TT 1 s, x-k.' if A, - Y ... .J . . 'T A v.- (LlK(Plbltl) C' benofioial- Association t "Sausuckt". riiiu.w. j,in. a.-im.s 8KCOXP' rZrn orw Ofttd ElBrl KnmberDi.tribat.on SfCViTE "To A f.aix T1.K Al'TP A t .- 1 jUrti-sn -orMoxEVisf THi:Trrm." ALIABLK U.M L.MATfc The eonnniitce created by a nWuliou i t f the Senate. December 8ih. J'EJ.'SOXA. PlU)PEIlTY . . " . . . . . .; . . .1 I ' lo t.ikr jil.irt l Wilmington, i. V., Tlon ;.iv, Jan. 10, Irt7l. 10,000 No. I'lt in the Wiikei.; 1 10 A.rartla Uraiin ! W'hule Lerttfcu'es, ?5; JJ S2 60 Quarters, 1 L5. Intn V-nrMed . rc'olnt'oti to 'certain -"I - ttid ectiui amount nf 'no-ncy in tin- Treue ary,V ratpflfteJ under three distinct heads, to il : 1 1. Amount of rroieiiil f ind, 2. Amount dI special tux land, 3. Amount nf literary fund, ' (it g tea ve lo repot that'they find I iv the hand of the Ticamn'r S.VUja 13.'Jl. Of (bit sriiu f.V,213 50 in- f pciAl deposit of Shcrtfl on account ol taxes for ihe year 18C9, and $20,3.14 3-', epeeial depo. fta of rJherlfTn on account of lax for 170. Three deposit $75,567.73 am not nv.iila tie because they ctimot be appoitirmed Among the, e' veral fund, until lhec,Shoi iff pay rn iholr teveial balmce. Your committee further rind llitt 31S4,&'9.G9 were collected under ihn "special" tux ct during the nnttitnn of 1SG9, and pnid Into the Treasury. That under uuthori Iv'nfUw. tlic Treasurer had up to J.inu-- $808,470, when hrwa foiulilueii uy tin General Assembly to 111 ike fttfthr pay ment. I hit of the residue S27C,3?9 CD, hi waa directed by the ( Arioou- blv. ratified March 12.1. and, lb70, 1 to borrow mid uo Sa.'iO.OOO of iHid sum for cortnin pnrpoiiB ajn-cilied in nid ucl, and ff'pface 'he nanu. out of .1115 nyiu'rx that Uiiglit roic into tlio 'I'wjaoniy, by way of dividend of corpoiMlioiis or of U111 herilnfore or UeatMU'iar to be levied. Of this Ainu uwsd &i J2.172-7 Lj bi'VU UeUetcd (tom.llt udLic toa4 -w iti tftcCom replaced, ift tlie Treirtury, ironi the mii--. cn mentioned leavinj; a di licit of t77,827.$J of the kiiiii borroed, tii.d.-i the acta ufirti;iid. Your comuiiuee mini np'ki ; follows ( " Money In the Treas'y Doc. 10.1870, S53I.2I3.2I Amount of gen'l fund, 6 Arnt f f 'perjil ENGLISH AND SCOTCH QUARTERLIES, r'. AND -: - BLAfKWOainHAGAZlXE. . rim Ik xtw va ir tat LKONUD SCOTT. I'L'HLISIIISO CO. gLAUTCKLr, W.r KilulMirffl. l!: . U.rJva Oiirtrl.T Itctlev Norlli Unt.b l(rir . V.m li tir Ikotw. ' MONTHLY. 1 llHaelKnoiti lUlu burgh Migatine. Tlieic pcr'nidirali nra the int-dimn through u liii-li tli. i;reiiin' mliiiU, ni only of (5 real itiitiiiu ami I eliind, btrt ahxi of f'ontiiieiitnl lvniipe, fniirtttiitiy-rir.inlil iutu more it intinmtf. doi'MHiii iriiiimi with tli wnrlil of millers. II KTorv. l!i"Kr'hy. .v'eii11Pr Uhi hiHuphy. Art. Kelipiiiu. llie reat pulilicul iii. ktloim nf tl.e pat mix ol to-day, a r treat ed In their nn .eaa me ii unwii hIiiiiu ran treitt tlirm. No on whn wmild kern pace wiiii iiih mum run iwioru ciii i wnn.mi ineHv t.rioIirul. ' Of all ihe niontliliet Llttckicood holda the furomovt lac. Change of Schedolo. Cu ami nftur Tliorwlar. fieptemher lt. lfi0, lrlii .,ll:riuu(.yer tin r d iu ax'OJdJa wlih th WJi.iti-' TIMS TABLE-H. C. RAILROAD , TIAIl'l HOiTII I chwimTi.rr.T -llkr 0". MH.t ll,l.... ... i"4rv... mil. iinuH. Illllt ; UA ST j aaiML'' Li tut r a. " I ' It.M ' I 1:1 II:'" IK 1-0 M !..' " . I " a, M l" ji 1 lii -.1 I .1 Ta"A75iT5otTTi? i Tha Great Hrdlcal DJscoiCr;!" . Xr WXLKSU'S CAUFOaNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, jjjl1 ilundredi of Tbouttandi fid I ltar tMtiraun. to (lull r nuaJfrfbl J f I 3 J ' tumti MJ WHAT ARC THET 7 mil. . . TERMS. For any one of the Keviews, f4.00 per an num. For any two uf the Review. 7 00 WHAT UIK CITY 1'RKAS HAY: TiuJi: Pimwisu. Quite a crowd n-L-mblcd at the Tlu-iiirt! ywtcrday noun, lo witin.- tin? (iruud Lraaijiof tlie 'oilli" Carolina lUoeli Ai i.ition. Tln-fc wire 100 prirjn in all, and litlle rlin of mht cpnratinK lliee ci ll;ioH in a wlietj n.i one ttiile. wliilu the li lieu were in a wlievl opposite to the former. Ik tffcen 1I10 two wn a lalde, at which Kt the Jii.Il.ok and Mr. Julin Iiidm. CoiiimiwiuiK r. The whot-U were made with clixa niilex. o that I For any three if the Keviewa, 10 00 everrlliina; within thtm cmld be ecn and were , For all four of the Reviews 1400 wii dune l.v men urtwo liitlo Iiovp, wlio were Vjr lilnckwood unit anv oaa ' . (ccurciy bini'iioiu.Ki, one nrawini( n uumwr from one Cl the wliecki and lite illii-r the prui? In cirrc'i,ihl ami 11. iluriaH iid (jiu-tioii but till. II. L' UlllVlllltf W l U1.I1U 111 J:it manner. II itnlnyliin 2nd. 