H-.. fllsnMI ' - KiiMIMKifliii mmm ,, , ii-y r saWa.il 1 ,i.4-.-- tftfS sjj If ' "'"w"::'"IJ"''-t"''J9 '" ' 1 ' V l' . Mill Jiy" I ' . ' 111 ' M I ,rT ' .. ; , i , VOL. IV SALISBURY, N. C, DEC. 24, 18( ivo. 5i 59. the 15 Nortb Stoic rrni.isiiRn weekly nr IT I HAM Editor and Proprietor. n tb op ti hi h 1 1 r OxB Vim. payable in advance. ... Six Months, ft Copies to ou addreaa, . . . . . 10 CopieR to "in- ...l.i -!- .... Hates of A'ldrtMtnq. n On Square, first insertinw.. .... Fr .rli additional insertion. . . .$1.00 .'ill Special it . t i r-K will be chaiged ."0 per ceut higher than tlx- above rates. Court and Justiee's Orders willbe publish ed ut the ame rates with other advertise ments. Obituary notices, over sii line, charged a advertisements. ( 0 XT It ACT RATES. -J stack. 1 Sijuare. 2 S.iiKrea. .T Silll!VH. 4 Squa'vs. i ('oluttm. J Column. 1 Cnliiinu. $2 30 yf i 75 A ;0 (i S3 li (Ml !MNI l II IM I I t(0 Hi (M) Iri INI -Jt INI H 4 5 (Ml fjTSff in 00 8 50 l-'l NI t.llO .'(M)t!0 00 'ti'uii 13 011300' 3750 ! 2UINi:0n0 45.4)0 i ;MNM5MI 73.00 5ft M( HO (M) l.-Kl.lali Den rcM -w mr ki. "Thi.1 must sp.irklinp Juvouilp Miignzinp ever Isaui'd." ami Spli-mJiil Cbnuiio I'lcimen ol An dulHJii'n Iliid of Ainmica ,(..,.;.'. ..-i.i.. and iithor lint- ciiiirm i ii (jr. in cm h ti uin I x-r. Tim .o-rcuilii-i ami Uoveuiuur uuuiliri free to new iub-srritiei-i. Thu most intniftivf. cntrrtainhfr, at.d tost Juvenile Uaaziiio couiprijw'a numrroua ami lio ! !vn!iinv- iliui arc pniliarlv its ctn. am! ,Jtutirc!j In-i' fr.nn the gmsi exaArcrationa so . r. 11111:011 to juvciiile literature. Our monthly y.iuuj Aiuriiaprc'iitM the linfat elored ai.il ! other nfcraviii(-i, t he iiuat alories, piiKzle. prifen j lil'l-io, and a ht of new and inter.' nine auh jeeH that will not only aet-urp the attention of liny ami Uii'la, but s. rve U purify ami elevate their mind, cuiiiiiiuiiii'.tfe miuh v luable in for mstion. and prove a well-spring of picaaure in the hoasehold. Venrly ubscription JH 'i.O with apn il Miero acipe or 11 pearl-handle I'm ket-Knife, or a beau tiful II. ink. as i emitttn to each subscriber, imh' upleii I d premiums given liirclnba. Addre.a, W. JEXNIXOS DEMOREST, SaS llfoadway, N. Y. Specimen copies, with circulars, 11, a led free on receipt .. ten eelil Nop- nubaeribera s-emlir.p in In-fore the firvt f Jaiinary next will' r.TelTd thu November and December number lice. A aplcmiid prize for the ladies. The finest, ni'nt ileaning and e.istlv i'arloy Engraving ever publialieil in America prcnented ax a premium to ea-jli suIim rilier. 'J lie Useful, the Entertaining, and the lletiut'ul. The Model Magazine of A merica. Diinorest's Illustrated Monthly THE USEFl'L in Demoreot'a Monthly com ririe the I tilities of Fiifliiotia in La. lies' nn ( liildrenV diw, inrlmliii!; full-size Fashionable l'attom, colored Steel l'late, etr.; (lanlening, Loth ii-cl'ul and ornamental, adapted to LadicJ; M...lel 1 ..tt.itf-.--, with their KiirroumiingH; und Jlome Matters in all their ikpartuenta. THE EXTEKTAIXIXO com prim Oricinal Ktoriea and Focni by the beat, author, Spicy JteaiH, Popular Music by the bed composer.-, te., etc. THE BEAUTIFUL comprises r.nmcrons il lustrations, in the liiKlient style of art, printed on the finest calende red paper, in the best man ner, pot up in a style to form a splendid volume for binding at the end ot the year, and altofreth er. a montblv visitor thai no ladv of taste or I economical housewife-run afford to do without. ' YcarW Subscription, onlv $3.00 with the finest, lareest. ami mt pleasine enmvinc ever finished in America, and richly worth $10, en titled "The Pic-Nic on the Fourth of July," given a a premium to each subscriber, and splendid premium for club. Address Dkmokekt's Monthly Magazine, Broadway, N. Y. When dent by ms.il, the KitaJc on the En graving, ten'cents, must la? included. Specimen copies of the nrig-uiue with circu lars, maiieil free, on receipt of fifteen cents. .FiwAi Garden, Hotter, Fruit. Herb. I'ree, Shrub and ErergreeiJ!eeds, uuth di reeliont for culture, prepaid btf mail. The most complete and judieiout astvrhnertf in the country. Agents tcanted. 25 Sort either lor $1.00; prepaid bv mail. Also small Fnita, "IManns Bulb, all tfie new Potatoes, Ac., pretiald, bv mall. 4 It. Early Puise Potato, prepaid, for $1. CO. Conover's to- I lossal Asparagus, $3 per 100 ; $25 per lOtiO, pre- I . paid. Nw hanly fragrant everblooming Japan Jloneymickle, 50cte. each, prepaid. True Ope Cod t ranberrv, for niilniid or lowland culture, j $1 ivr UK, prt'ieiid, with direetifins. Priced Catalogue to any additsx, gratis ; also trade lis. Seed on Com in ission. B. M. WATSON, Old donv Nurseries and Seed Warehouse, PiyeuMith, Muse. Ft iblih td in li42. dec 3 1m BOK TON CANDY SURPRISE BOXCS. Something .(: and Very Desirable. Utcn Il.