.V ; ' ' '' : : . A- , . .... . n k ' 1 1 ! 1 1 11 . 1 - " f j ' . .. . . . . .'-'. . . ,viA. - -;'i;i--.r. v rtv.,; Au :.. ..... . L 'v ; v . t .... I . !' a . J 1 . I 4 " . .. , - .1 1.." . '4 . ... . . VOL. VI. 8ALISnuny;N.iO. APRIL 21," 1871; N0.1C. 1 A ft. V ' w - " " ' m0 ' I" To Jnellettlle. LRATl! JTrf. f.yitm m -ir. TksfwU, a4 biardar, aftm Win frwni CQITUAMTI H. t ATCTTEYILMt AXD Wsia ftwai faraUei illr. tlaily txccnt SaniUjra- . . .. . if II . i . . . f ... . .. u Bull i UIUI UIJi oi iiii iwin vi-u Ufflo at toatnnri IIap, Pl m. K. C. K. T. tLEMMONfl, RpC 10, 1870 if Contractor. ljcliJNottlj Stale 15 Wl $ II AiV K S. Editor mJ Proprietor. urn i-arairTion 0.ri YiiK.'pit!ia Jraaa.'....t3.0u BIX MOITIIS.. , " - , IJU 9 CrU to o WJroaa,;.........:, ISU) IOCPUttooDaiJrM..,. kO,UU Tlm TbU Western XV. O. ft. TAKEM KfCKCT 5tU'8ePT. 1870. COISU WWT, 0!N0 EAST. Lemr. Jrrin. Lran. i l,iea hatMbary. a. ai ah i e ar f CM -.at a,a - le. Hi n.48 rMj . . . rn TBlrJt'rwk," ' 8 UH T.r 'Kuteantk;. 1 0 ; T "rlnk rita.' M " e.W " Kavtua, 1 6 30 9.46 " lllrkry. 4 40 " 10 SO " Irani. 4 IW 11.15 " Murirautoa. a IS ' BrMKCwaUr, Old Fort. aw 8 9R m ; 1.96 6 2M 6 36 " 4 Ml 4 t a. a.ai I I 49 If Brrakfaat and Supper at hUtmrille. Ppt. 3. IK70. S-tf BARBEE'S HOTEL, HIGH POINT, N. C. O.PrOSITE UAILKOAI) DEPOT, f j ' i , r Ten pacts from vhcre the Cars stop. Beat f aortora ia attrnilnnrr at all train. Mail Mace fur Halrm leave tkia boune dally. raaaaanara itmpiti hf il to any iioiutaUhort uotlce Vjf art rata eoavejrance. lirataful for the liberal p Iron a re of the pent we Vapa Wt etrict attention tn tl.e wantnof nur guesta ta aaarlta aoBtlaoauce of th time. wii. . BAnnKS. Jaa. e. Inetr , Itniiuiatar. 0ae Square, irat tnartlon.. ........ .1,00 roc aeuih aJJIthiBal inacrttou 50 8fMMtlal aotieea will ba eharej &0 pvr aal Higher tliaa tfia above ratea. mata. Obituar iHrfim, orr aii Muv, ehargwl aaaJ rrtiat!iiMttU. tX)XTRA(T RATES. ej at the aame rate with other aJtertiaa PACE. 9 K c a H o II 5 ? B r. 22 m' K c a i 2 S'pmrrf. 1 4 50 6 25 ( SO 1.1 00 22.(N) .'IHiiare. i IM 12 0(HtM :I.(MI 4 Squa'ea. 8 (MM I 00 15 00 '25 M .'7.50 iCIainn. 1 1 (X) 10 INI 20 INI ,'() IM) 45,00 i Column. 18 INI 24 00 .'MMI0 45II0 75.(NI 1 Column. 2H (Ml 1(1 (Ml 50 Oil HO (N) 130,00 of eoch tBeeater or deewodant, or to wllch tuck colUtrraJ rcUtloDi maj b. eome rtltl4 nJ ibe lav lor ibe dlt Ulbalkia of ike Intaatata eaUlei, and whit a real and peraonal eaUte maj noi be repaired la parmeotef debl and other lialllitMa, lhMlQvag' per centum tax apoo I k -value (hereof aliall Itf paid i lf iock eoUalaraJ relation be a bre'J efor alater of ibe lather or atoiker of tbe dreeatod, or Uaua ef each kroUtar or ai. j - a4 aOM OrUU Ma. rfaaaaaaaaMa taaar jiTaaaaij naea la all mrf n ml f raj. IW OS l . Tka CBMir. lnMIU,aaNMaArn III" 1 ' ataaanaT. aoto ar aaocaaa a puaiaa rvmaTwntaa. ataaajaaatarad by DOOLXT a SBOTEXR, V M NCW STREET, NEW-YORK. R. VV. BEST & CO., 114LEIG11, n. a, AUCTION & COMMISSION Merchants, 8olfc't ( 'oiifiignmriita uf Oora. riowr and Produce Generally. Particular A ttcn tion pa hi to A net ion i Sales. f. HEPER BY I'KRMIli-itON TO W. H. Wiixaao, Prea't Kaleif.'h Kat'l Uank. W. . AwncRgON, " ;itizii) Jho. U. Williahn, " State " " W. U. R. 8. XttkiB A Co., Iialcigli, X. C ' March l7-3m Disolution of Partnership. TITE partDernliip heretofore existing between JtlJSO A COBLENS wus this daj diwolvid by nutial oouaeut. ;,w- , M. KIXO, :-J : B. C. (.xi:f.T:N's, ..,.7:.;,., l. GOLUSMITIi. ' Mard, 1871. . ... . , vi, ti, .,. HE VENUE ACT. AX ACT TO RAISE REVEXTE. Section 1. The General Assembly of AorfA Cart 4i Ha do enact, 1 liat the Una hereinafter deeiguated, payable in tbe ex isting natiotml carrpnc)isliall be asm-sard and collected under the rule and rrgulii- tiotia prraciibed by law. Sec. 3. On each taxable poll, or male between the ages of twenty one and fifty, except audi ptor and iiihrin pcraona aa Iho county coiummionerg runy declare and record fit aubject. for exempuon, there nhall'be Himutlly Ie4ed and col lected a (at of ninety cent, the proceed! of such tax to be devoted to purpotD g of education as may be prescribed by law. If any poll tax eball not be paid within sixty days after the nine rhall be deumn duble, it shll be the duty of t ie Sheriff, if he can find no property of the person .!fc..Ay (EVrylJU Kin SftjMA'rtJ'WPWV.0. son liable, or who may brcoine indibted to him before the expiration of the calen dar year, and the person so garnishee shall be liable for said tax. Sec. 3. The