'I'm Granp Uhawino Yr-TtiinAY. The (rrmid niiitiU iiiimla-r ilMrilmtton of I tie N, (.'. liem.loiai AwiKj.uiun, aiiick lotik pliu; at the Theatre vwlenhir, at. 1 o'clock, wn the ull-nli-Korlilii); llieim during the iIt. Tin lrawin to"!t pltiee m pntiln-, n committee Imvinj; hwi . , . ...... in a pi i ii cilj- fair mid Mi.y Journal, Dtc. Review. For Black wi-od and any two of lite Reviews, For Black wood and three of the Ueviewa, ' For Illiickw.iod and the foiir Reviews, .Single nnniber if a Review. $1 ; r'wqU iminlii'ia ifl ltlaekwood. thirty five fetts1. J I'ustitge two cent a number. C M. U.S. A diimmnr f hnttf jtr rent rH te al- 700 10 00 13 00 l.'SOO niiaBionw iu kitungrt mianitiiril).-hJtmaiiil l.twrd to i-IuIm of l.uir or mure perform to see that it wan conducted fairly. Qijilu n re- j Xi,,,,, f,mr e.ievif lllaekwuod. or of pertaMc crowd wn present to wilneMih. draw- J ,wiew. will be fent ro one wOlrni; t.,f Jf2 ina, inr inuowinR milliner, orew u.e prinripai fJ -:. f ,h Clirl. II-, 1 tfi 1 1! M'.U :lr. nitoiru', tW l l" ' fn.Ht;,,,, l.'O t,H M INI. Ith. , .f J 1! Ool.l.u. ro' ! IW a.lliT. aaira. kiai I M.1 " i It i a H is ra 4ft r a bltl - 1 14 .nan W. II lilthKN'. - Master of Transport at ion Coini.niivPhon.Ai a. It70. Time Table-T7e ate in XJ. O, XI. It TAKt:a rrr.txT tTii Skpt.TS70. GOING WEST. ; 'VPlG EAST. Jrrirs. Accire. ' K- finite. Ltvtt ODOfM, H iH " I H Wr 7 ' 1 7 8" ' 23 fi US " 6 30 fc,3J. 4 4 " 4 tU " 4 00 u 14 (H " 5 IS "JIM " 5M' e.ot "t"ay"' 6 lUiN Saljttitiry, 7 -.jlUirai rerli 61) AM 6 6S ; 7 l 8 "'J " 8 07 " 8 5ft : fl no N 4(1 " ! 'I 4S ... n I ... n i. IV 4 : I" O" . a 7 1 1 !. a tr'. wff-wtrr II 10 1 1 Li; 11 5t .' UTv, Wfrftr nrk, Sute-rlll. jl'aualia Stn. N'eivtoa, Ml.rk .rjr. IraiU. 1 Ul'rtranion. 'tllirfart. I IJ- llrcakliiM unit U' IT tit Stiitovilie. Per Vt Ii70. " ' 14 HI m S-s 5 1 --- -- V - "i 5 -r' IP W'-r ' r.i . ThaFarmer'fl inrl Mchanln'i T.f nf WTITXT VftTtir - w -.r.jrzTz r io. 10, WALL STREKT. CASH CAPITAL, $125:000. 1 Hi M TtlKT AUK NOT A TI.E IfFAfiCY DRINK kf arts of Poor Rum. Whisker. Proof Bnlr- "" Its, and itefuso XJquora. uocn.i.i.i,L i sad suUuoi tupimuio lue lf,c U-d on w- ' Anpatlann, " " ltouirr, " a., that laaiths o 1 - r ."iir 810,000 Deposited tIth th Insaranee Department of tb Ittti tor iu ivivvuva vi iu a uiisy uviavi. , All tlic nfficnr sn! lin torf (wltbntit an rtrertlon) are Kir.rlknli'tr, and will taVt seel tars tLl 1 11 ttel uiicy iluldcra wi)l La aiailt. : . . . ., . tippler Ob toOmnkaonuaaaad run, but eras tni MvUlcina, niaila.lront the AaUt KooU ana Itirtt of Calilornla, frSO from all Aloohnlio BtlmulanH. 'lacyarlOKRATBIOD ruRU'iSUiuidiJi'aoiviNa i-ilin. OIPLB, purfit anil Inviximtoi ot the B)tiu, rarrrlnroa all poixmoiM matter, sod roaturiaf tha tlool to a h mlihjr eondllioa. ho iraoa eaa Uka thcasj Jlllltrt, eoonluif to diramlotia, au.l remuin Ion a; unwvlt! aVIOO wiUbaeiraojfuran inrtiroU". enaa, pro ms the boots are fsot teoaJ I y auacral vldins the boots are pot denWovaJ I r auacral w;a J l.rvoiiil tnajH.nlor rrpnr. nriiea: Mi, Mill, $.,IHK; No. 5776, 5,".00; No. L'.SJ, !-(hI; No. 14 "rax- fund. AmV.f try. fund, Speo'l depucit or glwriff for the year X5T0r .. 195,65 43 2.17.0S3.13 - 'HbJttK 23 HO. Four copies of the four Reviews ami lliarkwood 'or 11. ami ai on. Four rlnh. 52.000; No. liri.!Sl,000r.,o.ll S-Mwi. The ,r '' P"""-" P' ' "" Certilicate No. 1407 w. m.I.I i n , ilir. of Wil- I UeUer-up 01 ine ciuo, in a iuiihau wane a- niiimton. S. C MTfnmy&a Xvnim .SW, .r. j h"v" aiccimnt. 2ml, ! l'HKMIUMS TO NEW Ml ilHCRIBKRS I V.1.1- tiilia.TT4pr ti. iiiiw fwu itftlo. nkm-ii " yj perioiliriV f r I -'71 . will lie enti led to le rriveoiiH of ihe Reviews (..r lr'70. New snl in this, orn second oeand distiu BLTioN, no awavhs Mr.T rr. drawn ! 'ne Award; valimtioii. ! i wo I Two " i Two " j Tro and 101 mho Kr-ilur t &!t tris fiv. in tf riviiw hiiv .000 i , ,,. , V;,.HS f,,:. ,;d. tun lWater WKEEv Mill GfiarinSlT2ftmt&Pu!fep Subscribe at Once! Vnr Inflim-aitjrr and ChroniaRhsn matiun, and Gout. Uraiiepata. or Indi . . Keition. Hilioua, Ke:aitteQt. and Inter raitlent Fevers. Di lasesor Ui Blood, Uver. "Uitnca, ou4 illadder, ih.wSiu ters have Ii.-jii Mint miiiiI. Such Ills eases ara 03mm.i1 tr Vitiated Blood, wl.wb V i evnernt'7 lirmlnrej tf ticrufemaat si la " Direative Organs. 