$lje lb Norll) State ALIdJIUUr. rKlUAT, AfUlU II. I7I Vr The Amki; bill m eVaVtud the . WMl icssiua III lht ntlh oflhe Republican mwim m Mult;. Itm mnAlum iJMt. lltotS ArktMM, lb pruouailio of rVfialne lUibertau to tek up and pe lb lue bill during lb i-mml aaslo) m laid on lh leUe. Th o U caucus wa Sfl W 14. If lh Lill bad Urn Bwraitllrd lo ohm Ui fuU la lit Sroat it U bejicved thai il would hav paaaad, bul ibe Re paid lean UrMMin Ho tkrur imiinIjp allowed lkeauM-lraa to I K'KfO by party tyranny whkh liw Krr lit ban of ijt eounlrv for ananv KTATK 1MUIITH. .Plate right, eves m tangly aud and an drbod kf tbe U palluoal leaders by orb mea as Alexander Hamilton and Daniel Wabatar bav bee, practically dead fof Several years. Whether I here mill aver baa return to thnn ur Dot i question of aula aeertalDty w think thr will. While aot of jl Utaaiiwu of Uia JUpubliean par ly I (Dura thru entirely, there some honor able eieaplktaa antooc tba ablest of tbem oaaaiiunally. frraatur Crputr has ott oat 'a two eslon. spoke ably a ad bddly la lb air defease. Purls; tba diecnaaioa of tba amoaaWst to -th Ksr Klur t'tT tn'th 'at last jrerk -Pouator Trnubu alat raised bla vole ia brbalf of tba rights of tba States, and ia oppitioa tu tba dcstruei lion of tbalr authority. JIa eoui ballad Ui theory tbat ander the recent Constitutional OMwdaiaaU oar f ovrtitt.t bad beeoin centralised aad lu principle changed- I Waled that tba fourteenth amendment eou Jrrd aay right nf eitisaoablp aot contained originally la tha Constitution. "While that amendment aaablad Cwagtvaa to protect a eilixen from a disenniuatioa against f Is .right by a State, it did not allow Congress . ia eaerela police poe ar to tba destruction of Slat authority. Congress bad do right to aobatilata tba Federal for tha 8tata court. Tba latter were nearer tha people, and the Dearer tha administration of Justice between pian and inan wi bsonght to th people themselves the safer would be their right ia person aod property. When the Federa' guTarameat took to itself tba entire protec tion of tha individual cititen of tha State in b a pert. ia and property, thera would be an and to tba 8tate goermnenta,resultin in aa onwiseehang in our governmental Ttem." Such sentiments from such a source are truly refreshing. They show that there still remains among some of the tateamen of the j Ke publican pacty a . disposition to return to the constitution of our fathers aa the politi es! chart by which the government should bA'trf'f h l',rtJ -wuhJ follow those mei-man, Trumbull, Chu, Charles Francis Adams, Geo. J. D. Cox and others, it might yet redeem itself and coutiuue to control the government for many years. Hut there is Do probability that it will pursue so wise a eottrse. rM twaWiatrfjr M tl ranrvr't AaawwW rwMfa, aad tha fact that ba baatauad oa to Waehinf a laatead of raturalug to Morgaa ! abowa ibal tba Dattonal wt'lul was tba irigial plaoe tA bit detlnatia. If tba (Juvaroor bad Imnhi la bla offioa wha tba a-OiUlj-aa-Ud-IUUgb-lbiaya-nrljhr tiara Ukea a very diff-reul Ima. 0nr. Caldwail Is a ma a 4 alerting lutegrltr, tieelU aeaae ad a.airuag will, aud. ia tha Uagaa of Uia Ttkfrmm, woU probably bava rvta n- ad tba following frp'y to iba) JaJga'a emu- plaint t - M ell U'iii to op a his euorts aud dlanense p bur Justice, wit boat far, favaf off affea liua, rrgardlasa of any disorders or Idle threats 1 that tba auopreuioq ffvtis- rJi-r, rraloraliua of law, and tba fiw- . ivati.