I. . TT H .i r . SALISBURY, N. C, 'AUGUST 20, 188S: MJVOT38 i it. EDUCATIONAL. Patronise your own Institutions. THE Exeteises of the Cmcord Female College, at Stutcsviile. trill bo resumed the 1st of September next. It. i.i ril. fuel, washing. J? 1 .1 per month. Tuition iu regular classes from $2,50 to $5.01) per mouth . Music. Orawing. Pnintiug. ice, extra at tnnderatc rates ; payment Mu.iii advance tor trui f four inttuihs, ending Dec. i!.'l. For further iiai I icu lain address E. F. ROCKWELL. Statesville. July li. 3in President. MiUelU Ua!t- kiwlt ut) . J. SC. Hill A TVI I. Is SI Hkn L. RfW I'll K KA I.Ij 'l'KK l il thM Shool Will opon A'lt.iibvJHli. 't .fejt-'Mr im.d.i'oiiUiiua .-is teen weeks. TutTioii: Enirliah Den't I rri"'ar-v t 8 00 fcngiuu uipt. j( lntrmdlt) Oo jClaasicul Denartuient Jti 11 Coiitimcvut Foe 1 00 w w ' mmtim ltnard fat giM.d families at P.' per month. One half of the above churgis is required in advanee. For f art bar particular, atldreas the Principals I July :, laiitf. ao Edgdworth Female Seminary. The next sessjox will com tneiice on the lirst Monday of September. The entire exjHi.e ol lloHi.i and Tuition wi.I be from to $110 if paid in advance. Kacli ! bonr ler will furnish her own h;lits an. I towels ! and ai-o a pair of sheets and pillow cases, bor 'circular, address J. M. M CALDWELL, July 2. L9 3m Greensboro', N. C. Pleasant Grove Academy. Male and Female. THE SEVENTH SESSION WILL COM mem e on the 9th of August next Course L'nglinh, Classical, Mathe- Terms: Tuition from $5 b $10 per session. Itoaid with I he Pilncipi.l ?9 per mouth, 'or particulars nddie-s the principaj ut F. 1 ton, Davie Co., N. C. J. ELLIS, Principal. Pkasaui fJi..B N f I. II first Session of this Academy will com mence on tbe lin-t Menua? in Aoasist ensuing. Pupils can enter at any tune ami be cliargeu rrom tha nine f entrance Tli( rates nt tuition will be as follows: f7. 50 ! CIU.UO ami si:, isst per wwkiii of 6 motitbs payable at the einl of every month. No pains will be spared t C've pupils a thorough j tcaluing in all the branches usually taught in u fliTl I ;laa Aeademv. , Tin' Academy is located in a healthy and moral co.nmuaity in Franklin Township lour mi lea from ballabary, on tlie nea- road to Mocksville. Bo ird 'run be hnd in respectable families from7to 1 8 lnliars per month. L. H. UOTHIIOCK, June 45. Ifsffi). 96:3m Principal University Iiectnrcs. - University of North Carolina. rpHE UNIVERSITY LECTURES will be I as follows: I. Ordinary Lectures in the cls,ss room. II. In addition to the regular course of stu dies in the Normal Department, which has been adapted tio the wants of teachers for the State Public Schools, special daily lectures will be de livered during the month of September, by the President and Professors, njion the following subjects : Theory and Practice of Teaching, Ethics, Physiology, Philology, Natural History, Astronomy, Constitution of the Slate and of the United States. "These Lectures will be open to the Trustees and Alumni, and to all the students in the In stitution.' III. Later in the season free lectures will 1 delivered in tlie halls of the College by gentle mdn of distinction' and ability. , K POOL. Aug. 7, 1809. 33-3t 'President. M. O. Map and Oaaeteer. T, HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING Purchased the entire Copy-right Plates, &c., of the above Wnrl.s and desirous to expedite their sale through the entire State, at an early day, otters to active, business young men a good chance I ofter three-fourths of a map, in shares of five or ten counties each. This t?ew map will be about five feet bv four ; illustrated border, hand winiely ejigra I. ouiitii-, railroads, post affices, mines, mountu in-, ttf ., &c. A Map worthy to Jje hung up in every house, office, and school in the State. Spivimeu copic- ready about the 1st Septem ber, lK(i9. Terms accommodating, address with 2 stamps. . Rev. SAMUEL PEARCE, augl3-T32-.tni Wilmington, N. C. PROFESSIONAL. ATIORNEY AT LAW. LEX 1 NO TON, N. C. AVlLL PRACTICE in the courts of David son, Forsythe, Guilford, Alamance and Ban dolph coaiiiies : UEFEriENCE. Hon. R. M. Pearsoiii C. J. of N. C , Raleigh. " E. G. Readc, Associate Justice, " ThoinasSettle, " " ' ' " " R, P. Da;k, ' ' " " Bedford Brown, Yancevville, N. C. ' Hon. John Kerr, " J. R. McLean, Greensboro', N. C. " Thomas Ituffin, Jr., ' " - J. M. Cloud. Ifcibson, N C. January 2f. 1809. -tf JOII s. IBefBEtMll, SALISBURY, N. C. tyWill attend promptly to the Collec tion of Claims (eb26 ly DR. O. A. HENDERSON, Ha V7NG resumed the practice of Medieit:e rspectVniy offers hts prohasional services ti theficbic OFFICE : Th one Lie occupied by Wbilii had ar Henderson. Ca '3 may be Mt ei'hs at his oflfcv, or at Bnrfr-'-i'' lriig Srore. Salisbury, F. b 11 18l. "-or For Salo. A Fine New Bopjry. At.p y to WIU.IAM n. B.ILfcT LEGAL NOTICES. MONTGOmEBY COUNTY. Jn Ik Superior Court. Henry W. Led better, Plaiutiff, against DanieJ McRae, Defeudant. Whereas the above named plaintiff hns in stituted bisection against Daniel McRae the above named defendant in the .Superior Court of said county to recover the possession of real properly held by the said defendant. And whereas the said defendant beinjfa res- ideit of this Slate, has depart j then lr.Mii to to avoid the service ol summons or keep- Inn.