r 4 "I f - gljc P& XotlJi Sjntc Vat-tai ArtMwi.MI.ni iLU Wk r4 Baade iw J1rau lead il llh Blurb plea )r; but ot Aeliag 'uunm)t competent l lk task lf fetls-aing k ft hsve keretufore aailiteJ Id asttic U. , W akd verl ednvaUii gan lws who bad read ll, to fnM-li ix with review af i, kl they ill declined Loliw We this week ptibtlak Ud rwlw of U on oar trm ff. UlH, mf iketa WB Blillea U iba 0"ijj by person a bo tMw la kav barn In '""avery aa MtTrt idUi.Uk, a-!" l very aowpliHivntsry I lis tab-atad and die' log aung autboresa. The whcr U ftxm xUl Laarfcrawja U-ariw-. ahlafc. rkltlkln dlf aa kaw, a kn h.'. aompllroentarY ami f A- tkeea iu & aoly aa aia od awwrkntiia !. writer. iM iU It k rvajraibered thai houtueea nslaty before lb vat tM rrT7 UlWr to KaflUk wMf, k will fc m lUl lt ! mir 4i Mit Ml rUU diifr, alL Tka Uok, we ( fJL CM b bad at lk Uo)Sta4U silk placa. a i t V tab pnl plans-ire la piblUhlni the fn tbaaanl card of !f J.RolAliwhkk aper la aor paper table week. Ill aa invariable !LI 111 9 1 . . - ' .J i Li. I Mri Liil JUawruiuk. ta I'i man lfirr" I lajb Ifoplv of l Sll. TliU Murk kxi bound i do in dUliarg of lb dmy ahkb at lu iU njr ami i il ' " la ikm twtJi. lurvloaMMxl lb Ult, mi a la tVt II rpial- jtlifa.b A).vUia la M tcmk lb bur- lalUxiil, a l-rfiti la iajaMirf tiaaa-, ' TT, aquaj ka U . I ' -' ' i . -' Jar Iba C)1J !fr ftala."""' XI a. Forta : !nall iu lUroub ywt tul Mtmx hHinii.ln my liumUlfoiil iioii ibt aal iaiurtotrt rilnj(i prjri la aliU li ll hhI ul iu Mala uauv luuratoil i II bi Ilia !) U U.a Waaiara Narth CbruliM JUllfwaJ tor Ihawonl Iba sAJWVg Wo t- - KJI,., ...u,,,.,,, .'Hr aaaal la lua juatiMitrra. ana aiaiaiMnr 1o-llilrtlr 111 Iba Mulia af. rat a ' tiutaaf Kar immm-uMiic" If itraarttt LilhiuamoAd ttwt'lliir-f aialiir lUwaaml, U all U.U i . .... II . Id . .1 I- . - araaa iw rnwy uvrm m au a ui whiimi, alilHNigb II ia euauUiU lor Jrtara t laia- rattiMit li'W MT &a aJ M tti(iniiulil lib art; iai( tM II. i j 3 v t ' la una or u ) U4 iua(kiN rpiMMM4 b MaJor'lUilUiis at Jo aut hrWim. lu aa kal If Uar baJ brm aajr ff atuJ uf aanrtuluirnl lorUnl df in iba J4 C'oviiull., alliar lhaa Uia lMiAii't&a4 uua iwrlrl la, b aiilk of iM ".JJ (Wfml A-rUr," la calling 4ba CvaiaiiUoa af lSA, auuld bv bmra kwrNH BTutkM, bui m m1 al alt, Ua aIu mi ib'al ' wU (ianatal AaaaaM" aa JiulIAaUa HhuVt tka aaiiat-aaca,' , . .; Tba kombarttmriit of IVrl) U lrnC Vy oar aiMl (ulght lfaajr vootati ao4 elilUraa art li lug kittalf and mar bail Jinga dwtfvytJ II ihrtltycan Im( oirt arnrli longrr ltIa Jl.luufl lo at, fba pr!ndi Kfviiih aritiv, a'J Oaa. (iMMBT, baa aao audaraJ a aarriUa dVf uf. In' fiul Ibr Fuiicu Htn lu b rJnJ (w iba grwtpt xib! Mnlta, but llulr ro'u-r Ull iuj iir war. niitg iba ln.rnuii ltaH lu lauibJ aulba railruatb) I) atliff jwru uf Iba blala. (Ilinaa af Uta LaM Wl an a l rwaaa a aaa from a aaUra bam, arMiaing juor feaikrwair aaJ jraut Wra baraj Itwaraltr irt litM UM br, - Taia aavtiua U rkb la agtWiaral,' mineral aail BMauhcl tiring raaMUVaa, U caolJ riirvf1 a (wfulaltva Ira luaa aa graat aa U aaw baa. tin Uil a auiQUId Mal, aiaajobaoi, rs buckabaal, Irwb alaia, anl graal lu iba raumt abuiulaawa. Uara ara la b muuI ItrnT, li, cufirr, Irua, aaraiiJuajt, aaaaaluwa, arila, aadWjUling aufHk , ... ' ,, ' I liar aanwraua WHir aanr-rt furaUb jralirr poavr lf grral capacity aaoileaagrullrJ. lleff ttJilaala la aaa mi k aUaL aud furajuuaalaia awMMrj, aaa aa iba aailiaa la laa aariJ.MAalajX.ai.ni baJ rr(irrJ tliir fr.llcgtaU aJura at aaatl b"a go lima an mrtmmimt Iba baat aar will oiH-ralliNMi b lilaiH-d alia maUrta. I lor ura lwra wiib Ilia Ula k valmi', blrbar, v4x(nMl, uak, brai-h (of grain Ha raongb tut ulanaa, Ao.) Ion wl, titiHiniain Urrh or aiaho iiaiir liw. At.. A. - bnilf tlta tuanibrra of Ilia I'ine f.tkiity, mu Ii aa.niiriM.-a, as. JiitwJai hfatiUavi jjJS bit iiirOiii y. mu n aa.iriM.-a. OK fwo "W nLvf & Vuaiiulr) bauaaiu lr, ' ralaaatbaa, atul abuuM La with alt rtlimra, lu alto all parao (lie ae of oar olumta.hi kr- h.'ji , mLUi, l.iit.nmiiiiiiali'rli tlifTtliliik . . . . . I iliarm making, uairnntf. hri raauiiib anil Hr an lliMMlea or lli ir Mil. lie imiiIi,ii. hir dl umnaara aU ajaava osn to lln' cliiniina and fpenclf of b(Hh Kla In lltr itl-t-mai"!! uf all uurtanl quai(tma hrtalrlillr parliun in llirir character. Va lliink it U-at alien aiu-b iie lioaa ara to be iiicuartd tkal Uiili iU I.uM ba bean! llirvugh tlie aame inrliiini, M tbul il mutf aatar be Juil.t-J of u'mii an tx piu U hrar Ing. A&J1ut glad that Mujor HoliMna rec- pgnlaea Iba ttct thai il U bcllrr lo cumba argn . . . ... i ii a la with reaaoa Ui a cantim ami mvnuiT but cvrlainljr Lrfcrc Utp. The I-gll.mire re awtutilitl al tlir Capilul in I'uli igh on Momlar. Nolbing Binrli linn b. -ra done rrt, of rttre. But tlirru U on tiling llial w arc rrjokad U ate the LrgUla lure arcma lu be ilrtvrininrl lo fi-mt out all lli fraud- ii nd villainlea of the lal "tao yiarm. It c . mi not do a greater aervii-c lo llie Sute at IhU liuie, iccit lo t ail a cuiivviition. lnr talent ed and Kuril elit lued voting fl it nd, Mr. Jo - 1111U.T i 14Utiiiiu,) aauaaiu nr, aune aine, Tlie Nurilieni acinlt hae diaporrred ita uieriu, and aia Diiii, lliara lo eafage la tiaemo making. Uaimnir, lieei raauiiib ami lor ' aqajiiier jkflii jo"'ailenij'l o break t)ia Tun' ufT Jri. of rcniio," enelaU "dvaerrr tbea) b jirtiinwlioua of, oalilloil uiuaMMjnew agtiaaf tboag-a-bo main ihaxrsf aa jaa W re ptflji atlenirtl. i. L la otvpliaace with Ilia courteous rriict uf Mtdor Uoboina we bavv.aafar an our time would permit, "axarained further into tlie iution v JO Ilia trot aroj of IgWntie i.wer." And Iba rcaull of oar etamination hii been lo rivet