t - ail I i 4 . ' 1 t A I M Mill tta.,1 in;. z.00 A SPLENI1J ( M A-Vt E! AN K.ri; OKI)lNAUY OlFUl! )ON T DELAY, bKNI) ATONC'l.!! THE LEAOQfq A 1 KICULTi'RA L JOUR NAL OF TIIK COUNTRY, I'll EE FOR ONE YEAR. The American Slock Journal. A Ant-elm nmnthlv, containing o- large double col. I-sgc, iJi led lo I nt in in- .in.l Stock Dreading, oootain mc regular fritm-iii-rrttt- rt-iii mi Farm, r, Dairyman, Stuck Itreeder, Wool ti rower, and Poultry Ko'kt, Ac, Ac, Ac., Illustrated with n, Microns tine Iiigraviiiv and bound in hand mmuly tinted cover. Farmer will find thin tiiHiitlilv a very erlicient aid in all the depart ment of Farming and Htotk Rroeding. It low e.erinarv De,H,rtn.ei,t under the charge of f.w- of the nhlel rrofe-or in the L nitW Malea, who anwen. ihrungh the Jotirnal.rea eea.u-jr, .ill iiiteolnm relating lo Kick, Injured or Diaaa .1 llorx, "'tie, Sheers Jtwtna or Poultry. Thw every Mbt-riU-r lum a Horn and Cattle We are now prepared to offer the AMSBKAX Stock Joi k.s ai. waw gift tor one year, to ill acr Sttbteribcrr or renewal) to TllB Ol.D NottTIl Ktatk who aha 1 1 aulwribc imnicdintelv ami pay in advance. Thia ' a rare aipportunt ly which ihv intelligent pmple of our aci-tion will no douht dnly appreciate. Wml in vour antiacriptiotiK at once uud aecurethe .' . Jour nal free for a year. New AnvEHTi-rMFNTs. Public Sale at Sa hni, N. H..-K. Ih-io, Prea't. R. K. Sale of Corn and vnriou rai T vid .tock, by Joliu . 11 iitlerxui, adin'r. lie aural read tike ch:inKe in tkialt r;iinnmit. Moore'a Kuril New Yorker, lidgcwi rlli I'cnuile Seminary. (iriHvrie, Frui', etc., etc., -At Ho-crIou. .( nun Oril. r from Hurke Coumy. Court Order from Montgomery- Coi.ntT. MiYii and C iMMisiac-i. We fniiPthe ticket which we give U'low in the Eraminer of, Monday laat. Thi ticket hanbecn selected and I 1 .,.,, l ., ,1... ..j 1 Men' Association, and other gentlemen. It is a good tii !cct. for MA von: JOHN I. SH VVER. FOR uMMJ-mi lXEIW : i:ut WarJ.S. E. Lisrjs, Jylix A. Sst- I.r.::. HVal ir,,-..- N -i'a K W.- Nx-f.i 11 W, F. HABi:n. T. F. PROWTt. . XI. IlARKKB. J. S. Mc- K. H. Ma-isit, Dr. C. A. Hcv- Jt3r ;-.-. D. II. Hill, late of th'o Lvyi Wt I, i', propose to lUrt.a n.-w weekly p iper in t:u .. ni'Cliirlott.;, to be called tho SoiTllElia ("ov-ekvative. It is to bo devoid to the vin dioitioii of the truth 01" S jtitlicrn Hiatery, to the prps.TVitioa of So-ithe-rn ("h tnctcriatiis, to the d.-V'.'I-Tm -lit of Si ith tii U -o ir -es, u;i lor th. ch tnjeJ relationa lo the LiW Syitem, anil t the a li-.iicem?nt of S-ith.Ta Interest in A ri c!ii:ii: , M;niug, M inufanturinj and the Meelian ic Arts. In ad lition to the coitrsb itora- frorrr the old c .r,M of w.-itor of " Tiis Lw I Wo Love,'1 the arrvice will be necured of tliorouirh men of Science, and of Practic:il Farmers, Miner, Ma chinists, &:. Term $.J,0J per annum, in ad vance. Tut: iVt.r.Ttc for January hw Hscn receiv ed. It eo i:ains fourteen aeleoteJ artielej from leading miuine upon varous aubjecu of im port 1:1 ?, Historical and Scientific, besides Po etry an I t!i h i.il Literary Notice in liort,a mist attractive table of contents. It i also em-bellish-.-d with a very fine ateel enjravin; of Sell i Iter at thi Court of W.-im ir. T.-rms : Sin -gle n itnbcr 4" cent. Yearly subscriptions A I irct E R. Pelton, publidier, 103 Fulton St. New York. ', Tnn Miltis CaBomcLE i to be m?rgd in the IliUoro' Rienrder, and that paper is to be m ich enlard and improved. It will he edited anl p:iMi:3d by C. N. B. and T. C. Evana, who hire heretofore publuhed tiie CkroiueJf and R,rJr. T.iey are both eiperieneel editor aril pil)!ither, and we predict that under their ra liiagcinem. the R'cord r will b.-eome one of the Ix'-t weeUly newspaper in North Cirona- In pli.i,-s it will b.1 Iih:rril, keeping pace-with the prigrc a ofpeeni; and buttling agiiivt the pre j:i lice of the ti:n?s. Wj wiah tlie-n the moat ah mdant ajoceas, both pecjniarily and political- ly. ". : . . . . , Moobe's Hubal Narw YonKi.it. VVe in vite the attention of onr readers to the Propcc tos of the kmrml Smr Yorker. We have bccD receiving the Rural for more than three year, and can conscientiously say that it is tRcbcat.pa pcr of its kind with which we arc -aciXnivlrftcil. it i. a huge royal gnarlo of 1 8. fsges, ptblifhcdj weenty. making in a year an tnim,cns l.ook 01 Valuable reading matter and furnished to siAgie subscribers at $3 per year. The, Rural It re markable for its eminently practical character, .i.id the very many valuable hints aud saggea t in w!nc!i contaufs all that arc really useful to ipersona enuieil in thcjvnrloi: porslt3'ofBctive life, it aloo conttiins, in ila great yarn ty, much that is irtteresting to th-jw- whoarefohd of ligbJ. ir readiiie. 1 : : We It .am that Mr. Andrew Msrrphy aiidiM.v tar Willie Blackmer ".re nja?e4 theltiag np club at litis place.' if yon .wish to--beeirme a BiiWriber join tin. cljb, and yoj will gt .it tj v-. jO per jrv.it . - f uary ii.s been received, an I its pages perused with njeiuMirc '1'he j.r.ijtrietorf have fulfilled tlji 'r "pr.vnise -to its r.i.ler in the last numbtr, u:. i intend still further to merit the generous a j 0 haj'i'.it which 1,-is been extended 4o it by its ii i.neroiis patron. A fries- Kilioit, Tiiomtts 4 Tslbot, Boston, .r '.; oN-rr:i f-Ti i F.'.Riim fc r December r taWe. I; is the first number which we n, and -cci .1 to justify all that lias been dii o 1 1 I . I - . . . . ' til . .M. I .iJi.i. li . k'Hit" 1 - zrz z5 I AND B9XM XTS I. ivr seen sai 1 j-, 1 1 (irt) Me, . b 101 1 rat fail will . lion, .s ; (ir. T.ibori.', by r'.t1 Stijte pre,; .It eii rs Thippcn (t Ilaney'are. we believe, i.