gljt 01b Xotll) Stale . ' 1 u sp4ily uai4. eu4 ibe pruredrd villi nl tM. The artieU ar all aptble of lb lerel pruuf. and ike trial Becd Bol B Mmriy oreupy Minn j dsy. rt ll proceed tottbaith. ucll judge should b4 kdigrf l prruilit4 u disgrace ill U-oeh corn adorn ed kt tha ablaat BtiJ llklfv! lliaB thai Mtvl I I - - 9oB tint alu 4uiille4't , rftiiiii. hincalb bve was viillfu w haver, rolfed the lUMgb SmliHil of I ha ".fth, con taining Jhe following prwei-diug, from which it In- aerU that lb UiaJ af JoJge judge mitcuell. MM lb tHituiuaiealixa of "ile" iu ra lath) to ilia a.ctton f JuJ Mil belli jwrtala aWbeas rurpui rr. lUy.Mid ihe fart tbat Judge Mitrhrll hiiU grabtrd lb writ )JiiM a lirrvDlxri l reeie ilia re lera tat lb Minr, wknew Bulbing of lh sat staled, save what Irarued from our arraapoadaal. A writer la tb Smttmti of Ah, ever th signature of "Iredell" run i4 thai lajuslie- ha Ix-en dou l Jd;v )itobtt by eur errepoe4el slatameuls. Wi V But .kaow how this may be. but, a aat of Justle Ju .MHsmll. we glra Wradall'f plaaaliou uf Ilia matter. After stall ( thai Ju-lg !(.- II "aly 'Mikv4 pow aa4 spoke a! (wha lit Said anything.) to amir) uf lh Chlef utie a tls grant of civil law aud librM-." "lr,dir . 4 Proas ike HaUaj IW TIIK CONVENTION (jUEMTlOX, iio (iK-mr, Jf. C 1 UK 171. J.itii a ill be nrutrwuaJ with at tha un-twtil I iult I VlklXO B.I:.V. aavi lf I U IflML M lt4 f " I iv 1," that M 1'f Caawatl and Abuut iiti, iliruiiy li iLair IHiaih, ai4lJ to Jim's M. l Sutwillr, IvA aaaaaMT, lur wrlu of iuiraa abU-b wrr t Urariwlmrv'l bul, lo ba rbarilabJ. k barala tuil" of aWi ba b atakea ik ajuaat. lalriiumC tbattux. U laavaa JimW "oVcltnl to call out iba aaiaj aiiinf. T ill granlvd a rl( of allacb IMal agaiaa Kirk, ralurnabitf lwaf biaa al Ifawtoa, '. C, viik K.U,i.ltf that tlta aaat araabi aeiilx r la ritvutnl or rviuranl, At" IThakaliu ar ruja.l Tlirra ihm aaali adtTUdi'. Vbm Jutlr 34. milwd (Jraaoaboro ' aad kru a Kirk had trtalcd tkia toaaarrmr ah aenl to aircula aaid auil, ba ipiwd'aa onW rommaadinf Kirk lo iwr krfcra biaa al Nflo, durinf Irrai vatk 1 Uiiak and ahow ran vhr b aoald ant ba auarbad tt-r aumii, aiMi Wft lba ir i a ia mm, vltb Uia aoiwrl dtr Uit riaoafB, M'blla ibrr, lba enunaal, vera d Itaaraiiac, I au !(, aa W Iba baal mule of ajuliac ! aaiaa, lha aril of Judga Ilrouka vara i awl and Ui 'liriauatn lurtuihl befora Vim at Haliabur;, if I am nui miukrn, lite arr work lba ortivr m rWurnal.U at .N'twion, aad that U Ihc rvawm vlir Jud MilrlM.-11'a writa of IkJmoi torju4 wrre ncrtr board of faia." SEW JUDICIAL. DISTRICT CAROLINA. IN X. Til Hon. Clinton L. Cnlili, of tliia PtaU. ka4 introdureJ it lill ia Cnnr-a to divide Korth Carolina into tro FV.U -JuiVu-iul Diatrieta, wIim-Ii, we bow, will pan. At preat-ot the tabor t lie dinlrict it too great to ba performed by ono Judge. Th fullowirg la tba f rat arrtin uf tlit bill ; Jk it tniietrtl by th Srwiti atul Howte of JUprtatnUiiur tf the I mttti blate of A merien it Cvnfre& atemML, Tbat that Mir tioa of lha state of orlb C'arnlina ooin prying th enuutim uf MecltlHuburjf, Citliar ras. Kualy. MuiitKoincry. Kirhmoud. Davie, Daridaun, Randoliili.tjuilfurd, Rockiuehuin. fitokaa, Fu:s)tli, Vnioii. Anson, Cunwell, PeraoD. AtauiHuei1, . Oraiict'. CliHthuuu Moore, CUv. t'litroliif, .Micon, Jaclmoii JlaTWood, Trinuvlrniiia. llwudi-rmm, Hun- eunibe, Madixoii, Yam-i-y, JliUlirll. Wrttan (a, Aalir, Alleeliauy, 'aldll. Burke, Me- Iuwell, Uuthei ford, lVlli. Clevcl.unl. (.iaa. too, Liocoln, CuUwba, Alvsaadfr. Wilkva, Surry, Iredfll. Yiulkiii, hihI Rowan,- and all Urrilorj embraced tliercin liicli t:iay liere- ftar ba erected into new eonutitu, nliaM hareaftor eonslitute a new judicial district, lo ba railed the wetitern ilimrict of North Carolina.; and tlm rirciiii aud dixlrirt eoiir'a of North Carolina shall bo held iu the town of Statoaville, Asheville, and (jreeiiolioro, BTithio aaid district. v PRESIDENT GRANT'S MESSAGE ON jniE KU KLUX. On Thurtday last tha President tent iu the following ma-sage to Congress in relation to the aondilion of nffirs iu the Southern State WAKiiiN(iTox,-M:irch 23. 'A condition of a flairs now ei.-U in gome , of the States of the Union renderiii) life and property insecure. Hud t currying of the mailt and collection of revenue- daiigen ua Proof that sti'-h a roiiditioii uf aHuirs exints in aoma localities is now before the Senate; that the power to correct thete evils is be yond coutrol of the State authorities I do UOt doubt ; thnt the power of the Kexecutive of tha United States, acting within tlie Inn- IU M7xisting laws is sullicient for preseii emargenciuea i not clear. Tharefore I ur (tntly rtwonimend such legislation as in the judgment of l. oiires slialletli-ctually secure Jtns liberty, and properly, hiki thaenUirre maul of law in all parts of the United Stntes It may be expedient to provijts. that such law aa ahall be be passed in pursuance of this recommendation, sha.l expire at the end "if tha next session of Congress. - There it bo other auluect ou which 1 wou d recoin- IQend legislation during the present session. gjgued, ' U.S. Grant. , Tbt metsnge was referred to a special ommitto of uiue six Republicans and three Democrat, as follows : Shellabarger of Ohio. Boiler of Hassachusutts, ScoGeld, of Panotylrania, Thomas of North Carolina,, JIUirof Miehigaa, Kerr of Indiana, Mor gaa of Ohio, aad Whltthorne of Tennessee - It ia probable that '.he committee will re- part ft BIirWTsMnTrTnir. as a Mouday. Marrb 77. Ifll. Mrataga from Ilia llooaa iuf..riiiii.