paoro" di.Jl our preTioua Mivi'iion. Tlie grant of ytteral Lepnhtive Hiwt r only extend ' y legipdatioti wr llie eonnilulion, and not to legislation Jiavihg In vlewi lian(,eoftlie ry.ii ic law ljlf. "All tegixlntion of that kiuJ i rye fifroff prorided fotin lliu two diI ini-t HKHlia jroTiJud tn theCuniriitiitioii fur it amendment. li la argued by auoia thai we hare precedent HuAkX Uta AmendeJ Cutialllutiou of fur the puaaga of tlie "Wnding ooujreulluu bill. The LegialaiHrr, it ia naid, uaa uiora than once aub mlltad tli qnaJtion of the paaoig of cartain )awa to tba people. Tl.iii i tnir, but from llie prauuaea we arrive at the oopoile eonuluxiini. Wbea Iba eu'da voted iu Cavorof jie riipoNd l.i,arj it waa carried into elfecf, from what ourve did il tlerijre it ralidity aa a Uwf tSnre 1 not from tlie people, for no ono will pretend to aa that tlkt peopid tin lejritlnta at the bullol bax Much lawa poauum no validity wliatueer ore I'tliilliaiikat JjT gy whieh hej i.m and intend to etnl'lih a niaii'ifiictiirliig vilage, where everrtli!ng will be ira le "from a alio. ingap." Vlie enterprle will ba immediately1 on ibia rnilneid nine piilra i4 of Wolf cree k. (Jure elul)lJi n Uiruiih iliie. Xruiu TKUiua. lu Suliljiiry,aii,l the nunaer would ana have to iiiiailruple thrir rulling ttm-k. lint 1 wili tn call Mhnlion lo (wo facta thai are aini'liiiC. . road U now building from 'nhvilla Lwl lo knuxvllle iitlktl ig uifiaiilly AtlalUiti t raeilit;." Take a nmii of the l'i.ilel State, aiwi you will find that, when the road throaeli Ahcrille. and thia Trnne-aee road eraarK aaa eiila beilla ara eowipfat- CUV. AI'OKN'MCCBUKE. , r0'm if Iha uiuet rnnaflauW letter tableb lafai pearnl u lL' remarkable age, wa Bad lu Ilia HVr'y T.Tum.ttrt. puldlahed at Aber Jeea.' i i fruia Aleoro. Ina UaJieal Chief MaeUtrate of that Ktate, ho baa Vara rrprardrj aa the IJol aud XeMidar ft Pouihera llaJlf ttllain, :' . Tba eireuBiataiirr under trlilvb tlill letter raa teen wiiiu a ara a follow 1 1 A eitaia iudlvlduil b tba aaiua of i'liiarao bad a. oe aort t,f a otditloaal prouiiae ,4 iba G 'VfTuor toa-kiiit him m brigadier cu'rl of lLo Slate. ' ISrforr, Low ever, tba Cover y bad mail ajHiia luiod to alga tba aoia NiiaaluU, rioWTunj " ullerej two auftirtubata paeehea, ul aI a deoguciatioa.la tba Tl gar aad MtaJluant kil of judical nltraUm. af Ike great and' g.aod Hubert K. Lea. aud rbeatbre waa aa aeauh apoa. tba prlaelal Colraralt' uf tba ftlala, wha a tba l-aat of bet attUeat aad the woat diatlnguMied of tbarDf eaeiifortaaata. lut tml and eoutliteoll rV 4 ot ernnce, Uor, Alfora eoueludei that K u liaa ahown Liuitatl nnvorth ti r a a eoiniidaeloo la lha aer Wf tl, Si IIn. anniiiiii'-i-a thia mu. luaioN in 11iT..,.4ioY UiauIJriot rallwrVii- ever lin y inuy be, are brought to justice. Fur tlit' Oil ., lh Sltilr. Mu. F.l'l roll : Your re;eated referi-nce to .in aiionymou nrticle, iimii tlie milijert bf a meilding our I on .tihition, etiilrilutei ly my H'lt'to ti e .Vri.'i..- x'nie moiitlm ao, render it i.eeewiiry lor me In i-ay a word, to prevent luy itw troiu heiii); pl.neil ill an incorrect lilit. In anticipntiou ui tho meeting of the (ieneral AeniMv, ih.il article w;oi iienued for the pur- me of eliciting d iscnwiuii on llie aevcral metli txU of ainetidiliK this Uoiialituiion, and develop ing llie real atale of public opinion on IhU aui ject. It wa not written to aet forth oiy own comnleta land aiatiire opinion aa the point tombed apon ( aud liu:. article llaelf dilincily make lliu rarorvaxiun, and apaalia al llie view ii preaeau aa only "(urtiuliy matured." 1 kuu Mme that nor one wytilil maiuiuhi thai auggea lii.na made In thai lon.itive atylelo widen, the lane of puldie diHC-ion, cait fairly be quoted .01 deliiiiuj; any gentlciuau 'a jxoilion. Boa a ipieiition. ' ( nir pKra were ayin a iiooU deal n twill tlt Lrgiidature railing a t oiiveiili.ni, without notic ing the fuel tliilt our fin-in-th, a- A parlT, in he i ieneral Aiwtinbly wait uiai.tlicit tit to do that. I thought ii raiglu oa well to call atteOsloa V hitt Hint; aud in ctMiiierfkni therewith to oV- l tii never nit n reiieeteu witn any cioaenea-; ani the article I wrote, no reference wliatever there will lie an MMiKWlanl Southern route. I ol liie puouu li -r uie leal aim tutrgv wiuiu ne j p,r;ially com pit le. I to llio I'acince coaat, mucli haa idioairio bia mailer. . Ma aucce-a altond j liurlgr nlul U-m auhjeel lo anow drifia, and con all hi rtiorta in ll.al dilution until the whole "''",r nn.re ex-jnth.u. Il.nll the preaent tnitli in knoHii mid nil the guilty piirtii-, w axwhinr an lawa Ol llie tieneral .etiil)M r en- aeteJ aobiect to the atMirovnl of the people. T1ilaiK has been taken, if we arc "not "minta- , w"" "tlt ,0 liM I1'"" of proceeding.. Nveml V- ka .fca (u...-...- r ,1.- B,.r I I. I ,lo,"", " MptV' roapecllllg the p-dicy of run "judicial dw iition So, tioo, the Hnding Mil, aliould it be wifetl, fintply mlU a umven tXotip ialj0rt to the ajif-rond of the people. The Convention will be ux'ruuch depeudeiil upon the Act of AswiuUly en Ming it' for the validity of fta powtri aa the clua of lawa ahore referred to. Ior do one will pretend that Iheaanction of the licpjafo, vbtafned without an Act of the (ieneral Aaaetublv, would be "iiUicieat to c.ill a cnnaiitn. tjonal convention. So, disguise it aa you will, It ja nothing more nor lew than a call of a cou Trntion by the tieneral Anac-nhly, mbjtct to the mpurftml of Jie vrouU. Aud "no Convention of tba people 0f the SuitQ ahall be called ly the General Awembly uuloHa by the concurrence of Iwo-lhircU of all the njcmbcrii of each llouae.n Kotkbigcan be elearer lo our mind than that .Jh prwiit liill