( 1 1 . ' Jj 1 , , vjl ' ' ',. 'v . ; ' ' - ' . ' 1 , J . ' " 4ft1 " - . --"'-" t-'. f l)c (DID Nor II) Slate SALISBURY, fRIOAT. JULY 8. 1WO. statu mm. IksT Wu. II. ru-rn.nl, Proprietor of the Star Advertising Agency, Wilmington, N. C, is an hurisrd to receive advertUetmmU foi this paper . I I - . OONSKBVATIVK NOMINATIONS The feUowiag numinaUom hare been mad by the Cunasrv stives far the Bute at large, for tin t ongreasional District, for this Senatorial District and this Oamtf! rom ATroMry okmkrax: WM. If. 8HIPP, OF M ECK LENBURG. roa OOKIM I HOM. F. at Mil . Ill I! . job tub ajnr atk : MAJOR W. M. BOBBINS. IUB THR BOtHR. CAPT. W. II. CRAWFORD, DB. F. H. LUCKKY. Far Ayiatar a Demit Obadiah Woodson. Em Sherig- W. A. WaltoW. For fbroaw Bmj. F. Fualkt. For Ceuay Treasurer J as. W. McCt 'Auk. For CbuwSa Atnwyur On ah. F. Wa toxica. For County QawiiMirnvn 1. A. Ia vim, Jno. I. Shaver, M. L. Holmes, Geo. M. Bkbx haedt, P. A. 8imou. New A MoKnight. Turnip Seed Dr. E. KilL Pleasant irm Acsdewy W. J. Ellis, prm. Court Ofdess Yadkin Couuty. University of North Carolina Solomon Pool, Wilmington N. C UU liuUliauoS luJpHr Thomas H. Graves, Agent. I The Fourth or July. The Foorth passed off'withoiit celebration in Salisbury, safe by a portion of the colored population, 'and without tlie occurrence of any event of importance. There wa firing of cannon at several time dur ing the day, and at night a fair at the Town Hall by the colored people. ffiT Mr. II. H. Helper will sddrem the Colored Citiscns at Town Hsll next Mondsy night, the 11th inst. The While cilisen are reKpectfiilly invited to be present. New Enterprise. Col. Peter Mallets visi ted our place last week in behalf of an enter prise for establishing a line of steamers between iween New York and Richmond, City Point sod Portsmouth, for the purpose of transporting freight and passenger at reduced rates. At present the whole business is monopolized by the Old Dominion Line, which, of course char- j ges at whatever rates it pleases. In it is veri-1 tied the old adage "corporation have no souls." The people of Virginia, North Carolina, and several other Southern States are deeply inter ested in breaking down this monopoly. This can only be done by the establishment of a rival i line, which is the object of the present enter-1 prise. It is designed to be a Southern enter- j prie, if the stock can be raised in Virginia and i North Carolina. Practical business men think the investment will be a profitable one. We are ' clad to learn that Write oX our marchanta will take stock. Daviksok Coohty. We learn that the Re publkanaof Davidson County have nominated Thomas P. Allen for the Senate, and B. F. Hcckerdite and Joseph Miller, Sr., for the House. These are the strongest and best nominations the party could possibly have been made for the Legislature in that county. Titer are all re spectable men, who wilt poll the full strength of their party. In opposition to 'them it behooves the Conservatives to bring out their strongest and most available men, which they will doubt less do. All the old county officers werenominatcd for j re-election by the Republicans, except that Mnj. Ni.-w so in was nominated for County Commis sioner rice Mr. Beckerdite, nominated for the Legislature. Wdminylnn Ninth Carolina Life iMurawee ''y, Weinvite the attention of our read ers to the adfertisMeiit of this company fn our paper this week. This is a home enterprise that we can honestly recommend. Tlie officers of the company are men of. the highest character for integrity and business capacity. The Tump Distbict. It seems that many ' Conservatives are opposed to the nomination of a candidate in the 3d District, in opposition to Col. Dockery, vice Cob Bennett declined. For our own part we think it would be wisdom on the part of the Conservatives not to nominate another candidate, under the circumstances. Fob thA Benefit or Votebs. According to an Act concerning Election and Registration in the year A. D., 1870," cal'h voter is required to reenter his name, before voting. The oflice of Registration will bo open daily from the 1st Thursday in July, to the 1st Thurs day in .Jy, to lV TliiuU;- s""'' All legal voters will call at the otlosof T. 0. llanghton. Township Registrar, and have their names recorded. U '. S. Intbhkai. Rkvenvb, ) (tfict, Birth District, N. C, Salisbury, Julv BAhy 170. All persons who desire to distill branny will notify me immeiAs oi thejct, so that I may 1 able at once ta make arrangements to have their dis,tilleries surveyed according to tlie reg ulations. Th bondia$jOd, n $00 per dav char ged by the aoremment. Kiwcial tax is $.i7,oD from August 1st, tax on brandy is 50 cts. per gallon. Brandy after being distilled may be storud any where on theTsnne premises. No person is allowed to commence disliking until bond is filed and approved, and special tax is paid. ThelaW w4H-U erdorced. W. F, HeDKRsos, Assessor. ,saw About two wekgo a young man, nam ed Buvender, waa killed by lightning near East Bend. Yadkia county. The deceased, with two other youths, had taken refuge from an appraacbing thunder storm iu cn old house close to Martin's mill, and stood at the door with his do, while his friends re tired to the back part of the house. The flash which killed Buvender also killed his