()cDl& Nor li) State S.U.HI'I'''- FRIIMY.SOV. HO. D. THE LFXilSLATl'HK. , Imyc muouiit of btu'meae l being cured t fur ibis bud?. "bown hy the vast number of l.ill, :in.l resolutions which are being introduced hr vari." memliers. Whether. MrthInK will l.' s.wuiplisheil tut the (rood of the BUte rs- ,,. t U seen. There is evidently a li-j.,.i-,;,, on iu- part of M.nie radical members lo uu j,, ., j-url ol Ihe mwclilcl winea mey nimn 1000 ..; the I'-' session. But they will probably be 'shippi-d in" by the corrupt and scl&h leaden. t i.vt fear that toch will be ihe cane. They I, lV , been induced to vote for a referenoe of the --r i f their own tenure lo the Bupreiuo i , ut, where the leader expect to obtain a de ,, . ii i,i their favor. How corrupt must . a a a -l J i. ill, tune and moruli wjieii "enibie men can , t., obtain such a decision fqem sneli n tri ., i1. It there is the .-lightest reason to believe it tli l 'i iurt will render auch decision, then should aiwcniMe iu mau meetings, in ... .. . it.. . I1 , vi r, l oiinty in the Mate, wiltiout distinction oi lartv, fur thi V,rP0! f espreaiiig-t1.elr hon-.-t indignation and opjKwUion to it. Hut we i urn l H'rmit our-olf to believe that n ningle i,i i r of the Court will hold that the present I. vi-Uture docii not cease to eiis ou the first Tii ir-day in Vvjriit 1870, if it entertain the aui.uuu.aialL W arc glad to see thstarienvntiais-mjrrnade o hsve an investigation of the management of Western lMviwm of the W. N. C KaiLrund. U'c hope the investigation will be made, and (hat it will be thorough and marching. It U s ii l that 3.000,IH0 of the bond were aold .,., . i j ii .i month- ago ur ooj cent in me aonar, inu rai-ing the um of $2,000,000. But no pnrt of tli is mini, it in Mid, has been paid into thctiand f the Treasurer of the road. Continently the icoiitractors have never Keen paid anything, and have actually, it ia eaid, been considering the i. -'urn of abandoning their contract. What Urns Iwcome of tlic $2.(100,000 realized by the ale of the bonds? Has it been invented a' pri- t ale capital by the late President of the road? I i- charged that it hat, and that it bus been so n vested in another Slate. Are Uieae thing me? We do not know; but when we consider hat bribery and corruption are no rife in the and a (o have been able to shape the legislation lif the State at the last - ssb n, we scareelv dare nntradict my cjiarveof the kind. Ily all mean . t die investigation be had and the facie be n ule known. It is due to the officers of the road, as wall a the jieople of the State and the private stockholders, that this should lie done.' I loll- have alo been introduced into both J louse for the call of a Convention of the peo ple of the State. Such Convention is much needed, a experience ha already shown that our present constitution is defective in several important particulars, and needs amending. No uneadments can be made to it without the call M a convention for that purpose. We are warm ly in f.iv,.r of a Convention, and Uk every tl fPcian, leve our fevorlte amendmente to pn ose. liut we will not propose them now, nor diCH the matter further, mm il would be hoping iit hope to hoc that the preaeni leffUlntare oulJ be induced to pa either or the biHe hich have 'YlnKoilSeii: Ai feast WMrW ir present opinion. Thre may be, and there nuhtlcM are, anaiiilier of Kepuhlican member M-rretlv favor the proposition, but the time Jim not yet come when they can he induced lo go for it under Democratic lead. COMMON SCHOOLS. We learn from a letter from Rev. S. S. Asliely. Siiperintendaut of Public Instruc tion, that he will v'nut Salisbury on Batur day next, the 27lh inst.. at which time he will be glad to meet the county Coinmisioii ers, fchool Committees slid the friends of education generally. His object is to ex. plain the present school system. We hope the tneeliiiK will be had and that every fa cility will be extended to the Superintendent in the i!ischarK of his duties. PISCOPAL VISITATION. Rt. Rev. Atkjxsox, Diahop of the Dio cese of North Carolina, made M annual visit to this parish on last Sabbath. On Snn Sunday morning and Sunday night preached in Saiut Luke's Church to large aud ap preciative congregations with the great ability and Christian charity for which he isso distinguished. On Sunday morning he bap tized three children and oue adult, and on Sun lay nijrhl he administered the sacred rite of eonformatioa to eight persons. He seemed to be iu the enjoy meat of ery gjud health. We return our thanks t the Salisbury Lyceum Club for the c mpliineut paid us in .lectinij ns an honorary of the same. It will alfor us much pleasure to meet with thein whenever we oau do so. 5 1 Thc EecUctit for December is on our table and is a verv pood number. It is emhel-M lished with a fine Steele engraving of Father Hyacinthe, who is now creating a consider- abl sensation in the religious World. Tlie readers of the Ecelectic