Ibw : 1 fi' S I ' W4--.?:"7 - ;rBHMp T' i ,".'1 VOL. I V.J S ''G rjvO. 21 bring suit on said obligation, and to use i port of himself and famV but Is found I ing him a copy thereof, and of the oath damages, and tho further fain of in reasonable diligence to uve harmless sauntering about, cndeJMng to mam- of A. B. annexed, (or by leaving a copy I. 1 lib. .....J.l I LI -1 l. , . .. 1 ... J .1 . .. . .. . , i iiu.iieri ; ' ' m,, win uiwicu uj gaming wtniuer unuuc i iicreot, ana me oain oi a . 1 1 , a t tlie urn al tins w 1 1 1, w 1 1 h sta teiui n t ot your pro Vul It In I, .. ... i . mai. I , ,...1 . t. .. 11 n I.. ! ........ u MM I. .............. L. - II . 1 1 1 si 1v 1 ! . . . . I - r "('J'V ' I " - . ww.ni wnA.wviaviii7i vi i 't., a vi ivbuiciicv ' lur utriL'lllllliri, f . 1., official bond, or bond given by any drinking house, or in a Vfgwn common with an adult found there,) or (the aaid in i r 1 1 1 1 net ill iii n fid iii'i.i rv rn:nMt v. run karri, aim II hp in aaiiartial i t n nvi.tj.,.,... i ' 1 I l...t. t I... r t ; p. . ... .. -j T J I ' " - Tff"laK v iuu.iv. i w ,iw. ww louio, ill uij luiin Sec. Should the payee or holder of that such abuudonrucntSM nririeet is I ty. and haviair no usual or lust olace of : yHiUBi cases as ts HBa shall bo a Bo fact of oSovide ade- isband for his j)clvNorll)i5taU PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY D w x m S A WB Editor and Proprietor. .$3.00 . 1.50 l-!,50 ...91.00 . . aVI ... so BATE! OP si hi II I I ION ) . k Year, payable In advance. . . . in Months, " " ..... i ( '..pies to ,.n- address, ties of Advertising. ne Square, first insertion, lemud iiiseitiou,. - -, riiiril insertion. , for each additional insertion L . Twelve lines of brevier I J inches leiurth- rise the cofimin less salt it u tea sotmre Speeisl notices w ill be charged 50 per eeut . . .1 .L .. 1 Al igner in. in ine uoof ruies. Court sad Justice a Oitlers will be publish- :it the Mime rates w ith other ailvertise- LaetitS. Obituary notices, over six Hues, charged ks advertisements. To persons wishing to advertise for a lon ger Ttmp Than two months the most liberal tenus will he given. hundred dollars, nor more than two thous and dollars, and take the oath of office as now prescribe bj law. See. 11. The Hoard of Trustees shall have power to purchase and to hold for the use of the Township, such real re lates as they may deem necessary, not to exceed one acre, and to cen t thereon a Township house, which shall be as hear central in location as may be; and for the purpose of buy in(( such property and erecting such building, lliey are author ized, it they deem it expedient, to lay and collect a tak upou all the property in the Township, with the approval of a majority of nfc nnalificd voters of the XH i Township, to be given at an election to Important Law. AN A CI tU entitled "Ah Act con- tirv i fj lnu nsiui s. Seitiofl 1. General Assembly of North aroliun do enact, That the Districts re irted bv the Commissioners of the foN owing Ceuntii-J of the Stale to the pres- n t session of the General A'emhfv, are ehy approved, and said Ihstrici. in berlience to Aiticle seven, sections three nd four of the ( onstitution, to w it : 'raven, Granville, Halifax, New Han ver, Chatham, Cumberland, Davidson, luplin, Edgecombe, Franklin, Guilford, edell, Johnston, Mecklenburg?, liowan. -Varren, Wayne, Alamance, Alexander, Mleghany, Auon, Ashe, Beaufort, Ber- ie, Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, nke, Cabarrus, Cahiwi II. Camden, Car- eret, Catawba, Clay, Cleaveland, Colum ns, Currituck. lavie, horsvih, Gaston, ireene, Harnett, Henderson, Haywood, lerlford, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln I aeon, Mabison, Martin, McDowell, fontgomery, Mitchell, Moore, Nasd, Ons if, l'asnuoiank, l'n iiirm in--, B-ison, itichinond, Rutherford, Sanijison, Stanly, tokes, Surry. Transylvania, Tyrrell, uion. Watauga. Wilkes , Want, Val- u, Vancv and Casncll, shall hall have up irate powers and shall be known as nwnships by the boundaries and by the irae teapectivey des;gnated in'said re- rts; but tli e said disliic's may tie ai red or divided, or new Townships may e elected by the County Commissionrrs