i a tra onntimtionnl, Terotn' having a Convention, calletl Lv the General Aa- lioaary aud void ' Tjirt the above argument U auporfluoua. The ablest and moat learned ad vocatea of the pend ing bill have aaved ua the trouble of arguing the question. Several of them have admitted to ua Within the paxt week that the Oouittitiition makes u a two-thirJi vule iicceary to paa the bill. Buf they contend that no reatrictioini canlie laid upon the soVerein rigliin pf tlie people, even by tbeunxilvea in Convention aweiubcl, ,,They ponndjhat thw pvoploareab-oliUely aoyercign - Ml that 4 bar ""M'TI'l l frfr" iia til tho power of sovereignty, regurdlc of the reatricliona in tlie couuittttion regulating the va and manner in wltieli it llmll be exercietl, anhject Otily to the prohibitiona uHn.tliein in theeonistitiitio of the United State. Thia i :b"DoRR Platkohm" in all it naked ciwcnce -it la the "imohbh iaw" doctrine in perfct lior). If tkk doctrine bo true the idea of a re atrtoed Cooreation Ulduv. L it tatlaaaa arinda. IfUhia doctrine be true II red urea rr pabliean oyernment to mere mob. If thia 4ortni)T)e"lrupir ia. a matter, of out ntfTe"7no;' fnent bow the aovereign (Hiwer of the-people in crcrclaetl, alielhcr by their Reprocntalive in Convention or in the legislature ; and, con- acrjueutly, the power claimed by the KadicaU in Congrea to paaa the Kooorwitructioii lnwx in fuliV miatained by it.' If this nVtriuo- le true in preparing a Convention bijl 7 Wbv doca "it. iot, inatead, aiinpljjtfejiare the ainciidmenta tp Ih'e Conatltutjim wiith ii 'ille to aed piade,. and aubtuit the rji tn a vote of theieople? In thia wa, if thi doctrine be trbe, the Conatitn- tion can be-for iimru expeultiuunly amended than in any other. ' For the absolute and in a Ifenable aovereignt of the (icopre, which can neither be. restricted in it lower or th mmle of a- arerriar, t aa julcjit ti remove one rtatriciion aa'wrtliefc.. . ' .Tka fact i that the doctrine is o abiird that jt iaalmeat impoawble fut iu advocates to dh fuw it . without running' into alxurdilie:- It a rikc a deadly bjiiv al conwitiiiion.il got err-' fU'rH "o meiuber of the ficucrar.Aeriii'y (.si) etinlain il oonaUtiy .with the oath which- he baa mlilv itaelf, that beliis the tnly method of calling it which my article touched upon. A restricted Convention, to lie called by the vote of the people, have never written or h- ken again! ; but 1 have been warmly in lav or of it, ever rince I examined the matter with de liberation. You are correct in atatmg that I deemed the method of amendment hy a Con vention preferablr, in ninny reecl, to the plan of amendi'tir by Legislative eiiuctmcnt ; but if we cou'd do no 11 ter, 1 have a I way been wil ling to iry t ic latter, for the neceaaitv of amend ment in Home way is overwhelming. 1 am norry you lake tlie ground that a two third majority of theXegialature i ueceaaary to aubmit tlie Convention quenlion lo tbc people. To lake thia ground ia, practically, the aame aa to oppose a Convention entirely; for the Re publican will not lUten tn our appeal to unite with u in the call, and we have not quite a two-third majority itrliie House of Kepreaen- tativea. - Vonr fcarH that here danger of our organ ic law being lob frttiticnffv ItlU'rcd dn mit aevitt to be borne out by the liininry of the State. We livel fiflv-ninr- vean", prior to 1835, witlioutany change of the Coiiatitu.tion, although then there waa certainly no restriction upon tlie railing or a Convention. Even aince 1S.'! when the pow er of Legislative amendment waa inserted in the CoriMilution, we have aeen thirty Jive year pas br and tuiljr one little amendment ha heed n- doptcd by iJint means. It appears to toe that tlie trouble ami rink of failure, will always ope rate aaa willnient clicck to prevent very lre qnent attrinptVTd tiTea-Conventlon called by Tjmhr'Vry vrirnnerdit!'tit a- bare raajijr ity oTfTie'T.ifEtTO Il i srarcelv likely to be done except in Urgent Clisea 11 Ke U .iU3riil. ... Anon thia aubject, I lies vou to xamine fur ther the question aa lo the true ncope of Legis lative ppwrr. I agree with you that our Aaaero blv can onlv cxercitMviir' cmifm-etl in the(r- irsiiic law , but how much is meant in conler- riug "Iiritll:ve aulhorily" ? Ixxk tliroiiKh Article II, and you will teo tlmt after imply ctjiferriag "Legislntiva anihoritv" on the Aa ariaMy, the innnlnrtrr Bf-ftl Aittela la TargeTy made up of prohibition and rmtrietaon1, togeth er with aome manilate. AVhy those proli ihi .iioiKs.ifit.be. iM trtio 'that 'LcghJative autkor-; itv" extend to (I will not venture now quite to I say) everything not prohibited.? Certainly you will not aa there ia anvllnnir at all ppc in the jKiWera conferred tiHin the legisfaliiie. Why then may it not pass an Art to take the Vnica of the jiroplc or, if'you deaae to ena ble the people to call a Convention, just a it mav pass other Acts, without OeiiiK reatrictcl hv- ka aiMtiiHi wliidi avtrnnpaaad opi iu doing an eutirelv allien ut .Hrmur- viz : calling a on- veiifiontii' it .own wijl? ,Thi seems to have been the ceiivrallv reoeiveil view of l.eg'slative iicrwcr among our sngesaml atatomcn in former days. ' For our first Constitution did hot contain a word of authority to the Assembly to do any thing -toward rolling a Convention: and .vft the Aascinblv did take SUM'S, precisely similar to those we are nroiiof inir now, to auhmrr-trnrj qnestioa to the ple. l)id that old tieneral Awemhly usurp py.wer in doing thl7 II not, how is it that we slinU err in following the ex- route al the North. A to it coast lerminn on the cast, that may be either Norfolk, Beaufort, Wilmington, or I'liariiiMtHi. Ayiiin -"say