dog, and dashed the other young men to the stain nihil them severely. The life of on of th latter was thought fw be eudan grred. hut be SnT!j recovered. Sttent P rtf . . Cotton Bi-ooat. Th first cotton bloom of the seasou has Wu left At our office bjr Qdo. Qao. W. Smith, of Davidson Comity It was plucked from hit fields in the Jersey ou Ids !U of July. Inst. Committal or Htinson. The Wtn. Htiusoo, charged with committing a brutal outrage on a whits lady, sixty-flve years old. nibbing her, ami setting fire to her house, on Tuesday of last week, was up for-4 examination before Win. II. Harrison, J. I' . to-iUy, and after exaini nation of the lady and two or three other witueeses. was committed to Jail without bail to staud his trial for rape aud arson at the uext term of the Superior Court. The evidence giveu waa clear and conclu sive of guilt, and showed that the conduct of the accused was of the most brutal aud dia bolical character. We took it dowu, but it is of too revolting a uature for publication. Wu withhold the name of the victim of this brute in human shape, for reasous that will be readily understood. No better evidence of the law abiding dis position of our people could be given to the world, than the fact that the perpetrator of such au outrage upon a hiirhlv rraueetiibl lady, should escape the violence of enraged- relatives and neighbors, and be permitted to taa his trial for his crimes by regulareourse of law. Raleiijh SrujLnmL """"", . ' Sthim k hv about 2 oclock, i .iohtnino . Frida v p. m., a small-cloud arose in the north east, aud psssad over the tou u, giving a copious shower, nnd attended with a very high wind ami much electricity. A small tree w ithin eight feet of the residence of Dr. T. J. Corpening, w.is shivered by a thi-h. ofitgtitnfn?. the subtle Html entering the sittiug-rnnui in the house, without any perceptible appearance of ingress, the fami ly bting seated near the fire-place, one or two of the thihlroj were upset aud all the inmates stunned. A clock ou ibe inautle '' whs' shivered into atoms, and a lamp broken, the art holdinir ihe oil falli 'ir to floor, unbroken. A titi in.au upper room, was turned over, and o her autics plavmi i the sndden and unwelcome visitor, in an in -staut of time. The dotoimti a was very loud. The storm altogether did not Inst five minutes, but so high waa the wind that but for the dry earth, much damago would have been done to forext and fruit trees, eon, fen ces, &e. Statrsnlle American. Salisbury Council, No. 70, V. or T-. ) June 27th, 1870. ( The undersigned committee, respectfully report the following resolutions : Ileaolrcd, That we hereby tender onr grateful thanks to the Pastor and Congrega tion of the Methodist Church, for the use of their Church building for or recent I em peranee demonstrations, and also to the Choir of said Church for the excellent music ren dered ou that oecaxion. Ruvlrrd. That otirfjthanks are due Brn's. Frank Brown., aud Jno. K-, for the elo quent and appropriate addresses delivered by them. KfKOlred, Thr.t we are grateful to the citi zens of Salisbury for the liberal patronage given us at our Musical Concert and Cha rades, wad especially to the young ladies and gentlemen, who so kindly assisted us on that occasion ; aud to the city papers, for kindly njitLces. i Thiwv. Vt Kiidm, Mosr.8 A Smith, Jmo. Gadskill. Howell Summf.kki.i ,miuittoe. On inotiuu the following resolution was unanimously adopted, and the following added : Retolved. ''That the thanks of this Council are hereby tendered to Miss I."n M. Davis, for her untiring zeal ir, gettiug up for oiir benefit, the Concert and Charades, the Bat tering success of which was due in a great measure to her efforts." It was ordered that these proceedings be sent to the Friend of Temperance. Examiner and OldXorth State, with a request for pub- licatiou. GEO. B. Lnxiss, Sec'y. Rural Carolinian for July. The great trouble iu noticing the Rural CaroliiiT !,.. i t.. ,o.!ru -vm-vtbinir uortl.v of ! "-J-' ' n ' , Tts entirety r now amounts to 1100,000,000. Its mention, and yet occupy only a reasonable bijmjg .,.,,, 40 0ent8 althufih a recent space. This irinnlh we. give up the task iu t "bull" movement ran them up to CO, where despair, and shall only select some of the they cannot stand. - . principal points. The number open withH lie calls Alirbama "the banner St.-rtc of He short and interesting -ketch of Mr. Pea body, j construction,'' and adds : "The debt of the ". -"-tI - -t I i - l .f c. -m :.c.. i illustrated with a naiiosome porirau oi me - great philanthropist.. This is followed by an able a tide on the value of Sugar Cane as a seucoast crop. This in ttirn is followed by a very elaborate and. interesting essay on gu- ano ami its uses. Two articles on grasses, oue iu favor and the other opposeihto their cultivHtin.n, give light on that .pies.'i..n Fact? arid Figures for rice planters is woW thy of special mention, and Col. Aiken gives two first rate articles err The mule and the Mississippi valley. The usual large amount of valuable correspondence, liuinerousooutri- butions on different subjects, anil the editor's invaluable notes and suggestions he'p to make up an amount of reading-matter which will correspond favorably with the conteiits 9f any" VNkWrWtrW. "A