I I . i i-t . . ail .. . - i , ..-.-3... ! . I . --...,... J I ft!IDNartlj State U4UBUMf, rBIJAT.JCLlf 8. Iu. ACRdtJS THE WAY. I 0 " -i ' T J. K JOUIMON, ("YCIIA DAM.") f These line tm ihc last gHiJ production J the athor. J Across the way an- two window bright, With curtain white ua miuw, Aim! o'er their Cold of Hitutluw avhlte The dancing names, with ruddy light, Fantastic sluulu throw, Shadow that come and go. Hut the shadow that uflencet linger I lure, Aa the midnight liour draw near I la the graceful form of a lady fair, With tapering wait and curling hair, Rending with listening car A well Know n step to near. And a the night wean on apace Cornea another shadow tall, With batty step and maul v grace, Stooping to meet aji upturind face Clasping llmt waist ao small, Alunded, the shadow fall. A moment thus, hv the cheerful light, la the Mennud shadow thrown, Then darkness (hade iln.se windows bright In curtain of the gloomy uight, And 1 am left alone No shadow but my own. "ONE-AND-TWENTY. to wi'h so mutTi impatTe7ree7as b hoar which shall end oar minorttyj-witli ONE OF THE IXJST TRIBES. M. Halevy, a v. i v intelligent French traveler, ha communicated to the r reucl (jeoloygical Society an accnuut of A visit lo the ralashns, a trlbu numbering abou J0.000, iuhabitlrf a dim i. t in Aby.fi i .I'll i , ' hi i, which mm long n.-inaiuua a terra ih roynita ami a blsuk space v tin: uups r i win ih.: following cuatnruf, it ia eonji o turi-d that they amy be one of the lost tribe : They da not pi. in ice oIypinjjr i iicy circuuicite lin n male children on the eventli day. Their proper name ii derived from Hebrew, I I n i t. and A in banc. I he institution of imi ihvation i practiced, the children are taught the Bi ble, the palms, prayers aud aacred histo ry. lu the synagogues the sexes ait apart. m Incense is burned during tire vices. Their religious hopes are turned to Jerusalem, but their ideas ot the Mes siah art very indistinct. They are wbol ly unacquainted with Hebrew, and know nothing of the ceremonies instituted alter the tiuiu of Eera. They have a religious literature, written in the style of Midrath i .i ..it . . ii i ney Keep mo ttOuatn riglilly ; last on .Mondays and Thursdays ; keep the 9tb ot the month Ab, to commemorate the de struction of Jerusalem. Thoy wash bt fore, and say grace alter eating. They have a traditional mode of slaughtering animals for rood. I hey practice com memorative sacrifice on the holy days, m tt, eir woman enjoy equality with manhood, nouo is looked buck t with so j much regret. Freedom appears to n young man as the brightest star in the iirmaiuetU ol his exiaUiucc, and is uwur lost sight of until the goaFfor which he has been so long traveling, is reached. When the mind and the spirit are young, the season of manhood te- rtdJeeiad with. a. brightness from the future, which nothing can dim but its own cold reality. The busy world is stretched out before oar boyhood like the exhibition of me chanical automata we behold tbo mer chant accumulating wealth, the scholar planting liis foot upon the summit of the temple of fame ; the warrior tw ining his brow with the laurel wreath, and are yearn to struggle with them for supremacy.- 4 the distance we seOTrorhing but the most prominent part of the picture which is success the anguish of disappointment and defeat is. hidden from our view; we see not the pale cheek of neglected merit, or the sufferings of worth. But we gazo not long for the season of youth passes a way like a moon's beam from the still water, or like a dew drop from a rose in June, or an hour in the cir cle of friendship. Youth passes away, and we find ourselves in the midst of that great theatre upon which we have so long gased with Interest the paternal bands, which in binding have upheld us, are broken, and we stepi into the crowd with no guide bat our conscience to carry us through the intricate windings of the path of hnman life. The beauties of the prospective have vanishad, ihnjiierehiii.i'M wealth hasfur rowe)d. his cheek,' tlje TcqairemeWroTlIie" scholar were purchased" at ihc r ce of his health and the garkfud of the conqueror is fastened upon his brow wi'h a thorn, the rankling of which shall give him no rest this side of the grave. Disappoint ment damps the ardor of our first setting , out, and misfortune follows closely in our , pith, to finish the work and close our career. How(,ftcn