I ' . I i ' . i ' . mJmim Lua aii 1......1. . .i.t NmI aaMltllll the bonds were Issued in accordance 1..! I ... Tl,. ..llr tlllviK law i uwi. i m nuv d then be with the unrcnaaer, ana ngroc-i wiiii .Mr. ceyijour, nu m- iw' Mil n i v rvi .. , ...... - , ! . , . . I I'll.' . SIlU nil ill . I'll W Kith v inrtiuliuff all lax fur SIMW-itll Dlirti"- .. l - . - l. I...,,. Kill In and r: (pari a rum no a sinking fund tn i. oied to tlc unviucot -(' (lie i'nl !u debt, atiU . r .. - r rai-ii.H J inula lor suppr in,; inrti-u.ii "r in- ... !.. . . ..:.!... i...:.. kt . v r : ..." irils-ien,, I'MM mm vi ' . -i 'lie I .mtllutu!l. rrnviiliil limner, tl.nl l!i iii.l- lot Hi.- renin -imnrv. :.i me ii.ti" A -iyi,ihiii shall not In- included wiiltjit toe . in' iiiiiiv' T th.-c : ."luti'i'i-.'1 711". i t- i oltcri'l ine iuiiimiiii ll' n wiwhiiiiw - r tin resolutions and amendment. ' lo-Milved. tile Senate co n Hiring j'liii her.- .... I ." . I .. 1. 1 in tli. I (institution il tin ;:ilc liijiji" u.c rijiui i1 n ilii.ii tin' M;tte turn iiiiuv mii(,i'-i- i mi l.itusl tit the i-um nf frti-j unh on well SlOtl of i .r .riv nf every kind in lhe State; ihorefure ilu- iiki rtiri'1 iiihI scan-hing ecotmiuy i neve-, it evcrv (le'viriuiciil hi tt.e .-iaio m.-iu-i . it. e . I I meet l lie current cji ii'innus oi tne special election, to be ordered and held in the name manner a special election to fill vacan cies in the House of Representative. 4. That the delegate hereby directed to -be Choecii "hall assemble in l onvetiUou at tlic cp- . m pente incurred, ainee tlie constitution went into effect; 2d. Amount of requisitions from each coiintv ; 3d. Amount of stationery furnished member of the Legislature ani eliief olHcera of State; 4lh. Actual price pant for -I itioucry ; Senators for each Road. str. Jones, of Wake, morad that the whole auhiect h referred to a special joint coiuntiUce, and that thev be Instructed to report a lull- Mr. RtKpnM in. .vnl to mm ml by atriking out itol at KaJeuth. on the necond Motidav of S. i- ' olb. An rtinmle of the nruliable ainouut m- ' 8iwrial Joint and inwrt raUM and that the tetubol ; and their ipileijrc and Jim, 1 anry in meet the annual oxji.n c- of the State in be inatructud to rtiMirt next Thun.il.iy the coiniiennaliim nf ofEiera, and otiier expeiisin of laid O.nveuliofc.diall lie jpaid u k mar pn vi.le, out of any ni.ui. yH iu tfle Treaanrj' not olli- . .u Jil lit to r.i-v.lvi J, That il h the opinion f Mie (.ni . . ,l .. H.liK- that no nan nf the toni'liliitioli- ,llv coiilnuU'l 'lei: r.flt.is Mtle, ' erwwe iiipniinati'n. i Thai the I'onitilntlon. w rOtuditutionnl i aineiKliiirntii adopted br anid ('invention almll I not luLe elleet until ratified by a majority of nil ! tlu male cititciw of North Carolina, twenty-one I yeara of no vntin iiMn the (UCtioii 6f ratitiea lioii or reiui'lion. at mi elei lion lo Ik' In bl lor thai rnirpot- it mrt titne -r i.i iv be lix. d by I aid L-iiivcntion, wlneh lime hall be not Unn .jbaii four Lionth' aficr iid Convention idiall i hae.' adjnurnrd line efiV; and Rn!d Cirtivnition s!i ill ink. meaur.'H llit a general piildbution of iibe proj'o-ed nii-iiiuiii ii, or iiHintitiiiional ! aiiieiiiliu. uls ul b ii-l three iiiontha prior to the ; 1 d.iv.of uch eht'lloii. ti. Thai tlif fcrcnl majority of our people hav I : i (vT, f ir in any yv.ir- paC f.ivrrl the policy of . exeiopliiiR a honiexte.i.l in lamb, ami a liberal ' amount of personal property, fr'.m exoctitionfnr debt, the ..nv.-nlioii lurein provuled lor i-lial! have no oower to repeal or io nnv manner Htrirl or curtail exilimr law ami conatii linviii.iim "c, iirim; Kiirb exemplion 7. That thi arl hIihII take elleet from the date of its ratification. Mr. (.i.illnwar inovwl tlmt il be referred to the reeard to Htationerv ; and Oth. The name ami renidepce of the eonlmeior, if any, to furniah the Kute wiib atationery. Mr. Mabme moved a auaiiention of the rule., for the purpoae of puitiug the revolution on ila piiniace, Agreed t... The reaolutioii Waa then adopted. At 1 dCloek (he Houw in re-pert to the mem Mr. Ciraliam oalfed for (be iircriou quaation which waa kwt. Yea, 18 nara 22. Mr. lb-Hpa' motion to n-fer waa loat. A. if. (Inllowav, colored, moved to lay the riHoliitiiui and Hiiiwtitute on the table, which prevailed. lean mi-hkix lleanlev, iteiiainv, nurna, mytii orv of the late Kx-Uowernnr Worth, a. Ijournetl ! Coljrrove, Cook, Cherry, Kiherid;e, tlalloWny, until Motiuay morning 1'.' clock. The Senate HKN'ATK. MiMiilay, Nov. -JJ. lMi. net pursuant to adjouriiuient. UK MARKS 01 KAT0R KQBBIN3 OF ROWAN, Concerning this Leyisltturc holding over, deliuered in the Senate on Friday Nov. Wh. The nueatlon beiug upon the Reaolaiion j M Mr. Swee( to rwler the inhjeet M the Su preme Court, and the aubatitute of Mr. Wil -MM declaring the terui en. Is in Auguat 1470. Mr. Robbioa Mid t . Thia ia m tniMit imortant matter, M Preaidant, for the people of the Ktnte arc watelilug to aeo what deeibiou we ahall make . j i i i. i i i i i , i t iu. ,n Mu.Ki in tv mi ,i j.1,.1,1,,1 iitt i mii un iiiur eoli.reii, joiich, u' Miiumiiiia, jonea, ei Hra, "';" ' Iaaalter, Martimiale, Moore, of Carteret, Moore I they are looking u with deep indignation of YaiKw, Rvkimum, Shofliier, Hmith and tile-' that auch ft queatioii ahoold ever have been plieua.- Mr. Ilrok'.ei e. :m, titU Nav. iiiiwrf. Runic, r all, Hivintn, Bror- den, luvi, Kppe, colored, I'orkner, Graham, 1 June of iee!vb nbiirn, LimNay, Love, Maaon, Melchor, Minpliy, iiubBifc, txtitt, White and er lure-1 Wil.i.i. I!) V Tin bill intruditeed by Mr. lbpaaa waa -then j tak. n up. (Thia bijl providca tint the oflkwra of ihu aever.il mioLi ahuil make full n'porta f i their Iran-R'lioiiH ipiaiterly,) paaaed iu aeoond reaitwri'. In million ..I vir. l..i--iter the nib' Were ana of ibis Slate, culler Utorc .. .... ..If .. , . ui i.mr ill II lil 1 11 1 I'll IV . i iiie. i iv :'-. v.- j eoiiimittee on Iieeut.Hruetioii lr ol nil rv.uc. ... i it lt-nlvcd, That eliould there he a aemcienoy in the aura of money raiel by taxation neceaaa . v in meet the interi.fl on the Inimla of thia State ,i. r. .I.f.iil.l U- eiveii to the bomie which were in cx , n! (Viiintitntion. R,.vniur inoviil that the matter uml. r liet.i Mi nmidcralion be made the auecial order on Mon- 'dav at 11 J o'clock. Aroed to. The reaolutiona ixitroduced. by Mr. Seymour "agitMwt any furthor ihcreaae of the Stato debt," were nlo made a apecial order at the aame hour. Mr. I'ou'a reaolutkm oomseming the removal of laditical disabilities, oic., wxs taken up. fly cow ent, the author was allowed to make a verbid auifulraent. Mr. Malone offered to amend the resolution by addling the word "and that our Senators and Jiepu.