11 . , . VOL. IV SALISBURY, N. C, OCT. 2, lm AO. 43 7" l)c (DID Xovtl) State rriu.!s;i:i) wr.r.ui.Y iiy fohtur and I'roprit lor. r, II X n OF M III RIPIIO Y i: n. payable in advance r?3.0u Mom:-, 1.50 Om Six : ', 10 ( I' ll address I'-J.oO ! 1" I I II I Hate hi "ess of Ait'crl iKttit. i m Square, first insertion, -T Jl.tH)! l-'uren-li ;!) : 1 1. hi;j 1 in -it i. .tt .0 Special H"ti 'i i.; I t i.ii. tin. will be eli irged ."0 er cent fiiiirt and Justice's Orders willbe publish ' ji.i .it lie mime rites with tU dvrti- iilmve l.tti'S. imn'-. i Ciitii irv tiotuie. over six lines, cnargeu ltd erii-cuiclit. I I I i oN I'll ACT HATES. STACK. v J .VI etiOO 8 "0 tJI.'IltO ri ,vu: (Mi sM.tto T :i li txi !l 00 IKI 1 1 00 I J (Ml'.'d Ml '(0.00 1 S'piai'n. ('.. until. Ci.lutiili. 1 I'liht'iiit. l.'i Otlhio 00 ..'ll II id It; 00 SOOU'WOO 4.-..IKI m oo -j i oo :to ftn45 oo 75.00 ipi 00 10 00' .'0 00fU 00, l.'JO OO LEGAL NOTICES. North Carolina, r Si iM-.ittoK CufitT f SfPKRIO Spring T. C Il:ns r, Ex'r., of Win. Mackie, dee'd. I'laititilF. airninst Eli. is llayiies and others. Defendants. ,V,r Pniar'Hiigi. Pttition for SeUUmetit In this ease it is made to appear to the natimfaetioiutf the court that Thomas Mackie. Martha Mackie. Elizabeth Mackie, Jesse Makie, Siivaii Mackie. Wis Mackie. Hiram Martin, and his wife Calhaim, Mila Iieese and his wifellebeeea. Sylvester Reese, Henry .Shore and his wife Mary, are lion-residents of the Male: It is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made in the "OIl Xi.rtlt State "a newspaper published in Sal ishiiry. N. ('.. for aix weeks successively, 110 tift iiitli defendants to be and appear at the next term our Superior Court to be held for the county of Yadkin, ul the court house in YudUiuville. on the 10th Monday lifter the thiid Moiiilay in September, l-ti!. then atol theje to plead answer or demur to the peti'iou filed by T. C. Hanscr, the executor tif Win.' Mackie. asking for an accotiut of his administration and si Hual settlement. Witness, J. A. Martin, clerk of our said court at ollice in Yadkitiville. Sept. ifcld. j. A. MARTIN, c. s. c. fiw (pr fee .10.) Worth Carolina, Si-pkrioh Coi-rt. Yadkin Comity. S Spring Term, Martha J. IL.aard. IMff. ) , f. r j v. .re. .,. fAtLWm , ( a vinculo Alfi'ed Mi Howard, d ft ) In this ease it is made to a Ipear to the sut- sitMetioli oftheeonrt that Alfred M Howard. ' the ih feudal. t above tianod resides beyon I the limits of the State and tha t.Mariha Jane 1 Howard. Plaintiff above named, hath a ti I cause of mtion against him: It is therefore! .ordered bv theemirt . tliat ptibljcaltoii be tnaile in the "Old N'nrth State," a newspaper pub j lished in S.i isbury. N. '. for six weeks sue- cewiyeiy. fiotityiog the defendant that he be atid appear at the next term of our Supe rior Court to be held for the county of Yad kin at the Court House in Yadkitiville on the 10th Monday alter the 'M Monday in Sept. J"(i9, then and there to plead or answer to sviid petition for divorce filed in the office of the clerk of said court, otherwise judgment pro colifesso will be entered and t be. case heard exparte. Witness-, J. A- Martin, clerk of our said court, at ollice the 10th Monday after thelld Mouday in April, 186&. Issued 22d day of Sept. 1860. .!. A. MARTIN, c: 8. C 30-fiw pr fee 10) State Of North Carolina, ROW AN COUNTY "' Superior Court. Virginia G. Whitehead, Plaintiff. against Marcellus Whitehead, Thomas Whitehead, C. A. Henderson and John II. Emus, late partners under rhe name of Henderson f; Enniss, W. F. Haon, W. H. Ib.il-y, T. J. Foster, and T G. Haiighton, Defendant". To Thomas Whitehead, one of the defc.ldaliis above named, a non-resident. You are hereby notified, that a summon", in the above entitled case, has issued against you, and the complaint therein was filed n the So perior Courkfif Rowan County, on the 18th day of September, 1869, and that copies ol said summons and complaint were deposited in the post offn e, at Salisbury, on the 20ih day of September, 1869, ihsected to you at Amherst Court Ho-.-e, in theStateol Virginia You ace also notified, that (he summons iii the case is returnable to the next term of the Superior Colirt aloresniil, to be held at the Court House in Salisbury, on the third Mon day in April-nest, when and w here you arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint m default wheteof the plaintitl will apply to sad iurt tor tne relict uVuiaiul ad in the complaint. Witness, A. Judson Maaon, Clerk of fh. sai l Superior Court at office in Salad) ury, Septem-U-r 20th, 4. D. 18fi. ... A JUDSON MASON, o, r c 38 6w:(pr f $10) N0?ICB.-I WILL SHiL ON VKI-NK.-iltA V.vTfh of October, from : to JlXfl lei-hels of Corn, lielouginy to Mary Klli-. minor.) Ti e Je will b cash, and take place on the farm of the late Kobt. Klli.-. 0. 0tTOARl, Oct. 1. twW. :ttt t:uant;n. NOTICE. --T'l'- IM'AH' NOTKSG1V , a to m as .nluim.