-f. Y"gSl "V .if. C ' L)i LnU UUIJ -JIUU sd.Mll'l:!'. FRIDi T.OCT. I. Ihj. " 7, . " . " r . 1 now belli ere -ul hjrv, will prve, wlitui (K4111 hiwiidl .Si'HKiHrr VilviTtiainif aniHx'inrril l ul t - . " .. "1 . J",; ' " turn Agsacy fur Norlli arouiia. VM A. HEARNE & CO.r f-iprrlitl pi nl . t.,r Hi Ki.rth ir..llaa ly ami I U'.ii.i., ..'!.--!..,i,,.ftv..Mi ..... .v ktii -"tits. LOCA& AND STATU ITEMS. New AiVKnTi:MKNT Two Court order from Yadkin Couiilv. Notice Z. (jiriftlin, admlnUtrator, ariou SUge lAumH. T. Cluaimocri ean tiu.lor. A ird TuM pli T. Ininin. KrruMlie IjlutiM lr. Sill, Sirup llur.1 Knji-li - Dr. Sill. Notice O. U. l oan), UtnMian. WKj m if ti ! ). Wo leani that ix montle - Miroteiueiim n-tve .uir.iw.i, u Ii n eoin.tlettSl m in r. .j..dn!ed f .r the p,rixa f c recti njr a , tlMoom will ba lurniilie.l ilirouhout'witli new 11. 'W ii !; . vi.ii- md e.ir ilioifa ui Um l. jot at ' and handauno furiiitnre, and Sir. Blair, the n-tin-plu. e. Yet the work' luu not been coin" prietor, can then challeMM tbe rvtuitiy to p:o ... , I. -li'liv U thia? It i. baJIv needeiL aVj ",u t"":,U of tiw . . ty i.i.o know. At proaeut the econimoda t i.ia there ire wholly iiiHiifScient. 1 1 . . ot . ion t" leave S.ili-lmry on llie-am oue'uight lYl. wivk we f'i'lil'1 a i i... : of ladic- ut the ..' ,.w uw.iiiiiu the the arrival of the ir.iin wiio ; w. re c impel le.1, lor the nio.t purl, to at mil on i'i -trfoot, in a r.win utrcely lir;.' eno i'.t to . .it iin them, fer th hju-j i." nutrlv o n hnr. m the work he done at o.ue. and if the j.rca- f i.i ii.-- .. t.uve noi ine imje to aiieiiu T-'VS'K-.. We return our llnulu to Mia i J j M -il.-rie for the bi'kot of d. Itei i n pwpea v.-'.ii. li !le wua so ii'ilifl;in as to aend u. We ia - ir i lie fair doctor that her pruweut w:h grate fully :.jireeiated and delightfully enjoyed. "; riMFU KXT kmx. We return our t! i v to Mr. Albert Shcek. of Smith Urovc D v. r C'i'iitity for a large apple of most dn liiMoiin flavor wlr'eli he left on nnr fnblo It wis ul on pound and in Atut a lutlf .. i. es. and ia called the Bogua Apple." Vet, iiotwitnatai.ding the name, we e,n as- ':r readera lhat it w.i any thing but m that it was riully oue of the fiuett aj plea we have ever men. Explanation Nkkukd. Hia Honor Judge Cloud, at Davie Court, on lentetiriug a negro boy eouvleted of s.(ea.rii)g luu on, re- n ariicij in roucluamn, "you have all got to 'fit y.ur thieving aud be hone.ttNnen. or ! we'll jn.ike you honest. Tha rtii ia not very o l.ii.t." (addreasiug the piople inure than Ine iiriaouer,) 'whencorncrlkjs uud ainolso hoi.Mea will bo left uuloclied.'N When we eouaider that the Leopard can not change his upota nor the Ethiopian his 1, un explanation of the Jude'si remark aeciiie to he uecesaary. Like. Xiehodeinus, u ire inclined toaak w ith incredulity, "bow cau thia tbiug bol" We invite the attention of our lady re.aers to the "Letter of th Wouu-n of the South t.i Mr- tVa(..Hjy" wbleU aiar iu Mr inrt-'- w-W- It wm written t.y a lu4-ir CiT.iii.i4. She forwarded ua aevcral copies of t! -seller w ith a request lhat we would l.-n.l oar assistance iu procuring signatures 10 it. Four young holies-of the city, oue of each of the re!iinu.s denoinlnatioiis. have k .iilly consented, nt onr reqt.ett, to eanvnaa t' i-ii respective denominations fer that pur J'oM'. A "n'.aiNiA SKNATf)K8. -The Ri.hmoD'l Vi'!,ii) seems to'fnvor the election "f Horace Cicely and 0. -a. '"Rnrbert Wiltiams for Sena t -s ia Congress fr.nn that State. The Wi.ig sja o.-rtai dy the moat practical papers in. the SetKj, tatbUivf.r.sitv. We are pleased to learn thai tliisSjistitution of learning, once the i -ide of the sfctte, is again increasing in p 'l ie f ..v .r and 1 eeelwHc Tair rompletiient of the young men of the rttitry to be edu rated. Let the present facultybave a fair t: i il. aud he judged ouly by thwNperita. and to fli al end 4et pejidMJfr be laid ai4t! We have no doubt that all tlie I'rofessors in t'-.e iustitutiou ure well qualified for their p :: iis. aud that each will de his utmost to .1 ..-charge faithfully his f eculiarduty. Hut il it i.- alleged that all the Professors belong the :;.publiea party. So are Learlyall t'.ie Railroads in the State managed by men claiming to belong, to that party, hut do, Conservatives )yid Democrats refuse to trav el over these roads for all that I, The Stale Goveruuieut is in the hands of the Radicals but d'. tlie people rnncluile to remove away I' r tin.: reason. We do not believe that our i- is would be made Kndjeaht by attendintr g-.Jmi tt YtinTlnt (Tttt I7if.C,-,W Anlrrl. r, .rw, ii i v .... . in. . i.w - 1 rim AVfdKingh the State Trea-uiry has not enough moneyto pay the interest on the State ,1 ht. yet soineof the Slate officers at Kah'igh are as ex1raragut in apenditig the I'.i'ilic money as if the Treasury was over (l oving. W'e thiuk .