( Sr ale of paaaaga of reaolulioiia iitii i iif J'lg t.. W. June. Mr I Jllll iMt UioVed In nelid liieaM)e to ill lliMiaa informing lit body llmt lba Sirnata will rvrrtva arm-lea of IinM-arlitorl I om Vrdqedy after the third Monday ia Nutvmber Veil. Mr. Graham. 4 Orange, a 4 lliil this iMtitkHi a aa a tlltla preuialura. 'Pie Duurkaepar aa-Min4 lha prearura tha lluMtable IKoard of )l4aareia. aith lba ll'iuaa it Uepra)ulalivea Tba UoarJ. p"0itig of Mreara. S V PLillipa. h M JdeAtra, ,V .V pMi4 NeiiU aa4 V E Wither., w.ra iaritod for a ar4 aad aaalgnvd trata. Mr ntnnpa, rbalrmao, aaTJ I .Vr; i'reJW; W bare baea 4irl4 by tba ll'Uia uf Uireaeatliva JoliRi-KMilt Minuil Joiia. .'iMla-aol Ilia aecobd Jadi eiaJ dial riot Kanh landina, uf high mia. eeuMraoura la ullira ; and la the Baiiiv of llie liuuaauf Krpreaviitaliret aud uf all tba ;.hkI p4la of NwrtJi Carol' .a lo deuiand thai the itoBale lake arll n thareua, aad bf va said Kdn.uu4 W Joaea aMaar twfura Utia8UMia aa a Coart of Inipearhinviit- y r. PtiUllpa than praaeutod (La articles of iwpaaehaaeat. tr uft aiaa uie ponu or oriler. tuat lha Sauata bad Bol not i bed tha the House of its roadioata to rwreWe tha Hoard uf kfauagrt aad the artlelet. The ehmlr aWdedtti pofot wiif wall taken, tbat the House bad the right to ajer at any tlina. Mr. Itobblut of Riwan apealed from lha daeitioa of lha chair, and called fur the yeas aad nays. The ruling of thecbair waa au laiurd, 'M yeas, i uaya. i oe eiara uiau reau lua an clea ol lui peachuiant, five in number. President Warreu said : It i the duty of the chair to auiiouure to the h.itiorabl- lizard of Managers and through it to the lMiseof Hepreiwotativr. that the t-enate. will take due notice of Ihe articles, aad will potifr the House aroordiugly. v Mr. Gilmer mured that the Senate rewilvt iUelf ii to a liigh court of iinpeachiueiit. fur the trial of E. W. Jones, judge, Xc.ou ar ticles preferred by the (louse of Uepreseuta- tires, Lr Love iixirad to lay the loo iun on the table, and called the yeas and uays, which were ordered. Mutiou lint, 4 yaaa. 2ri uay. Mr Graham of Oranze, railed the previ ous question, which waa sustained, and the luotinu uf Mr Gilmer passed. 'Dim-hair llieu auiiouueae the ureauiaa tion of the Senate as a Court of Impeach ment. Mr Love inured that '.ho Court of Iui pearhment Hdjoiirn, !.ot. The clerk proceejed to cafl the roll of Penntora, and" administered Ihe oath to all tier, as fid ows : easley, II1hiii Ma. Ei'iniB! 11.e of IWvUaua entety tr fur a raaMtvtaU stiata IWaaMluasawt to A A. ImiI to arre anil yw lt CIMtetlti. lion, if nJled under abal ( knwaa aa a lwt ihii.U bill." Tba writer pruA-a to know a aril aa any ulirr eill n. tit anilinitut pf be proi'U uf th uMiiiiy. 1 la lima ll r are not f ireodiitK a half d.t n, (to f at 1 du not iaaa ibal luaiiyl HnoiMi ahoeolt-d lbewde'a lit-k' at nmt auiiiHirr Ih aill tote agiinal a ruatreu lion, aliile ibera are uiany, ado uuk1 agalaat lba lit kt-t, mow or and avowed (droralaa nf a erniTrnliow. Tbb U lb it aill gain ground every day until lha August i lwiioii, at lb eopla will Uerooia belter ac tpialulwl wIlhthaili)M-Ubflbeconvetitiua and the RiareiretiiialiMwof ihayidiee bobivrs will hive Uvea made bare, and ibervby nue llurui lo react upau tkoMi kaakitig li'.rat. , The otlira bolder, and ihua who are blinded be party seal agaiual lb4r own interval, having no ar.Minunla, are boay nn bn in making all niauni-r of .-nUrrprravtilatioiia. To lba colored uica Ihay aa thai ll a convention ia called llity ill u tinned tt.a riUl to Vul'.and be pnlkttk into aiavvry, himuge to aay, aurue ut lutiu be lieve llira faUtkouds notwitbaiajidiiig h-y were I'ld lat iiinmer lliat Ihe name would La La ids re if tbecuBvrvalirea Wvra alluwad to gvi iu Har Tlir tare in power, and Bothina; W Die kind has taken place, and it dot arcm that tlial uul-IiI lo alin-lr lliua colored teoile bow rfhh'flabf&ffiV ff. I ' Vrbl.nela "are. 3yfc' They lU tell in homeatoad turn that llieir houu-aivatU will ba taken rroril Ibrm.whtn Ibrv know that every niauaho votes fur the conven tion bill, al Ihe aau time, votes fur the bonie st ran. Their third hiirubng ia tbat if we rail a run ventiun we will be ptil Uh k under military rule. Must f ibeae ctlii hulders and leaden la... the-e laiea are fclae, aa attupid aa ibey are, bul Ibey tuanaKe to in.lillj them into the willing aiind of their tool who know no batter, ton thinking them true, diwminate iheas frrclv thrtHijtbout Ihe roualry. llut, aa 1 aaiti before, it will recoil bclur ihuse who auk Ibera be furv tiic .Auutrckciiwu,,aiMi lb. utuiiy.waU ro for a couveatioa by Ive hundred laajoritv.-r lere i the iatue ; !MU liaiuVri against lh tax-parera. Hera are the argumenia of lba uQiue bold er i "They will lake awa vonr Vote and nut von bark into alavery" ; "they will lake away y'mir homrxlcad" ; "lliev will put vou back ' under military nile," Here are the argument of the tax-pavrm: Tba Male debt ia ?:U,1)U,IX) ; lnl. r-t H.r year udward of $J,iKMi,U' Kl : current annuul ex- ih-iibcs upwards of $.t")(0(ai. imereal on deU and enrrent ei-ene for one year hrrary fn AaaoVnf Momoki J,in.7 In order lo laiy u a lax etp fiawe m great aVIast year wifl have lo be levied and collected, as l.t.-l year only three hundred thousand was Icricd mid colleiud. Then) was not enough money raised by Uxulion for the larl two yearn to pay current exiena, ruiiiHspiently the inlerent on the public debt for lb bail lo yean niillitma each year -is still due. Four millions fur the Jaal two years. i . -it: t .i ! i f , : to Ik aMirt of Mvkaia. TV caasa reyulHag jury, aad lU tiiaaa ml lliigajluej are Irast-fee- few aa lb rtoprrtor iwavil aa hum iaa lorssra ey ...