will doubtless be plad to obtain this portrait of great French pulpit orat.ir. I u view of the near s'pproach or the misct ing of the Council of the Vatican the lend ing artbsle on "France and the (Eaunienic.il Counsil of ldff). will he found of special in trest. It is a very able paper and discusses the past, present, and probable future of Rom.iu Catholicism, tracing the progress of the liberal element which ia making itself fell more and more conspirnausly withiu th iirrh. The article on "Female Kducatioi e Cliurr ion in Franee" is also one of much interest. There .are few persons who, after reading; it. will not have a clearer concept ion of what lh Roman Catholics nieau w heu they de mand denominational school. It also contain , part III of Pro. Seelv's sb s papur on Roman Imperialism, winch is j ili- not imerestintf nf the m-rie that has 1 pwi.hd in A ne iea. to be presented vet appeared. Address K R. IMtMi. ub- ....jiun, to each subscrrbesjto Ieino- ! hher. 1IH, Fulti.n street, New York. rest's Monthly, a Mnjrasine of practical ntil-1 &reMf in rayfomi'0 Wo learn thai an extensive revival of religion ha takeu place among the clttiens at Taylorsville. re ei'utly, and that aouia tweuty peraous lutw J'dnrd the l'.esby erian church in that place. Statatvilk American- Cut Of Tlu Hand Ou last Monday, two colored iiittu, IUfua M.CI, Uu. ..( this place, and Hurt Hall, of Saliebuiy, gut into a dispute about soutu matter, whe.i Burt Hull, who held iu his hand an axe, xtruck at his adversary, who throwing up Ms ana to parry the blow, had his huud severed en tirely from the arm at the wrist' The of fruiter him taken before a mautstr.U nud : sunt to jail. I hi I. The XIX Century for November has also been on our table for seversl days. The promise with which this Magazine started has in no wise abated, but its merits have rather increasud. The coutributious to its pages are not surpassed iu literary abililv and .-n... k. .... i a it i exci'llenco by any in America. If pnuierly 1 ' sustaineii ami eiicourngea, as it slmnlil he. it will doubtless become a standard publication in the South. Whether it will he thus sup- ported remains lo be seen. It is be hoped that it will Address F. G. De Fontaine, Busiuess Manager, Charleston, . C TU Xwrlk BrilULaud Loudutt Quorlalu Kerieict, for October sre also at hand, aud are both very entertaining uumbers. The North Britlish contains a article of great in terest on the Musacree of Saiut Burtholo men. aud the Londou Quarterly on the By ron Mystery. They also contain inauy oth er ar'irles of much merit. Addrcssthe Leouarri Scott Pub. Co., HO. Fullou Street. New York. MAOiS! KRIAL kliSS IS MILTON We Iciirn from the Chronicle that a colored laily of Milton recently barf a hog clandestinely killed, aud took out a war- rant against Jas. ushiiigton a white as orthodox on religious questions it is lean neighbor, for killing -it, because the dead i ing the rationalistic theology we yet do not hog was found near his fence. The case i was tried-befor ' Judge" Charles Walker, j a colored .1. P. nssi.ted hv Justice .1, ., . who rendered judgment against Washing . .. . T ' " 1 i ton for $H nuu cost, or go to j nl on fau- inir In 11:1V If., fi.il. ..1 In j aii.I ..... ;.. .il ' .ee..,in.l .1.1. L ...La I ('-- ... J. ..v ... ... t j , ,, V. , V iv oi.jVU about an hour, when his friends bailed or paid him out. Waslnnirtou then brought suit against the Magistrates, Walker and ! ( r.1. :. u.:.. 1 i ,,''0' 1 , ' 1 i,i,-, 1 iu in iev.iui.ll l. I. ueiiiF au- I i. j .1 . . 1 1 .1. . .. 6 I legou niai mey uau seui mm 10 I an on a : conviction unausUined by a shadow of : proof. 1 bey were arrested by the Sher iff and required to give bail iu the sum of 93,000 each, to answer the charge at the 4 . , o . ! n. xt .(Tin ot the ftuperoir t olirt tor the ; ,.n.u a. ' cuuuty. While tbe bheriff was taking a j lunch. Walker scaled a filleen feet fence Unci cleared loiu-ell for tlic ovinia line wiiicti he eiiece. J iii gaininir , Jones then compromised with Washington by pi.y inir liim -j.ooo and agreeing to resign an office which had brought him into such X'ewrpev .Sub tj ncrii I v. it w agreed l icinit ihe latter part nl the terma of the cnmp.,and Jones will continue to dispense justice to the Miltoniatia ''a wiser aud a better nun." Father Hyacinthe Ercommunicated. The Italian eiirrespondert of the I'atric newspaper, says that it is undersold in Uoiue, that Father Ilyuciiithc is rxconi muuica'ed according to the rules instituted al the Council of Trent. The statement lint SLVcral French ltishops will delend ihe Kev. Father before tlie CEcuinenical Council is unfounded. It ia possible that Father llyacinthe'e name will be men tioned in the dircussions legarding the liberties of ihe Gullican Church and the jurisdiction of bishop over iuinae,cri s of their drocise ; but there is no reason to believe that the case will be made the suLjeet of a speeiil debate at the iiieuoce of any of the prelatee. London Xeus. The Cofkkk Tkapk Braasil is the create. Jt producer of coffee That known iu trade as Rio is a Becxiliau coffee. Of 71.2.0UO.OOO pounds produced by the I world per annum, lirazil furnishes 400, 000.000. mora than half of tbe whole;; Java 1 40,000,000 ; Ceylon 40,000,000 ; St. Domingo 40,000,000 ; Cuba and Por. to Rico 2.5,00000; Venezuela 25,000,000 ; Sumatra .5. 