a collelllornry,', aln-adv the capiod of I iouiiiualii ha piisltwd a route di rei lly Siaih from Cincinu ilti, throgli Ken lucky, to'w ithin CO niiloa of the Cumberland tiap. with a View of reatdiiug the mu eonst. Flic roi ilti i luM-n t lii.ni the tiap to Morris town, the Fast 'IVunewre ai d irgiuia liaii-v.iy--but 40 milea then South to Aal.evillc 1KI miles; of which 4'5 mile from Morrisiown lo Wolf creek 'ir ia renaiay ordrr, uhJ huC a) the biiliine yrn,htl. Then from Aalfevilhs lo I )ld Fort, on the W eater u North CaroUna I'.. It. is 21 mile, moat of which 1 also graded." I have changed lha sjiut here from Marion to Old Fort, because il i (bought the car will be running to thia htller 'oint early in the spring. Thia route by the way of Aabevltle, ia by imt the short eat route from Cuicuinatti to I'karlaa tn. . Tho naturil tcrminy for thia trade, would be Charleaton, by llie way of Spartenbnrg but it will ke year before thia could be bait; and Ike menwitae it would com' to Kalisbiiry and go to Cbt far; or reek thalutte and thence to Cliarleatuo. - .In. every paial of view it i nil rmjKirtaiil both lo the N.-if and lo the entire system of rtsilrouds lying Eal to have thia grand project comptctetl at a enrlv a dav aspaihl. . When the W. ) k K. Haitral i oompleUd to Aaliuaii'a itinii-iiiiM f'tci'ja uiiiiis'( liniH, llieli lliere will be liuoler ill reel loiite lo I llie Ulcmi ilh its teimiiius at thetit.v of "A'il- ininifloli, long liislinguishetl for l liu hospitality of it people and tbv fair-aighted enlerprise of her lending nun. , Willi litre trunk iu full ojieralion, branches might lie inatie of a narrow gunge (sav two feel wide) nt a cost of one fourth when built by the ordinary method. Iu Norway and Sweden, in Wale and in India, these narrow-gunge roada have been in luccesaful oeration lor year, carrying in the latter countries, ini uience quantities of cotton. Their average speed in travel I Vi milea per hour. An earnest love for my native, Slate, ami a longing desire to see her material intercuts ad vanced liuve induced me lo truspaa on your column. Respectfully. ---- T;UR Knliegh, Jan. 8,1871. Xr.w OitLEANS, Jan. 10 1871. friend llanrt : lJ,viDg remsjiied in'thltcitf longer than 1 ei'jsaal wtifideacribe aomo of llie item of iiitetoat, iot.4Jticed in my last. , And Ural il uiust nleniion the lUil frtuu JlobiU td tlill plhCB.s You nrir a ware tliut the sin frtce of this part of .the State ia nearly 'diad" level aud but a few fert above the water mark ol the Gulf and Mississippi; and is ietentperved with taken and bays, consequently the road from Mobile to thia pity crosses several of these bodlea of water, from four to forty feet deep aud from one fourth to two ur three mile iu iviijlh. Tba rido is picturesque uud excitiair hut tha iu- tle( asuuiea a new phase lieu a ' land Iraordiuar latter, arerj word of whicb trill ba Aand worthy rf poruaal, remembraaeee aud refleetiun i Kxrhamq. ' l feiULa Auix toJuji. JbUtaJa .. ftr.fua ilia iasua of a rouiiniiiu thai Wuuld Iweveit an apj arcnt approval f your tanguage on tba death of lieu. Iaa, and tba . policy uf tha Legialaturv and Kaeeativa iu rt fereuee to the Ua VeraJt ut ll ford. 1 a it plnlgMl lo llie ritaldi hn.elit, uq a ure fouud tiou, of the frredoaiof Ina Brgro. 1 am o pledged with a inglcua of pur 'oe wkle'a ttiru neithrrtn the right t n left in any ipirit of self-sewkiug. If tbeeolored peo pie are rsiQUrut with thia ou my part well; it titer ara n at'Utrnt a i(,h thia ou my i art. again well. M aueiiia'Tn tlie cause "Ia."in eTlker raav, to.ae the M iHitive in ita awii ' ianutt that a people plurk. d uJd-uly from slavery euLnut ba truatad by aulbnif thoiightfulnes to maintain their freedom in hostility to the wealth, intelligence aud passions of a pow erful uias, trained iu all the skill of im.I tics. and nu a-d iu lh virn i of social and moral Mwer. My devotion to the cause of frea labor pledges, iheref re, la th duly of maintaining llie altitude of mediator be tween the iworhtssea. My oath of office de inand an en orceinetit of the l.i' and for bids me to romp oiniae my mission of con -cilint ua by evea an apparent sanction of a line of thought calculated to make that enforcement impoe bla by the iurtmaiuaiioii of popular pHKsioii. tiea. Iee waa, peihaps. a 'Tebe'" jet. in mu h kmubler litiou. 1 myself stand guilt of tha aaiie odetiea. Neither must 1 overlook tha (act that uiy party embrace in ita rauka men w bo hare beeu amongst the nitat devoted aoidier of the South. I call Dot therefore aeeining! approve of any slur rial upon the memory of Gen. Le, because of hi pait'cipatiou in tha TbellMin." A wise eoiieiliation would foe eight of tha ..II... . t T ' "ivo l. ill presence ol tne nooie quaiitieaot the luau, aud sbiuiug arlnevein' uU f the aol ! dier. .T . The UtmefVy of Oxford la 'tua of tire truditioBi wliTidi patriolisnrholdn it a duty to rherWih.1 l'rijf'jtfus s it ia to tint cultivated iniudaif thaiAite, that -noble remnant of fmt .TTAwrtrn) aintng tmra tijniii Tie amx- liii.s of ihe ttiast uf citizens of y nice. Against that . inheritance i f my people no mail or set of inen alihll. with my iicquies cence. dare to ttaise a sacrilegious band, cau never forget tba' I am a white man with all the piivle of The race that has given to thw world that crowning glory of civiliza tion. liberty. Aud if I cannot punk th-negro forwnfd ou the plorions pathway opened before hi ui by uod, without arresting the Caucasian id his ilPHVenmapired progress. tlieu must negro liberty learn, ao fur as Iain concerned, to lake car of itself. If th Sliawh Universit does not meet the wauta of higher education amo gsi the tieetliilCD.