amid the cares aud troubles of manhood do we look back to the sunny spot on our memory, the sea- f ..a i i eon oi our voutn ; ana now oltcn aoes a M.u;k Twain's Mutki.. Having late ly opened a hustiery, I send you these my fxTTCT lUfi 'HUtKtlUllnTT' . This house shall be considered strictly intemperate. None but the brave deserves the fair. Persons owinjr bitts for board will be board for bills. Hoarders who do not wish to pay in anvancc are required to advance and pay. Hoarders are required to wait on the colored cook for meals. Sheets w ill be nightly changed once in six jnonths, or more, if neecssary. Double boarders can have two beds wiih a room in ih or Ihm rnnmi with n StlLufit. as Ihcy choose. Boarders are requested to pull off ihei boots before rciiriug, if they can conveni hi 1 v do so. Beds with or without bugs. All mouey and other vahuble are to be left in care of the proprietor. This is in sisted on, as he will be responsible for no otner losses. Inside matter will not be furnished for editors under any consideration. Kelatives coming to make a six months visit will be welcomed, but when they bring their household furniture, virtue w ill cease to be a forbearance. Single men wilh their families will not be boarded. Beds with or without boards. Dreams will bo charged for by the do- en. Nightmares hired out at 'reasonable rn tea,, . funiioli d to snor ... "Potatoes," said a learned daikuy, con versing with another geimuen of color, "is a barCao'ous aooligical wegetablu what grows all under ground, 'cept d lop, an' dot (Mar a carnivorous flower at da hot mm. Potatoes is berry good biled, an' dey am better roasted, hut if you 'teal de lard, de bes way of all Is to fry dem, be cause ds potatoes am meat, drink, an' slee-p. Such am da great merits of dis 'ere escurleut." What wore precious offering can be laid on ihe altar of a man's heart than the first love of a pure, carnestaod affection ate girl, with an undivided interest in eight corner lots aud fourteen three-story houses T No man cau avoid his own company, so must he make it as good as possible. "When a great man dies," says Ouilp "the first thing done is to resolve Id buth a monument to Ins memory, and tlie sc conn is not to build it. "I., t us be cautious." say Kev. Dr. liel lows, ''how we raise quextiou about t.ie Christianity of men lik Wathiogtou, I. in coin, or wn IMekoNft, lest the profane should say : ' hut is the use of a I In im an it v which such men could ilo without I NEW ii mmm r. -57 J. iltarffem-BBstl Chcapesll I Tact, i.ttn-ralitv.aud thaltcst Talent, have for over twenty years been Dressy uscil uptu Moort finral Nrw-Yorkor, anJ a, a result It now. leP-prnfrientlr.' 1. lirxi ami i neiniesi I nitiuini lluiul, laumry ml I ii in -n Uroklyiu ue Hurkl. lens ol :l inh. ol wh!e an like People, all mei t lie Continent. take an. I SdaHIS UiS Itural Tor it tiierMr Ability Value,. IllufcUatiuiu.Styfo, Ac. THE PKESS AND PEO'tE mill ITT I'or cxamiile, an i-xi lmnce iij-r: "The Rnra' i the in. -I KlvKHiiUy HriatsU, Ably Kilitcd. Wulel I ('Iri'olatrd ami Hearlilv Wch annul Paper, a i whole which no- limlii iUwav ninoii" tliriXMinlc' Kf" Vol. X.VII. beina Jul) 9. Tr) it Only i.oo per volume ol unmlH-iH, or f. er year. I.bss 'o i-IuIm. 8ubm-ribe now t annsKKS I). 1. T. MlHJMK. 41 Punii Hw.aw Yoaa. . -C f ii-- Witt mr for the New York r 1 I I fC Weekly Dollar Baa from j. WV VllhJanswtO J. unary 1, 1871 ONE D(K I, & will pay for the 8 MI V. EEKLT do , do 50 reutw a monili p.iyi for THE DAI LY tUX Address I. W. EAGLAHD Publihr, Kew York TO PHYSICIANS. KW You, August 15, 18C8. Allow at ts call yur atwouM to 1 pespora tioa of COMPOUND EXTIAUT BVCUV. The oopaaiin.rtare Bscba, Loaf Lsif, Ca bsba. JaaiperBerrie.. i MODI UP PtlPAKATIOV. Iluchu, lu raeuo. Jualptr Berries, by diatllla- tioa, lo Ibrm s fln gin. fabebs extractsd by dh litaeruient with pirili ohlaiued from Julr Bei- rtea ; very little luaar ts aaed, sad a assail propor tion of spirit. It k mom palatable tbau aay now to ust. Bucks, sa prepared by Druggista, In of a dark col or. It ia a plant that emit IU bag raoce : tu ac tion of a Dame dentroya Sjkla (its active principleX leavings dark aud glatiaou decoction. Mine I Ike color of lagredteata The Iluchu in my prepar- . atniii pn-ili. minute- . the other ingreilienta are upon iio-jicf i tion T TTir llest quantity of the to prevent feriuenta- I be found not lo be a Heroic