SALISBURY, FRIDAY, JULY It. IMA fipsolsl Neirasr Advertising and Utarral Celiac tiou Agancy fur North Carolina. WM. A. UlwUtNK lc 00., flpeclal Agents I. j Ue North CarvHsa Prtm. and ..t uarai AgeUUJvraua i omcnon v v,iairaa oiiy lMcriiitlMf taroDffhout tlio MUto. Offlco. Ui.M- boro.'X- C r outnortxed sgints fur Tits Olp Hoyr stats. t,, JtST VV a ore auhorisidlo announce rfcl'ER vTl.UAMSON, Hlso., a candidate for the of 01 J ustiea ot tl.f jVace for Salisbury Town ship at the approaching August elect kin. We are jrutkortcod to an- :i nice JOHN . MOOSK a candidate for Clerk .for the 8alisbtjr Xownsbip, at the elec tion on tbe first Thursday in August next. LOCAL New A,pvku6Rxcmts. A Fine new Bujgj for sals. AV U. Bailejr. An iuvnl noble acquisition to bouse kfjjers-.Ur. bill. We ie under obligations to Col. B. F. Little, of Utile's Mills, Rieboioud Co , i n- of subscribers. Thk Wbatukr for seme days past baa been intensely bot in this latitude tbe mercury r.iogimr iron 'Ji to 101 in the ahadc. It is ails intensely dry, and un less it rain s very soon the corn crop will .bejfreafty damaged If net raiiwx. rCorrection. A grave typographical er ror having occurred in the ol huary notice of Mrs. Mary Jane Oweus last ereeJx, we republish it this week iua corrected form. -Since announcing tbe death of the mother we learn that ber little babe baa died alio. Pahdoseo. We J earn that Stephen .Hardy, Win Shaver and Geo. W. Hex, who have been confined in Rowan jail since the last term of our Superior Court undergoing judicial sentence, have ben p irdoned by his Excellency, Gov. II" I den. Hardy had been convicted of man fhjiighter in killing Daniel Shaver, and the other two of gome high misdemeanor. Convicted of Manslaughter. learn that Young Harris, colored, of this county, who was convicted of tbe murder of hie step fon at the Spring term of Rowan Superior Court in 1668, and whom the S.ipretne Court granted a new trial, was tried and convicted of Manslaughter at Tadkin Superior Court last areek. He waa sentenced by Judge Cloud to tea years bard labor in the Penitentiary. Recovered. Tim body of William B. Meares.son of QpJ ThomaaJD. JLaajaa, The Fourth Again. In oar article on the Fourth last week we did nut use tbe word "ladies" in any invidious eense. We meant to say that the "Graad Ball" waa a failure btcame theie wac not enough of tbe fair sex In attendance to make it a success nothing more. Fine Yield nf Wheat. Our enterpris ing townsman, Thomas E. Brown, Esq., has just threshed his crop of wheat and, as usual, has made a splcudid yield- Off of ten acres of land he harvested 233 b-isbels of the finest quality, H being an average of 22$ bushels per acre. We arc not informed act) tbe variety of the wheat, or the manner in which the soil was prepared, but learn that stable and barn yard manure only waa used. The North Carolinian is the name of a new, paper just started at Elisabeth city, N. C, by Dr. Paleman John, late of Pennsylvania. The North Carolinian is one of tbe largest, if not the largest, pa pers in the Bute. It is well printed and edited with clever ability. Tbe tone and temper of it, too, ao far as we are enabled ! judge from tbe numbers we have seen, ii utiaccept ion able. In politics jt is Re publican. The (aroliniau is published weekly at $2 per annum. We place it upon our exchange list with pleasure. "The XIX Century"-July Number We have received the July number of this epaikling Southern Monthly, and find not an uninteresting page btwecn its covers. Old scldiers of both armies will be especially pleased wilh Confederate Reminiscences of -the War, which are Written in no sectional spirit. Tbo "Ad ventures of Blockade Runners" ie a new aud attractive field of literature. All will read with pleasure the tales of Vishnu Sarrain, which embody Sanscrit Wit and Wisdom ; while tbe articles on Duels and Duelling, Intellectual Giowth in the Southern States, the tale from the Old lawyer's Put iolio, the Talmud, the racy Editorial, tbe Scientific and Agricultural Department, the "Dishes and Spoons" lor ladlee, the Jumble of s'enso and Nou seose, arM lastly, bo funny caricatures ol 8outh Carolina militia, entitled "Scott's Tactics Revised Edition Priuted in Colors." present as rare and varied a table of contents as is to Le iound in any magasineof the country. 