tax hereinafter deeignatod shall be applied to defray the cxeiisea of the btate government and to pay appro priations for charitable, and penal institu tions. CLASS 1. Sec. 1, There shall be an ad valorem tax of tirtntn-ttco cents for the general fund and eight cents for the Insane Ay Irm'nnd the IrmtiiUtion for the enf, Dumb and ltlind, on every one hundred dollars in value of ies.1 and pernoiml pro perty in the State, subject to exemptions made by law, including moneys, credits, bonds, stocks, &c; Provided, That all the taxed for ordinary State and caunty pin-poses, imposed upon all real and per- remota relation, or the devisee or legatee be a lUaiiger, a tax of two and a hall per rent. 1 be real estate liable to taxation ball be liated by the drriare or heir in a separate column, designating its proper pet TfrrttaX."lxe perwmarTtate orrnrf state reduced Ij assets, shall be liable to the tax In tbe bands of tie exrcntnr or administrator, and shall be paid by him before bis administration account is audit ted or tbe real estate is settled, to the sheriff of the county. If the real estato descended or devised shall not be the en- lire inheritance, tbe heir or devisee shall Say a pro rata part ol the lax, correspon inic with the relative value of tha estate or interest' if the legacy or distributive sbare to be received shall not be tkccuiue property, such legatee or distributee shall in like manner pay a pro rata part of the tax according to the value of his or her interest. Whenever the personal proper ty in the bands of such administrator or executor; (ibe same not being needed to be converted into money, in the course of the. administration,) shall be of uncertain value, he shall apply to the county com missioners to appoint three impartial men of probity to asses the value thereof, and audi assrssmtnl being returned to the commiivioners, and being confirmed, shall be conclusive, of the value. To facilitate the collodion of tax on collaterals, every executor or administra tor shall return in his inventory whether the estate of the deceased goes to the- li neal or collateral relations, or to a stranger, and if no collaterals, the degree of rela tionship of such collaterals to the deceas ed, under a penally of one hundred dol lars, to be; recovered in iho mmc and for the as'f the State; and if shall Be the j duty of the Stiperinr'Coiirt Clerk of the county to furnifli tlio slientl ..with the names of the executors and administrators who mako such returns, after each and every term of bis Court. M ... , . W adJItioa to lite tax (maoa4 e prehe ats of llqaora la ihia f rliedala, aa4 ovary pcraea who bays and aU tucb llqoors la qeenttlke lees thao ot.etjart, shaH, with in tbe meanlnj tf this act, be a retail datcr.; . :.: r. , fire, 12. Jvery ron dUUlliog spirit aous lkjaora, shall py alas of two and a kali pet" oral oa .tifcask valae of tbe liqaore distilled om rrilo. poutoee, sbo- prereol any. Perron fteelj; telHrij live stock, rfgttAble,'". fruit, e'jiteis, fiihj books thart, anapa, pniitod baa is, or tko articles of bis set frrewth or raaae faetara wkhtn tile Btate,-'4tk. Thai thins? berelrt eontatoed sbaTI release red a. . . .. . . . f 4 - -- . I B I.'.- . , l..1T I (r.'.M ' li soca caOeeal tetaaiwa la a more crow, anicei i. proaara uesier, ana cvo i orm ij r.vrry luweraai wtio uiu ni ry miier trautr, wno,aa pnucipai or sgetu, i or puis up ngnming roes, nve dollar jor darrirs on the business of buying and I each county in hich he carries on bind si lling goods, wares or mrrrhanilise of ' nest. ae 6 dlcrs trtai pay In r ll. tt Ioiposed li; ibis act oa parsaua ao unal la. tiiq same spe .UI...J:.. ... .1 -ii i . rallretrd or reeoiveo ia Ue 'frame manner aa In the caM of "other uirrtbiuU ami ... . t ... - - z enuuiittiti -a the nrmf artdirrmld-lwpeciriilTv " to tbcar anritnr stock, which they come eany aim give us a RINO A COBLENS mwime all lial.iUaea of. call attention 'art tlail re cti nag, ouuie moii, cau. ti. RIXO, ' DAM EL O. COBLENS. ; '-ctyrrftxrt: U UOLVXillTlL- rr - -March 6, 1871. 