i w 4 PM VOL. IV EI)c(DlDNortI) State nil isiikk wkkkIjY iiy t. X3 W I 3EC -A- " A'ui'for and J'roprirtor. 7cm ATKSI' mniHipnosi One Ykau, payable in advance. ... Six Months, " ft Copies In .ulUTCSS l) l 'op'n- in oil'- address .'iftV of Aiinti!'"- :!iMi . I ..VI 12.511 JO.IKI 1 1 r. S.pinn fir.st iiisiTtioll $1.00 fin .l.t.liolinl lllsfl'tloll Special m. tires will be ehaw'l pr ww higher ili.m In- kliov'c rate's. Curl and .lustier. Order w ill he publish ed at (ho MHU rales uitli nthcr ad vert ise- IllflllS. Obituary notire, over nix lilies, chargc.1 as advert i i incuts. ( ONTKACT RATI'S. 8P.M I vn Tare. " Siii.irc8. Snuarea. I S'iiare. i Cnluinu. ( 'nluinu. I Colutnu. sortt) .-i-.-.O slMOO 4 .t: a (I on ! mi is oo 1 1 oo 1 1 oo Hi no; i-i oo ri-l oo js oo 10 no J IN) 'JO (Mt :l(l.(Nt I r.oolasoo :.. I jihmi :o oo 43,00 :tu (Hil l., on 7'i.ini i .VI oo hi iK;i:io,oo legal yarwKs. ISTorth Carolina, Si-pbriovk Hi vii. I ..i srv K Fait Te'llii ('of "IT, IXtW. '!in)i fjrS'"f .''. Jul, ii S. Maxwell, AdmiiiiMratoi i.Uohn Max Well, deo'd., agaH.nt Tl.oin.in T. Maxweli, Tlu.inas M. Brck, Jas. X. Urww, rAaeah K yhw, wi'' o. i.ji miti T. Savior and Camilla A. Hrock, Kd iv..r l Ilrock and J..li" K. Hrock, minor chil dreiM.I John W. U.taJ., di-ceastnl. In 'liit ci-c H apr.c itiin; lo ill.; salisfartion of the court that Jam.-. V. Hr.-k and Sbu.Ii Nayiif wit.-of Il-i.jaii.in S. Naylor. defend null in Shis case a'.- noi.-ie-id.-i.ts ol llns Stt.e; Tlierefore. il IS ordered I'V ll'eeoiilT lial iuo l-,..-i I . made lol -;N Weeks i X..rlli cHate" liewf paia r, imlilyiii The UI llie aid do- leii-Unls to Kii'.-ar liellili- ll.e Jiidtfe ol urn next Sup. nor t of Davie at llie .iiirt in lie la-Id lor ll.e c ainlj Court l.iseiii Mocksvillc, on the firsl Monday iu Apiil, I8i0. then a'l iln-rc to answer llie -lili ui of il.e jilniiililT. flliil Hi ll, is court, orj idjitiuiit wilIU- ukeii tx jut lis lo ll en Willi- i-s. II K. rmr Court ol llavi min. Clelk of iimtj , al . -fflce Se.tteill'.ee; A .ie s-nfie- MucWn I).. 1809 i ii lr I he 1 1 th dav i'r II. Ii AUSTIN, C S. C. -11 Cvvfi.r fee $10 ) State of North Carolina, ' ST.ixi.v CornTv. ) Sitlrtvr Cii'irt. . John W Smith. John Parker and wife Isahel. H-iuon Parker ami wile Ma V C.au-1 Uriah S'ial.-n, Gnaiiluni ol Susan UriK.ka, and G. (). Williait, Guardian l Alire.l A. Brooka. Marv V. Uiookn, and Caroline C. Brooks, Blaiiiliffs; against William, Austin, NVIm-y Ann Biooka and William Brooks delemlanla. TUHUnn SnJr aini Partili'M of Ihf l.nnJ of the lit t'ornrfiu Hruok. It appearing to the satisfaction of t he court j llmt William. Anslin. Wincy, Ann Brook and ' Williau HiuaJca, ilcfetidai.ls in ll.i .ro"'eel ing.are imn-resideuls ol thin Stale, ii in Oninni. That publicalioii be made weekly f.rsixnu.-ein.- j aive weeks in the 'Old North Stale.' u.-w-paper piililisliid in Salt-bury. N. C., Miiouinuii.g .-( K . ol s.iid i'.i fcilda-ul lo In-and spt" ar at ihe.HW . i the ele.k ol the Sns.-,t..r Curl d Slaii'y I Couuty.on llie 20ih Ni.vemM-r 18ii'). ih.'ii ai.d III! ll " " - -- , ... .iiii.f or ilen III To Sa i In-1 ll n HI, m II, "I heard the same will he taken pro roi'Jrtxo and rjr rmrlt. as lo their.. .I.mien M. U ilvVifi Cle k of our ..ml court al office, the I Hi dv of'Vtoher, J309.' J. M. IUUW1NE 41:'5w:pi.fcc$10. 0. Stata of North Carolina, Al.KXA.M'KK CtiUNTY, $ Sujifii" ('"'til. EdmunJ Kerley, iidiiiili.straior of Alfred fa it. Nun, ' against I-iaO I!ns.-!l am' veil- Kl aals-lli, G. V. Sweet iin.i wife t'yntliia, B-.beil ri-iwe a-l 'le ........ l.,l,n ll .i iilMHI Xllir rsre! A. Kerlev. WiIImiii Davidson John 1. Davidson, Dan'l. Davidson, lluld.il. Davi I..;. Jane David- oii and' Willia u Davids-Mi, heirs hi Uw ol I I( i L. Davidson. To William Davidson, (one of the dcfc::daula alatve nanie.1, a n-n-resident. ; Yi.are liri-hy iwiifleil, "hal a wimtnons, in tLe idiove i-ttlioVd ea-e, has iul agaiusl you, i u i. I the Criliililaiiil ilo-rein vfHS filed III the Su- , ... i 1 .. . I,.. I7il. 1 perior I..H1M oi nli'lilluH.'i jwiii.,1111 i Mm ii.ii if A ugust 1X00. ' V .u !' rttwr irotttird-. 'tmt-te-amtwron " the case is relumalile !- the m-xt term ol rlie u-ii i .i. r Court nMreai-i; lo r in-ni in (he I Olin I 10II3-- III lijnnn."-, of Dec 'ii'.er next, when ami where .... .i :.. t....i..,..-:II.. no NJie iOITl itUV von are l...r..i,, . ,.ii,i.d :o aiewnr ami answer the ii. lull, i in default I .1... ..I.. ,,,1,11 while... the iluiiillll w ill appnV to sa d .' url rrr the reliel Oeuianu- tu hi the eoniiilaint. A'itness, K. M. Stev.nsoh. ('Ink of tie-said Bupertoi CV-urlai at Ty loi-vilV', the 3d Mon- iiay in Angus! SU. E. M STEVKNS')N. Cler'. Supi- ior Gn'irl Ahxamk-r-Ooanly. 4J iw:(pr he $!) Kc rescue Lamps. At Cost gi-'lftla eonc.ilenth;.- lot of then- lAnip.. some of llii-ni VMrv It.-autiful. ha.iug la;eu sent lo I in s'lhseribeT 1"V mistake, on the part ol 'he . . I 1 ) V nul.icti.rer.- and having l.ee i rr.p.s. - lis, .se of them, with a little deUy a. ,Hs.ble. be ow ntf. rs Item at the Co-I a id Charge- ,,nl;. !ealer- wi.o may lie in want of the ar - tf )'e. hnve.u opjaifl unity of huyiug the whole or a'p.rr.at p.Te .piite as low as they can be Umptit u. th.viv .hem et.L's. T ' ' '! - -i cnrrespoiiuingiy ei-ap n. retail. Si-v At K 8 ILLS' Drugstore Salislmry. I)r 0? nnnnm R i foil 1 Or . n dlvN 1 1 iw . . v ill 1 l ' l I ' . I ....... ....... TlM If III I ,1( .IO' 1 II ' I . . ...... - Jl-el U.-comr ended and prescribed ly iliyiciaii wherever known. Tin' "Compound Ot-rtinn Bitter" are mad i ..fii ....