'Tbe XIX Century" may be foui d at the store of J. H. Enntss, an 1 all boogaeli ers. Yearly subscription $3.50. Single numbers 35 cents. Sensible. The D'mocraU of Ohio have; nominated Gen. Rnsencrans as their candidate fur Governor. The djsys of the 1 Vallandighams are uuinbctid. TIkj Conservatives of Mississippi, tak ing tbe name of '-N agonal lfUpubliceaiis,' bare resolved to support tba administra tion of (Jen. Grant, and bare nominated Judge Dent, the btother in law, of tbe President, aa their eannidate for Governor In t his they are bo- following the ei am ple act by the conservatives of Virginia. The resolution to support the ad ministra tion of Gen. Grant, means, we presume, to accept and support his policy for tbe restoration of their State to her practical relations with the national government. We see that J udge Dent baa accepted tbe non-(nation tendered him, and his election will have a tendencr to brine Gen. Grant int.. closer sympathy with the i . l a people of the floutu, Unuise. We learn that several gentle men in this county who are banned by 14th Amendment intend to be candidates fur J u hi ice of tbe Peace, Clerk or Con stable. They think that tbey will be able have their disabilities removed, but in ibis they will roost likely find tbem- gelves mistaken, especially those of them who are Democrats or Conservative. The present Congress is intensely parti- a m and will not be at all likely :o remove the disabilities of those elected to ofijee who are not of their party. And, be aidce, H eriH be four months bsfor Con gress aeeemlh s, and the election of men who arc banned will at least leave the office vacant for five or six mouths in any event. We think it unwise policy to elect any person who is banned, and hope that such gentlemen wijl reconsider their de termination and withdrawn from the field, or deeliuc to enter it. The Carolina Farmer, for July ia on our table with a T ry interecting and in viting table of contents. This is a North Carolina enterprtee of great merit, and should be encouraged and patronised by the people of the Mate. It is adapted particular' to the elimate soil and produc tions of the Carolines and consequently is more valuable on that account than Northern agricultural publications, in o he.r respects it is qnlte equal to the best publications of tbe kind in the country. We commend to our farmers generally as one of the beat and the cheapest agricul tural Magaxinee with which we are ar. quainted. Price $2 per annnm. Address W. H. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N C. Dcmorest's Magazine for August ia also to hand, and sustains the reputation ml UJlila HisltoiiAtkintoB Atyointments for the Summer Visitation, 1669 We are requested by Bishop Atkinson to publish the following appointments t Hillsborough, St. Mary'c, Orange eonnty, Grceneborougb, States ville, Gwyn'a Chapel, Wilkes Oo., Wikes borough, July lfi. " 16 18. 21. 83. 25. 28. 29 1. 5. 6 8 11. 15. 21. 29. 30. n 1 11 Grove Chapel, Caldwell eounty, " Lenoir, ' Morgauton, Aug Calvary Church, Henderson Co., St. John's in tbe Wilderness, " Ashe ville, Wayncsville, Murphy, Cherokee county, Leiceeter, Buncombe eounty, Leakavilie, Rockingham county, Mountain Chapel, " " .1 N 11 M U o M it Supreme Court. Monday, July 12, 1869. All the Justices present. The case of the Uuiversity Railroad Company vs. the Governor and Public Treasurer eraa argued by Messrs. Ed. Graham Haywood and S. J. Person for the plaintiff, antHbe Attorney General and E. W. Pou for the defendants. Opinions were delivered as follow r By the Chief Justice In Robinson vs. Mclver, from Richmond county. Decree reversed in so far as it does not conform to this opinion, aud a decree in these respects to be draw n. In Culver vs. Eggers. from Watauga county. Ruling reaffirmed. By Reade, J. In State vs. Drr, from Davidson county. No error. In State vs Hortoti, from Watauga co. No error. In Miller vs. Gibson, fioiu Rowan co. Appeal dismissed. By Rodman, J. In Campbell vs. Alli