-;o f rulers of targe exptrionoai This iltl much to the va! .e of the pitbliea- sript!..ii price, per annum. At ' '- rp'-.iyj &. Ihiney, editors or. I proprietors, r SA i ,. . , ; 1 , , IS I ' i uai-..-T;o.v. In iMibliahin ; a I.e. of tbie , ... i for we e !ii!"M s b.,,1 !mr; n-). i . .i bv Cor.. sr- l.-.st week, the nanie cf Mr. Kiatler waa j ri iteJ r n-..i !v. It ahol,i have been Wei- j Md-m .. Kiuler'an I n..r WtJlinHiiii C Kii. I t. s jariuicd ls week gratified with a viait ou 6y, rmi .nam i". nefm...., Georgia. Dr.8tvenouUa(willwin..f ing .111,1 aeieutlBc attainments, and a Oeologi! of twenty year exerlene. Ha ram hare after aontc michlnerv, which ha had shipped to tl.U , ' , , . . , . . foiat, for tlic purKHHs of working the Christum Ooiu Mine, In Montgomery County, of which ho I now the owuer. In regard U the mine of thi, and many other niinaaia- Hwrrh Carolina, Dr. Stavcuaon diAUr with the late I'rufomor BaamoaM, He believt jib.. be vastly richer ami, snore valuable than did the latter, and, act ing upon hi own judgment m the matter, he haa invested exlcuai vel y ia them. He gave it a ki opinion that North Carolina vu richer in Min eral wealth than any Male or Terrikiry in the I 1 inn, eaoept, pcrluij North Oaorgia; V wiah the i r the moot abundant Miocea in hia eflitru to deaelope Uie iniaea of thia Mate. tJT Tub Homestead Law hot been deci- I.hI l,v Jii.I.w Itr.-.L- ,.i' 1 1... I Sli.i. In. uncotwtltulional. Th a, our ! .... . . , reaaera aaow, mm aiw iva been our opinion, and 1 we have often do dec.' red without aaauiliug the i law per m. Thit decision by Jodg Krookawill , n(A mMUUr afle,t ,,lc ,,. of ,e OB,.r th"" who "V be o unfortunate a to Iwva judgment obtained againat them in the U. B. . (Juurta. , The Vti.mxTis Stah Wh it baa become of tbi" aprightly daily T It baa not viaitcd our aaiictum for more than two week. J'tdiritil Outrage. Judge E. W. Jot ea, of tie 2d J i.dicial Circuit, iwent(jr, ordered tii.it Mr. Iligg, eilitor of the Tarlmrv Sautkei-nrr, ahnuhl bo debarred the privilege of practising a a law yer, bovane he ' Itigs' had offeudel the Judge 'Jonc. by a political ion he made in hi paper in regard to tue condnctof the "aid Jmlg. Jone. Tint" we ee that a Judije of the Siierir Court of North Carolina, in tlieae modern tiiue. take advantage of his siiin and awer to "tide and abridge the frecsloni of the Pras. Jiulgv Jone i the man, who, in 1H63, while ...j :,. i.i. ;.,i, ... ,i 1.;. - : . l,i: ,i r,,r -.i.l, l... was made in the Lcgialature to impeach him. He i. a nice feJIow to undertake to "title the urea anu miuKe wiiw, unur. jsrmic tu. FaTBTTBVtM.B WaWTEf! R. R The President and )i rectors had a meeting a few d.t uga, and ordered the road lucuted, on 1I.1 rHitv recently "iirveycil from Joneaboro' to Snl ilurv. We have bu n, a' is well known, anx ious for the road to go to Salisbury, and a indi caterl aome time ago by u, we prefer a route running un Houth side of l'ep Kiver -for in stance from .l.nii -U.i..' a now seli-etcd. Thirty mile or 111 re of thi Joneaboro route lie in tur pentine country, has few hills or atrcum", i san dy and easily graded. It run near Carthage, an imporlont point, and passes through the rich mining country on head waters of McLennon' Creek, aniHn Montgomery. The Legislature inual amend the nnstent charter to enable the ro:id to go from Joneaboro. We have pretty re liable asurance that aome twenty mile wil soon be let out to contract for grading. i'uy tttcvillt L-iylt. The Cominj Democratic Lender. Judge Th'.lr man, of Ohio, who succeeded to the seat lately vacated by Mr. Wade, has given indications by hi numerous and ready utterance of the paat two days that the Democracy ha at last found it Coming Man. That diminutive ixtdy in tin Senate haa suffered a aerious loss by the difc.at of Mr. Hendrick, and it leadcrhip hu hith erto been uncertain. That doubt ha now beeu dispelled, and Judge Thurman ntand forth a the most authoritative exponent of IH'niocracy in our highest legislative btxly. His speeches ycst.-rd.iy indicated remarkable acutrnesa , a a debater, and allowed the ex-Chief Justice of Ohio to be an accomplished parliamentary tac .icisii. l:i unfiling courtcay toward Ids' oppo nent, hi franknc and fairness in coucciling every legitimate infi-rence from their facta, will undoubtedly give him great cronal popolaii y even with the senatorial majority, who recognize him a a focmau worthy of their steel. t'arwry. Tub X. C. Railroad. We umbrs and that this rowl hut just received from l'hila delpliia. two new aud elegant sleeping cars, modern style and finish whish will be im mediately placed 011 the road. Ina short time, it is tho intention of Maj. Smith to run 'a fast schedule about thirty miles an hour which will ina'te the same time via Raleigh and Wnldon M Washiiig ton ami New York as ia tiow mad'via Oreeusboro'. ami through-nasaenecrs will be taken Iroin Charlotte t VYcldon without a ehang of eara, Ooinjf North, the through train will leave Charlotte, almut 4 o'clock. F. M.. and Raleigh about 1 A. M.t for the 8utl . The road -bed of th- whole route from Charlotte to Woldna, is ir excellent con dition. nnil the efforts of Major Suiit . to pxpedi'.e travel and to provide . for the comfort of tlu' passcu . era, is worthy of nil , f rise. : We are oertnily gratified at this contem plated arrangement- it looks like business ; and dispen-.es with that greatest of annoy -ahces. cbungingca s at Ureeubboro. SUm