i tlie manner specified in sub-division ftern, seciion eight of an act of (he ibneral Assembly, entitled "An Act nee -ii in;? the government of Counties," d r.it fi. d the fourteenth day of Augnst. nuo Domini, eighteen hundred and IXI V-ligllf. Sec. 2. All act or. proceed.inra by or gainst a Township, in its corporate ca- acilv, si, all tie in the nan e of the Jiourd f Trustees of the Towmliip. Siec."3. The Board of Trateea of 'ch Township shall coiuist of aCleik id two Justices of the Peace, except as iherwise provided in this act in respect Justices of tlte I eace in those 1 own- hips in which Citiia and Towna arc sit- ated. Sec. 4 In every Township iu which ny Citf OT Town is situated; or whiih lay coiutist of a City or Town, the nuin- ser of Justices of the Peace to be elected hall be two moie than lilts number of arils in tuch City or Town, or in case uch City or Town is not divided into Yards, th one additKinul Justice for ncli live hundred inhajfit i ts, or if there te it-sin than nve hutrtm'ii luUabitauts, ne additional Justice; 'Wt the purpose i obtaining that" mm W inbabitauta in nv snrh t.it v or t owfL the corporate in; hoi it ies shall hayfc' lo wet .. to lake a census thereof. Sec. H. The first election foa Town- Bfhips Boards of 'J'rvstees shall be held on be Inst iuursday in August, eighteen i.ial 1 1 il and sixty-nine. Sec. 6. Such election shall be held in all H-specti, under the rules and regulations n .w prescribed by law, at such place in each Township as ihe county Comm'rs sinners may designate, and return' thereof hall be made to the Board of I 'omission is of each county, whe shall declare the fsiiit of said election, and witliiti five days thereof shall no I y the perwirtare- iviticjs the mnioriiy of votes m each fl "w n.'bin of their election. Sec. 7. The persona who are hcted at such election shall ap- e.tr. wil bin five rim's after servire of iotice, before county Commissioners and u.itifv by taking and subscribing the atli of office, which oath shall be filed m :b ihe Cit-ik ol -tke Boaid ot Coutlois I'Jhl i s. Sec. 8. The Board of Commissioners aiiibnrited to decide in all cases pf roo sted election, subject to appeal to the "perior Court of the eoonty. ec 9. The neraona chosen at the first " t, under tbis act. continue in their hce till tint li.4t 'I I, or. Jaw in Anvnat ;hteeu hundred and seventy-one, and. mil theii successors shall have aualfnd. hen th regular election for aaid officer all be held every two yeare thereafter. Sec. 10. At the time and in the m n W authorized by tha act for the ch c- "h 01 I i u i, .l,in ltnarrla nl T, iit!n 1 rf shall be hold and election for one nUbh in each Township, who ahall e b ud and aMWritv m narU imjuii- r he held for that purpote, under the dtrec tronis nf such Trastei s. Sec 12. The Board shall have power to appoint ies own meeting , mid to ad jou'lu from time to time. .wec. 13. A majority of tha Traetece shall conlitnto a quorum. Sec. 14. The Board of Trustees shall have authority, within their respective Townships, to lay out, alter, repair, or discontinue highways ; to establish and settle terries; to build and keep up bridges, subject to sub-division eleven, lection eight, of the before recited acts concern ing the government of counties ; to lay off or discontinue cartways; to appoint over-seera of highway ; to allow and nuy such note, bond, bill, or other Written obligation, refuse or fail, within thirty days from the servico of said notice, to b'ing suit in the appropriate Court in an effort to save harmleaa ruch such security Or endorser, auch failure to sue or negli gence shall operate nu a diaclutrgo of such security or endorser fr.im all liability whatever on anv such no'e, bond, bill, or other written obligation ; Provided, That r this notice shall not have the effect to discharge friiui liability any co-security who does not ioiu in such notice, or who has not given a separate notice as requir ed by this act ; Provided furtlier, That this act shall uot apply to holders of contract for the building of toll budges, md to license the erection of gates acrota liirhwavs. I his authority shall be exer ciser under the rules, regniauens, resinc tions