-r - X.- . 9 K30EM v.:..'.'-'-- v 1 I .' v. ... 4 :i)c(PlbXorll)Glalc 8AMSBURV, FRIDAT, MAT 91, 1009 Hpacial Newspaper Advrtllng and timer I Celiac Uuu Agucy fur North Carolina. WM. A. HEARNE & CO., Rprial a k'rnt tor the North Carolina Pre, and Criieral A genu fur tha Collection of Halms olevery JiTiiiioa throughout the Hut. Ofllra. Colds boio.' N. 0 Art authoriacd ag-tuta for T Ui.o N'OSVB nil. lOCOX AWD STATU ITEMS New Ai.ykrtihkmknts Court No tice Levi fi. Jobnaon, C. 8. C. Magistrates Notice Peter Williamsou, J. P. To Rent Edward Sill. Fl.KMlNQ (Sautouine) Worm Confection will ItV-i-t uully destroy worm. Sold every - wli'r'. For sale by O. B. PouLSOX, Druggist, agt-, Salisbury, N. C. A nsKNT. The Alitor u absent thia week, haviug left for Raleigh on Tuesday evening to attend the Diocesan Cauveutioa of the Pmtestaut Episcopal Church, to which he ia a delegate, having remained in hia aanctum but one day aineo hia return from hia abaeooe lt wk. We hope thia circumstance of the paper thia week. STtTB Medical Socnttr. TUq State Medical Society met in r lit - city on Wed nesday last and, wt learn, was largely at tended by the moot prominent physician from all , parts of the Stale. We bad been kindly invited to be preaent during it. fining, but were prevented by sick-, ness on Wednesday, and by unavoidable abaeiice during the remainder of the ses sion. Consequently, at lliia writing, (Tuesday) we have not been able to in form nurself .is to the doings of the socie tv on the occasion. We an informed, however, that the Society had a tnosi pleasant time, and the member were lios piiably ei.teitained by some of our lead ing citizens. t bile iu Salem, on Satur day last, a friend informed us that our worthy fellow-citizen, Hon. F. E. Shober was made an Honorary M. I)., by the so ciety, in conaideratiou id hi elegant hos pitality and hi many excellent qualities, hot we suppose he was merely quizz t g us. It is with deep regret that we auiioutici ill death of Mr Wm. 11. Lippitt of nor ciiv. lie died yesleiday afternoon, after a I riff illness, and his death is lamented by all. He waa an estimable gentleman, an leaves an affect-innate family and uianv warm frieuds to uiourn bis lues. Wit'. Star. RAILROAD MKKTING- IN SALIS BiJRY. - iW laaajs- OTmf ilf IIIVffffi-uBSaaV"''!- i iabury wus In Id in lJkTiiwu 11 Tru ant to previous not. ua Saturday, 41 a v 4Iaj. W. M Robbins was called to t'ie cliatr, atiJ Ur.V. A, .Henderson, nppoii.led Secretary. The Chairman explain i the object of the mi-eyng to be, the Luking of prope, steps to' aid la building the, V estem Railroad. On motion of Afayor Lmig, a commit tee of five was appointed by the CUsir man, consisting rd Mayor Long, l)r J W. UH, Messrs. P. P. Jleioiiey. Thom as K Bniwn, and Robert Smith, to report resolutions for the consideration of the meeting. The coiuiu.it lee repotted the following : WHh'tKAS, we have learned that tin Stockholders of the Western Railroad, ai their uiia-ting in Fayettevilh , on ibe 5 ii hast, located siid road so as to make Sal isbury its point of intersection with lhe N. C. Railroad. Therefore, Iieitikeit, That we' hereUy exp.ess mir liigii graiitication alibis location of said road, lei ling assured that novother eouid have been so beui tieial to tta-.- greatest nuinber of the p' o,l of t b. "Male, and to the .-"iiate Ffselt, v liieh, has . iu.ested an largely in iliis e .ii-rprise. Jiexolced, Tiiat Hi.s location waa eyi deutly cniisi !. ied the prop-i one hv iln Geneial As-" mldy, a is proved by th tact thaL - tke .. .A-tsetutdy modified -!- Cbaner in audi a imnnei a in iiii'hor'ze -attii t-eait;r- th- lulirii tiux pii,t ; m tit ,1 ii. i-lioiikiiir ,,,ii:. lit, ...rii. . . f. . . inuciuuiul have oniv e. II I.e.! on: Ii liews ot power.; eat to slly call -ipo , lie t.oiumiM- K"ut youii'y f ci ilii'i.rt, , be uurm subiUit In a vote lion i, I m tk tk nm c ipio i . . i li i .d. Jkioiccdy Thai -... ii a aobsciipiuni would te sound tinaiicial policy lo ih. County, because the enhanced value ol property WiUhJ Sfmh repay tin- ninlay, in di peiideiitly of any profits from thtj iu vesimeut, derived directly by way ot dividends oo the stock. Jiesolctd. That we call upon men of ptopeity in town and county to said this road liberally, in the sincere belief that it will be itu,- of the best paying roads in the Stale. IkSolved, That subscriptions of lands' id i. or only aid the mail, but may be matie the- uieaiiK ol puutt.g said laiais ui market 10 actual arttlets, thus ijiviling