(una aut k dutta aa wvt r (uiaW aa Muadsy ut e b Irraa of Ik cooirt uort, wbkb a sallaa) -XaaMil ba-iaa- day. VV kd kair autk ruarta tour Moauay W -fount f laaiineai dara,- We ha lltf-ela.ii.aa, t bald aaid aairu al 13 I- day WhWw eq1"- a.1 fd ,a-r day, aad tour dV. sUl fit. Mo. drr ik ubl aiatMB tba warn nciii af lb etia- ly ooat tii, Bblia, Bwder lb prearal rliia to it rota H,t23 0 toww-blw t4 ely a differa-K of tliy'XUO bkb faaild U aaVaU snmwll Lv caJliu a auavrBtioa. Wkal aaa was) will mh.m1l BuUat k ia aa ftftV-But- tbrrf (if Iber ar any aan eAWtaaidara.) J wuubl iika to abtfw yva lba work La; of lb Pi bai Court and lb Cod of Civil Procedure Ifnaa wbkb raad Ur4 dt liver a,) but I toft loura truly. viiiica ADMITS ITS MISTAKE, The ilm agtoB Poaf aJialll that lit par t mad a great laielaka la oprtsilng tba call of a Cuttveaibaa Iu ft CtIUUBal maar aud prrsaet turpi Is "al lb waul of get aralahip a the part 4 Iu awa party toad era. II ar I "Our friimd made a toistoka. Tba fll- fur iba Kra-rtiird Keptiblieaa party la to ieoiaadau Bliaalrile4ruBablkiia4 g" ba- lor tb tHstHit aud carrt lha Sk. Aw uieu will p la up. aud new iasu will give n M t rkeTniTIra t 4 aaawa. We are a4 uaa Iret h arraM r He rir I ir aty be tb-4 I the 4rad ann taf eWfeat. A Ke- nr ed KjtoWIarprt waar Xm slartot'if w ar -gou a p. Tlr i'uaf U right, aa w bar tol4 it from the brglualtig. Th I'ouvenlbia card ia the iglieel rarl ia the hau4 of ila party, ibe on ly una it aoiilj play a if h the sligbtetl boi of iuuiug. Hut ll ha- tbrwwa lb eppurtuui- tyaway.au4 it may But retqrn again ailli e MtueJiIgh prviiiii e. ami to millions fortius year. and five bundred tliiHiannd for "keepin the wheel greased," J eart past hat beeu an nuke a grand total f ix milltona live hnmlml 'jouea, ulo Ul'ea in N thousand dollar. There are one million of suul in North Carol iiie accwriliiiK to last' census, so that the tax will be $i 00 tir everv man, woman ai4 rhiJ.L ahjlv gnd black, in i'. Carolimi. (iovernor llolden states in Ins Mes .ige the debt al t )4,(H"),000, or for every man, woman ami child, black and white, iu .. tunilina. The constitution ftnut tbi mx lo be laid. Art. 1, Sec. tiih says: "To mnintuili the honor and good laitli of theStjte iiiit.irni-li-ud, the public debt, regularly contracted before and snwe the rebellion, shnlt lie regarded ns in viutahla and never be questioned."- This, Mr. Editor, is what 1 call lliu nioittfae ou all our property lo the Isxid-holders. ow comes the injunction lo carry out that moi tcn'e. Listen U,.,u urn,, ni.l. P..I.IJn. ..r l...:.i I n. ., rne. nn wys: i lie i .eneral Assem VV J. """7" , bly -A,,; by appropriate legislation, and Lr wl- '""""" ""wwii, uniliuvi, i o, ii u- ,.. ur 1. 1. Ii IV' !.- ..... -J . l. r. . 1 1 11 I lir t i ' 1 1 r-.i l n Ilia, ill in III 111; UI dell, and orth. ...m..i"i Mr-,;..- ...... .... ,i . ...a The clerk and oliicers of the oourt were re,,lr ,Hu,.,rui ,'tl,.. .,ip nii.r ,.rr.,',.t .h..a ' ' ' v : ... , Mu"t-u. iKivmcni means ca down o I he inleresl on Mr Moore tnoved that the rules adopted the public debt." and aflcr the vcar lsriu taxes by the Court of Impeachment iij the trial of will have to be laid lo pay the principal nlxo. W lloMe i, be Hdoptnd fortius Goart o( I Aow comes tliu oatli to carry out Ibal iiijimc- linpeacnuieut. Ailopted present thirty-four iu minil aiassra Auams, iiuttie. ieasiey, iiiHiiir. CMk, Cow las, Crowll,,urri, Dargafi, Ed ward. Eppes. Kleiuiniug. Gilmer Gtabaii of Alauiauce, Graham of Orange, Ifyiuau, . I - - v., jours, ning. jatnnin, 1-11111411, ituney iive, aicLlaiDinv, .Mot otter. Marriuiuu, Krurn ib U'ilaiugtoB JoonuU. "Aa Imuiviui'ai, Namku Jo.xxa." The iWvadiiya s t'aiiia. a, Itofubliea) af ar. V ole ii culuiaua to a graphi daacrlptioa f lb gaiablitig belbj ot New York aity. aud to lueldeut aud tb eruii el uf noted gam blers. Th following extract I a "oentr shot," as those acquainted with the very no- Ie4 pereou luast ackuw ledge, that is if the "ce'in knows itself, and it thinks it do," in tu)Niaing thai the "individual named Jones" i Jones. This.however.U a question between Jones' and the artist If "Jouea" be not the man intruded Ihe painter should be sued f.r the cruel accuracy of tbe likeness to our liatingaished fellow-cilixeu who bears that int uncommon patronymic. The L'mivn thus sayeth : alAHY INTLHtKTlXO LXUUUT may be elated of the play at '-2UU Room A." One of their customers for two or three. individual named orlh C'aroliua. auJ makes from four to a half a dozen visits to New York d jnug a year, sjieudiog the time here in the most daaperato pbtys al I alf a dusea favor it gam, uf which biaiauua. June ia a mu over six feet high, and ia ex ternal appearance one of the r ugliest look ing uieu it is possible to imagine. His dress. all told, woulu uot bring two dollars ili a secondhand Jew shop; ye he will take from a pocket iu hit. lun u coat a package wfa)ted up w an 4d newspaper, aud in tlua taltaaayre fifty vheuauud did lars iu greenbacks. Jones is what faro b.ok men call a uok1 producer, 'i he secret of lis inouey, however, relates to the uufur- tuuate tiuanciiil condition of the Stale he hails from. 11 is what the people South to lba BMMiaiaiM aaat of Kaon 111 J Urarts. (lit. Tb Mil Step to laasa Wbatspul U all Ibal regtoa gav aaoat prwMtox, All r tol a-mva) aad aaktog By ua-toaa U gaud abirvara. lklr aUeMtoa) arreii and hard alio) a properly ttgM sail Iraau lb ( trn-r of lit AUahey aMMBUia. XI totla a a. UUraaailU. ioalb M Vaj.Va a ,! MM tbaala, A. C lit gleaned sii lb tori Ub ralaltoM to it Ibal tsar aaatly