-n 4 race is strirtly la tha lino of bis -duty Uat iba trial, and peaieb invul of surh as defy tba power of a Judge, and anVft to hold ia couteuipt u aullMirity, is a lint the JudirUry aa dwaiaed f.f. aad what bis e.iuulry aiec1ed of bin wbea iba people made hi in a Judge." , Hut however thie a Igfct bava keen iba conduct of Judge Logan ba brought dis grara opon tha bench and ridiaula iiixia hiiaaelf. and ha owra ll to h pait'o tA tb CUte. as well as biinsalf. ret ga t wwaa office which be kevvr waa la aay afay HteJ to fill, and 'wiicb be oaki. la iWfre law stance, to have Vliad to Derii. -As to the- wrvtrhe"HWt eowimfded' ' tbei outrage, or oa'ragee. referred le ww rettaraie our wib that ihey. and all oher siw Ur vio lators of law upoa aay preteil whatever. maybe subjected to thf severest rxiaishmeol a hich the law !tnMae for such offvnaoa. For Tt ia wiibia tb raaga f poMbil'ty. Way prubebiliiy. that Judge Logaa's letter, and bis courier's affidavit, debated tha paaaaire of the Amnesty Lill. AaJ but for these violatioua of law, of whleb he Beams to have Ukeu advaolac. be aavar wonld have written the latter or sent tb courier to WasbiagtoD. "1 t J J. , IMIXJUTA.NTMXnKKix. 9H H gKM M lu araa araw i7.r.yU.d if aW We clip Ike adlowlng from Iba lUnM CW rl, on of lli oKUt and Morf i liable faoera j " in uif ttiuus rrivrrval lu the givat principle abkh we, aa old Whig ioJ L'nJo man, bare always ronirixled 4 bat he hlale and KedcraJ Uovrtnmaola are bmk auverelgw wlibla tbrir ropaciive pl.vrea U fully rerognlat-d and acted upoa i Tk failed Htalr aopiviue Cufri baa Jua dWUad ilia cue of Ihirfiiigioo . lh.y, brou.lii Op U-Ota alaaMcbuarlla, by ebUlt dcTodus) il U artllrd ibal Iba aVderal laouiua Us rannol U- levied uimn the salary of a Male JwU Tl.. oVfc-tMlaiil ia error was Jud. ul iba tfoUaie ! nf . t Ia . k I. ... . . . i . . --"-vr wmmw, tua piainnn e Mini froM bim lha income lag oa bU Hilary. Tne lai a a paid under ro4e(, and aa artluo broaibl lu reouver the bummihL Tba cvun in to beU thai lb Ui Was uimnailoiiial, and tbi drt-Utoi is aflirawd, and il U d.- Urrd ll.al Ike judicial powvof lb hlaUe U eimi fni fctkral laaaliun. Tbe aplnl. i f . roort, JuMice lUadley diawriiing, an ihl all nke tkirlrea Kalaa acre in aWHuVaj of tl.ia m.arr and were esarcUn, tr at ll liate of ine o".. lius of Ike eonMliaiion, and il la Dot -n-teJ-i thai any (rant of k was ntada lu tlw erneral guvrmntent l.y tbat in-lnimral. It u ib n-(. AX ACT TO rtttiVIDK A CIIKAl U IT fcwilus) I. TU l X-4 e mW Thai any iwraua) nJW aiM4brr la a an as to k n4 escanliail M lb lists of tiaraiiiis lbs davat km la lrri- w Wiethe rwpf tlirea tiawdiad aa sierot a aV4 of iruet, la kraa euUtaoiUlly IkalwhkkndbMai I, 0f K euwaly r , in lb le a oria arolina. aia siMltUrd la . of emiftlr, la aid Kial in lb aoaa of a. 4- Uia, fur al.Uh b bold nr note le U doe lb lUv uf , A. I , and o arrore Iba "i tu i of iba mw, da krrel.y rivry lo bias lime aril. Ira of iumMuil oroia-ct. lu ail ; II'. awra U rir (M4 A'ofi Slott, UYTBIP 11 THAI T raiinaHK. Rut An ibU -n-ial lro ibal if 1 fill lo p.T I aid debt ainl ll.lrte! vn or Uro ll.r A. I. H ., thrn be mar aril yn.imrtr, ut m hi 'Kb Ibrreof a aasr he ry, by public au.ii.Mi f..r ili, 6rM ginna laro iv data MNire al I hoe public lar, aalaoi If lb kna-ertbi of aM.h Wl lolha IU liarvr i.f I.I aid act and interval as) ne ssave, and par any iriua ia ata. lilrrn tm.t. r nv band aral tbia dr of . A. U H : . (mi) rW. 1 Tkal aurb tk-aJ ol Irual J.a,ll I at el lo all luiet u and (wrpuira.nkra tk- MUir .bail , i duly ri(iii ml aeconlina" lo ibe itcm-hI i.ro- 1 ii .,i i. a : lymuttH urrer1M,L l u YMOfl. oWaasv, ad roaaantkMltaiigbled, weary of aanae aaai Ma ralaa, amm Imokk, noes atiuq.tmUBiiMs. I kuajad i a nljuauaiy mi ia ia aUe wbl, thai I albiaprvk ere