imigratiou and tending to imild up nu meusrlv this section of the S ate. lie-olced. That liberal subi criptions here, will cause the construction of said road be be-an at both ends' at the same time, thus eusuriug its early completion ta this point, besides giving us an imme diate increase of business and prosperity. Unsolved, That now is the time for every mat, of puhlic spirit to put hia shouldrr to Hie lin i. and pusti lorwara ibis, aim , un other (a write Railroad projects, with i au energy at-d unity ol effort woriliy of: tin- occasion. Tix-se ttsoluliona were unanimously adopted Myor Long. then off. red the following, wbicb wis also auopud Uesolied, That fbe thanks of thia meet- J ing are hereby tendered to. Senator Da . vis and sir. George Graham of Mont gomory, and to others, Direr to ra of said Road for tbeir determined efforts to have the aatne located where the Legislator intended, and where it will beat repay the flate for her outlay. On motion of Kerr Craige, Esq., a committee of three waa appointed by tb Chairman, consisting of Messrs Kerr Craige, F. E. 8bober, and Mayor Iong, to confer with the Heard of Comity Com missioner! in regard to the matter of a County subscription, and to present them the said 1". .ml, with a copy of the Resolutions adopted on that subject by this meeting. It was also moved and carried, that the Chairman, Mai. Robbins, be addded to thia Committee. Brief, bnt practical and forcible re marks were made by Dr. Hall, Col. Sho ber, Mayor Long, Mr. Craige and other gentlemen. lhe meeting ordered a copy of its proceedings to be aeut to the papers of ahsbury and raycttovtlle, w ith a re queat for publication; and asking also the papers of Raleigh and Wilmington and all oibei a friendly to our object to copy the same. The meeting then adjonrned with the unanimous determination to spare no ef fort to push forward the Railroad enter- prises in which, we arc specially interest ed, and to make Salisbury what her po sition entitles her to become, the Atlanta of Western North Carolina. WJaVJL UOiUt 1 N as i I. .'. C. A. HhNDEASON-, Sec'. From tlio Anhnrilla Pioneer. Mill; 1 1 ng it nik s ri K.'i. ii 1 1 1. 1 ; . s 0 the Eastern and Western Divisions j At a joint meeting of the Stockholders of the Kas tern and Western Division of the Western North Carolina Railroad Couipanv, held in ill- town of Morgan- mo, in tkw Coanry of Burke, and Siate of Norlb Carolina, on the 4vh dav of M iv, society, ibe whit leaders have 1869, iu pursuance of a joint call tor suck , itnae enough to know better than that, meeting, made by J J. M.rt, Ksq.. Pre, f"' knowtha m n bo are nr posed t- ident of th Bsstem Division of said road, j tk aociely pay the colored man as high and George W. Swepsou, Ksq., President j wages and (real him as well as do any of the Western Division of said roH. "Hero" or "Leiguei " whereof due notice was given; and in If m.an white men would let the eof pursuanee of resolutions passed by theon d man abme and uot try to use him for Stockholders of lhe Eastern and Western a-lfisli political purpose, he would be a Divisions, in lawful mneii ig bv ibrfiu re- ( much better citizen than he now is, ami apeetWely held in the town of Morgaotou I we should not s. him so often distressed o i the day and year aforesaid on motion "Y b' '"J? arraigned in Couits of Justice of Hon. Z. B Vance tor temporary or- f'"- crime. gantzaou, M. . McCoikle, Lmi.. was! called to the Chair, a d V, M. K -berls, Kirj , was appointed eeretary. On motion ot X. W Woodfin, Kq., n connni'tee of two gentlemen frotn each Di vision was appointed bv the Chair to ver fy proxies, aud ascertain if a unornm of Btocaholders was pre en. Tin- Chan appointed for ihe K l-tern 1 livis on. Thos. (i. Walton and Uobt F. Simontmi, and for ihe Wet -in Division, H. M. K iboris, and "H. W. i'lilli.un. The Committee up on iiitjujiy and due examination, und in pin ruance ol the provisinna of the charter, reported present Ly proxy or iu person, for the Eastern Division, ninety-si private Stockholders, repreaeiiting 14 599 'sai ares, aud Toil. It. Caldwell, proxy for the Stale, ) represent:'1;: Sti.tiOO shares ; and for the Wci.tern Division, forty ibte private 8:ocklwlders reprefeuting 19.i)(il shares, and General K M. Henry, proxy for the .Siute, represeiitinsr 40,000 share, lieing a huge majority for the Stock iu each Di T s on n'i said Itnnd. The report of the Committee bavin;: been a4ip(eil, on raotio i of Tod. It. ('aid well, (ieii. ltfdiert Jf. Henry, of Macon, was elected President of the joint nieetini; of stockholders, and (J. P. Erwiu auj It V I'. nl .mi appoinlfil S.cietanes. The .in i oraniz iliou lb US completed. Oen. T. L. Cliiigm i'i submitted the fol lowing preamble and resolutions: WHItKKis, Ai a me, li. -r of the Stock holders ol the Western North Carolina It i ill nnd Company, In I I ill the town of organton, on lhe7ih dav of April, JS(J9. a portion of lhe iSloi knold.