awaiU, UN leaiaag la lasartoa mt a towtiil ua lb tu'eed la wbkb BiigU cuoade, Mr. 1-yssan, tf in V4aa tea eaiptuyeU to ill lbvMM aad glta Hi properly a mutuie sxiuuusikmi. , II a euattiiun aud tit rort be baa bntwgil back will ba fuuud in auotUr culuwa, aial will abow that w ail But suUiufunaed a to lb reasarkalM atlrmtiut ami capaUlillta of the ana Spring properly. e bava iaaiKiii ii. ll will be aavu ay a altalr of Mr. I . mu' re art ibal a large BUBibrr ul uiwltaiiita and till ed workaien can at one trad aetptoyment. Th rtJr aud anUrgeaaeBI ol lba buiel aiil laty BB outlay of al Iraal o,tJ0. its futnilur and uipairaU, wbktb Be rupwjj to awk OH lua apt, aul cual aeterat ItotMainl aiure. tur plan i ta prueav at ve I f a ) will, grU Billt,aamB with all lb tkavbluery aeavary lor waking luruiture, luuU, and otbr ailiclas of wooden-a ar. Tb argaiiisaitoa on which wt work 1 aub- taiilillr--U tolloars t The mviubris of lb Culo- ay bar atorunl a I'raaliiant, 1 )k I'rcatoenl, bMtwiarv and 1 raaaiirar.. Also Ibre AuiUlura, aud a Uupw of DtreUur. iwalva la umber. Ttoaa, esevpung lb Auditors, iiuipu a lloarj uf ManagaatsBl a bo diacuas and paaa upon all ataiiest rvboive to Ibe luu-ruau of the Coluoy. All expense are ordered by ihcia and ao Ull aa be paid without ibetr approval. ' Tk,eia of ua 1 rwaivaa ir t davuai la purciuv ol property, u cmtua uf UnlJuux, to-1 aw Ii m' lit awsttuweee aasf eniTbaar Ull ran be paid uoiee vi.Joraad by two of Ibe Trustee s Tb .'eadiac fratttre of our plan is lo si low and to uitv . v.ri une In be a iar oaner of ill slujp or b iilJiug or yard iu auicb ua Boras. prior and Jlic-j IVauMik ka guau) Iu I Ml tola. TV -W JW ,Veaaitoriaa. l!rwMab Marvlt 17 Tbe Brguiiaitoej im a goal Irvaif M paawe batwava tiaax anil liar, aiajiy will auuw rumaieiM. D too ray ai-4 liuuUnl, Ui pieilp4uarie M t raiH-a, ar- IKaU bar to!,- I Ua tosa atiUng af Via aau. raaeulaliees uf bwtb ltovauU will V brld Ibia a ark. Tb Prvasrll esuuaasy U lb plat ageaew apua sor toe BMriing , CI.AlMd Of rgjUiUbRSnioYAU-m N'uru k. Tba CuiuilMioBara uf Ctoiius. appauutol uudaT tb aat of Coagrwae uf iSairku', Jd7 J . rtva, etauiiua. aad uuaider Ibe justice aud Validity of Such claims a shall be bcuug'.t before ibeui, uf lba eiliteus wbu rvuiaJued kiyal adbeiauts Iu llie cauaa aad lb GoValuuieul of Ibe L'aited Mate during lb war, tor aluree or supplies takra or lurulahed duilug Ihe rebel llou fur lba ua uf lba aruiy of the L'uiled Mala proelaiioad aa ia iaarraaUua agaiast lh L'uiled hlai", lacludiug lb usaaud ba of teasels or boats wbil ipiuye4 ia ike lalliury aarvira of Hi Uailed olalaa," gl(v liuliee, Ibal tbeir aaaaluua lur esaniluiug claim, aud bearing tbe leatiiuwuy uf wit- aud evldeuee Ibal way ba brought be fore Ihem ia eupport 0 such elanu. will be Iu oa Ibe taeuud .Huuday. lb llKh day uf giu c April Beit, and a ill Us bald iw (hair oftiew al aabluglun, 1). C. Tbe caae will b bai4 11 1 NEW GPIUNO GOODS. MOCK & BROWN Hit now rur,ri- Ihelr U'geaad ella.lM. led Morll of Spring and" Summer Gooda, abl' h have Uvea arlerM Bilk great rar aad UmiU al tow aitoaa, TUeir ktovk auu uf fbll line of ItapU aad Tntj Brj Qtt, (iUOCKUIKd, HATH, 8110K8, 10, AO, whli k Ibrr are offering at lew Mire. Oao.. Iu H.. ir banged tofU.s uf bualheaa, aallu g J. uiiw eicla-ltely I eaab ar Uuler, Ullug ba rlk of eiwlil ran aad wlliftor iBdareBMaL. piuihaaere of Utsuda Ibal asaat eierl th , OLD O&fiOZT 7tTaDaZ. Tt.a -f- f and prtts aa tow a bator U war. Tkrw tuck of V xx nir. unmpr ouereii au onier that a sum mons be issued to Edmund W Joues, J ul ue of thu Sud Sudiclnl District, to appeal aud answer tlie articles of impeachment exhibit ed against him, aud that the said summons be made returnable ou r riday uioruing uext at 1 in Mr Loved to uinend by striking out Fridav lion. Listen Art. II., Sec. 20th, savs: "Eich raeinlier of Itie liencral Asseiiibly, before lalu liis seat, shall take an .flath or ulUruiatioii that he will suporl Ihe eoiisiiiulion mid laws of ihe United Suits, and tht tvtutitution 0 Ihe Stute Stttth Carolina." Now tell me how a man can take that oalh and not lay tbe tax unless the peoyje mil a ron renlimi and relieve him from il7 Did thoc in moruing aud insteit Wednesday after the 3d ptiwer in ihe I.i.t legislature perjure themselves liuiutief of thoaa Republicans who have heretofore urg ed m iuimedia e adjotii ntnent have indicated willingness to remain and act on the us aag. Geo. Farusworth stmid firm qu hit oosition. that without more 'uiforinatiou there . h.m nead of..futUr lvg:iiliiriiH)' IMPEACHMENT OF JUJUGE JONES. Monday iu November next The amendment f .Venator Love ruled out of ord.-r. Motion of .Senator Gilmer adopted Mr Moore moved that the Court adjourn until 1- riday 1 1 a. 111.; adopted. A GOOD SIGN IN BOSTON. bv not Isviii'' it? The tax-payers do not expect, and will not pay llie new tk-U lor which bonds have laen issued and stolen by Swcieiri, Littlelield A Co., we thereby iret rid of ijl(J,lH(l,lMiO. Then would it not be wise to expend $uO,(KM in colling a convention to get rid of ?10,QOO,H)O ? We must compromise ' the old debt at what it cost the creditors and interest, whiidi- would reduce Ihe old debt to about $ri,(KMJ,(KKl. There is Sli- 0OO.0IK) we get rid of. Under iiov. Worth's admiuistrntion, (which was the most cosllr mi- iex uieoui coiisiimtion 1 the expenditures lor fV have the satisfaction of informing our readers that the House of Representatives La, by a vote of (i to l.'l, resolved that Jadga Jones b impeached of high nvisJe- tlit'e. iVubseqnently articles of tneanors in impeachment have beeu agreed upi'ii. and a resolution passed informing the .Senate there of. The following is the substance of the eVrl articles of iuipeachinent. agreed to iyth llottse: - ' . ArticU I si recites cliafjfeVoT and disgraceful 'rutidiirl iu Raleigh. ; Article ii iu refeieuce to the s-iine thing Iq Gtddsbon There are eople, and Republican people, even in Boston, who justly appreciate the silua at the Sooth. " The "Advertiser,' one of the moat inflitciitial organs of Republican opinion M pNrposra.auibUUled to. $;M)0,0w miiialiy, (see in Boston, give editorial prominence to the w"Proner Keport) while.under the present " - "ir" i,Mi iierv 1 system ul expenditure we wouUI save In one suggested in playing the grand role of rucihca- Vfnr u""i SfJot',000. Then talk nbont eot of a tur. which was so easv. and would lUv convention ! How absurd ! 