'i ttL-f ltiriirati tla atomvU. nnd atimuUts thetnrpi.l Hwrtml e..woU, wha-h ToadVTrthem of iinytial:ed-ctf1i':iry in rlrantnir tha boolof n'l impanU, nail Iinp.u1inu uw Ufa and vigor erv to'hiwliol'irt'm. Dyapppsia cr Indigestion, ITnaarh, la iim hlitml.l' i. I .Murli, iVitncia vt lha (!hi. i)iiiia. , Su :r hUiuiarh, Uud Tula la Ihe prosier rerenea fi r tl e lejier jiioWUU k i Tlila Company makr a f'anh IMvidrnd to its Pulley llolilera uf 33 1-3 to 60 per cent sac year la 4 VHif e lijr nirana nf .t low rale of prs.uiuina. ' - a The ajriy of Uur foliejr ia ifasidrd. All ,Vw Voik Co' pa sir a are obliged I y Iks Kta's lo Ml asMsv t lie aaHirre.-rv. 'iiie Keaerie fur each Company ia Ilia wni, ralcntatrd uu lit ai libit of HerUlilJ and at lilt aauia rate uf iuleiratj cuoi'i elitl) all sie wile. ('OXIUT.'OX OF IOM0Y!Tl.i Company'a policief are tionVifeiia Tliis (.'ompniiy iin:neta no rertiiciion on .tiavi I ftir 'una annual paytnent iaa kfe) made. This Company insures the live of ft uiulta. This Company will not eontt it' iny lej;al claim. This Company will pay cluiui ai aooii aa the proof thereof le ful-t ly eaUbliehed. " ' .' ' ",K 'l; 'C The ratea nre are low'er llan llioe tf any other Company organised Under' t)io, luwa of New York, not reeponaiblo to the Inaiiraiico Di parlnieitt for ita aufeiy,' " , "' The Farmers' and Metlianic' will grant insurance lo suit on tLs following plana : OUD1XARY LIKK, KSDOWMFNT. . " CIIILDIIENEXDOWMFXT. ' 'i ' . i V JOINT I.IFF. iLeToIIoain j)a j .J t sa ,"aiT' I -" '. ... '1 , k -Jtii aawtaaaaftaaaawaattM COJll'OtjXD JNTKIIFBT. ' INCOJlt PJOniTiXO, TERM Urn, ' RETtTN I'RKMIL'M, AMNtlTlK,t and in addition lo ibo above w ill ieue policie on the ' ' --cl .... ..' . " ' I ' -nJ4 n tJl i 'Tontine Mutual, or Cheap Plan fcr WoT)diig $ejcri ;" Tontine Mutual is a cnmbinaiion of Insurance and Knjownitnl, a nil i ingnTta'rl r 1. 1. .I. r i l .1 l li l . it 1 !tl uu. iineu to ii.e nanip in a cinra oi pec ine uno nave tiiinirio Deep neoarrea from Ine thionifl!')Klrle.(!T,anlaliin.r''t.all - 'IV, intirc yoni' liti' on lite- Tonl ine M nlual I'l.lll oil pay SIS oll6't" VMlV. toi lyIil. ato eura ky llicao liitiem. 3 SSwiliUilllV. loll p.iV I. 10 W I.PIIC'Vtr fl Jeal ll CCHI( IU tfillf C!i. Tl0ti ar6 .'?L"!?,2y.?! tTi c.i tain to receive 81. 000. . And if yourt la ta ful! 5.000. Clauaii are' rerttlaled1 , , ' ; t-531,213 21 Ail of which ia reepectfnlly eubiimted, ... W. L. Love, Ch'ti. .1. M. Worth. ' f,, " ' Neither prMiiiiiin to uubcribers, nor di. (. fc j')00 " "'"',s eau be allowed, tlulrtui thr - ,j 'fM1 money i i milted direet tn the 1'ubiiher.i. awird. rarrfrw in rahte from j N" preiiiiuui aj.u be ffiven toelube. vi-,n ... t fi ' I t irMi!ar i!!i furtlier a ticiilars may hi Staring at Ladiks. Mayor R.ixtcr. ot- Loiviilf, ia decidedly unfralbiut, or thd ypr,cre tcvor.'ie we leave it to our rt;adcrr.:F4re C4:y (.'oui'ril recently p i- . .. . . ... I .. 1 M CO, "un orilltlilncc to piou ci leinaic? noe Jfl'IN LllNJM )V, f'.imrni-ii.ner. t-7.'" ii-n ii;ion- ut'ilie ri'n i ty i.n li!e at our olltee. SHf Send money by l'iwt Uli.-e . ler or KeaUtered I -t 1 1 r . Ctf For information nnd onfers .iddrciw v. u.r;i:i:K!:N,r;e.ier.ii AL'.nt, IVincipil d:h'.T No. 11. Sooth ft-ci.ntl St.; P.O. I '.ox o9,- dec'J;5t. WILMI.VUTON, N. C. TllE LEO.VARI) SCOTT PLB. CO, had on nppliealion FOB TUB XT' Tr . Ti Tir 1) Ti r f inir tnroush thi a plea. BrapUona, ne B.r. ; rlaasao it wbaa It It luiU. aal Tourfualinira Hid toll yon when. K tbn blood pure tail llic Ucailli of tin if atarn will follow. PIN, TAPR, and other WORXa, luraiae la tha syatera of ao manr QiuumuiUs, am atfactualir deatroyod Anl r moitJ. . For fall dini'iions, read carefullr tlie eirrular sromid csj-ti Ni(, prinw d in four lunjuajea Bmrtiah, O'-rnmn, Fmoch. an 1 piiniih. J. WAl.ICi:it,M & 3 Couinerua blreot, N. T. Proprietor. It. II. M. IKIN Al.ll & CO., I:iiTiit and Oonoral Arret. , Bia Fnuirjaen, Calif orula, sci 3 audi Com. me-i-a Mr. ol, N'. Y. fci-WiLl) pV AM. ESrOQISTS AND e 7 .M.,,,1, i receive tl ITCH VP !? Iliimv ilt'liili. Five lli I f" i 11't'IT ri i llkf I V 1 l i- paaainp r.Br ,l alrerta:" -The - V - ' - .reaaot. I r the , ,.;:.,1ei,t a- t ;" AnJwr Al)l1.f .f Btailnir ill tlie l.totes nv men pi.t.uiinijr on l.t'tte IIV on the Btrcet. I he M.ivnr vetoed the bill, e.iyin? lint if any in in iiir-ulied a woman lin could lie ai rerte.l for di.4i,rdi il y conduct, under cximiug l.iws. A simple look, : even if prolonged, did r.ot, in