-H.-nU-Vtes be fiirtiier bvtructed to reeal all laya ii.r in existence requiring a teat oath jpf oflice." Mr. Malone aupKrted hio amendment by some extended remarljH. Mr. Siuel&ir ingved that its further conaider 4 ion be postponed until Tuenday next at 12 u'clock. Asreeil to. The bill waa taken up to "compel the return .f ii-rtnin bmida into the Treasury,-' authorired fo he issued ilurinj; loat siaion, for the ivmsiriuk tion of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Kuther tord Railroad, the Weateni N'. C. Railroad, in 'luiliqg the pjaatem and Weatern Diviaion of flai.l Voad, and the Weatern Kailroad, Mr. lsh oljercd tq the first aection a pro- .viiso, . :hat the bonda ho returned by the lreaa urer oh all be retained in the Treasury of the (Mate an a security lor Uie prosecution of the Kohd to which thev were aiproiriated : and provided further, tint whenever the bond of (he Mate shall command a pnoe in the markets of the world which approximates the amount on their face, ther ahall be subject to the order of pie noaru or inreciopi who control aaid oads. Mt. 1 ..wning moved the indefinite postpone ment of Uie bill. Mr: Argo replied. To i.,eiioitulv postpone would prevent any further action on the subject during the present sea-inn. Mc Downing aaid if the bill were to be post poned till Tuesday week, he would withdraw his notion. There being no objection to this proposition, the bill waa aecrdingly so postponed. Mr. Meudenh&jJ's resolution ttxing the per diem of members and suliordinate officers at $5, and .rUdLm ofliecrw &8, wu taken up. Mr. Proctor moved to lay the resolution on the table. TH ye mm y- bt 1 , v a vote of 42 to 09. Mr. Vet oRerrvt a suhstitnte to the effect that f he saiariea of all State and county otUeers be reduced to one half their preaeitt rates. Mr. VIodgin offered an amendment that the sum lor mileage be fixed at 10 cents on toe most direct routes. Mr. Harris of Wake, mayed tha) the subject postponed lor two weeks. . Carried. The ilutiic adjourned. SENATE. fiATVBDAY, Nor. 20, 1SC9. The fc'-nato met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Welker asked that the rules be stiscnd ed. in order to allow him to introduce a bill of a public character, as follows; A mil to amend tne several raiiroari cnariers Mr. Robhins moved that it be referred to a special ooinmittee of lire, staling that it was no parti.an bill, and that it would not a licet the nomcHlcad and would not disturb the suffrage ratenee-M (he 4mui of the adoption of Mr,lftm , h,,.,,,,,;, as Reconstruction, and lie believed the question open to discussion. Mr. Robhins said lie wished the biil to la1 re ferred to a committee of which he himself ,aa a member. Mr. I :. email moved that it be indefinitely port ioned. On the motion to postonc indefinitely, Messrs. Beeman, lltirns, Blvtlic, '.lavis, lly man, Jones f Wake, Lassitcr, Manindale, Moore, of Yancy, Stephen, Smith, Welker imd White voted in the anirmalivc JS. Messrs. Bames, Heal, Rellamv, Rrogdcn, Cook Eppea, Korkner, (ialloway, Graham, H i e-. Harrington, Jones, of Columbus, Jones, of Meck lenburg, Lindsay, Long, Mason, Melcher, Me Lauhlin, Richardson, Robhins, Shoffner, Win stead and Wilson in the negative -X Mr. 8hon"ner moved that il lv relerreil tv special committee of five. The npqtiop prevailetj. The i n.iniitiic aj.poin'. d Were Messrs. Rob-bii.-, Welker, Joncn of Wake, Lasniturand Mur phv. !Ir. Rums asked leave to introduce a bill re quiring Judges of the Superior Court to open court on Monday of each term. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Robhins a bill entitled an act in rela tion to the payment of officers fees. Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. Mr. Welker offered a resolution concerning tha investigation yf certain rail roads and moved that the resolution be made the special order of l nursdav next. i. nrned JIOTK'K OP llll.lv). I, of a bill In . milled to repeal 1 nf the CodeVt Ivil I'mccdure. j Mr. l.nve Of a lull br ihu redemption of rial , estate. Mr. Shoffnet of a bill in reference to the l;i -tiis. of .l.idec of the Suprcuiii Court. lUfi ried to tKe Cnoiniin.x' od Jiidieinry, Aiso of i lull In regard Iu (he dujy of the ( VmIc ( 'niuiuissi.lll. Mr. Ilnaxdeii of n bill lo repeal Kection II of an act in reganl to th" I iving oti the Homestead .I'l l I. 1-1,11. M VMI l'l H.l.llUO, liltlll'll lllV ! ' I,,... ,.f , U.....l..ru I , C f , -, " ' Sllli III I I. SI .1 . 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I l' ' .11 III...- .-...rt.'!." , ,th day of April I m. I. I .nfer with the Superintendent of I'ublic Works Mr Renfrou of a bill, requiring magistrates , ,() llivrl.lin .n(1 rt w,nt information he has I and clerks of towush.ps to give bonik ) K(t!rmce u, ,lt, management of the various i Mr. Roliouis, resolution in relation to per mam t finltri mr A.I. .U..I. i and mileage, was read the scsvml lime. ) Oion ,,, s. nkte adjourned until to-uior- I I. f !. II. a. I .1... I ...I ..Ii.. .....I n....A ..r. iinni.wii, uiinni iiif iiifiuiimw .nun p,- tt ill o l IlK'k ieui vf 'be bill, which prevailed, yeas 22, nays j 17, I ilr. Galloway offered a aubatitute legalizing the per diem anil mileage paid by the State ! Treasurer to the former Ixgialative Assembly i and leaving the per diem and mileage at the j prevent' rates. and not master, and that the jM.pulsr aases are not their vassal, ami underlings. And if .my Rump Parliament" here shall pre inns upon the contrary, I am much mista ken if the sovereign people do not tench them a very effectual lesson. The popleof North Carolina will doubtWaa proceed to leet a General Ass.-nbh noil August, in pursii.inr.- nf the const tntjon ; whoever shall attempt to filth from them thia plaiu right, will erpetnite the crime, and dare the doom, of aeditioniafj. oaurpere ami auaspi i at. .rb againat tha public weal. ; 19 KW AfiVJMTISEMbNTS. mooted. It ia well known that when we were elected, the people dtemcd us elect ed fr two y.-.irs oiilv and (lint we shoohl now set up claim for a term of four years, uwakenaa universal feeliug nfsurpriae. disgust, and anger, iu the popular miud. The people w ill regard theiiiselvva as the j victims of an unworthy and dishonest political ' trick, if this iir.