-tr i:i r i f It V tinT- .4, 4He4'.J, il-Alj-- butOJ -kJ. iUjI'.O.Jl.iOls .ol Jfr. Leyrtt llt'i") for eolbvtitiu. Tbse owing them avererpie-ted to HII tiutril Mr liaiiea al tie- ''if AW Shtt orli' in Salisbury,1 and i.ii-rtt.vn ii -oel. a lei--. Ofll. tf , 2 (jltm iTU. AJiu'r I) COMPOUND GKNTiAN IHTTKKH, The Great American Tonic and J), uretic ! Recomr ended and prescr ibed by physician wherever known. The "Conixiniiil Oeetisn Bitters" are inn 'c of the purest .ih. I best Vegetable Tonics anil Aromatic known to ihe protession. They also e e.UIIUIIl ivtt'llty (" I l-flll "I n U C Jl V ! P WhicM make Ihetn, bevond n'l question, tie-hc-t DiL'UETlC ill existence; and for lb iieM-U K.dnoys, llhuhler and I i n.at y Organs, iiave tro 'WplT'M.ir, if any eouaj I Tie ,win try these (filler, for Ilia following I7Weae will in every cane find them sale, pleasant, speedy and tflcctual Remedy. Tl ey ate a sine preventive and cure for Chills and Fever, and all Mulunal L. -eases I INDIUEsnON, 1 . . SU'K-STOMACH,- COLIC. 8ICK-HRADACHE, BRONCHITIS, ASTIIM A, C )LDS k Ctil'GII, , NEURALGIA. 1 GENERAL DEBILITY, Diseases of Kidney. Orsvt'L &c, and every Disease requiring a general Tome impression, pgr I'm I). Si uses peculiar to Females it is i almost a specific. I t-f In convahncerice from Tvth"id anil otlier low loims of Fever it is the very best Tunic that can be wed. The Compound Gentian Bitten meet with universal lavor, ami have nceiied the slionjr est testimonials ever given to any medicine, a lew of which We append below: Thw is to certify that I have used Dr. Orel din's Compound Gentian Hitters and ch. eilul lv recommend it a the very oest It, tins thiii can be used for ordinary debility. ki k stomacn A-..-. K. M. HOLT, M. D. Lipsoomb, 0'auge co , N. C, Xtayjl.'i, tii'. 1 hereby certify that I have been Lsmn Dr. Ooddin's "Compound Gentian iiitt.-rs," loi Coi gh, General Debility. Ac and I am fully satisfied that they are tbebest Hitters of which I have any knowledge, and the best Tonic ol fered to the American people. ROUT. Y. SLATER. Henrico county, W, June-V lsiiii. Du Gonitis: Dear Su : I have bettn suffer ing lor twenty years with an affection ol (he kidneys, prostrate jthnid imd stricture of the ii'-ethra; have been under the lieatttjent ol the best physicians in the country, one oil whom is now a professoi in a medical college. All tailed to telieve me. I finally tried yout Com lioutid Genii in Hitlers ; the effeet was like a charm 01 e Itnlile cave me ciWnph te relief. I ! level! to he the best meihriiii' I line evei lli'.. Very rosneetlllllv. .IAS. A FAL'LCON, Lillle'on. X C. Jan. "th, 180'J. Prepared only bv Dr. G.'ihlm. JAMES T. WKHilXS, J'ropriitaru Whohxale Aent, NORFOLK, VA. Ft fale by Dr. G. H. Poulson, Sali hnry. N. C 38-tl 10 TEARS RKI'ORB Till TBLIC. IF OTHER Remedies FAIL Foil bltUACliiAL. A.u LIVER 1H- S.K ASBS rt-itd the folic wing : Tl.oinas II .-ttuHiey. K"i , (ininville co,, says: "I rltel year P.lls to tie the best I'milily ne-di- l ine I iiair ini-i h-vj. iiie ii.iw jtmu-.i efii ial in my Own r.ise. I have been very flirted for fifteen yeaw, anXliave tried ever medicine that I could pet, nut have found fiiie I have i:.ir ii'i.'U. i hey lime iiro''l vury ncie iiiiir,i iit- rv KiiiiI nl I mi ie c let' t'roili vnur I'rllH than all others. Mv disease is bronchial affliction, ami a complete trostrat.oii of the nervous system. I have used them in ten or III teen east s fn my family and fiiuFflii-iii to he the very medicine lor nearly Sn family diseases. The Care in Thorough. Kennctlt lluyncs, Ksa,., i h-ikyt roluinbns county couit, writes f April 8, lfto'3':) ' Iturinp tlie latter part of tlie year IStiS 1 was severely allhitvd nitli diseased liver and many nifthtn while in lied the pain won In become ho excruciating that I was compelled to cet ont ol bnd and sit uV 'until the pain would snliside. I proi-nred a few boxesol theMil'TIlbltX HEPATIC Pi LL8, and the first dose I took pave me ereat relief. I continued to use the i'ills tor two weeka, ami have not mftt a from liver disease since. I have recommended them accordingly, and severu' twrsons are in want ot them. Ail disease iaau euemv to the korpati system and is at war witli it and will compter ft, un'eft nature with all the assistance it can receive Isom strength eaina medicines and suitable noarSlunetita, can rdneuerthe enemy ; which would be West, to take medicine before yon pet siek". TV. pt event sickness or to t.iKe inedieiiit- after you pet siek to ere sickness. I ? s word to lite wise is emmeti.r Kxerrise your own jndpnient in the niesns ef de-It-rise: the eiren y ill come, lie ye also ready with The Southern Hepatic Fills, Hint oil, 1'ini known and iW trieil remedy for all ItuiauM ilixfuxt. eaiifed ly a DISEAHKD LIVKR. TO AM- KM Kilt A NTS. Yon are a bout to i..t.e a