nil" wiBmvrtTg-or an Ayrshire cow, a full slxe wood cut of ihe Julien apple, and a picture-of the new orna- jnental edible plant, called the "Polyinuia jEdulis.y are among the mauy elegant illus trations. Price only 1 2 per annum. Address. Walk er. Evans ot Cogswell, Charrestim, 8. C. A TtltiKDEXBOI.T BURSTS IN A ( 'liOWUK.i, THOaOUOHFAKK. On Monday night la- a huge thunderbolt burst over the heads ofthe crowd at that time passing along the Bowe .. . f i v v ry. in me "vtcnnw-ei' w"ii . The jSfar rettorter, who witnessed this appal ling freak of nature, describes the thunder bolt as a badl of tire of a bright red color, and about the sixe i f a man's head, which shot in an almost straight line froma dense low ering black cloud which hung directly over the above mentioned portion of the city. When directly over the thoroughfare, at ap parently about twenty feet from the ground, the l.lt exploded with a deafening shuck. which caused the btirtarngs to tremble as if shaken by an earthquake. Ihe explosion which resembled somewhat in sound that f shell, was followed by a terrific shower of fire, which, spread iu all directions, falling upon the run s of the buildings, aud rolling iu the Shtji of large sparks from the neigt Iniring awnings. At the time of this occur rence, one of the cars of the ThM Avenue line was passing up the Bowery, and was immediately lH-neatn the bolt at the time1 of its espsaei'in, the fra3iiants of which were showered dowu upou the top of the vehicle from which thev rolled in a glittering show .r into the -trect liolow. T. T. Strg ajasajajRjBaBjaajnaajaaajB The following la a letter from Hod. F. E. Shober, written to the Western Stnhml: House or Representativer, Wasiiiniitom ClTYi June RSth. 17(. Editor SentinM, Dear 8ir : I And a par ligrnpli iu your late issue dnnlarinaT It mv du ty, aa the only Conservative representative iu Congress trom Nortl Carolina, to vindi cate her people from the calumny which has been east upon them. I caaded no such admonition, for as a eltl teu of the State, and having the honor of her peoplA to some ex tent, in my ReWlRf. I feel deeply the wrong which has been done them. aud It wPI be mr Pride and pleasure at the it oper time to resent it. It inttst be reraem-M-red, however, that until some matter imr- tiueut to this subject shall be considered by the House of Representatives, I cannot ob tain a hearinir upon it. Should sueh oppor tunity occur. I snail assuredly avail uiyaelf or it w viuuicaie an ontragHi people. ery truly yours, f. e. snoiftC A CARD, From Qen. Barrinoeb. Charlotte, N. C, July 2, 70. Editor Dan Bulletim t Uv.ah Sin : When I authorised you a a few days since to state that I could uot al- iw the use of my name aa a candidate on the 'Independent Ticket" for the State Sen ate, I did uot have time at the moment to give my reasons for doing so. 1 deem it due to the patriotic and liberal- minded laen of Mecklenburg, who got up that ticket to say. that I did uot decline be- r. " -IBflHV' mfff'StrS "Ami.? of the emh.u i -assed condition ot my pecunia ry antics. I Itese leooire my U hole tune and the misit uureinittiug care; aud I have always acted on the principle of nrrepttiig no important public trust,' u less .1 was in a conditiou to give it, if necessary, my undi vided attention aud the unlettered energies of my mind. 1 trust that these consideration! will Be accepted :is satisfitrtttry by thd-c who did me the houor to bring forward my name for the position indicated. Respectfully yours. Ate, - lturi'8 Bakrinoer. From the Richmond Whig. CAHPLT-BAGGED" SOUTH. THE The Washington correspondent of the Chi cago Tribune, the leading organ of the Wes tern Republicans, writes a voluminous letter to that paper about what he calls "The Scal aw.igged Stales." He takes them up one after another-and shows how they have been abused, swindled, pillaged and disgraced by by their new and unprincipled rulers. Of North Carolina he says : - The scalawag ring of Joe HoMeu, De weese, Abbott, Jenkins, and 0. W. Swepson have increased the debt of North Carolina since the peace $&J.0l0 0tl. The bonds of the State have declined to tweuty-flTe ceUls on the dollar- Tie snpTcnre court of tlie State has repudiated I'.0IK) ()00 of this fraudulently negotiated debt, particularly the Chatham railroad bolide The debt of tlie State is upwards of $40,000,000. the new portion almost entirely raised for raiinut- s, of which not teore than one has ever been built a mile. The boudj of the road have been sold, and the money stink amongst the leglators and corporators. His personal sketches of these worthies, and their spoliations aud general misconduct, are racy iu the extreme. Of Louisiaua he saya..i. ' 1fe... The State of Louisiana, since the peace, has increased its debt tl 8,000.