hia opinion, c'n.l-i:ut" a i insult, nnd he did nft belie vo the ladies would resent il. ''For my part," cioiioaiee the wonhv .li cial, ''I liiiiik iheie i- nothing on cirih more plcueing a haiiilMiine, wi ll hi haved woman; and the ni.iii that eiiio. t appreciate and be E.ati'ful f.r such, ought fined; bul to fine ' man for linking with adniir iti ro epon the ludic is some thtiie; 1 c.'timot :tiprove ol." J3itt there were mure tlvan yft t'mriital reason involved, and I ho Mayor ihouglti lie avoided grftt. Ironbh-by llie i.tterpoi lrr.ii fa. veto. We quote I. In own von! : '.'If th;n ordinance Mio.lid tiecotH" a law. ntl our ndttlt male popnlation would !ie li able to bo 'ent to jail, uur! I am nfraid not a few would have lo be lined ; while it i eypt) possible that goiue of your honura ble aelve's miht be surprifed to fLd your atlwa- ' vicliuis to -ils rt" ecp'inp prohibi tion. Hceidei", our jiolice force, would. ill piy opinion, luvt- to be largely: ineieaa eato carry out itJ" provision, I j 140 Fullon Street, A tie For A. Piwfinaater ami others di.l"Se.l to ean- j van, liberally dalwith. j The Leonard Scott Pub. C0., AI..S ) PUILf.iU THc FARMEH'S GUIDE.- To Scicnlijic (iiifj Practical Agriculture. By Jlenry Stephens. F. Jt. H. Faliubnrvh, rid the late J 1'. Norton, Frofenor of Sci- ntific Agriculture in Yale CoUejja. New TCI! The l'copk'.i I'ui'jrile Journal. MOM lNTKIiKii TIS'G STORIES ralnTi to t c fiinti.! in ll.e NEW YORK WEEKLY. rues I '"- -fi-u-ji1;v'":',"-i' k s ft- T-, .-s,.-, - ft -.fij r t.,r i-"' fv SV. f'': SIX COLD MEDALS a . u t-ti to PIANOS. ii rer, Ailiti r 0 Andrew iloigiiuu Ser, airaieat Atidi'-H" I!ol:hoiK.'r. I'flitimi tn 7 for .l.rf. In tlii- ea-e it ti,. Tib' lo .ipiiiMr to (!,e 5t isfin-tioti of tin- Court th:if l.inv.iou Ilolshon- I ser. uiie of the il.-fen lant in t!ii tTrcedinijr. I is a non-resident of iIin Stale, it ii . rd-Teil that publication be innde iu the "Onl North "fate," a uewpMper j i ; I.l i ! .-! in Sali.-bnry, i N. (1.. for..-ix sncce--iive wee!., f i iLKKHiinj; j, the . lid defendant to he and ear tit tlie next Ter-rVof ili.. C.-irt. t" b,' I..-1.I iievr-v ctttrti c nt the Court H-nw in Sali.-bury. on the; UE.N.U1 5M1 1 II, irc. F'ourtji Moiidav alter lire Third Mondnv in i March next, then ami there to an.ivi-r or de I inur to pun! etK;oii. or tlie '.on.1 will lie ta- ';'U pru conf' -'to .:.. heard t.r jtarte us, to mm. Witiu-M', A. Ju'Uon Alnoti. eUrli of our !a'd Court at otRce in Salisbury. u the 4th Mondiv lifter tin- !t,l Mondnv in SeiOeinlier. 1-70. ' ...H'!so.V MASON. ; Clerk nt ' Him an Cuurt. i .Vliiiw f.r. fee if (J. ! trtHcr of th Stats of TFHSES8I 2 AT J'KKSENT THERE ARE SIX j -lor.- ti.t'jilnr tlitiM Ii ilf-rdltiii fi-. . hi at j ii:tt one TorvD ln:fiw ('Vf1 r PToT.ttr. N-w iil- r.i i.r itittiii:- - error Lit I:e !"in ivl.c rfi.r th" ' v vkki v. 1 y.A )t ir:i.'!-',' i'! tit? N' Yo'k W fcKi) C'fitnir j 'spVPM' Im' it i' t i 1 ' i !tral!ti'K. (Ifi 1 !!, .t f:: 'Hi f t nl ' bv nirc. HOTII SEXES ADMFITED IX T1IK SAW, 'CLASS.' dumk v ALL ITaVE T.O lA8rf A MEDICAL EXAMINATION. ( 'I4cj arc l uiitrd t. '&..O00 McnJjcr. Yhiii"Vfr a Cja, I "iceTiiPiifiJwaya f'lll - r J-n Tlio Ci inpHii v to .i -a i; toe ihnt in ee ronr deatfi 1ioo!d occur, within a Tear. lien- an- iio: on.; t l.ou.-.n.d M ttibcr in your Cla'a,Vfl wllf your fauiify .()') ; bo' in ca.-e your Cl i.-h h id inofe '.ban 1 000 M toiibci t tu-ii yon wouW dull ii s n- there are Mi in y our t luet at the lime of jouf ' n..-. id Member, then $5,000. ' ! '4 I "I.AHS A.. Ailnuls nil between the iief of 15 find 35. " ' I ( li. Admit nl between he ages of 35 and 45. ' ,' ' ' : CiAhS ' . Adinit! alt beiwi-fij I lie njre of 45 ai-d CO. " ' '' 'I O.NTJNE FEND. At ihe ennie tinn- yen bf come inttrftT,c)ti alfn beccme a M El' ij;i- ok a Toxi'iXE Frsii, wbicli may give to yftnrclr, rliilt li vlirjpr,' a Farje . Mini ol Uloli'-y. " ' " " -"-".- '--. j 'I'll tr i? lire D.M.v Company in the United Sta-te f!oii;p; bnhtef on a ont;d lat' i i. e., thai bai a Cash Cnpiial ol SlL'o.Of.O, and I n a depot-it with llit Stale ; fom lhaa security of the- I'oliey liuidete that ieettes policii ol this kind, bend ior.lSook of ' j Rale?. All Dni!CU.e ate .UovkLoldus. All Olhcci aif SloekbokleiH. t ' E. McM IJ R I )Y: Pi!KsnifNT. 1 LEAN I EK .STARU, SfCiwRj'," . : i;. ma it i iMi.ii.ii, .nrT rRrsirrT, u si. iiknjimoun, AfbT. ect. rttUlflAXDA JF STEWART, Uuui sil, Medical L 'ci ii ...i.moK .11.1 W V I 4 B rK I'inTT'.a T?..l -iinn i i iinniiiiL iiKitt.