home for yourself and family n a climate which you or they Itave not been an-ustorned to; von will, juX i-.ourse, lie posr1 to ait the diseases per ttttsr to tliat iii'. you sl.oiiid be caretul to use siu-li Med icines us are adapted to the diseaan of that t liuiutc: you will tlnd the jfteatesl sei-.iiity in the use of IIFfWs' HofTHKKN IIEPITIC I'ILLS. '1 hey can be sent to any point in the United State by I. x press. PRICK Knrnnfhnx. t!i eei !. P' I 2 fWPnlfflrn. la Ohi- (irnss, tsThrw Oro, 9a Fivs Or.aw.fTo. Tlneli mil-! eiller nrrempatiy thr orHi r fnrths ttrdl cine i ii mt be nt C. O. It. Or ,-r- thi.tild br ai'dtMs ed to 0. W. DUMS, No. s, Sopis L'ALSi'l Sts.t. ii .i i m ..... Mr., whrrs thry irtu he p--, n .''v n-l. a to. ro- th we vu.jiciors e-itl in all rrtprctal.tv PrajrgltU rv"rrywlirt sn.l oo G. B. P01JL8ON, JntvS 9S:ly Satistmry. Jf . f. ISavtAlotllavlaed lOOB LEPAGE BROS. & Co., GKNEHAL (Commission JHmrijants AN l COTTON FACTORS, vommerco at., AMonotH, v a. ryperiat attentii'm paid to- The MtB C CK.XiN. or iN and ait other kinds t j t'l M ' NTUY PKOlHICE. j ti Liberal advance on eons'eume j and j rompt returus. , juiy.:'- RICH FOR A MOMENT. The British si ip Biitanuia was wrecked off tin- coast of Umiil, mid hud mi board u larirc consignment ot Spanish dollars. In the hoiie of saving some id iheni, it nmnlier ; of barrel were brought on deck, but the I vessel went to pieces hi fast that I lie only I ,(p,. for jf,. was in taking at once to the I . i i . - I boat. The last boat wait about to push oft", when a young midshipman went bark to ate if any Oiie Slill wis ou board. To Ilia surprise, there sat a man on deck with a hatchet in his hand, with which he had brokeuopett several of . the c.tka, the coasdwnt l( fmf ,. ln..rv tents of which he was now I. aping up iko u i,,..,,,, ; It ,,,,, ', .ini.iii u, in "What are you doing there T" -shouted the youth. "Don't you know the ship i. last .going lit pieces ? "The shiri may go," said tin; Ir an ; 4T have lived u poof wretch ail my 1.1' . . mil I urn del i nil : ued to die Hch. His icmoiislrarices were answered on by another flourish of the hatchet, and Ii was ,ft to Ins fate. We should count1 such a person a mud man, hut he has too many imitators. Men seem dele mined to die rich, at all hazards Least of all i i-ks do they count the chance of losing the soul in the struggle, at any luotnotit at all. And yet the only riches ) we can hue; to our bosom wiin joy, m our I dying hour, are riches of grace through j Jesus Chi ist, which wc must make ours I before the daik hour comes. Oh! how rich have many died in their garrets and huts, while kings and princes have entered on the other life more destitute than beg gars. Who wr aid not rather choose to be rich for eternity, th in rich for the Heetiug moment in whicu the shii is sinking luti the dark waters ?-?. S. Times, WL DIE DAILY. We miss something today that wc bad yesterday. Some familiar and glad vital ity is no more with us, nor can we call P back. It has ceased to live. What we were in childhood wc are not now, and can be no wore. Our youth is dead dead ami gone Our maturity may have per ished. Where is the volatile plattle, tin bill lei fly chasing exuberance of irrespon sible life, the schoolday relish of sport ,' Where the hey-dav ofyouth its ambitons, hopes, loves 7 Whei' , f W have come to our "threescore and It;..," is the vascul n energy of middle lib the will of iron, the lionlike courage, the muscle of steel J The) have all died. Death is no new thine; to us, but a common place. We h ive see, ourselves perish atid fall away, until we cease to take notice. As time is all the while dyitifrj so then is life. The friendship of l ist year is as dead as the flowers of the same period, yester day's, expectation, the very vitality of our heart, lies buried in-day in tin- tomb of de li at. The taste that admires this or that just now, will be soon off ,o In ing us no more joy. Wedie daily. Hat we ate also I om daily. These dis solutions are compensated by births, births into yet gieater anil nobler life. The true s nils gaiii more than ihey lose. The seeds decay; tin fresh shoots come. Hopes die, but hope never; while the plan ol lis enis lence is mom elevated, the temper of its life is sernuer and gladder. Loves end, but love is perennial. .Muscle is exchanged for mind, and will for grace. If, m many ways, what we- once were is gone; so, in more ways, what we once were is come 10 us. Death reigns, but life more abundant ly. And onr song, in the very face of all this decay, if we live truly, should be in the jub laul mayor key, and not the dole ful sounds. Let us, rather, chant the song of our many births Irom our first birth, and s.