000,000 ; all othera, including the. Mocha, 19,000,000. Tbe United States is tlnr greatest consumer. We use iu United States nearly ou third of all the coffee consumed in the world,' using nearly seven times as much a Great Hri lain, with population not very far from the same. (Jermany eomca next. "WE'VE MUCH TO W THANK FUL FOR " We often hear the "homestead exemp tion" in this State spoken of as giving a I man too much opportunity to defraud his creditors, and placing it 111 the power of people not well to do iu tho World, to con tract debts which they never intend to pay, aud still own a fifteen hundred dol lar farm, or town lot. This may be too ranch, bat it might easily be worse ; at it is at t be present -tiin in Arkansas. - In that favored location, a mm is al lowed to hold one hundred and sixty acres of land, and personal properly to the amount of two thousand dollars, and if tlie property the "poor man" owns chances 10 be in a town lot, be may hold from his creditor five thousand dollars worth of property, subject only to taxes, laborers or mechanics lien, and securities for the purchase money thereof. Arkansas must be tine place tor a man with a moderate property to live and keen it. i cii win j 1 mcs. A Splendid Prize for the ImcUcs '. The finest, moot pleasing, and costly engraving ity in the househ dd. a mirror ot the fash- N'trw AnvBRTisr-iBrrs.- Xnrire to Crvdiior hms. an I a literary conservator of surpass-, M y (iulnian adiu'r mT tuterat aim .iriiein: er-iieiiw. omi.ii- i NoUcs-If. J.U,'( hamUr- edged to be the Model Parlor Magaiue of i t onrt Order Iran Stanly county. T,; magn.,iw. 2S by 25 Inches, is from . Bua Ton Candy George Miller A S..n. , ,,1 entitled. "The Pi.-Nic ' IWrcst'. Marine and V..une America, i u th. 4tl. ohjely5 ). Yeast 6r BaLing Powd.ira -Dr. KJ1L y- The paiutiny t..k a whole year, and is , Icoesideiwe the finest of the entire! f n- ; inerous pmnilar productions bj UVfi M. 3pucr, The engraving was tiki labor of four years, by three etnlueut srtlsts John Hogera, John HaJph and San. m l tlolleycr the last upmcd haviug been induced to come from Kurbpo to Ameriea exiireealy to firiah it. The eiigrtvers have ably aecnled the successful Ubora of t - iialntc r. ue hut artists can fully appreciate the skill and la bor lavished on this engraving. Thegeue rul effect is very fiuo aud impressive, and the delicate Ihiish to tlie hvaids will bear the must minute insiiectiuti. 1 he uniouvf the line and sliple is executed with uuuaual ability, and their akillful romhiuation has greutfy coutrihuted to the success of die en gravers in this uusurpasaed proof of their urtistiCill genius. The work ou the engraving alone cost over seven thousand dollars, besides the cost of the coppyright. aud is acknowledged by Com petent judge the most elaborately fiuishtid large work of art ever eugraved iu America. Fine copies of this tnaguificent Picture, ou heavy plate paper, worth 91(1 each, are to be given as a Premium to eaeh Sulnri- , ber to Deinorest's Monthly Magazine, Year Subscriptions only Thr.-e dollars, and Ten , t ont (which is to be scut with the subaerip- i .. , i . ... . Hun), fur the iHtstage ou engraving, (whieh ' wjpj )(. I Securely Uolie lip ou a Mller.l This is certainly the largest, most liberal j nld spleudid premium ever oUered to single subscriber by any publisher, and affords an an easy ami eouom cal way for auy one to i secure an elegant work of an, a Parlor Pic-1 tore thai is ouly nest to a pir.uo iu t" e way oi oruamentation. and perpetual reminder : ,. n 'mj , i,i, ii ,, uplift iv i" , ,,, , i ii.'i nil.. I., i.l ,n i . mi inlu uiuv by every iruc Ameri- rill- The reception of this magnificent picture will take ever one by surprise, and we do not venture anything In saying that plO wifl not procure auother that combiues so much of interest and beaUty. Specimen of the Magazine with circulars, giving full particulars, will be seut to any j given address, post free, on receipt of 15 cents. Aildress, DEMORCSfa Monthly 838 Broadway. N. Y. The Westminster Jteneui for October is also at hand. It needless to say of this publi cation that in point of ability and literary ex cellence it hns no superior amoug the British Quarterlies. Aud whIe we do not regard it hesitate to say that it may be read by a well ballanced miud with both pleasure and profit. . . ..... I ne present numoer contains several aoie and interesting articles; the first one on . The Quakers" bctar especially so. Ad dress the Leonard Scott P ub. Co.. 140. Ful- ton street Xcw York. " AocnrxT of the great nnmberof wonder ful CTRB of obftimUe and tairtertiie cases o- , . , . . . ... , .SrmorrsA, DvsrEPSiA, Liver Dixkate, Kii and prosper you in ronr irood work. Nf.Y Afktio, (.cxkral IUpIIealth.Ac, miMje bv the eettUraUtt "Koskoo," it has won the envimbU reputation of Immr tbe best and matt Mr. Holderpess i also affect fur the Liver popular medicine ever dimemerid. It is daily pre- pool, London and (Holm 'iss Insurance Com s rilal by phvuiciano, and recomnietuled by panr, which inaare all kinds of public r.n.l pri- .1 1. ... 