- sell therein with a Kite intent ; II is ..ide.c.l il.nl service of summons be ....c by publics- . "'" "' rmrxn fn mp i,.,.... "x- - r. i I , ! '''e aani fMipe nor Conn ut the eniirt hou-e iii Troy, on the .4Hl-M..,..r.'.i, .. ...r.l.... I..ji.,4r .... .,i..nY ... '"-'. next, then anil there to answer toe complaint . l the PI intilT in the aboce entitled cause or the plaintiff will take judgment for the rebel deinaiiiled ill ilieconiplumt. Oiven under my hand seal of said Court, this 24th d..y ol July 1800. C. 0. WADE, Clerk Superior Couil Jor Montunery, Conn ty, N. C. 3l -1V (or fee ?!0) SUMMONS. E. Nye Hutchison JrT. J. Sumner, Plaintiffs. AGAINST John E. Brown, Win. J Brown, Z. B. Vance and Robert F. Hoke Debndanis. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To the Sheriff of Rowan County Greeting. You are hereby commanded to summon John E. Brown, W. J. Brown. Z. B. Vance and Robert F. Hoke, if to be found in your Coun ty, Oersouallv to be ami appear beloreln- Hon or, the Jinl).'e ol our Superior Coin I, to be held lor the County of Rowan, at the Couii-House in Salisbury, on the third Monday in Septetn- j ber next, then and Ibere to answer the com plaint, a copy of wi tch is served with. ibis sum mons, and let 1 hem lake notice, thai il tliey fail (o answer said Complain! during the next lenn, the plrintiffs will apply to the Jude ol said com t for the rebel demanded in the COIII plaint Herein fail not, and have you ihcn and there this Writ iicTirrrnrie itpmoT Colnt RWHow-ah Ci.'wty Duplicate ol this summons issued to Buii' combe lor William J. Uixwu; to Mecklciiburi ! lor Zebulon D. Vance, and to Mnehell h.r li.ib cri F. Hoke. A. Jcdsor Masj.n, C. S. C. noAs"Sm: ';" s"peHor Co,trt K. Nte HtJicuisoit cV T.J. SisiSuR, Plaint ills. AOAIST Jons E. Bbown. William J. Bbows. Zkhim.on ;. Vance and Kobkkt K. Hoke, Defendants. It apeai'ing to the satisfaction of the Court, by affidavit filed llial tbe defendant John E Buown above named, is not a ie-i.hnt ol this -tate liiat bis residence ismrt known and can not aber due diligence n, ascertained, and that after due diligence be cannot be found in the Sta'e that a cause of action exists against him in favor ol said plaintiffs, the grounds of which appear by the swoiti complaint thutle is a proper party to this action, and that the sum mons and complaint herein were filed in the Superior Court of Kow.iu County on the 24th day ol July, 19 ORDERED, That the summons- herein, a copy of which appears above, be sei ved as to I the said John E Bhown by publication ul tlie same in a pevyspaper siyled.fJe Oil North State," published in the city of Salisbury, once in each week fi.r six weeks. Witness, A. Judson Mason, Clerk of the Sn penor Court of Rowan County, at office iu Salisbury, the 28H. day of Julr. 1809. A. JUDSON MASON, C. S C. 30 6w (prfeeflS.) Worth Carolina, J tonHtott Court, Caldwell County. Spring Term, 18G0 Construction of Will. J. R. Wilson, execu.or of James Blair, dee'd AGAINST W. A White and wife. NHncy M. White. Avjy Selena Pool, Avey Selena I sen hour, by W. A- While, Guardian. Benjamin Steele and wife Elizabeth Steele, .lames Bmefc.&. Martha MeOrary. Euuna Barnes by G W Barnes. Guardian. S.uali Isabella Former, by Ad eline Fortner, James R. Barnes, by his next frieud. Iu this ease it appearing t j the satisfaction of the court that James Barnes, I'G. Mi -Crary and wife Martha McCrary, Emma Barnes by G. W. Barnes. Guardian, defetid- i ants in this ease are non-re-ideiits of this I j State : Therefore ordered by the court, that ; publication be inaile for six weeks suecessive- ly iu the -'Old North State," a newspaper ' published in Salisbury, N. C, notifying the I said defendants to be and appear at the next . term of our Superior court to be held for the rw.t r , ,. . . ..I county oi i aiuweii, at me court House in Le noir, on the Sth Monday after the 3d Monday iu August net, then and there to answer the complaint of plaintiff filed in the clerk's of fice, or judgment will be takeu ex parte as to tliein. i Witness R. R. Wakefield, clerk of our sf id court the 8th Monday after the 3d Mon day iu March. 1 Still. R. R. WAKEFIELD, c s. c 31 6w pr fee f 10) Worth Carolina, ? Supekiok Court. Caldw 11 Couuty. J Spring Term. 1S60. Ja .d. N. Harshaw. 1 against AtUchment. James It. C'ollett. ) Ir this case it is made to appear to the satiskctimi of the curt that the defeudant. James H. Collett resides beyond the limits of the State: It is therefore 'ordered Ity the court that publication be made in the 'Old North State ' a newspaper published m Sal isbury, 8. C.. h.r six weeks successively, no tify ing the defendant that he be and appear at tbe next term of our Sopeiior Court to be held tat. thnuotj otf Caldwell at tlie emrt home in Lenoir on the 3d Monday in IAug'u-t uext. then and there to pb-, ., J ... or demur, or judgment iro ceofeneo w ill be taken agaiusl hi:n. Wiiuess. R. R. Wakefield, clerk of our aid court t odit tin Sth Monday after tbe 3d Monday in "dVo i Mi9. B. R. WAKEFIELD, c a. c. .It - nr Use m LEGAL NOTICE!. INJUNCTION. M...L 1 W 1 BoWAN ColiNTT. Ml M.i-.- L Holme. Reuben J Holm", Viden line Mor,,y. )'.. M mney B. 0. Hob- ens and D. A. Itavi Phdniiff. AOAIXSt Aino Howe and tin' No.th Carolina Dressing Company, Defendants. Ore j State of North Qtrina : j r0 A,0!i Howes an. I lira No.Hi Carolina tire j Hrm-ina Compaiw Greeting, ,-dience tijitl order In.m lion. John j Cloud, Ju'lge wine 8lh Judicial District ol Stnt . Yamtni hrrx-hs commanded to re- : fra n I.. ..ii ,..kinL.. or m any maimer nsiti any or me UoM llin properly as nesirftien 1 1 1 j l,ni,ai complainl, either by yi.uelv. s ... ......nf. .rra.o. r iior.er ..,! m i,n... -A' . . . --."' .J,.