(100. Its whole debt is about 27 .000,000. Its bonds are worth sixty-five cents. The city of New Urleaus has a special debt of excessi ve a mount besides. The r ug in this State is composed of Waripouth, the Governor, Gen. Lee of New York, Gen. McMillan of Ohio, oue Fisk, aud Michael Ilahu, a native. He also sketches the members of this ring at lei: "til. Of Ten nessee tie sayoT This State hns tlie meanest delegation in the House of Representatives at Washing ton, headed by Roderick R. Butler, who kept his seat in the house after having been pro- ' nounced unworthy of it, like the Rer. Mr. j I ' i 1 1 1 i i i i i i . t i , n inr ii licit iw I'liiii ii in lit'- pillory. Its debt has been increased two thirds siuce the war by job aud -e-x e u I i I u i es L . . , "WP " ""u-iepieseuiauve rule, ano tu iniu im ureinw err einsr pi isiug ends, and slili the State bonds stand above jpar." He says that Florida hr '-carpet-lingered and scalawagged to despair by the Reeds, Gleasons and Hauiiltons who tide her." His account of Virginia is as follows Forty millions of debt, honestly met on interest day with three per cent, cash, and three per cent, in certificates, readily con vertible into cash this is the State of the Old Domiuiou. J::AuJlfini)rabJe.rrjairfi ernor," too conservative to do all the work he might t two Senators of different politics, both of good character, and a people with the aptness to learn and recover, tnis State demonstrates the power of the ballot, exer cised without national, interference, to make us a.4nd of rich and vtrtuons coininou The following extracts are made from this :V 1,1 letter: '" . , 4 The whole policy nd sole hoTie of thp pluuderset in the Siiuth is to invent and spread diahoiica.1 stoiies of massact'es, mur ders,1 rajies, masked butteries, etc., etc., and uudei cover off these lies to call out the mili tia, and keep the better populace by lutiiui dirtwmrom the polls. This is the game. This is the device. ' The object is, entirely vulpine. We canubt have a good government iu this genera ion until we acknowledge tratt every gray uniform and every blue uniform has au iuffueuee. apd rieliJeo.is place iu the ,body politic. It it probable, such is Hie con trariety pf human nature, and such the con sistency of rejmblicarigoveriiinent, that the men ca able of the IngTiest performances as' rebel-, are also capable of the highest go.od as restored citizen. Qeueiul Grant del not take Mr. Whittemore to be Attorney Gene ral ; he ,took a rebel sUff officer, and, if it had been possible, and' he had taken a rebel officer of much hisrher rank for the same placn, he aoiibl probaLIy have done a better thing. To restore the United States in the South without tire nieii whf live there, will be as long a work as was the building up of the kingdom of frussia by k'llingall the pa gan Prussians. It took four hundred ye.ms. and the conquerors had grown as bad as pa ? -. . . . . . .. Nuce the war cIom-U uot one leading rebel has broke the law. In all the distorted n.l oi.ggerteij reports of violence st the South they have not named one rebel Gen eral as a perpetrator. Alas! for some of our Geiu-ral?, TeTranled in the indiserHHin.-ite a-ratitude ol the eeol.h Uro.4 their merits ' I It is sure that tba sttrolliu men in Radical polities of manj ttat,- n the South are w ithout precedents, principles or pride. They art pot worthy to be exponents of the Republican party sf trie N.irth. Their mot to is rnla or ruin ! Their eorreepoudauu. supp.iitiTs and fellow-eraftsineu In Wash ington are Oliver I. Morton, Henator, aud Benjamin F. Boiler, Representative. A LOCOMOTIVE TARINQ WATEE AT FULL SPEED. The prorWSS of fillllt loc live tank with water while the train is in full speed is a novel! v In this country, though it has long been practical In fcurep. the Hudson Elver road is trying the tfperiineut. A de scription of the proses is thus gives by the Ar-r : "A trough lias Wen constructed at A pint jn the road, in tnsVntre of the 1 1 acli. kwehr hniidred leet in haafth. fifteen inches in de)ilb, aud eighteen Inches wide, lined With sheet iron, heavily paiatad. This trough is perfectly straight throughout the twelve hun, I ed feet. A short distance to the north ty three mikss mure In that State are uuder construction, which it Js expected will be completed by January IEf() B. V. S.ICC Km., th chief i lUfineei of the Air-Line, is now iu Charlotte, . t: a king his arrangrtneuto-for a vigorous prose- eutioii of the woik; and lis all the capit.. I required is now ready. It is a forc-goue con clusion that the naid w4U be built in the time specified The imp utauciLAetffcMV'' r"la cannot m - Iimr.e J 1" ately ou CTs cotisparJP.ti tie IinimiuSe travel lMtweta New York and New Orleans wtH fall UW UtkcuauurL aaJl be the shortest and rrrnst PTprrlitious route between Riuhlitohd, Bultiuiore, PUUudelphi.l, New York. Boston, and Chsrlotte. Atlanta, Mo bile, Msjltgowiery, A;c. U passes through a tiiajRificenysiiiutry, henltfiy aud will-watered, rich iu mineral productions, an I with some of the most lovely sn-iiery on this continent- Tlie Kti'hinonif nid Tmnville road, iu connection with the Air-Liue, is destined to be the great thoronghlarw between the North and Hiaith. JI'lio Well-kuowu ability aud cue if y of the management in charge of this tine is a sulli sieui guarantee that no Mass will lie lost, and that w e shall not be disspfx iflted in oar ex pectations. This work should have the sym pathy an 1 co-operation of all our people as one which promise to do much lor our city. Hichinond hitpatek. At a meeting of the Board tf Cmmiisaion era for the Town of Salisjtury, held this day. .Ion.