-i .0 io,y j-. t i r et ii: , ml il,,- M . i iinv a a' j nt r. ino .efaT 1 'nmrt a i ti , i ,. ii . i..i ' iiiiT Hrii)(iii' 5" i un, r a iiiniif , il.U.t r.teVH ol AH fii.a t,tl limn' p. t A li ti u t M.ti Km o 1 r . i he NEW YORK WEEKLY. 'nl t-'l 'OtO. HIMi T i, ranted I.o t,v. lashville Life Ins. Comp'y, JOIIW m. BASS, President. X-..-... X- ..I. If. . 1 .. Il I . .Itll 4 Ot II lltt..l J ( HI I I IO It I ,N, p .t , iill:i.'M' 0 !; i-.lit'-i i jri nii.ti,:!: KT ill tf.C llll't l.llll' l'M"l i s-i' to nmi -en i r.,1 lu:l ; I ic.i iv iiico'd I 'i c mat ; :mm."Tl.e' win l-r.t. I!, f, (o-l Icinres Lives according t known In modern compsBif I is sutured by a joint st ek of $300 COO and hn depodted C100 COO wi a tha Comp j Imvr attait:'! 'i l;i;:l: t-ntat:iii li ( in their In c it v. exeellen. e ami ...!.!. The p'i.M.itit riiiirr.iplii. are mude npnf the flilliit'l M it illl'l I: il Uior of I1K11JV lintel-. a 1 th met hod t 1 ' "" Kno'vUMlef l!" irrmillneil to u-cTiil infurmn (jtieM on a.l n':u te rel Hutjceta. The Xe llnir- j-ve in flie te-;t wonMl.r i!it i not-ili'c d si 1 1 nver the m Id. Tl,e ' io--.ip ;t I ii rMp n !n nl ".itOi. i y v. i v, ji.'jiliirrf. li','li ;;li In il;;t ,!f mi IJ-' I.-. 1! t " ' , . 1 :MT- . .:. i i i,' .o:tl. llem . f-re!,rev, I' . i; . ! . : II. lit.;. : KM.,,! , . .I-!:.: I i .!. ii- 1.- f. I'Ul.llr il ', n-'ii' H I'tiiwre Strut t : Mv it r.. UIK. ' ' V h ive -ill (he hitiM im tl.e iri- . I ren 'h A(-r:on Iu! i.i n iviiPL'. ol ex, ti u in; - : t t .t:.-f.i'.ii.r lo A JL EWAK'Ciui sil. j 1. ECU'S Mf ADAM.ConntltingAcinary. :.Arvis'i.Ji -.L Jl. TAYLMl. M. D., Salb-Lury, N. C. . GEN. ROBT-7AiC-AshevmerlT.-OL- ;ENFi; L MANAClNf! AtiENTfor N. CAROLINA. J. K. EII'RKR. Disr. . . 7. liibmy, N. C. Aiig. IS 33,-ly 2.i3.r -Ok, t'&CV Ji OL E Ji rii CLJ&IW. ' .".':', PIEDMONT AND ARLINGTON LIF INSURANCE COT., i -r i'r:a: OF RICHMOND V A 'TJV I I ' I'- 'im" r n r In u.i,' i. . . t ic .-.ilii-l'niy. N. (', i ri -.n A lKoi. a . i Imr o le . ('. Assvt ovrr ! vt uri3ii ovt'i rulicici i)tit'd in two yearn over. 81, .700,000 500,000 M I. run I. I. ,- rtniivti A 1' ol t'iP al ove ft I 1 at i I iji...i'vie. liaieijrlr. ':.,! . 1 , N. i ifrlr. X. C. an- n jrents '11- STKKl. EX C, HAY IX (I A L I'OIIEIIT E or ( i.r.E. and we eeetn' to! have too in. my oidinances now Ils Assets are more thun time limrs its liabilities. The Com'patfy has never refused to pay Siib-vrilaT.? r:tiijltSnr ?4 for one ynr's fu'i acriptiuti to 7ne ,S;f'.mi. J'rrut an Illustrated We. !dv Jo irnio of 10 ibimm, n ill reeeivo an eleeant Steel Knnvina oi'tJcn. Robert E. "4 X lit iiurliC', loiavardetl in a aeeitr.' cano, post- t its ilccith cldlHIS. ngp paid by u-. TIih number cuitahia a IntRe! finely exeu.lcd lilreiie.. of Oert. Lee engraved j r, j resfrjet;on$ 0 residence Or .., i . . . f -.i ' a l.irn. .1 Ifo.n i n irt (iTHih tiyirns.- oni passing uiii. ,, ,..a -n.. . u o, . ,.. nt , (,i,,,.ni,.H.,. (if the fame objection. - ordered earivi ffrwanicd to-au addri ou-re- '--'- '- :''JTm : 2t'cHi&'ifrgwle&n-prmi1um-mAmale k r. . i 4 . 1 i . U- : ... - . r . I. L.- ... I. ..... I. . ... I -.1 I " i i'A-oTKAStiiff xj AaK eniieiuan, n ' iu rvi rv l o'imy 01 me coiiui, in mini :t uitinu Onty "jew ye"r f 'w Wrts "f oui: f l,l,'mil,",:s j" "fiered in thin f-wne. legWrtWlSraiM tioancmt circle, na latcfy m c-.'ine po.r ,-- - Kemovni ! j. i. tzzotsixxon. An I 'nriciilittl Literary. Pttprr i's Ihn -NEW YORK WEEKLY I Vi.-li ;ee ronlaii4icoi eilil i ten l i.rt t h i ii .-'"' rr,d ! a0 fi i!.'j!fti I . . i: -, in a!ili- tln'.iix .i r ai -!m ies and tlic ki.rd depart- ' t nil to ' ninU. f travel. risls. eeseqd" with the .Cx'.raoidtnuiy 'Ii.ditn iua " timt:St)tl4U 1191 lht iol, t'ul and equi table owner of ull hi, p'opcrij, Lot that itifeAUyiantl jiiii.Ijv. bcloa t an old faiilifu'l iorU,v.Iw lor brt v yoai-, wae cuiploycd. in hi eslnblieljutvnt. Aytnig upQi),tlu4xii?a(ie jd(ttii,A tip jjiade applica tion to a well-known law firm in tin; old Howard llousc building, coincTpf litoadr wiy ' and ' Maiden' tine, to convt-y. i)u largest portion of Id property to tjiq old Porter, on tlerKrutThiTnrti1Tr '1 -ti; -....1 .;f. SriJCJMEX COPIES SEXT F'llEE ! Tlir Tr'i ins' .'n Sul'critcrs ! ilfir Year c triple i opy .7 ? 3. On line enr--I'nto rmH.-f2 HO I it. mi in,,. onr- I. l! t i ..i ii C V.i ' on w-n.t ' i up til .(., jjiim old. Ai :i:. K :ird ai Id inleci3liu;at,'" ,." 'aril. - 1 ,i STRKKT A SMITH, 1 r.