seat? 5E OII)c(DIIiNort!)0tntc s.u.isnruv. i kid.vt. mat . ink POETICAL A TALK WITH THE HAHV. Daliy. ll,y come nit un my Hneo, Nobody's waking but you mid we ; Cat ami IcitlvU ate last asleen, 5'it 11 1 1 1 toy wearlsmna watch I keep; Kockiilj tlitt c:u'He So ami !ro, Singing uieruly, sinjjjnjf low, A II (hymen (hut ivr were sung Kince hk. 'I.en the world was young. Tin .' " yu meal) to ta 4i) to ktay U;ouJ uwake lib the pej frahy I now there i no one near, Vliipcr e-i't in my cur; Uw did you learn t lie wonderoa speech AU our wisJoui ro-ild never lich I Wiat lathe R:ciitng o all yoiil word, Boit uh the twitter ot rustling bird knows what schemes iuuy wait II; Men away in your nodding pate; INir In lie i. . . . ii. 1 1 . tell tnetrue, What are you plauniuj; lu be aud do I Baby, baby I your flnjrers white, ' Reach for the big, round moon at night ; Strive in their eager giasji to hold, Wandering rags of the sunshine's gold ; When shall we ever make yon know How, in the sun. the blossoms blow t Jluw the winds run on fairy feet I'lds of hen-Jin" wlivalj How, so Ti n of aud new, All tliiutrs beautiful wait for yon, Leading you on, by you ulaspiug l.aud, Out of youi rosy baby-laud. Rrtl",' saey I'-vhewoeM e- wida, Snaics aim danger on every side; What will you do when the mother' love Cannot shelter her tender dove? Ah I you are sleeping on my breast, Molliinjr troubles your quiet rest ; Sale in the arms that fold you here, Never a thonpht havo you of frar; Over us both is One who keepa Watch while his children wake or sleep. THE PEANUT. "n-TIio spread of the culture of peanuts since the wr hug been remarkable. Ever uce wo can recollect, a few of the far mers in the neighborhood of our city have been in thelmbitof raising "patches" to a limited extent, but they never made mure than tbey could put into one or two carts and send to the-dully market in Norfolk. During ten yoars beforo lLo trur a fow went so far as te plant two or three acres; but still the amount raised waspo inconsid erable as not to be eutitled to the name of a staple. One of the results of the war has been to change the crops in this region. The uncertainty of labor bas compelled the farmers to produce a given amount of money. The culture of corn is not as formerly, so exclusively earried on as to engross the whole attention of the far mers. It is found to be a luring business to put. a man's farm entirely in a cereal tha1. costs so much more to cultivate it in the way of fences, manure and labor than almost any growth that could be sabsti- tuted for it. Moreover the citizens, oil. African descent have an uncontrolable propensity for stealing corn in any shape, from the roasting eais to the stjres in the crib. It has been found that the peanut will bring far more money to the acre than In , i . i , , dian corn, and it has, within the lest three years, been introduced very extensively into the counties from this city to Peters- fa ' " " - j-iasjfctwrnia cm,, his city has been, rTATitrrg the las,tyear, wards of one million ot dollars far ivrethan th tt which was received for the f-a produced on the same farms before the war. I'eas of the best quality have commanded in our market ;-.' a bushel, and an acre well prepared will bring fifty bushels, or ? I .(.). But this is not the best that has been done. Hut this not the best that has been done. A fine article has produced 83,15, aud some of the lands pe culiarly well manured have produced sev enty five bushels or in money $236 to the acre. Now there are not so large sums by n good deal as are produced by trucks and berries ; but they show that peanuts are a very fair crop notwithstanding. The planting and raising are very sim ple. The light soil of the counties South of the James river seems specially adapted to it. 1 his has to bo enriched with lime and scrapings ot the forest, dec. with a moderate portion of guano. The lime should be used to the extent of ten bush els to the acre and the guano at about the rate of ten pounds to the hundred yard ol tin) rows. The pea should be