REMEDY! HENRY'S O' arbolic Constitution RENOVATOR! Boned on Science. Prepared with Skill, and all lb available Ingenuity andexiertnea. that the art of pharmacy of the preeen;. day can contrib ute. I And Cowhininy in Cmcriitraled brat Me wo Valuable Vegetable Juices Known in tbo History of Medicines for PURIFYING THE BLOOD, IMPAIiriMO NUTIUTION TO THE SYSTEM, TONE TO THE STt At 'II, And a Healthy action to the Liver, Kid- PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIFE INSURANCE COT., R I C H M O N O F AsmcIsi over Net Surplus over rollcirst iKHUrd in two ytn w w V A . , f Showing a siiaeessbeyoud proceilent. Issues polieies on Mutual, Noa-F6rfeiiing and all the uiost desirable plaus. Dividends paid out ou Life Policies, dO per eeut which proves the economy of its muniteUfiit mid its careful select ion of ri.ka W. (J. CARRINOTON:. . P.M,M. J(N K. KIJWAKJJ., ViCK I'KkaiMKT i. j hakts(mjk,. JSirT' .1. J. HOPKINS t As8i ST A T SlrutTiuv J. E. WOLFF,.. SUI'KRINTKXDKXT OP AtlKMCiM. nip- and therefoie Ckk b used la easts where fcvor or Inflimniation exist. Ia thia, yoahare theknowl- eiljfe of the iiigreiltenUaudtliemodeorprppantion. Hoptag that you wilt favor It witk a trial, and that upon iii-i. i tion ii 111 meet w ith your approba tion. With a feeling of confidence, 1 am, very reapoctfariys If. T. IIM.MHiil.li, Chemiat and Orugidnt of 16 Yeara' Experience. i Lrriilifa (Inrniiri A DYING ZOUAVE lay breathing hi last on the battle Held, bl com nanism aurged on and leit him alone. I Tbey knew the came of hi nroaobiag end it wee lb deadly ballet. Xo friend!) voice could cheer him toliil no human skill conld aave him. Thousands of Precious Lives are to-day us rapidly ainkinif, and ao surely totter ing on lo an untimely rini, in buffering, Agony, Wretchedness, and Ignorance of the rauae which SJnsaSjss mil nrmrt ttjui ri am 1 1 1, f , CMVA8EBS WANTED FOB PUMCHlMLtLO The great original iltnatratrd comic weekly nam r The first IU nunibeni acnt on receipt of 10c.; ainirV Stone vaults will be fnfr boarders, as th- proprietor will n no wiap be n sponsible for the broken tin pan urns of (Other ears. iiiniint-is mc. i.ioerai teiins in agenu. nl Cliro'no I'reinunna to subscriber. Addreaa Punch niello I'unliKliinir Co., nince Ih. -i ,-. , H3 Naaeau St. N. Y. i'ost- PATENTS. From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the World.) Xovxmbib l. IW4. I m acquainted mi, Ur. 11. T. Helmt.old: he occupied Die Drug Siuft oppoaite my residence, and ns succeasnil la coawncdiii; the business heir others hau not been equally eo before hin. I bave leea favorably iuipreased with hi character aud who. WILLIAM WKIUMTMAN. irm of Cower k Weightman, Maiiufactaring niemisU,Mutlund brown Street, 1'hiladei ptva. nBJ.MBOLD'8 iterprii Kin FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU, WUAT DO YOV KbAD There i mi. thing that makes so much difference in out-come of boy and girls as the hooks they read. Of all the boys and eirls that I. I s. . 1 e inn aniiwn, we never sKnew one succeed in life who spent his time, wl Inventors w ho wish to takeout Letter Talent are advised to cuimscl Willi ML.VN A CO., editor the Scientific I nieilran , wTioTavt l.runculcili talnis Demre'tiie I'aieni imce lor over' years. Their American ami Ktmipean 'stent Agency is tie moat extensive in the world. C hnipes less than sny ofh cr reliable agency. A )niphl-t contuiniaf full in stiuctions to inventor is sent gratis. MI NN A CO.. 3? Park How, New- Yolk. NEWSPAPflR ., ADVERTISING. A fliinU of I3S cto'lv iirintr! ni-es, lately I. sued contains a li.-i of tbo best American Advert alng Me linnia, givmg the names, cireiilaiioua. and lull pai-ticiilarscunceraitiir tlie leading I'aily and W'eesiy Political and Kmnily New spa in- toi-ether I with all those havinjt larirvimi!ations, published in to ieii young, in reading: excitinff stories. We wish to reeall it, tescupe from the bosom : J nt say that you may uot read stories. of those who once prayed fervently that j we do tay that if yofl want to be oi it might pass away. From this feeling we I any use in the world, you ought not to ao not belteve that living man was ex-1 'l't all j'om etupt. It is twined around the soul; it is j And what is more, you ought to read no incorporated in our very, nature, and will ; tiling but good stories. ever ciiug to ua. SIMPLE TESj Dr. McOnlloch gives the following teat which, perhapp, may be innocently