-l am ileterimuod, as Ur as III tne lies, that it ahull be niado to do ao,. but am nntb less deteiiniiied that the University of Oxford shall never ba plucked a star from its orbit, to subserve any political ambition of mm or that ol an other man. THE MONT CENIS TUNNEL."" s ' A P YMiTlSKMkXTS. McSKKLTH UML. . . . ' TWO NIGIIT.i. . -("oaimrfirlng VUaatAr NldUT, Jaa. ti. Ti Orl traaaCrNiatlo) Allegory of ' . TiiEiiixiKnir OU THE MtEAM pK BL'NVAS. Wotiiidrott Journey of th Illgrlm fruia Llda lairtiir from lha "t'ilv af ksMroHMw" ta bla arrivnl at the rate of "Tha Celeatial tlry, coo- rluding with lb grand Tranaformallou cVvne. Admission. &0 Crf. CHldren, W cent, IVior oja at 1 oiu sneoce al 8 j o'clock. . t'erSftlt ' , . f LARGE SALE OF ;ST.OOKS,&0. i VK VLL, 8HVL AT ri'MLIC Auction a lit eoort House iu SI'.biirj, Kowaa CV, N. O , on WednesJajr, Jilb da f Krlrtaair Mil, ' ' 21 iliarrt Slock of Hank !".?. Carolina. 4i N.'C. 1111 Band trk. '' ' T " Wi el. X (!. Raflroaif elnrk. ' 40 M Hallsloir (laa Light Coiii.nn; t f 1,000) KloiIJa 7 p r cl. Hail Jload boiida. 4 (S500)rioilJ4 e pcrrL Rail lloail I Inrre llerriiitr Kir-l'f04.f ToJlck, a euiall aunaint of lUnk N'oiet. Garden Seed CROP OF 10701 s. A larpn lot Juo'Huf'lfar-, 'l'criua ladc ut Notes. Atrnants A aewidrrabl atipfl HFIHT8 (MR lkN IlKIlIM ml Lut Vearn neon, daily laokrd da nUactig all the vriiia bwially alant- ed al llila sari wf iod ml l scasoa aiK-fl a . Vmr$ Extra lirtg JVi. by ta IU rliat 'of all vsrletlea and wIlliaT, erv lru line and Dm 01 Bavur. ' t Cmmm 7m Jaea., Very daarf nd pre Jjflci logetbar, wllb vty Mad of ( fUnQt fieJs. 1 - Embrarlaf Ihjal's Lara i hi Ihtlti a really eaagiiiftcaol cabbage j aa well cat a.ivuul of iu very large afar, aa Ha en peri or pavor, la rga I Mm m head, Ijirly York, Fjirl Larg Yotk, Ox llaart, Larl liruaibead, Ac Every other variety, wilted lo a mora ad vanced atag of lh seaaon, till b Ui at or, la pror lint. r y , ll ks, now, ara rce 1 y rssceaM ry lo a on word, la cuianietidalbsa of iVataff Gmrde Aiada a, from aver arrtion af thai bread euolUeat. taa limoriiaU of lb sraai re I lab I character, have keen giren, of their aupaHurtt. t ul IM abovr; call , ,v . ' , W U'S IT. , lNiliUr, . C jan.ro.it. ;.f , i( i I. a HewU aenl to any diatanc. by lail al th bm4 triOing expciisa, . ' ' ' NORTH cXKoHXA. Wajaaiai gaa: auCJaVKa. it mm ii co a Court . To ill It horn tl tny concern. N'ntio ia hereby given that I shall al tend at in olllce in l txiiigtou, on the 7th rnanta and day of March Ir1?!, to take testimony and j - --tt-wrrfaitt tf t iYrni.'TiexTtirifrrf.rTiroorrt k una a on dav nf 8ale. S. It UAltUINON, J. K. MctlUBUINM. Kaecuioi of Wmi Murphy, deo'd. tSnlisbarv, Jjii. 12, lS7l-ltl Clover Seed. aa C. Crump deceased. Ute of Davids ti Coon'y. Ala lo taka-a) aaeuuBt uf In ealate la th baud ol admitrietmtt-r I whet ami where all persons luterestod, may at- laud wllh their evidence. KE. JOHNSON. Judireof I'rnbnte for . l)avidin Coubty. Lexington. N. C. Jan. 17. 1S?0. ipr.J.tih.) TSAa'rrcth Tarjr Cholc. AT THE HK9t IT of aerera! patron, I shall, In a short lime, bar iu lore, and ade- tjoayrtmiT-y ar mas rasa -t - "' ATrnTIIElCFTTn-T: It KO CL) KIl SLr.I', I THE great aaiisfatiion given to Connoiaeurs, ... ii n -- c ! bv these aoiierior Tcaa, ha compelled the sub- JO(rr H.ii oicr irrue. ctrn. , mT;r t,, nrocnr a large additional sapply IU4a familiar with th growth and cwltira. which can be had price, even KKLOW ikose tion of this invaluable article, aud cognisant of the framia often pm lii-ed ns,n ignorant ami un-Ospei-tlrig iin-l-.-r, I ahull lie able, ihr-Migh ' the n!d one of the m"t expi-rieneol Sol ileal-1 em in this ciMinirr, as s,m m is nece.-rv, lo I fiirni'h an article of ootliH.ltled purily and excellence. 1'mdi and altogeliirr free from i vcrv thing -purio'is nod olijertjonable. t'.illat SILL'S Ping Sti re, elinrffed for the raoM iiulillt r. lit artiele. tall at SILL'S I lit CO STOllE, Jnnti.Jt Salisbury. Jan. '20, It. Salisbury, N. C. la tha 8uv-rir Court. This great tunnel was ao nearly opened on C'hrietuiau eve, that tho workmen from the Frt'iieli aud Ulalinn siiks sluMik hands Tfirorrgh the smaH aperture in the barrier-of rock that remained, and on Christmas day tne barrier itself waa removed." It is calcu lated th it the road will be finished to the tunnel at both ends, and the whole'" be put in opn-Mtiou, by tho li4if July uext. I his tunnel is within a fraction of eight miles in length, It was Lot; 18 Nopolkon's atubWo'lTToiiaveetiirpleted thia work aa onn of the great achievements iilring his reign as the' road across It- t'enia wa . f:unmi NOKTA CAROLIN A Kowan CouxTr R. U. Cray aud James F.JamiauB, 1 gMfalWiat IL W. McNeelef. In this cause it (a tnada' tn appear to th Mtisfactimt (if tfet t'otfrt that the defendnt. B. W. McNeV, in this pridlia; ba re moved from the State, it ia ordered that pah- lJC.ition be made in th ' tMd oi1li Mate, newspaper published bury. North Caro iua we ki. tuininoning the Said tUfendaiit, to lie and ,pr, Bt the iievt verin ofth 8uperiof Court, to be held f.r the cnonty aforesaid in tha tot of SalishnrVoB tha Fonrth Moil-" ttfiXrUta tlSiu MliiJaa ia if.U , and then and there unswer. or demur to said i complaint. Wi ues. A. Judson Mason. Clerk of our said Court at OlhVeiu San'.