son, from Ii county. Appeal dismis sed. , ' ' ' In CnrTi ton vs. Hart, from Iredell co. Appeal dismissed. In Harper vs. Sninhsm, from Caldwell county. Appeal dismissed. By Dick, J. In State vs. Ratts, from Rowan County. Affirmed. In Smithdenl vs. Smith, from Rowan county. Judgment reversed, and judg ment here ou special verdict -procedendo to issue. By Settle, J. In Stite ex rcl Mcrriit vs. McQunig, from Mecklenburg county Error. In State vs. Patterson, from Transylr vania county. Error. IVwirr de novo awarded. In Shuford and wife vs. Rnmsonr, from Cataw ba county. No error. Standard One of the most singular freaks of na ture we ever saw has been on exhibition at the Poet Office, at this place, during tbe past week. It is a pig with a hu man face I Its shape and structure arc natural up 'o the ears, but-from the ears 10 the top of the btead and down to the me coin xne snap "" ". those nf tho -human, excepting that M i covered wTtlrhatr like the Test of the1 body and lias no nostrils, being obliged (j frflfc ftfcjajg, tbB mnvth The pig' if atHtrt two ' ceKS old. A. f atottntan. Kouoo, the great Xiesr limy era tor. Blood Pnrijltr, ie Renovator, prepared by Tr J. J. Lawrence, tbe celcbrati! Plivxician and Chem ist, is a sara, KLkAaAHT, and sbli aslb. remedy, fur the prevention and sure of all diseases aau ed by a TwrUht Liver, Impure Blood, disorders of the Kidneys, Or Debility of the Nervous fiys tern. It regulate the secretions, eradicates all hu mors or taiats, restores lost or wasted nervous powtr. apd at ths some time buHd up and ' pairs torn ami rigor to the whole system. Mysterious Affair. On Sunday even ing, 4th lust., about, we saw corpse, accompanied by somo four or five persons, being carried through Harring ton street, Northward, and it occurred to a at tbe time that ft was a little singular for a funeral proeeseioii to be golug that way at such a time of day, as we recol lected no burying ground near the city, in that direction. On Wednesday or I hursday, some children, who we.e out l f ickin Wberrics, seeing a number of Ibuaaards near a ravine, about hall a mile corporation line, went to the snot, and saw a ears as e nearly devoured ; tbey became frightened and ran home, and it seems the . information tbey gave circulated no further than the immediate neighborhood of their homes. On Satur day afternoon last, an old woman, of whom we sometimes purchase blackber ries for a Sunday dumpling, informed us that she had seen tho bones os a skele ton ut or near the place mentioned by the children, but so mutilated as to be totally unrecognisable. There was no clothing or Qthir marks about the place, by which the deceased could be identified, except that a shoo remained on one of the feet. And thus the matter stands, there having been no investigation into the affair that we have beard of. Taking all the circumstances together, we have no doubt the body we saw being carried out on Sunday the 4th, is tbe same as that seen by the children and the old woman. Hal. Sentinel. Masonic festival'-A Splendid Success The Building of a 'lemple a Fixed Fact. We lean, that the receipts of the Basaar reached nearly tx,500, enough to secure a site upon w hirh to erect the Hall The enterprise is inaugurated, and its completion is now only a question nf time. Charlotte limes. The Solar Eclipse, in August. Com modore SauJs, Superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory, has is sued directions to the astronomical obaer- vers appointed to. report upon the total eclipse of tlf sun m the 7tb of August. The belt of country in the United States over which the eclipse will be to tal is about 140 miles wide, and from the coast ol North Carolina stretches in a northwesterly direction through North 'arolina, Tennessee,. Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa, and tbe cen tral line of this belt passes near the fol lowing cities and towns : Leesburg, N. C ; Magnolia, N. C ; Clin ton, N. C.j Fayotteville, N. C ; Mocks- ville, X. C; Wilkesboro, N C; boon, Is. C; BlountsviUe, Tenn ; Taylors ille, Tnn.; KJugsport, Tenu.j Union, Tenn.; bsthville, .; Mount Pleasant, Kv.; , If,. ...Mv,,,,,v. lip.TTi , Shelby vine, III j Momngton, ill.; ipring field, 111 ; Petersburg, III.; Hath, 111., Ma Comb, HI.; La Uarpe, IH.J Hurlington, Iowa; Mount Pleasant, Iowa; Fairfield, lwa; Oskaloosa, Iowa; Monroe, Iowa; Mitchell ville, Iowa; Ues Moines, Iowa ; Hoonsboro, Iowa; New Munich, Iowa; Lake City, Iowa; Cherokee, Iowa. AH persons who make observations are requested to forward their reports, togeth er with the error of their instruments, if known, to the BuporiDiendent ol the Uni ted States Naval Observatory, Washing ton. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG The 1st, 2d and Sd Inst., was the annl k.fll. f riallviitinri. versary 01 me nrwii . . ..,,7..,b rsary between tbe Confederate and federal , armies. The XMortnern peopio in uarga numbers assembled at the Ut tie field on the 2d inst., for the purpose of dedicating a Monument. Gen. Meade, in hie speech, urged de cent burial for the Confederates. 'Senator Morton, the orator of tho day, in his speech said : "In the field before us are graves of tlie rebel dead, now sunk to tbe level of the plain, nnmarked, unhonored and nnkown. Thev were our country men, of onr blood, language and history ; they displayed a courage worthy of their country and a better cause, and we may drop a tear to their meiory. The news of this fatal field carried agony to thous ands of the Southern homes, and the wail of despair was heard in the ever glades and orange groves of the South I" A Judge and Lawger Cut a Dog in Two.- - A joke was perpetrated a few days since upon Judge Brrker,- who was pre siding over the Supreme Court, in session at Lockport, New York. A jurymAn was absent from his seat, all the others being occupied. A dog looking for his master, very quietly took the vacant place. The Judge, addressing Hon. A. P. Lan ning, Buffalo, said : "Yon see, Mr lin ing that the jurymen's seats are all oc cupied, Are you ready to proceed 1" The distinguished pleader raised his glasses to bis eyes, and after a brief sur vey of tho jury hot mad" tho witty re ply ; ''Your honor, that fellow might do for a jndge ; but I sbonld hate to trust him for a juryman. " The good natared Judge joined heartily in the merry laugh that followed, and proved that be could take as well as give a joke. The whole United States tonnage ou seas, lakes and rivers, June 30, 1868, was 4.4l8.oOO tons about a million and a quarter tons Iosb than in 1860. Chicago la now the great distributing postoffiee for all the American mails for China, Japan, the Sandwich Islaiids and the States on the Pacific slope. ' lownship Meeting. The voters of the Mount Ulla Township will meet at Tv 1. -r'a dlo.-e. on the day ef Registration, fat the purpose of nommtating Uandtdates to , .; dction ,, vvpitivpv MANY CITIZENS. ;ir"F t ths lfit Mveths Kil hM yj Dealers Eveij -hn SPECIAL NOTICE. BELIEF roa the SORELY AFF1CTED It was the misfortune of the undersigned to have sunerod, as few have avery suffered before, for six long aud gloomy jean, from an affection of his feet sud legs, superindueed by overwork, during the first year of the late war. During all that time, he waa compell ed to drag his emaeiated frame about, on crutches. In vain he luvuked the best ical talent of the eountfv ; aud visited the most celebrated medicinal Springs. Worn down and exliausted, he gave- op all hope of recovery. At this stage or his eaae. having been governed by his medical friends from the beginning, he determined to adopt a method of treatment, tbe result of his una reflection. It Is enough to aay. that tbia method is not so much new, as it is. the more skillful application of what baa keen loug kuown, aud attempted by the Physicians. After Mime weeks of the most una varied and persevering efforts, he was rewarded with the most gratifying results. Indeed, his rap id improvement and recovery, waa almost magical so much so. that in looking back upon his condition a year ago, be can, eveu Bow, hardly realise the truly wooderful im provement. Profoundly grateful for this extraordinary blessing, he is desirous of being the means of diffusing similar benefits to those who may be similarly afflieted. He therefore, proposes not only to