-y of death it has been "swallowed up in victory." Atio'her of the advertising "attomies" in divorce1 suits has been distinguishing himself. A certain man of this city had a ft iend whom he was nlwav s asking to bis house, nnd in whom lm had "every con fidence." The friend was in the habit of taking bis host's wife to the theatre, and before very long the husband found out that his domestic relations were not quite as they should be. Friend ami wife had alike betrayed hiir. Hu-incss afterward took him to California, and while he was absent ihe wife and her paramour laid a plot for obtaining a decree of divorce against him. The "advertising attorney" was ot couiser the very man for the dirty woik. lie soon furnished accusation, evi dence and witnesses, an accommodating Jttdge prmimrnced the decree of separa tion, and the woman murricd her accom plice. Wheri an inquiry was subsequent made, it was ascertained that the attorney's evidence was false from legiiiuing to end, and that all his witnesses committed pi r- jury. Again we ask, is it not time that this infamous traffic was stopped ? It could not be carried on at till without the connivance of the Judges, for they would "mark down" the advertising attorney, and carefully sift every case he dured to to bring into Court. Surely, however, the Judges can afford to give up (bis one source of profit- They make enongh in other direction to allow. them to indulge in the luxury of honesty at least once a week. N. Y. Times. If yon ee anything yonr duty, the soon er you attend to it, ihobcttt r. I)a id says, ''1 made haste and dt laved tint to keep thy ' commandments.'' Follow the example. f A letter intruded for OaLkesb, Wirier bngo county, Wisconsin, as dm eted lo Alisqu.i.-lt, Ku abaa county, and rcaclnd its destination. ADDRESS Of K. P. Battle, Esq., PresU u! f Ih' N. C. Agricultural Huciefif, nl I lie open ing if the 'Jth Annual Fair, ht 111 A, I860 hcltow-membcrs of the Xor'h Cu il nn Agricultural Society, Ludos uir letmen : Nine times have seed lime ami hit vest come and passed away si u-e we met t get her at an Annual Fair. Nluo c n - so crowded witb strange an t iii nii'- ii.iiii. that I should, at this i.c.v Ifgniiiing of m.r yearly meetings, apeak a lew words ol history and of explanation. Ou.tlte lSilt oC Oclob t, 1S5', less than half a htimlred etilighli d men, .eili log by eiperience, that those engiged in the industrial arts, to be most effective, should be organized, assembled in the city to form the North Carolina Agricul-I Society. It is a. ike interesting and mourufiil to rriad over the names I lis n uiiinei s, null . . , In iil,. I.nu' ,n..,i,- I i I i., ii r .. to day. w,... IUUI1 , l.lll v .i'e -11 ..ii'ii, ,,f- 1 - !' ... Some after .mg ives rtf iVsiTuT- s Ufa's knd honor, o hers cut of in the prim of manhood, all wcli remembered by the good d Oct Is they have done, sle.-p peace fully under the greeu earth. There was the venerable William linylan, v h t, with with sterliW good sense and fnr-tci ing euti ri.iise, was one of the fathers, not alone of ihiaSoctety, but of the K.nlrouil system ot tlnk Stale. There tvaa Charles L. llintou, I'uig ui en;. , ,, ih" chair of Treuaurer of the Slate, against whose spotless integrity, private malice nor po political nincor ewrhr"athed a whisper. There was John Ay Gilmer, as a states man wise, as a lawyer able and adroit, whose heart waa always open and impulses ever kind. I notice the name ot one whose clear intellect ad sound jtidgment deeded only ambition tt have made him one of the most c-msicuos st-itesman ol his time, Lewis Tboniisoii, ot liertie. From the foot of tbe Diu.-MliilKf came Ihe eloquent and astute John Gray H niiiu Frmu the valley tit ihe Vadkin, appeared the generous aiid g.ni.il Jnlih A. Liiliug lon. I see the names of Col K uiLlh ie. of Raleigh, famci! f ic hps piMdic spirit and uubouudrfd hosp lahly, a .t of om estimable friend, li itte;t vV. ILiywoo.l. whose hotly we have bat lavly fttlhtwei!' in sorrow to the grave. In ihai V;, t..o. m iv in i i i .i . . i .i . found tie- name of t 111. t exrel- lent man Sidney Welter, of I of ill" founders of grape cal i Carolina, of Wm F. t 'ollius,. Uoinptrollor of the Mitk-, of Fditor and well red sch'tl u', i in tile lie V.'ellU I'homas tj 'may, and pause wi'li ti pv-uim pan , . i i - over that of another, who, leaving a sue ces-f'ul political career, pl iug.