-niirti"' Xo. fSS.'Fuboii tri, t. X. Y ot4- J iik(Ui?..r -i . ', ... t t'.t s.itc . e I i , II - . I il V ;, Jul X- III Iv VXv-ahXiaT ',:.()S(iiJiCtiVx,V ! Stfiwin"; a fuccee bcyAnd precedent, lnc policic on Mutual, Non-Forfclling 'and all the most desirable plans. Dividend paid out on Life Folii-ie," 40 pf r eeuti, : which jirovee the economy of ii niaHajremeut and it careful selection of' Hake.'" 1 p- ' , W C CARR1N(;T)N Pruidxnt. JOHN i:. ED WARDS, Vice FKkSiDRKT. ' I). .1 IlARTSOOK, J ..t-KCKKT4y' I. .'. HOFKINS, A AssiSTATiir-CREXAJtV, .1. E. WOl.FF, ...tfCl'ERlSiTKXDJ&T or AGK2iC!$8. Its xylicy nslriciici:t arc tie and tea- Til li t'OXStlLI DATIOX ol the two tim-t io;iular Sonthcrn Com paries i full of advnfff to tlie policy holder' oi boi li Companies It- i -;i-initures will be !esn, alal wi di lei. tvi live riek. The iMtur'e dividei.iU will be n.ore certain, and probably iritater iu uii.uuut. und u better recr i ved f ind ed. , ' " , , - Xo Kiiria ol'oid J orey holders xriil be iT-eteo ; tfu-y v ill eentiiiiie to pay the niirrl Rle aa be fore; io iiolii the Mime policie ii?. before ; to l:a e the smne ripht. benefit pud privilege a be-' fore, and have c(iiiil pre.-etit M'eiii il) wil h f.'rei.'.er future hi lielits than before. All :s ol obi polieu rfti iii 1 e in tmine el new eon, puny . Thi- Co!ii;nny has met wi'h a mi e(.-.- I. y nd alt parallel in Life Iiuttrai ce. ai dwrw cfTent the Sotsii.j fu pit'.biie a XXomc ZlnterpriSC etjual to any uul i-urjiusised by none. It a.ivi.etjie puyniejit oi all .east; pn u ;niii-. Iiecatvc then divid-t.d" will continually dcerea eaeh nextp.iy'uienr, unlil noihitij: "ill he required, and the policy may hca source of income j bat ( iv. lli. al.u i :ie lo',': 'Hi '.jititit c policies. I ! reiit:ire i.o note.; lor 44r4s-WUsiaJL(i ,','ti-rr:... "r-iriii-inSiT.; ' It JiVi-Tthe t'.,!imx ir.ff fe..ti.ree which no ..i her company yireaTttTtalf iinoeii-1irnriiTa imuiii .son irni i n. I iKurra in .vnnnrni nu; riiinrr, uir. naini m iicua rriwaira iranxiis Hume MIi..e, lie i.mii... all th-ir past pay nu uii loileitefl. ahihac.n.)iau.v ftuattia aeaini t lbi iia i - - liru i.o.7 KT. . . I l Kn . . 4, 64 PAGES HtADiHG MATTER. jniis im rc -irfr-r c or travel, ail policies are X'lm-Forfcitable. and tB;o lrht'of Ped' oft VhFcoTTTOtr II t UKM.)V'i:i li ii Tallrinr nu nl aii.aAHi7,T iic nfli;e in(''.i I'.rick I o ,v funnel It ocepied ny r . It. spriue Ivhprp do ir;;l no ple:oea lion'ir ail !ith old p itron-i nrul others. All ivnrk done in tile liu-st and latest s'yli at reasonable' prices and atilai;to.n ctiaivntecl. IT fit vents a call. nxv ! '..;; A Valuable 23cok f y - ' : . - . , y 1- t:" ' ' ' ..,:',- !).,- Ttf - . - IVeir Vork Observer YEAEBOOK AND ALMANAC, - ;Tobi! Ts"viTiinH'lfg'st'tS7Ti: t- Hs stoeklioldets od Biaiiafcrs r among the most Kolid men in Tenncce. ' Thou. II. Bailey, f fitate A(tetit for Nortlt Carolina. I)rs Jones tkCAtwEir-,' , ' . Medical Examiner. MAJ. JOHN HEARD, '-Ac rNT Half bnr y IMi'OofANT MiTK'iO COXSUMEIiS 'IJ DRV ViOOI. WAL K E R, EVA N S & CO G S WEI Lrt D. WATT-AlKEa. ' v , i. i liuiiie ujilep.10- hiuiio' nil th.-ir past nut no uti ! her policies, und in tlie eveirfiO wwtiiiajii Trom IteijflkEtiy . ' ... 1. . 11 .x. ..: .u . ... v. i. ...,.,.1 t,i. A- oct 23- 5m ESTIBIJPHF 181 1 Cushings & Bailey, Sockscllera and Stationers, 2oi IJuUiixore St, tytitimore, One of the niot ectmplete eompenila of im puilnnl iiifuruiation which has ever hecn com tol.d in tl,i iMi.'ilr.' It .houlil Lie in eviTV tili-s: ChilfComtnerciaUiid AgrictiDiiUHl Iiil'or-- f V niation coneeminff ' lt thr fAsfiaa., it rl: ; a t utn ral sii'ji'n ii v honest r and exertion he araa8cd nearly all of bir catib, ,., This c.ic is anotbtr illaalralion that the bmnan mind is a very niarrellons piece - ol machinery. Tlii liallucittated iimii, itiFtp ul ol goiu to his old legal adviser, seeks. a etraue lawyer in. order to more ucoesf ti!y qarry ont irw"!lepmT4iJ-peitleJB .irpptteiuioti was made thonjrht it a D)"t, rxtraordinary proceeding, and Jty way ol It union og Iijjj3 took liw tminc ami ren- ' M : a utn ral siitin-t'-v .,i.ail tlio licncvo-j dence, tf fid "ii. firmed him lie'xyRnld llive 'lent lie-'ifmion? nnd Re!(p ,us noirifnaHoiix ! 'thetmpci. rt-ndy for I is snrH(r; the (he W.,rtd, irh a enmi.ktft,. Mnktej-bl lit , , rt.i ' 1 1 ' , ,1 - ; rci torv fit 'nearlv cvt.rv l. -Imious bmiv in tbt t.oxt day. ,.1 Im K-ufl. ni 1 y-?i , , r4li.vj act, :iaimlku li p of all the oIIsr ioitsto jiavolhu p'peja oner, , r. -pi,, u,.u.:,) Se'min.xri.