12-5t. UZSXBKOIVS' The aym ptoma of Li ver -omnlaint are unewineM and pain In the side. kSometiineii the pain is in lllu. ftlimilitAT a.itl im mlu. taken forrlieuniatism. the stornach la aneeted "w,lth1oaaor"pI,rrerTinwlmea- grneral eoative, aomptimfa alternnling with lax. "I ne head w troubled Willi pntn, and doll lieu WfSeiisauon, oonKideni lIe loss of inemorv, i. loonipiinied with painful XXVSft sensation ol liavinir left undone something which oaght to have been done. Often complnining of weaknea, debility, and low spirits. SomeliiiH many of tha almve symptoms attend the dica?. and at other "limes very" few "oT them'; 1iit 'the liver U generally the organ most involved. Cure tha Livor with . v v pR. SIMMONS' LIVER It EC I 'LATOR, a preparation of roots and herlis, warranted to he strictly vegetahls, andVan ilo iwfnjnry to any one. It has been used by hundreds, snd known for the last 40 years a one of the mt rvlialjln, efticacioua and harmlcaa ireprations ever of fered to the suffering. If taken rrgwrarty and persiatentlv, it ia wir-to cure i . I 'yppciicirt, nea i ac ne. eoual property, shall in no case exceed two-thirds of one per cent. Sec. 2. A special tax of .one tenth of one per cent shall be levied in addition to the. ordinary tax proyided for in this act on all taxable property to meet an exist ing ueneiencr hi mo i.reasury. Sec. 3. A ppecial tax of twelve cents on the one hundred dollaea snail be levied and collected on all the taxable property of the State, to be applied to tho erection of the peniteutiury and support of tbe convicts. trt-AKS2; The subjects and persens mentioned in the following class shall be taxed as spe cially mentioned.' Sec. 1. On tlie net incomes and profit other than that derived from properly taxed from any source whatever, during tbe year preceding the first day of April in eaci year, there shall be a tax of one percent. The income tax shall Include interest on the securities of the United States, of this State, or other State or government, Ln estimating tho net income th tmly' Jidtion by-sojtxueiieej 14 x shall not be construed as a-licensc or than the income tax ftegnlator. shall W.: t 1. Taxes oilier due this Slate. 2. Rent for use of bnildinga or other properly, or interest on encumbrances on properly UBcd in the business from which the income is derived. 3. Usual nr ordinary repairs of the buildings from hiih ihc iiicome1s"'"'de rived; 4. Cost or value of the Ialor, (except that of the tax jiayer himself,) raw mate rial, food and all otlu.r necessary expenses incidental to the biisiuess froTn w hieh tin inc,ome is .derived, tog-ther with the nec- The taxes in thin schedule imposed arc license tax fur the piivilegc of carrying on the btiinesd r doing the act named ; and nothing in this schedule contained shall be const) lied to relieve any person from the payinent'of the ad ralorcm tax on his property ns required by the prece ding schedule, and no county shall levy any greater tax than levied by tbe State for the privileges herein taxed. Sec. 1. Traveling theatrical companies shall pay ten dollars for the first and five dollars for each subsequent exhibition. When the theatrical exhibitions are. by the season of not less than one month, thtax shall he fifty dollars per month. Sec. 2. On each concert and musical entertaiituieut for profit shall be paid five dollars ; on each lecture for reward, five dollars. Sec. .'. On museums, wax-work or cu riosities of any kind, natural or artificial, (except paintings and statuary) on each day s and night s exhibition shall be paid five dollars. Sei 4. On every exhibition of a circus or menagerie, for each day or a part of a day, forty dollars, and for each sideshow to a circus or menagerie, ten dollars. Sec. 5. On all itinerant companies or, perfcinsj public,therw lour preceding sections, .five dollars for each exhibition. K xhibitlons given with out chrtrgefW-ad tmssronpirrd'-ali rt "llroAe exclusively for clurilablo objects, shall be exempt. Sec. G. On nil gift enterprises, or any person or establishment offering any arti cle for sale, and proposing to present pur chasers with any gift or prize, as an in ducement to purchase, one per cent upon the gross receipts. ' And on any lottery, whether known as a l'enelicial Associa tion or otherwise, ten dollars on each drawing, and also - five per cent on gross receipts', to .be collected monthly. This 1 whatever waawe or ateerip4n, f4gblh of one per cent on the total amount of 4rtiTpTrrcraae -In--or-oat-of -tire- State- for caah or 011 credit : Jroriilfd, 1 bat no re tail merchant aba 1 1 be reouiced U bay an lax on any pwe hase niaue from whnlesa merchants residing In ibeSuto 1 And provided further, that the lax ou purchases of articles the growth or manufacture of this State, shall bo only one-twentieth of one per eent, except as provided in see. 10- It shall be the duly ot tha sheriff to demand that every men-bant, liqoor sel ler, trader, auctioneer, eomiaissioa mer chant, or other