-d in o ih late deadly struggle, ami on the rugei heights of Sbarpsburg, in the m -ii h i i o a In t'i. nit life, tell in a cause to whVh li ii.td given all the em rgi. nf l is u iiure. Your hearts tell you, I speak ot the la men'etl General Ui'tn eh. Others might be ml led to th - li-t .,- honored dead, but tie wili s ihl lo show the elfwaeter of th is-. wie sioo l at the cradle of our Society. I will ifiit call over tin! nun's nf ilins.. who have been spired to witness (he re viv.il of onr Fair 1 cannot for hue how ever, to oflcr my heartfelt congratulations, that the first President of l he Society, L Daney, of Edgecombe, ami its second President, Richard 11. Smith, nf Halifax, and two of the first Vico-Presideuts' N. W. VVoodliii and WTnTaui It. Poof, tut or will be with us, dining this week, still active arrd most valuable members, still ready, in the future,. as in the paW, to co-operate in every ' eutcrprie, which will advance the interests of agriculture, the honor of this Society, and ill pros perity of the State they love so well. May their shadows never grow less ! Under the auspic s of such men as. I have mentioned, our institutions sprang at once into widespread popularity. Its success was beyond the ep elation s. ot its most siii giiims friends. The counties of the Stale, delighted to send to its an nual gathering, their best and most intel ligent representatives our citizens ex el ted themselves to make the Fairs worthy of North Carolina. Each successive year witnessed an improvement on its prede cessor. All clasr.es ol society, tne young and 1 be old, sedate matrons and blooming damsels, the rich and t ie p or, flocked to lea ii lessons of wisdom fiom the exhi hit mis f our natural products and the fabrics ot our industry. Different uectious were brought into fouiili.ir acquaintance : enterprise stiinhtlod, inventions aroused. I he best things of one regi n were dis seminated over ofhers. Tho Society grew larger and e'.ronger every year. It was developed into un institution, widely kninvn, dearly tin t ished, ulmudiog in usefulness, inftiiieiicing for good the rer ujott-st limits of the State. I rendu r well the pleasant meetings we had in those nnd old days. I rtcall particularly the Fair of 1859.. .Our Pn si lent was one whose early year,. a';:d ! middle age had been j it t in ' se a udy j ol leg.J principle, which, ntained by a I memory .,tix raorditiary power, m t e in ! ne of the bis; juris; ui the age. Fi I years as l in t .Iti-f.ce of t-ur Supieui ' t.iurt tits '. and tr - I ioiis w.re s',ulil li. ,; . dauce in the luost intrhiate I qaiStlon- . I raw. Ulieil lie l od on tbe tal l- la d v. tiicb, divides youth from old iJELii lUUjdoycd his .ItLsun; Loaijlu ihv pr.ict'tsr ifi eiicuiliue. lie Lrniight tu ih.- pu suit iisatui- clear jntlgmrtrfjlrid pa: it-lit alteuUmi, u uicii bad matie hiu i lam-'ii as a lawyer, lie gave- it in true !n ou '.'..3 X position among ihe arts ami sciences, lie rcil.irihii it in lie li. t important ill w In rhici I lili'll I'llCi'i', II- used .ill means 1 1 encourage ti e application to it ,(' intel iigviir as t l In- S tin- a an'1 see nee. Hit i he It jfuilii ' In tins accounl he , z a last friend of .ciel ; .. Mijf iv ol more t li m f t.ir eiijut ing at ..i . Ve.ns the respect ami venei.it inn r -ju i --t lit i live ol tile e ith a mind still clear of ili, a grind id o.d divs. tnd strong, he W ili lies M lib i -a grass ot i !i tiiiies, ! th.- iiirirtiii i'-s n ma interest the pro Thoiljfh on account hi person is mo aitioti us, wt:li til aaaus lunl, ;lut for, thn M' ire years, iirnm d learned coiisll tulinnal and legal opiiiions ii has written as wonls of eucotiragi-me it, and assur ance that we have let well wisher more sincere than Thomas 'iulfi i. At,.tbe tueeUMg of l;;il, 1 witnessed , power of the dominant race was broken I lie reliie.'ancc with whioti the Society re- and the serVfriX race hecimt- lifted up fo ceived the resi rn.ni in of Judge Ilufliii. einiulity in political rights, the most eti I he l'lt -ddi nt elected in his stead, though ihitsi.isiic advocates of social progress a far younger man, li is gone to his rest, trembled at ihe likelihood of jarring dia- lle too was one of our watui'-st friends. II tt never missed an iii tteuda net on our in i I'u. i r green pastures ol , . . aivvays earn his l.i, . , .. ... i, il,i ..,,,1,. ' .....I T 7 ' 7, " , " ? , ..I ., 1 ..,..,.. i... u I t ............... ' ... .... r-.. , n.m i iign B.iHie.i ami nit -'iii g mi aun progri-ssiv,! tinner, lie was a k.ii I a. ol generous neighbor. -The Stale fosl a gootl citizen ai.J the Su ch tv a valuable in-in iter, when death knocked at tho dour of Dr. Wtn. It. ll.dt. When the Society ndj mrnej in (),-to-berlHUO, tiotie doubted but that we should meet again in Oeloo-T, ISfil. Anticipa tions were had ot a Fair still in hi- inter esting and instructive. The State was growing rich. Railroads were hastening 1 . : I I towards our mount ains, opening up new t, developing the n and b Hue regi ins sources of our f tresis and fields, our tnin- erals ami met lis. Thn streams of t mi gralion which for so many years deplete d toll- sin-ii'-in anil Illleit Willi tlie cll l.ln it of N-trih L' irdina, the highest places of n her States, ha in a m-asiira c -aai-d to How. We w ii; Itecimiiig a wealthy anil piosperuil j people Tnai Fair was destined never to be held. Li the spring ot I 1801, when the blight sun was wanning tho earth, anil quickening