-.. -Meilical and Iiinv ! bat was filially.' rude to iiufWVirf.urd they jS-!,..'!- ;n the Lnitfjt .lij,.tt,-. . .-. . I could not te' bef. ic tivit d iy. In flu j I'UTCF.'N'r 1h-U'..YJT- meantiuJe fi yty Air, soma 1 Ail VrwttW-ibiit: and piiyin for the ! rnunfcatetl vli;fi"ti.e, fatuHv in regard toj Nr.w Vokk Ojtstitvrit f-r mic -or '$) -will ! art... t. ..l. .K.Orm.ii r.'.-..r.o. d' In do I ' cci i -a c .pr ill I his. v.i lo able work Vl K A T ti- f y-,. -" , ' ,. ! II ul SL . Sxinple oniiin of thtJUWrver 1 . .. . . -StiSPWi. vftte abmneo 1,1 n n,lin, t l(r ! J Z. -r Ljtf 1 il A V. en t itra-RtMeu to. l . . . . .... . i ...1 A t r, . i x .... x l. - . . ... , nPUMCa'l'xU' w- I", i"r io"-.- .0. eii,v ; .ic l.en. .e join. a, ,i I "Tx7u VI I J 'urelitlseH ' iraaid ! eiie t rt.wr. . f-wtfrro. ' " .'In.l.-d to nt -.- a-. Or. -t j,--i pant-, on rircipu i O ie if. th- tri'ijt-ft thioffs r.nntter! nnd LA V? and DENT A I.. CLASSICAL ' ' and MISCp;LLANE.Q.l!d B O O It fl . All Stun Orders amoontasg toSOj ALEXANDER DUV IL and Over ?.!.! vr red in any 3?ait i A A ottSe-Co'cnirir UP HOI1 TERER'-- v. FREi; OF KXliUESS CIIAR0ES ';t I , AN1 t IIS f Kfi 5 Pf OB : u rr- f - "T'li s w j Ilauiistou Easter SotBt, . ,)Jr;' CAI'koi'VlvV ;r Ia order the belter to meet the wants rif their Ketail Customer at- a distaree Lai e establish ed a SAMPLE Ii E R EAIV ' mm OX Jenkins' 'orner.-iTnst bsek of thef'b. inw Stwif Ri A. Cubitus is now ir-pd-4u,4tev.'r;.'i.)g., i .a la tat tiuit-akJiiLrJl itch all thcriphtot XoR-l'orfeitui-e, tmid nu p'ulicy,aurrei3ler aluo and.retui at. aa ttMgli. tliere had Itenii no null iritcrvilill I?-itll5M'. o . , i . , 1 ......... - - - A ? .1 ... ,1.. m... .i i...s ..:-" .3r'i V'tSRliBIVOlIt UJ 4Muase4UajbameU.l.oi tuiiii ui" rcpnieu 11 j in.- viiuiii-i 1 111 uioiijjiiifca iir leins na. 1 nent win eereu ixrai :v .ne oorin ihmioi.- n.- ..oi.ioo ...-,o. miii. . o. v iuc miuiurrii . " ! . ',. ... 1... .-.-ii. 1 .. .. . ..i- 1, -ff t n non nm .l,!..!. .....n- . ii.'' pooiue fl .me. ureau.i t roumuie iiiti'huih una i in-., io,wvo,. -o, .i,nu nuoiiuoj mtii xonn t'orLii'lnaiiwnee", so, otir strenpth, thereby tiivrej? -additional power to tramp"' prefHOm? , '. 'r' ' ..' i "" F- fc't-r.,.- I li'ineal to everv man and woman in ttern Xortb Carolina, deshitiir to aeenra to their fan lies Urn bhissed Imhmi of Life lunuraneo lo look well h Uieirii.terest by eauiiaitit fnll into the . sijpetior ftienta ot the ' I'tedtuout and Amnptnn liiburaiice i omptny neior ney tnaore. 'Correspondence solicited, and inlurmation ennerliUty given.. , Unit) ' '.AddKjs.- ' , :.;,..,(.,.-" .. ' . -, ... - , Lex in irf nn, X . C. D. IT. COURTS, Cfn'l. Aqtnt.for Wffltrn K. C.; nvn,' X. Ci notice aii'l.on the rmt reasiinabln terms. All l.i'.i.laoff iniitiire renovated and reneaired . t - . 1 .. 1 v.. tetiti'jii given ! -Iim ujakiiifr' ind repairing of nin-t I'anhlonablo tiooil, ef FiK(ni,.c.fJtii .....1 l.,.u.4.,. i 'iii.lrl re. ffnn t ii r. tnei to. nl- 1 ! ton..; to elf'a fe'tr ifnotat but pfOfitn j SOFAS. SETTEE, LOUXCCS, any house in Ibn country I Ul A I RS). tVc . &c. - - Coleiirnt.;4mifu!acttiiers in the ibfn ient parts T ... . .AjTkJ of Europe', aifd iilip. r.liuirthe eamehy ateaniera-i ' h ' T"-'- .1:.. .... . . .. ..... 4v ... ..11 ;.;... - - . work, nnd l.iltf direct to Hiilfimnre. our stock l at a 11 limes j promiitly unppifefl With lho uoxciiies tt' the i XoiJTfl CAROLINA, I i.oriiKin a-ni runs innieir. l .-i.:;m i . n imiimi. iiroit. lit itEXKRAL RAXR'A COUXTIO HOCSlTl si Azxons n v . MlanR Itofk made to order in any style of I'iniling and J'uliiig. si,de.! i-ywjji xrhii i!i csc . tna! 1 ri-ollemao I ttl8 ol reen,! o'W r""i-n- rjuuili itrxop pyery " f ubj5Ct : C p: t'lts 0ie. .V. 1. C ttMt -e'lui. ';'- . . ; ----- ''The f'-rion 'fth' Stn to Li isla!or of Georgia 4i ISaicoat SVaofhi InjCoiif,." e'rate nr"iey ' I f- ?.tte.sresion of one in- -4rad.-.aj-4 JgVa ri ,iy c.--SdiJi!),'J vtbiit waa'iu-rAuxIt hire. TI i of puce. . - - . - fl c ira. C H A i;i.'vi T i'. , N . C . 'Ti.i wll 'Hn..y JIti'.iMs. lnvirig, lixain ivtv tT.Msfiru and r-OlTTnr ia'eyery deparf- i- now V.'pto-Ai' jtti.fncdafjua. of " " ' -' . -.ittr - : Prompt-pavs AVIKILKSA LV. JJCTERh !iiivi!e.l.tu iiitrt'cTTriC'iicl; iu tmf.Jobit;g l,Ker..r. IXSivfc FiGUniiS -ALWAYS." 'I K7, IW. WjI uul i-s'est !..:tiinors St.. .t47'-".1 et'd bo f aTrifogn. . iVr. aept. X.-n """ GREAT SXCES!