tried lv all who an; nt all skeptical W to the J 1 rV i a " 1 r tA a prejuaiciai, eiiceiajco li cilje a ii 1 1 k s the human constitution ; "Hold a mouthful of spirits whiskey for instance in your mouth for five min utes, and you will find it burn severely ; inspect the mouth, )u will observe' Mutt jt is iDllained. Hold it in ten or fifteen ... " :cr yr -i, -r . minutes you win imu tlit various parts of the mouth have become blistd ; theil tie a UaiiilkeicliHif ovtr the eyes, taste, for mstauce, wateV, viiu-gar, milk, orseuua; you will und Hint you are in capable of distinguishing the one from the Other. This simple and caW experiment proves to a ccr'tainty that Alcohol is not only a violent irritant, but alio a narcotic; for iu this experiment vou Tiavc oDiecttVe evidence 'tbat it bus inffamed and blister tm -uifi-japjjTLj'r'd aubn-ctive, vidcnce lyxeti the ncn en f tent, those also ol I the interest or religion, Hgriculture, liters rare, Ac. I t c. Bvery advertiser and every ueraou who con template Ucoruing audi, will find thia book of great value. Mailed tree to any. address on receipt of fifteen cent. (JEO. V. notVHI.L A Co., Pub lishers, No. 40 Park Row. Xew York. The Hittburg(Pa.) leader, in it issue of Mnv , 1870, aay -Tbefirm ol Oco. P. Itowell Co.'. readina ha atnrw , ! V . " """"" lnUTl'u"P anu valuable liook. i, Ratling oe Story reading. the largest ami best adveitising agency in the Tin ted States, and w-e canxheexfully recommend it to the attention of thote who desire Ui advertise their business scientifically Slid systematically in snch a wsi ttat is, so as to secure the largest iinmunt of ptiDiicity tor the least expenditure of money." But how can vou tell whether it ia trnrul a - n or not ? I here are very juany books dial have a weak moral, or a ruligi..us side, that are yet gocd lor itothiug. They arc too exciting, and breathe a bad ah. How shall we kiiow the good ones ? A book that makes us feel brave ami strong for ourworlt is good. If any w ri ter makea us leel. not that we would lite " ; to do better, but that we will do better, I ... .... . . i .i , i. ; : may u u.st such an auinor. nut it a hook gives US a feeling that our life is I indirretion. The ex- accompauied For weakaeas srlinfrom Ini listed powers of Ttayrc w hich are by So many alarming . . milium, among which will be found, fndiaposititai to Kxertlon, Loss of Memo ry, Wakefulaea. Hortur ot liiseasr. or Koreliodings f -WYil,; Ia fast' I'nlnrsal T.snaitinli Crostration, and iuability to enter e to the enoymcutaof society. . l The conMitiitii.n. mire affected with Organic Weakness, requirea.tfalaid of Medicine to atrength en and invigorate theA-stem, which HKI.M BOLUS Kxtract Iluchu invsrSly doea. II no trcitn ent is Aibuitted to, ConsnuSyop or insanity eaaoaa. X' "i "Ii SB mv J.i j, ami I ionr, , Ami mure the liiiium uj lletilllt Tu iucc unce uiurt oa fAc s Ukm at Jlrt. DISEASE, LIKE A THIEF, Steal upon its i. tims unawiirrs ami before thev are aware of its utt irk. plants ilself liinily in the system, and through neglect or inattention baooBMS eated, nd defies all ordinary or temporary treat ment to relinquish it merciless grasp. 1)0 YOV KNOW TUK CAV8I OF The triutivdjurmtlie Itollmr chick I Tl,c withered taattkt talltnc eumjitejKidk t The ft chic tout the nunl. i u, gltuutjf eic t The emiwiiilnl fiwm- Ihi h emblinij frame t The treaclu roil jiiiHjUthc turturima eoret Jkt njiuUn c eriiilioiithc injliimcil cyct wmejttmpuujaee i.it rough roUrrten v.-m,' and delimitating ailments of the present age 1 The anaweri s'nipleainl covers the w hole ground in all it p!.a.c- VUG the FANGS OF DISEASE AND BBRXlIlXTAriT Taint ARK FfltMLV IIXIID IX TIIF. i Fountain of Life-lhe Blood. THK CONSOLIDATION of the two an. -t populay Boulhern Oouipaniss Is full of ailrantages to the policy holder id both Coinpaiiiti-i. I la ex ueiiiliturrs will be lee, and wllb leas rel. live lisk rno mill re ui laouaa vein lie more certuin,uud probably g tenter in un.ouut, and a In-ller rearr veal land erenleil. Ho Uight ol old I ol.ey bolder will 1st eff-eted ; they will rontinne tu pay the -,, , n,, as bo- iiiro, to in. ni me Mime policies as la-lure ; to have the sinne rights, bclwuts and privileges a bo lore, and have eijunl ilp-senl security with pieu'.er future lieneftn than before. Allreuewals of old polieu - wilt l.e iu nanie of new cnmpaiiy. This Company has met wi'li u success