment air he shall find the facts to be. If cither party shall demand a trial, and slidl deposit with the Justice a sum of money-equal to the costs of shell jury, the Justice shall iintncdi-i ately cause to be i summoned twelve law ful jurors, from whom a jury of six shall he obtained and empanelled as is pre scribed in other cases of trial by jury be fore a Justice, who shall decide upon the issues of fact joined between the parties, ' aud if tent or damages bu claimed as ' aforesaid, shall assess the same. The Justice shall record'-the verdict and ren- ilur i 1 1 . i r inn i i t UKunriliKiftv a ti .1 t ..n ' ... i , . nLviuiii.i , niiu ii iir igaiut tenants who hold over. riec. 33. What acts and part of acts repealed. The following acts aud parti of acts are heieby repeufedi So much of section twenty-five, of chapter fifty-four of the Revised Code as is is inconsistent with section one of this . Ns.-y act. So much of section eleven, of chapter fifty of the Revised Code relates la. leases and contracts for leasinjland, tcne ureitts arid Hereditament'; Chapter seventy-two of tho Revised Code. Sectious one, two and three, of chapter sixty three of the Revised Code. The ae.t entitled -'Au act to protect landlords against inBulveut tenants," be ing chapter sixty -seven of acts of eigh teen hundred aud sixty-six, sixty-seveu, ratified twenty-eighth February, eighteen hundred and sixty seven. ' Sections seven and eight, of chapter forty-three of the Revised Code. The act cutiiled "An act to amend an act for the relief of landlords," ratified tho twenty-sixth of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, aud all act imeudatory of the same ratified the fdrtiirinfr the tiinhr intn irnmt. .nni.li.il t n i. 3 . . i 11 . M M " ' -j " ' "' jury mh iemt ifmrTrrrr aTregaTions in tlie oe reserved, ana 11 it ilia l De agreed in , nhiintitTs oath, which entitle him to b, twenty-eighth May, eigitieen- lmnded J 8d u."to them, VhooexrsiMiIwjr the lease that the minerals or timber goods. or any. portion thereof shall not be re- e put in possession are true, the Justice shall give judgment that the defendant . . - - . i I ' r ., , suoii tuuguietit mil lire ueienaam iertmnes during a surrent years tenant morsi antil the payment of the rent, iu j be removed from, and the plaintiff put in and sixty-four, ratified twenty-eighth February, eighteen hundred and Sixty seven. The act entitled "an aci for the relief of landlords," ratified the twenty -sixth of canon 13. Of 'Marriage and Divorce. No minister of this church shall solemn ize matrimony in any case when; .here is a divorced wife or husband of either par tv ftil! livii.r : but this Cannn sh ill not api.lv to the innocent party in a divorce for the cause of adultery, or to parties once divorced seekiug to be united again. The mind of the Church in tho United States had Leen sufBciciitly declared be fore the cnae'ment of this Canon, as ap pears from the following resolution of its (renerul Convention, held at liajtiinore in May, 1M)S "Resolved, That it is the sense of this Church, that it is inconsistent with a law of God; and the Ministers of this Church shall not, therefore, nuite iu Matrimony any person who is divorced, unit ss it be on account of the other person haviut: been guilty of Adultery." We cannot tut believe that this logiala lion on the part of 'he Protestant Episco pal Church is i-e and timely; and we trust her example may be speedily follow ed by every oilier christian body iu Amer ica. One of tho most eminent jurists of New England, referring to the great frequency of Divorce iu that section of the United States, says : ''This has grown to bo n porteutious evil It is certainly one of of the most significant signs ol the real conuiiion oi our uomestic l.ile. it is communicating a sad coloring to the whole inner life of the people. It is working its way from the lower s'rata of society up ward and exerting a decided influence in the control of public opinion. Its pro gress is increasing, nnd at the present rale, a time seems to be rapidly approach ing when the public sentiment on this point shall be almost wholly debauched." Iu the State of Vermont, it is ascertained, that to every 38 persons married during the last five years, two are concerned in a divorce. I he proportion in the State of Maine about the same. In Massachu setts things are not much better, there being during the last five years, one divorce to forty four marriages and during the last recorded year one to thirty-seven marriages The states of New Hampshire and Rhode Islam! do not show a record much, if any, heftier than Vermont, while the State of Connect- icutt shows a record much worse. There being during five years one divorce to eleven marriages, and during the lust re corded year one to ten. We are not familiar with the statistics of the Northern and Western States on this subjeet, but wo have no reason to suppose, that things are in a much better condition there than in New England. Iu the Southern States divorces haye herctp- fore been extremely rare ; but" they may not expect to avoid this evil any longer. The entire control of .Southern legislation being in the haudsiof men, thoroughly im bued with New England Bentiments and iuipresaions. The hostility of the Church to divorces from the bonds of matrimony for uny oth er cause than adultery is based nitons the assumption that these divorces are gross ly immoral, and are expressiy forbidden by the Law of God. ISow the Gospel, if it teaches