-in ineestigiitkiii would snow mat tlie annual exenuitures uyU'-tlie Si.P:'!ii PV ..f Statu alone . 'ir,. nuarlr r ft miiili I 1 .. .... mncJ HI tie WllOIC Ptaie glyffn,"ent C"T ir i 1 a .. . .... , , the war. Then there ia tlio useless otlicp of ; Suiieri..ted.ut vt Ptiblle Iiistmetion (a cm- 1 u 1 u- .1 c.rn w hich is now engage,! in piiHiuir the I , ,, , .... . , ! s.i.i . 1100 ,j iintiieu nr sotn .tew 1 ora h 'US.-) ; th" itselss o bee of Geologist, be- ., , . ... . it. 4 I III 1 . It.:'. '.- :i 111 !iml " v - ---- .' -- ahmit the capitol, all dniw inir ealaries f.r doing almost nothing. Let the people. in stead of devoting their a, tention to little party rjoestiona. hold meetings and demand reforms and more economy. Char. J)emd- er.t. r n? Tbe Southern. Commercial Con- suites, tbe Morihern wing and the anutb- vei.lion assembles in Iii,isvii!e. Ky.. on j r wing always being in exact juxtapo ibe ltb of October. i is annnuneed eiiion. ; lhat , x President Fillmore has been in- The necessity of such a party as the . vited lo attend ami nreside. and th .it be ' d tlfocrafic ceased will, the NttBltZUnition W: ', 'i fat J'onvf,,li.,l,iTr,in lln.il.t be llie m,n impoitant one of lhat clo.r- !.- , . Ilemoerat. ' ' .. A rorr.HmdM of ike Wiltniinrton ; .,- ' In usnMiula .to h-f, nmkM iltv fnlbtwimr alIt,-ioi to lliinj-i in I nil ii ill i ii i nf Isjslrti ..' "11 it thi" ti -w M trket H .me, City Hill, At., plutel. one of the "frail list b'.irlc-H.et Ulin BT- .1.: ...ii....-i.. .,.a . " .1... .1.: ... wiiii.. 11 11 in mi) Mil 'i 11 .ii inn. ium 1 i.vp,,-,. ..cuty 4i symmetry w Urn. or . U.K.- ! 1 uurv Ii u over wiineHsed. rhyMr-Li Market lh,.,r i'. rl.ii.Mlo.nlv prwiHirtiomJ to lilt V ! or ,,c above it, 04 tU,lr!i lorifur budv over i, had f.ir.vd ihr-hm-i-...j- to e,r..,mrih it.' inn iiImiVi. ''-'' hare thi rilicilly r,v 1 tru Mm Mar ket JIo in; and City M ill, and pn.ini? tliro the ('.pilot Sj iir.-, aU in front of il,.. 11. w trurtuiv j 1.: norUi of tlie State II uko and liuilt 1. . ui the lite of the old Onion Hotel. I 1 im p.nin ; lru 't ire l.jfnro u h n b.itn erected by J.11I11.' 1'owle, mid will I1.1 ncvupied in anon in caiuulutod !vi Mr. J. I llljirul'thu Vitrhronh fll I . Ill . ,1 . 1 .1. Jton 11 in -u, win) win fivo 11 iik oa'ii n iiiij nun won will di'peiiie hero the Him Keui il hoipltnlil v to tlio Ir.ivelinx p ililie thu! ha ulreudy (juiucd him ".1 ii.uiie an( u f.nue " extMidHM fur aevnnd the limit of 1I1U city. The fll.iir Iln ee will -on-tain ome mty-Ori roiin., ill of taool Ik.! up couifort iMy and with a lire l.i.v in e.i.'h. Tliu "tit-. i.n -.. iiportl.mil oir for fu'iiili.M liiv.i ii 1 1 ii , i ,,.,- - " . -i . - , , "HI I I HI! HI. I" III 1 I I I I I I I . I I The Jtmjvd tf Omawei earn : Tlie eve of Iljury rtaawoHj harxed with thomur.hr of!'""''' '" "" H' ''' "i and uite and un ( J( nice, in Mi. I i .r ... i . .!. m . .1 nf t ((a tu( Jo,lc )Wimrv S ...erior ( ,.:,rt. l..-t weik. The coutnel for (be .S.jt.. entcrod a uulle pro o'., mil Mr. Hewidl wa-i discharged! r,hVin,n f J?IMifn.ul T.tt- u. ... ;.. i-i., ..i .n.. i,... , . ... A number of young lailiea of liii town are uho.it tnrutiii a aoctety pledged uifamst noHOLMiii in'' with ; and Chatlntle. We hopetli.it !, dent I Stititli, .will favor the lunvemeiit I'm we di-MrO tn ICR llin Jiiy when llt)M)etrucUi.lia .1. ill 1 1 .....! l.;.. ii travelling i..t.iic: If honre; c inpetiiiou ""I I". I.i''1! U (Mill 1 ' 1 rill II II l" l 1 IU can divert either from (heir old ehaniil. no road tliotild ooinplaiu. Greensboro rutrtol. to ii-vtCl are,, in one i We 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 .-: mi! the Jitd-re ,, gcntlciiiaii of Salinliun-, I t bat he 1 llie gentlcmuii ?) had lay at or near th,- Conn house fire worn ' cu with negro babiea in their mm. is 1 tilbury Examiner. D C ...ww in v viuiti'' mail ud... d.ii.k aw.-ara. uamldix 1....I. ... 1 1 . I ' ' , 1 ... ,. -vr- ' V I II In. .-.,-,', the ai.lHtit.., promote d.tf.'-tiin i - ni ' ...7.-..: ! V. n.l A... V. .n I .....: ..'.-., r?m-I.. LlflVd OllllfO fcHald(.1IOn. t.,0C0r,l.r.-C.K.tClW.'O.er. and very K'ivptat'i lo the Ktoma'cti ; nil I ih treTli I In all ijie t r j nc t J " i?.. ij I 'v a i . , 1 1 1 ii . . : ' 1 I 1 " ; . T 7 . Ki V :,.;efa-.i.,n ll.OV toU 1.0 .0- , "Tn IW and that 1 .-xT-n-iv. ;v pn-n'iin-i nv llie njosl riiOiteul emas .icanemy. ' '-ot. m,.,,..,! f.,.,. ., ... -..i ,,f m,ntli 1 A Good aor? 