-posi. -roils and rlaim is adhered to aud acted upon by this i. ! Aseeinbly. They will feel, arid I think jus ly pcn.h d iu order lo 11U4.W him In introduce his 1 feel, that thev have heen deprived 01 a puuu hill from the C.kIc, ptad on the Calendar. I constitutional right by a hasj and selfish Mr. Mariind ile iutriioleed a resolution pri0-j atrataarenx on ihe part of those who shall inaiutain our right to hold over after next August. Km we arc (old thnt this is ntRalfBi In this City, at I he Kcgislera mice; on tne 22nd instant, bv Obadlah W(xl"on, I'JM Mr. j William l. Cpright to Mrs. Mary Ann Ovur- J cash, both of AlWeil Township in this Couuty, I In Franklin Township in Rowan C.Mintv, oil . (he 26th instant, by Ubadiah Woodson, Esq., Mr. Ueorgv Coou to Miss Mary Swisher. In RunAomb county, on the 24th nit.. Mr T F Williams of GUmore county, Ga and Mrs K J Roberta. V .L.O.I. I.... M. 1 I t . .1 .... ..f t.. otttrsgHoua 1 ne s M.-.. UOHCII QUSBlTl uu .'I'-s ,,t . k vfi.i v.. aomba. On the 9th inst, at Harrisburg. Pennsyl vania, Win BSiegrist. (Repreaentaiive from Wilkes couuty, N. C.) and Mis Kate 11. 11. in m. hi of Lebanon co, l'a. In V d.oii irt.i'i. on lbf I lib Inst. Cant. question of i jmuea 1 Metts and Misa Cornelia Frothing- Something New and Very DesiruUe. Kea Box Is ftllwel with a asw and assorted flavor r I candy, end avery (mix will give you BfB raisa. Hold and Stlvei Watches Watch trains. I. ailics" aa4Ueata' Hrrast 11ns, Sleeve Hull ins, Htuds. Ksr Kings, Charms. na., Ac. TUEV liKTAI AT 25 CENTS, mski rAcrraap dv GEORGE MILLER & SON, 010 Market Mtruet, 1'hihuU Iphla, i'eun. And sold by Canlc -tiutiers sad hturukeepers sr. ry where. The doin md fin- I'll nsw confsctlonery Is so fres( iti.it tiw trade sre das red to lorstsid tlieir orders st on e. Ws iiaiUuti uurlHeuds to beware f worth lets Imitations His Ron Ton being the original boa, tli stiiti'lard of wliich saall sln.ii- be maintained. B v. l-47tf, On tliia i.i. ,p...iti-i. the yeas and nays were taken, and resulted, yeas "21, nays IU. Those voting iu the alfirmatiVe were, Yea Messrs. Rellamy, Buus, Illy the, Col grove, (sHik, Davis, Kppes, Forkner, Galloway. 1 lays, Ilarringtt.n, Hvman. Jones of C'olumbtlB, Jomst of Wake, Marundale, Moore, of Yancey, Smith, Steihen, Sweel and White. HOtae K RkHRKKKNTATl VES. TriMiAY, Nov. Tt, IKtjn. House met pursuant lo adjournment. A mcs-asre was ree-eiveil from the Governor, siibiiiiliing lauiiiin claims against the Htate in I llirnr ui ..i. i. mnisw: nnu im.- v , s- Worth. Rv Mr. Malone: A bill lo repeal the arl re quiring the registration of deed. Referred, prn iAi. ordeb. Mr. Poii's resolution rrcommending removal of jHilitieal disabilitits inirsiseil bv tlte 14lh ami lulnn til ; ttie penilitlt; 'piesnon is on; on xr law. an I that the people have uo biisinesto 1 I,,,,, .Umhir of the Col R 11 Cowan rmpa4.'f any decision that may be made Jn y, fie ,,, insl, Mr Samuei of ii aa such, and their clamors should be ...... , .,;,,. w,nu Wallace. Bui uurortuuat. ly Ihopei.ple . Hntborfol rountv. on the 1 1 inst Navs Messrs. Barnes, Ileal!.' Boaslev, IU-1 uabuie's ani. tidiiu tit, askinu a reiatal of the tost man. Hrogden, RnerHtfsa, uraaam, .i. n. -, oi : (Mth Mecklen.iiirf:, Jjissiter, Liintlsay, Long, love, Miisoti, Mffclnir, Murphy, Richardson, KesHUts, Robhins, Seaitt, 8hofliier and Wilson. A messure was reeeiveil from the House of Mr. French moved to io..tionc one week. Mr. I'nii opposed the motion and asked the yeas and nays, which being ordered, resulted, veai 2., navs 1 1 Reiireaentntives transmitting an set to amend i wr. 1'iai then eallcsl the previous question, and section 4.So, tuie 1! , chapter 12 of the t ode ot i the call was austauitsl. Civil Procedure, ratified by the House ol" Rep resentatives. Referred to the Committee of the Judiciary Mr. Hevntonr moved to postpone until Friday next, and the motion prevailed. Bill extending the time for MienftS to nialte Also a resolution requiring the Secretary of settlement was taken uu on motion of Mr. Fere- State to furnish the amount paid for stationery, j bee. Ac., &c., for various purpose since ihe adoption j Mr. Pon moved indefinite postponement, ol tne new onsimiuon. Adooted. Mr. Wvis moved that the Senate proceed to hich, after some discussion was rried vNnsfHiiEu nrsiicEM. The consideration of the resolution maintain- . s i . va . g tne election oi an r.ngro-s ng i ..era. . h ,i( f , Mll of evcry Mr. T. J. Jonson was elected by a majority of , of tBe u,tMtio(1 Is votes. ,j being on the motion to reconsider the pesapone Armessaee was received from the House of , ' T Representatives enclosing resolution assed in iiirsuav n.'xt. Carried. I , ' . V . .i Mr. Murphy offered a resolution requiring the ''al ',n llif. ,n-Uu,t of w,Pwt w mmittoe qf j,,,' lnKane .,ylum to consider and 1 ,,rtn- . , . ... (rt a bill for die purpose of procuring suita- ,Mr" Galloway moved that upon the adoption Com report a hill lor the Diirnose of nroeiirimr ble buildings within or adjacent U the city of ivaicijjn, io provide dwent accomraoilation for the insane. Adopted. Mr. Kobbins cave notice of a bill to renaal an act of last session, in regard to the registration of Deeds and Convevances. On motion, the Senate adiourned to ssrrf on Monday the 22d inst., at 10 A. M. JIOU8E OF REPRESENTATIVES. . l MjkvmmxWov. )S)f im. The House met at 11 o'clock, A. H. A message was received from the Governor Mtats., wlnfStM Mr test ivoani truss sa a meeting held in Rileiph on the 17th inst. Ordered to be printed, and referred to thecom mittee on Kdticntion. Mr. Smith, of Alleghany, submitted a petition from eertain citizens of Sorry and Alltabanv counties, praying a change of line between the two counties. Referred to Committee on Counties and Town ships. Mr. Seymour from the Judiciary Committee, reported favorably on the bill to change Sec. 45, Chapter 12, Tirietlft of the Code of Civil Procedure. (In reference to apprenticing mi nors. I Afterwards, this bill was called up by Mr. Leary, when the rules were suspended for it" consideration. of these resolution that the Seuate do now ad- journ. The resolution was adopted. On the adoption of the reselut ion fessrs, Robhins and Brogden dolivered fitting eulogies on the dem-ascd. On motion of Mr. Galloway the Senate ad journed to meet to-morrow at 11 o'clock. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MoiTDAY, Nov. 22, 1S6S. The House met at 11 o'clock, A. M. Mr. Ellis Introduced a reaohrtton asking r Representatives in Congress to use their infill -suaMasaaiaiibr -r :ssaaeaBBaBB Mr. Malone introduce a resolution requesting the opinion of the Attorney lienerajl as In the legal construction ui fsecimns I. i ana , Article veral Railroad Companies of the State, of the 10, of the Constitution, on the liability of home- i ppisj , ,Hs, authorized bv Acts of the steaila for esemtlons for tort or erinie-. , (jem-ril Vssemblv at the regular session of l.Sf.S Mr. Jlidone moved to suspend the rules to put ; .,, a lirict. M per of lhcir the resolution on its passage. I.ot. par Tu,(, -Mr. r reneli inlioiloci it a tun to ameint ttie yT Sevinour calleil the act to authorize the formation of corporations I ,en tor mauulacturing, inimiig, meclisnicnl, chemi- i (j R10(ion of Mr cal and other purposes, neierreil to Lommiltce , ej mcnt for one month A disciiaaion ensued assuming about the same shape as thnt of yc .teniae. After some further decatc Mr, Seymour called the previous question. 'IV call was sustained. The motion to reconsider was adopted by a vote of yeas 59, nays 39. Mr. Argo was then allowed to, withdraw his motion of postponing for 30 day. Mr. Welch moved to postpone for one week, from day to-day. The yeas and nays being call ed, the motion was rejected by a vote of yeas I i, nays CI. Tbe'quertion then recurred upon Mr. lashWa amendment inscrlimr the words iry . . i j , i ii i r ,.. the lanoeii real ami nonesiiv uiaporcn ,, 7 t,t debt." The veaa and nays b. inj; tSVX,X in rhrrrfmtorarfi-ril 1 l.-ll.t-;JY- . n,.ai.Mimnnii it ejNBa,wnninnai ttwiiutiou : Resolved, That this General Assembly will not ns'ognixe as valid anv future sale bv tlie previous question, Argo, the House, adjourn disresaided kuuw too Uell tUilt Qw.tnVUal ext. Is lu re which ran dee d" such a jietifB, eaeept ui- biiunli) which are Interested in diidiug it against the people and iu favor of them selves. "fet m n-fer th nffrstion io the Ropreme Court," nay Senators. 'The Court ia the interpreter of the Constitution, aud its opin ion will be authoritative and wil) eatu-fy specioiisnesa aad plausibility In county. Hugh die and Miss ."samaiilba Giilliu. Mr DIKD October 17th. 18W, Laura Emeline. eldest dauel t r ot Jno H MeLanghtin, g d M years. 1 ll.r.t, .X,l, IHIM M.re Porol'fl 1 aosnnd daughter of Jno H Mclanghlin, agid yeara. Novetibar ftth. 18(59. Sarah Jane youngest VOTIC'E.-TIJIS IS TO WARN 1 the merrhsi.l of Nillabnry and ntbers, to dls ronl iiuc II..' :.eif,: of uld Kliell and Sliutn-era (lie negro ' Inldren, aa lltey are hsuing another nian's piqHity. Tl.fsc shot and hi ll sir tbs piorli of I'ahln J. rsiwlss, und I sin his aatliorlaed sunt to utl'iud to lliia 1 US.BIS. N. J. C". ( HAMMERS. Saliabtiry, Nov. Sfi, lC!. 47-K TOTIUe '. A LL PERSONS IT AV- 1 tng claims against the Vktatc of Jol ii I". ("lod fslter, dee'd,. will present thf in lo the utnleiaigned al the court House in Hallshun . on or before tli Hrstdayof Ik-criuber, A. P., IK7H M. U . IJLMJDVIAX Adia'r. Xor. 16 IH69. 47-fiw everylnidy." There is a thi idea which its originator perhapa hope daughtheJ of Juo II McLtOfhlin. ageil ) entirely Ircc from the gros.-,' exapgeralioua its will reconcil e one constituenta to it. But . joare. common to juvenile litrratur. (Jul montblr "The most sparkling Juvenile Viiguzinr- ever issued." aud Splendid Chroma I 'u t tires of Ad dubon's liirdf America as tupplement, and other fine engravings in each number. The No vember a:id December numbers free to new sub scribers. The most instructive, ciitortaiuing, and beat ! Juveniltt-Magiuiiio comprises numerous und norel features that fire pectiltrriy it own. unq Mr. Parker said that females should hot he m that nil restrictions now placed upon tlie j hound longer than at the age of 17 years. lie width of the guage upon any existing railroad moved to strike out IS years and insert 17 years. ot North Carolina bv the terms of their charter I arried. The II Mr. (i. and thfi charter grunted fur the construction of any r:iil'-o:;d, lie and Kherehy reinoved, and that it shall lie hwful for any raiiroaiwhe elmrter now rlelines width of Kuase. to alter such cuasre in any tutyiucr that ils iDtere-t, the interest qf the opinion nf tl the State, the convenience ol travel, and the s,h ed a;id chcapnedB of tranajiortation may re quirt. ". All aaitions and clauses of seotlons fjf rail road charter- in coiillict with this act is hereby . Hpiakd, . : It. This ad shall bo iu force from and after its ratiii cation. Referred to tho (Committee on Internal Im provemenLs. Mr. Robhins introduced the following bill, to-arit: H'li'wu. the existing- svstm of State and count v government in Xorlh Carolina was fram ed and adopted at a time of profound political und social agitation, when Ihc udnds of our peo ple were deeply excited by the dimcult aud dis tricting situation in which they found themselves placed, and taey were tnerelore unprepared -to shape all the provisions pf their cqnstitudon w itli that cnlmhem and forecast whinh was desi rih'le, i.i view ui tho' magnitude and importance f sgdi n took j H'Acrrn,', c(peribnce lias shown this svstetr, to be. in many of its features, unnecessarilv cum hernome and eapeuaive, uticongeuial vilh Ihe lastcs mid usages of our people, and rjot well foiled lo (heir condition anrl circurastaiice, and the people desiro that extensive changes and amendments be' made therein, particularly in're J'ation to ihe Deparlmcnta of Finance an of the Judiciary, the plan of county government and itlie multiplicity of officers : Wh rtif, the question of equal ond impartial suAVage for citizen of all races has been retnov sk! lieyond the control of the people of this State JbV the progress of events, and by Ihe action of the Federal iiovernmei.it, and ia no longer a liv ing issue in our 'State politics, ao that we may procec'4 m.ei.C!t wbcriNl by this question, to make i art BTaaaag m reforms all laen's are alike interested, in order that wa mar socure a sim pler and more economical n.cthod of internal administration, aiiil, s WkfrvA, The' needed aJteratioha and "reforms .in only be accnm pllshed' and pcaeted ov the per ple themselves in Convention aasexnliled ; Theiefore, Tof (irnerrU AvmNy of North GmNnn nVsn-; a-', two lb in Is of all the members of each House 'oinirrin.l ' L That ot the first Thursday in August, 1870.J an eteriion si,tu oe neiu in encn artel everv conntv, for deltaaaa to a Convention of tha peo ple of this State. That sai4' ejuttiou sUall be held at the same iu i J lv. LL :L is ion ; pianv an.i fii i,,c huiiq manner as alec- 'inouuj ue arnijiu it iiiic 11 nim-uio tiona lu e UM for members nf the Oeneral As-1 Jittered in t 'lilies from the ex-Uoverror,TfcfLe sembly, and (lie balioiii ahall be counted, (lie re-) knew him to be an honest man, and oqe who hv turns tlti-rtwif mad-. arfd cwtifi.iaies issued wdel- j bored f,r the liest interest of M rotate. He ral'es eieet, in like uiart,er and by the same of- j hoped (he resolution wotdd be adopt. 