and pentis, in all respects, pre- li died and imposed in chapter one hun dred ui.d one of the Kevised Code, Upon the Justices of tho late county Courts. The Clerk of the Board shall perform the duties therein enjoined upon the Cle.k ot tlte iMe county t'oart; and the Township Constable shall perform the duties im posed ifl said chapter on the She-iff. Sep. 15. In all eases of the exercise ff anthor'ty under the preceding section, M ere may be an appeal If either party from the decision of the Township Board of Trustees to the Board of Commission er of the count', whose decision iu tin ease shall be final ; and on i very appeal, tie Clerk of the Hoard of '1 rnstces .hall transmit to the CommissionCia all the pa per! in the case, and the part es shall be allowed to be heard h fore the Commie sio.iers de novo. 8 c. 10. The Towi sVip Board o( Trustees shall assess the taxable property of their Townships, aud make return to the comity Coujinistiuers for revision, us may be prescribed by law. Sec. 17. Tin Hoard of commissioners of each Township shall make out a writ ten report of tin; condition of the roads bridges in their respective Townships, to the County Commissioners, at least ten days hefi re regular tciuis of the Superior Courts of the Connty. !"ec. 18. The Boa id of Trustees shall audit all suits against the Townships, as directed iu section ten of the act concern ing the government of counties; and shall causae semi-annuitl publications of all accounts, so audited, to he. Doe ted at the Township house, or other place of meet in?, if theie be ni Township house, and three other public places in the Town ships. Sec. 19 I he Board of Trustees shall have power to lav and collect all taxes which may be required to defray the ne- j cesaary expenses of the Township Con- I stable shall collect all taxes so laid aud j assessed. Sec. 20. The Clerk of ihe Board of Trustees shall record all thci proceedings of the Board in a book to bo provided fur that, purpose, and keep all its papers and' hold then open to 1 lie exumitiatmii ot all persons, except rti all m unite .... jaal a aai ed, H who i i eive two dollars per diem, for each day's ntteiidance upon tie meetings ! the Board; and the Clerk shall receive ihe e mie ptr diem, w iih such ttduiiioual com pensations for h s duties as C lerk us the Board may allov. ' Sec. 22. 'The Commi.-s ioners of any onuiity uot ii. eluded in this act, shall have power to 'designate their present elect o.i precincts, as Townships, for school and assistant purposes, until a proper survey is 'made and a report of the earn:; is made to this body.' Sec. 23. All laws in conflict with the pie vision of this act ate repealed, and 'his act shall have force lroiu the day of its ratification. Raiified the 12th day of April, A. D., 1S69. such note, bill, bond, or obligation, hold the soulc aa collatteral stxuritv trust. See. 3 writi Dep t r v.-h the the to ari gati of from J: ISO .4 deeds, W often lawf n aso haine convi there Se N ortl of h veya ery o n (jut iu a e l or ot in nine, and r by In t red tbey lered coot niurt to m Se Octo sixty ST ti estati pron era f done the r ance, eoun ot p the d rrsiai where the said personal (Slate or some i part of the Mme is situate, or in case of choses in action where the donee, bar gainee or mor'garrec resides. Sec 3. I hat yfiihin thirty days after the ratification of this act it shall be the duty il the Secretary of State toa'-'iid by mail (en printed coppics of the same thehJliirinuii.ot ttie bounty LouiiniS' of each county in the State; and d Chairman shall, within ten days e receives the sum", cause them to ted at the Coirt House do r and her public placts iu his county. 4. This net shall be in lorce from er its ratification. tied the 12th day of April, A. D., port of himself and (a sauntering about, en tain himself by gami means, or II I drinking houses, or ia ( ninkard, shall be p that such abuudoniucn wilful. Sec. 4. That in provided in this act, comptctent witness abandonment, or negl quale support by si wife, and child or c.h Katiliod tf 12 df ui ISO!). pBPa' ing him a copy thereof, and of the oath of A. B. annexed, (or by leaving a copy thereof, and the oath of A. B , at the usual place of residence of the defendant, C. D., with an adult found there,) or (the said C D. not being to bo found iu my coun ty, and haviag no usual or last place of residence therein,) or (no adult person be ing to be found at his usual or last place of residence,) by postlug a copy of the summons, and of the oath of A- B., an nexed, on a conspicuous part of the prem ise claimed. 