1 . 1- I . ' mwir iiioiinaiiii.- 01 uur w line. 1 orane b ru-irjMU, Merchant e verywhere. . WALTER A. WOOD'S PRIZE mowers and Reapers, Used in all countries, and univcrsaJiy cnmmendi-d as THE BEST l USE! Awarded more first premiums than any olher Machine manufactured, both iu (his AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES, Among "Inch is THE HIGHEST PRIZE I Tw 1 Grand Gold Medals and Croes of tlie Legion of Holier, At Paris Exposition, 186? More than 120,000 now in Use ! 20,000 manufactured nnd isold in 18G8 and tlic demand imsupplied. IttcreiMiing Deu;iod. Increased Kiciliii sddillABal IwprovfMeols for 1889. Wood's 1'rize Mowers, (I and 2 Ilorse.) " Self Unking Reaper, with " New Mowing Attachment. " Hand Hake lteapt-r. Lf nines' Illinois Harvester. Manufactured by the Waller A. Wood Mow inp and Reaping Machine Company. Oeneial illice and Manufactory, Hoosiek Falls, Ileus selaer county. N. Y. Branch Office and Sale Room 44,Cor landt slret, New York city. P. O. Box, 0805. 2o6 Lake Street, Chicago, III. Alexandria. Va. Ma.Kaaa.WK 77 Upper Thames, St.. London Send for New Descriptive Circular and Pi ice Ltst. Application? from the South, South of Vir eiuia, should be addressed to the New York liranch Office, as above. KHU A BLK AGENTS WANTED. Kxtra Imliieetnents Offered 1 M'-Cubbins, Sullivan & Co., are Agents for the above Reapers in Salisbury. april2r? 16:10m 'IMIK AROt'E IS TITK MOST A PPRO 1 print c nante that could have been applied to thi valuable and powerrnUy influential fain iin: rover. Its influence, over such painful mal adies a it is reciuu mended to exert cannot lie questioned only by those who hare not tried it. Theie is claimed for it a-repntation over all other preparations recommended for similar purposes when they bare failed. BKAQXC ha not. Keep it always in your family foritis truly an enemv to XewaJffia. Headache. Tooth ache. Earache Cramp i'nlie, Chmterm Morhn. nuirrlutea, lyen tcru or RIoody.Flux. Dftpcp nia. Sore Throat, Rheumatic fain, Ferer and Ague, Sprain and Bruiiwt. fn tiamation of Kid-, new. Xervcm ttebitity. L'otic, Ptun or Spasm, oj mi character. 4'repared aud for sale by Da. O. rt. POrLSOV. Drnr gist and Apothecary, Halisburv. V C. Juue W lS). 30-lf Yadkin Valley Nursery. Krttt THK FAI.T. CtV liVH A SO SPRINT. of 1870. A larjte and full assortment of Knive- ry Stock, embracing- Apples, peaches, Pesra, i iuiaa, murine, apncwia, iiKwianwrniw. i Vines. Uieat induceineuU Us purchasers in I lV-r.-nal inpection or crres.ndenc selici Jg?0" bei ..n ap hcatmn. Addre., fAJM Nuy. S.lsCJt 3t 1 KPKCHAL NOT1CK8. Allen a LUNG BAIaBAM. TUB MKMEHV rOM Cl-KIVO Contumptim, Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma and Croup, j Ai an juxpocrorant it nan do sqnsi. It Is roniioed of the active priuciplcs of roots I X,e reniniuder of (he Irnct will bedivided in and plants, which are eheinieully i xtracuVj, to U, ,,. of any sto, frgtns ItKI acres upwanls, to as to retain all their medical ipmlities. i (tt)jt pun liai t. MINISTERS AND PUJH.IU SPEAKERS The above Uuid )c ten ..lib north of Hick. lory Mutioii on IJie . . ( . HinlmHil und Will Who arc so oAcli sOlieUd throat dimwit, H. ..,'.) on the moot riammiihle leinu. will find a mire icniedy in lhi Balsam. Loself Aliply lo ! Wi'derignI at Rowan HI. HI, N. gi and wsfera Mimetimes give relief, but lhi ('., rir to Jaoub W. Fowler who livt-i near the llalam, taken a fw times, will insure a penna rant cure. With al! those sfflicted with Cnughs or Con sumption, give this Balwun a lair trial, they will lie pleased with the result, and confess that the Sun Ilnnrily ujuHuii at Uil. It it sold by Dn. G. B. Poi ijhix, Saliburv, N. C. Ah PAIN KII.L.EH. Wtid lbs tltcntloa ot lb uMb i Ikli 1. n ir-i: sail aarltaknl FAMILY M.EDICIHS. Il bai beea latiTably klk'Wn Sir nior thin 1 w -n t v I ,tvn. darlni hlch lime we lntr rrerlei Ihuio.n.l. uf lellnionUI, tiowli g Ibl hirilielnv lo be an J ' nev- .f-laillag reaieajr for ,1 ! chumJ b ar itcn,ltni j i SiHUrn Crl.lt, Cuul,. Frier tnilgst, I'eadtrli I'.IMi ,u. reter, Fln In the SMr, Back and Umi, l writ III lb Jolali ami Limb. Nvuraleia an, I Ihramani Fain la an pari a( lb Tilrin. T..