-I i,ii,l l...t e.-i rub e Tonics am hi mi .... - - r - - - Aromatic known to tin- prolc-sion, 1 hey a-'n contain twenty r cent of rT Ji V C II I' ' -jgH Which nuke them, beyond all qucsiimi. the 1 het Dll'llKi'lC in existence; in ! for Dis ii.-acd Kiilncv, Bladder ami l niiiiry iirjjau i -. ii . i u,vc no mom inn, ii nui i.,u. j .. if 'll.. u.. tv in not .!. i lev tliee llillci-, nn .1... ...ll....- m ),j.ii..h w ill in every ease tind litem a .lvaant, rci..ly ami fdttttnl KfmwtT. 't'l ..v nn. n Hiii i' nrevelilive and cure (oi ClnllHuiid Kever, and all Malaiial Disease-, I DVSl'Kl'SI . INDKJ KSTIOM, SICK-STOMACH, . CM.H'. SlCK-HKADAf'llE, JtKONCIMTIS, ASTIIM A, C'U3 it Col OH, NKUIIALUIA, UKNKKAl. 1)EBILITY, rases of Kidites.Gia.-l, ic, and every ,. .i i , t:i I 1 1 inunvsshiii. , 'null l.,-n.e ..em i . Ki- l'. Di-eus. s iHn.n!iar lo hcmales it is inccihe, Iii eouvaleccnee from Typhoid oilier low forms ol Fever it ia llie very U-sl Tonic that can l-e tied. , The Compound O.-tnian Uilterine" t will, universal lavor, and have rev ived ihe Mronp est icnliuionials ever given lo any medicine, a te.v of which we append lu-low: Thm is to certify ihat 1 have ueil Or. God- dm'- C wmiiiiI Gentian Biltem and cheerlul- Iv rccoiiiinend il as llie very best Hitters lhat ran lie used Inr ordinary ilebihlV. sick sloinauh ,v,. E. M. HOLT, M. D. i.ipai onil., 0-anjrr co , N. C, May 1j, Oil. I iiereliv. c-riify iliat 1 have been using Dr. Oisiiliii n '"Coiiioun.t Gentian iiilters," lor Co. gh. General IMulily. ic. and 1 am fully snli-licd lhat Ihev are Iheln-st Killers ol winch I n,v. anv knowledge, ami 'he best Tonic ol lercd to Hie Aiiieiici.il people. liOUT. Y. SLATER. Il.-nnco county, W, June2, Dtl Gonnis: Dear Sir : I have la-en suffer ing (or twenty year- with an affection o! the kidiievs, prostrate gland and stricture of the i.,'... I,,,.-,, I miller ll.e treatment ol ! tin; best' physicians in the country, one of whom j is now a prol'csnui in a medical college. All lulled to iclieve III' Jiualiy u.cu youi i. uni- . I. .... I i;..i, ii .ii liuier-: the effect was like ,.lftnn one bollle gave meconiplcte rebel. 1 believe it to be the beat medicine I have ever ,,1 Verv ren-clfullv, . JAS;. A. KAULCO.V. Uitile'on, N. C, Jan. 70i, IWi'J. l'repared only l-v Dr. tiishbn. JAMKS T. WKKSIN'S, Proprietory WhttlemUe Af'nt, J NUKKol.K, VA. tST IT.tr sale bv Dr. G. B. Poillsoii, Sali- Int. V. N r. :tH-f 10 YKAB8 nKKiiit rnr. PUBLIC. IF OTHER Remedies FAIL I'UK HKUNCII.AI. v.D liIVJ-sK 1)1 S K A E-S read I ho fol 1 wing : Thomas H. Itatn-v, i:- . Urniiville eo., X. C, sa.s. - I liml n.r I'llln l ne ll.e ln-l fiiniily m-ili-ri.Mt I have ever used. T4hX have provl very lien-i-Hrial in my awn case. ! Iiavi- Ik-en very miirli iif-Hii-teil fur nneen vcar. ami have tried ''very kiiulul it, t I ,',,i.l.l iret. Inil Imvi' (i.innl Ve c lief H um ymir I'llln ll.Mii all ntliers. My iliwane in i hr-.n. Iiial ami-Ti-.n sml ".aiilete pm-.trat mi f , tla'nerM.Mssv'-t.'iii. I Imve iiwil Ikein in ten "rut- J teen i-iis-sin lay family, mill lliirtllienn" e me --r) ....ll.lna i,,r Men I r ail f.l III 1 1 V llisl-llSCIfc " . illWMI. "... . Tbo Cure is Vborourn. I Kenneth Havnes. Ksj". . -rterkTrt rfSirtimtwa eouaty com I. nte(A.ril 2. IH03.) "Iaring tin- latter iiartof tl.e ve:u imri l waa severely aui cien mm .llM.MPAli.-eraailn.aliv liifc'Us n liilr III lied llic uslll . . i .,. iieiulim.' llnil I .vaarniain-lleu ta K''t ont "' li'-l nl sit up jmiil the jain would nnliaiile. I ifered'a few boxosaf thMUf HKHN i IIKI'i'l'lt'rlt.r.s. ami tin lire! done I Iihik (rave me I Brest relief. I 'e,.i.Unneil t use ta Pin lr two : weeks, ami have not suffered fnuii liver disease stare. I liavcrei-iiinnM-inleiltlirui ai euriliif I), and i sever:.' is-rsons me in want of them. Ail disease I ah ewmv li tin- luiman system, and is nt win itli it mid wilt oii(iier it. unless nature I with all the assistance It ran receive Irnm ntreugtb- ' siiiiii.' lapilHaea and -uilal-le mmrWiinenta rtlic en.Tiiv : whlel. "nnlil In; aest. In , can take f meihriiic Is-ftire von gel sick. ! li-.-.il niel l "-'w 1 m take iw-.1i.-ii alter y pet sick l.te .resickness. ft" .ml In the in-e is eiainjrii. s i i,...,:.. ,.inr ,,.n iiiilL.iiieiit in ll. nn Him of dr. r.,. i... .',i.., v w ifl i-oine. Is- ye aln'i r Bily ith She Southern Hepatic Pills, 77m - , limg'kunwn ami iftf trinf munhj fur nil liiUnn ifturtriK. caHMhiJl lllHKARKlf LIVER. TO ALL KSnttRAXTH Ynaare abmittn inke a home firy-wnsstfajiJ famll) 'a a eliaiste whfa-b vim or thev haie leit l".-n a-eiislaneil to ; yn will. ..fr-mr. Is; vHined t.i .11 the .limni-e pe.-nliar to that clim ite. van nliould I ran-ful tn use such Mi-l-li lnes a a- nd:irW! tW tr itlsrase f Wt-!lBate;. yi.n w illfiii d the ereatest sei-nrity in the one of tirms' sfic-i iirasti IlKrane I'll.!.-. ! 'Iliev ran Is- .-eat to any point ia the Liuted States I Iiy Kxpre-.. i Pair-r..rlirlinx.!.r.i t'.- !. S.5a rlt(!rll i tin Our lira... ! Tlirrr tinww, 3i f ive llm., ' 1 IHr.in. nn.-. rim'1 ... r.,...r. , ., ,,,, r h . ..r.,i,..ul.l HsMna ; a. . .... II. ..,.1., r..rtl V..II. ( ,a io I u. W. nrKM. . is. foo-ii Ci Laura .rtr. lliLTis.iaa Mn. s leT. t'i-v wilt I.. t-rsfii..lj alt. mini In. for Hi M-.llrin-s e .ll on nil r, .,i, ll,l lrulll .rerrwaric i.4 PS G. B. POULIKIN, July 2 ttlt, Salislwrt. K . C 13staVlts.lyoci 1800- LEPAGE BROS. & Co., GKXEUAI. if oininission JHtuifconls rrr'f7l XT f,T A n'V C , (JQffOy FACTO Jl f V ' "m 1 ' , . Commerce St., MOrfOlK, VI, ! . I jSiMH-ial attsuition paid to the aa! r. ; OUAlN- t-UTTtlS and all other kinds l1 AM. ,., .. .. ,.. jr 1JIral aJvane.