11 1 I till atataB BJ BBJ aai m m m m 1 B kaH m II I (il I 1 1 1 Hit". 1 1111 II I IlfS "lllliit 1 AX ACT to dd onnihr Strtirm to Chapter VII, Code of Cieil Procedure. Section 1. The General Assembly of .North Carolina do enact, That the fol lowing section, to be marked section 460a, hs-vMed to Chapter VII. Title XIX. of tie ot Civil Procedure, to wit : , 460a. If any person, entitled to of administration, fails or refuses I v for such letters within thirty fter the death of the intestate, the I rrotiate, on application ot any titerested, shall issue a citation to rson to show cause, within twenty EM s"rT ice of toe c 'a' o i, why he not be deemed to have renounced. thin the time named iu the citation. lects to answer or to show cause. II be deemed to have renounced his to administer, and the Judge of te must enter an order accordingly, foeeed to grant letter to some other It . 2. That this act be in force from Mi eat ion. ified the 12ih day of April, A. D , NDLOBD AND TENANT. t week we published the important this subject, with a promise that u!d publish the forms adopted by islalure for proceedings iu cases ot ry ejectment this week, which ill be found below. nf Proceed'nit before a Justice of 'eareor the summary ejectment oj wMt holdinq over. r. l.J OAiII OF PLAIXTIIT. Xorth Carolina, County. 'laiutlff, ) c, ,. ItiSt ouuiinai pinceeumgs )efeodant. eJ' cIUPnl- pUimitf maketh oath that the de entered into tho possession of a land in said County, (describe the s a lessee ot the plaiutitt, or as f E. ., who, after making of the s-igned bis estate to the plainlitf; rwise as in fact may be, that the the defendant expiied on the iS6 , lor that his estate eed by non-payment of rent, or se, as the fact may be, that the has deninndi d the possession of miscs of the defendant, who rtfus- urrender it, hut holds, over; that ate (il the j ,i is still substst- id the plaintiff a.-ka to be pat iu sion of the premises. plaintiff claim dollars for rent of ihe premises from the .... day ol ....... Ib0. ., to the .... day of ., ISO ; and, also, dollars, for the occupation of -tho premises since tho .... day , lSti..,o thud.ite hereof. A. P., Plaintiff, sworn to before me, .... 186..... k., j. r. day of N. M., Constable. my. 186 No. 6 J KCOKD TO WTHHtt T jrTICK UN of niS DOCKET. In caae the defendant fails to appear, or if the defendant admits the allegations the plaintiff : a II '):- :ir -t. - ai., iiiaiiiiiu. j c .. (Summary proceedings C, DTdefeudai.t, ) ,n Ueclmc"1 It appearing that the summons, with copy of the oath ot the plaintiff, was duly served on defendant," and, wbcreas th defendant fails to appear, (or admits the allegations of the plaintiff,) I adjudge that the defendant be removed jfiom, and the plaintiff put iu possession of, the promises (lescrUi'id in the oath of the plaintiff. also adjudge that the plaintiff recover of defendant dollars, for rent, from the day ot 18 , to tin . . . . day of 18. . . .. and dollars for damages for occupation of the premises from the day of . 18. to this day, and dollar tor tns costs ; the .... day of .... 18 If tho defendant admits part of the al legations of plaintiff, but not all. tb judgment must be varied accordingly ; for example: follow the foregoing to the aud then proceed : damages, and the further sum of dollars as costs, in said action. Return this writ, with a statement of yonr pro ceedings thereon, before me. (State when and w here according to general hw re spacting Justices' executions.) Witness my hand and seal, this day of ,18.. (Seal ) (No 6 All ... sna wnereas, Hie detendam appears md admits the first and second allegatioua ot the plaintiff, and demee the residue; and whereas, both parties waived a trial 'y jun', I heard evidence upon tho mat teis in issue, and find, (here state the find