-, ',- ... - V . . be,,ie Hie Juilire olio. . tv-loie the Jmlpe on our rtuperinr Uonrl at II. e Com I II..II-C iu Salisbury, on the 2ftih day of .September lien-, then and (here In show cause j why the iujiinctu.il -hull not be continued nil pd)Miicnl K' rendered in this action : And it a earinp to the satisfaction of the court thai alter d le diligence the -defendants j cannot lie found within ibe State, but that de I fendants an non residents of this 8inte, it is I ordered by the court that Service of I hi- order for injunciion be mnde by publication for six 1 weeks in the "Old North Stale" newspaper, I romman.luiK the delemlanls to appear at the time and place ilosigna'c I, then and there to Show cause wliv an ll ilietlnil 'hall 'nil lie granted Itfl i he judgment be rendered in Ibis action. Given under my hand and ea1 of ?aid court (his July 30, 18G9. A. Jl'DS'lN MASON, Clerk Superior Court for Roieon (.'omit 11. 31 (iw-(pi lee $12.) XTortb Carolina IfOW AST l orxTY Sl PKBIOR Coi'BT. Elizabeth Jenkins, Administrator of Mm kills. Deceased, Plaintiffs. Jen- AtiAIXST The North Carolina Ore Dressirlg Company, Do- fnndant. HUMMosa It appealing upon nfKdavil that tlie defend nut is a foreign corporation, and (here is 110 of- I fii.f.r i.i 1 ... ' 1 1 1 .it uniil rtrtinnpnli.il, I.. I .. ... j wirtlin .L imit. of lhia s,n. . I, i, onl! il .,..1.: I :.. 'I MIU V. .l oni te nf Hnwan at the (ainrt House in ?a 1'- . . i i w .. ... :.. u... i . i .... .j.. ...........j ... iinsu er (be cotui.'ainl tot said l'i.iint;ll' a cOtiv ,.f u lndi i tiled in the Snneiior Court oftW. ' it ine -ill, i ,i, i, oot.io -ii.in nit, . ,ii. ., i . i .i r' i alii i..kiiii.I.,l'ir tbolo" hi, t,.r... o( pu.nl e.Ml . ir ......i I. a. ...l...,, .k-ll f..;l ... ...,o.....r iU the plaintiff will take j element againt defend ant as demanded in said said Writ Oiven under my band and seal of said court this JOtb day of July, A. D. lPfiO. A. JUDSON MASON. Clerk Superior Court for Horun County. 31 Gw (pr. fee $8.) XfJorth Carolina, Caldwell County. Elisabeth A. Estes, against SicKaioR C'oCBT, Spring Term, 1809 Attachment James H. C'lHett ) In this case it is made to npriear to. the sat- I ifneliM ol ".be con f I llial Ihe defendant James 11. Co!le!t iesu,les beyond ihe limits of this Slate: It is therefore-ordered by ihe court that j publication be made in be "Old North State,"j a newspier published in Salisbmy, N C, for -ix weel s successively, notifyingthe defr-ndant if at he be and appear at the next term of oui j Superior Court lo be belu f'.r tbe county j House iu Le of Caldwell at ihe Court noir, on t lie 8ih Monday alter the 3d .Monday ! in August nex'; then and there, to. plead, an- j s .ver or demur, or judgment pro denfesso twill he taken against htm. Witness, It. R Wakefiield, c!etk of our said ! eourl at oflti e. llie 8(b Monday after the 3d I Monday iu Maich, 18GU. R, R. WAKEFIELD, c s. c. 31rw((,r fee 8.) North Carolina, Caldwell County. SCPKBIOR COC.RT, Spring Term, I Will Michael Spuinhoiir, use cf Elizabeth A. Estcs, Attachment. against Jaim-s H Collett, I In Ibis case it is made to appear to the sal islneliiHi ol Ihe court that JaiiicsH, Coiletl re siiles beyond (he limits id tueStatevT It ttbcre fute-ordeied by the cvutt lltut publication be made ill ihe ' Old NoitbState,'' a new-papei published in Salisbury, N. C. for six week successive'y, noulying the ilefendant that he c and appear at dye next term ol our Siipeiior C'.urt to be held lot ihe county ol Cald well at the Court House in Lenoir on ihe 8:h Monday after ihe 3d Monday iu August. ; next. Ihetl hi il there lo plead, answer or ile- niur. or j.rlgment pro eoliiesso will be lak'ei - . against bun. Witness R. R. Wakefield, clerk of our said court? at olhVe iheS'h Monday after ihe 3d Monday iu March 1809. R. R W AKEFIELD, c. s. c. 31 Cw-pr le. fjlS) , North Carolina, Rowan Coiwrv, SCSRRIOR CofRT. M oses L. llolii.es. Reul i ti J. Holmes, Epbrafiu Mauney, Valentine Maiiney, B. B. Robcits aud D. A. Davis, Plaintiffs. " aaamts Amo Howe, find the North Csiolina Ore Diessiug Company. Defendants. Summoim to the Defendant. Il appearing Iu ray Satisfaction upon the affi davit ol (be PlainliQ- that Ihe Defendant Amos Howes is a non-resident of the State and thai the North Catoltna Ore Dressing Company i-a loieign eorjHirafion, having its principal office of business i.e-:.i, the liibits of ibis Stale ; and it lui ihei ai.peal ing that a cause ol action ex- ists againsl Ibe ileleudauls in retlK'Cl to whom the set vice is to be made, and affvr due dili- ! DMioe ibe defendants ae rift lo be found with- i in f lie State, and llial the cause of t action aros- i IB tins iiaie, itiaiing lo :e;.l projeilv Mtuatet eiii.ver to Hals ann owlets aim ana creeping iu Ibis Slale, it wtbt-n foje oi.b ied ibnl pub- reptiles. Lastly, tbe cbi istiali virtues musl bcalioo be made loi nd Weeks in "77. OH . sit. au an hid ing crown, upon the Im.ws of Ngrtk Slat ' in w spnpjTi noulying the defend- j perfected, womanhood. Softening aud making aula to appeal bt lore ibe Ju-lge ol our next I beautiful with th ir letiiiiug influences her Supcaor Court lo be I .eld for Ibe County of fntttward iinpeyt- they elevate aud purify Rowan at llie Court House in Salisbury on the i every quality. arquireiiieut and featule of 3d RofnSD in September next, then and Ther.