- 38tll, 1870, the folhawiug ordinance was passed : Httolved. That ou everv beet, mutton, li S shoat, gout, veal aud laisb cut up and sold within the t orpoialu liuius ot the town, el- ther in Market House or on the streets, the following tax be collected by the Town Tak Tak Collector : On every Beef, Hog Mutton, " - Qoat, ' Veal, " " larmb. The above '.ordinance forced. JOHN F. July S.-ltn. In be strictly en MDOSE, C. B. C. Pcblic Pi'KAKiito. TI candidates Tor the Legislature and County olritcs, on the Conserv- alive Ticket, will meet Jdress the ptxnlc of Rowan at the follow ii res aud places, to sil BostiaTis X HoaAht-tJt t&mMif Hnttcr Shop, l ...Id Hill, Morgan's, Miller's, rsaturusv, v Thnrsday, " 21 Fridav,' " 22 Saturday, " 23 BatPTday, " 30 Salisbury, If the Radical candidates choose to meet the candidates on the Conservative Ticket at the above places, thev shall Ik- tJtpwed a hearing. The people arc entitled lo afVpen discussion of the KlilicaI issues. It is hoped that every voter will give one day to his country, and come out and hear the men who are seeking his sunpor. l.et there be a general turn out at every posit. Debt, taxation, and discord threaten tocrusi.the people of North c.art)1jlm. If jy, Jet w avertthe mini SPEU1AL HQTICJ5S, REASON WHY You should use DR. TU1TFS IMPROVED LHlUID WAIR DYE. Because the Barbers say It is the best. BeciMise it imparts a natural color. Kecausc.it does not injure tlie ham Beeause it leaves the hair soft and glossy. Because it does uot stain the skin or bed linen. Been '-is; its application is simple and easy. Because its effect is Instantaneous. Because it Is the best iu taS world. TlJIii IS RIOIVETI Oold Watches. Stiffened Uuuting Pped, Full Jeweled, Levers at 235 to $40 Aluminous Oold. II m'tiug Cased, Full Jeweled Lnyers,.(ticntaiir ljSllies) a $20 Oroide Oold, Double KsUa Ho lined, 1S & ao Coin Silver, Uuuting 0ned, 17. 20, to 915 each. RK.V' BBSeRi frTlU.t IHPrtttBife- , No Hrass or bogus trash;1" nut" tieanlne 18 carat (old, (sttOeneU or rllltd backs.) bunting cases, with, best Kill I Jeweled Lever Movements Ladies' or (Jeiits' sizes st only W6 each. OUR EXTRA FINE QUALITY, Kiirbteen carat Hold l-inxiiw Tamed, huntinc cased. Is-st Knglisnv Swiss and American Movements , . 1 , , 1 f . . -...a... A - . -1 ; Pull Jeweled Levers not suasisMid at ahv iirice, i the cTieawrWtttc!i di lfl lut Wins al UUtyfTOeacl!.r also the celebrated so the celehralea , SOLID UEFIKED ALUMINOUS ISOLD, nnsurpassed for beauty, equal in appear unceto Fine Uold, 'lintlnj! eased, Full Jeweled Levers. Ladies' andllents' ss at WO each. These Waekes have obtained a great reputation, are the odlv perfect imitation of wold ever produced,, and will stand aBy climate, being nude eptire of solid' Aluminous Hold, they nevei tsraish. Tits works are me bestmnko, and every Watch an ant eil fur lime. Paics I2U eai lu uo the Kxtra Fine IJOUBLUJtTRA RKFIMvB (improveil) ORO ide GOLD WATCHES, Hunting cased. Full Jeweled Lever Works, eqnalia qiiiiearance sou mruiiic w w"iu muio, si vai. 415 The Double Kxtra lletlneit, (9U esch. m.o Turn Oom' Silver liniituyr fascd fylinde v ,tl,o ,oii7 Full JeweaSf-flevera extra fin 2u American Straight Line Levers or Duplex ALSO GOLD VEST CHAINS, Latest and most costly styles, thick and double thick rolled nlated 18 Carat bold, at M. S8, tie, si-, siaeach. Ladies' l.c uituic t'hains. heavy rull- .i ni.i.,,1 st tH SlOatid f U. !-" Kliuant Oroide ttirM t trains- lef tadias- Witela.ftnm Itt to 4t indies long, at fs. -t fo ana an .ich, sent with Watches at lowest wholesale jwicen. V ST) MOXEY REQVJCJill IS ADVANCE AlUoiodnsentbyKxiirts.-si n re-pqpMWe orders. pa value at EXMSSW usnnw, vw7 rmmm w "ere no Lxpress runs, (Joods will be seat at osr risk by mail . a Kea-istersd rarkape, by sending cash In ad ace . -. m '' An Aaemt fndiiM for t ire II ncAts, net an Ex tra Watek fret, of the mm All Goods may be opened and examin ed in Kxnress befoie paid fcr.ttri payment of Kx. eress rharasB only, and if nomtWactery. retorned. ii i. Uoods warranted, will be taken back d ex chanard or money refnnded. if aot sat;fattory. State description and pri P poa destrrd, and address all OTUSTs Tbe Bai Watch Co., a cu. so 10 " 10 " 10 ' 10 " aprS-3m l Fulton, St., W. TBK 'TAJN KIM.KH The fureis-n and domustic demand for Perry Davis A Sou's crest modiolus the Pain Killer was never bisaii mi large aa It has been of I awe I aixt ws think toe time has arrived wheu the declaration asay be aaaaW, without the pos- -llu I it v .J Mhl.ll,.n I kal lk.j,ll , J! p,,illu,w in the State of Ith'ode Island, ol the 1'iiited' States of America, has furnished the entire hab itable globe with a medicine, which In point of uulversalily of demand, extent of usefulness complete clfiuioury for ail the putpose foi which it is designed and wide spread, eUdurinv pnpiilaril V, ha" never been equaltd by any med icine in Kuroiin or Amuilia. The universality of the demand for the Pain Killer, la a novel, Interesting and snrprbdnf ic.,1 ure in the nifUirv ol this meilicliie II 'tame has gouu out, into cvvry quarter of the liabituble globe. 