-I ami l'.,n. Id Um brail anil faor. -4 it Htfwi JWiprv rtntt Jbair for' the" Adfuwiw ar ' II teklom falln lo cure nrnpphi, Indlgrttion, Llv. r Cemplalnl, A. 1.1 : xwU, llrertburn. KI4nCvniiUinU Slrt Hrailarbr, File, t.llimtor Fbihirfr. ainreeem, Bella, rrleat, Wbillova, 01,1 Sirr., Swrllnl Juinla, snJ tirneral Debllliy of Ibe ft t.m. u I. .i.o a i.romni n.l .nr. ni.ni. f,.r Tr.mn. .n.i F.llnib.8ir..rb, F.ln..r. o..ni.r,b. rM...rK..u..,vo. u.r. ., Scald., Burnt, Sprain.. iul.r.,F,o.lll,tr.,Cli,lbla well at lb. Sitae, of Inte.ua. Scwpmo.. Otalip.de., and tbe Bite nf Folionout Inteclt and Venomaut Urplllrt. Her Dlrrrtlom accontptjrlnf ri bollle. Hem fis of life lflsraBer. The North .tiucri. a lusnrauce fotpany paysiUiatlll tlie motlCV Will lie IcIlltlUed. nrcuiium. nruuiiillv without eliarcr V. II. Mill. IlK'RNrSFI. Agent. North America Lile I us. Co. TsoMASTttur. N. V. Dear Sir : Yon will pl.-a accent inr sin cere thanks for your prompt payment, inthout charge, of Ihe amount of the policy of Insiir- ! ,Ke " !"v '"t'"1 moiinting to the Fmor tnrM u.Hlars. At your ear- ;Siiuioi inrre iuou ittiiu uonar.-. -i vour ear- , neat am reneated SolH-llaUou he was induced to insure in Tour Company, and now we urethe ! reeipetits ot it benefits. Tu you and the North America Lifa. Insur ance Company e shall feel under obligations, Midi as only ibe widow and futlitrlcss can feel and exprene. May rou bare success in inducing others to insure m your most liberal company, and may the Lord oi tne widow and ortihnr 9 bles you Maboarkt C. Haubi I 1 Kowan MilU, N C. .. . 1 . . . : I j : .. I.-ll ..I , !; 1 t.v . . III.' 1 1 mo 11 l- , iiaiinnu j-im-, ,i !- r ,n-- lories. Kounderies. MilU and Merchandise and pay all its lic promply. . I All l. 'u:. .aie..e.l to Mr HotUerne.il, at 1 Thoinoaville, X. C will receive pruniiit all.-u- t lull. ''!""" " jj . a - . .. . , . missionary. u I nlo remedy for the Curs; ol NervoiU tVeakni I Karly Decay, HiM-ii'e 01' the f rTTiary and Seui I inul Organs, and the whole train of diiorders hrousht on bv baneful and vicious habit, flreal numbers have been cured by this noble remedy Prompted by a desire to bench! Ihe amieteu and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for pre paring and ii-injr thi medicine, in a Healed en velope, to anv who need it. Frci of Ckaiife. address." JOSHI'U Tl I. '.MAN, &lation 1)., Iti hie lloasc, Oct. 1 6m Mew York Citf Hon inciKiTMri butkus crxK Tnr, wnois stokt is a kct-kusll. The office of tbe slaach is to convert tlie foml into a cream-like iwini-flunl. cuiltd CHYME. Tliia itierTerted oartlr bv theaciion of a wjlveni. called the caatric juice, winch exuues troiu I lie nstinx of the stomnch, and partly by ainacliaiiiciil movement ! oflhatorgan, which cliiirusasit were, tliedietolv- inx aliiucut The t dtmk pause- from the suiaiack ; Into tlie dnodenuut. or entrance to the bowels. where itis snrrjetrteii to the actten of the bile, and j the nun itioiiH portion of it converted ialo a fluid called CVVLK, which eveutuall) become Idnod. Now, it ia ciden i lhat if the (Treat wilyent. th j snstric jnice.la not produced in siifflciest iiusntity. or if the mcclianical action of the stumai h i not utficieiitl' tiriK, the nrat pr,n:ei. oi Uixesiion will he but imperfectly performed. It i ulao clesr that If the liver, which pltys audi su iniKii-tnnt part in ehSBpinit tlie nouiihinir portion of the chyme iulo tne material of the blood, is congested. r in any uimatnrsl condition, the aecoud proccn will not tie tlxiroithly accosapllahed. The result, ot lliC .two failures ja dyspepiiia. compluatcd with MHousosss. Th mode in which H(MTETTRBH It'TTKHSop erate in such case I this: thev inviirorate the eel lulsr memhrsne of the atomacli. which evolves the c.itir juice, thereby insunni sn smple aiiflicicncy of tlic fluid to completely di.)lTe theJood. They al so ant iiji, ,n the nerve of the Mtoiiiach, causing an acceleration of the mechanical movement neeeiaary to red ace the food lo s hamejeneous ...mass. They also set speeitcatty nn the liver trenirtherlin) it. and so enabling it to produce an smple and reg ular sunply of bile, for the pnrpo of mnvertinfc the notrtion particles ol the t hyme Into Chyle, and promote tl panvsjre through the bowels ot the iieh' dehri In this way. HOSTKTTnU'fc BiTTKRl cure dys pepsia and liver complaint. The explanation fa plain, simple, pliiluMiililcal. nud m t. nov 6 Assignee's atale.-NOTICK IS HERE by jrieen lhat I will expose at nlalio Sale, at the Court TldnSe in Sub-bur v. on Friday tlie 10th day of December, A. D.. 189, at 12 o'clock, M.. tbe following properly belonging to the estate ot Wm. M. Barker, Bankrupt. . L All tliu notes and accounts belonginc to said estate. Terms Cash. JEREMIAH BARRINGER, Nov. 12, 1869 46 3t Assignee. sou Hi i n Sootlfinfr Syrnp, Far CMUrsh Teethlsg. Chsllt. and Grtplsg f tbs Bswtls, Ac. Ac. I TS, FREEDOM FROM OPIUM, MOR I phine, Ac., and strongly recommends it to Mothers and Nuraes as it i, liy a great odd, the best and safest Medicine in use, on all tin ills incident to Children Teclhing.