planted eighteen inches apart and one inch deep. Tne season for planting ia about the firs', ot May. i ne i.i sing or mis riant is extremely well adapted to the preseut transient state of our agriculture. It is not absolutely new to our formers, and the price it brings is so superior to that produced by corn aud oats, as gradually to wean them from cul--'tttrui &rtftt changes cannot be made in a day, and the peanut will dojnaea to alien ate our farmers from the beaten track pur sued by their ancestors. The real cause of the backwardness ofiagrieulttrre in Vir ginia has always been the mental capaci ty of the negro, which is limited to meet 1 in; most elementary notions ; and the Col- j tivation ot tne peanut is not above ins capacity. Norfolk Journal. WIip. KILLED YANCEY ? ' Xorrespondent in Harrisonburg, Vir' ginia, writes : A few days ago I heard a conversation in relation to the death of V in. L. Yancey, of South Carolinh, which goei'to prove an assertion that 1 have previously heard, namely : that he was killed by Hill, of (Jcoi -ia. One of the speakers Said he was intimately acquainted with a man by the name of Shanks, a stenographer who reported the proceedings of iheBbcl Congress. On one occasion Shanks cairn td his house in a stateof intoxication, and said he had the notes of the proceedings . Iv 0'!Sre8"" mca8UO"'r In nnh!lh lliem in m iAnb w ken anme r . i - n .Li .-. j - 1 startling developments would bo made. On being asked about the death of Yan cey, he declined to Answer on the ground that it would injure the sale of his book, 4 but," said be, "when the proceedings oft the secret session are published, you will know all about it," and I will rlUe Unit lie did not lie a natural death. The rc toi ler died a few week later of oWlriom tremens, and die Itook tu uevcr publish ed. Another pentleman now Mid that he knew that Voiicey was killed by Hill, i baring been acquainted with a member of ( ongri-sa who wat preacut, and who tola bin in confidence Jl about it. Thu affair oeeurrud during t'm eicitlng session held in reference to llio proposition made by .Mr. Uncola to the Peace Commissioner in lluuuton Koade. Hill and Yancey r"' into a pertonal diapule, dtyiiiK Hill struck Viinc-v a blow vliicb willed even- t'.iallv leaiillotl in hi deulh. 1 am fully satisfied that ihia ia thu tiuib ot this nuttd que lion. dis- Josh Uillins ox Owl. The owl is a game bind ; lie can whip unytbiugweais feathers after daik. He is n wise bun!, aud hoots nt most things. He is a solum bind, a crosd between a justice of the peace aud a county super visor Ho is a stiff burd, and sils up as stiff as an exclamation point. He is a liivurious burd, and feeds on young chickens. He is a long lived burd, and never was known to take death naturally. He is a hard burd, and grose tuff by baileing. Hois an honest burd, and always eWvwfW i an open countenance. He is a prompt brd, and ssttstire at once hia outstanding bills. lie is a comfortable buid, and always sleeps in feathers . Hoi uu. aluactive. bind, Aild doling the day can always be found in. He is a restive bind, and doii't come ho .ne until raoruing. Thus the owl, a mistaken emblem of solitude and sadness, if we dig into its nature closely, is emphatically one of the boys' and belongs to the club. SI'KCIAL NOTICE. RELIEF for Tin: SORELY AFFICTEU- It was the misfortune of the undersigned to have suflered, us few have every .suffered before, for six Innir and clooniy years, from an affection of his feet mid lei-i. sunerindnced by overwork, during the UrM year of the late war. During all that time, he was compell ed to drag bis emaciated Irauie hImhU. op. crutches. In vuiu he invoked the best med ical talent of the country; ai d visiteu the most celebrated medicinal Shrines. Worn down and exbaustcd, he trave uii all hone of recovery. At this stage of his case, baaing been governed by his medical friends' from the beginning, he determined to adopt a method i f treatment, the result of his own reflection. It is enough to say. that this method is not so much