-lmry. on the 4lli , Monday after the 4d Monday in Setemher, ! lWO. A. JU0SON MASON. Clerk. of Itou-on Superior Court NOTICE IS HFItr.llY OIVKN THAT A patiilua ba been filed In lb litral Court of lha l uiied State, for lb Cai Fear I i.irict af , Nonb larultiia, 1 Jemea A. Huiisua, In said " lliatrUC duly drelarvd a bankrupt kadef laa . M Congress uf Xlarrh 1, lm,7, dibarga ' sad cartitual thereof fruaa all bla aWbaa. and that aa ike 17 lb day af Jaanarv, A. UtL al l a'cb. k A. l, at be otln af It II. Braad. Bld, KegUter ia lUakraptr, at atalUkar, N. .0 la aaaigned k lb bearing af lhaaaia, wkea and akera all Meditora, ka kav (Ifoaad ikaif ' dUa, aad all aikar pi ran a lataewaad, atay al lead, aud skua raoar, If an the kaee, a by tba jwaer of lb said prtiliuaer akoabl But begraa Dalad at Wilailngtusi, N. C, B tk k Uf of Jaauary, A. U 171. WM. LAKKINH, Clerk, NOTICE IU IIEItEBY OIVEX THAT A . HliiN kaa keM glad ta tka Ihatrk Coarl af lh United Sialea, (of lint Cajsj t eat lHariuf North tar .l.i . If Julius It SiluoBi"", la said J ' lliMrk-L du'j tkvUretl a l-an km it ander the art of CiMigrese ufManbl-So7(Wa diackarga . hd Tertlfloat rkefTMf from alt bla det-is, andj a Ikalaa thrikdaof Jannarv.A. 1871, at ' 10 o'rlatk. A. XI. at tka attb of It H. BramU. eld, lUtwHer ia Baukraiai-e. at Slilury, S. C tl assigned ibf lb btaring of (be sasne.whrn -s aad where ih erniilora,,wl kav proted iheuT afebla, and all Mbr (JcwMn Interested, ma suT lend, and akow cause, If an Itte bare, why tha urarar af tka said tsttiiioorrslionld aot be rrn letl. Patrtf al Wilnilhft'ai, N.Cca Ui Oil. J ofJW,a.r,A.UlJ-7, fi,Ci, , l I"-1 , tj oiiiTTre II Lk. .,,i irrtj-.s N'Uliun baa bcea filed to th 1 ot i u-t tairt of '. the United Kiaita, ft th Ca Fear LUtrict of Noatk Carolina, by Jstnea Ik Wear, la raid 14-. , ttucjt dul uVtdared . ilauUiruiaV auda lWait-.. ol Congress: af klarvk X sKi7, tur a disvbara- , and cert i lit te llierrot (com all hi del, and I bat oa tb JTlh da of January, A. Ik 1171, at 10 o'clock, A. N- al lb oOU Of IC II. ItroaA .. field, Keciater in Baakraptry, at Saliabor, N. ia assumed kr lha nariac of Ihe aaane.wPiea and where all rrvdilora, who kavt preyed Ibeif leUs, and all other persona lalerealeaj, ava at tend, and show raits if aa lb have, why Ik ' wayer of lb said petiliooe should aot aegraav led. . -1 ... a 1 ated at Wilmimrtaa, N. CL aa tba 9tk d of Jsuuary, A. V. JK7I. ' ' ' ; 4-. ( r, rt w aw - ' - r-v-- aa "V 1 ' ' "-awT in th ,. I e 1 own or satis- r six ucceive , rrT'"?T t'Vf,'--tV,J ClT rj V ova wa V.')7i l , I NT r ! PaillEiliiljitlbn 1367. ccd ana NOTICE IS 11 KttKHY OIVIS THAT A Mitio b been (Tied in th District Court of the Unilt.il States, for th Cap Far District of Mirth Csrofin, hv Iewi Oadtarrv, ta said LHe. triVduK declared a bsnkmit Dmler tka Bet of Concresa of March 2, 18(17, Utr diaokarg aitd certificate thrrrnf from all hi debts, and ikat on the 27th dny of Jannarr, A. II TaTIat 19 o'clock, A. M "at theoffica'of K. IL Bmadfteld, Kcifister in Bankrnplev, at Halisbnrv, IfCL I assigned lor the hearing of th same, when and where all creditors, who have proved their deUa. , and all other person interested aine ettend.and show cause, if any they hare, why the prayer f the said petilituier should not be graateiL v Dated at Wiluiington, N, t an fli Otb da of January. A. D. 1871. . " - JTr " " WM. LA RKTNS, Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATA petition has been tiled in Ihe District Court of tka United Stales, for Ibo Cap Fear District of North Carolina, hy Celesna Jenb'iasv in) said District, duly declared a bankrupt under tka ' act of Congress of March 2.180. dr adischarg and ccrtilimte theraof frana all hi deUs, and that on the 27th dav of January. A. D. 1871, at 10 o'clock. A. M, at tka oflic of R. II. Broad- . field, Register in linnkfirptc. at Mialmry,' N, t ('., is nosicncil for tka bearinc of th sara,kn i and where all crrd itidj wbo have proved their t debts, ami all other persona interested, may at tend, and show ttioae, if anv fher have, why th praver oflhe aaid petitioner afionld not bcgraaVi twf.' ':'" ' v WHOLESALE AND Retail Grocer AND commissisw iEBCHAMT nrrc.t i -T;tf-io ,i t h o cetrn, rrn-ooili,;; tho erfcci of :-izi.r.oh, rr.arnt?:! the ', :rr:a:i ''.-a.Tn i": cor.'J'flon c. !.ca::-:i;-.r:.-:oc.-:. "-:po! did m.'c one! r.) rr:cjnlu3 fiis tcrr.pcru. -n:! . Scvo fhoco iw.io'jo i) 3c:cr! ' UaJjIiJ lay Hm crcn t- vi'jpffss'on 7.v.iv prevcri r r;tr! euro 2n- t: .. .,, " 'n'-r.- J-trer ettf.4 rlj'r, (' ,.' i, 7"ti rbnrft, 1yseH tiirv. 7vjnpthi .'' - CiicA tie, Cuir, C.olert, fGc: .UorOjfS, and every comp!!nt Inpi-c!D-."a! to" diet or atmos-p!-.ero. J..id:on v;il find -t'-tcfj-r. covorofgn !'oon,.a Co- oTzJlocSd a:i tracoa cV 'D3r-:i;ty, fiorvousncss, i.-terw-rcsc, and Dieoases ijatkt at WlTmibirfnn, N. C, on tb Oil.' irh - - i ... r - "im4 f Briiiaryj a rftTTTT.- WM LARKINS.rierk.' -t THE SUBIRIBFR in the - peciuiar' to th-a ccx. jirTi!CUsar;d3 of Tes..mo nia!3 can bo soen at the Dffi-Q of M. JACQBS0N, Solo Proprietor, Cl tl iifl Wiitcr Stn et, N. Y. H.VV1X0 e .g iged lubber calculate hi clia!!-t.,ute Base a -Tim on - should nappen. i ne uext item of interest is the Ic works in this -eit y . Would your readers believe, that hero With aTeiTipii"nttnrriik-nnr-Attti'. they are uian ufHcinri.ig heautifiil ice by steam nt tho rat uf (jiX)O pounds fxw day to th hand 7 I can not expluiu th proeee but i is certaittly a novel one nd uf incalculable value in tbia latitude. . . . ' v , I siient a short time In looking at th leg- uJUiua that it tiow ia taaaiua . aneriessw Hytg tho wealth and intelligence of tbia Stat by making a burlesque of legislation.' 