treat, but CURE, all ma mi. -r of diseases of the" lower extremities. such as old and ili-condttioued Ulors of the legs ; Varicose Wins ; weak and enlarged Joints, See., ww matter of how long standing. It is one of the great advantages of his mode of treatment, that uo restriction ore imposed op the patieut, as regards diet, exer rise, dec., and for the most part, little or no medicine is used. The charges shall be in accordance with &d,gemaIdefuaMimrf.tlie-M really indigent, will be treated "without mou ey and without price' EDWARD SILL. M D Feb. 12 tf Salisbury, N.C. LOOK for ME&ONEY'S AT THE StON uK THE BIG INDIAN. WE CALL THE SPECIAL ATTENTION of All lo our Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, and invite all who want the Lttett Stytti, lent Qwititie$, and if j! Reaionabte Priets to give us a colL We are now exhibiting die best Stock or XrtY GOODS, CLOTHING. HATS, MILLINERY Goods, DRESS TRIMMINGS, GROCERIES HA IID WA EE, SOLE Si UPPER LEATHER, Coach. Copal and Japan Varnishes, Walnut Stain, Korosetic ui.ij Machine Oibt to be found in Western North Carolina. Spe cial attention if called to our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. I.nW Sewed float Skin Shoes, 11,60 la-rpair. " feKgP'l Hnlmor.!s. leather lined. 1.60 " lient'M Balmoral, terj best tock, 3( 0 " " " Pump-Mule Itoota, - - 6.00 " Ynuthsand Mintea efaocs. nf alt J rinct and qualities. Fine Engine Deep Well and Force Pumps. French Burrs and Corn Mill., Ihresherannd Cleanora rn rwTSeels complete", Cider and Wine Mills, -Star-CtHton U p and Condenser, Grain Dr lis, ' Sulky Plows, Smutters and Cleaners, Circular Saws. Uuhbcr and Leather ftrlting, and many oilier things too numerous to men llun, all of which we will sell at the Manufac turer's prices. Come, or send and get a Catalogue of any thing yon may want in this line We guar- tl... Mu,-lii,,Mrv bIiI hff u In mvA HAtia- . ' gaation vv. are alo apents for Singer's New Fami ly SEWING MACII1NK, for which there is no equal. Warranted to do all kinds of work, and to give entire satisfaction, or the money will he refunded. rGOOD PINE LUMBER furnished at the depot, on short notice. We will be found opposite the old stand, above Murphy's Granite Row. tt KRONE Y & BRO. FOR SALE. A Splendid 12 Iloree Power Portable Engine, for sale by jnne 11 23;5tn MERONEY&BRO. Solomon Einstiiie, UPHOLSTEBEB AND In Buis Bttifding, opposite tht Mafket House, I S prepared to do ever) Uiing In his line at abort notice ana nn the rtwt reasoDStiid terms. All k.ouii of furniture renovated and re; aired and made to tookas well :m-"-. Hpoial attention given to the makingr and repairing of SOFAS, SETTEES, LOUNGES, CHAIRS. &c, &c. Gins Wm call, examine his work, and yoq will go away pleased. . SaHtbnrr, April 9th, I8GP. U:9m. Pore Eye and Corn Whiskies, Distilled in tba Old Style, Pare and Un adulterated, at the Old North State Distillery. GROOT, KUCK, & CO., Prop's. CHARLOTTE, . C. ALSO. Want to purchase 500 or 1000 bead of Cattle, and pay the highest Cash Prices for Corn and Rye. jnly 2 20:6m Davidson Springs. T, HK PHBLIC tu herehv intormed that the Boarding liu4 at Ifo.ore's Sprines, in David j son vuuntj boa been well rrpmred, acd is now open for the recepnon of hoaraers. si t Bi:.iro nait pnos. I8et. JoJy 1st, J- VI mmm mm SPARKLING CATAWBA SPRINGS Ocatca wfcsc O9., pa-. O. 1 HIS CBLEBRATErT WATERING Place, formerly called the North Carolina WmtsHul phur Hprjnjri, will be open for viaiiort on Tues day, the Hi si day oi June next Being situated in tho NortftweMern pnrt of the Siate, in a country remarkable for Its beau ty and hcaJthfulnee iJiese, together with the virtue of tbe waters, moke it one uf the oiost desirable watering placet to be found. , the iimn wmii UP TJIESK SPRIMJS are the White and Blue Bulpharaad Chalybeate or Iron, and they possess all the Auesl cpralities of the Waters, and are sovereign remedsirs for all diseases of the liver, bowels, s'oiuouh and kidneys, eruntioos of tbe skin, scrofula, weak Decs, debility, dyspepsia, rheumatism, Ao., iV . Tbe proprietor caviog speut a large amount in additional buildings and iiiprovements gen erally, these Springs are now in