- ' her lifo and elmraeter. This is tho detHy to answer tbe conii.laiut ol ihe Piaititills. oi i j.xlgmtot Will be granted for the relief (kinaii Vd. Given under mv hand snd seal of said Court this 26ih dsy of July. A. D.. 16S9. A. JCDSON MASON. Clerk Poperio' Court for Rowan County. -$ (pr fos $10) . 4 ' ' 4-' ,' STtjcCDIiiXoitl) State PUBI.IHIIKI. WBKKI.V HV XJV X X X A. M U St Jskiitor and Pmprkior. LB H tTESOF II in ltll I ION One YuAft, paynbl e in advance S'l I Ml .""t, i w rcss 12.50 S1I MllXTH8, 1 Copies to one uddrc IU Lopie to one . Uilre.-S. . JiiiU of Afitvrtisintf. line Square, ti r-t ins. For each iidilitiiiuul i m. Special nolicea will hKCtl Ujred 50 ih higher than the above rates. Court n-tid Justice's Orders will be pphftsh ed at the sum faint niili uthur Kttwiti-c lUi'llt.. . . , , Obituary lintices, over ix lines, charged as advertisements. . ej COXTRACI BATES. -3 H . Z 5 , M S r - 8PAI E. j I Square. 2 Sipiares. ; '.i Squares 1 4 Siiua'e. I .CkIuimii. Column . ' 1 Column. 8250 Hd7o 4 50 ti 25 lit) 1 IMIO StHI II till 1 1 III) II! Oil IH (Ml 24 IMI 2d I HI 40 (Ml .-,lr sH 50 A i:i 00 r .VI :l (Ml 22.00 I IMI ST! (HI Mil (ID 15 mi 25 (Ki :t7.:u ,'. (Ki :V) 00 4." (Ml :M (Ml 15 IMI 75.00 60 imj mt Oil 1 .moo From thrt Standard. CORRESPONDENCE. A Illt-.IIEK Sflll.llE kui:homn The fulloW'ing extract from a private cor respondence is presented to the public after repeated solicitation. Oakland, Jul v IS13. Hon. SlK , Yon do me great ho nr, you give me much irratificatioii bv your candid and elo- r can. n anil e o- robatiou. and svui-J . !Ue.) ciltiessious s ol nnuru ! '"' miy in my et.ile.ivor s to Ijrillg ,11. o'll ,1 ! thiug that cannot fail to Co ter UIMIHE ..''lie til- upon naiikil.il Ust to the extent that 1 ""'' !'HV'" "PI" . thev have nppoi t unit ics of coining under its influence. j i , , . . I lain I. en-ei o earn that vour opinions , 1 I . ' . i concerning me iitimillil oi nnoriniiiion unn i should he acuuil'ed by vvouia.ll on t h.e current . e r .! .1. .. events of the day, and the kiterest she should feel in whatever concerns the adv ancement mid welfare of her country. a eord exactly with my own views. My the ory is perhaps it may startle you that politic should be sacred and elevating to the character of man and that do country can be safe whose political affairs and inter ests arc" placed iu the hands of men of un settled principles and selfish aims; uonij but the purest and best should he allowed to handle the n tentous matters and settle the vexed questions in which the nation's prosperit y, and pet haps existence, is involv ed. I think it of paramount importance that woman should be thoroughly informed snd deeply interested in national affairs. Even looked at in a selfish point of view, is it not 'advisable f Are' not the interest of her husband, father, brothers, atnl sons, all tied up iu that of her country ? Can a wom an, whom God hath endowed whh intelli gence., and to whom He has allotted the teuderest reh tious off life, ignore those mat ters. without ignoring a part of her actual duties t.hiuk not, . . We are told in Holy Writ that God made woman to be an help to man. Not simply his seamstress, his cook, his toy, his uluy mate ; but. as I construe it. Uyhelp lmn in ilR his efforts, public as well as domestic, mental and physical, and to qualify hs-elf to mf't all the wants pf his nature, us Tac lis she s capable of doiug Mt : and her capacity is fargreaterthaii it. is gener ally kuown t. be, it only wants develop ment anil fostering;, to such healthy inaturi-, ty. With our present system of elucation women can never read, the point of culture I rlesiini for her in my theory. They must jcoutinut. in aliiB. tw iiumy instances, the j thoughtless and snperticiiil creatures win. wish nothing better than to he compared to ; tiit pretty, sweetly ignorant 'loiau i.f I Dickens's David 1 oppertield and Who would j scream at n eatterpiller. and suppose they . only increase the Value of their charms with ! au itir of triumph, that tlini, mil the know anything whatever idf thoe horrid lilii s," , Were I a geiithoiinll. I should Hiiirdly feel I flattered m the nh-ii ut n woman supposing thai her ignorance would be a recoineuda I tiou to my favor, I. ut it is actually often the case. I Mould have woman command an j i lyolunlai y di fereiice as an iutellifieiit being: i I would have her sought more for her euter- taining powers and solid excellencies of j charactei, than for mere 'beauty ami atnia 1 bility, though I would in no wise lessen the i iuduence of those attractions. 1 would have 1 her a pljig, aM;HUli,ouipauil uid able adviser, and etlieient co-u inker ; until slit i nac'ies this eiuiuence I believe she falls : short of attaining ihe elevation intended for ! her by Providence, I believe that whtn she InVsrea h this stwadurd, that man will have ! advanced in genera' intelligence, and civi- tization will have made accelerated strides . towards the culminating point. Woman I becomes lovely iu ex tenia j attractions iu ' uropol lion with the growth of theSe inner t beauties of mind'and heart, without which i she may l plete and compared to a fair but meoin- ' uiiiiih.il.it inausiou, which has j r . 