1. f. a rs asMn eleetion for member of the 31. ..s. i ilr. Atwiwortb moved lo amend the third res- of ItcprrK-fltvti.es oi Nor'.fi tJarolma. olution hv striking out "noiv adjimrn till 11 o - I , .i s. .1 ; i..i: - i ; on .Mon-tny. anu in-"fi o cock to-'lar. men retornu tn qtnai xeapeets a our system of government, in wliich clatwea and both race of our oil The hill as amended then passed it several readings. Rjcei ved a message fmrn the Senate, trans mitting for Concurrence, i resolution asking for Chief Justice and the Asso ciate Justices of the ."supreme sonrt as to the length of time for which the present General As sembly was elected. Laid uv.-r. Mr. Reynolds called up a bill to compensate -Sedwol Conimiucea. (Ttie CommiUee on 'Edu cation reported in favor of ailoiying if'i per diem lo' corhiii i Uecinen, and against Wif mRpagKt" Mr. Vestal moved to amend bv striking out 12 and insert $1. Mr. Durham moved to amend by referring the bill to the Committee on Salaries and Fees. Agreed to. and the bill was so referred. Mr. Sinclair introduced the following resolu tions of respect to the late Jonathan Worth. Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of llorlh Carolina, Tha( in the life of Jonathan Worth, 'we recognize a Jong, pure and J; iinguislud public career; and in his death we mourn the loss of a faith ful public servant, mid an honest man. 2. That in commemoration of our esteem for the distinguished dead, the member of the Gen eral Assembly wear " the customary badge of mourning for thirty days. 3. Thai in further token of resfect to the memory of the deceased, thisGcne-ral Assembly do now adjourn till 11 o'clock, A. M., 2dNoV. Mr. Sinclair had introduced the resolutions for the purpose of pay ing a proper token of re spect to a great and goisT man, who had recent ly been called away from as bv death. The p,e.nt was an era of good feeling, and it be came North Carolinians of every party to re- inenvHT the man who had ahed lustre on our on lorporalkoii. Mr. M:ii I.i . ti introduced a hill to authorize the late Sheriff of Alexander county to coiled arrears of taxes. Referred. SPECIAL OlUlCT. The joint resolutions introduced by Mr. Sev inour for "maintaining the honor and u'ood lailb of the State and the inviolability of .mr public debt,'' was taken up as the special order. l ne question recurred on uie amenoinent oi protect lit .' interest ol tne . stale tn certain rail Mr. Malone, to the third resolution, to insert the roads and to require accountability on the part words "legally incurred and honestly disposed ; nf their sitiiecrs, passed its liiird reading by the of," so as to make the resolution read, " Htai : following vote: Yeas 27, Nays ,7. I North Carolina would regard the repudiation of ! . a single dollar ol her regular indebtedness legal- j ly incurreil and honestly disss of as to her Domiol ucDi, as a vioiauon oi every principle ot 1 plighted faith, and :is one of the greatest inisfor- I (tines that could hefiill her people." After considerable debate, partieitialed in bv Messrs. Malone, Sinclair, Harris of Wake and 1 Mr. Morris introduced a bill to amend chap French. " fior IM, see. 19, of Liw ef ItoS 89. Laid over. Mr. Argo said that he regarded the introdne- Mr. Vest introduced a bill to extend the time tion of the resolutions as premature, and ho of registering deeds. Allowing two years therefore moved that their consideration be I more. Referred to the Judiciary CaaamKlee. postponed one mouth, Mr. Harnett introduced a bill providing for On this motion, Mr. Seymour arked the yeas ihe siilc of the North Carolina, and the Atlantic and nays. ' and North Carolina Railroads. The roll was called, and the motion prevailed I Ordered to be printed and mtulo the special by the following vote : Yeas fij. Nays 44. order for Wednetdav next. Mr. Ingram favored a reconsideration. Resolutions, by Mr. Vestal, in regard to spc- iMr. Argo nui npi oeueve in uie principle oi cial tax on brandy, were rcrtd. SENATE. Wp.nKsnAY, Nov. 21, 1809. line was (ailed to order at Id a in. Ilowav's substitiite lor the ioint resobl- lion in i l lation to per diem and uiile.ige passed it- -Id leading by the following vote: Yea 17, liavs lo. Mr. Respass' bill entitled "ah' act to further HOUSE OP .REl'RE-sEN TATI VB3. WEtiXKsnsr, Nov. 24, 18CD. The Il.iiise met at 104 o'clock. Mr. Williamson introduced a joint rcoluion m regard lo poll tax. Laid uiemner ine man who naa sneu iii.-ire on our I , . - . j. , , , good nld'fWe. The ex-Governor commenced fi.'K Ir m mileage at 7, proved . . . 1 ... I , mm iliftllon to lu. 'i I I. ins., nl ol VI In his public career, as a yjung man, w hile a ni. in ner oi ine j louse oi t ominous iron) ianooipn 'Couritf, In the ycahi IWandT Ifttt ; aiid' ig naliaed himself on the floor of thia Hall, in de fence of the colored man to read and write, In the excitement occasioned in the public mind in consequence qf the Southampton insurrection, and when R wn thought neccmary to prefbnthv slsii ite colored people from learning lo read and :.L f' w,.,it, .iil Iv...:.. I t w rue, ii ioii..'i i.i in siin ui .iii n mi ji.iiii i ... Barringer am i, titers, and pleaded for those peo ple, and said. Do for (Jcrsake allow the col ored man to read hia Bible." The deceased was also the father of the public school system of (his State, which existed up to the commence ment of the war. He, too, put hia foot on tlie scheme that were kid to get thi Htate out of tlie Union in 1860 and 1R61. and opposed the calling of a convention of Uie. people for that purpose, r or tncee reason, ano oiner irtai n ctmid mention, it am but just lo the memory of the great and good man that the resolutions Maafti be aawDMd. WBIM as (Mr. runeluin 3. Tint iMifl yuu www thill oa?i ui one hundred anil twenty d.lciiatnsl ami each conntv shall b entiilefl to tbesa.n number of detesaie repudiation, unless it was justified by the most dire necessity. He believed that there had been collusion on the part of certain