fine condition, rooms large and 4eaeaiit, aud good cottages containing from two to six rooms each, well arranged nir either Urge or small fatuiliea GOOD TEN PIN ALLEY 8, Billiard TabUi, and other Amusementu, FINE BATH HOUSES, For Pool, PUnge or SHoiter Bulk, Sul pkur Hath. Hot or Cold. A Good Sand of Music Will beat the Springs the entire season, and a good Physician permanently located for the benefit of invalids who will have every atteu tion. Havius secured the services of Mr. J. N Carter, ot Virginia who has had mash expe- neuou and alanda high aa a Hotel keeper, visi tors may rest assured that my table will be supplied with the best (he market cao affirrd.' and everything done that Will add to Uimr pleasure and comfort. The cars on the Western North Carolina Rail the SprinuV depot, every inorniiirf. (.Sundays excepted, ) in coiincctjo.i with the North Caro lina Rail Hoad avoiding stoppage or delay at Salisbury, and arrive at ilwkory Station in time for breakfast, where good backs will be in readiness to tokif passengers over a beautiful, well-shaded rood lo the Sprjngs a distance of six miles. As an inducement for families and parties to spend two months or more, I have concluded to put board dwn at the following low rates: 0OAB0. For one single month, $50.00 For two or more mouths, $40.00 per month, or at tLal rate, Per week, .1 1G.00 i'er day, 2 60 r III W':.dren under ten years of age and coloied servants, half price. No charge for inland ur vuiiuicu unuri iwujrnrs oi ng. J. GOLDEN' KTATT, Bparkuxo Catawba SruiKOS, I Proprietor. Catawba County, May 1G. 1809. f 22 2m Qencral Hardware ! CUTLERY. ROGER'S WOS ten Iml m' and otbsr Pan sad Pock et Knives. Harbor's Cloth and Tailor's 1 Shears, ladies and Gent's Scissor. Put ty Knives, Butebor arm os. wade ana Butcher's. Rasors. Pnse Knobs fur protecting Walls. Wire Fend ers. Ouaging Rods. Out Sticks, Sheet and Atvib. Vises. Files. Rasps, Horse Shoeing Tools in Sets, Hammers and Sledges. riches, Di Ills. Plyers. frippers. Stock am! Dies. Emery aud Sand Paper. Horse Shoes and Nails, Screw Plates. Twier Irons. Butteries, Boras. Machinist 3' Tools, Of all kinds in Stuck, or will be furnished at short notice. STEEL AND IROX. Cast Steel. Blister Steel. German Spring aad Plow Steel. Tire iron. Rod Iron, 0-al and Half Oval Iron. Wide & Narrow Swedes Iron, Hoop 1 ron. Band Iron, Square Iron. Scroll Tire Iron. Cat and Wrought Nails, Cauldrons. Horse 6c Mule Shoes Horse Shoe Nail. - i Cart Body Nails, Door Bar Staples, Los; Chain, Jack Chains, Hatch Door Screw Rings, Hitching Hooks and Rings, Lap or Chain Links, Box Scrapers, Box Ch-'sels, Code. Pot and Iron Stands, Brass, Porcelain and Japanned Wacdrohe Hooks, Brass and Irno Jamb Hooka. SAD IRONS. Gate and Door Springs. Scales, Beams. Steel Yards, Cotton. Flonr. Cheese and Better Triers. To mercbanta who deal in mixed Stocks we will sell at as low rates as they can sup ply themselves in any market. North or South. Our itock is large, and low for CASH. CRAWFORD & HEILIG, Salisbukt. N. C, April 16. 15:3in. JOS. HORAH. bekry Borah J. & H. HORAH. WATCH MAXCRS AD JEWELE HaVISOBOCOHTTHEE.VTIRK Stock of L! II. Davis; and added largely to it, we are now prepared to furnish anythiug usually kept in a first class Jewelry Store. We may- be found in Cowan's Brick Row. next door to P. B. Sptnftie's Office. All kinds of repairing doneSAhort notice and satisfaction gosrsn tced. We return thanks to s generous public for past favors, and nope by strict attention to business to ment S continuance of the same. P. 8. AHperws havinglft: Watches nd Jewelry witS L. M. I'avts of Wttsen ft Porm, to be repaired are requested lo call and get them or Aejw wilf be o!it for rejirs. Jaa 2?, i'SCO 1 ;n , mi DH I GOODS, QliOCEJWOL SPUN t SUMMER GOODS ! H AVING JUST RETURN tl trom the liastt ru Mar- keU we call rour fitteutioti to much the liirrest aud mot.t cotnplste stock of Goodn (u this mar-1 M. aJi selected fium uew oou iie-h ft oeks and styles, and a large portion purchased directly from ths Manuntctnrerii and their Agents ainoe Tbe Great Decide in Drj L'tod. All ws ask is a sill at the wall kuawa Km poriorn of this market. We invite