new, as it is, the more skillful application of what has beeu long known, and attempted by the Physicians. After tome weeks of the uwst unwearied and persevering efforts, he was rewarded with the most gratifying results. Indeed, bis rap id improvement ami recovery, was almost magical so much so. that in looking hack upou his condition a year ago, lie can, evenJ now, naidly realize the truly wonderful un proveuieu , , r',r"u'!'1 "lT''JI 1',r.lnm extr.a',ril,:'lir-v l DlessniR. lie is nesirons ol hewn ttie means of diffusing similar benefits to th.ufcs; , who may be similarly afflicted. Iln thvrefore. proposes not only to M eat, but CURE, all manner of diseases of ihe lower extremities, HMooihead A; t.'o., umiii and aocepl"d by tU SUeh as old and itl-coudftioued Ulcers of the lelendai.t, for ihe. payun i,t ol one Ihtnisand legs; Varicose Veins ; weak and eiilarfed Joints, Arc no matter of bow longstanding. It is one of iflse ureal advantaires of l,i ynodo of treatment, that, no restrict i'ns are imposed on the patient as regards diet, exer IftisrSfe., and for ttio most part, little or r.o medicine is used. The charges shall be in accordance with the general denressiou of the times ; and those really iudigent. will he treated "without moti ey aud witiiout price." EDWARD SILL, M. D Feb. 12 tf , Salisbury, N.C Wow Goods ! THE SUBSCRIBER bail just returned from tlie North with tiie most complete Stock ol GOODSeiet ottered before in tins market, a', prices to sint I ire lime?. Having bonuht In? entire Stock Tor Cash and after a heavy decline in prices,-which enables him to sell lower than anv in t tie market. 1m stock consists ol a large and varied assortment of STAPLE & FARCY DEY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Queenswarc, China and Delf, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, MOLASSES. CONFECTIONERIES, LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. TOBACCO & Havana Cigars. In fine, he has with great care, e lecfed his Stock to meet EVERT WANT. Call and examine it will Dot cost you any tiling to do that, but DonTt Ask Eur Credit. Our Motto is: "PAY AS YOU GOP Country Produce of every descrip ' taken in exchange, Bank Notes and Specie taken at tha highest Market rates. . W. H. IIOWERTOK Salisbury, May 1869. 18 tf LEGAL EOXlCES. State of North Carolina, Cocktt or flavinsox- scraaioa Codst tUM en relit on of J. L. fiuM-ubiiry, M. K, h-olt, I. am A. Nonum.i .' ,i r. .ii. I v I i nii'lia. aoaiwiT K. D. llaoipton. Julius . (.ray. aa aJmlataUator ol A. (J, Kwr, W. P, l.liitt-ay. uJ W". II. l.ind-ay, a ailiulii lawatof ol II. A. Kittlell. 'laiutlBa. t ft in acta. To W. I, Llndaay, one l the abovo naaicl da fcwtlaat - s uon mitloat; You arc lnrel,v :. .1 a uniai.ioiia in the above cnt.lUd case Iia4 Iwcu ImiksI airaiaal run, wbarala you are uniniom .1 to b.-lorr the Jihlfre otlde Superior Court to la-lii-iiMor dm I oaoty of lla C'oart Homm in hexinnton. on . i Monday iiftc'tlir lluril Monday of Aril IHbfl, and aiisrrr the coaijilainl thMvin. which is lied wllti tha .-ii nt wild court on llir day of April INUU. a ropy of which, and of tin' auiniuona, wore depoailed in the poaloMcv attt.a lima, directed to you; and notice wraa fiivrn fhat juiluinent would Iw taken aftalnut you It you failed w it hi ii that time. 1 1 anwer said coiuilaint. w lieiein it is iilleired tii ii ll.e ilefitodaataabova sained nir la drlitcit to the Mateuf Xorlli Caiolina, to the use and In ih Hi of the p'aintifft )lir nained. iu the sum -i tifteen tl und ! 16 (aid) dollara with lawful mi n-i th rvon lonii I In. (itli i'av of October IV, 7 dm lo bond, leaei utrd to the state of Ninth Camflsa, kv 11. A. Krtti .- i.K n. Haaiptna W. n. I.lndaayaad A. li. Kuaterj for a brvach of theaaSM: that no part thereof h. i. tteeit paid ; to lie di.' harjreil upon lite luvnieot to the piaintin. nl w hatever eaatagM Us . niaj' he tnlltled to in thiaartioa. 'i nu aie Im imtihed that Ihr above named idaln- tlf! have sued out a Uaitant of Attteanient .