ing on the matters in issue separately.) supposing the findings are for the plain tiff the record would proceed : I therefore adjudge that the defendant (ar-a so on from Subscribed and this .... day of . fNo. 2.J FORM CIK SUMMONS TO BE ISSUED BT "TIIB JUSi'IGH. North Caiolini n i A. B, Plaintiff, 1 g Aifawft y '. D., Defendant. ) We sum as the Board of Trustees may kim juflVent, to be not lea than fire A.V ACT for the Benefit of Seeurites and Endorsers. Section 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina da enact, That iu all cases where auv security or endorser on any note, bill, L md, or other written ob ligation, shall find himself iu danger.of loss iu consequence of his contingent liability, either from the insolvency or misc. induct of the principal in said note, bill, bond, or other written obligation; or from the negligence of the payee or holder Of any nek instrument, it shall be lawful for such security or endorser at any time af ter such note, bill, bond, or other written obligation shall have become due and payable, to cause written uotiees to be given the payee or holder of any such paper or i Obligation, requiring him to 1809. WepubflWi the law jot m it wn certified and issued by tie1 S-.-reHsrv of .Stale, but llieie 'ii certainly an omission in the first sec tion w luiKili leniieis ll.e leading iiunjleiti jioie. A IV" ACT t pndeet married women from Hie Wilful abundvitment of tlwir Imsbands. Sec: ion 1. Tho General Assembly of North Carolina do enact, That il any husliand shall wilfully abandon his wile wil limit providing adequate support for such wife, and the child or children, which he has begotten upon her, he shall be deemed guilty ol a misdemeanor, and, upon con vie ion, shall be fined not to ex ceed the sum of "fifty dollars, or imprison ed not to excei d one month, or both, in the discretion of the Judge of tho Stipe- rtflr'Cwrt;. r Jurat ic ut the - PCty-4-4 fore whom the case shall be tried. Sec. 2. That if any husband living with his wife shall wilfully neglect to provide adequate anpporl for such w ife, and the child or children which he has begotten upon her, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con viction, shall be fined not to exceed the sum of filiy dollar or imprisoned not to exceed one month, or both, iu the dis cretion of tlie Judge of the Superior Court, or Justice of the Peace Lnfme whom the case shall be tried Sec. 3. 'That in the case provided for in sections one and two of this act, if the fact of abandoumiuit and failure ta njio- County. Summary proceedings in ejectment. A, B.. having made and subscribed be fore nit- tin: ealh, a copy of which is an- me, or fomo other Just ice of the Peace of said Count, on the .... day of IbG ., at , ehen aud there io answer the complaint ; otherwise judg- ment w jll be given that you be removed from tho 'possession of the premises. Witness my baud and .- al this day of .,1M J. K., J. P., Seal.J To C. D., Defendant. 'The Justice attaches the oath of the Plaintiff to the summons and ueliveis them and a copy of both of them, to the officer, and makes . tho following entry on his docket, or varied according to the lacts. vide adequate support of wife and child or children shall be proved, then the fact that such husband neglects applying bim- self to some uuncst calling fur the sop- No: 3. FOitat Of RWfJaY JMMTOT .TVJTTCT;. A. B., Plaintiff. Summary proceedings Against- in ejecttucut for, ;de C. D., Defendant. ) scribe the premises. Oath of plaiutiF filed on the . . . day , 1 v 1 Plaiutiff claims dollars for rent, from to and ..... 