1 he office-holders i,.. w., i,: 11. 111 1 snd bond holders sav, "The constitution ouirht honoraMofo him, there would have been no in- ,,,,,,,,,,,.,, mo ,' i., f. tcrniption lo the Teace he invoked. . hv LeKislative ennctment." I will show vou THE 80TTHKKN t'Lot'D. the trick teev have in thai. To llie Editors of the Boston Dully Advertiser: H Art. Xlll, Sec. 2, provide that to alter Ihe ! Y011 have undoubtedly ex Dreased thefeelinm constitution by that mode, a bill for that pur- of thousands of Ihe best Kepublicans in this P shall he read three lime in each House of city, and throughout the country, in your fre- General Assembly, and passed be tbree-Cf.hs queni aarocaor ol Ihe passage 01 a general I".' uemurr. men 11 mum ue puunsneu amnesty act, and in rour comments upon the ,ix "'onth .before a general election for mem- Cincinnati movement ill this direction. . A few Uerl "' Ansemhly, which lakes place in 18T2. exceptions might be made in such an ad, but A new 1-egisIatnre meets ia Uwmberf 1872, at mc iTiucipi is. uu . uouuL..ciirre. .unyern.QJJ. " " 1 1: J " "" k- ""- Andrew held the opinion in his farewell ad-l"1'"1 TO,e r m'eaiU-iif-wh-bmT-: drew that the South must be recoii-lructed, if -icr itrhert the.cfre holder aud bond holder at all, by its nalurnl leader the men of brains. txlKrJ '"v" I,r " I(t ulmt impossible to elect character and influence most of whom, of wo-tumi legislature 111 both houses tor any course, were in the 1 rcWIioii. This seems l"u-pose; then all the trouble would Ko for no- sound policy. Thesnmu opinion ia held by ihii(g. Hut suppose two-thirds were to pass it, hundreds of iinprejudicetl people, old army il ouId repiire three years to do it. During officer and citizens, who have lived and own- ,hal time c-ilher three levies ol taxes would be d plantation in the South, or have traveled laid ("''ich would ruin, us,) or, if laid lo pay there., Jibe present slat of thine a vere bad. eioreoLexpensea, tbe iiuerest would be accrutm; a.. " . " - 1 1 il.. .. Iftl i U kt 1 U tk I I I 1 .1 I e have isoeu Irving lo create an unnaiurul M1 ,,lc rale V1 -r-.ovo.oi u nmiu.niy. ai inccna condition of affairs, and the result is a failure. of lnree .vean, we W0111 ,W)0,IIOO deeper The Hople there will noi be decent anjof-t "'.v4 7 , , ,Z. 'T ' ' derlv so Ions? as the onlv iiii,.li...nt r. Let n look at the sw.wn of officer. t 0 will disfranchised, and lha ir'ii,,r:,i,i mwl nr. liike Havidson county as an average. The town ... . n .. . . tu . :.. . . 1. ., 1 permitleU to control malU-r. All a-oullts siop omeen. are. . j itiee, 1 ciers, .1 stuiioi "A SCAl.AWAd," that is a Southeruer who goes for the pres ent adiiiiiiistraliuu. Having become a mem ber of bw North Carolina Lcgislutuie, and one uf the King iu uue of tbe important committees, he laid unlimited acees to the houaea ul thu numerous wild cat railroad schemes of the State, aud generously avail ed himself of the privilege . yet he uever failed to leave New Yolk after one of hi gambling trips dea.l broke, and the inouey lie has dropped at faro bul k would go a long way towards relieving ine lax burdened tar- burners of the (IIJ NoltuStutc. Jones is evidently 1 nKMEs rr.11 ns tub si b.ikct of (i amiiunu. He delights iu the seusatioli caused by the desperate play uf aVough looking customer like himself, uud has Ireijueiilly given lifty dollars fr tlie privilege of "pressing the limit" aud betting a thcusund dollars upon a siugl- cord, bom of his ' lust turus" have beeu famous. He hat beeu knwtvu to copper one esrd for five hundred, play autit It er open for the same nuiouut. aud call the turu for four hundred more, uud win all three events, clearing on a single turn ol the car ' a coot three thorj aUd dollars;- It is be lieved that he will not "fetch" any mora, however Hi lat trip to.XewYWk-- easrti linn thirty tliuiisand dollars in cash aud a large ainoiW Railroad buuils, eight liiousaiid nf which he lost "aq-.a ely" at "2(Jt, ' and the rest against gi.mes usually level, but extempor ised iulu sUius for bis especial benefit. I'bai i all w umsib uv in wurd ou-iirrtiuB tad we think tbe juatu-e, eiiimlilv and burtm of Ibia pton will ptoaae .ry nwa aba kM if- N-retl or en tllivr sull.r Irout ll,r I nanny ol capital. (Sir Bustlo ia "Sireugih in I hum.," own wilu tlie one man wi r, the nun who sila ia Uinu liuors ul .kiiled lir u j it a sl as a man auo uul in a dollar Ui uuv the lathe I Hal help Uml aktlksi Ulaier. stek to flank ibis liirnct Clash beu money and aaaaelaj and ato it by giving every man -a chance to be a part owner iu Ibe mill, the data, lh wlil, lb band, and ibo machine Willi bich be work. Hu iartowiM-r of the ground around Ibe mill, and T lb stream on which il stand; yea, when be looks up from hi work and aea a cloud