dard. Rbd Out. - P. A. WiUn, E-ih. Senator Irnna Stokes and Forsyt lie, Iris I. ci n read out ot the R.ipnldican party. In a cittcus of the members in Ruleigb' 1 few iii(.'h!a since, at the call of the rrdl of ill Repitbticnus, Mr Wilson's nnm'- .was dropped. The head and front of Mi VTihinir offeiuliug is that lie is an limn m is and declared thnt no honest member would he in f.tvor of holding over two years' longer 1 and lei denounces tlicex- -trttvag.iiico ami frauds of the party, and .dea ,al h cull nt.u a pJ o,"i'i ihe Hiimtc .trt e''-tAe..iid unctirth raacality. Win star-Sctitf'r)tl.l ... , I Ir '-Jly a. deefsibn from the Ptisl of fice Department, country papers, wi,fi iirsiile or ou.'sjdc nihited it r city offices, ont of the conhty where the paper is jliublished, will not bn iltoweil to go through t lie mails .without prepayment ' We clip the above from IVtnieroyV I3Knmcr:rt. Thrrc nre three papers Tn line Slate with "outsidec" piiiittd North. Look sharp "outsiders". Grrenboro Patriot. TI10 tVadVusho.-o Argn$ says: that a nerro man living on the plantation of Mr Fei.j Mania, near LilcsviMe, hy t lie namp if.l,uk Ilinson, waa recently burned to death by arcideaily Oen. Howsrd, in falling into the fire, a recent lecture in Boston, staled that ali lliat be remembered who bad acquired a love for strong drink flu-fore fhe.V were sixtl-cn yearK ' Vtf age were already in tli'-ir graves m my from the immediate i ff. ct? of drinking. M. Bergir. a member of ihe Prnssinn Clmmber of Deputies, was knocked down i - - - - i. a few weeks back in the stre'its of Ib-rlin I by th Ciiiri.igi-of the Princess liarlcs lie has now commenced an actktrv-agiiiuat i.... t ...i ir i ..1. . , , ll.'ltl U liLIIOtC OF lit"! t U'lllldiitl . .J. " , , . ,. injuries produced by negllgetlCO." j o tfi v - ipn i.,i: j 1 be henmemc.il Council lias adjourned i rrr to Kpiphany. The PtfS said : "Be sure ol co-operation witli tho AiuericAn H,. - , ska, a. 1 - The four leading paperjof Jew York ! - Tin Hmdd (i runt's measure b that practical roan. In the reconstruction Vtasineai ha "Imply look to ! the aiacution of tit law. Hi pic for the n "f j P? wg"' iKivmcnl will meet, with the general pprOOa- tmi, ftK country. It .onaiders the tncagc 1 mum -ronnittail ou Cuban attaint. It ia a good biiainoix niewaire The Timet ay the of good view throii(lMiit. The H oi W any : toThi I the weakeat mea age ever aent Iti Cong rea by an American Prea nl.m ' ll cotiaider that the meaaageaettlea the Cuban inajirreetion agatitat the patriot, and on financial affair it l too quisotic and chimerical for aerinn coiMiflcralinn. The fcteatwe imuihier the meaagi a M of the wie4 and moat indiciou ever tranamitted to Congreaa, and preoict it hearty approval by the American people. Ox account of the great number of wonder fill ci'BBa of aiftaatc and inreUrate case o n iion -a DTarrrafA, lain Dibate, Km kby Arrm i ions, Oemebal RadIIbaltii.Ac, fnade br the crtetrmed "KoaBoo," it ha won the tnciahle repulatim of being the tct and wt ynptilar nudieine ever dinrvreretl. It i daily pit -acrilied bv olivsieiim and mximinetidtsl bv III. Ill, ......injlinit 01 "III 1 -s .l.tMtin. , VI Wt V by DrisgBUta and MercbaaU everywhere. Advici a by til, ocean cable state that the Hi iz 'I. in Ministry had rcsignrd on account of the cntitinnanee of the Paraga- avail war, 111 opposition to their wtbea. The Sultan of Turkey is the ami of a 1 'ireaian alave, once noted for the sink ing beauty of Ma lather's kareni. Hia a ft mntnrr, lioar All nia woman, was viatietl hy the r.iupri- l.ugeme 011 her late visit to Conntaiitiiionl . A breacb of promise cane in Detroit ! January, and all whowishtoiiadcrat.si.il the turn upon the ijucation whether the tic- true philosophy of ht-alih slum! I read and sm f i.dai.t intciid. rJ, hy ctiehwinr a len fJfcJ? lu ui roac gyrrauinm to the la.lr. In iiae that to Bn s.",;rvlj; nictleuT t realise ou iTm? , m 1 , i , . . 1 rauae, iirivnitioti alio enri i a grt.al varn lv ot langungc 01 nowrrs. 111 which caaa me innoci-ut leaf would have uid 'tkon rt my choice " - r A ( HiiMutn Pom'ter h.art a keg nl 1l.ii1iH.g1d powdi'i; and one nigh: thiiilgut he would see ll it waa goon for anything 1 . 1 t ... I rttt ny tiinnviiig .1 ni'iip into ititi nie. 1 in lump jumped hack into tliu keg, uud the building was without a root in a rerv a - hurt time. For the Old North State. TRIBUTK OF KLSI'ECT. It behoove u, the surviving mCmlter of the .',iiiii of Back Creek, to express our sorrow while we record the premature death of otir la? loved and esteemed brother elder, Jacob F. I liooPMAX. Has uot the hand of too Iseenlaitl heavily upon the church of Hack Creek, and especially it esion ? About fifteen month since our beloved and excellent pastor, Kev. W. 0. Watts, was taken away by death, in the midst of his usefulness. And since that time we have lost three elder and one deacon, all hy death. Yet let us not mnrmer, but 1kw in humble submission to the w U of lleaven. "lie at: i 1 1 and know that I am God." Mr. Jacob Fisher Goodman waa the third arm of Jacob (J. and Sitpbia G.iodnian, born July '2, lrt'2.'l, in the countv of Cabarrus, N. His mother died while he waa young. When tif Icn yei r- old, the family moved to Kowan, alamt fifteen mile west of balihury, where be rem lined with the fainihr until he entered hi' twentv-tlurd vear, at wnnn tune lie wa mar- ritsl (M. loth, Is 1 ,, , t.. Ilia Mare liramlim ' n iv, daughter of the late George Knox. With her he in ed in complete harmony and love i having a jierfect congeniality