'We hear that the iWa-uiB ...f t.c c..u....V. I ?Uy b l0-at.l In a fcenithy and atuiat Application Imtr H.'Si.iilli South of Vir- , II I .. , j iti the ji-4 r'fliii, al SitliHiiurv, on the l?llh ... , T. , ... , , 1 i. ri 1 Wi,h , ,.j.i,.,. ,,. ,.,. )co.am.m!ty in frankl... ro'vu.U ,. ; .i.,u, (,, ! . ,.. ....,, . d ,, u v ' v.,,. llom.imy will bo rflUlldeif. ,Uy H 6. mtmnbrr, 18G0, ditweted lo vou at Uichmond & Danville railroad propose 1 . wnn mi .t..t i.oi.. an.) pur. , , , v , ...1... -u ... . . . , u to (bo .New loi ... , AnJraiW ii.m iA 1 . -j.i.. i V,r, pre,,i,ri..g few freight era-will adj.,- i f'ces much belo-a former .at- B,rdV.nhe bad oi.re-,.e,,M.:,' . ft. n.Tt . t M al Jfacftifie mtnttfednred efprfsslyfor u Mfe 10 notUir'l th it ,hc tu monV in 1 li- I A l ' 8 - . "n 1 1 el' nn "tli 1 11 l'( 1 Tli I'll.1 1 pi 1 r 1 I I p ii ivic ir 1 vt!i 1 tn nn mini iidiiiii nidi mi' tutiiiiiuii ill lalile wlteel., K a- to al.i,, liver N. O. E. SILL'S Drti" Store, .' June lm,).wV3m " ' P, ,, ;' l j Kl U A ! 'Lh MS V A N 1 LI . . j0li:3I AKilili?, HARNESS 21 A-j 'he e.i-e ip i vtui.iiable lu Uiw ue-Xl lean ol . liiia road w ithout brcttkinsr bnlk at lllii n nee 1 c .. ol.. .iiuL2- 'ZL. : "T. ' Kft-u In tin :--'i 'fT-n il I o niiii Ane . Sut'i tin Comt nfouiaid. lo be hrlil at th Tliia at-itcinent (lie Examiner indig- try these M.tie.s, for the, loll iw.ng Dx-a-, -nantly denies, pronounces it a slander, wi'l in eve-y ens And lliean a safe, plea-ant, and culls unnii the Jml.'u for hi- authoii- "edy uinl elh etiml I!. iiu ily. iv V.,. .I..I triii,...,. Ui.,,.,' Iti. 1,0 ..'ii .,.;.. 1.0 .,.'..1 ... .1 in, tuoua, but upon (he had people of Row an.. If it h id been made here, we wi.tihi acarcely have risked a Hat denial. We are diepof-ed to believe it is true, and il so, il can le traced dircclly to the porrupt and demoraUiting te. telling of llin Rtdioal jrry. - Wlieit while (men' ussociato wit h. , a ii' i,u"u 11 ! hi 1111 .iV'U (III it - : nei'i-oi-a i.l . 1 tin in 1 it inc. expeus- 01 mo resp- ciaiemy .1 . t . 1 :... of llie couufry, it is nnl surprising lhat low while women should consort Willi (hem too. That aticli a statement cnidd have been true before iho war, no ime lielieves. But Ultii the recent deei-ioii of (lie Supreme Court interdicting it, in tPrmarri ijrea between llie races did oeca- -innally oteiir. Oil thu embtirl )S ol all cites aa largo a lnrnttry or t harlotte, in- to to be found a cla-s ol cre.it nfes ! with whom almost an v thing is to Bill . anting iust talioni nlmn-t any thing in iv be b lievi d. Not long ago, in tl.; . ty time, 01. a public iboroughr-trt, .."t a mil" from the -corporate limils of (bis beauti ful and will governed city, wo saw with our own eyes, tlnee negro men anil three white Women walking arm in .111:1, ami wns told that tbe)' lived together. Rad ealism abt.ie mtdc snch a etnte ot ihings possible, and Kadienliam alone is ,cspii . Lie lor it. C air. Times In the September XIX. Gentutjf is a trettHMido.ua bill ot indictment ..against tin dciinicrHjc party. J he w riter, ufler as sailing the-iriup'.ion that sits iu high places and thenismanag. -incut and si!l-li.-lin. ss of ihe piKnt C'dngreas, pays his respects in strong litiiiLre to (lit 111 mo cratic organization, lie itrniigus it for having forsaken the tenets iifNa pristine faith, lor iis imbecility, iiarrow'lVriijs and p.iiii'anism, itud Ajroadly prm tt-icm incupableof grappling wftli tlie diffictiliies lhareiiviiOn tlie lultinntd Riluatioii on ev ery side. The AViiti r of the article may be too severe in in exaniiiiaui'.ii nt tin demrK-mcv. W -wt ninsl b nllowitl trrf . .. I a iv thai he 'a 111 the main , r ; ! 1 1 . Aollier mid more liberal party is needed o ileal wh radicalism. Dt-moeraey lias grown jjj I'liqitisli, greedy, con uptiul; is too nn-j prognuwive, too p'rejadiced too pnrtlsim. y.3L It1 is the parly of the paj it uffoitls no :;-p-tbulum except si eh as is gleaned from j the si, 1 ile fn Ids of ibe past. Democracy i m ,M frinrmthics tiitli tlie nresen , its aflections ure al! withe dead llimes Hint li.on llie .il loo' aide if the bbiolle ahvss : - . ' , : 1 . . 1 o ,m s:iit as-ii iii,i. s.-piiiHu r ua 110m iir -mat. mjo u utu iwfer th-lt democracy never 1 cli.tfria- - .Eve,, the poor pretence of consisteiicv BKdenied lo those who claim 1 v , , ?S , A 11 to he ileinociats, fer the positions 1uld at ! : . . ,. . . ,. , . ,. , ,1 , , .- - I inoinui.it. d Huchaiian and th...-,. i.iken by j . 