1 1 ... t been diverted from its original use. and giv- I would have Woman fulbll. , I Ins. 1 cannot diuibt. an allwise Providence desigued for her. anil for which He lias filnii.sh J euough opjw.rt unities , lleartless, and unwomanly indeed must be the cre ature who, iu times like these, can boast of indifference to and ignorance of , C i-a di vg issue in political q.iMsiions and matters in which not onl our public 1. 11 our private interests are liniVlieated. I hoi I Uie ne I will yet arrive (and at no distent day) when woman will be retired to know, to levl. to think, nid even. If necessary, to act on the tmportaat siihjeets that need the atlentiou ol truly weMiiieaninir and intelli (P'ui ienn.ns. inieiieclu ility has no e. Priy should he iH-nnitt.-l to All ita sphere! regardless of whit outward form it I beara , . At , 20,00 . 1 .. w.:"n.Hn " """" from l,.-mrriwl. lie found her in the parlor, aw- j nerbth position to sin I her n.li, in the !11r M a ,(rowr vouiiK uirl sboaU bt. She wa j mud and mire of ilrmafttyurum, nor woul .. .ion- m tiniali ihe ariicle. and thapbrc eon I have hr d. SJend to the level oft s '-' uletl not to throw it aside when be em. t.-d. $1.00 ' ro.iifher sex and wear off the fineness 1; c i iwirtieularly a he complimented her on her 50 ' point f her nature with contentions am ri i) 1 ii.eni i.,r einpiy ii,ii.,is r o, ;.-. ineiirt. I wnnld have fun- jttxeend the rostra , of Upward pr..j;rvaymd bear up the euaitjn ! of the country to a Tnyhei Held, and planting jit flrmly there with one soft. wliTte hand, " rally arou.l her the hifrs'f "Sons" iffhe im- i r .1 tiim and ttrdntiiiir over the breadth and length of our jciorioot land, inspire them with flow ing eh xueiirc, and lofty examples, to i'.dd the lustre of noble deeds mid sublime live to her shining diadem, an I add fresh flowers (the fadeless wreathes nf illustrious names that are laid upon the tablets of her immor tality, fours truly. RebkcCa Id. 1:1. SHE IltXtON. THE INHABITED WOULD. In the whole sidereal system we ace a aeriea of, suns resembling our osm in all ctwential re spet'ta many of them lallinj,' iort of, la-rbaus, I ".' lent(or, bttf-tnany of tbem certainly stireei- -ing it. Aim aro.inil liiene suns there circle worlds of every variety of magnitude, many of which .doubtless form centres of systems a- va ried ill character as arc those of Jilpiter, Saiuru, L'ranua and Neptune. On tluxc worlds sulwist, we dogbi not, myriads of Arms of life, animal and vegetable. Thousands of these systems are probably utterly until for habitation liy the races which snlnist ii)Kn the earth or usm'the other member, of the solar system, and it is equally probable, that the races subsisting in thousands of these systems would perish if subjected to the conditions prevailing in any part of the solar system. Hut on one point we mav well rwt as sured. Whatever be the nature' of the races subsiding in any of these worlds, and whatever may be the iN-rularletie of the conditions to '"" "e l"e l which tftey nre subjected., the must perfect sdsJEb .1,. iM.rl',.i.t .loiformitr in it... ,...n .li tions 1.1 hahitaluliiv wlneli prevail in uitierent t. V. . land- and sc;,s, or H we ismdl even ilelect no tra- .1. ... ,I l I 1 . .-. that in past ages the world had been less well adapted to support the races which at pres ent sulxist upon it, anil that uccoruingly iormer terrestrial races differed from the present, yet even then, the perfect adaptation of the limited tmiuber of faces which wc should know of tq the conditions under which they lived would afford to the thoughtful mind ihe most striking evi dence thai this adaptation is a fundamental law of nature. But when we find that the most stri king pccuflaritie distinguish the climate and habitudes of one country- from thiiae of anoUier that animal- which thrive in one county would perish f removed to another and yet no part of the world remains uninhabited aud not only so, but that the creaturca which live in each part of the world are adapted in the most perfect and wonderful manner to the circumstances in which they are placed, we are at once impressed with the universality of he law of adaptation. STIMULANT. George D. Prentice Ints been a constant drink er lor fortv years. For ten years he ha been a drinker of the lignum-vitie order. Here is a temperance lecture bv him, worth a score, at least, of the Good Templar exhortations and misrepresentations : , ''There is a time when the pulse lies low in the bosom and beats low in the veins ; when the spirit sleeps the aieep which, apparently, knows no waking; sleeps in it hutie of clay, and the windows arc -inn, the doors hung w ith the in visible crape of melancholy : when we wish the golden sunshine pitchy darknes-, and wish to fancy clouds where no riot.ds be. This is a state of sickness when physic may bj thrown to the dogs, foe we want none of it. What shall raise flic spirit ? What -h ill make the heart beat music again, and the pulses, through all the my riad thronged halls in the house of life ? What -hall make the sun kiss the eastern kills again for us with all his old awakening gladness, and the night overflow with moonlight, love and flowers ? Love itself is tlie greatest sthmdant, the most intoxicating ol all, and erloriit all ile -i .oracle., and is a miracle itself, and is not at-the drag stere, whatever '-they nav. The coun terfeit in the market but the winged God ia not a money changer n e assure you. " JKhi have tried many things, but still they ask for stimulant. "Men try to bury the floating dead of their own souls in the wine cup, but the corpse rises. We jtec their faces in the bubbles. The intoxi cation of drink sets the wUrld whirling again, and the pulse to phiviug music and the thought galloping, but the tirsl clock runs down sooner, and au unnatural stimuiunt only leaves the house it filled with the wildest revelry, more si lent, more sad, more decried. 