saaas of Ihe turiiif advaalanr, aunl-tie rlaf WHiJewU, rofauuaiM kaio or aUa, and bair-kreadib ewaiara of wbbh I kad read In n..vU aod I bat naawka iraak wbb k Buu4 lb oaarkrl and luiaiaM tl.a Blind of vaolb, tn.r lhlnklui4 anl Irlpanlll II Imanielh rolinj omnia of air llMNiubu. i-oodrrlMS. tin Mv, I Dually ilHrr mlnrat npoa Ihe luirtal ml jat riar cHale, aa the satnr of aav noirl life Tbiibrrvanl, llHrrkrr, I pluntrd 1 ni -II U't dik'lil ; and Uiv In Ike Ml of Id curt r iration bat log Uvo aaade, I 01vd ' bit ill imii viov frrtot fiotoCi l i e lulling gajlliya .llrn, ( mill not iUa nil uim niv IVlinira,l I l k ibe Irai.i, or r.tibrr ibe train look no, Niuibwant. Illooir, tl rre I little IntrrrM in a description of nt i rail road ljvrl. Krir and iwm, a draw. iiari!r, rouaing fiom I.Hrwbtj liimber, tai", h out ililo !! -Ijitl.ew, aia mi .'li'r iiruarV (aaiM.aa at fyy i l.tr ar ii V ami rre lie la earTe.l. r-la and a-K'li- r ,U in vbooHarif dreamland. T'oei and o ail ibaa avf i-i-lt m. Vt illi am icnwaia- ii. sums, ana Hired eaioa lollis funeral a: IVaxaW. m-rtirJ, il.e i.,,, ..I I I "... Ile trr ol ll.r I f,. bale JaWre in m b ra-- ,1. .11 .......I .1.1. i. one of tbe eovereign power vMe. in tneNairLh ". a utb, sad lira (Ve U ike ri.ier ! 1l,.ar.pr,l nnwanl ibrrtVt-oiit! rre X. by ikeir eosaailiMMiea. abb b remain uoallereil -he laenlv arnla, and l.o otl.i r or lai ! I ar..lma. Sooik ( arw.'ii.a ai.H .n,U, euibool and aniaurvd, aod in rv.pr.-l U wkub Ibe U J"' "" "f '' ' 1 g hi ol ii.i. r.t lian.t.liinc. ami ka( ,iila-,,p. rv,-. .1. iiw .-a l,.ll l . f,, , . , , .... ... ' .ui. o, nr "i ii. ai.iii w ai lai.iani wa mmum ar aa MturpriMieiil ol llta ifikrral gov araaeia1 aa ibal avernarnl i iu J sJ m of ibeMutaa. Tba aminaia.7 of tba aenaral gov etwnaraw, ibeeeSare, caaool be Bajunuinrd." Aad fartkect "ll i said Ibal thia beine an aiainajl WaafTid f-awer let iWtwatra. wnf the judiiiaJ oficvr apoinlrd under it g"f a nirai.a or inrarujumulur eaipluyed lo carry it kilo ef furl, Ibe rigbl aad wajty of iu uiumpaircil 1 1- eratae, saw in CXraH of Ibe olucrr from I Uiation by Uie general gxiverament, atand a I nitoaj aulnl grvonat, and are maintain, fcy p,iu. cipiea ana reaMioa a cogent aa thcae wbirb led to Ibe eiewi4iosj of fcilrrml otTurm from Uia liosi by Ibe faratea, O ia rwixil ofthape rearrv. ed powers Ihe 8UI U aa aorrreijfn and inde peodcnl a lb general gwvenmienLM WILL GRANT BL REXOMIXATEU ! aOer ila ratitHlloeJ lUliCrd Ibe.d.y of April, 1K71. i r.'ve i" niim m Aiipw. i live t vo iionoreil f !' n lnirodivib.il wi fr. fWniicrrw, ta-atany I.IIH KAI. VKrtTLICAXalX ML UlLbLi .'."". ",,?"r HJ . etUuMlaalial laaJ i l 'l-K' i.l, 'i biieil ni d iilinaU'd, be Wa a pcriVri A .paper ha brea hiI forth by a .lorrn , n-! "I": "f ,h S,M"1" rn ff'lleena. Jovial, tlriuan of .N. 1-oui.v abo ar alt led The l.il. i.l ""' le, and ikinditigle ai n-eable, I etiiotcd .t .. . . . ..r ..... ..( i..ir ... i i:. ' " ,!,' If Mlllir, 1 1MI (-,. flU Iff A LITTLE OIUL NEARLY 'HL'UIEIJ i,. ... A Live. . Tk Milwaukee , U'wreauna, of b 9 lib ult., inebtlon lbs ease of a little girl. danvb er of a eigar maker of that ilr. " b l.av. g l arvotly died ol croup the day pre Kev, Joba lUdlog. tatof of the Liiiberaa Ibarebofbl. Joba. came lit sondiict the fuderal service, auj l.laeeiri bla baad oa Ibe forabead of lb ii.iMed eoifS. ah tie iba menus were aasauibiiair, be fell 41 to ba ligbllt wrwi. Jle bad tb arraaecuicut for knrial uyd. and it Waa soma dUeovcrrd Ibal ibe wariolb waa that of life, iba blond atill circulating. Il appeared a if reanlipa lion was eoo.liig oa llaelfi till, rvator .tivea were