1 dol lars for occupation from to amnions issued the .... day of . . . ., 186 , to Constable, (or Sheriff as ttiu c ue may ne. The officer serve the summons as re quired by section twenty-two and returns it io (he Justice with the oath of the plaintiff, and with hi return endorsed. No. 7 J If cither parly rb ,!!..;. m-md a jury record will proceed from , as follows And whereas, ihe plaintiff, ("or defendant as the case nny be,) demanded' to wit : (hero give the names of the jurors sum moned,) from whom the following jury was duly empanelled, to wit; (hcie state the names nf the six iurors eunianiielled.'i aT IS who hud (lure state the verdict of itiry if they find all thejssues for th, ''plaint iff, ssy so; it any particular issues say so also, state the sums assessed by them for rent nnd tor occupation to tho. trial.) Therefore. I adjudge, Arc, as iu form No. r., from. If cither party appeals the Justice will enter on his docket as follows, altering the entry according to the facts. No.. 8. ucronu whkx ah appeal ts prayed: From the foregoing judgment the (plaintiff or defendant if the case may be) prayed an appeal to the next Superior Court of law fur said county, which is al lowed. No. 9.J FOND TO UK CIVKX Br DEFENDANT TO SeSPEND EXECUTION. We, C. D., K. F. and G. II. are bound to A. B. in . dollars. Witness our bands and seals, this. . . .day of , 18... -W-heroa, -on- tho. day of. .rr: 18. ., before ., Justtice of the Peace, A. B. recovered a Judgment ugainst C. D., in a summary proceeding in ejectment, for. . . .dollars, with interest from the. . . . day of. .... 17. ., till paid, aud dol lars costs, and C D. obtained an appeal to the .Sup. rtor Court of County. Now, if C. D. shaft prosecute his appeal wilh effect, or shall perforin tho final judgment such appeal, the above shail be void. Witnessed and approved bv I i . P. I (Seal) (Seal.) Seal.) JUSTIFICATION OF SUKKTIKS. We, K. F nnd (. H., severally avir that we are respectively worth half the penalty of the above Loud, clear of our deb's and homestead exemptions. (Signed) K. F. G. H. scribe laud sworn to before me No. 11 CPEXSEDAS or IXKCOTTOV. The State of North Carolina to any officer having an elocution in favor of Al 1 1 l .i . a tv, uiainun, ts t , cu i, uUani, m a summary proceeding in ejectment, signed by a Justice of the Peace. Thu defendant having gi vcu .hond.ta me, as required by law, on hi appeal to the Superior Court of county, in the above case, you will stay farther proceedings, upon said execution and im mediately return' the samo to me with a statement of your actio i under it. Witness mv hand and seal, this dof 13G . . .J- P. (Seal) CKRTIFICATE OP JUSTICE ON FET0KNOF THE APPKAL TO I It I. SUPEHIOR COUKT. The annexed are the original oath, snmmonsjand other paper, and a copy ot the record of the proceeding in ejectment. A. B , plaintiff, t C. D., defendant. J. P. COSTS IN THK CAUSE. (Here state all tha costs, to whom paid or due, and by whom.) AH the papers must be attached. Itatified 101b day of Aril, A. D. 1869. JO. W. UOLDKN, Speaker House of Representatives. TOD B. ALU WELL, l'resident of the Senate. THE HEROINE OF LAKE EKIK BT JOHN O. WKITTIER. No. 4 FORM Of JETTJRN OF OEFICER. On thia day I served the within snm mous on the defendant, C. D , by deliver ire me ) . P. I No. 10. EXECUTION OX A JUDGEMENT FOR Til PLAINTIFF. A. B., nliintiff, eaufort County. Ai'iiitt C. D. defendant, The State of North Carolina U any lawful oflicir of fafd County, greeting: You are hereby commanded to remove' C. ,D. from, and put A. U. in the posses sion of a certain piece of land, (here do- - r it as in the oath The dark, stormy close of NovemhVr, 1854, found many vessels on Lake Erie, but the fortunes of one alone have epeelirf interest tor us. About that time the schr. Conductor, owned by John the Provincial Pailiaiuent, a resident of Amherstburg, at the mouth of the Detroit river, entered the lake from that river. hound for Port Dalhousie, at the mouth of the Welland Canal. She was heavily loaded with grain. Her crew consisted of t I Captain Hackctt a Highlander by birth, miu a skiiiioi anu rxperiencen navigator and six sailors. At nightfall, shortly after leaving the head of ihe lake, one of those terrific storm with which the late autumnal navigators of that "Sea of the Woods" aie all too familiar overtook thetn. The weather was intensely cold for the season ; the air was filled with snow and leet ; the chilled water made ice rapidly, encumbering the schooner, and loading down heidecks and rigginr. As the gale increased, the lops of the waves were shorn off by the fierce blasts, clouding the whole atmosphere with frozen spray, o what tne sailors call "spoon-drift, ren dering it impossible to see any object a lew rods distant. Driving helplessly be fore the wind, yet in the direction of its piacu ot destination, the schooner sped through the darkness. At last, near mid night, running closer than ber crew sup posed to the Canadian shore, she struck on the outer bar off Long Point Island : beat heavily across it, and sunk in th eper water between it and the inner bar. The hull was entirely submerged,,! the waves lolling in heavily, and dashing over the rigging, to which the crew bo took themselves. Lashed there, numbed with cold, drenched by the pifiloss waves, and scourged 'uy the showers of sleet driv en before the w ind, ihev waited for morn ing. 