'j " There is only one stimulant that never' in toxicates, duty. Duty puts a clear sky over ev ery man into which the skylark happiness al ways goes singing." LET I S BE MORE SOCIABLE. In order to increase the sum of human happi- j m-ss, wc slioutil cultivate kinilan.l lratcra.il leel- . . . . . . i ingw one ivilh another. A true, lite consMa in soineilnng else than simply accumulating pro- iwrtv vt e do not ami cannot live uv tirean alone." A write in the .lour mil of Agriculture discourses on thi subject most beautifully as fol lows : The sole object ami aim of two many individual- seems to get gam, " grab all," let the couse .piehivs be what they may to olber. The de sire to accumulate weaidi, rigardlew of the com fort and social happinc of our j neighbow and the interch:wge of friendly sentiments -lioiild be ignored. Qn tile other hand, we should so live and act that tbe irencroils im- nulses of our own hearts wuld prompt lis to ex- r . m mm . At lenn uie nanii oi letinwsiup to all our neignnors ueoi waienng iooviweo, uieaiuuiais can uroiK and looking them sfpurely in Uie eye, feel that when thev please, the winter need not freeze it glorious inward eoncinnne- that we had never I op, and the businea of "ehring" i oanidera--rouged them in thought, word or deeii. Then, j biy simplined. A nun will throw up from oue too. let words of kindues be kcn ; let little j seventh to one-tenth of tbe aiuo.im of .w.uer (o .I.i- of love be done; let the principles of the . carry it, and pipe of onc-thlrd or one half an golden rule 1 exewpliliul in our daily Uves ; inch is sufficient. If the spring Ls sutfl 'i. ntly let u be more sociable, cultivate our convivial ' copious, the ram might supply the1 hostsc: s w. II qualities by frequent interchanges of friendly ' a the bam. and also snake a nice fountain in greeting at s.K-ial iraihcrFug; Tel no arirtocra- the yard for summer refreshment. With the cy U' acknowledged, save that of intellect ; let proticr arrangements it should run for years us beautify our homes; let us make them what without the least attention. they should lie by chensbuig a love for the beautiful, so that . v Blowings may attend us fawns. And whatever we pray far or do ; Mar our lives be one grand endeavor f . type the pure, the good and tbe true ' UsVER KILLED ItV A NKEDI.K IN THE HANDS OF Hlfi MWTRESS AT TEMITEI SI K Il.K OF THE Yul NU L.DY. A younf gtntlemnn nams.1 Joseph White, a rv .1.1.1. 1. 1.. I w - - vcrv nuiMH-ta 11 1 le, ind 1 1 1 rions, imlat, (ooddook ing ut etfhieen vears of aft, and a reei- fellow of n Is Kit i " ' r".,"nWW"'. we ,0, ""vi lo I "AJ) V""'r hu Barnes. He had been fi-eouenUjr to visit her U four at various tim. Thev were etitf.iued to pretty appearance, with liar bsaaMU 4 Miff Hl'ltP flit. U1.1L 'I...! l.uBl.....lup ns she plied (he stitches wMr UUnell gene and rapidity as otlwr girls display when skimminir ... .... , .. . n uv, V HUE. UHJIvl , U I 1 III over the eye of a nasty piano. Ka took bis seal don't like Hard-shell Baptist 'f but I'd ruilu . budda bar. Thcgr chattsd rtrt gay ly. llterj have a ban! slK :i as no shell at all. Yon ace me .suiting few ntiuutw wbiafe In him -eeuusl j lniro J-day my braUMtiug, W U. ,Ui fins, liours, he Wanie impatient, snd loogefl to iin- i close; you inn it think iwas pruud, but' I am print a ktsa upon her liiw. V'ith this riew of - i .1 . r r .irrviin; out this design, he let his arm circle her waist furtivelv, and as be was drawing her clone t himself she objected to being disturbed until her little work was tinisbed; but he insist - . I. She iii eh- a motion to above him off a girls are aid to do, generally. Thi- motion proved fatal to her happiness and to bis life. He became impetuous, nod drawing her to him with muck violence, the needle, which was caught in her thimble, got between them, the point toward his heart. It entered, and as he was ntsjiit in imprint a kiss of love upon her lip- his own lc came ashy pale. His vigorous grasp rclnxud. He sickened, tell back upon the sofa, ouile heli- lesji. The young lady was much alarmed, and e. : -i-1. t :i 1 1 . . . , run lor a--i-..io. . in- iiiiuiit an rill. Il.io llie room and proceeded to open his ahirl collar, thinking he was in a fainting fit, and that the usual restoratives would suffice. ' In undoing his vest it was found that the needle hijd entered his side very deeply, a circumstance which the yong lady never noticed in her fright. The doc tor was sent for. He administered what reme dies he could. Partial consciousness was re stored, and the young fellow enabled to walk. Tlie scene between him and his first, last love, was extremelv affecting. She wept like one who feels thai all liappinews on earth is lost. He con soled her by saying that he would get another lover soon tio fill his place, who would be more worthy of her than he eould hope