capped mountain with its rough coal of piuua aud ivy, and hemlock, and a wild atream dashing uvar lba graiuV, he can say ; part of that is luine, ear luiu runs back ul that peak, uay children cau pick up tuta km as and iuIm lur brtWoiHI, thev can gather fluatliiiU ml berries on it, and il iron or marble, or cop per ur sine i (ound under those r.k, 1 am part owiK-r of llie wine. In this way w pro to make at Warm Spriuir a rational and christian deiuorrui r, a town where there is nobody rich and nubwdy I KXr, a here no mill-owner carriage daalies mud on the legs of a tiied worker in that mill , where tbe price of labor u regulated by tbe na ture uf ibinns and tb actual stale of the mar ket ; and Ibe true relation of III day's work lo a bushel of wheat, not by tbe will of the em plover. If a man remain poor and helpless in such a community, the fault is all his own; if another man w ishes 10 be a i;r.iiiilcc, be will bud nobody to lord it over, uobutly to hub-nob with, it is Iu secure this stale of things that we have aaid to the world : "come, throw in a bund red dollars and nnito iu this moVaiuvul, buy a share or two slnrv." lur rill has been, resounded to, wo have baughl a large and valu able proiertv, and made a handsome cuh pay ment 011 bold rca!aiul jierwmal proerty. l liu enlerpriau is 110 longer a Jtlun ; It ia sicf. ABIES 3BE33 GOO D'S is bum b larger lha a ftaael, eueJiprialBg U U nea-t and Bluet oWrabl Mytoa, Baa) al Braws -HkiB lh renew 9 arerThMdr. M a raaaaatn.1. I. ..L .1 '-!.... . ia Ibe oiar ia wbieb tb.v lb, ar prew-wl- 'J,.TT.ri .'7,u T " ! d. P-titiuas tor tbe allowaae of eialmt b(iu r-apoettol aitoattoa br buU Bay b preaaatod 14 Cbartot k'. IWuianiia, PiluciueJa and Clerk, will ba aa iba dark f lb CtaansiaaixBare. al Wash-1 barer f ummmI. w uruojtoi iL lagtow, wb will ramv, IU. and eator tbaea I. .' arusUd eali la Wleiub.B I. .... l . :.... !. 1 f a m 4. uyviu-.ui .u ai UMjuitaiai .11. . oVr of prwaeotoiiua. 1 he clerk w ill alao fur- aiab, upua appliraliua. th lulv aud fern latiuua waaenbiug lba torw of tbe pvtil waa tor lba alluwaur of claim, lb ueoeaaary aveiueuU. lha oalh uf lha eJaiiaaals, which must a ouipauy each peUllua, aud lb ao lica aud tolutuu which 11101 b appeod ed. A. O. ALL1. J. 11. 1IUWELL, ORANGE PERKINS. C'liHaiwutKri 0 C'aiau. WAaiiixoTUX, I. C. Mank M, le7l. Tb lba iwo buuJred aud aecoud aet aiou of Orauga i'reeby Utf will couuiMtuee at liel bead church, lie well CuBnty, ou Weduesday, Anl, 61 k. A seruiou iu fiur words on the vaolij of earlbl poaacaaioua ebrwuda have no pocket,. Aa Arkansas paper aayt : 'Four Ken lucky horse thiete in our jail bad a surprise party lad niht lioua about two bundled of our most promiucul ciliat-i,. Tbey bad fto last word ready, aud r . ... w " CountnrlulcrchaTits to our large aud well tuliwtod Stork, feeling ouubdeni iluu a can uiak ii t lhair iauresi lo buy pHHla 4a. ' 4 al largely Id all bind of CMtrr Preduce, aud pay cab 01 barter, a eteairad, mar Jl:if MUCb A UKOWK. a ii 1 nai aaiai 1 . SAMisjkxm sroxzcss. ZYotiet of AailfB t e TH Bndersigmd hereby give nolle ot his aiMnoiMsa aa A a. algisr ul John' A. Yanng, ol ibariotto, eaanly ol Mecklenburg and Sum of Nurtb Careliaa, who baa baen adjudged a llanknipt npoa kb awa net 1 1 km. b thalnairln I'm -J ika IM. red mate, for the Cap rear lHetrirt at Menb Carolina. W. P. LITTLE. Aasiana. March 1, 1871JI Cbarlalte, S, C avoia i to ir MfoUce 1 Thai ik e 2Ul day of Pebruary. a warrant ia Bank niplry wa Uaiied agniuM the catate of CeJaaa- bua I ( sk uf thecouiuvof Wilke aiui Mtaia of N. C. who ha been-adjudged a Itoakrapt upon bia own pelilion that ibe paynsent ef any (i.ots, anu ine delivery ot nv proeriy betoug ing to the said Uankniit, lo luiu or fur bis use, and the iransfar of any pneiiy by bint, ar Airbidilen bv law. That a merlin of lha iA" woulilu I bare had lime lo say em U lbJ i Hun ul said llaiikrupt, lo ruv their debts, and bad. Nou of 'eiu left lam.lltS." (choose (Hie or more assignee of hi ratale, will ... f ! I held al a Court nf Uinkruplcv to b boldeu A railway rugiiicer 111 Main. wa re- il,r. u 1 1 ito,.....?!,. L :. ccntly fired at, the bullet imbedding itaell j Itaiikruplcy, at the Court House In Salisbury, in a ItMlaiueul Lu bad iu his pockcl, tbut at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 1 1 th day of April', saving Li lite. aSa4LlrUKi( MAiKh'i'fc MAU 'H 31, 1871. asrosTSO tr J. A. uccosaacuutY.oaiKKa. 16 aS HU inn xv ah iw mjaopa i agree that the hostilily is not felt n,ward the committocineii, 1 clerk for the same and 1 conr 'nt but toward certain-ob-j siaiiie, wnien makes omcers in eacu lownsijip, national government noxious black mid white peeiplo. Now, iV,is rertninty ton much to qeet a very active pub ic sentiment n,i"l-i Ine ku-klux- horrililc as are tlreir deed if nothin; la'tler is promised than the grotesque travesties Jnf pivernments. I -el ns try a new remedy' ami give brains and character and decency a chance; ami if ibev do nt restore uniet Within a reasonable lime, then runbeni'e8 1 c "" ' ft"'"'' -pdy of Uncle Sam's ravalry-na artillcrytitilotlitTie uuh.ippv States. Hut first of all let us stop this wretched con gressional foolini; with .reat com mil 11 it it- as if UiiWATeJ),-iU-s jjr!i!iiIt There are ! lownship, which multiplied by J8 eiiuals l'JS loH iwIiip ollieers. Of county officer. 1 'lerk, I fcherilT, 1 coroner, 1 survevor. 