person nquirrd to list bis , purchases, who may do business in his J county, shall pay taxes on tbe same as the law requires, said taxes to be collected by the sheriff 011 the first days of Jan., April, July and October, in each year, on the purchases for the preceding quarter. The sheriff shall have power to require the mere haul making luch statement to submit bis books to examination by the sheriff, and every merchant refusing, en demand, to aubrnit his books to soch ex aminalion, shall b liable to a ena!ty to the State of two hundred dollars, to be prosecuted by the sheriff and recovered in any court having jurisdiction of the ease. It shall further be tho duty of the sheriff to bri.ig suit against every merchant re fusing as aforesaid, iu tho Superior Court of tbe county, aa may ba prescribed for special proceedings, to thi end of obtain ing such, examination ind compelling payment of the proper tai. Sec. 14. On the gross Mccipls of hotels, boarding houses-,-feseepl the -ud Air educational purposes and is private boar ding houses,) restaurant 4nd eating hou ses, the tax shall be one per cent. Sec. 15. Tho tax on public feriics, loll biidcea.l C"f) m highways, cue He. 24. J-'rery itinerant -wlw-teTTs spirituous liiims, wlues or coidUIs, not Ht product hie-own form, -obeli jjoy twenty nve dollars lor every coonty, and It under ih same rale and regulation aa pedlers, except that au Older fibm the commissioners shall not be required for a licence. Sec. 23. Every company of gipsies or strolling company or person! who mako a snpioit by pretending to tell fortunes, or begging, fiuy dollars la each rouuty In which they offer to practice any of their craft, recoverable out ol any prop erty belonging to aay one of the com pany, but uolbiug hereiu contained shall bo so construed as to exempt them from ' indictment or penalties imposed by law. Scci 20. -Every non-resident or drum mer, or agent of a iion.-rt'Idetit, w ho shall sell any r prituonr, vinous, oa Wall liqTiors, good warts or mert-handisc, by sample or other 1st, whether delivered or to be del 1 vet rd, shall before making auy such sale obtain a license to sell one from the Public Treasurer by paying said Treas urer an annuul tax of fifty dollars, but shall not be taxed in an coun'y because of bis sales. Any person violating the Sirovisions of this paragraph shall be eeuud gu''' of a peliy misdemeanor and upnu cnuvictiou, before any magis trate, shall bo fined not exceeding fifty I dollars or imprisonment not exceeding one month, and hll foifieit and pay besides two hundred dollars to the sher iff, to bo cellected by distress or other wise, one half of which shall be account ed tor ns other taxes, the oilier half to the ui-o of iho informer aud tho sheriff equal- "7- Sec. 27: Tho chief officers of banks, including saving's banks and private laeraLjliflJUJLWjJL nndQaykt-oi dividends or profits winch have born no coftnty of coq.orsiloo shall be allowed ta tax tusaraaca agent tar license.. On failure, U snake returns, or to pay as afr said, oald agent shall pay twenfy art dollars for each polU-y , ad7cto4 of aero Ute 4 by. him In suck eoantry. i 1 . Sed. 29. .No persoa I hall follow Any of tho trad as or prof-stloas taxed , by this I act, or in any other act, imposing taxes n vaoce ana aroiesaums ani.iiaiiciiirs, witboot frit obtaining a license from tha alien,? of tbe eonnlj n w!h lt tra ! or profession ia ' to bar- fwluwedi or tue iranchiaa eajoyed. Back Jloenaa shall give to the borsoa btaJniog It tho right to practics the trade or profession, or to enjoy tbo franchise therein tpeeiflpd-hi CountV of tha sheriff bv whom it la Ltaa oaloatf is . otbeVr- oaleas the- law it. posing the tax shall otherwise direct. fiom it date to the following first dar of April; J'rotiuteti, That nothing in this section shall apply to lieenaej practicing physicians, lawyers deatisU. See. 30. Tbo farm of license shall bo In substances as follows 1 Received this day of 18--, of - ' .' dollars, of which dollars ia tbe tax to the Slata of North Carolina, and dollars is the for his license to tax -to coonly f- ractice the trade (or profession) of ami) tbe first day of April next. (Signed,) It 1) , Sheriff of County. (Countersigned,) C V , Itegister of Deeds for County. Sec. 31, The amount of tax to be 1 4 ...... 1 1 1 1 uunu ui iiuii- nM'nri, iri.uiv unnai.1. ui , , ,. , , - r .' . 