nard, and whether by ll.elr lueahsorln iko mamW nateet-r ibe riawU wa tkal life ivtaraed ia falurae, aud with it Soualaut dis appearance of iba loaUdy. t II the little girl ia now oat of earrer ana will eoou a boat agala. .VAir ad rjcrtTisKXksrn BUY sLTHEiBESTr us THE KU KLl'X nil PASSED. After a number of amendtnenta and a minittee of eonfererccy the. Ku Klux Dill has filially parsed both House of Congress. Six Republican Senators, Hill of Georgia. Robrrtdon. of South Caroliua, Trumbull of Illinois. Shurt of Missouri, Tipton of JVUUL UUAH A U 1UU IV 17 M,LA' e learn that the report thaJudg Lo gan was afraid to pi to Cleavelaiid U hold court is an error. The Judee wan detained ai noma on Mominy Inst by official duties, - but went to bhelby as soon as he could Charlotte Democrat. Tl.. T I i r , """i mionnani wa in error, Judge Xrigaa did nH reach Shelby until Thureday. We bare seen two private letters from re liable sonrees giving an account of the afr tiir. Fmm thetn we rnther Unit the Ku Klux were out In Butherfoid on Saturday night, the 8th iuar.,"and that ore man was whipped, how aeverly the writer did not not know. 0n Sunday morning, according to . one let'er, a young woman by the tfame of aiggrua came unto Rtitherfordujn pro claiming that her father "had Been merely - and brutally whipped on the night previous bj twenty-one men in disguise, and that, notwithstanding their disguises the fainliy lad been able to recognise them. A war rant waa issued upon ber information and a poise called out to arreat them; whether lihejf erere arrested or But the letter did not fUte, .The woman also warned Judge Lo--; - gaa that'll would be unsafe firli'in to goto JlSh4!by to hold oourt there. Thhwarniog waa so eneMaai wrttr tne Judge that be declined w 'eT0 When t bis determination .became known, the writer says, sixteen eitixens of Rutherford volunteered to go with the Judge lo bbelby and act aa a guard fo.' him. This Nbedecliue4. On Wediunaay ther Sheriff of . Cleveland eame to Rutberdfordtoa and asinr T W the Judge tbat all was quite at Shelby, that a need fear nothing-; whereupon he went aud opened Court on Thursday. Theearthe m w ga'th',, thrm from private latter wnicn were opt written for publication'. ' The conduct of JuilCe Logan la the mat- Sd, d.Ugj-efIuL:iiLthaLextiWc-- Thwrwl too much reason to believe that advantage i laaeu by Uira of tha Jawjeaa act reered aud Murri'l of Vvnnout, refused to vote for the hill, aud all but the last named voted against. Trumbull, Schurs Morrill and Hill made able speeches againjtf it, and if the Republican iu the House, who were really opKod to the bill had ahnwa equal independence it aever would have become a law at all. A good deal of horror aud alarm is manifested by some at the passage of the hill, but we feel no UQensitieta because ire mean to obey the late. Aud if every uiau iu North Carolina w ill do likewise we shall have no military hixv aud uo siupenniou of the writ of habtut corput iu the State iu consequence of the pavimga of the bill. If evil comes of it the fault will be with those who may. by their lnwless act, which ought to ba condemned an'd denounced by all good eitixens, reuder it necessnry or furtiiah pre- tbat until the law expires the utmost peace and quiet will previa! we believe that it will. We will puhliHli the law in full a soon as we can procure a copy and can find apace for it. VI'L .1. .1 ' - . ncn inn auor wfia written we toon it lor granted that thetwn liouaes would concur iu the report of Ihe conference committee on Wed- nenday, but the Honce refuxed to do so. Still we have no doubt th bill will pans in