-ia, vere not present ; a. d w e .-as, it now appears thai i sl.il birg-r amount of the slock is repre sented iu the present Sleeting, now there lore be it Jlesolved, That lhe action of the said former un-ciing accepting the nni inlmenis io tin1 act iticorporittitig the Western X. arotina Itailioad Cbnipanv and all acts amendatory therein, the said amendments being entiib d "An Act amendntnry of the act io incrrponrte tin- kVest'ern North C.ir oltua ttiilrond Uompativ." ratified the o ) day ot February, I s;,:,. and of all otiier ameidatrrj thereof, ratified lhe 29 b day of Janna-y, 18159; the act entitled l'rttLAdBi9diA-r o d -Utinl- 'ueoiHl n an act entitled 'au act In be entit led m, act ann ndau,rv of th' act to inttrporate the Western North Cnoijoa Itailroad ('oJtaUariv,'' rntitied the fs jj day of F'b- raary, 1055, and of all other acts amend toiy lueri of, p is.-eil af the pri'setil session t ih' Oeneial osseinbly. a. ! ratifi'd on tin sfUrh dy of iJhiuiiaty, s;9, rat iff d th. 30 Ii day of Ja ,it,iry, 1801. and un act eiftfffed "A'i Ae"attpplenf'n!ai to and :iaeiidatoiy of au aw'l to iiicorpdrale tin- eaten, North Carolina Radio td Com pany, ratid d the 15;h day of FVbmaiy, 1865, and tif all other aefs ameudaiorv thereof," ratified the 1st day of April. I860, is hereby reatBnu"d and ratified in alt respects, and tilt- Said acts are accept ed a .o made a pail of the charter of the said Western North Carolina Railroad Company. The preamble and resolution wereunan- Imously adopted. -, General Clingmau I hen moved that the Presidents of the Kas tern and Western Divisions of the Weauuti.Noriit Caioii ... l hl' -i l z l . . . 1 l . :. . l ..... . ue rt-liloif(j i, reilllV io me Uorernor the unanimous acceptance of tin- amendments to the charter, as propoa ed by the General Assembly, ; indicated and defined in the foregoing preamble and resolution; and that the piocecdinga of thia meeting be furnished the press of North Carolina for publication by the Secretaries. The meeting then adjourned sine die. ROUT. M , ii EX R Y, President. G. P. hums,. I R. W. Piliiam, 1 Secretaries. .SECRET POLH UAL SOCIETIES. We find lhe following notice in the K il. ih Standard, Newbern Times, and other Republican papers of this State : tt. U. A. 1 here .wtll be a Urand Council of the Heroes of America, of the State of North Carolina, held in the city of Raleigh, on Thursday the 10th of June, (or the purpoto of re-electing Grand ( )ffieera, and other important buai neaa. It ia desired that all the Councils throughout the State shall send delegates. J. L. JonNaoN, 0. U. 8. L. We copy the above, for the purpose of expressing regret that efforts are mi I.I be ing made to keep alivo eeemt political so cieties. If our Republican friends favor and assist in keeping up audi secret po litical combinationa as tlio "Heroes of Ameiica" and the "Loyal" or "Union League," how can they fairly or consis tently denounce and utilise opposition se cret societies We opposed "Kunw Notbingism," and the Standard, under the able lead of Gov. Holden, did noble work against it because it waa a seciet political organisation. We are atill op posed to audi dangerous combination, no matter what party recognizes or encour age thenar. If (here is audi a thing aa a "Ku Kluz" society we are much opposed to that aa to the secret organization! of the Rcpublicau party let everything of the sort be broken up, and let party men o( both parlies work lor their respective parties openly nod f inly, and not saeak off into hiding places and undertake to bind men with oaths and secret nbliga liotia to vote tor a particular candidate or support a particular parly. A man w ho act unfairly or dishonest Ma M pajllitia ja jar-ily liable to the ana- pi aaon of acli'ig dishonestly in other mattera. The elections are ail over, and be plea of politic' ! excitement cannot ' u b..niulc.Ui justify ..Ui .uwUttUeVaj&i of secret oalhbofliid political societies The leaders of such societies deceive the ! ignorant and use unlaw till means to sr- iurt' ,1,oir v,, VVe I'"""" ' If" inajor