hcyniul all piirnllel.iii Lifc fnsuranec, and sow offer lo the Southern uiililie Homo Bnterprisc etliial to uny und surpassed by none. It SaMsssWe payment of nil euh prrnihiius, leenrse then divideinjs will continually decrease aeh urxl payuiont, uutil nothing will be ivquiMl, uml the policy Uiay be a aource ol income ; bat it will allow one third louii mi parUviputilis; policies. It retjuire no nuteafor luiuis. It ha no rastrfetioiia on resilience of travel, all polMcs'are Xoii-Forfeitablr, nntl the rights of parties guaniitecil on the faca oi the Policy as a part of the contract. - It has the folluwiuf valuable, fi'stures wfik'h Du,SBST couipuin gives : The late war taugLt mau'r ftrmthem men, in em) in Northern eompunies, the pel nlty (.f being M parati-d frew the H. .me (nin e, by having all their mist navnieiils forfeited. This inniimnr ruarila S thia In her policies, anil in the event id n sepuration floiu its iifflce by am md rventiost, guarsntoe to iTr..i-.'l.'.''.'''''..kt''' V' C 'Tlfl'' ttinV P11? surrender value and rejiuiottnient. a though poruianentinvestiiieiitoriund-(H ie.,iiiiedl.y the Charter) I in mortgage or lein on Uuelicunihorecl Kenl Kstale Worth Iiut,bl the Amount Ia-aued. thus ustrTfT ttv ItrTbm t.i. c. Rafc. Sure ami I'rofltalile Inrostuient o? the lO.UtHJ.tKK. whirl, TimtttfftSZ I apOtsM tt everv iiihiihiiiI nssiii in wismVsili v.i:.,. ':T " . ' M ' lieslhol s..d f I .ii'., I ,. i.. 1....1 ... ii Zi i'J lesirn.g 10 sec lire to men Utiri :- . " " ... ... ......... in i. no, n .', in it ii. ri. u "u. inf. ;i. .;... i , ,: a, ,- i n CorrpaihiDiIelleo soliciteil, aud InfufUMti Adilrnss, ion caoertuiij given. licxinpton, N. C. i w. conns, Atfm- hw .v. t t tiy examining fully into tbo ' tin nisnre. Canvassing Agent. Junal a:Iy Plantation Bitters. CAIIOI.IXA, Iutl.eSuperior irr. Cocxtv J Court. Mcliiteeh, Adm'l of (Jen. T)mI anchor of debilitstted. coidial for languid among remedy it HELM BOLD fl FLUID EXTBACT OF BUCHU, INDISCTIM1NA TE VACIKATION during the hte war trith diseased Lymph has TAINTED 'i UK BEST MOOD in the satire hind. It bus planted the Rcnn of the) most inelaiteholi disease in the veins ol men. women ami children on all side.-', and uothing short of eons any oilier nrt naraliosu ss la Chlorosis or Itetention I 'a i n fulness, or Suppression of Customary P.V'SrllS-1 tion, Ulcerated or SeJairi usStateof the I'teru. and all complaints inciden'. to the sex, or the decline or clunge of life. A HEROIC REMEDY will Eradicate it rout ami liraucb.,lorever rnieii a i. ...... , is Vest! It Is frifT I hst the Ifeat Mowers-tbe llest lironiwrs The Pest-rf. linkers to be found in the wnrbl are the Original ilud l.'elialile Double-Motion .lilna Ma chines, made hi the ,:ina Mannfactorine ' 1 .1111.0 111' of Saieiii. Ohio, Send fin Pamphlet eoatainiajt par-ticulars. E III MAN MAI'iim, - Nrir Urea ST AC. dull, that wo tvoxld like to be somewhere else than where (tod dots ua harm fjpiif SALKSMKN Wanleil In s'lXv'na iibaineaa. sfDV tUGheatnul n.. ftilla.l.-liiMs. Prompt. Honorable RJ iuTilo. rrre ferStaMm V..rk. Si M M HENRY'S OAUUOI.IC CONSTITUTION Renovator. On riachiiia the Stomach, it nssimilatea nt Once with the food and liuniri therein, uml from the niirmPTrr ft pnsfffi into the IUiukK it uttneks disease ill its fountain head. in its germ and rmitnri'y, ntul drssipnret it through the avenues ol i In organs with unerring certainty, awf tendn nee ami jnirt Wood boumling through rcery artery and rein. The tubercules of 9cniftda thai sometimes a i isiiig from the habits of dissipation, si Bttfe fltmrish and iud the tuner caliiig.f the ahdo- " BSUf BOLB'S FLUID EXTRACT OF DUCHU Tills wonderful vegetable restorative Is the shect- thc feeble and As a tonic and the aged and has no canal stomachics. As a for the nervous weakness to which women are especial y subject, It Is Nupersediiig every other stimulant In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the iiuiuii spirito. Whcrevci it is intro duced it becomes a stand ard article a medicinal staple. It is to-day the best and purest tonic, and the most nonulnr liirthYino in the civilized world be E TABLE N. C. RAILROAD sure and get tlie genuine. Sold by all Druggists, Gro cers and Country Stores. M Aajla, .V. (J. XORT AT.TXAxripr. A. C Iiec'd agtinst : E. I). Deal, Elijuh fjliue and wife- Isu ra, Campbell A. Deal, Harriet Deal, June Deal and the Minor Heirs of Mar ciis Deaj