1 earned, and shall-pay on such dividends airont of a foreign LreAi-r or bunker, in I ' ' . . addition to the ud vahrtm tax on their to relieve such persons or eslabrrsTiments" from any penalties incurred by- a violation ot the law. " See. 7. Every agency fT a bank, incor porated out' oCthfl State, fifty dollars. Sec. 8. xThe tax on . billiard saloons shall be twenty dollars on each iable. Every place whero a billi.-uil table is kept f ,'irhfri ? loon within the meaning of thi art. Sec. 9. On every I wling alley, or al ley nf like, kind, or bowling fcidoon, h.-iira- eaniUl invested, or thej tax on their tict Kinconie, shall pay, if employing a capital of twenty thousand dolkrs, a license tax of one hundred dollars ; if a capital of less than twenty thousand d)Uars,and notlesi than ten thousand dollars, fifty dollars ; and if a capital of ten thousand dollars or less, a tax of twenty-five dollars and also ten dollars additional for each county iir which they Jiave an areocy. ' See. 17. Lvcry person who, for himself or aa agent for another, sells riding vehi cles not manufactured within the Stale, shall pay two per cent on his sales. 1 Sec. 18. Every auctioneer on all goods, wares or merchandise, sold by himself or agent, whether by ascending or descend ing bids, or at public outcry, whether the growth or manufacture of this State or not, shall pay one per rent on tho gross amount of his sales, subject to all the regulations nnd exemptions sot forth in tho tenth chapter of the Revised Code, entitled "Auctions and Aanctioncers," but this shall not apply to tobacco ware housemen who rliall pay a liceusc lax of thirty-five dollars a year. T Sedf I?' Every " commissron merchant shall" pay" a tax of one-eighth of 0110 per cent on his sales-as commission riiercliii)ij;. Provided, That when sjdrltuous, vhiousor limit" Honors arc'soW tycomTiiissToii liier-" chants, they shall pay a tax of twd and a half per cunt on their sales of such liq uors. Sec. 20. Every prrsom whose occupa tion or business is to keep horses or ve hicles for hire or to let, shall pay a tax of two dollars for every horse for that purpose, at any time during the year, to be collected by the sheriff quarterly : Provided, That this section shall not ap pfy to draymen. Sec. 21. Every Itinerant dentist, medi cal practitioner, portrait or miiiiutuie five per cent? and such insurance com pa - n es a-i a e incorporated by this Slate, shnll, in April and October of each year, certify on oath the amount of dividends and profits w hich have been earned, and shall pay on such dividends two per cent. On failure to comply with ibcprovibous of thiscction, said banks, companies or person shall pay as laxci one thousand dollars, to bo collected by the sheriff by distress or otherwise. Sec. 28. Every insurance- cftfnpnny, not incorporated in this States, doing business therein, shrill pay an annual tax of one per cent to tho Treasurer of the Slate, upon the gross receipts derived from the premiums charged for insurance obtained therein;- unless the company shall exhibit to the Governor, Auditor ahd Treasurer a sworn statement ef invest ments in real property situate in this Slate, or loans aecured by mortgage to citizens of the State of an umcunt equal to one half of, uch gross receipts, when the tax shall lie nuo half of one per cent, said tax to be paid quarterly, viz : on the first days of April, July, October and January in each yenr Each-general agent shall be required on the above named days to make & statement to the Treasurer, under oatli,- iha itUa "amoRjii by him returned is -a full and correct stateme-nt oi uouU -4(iirtiUr-Aii--tuuurc to comply with the provisisiona of this section, every such company shall pay ns a tax two thousand dollars, nnd the prin cipal agent shall be liable therefore. Ev ery bucIi company . shall bo required to appoint a general ageut, who shall obtain a license front the State Treasurer before transacting any business therein, and be fore such license is granted the applicant shall show to the Treasurer bis appoint ment as a general "gent, tinder seal of the company, and thereupon the license shall be granted by the payment of one hiiwdred dollars, arid such license shall rtnewi aid on obtaining tbe licence to practice any trade or profession which is taxed by a certain sum, shall bo In Proportion to the lax imposed for the whole yenr. oec. 32. Aay person proposing to fol low any taxed trade or perfession may take out a license in advance of the time w ben ho proposes to begin such' trade or profession iu advance of the expiration of license already held by buu. In such Case tho license shall be truly stated, and