of feeling. nod r used an inleresliiic I.tmilv of children, four in numiier, who with their mother survive pleased to noiifv vou of the benefit which I have to mourn their loss, which however is doubtl s ; received from Allen' Lung Balaam, having been hi eternal gain. troubled with a cough for several year past, the B t the most interesting period of hi life was ' Balsnm was recommciided lo me. I immcdiate not until the 1st of Mav 18 17, when he, together I ly iwoeiircd it, and found it lo relieve my couch wilh his two older brother, professed religion, ! "we readily than anything I ever tried. My and cast in hia lot with the neonle of God in ! Wife haa also lists I it with most satisfactory re- Hack Creek Thai very night be erected in hia hansc a family aftar, around which he ever af terwards worshipped with his family, never omlting morning and evening prayer. And b f .re bis death he aiw hia children, all except the youngest, members of the ssme chinch to which he belonged, ami in which he was chosen a a r lin-el fcr April 2 Ith, 18(50,"" performing the duties of that office with great satisfaction to the people for the space of nearly ten years. A a member of the session fie was alwars modest snd unassuming hut e'er studying tiie peace and prosperity of the church, ever ready to unite with any that would meet for social prayer ;hc last suggest ioo that he msde in the meetlagof the sessien waa teetah sk a Weekly pmyer-aieetinir. lie was a great h ve of thi Sab'b-1 srbool and would always be punctual in attendance, ready to take the place of pupil or teacher. Oh, how wc mis him, both in the sessional meeting a well as in the tSabhath aehool and prayer-meetinpi. He was univer sally esteemed and beloved by all who knew hi modest, unnssuminir and .-r ntle behavior. To say that he was a kind neighbor would Ik su perfluous, for his vcrv nat ire was kindness a Very aflectionate and loving husband, indulgent and mild father. By kind treatment and per suasive measures he governed hi family, harsh words and austere looks were foreign to his mild ip'.rit. He greatly desired to c his children walk In the! wav of the Lord. He w:is an humble and active Christian, and humanly speaking, could ill. he spared in either Church or Mate; for bt waa a 3 ry nscfu' man in b'ecommuniiy,altboi;gh ilia H.id niilv a common hhttiish cdiieaiinjk lie hail hi e 1 chosen as fine, of the Magistrate of Mount I ilia township. But as he drew near to ti e end of hi life his Christian character brightened, and hi spiiiiu.il joys seemed to increase. His hom made l.im not ashamed: for the last day of his earthly existence Ins soul anticipated the heav enly scene, ami in his enraptured holy (Might he seemed to forget alt auolunary things - oaee he was no buoyed up that he ntt. red aloud the word. "Tt-tui shalt then be with me in W rfts." Finally on Thursday morning the 4lh of ovcmhcr.-Iiiri ransomed spirit winged its wav tn the bright world on high, in the 46th year of his I lie, leavemg a surviving partner and btor children and many friends to mourn their lo. "Let mc die the death of the rigliteoist, and let my last end he like hi. John f. ftrr.wABT, 1 r, - t ... i.i..1.1, SECIAL KOTICE?. 18 OUT THE BEST SAO rtv rur nu.v uM'ia iMraovxn OrlOIDE GOLD WATCHE8, Manufactured by TIIK OltOIHB WATCH CO. rUay aie all li e best make, liiiiilirtt CsC. Jinslj chased: Loot ai wraa Mas wnx ooi.n. and are ei,ii.il in apa?aran(e to tie l est f;ole watel.r usii.-i y coat' njr $Mi. Kull .'eseled l evers. Cect and l.aoies'Vze al.ltft ech id K Isil BI.K KXTIlANtFFTXRn Solid Oratttt Cn'n HaatiajE t tc. i all Jf etl !.. . are equal to ft si (;.,;d t at- la; ; Reralated :ml fiiiarsBMrfl to keep enrrc 't timt. nr.d wearaad net lari.isL. witL Kxlrs Kins ' 'aae. at llr" each. mi Mus'i.Y I-; iir iinHKi) tv nTtrr"B. p tyabls to anient on delivery, with the priviIeK te ii-ri and PXiiipine Lei. if o ' for. and if rot aatia- iiu hi r-'l'o sa ai.v wisprriiiiiic e uiiru utiea fiftoiy fstnrnad bv paiB(t the Kxtre chirgr ........... 1 ' ... I" . I I ... I . toto.ta vlll 1st sent hy m at I s : t .teicil Package. ptrpaid hy f: im c-ash in advance. A Aient scrrknn for Sii Watdtet sett an extra ' WntcAree, tnoJAa tevrn tlS alcas Jtr $80, r Serent-M II"i.vVr.$L2b. AI.S( r.l.tJisSf (lttllK)OI.D CHATKS, f latest and moat cnatlv atvia. for Ladies and (tent!- man iroui mio to m, ira it.ns.si tit S o. aim rh twUh watches at io. est whoU.1, pri.-e.. Mate kind anil ait of a atch mtuiret.. aod ta avoid synt coocerss order onlv from thi . 1 17 . 1 1 1 . c u i thi crt t'lt. ' It 'l l, ntllll .v., ao.s - .ta ls l-'ultoa stnatt. Ka York. PAIN KII.LKR. opikioxi or tub raeaa. No article evcr.atlaJMed to aiich anbotinded popularity. OaUn OaaciW. An article of jreat merit and virtue. CVacia outi XonpartU. We ran bear tcatimony to the efficacy of the Paha Killer. We hare acen it magic effect in in nonfiling the aeverost pain, and know it to be a good article. CWtnaaM Ihiputch. A pedy cure for pain no family houhi be without it. Afevyi 3Voaan-ip. There ha nothing a yet BfpjBJ the Pain Killer, whkb i the intaH valuable family medi cine now ia use. TVaae 'ryna. It ha a real a oril ; a a mean a removing pain,i no medicine ha acipiired a repuiation eoual to Petrr Davi' Paia Killer. Sevport ( Ay) DaUy Ar. It wonderful jmwer In rellrvii g the moat e vera pain ha never la-en opiulliM. UurlingloH SmtmtL It i one of the few article tbnt are juat what ! hey pretend to te.