1 lie i'ain Killer is Uow regu larly soldlu Urge and tUudtlg imrrrmnnu uuau titles, not only to general agents iu every State and Territory of the LiUou, and every J'rov Inee of Billish Ainerit-u, but to Buenos Ayres lliasil. I'raruar, I'eru, Chili and other South Amork'SU tftaU-s tu the Sandwich Islands, to luua and other west India Islands; to Kug laud and Continental Kuroue: to U oxaiiibiuue M .olii-.i iii , uiuihar and other African luiids; lo Australia aud Calcutta, Rangoon aud other places In India. It has also beeu sent to Chi na, and wv duwbi if there is any foreign port or inland city in Aim a or Asia, which Is In u out- ad by American and Kuropaau Missionaries, irutmers or irauers, uiui wniuo lite rum amor ha beeu introduced aud sought alter. The extent of IU usefulness is another great leature of this remarkable medicine. It Is not only the best thing uver known, aa crcrylaKly will confess, for bruises, cuts, bums, Ac., but for dysentery or cholera, or any sort of bow el complaint it is s remedy unsurpassed for ufll cicucy and rapidity of actios. In tha great ol Kutian India, and In th We-t India well as for dysuensia, liver fnmtilaliits and I other kindred disorders. PorcouidH and colds, oanker. asthma aud rlumuiatic diliinikies. it has been proved by the most abundant and cunrineing trials apd testimony, to be an In valuable medicine. Th pntprhHori are in possession oflctturt froiu pcrsuns of The highest character and responsibility, testifying, iu uu equivocal terms, to the cures effected and the sati factory results produced, in an almost end less variety ol cases, by the use of this great u i ei lie i ue. for. .-Wrcr (isrr. H KA LTtl "iMUJUT BfiFKMCK. "The weak eateth dierbs," says .St. Paul, so i but eighteea bundled y..uj jh UstUnxlaaVaTC ineiliemal plants was uppretduiwl. In l'ie Old Testament botauieal remedies are repeatedly rccoiu uieuded, but in no passage of sacred his tory is man rccoiu mended to swallow calomel cr blue pill, or any other mineral preparation The sick were directed to eat herbs to strength en thctn, to purify them, to heal them, to re store them. In that day the art of making yeg Stable extracts was iinkiiuwn. The herbal medicines were Uiere infusions. It was reserved for a later age to unite the sauitary essences of tonic, aperieut' aud .anti bi 11 ioo roots, barks, and plants with an active simulant, and thus secure theirratml diffusion throtlirh the debilitated or ilixonlcnwl .cstein ! The crowning trinmph of this effective mode of : concentnitnijr anil npplvingtne nrtui'sof mad ieinal vegetables was achieved in the production 1 ef Uostetter' Mouiach Bitters. Never before biul a pure alcoholic stimulant been combined with the expressed juices of the finest speciuca ol the vegetable kingdom. A ever yet, though eighteen years have elapsed since its pnalue- 1 1, .ii , nan I Ins great restorative been equaled. It istaknn at all seasons, in all rhinos, as the most potent safeguard against epidemics, as a protection agaiult all unhealthy exhalations that produce debility or begat disease ; as a remedy for iutermitent and other nialarieus fe vers ; as an appetiser r as a sovereign cure for dyspcpMn; as a general tonic and invigornnt ; as a gentle, painless aperient; as 4dm d de purcnt ; as a nervine ; as a cure for billions af fi ction,-: u- a harmless anodyne ; and as the SKAT in i ;m 'h m iikalth under unfavorable circtinittanees, such as sedentary pni suits, un due bodily or mental exertion, hardships, pri vation uiid exjKisure. ,fALEXA DUV4L UPHOLSTERER AND I Matress Maker, ON Jeukinl' Corner, Just bask of the Cloth ing Store of King ic ' 'oldens, is now pre pared tu do everythiug in bis line at snort notice and on the most reasonable terms. All kinds of furniture renovated and rencaircd ami made to look as well as new. Special at tention giveu to the making and repairing SOFAS, SETTEES, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, &c,&c. Gite him a call, examine his work, and will go away pleased. Iti-tf Advantages of Life In surance. The North America Insurance Company pays Its premiums promptly without charge, W. H, HOLriKHMKfW, Agent, North America Lilc fim. L'o. T'oasvii.i.k. N. V. Dear Sir : You will please nccopt ray sin cere tlninks lor your prompt payment, tvithont charge, of tlie ainoit lit of the policy of Insur ance on my Uusbuud's ' Iilfe, amouutinjt to' the sum of three thousand dollars. At your ear nest and repeated solicitation he was induced to insure in your Company, and uow we arcthe recipent of its benefits. To you and the Korth America Life Iusur ancn Company we shall foe I under obligations, such as only the widow aud fatherless cau feel nnd express. May you have snccfM innndticlnp others to insure in your most liberal company, nnd may the Lord of the widow and orpliais bless yod and prosper you lb rotir good work. MaBOARBT C. n.VRBKB, of Kowan Mills, N, C. Mr. IIolderncBs is also agent for the Liver pool, London and Ololie Firk Insurntiee Com pany, which iii-uues all kinds of public and pri vate Imilditigs, Kailrond Depots, Bridges Kac- tones, t ouudenes, .Mills and Merchandise and All letters addressed to Mr. llolde mieiW, at Thomasville, 8. C will receive prompt atten tion. dee 3 ti Catawba English and Classical II I fs II IE O O Is . NEW I'ON, N. C. THE 10th SESSION ol this InKtitution will begin on the ltd Monday in July 1870. Students will iiud suitable slasses and agreea ble clasniatDTin" almost any braoeli of ja buai lieiw edncation, and in a Classical orMathemat ical course in JUuior year in College. Tuition per neasiou of IU weeks from 8 to ?!