-, . t yoiirpioperty for the amount nfdamairea and for the raw ol to lion Iherela set ivrtb. returnable U the sluuerior 'unit of liavidMin I ooatv on Ihe lHih dav of dune XHfi'.i. w hen an I here you aie hereby re quired lo appearand anwertlie cowptaint. in ilefanlt w bereoftliepla'ntiffswill take Judgment aifainalyou as therein demanded. Vt'it'ieas, Ivi E. Jolmaon. Clerk of tlx Snnerior I'nurtofthsConr.rv of fhiviriaon, at oOceia la muc Uni.theU'.hday ol April, i.viii. I.RV1 K. JtUMsHN,C. . April If), 1869.-I5 6w)d OXATB of Worth Carolina, O lKfcliKIXi'uUNTY. Supctior CuurtV Stumrf 'IVim. lfUS. II uppi in in.- to ii,.- salialactitm ol the Court that the Civil business of this Court requires a Special Term thereol ; It is therelore ordered that a Special leimof the Superior Court, for the trial ol Civil causes only, be held for die County of Iredell at the Court House in Staten ville. oonimencins on Monday the 19ih ilny ol July next, at which time and place, all parlies to Civil causes are hereby noli tied lo be pres ent with their w::ne . to the end dial the Ciul business of said Court may be disposed u. as required hy Ijw. ' Wiluess: Charles L Summers, Clerk of our said Court, at office in SlatesVilie, tins 10th day of April, A. D.. 180!). C. L. BUMMERS, C. S. C. apiil 30 17t I State of North Carolina, COL STY OF Jacob Hi.-' I, J .' ' 1 i'.l X .?" 1 1 C'furt. iah Uu.-I, .'ti. d ) liyei Wi K. Aibiighl. ti. Scott and Stephen Kejg part ners under rhe In in name Jacob Kiegel iV Co riaintifl's it J .o; uvst JUmes R Moorheail. trading under ) the fit II Inline of .Mooiheml Co. I Defem To James R. Moorheail. tmdmg under ll.e firin-natuc rf Moorhcad !l:('o.. the above nam ed defendant a mil -resident : You ate here by notified, (hat a summons in the above enti tled case has been issued apatntt you, wherein you are summoned to appear before the4u !c of our Superior Court, to be held loi Ibe coun ty ol Kowan at the Court House in Salisbury. on the Hunt Monday m September next, am! answer the complaint of the plaintiffs, whieli was bled with IlieCierk of sunl Court on this the I lih day of May, 18(9. wherein it is al leged, that you aie indebted n. the plaintiffs, in I he Sum ol i ne thousand dollars, with interest Iroiu the Kith day ol February, IrttifJ, doe to anl jilaiiiiiU's as indorsets of a bill of exchange, iinriHirtine to have been diawn by James R. Inltara, lo-lne order ol J. Allen Blown and 1' l. UertihanJt. pai mere nnh-r the Bin name ol i !!on ,V li r , mdt, and by lliern mdorataJ to Jio M. Knox, I iim fc. Biowrjmii.l'A. J. Mini tiaiii.eis under the firm name of . M. Kmu A; Co., urtv) hy them endorsed to the plainnH'-; iiid that no part I hi reel haw been paid ; a cony nt which said comnlaint, and ol the summons were dcpojdlea iu the post olbce Oil Ihe said 1 1th dy ol May lfiU, directed to you at Phil adelphia, Pa. You are a so nntified, that upon proper pro ceedings bad in I h cauf t a Warrant of .t- tacbnient has issued ujiainftt yanr rtroperly, re- I lurnable to the Superior Conn ol Rowan conn- ' ty. lobe held at the Court House in Saiidnnv. , on the tiiiid lion. I.. v in Seniemher liexi when and where you are hereby ii inured to nuil ainswt r tlie con plaint, in ditmit hereol the nliiintitr will take ineiit against you as therein demanded. Witness. A. Judsun Mason, Clerk of oufsaii Court, at office, this lith day of May, ifcti'J. A. JL'UbUN M ASON, C. S. C. 19 6w (prf. $10) To Railroad Contractor. Lsl l-.K.N WUKTIi CAROLINA R. R., OrricK o- Cuicr Excmser, Ashecille, May Ctb. 109. ) MROroSALK WILL Lt; RECKIVLO AT X thi9 oflice until the first ol June next, fiay the Graduation, Masonry, Rriiie Superstruc ture and tialla.siiiiK of one hundred miles of Hits Road, including (45) miles of the Branch Road down the Fiench liroad rivor. Thin, the Western Division of the Road, extends from Ashevillo westward .ov.ards Cliatt&noora (13o one h'indied and tbirly-fivo miles. To contractors, this Woik pieseuta attractive fea- turei consisimp ol tutii.clhng and other rock excavations, crossing several mountain langes, besides a lai.'c amount ol blidge masonry. All of which is accessible lo the contractor, heiiip for the most pait near the turnniko roods lean ing from Ashevillo Maps, plans, profiles and specifications will be ready after the 20 of May (or inspection. i All necessary information in regard-to the work maybe obtained at this office upou ap plication. 