1 her do lot aeein to be a very amiable feeling; affaira. iiiu-. Wanuouth la considered 'fishy' three mile fniin Motlane. in tl but he niHuages to carry hi puiutt. It la expected that be will follow Uov., Geary of 1 eun. in condemnation of tlie interference in tlectious' by the general govennnent. I send you a: letter written hv Oov." Alcorn t f Mis, which to inymind has the 'ring of true wetat firit? f WwK7oW Tivire'otifMietof cet add a panii to bis nmrtiliratinn that his reign ternilii)ilMllprvre the completion of this lull nel. : . It was estiiftaten at tba commencement of the work that it would be fiui'shod :by the first of April, It7, This calculation was a pretty good one, when w lkw fur linprove meti'B made hi the machinery with which the labor was conducted. It is the longest work of tha kind its tlia'vtiarld, and has cost waa Mf,aTy Tifcrl wl tTm Tieljfhl of tha mdiintaiu Immediatelr over the tunnel that H was tsot praet'uble to sink any shaft to fncilitat It construction, lira eiitrunce i in the Orocery and Provision line. And is deturininvd In sell at the lowest rft ices. Ilia stock consists in oart ol the f 11om inir ar- ncies. ' Grtviruttr w ill rise above party trickery aud utter hiicli ic. bit) sebtiiiieuta I They have a vigorous vagrant lr.w here aud enforce it with a vim. Ilavinir' nothi e to dokut "rait for. the trogon" I have lieeu appreheu- tv in at 1 might have t uiak.e a boa to hit hnnor the mayor but baveecajed the police so tar aud exct to be off Tor Texas by next Steamer. "All is quiet on the Potomac" aud so it is ,.n th MissiKaUM'U aud wra it Mtr ilea n tho Valley of Arc, and ou tba Italliau aids at Nordonii'che. 'Jvrca. Ihrpatch. There wtre 112 suicides in New York last RNeWWtt;unafe- eitiew h Utit that HieS tea UM.ra Leeo an eternal li'el- i ample, unless we are specifically hirbitiden to do j a ing Ht uight ou-wt.ld giippoaa" Iia waa j jt, which we are hot;- . - - In a small country vllage. never saw me,h posal- J.an. '13, 1S70. 'ctt- RcsHVtfnrly, ' W. M.ROB BINS. ir ' . . .. , . . trif The Goldi.oiroi;b Untrttgrr dotihl tha wisdom and propriei'oT calling a ( onyentn-n at thia, time. It ihinks it7sIiouId JSmU fiTrcdTlo another time. It thfoksiat TrovVTToldeiimav laVn o snj.pt.ri i'.T T rii;-ili -n f" thr f"-'1'1." be acquitted, aiul'lliat, in that evciit, aAmAX. auter our 4ein protest ajtainat itt the kopes and prospects of the I lemoef alic4 1 order even in vouTTttv. t nroo. if uie i.i give y ur readers an account of what ! I see in the lone Star St re and will endeav-'. or conscientiously to g v both i iea attu i . I. - . . ii .i .? I allowing jiij llieu, atHeT are over !y years Of age. "It is a poor rolief from sorrow to fly to the detractions -of the wtifTd" . as Well.'inight a lost and woaried bird, suspended overtiie ahsa of the tetope iron ocean, seek, rent ing pUce on its halving waves, as tlie child of trouble set k a place ol repise amid the bustling care and intoxicating pleasures of earth aud time. $ake God. thy rest." TJie.Saa Frauciaco Bulletin 4ite-4ke; value of tb yeail'fruil croWof California , at 5".000.0vO. , . ln Ckirairo petiple c-ntemplate settling iu the RockyyMoMitaiu region. "Hi ' hefor tanged-u- opinion neve, j Ctmfcrtienteries and Fruit GROCERY AD COMMISSION business, is determined to keep the hirgnst and best assorted stt k of (jr. eerie and i Catawba Enjilish and Classical HIGH SCHOOL. ''HB-v.-LHVJT'-K'S10N'.'-.w4UJ eoinlnetice on the first ilimdnv ni" Jan'y IH71. ami oe.i aaaonea au-ea i wro,-..-. anu , Tniti,m pBr j,,,, 1irS(l aek froili $10 to proVlSl!' that h a evej heeQ ll eit III nils ' jt4jt, , ., , -, - ' -w.,.- uiac . lie win aeep EVERYTHING i Coffees, Molases, x , "' o : V- Syrups, , . Jl w."! A.fmufeffi.t i'te Ifi Cains F por-Tfrofflh: ; ; rorlh CarolilW() hj jubII For particulars and catalogue address pro-j District, duly declared a bankn NOTICE IS IIKKEBT OIVEX THAT A petition has U-en fih-d ia thDistritt Cpnrt nf , , the I'liiled S'ates,' for the Cap Frtr IHstricI mt i North Carolina, b Hugh B. i'eler.in ahl Dis trict, tbily dechtred a bankrupt ander lb act of Convreat of March' 2, ltn7, for a diacliarga ami cerlilirat thereof from mil Ina debta, and that on the 27th day of January, A', I), 1871, al lb of ficenefl.'ll. Itmadfiek). Repster in Banlcmpt- cv, at Nilistiury, i. U, la assigned Kr tha near 1 ina of th aame when and where all cnrdilora. wh bar pro red their debts, and ail athet per- son interested, may attend, and shew if any thev Jiave, why th par af lkt Said petk . tioner should not be granted. v- 1 r v-t Dated at "Wilmington, N. C, or tb Olk'day r. of Jnmiarr, A. 1J. IS7I. n ' VM. LARKING ark.i NOTICDIS HEREBY Gh'EN THAT A : ',ietition baa Iwm Btediirtkw Wstrict Court of the l uiied States, for the Can Fear District of North Carolina, by A. II. Tbomaaon, iu-eaidi. District, duly declared a bankrupt tinder tba act of Congress of March 2, l8tt7,ftaT t disrkarg and certificate thereof from all bis debt, ami' that he 27th day of January. A. P. J 87 1, at 10 o'clock A. M., nt thofllc iof R.1L Broad lield, Register in llankriijitcy, at Salisbury, N. Cf, is assigurd for the hearing of the same,when . ami where all creditors, who have proved their,, debts, and all other persona interested, ma at- tend, and show cause, if any tbey bay, wh tka . prayer of the said petitioner should aot k gran ted. A i r Dated at Wilmington, N. C, on tha 9tk day of January, A. D. 187tK ' 1 .--at r-' WM-'JURKINStawaV., netors. RE "lorTS), 1S7'0 :tm V. J. CVCLAPP. S. ii. F1N( A. B. A. M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A1 4'ciiiioii uas oven iiieu'iu me LJilfVSl.Mgjbt ear District of Charles, ia said i banknint ander. th . art oi loiigrvK ol Alurcti z, l-ljX,lor a discftarg and ccrtihl(. the5f -iuiii ill hi (lebta, aatl-i that on the 27th day of January, Al p.W at ; 10 o'clock, A. M., at ihe otiie of It. II. Broad, field, Register in Bankruptcy, at Salisbury, Nj'f (.':, ia assigned for the hearing of the ame,wheo aud where all creditors, who have proved their ' dchtHy and all ofher persons intcreVed Jiiny t tehct, andsho cause, If any fhey have, why Ifia" ' prayer of the said petitioner should aot bgra , ted. i i m , , Dated at Wilmington, N. C en th Otk dajrL of Janiiarr, A. 1). 