-.'v IsliVa wTtli X aeW ad sawtewiveie ti r-inily. ami every b x will give yen i sea-rsi-i:. tin 1 aud Silver Watches. Watch Oi lias. Lad es' aadtienU llreaat I'tna, bieeva.ltiitfuiis. siu.Id Kar liing, C!iarni.Ae..'ftc,. . THEY RETAIL AT 23 CENT$. aA:t rtTrRr.D st GEORGE MILLER &SON,! jjl'J Market Street, Philadelphia, Pcnn. And sabl by '"oufectisiaars imi Morekeersrs ev. I ry tie' . rii iem in 1 far t'.i nr eonf f-t!onery is so jrte. .t j tint '.!. trite ,im .1 re.l tii forvard their orders al on '.; r.n'iin e-i : I- .eudsspi tie at a re of wi.r'le es limitation t!ie B-m Ton Ivii,- tue-ng nil box Hi stand irl of wliicli shall aiw-rs t mi i t uiid. nnv. i 471 - . ATT(RRV A (''H VSELLOR AT LA V .SALISHL RY, X. V. y Will attond protnrjitly totbeCoJIf iou cf Claiw llliC-l i cohtv TiiorsAsn cases or coons I were shipped from uur house in una Year, to families, club, and merchant, in every part oftho country, from Maine 16 California, amount ng ui value to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Our facilities fur transacting thiainimsiisel.il. sines are lietler than ever Wfore. We have agents in all the principal cities to purchase 00 jcmmm rrotii nil the Manufacturer, Importer, ui . and others, lor Cash, ami often at nn i.iiHiriiw I . ii! L II..I C 1 -ji sacrmce iroui mi' niiginui iwi in pmiwiwu. "! ....... I l.. L. .I.. l'..ll..ul . Will M'Hh.HHIini, ill i . vi vuv nu.w"...p good:- ShawU, ffluiil-rt QtiVi, Colt", Qinghnmi, Prt Qonth. Table Linen. TcxU, JIunn-jf, .Ghvt, Skirt. (Wef. Jr . Jr. Stltr l'l'ited Ware. .Vm dalrd on S'ieltl Sitprr, liftrt Frkn jit Ixtltlf fJnlnl Catir. Uilbtnia W'urr, 0eiaa HVlf, Tablt mtit Pucktt Cufl' iy. in gvntt vnrirhf. Elriini h'furh and ilrrtrjin Favry Gooilt llfituiijul I'UttUifii uftlt Album i'.- lie nest and eh. !' si stvb' in Mor..cM ami Velvet timdiiijr. Jdurriiero TrnvtUimg IPig, Hitndkn chit and (toee Hi" dV. iM and i'luled Jtwrlry. nf tktnr4 itytt. We have a!sn imvle arranirenietitK with Mime of the leading l'ubli"liing ,,u-. that will ena bk us to sell the s amUrd ami latest Works of popular author at about one-half the regular price: - such ,a Uv o. Moobk, Flcaiia, Mil TiS, and Tt:N"vso.va Work, in full liilt aud 1 'loth Itiudmirs, oudliiindreds of others. Tbcse and ererytbltig else for One Dollar for each Irlidc. We do not olf. r a single article of merchan dise, that can bp sold by regular dealers at our price. We do not tts! you to buy pawls from us unless we can i-ell tlieni choaper than you can obtain tbciii in any other way ; while the greater pai t ut our immIs are sold at about (Jm -hidf the Uxjutar Hat s. We want ;.iod reliable agent in every part I of the Coun'ry. Ity employing your spare time ' to form clubs and sctiiling us oiders, you can j ulrain the most liberal commissions, either in Cash or Morchandise ami all goods sent by 11 will be a represeired. and we guarantee satisfaction to every one dealing withonrhouse. A the Holidays are up proa 1 hiug wc are making special arrangemeut to supply rrrry one .who re.iua our auvenisemeni, wnti me m. hamibome and useful Holiday pre-enis that can lie thought of or wished for, and to enable them to procure them cheaply and expeditiously, we will give to any one who will become our Agent, Out Hundred Free Ticket, enumerating sonic of the many diflerent articles from which you make your se lection of Holiday presents. For returning full club from these Free Tickets, accompanied by the cash, we will give the same extra premium!! that we now give, the same as if you had paid lOccnt for each one of your tickets- Ue wish you to iinder lrnd that not any otlur firm in the business can compete with us in any way whatever. As lhi free ticket is only gissl for the Holi days, yon must send in your orders before the 20tli of January, 1S70. "In every order amounting to over $50, ac companied by tlie cash, the Agent may retain $.'.(H , and in every order of over fl'JO. $:i (Hi may be retained to Pay the Sxpresc Charges. This offer is more especially Ut aist Agent in t he Western and Southern States, but is open to ail customer. 'A.n.msioi8. Agents will be paid ten percent, in Cash or Merchandise, when they till up tln-ir tntite riV, fur which below we give a partial List of UotlMllissllltlr : Tor an order Of S30 from a club of Thirtv, we "ill imv the Agent, n commission. "M yds. lirown or Hleached Sheeting, (joih lire-. Putt-ni, Wool Siriare Shuvvl,' French j i;assiiiierc I'ants and Ve.-l I'attern, Fine large White CoUliterjinne, etc , etc., or :i (A) in cash For an order of $80, from a club of I Fifty, we will pay the Agent, a Commission, I 45 vds. sheeting, one pair of heavy wool blan kets, poplin dress pattern, hand me wool square shawl silver-caso watch, etc., etc., or 5,oi In cash. For an order of 0100. from a club of One Hundred, wo will pay the ogejiU as coin mission, IWiyds. of gooil yard-wide Sheeting, Coin-Silver Hunting Case Watch, ilich Long " ool Shawl, Suit ot all Wool trench -Cas-i- mere. etc.. etc., or $10 in cash We do not employ ;ny travelling agents, ami ewt'Owr- h'hl t W money to person purporting to be our agents, mmci pertemull acfjiitiintcn. i Send Money always by Register ed lie t tors. For further particulars send for Catalogues, PARKER sit CO , 9S it 100 i'lim.rr St., Mutton, iltm. Oct 15, ItWO. 41-ly THE EQUITABLE LIFE A s s u r a n c e Society OF THE UNITED STATES, ' il-moadnnj New York. T 1 HI-- fOMIMKY ', as capital and aset against iU natalities that will eompaie with any I ife In- ira-.