(?. Board in families from $8 to $10 per month; in (dulls for less. ' Pot CTTcnlaraTid patticiilsrs wldrass Kkv. J. C. CLAPP, A. B.U prinein-i,, 8. M. FIX0EK, A. BT J .iTincipais. Juue 17, 1870. 24:2m BEST KEROSENE OIL At Poulson's Drug Store, 25:3t 43 Cta. per Gal. Dr. . B. roiLMlvx IS THE BEST REMEDY FOR DI ABRHEA. 2RY IT. June 26, 1870. . 96:lw Mrs Henry W. Miller's Boarding House, COR. NEWBEKN & BEK8UN oTo. RALEICH, IV. C febl 1 If OPKXm SOVBMFER ISfiS , DOUBT ajxj a vAi j The Connecticut Mutual IB THE BtMONOEST . LIFE Jnonraitf c om'n Acq Hired CaptUl svar W.0mi,0tHi Ratio of expenses to total neceipts iu latsV, ualv B r per seat. Its ratio of Assets to Liabilities, as measured hv the N ew York LsumlfttanHant. Is AtS&MI nr tliW; and it grants all desirable forms of Insur auoa apou strictly asjuitablr terms, and al the cheapest attainable rates of cost 8. 1 WAIT. (Jen. Annt. Aprl Ijr OBce. Raleigh, If . C. JNU. A. H HA I 'SUA H, A.jchI, S.,!,.!,,,,;,. BARBEES HOTEL, UIOH POINT, N. C. Opposite railroajjdkpot. 71m paces from tchert the Can stop. Best of Sorters In attendance at all trains. Mail tttare for Kalem leave this bouse Sally. raaatatrers disnuti hed to any uoiat at short uotlce liy nrlvatr onvr sure. Oratefut fur the Mbsril pstnniste of ths past we lioue by strict atlentioi to (he mints of our meats to merits continuance of tie- same. WM. ti. BARREE, 81.000 KKWAUD. DcBing's Via Fnga mires all Liver, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Organic Weakness. Female Afflictions, CJ-eeral De-I bility and all eoinp'aitits of the, Uriuary Or gans, iu male and female. VI.IMI will also be paid for any case of Blind, Blecdiuk- or ltchinir Piles that Dc Ring's Pile Remedy fails to cure. Uelling s AIAIilU I.I.M.M1-..N I cures Rheumatisiu. Pains. Bruises aud Swelled Joints, in man and beamr ISoMeyerywhere. Send for Pamphlet. Laboratory N! Franklin St.. Balti more. Md. apr32-ly WILLIAM VALENTINE, THE UARBKR. I KTVKXS HIS TU.NKS to his OLD IX EMENDS and the Public for the liberal -jittroiiage heretofore extended tohim. He uow informs them that he has fitted up a new and commodious , Shop, in Dr. Henderson' Brick Building Boom Wo- 3, where he would be pleased to see them. He guarantees to give satisfaction in every ease. He has iu his employ of the best Hair Dressers iu Western North Carolina. He requests a call from all, Saliebmn, N. C, Dec. 17. 1800. 00 If . yARBOHOt'UH HOl'SB, FATE1TEVILLS STREET It A L E I G H, N. C. Having no connection with any other Hotel in Kaleigh, I shall make the YARBOROUOH HOUSE, WHAT IT HAS Hhh.N, The only Eirnt Cis Hotel in the Cit$. J. 111. Blair, March 18 tf Proprietor. MANSION HOUS1?, GH All LOT TIC, N. 0. This well known House having been ni.wi.v ki RsisiiKi) ami k kki ri'Ki i in every depart is now open for the accommodation of THE . TRAVELLING PUBLIC. Jjjp-Omnibus at I)ejKt on arrival ofTrains." feb 4 bU n. V. JSUL LirJS, l'rop'r. THXO. F. XUI TTS. Da. C. A. HENDERSON, THE0. F. KLUTTS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . DRUGGISTS, Salisbury, N. O. PHYSIOIANS ORDERS filled at prices which will be found to compare fa vorably with New York Prices. We have made arrangements-to-supply - the wants of Merchants with all articles iu our line, at Mew York prices, freight added. Uur stock of DRUGS, -MEDIG rNES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISIIE3, PATENT MEDICINES, IS LARGE,. Aud all warranted ; FRESH ANDGKNUIXE, and offered at prices lower than ever was before known. PRESCRIPTIONS prepared at most reasonable prices. A trial is all we ask. Orders by mail promptly attended to. T1IE0. F. KLUTTS CO., UKUi.oisrs, a. ir i i- n -,i n ,,,".m MAIN ST.KEKX, S A LI SBUfif , N. . 23 It ' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. IN PURSUANCE OF a Decree of the Superior Court of Rowan Conn- ty, maue at ran iurm itwv, m uie case as jonn lltighcs, Adiu'r. of John W. Ellis, and others nalnatJ.ti. ElemirfR and imrl Fletnfrnr, Ex'rs. of N. N. Fleming, and Burton t'rnigc and A. M. Nesbitt, 1 will ofler for sale, at Pub lic Auction,' at the Court House door, in the town of Salisbury, on Tuesday, the 5th day of July next, at 12' o'clock, )l, the following pro- e two Brick Offices on Council Street, op- imslte the Court House, known as No. 1 and 2, Council Row, now occupied by Mrs. Carncroaa, and Messrs. Bovden & Bailey. Terms cash. JOHN 8. lIENDKRSOJr, June 10, 5Ufc4t Oojnjnissioner. NOTICE. v HAVING OBTAINED AK1)JIDEK from the Superior Court of Dsvie rount v st Spring Terra tR7U. I will olTer for sale in F'ntUin, en tbe 13th day of Anfrnst Mat, all the lands belonging to the estate of ATM. Banes, dee'd via: On Trset of about 400 acres, lying on the Yadkin ltirr. InantLarounft Palton, on which there Is a good Tan Yard, Te Good Dwelling Houses, a Sjilendid Poahle Kara, and other oat bouses. This tract will be divided to sail purchasers. One Tract uf SI0 acres, lying oa PSIiitspn Creek., subject to s idow's dower, also. One -interna or liitoenth psrt of the Knit in Ferry landing and boat. Parties wishing to purchase can rail on Ihe Ad ministrator at Fulton, and view the premise. ea Messy cina This Jnne 16; IRW. S. J. IIA.Mii, 35 7t - tdmiu'slrstnr mvLm mm mm, CATAWBA COUNTY. N. C TIII8 oelebratad watering place, formerly called North Carolina Whit Sulphur Springs, will b open for visitors oa Wed ueeday, the 1st day of Juue. Beiug situated lu the Northwestern part af the Hut, la a section remarkable far its delightful climate, bonuty and haaltbiuesa, tkssji, infaawsr sriisi Iks virtoe oi the watsta, make it osw of the aatavt deairabks WaMttaf Places lit b KmnmI. I IIK MINERAL WATERS OT THESE Hiiriiifs arc. the White aud Uhi Su'phur.aud Chalyebeata, or Iron, and they posjHM all the liuest qualities ol these waters, and are sover eign reined iee for all Female diseases, diseas es f long standing, diseases of t he H vev, bov-el.