1H71. . (VM.'L'ARKlNtTerl: Otalirades. Porter, " . Liquors and Wines, Of all Grades, , Bacon, Lard, , Fish of alll imls, t huff Meal and Ch eese. Sardines, Vickies and Crackers, 1'obacco both chricinff Smnktny and Coptm. .- BANHRTJPT NOTICE 3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A pctillon bal'becn filed in the District tOurt of the I nrtcd States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, liy Tlieophiliu) Allison, in said District, duly declared a bankrupt undtr the act of Congress of March 2. 1807 fora discj!!jra.B. and CeriiKafeTTit reor from all his debts, and , ; T V , "7. ., " 11 V V Thii is to give Notice : That oa tha 1 1 u -'J ' ri' ' , v " ,lav olOctoiier, J70, a warrant in Rank, field, Kcpistrr in liankriiptcv. at Sali.lmrv. N. mlVi. J -.J.. ..c i , C, i. assiguetl for the hearing f the same, when ; or(1 u. Willinins, of the ciiunty nf Vatlkia and and where all creditors, who have proved their i st.,t f .Vrlo Carolina-who has been adindg- -.lebls, and all other (arsons infcresttd may al-1 Ft Hmikrupt Uiii his own petition that tha .tend, and show cause, il an thev have, whv the -i.nv no.nl nf anv ,1, l.r .n.l th. lallo,- r . :.,t,.-waj-er- granted. i,,r njK anrt tno translcfof any property by Dated at i niineton. N. C. no tht f)th rl.'iv of January, A.'D.170. - - ' WM. LARK-INS, Clerk. . him .fire forbidden' by faw. "That a meeting of thii credihirs of raid Bank root, to prove their ilcbrs. rtitC chiHisv one or Btora. assigcee ot bi estate, will be held at a court of Haiikroptcr, to he holiferl before R' H. KROAliriKlB, Ksi., Reg. i.-ter in, Itankniptey, at his otfice ia Salisbury, at iOoYlock.A- IK. on they'd carof Jannary,. i?t. 8. T. CABKOWT, ... U.S. Marshal, b T aa w . a. 9 ..... .. ..,..,,.-.. 10 , Voo-, : .NOTlCli W-ffEREBY GlVENTifAT A Vetition ha been filed in the Oistrict Court of the Cnited States, for the Cape FeafTli-tricl of or;h t-aix.liitia, by Wiley Lailey, in said Dis- 1 trict, lii.lv- thi laK-d a bankrupt under the act of t. ongressi oi iiiarcn z, i,m,,, ,,r a discharge and ., at tlieootiioe of R. II. Brorfijiebl, ' This is to livXfotiet t Tliat on tha, i.aiiKrupicv nf.NihsuUrvfTS. L is . olsi nay or h.iois?iv io, a warrant la Bank- In the cam of Cnnstiuitional hlsTty, jnd in Jbesenatiye part in tka tata would be greatly nam of tb toil v cmwerratire people of North ' enda Carolina., And wc waru ihe I K-mot rtic-Con-i ihfn aeeeatiee party tka if it persist in' its seeming and a CnrivctitloTrTpmiH be too great a burden dsSaiminalion to f at W riKl:ri; ritt tta har toim a-gn HK pctip ia Ihe pif-wj xoajai-itr, it s i 4t on" prvre the 9estruct:! , p'trsen ccr!:"on o: 1h:r Uiaoct. - -v , a-av- o tbT-cuntry " ' " r . ''" ."- ' v . ' '- ' I . . j " ' ' '' ; i ..'-...,.:, .--' - TAR HEEL. ' criected an error.. . -. . ). The former letter, to which .our CorVea- j Vieion i t matter of the will, or itmaTl ramueui rrlcia Baa not been recotved ny oa. , u ,be Me yotf bi-Hitly in the T.TTJirirltotnatt iilted vou. You ni vcr sea a malt who i bunting for yon to have Yaa never know that too. dresacdacquaiiitances. j - . . .i- f h; i. 4 ion non i reeognizC ne iciiow iiu ww u- Lfoniw'di'njraarjiiljnip post rtliw otfrer jo tsorfjilic ris:o n ycry queer, j atiye part in tka Plata would-be greatly j . ' 7 . ' a tnaii who i neered br the call of a Convtnti..ru It? . iMaotMgitHy of rtersc-a tlrattfierr mewr 1 . -j k. the cnmnlaiiy. cost af ,h irBpeachmenl T M aieet aabbil. A tnaTyrmnth f .rnd3 ttfiisw on ,1 Of 'nil tkseripfions; Canned Frnils. Vegetaplcs, Blacking, Candles, Vxkn Ware, Crockery, add Glasatrare. chick, A. M 'K'i.f.i.lcr.,11 I'.....!.... ....... I. !... ..I I L.i. ....... v . ... ...iiihiii nu i iielM5ll rV7.. I it i i i.m , w, -v ... . j 'aligned for the hearing of the s-iiiie," when and ; ruptc wrts 'Issiutl iffiflinst the estnte nf Lcxtoard. w ht re alt ercdnors, who Have provq I iheirdebis, -Martin, id the count v of W ilkea and State trfNi and ail oilit rjerM,iis 'iniiTestiil, .niaV attend and Carolina who; his been adjudged a Bankrupt "Ctiw .mum' if anv ifiev bave.-niiv ilu- i.nnr ol iiloo hi own Htitioli .thjit the lTluenl of any the said.ticflt.ioiH r shtiultl b-irraiiiitt ' : tlcbta. and tho deliverv'of any troiMrty hplona.- t -i . . r. . . . l '.i , i. i ..' . : . " imiett u .tnoincion, V-,- on the?iri day . mc i itietto i.ant.rupi, ro nun or Bar hta i ami me tranier or anyprnperrv joy him, ara j tbrbttlden bsr law; That a meelfng of lha ered- of Januarv A. D. 1T71. W.M. LARKINfLClerk. - iVotiee of Assfrnet.Tira'B"d7 F kir debts, and- herebt piresuoti. e-ol his aiit:ti't tuOnt as A-' chooae onaor more assigneea.of kt estate, WtH signee i.f.JoUu W. ilukiiw .l the twitr afi1 beld;at a Court of "VtiikrupUy tr. be boldea-t-Ci.iott -and Atato of North dni'liis uU "ha;beft.r R. H. BuoAiliriKLP, Flxii Recister ia I I'o-n adlndgod a hantrunt nnon the iM-fit:.n of Iwnkrupicy, at hi 'oflica- in, Salisbury: a 10 - tif Tha highest cash prices will ba paid rfcis criHiitor, by thn lijnrict Ctinrt f tb Unt-''A A: Mojiltlic 2-'td.da of JamtarY-A, l I'll Ml&l W th Vira. Ihjtmn . I r .... t IF 1.1 . ft I W 1 - k ' .... ...v, v. .L'V . "V .',' All 'L, Jl IM --- : . . V. H llllf' I' . r'..t... ... - - - u ftrfcoontry'Protluea of all kinds, j W.1I. HOWERTON Si!;ib0f'y.. Jan. 20, 170." tf Carvliiia, ia3-3 IT. SfffrpPN Ass'gnee, .. - ' r If on roe,. V. :' Ui & Marshal, b. i JCjuata.lJaj.ut C. S. .'larslial, a Mjngrr. a ..t