11.111 11 11 I . I tue celeliraieil iiouy wilier nasemuieo ai U b aton in '65 and which nomnalttd I Brcckeii ridge, nr(p no longer nssuniedto i be tenable by the most rigid construe" j lHiiat t ilm old . sia'.es-iight cu ed. .Never since Auliilicaliou naa ine parry been wboU: Its hitorv since that event-. ful period bus been a iceoid of irterunl UiinTrnfepTii n T Tl, uTsTTTXa. AH, nn , ll.uki 1 ill sell Ini Mi 1 Andrew Jt.hnson, Dwtiel S Dickinson j on M lay xnU ,ns, ,..e IWm tm.11. .! 1T. . ...ralle -..I the nirlv in known il-U." 1. t . (.raham More, ctaitainint., redmoulbed crusade against tic Soutk i Hon'hwit deniwa'a wt-re lWevrrnhnl-rrt II (Your (heir Jle.,i.., lo a.ifc.Uto.i, rx-cauae Ity llic cl ul l(et Idinc'lUC tl jdomncrauc iwrty H deatioyad. Tin- - . f. . A . ' X . purry d'h-d when ll, first trumpet sound ed In cull Iron 11 to m ills to subiirirato us. I l..i.,. ,l,.u,l .. u ...I im mnrli in tin i -""" " " , " . . : . Jt ,..,,.,. t'(, ril ,. pr,iolll . . 1 . i . '. , OHCfffl ill" deiuncralic putty, it ll-hnu- 011 1 lie iluaJ, lli:i. 11 reprniM li ON thoe vlio wiTHtlftl nut ii t rt'ly lor I lie pointful lilitti of 111 111 nuil )fic I in (Tfur di-fi'Moi! of liein. Wo tlfinand, ike peoala of 1 lie J nluJ itctl, lncorrUlible ' people of! tin wll.il.' eoiuitry (I. in mil unoiher poliiieul orgnnisation rtiitcd hclier'to tin- genius of tlie tiiU',, ndupteu more to elrcttuiataiietv, more rcaatitiub9 hiTth in creed mid prieiiee, tliun lltu tire. ent imhecile, old dead concern iuia imni il di mocrncy. H tittle run ludcjc. 'I EACHUiv. ..'TlIK i:NlJi:H.--f;NK!. vrli.i has IimI i-i-vcral years liieee.--lul rlju'ii I euce i sit nation in hmcii. in a i.noiiv o. oil: . . , . f 'livi 4. . ,., .. ,l:i 111 nil i. , . I 'I ciiiiin, -niniMii rot Uielii'leil. Ad he.-a. rtiilin. fern. .ftEV. JQI1S II Til. I.I N fi 1 1 A ST. 3'3i , Wiiliahiiry. K, (Jt, AngUBtino "Sformal School" O THIS "it-'HooU win. li iidvuirnrd f.'u ii- xliieairui ul iiH.-inl teaclteta, inhI.- ai.il htiaile ' ,V" on Ve.hi,i;,v. Seit. '."Jth. Apph deratand ihu tiajir primary rnlea ol Ariuii.-iic. ,i I will lie reii.J.iieiJ l.ua ,1 n -ji elul eiiHcs. Aii!eui.in, nocinnpanh d l.y ai.ili uu.ni ol aee, q lfilieutlolM mill jii-eu iiaiy uhiliiy, may he UiaJv lo If r J- rt'MVTnv cutTii n r It -Mill. N li, Spt 24. I. mill. fiin,l,Ml. : ,'vr.aua mii.xir wiiicnona.'isn-ns em i i ui. . e-fenec cu'itaitiue' eie it i.n.i,.s .,1 Hi" li"U Salt. , . .... ... .... l( w.ll l.e IOHUiI very Valualile. in cae In "e a Ionic i in-liciiied, (mil a- Languor. 'j" fi w V" ttij' J s ' OLXDGCXTIAX RITTK -ri . , t ' 1 ' J""( ' I "IOC und Jh ( - . a I lm ,'",!,", I '"N l1 "'7 pc-" w la-fever know 11. ' : 11..:. i 1 11..... . ,r'.i. 11 uini ' w ... i n im it ... . . t . . rr ,1-.- 1 r 11 .. 0 1 m::T. h"v"', a', '1nt,?"a- ' J.m-1 1 ' 1 111, 1 1 1 1 rwriMT j Mll'l I or 11-1 treaaeil Iv.du. -v, -Hheideratid Crfmrrv t rrmni ...... r. 1 1" i L' p 11 1.. . , . . haie no siilN'ilor, il anv i.iuall Th.iie who T! e v Aie a suie" in-ev. i ' 1 e and pup (01 I 'CI',i!I'and Fever, atiJa! Mauil-il "Disease's ! i , . , n -I'j.rs . LNHHLKVTrOV, ah K-T lilACH, COLIC. SICK-UK OACHE, i!i;oi'iirns, ASTHMA. C 'l lw .V Ctrt'OH, I, ...... nr n ..,iiW K m, ... -.-.-. - ... ii i. ... . .i. -, , ........ ,,,.,.,, a ,.(.,.,., T, u. ,, " I 1 , . . . . .' 1 W -:KT asi s Hcui.ar . remii.es 11 .- , lllllii.-l :i - iron... . I I-t? Ine .r.ai ''eil'-e invn iviei hi hii othei lowlornrsol F.'ie, It ia Ibe very be.-! route that can be ii.-.. Tlif Compound Gentian Ditt'r mcrt with niiivet-.d lavtir, and have 11 -ecit ed the -!: i y I. .. I 11'. .1 I . 1 J 1 1 I'i 1 1 . . I'i I 1 I 1' . 1 1 1 1 U llii ,.w o whlell- We ai.-ii:l below: This is 1 certltv il it 1 Lai" nf I IV: ! 1 I 11's Con pound 1 y leeo.tiu.ei.d 1. a 111 !,f.. a'. I eh,.-::liH' Vel V ... -I li.!.. I- I .-it i -ia In- u?ed lor iu 0:1111 ileoi'. -v. vek -'on,:n . A,-. E M. IIGLT, M. I). Lipscomb, O-a.igeeo, N. C, Nlay 15. V.r. I ii reby ei-rtily thai I have lieui lisuV' Dr. floddiu's "C- 'iiipomid Geuliiin Sitter,'' lor Co (fi, Ocneritl Debility, -to., and I am filly satisfied I Iui4 they an; lie la- I lh tiers of w h i:h I have any kn.itvl-de, and 'he betsl Tinn.col iered tu tlie AmeiTean people. Kur.'T. T. SLATER. IIenriC" county, V, June 25, 18it). Da. Goiuun : Dear Sir: I have been aimer- in- 101 tw.-i.ty yens wnn an iiii-.-nou oi n..-; . 1 .r . .. . . i kinn.-ys, '10llate .'I: lid Mil stnct'lle of I ' ' 1. .1 1 meih'.i; have been tnnlt r rlar leniineiii l I ti,ep-tphLiHUsin theeouiliry,oneiil whoinl .it now a profess,,: m a me h-al 'et.11". A.! . iUled lo rehi.Ti Inc. i U.'iallV Hun iwu Loui llOnhd (leillian H t!e t ; iheeff.el was hi ;,. 11 charm one botlle i.-ive me complete relief. I believe il to be llie besl mediviot' I have ever used. Very respeclullv. JAS. A. FAULCUN. IJttferoh, X. C, Jan. 7.I., 18o. Prepared only bv Dr. G'xldw. 1 JAMLS T. WKHJIXS, J'nji t trtj WJioUmU Agent, NORFOLK, YJt. For (a!e l.y Dr. G. I!. I'.