-a oifl,ensiirnin . mi Hr-eii.si rwturu. jul.tra!?-- 1 .... rat vivvriiHHTK Mo.NKY A,L1- "r ' .... , ..... JllV, .fc, , . .. I . . , .1.. DJJI' . U rn.rf. H,,fr ..W.W KrM'i.m-.WCou ; I rr., ..,,,.,.. i'u f ,irilrr,ite .V.i. . r.'onn wi 1 1 v v.... . v I urt w h Wl. In the Su.reim Cvurt of the L'uiled Slnl. on I Moiidav, in the m.' of Tl.orrinsrton, a.rn-llalit, v. Hnii'ih and lUftley Wl -'" '"' 'fT ! C.Hirtnf the t'nitwl Statea A.r the middle lw-1 .: f u.l lr ( liiff .Iiflirv rhaae lllll 'II -M.' . livcrcd the opinion of the eonrt, reverMi. il,.. deere of the iiiil District t uri. mli liwi-i, imil ' n inamliuK wid iium to the Mid IHXiKt t onn, iiiiiinii df ilim c'otirl - . .. ... , ,.;;.... f i im i-otirt. Ibe ilecUion m a m,mI iitiiMirtiitil uiic. involving IIK . r . . .i .. ri llMrtUM M conlrx l mwlc lliriiit; llie n Ullion. i : , . i ii- . I., i ,,fl l Mile dnrii. the r. U lhoi.. M onfc I erate ni.inev i- ,,d mm tU-relora m Um. opu.ua. U juatUsi ... full. 1 ho Chief J...-1 i read bv Cli Thin is a bill in .iiiity for the enforcement of a vender's lien. I II is not denied that Smith and Hartley pur- chase.1 Tin irrinmn's laud, or that they rxx:tiul .Jo him their lMmionr wrtr for part of the pur j i luise money, iiaiwt forth in liia bill, or that, if ! there was nothing more in the ease, he would be ! entitled to a dein-e for the amount of the note and intcreet, and for the aalc of the land to rat- isfr.llie debt. Iliii ii ia insiiiicd hv wnv of defence that-the ' hcirotiation for the purchase of the land took ! i ..1 ..... . !H M..l.tf.n,g iiv il.'e ,.i.,,. ,,n,i tlmi .lie mile in enntroversv, liayaii e , -.... - . ...... . i , ,,e dav after dale, was made at .Moiilfmery, i in the State of Alal.ai.ia, where all the partu r.-sirleil in NoveuiU r. 1WI4. at winch time the authority of the United Slates was excluded from that portion of ll.e Stale, and the only cur rency in use consisted of Confederate treasury notes, issue.! and put in circulation by the per sons exercising llie ruling siwerof the State iu rebellion, known as the Confederate government. it was also insist.-.! that the land purchased was worth no more than three thousand dollar in lawful money; that the contract price wa fi.rty-uve thousand dollar-; that thi price, by llie agreement of the parlie", waa to be paid iu I en federate noten ; that thirty-live ihonaand dol lars were actually wd in these notes and lluit tlio note given for the remaining ten thousand dollar was to In-discharged in tl.e name manner ; and il is claimed on thin state of factn that the vendor i entitled lo no relief in a court of llic Cnited State. And this claim waa aivtainc 1 in the court la low, and the bill wan dinuuascd. The iuestion before iw non appeal are lliene : 1. Can a contract for the payment of Confed erate noten, made during the late rebellion be tween pariii-s residiug within the so-called Con federate Stat.ii, be enforced at all iu the courts of I the United Statea? i 5. Can evidence lie received to urove thai a promise expressed to be for the payment of any .1 1 .1,11 .'.1 I . .. I ....!... . ,,uier than lawiui miliars oi ...e ui..u.-. .m.i I A. I Kkm the evidence "if the record eaianiisu the fact that the mile for ten thousand dollars waa to be p ild, by agreement of the parties, in CiM.fcdcrnle notes? The limt question ia by no means fr.u from dificulty. It cannot la questioned that the (sMiwnlerate notes were issiltil iu furtherance of an unlawful attempt to overthrow the government of the Uni ted States bv insurrectionary force. Nor is it a ,1... da fnl i.rmeinle of law that no contract made in aid of such an attempt can he enforced through the courts of the country whose govern ment i thus assailed. But was the contract of the parties to thi suit I a contract oi inai cnirneaer i vat. .. ' dtweribed as a contract in aid of the rebellion? In examining this question the stale of that ) part (d" the country in which it was made must j be considered. I It familiar history lhat earlv in INnl the i authorities of seven St-ile. supsrt.-l, n-i wan al 'leg.nl, by pomilar majorities, comhin.il for the loverthniw of the National Union, nnd for the I e-stablislim. nt within its boundaries of a separate j an I independent confederation. A goven.nii-nt org initiation represciitinq: tlie.se State, was es I tablh.he.1 at MtMttgotnenr, in Alabama, first ,jm dcr a provisional ixjii-litntion, and afterwards umler a eonstit ilion interaled to be permanent. In the course of a few months Hair other State" acceded to this lonfederation, anil the sent ol llie central authority was traiislcrred to Richmond, in Virginia. It was bv thcccnlrl! authority lin y organized, and under it direction, thai the civil war was carried on upon a vaslt scale again.! the govern ment of the in he I StuU-n for more than four vears. Its p iwef 'w.is rccogui.cd as Snpn-uie in iiearlv the whole of the territory of the States confederated. It wan the actual' gyyernnu nt of alt til ? insurgent Slates, ex eept tluwe portions of tlwfn proteettsl from Tls control by the presence of the armed forces of the national government. What w-u. lite prccifte i harai ti r of this aov i.rnnieut iii r rmleiii.il .1 ion of law? It is ilifli- cull to define il will. a itiu-sn. Anv ie diition that may Iw given jnay not unpuj autly Uefouud to require limitation ;.ndqii:ilili-alion. But the gi-neral prim-tides of law relating loilrfiirtu gov erntnent, will, we think, conduct ns to a conclu rion nc'ciirate'. There .