-e nun the I'uulioeut, which is tl.e true test ol responsibility. Cash Assets...' ffi 000 00(1 Annual I'rein nni Income.., ... 4 tan IKK1 lrere,,se'aier 17 RtKsMKKI Tbe uuiKiaiucd is agent fm the ate vr ''osspaar . A. A. U iltltl.N, agent. Moe.kav I e. Uarch 19, IB09. r Tare Jlyc and Curn WliiBkieu, Distilled in th Old Style, Puf e and Un adulterated at the Old North State Distillery, I nnnnm iriTntr e nr n I urw i , auoA, a vu, rrop s. CH 1RLOTTE, C. ALc0, Want to purchase 5Qf) or 1TXK) head ol Cattle, and pay the highest Ca-b Price fur t'orn and Kye. ' , juty 2 20:Cm WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE BAKBER, BIT UN'S HIS THANKS to hi OT.I) t'MEXItS aud the public for Ihe liberal uir..nage n. re i...e exiemied to mm. Ueimw ' fntorios them tttat l.e h.v fitted up a new and ; coiiiniodiot; . Shop, in Br. Henderson Brick- Bnilding. B.oom IV o- 1. i f tm u ....la bi..1 ... . .l it.. iri. t.. riv. .mi.-ii.,n i'r, eren- n - He lis- in hieii.plr...rThv U-st Hair Press; in W estern North t.arvfria. U.-rmacats a caif ! from alb ! Haliiburf. X .' . D9 1?, lCa 40 -1 ' Or. G0DDI N S COMPOUND GENTIAN IUTTEKS, The Great American Tunic and Di untie ! Rccomr ended and prescribed by physiciane wbeievei known. T'ue "Compound Gentian Holers" are made nftbe puiest and best Wgetible Tonics and Aromatic known lo (he prole-aion. They also contain twenty per cent of t- B U C II U ! 1 Which makes them, beyond all question. (In best DlFRBTIC in existence; and lor Di treated Kidneys Bladder and Fiinary Orjrui have no snpeii.'t. .1 any equal I Those who try these Billets, tor the loll-jvring Unease will in every esse flnd them a Safe, pleasant, speedy and effectual Remedy. TI ey are a sine preventive and cure for Ciulls and Fever, and all Mulatto! Lli-oascs ! DYSPEPSIA, 1NDI0KSTI0X, SICK-STOMACH, COLIC. tflCK-HEADACIIE, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. C"i.is & ccunn, NEURALGIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Disease or Knlnev s. liiavi I, A:c , anil ever) Disease leqiuniig a gl iieral Tonic impression XW Foi Diseases peculiar to' Females it is ulinost a specific X-Sf In convalescence from Tvtli"ii ami othe.i low form ol Fein it is the very best ; Tonic that can be used. t The Compound Gelitiah Hitters mci t with i universal (avor, and have leicived the strong est testiiiioiiisl ever given to any medicine, a lew of which We append heltiw: Tlii l to certify lint I have used Dr. God din's Compound tteaOtan Bitters and cleeitul ly recoinnieiid it as I lie very beat Bitter that can be used for ordinal v debihtv. ick stomach Ac E. M. HOLT, M. D. Lipscomb, Orange co , N. C, Mav 15, 'J9. I hereby cerlily that I have been umg Dr. Goddin's Compound Gentian Sitters," for Co' gh. Oeneral Debility A'c.. and I am fully sati-hed that thev are Ibebe-t Bitters of which I have any knowledge, ami lie I est Tonic ol fered to the American people. ROB'T. Y. SLATER. Ilenr eo county. Va1. June 23, 1'i'J. Dk Goptiia: Deai Sir: I have been suffer ing for twenty years with an affection "' the kidneys, prostrate gli.n.l ..nd stricture ol li e nreOna ; have been under ti e liealilient ol t'ue best physician in the . onntry. oneol whom is now a prolessoi ill a uieuical college. All tailed In lelieve me. I finally (ried yolli Can rxtuud Gentian Bitters ; ibeiffect ws like a charm one bottle gave incortiph te rebel. I believe it lo be the best metlieine I have evei used. Verv reiectlully. JA.S A FA0LCON, LittM'on, N. C, Jan Tib, WJ.1' Prepared onlv bv Or. O.xtdin. JAMES T. WWOINS.' Proprietary WAvL'xale Agent, NORFOLK, Y. UT For iale by Dr. G. B. PouUwu, Salt iMirv. N C. :?8 -if 10 YEARS BEioncriiE 'UBLIC. IF OTMEB Ilemedies FAIL Fou BuuACri.AL h.sU LIVER DI 8KASES read the following : Theiaaa II. Balaey. Bug . Gran villa. CO., N. C says; "I find your Pills to He the best liiniily medi cine I have ever uacd. Tbey lisve proved very ben elicial in my own cane. I have been very much af flicted fur lift, ,-n years, anil bare tried every kind ol medic i ne thai I could get. hut have found mere e lief from your Pills than all others. Mv disease is bronchial affliction, and a complete proatral on nf the nervous ayatein. I have eaod tin in in ten or fif teen raws in my family, and find tl.emtn be the very ine.ln ine lor nearly a. I family iliseases." The Cure is Snorongh. Kenneth llaynes, Ksij.. i leik uf roiiunbueoantj couit. antes (.April 3, 1K83:) "PuTiug the latte'r part of the year 