- Bubbed on the Hum, it aoftens and leiwen their tension, thereby allaying the pain ami irri tation, whieh is the chief source of the unrct and fiwfulness of children. It give tone snd t renin h to the stomach and l-mcl-, and prompt ly relieves all apasraodic puin iu them, arming from wind. Suffice it to say, that thoe who once uo it, will never want anrthine else. At E. SI I. US' Drug Store Pslisb-irv. Nov 19, 'KuU (2t-46)' Pure Kye and ('orn Whiski. Distilled in th Old Style, Pure and Un adulterated, at th Old North Slate Distillery, njfgm XTTTflV P Itrt T IjliUUl, &ULJL, & 0U., TOp $ ( HlRLOTTi:, . V. ALO, Want to purcim.-e o'0 or 1000 head of Cattle, and pee u 48hvt CaJ I nroa for j Cjrnand Rye, jiilj 2 iO Cm i fftluble Laad (or tails rpilK SHu iWlir.K OFTE1W FOB SAI.K X. TWOTIIOl SANH ll K HL'XDKI'U ACRKS of valuable Land iu Caldwell (Amnty, N.c. line tract of FOTTR HI NDRED ACKl 58 with a valouble ATKK l'tlWKK, on I'onir Little River, sii'lieiuii to drive unr .OIIOIOI, VI IIIH, II,,,,,.' ,-., ,,,,, , ,1 ami ill : m.,1 imditioii. nr ...i.;..r.' iil, ,. ,1.,.., .,l,..-,',- - Uiii. Jr.KI.MIA II HAli II I M i KH. I Auit. 12. I80l.-3ftl Bowun .Mills. N.C TO THE LiADIiJS. THK Rabscribar liavinr been siipoiatcd sn hrthesle-o--- ISLNGEKS CELEBRATED' I Aev Familv ISewiua Machine, ' nl nil Ha attachment i.lfrr Ok same to the Ladies ut Wcxlem ramlina. Thi Machine liallener s eomiisrison with iii.v n J u II o thcr Machines. Il will di more ditterfiit adi .I,' w-S; n.l:.: ,7..: w ti in .In.ost c vciy varieiy ol Chronic Di-ease J,vcrtnvniied. efccomiiuv i wealth, then why not , ,,..,., 1(e.t - ' T,(.sn MnchillM flNl l Ill l Hllttid to .,1! give entire Batixiacuoii. n iney iu i t ) give satisfaction thev tiiay bo re Inrned after a tr al of two tnoiillit Machines manufactured erprcsslufor SHOE-MAKEUP, HARNESS MA KERS, TAILORS, &c, will lie .applied lieu ordered, at DiaDufactDrer's i prfeea. Parties !c.irinplnfo.mai:or. ill phssi' rrnd for ispec.i i spccissena ui w o-k unu eireuiais John , l. Kamiay, Sslisbury. S. C. Jane 18. 18A9. THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL COMPANY VIRGINIA OF .1 Virginia and Southern Institution ltx Funds 'ire kept in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are CDttddisiied beyond an ; 1 ,',;,-,' ,''. tl i- cuuilllellt, II li 1 li la I,.,.- tnn In of ri",imilinilv ir.ctnrs. ot p-.p ,,u;liuin a no bueiiwss capacity. li ha isulili! e l il i laii.1 millicrii i ,,t i '.ii.ii i 0FI1CKRS: f K K s I 11 K N T , JOHN E. E1MVA11DS, vica rKr.jii'.ST, Wit. 15. Isaacs, I - , . i . ST, I). J. Haiusoox MKTIICAI KXAMINKtf, CIIAKJ.ES H. SMITH, M. D i mi ii. anvmea, ukkcsal aet, C. Cabell, Jno. H. ( laiboune li DIRECTORS: HenrvK. El It: on, J.ilm Krirtcr. William V. Taylor, Samuel S. ( 'ottiel.l, .I'llilk Ilililil'V. Am mm der. It. t:. ;V. bakcrvill. Samuel ('. Tittdy, lieoi.e Jucoh.. J. Vi . Allicon. lieorge S. I'alner, II . i. Cuockley, H. ('. Cabell. I. .1. Ilattsotdt. John C. Williiini. William O. Taylor, A. I. i" Win. H. rsaacs, Oorjre I., llideood, Samuel M. Price. ciisrles.T. Wnrlham, William Willis Jr. yJ sjmiih, rho. J. Krun. j. , isiolt. j. y (Uiirli:, yv. H. Tjlur, J. K. Kdwards, A y Mokes, j Ki Morton, - n il,rell. William H. rainier. LEWIS C. HANES. Ai;t. Feb. 12 ly Lkxixuton, N. q ! ' THE COLD MEDAL Has just In-i'ti awarded to CHAS. M. STIEFE, For the tiert Ttano ronr raadr.nvpr Rarttmorf, Phil adelplda, and Nc Vork Pianos, npricr ana wsskhooxs: JVo. 9, North Liberty Street, near Balti more Street, BALTIMOUE. Mn. STIEFF'S PIANOS have nil the latest improve nicnr. Iiirlndinr, Ihe .Kgruttr Treble. Ivory Knmt. snd the improved French action, fully warranted for Ave year, with privileire ofsxrhance within twelve months if not eutirely satisfactory to purcha ser. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs alwayson hand. Irom S54I to 300. Kcfercnces. who haTe our Pianos in use: Cen. It. I.. Lee, Lexington. Vs. f.'sn. II. ft. fUn, Hiartotte H.V. (ten. Robert Itansnm. M ilmington. N C, 4Jov. John Lctclie . Lexington. Va. Meiwiii. It. Harwell A Son, i'hsrlotte. H. C. Jsine II. (.revnlce. Morgantnn. !C. C. J. H. Smith d. W. Mellon. Chester, S. C. , Its) lirow A Bern hsrdt are agents for tie sate ot th shove rclebmtcd Pianos. Pianos sold at Factory juices. ji:ne 18 ly AXD Dealer in rocevtes PROVISIONS. ITARDWAKE. GtiiH aud rrotkrry V.arr. Wall Taper. Vic daw Shadm. It., ir. s . I nnvrr n'liLininn fiv.1: in nr' n,l t he sale of Cotton, Grain, Naval Stores, Tibac eo, Dried Fniit. ie , on Commission. COURT HOUSE BUILDINC, j apHI 0 14-ly NKWHKKN. N. C V 2ACESS. THK UNDKItSlO-NKD wishes to obtain for his sj.sier a Isdy .t i.o 1m had several years sooceaelnl ex;en ieix situation leaclt, in a family or ot eiwie i!iC osii.