1 JAMES C. TURNER, Cl.i. f Kng., West. Div W. N. C. It. R. May 14, 31. THU MORNING STAR. WAR ENLARGED A.D IMPROVED I I "his Well Established and popular Daily Newspaper has recently been jrieat ly enlarged and improved (the second enlargc ment in Sljrrlteen mrmtTi,) and is rnntidi ntl.v offered to the people of the two Carolinaa as second to no daily journal in either of thoso States. Tbe'lIA is a 1.1VK, PR ACTICAL and PROGRESSIVE NEWSpAPKR, eminently adapted to the wsnts of this section ; sound ami conservative in its teachings, and devoted to the Commercial and Agricultural Inter ests of the Sonth- It contains full aud reliable Reports of the Muriels, Telegraphic Dispatches, Local Netcs and 1 ' General Intelligence. tkbhiin f. One Tsar (p Six Months,... 3 Three " S Ot One Address, WM. H. BER.YAKD, Editos & PiopRisToa, April 9th, 1869. WUmtDgton, th. I McOnbbius, Snlllvan & Co's. W j'df '4. ft' COLUMN. NEW GOODS AND NEjT FIRM ! McCubbjns, Sullivan & Co., JME KKCEIVINO DIRECT 'fROM NEW YORK a very lare' n ml well selected Stock of and dcsiruble I 1111 GOODS, consisting In lutrt of Dry Goods, Hardware, Drug:, Iffediriur, and DYE-STIFFS, Soots and Shoes HATS, CATS, and Straw Goods, Upper, Sole, Skirting-, and HARNESS LEATHER, Calf, Pad aud Lining NAIL8, IRON & STEEL, Tanner's, Linseed ami Ki loscne GD'O. Q'afCltfa) Louis' brat WHITE LEAD couri:d PAi.vrs, of all kind'", of difierciit sizes ; And many other arttclea not enumerated ; 0f which were bought TOES CASK, and will bo sold as ( heap us the Cheapest. We tender onr sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon os, and hope by close attention business and fair dealing, to merit a con timninee of the name. Having hud over twenty year's eipericnce, and having all the capital necessary to conduct a large business. We feel confident that we can sell goods ae low as any house in Western Ninth Carolina. . OF P TAKEN IN EZCHANSE for GOODS AT THE isinsr jurke prices. MeCabbiiis Sallitan & Co. Sdlisbury, N.b., April 2, 18G.9. lit: ly T BEST ANCHOR BRANDS BOLT ing Cloths, all nnmbers, for sale by McCUBBS, SULLIVAN k GO. Salisbury, N. C. Great Labor Saving M A. O H I ZlST E, U OOD'S CELEBRuVTED R KAl'ER and Mower combined; Also, WOOD'S i .... . J own- aetacned ou nana, m.u French Burr Mill Stones i BEST FRENCH BURR Mill Stones, For sale by McCUBBiNS, SULLIVAN & CO. Sa lis busy, U. U al.stoys A pstl f, M'ilM t Mlllll mm i in to DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. The Greatest Inducement aviB orpssco TO THE PUBLIC i NEW GOODS ! NEW FIRM ! ! Robert, vlc.rely Jk Co.. NO. 1, CORNER MAIN A INNISS ST8., M NE ELY a YOUNG S BLOCK. A RK NOW RKCEIVINO their new A.X. and elegant stock of Spring und Snmnifr (.ocds, conaiatlog In part of Stnple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ladies' Dress Goods, Trimmings, Yankee Notions, Rcody-Jtudo Clothing, lists, Cups, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Wood & Willow-Ware, Groceries, Sec , iic , All of which thev offer ai cheap or rbcaner than tliesauie efasa of (iooJi can lie uureliaaed in till wMiim ff rSe htstA. I'Mr fnmk wftrma ltKM (xclamrely tir V HH. and wilt hs told pxctunlvety for rauli orpruduee hence the irreat indie cineniit ar tinrjroiriH. And ravfrrrins "Hie nl hleai.xnenre to the -ui" ithillinft. their nmtto wilt be quick talc-i un. i sniaii pmnis ami reauy pay. fall and -oe tliein and Iw convinced, for tl ey feel eonMaat that they ean give you the UKST (iiM(ls lor me leuxt nnniey you ever liuuu lit. area ia. iw. 10 tf M 1111 PI GOODS ! AVING JUST RETURN- l from tin' ICastnni Mar- )eu we ll your hlteBtiitn t nineh Ihe I .rf-t mid nm.