to'' bo, and who would make her liappv. This but increaa-,-d her sorrow. She sank down uuon tha Dm lowed a heavv dose of laudanum, which -wa- . .1 t .1 c .. .i.A t L i. i e I,,l,. tl,.,f m mm n.lr It w.m Home l.me tM'tor,- "?" .. . ... ... ... .. .., ' MP Wl IWIrt.'m , I II Wii, Hill! UK' IHIIHI-VUll , ' h, ,.,.., . .a..!ulaB ficiiltv she was brought hick to consciousness. The first word she attered was, "(l, wh re i he? let me go to him ; I will be vith him." At the same instant the young gentleman was resign ing his spirit into the hand of its Maker in the adjoining room. He died about 10 o'clock- She is still in a precarious cond&en, and evinces symptoms of insanity." THE HONEST LAWYER. u Arc you the lawyer?" said a young man hastily taking off his hat. " Yes, sir, that's my business; what can I do for you V "Why aomethin of a job, I reckon. The fact is. I have gotten into a bUie trouble, and want a bit of help." And he took out a five dollar bill and laid it on the table. The voung lawyer made no motion toward ta king ih ' Client. Why don't you take it? I don't call it pay,.but to begin with ; a kind of wedge; what do you call it ? Lwycr Retention fee, I presume you mem Client Jnst so,, and by your taking it you are my lawyer. So take it. ' Lawyer. Not quite so fast, if you please. State your case, and then I will tell you wheth er not I will take the retention fee. Client Why, Mister, the case i- simply thi: Last spring I was doing a little business by way of selling meat So I bought a yoke of oxen of old Major Fannworth. I was to liave them for o le hundred dollars. Lawyer Very well ; what became of the ox en? Client Botchered and sold out, to be sure. Lawyer-1- By you ? Client Yes. " Lawyer well, where' the trouble ? Client Why, they sav that, a I only gave mv note for them. I need not nav it. and 1 want ...... ... I...I.. in., t,, ..... f.lur iii il Lawver How. do you expect me rotfft : T Client Plain as day, man ; jnst say. Mentis- men of the J iry, ihis'yomig man was not of ...... ..-I..... I,.. .-.v l .ur Vmiiswiti'lb tha nil. nfld, therefore, in ", the note i- good for noih-1 ing; that s all : liwyer And was it really so? Client Exactly. Lawyer How came Major Farnsworth to let you have the oxen ? Client )ii ! the godly old man never sus pected that I wa under age. Lawyer What did you get for the. oxen in selling them out? Client Why somewhere lietween one hun dred and thirty, and one hundred an J forty dol lars. ' They were noble fellow. lawver And, so von want me .to help von eh, ...I t li.it li..ii,..t old in in nut ot the-e nicen hmiilrlWiiii itii lr ItiUknm ini.iioi rfi ifinn irives'viMi the onnortunitv to do it! No. sirr out in'i your retention fee. I oroiuised mv dy- ing mother never to do such a thing, and 1 nil de first. And a for you, if I wanted to help j you to go to the ."state prison, I eoinu iaae no i iiarui y nnmr, yourse so sure as to do what you offer to pay me 1 en 1 , for doing. And, depend upon U, the .lawyer.',. A, L-m Lrmrt.fmm the Hhn.1t t r who does help you, will be roar w.rt enemy. ; lated hy W: ScwidiMV.th; n hi- return ftoin Plead minority': No; go air. and pay for your. I hi- mission iu .India, ittftvfrft lengf Wnce, htfiat oxen honestly': and live and act on the nriii. i-i aianding on a deck of a sicumer, witTi his -i. I pie, that, let what wiU come, you will be an bon- ; ! est man. ' - A Hydnvdie Ram. The advantage of pure. fresh water, i-onstantlr Bowing iulo watering trongh for all live atock U, says an exchange, very great. When one has a spring strong j enough for the puriHc, a hvdranlic rani, with the nect-asiirv pita? aiid oth.-r apparatik.. it need' i not Cost more than fifty dollars aud all the Iro.i- 1., r . - A:...J .1 I . I I. A lady was examining an anphetnt for the ofioe of "maid of all work" when she interroga ted ber as follows: " Well Miry, can you aeonr tinware with sJarritvT" "So ma'am, ' rsdil Mary, "I sJwsyneootf them with aud " ' THE IIABtP tK a TIK CSA XDSTRJNt JS " The "Eilitora IVaWer oftho August llnt-per republishes the In mom uJd seriuot.. "He i.i' unn a h.irn of a thousand trinr;" which U ' esrtainlv good n..:i!;h to he reprinted at lcn: I . . n wen Die or ten year, aiiu so we i.uia.u the sxamjde of llanmir : OS. I may say to yo, my brediering, that I ani not an edenalisl win, an' 1 am not 1 ue o' them thai bleevea cdis-ation is msSiarv for nOospel min ister, ftir I blecve the Lord educ.ms his preach- era just as be wants 'em to be edeeaied ; an' -a!-iluamh 1 sav ii that oughtn't to say il, yet in the. State of indianny, whar 1 live, I liar's in. man as Kits a bicv.-r onL'rueation nor what I irib. U4hre, bend- Thar a. ay b wane here lo-daVj tuv Wether fivrs HviiiK . r diu i Iuiomt wl.ai persuasiuu. 