-vfi- several degrees of what is Called farln government. Such a government, in u niguen iirpir, sumci. a high rharacter very closely rcsymbllng thai of a lawful gorernnM-nt. This in whet, th usurping govenunent exjielslhe regular author ities run their customary seats and function, and estahtbihe itavlfn tlieir place, and an TS oomes the actual govcn.nu-nt of a eonnlry. The distinguishing eharaeteristica of sui'h a government is lhatalherents to ll in war against the government nV jure do not incur the penal ties of treason, and, under certain limitations, obligalbms assumed by it in behalf of the coun try iw otherwise, will, in general, he rusjMjcied by tlie government dr jnn wl.cn restored. Example of Ibis' description of governments t- fariu nre found 'In I-jiitlLh history. The Sta tute 11 Henry, Statute atj I .-.ree i n-lii-Tcs from ocnalties for treason all pera- ms who, in defence of llie King for the time being, make war agniimt those who endeavor to subvert his .authority by force of .anus, though warranted in so doing by the lawful monarch, (4 HI. Com, 77.) . Hut thin is where tne usurper onuiuis aiiuai pssi-ion of the royal authority of the kingdom, not when lie has micceeded only in establishing his power over particular he.ilit.es. Ileing in such pnasessior, allegiance i doe to him as a king de'icto. i.i Another example may he found in the gov ernment of F.ngland under the commonwealth, first bv Parlianvnl, and afterwards by Cromwell u protector. It waa no, in the cooleropbukKl f law, a government but was a govern ment dtjartv iu Hie hiimI abaoluto aense. It made laws, treaties and conquest", which rvmnin. el the laws, tn-aties and i-nmineate of Kngland af er the restoration. The lietter opinfoo is that acts done in obeli enc to this government could not Is- instlv recard.-d as 1reaw.nal.le, though in hostiluv lo ibe King uV jurt. Siuh art were I made in thai .smi.lrv, ev hleoee would he admit-pr-itiiietl from criminal prosecution by ihf spir- j ted to prove what kind of dollars were intended, it if not the letter of the statnte of Henry the i and if it should turn out that foreign dollar Seventh. It was held otherwise by the jmlge J were meant, to jwove their .tpiivalcttl Vahe in bv whom Sir Henry ane w as tr eu lor iPeawm .a Hi. I.. Trial I I'll in lie- vear following the restoration. Hut such a Judgment, in sorb time. Ua.Jjilk authority. SALISBURY, Jf. C NOV. - ll ui very vrtin lhl lb; CwirVib nile piv rrnmenl w' iM?ver aekiM.wllKiil by llie I'niU-U s,. ... . ... r. tU tnrtu ifii Him. ill III ' ' 11 - " . V . an il or fnni. ipii iwiiiio m .i.i" , . it uliiH.wTeUit.il -mh Ii by ml., r i.w- X.rcti. wer,. nmde by it. S ol.Va- ; .r. r.iii.nl i lmr.vUT were ercuUM bv ,t, 1 itftWXT. Sa.es ,vi,i, -.! I .'.or w.. tiw i ft I r- I.rn.il, w .... .. r nau.H.i. K;. c . " .. .i .i i ' Iroin n vrrv .arlv iri.Hl of the civil war ro - ."..ll ! l .1... II,. r, .,. I , li ..i- .1 ... n'tf: nu.i a. nini.n. in. .11. ....-. .v.- rm-iiiativw of iIm inmnwtion ?nin-t the uii ll.orilv of the 1 nil.il MaUw. Itilt there l another l.-. ritim of cv. rn ment, eall.il li l mMiciM a KOtrenmu-ut . Imt whi. I. im'ul.t rl.a Iw more uoliy I . I .Ill . , I 111 I" I 111! . : I 1 Illl't'lV ai-iiiiiriiitii ehnraeteriilK-H nr. : 1. TLai i w i i iiiniii i i i ...... .... i . athr:.r ( it.ll.li.hel and laiwerp wnn.n nw in - 1 nL-ai'i-l i'i I ,.ll l lWflll riulli no aiooiii ii. m ...-' - - . ', o ,,,. t,;t- it ,., H mmt a ;, . ,,rIvat ;. by of ,,i(.I,1 , r,a,ri( i IIUi l., WHO, DV IM'ls HI oiMsneiii c ii iiin ii'i ... snI.niiN.iiHi In such force, do nol beforu rew.n sible as wr.anilo.-m I'nr llu s,' acts. Ih.aih nol warranted by the laws of the rightful covern- 111"! . Actual KOTcn.ments of this rt are vtalilihb ed over district- dinPwiiK (rreatly in extent and eomlitinns. Tliev arogislially administered di- ris-ll- Iiv n.ilitarv authnrilv, lull llie' may nc uppirted administered, also, bv civil authority, iiwre or less directlT hv military fon-e. One example of this sort of government is frmnd in the rase of Cistinc. in Maine, rchiccd to Britlslririsscssion dnring the war ol I'M-. From the lirsl of Sejteml-r, ISH, lo the ralili eation of the treaty of peace in IhI '., according to the judgment of the emu l in United Sluton vs. Hii-e, (4 Wheat, 2W: "The BrilLh govern ment exercised all civil and military authority over the place." '-The authority of the Ui.iu d Siali-s over llie territory wiu- su-pciuled, and the laws of the United Stales could no longer be righlfullv enforced there, or l-e obligatory upon the inhabitant who remained and submitted to the eonqueror. By the surrender the inhahi lants pass.nl undcr'a lemjajrary allegiam lothe British government, and were bound by s i.-h laws, ami sueh only as it ch.sK- lo reeognire anil i:,.p . ' . , , ll is not to la- Inferred from this lhat the ob ligations of the i?oplc of Casline as eiiitcns of the United Stales were abmrated. Tbey were suspend.-d merely by ihe presence, and only during the presence", of the paramount fon-c. A lute example is found in the case of Tani pico, oc- upi. d during the war with Mexi.x) by the troop of the United Static. It was deter mined by thin court in Fleming vs. Page, 'J How., I4,1 lhat. although Tampicu did not be come a pari of llic United State- incotisetjiieiK-e of that occiiaiion, still, having Df, together with Ihe whole Slate of Tamuulipas, d" which ii was part, into tl.e exclusive psmcssion of tl.e na tional forces, it inusl be regard.nl and respected by oilier ualioua as the territory of the United Stale. These were east of tcm.rary possesion of territory hv lawful and regular government at war with tbo eoiintrv of which the territory ' lsecd was a ran. Tire central government j e.tal.lisheil tor the imurgcnl Slaves .nner. n mn.i the temporarr governments at Castine and Tam-pi.