-t complete .itock oflinnd- in thin niur kct. nil -efeet.Ml i-inn ner- nnrl Inwh Rtoeks and -ty lea, aud a larirn-portion purchii Ihim the llanuloeturera und their Ai ,1 directly IltH W Ttic Great Decline ia Dry Guods. All we p k i. t call at the well. known Em porium of thin mark t. il l' invite vour atten tion ton ft.w LK.ll(i AltTK LKS kept in I thin whoh-Mile aud retail Stock : Dry Goods, DRESS Notions, Hats, READY-MADE CLOTHiXG, PIT. GOODS, Drugs' Ptitcut Medicines Dyr Kluffs, iaint Tanners'1 OH, Kerosene and Linseed Oil, Jji'ari, I'pper, sole and Har ness mm, CALF & UMSQ SKINS. HARDWARE, ftott; Steel, Saddle TTardwsn1, and Carriape Trimmings ; iu tact, thousands of articles too tedmx to ettttinei-auj. We are agents for the Great Threshers and CLEANERS, Also, Manufacturers' Agents fitr the pelohroted Done Dust. Do. do. Kifteand Dlastinfr Powder. I"s We invito the attention of Merchants aud the trade generally, to our stock, assuring them thev will find nothing bill fresh and desi rable floods. We buy all kinds of produce. Save your DIacklierries and fruits, which will bo to you as Treaoure. Smith. Foster & Co., SALISBURF, JT.C. Spragne's Old Stand, near the Market House April iiy IHG9. 13-1 v FOR RENT. HE DWELLING opposite the Hoyden House, fonnerry known as the Frankford House, it contains 8 rooms, with gas fixtures, &c, as well as a kitchen and a good garden spot For terms apply to Luke Blaukmer, fcij. JAMEk, 0. TURNER. Januarv 29. lSf.D. ' 4 tf f1 i rTinv ! WK rte,ira to mnrn Ult J I l I I l ' J J (lenient ill, and ronaiimer of naff iretMraHj, t)it plnc i. - wr. c-Ltin toharro irmnufMrtttrrrii, brliifj anll lo fin-' a mrkH ,,,r their muff, fell UienHh ti wllcl to cotintcrWi the renrftl ipiMinnw of ourprknnrs, ami toiiUte omr Trade Mark, o that a clnae Ii . - -. v to ; t the -; . rioui article from the 'irei.ajne, ami (tker jroiaff a far u to aaaert Ihut "Lorflllard'a t . rT i- no lenfer made. In niiiklnir lh.i publicalioa we ileal re lo warn tlte iub(te r c i the i fttpi Mii'T" fra?tlced upon them ; aa they are thelnMT thereby. It will he founl iton com pari m (hat LorLUrd ?nuff ia "far ahead" of all ntheta, heinir ntade of the bc-t stock, after an rfjrtoat and aeeret proeew known nn?y to ouraelvef, heilaet posae swing yreal aire. 1. 1 ffi'i itii'i i t ; r pT '. v. an-, in warranita ni u voduiq any d-inrt-n ua or i- le'tri- i: aubstanee, wbtrh cannot be aib of tt.e maay worthlena a-tn a pat on by others. The ! -t ia ihe rheapet in the end. A circular will ai wya be tu i i -I on applicatioa. In "rderins; pleaae apeci fMf Halt nuff(lf ich Toaat.) or freah Bnaff t Ctlra Fcotch) it deiref. P. LOWILLAHD, MCW VOftK. JiPK Ii t SHIR f;ri ! i Q : ii vi m mm - . NEW YOKK and North Carolina STEAiHSHIP LI1VB raoa New York to Wilmington, This Line will comprise tbo folio wlnf steam ers: FAIRBANKS, Capt. A. Hunter, WM. 1. CLYDE, " D P. Morgan, REBECCA OLYUE,! 0. Chichester. MARY SAN FORD, John Moort. With such additional Steamers as may be required (o meet the demand of the trade. SailinKfiom New York every WEDNE&UA an.1 NA1UIWA i'al i V. M . Iron, l'ler 10 K. U. foot of Wall street. i V The attention of Shippers la called to the LOW RATES and FACILITIES offered by ihia l.n.e, which are superior to any heretofore offered. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING (riven lo all points on the North Carolina Railroad aud its Con in ctions vie Golds- boro. J. A. SADLER. Soliciting Ageut. WORTH ic DANIEL, Ageufa, Wilmington, N C. JAMES HAND, Ajrent, fvLSO 8tf 119 Wall Street, N. Y. North Carolina Lm4 Coanpaiy. Incorporated ly Special Art J Ute Oentr- , ot AsuoxWj, 18fi9. FOR THE LOCATION OF ' Northern and European Settlers. I'OR THE SALE OF IMPROVED FARMS, TIMBER & MfXERA L LANDS, rrot'SES, UINLS, WATER POWER, A'Ctfe. Als of COT- TON. TOBAC CO, NAVAL B10RE8. &c. ON CON SIGN. ME NT, ADVANCES MADE ON SAME. roa IMPROVED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. FERTILI SERS, MACUINERV, etc., fec., etc. ALSO, N E(iOTI ATE- I . A N s . ON MOR rGAGE OK OUIER SECURITIES. Those having Lands or rurnm for sale, will find u t their interest to couunuuicute with thin Cuiiiimiic. Noehai jre made unleKs a Kale it effected ; then ' "'.v per cent. l be paid when the sale uper fueled. Otjirers. ' k. w. Geo. Little, Trent. llest, fiec & Treaa. Aqrnfi und Director nt Ituleiqh. Ron. R. W. ttei, Col. Geo. Little. Goth y.Swepaon, R. Kingalaud. Agents and Dirictmrs in Xrw York Ss lloston. A. J. Hleecker, 8mt Co. Raleigh, X. C. March u, lHli". 