-lti Mniirirt TfUyrnpk. Our own opinion ia, that no family honld be without a bottle of it for a single hour. In lck wound, ache", pain", "ore. Ac, it i the mot 1 effectual remedy we know of. .Vera, Ait. John, 1 fvWaaWa. After manv vrars trial of Davi' Pain Killer, we advina that every family should provide themt -lit- with an effectual ami -j .lv a p.nn killer. .Im'rf 1 S. .V) (i.itcltr. The Pain Killer of Perry Davi A Son we can confidently recommend. We have ii"d it for a length of time, and invariably with auc eea. Chnad ' ' The Pain Killer is for aalv by Medicine Teal era generally. doc 3 I m TIIE Ji:AT riCTOKl.VL AXNTAL. H.sitetler'. l nite.1 States Atiu .nac for l570. for distribution, woh, throughout the Fluted Stale and all civiluod countries of the Western ' llelllislihere. will In lillhli.tiril :ilsn'l fit.- lir.w. d!M!MC1l f 5, fmbraoi a large amount of inform v 1 tion interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, I 'Iia miner, the farmer, the plant, r, ami profes. 1 uoual man ; a d the calculations have been i malo for u. li meridian mid lutitudi' a arc most suitable for a eorm-t and comprehetisiv National Calendar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary aanltarv all'ecu of llDtsTKrTKIfS ST M.'l 11 151 f TKHS, the staple tonic and alterative of more than half the Christian world, nr. fully u forth in its page, which are alo interslHivcil wiih pictorial illustrations, valuable wipe lor the household and farm. hui:iorois nnecdote, and other iustr'u tii e and annislriu reading matter, original and .elected. Anions the Annuals lo apja-ar wilh the opening of the year, this will K one of the nin-' lH'f:il, and n m Ue liml f ir th lukinij. Send for cdpics to the I Vntrai Mauufac torv, at Pittsburgh, t'.i.. or to the nearest dealer in yoSTETTEirS STOMACH 15 ITT K US. The ItlTTl'.US arc sold in every city, town and vilhujr. and are extensively used throii);hoit the entire civilized world. the 3-ltn TeBIT SOOHOISED ABROAD. It i but six years since AI.LKN BAI,AM, was'lirst ollered lor ale. qualili.s. was usn made known at 1 S LUNG j Its good lome, and I verv anon its fame w r... 1 ...... 1 it is sold in nearly every Inn Store in the Fni- j ted Stale North, Fast, Koiith snd Wtst. No I 1 '-.. 1 tin atiit itt .it , similar medicine stands higher wilh the ia-ople. It i- well known 0:1 the I'aeilie coast, ana liber al demand for it from SnaCFrancico, tiurn wcutg in Califumia, and I 'orifand, Ori-cun I even from Austtralia, hirtre orders are rerVived for itjaw-ho may wish to pmehaae a part, or Ami throughout ( anada, it is well ana fnvor.i i kiown( and sold every aliens. Iltarf what Capfnin Footer vrittt : Pobt BfBvt n.i March 2.'bl, 1869. Mcr. rniitv Davis Son .Sir.- I suits. Your Verv Tmlv, Capt. I). FOSTER. Capt. Foster is a lup owner and builderer, aiding at I'ort Iturwell, Canada. It ia old bv l)u. O. B. Poi'uov, Safiaburv, N. C 43 I in A CARD A Clergyman while residing in South Amor ic as a missionary, discovered a safe and sim ple remedy for the Cure of Servous Weakness, Barly Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Sem inal Organ, and the whale train of disorder brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great nnnibers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted bv a desire to benefit 'the afflic'ed and unfortunate. I will send Ibe.ceeipo tor pre paring and tuning this medteins. in a sealed eiv 1 velojie . to any who needs it. Fret Charie. Addresi. JOS K r It T. I .N at A , Station D., Uihle llouss, Oct. I flm New-Turk City 50,000 Fruit Trees. el . LIKDLEY A fj k pvorwielors, of the NEW GA.KENi'CUSfcftifcS, Or crislsJro N. V. oflVr- for sale .ittXKj fruit irees, eon sisving; :4Vi 'AWl'V, 5TANUuVRD AND DWARF; PEACH. ' Stated j and dwarf CUJKiErV pLUMS, r.'K9S . Nec:.'Mtrs limp Vines, St rawperri, Ac, te Mr. LtiiKli. m recejved""premfums for the Fupuricv cxosilen'v t,i" his fruits at all the Stale Faint ever keki is North Curulina. Or dtr sobiite hy W H. iloWKUTo.v, Agent, Salisbnns jy. O oVc.-17-lm-W) Advantages of Iiie In gui'anoe. Tha Virtb AnMrkuln-Branfte r-ni.pany pnyjlta premUi.ns promptly without i.lnv'-s. W. 0. J.JLPWtNFri. Aeent, .Jiorth Aowrksi Lid: ius.,Co TaoBtfrrtuji. 51 C ' Dear Sir : Tim will ' ptefcja asstN.pt fay. sin cere thanks (hr your prompt ptyuisnf ; in'Mos ckar'in. of tfte'atnount of the noiv of IiiMtr- aaoc on my iiiis.trsu s iau , anion:, ting to tne sfc . - ..X m j t I Slllll ttl lllltJ lll. It U It It lll'llttl.s, t t I'li.l till- nest and repnuttsi aolieitationhe was induced to inmire in your ('simpaoy.Aud u'W wc .tie the reeipents of its Ixineuts. To you and Urn North America Life Instir unee Conipany we shall fed under obligations, -act! as only the widow aud faibtxleis: can, fuel and express. May you have uevs? in lrifliiclng i.tbers ti insure in your mo-t liberal Company, and may the Ijord of the widow and nrpbai a Lie.- you and prosnor y.m in voir (rood work. iiABOABET Ci lUSBKB, of Kovian Milis, N. C. Mr. Ilotfterness is also afcut lor th Liver- pooi, Loudon ai:d GlobrrKiKB Insurance Coip pany, whieh in,nre.sall kin-Is of p.;!l;c a'ndjiri vate building. HailroaJ Der-iits. trid ires Far teries. i'onndcrifs, Mills and ilert'haodr.'.e and ! V. pajTS Bll 1 lo ses, prompiy All Lstte-s addressed to Mr. Ilidderness, at Tboniasrilie, N. C will receive prompt at ten lion. dec 3 if XTOTIt'E. . !-, claiuis tp ALL PKRSOJfS 1IAV- (rain'stllie estate oUolm V, t'loii- lelter. der'd.. will nraaent thenKtii tiw iinHersiRMs l at the court il" i-- .u Saiislmrv. on or bt-fore liia Hratday ef December,'.!. I'. ,1870. St. W. (.l)fDM.f. A,!,n'f. Nov. 1. 1869. 