-il brnm-he of an Kri 'li-i, ed l- ration, music not inelmlcd Adtip'ss stnii ;c ,t,rf. v utV. JOUN-'U, Tll.LI.Nt3 1A.SIT .l8 21 . Sah-. i ? C DR.. LAWRENCE'S II IG II LJT CO N CE N It RATED CflMfd I'KD OF KOKOO, The great Health Rentorer! Xot a Scciet Quack, Medicine. Formula n round the liottc. PHEP-inED ROLKLT BV Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, j ' OltOANlC CHEMIST. NOKFOLK, VA. Ih'waie r,f Counterfeits. See thai Di. 3 J. La-wreuce, ( hemisi. NoiMk, Va . ami the word Konkoo, is UnUfH mi MryuMol each bollle. Koskoo is elidoiseu by the best physicians every where. I;,-., i ihe 'lotlowing from Dr. Tii'cry, a i,cceslul prst ininin r o) mai.y years siacding in Ibe OU Ntrth State: u Bu.ky Mount K'lgccombe Co. I Sent 10. lM6ai I J. Lawrence lknr birr I hsvc n-d your Couceiitraled Fluid Extract of Koskoo in my pracliec with tl happit$t result. 1 findil lo be a Potatrid Liver luvinorator, Bhod Pu- ritter aud AVrrous 7bnir. In all dieaei of I ,, ,., a,..l..l. un,;..:. I - -- V u. V ..... wjj 4...III..V, lll IICI IUU. a . ; io Us use is unhealed. Uopiug you may meet I j.i, ..- ,,.,,. .,;,.i, aJL, . i .,,. f.ci..,e r ...l;..1.U ...,l,..;.,... I. '.I. .I.k ui'jch respect, vour obedient servant, R .C. TlLLEIlT, M D. From Dr. Fentress, stl accou'pliid.cd and ex pel icuoed physiuaii ; Sept. 13. 1860 I Princess Anne Court House, Va., J J. J, Lawrence, li. P. -Irar Sirf I have care!., Hi examined the formula, as w.-JI as tlio Tliesputic properties ol jour Koskoo com pound, and have prescri I ed in k nie stubborn cases ofCbmnic Liver A flection. Dvseriterv. Dyspepsia, (Jeneral Debility, iic, and always wilh il.e most graiilying results. 1 fiud it to I be a splendid Tonic, Alterative, and Hepatic ; combination, aeeomplisIiuijT its cot;stilutioua1 ellects without tue sllhltt debility ; in fact ll ffive Mipott to tire general support, white its alterative effects are being produced. 1 cheer fully recomnn nd its ue to .t.he y:ii,'.u:. . Yours, truly, J. J. FsarRise, M. D. Kosaoo cures Scrofula iu ill worst forms. From A W Mills, a prominent and well-kuown met chant ol Norfolk, Va.: No. 11 Main Street, Norfolk. Va., ) September 15, 1S00. J Dr. Lawrence Dear Sir : Vour Kokoo has worked woudcis in my family. My daughter has been a sufferer from Sciofula since child hood. She lost thirty-one pieets ot bone from her ankle, several hum her arm. beeiucshaviiiu ulcere 111 seveial parts 01 uie utmy Whilst in condition 1 oonsytneiiccit takimi jour - .. w,vv , n. aui.ai i in iiii 11, ... , , . 1:1-1 Jc I,- , ! al iculth criativ uniiroved. It certainly jMuiuLuvtAUK J-Cltdiiv '.rinncl, soffrring, and perhaps her lif-. H KsriTTlosKod fl CTmWWiWffiriif. ' f.eti,,ll(. inn l ,,...,,11 'i'-., iitr..,l m i, t.. r.( uyspc(tsua, Irom winch she sntlcrcd greatly. She is Dow m be Her health than she has been in five ye: is. With the highest regards, I am gratefully your, &c, A. W. Mills. Koskoo, the great lnviyoralor. Read the following fiotn tbe Rev. Joseph K. Mai tin, pas tor ol ecy thapcl, Pottstnouth, Va.: "This is to ecriuy that myself and wife have used Dr. I.aw fence's Ko-'koo, and con testify to it? beneficial ellects. 1'revious to takinp it we wcic in a condition of debilitation had no ap petite, nm) Miffetcti tiont sttdtlen and olten vio lent attacfcuof headache mid net vciimicss. Two botlles (it Kuhkoo ha unproved our general beaiih, arid we reyard it as invaluable, arid most cbi etluliv recouimeiid it lo nil who have need ot nivijjoinior. Toms, &o.. Jogtrii E. MjinTiif. Read the following from Dr. Goodie peri'Mieed and successful ' specialist," the en- l! Nor tolk, a.: Norfolk. Va., Sept. 19, 18C9. Dr. Lawrence Dear Sir: I hae prescribed your "Koskoo" for Sypln'hs in its various forms wnii the in, At -:iii-i,v 'in results. I hsvesat- ri fled myself by experience, lust it will CURI thai iI'Oi-jko- in im wurst and mn.i malirnaiil ! stwjjcs, and eradicate every taint from the sys- ti in. i ne bvosko is certainty an aners'ive oi exiraoidinary power, and fully deserves the great popularity which it has so rapidly attain ed. N. A. LI.G0DD1N, M. D. KOSKOO ! ! CURES QHROXIC RIIEUUA1ISM. Norfolk, Va. .Sept. 7, I860. Dr. J. J. Lawrence Dear air: My son has received so much bti.tfit Iromyo'l wonderful Koskoo lhat I cannot refrain Irom expr-sstnjj my jrraiiiudejJ ifhd trietl almost everything without benelit. I believe, in all sincerity, that your Koskoo Mfrn Infallible Remedy foi the di scae irom which be has suflered, and, fo far as I can learn, but never failod. If you only knew tbe ininirt.se amouut of suffering that he hns undergone, that' you could conserve ihe value ot Mich a remedy as Koso titat surely cures. The great amount of good it is nose do ing among us is inestimable. 1 With much gratitude, I sm respect fully you:s, &c . Mrs. at. Ii. A. Ksuiujr. Dr. Lawrence Lesr Ilavirg been treaiert by several skiliol ph.yMiiiaus tor liyspep 1 i-ia. Chronic Disease ol the Kidney'. General I Debility, &c., wt'I, out bcnrtil, us s hist ref rl ! I eomiiienced i lie use of your Koskoo, and am pleased to say that under its use my health has been entirely restored. I am sir, with luucli respect, your obedicut servant, II. It. MxAaa No. 5, Market SL, Norfolk Va., July il, IStiO PaciCc, Franklin county, N ,C, Sent. 11. 