1SK9KI was severely afH cted witli diseased iitvi and many niglitswbih in tied the pain would become so sxcraeiatiig thai I wa('oinl!t'd to get out ot bid and ait op .until the pain would auhnide. I procured a few boaesol tl.f Mil'Tllt.lt. Hhl' vTH Hl.t.S. and the tint dose I took gave me great relief. I continned to ase tl.e 11 If tor two weeks, and have not suffered from liver disease aim . I have recommended them accordingly, and several peraons are in want of them. A il disease Is an enemy to the l-uman system Slid is at war wi;h it and will conquer it. mriss nature n-itlaatl the assistanc- it nn receive Ir. in strength, eniug medicine and suitable uo'nrlilinwnts, can compter the enemy: which would be iest. to take medicine before von get aiek. to p-eveiit sick or to take medicine after yon get ick to C re sickness. (Jr A word to tl.e wise is c: on. ' .: Exercineyonrown JmU'mei.t in the nier.s ef de tense; the enen y will come, be ye aisi ready aitli The Sontnern Hepatic Villi, Full -dU, lony known uinl mlt-ttied remedy fur all iVi'o'i diseufis. ranted by a DISEA8KD LIVER. TO All. KM 1(1 U A NTS A on are alMMitto .-. a home foryomaelf and faintly a a climate a hic.'i you or thev have not been accustomed to , yoo will, of eoaese. bepoeil to :ll the diseases pecailar to thai. climate yoe shoa.'d la-careful to nse sued Ae, ieintea aie adapted to the diseases ol that climate; you wiu Sod 4fie create ae. urity in the nse of lEra' isorTBKSN Hevstjc I'ilis. They ear. be sent to any point iu the United State bv K press. ( ' i -" aic:i. n. or fcPRICK Knronehot. V) ee !. Cm S!.nnr.ir(Jrs. V-.t- F'Vr Or .ss. sr.- orl-r fnr ihe Mcti--tiul.l be su'dis.s ,a u O. W. DKKMf. ' St, tf. 9oOTw-Cu.sew sramrv. UALr;aa Ma. "where theji will he promH.T ltrn.lrd lo. rsrlh-M Mrdiriars e.li o all rrspeatahle DrneftM. vvtrrWh.ie and aa ... O. B. POULSON, July -9:ly Salisbury. N. C Iclaatr 4lll.ci XSfSO' LEPAGE BROS. & Co., GENERAL (fpminissian Jllnrljanls AXI COTTON FACTORS, Commerce St.,. ZTorfolk, va. rsTSpeeial attention paid to the sal " It A I N . CO TTON and all other kinds COrXTKV PUOUCCE. aH 1 . ' Ctr' LiWral advance on eons-gtimeut 5d propipt tetaras) .'9:.'7- THE LEGISLATURE OK N. CAROLINA. ' . ,MATI!. TllCaVDAT. Dee 16 180!). Tiie Senate was called to order at Ido'clo k. HoTCE OF Otl.L. Mr. Robbins. ol a bill to protect the freedom of speech, and ol the pies. Mr. Mailindale, ol a b;ll to orjuniKe the mil itia. MTaonccTioN or bills. By fr. Miuphy. a lull to autboriaa the Hn pei inleudrtit ol Puolic Works, to se.l tin State's lOtetcsl in the Favette'wJU; and . War saw Plank Uoad? hefeaed. By Mr. Robbms a resolution to amend the rules of the Senate, so dial bill may be intm . I. iced without having to give previous notice, lies over. cxriNisiiEti iir'iiiss. Bill to iticotporate the Planter's Railroad 1 1, minim y. was uk.-n up. Mr. Sweet's amend meut wa adopted, and the bill paaaed its si-c-oud leadinv. A resolution wa transmitted Iroin the House ajrinl any firrtber increase ol the State debt, adopted. TlllltD HCADIta DILLS. Bill making an aimiooriarion lor ll.e Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum jHi.OoO, passed. Ilil! making an appr. prist ion lor die support of tbe Insane Asylum ol $43.UX), and 12,000, inad.fiitoii lobe used iu making improvement on said building, pas-ed. Bill to lepeal an act amendatory ofan act lo incorporate the Western N. C. R. R. Co., tali lied 15th of February, 1855 tn- 1. At tin stage a uiessaire wa- received from the House conveying a uoiniliUUioatioii from the Governor in le'en-nee to amending tlte I militia law, with a proMsitioil to punt 20 copies for tbe use ul each mciolicr ol the General As- . senibly. which was concurred in. All. Shufl'iicr moved a suspension of the rules i in outer to allow turn to introduce a out in ac cordance with the recommendation contained iu the message, iiputj which a considerable dis cussioa arose. U0CSE OK REPKHSENTATITES TiuasiiAT, De.-. 16. 1-09. riouse met pursuant to adj.Hirnuicut. BILIi AKO RhluLL'TI NS. Ry Mr. M alone : A bill to declare valid tl.e lei tn.ii ol cetiaiu Township i tUcers iu certain CO u, tic. ilr. Duon, lor the Committee on Claim, re ported unfavorably upon the resolution iu la voi ol Kntii-s and lleioleraon. Hy Mr. Guiiter : A biil requ ring owners ol toll bridges and fen les to g) ': buuJ. HeJerr e,l. By Crawford, col : A resolution in regard to the drawing ol jir.ns. HVferred. A m.