parties with the purchasers of our bonds. He had moved for- a postponement for the purpose of giving time for the proxted investigation into the management of our railroad--. A fier some considerable ile'oate, participated in by Messrs. Pou, Justice, of Rutherford, llod nctt and Ingram the House adjourned without coming to vote. SENATE. Tukbday, N6v: 23d, 1 S09. The Senate was caller) to order at l 1 o'clock. The journal of yesterday was read and cor rected, as the vote of A. II. Galloway's (col.) miou examination to be a lie instead of 21 to 20. The President voted in the affirmative, aming tia he ahmihl vole agaifist llie pfso- Uon on its third reading in its present form. BErOKTS OK CO V Si JTT EES. mr. Graham from the Committee on the Judi ciary, report. .1 favorably oh the hill to amend section 4Sr, chapter 12, title 19 of the Code of Civil Procedure. A number of bills were introduced by various Seqaloca, srEnAL imiutit. I till to further protect Ihe interest of the State in certain Railroads and to require ac countability on the part of their officer waa ta ken up. Mf. Lassitcr oftered a bill frero the Code fVim ipission as a substitute, authorizing the Gnvcrn qr i,i appoint a commission to examine into the atiairs of the several Railroads, aaid commLvloil tq have a clerk with a salary of $-5,00 and to report in 1970. nr. Graham raied the psinl of order, that hi' resolution rrlalimr to the samo rwWrrt. wa 1 . wiili'i.vl nd .l tfi.r.ifrr.i i nlol.l i. ....... i . .......... ... I'l ' ' I All ,,, .nc.-. .1.. i...: i ii ! eu in lenee, inaiii'.e itsxhuimhi hi sir. viser came second r.n calendar and the bill Mr. Vestal said that the revenue tax on ar dent spirits had' dri yen men of small means f mm the business of distillation. To many men, the distillation of iheir fruit, was about their only means of making money. He desired tn sec this oppressive tax repealed, ami he hoped that the House, as a matter of justice towards men of limited capital, would adopt Ihe resolution. After some debate, the motion was put aud lost. Yeas 9, nays 77. Mr. Sinclair offered some amendments to insert in the preamble the' words "give a bond of $o,00," and in tiie tirst tesolution the words "lo permit men of limited means to engage in1 distilling brandy from fruit. Accepted, Mr. Hodnett ofleredan amendmeut by adding n resolution requesting a reduction of i h. lax on tobacco. Accepted. Mr. Vest again pressed his opoition to all inch resolutions. The government was commit ted to (be payment of its debt, and bad wisely laid the biirden of taxation on luxuries, such as liquor and tobacco. If the tax on these articles was reduced, then it would have 'to be laid on laud and on the necessaries of life, The inter est of the people would be Mtbserved by letting the Inw remain as it was.. On m.: ion of Mr. Vestal the previous ques tion was ordered, and the resolutions amended, were adopted. Gen. Btlrr has been arrcatf-d in New York charged hv Mra. r'loreneo, of New Oricanf, with having taken three aworda presented la Geo. Twiggs by United Statea Cnugrcaa, ana) the State nf Geor gia and Texa, rained at 835,000, and a box of silver valued at 2,000. He cliatnei that the awordaJtad been-Je posit- the Trcaaury Department, but of nr. inqdtry proved that gneh was not the Kanm rhw Hw proi-iti m of Mr filter to Hc w ,cj ; 85.ood bail The motion prevsildl, and the resolutions a ntler his cnhMTtiitc at ih-s' tr.ir Was fiat of cr adjourn at, cue , dcr, aifrl ihe-cliair so ruled. Mr. lirahiiiii s r--. ' .. .on to appoint a I om it i now1 entitled to members, in the HiMW: cf ! ami mte:. i-rr iiiianbiiorlv ailoptirf. Reprr'tntsti . s. r.i.if in ease of a vacancy ismir-1 Mr. Malone mtf ot.-eil a rexdution insrvctr rih; in "aid Convention, by the removal fioin the Ksrelare of Stale to rejwrt aa early a the Stale, the dec!? tc: ion, rc..ir";iin or death i prsctiWe to the (teneeal Assembly, 1st, the ofaiiy Ic'.-ge'v.each vacancy li!i be 61ied by j naeual p.-id tvr .utuMiery, ingether with ex- .Tail DetivERT. ihc Klixabcth Ortv mtuee of the Senate to inwiigate the sale ot i Carolinian nys : "n Tiinrsday last three thebottdsof the Wal..m Xurili U .iL- Kail- wmm? cantid'in- -0a- jail of this place oat with tyc been rwnrjiiMn. ' ehVcted their esoaw bV- aawiu wr. Mire. of I arf. ,-t. ofT, r.,I Vr ilriiri " . - . . . - .... r;sohrti.si a- a snhwiiule, whi.di npiirf- an hp Vs-alintJou of all If a av.' made of a knitr. V. -id- coinrn W of three rernplnrrrt. Tl s;iuc i cyll I regard il a a shirking of our own proper responsibility. Each department of this gov ernment ia co-equal with the other, and it ia the buaineas of each, in ita own sphere and in the Jtrrt instance, to judge with a due senae of ita obligations to the people, as to ita con stitutional rights, powers, power, and limita tions. The Court can neither make nor un make the Legislature. Doubtless the Court can adjudicate the questioo of oar constitu tional powers when arising in rases i law or in Lquity nendlig before that tribunal. But any opinion of ihe Couit, given upon this or any other question not thus arising, is, as every lawyer knows, o.il an obiter die turn and de-ides nothing. Neither we nor the people are bound by it. Upon this very ground, the Supreme court, at our last aesaion, declined to give us their opinion on the important subject of the Homestead, when we requested it ; and there Is to every mind a want of delicacy In obtruding the present question upon the Court in view of the response tin y then gave us. The Justices of the Court, more over, are directly and personally interetted in the question. II y reference to sec. U2. art. 4. of the Constitution, it will be aeen that the tenure of otfice ut the Juatiees themselvea involves the identical qnes'ion which is rais ed in regard to the term of this AonMv- If srw brdd over they hoW ova. Undar ihe. eireiimstanees. however truly Impartial the judgmeot of that Court might he. the people w..nia ' t'i-'i.i.iisDirion and itcqu'd have lliat welgftti Whleh oiigbl to aiUeh to an opinion xrf those able Bad learned jurists It would necessarily be looked upon by (he proy.e as the mere dictnut of five inttrtsted geutleinen, aud would probably iuceuse (he popular mlud ag inst the Conrt, iu the event il be iu f.tvor of holding over, especially iu view of (he fart that it would he given spon taneously, gratuitously, aud under eireiim stanees where the Court is not bo:nd to render any decision. For these reasons