I o Harriet Deal, .Tare Dealand tl .Minor Il. irs of Marcus Deal, dee'd, non-rv-sident defendants in the abW cutitled proceeding : You arq hereby notified that summons es in the above entitled proceeding hare issued against you, and the eompluint therein was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alciandcr Coun ty on the 18tn day of June, A. D., 1870. You are further notified that the sum mons in this proceeding is returnable to tiro office of tire Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of Alexander ua the 5th day ot August next, when and where you are required lo appear aud answer the complaint in default whereof (lie ii;iiiiiiff will apply to 1 he Court lor the relii f demanded in the complaint. Witness, E. M. Stevenson, Clerk of said Superior Court in Taylorsville, the 18th day of Juno, A. D., 1870. E. M. STEVENSON, c. s. c. 25:6w-pr feeflO.J h ado xMortn anaaoutb Unitetl by the GREAT METROPOLITAN Through Passenger Route See that your TickUs are good Via Petersburg, Wrfdon, lialeigh and Charlotte. ', Ut.. 1 . TRAINS NORTH : IMPROVED ROSE WASH i. Will radically exterminate from tb ytcm diseases AfriMlt4 W.inli.il ill m-nrv l.itin .inA i.illunW I.., il .. eiae man wneic trod naS put US, tliat book "-l.snu niet sue. essfiil linllar llunwin the iiiVii- try "nly tine tmloraed by (lie leading- paper rl ve pease, utile or no cnange in met, no iaoonratuance I orexiur; rutnpwtely snperscdins; tlmse unpleas ant and dnnceroti tciiiediea, ('opaiva and Mercury in all these diseases. I luteal Matv. aiur l.ooal.-. tive iinivei ul atislai - uoa. oar iiiemiu us to apents cannot lexcalled. n Iowi inner li ivino- inserlprl a ito.r. 1 """"r ciiceKaare life. llavinK tno houwa-BW-in low.ip.ipti liaiing insirtefl an item , amH htrairu-otir la. ililir. Th. snm.iUI ,,.,A our bnala excesds in amount all other concerns iu. uus iiauciatni y iie. mid common sensation. --. Now, this is not an experiment orfaot up on which any douhfnas ever bconW ever can be thrown ; aud I ask you, can yoti believe (bat the still mum .important in ternal organs ot the liouy cau be less in jorteusly effected tbau the mouth t" lren the -tu oiler ate use says vi Wilson, ''of such lienors, if long contin ued, and grown habitual, cannot fail ed have ultimately a prejudicial effect upanii the health while it may be confidently as perted that there are no circumstances, or ordinary character, under which it can bo l!, ,t II' r, ,.F I I, ,.f l..l,. I i LirjS ww.il ui tiiai. uiaiu iiiiu helped her huKbaud to raise sevenTy aTrPS t m In it, .md nut i ci ii r the item conied bv i exchanges under an evident 'misappre hension ol facts, now explains that the she Ii Ipi-d was lo stand in the door shake a brontn tit; him when he sat down to rest, and terrifying him in other ways;. Prqsk Poetry. Joliu Bibbs fell in love wftli a maid ; each night 'neatli her toTr,wht.s',''HT wvvekt" i'anfv. neighboihood. But vainly he tried arouse her from slec w ilti his strains so be,witchiu' j while he played iu front of -4, lenil for circulars and" frrc pint to S. V. THOMPSON A CO., 3fi l'ed ral street, Ponton, or M8 st.no Streetl hicsiro. A vintimof early imjisa-retinn, eausin- iien-ons lebiIHgr, prenialnrr dceai. ,Ve.. Raring tried in vain ealy.niaa discovered a simiile is the house, kitchen.1 she slept iu the little back Ncaiise. Effects of War A New Jersey papnr reports ihat moi' divorces have been granted by the Chanceller of that otate since the war than in nH the time previously single the furmaiic ii of the State; aird it claims- tbat not one of them has been granted without good and1 sufficient 'cry wimnnmi remenv. naa illscovcreil a aim SI moans of self-rnrej Which he will send lire ton lellow-siinerers. Address J. A. RKKVKS. 78 Nassau St.. N. Y. Moilufn'llllQ tweed V- fo hi lx wreltlT Rri-'iv-.'t i 'llt HI lit sphi for falarnts. A I 'r. II lir'ii. TWO IK0R$ ABOXETHE Court House, on Main Street, I 1 BTUKN THKIR T II A X K S TO T II K 1 1 public USK frKI.MBOLP'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU N f In all di-e.i.ics of thr i- orpans, whetbar exJating in lhale or female, front wnatever raase 6rirtnatiiij, and no matter of how long iitanding. It is pleas ant iu taste and odor, "immediate" in action, and more strrsrtlwninaalhMl any of the nrfTarationSpf justified as beneficial or neccBsary kki se Invective. Upon points Persian Wootno. In the (rood old hicu wedisseul from, one another, ar- trnres, a Persian girl who had a littje pro P1"'1 i'l always secure the attention perty a but or a fishing boat was there j "M'ho wise and gootl ; whereas invective UHI.