--i. in the eireumstanees lhat iu authority did not originate in lawful aim of regular war ; hut it wan not mi that account less actual or less su preme, and we ihink thai it mil! le claesid uiiHii.tf ihe eovernmenta of which ihe-c an- ex amples. It is to be observed that tin- right and obligation of a belligerent were unii-eded to it iu its military rharacter very soon after the w ar la- from motive of huinaliily and cx.-dn'iu' by the United States. The whole territory col -trolled by it was then after held to bo the enc mv's territory, and the inhabitant- of ijmi terri tory were held, in most rp-.vts. for enemies. ro the extent, then, of actual snpremacy, how ever unlawfully gained, in all matter- of govern ment within il military line, the "evi r nf the insurgent government canrad la- queslioned. That supremacv w ould not justil'v acts of hos tility lo the United States. How fir it should excuse them must be left to the lawful govern ment iiMin the establishment of iis authority. Cut it made civil obudieuee lo its anllnwity not only a n.n'esaity but a duty ; without such obe dience i iv'.l order was impossible. ll was by ibis government, exercising '.Is kiW er throiicli an immense territory, that the. Con federate notes were i-wusl early in the w ar, and these notes, in a short time, became, almost ex clusively the currency of the Insurgent Kfnte. As contract in themselves in the contingency successful revolution, these nop wore nulli ties, for except in that event there ronld be no paver. Thev bmxy indeed,-this character np-m tlieir face, for they were made iayabkonly "af ter the ratifie-ition tif.a treaty of peace la'tween between Ihe Confederate Stales an 1 the United States of America." While the war l isted, however, they bad a certain continwenl value, and Were used an mnn cv in iiearlv all ihe business transaction of many millions nf people. I hey must-las regam- ed, Iherefore, a a enrrenf-y imsp.( on the cuiil- muntly by urats ih e roree. It Mini- :u lol low, :.s a nocensary eonstnpiwieo, from the actual suprciiaey of the insurgent gov erni.ieiif an lajlligert'lit, within the territory Where i'i etr.vtitat.-rt, and ttie neceMsltV of civil 'il.ediei.ee on the part of all w'ni remained in it, that liiir enrrenev ni'isi be nuardi'd tu isiirts ol law in the sane- light il if il " id I i. -si ! by a foreign govern-ii-'iil, : . m,. .r-.t ,' , .. .v -! part of tin- tcritlnir' ' "'..e t'mi. -. S'-.-e. . naHf b-Ts wilililaring frri-i.era --' : rh.-.i.-irv n -icy canixR be regaclcd v ra v- ro afci if th- j lorelgn luvasioll l ' or tn iur tannsiir instnrcetioti in the other They lia ve.no .neces sarv n'b.tion to the bolrtil gov. rnr.ttnt, wbetb. r iuvatling or insurgent. Tney are tranari,i"ins in tlie onliiuiry course of civil aod-ty, and, tliougb th.iv may indirectly and remotely promfite the. end of 'tlie unlawful governmenl, are without, blameexeept when prnvwl lo iave Un-.i eJiltreil into with actual ink-nl to further thv invasion or insornvtion. Wemuot doubt that such contrv-t sh.sHd lie enforeiil in the eonrt of the TTnitoil ftatms alter ihe restoration of puane to tlie extent of their justniiltatlpa. The first question, IlK-reJir-, mil! rcc-tve an aflirinative answer. The aeoiHvl qiH-srii-n, wh.-ther evldcmn? can Is received to Drove that a promise mad- in om- of the insurgent Slates, and ex.prcd to be for the payment of dollars, witlio.it qualifying words, wan, in fact, male for Ihe payment of any other llein law tut dollars ol the Untied Mates, is next to be eoii.idered. Jt is quite clear that a contract to pa dollars made between eitiaen-nf any St itc "if the Union maintaining its-constitutional relation with the national iroven.metrtj i a contract to paV lawful money of tlw Jinited Stat-, and cannot be Uiisl ilied or rxplnin.il by parol evidence. Hut it is enalry clear if in any other country coins or noten ileriominated dollars should b.e at. thoriiil of ditterenf value from tin. coins or notes which are current here under that name, thai in : suit it sin wiiii.ira.-t to Iiav dollars ; lawful nn-ney ol tl.e I uuea caa.es. Km-h evidence d.s-s nol mialify or all In I cornract. It simply explmns nr. mnmc ntv . . '! wM, twder tie ge;.erl rale, of eviden.-e uny 19, 1861). . rcinovnl bv wro cviilcin . WV liiv, nfn.,itly neon llial llie K-oilo f - t - . .. nunt were .n legal conU-jni.lnlUin -nltntin v "i H.e Hn,e .-omlunic. s ml. m j.tH -I u , "f a CMinlrv oiiiineft anil contn.lli 'I liv at in va-lin LellWnt'. Tl- n.lt- wl.i-l. would a,, iiii-nrc'it t i:r- ni.di r llic miirni r.uc jim . .- --- -- - ---- .. . , I, v in llic Inn, u i- fiwi' would ami v in lv iii iliclaiicr, ...... - Ullll.il Mlli.ivln l.f II foiI'llTil IMlWlT, ail fotl- . - r, . Inu4s i.inoiiL' ihem In- inlcriircliil and ei.lnrccd with reference ui ll.e laws misis,sl by the ron-qiii-ror, so in Ihe latter ease the inhabllanls must bu regardc l a- nnd r ll.e authority of ihe insur gent la-lligiA-ui wer, actually artablisbed as ihe go.eriunciil nf (he country, anil coiilracU made with them must lie. interpreted and inferr il with refrrwico to llie condition of things rre-ited by the acts of the governing power. It is raid, indeed, lhat under ihe Insurgent g.ivcni nuaU llie word di.lliu- Juul ll.e aaiue Msaaiug as under thccovcrtimsiit of thr 1 'nlted States ; that the Confederate notes were never made a IckiiI lender, and therefore that no evidence can ben reived to show any .riher meaning of the word whin used in a contract. lint il .....si be r.