shall specify the lime at which it shall bo gin to be of force, as well as the lime when it shall expire, which shall always be on the first day .of Jsnuary, April, July or Uclobv-r, Sec. 33. No license issued by tho sheriff shall be valid until the same shall have been exhibited to, and countersign ed by, f he register of deeds of the county, who shall receive for the services ihipoa- cciices, a fee of twenty five lemsfrom-Jrrcjitors, there shall be a tax of one dot- ten iiot.iars 111 eacu county in wiitcn lie carries on his business t Provided, That such person ns shall furnish satiflaclory evidence to the sheriff of the county in whiel( he proposes to praciice, that lie is a resident of the State, and has listed his income as ' required by law, sball be ex empt fioni the' lax imposed in this para graph. Sue. '22. Every person that peddles essarv exnensoa of xtimiorlin" ibe htinilv. ... . . . 11 . " I ' . . 1 . . 1 . 1 -. ... 1. which shall in no iuManco rxer-e.l one ; mem or ex.Tcif.tj mom vhihi not proiuiniwi thousand dollars. ' --fiy-faw, therrr Thall V B license tax of The tivx pav.r shall, return to the A- '' twenty dollars, ; . . : in T.' ....... .1....I :.. : - sessor I he .rross amount ol Lis income and I -'i-. J".jr u. .,.-r 01 rpirnnons, telle tnbhyor any otlir table, stand or 1 r110ls. wares or merchandise, either bv place for anyvOfher grime or play, -with or . .UI11 r jj aiervrr any drngs, nostrums or niedirinis, whether such persons shall . r r ..... I. . - ' , . .... 1 "v". painieTrnagTTTTTTr--amsmr-oi sons tiK.ng lis 01 me numan mce.ri,! ., Al( it Blutt be the duty ol -" . 1 I. . willioiir a name, u:iess such alliry, stand 1 . r place or game is Kepi ior private unitize said general agent to fiirnihh each of his sub agents with a commission' otithonu ing him to do business. And any one found soliciting insurance' without Kncli columission, shaH ho deemed guilty of a miwlenieanoi, nod bt; ,fjiu'd not - less lhn one thousand dollars and imprisoned nol less than ninety dayi). The agent affect-.-ing insurrnee shall, 011 the 1st daysof April,' July, October and January, make returns to - I lie. Mienlt ol tne county every person licensed Sec. 34. The Register of Deeds shall keep a book, which be shall record the name of the person liceused, the trade or profession to be followed, or the franchise to be enjoyed, the date at which il begins to run, and tbe amount of the tax, and he shall, on tho third Monday in January, April, J uly and October, send a certified copp of such record, for tbo quarter last preceding, to the Auditor of the Stale, who shall charge the sheriff with the amount so appearing due. If auy register shall fail to lierform the duty imposed on him. he ahull forfeit to the State a Dcnaltv of two hundred dollars, to I e recovered of him and the sureties to his official bond, on motion in the Superior Court ior the county of Wake; and on such motiou a a certified cop of his official bond, and tho certificate of the Aunditor of the State, setting forth his failure to make the re quired return, shall be prima facie evi dence entitling the State to judgment in the absence of any sufficient defence. Sec. 35. Every person who shnll prac tice any trade or profession, or usoany franchise taxed by ihc law of North Carq. linu, without fust having paid the tax rand obtained a license as herein required. I iiuu ua uccwcii guuiy oi a inisiiciiHunor, and shall also fdif tit and pay. to the Slate rt T lirhalty not to exceed twenty dollura, -at the discretion of tho court, and in default o'fTTie payment of"IHcK imprisoned for more than one month, at the discretion of the court for every day which be shall practice such trade or pro fession, or uso such - franchise ; Which penalty the sheriff of .the county in which it is incurred shall cause, to be recovered before any Justice of tho Peace of tins county. "Sic. 36. The sheriff shall immediately report to thr register of deeds all sums recovered by him as pennrticfi under this aer, and tbe register rhall add three foorths of each penalty recovered to the record of licenses required to he kept by r tain times and In tha manner preacribedT ta tie ; preceding Section, nsaka fpert oaf thooa. tira rvoeipls of Said eompanr wlikU tUa SUU, and pay to the Patlk .Trraisawsr $wo per cenU, fvt faU lkroa WHtU,vA iu ease of default of sack, report, ar ff y- . aicnt, the eowipany ihaJI pay aa tax too) -thoasaud dollars, to bo eolleauj iy sacli iberiff as tb Pull is' Trcasantr sUJ3 oW slgnste, ty flls tress er otkerwlse. Sec. 3. Whenever tn seal ol tbo Ctata. or)f'th Treasury department,' ed a No-, ujy j-Bbiie, or our puua cancer, xc4 : clerks of tha Sapitma and Baperioe ' L'oarts, required, oy , Uw .tq keep a seal, shall do affixed to any paper, except aa hereinafter is excepted, ths fax shall W- as follows, to bo paid by the party apply log for tLo.aaroo4. Fos -tha soaP-of ttav-.