into life the seeds, which slept in its bosom, when the H iwer wen blossoming, ami the bird- singing among the h tif form. .1 le i . , wh m u v u.v was very be UC.ilul ill 1 ii" gill o i I, l so int. i kind, the passions ol men fl isiier acotiSitu.l g Ihl. n- ilU" gun p. w-dei touch ol III elociric stii-k War a tlie burst noon as wi all h smlii iiieinliitis I m y of lour Ion ' years li - minds am! ' lie I ' -- ..lives were diverted to tif work The ploaghshrre :is iron into u sword .. i .1... . i... i. ;..i i ; on lie un in ii - i. i ..itiii .ten on,, .i lyouet. .M ii ilu loio the uomid, not lor b,Miitii;it', up' ami iiilorn fy ing and atlorn- i, not to aid . advt'iciil ii- i i th ' pn gress -jo .1 iii-iji, l in tot' at tilleYv and -fill ihe llul'ieitess ui inds ot j 'I Id fthle t Cadmus rodac .1 in reality. So ami- I I I, en tile pur i. i. ....... 1 i .-nils ice to deadly conflict, (hat even Hie vi-j v stones annealed to cll iue into artind men. Ali classes ami aires. I the Iliglk iliid ihe Iniv, ihe .vi-e anil the foolish, gruv haired men ami iie.trtlless : boys, in sad ignoritiice of its countless evils and trials, dished with retkle bravery j iilitl (slum! - M d.'fianco into WAR. I The emiteVt was sm-it as might bave been expect e from the angry cJWIi of j Americans dyscemlants of the fiery, proud and euergetie elem'mts of ihe I best race of thdworhl. Histo v re, or Is no nvtte tet ribliAstrnggle, than that which for so many weary years demanded the offerings of all tur energies and our Wealth. All iiisutntioiis, wboao object was (he develop luviit ot ;hi country into it higher refinement and more abundant prosperity, went iloytti Uebue the storm oi dwindled into moribund weakness. This Society sh nftil the common fate. In a few days uf:cr Soutbelfii artilery thunderi d orrSumterAtheso grounds wen filled with volunteer troop drilling for the cuullict. Since that Wme iiur buildings have experienced uses hitally alien from the peaceful purposes bf their const -tic-t on. Th-'y h ive tieon barracks for gay Over litem tor a long time Moated the yeVlow Has ot the hospital fferviec. They bitvo been con-aM-wtalitsto military dungeon, lo-tmul of the grateful music of arble Devons, or lint shrill neighing of nbble fhorongb breds, llieir walls h ive r sounded with the loud order of drill sergeants, the shouts of soldiers' reve lry, the gro.ibs ftf the sick and the wounded, the eorrnlful sighing of captives pilling for tha free air of heaven, the , ceaseless tread of armed sentinels. None of her sister States more earnest and determined e J'ered severer losses 'than Nori tit forth a ttrf, or suf- Carolina Tens of thousands of her stalwttt men, all th- proceeds ofihe iudustrv of Her newple lor fotiryears, and a large proportion of ih. tr peisonal properly, : ii.-ir provisions ami inercnandise tln ir bo nls aild cattle. w -teitoer coti- filler! c.r or exc:iaiitt t! tor Si cur.i ,es, Iiave rliich becoin in in-:; ..im -.. i uf i i in- cnisli t-ituetoi Jonu'sou's firreiuler, ili - sun whk-tiroaM froia hw ( lecan j t! un the mor.iiu f th.- 27t.k;Apnl l5fiO, me o.i a people; d tmtte oj iht; in;u:.ssaiics nf lift;, with, t.'i r citculiiiiig medium b -coiqe waau.vjpap.-r, wnli liiituein. ,,ts t.t bus.- in, tic w.. n and trnken, ith tiitls waste badlv d- if with ditch s ti d and feitjoV deiavej. . i , Ml im a m -.ins liWr 1 He el, loiyuiiis 111- : lo.nbi tin .n SlljlfllllS lo V,l- till lllji-.. set :u.d r. j J. nl bid mil with defective animal power, nnd Worse lltaii all wilbont I he e inilal wherewith to riilichuso these leoiinots to aitecesaf ! - production. What was not least in this catalogue of calamities was the sudden change in the system of labor. A race, whose fathers' fat hers had been bondsmen, were lificd in a day from slavery to freedom The Ii i owner, who fr in childhood had been accustomed In despotic power over his de pi'tidauts, found himself confronted with ih unaccustomed task of suddenly ileal- i - g w i r I his former si ives a hired labor- eta. The cojitfuiplatiou jl this difficult pr.ibb in bad ftlleil the ulsesl pbtlaulhro pists w ith dismay. hi one side was ih lite long habit of arbitrary rule, on the oilier the training stt unquestioning obe l euee. When suddenly the material I cord, lieiliins IJimmIv slri'e to result from the clash of variant principles. 1 hope 1 in iv lie pardoned for saying that ihe history of ihe world will not show - I '1-1 - - . I... .,..J l-.l I I " 1 V' , . "a ..... i . . iii .i ... j nii,u ii- iiii (iispinyeii liy 1)0111 ritC' S llll- dT these adverse circumstances. They have not us a gem ral rule suffered the an- gry animosities, inspired by their losses ol property, on Ihe one hand, or on ihe other revengeful feelinga engendered by fancied oppression, to prevent their liar moiiious co-operation in the new relations of employer and employee. When the cloud nf war lifted, throwing aside .,,1 supine reiiiiiiiic over nast losses. our p.