your atten tioatoafaw LBAJUN0 .v HTK.'i.i,s kept ia this v hutenslo and retail stock t m GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Notions, Bats, Shoes. READY-MADE CLOTHING, Pant. Goods, Drus Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, faints. Tanners' Oil, Kerosen and Unseed Oil, Lead, Vpper sole and Har ness LEATHER, CALF & LINING SKINS, HARDWARE, Trimmings ; in fact, thousands of articles too rwu, ,-ieei, rwume uBTiiwar, ana Lamsfre teams to enumerate, it e arc agents for U Great Threshers and CLEANERS, Also, Manufacturers' Agents for the celebrated Bpne Dust. i)o. do. Rineand Blasting Powder. 1 tcv " uiic warn iukhiu 1 andthe trudo eacralh .Lo oar thom tbuy will' find nothing bu 17 We invite the attention of Men liauts nr atockv aanuiiaa but freuli and deal table Goods. Urn buy all kinds of produce. have your Itlacknernes and Fruits, wntcn will be to you as Treasure. Smith. Foster & Co SALISBFRY. X. C, 8prsfQe'B Old SUud, near the Market Houoe. Aprilii. 1HC9. j 13 ty Just received at the store of SMITH FOSTER & CO'S. 1000 SACK8 OF SALT. 25 BBL8 MOLASSES. 2 HHPS. MOLASSES. 2-tf TO TJBUQ LADIES. 1 i 0 3 mm tHE 8ebaeriber aalng been appointed an agent .'or tbe sale of SINGER'S CELEBRATED New Family Sewing ilachiru, and all it attachments offers the aome to ths Ladles of Western Carolina. ' Tbia Macbine chaliengca a comparison with any and all other Machines. It will do more different tlnda or work from the simple plain seam to the most beautiful emtrolitery man any oiuer me.u."e . .. t . . ..... , .... .. i i, ,,.n ul.v nnt ever invenieo. -hcouimu ni.. t buy the best. These Macitines are warranted U give entire satisfaction. If they fa l to give Mtbfaction they may he re turned after a tr al of two montlit and the money will bo tefunded. Machines ntunufactured expressly for SHOEMAKERS, HARNESS MA KERS, TAILORS, will be supplied when ordecsd, at manjwcturar'a Prpartles desiring Information will please send for specimens of cork and circulars. (To an cv. Ramsay, Haltsbury N.O. June 18, 18p. 94 7m THE GOLD MEDAL Has jnst been awarded to CHAS. M STIKfF, For tbs beat Piano now made. over Baltimore, Mil sdeiphla, aad Kew York Pianos. i ur '" 4i I d i No. 9, NorlibtySeeirP'ar BaltiCOTTQK FACTORS) more Street, Commerco St., STorfolk, V. BALTIMORE, Md. , -. fiTIE"P8 PUN" OS have all tba lateat Improve msnu, Ircladins the Aproffe Treble. Ivory Ironts. and tha improved Preach Action, rally warranted for ttve ysors, with privilege of exchanee within twelve montb if Bot sntirsty astiatketory to purcha sers. Scend bsnd Piano and Parlor Organs alwayaon band from 160 to I3U0. RefWranoea, who have oar Planoa In use: Cm. B. K. Lexington, Vs. Hen. D. H. HIM. Charlotte. N. C. Gen. Robert Rananra. Wilmington. N.C. ' Go. John Letche-, Lexington, Va. Measra. R. Harwell ft Son, Charlotte. X. C . Jomaa K. Greenlee. Morsrantan. X . C. J. H. Smith A 0. W. Melton, Chester. 8. C. t- Brown A Bernhardt are agents lor the aaleof the ahnre celebrated riann. Plaoos Sold at Factory prices. To Farmcra and Planloi m. Rhodes' Tobacco Manure, " AMD Erodes' Snper-Pli08pliate8 : The sT&hiurt) m AtrnEs for cSSS, Tohaco. Wheat aurt $arn 1 posr long aaionnsnoa niarnroe uiihj aim p proved by tbe most sncvehsrl n'.sti'ara , P M RHODES Co.. j "SStfutii St.. Hal'im Md Tm sail fcv dsa4e asvs l JHU 11 40 TEAJIJ at mas thk PUBLIC. if OTMia Benifidics FAIL 1 it HUONOUIAL AND I I V i;i: 11 8EASK8 read the folio wins; 1 TUnuu H. Italney. Km . Granville ro., N. C, my. "1 flod your I'llU to us ths bast taaiily m .11 eins I har over uavd. Tky haa pouted fory iu -eliolal In in v uaa oaio. I nave been very mueU at Histtd Sirlmeva years, sad haiv uieil ei trr kind of meilicin that f rould get, hut I...U- k.unil nnrt ia laf ft-oro yoor I'llU llian all othsri. My dlasaaa Is branchial affliction, aud a coetpWU inUaJ' uf tbs nervous ayniem. I bars uaeJ thm in lea or HI tasa raaealn ray family, and Bad tbf m to be tus vary Sjedicios lor unarly ail family dUeaata," The Cure la Thorough. Kvnneth Ilayma. Eaq..riarltotCotirnbu(roDaty court, rile 1 (April 9. IbM:) "Uuriutf lb laiter pirt of t lie year 1809 1 w asieivly, ted diM'sarillivrrsnd many muhta while la tied tbe uiu would baeOUKM (e l'i - .mnk I w j-ioii . ,. I tu ret 1 1. 