1 reg ister, 1 seh on i examiner,! treasurer,:! mrmljers EMIOKANTS COMINO; . We have heretofore published several ex tract relative Iu a Colony that waa proposed to be established at Warm Springs, in Madison county, Korth Carolina. The thing has al last been aocouiplisbed. as will be seen from lh Mjlluaiog rucITlxoiii. the GjoataL III to be sincerely hoped that this is the beginning of the end that huudreils more of such colonies may speedily be furthed in the State. W bid them all welcome : ' - . From the Colonist. THE WARM SPK1NGS COLON Y. The lierolulion litrfy lo be Siieert'fnJTIirotiijhoiit London, March 27 The iMi!, Xi,ct has a sct'itil from l'nris stulin).' that the el.t-liun pass ed otl quietly, and resulted 111 an ovvrwin lining (.'onimuiiits uiajoiity. i The revolutionary authority is completely . dormant. ' The abdication of Admiral Soisset nnd the Mayors increase ibe success of the revolution, which will in a week spread lo all the laimr towns, and render the position ol the Govern ment iu the rural districts untenaUe. The Thier lloivrnmrnt thotujlit to be Ihxul Threat of Thier again! Pari London.farch 27 A social to the Tele graph, (mm Versailles .iys ( ieiieral lllo retires from the Ministry of War, and will be succeed ed bv General Cierrubuiilt, a returned prisoner j from (iermanv. It is cent-rally tlioueht that the Oovernineut is defunct, and a rumor is cur rent that Thiers will be forced lo resign and j will be succeeded by I'uc IrAumnlr. Thiers is reported as saying that when the Government ha 1U0 000 trusl'y troops it will attack Paris. The PruKfian Troop Murimj nearer Pari. Paris, March 27 The Prussian out ssts n round Paris have been advanced lo Yiuceiine. yapulcon Vuit Victoria. London, March 2? Eniieror Napoleon vis ited (uten Victoria to-day. Napoleon remained an hour with Ourcn Vic toria snd her family. An 'address of welcome L. wa made tir l.ortr Stanley. Marshal Can ro be rt's children were also preM-nU The castle ground were. bUcd. wiU bheos peo ple, wno entered thu vx-lMuperor nenetur The Government Determined to uudfa Stand Uacon, ucrpaunU, nilee. per iwi ad. I'nra. Kt l.u.b, uf 6li Iba., Mal, bush. 4tf " l'auaa-aa, a IWUBll, I'uuurr. iallo , " Ailuiuai.tine, Cotton, kt isiund. Varn. st bunch, y.Xltt. per doxcli, feather, per pound. K.our, isi.i.k. Pish, slacker!, 1. I. S. , " 3 , Fruit, dried, applet pealrd. " " uup'ld, " " I'tabo, poult-!. . " " " ttnttenW. 1 l.eutlier. upper, per pourn!, . sule, irtin. bar, ' castings, " Nails, cut, MoUsses. s'lrxkiim. per jra . West linlia, ' " Syrup, . Oniuus, per Imsliel, . I'ork. per iounil, Potatoes. Irish, per bushel, . " Sweet. Sugar, Brown. ier pound, . Clurifled. " " ' Crushed Piilverlred . Sslt.ensst. er sark, . " Liverpool, " Table, Tobacco, Leaf, per ponnd, . " Maniifactiired, ' ., " SoioLine. 19 to J-J to 76 to HU lo Ibto ito lo Vl to 13 to 1. 40 to I l-i lo 4ll-to A. D . 1S71. S. T. CARUOW. U. S. Marshal, by J. T. CTTITREI.L, rViMity 12:31. U. 8. Marshal, a Mcwscrurer. lVotice Of AlSignee The underaigned hereby ivr nutii e 01 hi. appointxrst aa Aaaxnee oti. s. Muring, of the eohnty vrHwaa aad SUt of North I'aroliua, ho has beea adjudged a bask- rupl iikii his owo petition, by Ihe I'istrirt Cbert of Hi I ailed tala lur the Cam Kear IK-trtrlof X. niarcli 2! 3t K& w,l t'arulins. M ou I 6U IS Ml t To to 3.2. IJ1.IMI 30 to 23 to 3 to 0 2 to 6 9 to - 6-1 Ti2 lo au lo 6 to N to 6 lo . T. CXTIIbKLL. Ataurne. Sain bury, N. C. Iffotico of Assignee. The nudersigned hereby (;ne iioln e ol Ills appointment aa As ignte of James M. Morrow, of ibe county of Mecklenburg and Mate iif-V. Carolina, who ba licc:i a,lj iilgcd a btutkrupt upon hi' nwu pe petition, by tho District 'ourt of the Uhi ted KlaltaHHT tho t ap.- Kear liiMi let of .Vorlh tarolinp. K il Ml Li. Kit. Assignee, mar 17-:U ('barlotle, .V. C. 60 to I .IK) to 1 60 to 13 to 7ft lo Htl to 19 to 1G lo 20 to 1J U 7i ll 16 0 ull 77 27 71 10 1.11 1.O0 IK 15 2o l.ilO to3.IH' 6. MO to G.U0 Hto 15 SO to l.ot 411 to 1 .00 A' PS II' A J) VISL'TlSEMhSVTS. I Feel J I Feel I 1 Feel I LIKE OOIITO TO RING & COBLENS', AtJenkin's Comer, next Door to the 1'OSZ.QFFWE, XXctiCC Of Assignee Tho undersigned hereby ,rrt notice" or tits iipHdnfibetit aa As signeeol Samuel tlru.-e, of tbe Cotiaty id" if et k leiiburg and Mute of North Carolina, who has been adjudged u bankrupt iixn the petitioa nf 'his creditors, by the 1'irtrict Court of Ihe Uni ted Slutes for the Capo Ueur District of 'orth Curoliua. F II DICWV, Assignee, nmr 17, :tt t;hnrlotte, N.C. Notice of Assignee The unilersigneil hereby gives notice a last meeting of the credit ors ol Edwin Falls, of Iredell conn I v. and Slate of. North Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt uxn his own ietiiion, will be held at Ihe ollice of It. H. ilnwidfield, Km Register iu llankruptcv, at his idlice in Salisbury, on lh l lth (lav of April next. K. F. SIMONTOX, Assignee, March ICih, 1871 St. HALISIU UV, riflf. C And buying mo a suit of Clothes, bociiusn they Order lsutd to raie T.-vop-Gunboat sturd 1 '"f huest, best and above all, tho catet Raleigh National Bank, Of N. C. ItALEfOHj March 20th, lS?l. This Hunk (under a resolution of the Stock holders nnd authority from the Comptroller of ine currency,) lias opened book at lhar Mank ing bouse in this city, fur subscription to tbe in crease of the Stock to half a million Dollar, be- ing tbe authorized capital. 