8 3m THE NATIONAL Life Insurance Co'p'y of xas United States or Amekica. WASHINGTON, D. C. Charter) I bt special art of Congress, July 2T,'68. Cash Capital paid in full $1,000,000. It is uo loiigi-r a question with any mrn.wbo tenderly loves liis wife ami children, who con filler bow helpless would be their condition in r,i-r n! bin death, ai to the duty of taking out a l.l I I. I UL1L l , imt us to which Couipuny he Mi. ill pay f lin money. If- he reflects a moment ho will conclude to patronize thu Company which nbWx the (ireat exl degree of vitality, which extends lU IiumI w over th largest orea whiih ia a Home Company in every locality; which fumishesin Hiirunceut the least etntf; which issues no poli cies that are forfeitable should he be nnable i.i'M j eur, or any subsequent year to pay his re ni v al; and wbrchi unduubtcdiy able to meet all its pruuiios. Willi ttKse feelings and views, he looka over the ncwiaicis. ami, by thetime he gets through reading the atlvertiseuients of Alutuul or Mixed Companies, he funis his mind so fuddled that he is at a loss where to go or what to do. He can not comprehend one-half that is writteij, and conclude that none but Auctua.nes whoure fa miliar with the principles upon which Life In surance is based, can coinirrehend or explain anything about dividends and Insatiability for limes given in pint payment nl premiums. In his dilemma, he looks into 'he plan adopted by the .National Lite lnsuruuce Company ot toe United States of America, and find just what he wants: AN ALL CASH PLAN, reduced to the low, est minimum rate, like any commodity in mar ket, so much insurance tor so mueft Moueyw No notes to give ; no interest to pay ; uo anxie ty sbout.Assessiuents; no apprehension of his Policy being forfeited next year if he does not pay bis annual ltenewai; aud the Kates so much Lower than other Companies, that he realizes a larger Dividend, in advance, than other compa nics can pay him in the future. -f- lie umi that, instead ol this uncertain prom ise, at present high ra'e, that the National pre sents a certain and definite sum for a much lower rate and puts up its paid up Capitol of 1,000,000 As a guarantee fuud, that its cohtracts will he fulfilled, and, like thousands of others, cheerful ly culls on their Agent to make his application for a. Policy. Hence the unprecedented and most wonderful aaccsss. at thu National .t , , .u trusted with the older and .Mutual Companies. The Companv issued its first policy on the 1st of August, i ";.-, and up to starch 1st, 1869, it had issued . ;!.:.--.' policies. Amount insured, $10,tHi55li 00 Total premiums, 350,117 03 The whole number issued by the Connecticut Mutual in the first year of its existence wu.- -thf ly the Mutual Benefit of New Jersey, 693 fliew l.iiginml Mutual, , IMJ Phirnix Mutual, 333 " Miivsacbusetts Mutual, 312 " Equinble of New York, 277 The Mutual Life. of New York, in'the first year ol its existence, oniv issuea 47U policies. In its 10th vear. " 1.860 " And in its -ioth rear, i - 8.848 " this latter being i :' less than wax issned by the ATioji a L in us nrsi scm'ii mnnius. JAY, COOK 4 CO., - Agents for the Southern States P. F. PESCUD, , Oeueral Agent tor Nortri Carolina April 19. 18C.U. 15-3m Houses. fad Blanks ! (For laying of Homesteads.) And a new and improved form of LAIUB DEEDS, Revised and corrected by the best legal authority in this place, for sale. Address, mar. 10, J. J. BRUNER, J y S UHA AVE COM PA NJES. Ct)c Knickerbocker fivttAi un INSURANCE COMPANY Of New York. 7 Southern Branch, Sarannah, Ga. K. D. aRNObl), Consulting; l'byslcisn. WILBUR, Mauager. The only Branch of a Life Inter. ance Company where Policies ar Xsaned ana Losses Paid. ASSETS, tflOO.OOO Annual Income nearly 3.iU0,000 Annual Dividend, nearly 50 per cent. $73,000 Losses paid ii this Brunch in two years. THE KNICKERBOCKER is an old and reliable Company, and offers as great indi.