ty of the member of secret politi ' ietiea at preseut consists ol.color- ! ,d people who are led to believe that I ll" y iH be pecuniarily beuefitled by know th it our K, jiul'llcaii cotem porartes ill Hunk tha: we nave oiiuueu lo the subject of secret political societies because we are a Democrat, but if it couid do anv good we would assure f 1 1 - rat thai Mich is not tire-fret we ri fer lo the matter as a cuixen who desires in pro mo ' the good ol all men and warn tin III againcl evils. There are good and hati men in both parlies, and hereafter we in tend lo tavor Mich as we consider good, ami an'voc te such piessniei as seem lilit and proper, w ithout regard lo jtirtg. We defy pirty Cttntbi n itians of any sort, and have no tieue rrp' el for the man agement ami diclannu of political eliuues than we have for dead dojjs. Chariotie Democrat. 5 MAY 21, 1SO0. SEruRTEO BV J. Hi-4.'(lKXAtUlll.r. ..... M- . .aeon. I'M" I, 17 to '21 to 1 lu S5 to 10 to V,0 ti SI5 to I r urn. t flr IniM.. ui ijb . ileal, loi.-ii. 4t( j;..... SJi fllU, uuuiei,, tailos'. A-.l. on .et ;i .ittoii, ier I'uanJ, Vara. .r : ... in lv. per lio.ien, . o ... is. per Hinolr 2 IK' :.j 2.24 12 i.. I.. 4.-. ; l.i 4 . 4. o t b.u. i2I.ISi 30 t 22 to 7 to 8 (Ml to 1HI 16 in It, !) to 1.1 1,2 to 7f ..our, raack. ri.ii, .ibii keral, i. I . 2. 3. r'ruit, ilritU, ajiplc'L- ueaJed, ZTip'id. " Peaeuaa, paaleC. . ' " ttiijiea"l. . r.e.it!:er. ngifier. per pouflil. su.e, " run. liar. " castinga, 11 Sails, cut. " Mul.isscs. sorhuTT,. pi r ?:i Went I mils, " ITI1I, " . neons, .-r 1iiisIiiI, "urk. per pnnnd. t ,t noes. Irtnli. per buahal, . Kweet. Sinf.tr. Hrim n m pound. . " i Clan lied " Oirshed Pnlvdrlzed . SaK, coast. per sack, . " Liverpool, " "'fable, rubaneo, l.eif per pound. . " tanafictiircd, " Smokimr. 3.1 to i to H to ii lo 3! H ill : Ml 711 I fill to I .(Ml to I fo n, 10 to Ml to 1 Ihl til 14 to Ih to 20 Ml 19 7 W n 21' ?" to 2.75 to 2.75 0. 00 t 2. Ml 1. riii to fi.nu 8 to 15 3" to I. Mi 411 to I. ID RIVES & PROCTOR, WHIVLKSU-S VJF RKTAlf, DRUGGISTS DEAL E ItlS IJT I 1)151 '(IS IVIEOiClES, i.',..,...r f. t : i .:.!.. rY . STI'KK.S, PERFUMERY, Imparled & Domestic Window Glass, Putty, SPICES, Would n-spectully call the attention of -Ver eliauU, 1'uy.neiauB. Planters, and others, to thc'ir axteusiva stock and saperior indueeineuts. I'll Xycawwre, j't., Petersburg. s. rTnvrs. m. d. w. h. proctob. SJir23 HMul CAMERON & HILL, SLXCESSOKS TO ft. SS. COWAH V CO., GKNERAL COMMISSION AND r axb x AfenUfAr M. Dmrl. s'Sun'i (tabrrty Ctlcbr.ttd Vlrjfintii "arwtnx Totweeo. , ArrDO for U.trr Bro'l.SuserslM.phatcof LlBlf &ml Bove Mo.ui.. AsenUfar Vukn It-no WnrVf, Richmond, V. . . , , r. 1 Sn .., .l. . (C..i v- .j-. "r.-r r" 4. w . an i, m. a. ho l. Jaaat;wX7 Wilmington, N. C. ISO St NOSTH WHTtB ST a3T aT &-C , avC WALTER A WOOD'S PRIZE flowers and Reapers, Used in all countries, and qnivcr-ally commended at THE BEST I If USE! Awarded mora first preniiniis than any other M.i. I. .lie IIMMUtaclUle.UOtb in till ANDFOKEIONCtolUES, Among wliiitfj. THE HIGHEST PRIZE ! Tw Grand (tofd Medifs and Cross of llid Legion of Jloii'T, At Paris Exposition, 1867. More than 120,000mp in Use I 20,000 manufactured ndtold in 1868 and the demuud nsnppliod. Iiicrcioio"; Dcnimd, InereaiuLfocmiies Uhl'A'i n.il Iniproyr menfs fcr 1809. Wood's Prise Mowers, (1 and 2 HrJaje.) -... gy4f Hitktrrg Reaper, witk --V- " New Mowing Aitachiueut. v ' Hand Rake Tfraptr. Haines' Illinois Harvester. Manufactured t'y the WhIisj- A. Wotsl Mow in.' and l. aptn NtaeliitK' Company. Gewial Ollice and Msuolaelory, HouaMt Falls, Kens sel.ier cooiity. N. Y. Uruhth Ojfice ami SJ llwns 4t Oort Lmti i.-et. New York city. P. O. Box, iSOo 2 'fi Uke tieet. Cliicajjo, IU. At. xmi !ria. Va, M7hson, is. 77 Upper Thanies. ft., London. S. i, I for Neto Ihscriptite Circular and Pi ice LisU Applications Iroin the Son h, South of Vir- in.a. le-u!i be addnmsxd to the New Yoik li Olhee. a iihove. 1 KI.L1A iiLK AGENTS WANTED. Klia IiiJuoeutentS DBered I .-Ci.i,i,u, Sitilivau & Col, are Agents for the ah. ie R-ajieiS III ."-a!i-huiy. april 2J l&lftni DIXHN, DlXuN. S 1)1 xov, C DIXON, Snow Caiiip Vooiidry, S. DIXON & CO., IroK--FouodeTs. Kill. Wrights and Machinists, sno ir camp p. o. Alamance Co., N. C, ARK MANKFACXXIIiLNCt Itnprorcd Home-Powers 'W Threshers, Straw Cuitrrs, Corn-Slallers, Cane . Mills. Saw and Grist 21 tU Irons 1 oj every Description, Shaft ing, Pulleys, Gear r.nq, dc, dr.; Also, are inauulacti.tiug an Improved Turbine Water Wherf, Which si no distant dav. il is Mieveil will SB ,i the Ove. shot-Wheel in niot situa- ,.: . ,i ' .