4T-6w- in him: it nspostrtH, a veiilt siviTtrSlk, resi. isukdst L f. TtlM, k I 1. BtADLLT. Jr.. AT CH&tTtt, B. C. ' TSUMa-:Dvriabl n aslvaae S Ob LOOK OUT th RAGLE STOtE! NEW GOODS TWO STORES t OnBI ED TE HAVE JCST COMPLETED 1. m w. ..11. 1 aupply of fioodafrOM tl Eastern Market, which is acaiMiwhrdaetl bv all to l the Urgent stock ol tiotxls In Wtin 01lh (.'arollna, greater portion of tliriu parcbaardut t lie ManulfV lions, or tUe.r ajreu!, cuaalattat follow, 10 both Mores DRV GOODS, DRESS GOODS, Staple and Fancy Pre tioou. romp'ete line f I. .oli.-- Pre an I r'uiniahing ttooila. 1'anttiood white Itooils, Notions, Hats, Shoes, anil Hoot. ( large stock ) READY-MADE CLOTHING. manufactured expiely for n in Ooaton at Nrb port that rveryboit- bii)a them . It nwtKK Iron, t'astlnira Mori Hadil!e and Sadtiiviy tlarilware. Carriipe Tiiniminya. Hole, ta per. Harness. Patent aud Kuamel Leather, Ualng and raifskia. Drug, Patent Mrdit inrs, Dy Stuffs, I rt..v, TannrrS Oil. KrrosrNt: and Mnstcd Oil. nil the largi si stock of bawis Itart ett Bnck and ether note I tVli.tr I ' I'hroaael'rern. Velio v and other Kaacr i.'ulor ol I'aluta. also l.'uitiaj(( loth I of all iiiiinlr. 1 We keep our atore sspf.'lally for C R 0 C E R I C 6, I which ; lli liiisrtmtosnrntneaiid at. )AIIk CoBee. sW Bar e's Molasses In llli'd Motsasea, Nw Or'esn. 1 Kite snd itA'des S nips It. n Is n i d l orn Wkikay, tallsmns 1 'h:iinian. Krenck Brandy Slid Aie. Hide and lila'tin- li wdr. til kin -lit of nns.'tionsrie. 1 rackets soda. rniors. s'niilT suit c?iri at nisHufai tnrer's price, tllalnd of Kli.' I'm1 Is. Cov listers. Ac. We keep on tiand 1 V.lai I ail. Uaik!pti ami other bUudaid sliiil'ntr aud Varus t Fm t.nv Prl.e. Our Mil It. J. HOLMES haa taken great piide in jirtinig up the lii tat stores-ill Noithoaroliaa and ion Lave sfiersd uo trouble ur Diuiity. in fc wVloLESALE AND RETAIL eslablialimcnt. He know no ntl.sr tlouse rsu offer la-ttai imli. snisnu It.an w do both, in Wholesale 1 tnl detail trade. Wr buy all kinds of PRODL'CK, EITHER FOR CASH OR HARl'KR. Retn-iubcr the EAGLE STORE ! MAIN teTttWCT 57" Thsnkftil ftir the vary I.I rrjl pati.ouce riv en inir o!d itrni. smith FoaterA 'o . wt hope Ly Fair IKra.iii. a rentinanr S ll"- "anis. sMI I'll, FiJsrKU. IHU.MKSA co. w. t. swirn. 1 hum j. Hoiwrs. too, i. Fosrea. it 111 ' roaraa, jr . Salisbury. Ie-. 13 IS'9. 13 lv Valuxtblc It : litis AND Town Property for Sale ! DYvVIRTl'K OK AN ORDER FROM 1 ) Rowan Superior Com I, made at Kali Term IflfiS, I wib expose lo public ante at the Cou't Mouse in Salisbury, on Wednesdav lite 5th day ol January l-,.i at Uui. ., U, the lollow ug propel ty, to-w;l : fjn, Acres of Land, known as the Murphy latitat ion, t Hides bom Salt dairy , iuimesiUte- iy oh tl:o itesterii C. Kaihoad, which is well adapted to the growth id Col too, Tobae co ard (iiain, coi.taim about .")0 acres of Bot torn ami Meadow Lands. In order to suit all all of this pUiilutiun, I have divided it into three Tracts. A Valuable House and Lot in one of the best neiphhoi hoods in Salisbury, fronting 'M4 feet on Inniss St 1 eel. and 400 leet on Long Street and 'Ji'l feet on Coitiicil blreet, known as the John Murphy property. This is one of the imsd desirable residences in he town. Persons desiring to examine Ihe above pro lierly can do so by applying to the subscriber 111 Salisbury or to John 1. Kiee on the plauta I lion. Jems i'J months credit, I he im, chaser giving bond and apnroved Seennty. Tille re lamed until purchase monev is paid. J. 8. McCLHIUXS, Dec 7. lfiD.-49:4t Commissioner SCHOQL F JR YOUNG LADIES! 1MIE FIKjtT MONDAY OF JANUARY I INTO, will be opened a School for Young Ladies, on the corner of Main and Bank Streets, Salisbury, under the general supervision of Prof. J. R. Wharton. The services of experienced and competent Teachers will la; secured for the several depart ments. A limited number of benetk-iaries will he admitted. T rat ms Common English Branches iK-r session of five months, SIO.oO Higher English Branches, Latin, French, l'J.oO Vocal ami Instrumental Music, 20,00 I sc of Piano, ffor practice,) !i,60 Drawing, raintin;, etc., extra. Contingent Fee, 1 ia aoVaare,) . . 1,00 "TflTlOB PAYABLE MOJCTIfl.T. Those desiring to enter pupils will make ear ly application lo the Committee. IA A. IA JM, 1 J. J. BKI'NEIL Com J. a Mci EBBLNS, Salisbury N. TJec. Ttb, lSog, 13 3t State of Worth Carolina, ) ST.ixir CorjrrT. I Superior t'uurtv Jejaepb Marsl'aii, Adin'r of Jas. Smith, dee'd. . , against John P. Lisk and tv.fe Sopliia: Joseph -Haskell Bjinl i'fe Margaret A:. CI arlie Austin and wile Francis, .Sarah Il)td, heirs at uiv ot Ja.nes Stnitl d al. 1 " I'etiti'in to sell land ia mat aefs. It sftpeariug to tho stitisfuctiorl of the court lliat John P. Lisk and wife Sophia, are llOn-reidellts, of tins State, it i Ordered, That publication be mads Wecl;lv.Yi siisucces- sive weeks 111 lly 'UIU .North Stale, a newspaper published in .Salisbury, N. C, sitmmoning each ail said defe ndaiita to beaVid appear al the oflha ol 1 1 is t?V.4P;4rK.' tjiipeiior itiuit el Stati'y Countv. on the ljih of January 1S7H, then and Itiere to answer or neiiiiir (o aalil p.i.t.nn, or ;he same wilt he tak 11 pro cottjtuo and heard .)fjrk as lo heir.. U'itnejQi Jami-s M. Red wine. Clerk of our -aid eon: t at office,,., (he 23 1 lav of NnWrntW, rSTfiK J. M. BuBWiNE, a a o. 4o:(5w:r- fe. $10. Xfortb Carolina, 1 ScpiRtot-K Oet-iT, Stably Cok.ntt. Fall Term, 169. X. S.' Mo,, administrator of Thomas iloss, apiinst Roland Forrest and wife Jane A Forrest, A A. Moss. M. A. K Kendall, C. V. Moss, Thread-id and wife M M ThreadgiU, J. C. M. ss, V C Moss, and Wil.ie Movs. Petition to moke fteil F-t .te .itsete. ' In this c.t-:i it appear. uj to thr sttiisfaetion of the 1 1 ( Thee.vlrfiil and wife M Tkread M A E K.