-mcu.bcd lhat lite whole condilnih of tilings in tin Insurgent Slates was matter of fact rather than matter of law: and as mailer of fact, these notes, payable at a future and contingent day, which has not arrived and can never arrive, were forced into circulation a dollars, if nol directly by ihe legislation, yet m- 'ZLw, .;.:i.ier1 i them-1 111. iii.-.ii.i.ii ' -I .,,,1 ii, .Li. li.rl.i siihseoiienl events ihese nnlea had no n-al value, but thev wen-1 mad.-current as dollars iiy im-M-inuc inr.-e. irrcsi-.inic .ori-e .:i.i . I Thev were llieonlv measure of value winch Ih people had, and their use was a mailer of almns; , IiJilnto ncccssi.v. And tbi. gave them a sort r ...i. ;i':... i ..,.1 i....i-i.,. . i.nh ii ill .nine, iu.-i. ........ i. . !.. j... ..... r.-, -- i in true, but always having a sitfliriently dt-linite ; relation to gold and silver, the universal mean- i uns of value, so thai it was always easy maaccr- tain how much gold 1 silver was the rcl : Mnivaltnt of a son. expteed iu this currency. ; In the light of tbec facts it seems hardly less than anaiird t j far llcil these dollars iniist lie re- garden 1 a. identical in kind and value wiih the rs which s..afi tit. the money of the Uni- ;.U . V.i cariiol shut our eves to the fact dollars led lhat tliey were c:aint.al! . diltt-ivnt in both re iecls; and it mem. In us tiiat lio rule of cvi dem e, properly uideratood, rmiuiresus lo refuse, under the circum-lancc, lo admit pruot oi tl.e sense in which ihe wonl dollar wasactuaiiy used in the c-mlrai t In-fore us. Our answer to the scsmd question i- therefore also in the urlirmalive. We arc clearly of the .minion thai such evidence must Is? received in I , . i . .i .. :.. ! r.-spici to Mien coiiirac.s in onicr .uni J"s'" may .aju.aaeui-.wer-. ...c p.ir..es. ... ... ...... ... , 1 I 1 . ... ... .1.. . ... .1 .....I t . ... liar v ci.lil id lo is- 1.,-u.i in wn-sc i ouieoerate , dollars eon only niaiVer their actual value al ll.e lima of the contract in law ful money of the Uni ted Slates. We do not think it necessary lo go into a de tailed examination of the evidence in the record in order to vindicate our answer to the third iitiCHtion. It is enough to say that it has left no iloiiht iii our miuds that tlui nuU- tu- ten th.xu- ili'i dollars, 10 enforce payu.cn! of which suit w as uroiight in the "irctiit Court, w as lo be pei.l, I.V agreement of the parties, in Cimfeilenite notes. ll follows that the jtulgnu-nl of the Circuit Court must U-reversed, and the can-' remanded for new- trial, in conformity with this opinion. THE ANGEL JIV HAN'S I ' 11 UI n I'I A X AXDEIiSOX. " Whenever a good child dies, an angel ol find comes down to earth, takes the d.-ud child in his arms, and itireadine out his large white wing, flies with him over ni! the. places that were dear to linn And the angel gathers aliundful of flowers, and 1 . 1 J . 1 11. A . 1. .. 'akis tlicm to the good t.ott mat uiey may bloom yet more bcutitilul in heaven ihau lis - y did on earth. And the flower which most pleases the Creator, receives a voice, and, supremely happy joins in tlio chorus blessed angels." rims snake an angel (,f Imil while car- rying dead child lo heaven, and the LM, c,iue in which he baa embarked, btri child listened as llioitglrtlTirdreaio, and wbelberetliets can pn-sent as clean a re-loguih'.-r. t.liey Hew over all the places eowl u t iinnossiblc to sny. .. u,-3 i-.,.i t,.r.,...i.- l.,vi..l mid tin y pasred over gardens f.,11 of lov.-ly flowers. -Which flower si. ill we lake . ii, i . i ,i ii .' i .. .i ,. ,. . I wiih usaiul plant in heaven .;" nsk. d Ihe Agel. And there stood a fair delicate rose tret , but an evil liftnd bud broken llie stem , Ho thai a'l the bianche with largo hall opened buds hung faded down io llie grniuiil. "Poor tie.- !" said the child, "let ns lake ii, that it may bloom again with the good God in hen- veil." And-ihis angel took it, and kissed the child, and tjie little one half opened his yes. Tin y plueh.l many a spleudio i ..jirden flower, but they also took the mt-ea i iitih-daisy and the wild hearts ease. "Now we hvc flowers enough !" said t-be cliild, and llm Awgt-I seemed to as- ceiid, but ho did not yet fly nji lo heaven; It was night, it was v. ry still, they stayed near a town, they hoven-d over one of its narrowest streets, whcrcitraw,-h- ea, and rubbish of all kinds, were scatter- od; there had been a removal that day, lying on the ground wen- broken plate ; bits of nl ister. rags fragm-nts ol old bats ; in short, nothing but things uhscem- hr."