1 ut bad aud ajt up ;n mil tbe pain u,J Mulimdu. 1 pr ured a ii-w Uiof tl.aSUt'TJIKKN HKI'aTICPII.LK. and Uta tint dot I tokyasi4 great relief. I continued to uas tbe Itlla lor tae wtpks, and bate sot suffered from liver dtaea. ..iiic. I liave leoummaniled tbekt accortilnU. tnii several ieraumi are In waiit of tliaru. Ail diaeaau i aa euemv to the liumun lyotfin. and la at warwitb it and ultl connncr it, ueV nntc, with ail tba :i--i-tai: - it nan re. -en from vtreutt. ei.n'p medtctttes asd suitatils nonriahmtDta. can. couuuerilie eueluy ; hict; would bs beat. n Uas medlrlne before yon set Me-, to nrTent aicrnea or tu take Medielti tAer you jet aicii to creeickne. Tt" A if" id to the viae leenongb.f j kjtercUs your own JtutgaiSnt iu Die mesiM of de fenae ; Ilia eaeay will corns, be y slv ready with The Southern HcpaUc r tils, . 7at eld, long known and tcrfl tried remedy for all Bilious ditto, canted hy a DI8KA8ED LIVCB. TO ALT. EUtttUAKTU .,.. i . . . i.- "wmuTOrounjen na i. m .y na climate au.iU you or tuev uave uut heea k x-notomed to ; you will, of courts, be sipoasd to all tbe diaeaaes peculiar to uiiu euraaic, yon looniu oe ciretul lo une nui Ii Ucii iclaes s nn. adapted to tbo diaossea of that climate. tos will And the (rrestest security la las use of hum-.' Soutsksn Hsrinc I'tu.i. Tby can be toot to aay point iu tbs United States by Exursaa. FRIol Soroneboi. tttaata Dei srsn RaifRVou 110 Onr Or.,... Jb Thrte Grort, SSn fir, 7J. Tkroa.h mutt .itte-r asosaBfwaf the order forlhaMadl. rln.or It VIII ba ftol C. O. D. Or len ihtuM be uldrci d U Q. W. DF.CMS, Mo. Ss, Sorra Oalboci STaaar, BALTtooaa Ma, wh.r ta w 111 b promptljr ll-n.t. .1 to. for thrn Mrdlelnei call an ail retpcelabla DrucfltU c.tij.uric.imua apj (TP1 i 'POUL80N, Salisbury, X. C. Jaly 3 OA:y WALTER A. WOOD'S PRIZE lowers and Reapers. Used in all countries, and urn versa?! commended aa THE BEST IK USE ! Awarded rnorv first premiums than any other Machine manufactured, both in this AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, the tgUm oV Honor, At Paris Exposition, 186? More than 120,000 now in Vse l 20,000 tnannfactnred and sold in 1864 ' and tlie demand ousnpplied. Iucrt'ais Demaod, Increased Facilil'tfa Iddi i r ul Improvfinrntsfor 18Cf. Wo nl's Prize Mowers, (1 at 1 2 Horse.) M Self Raking Reaper, with " New Mowing Attachment. " Hand Rake Reaper. Haines' Illinois Harvester. Manufactured by the Walter A. Wood Mow ins and Keeping Machine Com any. Genera) Office nnd aianufsetorj, Hoosick Falls, Kens seloer county, N. Y. JiraiieK Oijwtt and Salts Roomt 44 CorN landt street, New York city. V. (J. Box, 206 Lake Street. Cbicogo, 111. Alexandria, Va. SlailiaoU, M 1.4. 77 Upper Thames, St., London. Send for New Descriptive Circular and Pt ice List. Applications from the South. Sooth of Vir ginia, should be sddreseed to tbo New York Branch Office, as above. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Extra Inducements Offered I McCtibbin, Sullivan ii Co., are Agents for the above Reapers in Salisbury. sprit 23 lfi: 10m ; leatfvTolioalaocl 1BOO. Ll.' AGE BROS. & Co., GENERAL (C cinmtoioo ttcncljantj r?r Spee.ial attention pain to tne sate or ORAIN. COTTON and all other kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. EfLiberal advances on consignments and prompt returns. july9:2i" 3tn AGRICULTURAL WHKS, I tbe place to buy the best and cbeapent Plows. Cultivators. Harrows, Corn Sbefferii, Straw Cutters Cider and Wins Mills, Keapinc and Mowing Uachines, Wbrat Tbrefbers with and without Cleaners, Hrse Powers of various nattarns. Sugar CAne Mill in the r.uah or tin 1 1 ron tH-Iv"1 whed, or Hollern heparately. Particular regard . -' labonU he had to ths bet R. R. Plow and Threnhing ifacliiue with Cleaner. at ufactnred in or out of the State, J. H. THOMPSON. Msv 5. tSTO 3m Btatasville Aaioricaneopy 3roo4iths and send bill. ATi been called ipon and failed to pay tlx-tr POTAOE are ioforined that if ll-y do tiut vnual once their Boxes and Papers will h.- conttaucu. Then n-Wvt Qovernnient talre ro exense fnons me. A. BE NCI NL P. M.