-mlA C '.V M.m an 1 J C Mo-?, (it U rdiinls in li :s picoediug are nun-resislViitst'il' this State : J licrt-fie-t", H i e.-ileted"l y iVecocrt that pub lica'ion ! made for s?x weeks in ' The 0U North State" newspaper, notilying the said tie fen i. its io appear before the Jnd-je of our next Superior Coort to be held Tor the cuntj of Stanly at tiie Court I ron in A'lientarle, or. ihe first Monday in Jan'y. 1R70. tben a"d there lo answer ineieii-ic'n oi ire p i :K, uieil in ! If '"'.t, i J IVJtllTTllfc Mill IV l.iht Ii jVf V WIS ( , iCOXCOKD t ittus. J JL Ke:wioe, t lerk ol the ?iir)s- riorr...ol Stanl. Penile ...Vi... it, 1 1 . I . 1 ...i; o i .i.- r s...: .".' "a A Vttts-, :J,f!r'or? two, uU continue .it suir, t in ,, tataj i .'" :.i Jjf., J Cvif ' J M. REUV LNE.G Sl C. 47 -Gwfprfte $J0 t - - THE EXCITEMENT AT NOCK k STORE Still Continues ! CROWDS ARE I 'OIK I NC IN from all parti of the country to see their large and clrgaut note, ami their large and pie 11 did STOCK OF (;001)tS, which i larger and more complete than ever, and to get their uppliea where tbi r ranfiud all dVscriptinn of UihmI at the Lowest price. They are reoniviug additiuu to their stock a'- moat daily. They are encouraged to keep tbl large Stock of (loud from the flatte.iri evidences that ther hail and are still receiving irm.i the citiiea of .Haltslnir)' ami the tunoniiuing country. The remainder of their Stock of WINTER DRESS GOODS will be old at at coat and carriage, to out the balance of that ela of Good. close MOCK Ac flliOWN keep one of the largest stocks of Dry (ioods in the Btate. RAXDOlsPII i?UIRIlGS and COT TON YARNS, at Factory inrca. o.OOOjJs. 4-4 RANDOLPH SHEET '.NC8, IN 8T0UE. 600 PIECES PRINTS, ASS0RTEP, 1,000 yds. PANT JEANS, at all prices A full line ofCasslmere Cloths, Beady Made Clothing, ROOTS At SHOES, HATS, SOLE LEATHER, BOLTING CLOTHS, COTTON' RAG 01 NO AND TIES ; a large stock of SUG AR, COFFEE, PEPPER, SPICK, TE AS, SODA, Ac , always on hand, AT LOW PRICES. MERCHANTS will fv,A it greatly to their inteieat to examine Our stock before m.ikitidLijiiii'li !.-. s iii i Ida market. FlJmV CORN, OATS, HALE and LOfWE COTTON, BEESWAX, TAL LOW, RAtJS, 1)1(1 EI) FRUIT, Aic. buiighl al fiigbest uiiuket prices fur CASH and BARTER. ty We cannot close this notieo with out expressing our kindest regaids to the citizens of .Salisbury and Country gener ally for the very large aud liberal patron age extended tn us. Our intentions are to deal liberally nnd fairly witli everybody, nod to sell Goods as low as any bouse in the State. MOCK & BROWN, Whoi.ksai.e ASiD Retail MicncntxTs dec 17 2m . alisbury, N. C. THE ARLINGTON MUTUAL COMPANY OF VIRGINIA A Virginia and Southern Institution lis Funds are ks.pt in the South. It has met with unprecedented success. Its fortunes are established beyond any contingency. The Compnnv has capital and assets. tealBstitt lability that ill cominn favorably with anv Life Insurance C'oaUMBy on the continent, which is tht true teat or resxu.bility. ItsaAiiriare cantioasly admialstered by selected Directors. orreFponaiuiltty and awttnast capacity. It uaseatabliklied ita claim to .NiutLcraf atronace QFHCE&St f KKS1HKST, JOHN E. EDWARDS, viea racaiuBKr, bbcbbtsbt. Wm. U. Isxals, D. J. UaBTaOOK MKI ir.M. EX A MI N Kit, CHARLES H. SMITH, M. D lkoal aiivissb. okshhh lamr. H C. CAIlEI.I., JNO. II. t J.A I J10K5 DIRECTORS John Enders. WiilistB F. Tsylor, -sanuiel S. ( uttrell. John Uooler,' (hsrieT. Worthsm. Villlata,Wtiu,Jr., I.' I. A Mil ill. Tho. J. fyans, James A.'S-ott, K.M vusrlaa, , W. IlsTysai, - J. K. EUs aida, sV.'sitoTie,, J. jlxMnrton, . R. It. mferell. William H. JltDSTj' , LEWIS Hears-It. Ctlyson, AS M, WW. Ib t. flsfcerHll Ham ue I C. Tardy, George 'Jacob, J. VV. A lost n. (eorsa 8 fairer, H.l. CaocW.'ey, . P. J. Hsrtshok. J mm'. William, ri'll.iant iii Ta vlof, tt P. Abeir. Vim. B. btsse.' Gorge I,. BideoodV ; toutl,aKiv.. .. HANKS. Ao't. Lfx'oto, r, c 12- ly THE GOLD MEDAL lias just beeu awarded to Cff AS. M. 8TIKPT, Tor th bett PfSno bow rnrde ovtr Ralt.moiai Pliil adelphia. aud New York Pianos. (.I VICK aMi u s ii i-! . ois. Xo. 9, AV.'t L,hcrln Street, near Haiti W ire Street, HAL'l IMOKK. Mn. BTIEPrs PIANOU uvs an tea lassst Improv. j menu, ieclmiintr the Afn.ep Trebiaw Ivcrv Krcr.u j iiu.i x .mi i. t-ii r wri tefion re'ly warraninl for He tear. llt innheaof ea.-banfc witWti t civ icodiIj if notkutirsly taliafactorr uj purcba- Secoad hand Pianos sad Parlor Organ alwars o band. iroratcJ to 300. K.iferenees who have onr Pianos la to- Cen. H. E. I.aii. LfXiCFton. Vs. en. D. U. Hill. Ckarsfitte N.C. -Oen. Robar Htnvoai. !!':!mii:rlon. H O 0v. John t.eiclie . Iexinfloo. Va, Msur. It. Burwell A fton, rbr!etie V.C. Jamss H. ISrecn.es. kloeiraiitor. . C J. U. KmitkA li.Af. ktsttoa Cha-ter. . C. t3"nrofr. A Bsrnhardl sr sgcuta tor tte Salso! tie abo eeiabrated Pianos. Piano ao i at factory price. nae to Ij- FEMALE COLLEGE VTI r 'Mil kl !'V , ll it'll ...... " "v.m- S ' " & E.Vl ir.KAJ ot ths. vstsa.u stiu iiuu.iii me sn e as lorunrtv. Address. KKV. E. K. KOiJkWKI.L I . . 1 .... 