-uisoti, Pali- bury, JrC. ati-r-ti TiMK V.xttur. W: N r lttllllo tD. . ,W ,.'.-tj-t ' - - tsorxt; w j st. MIUH, STATIONS. AUK1VK. tlU'VtS, Sttli-dmrv. . 35 A. , 3:iC A, t. Site .1 4:17V Thir.iCieek. isVi rltatcsvdlc, ' . ' 7 Plott's o:".? Calattha, 6:2fl Xewlon, 7:'2'2 Ilickorv Tavern, iV')7 Icanl. ' H;0 Morganton, l:17 (iol.NG EA T. 6;tf2 hi"'.) 8:84 7:27 B: 0:07 80 MILKS. PTATIONf. AHIllVI;. l.f.AVK. 3:3t) I'. M. 4:tr, 5:10 frSA 1 6:4S 7:) S 0,1 fi:0o to-r. ..,,,.. l. ,..r( . 4.,-) jr jj. -,-..-.,.. :- Hiekorv Tavcm, teVt 30 ',wton, Se0 -1. I utawtia, j P. iott"'... ... . matcBVIUC. i TIiir-1 I reek, P:D0 a0 Halisbtm. . 10:12 S.tlisb-ary Male Academy. THE NKXT SESSION' WTLL,IliaiioN Wislnesday l .;h rk-pt. It-fl. TrtTlON Pt'll month : En- Ii.h, - . - - ?2 00 Luigna-s, ... - 'J on I'in.r.in.-e Fee. - - - 1 00 Tuition p-tpaMe . monthly, and every pnpil cb-Bnd frouiuato of en&n.ee to tbe elose of he ie. in. J. ETWIIAUTl S, A. M. 'rk-pt 3, 18(W. It I'rhiiipal. V OTIt E. lh jng. apjiiinted Assit.ieeTi .ept 10 3n:3t D. W. KKIDER Assi-nee f , "" V-n'Pt'""; ''"" ";',,r,.r' '"; alum, live fcl bv four; illu-tr:,.ed hor.ler. I, ,: .1- of. he pmeal and lies egrtaU, 1 in leg and j Mllu,i, ,,1Jlri,v,d, cHinllen, railroad, jaM A?r"',r o,"el,,;,,ts,0- Iheyao,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,. A Map worthy .0 6 " 0 ' . ! ' SP .ien A4e r.adv abom the 1 Sl1I1. Vi tia!i nrikc ttirm. b.-viirej .1 :f- nni-n it,. 1 ' rnrr Array m. mI" Mttn ,u it ntinlK x utiwiiiov jwui vyu THE Exercises of the CWcm-d Female I. . ... . ..I ...ill II... . .... ...I 11... ColJewe.BUUe, will be m 1st ot September . exl. Hiiurd, fuel, vniahiiiff. tl.l per month. Tuitiimiu renular elnaaea from .3t) to '.i I! I pet in. nit Ii. IfaJr., Drawing. I'aiutlng; Are.. extrH at iii'i.ienitu riUe4 ; payment half in a.lvnnae for t-rin of four liloutlia, ending Dee. 'Si. For furtiier iwrii.-ul.il. HeUreM E. F."UOCKVKM, Stiiteaville. July !'. 3in Freaidetil, M.UfMi!!f Male U.idrjg;. TUB FALL. TkKM oftliis SehiMil will open on the lit b ul Seji'.etuuer, una coiilinue maicea IMMll, A I'll,-'. .j,hi,.,,'t. (,u Dt,ru,ini... J.i i n ! .i;iii(fcnt i-ee....y Hoard in irnnd fantilira ut alV per mouth I One ball ot the uboio.. . i.i; t'i M re.uiied In lih itiii-i.'. For fJrthUr particuhtM, uddrtss the ninelpuN July ;to, IHuJ. . " F -.'in Pleasant Giwe Academy. ii . on tin- ydi or Ao'iufi ro-xi e on Hit- Vli or AuyiiM lii-Jtl. ,urmiojr;A,LXsica?, M'-ttn ;mi ( 'leiuis: Tiiilion fr.uu tn $lu per aeasin Jli.nul wilh ibe IN uielpul W per mmilh. For Nirticiilu.H iiil'lrc-n I he principal al F ' ' "-. V i ..... ' - . . ST. J. KtLIK PHnrfnal. r:.-,-i net ITi..ve. X C. i inn.- lMt.:) j 25-141 1 . mo .eii.ieiny vim e. i e.iin- iiein t un I. l,it J... ii, ,, ,ii An: ii-i in -mil. . I'i i. ... ii. u..t , . -... ,ri-..l.: . . . - - : f" n , ....ii i ii., n . un, ...in. .mil hi in., L: ' tl.ei.im. t eutian,-,.. The rate l IiiiIiod will l iih) Mtow:t7.Mli it ' HH SI ZKfTSIBIill IIA!N: Tun Vi.d ' 'h -ntire t'.'i'.-ri.'iil I'la'c. Ai of the .iUve I u-,r!.. ..,.1 .... ... .1...: :.. ..... linn nvrn.-.in iw -.opuiM I tlinMtph tiieriituv State, at an early day, oii 1 - . Z-"r r " 1,"4", " ' ri ; ;, ap aid h. ,rder,h..::d - I 1 ' om -nun -in 01 a inni, 111 nai.- v- nv. 1 ........ 1. 1 ' '" "-" '"'.ini'.- ea.-n. 1 - ren in brr, l-W. lVr:w acetimmnilalMig. nddxcSiiwjib 2 stampaj ItKV. SA.Ml I.I. II.. Ul 1 . ancl.'i 12 "iu Wilniinprton, N. f. BOOKS voxt MAGISTRATtS and TQV?2ftmX OiiliiUiO. T1 v. ode of Civil Procedure which every Magistral inut have. Sent free of lllisCii-,. I ' 'i -1 T is. , -,-!, r-. TnAl. . 1.1 , . .. 11 II .,..1 MVWAV b I'riee in Store. So (X) bv Mai! n .-.0 Forms for Xftag-strates. aaeon- laimtl In net of Assembly In provide fLu'- s in eu-it iM-neoilufe brforcJIaiar- is'rutes. Mr mail "'V ! f err,. A Tnnjta fnf 'nmifirlin 1 Si .re. K!'.'.. Ilv luail r V" rr 1-, vt, T ni-ti't 1f S,..,M(, ( lmiMs. -m ... ,..,. 'I',,. 1- County Ireasiirer iu eouraeorpre i,in.ii..n. 7.. . . nmyrnons. Cxi c,tlna. Plate War. rants. iV.'.,,-J u per l!Mj and tl.ii-.per ouile, -.-lit fiee-ol postage. Addles. Jill 01, lei-, to .IA: II LNM-S. A. i f. No. t 'a. II00U More. ..-i-hnrt-i, tf I'll. Hook Sto.e, liahieil'. n-- C WARD: UPWARD : II iviiiK int-t w .lli sai i.i v lar trjjUKl i.tirt-xjec-tati..n-, H. tin', Jiiil'.ii'i.t mi of tfie CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, we take tliia metliod of nReriugonr pajets, DAILY, TR! WEEKLY, AND WKKKI.T, .