we have no (fright to place thq. Court iu such a position by refer ring this matter to tliein ; ami even if we do so, the same rensous, and also the extreme indelicacy of on department presuming to decide at all upon the exi- tenee. or non-axis-teuoe, of a Co equal and c i-ordinate oue, will canst' the Court titseiid the matter promptly back tn us forsfur own decision. Yes. Mr. President, it is our duty in decide this question aud decide; it at once ; and in my opinion, it can only be properly decided by adopting the substitute of the Senator from Forsyth declaring- our term at an end next Aug ist. The rase appears to ine a singu larly plain and simple one. ec. 21). Art. II, of the constitutiou, contains this provis ion : "The election for members oft'ae Gou eral Assembly shall be held on the Grst Thursday in August 1870." This i ex press and mandatory. Cau such a manda tory provision be over-ridden and nullified by mere inferemvs drawn from another doubtful and ill constructed section aliich is capable of a reasonable and fair Interpreta tion, giving a very useful meaning ud ef fect, without colliding with r-ertinu 'JO ? The terms of the General Assembly are made "biennial." Therefore the pr -seut Assembly being specially elected in April, and the reg ular elections being fixed in August, be came necessary to provide, against a Legisla tive infer rtynum from April to August 1870. This is somewhat blunderingly done in sec tion 27, wherein it is declared that the term of the members elected in April 1608 "shall terminate as if they had been elected, at the first eusuing regular eleetion." By this is evidently meant the "rrtKitr election" which should have occurred in August 18G8, ac cording to the rule of biennial elections es tablished in the constitution, aud which did not occur only because superc ded by the special election in April. This gives a very reasonable and important meaning to1 that aection and does operate to continue our ex istence during the aforesaid three month. This ;s common sense; and the rule of legal construction which requiics all the parts of an instrument to be construed together, and some effect if possible to be given to each part, . forbids any other interpretation of these constituinnal provisions, under that rule, how can auy lawyer cotnend for stretch ing the ineauing of one worded section to such an absurd extent that another most eertain in ita terms and mandatory in ita character would be rendered entirely nugatory T Sir, thia i a au attempt at a Legislative roup d'etat. Tt iaa conspiracy against. the eon- stitatioLal rights of (be people, concocted bt' br mea who a-pire to positions within the gift of this Legislature, and by members of this Assembly who fear to go before tne peo ple for a re-election. The record of this Leg islature ia an extraordinaryonn and the peo phVhave a right to pass upon it at an early day. As for myself, if thia outrageous usurpa tion shall be determined upyn. nothing can induce me to become a participant. I shall tender my resignation, go before my con stituents, and aay. "Here is the servant w hr in you have trusted and honored. He has tried to serve you faitefully ; but yona'e (he judges whether he is any longer worthy of vour confidence-" And if I oicnpaseat in this chamber after next August, i' must bay In virtue of are-election by the voteraof Rowan and Davie. Kvery f onator who re-ap'-cts hilnfelf will, I hope, pursue a simi lar eonrsc-, Sir. it ia time for "fli. l.cM rs ia this . eopmrj N ltuemnr tVt they serrnuts. Young America presents the finest colored ami Within twelvemonths these atetars have other engravings, (he best stories, puzzles, prixe music, atiU n boat of new and interesting rao jects that will not only secure the attention of Boys and (iirls, hut serve to purify and elcvato their minds, communicate much v. luaUe infor mation, and prove a well-spring of pleasure in the htiuseho followed each other to the tomb "The storm that wrecks the winter aky No more disturbs their calm repose Than Summer eveniug'a lateat aigh That shuts (he rose." "Be ye also ready, for in an hour when ye think not. the sou of man cou.etb. In Mecklenburg county, on the !th inst. Mr Mathew A Ld wards, Sr. aged 7(i yeara. In Mecklenburg ro. on the IMth inst., Mrs Mary C Caldwell of Lincoln county, and daughter of W A (Jam. ell. of the S C Conference. In Fairfield. S C, on the 14th inat. Mra Catharine Harper Dickson, wife of Eev Henry Dickson, in the 29th rear of her age On the Evening of (be 1 7th inst. at tha residence of her son, Mr U L Patterson, in Salem, N C- Mra P Caroline Patteraon. wife of Oeu Sam'l F Pat.ersou of Caldwell Co. Mra. P. waa in her 64th rear ; had lived a life ef useful ness. was much beloved, and the newa of her death will carry sorrow lo many hearts. As wife, mother and fri nd. Yearly Mibscription l-e.O with a go d Micro scope, or a pearl-handle l'm ket-Knile, era beau tiful Book, as premium to each subscriber, and splendid premium given for club. Address, V. JENNINGS DEMORE8T, 838 Broadway, N. Y. Specimen copies, with circular, mailed free on receipt of ten cents. New subscribers sending in liefore the first of .la unary next will receive the Hove ruber and December numbers free. 1 A splendid prise for the ladies. The finest, most pleasing and costly Parlor Engraving ever published in America presented as a premium to each subscriber. 7ic Useful, the Entertaining, and the Beautiful. The Model Magazine qf America. Xfemorcst's Illustrated Monthly - THE USEFUL in Demorest's Monthly com- shc fitly and beautifully illustrated the 1 ro- j pnac the inline of rash ion in I-ade and - i , u : 1 .1 .1 : i ...i; f,,l l, , i. .,. I, i.i . verba "The heurt of her huabaud trust in her." "She will do him good, and the day of her life." .'She atreUdieili tui tier baud to iiir poor ; yea she reaebetli forth her bands the uyedy." "Strenssht and honor are her clothing ; an I she ahall rejoice in the lime to come " She opeueth her mouth with wisdom. and mi her tongue is the law of kindv doth safe' y PsatLi, colored Stael ' ; both useful anil oniam not evil, all na t Plates, etc.: Oardenino niamenul. aslanterf In I ..I... . Model i '..I tares, 'with iheir Hurrounlinp; mnJ Home Matter in all their (iepartmrncs. TtIK KHTKaYAlNiNIi . ...... nwl irttilnl Stories and 1'oetna by the best authors. Spicy Items, Popular Miic by the liest cdmposcrs, etc., etc THE BEAUTIFUL tsimprisesaiimcrous iU lustrations, in the hirhest