-,. 1'iasiisny, llurabiailj and effic: ,.,, .-,,ei i ly ciaitideted. IV M ii ownerS wlio iw water Tor the pro-pid-ioti ol .machinery, Biepai'ieularlv request ed te give ihu Wheel an eamm.iiion before seinliujj li-etr inoiiey Nottli lur cue not so good. Tots Con pany is un assoetation .f Practical Me, : suics. w ho have Ixell . r . .1 in this paitioii.ii I tisiness lot more than tatoiy fn yeati, aud are qualified llotu h.tti(( IratrMie.' m.d practical excellence, to oiake iboroujjh woiicol iniv job entrusted to their care: to- ! eeth-r with the LOW PRIOffH which work ; ii. a been nut under t lie refdy-pay sviein. lately iiiuiifroiuled in this rtountry, will make it n. ihe inteies: of those wsntiiifr any thinir in our hue lo ive us a call. april 3'l 17:lt TO THE LADIES Of Ruffiin, David "i, Davie, e dt li Ciilicvb ', iittike and Mc- WR ARE THE AUTHORIZED Agents for lire sale of the 1 ve -'s i'lSjSsrSF nSfcr We challenge a trial with any or all other nun h.iics. e prouose to do more Work in the same lima; more dtlterent khids afwurk. ami better than any other ;niacbtnij known. Any one piircliasma; nitu hines ot'us sao try them fur three month unit if they do nm.give entire atr isl'action the money will be relmded. ."iend und get circulars and samplas of work. kHiKOSlil BK0. stalisbury, N. C. i I"" We-sre Aeeutrs for the side of Vocler Ji ('i thwei man ulaciu rod at r-idut Hi C., tur- msberl at Kaeiory Prices in qualities. Call aud m-c them. JI. c B. April 2 loC9. 13 2m ST. CLOUD HOTEL rp X HIS new and eonimodk Ills near and Connaodiona lionos, located corner ol Broadway and ad Stieet, potaesaea advantages over all otiier housetor tbe accommodation ol ii c t-. It wus built eapreaaly tor a flirt class Fam- ilv lloardine Heme the rooms lelnc larae and en suit. Iicatvl l.vtearu with hot and cold ater. and niraiabed aecotid to noae; wlnie tue culiaury d mrtineut is in the iiu-' exi-ei iemed hands, allot d- due or At wood's I'ateot Kleviilnnia also anions the "modern laiproveBKBti," amtattfce sarviea at all soars. ' - liie llniadway and I'lever-'tr I'laesCars pass the door every fonr minutes, running ftoaa the ity Hall rto lV:inrl I'ark. while the Sixth ad Sevetith ave nue I. iie-are W a short block on eRkat aid, aflurd- fiimlilioii dv oauiiaiiMi. aUBC with ail the IleiMiUi. M. amlx.al LandincR. ulaces of auuueuiciit and Uusinnsof the areatsaetropi'lia. MOO UK HOLLKY, starch la-aa . i sr no mtt er Grand Sale pf RE'AL ESTATE AND Personal Property by. the North Car olina Heal and Peitomtl rotate Agency laleidh, N. C. 100,000 Capital Stock. Chartered by the Ijqulaturt of North Caroli ao, ;,. 20, 1 sn: i. JOSEPH 0. nESTKR. President J03KP11 DIXON, Vies President. JOHN C. HKSlKIt, Sre'y. nnd Treas. ItOBT. O. LEWIS, Legal Countellur. 3,000 Valuable. Vitte of Property to be Dis yued of. Worth $140,094 I Sa A Chance ! - REAL EOT ATE. Stvtn Fine lietidencca Four in tw City of Raleigh ! Onn residence in Ruleigh, N. C., described b.low, 10,000 One do do do 8XMI One do do do ft.'iOO One do do do 6 000 One do Warrenton, do fi.(KK) One do Chapel Hill, do 2,000 One Hotel in Tajlorsvillc, N C, !o 2,000 Lilt of Personal Property. Samples on exhibition at Healer Bros. &Co., No. 20 Fayctturiile St., Kalcigh, N. C, at the ievo.,1 cash prieva, lil Kmc l'i salons, JCtH) each, made hy H. D .-Mi.iii.lt. B..tiithor, M.I. $C,f00 10 Fine Top BuRi-ies, $250. each, made by H. D. Schmidt, Baltimore, M l.. 3,iOO 50 1-t Premium, 7 octavo Finnos. made hy I'r. owine lin.-., ,v V . n.sV-el,, m .'.' .".no 5 l'arloi or Church Oigan. 0 stops, $2i0 ma le hy Treinaine Brns., N. Y., . l,2ot oiti) Sewing Machines, Wilcox ik Gibtw or On. ver ii Dakar's, f 00 each, ao.OOO r.O'J Silk Dresses, Usl article, 12 yards, each, S40, 20,000 ti V'etoei pedes, fJ7-j, 450 rb.iur.sMi i.arpst.4., yams, Rstl. . '.nH,.C- M.l-,V ' ' , ............... , . ... ,. the world. $::u0, 1 oOU 1 Cash Prise, a 000 cM, 1.3,(4 10 l nriites, IINleaeh, 1,000 2,000 3,300 2.000 200 do do 10 do 072 do do 5 do iftiOilo do 2 do ,;oiiii IVizes. Value of the total amt, $!40,Oa4 Total nmiilier ol Ticket', 73.1547 All ol the above is Ji n in the drawing st tho reaulnr cah selling prices nnd will be dis-ios-iol Ly a regular inotle ot Diawifijr, and in oiiler to accomplish the., the Company wi'l sell 73 o I" tiek.t- ai 'l each; for luiiher inlurma tiou read leoticiti lo ami 11 ct lhe IJy-Lawsof ihe Company : BT-LAVS. Sec. 