1 ani uv. ' i Hell, I may -ay fa roa ar (rethcruig, that I ;' a !I ard-heU'B mli-t. ' Thar's sume felka ns i a mm .1 ... not prouif, tin brclhering; an' allhoiigh I have neen a.preaciicr uv UiegiMpel lor tweptv year, an' although I'm (Sapling uv a flat-boat that" lies $i Tour landing, I'm not proud, my hrethering. k I'm not gwlne to tell you e,ir:My whar my tex may be found; suffice il ler say it's in the hsis of die Itible, an' VOu'l find it soiutwluir Ktwccn the mst ehipter'nf the boiik of (in ra tions an' the last chapter of the hook of Revolu tions; an' if vou'll go an' sarch the Scriptures you'll nitt only find rv!J tex thar, but a grm. Bienny other tere as will do yon good to re: d ; an' my lex when yo'i shill find it, you skill tin 1 it to read thus : Vnd he played on a hart, uv a thousand ' strings sporits "of just men made nerfeck ii . i . . . My tex, bretherinir. leads nu-to sneak of sk i- its. Now tha.' a great anv kinds of sj.er its in the world. In the fust, pl.uv, tha.' tin sperlts as soni folks calls ghosts ; then I bar' I the spirits Hp ttirpingtimc ; and then thar's the sper its as soin f das calls liquor, and I've got us good artikel uv them kind uv sperita on my Bttt-Uiat as ever was fotched down tbe Mis-issi'ppi rivirj but thar's a great many other kinds uv.spcrits, for the t. 'it says: "He played on a harp uv a (A'.M-sand strings sperits uv just menmadttper- feck." But I'll tell you uv the kind uv sperits as mem in the tex it'n ftrr. That h the kind nv sprits as is raent in the tex, my hrelheriug. Now, thar's a great many kuids of tire in the. world. In the first place, thar's the commoy But I'll tell you the kind of tire asmuit in Uio lex, my hritheriug u'a Lell tut .' au' that the 4kind of fire at manv of vou'll come to ef you ,..., ,i i,,,,, ,,. ...i,, ,:n fr s.. . ....... . . - '-He nhired on a hart, uv a fA..Mf htriinrs- suerils of iu-t men made nerfeck." Now the different sort uv lire in life world may be likened unto tbe different perwasinn- n the world. In the fust place we have tbe 'Pw copalians,' an' they'ri' a liigh-sailiii an a bigh i il it In' sot, and they aiW be likened mitoa tur key buiKird thai flies up into the air, and he goes up and up till he looks no bigger than your finger-nail, an' the fust tiling von know ho cum down aiv' down, an' is a filfin' himself on Ihe karkiss uv a dead boss by the side uv the road and " He played on a harp uv a fleii asm! stritigs -p ril of just men mafle ?rleck." Ant! then thar's the Methodia, an' thej W? be likened unto the squirrel runnili' ui a lK ; for the Metliodis believes in gwine on from one degree nv grace to anuthcr, an' finally on to j.cr leckshiin ; an' the s.piirnd goes up an' up. LJt' he jump from lim' to Mm', an' branch to branch, an' tbe fust thing you know he falls, an' down he comes, kerHuminti ; an' that's like the M- Ji odis, for they lVntlers' fallin' from grace :..i ' And " He played on a liarpof a tAoa-sand strings s)crit of just men made, perfeck." And then, niy brethruix thar's the Baptist ah! and they have bin likened unto a possum on a simraon-trec ; an the thunders may roll,. anf the airth may qnake, but that fmsstun clings thar t.ill ah ! An' you may shake olio foot Loose, but lothvr's tltar ; an' you may shake all his feet loose, but he laps his tail around rha Km1, an' he rHngs frfr ercr : for lie plttyisLitti a harp uv a Mrw-sand strings- spcrits of just moa made perfeck.' A Sintlar and TerribU AceUUnt. A letter from Princeton, Kentucky, thus relates the jku ticular a fearful accident which occurred on tha , 20th: A man, named Boot Crow, was haiUing upon hi wasgon two immense muuione, neoJSlu' a weiglred 2,M-"( pound. While jas-ing fong wintrlred 2.S"0 Hounds. While side of a high hill the heaviest stone rolled 1 lm j the wagon and sciled down the declivity vith j fearful velocity, crashing small trees and -hi ul- I liei-v in its etiiirmc. Tile lluU; . ul U UltllltX. IIUIU- cd Darnell, was situated at the fool of the LijI The millstone went enrsliing through lstonc went enrshing through ft rones the yard of the farmer's bouse, wher re a number of bee hives. In tit y '.n and into there were a were olaviiii wver.il children. The Is hi'.'i "i.sion i in t. were upset, and the bees i" their e-i lighted iikiii the children, stinging ti Irinhtl'iil manner. The progress of ii). I r ;i' stone wa Dot -impeded in the least by its ervll' sion with llu' hives, and it went bflnndutf into stock pjisture Iwyopd ihe bouse. It daslusi through a Jicrd of calves and horses kfllii;.g : ei of the .former and one of the latter, almost m stantly. Tlie children in tlie var.l hail been c.aip'c clv ! covereil with the bee, t'lld each one was 'i by tneni until their niersons were entireh c r- : cl white swelling, (lite of them lied a short tinii ifter the ierf ible oeeurreiiee, and two oils. er are entirely speechlcs and blind. Ti.ey can youth, when he he.inl a reii'Ieiuaii u.-i:.'. i , al,d profane language. Friend,'1 c .il ihe r"..'- for, aeco-tiug Ihe swearer, 'lui la my fori, wa. brougin up in a b-ntk-cn country i J a !., of P.lg.iu in lolatry : h it in all his lit. be '..v.. heard a man blaspheme hi- maker u ntil noy ." The m-in cn-fored, blurted ottt an anoidgy, ..." hs.k- . isit a little ashttmcd of fctgeitt, , lAHinung win ui'eumiii.uo w.uiaerluiiy n r; i add a Utile every diiy . 1 not Wait for" a lor 1 period of leiwire. 4iek up the brndt and gaiu one new idea, if.no tuonu. Save liikt one, aui . i t i . , .... add another as soon ad vott can. S. ays lb. Scotch adage, "MaAy a Utile make a hlickk Tlie lovelieat bride cvor evu at'iirir. i there now, an l slie wear a coralie rim Kflk i . with long tra'n, trimmed with a d . u uou,.-.v flounce, above which is a row of pluk aiju v. ., le libers, boots to oorrospond of pink sidt, e high French Locds. The revenue reoeipU fr an totacco three districts in rirfola. trotn 'eptiel 1st i.. August l si. vrf i nhnrvst . ceae of receinu for th suu-Suie lMt .sik- 3L -sen 4.

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