-i. stomach, k idueys, Pulmonarv alas i s. Eruptions of the skin. Scrofula, WeaJruaca, Debility. Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Jtc., ate. Vrotu the uuiuerotis wonderful cures that have come immediately under my own obeer yati.iii within the lust four years (ley the use of these waters) I am satisfied that tMsIs the place for all whose coiidilion can bu improved by the salubrious character of any water that llows from the earth, and the medicinal qual ities of the same are not excelled. Our rooms, in both cot aires and isther buildings, are largo and pleasant; cottages containing from two to six rooms each, suit able for large or small families. Many rooms having been already applied for, itrrnnge meuts will be made to accommodate a large number of vhritora, and it is to be hoped that our Southern people will patronise tlie .Sparkling Catawba, which ought to ba the Wlf 'ill i "i irWlllfejf BssJ II ' 1 .sW U lili H,llin1lrlMn1i dueemeuts for either health or pleasure. The Bar will be supplied with choice liq nors and segnrs. Good Tea pin Alleys. Billiard Tables, one of which will be ol the most approved style. GOOD HATH HOUSES, far Pool, Plunge or Shower Baths, and Su' phur Baths, hut or cold. A GOOD BAND OF MUSIC, six or more performers, has been engaged for tlie season, aud a good Phyaieian perma nently located lor the benefit of Invalids, who will have good attention. the- hparkling Catawba this seasoU Will be Vbder the mauagement of Mr. JOHN L. hi 1 1 A . h , (who, for the laat three rears, has beeu manager at the Healing Springs iu Virginia) assisted by Mrs. M. A. WREN, and visitors may rely upon finding a good table. The cars, on tbe Western aud Morgaatoe Railroad, leave Salisbury every morning, Sundays excepted, far Hickory Station, tha Spriugs Deprn. where hacks with good dri vers will be ready to take passengers to ths Springs ; a distance of six wiles, over a besutlful, well shaded road. A good LAUNDRY eounoete1 wkfa th Springs aud washing done at reasonable rates. BOARD. For four weei-. (48. Per Week, !$. Per Day, $3. Children under tea years ot age and colored servants half price. No charge far infants, or children under tvo years of age. Reasonable deductions made far large families who spend the season. - Tickets at reduced rates, or return tickets, cau be had on the differeut Railroads la the Sparkling Catawba. J. GOLDEN WYATT & CO., Sparkling Catawba Springs, Catawba oft.. .. U., Juue 10. I87U. am GOODS GOING DOWN! GOODS GOING DOWN I ! V. WALLACE. No. 3, Granite Row, Salisbury, N. C, HAS JUST ARRIVED FROM the North with a full and well selected Stock which he offers to the public at prices lower than any house iu the market, having par chased Jhein during the decline iu the North ern markets. All I desire is a call, and I am confident that you will not leave my store without be illg pleased, not only with the Goods, but with the LOW FRICBS. My stock consists in part uf Ladies' Dress Goods, Trimmings or all kinds, GENTLE M E N'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, and a full line of -,, GROCERIES r and a great mauy other articles not here t unrated. IdT Come aud examine my sto;k of Goods before purchasing elsewhere. V. WALLACE, No. 3. Granite Row, Salisbury, N. C. June 10, ld70. 23 3m. i ' i i i i HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO ALL! GREAT EXCITEMENT has been caused lately in consequence ol the surprising low prices at which RING & COBLENS At Jenling' Corner. EE AD Y-MAErE CLOTHING, FUR, WOOL and STRAW HATS, Gent's fine white linen bosom SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, NECK-TIES, of all stylea, Paper and linen Collars St Caffs, Bnj (foods generally adapted for men's Our stock of COATS. BANTS and VESTS are such as will suit the most fastidious, as ta material ami rtp. LINEN COATS, PANTS and VESTS in great variety. We have JUst received a lot of FANCY CASSIMERES, JEANS, CALIC0& MUSLINS, LAWNS, - CAMBRICS, NOTIONS, Aft, from a large Bankrupt sale iu Baltimore, which we can sell at very low prices. A large stoi-k ' BOT S CIiOTHINQ connlantly on hand. Our clothing in all our own make and weesn therefore warrant them as to material and ma king of them. j It will doubly pay all who may favoi us wfth a call. 4UBtrT Merchsntu wjHdw well to ei amine oorsawds and prices lieforS pan-barns; elsewhere- tSf' Bon't target the place. KING CimiiENS. At Jenkins' Comer, next door to the P. 0. PAUSB'UKY.'N. C. Manufactory 316 V . Baltimore. St.. Balti more, aid. i may 13 2m TIfB CHBSTM RKI'SITER, a iiiur tit irirn, rnSLisnss st E. r. Mdl Rl J. A. Ill DIET. Jr., - 1 - aTCHKSTKR, 8. C. TrBMS Invsriablv ia sdeance r .

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