-ssnge was leceived lioiii tbe Ooverr.O' . asking !. r aniendiio i.ts to the iiithua law to enable bun to suppress, outrages. Uidered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Wilkie. the rules were Su-pended, and tbe bill ie,uiriug the County ('omiiiisaioiieis to meet once a month, was ta k jn up. Tiie qnei:on ri cnrred upon a substitute re ported by the Judiciary Cotiimitice. Altera long debate llie substiluiej was ad opted (the snliflitute provide that Coiuiuis sioner shall receive pay lor 24 days n tin year and shall neeive no mileage. Mr. Pearson offered an auieudinent that in those cuiinties pay ing 15,000 d dja.s lux, lite commissi. .neis shall receive pay itt IS days in each year, those (bit pay over 15,01)0 dollars and under 25 000 dollar siu.ll receive pay lioi 2 1 days, those over ' sl.ail receive nay l.u ii'iil and un let 40.HIH. Ibiity days, those ovei 4(1 'KM) dollars ba I receive 1 nf- I jr 40 tlavs and el. all tece.ve no mileage. Adopted. Mr. Sevnmur olfeied a substitute embracing tin- piuviaioti ot Mr. Peat Sou aiiicudineiii wi.ich wa adofit, d. Mr. Smith, ol Alleghany, moved to amend by saving that all counties paying under 8 ttOd dollar tax, Ihe Cotlilliissioiters shall receive pay lor only 10 .lais. Tiie amendment was adopted by a vote of yeas 45, nays 31. The bill ll.eu iassed its thud reading. On uiotlou thu II i ise then adjourned. ' OXSATE. Friday, Deo. 17, 1863 was called, to order at The Senate 10 o'clock Mr. Sweet arose to a question of privilege in regard to an ailicle whu-ji appear. d iu the morning Stntihtt of tins ei'.y op led bum tin HVaslen Hetthnei m w liicb he (Swrm) iaeharg. ed eitli being a party lo a m.iiupiilutioii ol lite comtilnli.'ii s,l a- lo prolong the ! mire of ol fiee ot the inembeia ol I lit- pn-sCHl Oeiferal As seinbly. Mr. 8, deiiontici'd theai l.clc as a i labrica'ion from beginning to end. KOI H K Of Lll.t.S. Py Mr. F ikiMer'r"Oi'- btH- to t un: ol holding the Cgott.s iu tie change the 8th judicial dminct INTROMKITION Or 6u. Dy Mr. Martimlate : A bill to amend an net to piotec trUierifls) in, (be sale of lands for taxes; also a bill to aio-iid an act i i relation to tbe sale ol lauds under ex- rut ion. CAlEX-fMaV Rt -solution instructing the Treasnrer lo make no payment ol interest ol) the' eo.ipnQ., of i,h, bonds jsstiedia payrneulof a site lora Pcnin r. itentiary, was adopied. Bill lo allow enterera of vaejinl land fiirlliiu time to obi all grants Iro.n t!ie Slate, passed n third ttaiijug under .a suspension ol the rule. lii'l to eiitar-e tin) rs.wers ol the Count? -CornrniBsHmerv. pifssed ita 45Wtf If SKlilflK 1! I to amend an act lo authorise the f .rma tion of corporations, pa.v d its second reading On muln.n llie Senate adj luruod. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. KlUIiAT, Dee. 17. Ittii?. House met pqrsnant to a. ljotiruiiie.it. On nioiioii ttieroll was cubed aud CI mem ber answered to their, name's. On motion of Mr. Vest, the rules were us- pejnled and the .?( nare reaolntion artthorlxiog life A (hi ji lo move fcr. j idgment against Ue linquent isle: ills iu ?!,e pvi'al Ivxux ol l.'.e Wake Supfiuu- t 'mirr, was taken up. . Mr. Jusiiije moved to lay il.o icisolutl'on on the tabic. A ballot being iaen the vote stood yet 33. 1 nar 21. (no quorum ) I VTT li, . T.'i V I On motion .1 M'. Seymour, a call of the i.obUtnedtoy the issuance of dhnda to be House w. liai at.d li inerabcrs responded uvj managed" by a board of Diiecie-s. ap- :b ar aaa..-s: ' pei, led by rioi flovhrfjoe "v, these t message was received from Ihe Senate ooiooriing ill the House bill in favor of euter era of lands. Tne di. u.sion upon the resolution in refer enee to delinquent Sh. ..II- vv , resumed. Alter some debate the bill, on motion, was postponed until the second Tuesday iu Jaiiua- rkportb or committer. Y.irious nn-ssages were reiviveil from the Senate liansmittmg several biil, among them the bill lor l he better protculioii ot hie and propel ly, as loilows: An Act lo tecurt tks better protection, of lift and pivpvty. The General Assembly ol North Carolina do enact. That tbe Governor is hereby anthorig- ed and emp-we cj whenever in U s juil.-m-i.t , N ,. , of 9m Q00 w,ic, is morr , (j.p,.,, , .tuna..doa frauds in the civil sntliontifS m any coiintt v aie unable ( ,i , r.i e .u 1 .1 i . i.k . i ,, JM to protect ,. ct.is in the e, jojuien. ol hfe I ',u two tl'" uf rnV" wf ,h ! :,,e :-t-ntral l'rihc Raad ..mount- and pn.pe.ty. to d.-cUre such co.i.i.ies in a j 8t"te g"v'rnment will, all its abuses a.vd j lug to millioue. But a few days ago, tbe siaieol insorreoiwu aud to eall mi., active ser. extravagance. Surely this great interest, , Uireclors of the great "Erie Railroad" vice the uiiliua of the State to such an exteut j controlled by a few men, should be guard I of New York were enjoined frum pro as may become necessary to repress, sueli iusur- ed with great vigilance by this General ceedi tig on the application of a share rectum. Sec 2. That the Governor is hereby author- iced and empowered to req .est the President I ..f 1 1... I nled Suites l.i i,-i... il. I me wnl i. lis- ' , , , , ot the ito.ids, yet coin pa rut ive y nl e has And in Aorlh Carolina, it seems that a bea oorpus in any county or counties declared i , . I , ,r . J ' , . ,1 7 , , under authority ol this act to be in a state ol ! b,'t n do"-. "'? ,0,l', hv'- h'n is- Mania has seixed a 4P ; who being das insurrection, und to allord such assistance asm j sufficient to build every Road con- leled with the glittering prospect of gain hisj ulgtnent may be necessary to enforce obe-! tcni plated in the Statu Our credit has 1 iug million. of dollars, are determined to iheuut to law. gone down, down, the fair nanin and j disregard the vital interest of tfce people isexj a Miat upon motion ol tne-fsoii.nior ol lli. U slnct it shall lie the duty ot the Juik-e ill ibeuv.i to retnovi the I rial of any person in- Li-led lor iminier. conspiracy, and iu violation I ol an act ratified tbe 120i day of April. I .