'The slow, dreadful hours wore away, and at length the dubious aud douhtfiil gray of a morning of tempest succeeded to the utter darkues of night. Abigail Becker chanced at that time to e in her hut with none but her young h ild i en Her husband 'was absent on the Canada shore, and she was left the ole adult occupant of the island, save hc light-keeper at thu other end, some fifteen miles off. Looking out at daylight on the beaeh in front of her door, she saw tin- shattered hoat ot tho L'onductor, cast up by the waves. Her experience Of storm and disaster on that dangerou coast need ed nothing nYoie to convince her that somewhere .in her neighborhood human life had been, or still was, in peril. She followed the south westei ly trend of the island lor a little distance, atd, peering through the gloom of the stormy morning, discerned the spars of the sunken schooner with w hat seemed to be hum in forms clinging to the rigging Tlieheart of the strong woman sunk within her as she gazed upon thoschelpless fcllow-cioaturcs, so near, yet so- unappr-mcbabie had no boat and none could have lived on tb it wild water. After a moment's re flection, she went back to her dwelling, put the smaller children in chaige of lh eldest, tiMik with, her an iren kettle, tin tc-pnt, and matches, and returned to the beach, at the nearest point to the vessel; and, gathering up the logs and driftwood, always abundant on the -coast, kindled a great lire, and constantly walking back and forth between it and the water, strove to intimate to the sufferers that they were at least not beyond human sympathy. Aa the wrecked sailors looked shoreward, and the seething water, that opened and closed about thetn like the jaws of death. But the day wore on, bringing no abatement of the storm that tore through the frail spars, and clutched at and tossed tin in a it passed, and drenched them with ice-cold spray a pitiless, unrelenting horror of sight, sonud and tooeb I At last the deep ening glonm told them that night was ap proaching, aud night under such circum stance was death. All day long Abigail Becker had fed her fire, and sought to induce tbo sailors by signals .for aven her strong voice w"u " 'hem to throw tVetn- selves int the surf, and truat to i rovi- dence and her for succor. In anticipation af this, she- hud her kettle boiling over rflO drift-wood, and her tea ready made for re storing warmth aud life to the half-frozen suryivors. But cither they did not un derstand her, or the chance of rescue seemed too small to induce them to aban don the temporary safety of the wreck. They clung to it with the desperate in stinct of life biought face to fac with death. Just at nig lit la II there waa a slight break in -the west ; a red light glar ed across the thick air, as if for one ins stant the eye of the storm looked out upon '.he ruin it bad wrought, andclosed again under lids of cloud. Taking advantage of this, tha solitaiy watcher ashore made one more effort. She w aded oat into tho water, every drop of which, as it struck the beach, became a par ticle of ice, and stretching out and drawing in her arm, invited, by her gestures, tho sailors to throw themselves into the waves, and strive to reach her. Captain Uackett un derstood her. He called to his mate iu the rigging of the other mast : 'It is our last chance. I will try 1 If I live, fol low me ; if I drown, stay where you are !" With a great effort he got off his stiffly frozen overcoat, paused for oiioroonent in silent commendation of his soul to God, and, throwing himself into the 'waves, struck out for the shore. Abigail Bocker