-Sute, one dollar, to ba eollected and paid la tba troaaary ky tha Private Soemary of theUdvernort for tba asi of tko State department, fifty cents, to ba collected bj tbo Secretary of Bute, and paid , by kjaa iuto tho treasary; for tho seal 0 ike Pub lic Treasurer, be eolleetod by bias and accounted for as olber pablia ssooeys, fifty cents ; fcr tba seal of tba 8apreraa ttrart, fifty cents to bo eolleetod by tbo clerk and paid by bin into tba treaaaryi and for tho seal of a Nodary 2abU,r other public ofiiocT, twenty nea eettta,to ba collected and paid over by tba eiBeere collecting the same, to tba sheriff of tba county where such seal is kept. Said officers shall keep an account of tbe nom ber of times their seala may bo' used, apd shall deliver to the proper officer a sworn statement thereof. Whenever a scroll is nsed in the absence of a seal, by any of said officers the ssid tax shall bo on scroll. Seals affixed for the ase af any connty or Slate, or olber government, or used on the commissions oi officers ba tba militia, Justices of tho Peace, or any Sublic officer not having a salary, or an er the pension law, or upon any process of a court, aliall be exempt from taxation. The officers collecting the seal taxes may retain, as compensation, fire per eent , Any person receiving taxes under tnis section and willfully refusing or neglect ing to pay the tame as required, shall be gnilty of einbezxlement, aod on convio tion shall be fined not mors than five Tuindred dollars or imprisoned in tba "" Stale's prison: in tbe discretion of tba court. Sec. 4. Ou each marriage license, fifty ceritSj and on each mortgage ' deadjjmjuv cninri.it r. The taxes embraced in 'Schedule C. shall be listed and paid as especially therein directed-. ad,'liall be for the pri vilege a .carrying on the! business -or per-., foi ruing the act named: - , Skction 1. Every Express Company shall make return to the PiiMiv Thus " 1 1 . !. .. r. .. . . r 1 . iki-1 urer on or nciore me iirsi, jtionuayg 111 jn l.luituary, Apiil, July and ' October, of lar. On every other deed conrevinr. or contracting to convey title to real estate, and on all other instruments admitted to registration, where the consideration ex ceeds three hundred dollars and Is less than one thousand dollars, fifty cents, and twenty Eve cents in addition for ev ery additioual cue thousand dollars. Where any of the foregoing instruments are proved before the clerk of the superi or court, he shall be charged with tbo collection of the tax as heretofore. When prodate is otherwise made, the register shall colloct and pay the same, less five Ser cent, commissions to the sheriff: rca ering a sworn statement of the number and character of the Instruments admitted to registration nnd the taxes due thereon; which tbe sheriff shall file with the clerk of the superior ceuits by law. Sec. o. On evory charter or Incorpora tion of any company granted by the Gen eral Assembly, ether than those for chari ly, benevolence or literature, where tlie corporation had power to become incor-' orate under the provisions of any gene ral law, and on any amendment of every such charter, whether originally granted by the Feneral Assembly or secured by letters paicut or othcrwuo, there snail bo 'lax'of iwciity jlive dollars paid directly- to the 1" ubhc 1 tojisurcr. io company snail borgaidaicd wider eUclifpeeial act of In corporation, or derive benefit from 1 any liet f6"imenutlr talning a certified copy of such act from the Secretary of State, which it shall Mot be furnished until the Treasurer's receipt for said taxi shall be filed in tho office ;of tho said Secretary. ': u. '. ,. :.i v.:il. See. 6. W heuever ny officer receives or collects a fine, penalty or forfeiture la ' behalf of offbe State, he shall withla ton days after snct . reception or collection, nay over and account for the same to tho . . , . ' n a . a ta Clerk or thff Superior, L-ourt, yno snaji forwaad sncTi fipe, penalty or forfeiture' to the Treasurer of the Roard of Education for the benefit of the fund for eomttton B.4J.lkX4lJa1. . .. . ' ' ' .-.r" 1: 1 : t,e.lrie, cW.t.ie'd'i:.rr- w,,- BWM amount- of his exfnaes-ta- I ho-a :i necti.io. 