-eu-meuts to itaurera as any solvent Company ca n . sswes Policies on seen desirable a far Loan J of the Premium to the Policy Holder. All Policie nun forfeitable after the payment of two or threr uraniums- So restriction on ieHtenvfx,,-tr,(rel. If" r-'m (targe jor"xrtfl hers of the Army, Xary, or First ('las Strum and Had Vessels, or for Railroad Conductors, fc. THE KNICKERBOCKER is one of the few fiorthem rmpanrnr rhose Pottcte "iM " the SoHtli trrrr kept intact durinq the iltnn. whose Dividends were accredited a though Premium were paid, and is THE Company that after the war paid all Losses which oc curred during the war. thus jiroriny it integ rity, its honor, and indisputable solvency. The Knickerbocker pays losses promptlr, neve: disputing a just claim and is as liber al as any ..te Company n Ameries. W. H. BELOEN. General Ageut for N. C.. Raleigh. John Beard. A cent, Saliabury, X. C. February, 19, leW. 7 3m. THE ARLIH8T0N MUTUAL COMPANY of vircaiisriA A Virginia and Southern Institution Its runds are kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success, IU fortunes are established beyond any contingency. The Company Lss cspital and assets, against tta liability that will eouipare favorably with any Life lusuniiice Company nn the coutiuent, which is tha true test ol it i ii isi in !n v. Itsarrairs ur- cautiously administered by selected Directors, ofr-spontibility and busioeas capacity. It has established its claim to Southern I'atronags 0FHCERS: PltkBIDEST, JOHN E. EDWAHTJIr U TICK PKKSIDl ST, SCCKETIST, J. liAElUOOX Wll. B. 1SAAC8, MEDICAL KXAM1XKR, CHARLES H. SMITH, If. D LCUAL ADVISES, 0KKKBAL AGENT. U. C. Cabell, Jno. H. ( laibobns DIRECTORS : John Enders Henry K. Ellyton, Ana Snyder, H. E. C. Baskirvills, Samuel C. Tardy, Georce Jacobs, J. U . Allison, George S. Palmer, H. H. ( liock.'ev. William K. Tsylor, Samuel S. Cottrell, John Dooley, Charles T. Wbrtham, William W ill is Jr., Ed. A Smith, N Thus. J. Evans, J.IIMCS A. Hit, B. M Vuarlea, W. H. Tyler, J. E. Edwards, A. Y.Stokes, J. B. Morton, R. H. Dibrell, William U. Palmer, LEWIS Feb. 12 ly H. C. Cabell. D. J. Haitsoo. John C. Willir. ms, William (i. Tuylor, A. P. Abell, Wm. B. Isaacs, George 1.. Bidrood, Saiujel M. Price. HANES. Ag't. Lkxixgton, N. 0 33 J3 WHAT A GRAM li) i:l i:SHT BUSINESS Tne .... Connecticut mutual Life A IS DOING. Synopsis of Statement for 1868. Income from Premiums,,..... .... Income from interest Total income for the year, Losses paid Dividends paid is. , Total Losses paid tu date Total Diiiilenda paid t. ih.t. ...... . .ST. if, I 304 n ..1 f.K4.! f sS ..8.7-16 209.59 ..I 221 336 (.0 ...998 384.00 . .8,089 888 00 .5.19T.9KHy ii win ne seen ironi the atwve that the iuetsme for interest alone, greatly exceeds the umtst, and that the total income for one -year it mors'than the total losses paid to date. The Aaseta if the Company are now over Twenty -three Miliums, and with its farce income offers greater inducements tnthna in. soring than any other Mimnim jj. yconntrv. !u plina orhaalness coaipiise all thelesirable forma of insurance. 8. D. WAIT, General Agent, mar 5 9 ly Raleigh, N. C. '6981 61 Hwsk '!iiss.ioit uav Xaadmoj ao qi joj inaSs wpan5nxipan aqx 000 000 8 ""1981 J3o fiJUi maroon"-sinoani uimuiajj vnoAv 0OOO0O9I " v.- sisHiv .'ni'tticiir.u jo i-.ii anji qt ft qoit(.a 'm.-iuijiiri aq no Xmulnii.. , aanwns "f A"0t qjlJl Mlduioa Ijl Jin; s....i;il i fit tutK sjsnm pas SJ(dsa nq AKVdKUJ hlaT 'SCTaLYJLS tIMJJ M aiujo Aaioog aon'Bjnssy 3JI1 318Vllfll)3 3H1 Pliotograph Gallery. INSURANCE COMPANY . Large Photographs Porcelain Pictures, m CARTES DE VISITES anAall other styles ot Pictures CHEAP. Persons wishiue work dWe would do well tn (all soon as the Gallery will be closed after Jan 15th. for the Summer season. PHILLIP U. KEXNEDY. Wisbosy, May lrtta). t-4t . . . ' V I -