10. The plan ol dniwing shall be as tollowa: I.Uere shall be two wheels, one a prize wjicei an. I one a number wheel, arranged in 'Oine public place iu the city, where any one i lliij; a lu k'-i iiuiy be present on the ilay ol t., tip. 1 'i the number wheel I here ihall be a many tickets eorri-rponihnjr in number as those which have been sold. In the ptize wheel II. cie shall be as many tickets as there are tnvs, these tickets shall be deposited in t!ie"t hei Is by a hoard ol supervisors, who shall be app-Mulct-by ihe Directors, after w hich lhe wheel shall be sealed up anil placed in any bauk in the city, li e Diiveiors may ilirivt. un til the lima of drawihy, when the ura-rvi.-ois ha I bring tbe wheels to llie pinee ol drawing In eak t lie seals Slid ;. ! .is shall be dis poed of by takinf.' ticket Irom each wheel, at the Same lime and the prise ticket taken liom the p; ir,e wheel shll designate the prize ihawu bt the ticket i:oi respond rpp in number to the one taken fiotn the number wheel at the sine tune. The wheel shall be Well shuken after eai'h ticket is drawn. 8e.'. 11. The Directors shall deMcrmte the time and plane of drawiuv, at which lime nnd 'ulaC" tbe supervisors shall be required to be present ami see that the drawitij; is conducted eniitt'ly equitable. A Kosi.l ol Supervisors will be sppoinled who wili have exclusive control and manape in. -tit ot the drav. injj. They will conduct the distributioii and see t lint each person is legally invested with the properly he may draw. A duplicate tegtsfty ot the tickets sold will be kept; so, that, irr the event of-loss-of ticket, the ace . lent may be remedied and no mistake can occur. The Draw irip- will titke place in TITKKR MALI,,, in Ihecity ol K.ileijih. immediately al ter side of l.ckets, of which due notice will be given. , Tiie company is working under lhe provis sioii9,dI a special charter praiitetf by the Gen-' eraj Assembly ol North Carolina, which eom ricsthe company to comply laithl'ufly with all conl i acts. Copies can he had on application to the com pany. . All tlinnboYe menrtoned property will oer In lily lie disposed of as above sta'e I, and those .Uxwiiie it will be invested with the title in fee si in i ile. No member of the company is allowed to purchase any tickets. AH moneys sent by mail, at the owner s risk ; that s nt by Express, Hejjistered Letters, Checks or Drafts, at the risk of the company: No projieily will be listed unless llie title is iiidisputabla. The Trea-nrer has been required to pive a bond ol five tiiousatid dollaisi for the lailhftiT Ivrfiirlriifiice of hi duties. He is required to deposit, liailv. iu the bank, all monies received where it will remain until all the tickets are s,.. nnd all the properly will be positively rawn and delivered to ttieparlies drawing, or e money returned. Send two dollars by ex- ic-s. post office order, segislereil h-it.-r. or rail, at onr n-k, or hv mail at your own, ami take a cnaiice at the 3.000 valuable pnes o- ered. Tickets will be sent any where in the United States at the company 'a risk. Lteseription of ReatJSttute. One fine residence built of brick, in the b.ct improved style, in the city ol Kaleiph, with 8 acres of giund.aiidall necessary out-buildings, with manjKflne ornamentals aiiout the yard. Value $1000t) One large and convenient house in lhe oily of Rileigh, on Newborn street, 13 lari'e rooms, double parlors, wtlh nil neevssary out-buildings 1 i acres of ground and a beautiful oak prove. Value : $6,500 - One large htxtte on Ne w-hei 1 1 and liloon worth st reels,' containing 20 rooms suitable for a boarding house, all uecessary oul-buildins, with a beautiful oak grove in the yard and J acre of Ground. Value. $5,000 One b-mitilul Inrp- Bcfidencr, on NVwbera Ami, iht ronnui and bastmrut, r..ur uut-butlilioiraad .nulo, Mten urreii at sround. r Ini criiTf. very devir.ble and attnictUre. tutu. '. as,ooo One la W arrenton, N. C. known aa Ihe Abton prortjr In ncrlecl order, dm ol the best built ksrtucs In the State, cntaininir S Urf roonSj double pitrs. .aa oflrticna.eoe of ihe most comm.tKline .ml be.uUlul' ret.idencr In tbe pi.ee, with S Her,-, of BT. and, Sne orch.id. beulifal SM prove In tbe ynrd, a' d all 11--1 . -loiry out. hull in, n. Value -y.' SAOOS Tl.r .pert ft TayluvaVHIa 11 vert attractive, valuable and cheap ll it a II. .let Ibe roualj aeatof a fl..arUh-tt-s Miit ptowliif vilf.ee of a thouiandee-rrore tnh.blt.nie and situated one aqnare from a food and flurihinf Oaf. I. ir.'