(;;) from the county where m.-h olTeuce m. y have i lafetl committed to such other county as the j Solicitor may designate. S.-c. 4 'J'iist ihe expen, attending thecal, j ling ol the militia into active Service as herein provided sliuil be paid by the Treasurer ol Ihe S'ale upon the warrant of the Governor and it biiall be the duty ul the Commissioner of the County dis;lared to be in n stale of insurrection anJ where such service was reodoied lo reim burse within one year the Treisuier ol (tie Stale the expens.is thu (laid ; Provided, Ti.ut when ever a petsnu ot peiuis sliail have been con victed ol a vnda ion of the ad mentioned, in section lint e (4 the act said expenses ol the unlit. a shall be taxisl mi (bo bill of cot aua!.t the person or pe. sons convicted, and when ' eo.iected l be e.une slia.l be naid .uto tbe iieas- ury ol such county. Sec. 5. Tbat all laws or clauses of laws ia uo- llict Willi tin? act are hereby repealed. s,- U. Tins act shall be iu force Irotu and uflei its latifloatioii. On mo'iou ol Mr. Seymour, the rules were suspended aud the Senate bid lor ihe better protection of lite and projverty ('or provisions of ll.e. I. :ll see Senate proceedings) was taken up Tor bill was put on Us second reading and bailed lor the w aul of a quorum. The yea au.l nays I dug called and resulted in Ihe follotriiig ba!l..t( Yeas 40. Nays 2. No quorum voting. Mi. Seymour moved for a call of ti e House. Iu making the motion bo recited various Ku K v outrages iu cettatn parts ot the Stale. Tbe motion for a call was put to a vote adop eU and 07 members lesponded to their names. Tne o .estioii rec irrcd upon the pitssage of llie b.ll on it second reading. Mr. Seymour called the previous question. Tiie call was sustained. Tbe yea mid nay were called and resulted in the billowing ballot : Yea 54. Nay siessra. Ami-s, Gunter, Il.a ris. ot Fr.inkhn, Homey, m mi leuhall. Snipes. W lute aud William, ot fiainpson. 8. Mr. Seymour called ihe previcia question upon the lull on it thud reading. 1 he call was sustained The yens and uav li lio- following ball 4. rt.. ' 1 n.xl . a . . , i ' n vi t i i ' 'I UIJU i vcuiltvi t: Ay. 54 Navs Messrs. Ellington, O tinier. Homey, Mcndcnhall, Stupe, White. C. Mo quorum voting. mi . Seym iir moved to postpone the bill un til tbe tils! Thursday a'ter llie recess. Tiie call Was sustained and the motion to pHpone vi a adopted. Alter the transaction of unimportant busi-ui-s ll.e House n.j uirned until Monday morn ing next at 5 o'clock. REMARKS OF W. H. Maloac, Caldwell County. In the House Ikptrsenffiittes on the pro position to Prttsc a Committee of inces ligation into nthged frauds. In the man agement of certain Jlailroad Compan ies, on Gi Ike. 1&C9. - Mr. SrK-iKKK: The last session of this General Assembly made extravagant j appropriations to ceitaiiis Railroad Com- j puuiy, the faithful and honest application j nl which might have In ought relief tooui h distressed people, in the development of the industrial resource of the State. , The report of the Treasurer submitted this ession, shnwa the en.ck owned by the Slate iu Raihoads and other corpora- lions to be the sura of $T,707,5t0. If this stock, was worth its Slate would depend nominal value the for the purpose of paying her debts. It would seem, that a State li tvmg sK'b a Stupendous amount of lock in Railroads would have such a basis for capital, that her credit would stand pre eminently high., in all parts of tbe nation. But 12,600,000 l this stock wen; taken under the authority of ihe acts of this General Assembly, "last' winter : and Roads not being built, of course the slock i worthless. In order to show ihe necessity of Vigid economy and a stti.t invee.ig.it inn iu all frauds upon our rights, let us for a mo racut look at the indebtedness , qf the State, which is made up aa follows : The "old debt," 817,215,015. New debt (special tax loud) (issued) 12 600,000 Hands (special tax) not issued. 