-1 atiwui! llie host aJvertbing un ilfSJM-l 111 u'lli 11 1 n .NOlth l uruliiiu. AJicrtiffVtfnh K,!iritnlTinnn JUoJerate. s r i; km iu Ms ! i j: km i riis -' i.cii ,. n,. i;i,u lint- -v:iii 11 ima. 1 11 .'i 1 ' r fit l t ft.l t .. .. I i- ' r I ' , ,,. . ,. .. r ... , , K. v ..,.. ... . . . ...... .... - - -r - Mj.'l 'V mi SMITH, WAT lS A Cft.. Arnr. 7. mi. . .. .Ch-arlotle. h. '. rj 'alEIIJCS l 71 AIJ5'?. ....... , , it' ) )1 o r.Jjli'.lio A N I' 1 .1 I , fiN r UP, 2fi2 Uattimort St., Baltimore, 31 d riIIK I.AItOKST and best assorted tuck i In thi! eiy ol' , Srhwl. Law. Do ital, M'.llr il. Claadeal. 1 rWj ,a ami Uir. Ilaue a Badk-. , Blank add Counting Uouse stiitirr. y 1 klmla. Blank Hooks inniHifht'tBre-I , id? ,li any style' of binding and riding. '' !- rjioFESsrowAi at i-i -y 1 -7s: r . ANHiiSi- Al 1 A.Vi iihJCJA UTON; -. (. . ILL rR ACTK'K in the r, -e,' t of Davul oit, Torsythe, Giullold, Aiumunce and Han- uolt'li cvuntie? : R FEREXCKh , Hon R. M. Pearsitn. C. J. of N C. Rnfeigb. ' K. G. Re.-ide. Asso. iiile.l: -tile, . " " ThomasSellle, J " " " U. P. D ek, ' n.dloiil Hiotrn. Ynneew iHe, N " Hon. Jofen Kerr, " J It. M'-L-nn, Giceiishoto,', X. C. " Tiiorrni? Ht.ifin. Jr., " n " J. M ! ",.. DobJon, N C. ; Jannary 9, 1869. 't " "DrTl. W. JOnIsT " lAVINfj bai-taJ in linlii V'in- '''-' ' '; lien oiU'ohucil Street, opposite tl.t-loin t II. ss II Profesainnal servne to ine jir'uic. in and neitdiKir lo the Uwv otuee oj lion, i.uu.ii (Jraiire. " May ii, tSllll-fl'. . - 'v latal-llai-iocl 1Q8. J .ri.vi n ' ash COTTQJfcrP"A OfOtliS, Commerce St., K"orfo!'r, Va. ..T p tt, , sal, of J COTTON and all otier kinds of. '' :"';'11V' , nd prompt relurua. pdyli-W -3tri - .vi . fj. i.j ai an 1 ivar. tltt. i . 1 . v ..1 ... , 1 1 . ' , iii.j..i..-',ia.u. L E r A u fc Dnub. tt 10.,: tv i Kvii'a hm!aon.e anneal p,..iit. it,! Revised ntid corrected bv it wmTT V u-. i ' v v i i a i ; i i , GENERAL FX? T',.-: best legal authority in this plac L & ,, . ... Cflmmteiao JHiBfliants 2s!2 -Jsata2 i fe M:lrn WALTER A. WOOD'S PRIZE llfiiror tUXil UV'A JlftFS " " g'- 3 Usril hi all eoi.iiliici and cnivrrraily onnimendcd hi THE US: ST IN VhEl Awani' il n i.ire ratDrettiuiiii" iliu;i anv oiiur Mneliine miiiiuUelui. il, butli ui lliia AND FUKKHiN lUliNTIilKS, ' I A.noM wlik-h ii f THE? HIPUrCT Dff?JTr?f .niUnHOl FKIAB ? i w (trnittl UUl Mttlals nrnl Croaaof llio L yioli id' (Joit'T, Exposition, 186? ml More than IU,(KJU vote in I'xc! o(it()00 inanilfuctlirctl 011(1 Mtfd in 1?()8 Utid tlie titjutititl UUatt)l4wii. I. f MM!.U Di ki.u:J. LcnaMil fiiclil'ir . W.u.d'a I'.i.e M..n era, 1 1 u,l 2 Hurtc.) " S 11 linking Kipyt, vi ii N'-ii MoWtn" Allatliuietil. " II.iiKl II ike lieiiptr. Maine' Iliinoia llnrvcau-r, I . . . JJillllllllU'.iU4U( OV llrf UlrttW A. Wood Mow mi l i':'iiv muu.ii.c tiun; .i y. ciai i e and Mali"'. ii-lo i v, HovM'.k Fu!!.-. Itttia 1 1 . . . r ' ' ' 1 ..i i noui-l V. - w. txix, 603. i iti i . ...... . i ' i .... . i i I. - -..,, r - i ... . i. I Ma.li-oii w 77 L'i'Ikt 1 hutnes St. L ullon .n ' uii'nn. ,'.,vau ,v 1 o , a,c. Abulia lo. the iioove I.'-, p.-i .1. SahAuiy, njirni2nT(noiii "1 T -'Til if 1 -tr" A .C r U ' 1 J. U LlXjt tlOIQ 1 iu Salisbury ! l I1K SUBC&IDKU HAVING ITR- ' 111'. SI' BSGIUUKU II , , , fumil eatabh- jtO.Hll.iier wilicui.iimcll j k-W -'.-, lly 0,1 luiud,. ertiCTanico I istlnieut M M. o.e .e bii'..iss 011 an ol FL KN IiCKF il.L'l. .'18. SECRETARIES, BUREAUS, rrnlrf-'Jali:, N. .Us, itmilniurs, in fact u.'l arlkdra usually haiud in FIRST GLASS Faniiturc fitofs. Ilent-.i K ep- 1" '.Uat lly fi n:!ld ' flsiTai 1e aUic Bitrinl ra?c, i " 1 C'' '' ' " lV 1 . . . , ..u n J On. J.'uin Strttt " icite tti &ort of Muck th' 11 wn. Grwel Wairtnt-and I'opiar Lwuiber fa il !n exi Ii.in 1 l' Fm in'ute. ' S:.'"-!eii v, J.it.e lis.li, i. 1.. 1. "il dill This wondcrlnl vegetable restoirttivc is the fcltect auclior of tho feeble nnl debilitated. As 41 loulc and wrdial ---for the- ajM aud Inngnid it has ho -POual among M!M-chics. As a tennaiy Xd' tho iici'-.misr weakness to which women tire especially subject, it is superseding every otlier stimulant in all elimates, tropical, tenipcrate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which niulerinines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. ; Wherever it is intro duced it becomes a stand ard article a mcliciiial staple." U is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the' most popular medicine hiHhe civilized world be sure and get tho genuine Sold by all Drug?ists, Gro- eCrs and Country Stores. T-iIVER LANDS FOR 8ALEI-TIIE ' l Snh ci iher ile iriup lo retluce his luiuled -i..te .11 ,i ui- nnuii, ics.t ners tor sate mvtmr' . of : liuth Ui, er Lund, Cm of hieh is excellent. I bottom. About one-hull' of the whole is ill cil I ttvution : the .