. no rchool of b Iter g r,ele, right on Uie liae of lhe At- . 111.,., B.ilrn.J ana k.i n wi,.,..,! In tk. m. un. I, iii reatiaa, Ibe acenrrj i trotj dellghiful and S rUiaHinf Conlaiu. iwrntj roouia, and the building- are Dew. Value tJ-aSO One lo Chapel Hill, r, nUining 4 ree.m., with ftre-oUcee and one fort -fool dining toaeB. AUe. a ileben, can-In ar- and one and Ibrec-fonrlht acre of land. V.lne SS.uaS Persons disii ring aay fan bar ttdmaaatmu, I will please adiiresa oronw c sasm, April 38 era ClaoeeLary NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK o r munw GOODS ! AT J. M. KNOX C0 No. .. Granite lloir, A LAUGK LdT OF DOMESTICS It'-1 Sheeting, 4-1 sheetings, Bleached nnd Brown shirtings; 4-4 Bleached shirting at Hi'.'-.i uenti At J. M. Knox A Co'g. A Superb Lot of Ticking, and Flaids, Prints, Muslins, and all kinds of w hile Quods At J. M. Knox tt (V. LlNKNS,CHMinHres,nrid nil kinds of Oootleuien a wear a "plendld variety At J. M. KnoX cfc CV. LENO GRENAWNES-a-veTy large and boauUfiil assortment ; toe moat lxau tii'il assortment in thu place; going off rapidly. Call soon, At J. M. Knox tfc Co'. LADIES' HATH-'Frirnthed nnd tintrintnied ; the fine Ht lot in this market, At J. M. Knox d' LV. HE A DV-M A HE CLOTH 1 NG TJse finest und cheunent itssortment in the city ai J. M. J nox tc to s. GLOVES, llosierv, Collars, Km I hroideries. and Dress Trimmings of all kinds a h( 1(a , J At J. M. Knox & Co1. Ladies' Kid and Cloth Shoes, and Gaiters ; a handsome lot and or superior excel- i&-6r AtJ. At. Knox A Cot. General Hardware ! CUTLERY. HOGER'S "W0S . tenbolin's and other 1'eti and Pock ot Knives-'JttTrber's Cloth and Tailor's Shears. Ladies and Gent's Scissors. Put ty Kuives, Hatcher knives. VT adc aud Butcher's Kasors. Pase Knobs for protecting Walls. Wire Fend era. Ouagiug Hods. Out Sticks, Sheet aud liar Lead. Tobacco Outers, Shutter Lifts. .' crews, ic.i for (ilass Doors. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, He Hows 2ft to 40 inches. Anvils, Vises, Files, Rasps, Horse Shoeing Tools in Sets, Hammers aud Medges, I'uucbes, Drills, Plyera, Nippers. Screw Wrenches, Stock and Dies, Emery and Sand Paper. Horse Shoes and Nails. Screw Plates, Twler Irons. Butterh, Bafax. Machinists' tTobTs, Of all kinds iu Stock, or will be furnished at short notice. STEEL AND IRON. Cast Steel. Blister Sleel, Ueruiau Spring and Ploifr Steel, Tire Iron. "TP" II- 'i Iron, Ov-hI and Half Oval Iron, Wide & Narrow Swedes Iron, Ho"P Iron, Baud Iron, Square Iron, Scroll Tire Iron, Cut aud Wrought Nails, Cauldrons. Horse Mule Shoes Horse Shoe Nails, Cart Body Nails, Door Bar Staples, Log Chain, i ' x Jack Chains, Hatch Door Screw Rings, . x Hitching Hooks and Rings. Lap or Chain Links, Box Scrapers, Box Clr'sels. Code Pot aud Iron Stands. Brass, Porcelain and Japanned Wardrobe Hooks, -Brass and Iron Jamb Hooks. SAD 1UJNS. Gate and Door Springs. Scales. Beams, Steel Yards, Cotton. Flour. Cheese nnd Butter Triers. To merchants who deal in mixed Stocks we will eel I at as low rates as they can sup ply themselves in any market. North or South. Our stock is large, and low for CASH. CRAWFORD & HEILIG, Salisbury, N, (j., AprJII6, 15:3in. . Solom Bin: tine, UPHOLSTERER AND In JSuis' Buildingopposite th? ' Market House T S prepared to do evert tii'ne In his liae at short i.. notice and on llie niort itaaonable tarnia. All kind or Inruitarc renovated and repaired ann mai to look aa well a new. Special attention given to the making and repairing of 80FAS, SETTEES, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, tee., Ac. ftire him a rail, examine hia work, aad yoa will go awa; piraseo. Salisbury. April 9th wm jLatftt wmm MAKER DUO OS, MEDICINES, deC. W NEW If Drug Store AND FRESH DRUGS.! MEDICINES, &C1 in Salisbury, N. O. Dr. EDWARD SILL, RESPECTFULLY announces to hia nutner ous old Minda and patrons, and alt others, that be is now opening, in the building or. fl E Corner Main Si Fisher streets,, attr iba Boy den House, au Entirely Fresh and Carefully Selected STOCK OF m DRUGS, MEDICINES. Snrslcal Znatrnmeato. Perfumerr, Combs, Brushes, Ac, &c, embracing almost every thing pertaining to a first claes Drug Store; which he will sell, aa has always been bis cutom, at the moat satis factory prices to purchasers. His long experience in, and thorough famil iarity With, the business, in all Its detai soi departments; together with his hope of that auccess, wir:ch has, heretofore, in variably rewarded his exertion Salisbury, N. C. January 18i0. 