12:tf C. DEWEY, Cashier. HALL'S HAIR RENOVATOR And Color Ke(orer, I th omul asu remroeKor tris motemext. It is ndVural fur all men, and estiecially for Amerieana, to believthateme well considered step in life, some purchase or combination, will greatly aid in securing a. better fortune. Tens, yes hundreds of thousands of poor bul industri ous, men in Ihe Eastern and Middle States, have believed thai the. cightlliing fnr-lhepi i to do waa to go west, and thousand lo-day are livfnz in allluence on 1G0 acre of rich laud, all paid fur, Who, if liiev had stayed East, would to-day be grinuiuk' ajong at a poor, oving rate on siony by the Iruutrfjent. Versailles, March 24 The Minister of War has notified the prefects to raise a battalion of mobiliztd volunleers in each of thtdcjwri menus in pursuance oi a law just parsed by the assem bly. These are'to be forwarded to Versailles immediately, and to receive daily one and a halt rranc. 1 heir onicers are to be appointed by ihe Minister of War. . The lW"U says that General Iaillier is in sane, nd is cared for by hi colbague of the Central Committee. The immrgent have seised a. gun boat in Ihe -SemrfwpturiTig-lbe' crew alid some uiiimpop tant documepLs. The of the .' Committee announce that eighteen battalion out of twenty-live, of National Guards, organized in Ly ons, to support the communists. A new Gov ernment fans been proclaimed without blood shed. , ... General Faidherbe "ha been summoned to Versailles. ' a ' Basainc about Going to Franct Garibaldi to be 4 drtftted.-.. Spring and Summer Clothing, tor Man, Rocs' and Youths', year, that has cv er been brought 1 1 this market. They have also a very largo Mock ul Gents' Furnishing C3r O Oj-O-kS Also, an endlo s variety of ' London, March 27 The Veie has a dispatch from llrnsrels saying that lia'zuiuc is alsnit lo leave for trance, and that Marshal Lebeuf will go to the Haeua. 1 he revolt in Algiria ir-edin; The " Telegraph' correspondent at Versailles saya that Ihe tiovernmenl .."ha ordered the prompt arrest of GeneT-arTIaribabfi ( JTeuoTllT um bis appearance oU French soil. alomr at a legi-datnr and 5 comniishuiers, ciiual 1") conn- asujre land not worth f 10 an acre. Iv utlicers; 15 added to 12s ipial H, ollieers in I Most colonic have been agricultural only, Ihividson county. ' There e I'O counties in lite ' and their inquiry has been for land that was Suite. !0 multiplied by 1 l.'l equals 1 2,70. ofli- j cbenp yet productive, A few month ago a ('crs in'fhe M ile, all oi w hom are Isild bv tbe score ur two ..f artina U in to iliseusa llie people and some of them lleeee the people. feasibility ol giMiig tosome iMiltlry w bertLland j in:loii at his own request Tliej hare also a very large stock of BOOTS tk SHOES, whiib they are offering at very low figures. I'er.'uus in need ofany of thu above Goods will save money by examining Ring & Coblens' Stock before purchasing else where. A Liberal W Koihuit tiiade, to Vhol esaIe.:Buyer!iL . .. r Germany-the Government uf Alnu-eand Ijurraim llaruii Ga-vlt Hi culled. . , ! TJou'r" l'orget the pluee. It in? fc Cbb!eiiNT - Jh'.IKI.NS COHNFR. Xcxt Door to the font OJjiee,' Saliburvr ,' V Mnnufurtory. Xn. 320 and 322 W. ilaltiiuore st , Jlalt iiiore, Md. Jfarch Ul fit. lUArfZXOOB : ( IaisI, Jjoie lUntorcd. Jl;-T I". Im 4, t s-w WttHH. a I , 4'f:ft,Vtlt- The most efToctual and harmless Drcnarntinn for preserving, beaiitil'ying and restoring the 11 air to its Natuiai Color and Vltalitr. . It re store Umy hair to lit natural color, prevent it from falling off, stitnulateil and imparts new lilu to the roots, promotes a vjgorou gruwth, and cunses the llair td be entirely renewed. It is not a dye,, and will not soil the finest labrio, aihl is the most cleanly and delightfully, jr. fumed Hair Hressing in the World ! :" Trv It Price only 73 cents. JOS. P. HALL, Jr, Proprietor, Suffolk. V. For salo by TIIE0. P. KLTJTTZ A CO. Salisbury. V. C. WATCHES f WAl-OBESl nciiOW cost. (30 tli. 13 10 BE A D PMCE8. Fin 18 kt 0eI4. 140 Herlin, Jfarch 27 The Prussian Crust 'k- ! w" 9 Cea.i-.BM k i-O tm.ka. ti. .,,. .,,., KrMii i;.-r.J 'i. a.ll i f v ' -TTn- va e atttaait ansr e sffw -fKrnTO. frlMaa,r ec .ri;, sals l..iron lurolt is recalled fru.n U ash- , , wi.i. indium ,r, s t,,ial I. The average etist of On-h township T ldO, ! and walcrj ,w, r is ckcap, where food i a bun-1 ' lien. Voightrelz i ulliplied by lti, npials f'l.llliO;' then the coin-! dant, health exix-lleiit, scenery noble, and where i of occupat'ou in Fr issiotieis and their i lerks l ist yrarrol Sli23. . 1 fbey could find a good lorSI , market fur what i -Frtsit-rick Charles. eoiiimands the t rman armv ranee in the absemeol Prince c I il nil I J'liy 1 ' lli-.-sti tt'.l 1 , ItuicliDl--lil r c , ilm tit- l c l-l wii. Ktslt iy, .nil r.t i ' 'it.ljut cenr i i il rttr v.t.-m e. rr c . I" a slnl nvr'c. only 6 cenli. I ur c r-i.r.te-i sum-.r, nnjs. aml a--re Aluml- am Gold, tit Pare C a Silver, 911 ortdelt . Ill We erler lo the mtuHe aer eleaaat awoitasawl af Ladies' and Cent' Watches sad kain aa ather kinds or Jewelry, at the lowest cask ariceaaver of fered heretofore to purchasers. ri,Urnt)v J wsiUd tsvrt It kt. 0alV Jaaa- tin-; esel Watches, w arraoted, usually sold al ItS, onlv iltl :aeb. . Hfeiraiit seconj quulity. 18 kt. fluid, fall jewelled' Lever Watches, warraiitej fortiuie and wear, $SO earh. ' v. Kxtra fine time keepers. A lumiiiom Cold, Haatias; -cased, mil jeweller: Lever Wslrlie. enal to fold ia upM-sra tire and for wear, warranted altUaad IIS each. ' . i I'trset'oin Silver. Huntinircased, full jewelled I.e. ver Watches, at $12 amr$T5 each. Kine (iroidf luild Wat lies with extra fine more. nte-its. jl-J and 4I" each. Also, flu 'Cold Chains, Ladies' and CeoU", from $i' b. tir, cscii, - - ttolleii plate'd line Cold Cliains. atM.ft aad SS llrrl- i earn. lU'iucjLI nt reiitid si.i. we will tak tliein bat k a! ear ti liur Wstckesare trulstcj attd adjatedl keep tine tit t!ie uiiiiii e hcf.,e , tit to purrhaaFra, aad if T. cl srljr j