-nple made a determined effort to at- . . r, r 1 Wlu renewed prosperity. Witb stout j hearts they put th ir shouldeijs to the wheel j The meagre treasure, which the tempting ! of want, or of delusive templing speculation, Ii. not been able to disturb, uor the search j ing eyes of the plundering bummers dis coyer. Were ii-oinMil !,. ih - i,i.H X jpl i ci s in slumps of Dees or deep dug craves, to be exchanged for provisions and imple ments, for males and guano, and other lie fossil i 1 for s'icc '.'sful labor. Tbi close ot ISoG witnessed a lardy return of cheer ing ciufidt nee and hope. As neighbor shook neighbor's h ntd, it was agreed that all was not h-st, and that thereafter ettr path would be upward. The events of lhC7 overwhelmed our stricken people a.iit. with despair Af'tei a, by no means, favorable spring, when 'be young crops were struggling to attain 'he necessary vigor, in the - i,,v d.ivs oi July, tile nor als ul Hi'uveii wt.rnonenf.il n less and ire- ! ,,ii. t,f. tidi ed upon the land. The I storm. F ti I yellow waters rushed tlowu the declivi os of on ii , i.n .eking all lb" devices of hill side of our wealth i c ilnvHtion, dragging with ihm the costly ot destrtictitiil. nio Hires which bail been ,d nvnr il... fields. D,y ravines became roariiie tor . ii'ins. iteiiv or.ioeries swell... I nto . . i i .. . foam 1 i ; . ir rivulets. From all mi.ii-tor tl, Inn ryiug str- ams 'gathered into vast mafs which spread over the low grounds, sub- ' ..i -in tti Holiest fields and most T's lr was admitted that ti ii i - i ?t'7,Ji is th. ii more vi isil ruin, more utter deva tatlon than w.is caused hv thia tinneatiw,na ,.. 'in i ..... in-evu was iniensiiied ly oilier cau ses, some ol which were seemingly acci dental, other the result of mistaken poli cy. Never b fore bid investments so heavy been mule in artificial raauures.i Tlm h gh prices of 1866 had lirgely ex tended the culture of cotton, while the ar a devoted to breadstuffs was diminish ed. The Autumn of 1 867 developed an ex traordimiry fall in the price of this staph' so that the umWttteate planter found himsalf overwhelmed by aj combin ation of misfortunes, entirely unprc precedented, which no foresight could provide against and iu no case was able to avert, never before had a return so meagre followed the farmer's labor. Then by a curiout Derversitv which i . . i . . baffled the most astute political economist, not in the history of cotton culture, had the stnple'commauded a price so Insignifi cant in the proportion to the cost. The ind ited labor market and excessive pur chase of artificial manures, swelled the expenses ot raising tin; crop to a punt above the experience of the oldest cultiva tor. Moreover, in all the dreary cata logue .J' revenue exactions, there cannot be found so bnormous a tax on the labor of the agriculturalist as was levied on cut on in the year of which I speik. The H-'brews, under the ancient theocracy, judged it no hardship, perhaps to pay ooe-tenlh of their income, because the tithe was devoted to the combined service of Church and State. This cotton tax being, in that year, two-tenths of tbe gross proceed of the farm, lor the State alone, doubled the Heaven Imposed trib ute nf t I f Jews. To crown these multi plied evils, the poveity and want of cred it of the unfortunate victims, rendered the ui more unable to bear their reverses, t .in wneu in ih o'deii times, the deficits I one year wei made good from the ac cumulation ol thoso which preceded it. The disasters of the cotton planters were paralleled by those of the tobacco and corn growers, llanufact urine and mining and other industries, and profes -ions, all of whieh are supported by agri- ! culture, h id their own Insse to encounter , and vill litg lottk ba k with shiiddmng ' horror tKthe dark and bitter year of IS6.I I r-e-ill these ihiogs to your miiids, my friends, not to set bleeding anew, wo'inl- now, i hope, I.eiledtori Vcr ; b it to unfold ilm - nises ot ihe Img d. y b. holding I Lur Fair, ami the reaauua for auy delict-. envies wntea may Be.ooeervea. Sne jki le- i - -he Ext cuttvc Committ c ' and the jthcr ouicers, especially of o ir : very aetive Corresponding Secretary, who seems to have the muscles of Hercules and the winged feet of Mercury, and of our collectors of funds, who have p. i lm m ed their thankless office with the samo zeal and success which in honorable trade have enabled them to build lofty stores on i be streets around our Market Square, and to those fair ladies who have cheerfully lent a helping hand, in the decoration and arrangement of Floral Hall, I will say, that wo have done what we could to re vive an institution, which wo hope will be of such signal service in advancing tha iuduatrwl am in Xorili Carolina. The i , iouh mw oi new u).uiu suus aim p.utci of fence, all ot lumber, whose color, fresh and saffron, .