breast-deep in the surf, awaited him. He was almost wi'hin her reach when the hwndcrtitw swept him back. By a mighty exertion she caught-hold of huu, bom him iu her strong arms out of the water, Mel. nd of i "" UT,nK "m down oy uer nre, warm- a I.. . l . . i , i li : . i. : . eu ins vuiueu niooii wiiu copious urauguis of hot tea. The mate, who bad watched ihe rescue, now followed, and the captain, now partially restored, insisted upon aid ing htm. As tho former neared the shore the recoiling water baffled him. Cap tain Hacked caught hold of him, bat the undertow-swept ilsesa bath away locked in each other's arms. The brave woman plunged after them, and, with .he strength ot a giantess, bora them, clinging to eac other, to the shore and up to her fire. The five sailors followed in succession. aud were all rescued in the same way. A few days after, Captain Uackett and his crew were taken off Long Point by a passing vessel, and Abigail Becker resum ed her t-iraple daily duties without dream ing that she bad done ay thing extraordi nary enough to win fur her the world's notice. In her struggle every day for food and warmth tor her children, she had no leisure for the indulgence of self-coo-gralulation. Like the woman of Scripture she had only "done what she could" in the terrible exigency that had broken the dreary monotony of her life. Atlantic Monthly for Map. SPECIAL NOTICE. RELIEF for theSOKELY AFFICTED. It was the misfortune of the undersigned to have suffered, as fW have every suffered before, for si long aud gloomy years, frein an affection of his feet and legs, superinduced by overwork, during the first year of the lute war. Duriug all that time, he was compell ed to drag his emaciated frame about, B orutche. In vain he invoked the best med ical talent of the country ; and visited tha most celebrated medicinal Springs . Worn down ami exhausted, he gave up ail hoi' of recovery. At this stage of his case, haviug heeu govVruedbv his medical friends from the beginning, be determined to adopt a method of treatment, the result of his own reflection, it is enough to say. that this method is not no much uew, as it is, the more skillful application of what has beeu loug known, and attempted by the Physicians. After Mime weeks of the most unwearied' aud persevering tuTor'-s, he was rewarded with the most gratifying results. Indeed, bis rap id improvement and recovery, was a 1 moat magical so .much so. that iu looking back upon bis condition a year ago. he oan, even now, hardly realise the trul) wonderful im Profoundly grateful for tins extraordinary liloHsiiit;. he is desirous of being tire- mean of dlifiiriug siniibrf h.-indits to those who may be similarly afflicted. He therefore, proposes not only to treat, bat CI'liE. all wanner of diseases of the lower extremities, sMieii as old and ill-conditioneJ Ulcers of th She i- l.tjs t -Varieoe Veins : weaT; and enlarged Joints, Arc. no matter of lmw louar standing. It is oue of the great advantages of his mode.of troatment, that no restrictions nr. imposed ou the patient as regards diet, exer , eise, Arc., and for the most part, little or no medicine is used. - The eharges shall be in accordance With the reneral depression of the times ; and thosa realty indigent, will be treated "Without mon ey aud without price." ECAVAliD SILL. M. D Feb. lij tf . Salisbury. N. C, of the plaintiff. ) 'c slmll all alse majrc out of the goods ' saw, through the thick haze of enow and and chttilela, lands and lenenxnte, of wrid sleet, the red light of the ire. and the tall defendant, ... . dollars, with interest from figarc of the woman passing to aud fro I the .... day of , 18.. ., to the day before it, a faint hope took the place of ; i ...i - 1 I . L:-L .1. - i t 1 -ir 1.1 . 1.1 1 . ."".. a . .1 ."". , i p ii u iii, which tne pianino lately re covered or the defendant as rcut DR. C. A. HENDERSON, II AVT!G reeosnrd ihe practice of Medieius rfpecile.Hy utfttw his prolog muni tervices to the nuMie. OFFICE. : The one We oeenned br AVldf- viii's nwiy oe ii eiui ' re- the utter despair, which had prompted u i,w pflk, w Eoot-W and them to let go their hold ai;i drop into; Salisbury... Fs. I 12.1309. I I I I I