-" i Amidst ibis confusion the Angel point ed to.lhe broken j.iece of an old flower pit, and a lump nf earth fallen out of it j tbey wer only held together by the root of a large faded field flower, which wa no longer worth looking at, and had, there for.;, been thrown into the street "We will takeMhis flower with us," fluid tbe Angel, "1 will tell them about it ns w nre flying " a And they flew away, and the Angel spake as follows : "There once lived in a low cellar down in that little narrow street a poor, sickly boy, who bad bei n confined t .Jits bed f om his earliest years; perhaps now and then he was able to take few turns up ui.d Jwu I.i little room on Ins crutches, but that was all be could do. Sometimes, durine tlc summer, the sunbeam w .tild stream through.bis' little cellar window, .,.! if the child sat uu and f. lt lhf .I.;.....w mm., him. and could see ii 1 : . u: . I: I. i u'n.n.Muii 1 tin- crimson moon in ins nam "."in""' i -. r . ...,' - . .. i- i.. llic light, ITinTsaea- w he would nav, "To-tlay I Imve been nal I" Ho only know tin' ilM.iut wood-, and llic ....... r - n b . )im jf p1 ,OUK, of tin- - , lol.M.!cl hold over hi. " .o.i lien. , and tbo.. f-.ncy I... . .d.r u limr in vi in il irrei ii nv tne n i'iinn shade ol I in- liccch -tret willi llie bud.-. warbling, mill the sun IlillillK Hioillld hi tu. 'One (lav ill the mprinpr. the nei;libnr's so;i brought iiiiii some fii-liNMowera, and ainoii-' tin ui was one wilb a root, o it j 1 was nut into a llower pot an lliiwer pot nun piacen at , i . . tin- window, closn by llt.i bed, and being carefully planted, it flourished and put forth ulioota, and bore Ho went every year ; ' it was lik i. Ii all iful gartlen to the boy ; - his liitk tieitstite upon earth; he wn ; lered it, and tended it, inking ore: ib'at 'every uubeam, from the first to the last which penetrated bis little window, should fall upon the plant, and its flowcia, with i their aoft coR.rs and fragrance, mingled with hi dreams, and toward them be turned when lie was- dying, when our ! Lord calle 1 him to himself. The child ' li.is now h-eii a year with the blessed for a p.lIlt ,as stood in the a iii- -ow failed mid loigoUc.i, and to day it was , V .1. I I 1. i. ll... tlliowtl lilt I .Tlliong llie luoois llie iuooisu nun ii.c into the street. And this is I lie lower which we . . . . i i I 1 haVi have lust now taken, tur tins pool laded ' . !.i HntmM 1, n.if.11 MIAN' lihMl. l-C than . ... , , .' ,.,i.. 'he most splendid blossom ill the B.wlen of a unecn. "Anil how do you know - - T , - . -. , this ?" asked the child whom the Angel bearing to b-iiven. j . .. t .nu the Anrcl. . . . .. . . , , "I ''ttle sick Uy who went npon crutches. Ought 1 not to know mv own flowers V And ibe child 0pciicd wide tls eyes, and looked i'lto the L f f bright countonance and in , y B i . ;. i,.... Hie same uioiiiuui in. y -cic ... i... . .. And the dead child received wings like the Angel's and they flew hand in hand ; and a voice was given lo a poor, faded field-flower and it sang with the Angels snrroHiidiiig the great God, some very m ar Him, and others forming large cir- ct.s, farther and farther away, extending . ... . i i ii0 iiinnily, but all equally ulesseu ... . . v . . Anj (,)e M together, the Angela, . , - ,. c.. the good child, and the poor, faded field fluwer, which bad lain among thu rubbish of that dark and narrow street. WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THE FAILURE OF THE CIJ3A3 EX PEDITION. ' The Unban privateers Lillian and Ou j ba, says the New York Herald, have cer tainly been in. fortunate iu their career. ; Without accomplishing anything tbeves I s.-Is have been seized and members of the ! aew.s of each vessel have been arrested 1 end held by American nnd English bu thoiiiics respectively, From the manner of the seizure ol both vessels and the aiiciimsloncea under which the arrest of the crews were mud. it would seem that there is a screw loose somewhere in ihe managemer nl of these . xiieditions. Fossi ' jj v treachery may form a large share of . " .... 1 1-1 ihe cause of the tlisa.iimititintTies which have thus lar attended the Aorta of the Cuban's at sen. That there is somo room for these repeated failures there- is no reason to d obt. So far n regards Cap lain llnrris. of the Lillian, we believe he i ..,, 1,; ... j the wmk and is trite to i i ... tot.....! ;;.! , n : eia; o I io in.l 1 1 ei ? no in. ii- oo o i. ittlu4Mihle, however, not to rt-coguiie the r..'. ,i.... Ji.ili.wp Lw lowi.,.r icmi-ts lac'- that w ll. ie w i- .1,1..: uiunuii; i.i.,..., r a i.i. .. ...' iL.. of the I.i nth j i.UIVasen activity of Tc Bodus, Valuiane lll! III H Milieu imioii 1,11.1 m. I " . ,H naj tK. remainder ol Spanish officials, the insurgents nre able to lu l l their own, notwithstanding their embarrassments on i ,). BCa . i- . . f ;. .....i I Ins state ol affairs cannot pos- sihly be lost sight of by Preside.,. Gra.-I, whose syn.im.hie. are wilb the Cubans i wh,g(. riohev the result of serions re diction will in the end, no do ibt, s'uine ptgpjf go as to n-pn-setit the wishes of the American people. The preseiit troublesin ' R.min ao hasten a solution of the On- ; oan problem. There is really tm much to j thing of at home to wntch Cuba very 1 chisel v. Affairs hare air'ved at that 8tiige wbk-h it quires something more than y,c Bhipmeut ol troops from Cadi to I crush a n volution over four thousand miVs distaiit With a fierce domestic . struggle agil.tiing Spain, destroying the I conAdciicc of ihb people In her leading j m,,n au(j gpn ading ttniveisal discontent- throughout the country, it t not difficult to foresee the future of Cuba. Hetween the blunders of Spanish politicians at home and -military lead, is abroad the island will yet scenre it independence even i hough d'suppointmeut on the se may at the present time temjorariJy fBi barras her leader. HENBY CLAY'S CBADLE. From iho Bichmoud Dispatch we clip the following item, which we doubt not, will prove of interest to the mat y friends of the great Ktnucky statesman, who, though dead, still lives iu their memory t 1 Among the arlk-lra sent for exhibition, and was unavoidably thrown out, wafl the cradle in which Henry Clay was rocked. Mrs. N. B. Griffi-i" ifl the lady i who owns it. The cradle was bought at J Mr. Clay's sale by Captain Nat. Bow I.N. F. Bo we, Esq.'