4.2S0.000 ; Total, 131,065,045. j N.v let it be remembered that most of I l Kid sjhnrknnn j , K I - ilia . , . ! ' . ,.,.,.; l. , nZn.A. vt... .....l Iireetors liaye extm-r liuarv powers, and ! theae eorporniion. Have tliej- done sot if titer prove unfaithful in the in.inagc- Already thi liiveatigation lias resulted In ment of these bond, our stock may be- showing s failure in i lata respect ; and the come won Ideas, aud ihu Roads remain ! proof of this officer shows that ihcj have unfinished, whilo a still greater disaster j even refused to allow him to inspect thu befalls n, a tUsfroyetl credit, which, to a J R ads thai ihcj have actually concealed Stale, is as precious as virtue to a worn-. from him all the transactions pet taming i lo these Road. This, too, with the full The interest on the special lax bond I knowledge of the law, and of the duties now being collected, amount to $756,000, j ol the Superintendent of Public works. a sum largely more than the present ex-1 Mr. Speaker, we hear of "whiky p. -uses of the State government. And of j rings," "gold rings" and "penitentiary the 12, 600,000 tax bonds, $7,000,009 rings," but the grandest swindle of tba go into the h inds of one man tcith al- age is the "railroad Hug." Tbe mou most unlimited control The Ins to be I strnns frauds ot these coqforalions, h..vo nntd oil the bonds conlrilled bv one man ' become oun nt th irrokleat evil of tha Assembly. And while it is true, that the work is I prol(inK ,0 rt inlited extent, on soiga ! r, . . ' tame ..t the old State of North Caroliim I have lieenmn i -. nmuh" and 'l.v ... , enmm,.ry,jm,tr... t .1.,, world. Why is all this I The constitu-j And no-, when we propose iu t! e lion adopied and ratified by the people, j "Comniillee ol tiie Whole," to invest! guaranteed the good faith in the payment ' gate these frauds, "is it not strange that ol the publis di hi legislative enact- , inembeis on this fl. or throw obstacles ia inente resulniion of all parties declar ' the 'way that they would resort to ev. ing the inviolability of the public debt, yet strange to say our credit grotcs daily tvorsc. I must say ibat ranch of this results fn.ru ihe unwise legislation of this Gene ral Assembly. Never before in the his tory of any State, was such recklessness found. .Here are 87,000,000 of bonds issued to one umn, tetthout security with out pledges and without a guarantee that the Koad will ever bo built- ij anolher,' is authorized 4,000,000 with like ob jection. On the passage of these bills, I had the honor lo offer certain amend-1 dollars, annually to meet the interest ou '..-. providing, that these bonds should j theso bonds ibis must continue from issue iu limited quantities, I and at staled j year t- year, and fiually the principal periods, when the progress of the work must be paid. Now, will tee submit ta required their application. the manipulations, combinations, and spee- Rut these amendments were repudiated j ulations of a miserable, swindling, soul and scouted by a major ly or the House ! less "Ring f us a pi ..position nouaeimical, and absurd. Will we stand by, and behold the Aud parties nn this door threatened to ' country bleeding at every pore? Shalt kill every K .a l In which my people were , interested if I insisted ou such amend ments. True, I voted for most of these bills, but under protest of this kind - I did so, iu order to obtain support for Roads in which my people felt great interest nut of course, it these bonds sl o ild was contemplated, be thrown on the market in a prudent way that the pro- etuis should be honestly applied. Iiad this been done, the people would have cheerfully submiuiitd to tho burden of taxation, in the hope of seeing the - country rise from prostrasiou and IcUi'-rgy inactivity and enterprise. We would gladly have paid the taxes in ihe'hope of getting them back iu the rapid growth am' development of all ihe resources of the state' aa e could hope from the faiihlul applicanrti of this vast sum, to see the whole country roused to a spirit of imjluslry and perserversnce, and could Hatter ourselves that we were nu the high road to prosperity and greatness; and could anticipate some ol ihe happy "vic-lori.-s .of peace." But instead; doubt, and distrust prevail the whole State. It is said that a mighty "Railroad Ring" has been organized lor the purpose of speculating on t lie .bonds of the Stale. Propositions have been introduced here to investigate the management of tne DU rectoia on these several Railroads. Why, not do it ? Have we not the right to tequiro ihcsu men to show to this House what they have done with these bonds lowborn tiny hue been sold, and at w hat price ? Shall we allow a confederation of swc.ulatora , to deatrnv ihe credit of 'he State, aud bring, pover- and prostration nn tne peoi the people ? These Uireclors on the part of the .Slate are but the agouti of the State ; tiud if they have traneecuded their power, ?ir been guilty fraud, we should hold them to a strict eaeoont. It is a familiar rule of law, (hat an agent r trus.ee, cannot apply the means entrusted ur-rwei cure to his personal benes fit u iihojilmipcachiiicut for fraud and IwiuHaiiil The Preeideiit of one of lhee Roads who should convert a single bond to his individual benefit, is Wiiiltv