-I iiiiiirraco tne can, whin w imiilic lur the. vcrv lilieml uatroiiiiire en- jnveal by them during the past year, and hope, by fair alealins and strict stteutinn to liuaim-ss to merit a cnntiuuancV, if not an increase of the an). - .. . . k Wo will enntinnp to Veep on hand n pood Kttp. t u i TAjaxLY a&ocziazz.s, h K'tic. ilrbiHMHtD'S Kxtract Buchu is the creat by IegaHy amhoriEed to pick out a hus band. hen she wished to begin hunt, she would hang up her blue apron ;n front ol hi i door, and post herself be hind it, while .thVybmrjfr SM of The: "Til lage attired in their best clothes, passed by the apron in long procession, one. by a ue. As soOn as the right ode appealed, she would rushr out, tbrow her aims a round his neck, and within three weeks ni in ciosea ousinrss, lor M. and the senior member is te following proniinciementn : oshun of eoparship heretofnr re- ix me an StOse Jones iu de white bisues are. hcrebv reaolv. nm there was a weddinjj. Happixess. Learn, in childhood, if you cap, that liappibrss is not outside, but .'usiae. A good heart and a clear con- sa science hr.fl.- hapiiimss. which no riches ! Quarters retort th rn .,. ... 'rcumstsiii. 1 1 .done can errr do ti t inel v disnmirarme ")f6 e &rm ns pay de scriber, an enf wbak de firm owe mns "go to Jones, axe de firm are resolvent. " YThe d rringht throughout Germany is trLt be Very severe. Advices from all a.ud luding Freh and Hult Finh, of kvery variety Whiskey, Brandies, Bum, Gin, ttc ., do. ALSO. BOOTS, RHOKS, DOMKSTlCSy PIECE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, iftfact, almost erarrtbioji usually Kept in a va riety Store, nil ntirbich we will sell low for Cash, or Country Produce at the bigk sjsil' wHI ft1eB rUILLIPS b B1I0TI1ERS Feb. IK. r87fi. 7 tf Those suffering froatissken-down ordeticaie con stitatious, procure tlie rt iiic .lv at onee. , Tlie reader muat bs sware that, hoa-ever slight maybe tlie attack of the above diseases. It ia rer. tain to affect the bodily health and mental powers. All the above diseases require the sidif a Pin. men. like ka-rnels nl corn, are witheied, dissolv ed uml eradicated ami tin- diseased parts hour iahed into LifeJ The Ttirpid l.iver ajid Inac tive Kidneys are stimulated on :i healthy secre linn, and their natural functions restored In re newed health uml activity. ftsncUon iipn ihe bliind, lluids of the body, and Glaudulur System, are TOHIC FUK1F7ING AND EISINFCTAKT A I its touch, disease driHips, dies, and tUu vic tim of its vtolsnce, aslt were, LEAPS TO NEW L1FE Relieve the Kntire System of I'aina and aclles, en- liveus tue spirits, ainlin,jiaiL-a Sparkling Brightness to the Eye, A Rosy tiloic to the Cheek,. A Buby Tinge to the Lips, A Clearness to the Head, Brightness to the Complexion, GROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC SIISOH ' FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 1S1 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Charlotte, Salisbury, . . . . GretfnelKiro' . . Co. Shops Ralriali, I ,. i ' .1. : .,'. . . UII -aaaiva. lav. AKiinr., faaWa.a. TSJS ia 7.SR Kfnt a. r. .; :41: " j 9 lu " i 9:U0 " ilSiSOra 1:10 r a. to.iii " in:8 " !l.40" SiOSr. a. I -'iA p.m. SUM:. 8:110" I 8:tf " S.8o " !lJ:8Sil TltAIXS SOUTH : HAIL. ,i Khiva. rasv. ratioBT. inn l.j HH.I s:S0 r, h I , t:M A H Ii. h. a. 12 4S:a. h j r oo.i v. 6:40 " B:' a.h.! 8:A7 " -ISiiWral 12:21 p H 4:T " j aai7 " :; :U " iM " "M ' t:J5 " ' 7: " 8:0 " l': " - .Minora Hiuretic. AGIG IS CONSIDERED Tt be the Gieatest and Mil REMEDY NOW IN USE FOR ALL PAIN8. TtTsTSecemina more snd more ponular everv day- The detraud for it is' creat. Prepared and for tale at TR. rOTTLSOVS nrn Store, jan"1 3- ali. h,irr. X C Sold by Druggists everywhere., Priee-$l.a6 per bottle, or 6 bottles flir 16.50. Delivered to any ad dress. ' Describe symptoms in all coniniunlcations Address H. T. HW.UBOLD. Drug aadChemictl Warehooae, 594 Broadway, V. T. ' J sreei pngraved arappat. with fac sisiile of lily C bf ical Warehone, and lirned ' ju 3-ly H. T irtl.VROI.n n Thautsancls have beenreshied from the verce of tbo (rruv a by Ha timely use. This remedy is now i die real to the public with the lliost solemn' ilasuriilice of its intritwie i.i,..li eaL virtues, nnd ptnrerful Usaliogjiropartieg. it'OK ALL IllSKAsSS OF TDK KIDNEYS, llKTKXTloxoi'THi: I KIXK, Ac.