some torm in a ov or two. JA STATESMAXLIKE VIEW. In a speech at Ciucinnati some days Rgo ben. J. D. Cox, who waa recently Secretary of the Interior, and. consequently, a mem ber of President Grant'a Cabinet, said that an army of a hundred thousand soldiers would not be sufficient to pot iu force the Ko Klux bill which bad thou juut passed the House of Representatives. He thought it mposftible to restore pear nud quiet at the South by any amount of military' force, so long as measures were agitated in Congress and discussed i is the Northern press ealcula fed to irritate the Southern people and mak them disco .tented and restless. In this Gen Lox has fhoua a degree of wisdom and aUtesmanskip aot common among the lead' ers of fhe party to which he' belong. "An when tt n tneinbered that he was gallant and chivalrous soldier in the Union army and that he Is an independent thinker, m surpi ise need be expressed at it. Previous tovhis entering the army he bad never been engaged in politics, as bad Butler, Sickles others. And since the war be has not fallen under the management and control of the politicians, as has Gen. Grant. Previous to the time his mind conceived high political aspiration whteh, ha believed, couldonly lx: "Cenl Grant's prospects" for a rraomiaattoii are, 1 1 our opinion, none of th ht. Tru. he baa at bla berk aud call au imtniaM ar my id office-holder, and In the South not only all tha Government otliclcal. but avast mass of iguoraat negroes. Xererthelra. there are influence at work agaiuat him which it will be next to iinpnsaible to esi. In the first place, the practice of nominal -iug the incumbent of tbe Presidential office for a secosd term had gone out of fashion be fore the war. Mr. Linooln was elected twice: but that was because war was flagrant when the X'om'uatlng Convention was in session, aud it wa thought that it w,ul.I never do lo encourage the rebels by dropping the inan whose election hail caused Ibe rt'belliol . As be biimieil pnraaen it, "It wa no time to wap horse whilst crossing: a stream." XV such eircumstaue exist now, and both par lies win iivrearter probably fall Into tbe ante bellum practice. Secondly. Gen. Grant ba alienated ihe leadiuK men of tha Republican party those who were Republican when it was unpopu lar to be such. Suimier ia opHed to hi re nomiiiatii.il. Sumner will exercise a power ful iuHiu-nre iu securing anti-Grant deblites to the .National Lonvetitioii from the Xetv England S ate. Senator Fetitoii. of X'evv York-, U iui auti -Grant iiihn. Kenton is the inont eiiccepuful wire-worker in the Republi can rmika. So potuiit i hi iutliieiine hi the Empire State that it may be set down aa cerium tbat lhat State will either neinl ami- Grant delegates, or elaetwo full di-letratioiis. VPS oi wnii n win lie ol that character tion of Grant. So ki George Win. Curtis the bfgofed editor of Harper' Weekly. i near names alone ottglit to insure the huc- rer of Giant' opponcutg iu Xer York. Gov. Geary, of Pejiiuylvauia, may be rank ed with the Xew York iiiiilcoutmts. ifv aud his numerous friends will go against Graut. ' - ... ' a . ... T lUfuliluaM KiaruUva 1 on.ai u- ol si erv nn.i i. ln.f .lay l l.all all liour. luitin nu ill aliilh lh v lav doau their ri.-aa an. I il- i, I,'r rtcital of aneilolra iJarrtrJ ililiiliif hia of . . . ' i . . ' t' . . I . i ii. mi o riii, pun in ni" riitfiive fravem; ano l.i aiihvfiu i-ri'UMii of (iruraia and Xatuanal IU.ka. With bia iiod -VVub vua.welir n t'i-K in my vara, awl .. .s I rwiinird niv pUllonn for tbe spanax hinc I'reaiilrnliuJ sruabiii and mtttturwl paign. 