of to his ft and. A- ii . , nd, especially, if he should en- ter fnto corabmattoii to speculate on these bsulds he should be considered gnil ty of the grossest conceivable fraud, and should be In Id np to the public aze as nn worthy ol th he trust reposed in htm. In days e l . ii- ' if uu honest public man was I gone by, if an honest pub chargspIwUliilm violation of any offiHA. trust, he would demand a Conimiiiec of in- j ...... v.sligation, in order to vindicate us mno- I, i a- . . , cence, but very different now. Look at .i u ! j k i l i ij. i these Railroad official ; helm diiijr clnrj:- ...... ' t " es of fraud and mismanagement m almost every paper in the State, and from almost eveiy citizen uf the Stae, yet they pub hah no denial they da not demand an itivestigat o . they do not make an of tieial lepurt as requited by law, iu order that the condiiinu of these Road could be fully known. I ark if this is uuit a cir- eumstance of suspicion ? D'S it look like the conduct of the honest man wbu loteuas to vinaicate liimseK I Tiie law requires the presidents of 1 1 a a these Roads to rrport to tin General A'- senit.lv. through the Suprrir.tendeet of Puliec Works, the cxacx condition of holder aud creditor j the allegation being i that forty millions of dollars were not 1 accounted for, by tills wiudling Direetory. i .i who intend to revel In luxury and opo I lei ee .it tbe nnmnm nf . ,.,. lo .1, I ODnresscd. doWHtmdden. and Imniili nod ry species of tactics to defeat fall, fan and honest investigation !" But this investigation must be had We shall hold this Legislature, aud the dominant party in this House, up to the scorn and condemnation of an indignant public opinion, if they fail to do their duty in the premises. The interest involved is too vital and momentous to admit of dubious action. The bonds issued to these Railroad Coon panics belong In the people of the State, they are paying over a halt milium we not catch, and llirottll thu 'Vaiu- pyres" who sock the life oeople 7 blood of the If this investigation1 shall prove the falsity of the charges against these men, I .-liouhl be among tbe first to proclaim their inuceucc; but if they are found guilty of this high breach of trust, I I shal be willing lo vole a resolution of cone ! detonation which would hand their names to posterity, branded as the most iguo- j mininus ingrates of tbe present age. ; If gentlemen are in good faith, when , they say they favor investigation, why ; not throw open the doors 7 Why not give foil scope this investigation? Why quibble about the technicalities of the law Why refuse to send for a single j witness, and continually proclaim tbat the investigation is a farct ? 1 tell gentlemen now, that this is but a commit' ing Court, we blend lo prefer ar ticle of impeachment before the great tribunal of public opinion in August next. This Republican party, which was f said : by the geutlemau from Johnston) to havu i been "born amid a halo of glory" si bound to totter aud fall to piees tho glorias of its triumphs will fade into dis gustful oblivion, an uprising and indig nant people will Inn 1 from power the mis creants who have sought to prey npou the vitals of a distressed and struggling peo ple. I am desirous to see our unfinished Roads completed the destiny of the Western portion of the State depends upon the completion of these works. Tee, I long to see light pouring through the tunnel of s"ra,,,,an0 up anJ the grasd Rue ex. te,M,Kl " to JJuchtown and Paint Rock 1 should delight to seethe completion of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Road and all the others, in course, of construction. But except we get more than thirty -one cents on the dollar we cannot build tho Roadr. We must check ihe abuses in the man age incut of those I bonds we must cur tail their issue, and thereby resloie ihe credit of the State, and obtain the con fidence of the people. Our cilixens are languishing lor relief they cry to us for I..I.. -I...II j: i .i . . iie.ii cunii we uirrKHuu i. interest i n i . . . . trust with which e were entrusted ? Our people are opposed to repudiation, they do not wish the odium attached lo Ills! rillninnin Lit t smn I lxn.. .a a I , ,7 7" ' , reco' ,,ct th,t M'" my compel repadialton wsj -,.. , 1 . , CZTo, ' ' : ,i . : , ' , ; will break down, in spur, and then re- .,a:J,:, a J , J. "', , '.pudtation and fiuahclal disaster, will bo ' i i i . '""""" ,u'w i welcomed as a pleasant, last resort. But n ,i .. k . j . . . all Ibis tu i be nverteii l.v . .1.. j . j ,,,, ,,,,,,, rfc lerminatiou to defeat the designs of tltaa ho intended to destroy us. Let parties, caucus, and, politicaj fou biuatioits be given to tho fuiir vlasis, and let honesty, truth and patiiotUm tnle the lioux ,i Tenmvaae has svvojt toei, thjMMMtul tV-sj Masons. The Swiaa lboi.rs universal Milsaction. bi (Vofgii gee Pore Hyacyntho saiW fh.i freuio fj-u Xer York ou Jie J Jib '