anything, plainly teaches that the marriage lie is 'ifuttssolubh Iet us heaf what St. Mark says, x. iii. etseq. "The Pharisees came to him.and.aak- effbim': Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife .' tempting him. He ati swered and said unto them, What did M oses command you t And they aaid, Moses suffered us to writo a bill of di-vorcemcutr-and to nut her away. And Jesus answered and said unto them. For the hardness of your hearts he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and (- male. For this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to. his wife, and they twain- shall bu ono desh; so then they are no more twain, but oiie flesh. What therefore God hath joined' together, let not man put asunder." "And iu the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. , And He " And whosoerer marrleth her that is ont away from her husband, committetb adultery." Now what Is the plain meaning of these words of our Lord I We think it ranstbe evident that two things are distinctly tanght. "First, That marriage In its first state, and now by the lrd s letterati admits of no polygamv, 'Ihcy twi .shall be one flesh'' excluding utterly y' tWOMI0b&4 NatuVe of Marriage" Language cannot well be made stronger. For a man to put away bis wife and mar ry another, or for a woman to put away her husband and marry another, or for a thh-d party ta nnvty the owe. pwt- away, ts without any room for ambiguity, declared to be an act of Adultery. To this general rule there is bnt one exception, and this exception proves the llule exceptio probat regulum. The mar riage relation may be dissolved npon tho ground ot Adultery, so far as to permit the innocent party to marry again during the lifetime of the other. In St. Matthew's Gospel, where the same conversation just quoted from St. Mark is narrated, our Lord's declaration is recorded as follows : "And 1 say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornica tion, and shall marry another, committeth adultery." Math. xix. 9, And in the sermon on the Monnfj Math, v. 31, 32, our Lord makes use of similar language : " It hath been said, whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement. Rut I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery, and . whosoever shall marry her that is put away, commit teth adultery." The grossly immoral tendency of fre quent divorces may be illustrated by a tew examples. We have heard of cases where, owing to the facility with which divorces are obtained, brothers or neigh bors have quietly exchanged wives. In tlr State of Vermont such a case as the following was lately acted upon in one of the Courts. A wife deserted her husband and weut to live with another man. At the same time this second man drove away his wife hy studied harsh treatment, bo that she was f-.eed to depart, w hereupon he received the other woman. They lived together in the same house unmarried for five years, after which time tho woman who deserted her husband, entered a libel against that hu -h an.1 in the proper court, and sued for u bill of dii'oree. Tho man i who drove away hii wifr. rHrrrt treat- raeut also entered a libel against her, and j sued for a divorce. The divorces were both decreed ; and immediately after wards the two guilty parties, after having lived together unmarried for live years, were married. This fact is also mention ed as having occurred iu one of the New England States ; namely, a son hy the first wife marrying the divorced secjiid wife of his own father. We cannot better conclude thai by a quotation from the writer heretofore refer red to, and to whom we are almost wholly lutieuted tor the tacts and statistics set forth iu this communication : "The fact is, that although public sen timent now revolts at the simultaneous 1'olygamy of the Mormons, yet, iu New Kngiand (is the evil confined to New England ?) the course of things appears to be tending towards that which moralists aud jurists call successive Polygamy. Can we regard such things with patience. Ought they to be allowed to poison our domestic and social life! Is not the law and the practice under it, viewed by the light of the Christian Law, immoral and report, 84,666,026. were immortal. I had read of om being driven over the same route by the same boy for 87 years, aud he was a young mule yet. Bring forth the ronle. The ronle was brought. He was a meek looking cuss a, perfect "Yiiab Heep'f of a mnle, so far as "I'mbleness" was concerned. At least that was the view I was saddled, am I wht those old monks I hud mad nbont knew what they were doing when tliery traveled on mules. I had a high respect for their judgmeut. Just then my mule began to show symptoms symp. tonis of what T did not know. I found out. Dropping bis head between his legs, his heels described a parabolic enrve, or a dia bolic cuive, or some other infernal curve, in the air and I got off and sat ou the ground. I got off over his head, and I did it quick. I'm not so old but I can get off au animal of that kind as quick as a boy. Then I looked at the mule to see if he was hurt. He didn't appear to be. Thenjl inquired around to see how I was. I reported an abrasion on the reft hip, and a contusion on the lower end ot my back. Then I thought I would -. pronounce a cfi-b."ndcd blessing on that mu'.e, and on his forefathers and I.. remoth- ers before him, and on his children after him. But I didn't. I wondered if he would stand fire. If I had had a pistol, I would have put the muzzle to his ear, and