-enin'nder, Is-m timla-r. Th'e I.T.- ( !' Rowm Oannty. Ni C. f?ept, 'n'.' I K-kt TTftftF . f ) SFL W IT L ) 'll 'Vli ll IIVI V SALISBLRi, N. .ttoa.ol I ltma leo,t ly w y i ': " ' ........ ..... . . i in i i iltliali It . - i.Ai.i-... i b.,. i im -i i i. .. ..iu ....I. ah.oj . .1. .. V, .., . . . , . .n,,, , ValmliH Land (or Sale. 'PJIi; si lit K11U.U ( IT l.llS L'tK SALE TWO Till l SANK KOI It HINDI;!'!) '.' I;!.- i.i .i..u:.te l.i:i.i in UdoWCtl CoUlltV, ' L ... . ., f PAlTt II17CIUII-J ACJIKS valuahle ATfcl! lOW Kh, n wiih a I I'!'. 1 I .ii tie Itlvcr, Mlfficielll lo drive ullV amount ol uiavhtnerv, w iih a dam already erect ed on I in ... ! eonditiun. 1 lie reiiiaiiiiler ol t lit.' Ir.e t will liedivnlkd in- t Jota of hny ie, from 1(10 aciva ujiwanN, to anil pur ha-i r, The uhnve lund lie ten mill ' north of Mirk- fe? N ' 1 he Mild on rke jii. I r lu'lje li 1111;. I Apply 10 the mi.ki-ipuiM at loAvun Mil'-. N. I C, of to Jacob V. Fowlirwlio !ivi uertr the iho'-. JldtKMlAfl HAUKINtilTt. Ang. n, Uowai. MIIHN. TOTHiiLiDIi:a. I o U d Jt ft H Z V " ' H f m J - J rt pa P 0 TJII'ulvrrllir liavln,; l.;ii nipo1ntcd an cn lor tlie nice r fclNGKK'S CKLKIIUATF.I) AVw J -Htihj Switttf AJwhiit !i all A 1 yjk 1 'l T: : ::. ' kirj ii't-ui'j ii.S.ui ','. ant: F.vrer, and T n. tl., :-'....v De.1' iida.il ; juiTI iilT ..tl. i in.r !.?.;. ' rr- rrrw niore JOfcrtK Tu nomM Whitehead, one of f he defend Kil.fl. oi aorK.IT..m.ne kin.pie pintn mm .10.- inii-t tieiiut till umIi tvn Inventefl, -l-xomiiuy in ncaitli. then why not! iMinierylluiii m y iitlat i.ni hiue iiu) me 1 .'..i. TlifBC MtrcUinOB uro wttrmnterj to Il'tliev fa 1 W'lUfcWId ' vitl'-'.rd. at iaauutic(uru-'-i svr ltu- - r - PuMim flaairlerle'iiiaatain nil! pltotc unit for v... .. ai.it i'i: l MM. I John A.. Ram-rcy, .- .iisdory. N . ''. Jm:e IB. mi. 01711 THH AhLKfGTdM MUTUAL - - COMPANY OF VIliGINIA A Virginia and Southern Institution I fx luimlH are Avj'l in the Quvtn. Jt has met attt anpfeeafotikd sheets, lis Jortuut urc tstuilitlied beyond un) Contingency. , . . ...... . UM ICEHS : V K I: 8 I I H N T i JOHN Lu. EDWARDS, vie riicaincinri srcntTiaT, Wjc. Li. Isaacs, V.J. 11., jihujok MKOtCAL EXAMIMCR, CHARLES II. -SMITH, M. D IK.1AL AI'VISKB, OKKKBAL ASKKt, II. ('. CaIILLL, JXO. 11. I LAlllOHNII j UIK!-;tT(IS: - L.hti Mnihrs. A ilitaui r. Caylor, y -faniu.'l s. Cotirall, .K.irn Inwe.'V, naiies X. Woriham, IViUiuta Wjliis. Jr., t'.t. A Sini.il. i hos. i. Bvaas, IsnistrA. S-ett, it.M rni i rtes, vv. H.Tyler, J . K. HCdwarda, , V. SUok.-i J. II. Hprwa, 4tll.ito,-- William II. 1'alnirr, Ueury K. niyaoo. Asa Snyder, b . i.. , . Ussl-.tTlIle, Salt tael I'. 'iulJy, tipie c t.e.ili-, J. W. Allisnn. Oeorj-e R. Calmer, II. 1. t'hockley, U. CvCahetl, Ii. J. Ilartsoflik, John P. Willlaaia, illinii! i. Taylur, A.i'. AUtll. Win, II. Iwuc. I . i a -I . . I . . ,1 . in.), r-iuael M 1'iice. LEWIS C. II AXES, AoV F.b. 18 -It Lkxiiitox, N. C fc-iit TUB C.CLD rEDAL Has just been trward.-d to CM AS. 31. STIEIT, For tlm beatWaa,Bow l'affeW Itnltiinoie, Phil- ----. acleipiitiu an,! New .prt Pianos. orncE asu WAiniunoxs: Xo. 9, Xurth Liberty Street ncftr Balti more Street,- DAIIIMOUK, Mi. SrioFK'S Pi AXOoi )iova'liUie luteal Improve ment.. Irclu.llna: tlie Ajrr.iil-! irehie. Ivory Kroitta. rt,,4 ti. 4an,mv4 t'n'f.Ji .Utic.u. fully u-rtanteU :Vr live your, with i-ritKeiiC of c.v!'..rp n it'iin t A-elve uiontlia ir netAtirely aat(ijcjwy toimrcha sers. .ieronrl h'in.l Piaimsnnd Parlor Or-rnna nlnuiann hand, troia 0 tu4JW0. Ili-Xeieiice, I n line our Pinne in urr: C'.'i. li . K. bie. Ltaiiy-tiin. Vs. i;,;i. h. II ifvi, rhar ottc N.'f. (ien. Ih't.. !' i..i:iMi,il. Wirriilii'.U in, S 0. t;v. Jo !ti, l.ei -he . I.e.vnclenj Vn. Mesrn,. Ii. UnmellA --on. Uarh'tte.K. C. Jain.-. II. lo.raii. Itoraaion. X. 0. J. II. smith A ii. W, Melton. I'le-ter, . f. ;. '-Itrmvii A Iteniliiirili are ifc-ciit ler U.e salynl tlaMiljavo celetiiati-il Pianos. .iiipii '.'.T iit F'.rtnry'iffWsj Jnni-lS lv ; U-GIIKCStead Bfclf.kS ! (For Jativn of Homesends.) of u.m BEE P. B. KENNEDY, PIlOTDURAPnR--' . I'llOTtHiUAPIlir ARTIfT. . I - -or.. :i:n titra r,-...r ''i'll'lL ' ' .' I. i. . . I.trsc Sized Photoeraiihs Porei l.iin rie!uri-is, Cabinet . arlea Oe jutes, cf e tnrea at rea-jnanie rnrm erpi irjiM xoritits. State of CTorthifcrolina, ( IMS ILMir I '..I Ml ) j Snporior Ouwt, SjtriJhrtrm, J WW. w, M Wilh. l.iian.l wilo irabfll.. J. C New- an Wilv .vs.ntfaieL Aneiia.i..' Gray nod wilo Maty, and i It. Haittiwn -llaiu'if. AiilltVUT V. I) I. ' 1 v. T'li-iew l Caroline Hampton, deo'd., Juiuei TMry, Timtee 0 Snupaoa Wil-oo, Mavain?uuiy hia wife, ami Chua. A. Wet lie. o . fit -fetiriiint. 