1 tf PECTORAL BALM ! A N approved and effect unl Remedy for Chronic Bronchitis Asthma tlie wasting Cnnghs n advanced ago Bleeding from the Lunge, die, and capable ol doing more real r-ervioe in couGnn ed Consumption, than all the Expectorants, Cough Mixtures, tie., extant. It is scientifically compounded of incrredient.t well known for their virtues sudadaptation to the diseases named ; and is the result of letiff and extensivu experience and patiant investi gation ol the laws of the animal economy ; to gether with aointiinateknowledgeof remeihal agents, in their physiological and therapeutic efteel on lite human .system. - It is quite unlike tho numberless Expcr-tv-nnts, Pectorals Sic., so recklessly and peiafst eutly palmed upon the snft'ering aud confiding people; in the fact, that it is not an Expector ant, per is ; nor is it loaded with Opium or Morpnine, in otder to lull tbe poor sufferer with its delusive infhiences. Many a valua ble iile has been sacrificed and expectorated in to a premature grave. On the contrary, it is calculated to check excessive expectoration, which of itself is exceedingly exhaustive, and by its general and specific action, to heal and soothe the weak, inflamed and irritated organs. Of the several ingredients which compose this valuable Balm, there is no one, which is not constantly used, by the best Physicians, in Ihe diseases above enumerated, and of many eminent medical gentlemen, to whom its com position lias been made known, there haa not been one, who has not highly approved it; and in some instances, have not only prescribed it for their patients, but have used it in tbeir own cases, with marked advantage. Prepared and sold only, at B. SILL'S Draxtors, a-irll M-16-tf Salisbury, N. C. DR. GODDIN'S COMIOf.D GENTIAN BITTERS. Cures Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, Indigestion Colic, Sick Stomach, Bronchitis, Asthma, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sic. A UNIVERSAL TONIC. ' A suiVsaJbV and reliable pfeVerlfaiira- cure lor all Malarial m.-eases, and alt dii requiring a general tonic impression. Prepared only by Dr. N. A. H, Goddin a for sale everywhere. JAMES T. WIGQIN (Successor to J. H. Baker & Co.) Proprietary Agent and Wholesale dealer in Patent Medi cines. Norfolk Va. 17 Iv DK. LAWKENUE'S CELEBRATED WOMAN'S FRIEND I A safe and reliable remedy for i ra t.s Peeiiutr lu Fexales such aa Lcuchorrea, or Whites ; Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb Irregular, JtmwiUyOrfyuppressed Menstru ation; Pain in the Back j Nervousness, Wakefulness, Weakness, die. SBDICATID TO Tint LADIES OF AMERICA, For whose benefit it waa designed, and wbosa hap pi nea8 it will promote, by the diaeovarer, UK. J. J. LAWRENCE, TO PHYSICIANS. ' The articles of which the Woman's Friend Is ram pounded arc published around each bottle, aed it ia believed to be the best Uterine 'ionic and altetativa yet discovered. Ttls a valnshle and reliable arrent in all ment of rbe Female llaumductive Organs, and ia j Hysteria, Nervous Heartache, Spinal Irritations, Ac ST i'r ice Sl,uu per isottte. m J. H. BAKER FCO., Wholesale agents, No. 4, Main street, Norfolk, Va. S"5 To whom all orders or letters most be ad- , dressed . march 19 ly JOS. IIOBAH. ITESKV HOUA7I o H. HCRAH. WATCH MAXERS AND JEWE Kit. Having bought the entire stock of L. M. Davis; and added largely to it, we urn now prepared to furnish anything usually kept in a first class Jewelry Store. We may tie found in Cowan's Brick Row, next door to F. II. Sprague's Office. All kinds of repairing done at short notice and satisfaction guarate teed. W e. return -thanks 4 a onerous public for past favots, ajid hope by strict attention U) business to merit a continuance of the same. P. 8. All persons having left Watches and Jewelry with L. M. Davis or Wilson Si Fai r. -, tosjse repaired are requested to call and get them or thev will be aulu for repairs. 9m. it. I m ;fl 4 ra. SEWING MACHINES. I HAVE THE AGKXCY, FOR THE salenf a Shuttle Seafnc Machine equal in all respects to tbe Wat iiiauufactured, with all tba' 'iiew attnehiiieuta. ; i . I will sell this machine fir twes'ty-five dol lars less than other shuttle ee-viug machines are - .,'..) for in this State. A sample machine, eat) bo seen in opera tion at Mi s. Sallie Beard's Mrlfinerf Store. ontMisite the Old North Stale office. Salisbu ry. JutlN UEAliD. For sala t Ctomeat ffcKro., Moeksville. and Marier, Wilson Sc Co., Ydkinville. March 'Aitu, lAW. 12-3m eal fs1- - I i . . I