ftvle of arl, iirinted on ihe finest calendered paier, in the liest man- ess.' She looketh well to the wava I of her ner. cot on iu a stvle to form a sidendid volume lion sell,, !d, and eateth not the bread of idle- j for binding at tlie end of the year, and allogeth ness." I er, a monthlv visitor thnt no ladv of taste or "Her ehildren arise up aud call her bless- i economical housewife can afford to do without. .. - I V I kv I !.! t ,',. . I ed ; her husband also, and he praiseth her." No eulogy, that we could write, would do justice to her memory; therefore, we will "let her works praise her." SALISBURY MARKETS NOV. 26, 1SG9. BKroBTBD BY J. Bacon, per pound Cotlee, per pound. ("orn, per hush, of &6 lbs., . ... " Meal, bush. 46 " .... I'opperas,! per pound (.'iimlles. Tallow, " ..... " Ailaniautiue, Cotton, tier nouad, ..... " Yarn. ier bunch Ks-ga. per do sen, Keathers, per p.m ml .'iOur. per sack Kish, Mnekerul, ' -. I 2 3 Fruit, dried, apples pealed " " " dnpTd " " Peaches, pealed ' UillKoileil. ..... Leather, upper, per pound, " sole,. " Iron, bar. " V castings, Vails, cut, Molasses, sorKhnm. per ga West India, " " Ryrnp, " Onions, per bushel Pork, perponnd, ...... Potatoes. Trish. per bnsnel , " Ra-eet, " Snjrsr, Brown, perponnd i " Ctamicd. " -...... " Crashed Pulverised Salt. coast. per aack, ...... " Liverpool, " ..... " Table, Tobacco. Leaf. perponnd " Mannfactured. ...... " Kmokinc. mcconmscch(Y. aaorB; 30to S3 23 to 38 t 10 to i IB j 1 16 to 1 30 10 to 00 90 to 30 25 to 00 21 to 33 3 00 to 3.2Tj 19 to tft 6i to 45 3.73 to 4.23 21.00 30 to 33 to 7 to . 00 to 16 (o f tev 63 to S3 to 6 to 8 to 6 to t early hubscriplion, only S3.00 with ih finest, largest, and miwl pleasing engraving ever finished iii America, and richly worth $lrt, en titled "The Pic-Nic on the l ourtb of duly," jfiven as a premium to each subscriber, and splendid premiums for rinds. Address Demorest's Monthly Maoazi, m 83K Broadway, K. Y. When sent by mailthe postage on the En gravinsr, ten cents, must be included. Specimen copies -of the magazine with circu lars, mailed free, on receipt of fifteen cents. Worth Carolina, ? FcpciurR fVirwr, Stiklv Cocktt. J Fall Term, 1869. A. S. Moss, ndmitiistrator of Thomas Moss, a gaint Itnland Forrest and wife Jane A. Forrest. A A. Moss, M. A. K Kendall, C W. Mo.s. Threadaill and ife M M Threadgill, J. C. Moss. V. C. Moss, nnJ Wil.ie Moss. Petition to m.-.-c Heal FMule Atsett. In ibis case it appearing to the'isnttsfnctinn of the court that Thureadgill and wile M M--ThreitdgillrM-SmifalfcW MoM atiif J C Moss, dtfei.di.iits in this pitcctdii g aio non-residents of this State : yi I Therefore, it is orderetl.by the court Ihot jmh- 8 HI 10 HI 75 35 A.. 60 to 1 .00 to I 60 to tO to 60 to I 00 to 14 to in to 20 to 3.60 to 3.60 3.90 to 3.00 6. 60 (O6.00 8(0 10 SO to 1. MS 40 to 1 .00 T mm ism mt sua. HE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale that val uable farm in the Jersey Settlement of David son County, known as "THE THALEd Mc DONALD PLACE." Said farm lies immedi ately on the Yadkin River, just below ihe Tra ding Foard, and on both sides of Ihe N. C. Railroad Ihree-fourtha of a mile from the Holta borg Depot. Thia farm contains about 800 acres, shout sixty acres of which is excellent Rivet Bottom and the remainder good Jersey uplands. A large part of it is Mill la woods and heavily timbered. The farm is in 4 high stale of cultivation, well watered and stocked With well disposes and contented tenant, n well adapted to the growth of Cotton and Grain, and ia, alto gather, one of tb most valuable and desirable farms lo be found ia (hia part of the country. 1 ne tenoa ot ine payment will be made ab en I and easy. Addresa, R. W. Poard, agent of II L Par lee. Concord, N. C. Not. 5, I860. , 43 ot THE EQUITABLE LIFE Assurance Society or TBI UNITED STATES, in Mroadrafr ISew lurk. T lication be made for six week? tn 1 The Old North htate newspaper, notifying thesaij de fendants 10 appear before the Judge of our next Superior Court to be held lor ihe county of islauly at the Court House in AlNmmtle. on the firei Monday iu Jan'y. 1S70. then and flier to answer the petition of the plaintiff, filed in, (his conrt, or judgment will be taken nro etm- esto and heard ear ;girfasto tl em. Witness, I. M. rU-dwine. Cleik offihe Supe rior Court of Stanly County, at office it: Alhe, marie, the day of November. A. D., 1869. J. M. RKDWINE, 0. S. C. 47 -6w(prfae$I0.) TeMt or BAHINO PO WD3RS For Buckwheat and Batter Cakes, Biscuit, Ac, wilh which there is uo failure 110 disap pointment, t' a A further supply of these very Popular Ba king Powders which have already won from so many of the Ladies of Salisbury and the coun try, such high commendations, lave been pre pared and will be kept throughout the season. Where also may be had every kind of the finest FLAVORING EXTRACTS, lor i-ulinary purposes. Together with a full line of frcah and warranted pure GR01TXT SPICE8, all which, as usual, will beaold at pri ces greatly below the old prices here. At K. NM.'.S Drug Store. Salisbury, Kov. 2,1869. PI BLIC 8AiEr-i WILL SELL at Public Aartifta on lis aresalsM. NotKj.. Ota. taoa, at U Coireil ram, aaar the Yadkla River, Res an eanaly. ferrwrty kaewa as ll Brad saaw place, the fbllowinft property, rir 900 RaslMls r Cern ; OaU. Hay. Polder. Hoe Cauls sad Meek. One 9 Hon W.a. Oae Ruey aad Harness, Honaebold aad Kitraea Knraitare. i e aiso mt uower, eonsistlBg of 117 acres, wilh I'weiun ueuae. naro. stallr. and a II oat bailuinga on s .1 laotl. not. is lanoai nersry A DMIKISTRATOE'i HOTICE-iu V- f mr taken nt lettar of Admiii.traii.,n the estate of John Garner. aecU, I hereh, no tify all persons aaring claim acain( aaid e. late to present tfieu, tn ac onor befure tha l.'j k day of No v.-in Ut 1i70, i Uiia notice will n plead in bar of their recovery. All persons inv i HIS COMPANY ha csniUI sad a. .ra.-J dehUid to the estate are rcoucMed lo make car. t . i-l . i a tn . .9 - t It. t I . im mm wui compare ni mny in- 1 'j ciTr-iaj, WtMt Mil un the ( ootioMat, Ltj it the. I.L. ..- -- -- ' ii Mr iy wi I "( " ' LJ i aj : ' I . Cash AsseU, , f 000 ftfsl iiiluii i ismmm income..... t INHI.OHO I Increase otbt 1157 KOOV tV Tka aDdaraifciutd is agent a tb shT Cneipaav . . A. 4. HA&KIN, aent. u..,lw,l.. lr.,-1. in iima . , -m..... . . .... i aa-isTM,, i. SMTsatf ..... ; t j RIHIAH1 a. COWAV. , , Adm'r. of John Gamer. TMk I.IIMIU IIU'iiHirH, K. t Ml It, k i. i. kljVlIT.Vrl "T AT i-ttRsTFR. S. C. -J