. (a'.ber and has been i preserve by lite tamtlv wltn gieat care It was a source of creat mortificatfon to ! m i t iffi.i liml llii i.i, .' 1.11..S 1 1 . . t sliullld j ' -j--.. -- r- M I ! have beeu left Oat.' NO. 4G Yii was juyrut. 'I'be discovery of Junius o often an ununed, lia at I. ngth it ifl aaid been plae.-d beyond donbl by the rcflcarcbea of the Hon. Kdward Twialeton, Knglnnd, who li.is for the firal time called iu ll.e aid "i a flcieniifie export iu laud writing, tin- well known Mr. Charles Cliabut. The res -ills will shortly be mailt public, to gether will) fac similes ol the autograph r iu( :u -H IA.ui-jto WoodfJIaiid (JcoriTO w Grcenville. We shall await with some interest the revelations of I he Hon. Mr. Twisclton. But we hnve grave doubts of the truth of any proofs which may be adduced, if they go to eatablish any other theory than that the elder Pill was the substantial au thor of the letters, and bis secretary, Sir Phillip Francis, the actual compoeer ai them. We have evidencu in Virginia, which docs not admit of Question of iba direct port which Sir Phillip Franci played in the a flair. He found it con venient, when the feeling ami coriesity excited by tbu Junius letters was at ilfl hci-lit in London, to send t private see- , pemmtient MtiltM ia Auw'rica. t , , lw.rni.'s uriinil was llav or. ita a ciime to Vinrinia and nurchaeea lartre e- " lutes, lie brought with him a cosy la manuscript made by himself, as each let ter went to press, of the entire Aeries af the Junius letters. This voluminous manuscript is now extant, in the posees sio i of a son of Mr. Baylor, who ifl a highly respected and well known citi zen of our Commonwealth. This cotcm- poraneous manuscript copy o( tbe letter of Junius, made by the private iocretary and nmeiiuensis of pit Phillip francia, actually settles, in connection with tba easily substantiated facta of Im origin and authenticity, the authorship of th Junius letters., If the disclosures of Mr. Twislelon shall coincide with Urn facts which we now present for llie fir t time in print, bis investigations will have prov en valuable. If they shall not do to, w incline to believe that they will be of lit tic woi th. Rirlimond State Journal A LITTLE SFOUr ABOUT MB. LINCOLN. The Tims ville (Peon.) Herald relate the io '.lowing: Mr. Lincoln wa much pestered by ofc fict- seekers. A gentleman from Illinois, who thought himself peculiarly fitted to represent the country abroad, followed Mr. Lincoln with great pertinacity, but tniiholing him at all times and in every place without the slightest mercy. Final ly tin- Prcsidtnt, wilb a pleasant sen fie, asked him if he could speak Spanish. Xo," "Well, learn Spanish, and I will tell you of a good thing you ean get. Af ter ihrce months of hard study the would be diplomat returned to the charge, ra mimliug the 1'resident ot nis promise, ana assuring l.tm lie bad thoroughly mastered the Mmnislt language, -utii, eawl Mr. Lincoln, "I promised to tell you of a good thing you could get. Get Don Quixot4 and read it; it will make you laugb." A GOOD JOKE ON A TOPER. A few years azo there lived in the town of a son of Judge H - , whom wo will caH Joe, who had frequent- ly imbibed more limn he could comfort inblv carry. 1 hero also trestfled in the- . - . . - . . , ... ; ucigliUorliood a painter named lio kept a saloon. Now W. was a great -, . , , practical inker. On one occasion Jo i , , I.. r 'a came to W.'s saloon, and rather early io the morning got very much intoxicated, and finally lei I asleep in his chair. Jo was very near-shighted, and always wor .. i i i .i n.r specs. Alter lie nau slept some time, w . -rl , ' . , ,r , . . ' llJ0K ,on " 8 "T-"' l"" K' fPt tbem back .Jr-in, flighted the lamps. and men awnwc ,ioe leiiuig nun i wm ic o'clock at night and hn wanted to shut op. Joe started round and remarked thai be hd slept some time. W. then said, "Joe, it is very dark, and if you will bring it back 1 will lend you a lantern." , Therenpon W. lighted a lantern, gave it lo Joe, and helped him up the sUirs.-. .Joe went off toward home, (up the mailt business street,) in tlie middle nf tbe day, with his lantern, everybody looking at him, and wondering what wa the matter. A Man's Life. Saved fVy the ( loth Striking Thirterm. Mr. John Hatfield, a man who died in England at ihe agn of 102. was a soldier in the time of William and Mary. He wa tried and eondrroned to death for sleeping at hi post, an tb terrace of U indent, lie absol itely fa. p' I ie cl r ani sojemr.ly declared that instead nf sleeping on his peat ha distinctly beard tbo clock of St. Paul's s'rike thirteen at m'dnighv The trntb f thi wis much doubted by the ' because of the great distanceof St. Paul's from the post where he wa stationed.- While under tbo tmHmm of death, af fidavit was made by arwcral jeraona that the tl ck oi St. Paul did ocutally strike thirteen instead of twelve umn that night. Thi circnmalanec aavri bis life, and he waa pardoned by Hi Majeaty . This number 1.1, nanally ermtidered m unlucky, coold not be called so io thetea. of John Hatfield. .t MirJvrt far Saltmg FvHtr. - n',w j a pound of fine .alt and a quarter f. pound f pulvertaed Uf sosnr. lit. liem well t gi-ther, and on oonee nl i(, niixtaro U .very pound nf butter. t ja lo keey buitcr sweet tu- wUaUr aae.