1'ttitivu .r .Snk0ui I' ntUi,:, of the L4t nf fee uutfMiiiijurft li ' I. appeal ni lo 11.. fr . I'.e'iioinif the court 1 thnt W. D . l.iiuDay, J.. 'Panay, 1) m -.'met Tan- -j it'" V "V'li 1 iti h n Imili iiilliiiii nJSti'i ;i,v.,re n.,-re.i.leuial th. iita rXedL Thnt putttoiitiiMi be mane wi-kL . f irrix o eca aive wit4tn li tin. CM North dtateanewipaprr . ' -lied in Sah-liiuy, N. C, s.nininoiiin' cm h t .id oWendalitl to lw and i.('nf it tlye next term Ol ir Haiti OOUU lo b-' In ' . t the C'.li't llou-i' in VetMllU i . on the 2d Moinl.iv al't. r jlhe3d M.i day in SfitteiuiK-r next, (lien und I here in au.sngr or demur (0 a.iid petiiiti-, or I 'he M or w(3 hn takell pro tvkjfJV Mid heard itrparle as to their., j Wilui-aa! L K. J I.'., in, CI. i k of our anid C''Ul ut nt'.i e in la x ii ;t. ui, h 'J I Moiidn alter tbe SJ Monday in'Apr.l, H',9. L hi. JOHNSON, (i R. C. I Order maejn and taauyd Aug. 23, ltOJ). .ii:'i::.i.l.-. fin. Etatc of Uorth Carolina, t HOW AS lULMV.J. Jfuuiiiur i'mnt. Virgicia G. Vl'iiiteheaii, Flnintiff, aminf t Murrclins U'hliehvaJ. TKiinaa Whitehead. C. A. iicudetaou ai.U Jviiitil. Kuuiri. Lilo lurtnera under I lie na't'o ol i! ! ,, ti -iulva .,.,, .,,,,.. ' , Vottare hereby uolirieil, I hut a fttrriniont, it: j 1 lie above entitled ca.c, has i.nueil ngahifl you, and lj.e cojnplair.l ihtmn wai filed ntthe'Su t l-jf'or 1 'ui( Kowa.i voMnljr, on ihe lSih ! ! '.- i'i Mj!;-ifniiv rm i'..- ' .i tmii. ! :.. , ... ,., ..,. ..,. ...,. ,JU1 ,rjJ trf'-M'- . i , ' ''; 1 " l,lt '"-eu to appear ant, answi r ine ottipJaint ui (litault wlieieot llie plulutiu w ill apply lo tad Court lor tho relief ... .naud- ed iu the complaint. Wiine-s. A. Judaou Mason. Cleik of the said Supetior Courtat olli' e iu Salisbury, Seplem be. 20ili, A. D. I8C-. A.J0P8OS MASON, e. . a. 38-fev:(pr fee $10) TIMF TABLE W. C. RAILRORH THAR? SORTIt : atiL. Kr ; mu. ratioar. 0:1. i 1 I UUTB. ' l" in . ! Carlnfl-,... IU: 1 r. J -2 : IM A.m.: r riT.A liftf " .... Cii.ah.Mi : a.. wi f.l r h Virus p. u. ft.na 4-ao 4. a. 18" a a ll-M a I. r R.li-.nli 1 ti " 1 1 ti..I.t-l...r.,'.. . . itii.-ni " i TRAIN? SOITH: riElOIIT. i Hurra, i .III iM r. i 19a :) Wat kB sA iM i Ha 1 1.1.1 1. n I Tit A lis aciU ait run tiijul -ro? m lr Mhru IUUrrr I- ll.('lMill.T lor II. rgai will u. wiwuni n.-i-'-Irlby IB.' pawMt-jrr irttla. 'I Al.ltKItT JOHNSON'. 81 IT tiratrai SaptriBlndent THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society OK TUB UN ITED STATES, 02 iSroadtmiify New York rp J. HIS f OMr VNYliass-apitaland aascts rnlnat ha lia-llitlta Uuat will compart: with any Lite In ura are r'ompary on the Cuatineut, which is tbe true l-l nt reSi onsiliilitr. rasa Afet 16 000.000 Animal Premium Income, 4.il0.n00 In. reaM over lf7..r H ooo.UOO Tht-'uudtrsiL-netl id aeent for the above Company. A. UAll-blN, A iicnt. MoiikavlPe. March 19. 1869. y li-J XEV TOUK and North Carolina STEAiflSIlir M.E I'ROU Ifew York Wilmington, This Line will comprise the following steam ers: FAIIiRAXKS, Cupi A. JTuvfer, W.M. P. CLYDE, " 1). P. Morgan, KEMvCCA CLYDE, 0. Chichester. Til&SEt SAN FORD, John Moore. Willi snch additional Stnmers as may bfl n tpiired to meet the dcmr.nds of the Ira-lp. Saiiinpfrom Nw York every YEIjXJ?SDA Y and SATUWA Fat 4 P. from Pier 15 I' ll, loot of Wall stfect. PtP The atleniion of Shippers is called to Hie LOW RATES nnd FACILITIES offered by this Line, wlifcli are aujjtiior 10 anv heretofore offered. THliOtW -nil.LS OF LADING jiven to ail points on the North 'Carolina Railroad alio its Coniii ciioiis via Goldi boro. J. A- SADLER, SrVltcftting Ageiit. WORTH aV DANIEL, A-iius, Wila,ihgtrtij N. C. J AMI'S II AND, A iT'-nt, Rl,9 dtf IIS Wil Street, N. Y. Edge wqrth Female Seminary. Tn i : n e xt s i"7r' ) s vv ill com. ! nieiice on ihe tirsf Moiniay ol SetVteuiber. Tho entire cxfieLfBOl Bom d and TietHW will bo from flOO to W if paid in advance. Each boarder will furnish her 6-r .Jjfc1' ..V!?!'! and nT-'o "a pair of she" niol plIToW rjV. Tor circnlsr nldress L M. M CALDWELL, July 2, IftG- -m Gieen.-boro'i N. C. SMALL FRUIT INSTRUCTOR. WeCi.iiijBftoe Jmn.trr,!- oljust srk Untiiror'a'a. .i aiwiiiK tfc valet o! ,. - ,.r ' v.oik. It sbonltt 1 V.' di.l i'lerlir. i.. I i ,,..!.. U-tfter Ua- owner of I. . ... - i ... .....,. --a . I i ',, :. K.i ,i,ii,w'a ,. v ctsii . -nTr-r-r. .; , , uU Brini.. lot. vloiaaaleaJ'Cftnl i t..aB Bs unA JeiM. desii .i'P tn S .Z r .i, M nlf, a f.- ttti :;li i;j Bta. HtiatUoren 'nid.-.f m 4.' .1 il fin. m- iPiTim' j :oh partsB atM sar3T-i- la

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