tried him. Not that I was hostile to ward him, but I was afraid somebody might take a ride on him some day and get hurt. But I had no pistol, so that benevolent and sanguinary idea was frus trated. Then I got 'up and shook the dust off my feet, and brashed the sand off my trousers as a testimony against that place. Then I led the mule careful ly home, and slated case to the livery man. But when 1 looked that he should offer to send for a doctor, or a Samaritan, to do me up in a rag, and pour olive oil and champagne on my bruise, he only laughed. And his man that be bad to i help him raid down on a bench and laugh edthen he rolled off the bench and laughed and I stood holding the undo then I langhed. It was ridiculous. .Rut I've learned a little wisdom. Ni" t I ride on horseback it will he n didVrant i kind of beast from a bogus jackass. MINT AT CHARLOTTE Col. John H. Wheeler, in uen. xv:-, rtatoriage, of iNew furnishes the following information ceruing the United Slates Mint at lotte in this State ; A brancli mint of the United States was established at Charlotte, by act of Con gress, approved ou the 3d of March, 1835. The cost of the edifice was S9,800 Expense of engine, machinery, assaying apparatus, dec, 56,000 $85,800 This mint commenced coining goWw.fti 1833, and continued until tho Slav of March, 1861, when, hy vicissitudes of war, its operations Were closed. During this, period this mint coined and issued, the pro ducts of this region only, in gold coin to the amount of $5,04S,64L according to the report of the director of tho mint. (See Financial Report 1868, page 430. FVora 1803 (the date of the discovery of gold and ot operations in. mining in North Carolina)' the amount ol gold depos ited at the mintat Philadelphia from North Carolina was, as shown by the directors letter to eBS corrupt I" X. U. A Hikt roit TUB Wise, Stopping a newspaper An exchange haa the follow ing allegory,, which we commend to care ful consideration I "A certain man hit his toe against a pebble, and fell headlong to the ground. He was vexed, and under the induence of'anger and scjf-sufficiency, he kicked mother earth saucily. With imperturable gravity he looked to see the earth dissolve and come to naught. But the earth remained, and only his poor foot was injured in the encounter. This is the Way of man. An article in a newspaper touches uim in a weak spot, and forthwith he sends to stop his paper. With great complacency fie looks to see the crush, when he finds he ouly hit his own toe against a world that does not perpetually teel the shock, aud injures no one but him self. A MI LE RIDE IN FLORIDA. I, ,. iiii tns wue, ana sn.iu marry anoitisr,, com mitteth adultery against her, and if a wo man pat away her husband, and marry again, she committeth adul.ery." To which St. Luke adds, - - A gentleman writing fmm Femanrfina;, Florida, to tho Buffalo Commercial Ad vertiser, gives ttie following amusing ac count of his adventures with a go i tie mujle. lie says : The boys insisted that I needed relax ation. My health required it. I hnd a pretty fair article of health, I tho't; enough to last me as long as lived. But I must accumulate a stock for future use. The South was the place to get it. And riding was healthy. The sand is too deep to ride, except on horseback, so I tho't 1 would take a ride. I applied to the liv ely man for a l.orse. He had one. He looked sorrowfully at me, as thangb he pitied me. Did I ever ride a mule I I nev er had, He had as good riding horses as ever were saddled, but if I wanted js. '!Rock Me to Sleep Mother" style of ride, I would take a mnle. I don't con sider myself a first class judge of mules. I had some vague notions in regard to them; supposed they would do a largo amount of work with very little feed, sad This amount, added to the amount coin ed at the branch mint at Charlotte, proves that the gold coined from tho mines of North Carolina amounts to the sum of $10,714,667 50 To this add the amount as sayed in New York, 147,775 95 Amount of gold not sent to the mint, for it is; prefer ed by jewelers on account . . 1 of its fineness and purity; ui.su useu hi means I,J37,0OO 0 12,000,000 00 Twelve millions added to the metallic wealth of the United States from the mines of North Carolina. To the year 1827 all the native gold furnished the mint came from North Car lina. Gold was well known to exist in this State previous to the present century. A single lump was found iu Cabarrus county weighing 28 pouuds, of pure gold. This was the largest amount ever found to this time in a single lump iu auy part of the world. ' A Mountain of Salt. A California pa per gives the following interesting descrip tion of a mountain of Salt in the south eastern part of Nevada. J t is reported to be five miles long and 600 feet bieb and of unknown depth. It is chemically pute and crystalline.' Like rock, it require; blasting from the mine, whence it is taken in large blocks, and is transparent as gluss. It is believed that there is but one otber place on the globe w here salt eii- s iu such a stale ot purity in workable q.iv ;i ties, and that in Cracow, Poland. Th . is but another evidence ot the state ot pari ty in which the force of nature has lei t bef deposits iu tLii iiiUitsting portion of tho continent . A Georgia paper asaerts that a ranch greater quantity of tabacco can be grown per acre in northeastern (ieorgia than ou the best tobacco lauds of Virginia.. - - m 1 i I 4 -

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