-hows that a law days ago it was standing untouched and greeu, in the stalely ping fore'- of Johnetnn, or tho shady Vales of the Dark Corner of Wake, arfe some evidence that we have not been idle. We began our task under many disadvantages, with not a few discourage ments. Our grounds had become an open common w here stray cattle graced. Our buildings were filled with a numerous and untidy tenantry. Floral Hall bad been torn down and scattered to the four winds nl heaven. Every vestige of ear track had become obliterated Even the title of our laud bad reverted by the conditions j "f the grant to the city of Ualeigh. Worse than all, interest in the Society seemed to nave tadetl Ironi the minds of men, and our Treasury wus bnrren of fund. Thanks to the kindliest of our City Fal hers, and to the generosity of the citi zens ot Ualeigh, the title to our grounds has been again secured, and they have been prepared tor whatever articles thy of exhibition may be offered. While thete will bo no lack of objects of interest at this beginning of a new era, we ven ture the confident hope, that hereafter our march will ever be upward and onward. 0 njtite has er.'at i aMirula n ages. We have blessings of the earth and the skies of the field and the forest. Neither tornadoes, nor earthquakes, nor bitter cold, nor tonid beat ; neither caterpillar, nor locust, ever turn our willing landscapes into a blighted wilderness. Above us the -un sheila his genial rays, around us play health bearing breezes; from the ground spring die numerous varieties of the veg etable, kingdom, useful to man. Beneath us ure the choicest minerals aud metallic ores. F..t cai tie browse on the perennial grasses which eloiho the summits of our lofty mountains, while luscious fruits ii pen without fear of frost. On the rich lands of our eastern counties grow rank great corn crops, which calls to mind tho famed fertility of the valley of the Nile. Never do the boll worm or caterpillar or inundations completely destroy the gold bearing plant in the broad fields of our cotton belt. Intelligent industry seldom f .ils to reap rich rewards in the grain and tobacco lands of our middle counties. Our rivers a they rush iu rapid descent from their sources in our mountain defiles, and break headlong over the barriers of the primitive rocks, supply water power illim itable. Fuel under the ground and above the ground is accessible and cheap. What ever may contribute to our comfort or luxury, whatever may aid ns iirthe great s i niggle lo subdue the forces of nature, our generous mother will amply furnish us, if wu make an honest effort to obtain hem. Give us intelligent industry gui ded by science nnd few Stutes will sur pass X i ili Carolina in the rare of whieh wealth and refinement and hanpmcss are the prices. Il is to incite to this industry and cre ate or quicken this intelligence, thot we are assembled together now. "As iron sharpeueth iron, so does a man the coun tenance of his friend." Dy our annual gatherings, improved breeds of animals will be Mora widely distributed, new pro cesses of culture made know n, our domin ion over tho material world extended by new application of machinery, mental rust will be rubbed off, faults detected and rec tified, old erroneous ideas exploded. In a wonl in the largest sense we will edu cate one another. Let us then determine that each annual Fair shall be hereafter greater than its predecessor. Let ua seek 10 extend tbe popularity and influence of our Society. Let us not be discouraged by beginnings smaller than we hoped fot. Let us aim at a grander success and more abundant usefulness. Let us'follow the counsels of America's greatest poet. Let us not ''look mournfully into the p-ist." Let us "wisely improve the present." "Let us like true and undaunted Americans," go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear and with a manly heart." Resign ATiox. Th,e Rev. Jovph Tim mot C.ieshir. . after a ministration nf twenty eight year a pastor of Trin'ty Church, in t'arb ito' has beeu compelled to resijfu that tosition tj rousequence of ill health. Mr. IT. is held iu high esteem by the people bf Kdeomhe aud they part with hi services sorrowful y. SPECIAL NOTICE. A Clertrrman while tecidinit in .coutb Amee. a- a miwsionarv. discovered -i fe pie remedy for th Cure of Xerroas Weakness, Karly Peeay, Oiseaao of the Cnjiary and Sem. inl 0riwn, and the wh-de train of disorder bniurht on Iiy lutueful and vioious habit. Groat uumber bave been coxed by taiaaobtotesasdy. prompted by deiire to benefit the atHn-ed unfortunate, I will send tbs seeino tar pros- thia medinina, in a sealed eo . 10 ,a v who needs it. Fret of Cknro. aJJreii. JOSEPH T. IN'MAV. Station D., Bible Hnase, Oct. lr-skn It T.( .it