'i I-1.I.I-- 4s " ' ' 11 ' 'r1' ,f ""i, wt.uh i.i.iiii in.- ler, eaiitii jhw-nt.-ry, af Ajist-Ksor cliall ! in the eitlce. (if lli- cb-rk of the county comm-isioiiers Sic. kJ.' I rpon ait real and personal es tate, w hot Iter lgal or equitable, .silnati-il within the Stale, which shall "descend or travel on lour, or wiin a conveyance; or otln rwise. shall have obtained from the commissioners an order to the h,erifT to pmn. him peddler's bciT'e to ext. ire nt the end ot civ tnii:h- f'i '-m its elate, and inuaii oi tin, keiiivv, ncrvonoxv-, ehUis l eases of the akin, inej.tirity of the hfis d, mcl-ni-choly, or depn-sioii of ""(liriK h nrit orn. oiilif, 01 pin in tbe bowel-, pain in the-to d, lr-..-i-al acue, diop"V, lioil, jKiin in t-la.- hack-. A.'-. lreparel only by J. fl. 7A US , , " ' - 1 'rutrtri. Mnrnn, i x Price. 41: bv mailM2". L -F.waala by . T. tld'TTZ A (K) , ftb24-lv 'i t.erj-.; N ('. uous and villous l:(Uis pinch i. d out of the .Slate. ' - . : S"c. I I. Kverv-I ieensrd retailer fif sivir- bl-! dtryjseij or beM atler-d to any roll iter- rituous liqnora, wines or cordials, twenty al rrdatioii or p'roirj-oiher Ih.in -annla't 'fiveTfloHari ToTnn'o"""yenfr"rTrca'rW descendrTnTor Hiief stor of the hn-h ind or 1 of nmlt liquor" only sh;iH paSMiftern w-iftrTf the rctet!, or -rrr-"tnd f- wif- dollars. . The t.,x i i ihii sectioii" sh ill biS ' ' ' . - ' - ' "' . farii lax. to wit: 1st, That not more than one peison aliall ne'ddli under the license. 2d. That "very pef son w ho tcfupnrarily earrie-s on a bnainesn as 'nierchaht in any pnhlic pbiced-tlHi-tMjiiav-ia Ja good, shall be dermeila peddbr. -3d. Thsl jiojthiug: J". this seertiou cortsiid' shall which the insurance is (fluted, of all the I Ii year, e l the entire gross eariiings biisinesa done by him during tho preeed- end receipts ot sucli company wiii.ui (lie ing q darter in said county, nnd shall pay ' Sl.Ueof Aoilh Carolina during ihc three lol.im U. county. Ux assessed-.ok-amrh ! HM,,,,U i l'r' 'ctH,ig- 1 h.- said res business, the. genu al agent 'Vluilt ii'fst., ; o t ptrrt-rhH be vet fied by - the oatlr of the vhe first days of April, July, l.-Hiber i '''''' fir, r "r agent ot the company e.t ..,.1 i., mLi. iMnr.r tb aU. riff I its principiil ofiieo in ibe State. The said Sec. 7. Any oflicer eonnctt d of violate, ing-tbfl prcce eliof? section, shnll be guilty of embeatrdfinent, and may bo punishl uot etxice ediiig fivVycais in the State pris on at the d'iscrctioiiv.f the Court., , . Sec. 3. All lawa nnposing faxesr tho sutji cis if wliieli re ie v'se.ej liivlhls set are hen by repealed; Provided', Tfiwt lliia repnal shall not extend to the"- provishinY of any law, so far at tkry"relee to th taxes li"led ov, which may ba due previ ous to the rtificuti(n of this act. S c. 'J. This act eliall been force from and xltti' its ratification.' II.Hifi.d the 4ib day of April, 1S7U , yinuuaihtiinrsy portojlagir beer, orjt'Ui.eT.l.tWhiiTy-oii prfnlurlioii ,4.f.-a-etry.- e---jfTneirriTnt y, of tb. amount nf gross i eootpany slull, on orlcfnre the thiid milt liquors, shall p iy a tat of five jrWh; order certified by the cleik oftaid t,..pu. f pr niinms rec TFed" from such ( Jlvnelny oteavh of thr said morrthivpay rent eif-w amount of. pun fases and j rotuinbeionen, si..i!f gninl such license COuj,y for smli quarter. 1 1 hhalj fun her i ','- "ceipls two pi iei.l, for tirmtyjire cent per gallon on all spirit-J f,,r ,i8 emmty o;k the teceipt f ten d.d- b'required of lha general agent or l.'s :ed .!: -.! b. nndifor fatlnre to make ' '''Pulverized ho ism for sausage is the latest vulgrir- 'V Inch report or -fay such rvflnv sriafl pnv ne tTT 1 - - . tax, itio rouv tun -thnuFand local agent, to-pay t the sheriff of ench 1... .... I u ttif. nilllllV i-IT aBfl..U.lbnl.n tl... StosArccetpts ofprftrywma eollected in j ' "- ' " 'j.' " .-'" "","' !ne , n 111 iv 1 lerurui in;. iie.';iin ty s' or (itbci wise. , - . Every Te1cgt!"pTi . Cooipany t ill thi? S'nlo' 1 ail, al the such conuM", at the time atrd in iho man 1 ,no 1 ' 1 k- .1. !is"?re nicipJiI corporation tball be , allow e,d to ' ' c.- '. " add anyadditioiiaI tax; Ptti ukd, 'That ! dvinf bujw M ANSION IlOUaSK. C II A KLOTTK, NV V. u , i I - TUU well kuTTwn Ion hdviry? been .jfKVFkT " Kt'i:NI.Ml.naiHl Iif.KITTKI. in every drrtr i. now eipen f- r the neoomniodaliim ed" TUB ' TiiAvi:rj.ii(. yx ;nu:. BTmBthTntatl-TwrtrTriifc (vb ioJ p C. LL1LLS, 1 Vo,, r. . :J t

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