1 key derlsr, Brat, lor eqtialitv ofriii- i anil cvaaral aauaeaiv t aaenrHl. nimii. cy of lk Conauiullon, and againal tb intrrfi r- uc nl on braihli ol government ailb annili rrj third, eondcniaa tb I'rew.l. nt't han Hom ing proceeding aa acta of war on a "neighbor ing Republic;" tjanh, againal the kiiklnt muaaurea and the apriiai,ii of lh wril ol' k.i- eeoa corjm al Hie OM-retloa ol tbe l"r cult lit m :it iii l!if esra, and nan aouii pvttlin,' Alaba ma a artl. I iiu ol iImmc m rer-4 banging acenr of nurlur Oal ir.itrl Wa again enacted. I be lam of the pm-eOmg lo or th rre dava i ami iiik'ola bail renaeo In lite niorliinir and we UK in na a nn.tivfix ii. r.. wcrr rnrcrea it trie nrior an hm-Ioo,w aim 1 . - - . - - w us wm i. . i l ii n "I i - - --- oi bramh of iinluatrv at lbriirnM of .,il,r- A weliii Mgbl, I'mi, f..r I here nofbinc more sixth, in favor of rrmmplioa of apet-ic pavinrni, ch"""''- tbn travel thriateh rain, and again! makiu lb praaeiil grtieralion pa A Ii a milea tbia aide of iHvi'ur, I aaaplraa the large national deU incurred bv Ibe war, oil ' ' '" "''h ""' k-lloa-Taibi-eU. Irxaa- Ihe ground that iikterily will derive a alia re of ""V1 b"IIM' a'"; They nalurallv Unauie aa the bt iu til. of the war and abould v a part ' ""''id i-oiniiaiikHia lli. mt furwntd. I aaa in of iu biirllirii; M-vrnth, reform in thr amaiiiil-1 tcialmiil lo ibeni by an im iJint, a hi. J, rxbibi- .,, m giniing ai.,1 f.rr-il-ing T 1 a 1 111 pOW- to,and. perhaps, some other that la J taken place two or three week previous, to stimo late the passage of the Ku Klux bUI. For the- pawag 61 flftm U Uleileved to havt been extremely anxious nnder the belief that . It would In some way result to hi advantage. Coneqnenlly a letter addressed to Governor Caldwell, but intended for use' in .Washings .ton. wa sent in all haste to Congress'. Thi letter (fated, what ha already been proven - fJ Judge Lnpau's own aet' to be-fahe. that uch a state of lawlessness exi-ted in ClevP land eoonty, t:harihe civil courts could not be held there. This letter, which was ,nev jpt delivered to Gov. Caldwell' at all. was relfel ia the Senate, ti-cether with an afHJ rV 'f the JuJgp's niesuer.or.lljeurpose of influencing the" action oDriat body on the KKrax bill. I rotn this recjjajjdiacts4ut ; one conclusion Cau be drawn that Judge f Igan was not influenced in his Course by f.-ar. at least no'tiy tear of being insulted or trin- tested iu anyway wdiile hohttiig his court iu Shelby! ' Gov. Caldwell wasnot -in-R..leij:h"n heii Judge lagan's courier arrived; he had left that evening for Worganton. Morgaiitoni reatiaed by the aid of the politician, Geu Grant entertainedand cxprewed just and eral sentiments. Aov bis view are all to meet the wishes of the politicians of bis party, and be has shown but little indepen dence of thought and action since his eleva tion to the Presidency, unless his San Do mingo scheme may turn out to be an excep tiir:Ard ifaoit will be one little to his cred it, if the hixtory of tbe matter given Sena tor Sumner he true, a it doubtless is. , Ektibklt too Apkiropos. A clerpy man in a village of Uaden recently made hiinrelf so obnoxious to bis parishioners by engaging in various 'aonabblea. which bioupht on several lawsuits, lhat lie was obliged to1 resign hi post. During his farewell f mo he said : "I hare br-Pn" really happy but three timea i rt mv life-; i Iip first time was when I made- my first communion ; the fecuiid was M hen I said mr first m.ifis ; and now com-t the third, wliicli is the 'occasion on which I taX leave" of. y-nil my well-bcloved !'