18G0. Tlits is locettify that for a long time I have suffered veiy iiun.li from indication of the lifer and constipation of the bowei.. snd trid sever al remedies, but n-ceived do bem fit uiiti! I commenced taking Wkoo. I took ti c mcd cine about one iolUi, and l was cuinpteiety cuieJ. and have remaiinil wet. 1 know ol several cures maue oy ".osito, and coiitiaiiy recommend it as a go vl medicine. - Joan IT BsUL I'on Sam bt all DitpoGiT.s i'&Iir. Lau-rente's Woman's JriCA iuts diseases pcculia U Fem ties. '. Fur wile 1 y Dh. Q. B POUION .. .t": ftn Al Oiecary, Siduibury, N.C JJ0)Vr:j;TOS'S COLL'MX. W5f000"WIf"cfi8 J! ST ARRIVED FROM m YMK! THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK of goods av r offered in this iruiket at pnet tc suit the limes, bought for CASII, and after a heavy decline m price, whereby ihey can and w ill bo aold lower than any in ihe mar ket At Hourertott'e. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods of every de scription and variety At liuutrtoH'e. An el, r ant .--')' I in, n- ' r.l- -',! ! At Ujuei ton's. A ?p!endid assorlment of Hats and Caps At Ifjwerlw'i. An assorted lo! of Hardware arid Cutlery. A i Ilowertons. A very superior lot of Qncenssvarc, China and Delf A t owertone. All grades of Sugar, Coffee, Tea and Molss sea At atssrvsw'o A Choice lot of Confectioneries At J lower ton'. Fiue and Common Tobacco, imported ITa- . VBcv, s,ud V a Grant Ci- .ars iivu cr tun a. A complete assorlmcnt of Liquors d al) kinds and grades At Jlowerton's. For Medicinal purposes only Moore's eels biateu seven-year-old double- rectified - Kentucky-Whiskey perlecily pure, At Ihumion'i, Eerj variety of Yuc Notions, At llowerton'i. Jn J!ne his slock has beau teVord with great care to meet EVERT W'AIiT. sW" CaB and examine it it will not cost you anything to do that But pout Ak For Credit. His motto is "PAY AS YOU 00:' IWCOUXTItY PRODUCE of ttcry description taken in exchange, Bank Notes and Specie taken al i! s Highest Market Ratea, Jkt W. XX. Hoxertoa's, SALISBURY, K. C. Novemlr, 5, 18C0. 44 Cru GROVra & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM BIAIZZO STITOH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 181 Baltimore Street, Balumore. Points of Excellence. Beauty and Elasticity of Si itch. Perfection and simplicity of Machinery. - Using bo th tluxaJs direct ly from, the s-pools. No fastening of seams by hand an l no waste of thread. Wide range cf applicaticn without change of adjustment The seam retains its brautj aud firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines exe cute ihe most beautiful ami permanent Km broiaery and ornamental work. For sale by ANDRKW MURPHY. oct 151 Sslisbury, N. C 19 OUT TUB BUST. a. rr TBI om.y MM im lursovan OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, Msoufactured by THE OROIDE WATPH CO. They arc all the best rosVe. Hunting Cases, finely cliaxed; Long ami wj au i.iss rise oolb, and are equal in appearance to tbe I c gold watches usually costiog IIM. Full Jeseled Levers. Oeuts and Ladies' slaes. at tl each OCR LH)l RLE EXTRA KEFIXEH Solid Oroide fJfiTd Hunting f min, KolUeweTed IVera, are t(ua to $!K)U Oolft Watches; Regulated nna ftuarnMirs t,i keep correct time, and near and oct tarnirh. witk Kxtra Flnct'ases. at WOench. .SO MONEY IK REQUIRED IX AIiVASrr. Weend hy Lxpres sbv here in the tiiitedHtatrs, psysble to sjreiitou delivery, i'Ji the privllepe ta . j.:. Slid examine he fore paid for. snd it net aatia faetotv returned, bv a inir tin EspTeaS charges t-v Onoda will be sent by msii a Itr;:alered 1'scksjra, jirepiiid. t y refidins; esshlndTiiv Tl , l" f' I' - &,r. tl. I . . I ., , , ni ..r . . It i .'Lst t.AlM ntr. n aicu irrc, maxinq acres rt am mi pre fvv, ar .Veres $20 Watch jvr $120. ai-hi klcuant oitoiPKroi p rnaivt. ef latest and most costly styles, for Laiiiessnd Henr! men, from 10 to 40 inciter lon,f . at Iv. 14. (a, sij.l M each, sent with wstche.al lowest wholesale price. Glal kind and ia ef wnteli -nqnired sad tc svo.d hogns coocerop order only frow IHE OHUIUE WATTH ro aov 6 Sm 1-W Fultoii, street Xw Iprtc. WORTH & W0BTH, THE nndeiaijrned havetliis dav fnrnxd s -onar- j co .hip for ti e paree.of settauing tb ' i. ' ( osmssiai mhos ninna Braissas, the lmms t i. s'lrrMdl. in li..- !.l. Arm mS WitUTIt V liUMr.L. sua y. i.. nuuiu. and anae by atnet tienticn b the interests cf their hji'iiper . rui friuads, to f'te irood aatianMSton to all wi s -y ttfor tiieji wiji ttcsiaess. . vv.ii.in. V. G. W)TH; wri.vLSGTos. y. a ow. im, im. AitiM.I fnt N. V. and Sorta I'aroliua htoain.Ua Lire. es-mi-Weekly . fhilaSelp'da an.i SonC'm Mail FUaaialip m ii . i to I'lulajr'p'.ia . , MbiUi'a Ijn New Vork Hail Pa ku. ' Caj t ea.- 4a?ainhM'l Ltnenf Hivcr Boats. Dealer, ia '. Hon.. Ir Tnjs, l.imm. P'-tm- r. riw. It si. f'ei-iv. .& Q-.Xi.u aed Ua- .. '. St44' i'uo,di. u. vrf lAtrt,

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