--The New-Sabbath School; Poole,, G LAD TI DIN GS F l?y L.-O. Einersori fe L.' H- Stark weather. Fresh M'imc hndAVords. , 'Frice,-i'n.paper..'0ceu.ita"i.,l'rd35 tent. 'arripiyenp4ea'.sat.' pot-pa'.d on receipt of TliAVE LLL(tPUiVUL sr?CainIbia"etI"o'r.n arrivi,'. of rrair-tja-j- Oliver XI its on & Co.. 3rstn, f'f. 4 s-.f . J .c. '' r i.r, r.-rf-r: ic K,Iitacn iCo.,frr yora. -f-: at) Oit'uVtMcwe are able a; ...ioiir; to s'cll m.r .i. Roods at riioiiiTKN ToWrtBtir rttt CKxt, ' ' rEi'FtT '" vvo.gave eieilit. ' In riii.'.,? frrr Fpef '. fij tlic l. i irt ,y joove rftWo'it We keep the bcNt' ptfldes of i v- j eiy class ol goods. 1mm tneiowesi to U4aie.r cosllv. ... - . . I r"0rder aeeonipauicd by the eat-h will bci th sent C. '.). I. "" . . W- In the Superior rui vi v. S . Cuuit. Advantages of Lift? In- niainjt fnll into tha.: before bey (nsaro. r- - I 1 C UaXK. . I e,..i ,.,.attl; m ,Aa ... DOTTRT ia BEYOND DOUBT fstn.riff an.i 4- ntrr.rirt The North Kmeric. insurance CoP.ny r.v.(l..; -I VUIIIIUI ilVU tX JllUlUttl ' pretniumn promrttv without eliaiff. i ' , V. liniUl.l'I.RXFSr.Ajrent. I 5 THE StliOXGEST ' N'efUi America Lite ins. t o. ;, I , , -a I . :',. TtOMlSVIIXK, X. f. )nir ."?ir . You wi! pae accept my iri coro t hanks Ibryonr prompt payment, vitliout aove on mv 11 hsbandV Life. ainoNMtiijr to I ho i sum of three thoinaad dollars. At rmir Car-I ' - LIFE: ' - - ' f i' ti r iixr tub -wonnLaU.- i nf.t aiid repeated ' s-iiieilntion naJ!" ; AcVmcd fXipttal ovet ' t.(M0,00 ' ... insnre m rot,T t.mpnn-y-ail-B-- -aithe -(lf ,f Vi totalrrxcriptWfn ?lta, Br- i-. cipi nts ul its henelits. -, . , ." te!it AI ii t ii i He-.i;,i:;t rr..i .t. t' .... i.. .. i -. r...' r. i.i .. :r.. xr . 1 1 1: m. I ,i i o i. t ?.. . . . . o . io.-.o ti :m in- ,ua- . . V'?:"'1 V "v"!'. Ji",!4"'" M'V'ki" UU) j May Voo 'hare mv II . O tl III if - . ' 'i.. Ksy per cent. It ratio- of AHaeta b Lfinlitir. aa moaanrM e . . - . , . . , ... i nv i ic .xcv i or k 'I .eir a i tuir 0111 u. is e i o,hj orr. tier, us only tbe'ukw anil luUiericsa can icci .., ., , ,i ' c. ;n.. To von and the North' ATnefoyt Lite lid-cr atieeo oiiipany we shall leel nndi-r i.llijf!t.tttniVi- t,,. S. l). AVAAT,, lieu. A gout. -t i i!,.o,i:.c,.i;...,rit,.,fi,,i.. . . . i 1.7:. i " 'i ' i ne ioni ot un- wit ow ntnt on tsai niess you . . . am... .i.x..i.'.i. y e- ,h, .laelp , Ma-kia, .... 1 M,,,kin J.rroou in w.-rki V - j ,...4. siU W, a7u) sWli'- Vu.i in .1. J.inkii...s. def.-;...ani in lute ens... (.. ,- - Mao1k.TiC. llani?wrr Al-',. V" .' - 'rViV - I-': IV. JiaJtiui'le, lid.. 0 -t . irt';.'; 1 ..t-ot'i'd-iv i. I.I.. pi.-,d." Udn YaHsy Nursery: F-fllll-fi eroiH-retoT oTthU-XnfMrri ffcR'to th i a ... 1 . . .. i i j i .. nil-...;--; J.' traoa, I lrt''a n. snii (-im 1 1 r uj a.t,: assortment Fr4VTrciai.eonsa;tiii f A pterii, reach. Fear. I'lim. Wierr.f d Apricot. A b..j-j a fineOot itf (i'r;ine nnea.Mriinoeuj uni-M-!.nr .beiry-OTwia-oftlif most api.,vcf k;y!? .' J-, u . feertt to' ea'aje jueauu iv V ' , - - , . ' - i.- xi 1 TT liiiiils nl tins .Mate, It is 'rr.iT:TniX;.'lTiCTiVa'ie7 N. t i t. irrT T:o:iro4A e all i; pn nit lv ,xTtle.tre5- cir.tnsed t. Mr l -fil.j'j.;; tn-l tlji'Te.ThokvTnc. X. (' will receive ..' t..l; ;.wt ,:,i; i .. io i .. jiij i -.efiJrtPlieViiesrtTJiM.-v'vf ", t .'. .' i . f M i ,i 1 V-bTTn'oiT-'t h t "Ttbr. 1 1. . nviwde j WILMAMLEOTIip n.u-j.Xiugtat and tj4Cr-lfi8i:. In-niranee Wt- 1 .yiHt-h;int,tni.'talt ki.hs-4f jjc-Htc -r.-rm -prt-: -S,i;4?-,-'h irsx Fr.ilrotnT I'epetr-rir'i'L'es Jrrr:4v L-ybrs-a-ries, Mills attd ileri,: ;i,iii c oid -. i ix i-. nt 7iit ntteo e : !f KTI KNS IMS TUAXKS lo bte ' OlV' rt-KIKXiiS and the Fublie for llm liberal j..,itron;.(.e heretoforeeiteodedtohim. f Us nsiwT"" inform them that he has fitunl ap a aewiaadr " e-oli.ioodiotis .. , . TT" 1 "fl t ..AZil t'.l :i .Tiid'j-.:i-!-t:,.;.'-,; ti ft. .V h. r trt xi Uiicert:.T.rr, rl - . t ir :"i J' - 1 .i II I ?-' VitA , of . : 't'W 'A X'Vi-j-iJ. bj.f. j hKit.l r.rjh'-fMi". i A. in? .:,.. i: i JvAy jiHv t 'i' t k, '-f aid ! . . ;' Nov-inh.-i . ibop, Xot. 4, IPTfA roll er 5r7rr."t7?TIrrt ' Mrs. Hcnfy. W. Miller's ' pi'-irstitee loj: CtiR. XFWRFI.X A- TLRSOX STS, ua i.i;i;ii... c. Dr.. XZendcrson't Srlek -it ; aed to ee them. Ha ' pnnraittee t jtive.tysfaftsi'W m every rsae. I He ha 10 hi empior of tne oesi nsjr uresrt . ' iu Tes -rn Nffc te4i'aa He.reqaesta a eall , ' tfMi-aHT ftMl -tf wr-itEP ixaVauLia lS62l,.-:P'i' ' -A t - ' -

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