&c Atulor Mutate if Wituen "ami 'Children. N'erVon I'rostration, Weakriess, tlenrral I.a)tade, --and wanl of Appetite, it is unsuriaiied. It extiagaiSss .tffeetioni off he Bone, JJnbilual CotireneM,T)ebiI ilij, Diteaeet olht AVincys, DytvH juui, Kry tifiUit, f'muile I,;,:nli,ritirM F,iuL, .,11 Skin Diteiitet, lArer Complaint, In- diyetttdn,- Ptlet, i wwioiinry, Tit- caca, f UHfiimptiim, Selvf tda, or King' Evil, tjyphuu, ,i fnn'itm ar witbout cbatnra and Gruiuess I CmU PKatgS, POK A MUTT, C0XVEX1KXCE. Prof. StT. B. Henry, Director-General Berlin Hospital, Pruwia. M., a., L. L. D.. F. II. R. nemiry ant frfaTMtv nf Pe Perfection and simplicity of Machinery. bsuifr both threaals dkectbji lrotu the spools. No (aateBinK of seams bv iiaia! ami III! U'AUli. oi inrenn, i i Wide rxaM of sprilicxtioc o! arynstiiitw -1 ho seam Ctiiins its beaut V alter tvasiung and ironing, c Itesiali s limn:.' kiiiiis i. work alone hy ojlicr SwjnjjJMaehjneii,Jhese Machines exe cute the ttio-'l beaiiiilul and ieruia"uebt' ",Eui broidery and ornamental work. For sale by ANDREW MURPHY, oct li ly Salisbury, N. C. f Greatest Invention of the Age! STATl'Jlta. Ilnl.lsln.ro' Kill. Iih, Co. Sliopf, Gritnslioru' Siilisl.ury, CharLair, Aecommmlation for Eastern N. Carolir.a. Passenffor from Wiluiiiiaton to Raleijrh will take thoaei-omniodatiuu ur t:i5 p. m, train. PaMMgers from Wilmington tu hsiaigb wiH t;if. thn morions- tmin. Close connection made at tiaddsboro' each way. Al.nnnr liinianw ?.. CIBMC KMW Xl'Awtl JblMSi,! WARSAW o Fy eitrvdle. 1KAVK' Warsaw fair Payetterillc .daily ex j cept Sunday. ' If you are in Western t Carolina iru to Baleigh aud procure a through .ticket to Pityeitevnie fur J3; Thnmph Ticket froui fiuliWinro' via Warsaw, to Payetterillc, $ti. Through tickets from Weldon to Payette villedflO. TL rougb' tickets from AV'ilmitigtou, via arsaw, to Pajvttaril le, 86. i ' IX. and i uesnay, I hursalay, and Sntiintay I-avo Wa- dosboro, Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Saturday,-- MT arrival of tram ami Strip, from Wilmington. Bead. of Chatham lt.iil, Kuad to Jonasbord, N. I '.. daily except Kuudars. j I.euve head of CVaiKim Rail Road after ar rival.. I train from Raleich. Leave .luncsboro' Fayette i i Ue. after arrival of train from " t?f emmnjit' Arcrrmmodntion Line Itetween Salem and Iliffh Point, will charter Stages nl itil lmura ."Cheaper than tho Cheap est." Officet Uuther's II., tel. Snlem, Jf. C. ti I . CLK-MMONS, l;1859-tf ' Contractlip. (Oct. DOCT. WILSON'S SCHOOL, MOCKSVILLE, DAVIE, CO., N. G. THE subscriber has opened in Mocks ville, an English, Classical and Matbe- ..i,. .i . . . . AGENTS WANTED To Sell ovf Celebrated Acknowledged by all who have uWl them to lie the IH Ileal t It V derly. HENRY & CO., Proprietors. .Ajfenry of the United States, r.aboratory, 576 fearl StreetPost (Iffce Box 63T3. NEW YoriK. EJ-fXlXKTITCTtOXnT'vnriTnci. a i... tu ; hMii.i,. ar c-.. . -m ""P""" n, r-rm nnvwne ,....i. Mien, srp reqaefliea To e uenaiauv. anal n-ply will tm made nv x p' ' "l3"i S Afei . ' . 1 livt I'en m.le or sold in this ceiintrv. Xolili.tl ne Xo toiled ftnrrers! ?ixly Tiiie Wtilli'ii iili one oca -hv-laffiwiiiji lliahjirv li m;U. I- All afoi. un at.. id i . LI The lorn tinn and the villaare auiet and oe. Regular tri-weekljr commucation of ink! Will outn ear auX steel pen evvr made. liankers, mcrWianN. lo.-i. heiisRilallclaae.e:.dorM thero in the. hif-hest term of pntise. Iat u,i in neat sltdehote. No. I lor ffenera I use : So. 3, medium; Net for ldieV kineor Mne )ieninaiis1i!p. liberal Commission to Agents ! We aie piepanp l tociv'e any enerretic person ta king Ihe a;eney.of tlrse Pen, a c. anmissinn Wbicti will pay f9IIO per menfh. . We invite all neions asaaVaaa eicnlovirenU to send frr uhh.Im aird tsnond ronB- I lata. Two simple boSw Mailed for BO rent. Anpr.kss -V&tRK i: fit .i:-l 1 ,' nisr.-M . fjm Pit'-Kir- Ts I on receipt o ny ' t.Jwins mail. eiiftitiiiT I 'fehSo t The next efttiam will COm rrlfiri saat lulu 18:h, 1S70, and coniinne twenty weeks Tuition 925 per session, in advance ; board from $10 to 13 per month. Theso terms somewhat niodiiied lor those near enough to pay in. provisions.. No charges for Ministers' sons, and candidates for the Ministry DOCT. JOHN WILSON. (formerly of Mt jville, N. C.,) -Tl cowl I rrtneipaf.