'I .... . .1.. . . r . Feb Statesviile, Pee. 9. l-sRJ DR. LAWRENCE' HIGHLY CONCENTRATE COM 10 CKIl FLUID IITEiOl KOSKOO Tiie freat lltnllh Keaforr Not a Secret Quack, Medicine Formula around the Bottle. Pi: ETA BED SOLELY BT Dr. J. J. LAWRENCE, OKOANIC ( III MIST. NORFOIsK, VA Beware of Conntei felts See that Dr. J LaWMtie, Chemist, Noifolk, Va., snd tlu- w K 'skoo. is 6wa on the giant of eai b bottle. Koskoo is endo'Si-d by I he best physn i eveiywhere. Read lie lollowiri" limn 1 Ttllrry. a sueeesshil praeiilioner ol nmi.y staLdliig in lie Olil N Mb Slate : Roiky ilunnt K'v'o i i: !.r Co I S. . 10, IKrO. Dr. J. J. Lawrence Diar Sir." I lave m your Coiicentiai'-d Fluid Ext met ol Koskci my praciiee Midi Ihe huppiet rew lit I fin in la- a PvUtrfnl Liver Invi'jorctoi , Rlood J lifier aiid A'erfout Tunic In ail diseass'f Its- Liver, ft ioIuIu'j. (j j hillitic, si.d tit-rv affeetiolis, it i a remedy uf immmie value ; I act. ill ain.osi evety Aam-iy ol ( btonic Lli.-e. .is use is mil cull d. li.pi c you maj In. Willi the siu-et s which ycu (liaivf tin u.ai i 'actnri r of tehublt inedittiies, In. a sir, si a nuih tespttl, yuiir obediei t servant. K C. TiLLrar, M P. - o From Dr Fentress, an accomplished and e perienccd ph) siciau : P.pt. 13, 1369 r I'm 1. 1 e Alii' Court Iloi.se. VY. ( J. J, LawiMice, M. IL Dear Kir: I hiw caret. illy eiHimoed ibe formula, as well as ll- TheViulic jM-opeilrtsi 4 jour Koskoo Cfn.s toiirnl, ami have pretiiifid in H n? rtubla rn ciscs oft biniiic Livj Affections, Dysenlei, D.vSpattsja, lieneriil Debility, tV.-., and alwta with the most iraiilyil)B resulla. 1 find it aj he a splendid Tome, Alterative, and Heps' .-oil1..iiutioii, fceulupiL-bitiK its cotifLUUlKUai. . (Teuts w ill, out the sjihiesi di biliiy ; in fact it Ktve aupport to the iueral support, while n aiteraiiie ifi'etts arebeiiiB pioibieed. I cbtu Ullly leeoiliUiend us uaotn il.e public. Youra, tculy, 1. J. FtBTiictw, M. D. K"k .o eurtt Scrofula in its worst form From A W Mills, a proiimieht and well-kuo J nercitaut of Norfolk, Va.: No. 11 Main Street. Norfolk. Va., Sep ten i her 15, I860. t Dr. Lawrence Dcr Sir : Vour Koskoo fa worked wondeis in my family. My dauphi. nas been a sutJerer hoin Sciofula since chihl tiood. She lost thiriy-one pieci of bona fp ri tier ankle, several fitsw her arm. besides bat n i ulcers in seveiai paiteol the body. Whilst in ibis condition she commenced taking yo. r Koskoo ii acted like tx (.barm on her iimii r iiswe the ulcers jrraduaUy bi-led. and here ' -era! health greatly improved. It certan- v saved her innvb suffering, and perhaps her hi . I regard Koskon a specific lor all scrofulous af fections. Vour Koskoo also cured my wife of dyspepsia, Iron which she suflered greatly She is now in Letter health tbau be has be. in five ye n. With the highest ragards, I am gratefu f yours. Ac, A. W. Mills. Kosboo, the great Jnviyoratar. Read ii following from the Rev. Joseph E. Martin, pas tor ot W sley Ciiapel, Portsmouth, Vs.: "I'bia is to ecrtily that myself and wife have used Dr. Lawrence's Koskoo, and can testily ot its beneficial effects. Previous to taking it te were in a condition of debilitation bad no a; petite, and suffered from sudden and often v lent attacks of headache and nervousness. Tn. bottles ol Koskoo has improved our genet health, and we regard it as invaluable, ai I most clieerdilty recoinmend it to all who ha need of invigoraior. Yours. tc. Jostra I'J. JJ.ir.TH. Read ihe, following trom Dr. Gxlilin, the e. perienced aud successful " tpteiulitt," of N r folk, Va.: Norfolk, Va., Sept. 19, 1809 Dr. Lawrence Dear Sir: I have present..'! your 'Koskoo" Tor Syphilis in its rations lorn who the most satisfactniy results. I havers isfied myself by eBpeiie'ice, that it will cu b that disease in its j.-orst and snost iBiasigtims stages, and erndtcate eerf taint from the syi tem. TiieKosko is eeita.nly nn alterative of extraordinary power, and fully deserves ii. sreait popularity wiiicb it has so rapidly a;ta od.. . j . Ji. A U. QODDIN, M. D. KOSKOO ! ! CUBES CUR0KIC ItiTEUMAHSX. "' Norfolk. V ,' Sept. 7, 1869. Dr J. J. Lawrence i)i ar Sir : My son lo.s J-ccii.vd so.inuch beneCt trom your wondeil j A -sTtoo tHat 1 cannot refrain Ironi exirssii;L; hn graiitude. I had tried almost cverythii ij witboiif beiicht. I heheve, m all sincerity, thai your Koskoo it an JnMUIde Remedy for the tV sease trom wjiicii he has suilered, at.d, so I.j a I caD learn, but nevei faiieti. If you oi v siiew u-e immense amount J scflferiiig that l. has undergone, that you eouid cor..-eive ti -value ol such a retmdy as xoakp that stirr.'y rurfj. The eieat amount of e'ood it is now dt nip among us is inestimable. Wirir Trrndi grstiiiHte, 1 sm mpftlltifrf yoprs, oie, Mtm M. K. A. Nilob Dr. Laweree Dear St: Having tNn treaied i.y several sk.l ul pLyteiatis lot Uyape, sfs. Chronic' Disease of ii.e Kidney' Gvr.eii, Dehility, dkc, wii-.oul beni fit, last re ii I i-ou.ineiH.-ed (be use of you' Koakno, and at pk-asi d to say that under iu uto inv health L. s been entirely 'restored. I am sir, wilh nioch respen-t, yrwtr obedi. i sefTai t. () B. UsaBS Xo 5-. MatUt st, Norfolk Ta., Joiy 0, ISi Pacitjc, Fiankiin county. V C-. &Tt. 1 1. law., ! Tim is to cert j t. for a long time IN., snffoied vi-ey mi th f on tndiiation of (bay IK sajrnl constipaltoo of the ho els, and tiled m PsV1":'1" ' I"1 received i o tcoiCt until 1 I eoiiiuieoced taking Ksiskoo, I lock the nv cine about one inootli, and I waa ootupustt y cured, and Lvc n-io ii' 1 wx'l. I know ,1 tH'cvl oiire made by Kos!:c, aod isrdir:i i eccsi iuei. J it a a go J meicire. JotiB II. Bt f-r Dr. Latere it?s Woman's Brit cure diseases peculiar to Fern sl i. It. 0 K. P: ?jS ra bnigfurt and A itkecaif . SttH f

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