! At that very moment the organist- drowned the preaclicr's voice in I lie solemnly theerfuX; strains of "G'rcAt God bo Praied," and J the whole congregation' fising to il feet, ioiocd in ainging tbe words. ' Thirdly, there is n lafge class of political free thin kern iu the Republican party, whims self-reapect i wounded whenever they think of Grant ss the President of their choice. He is uncouth, ignorant, and iutructable. They want to see a statesman in the office. These free-lances will give Grant much trouble. Those brilltnut writers, George Alfred Towusend aud Dounl'iutt are umouir the numb r. They never lose an opportu nity tu express their ' contempt fur Granf : and tliejoumals for which they write are. working; to annua them in their praiseworthy efforts. The Cincinnati Commercial and the perlirtps 'the most influeii Aorthwest are the one, to which we refer. We refer to thetn. bow ever and to Piatt and Towusend, merely as types or a wnoie class. Fonrthlv, Carl Scliura is opposed to the icuoiiiiuauoD 01 urani. lie is by a long odds the most influential German in the Uulted Slates. It Would, be folly for the. Republican to nominate a man in opposi tion to the wishes of the German element of their party. - The St.- Loos Democrat which, in spite of its. nam, ia ilio leadiag Repnblicnn aper In-Mrsimnri ia with ncn urx . . io-is-ljioveror- f IrrwirrTif 7lrT Suts. But little comfort for Grant in Mis souri menta to oilier, which should be baaed on merit, and not Kxeruiire UvorilUni. ll.la pruuiinrianaeolo haa aonte very aonml nana in na pi.iii.m, ami we believe Ibe great body of the lieotde we mean the while neonlr: in nrcroc Know nouilng oUiut Hie matter would be willing to aland noon lb main nlnnki of which il ia tinned. Ibit there i hnrdlv force uoiigh in tb "aead otn of this Hi. Iouia pro- iiiiiH-iaiiitnio to giv it miK-h bcaUwav. lie ainea, una i a nine too aoon lor platlorma lT th I reanleiitixl caajign. Time enough yet. With the above platform and a liberal atatea- raan as Ihcir cnndidnte for the Presidency, Chaae or Gen. J. I). Cox for Mistance, the Re publicans can eaaily carry X'orth Carolina in 1872. Hut there i no pnih.ibility that they aill adopt the one if accept the olhcr NEW YffUK I'AllTY POLITICS. A verv ciirioin hiftorT of lovinl.-itiuii wan made iip lal week in, the Xew York Lcuinlature. The IXinncrnUihad jnat a mujority ol' the a bole lloiiaa ol Jtcpa.entuiivea, ami a .Mr. Irving (Ilemocr.it) lveiiiiicit inconsequence of a per aonnl dilliciilly iriih a Mr. Weed. Tbe State Constitution requires a majority of the whole nnmber of rciirliit-"1-ia o.itna n bill cr abitb atalih airbla over lb Vuiii uodKnaa ll tbia-r A 1'evti.ylvanian, i-lrgantly dreHil and ari-li ratir in U aring, brarii.g my elderly f.-iend, who aa. bnml.lv tl.nl, .tvaking ofgoiiix lo T.-a-, a.Letl in a very arieriiiij: man lier, "a hat be waa going lo i!o I'liereT' W hen nnn riJ "that be bad inli luli-d lairing a nat ion farm hut bad not been able IomII all bn cotton, and therefore did not rxaetlr know," be a-krd, "How miu h T' and the obi gentleman aoawerina; "lailv about fifty lmlc ir, a .mail crop, the 1 .mkcea a hole manner changed, ami where It bail lx-rn "old man," il aaa in. a "old i .... .. . i . , - . ' griiiitinan, aou niveau ol a coiila n.i liHHi-, it aaa now a n xltn-lful lone. Mai.ik-.tn, a M.mr aigna of intent in ibe nniveraalirai f ke old ucntlimin, fi.r l.e waa iiiteretine. U it c etie 4 our intrlliK nl r.i-ti rn larmrra, b ai.ic manv iilica almut St.iuhern faraaii g Tnk Laar Ri voHTioaanr 8hliM Tbe odls iaf tbe Paaaioa Offiea furaiah wna iu aama 01 iue iai surrivins; rrvoln li-aary peasUmer, and lb only pnaiiively aaawa rvvo niionary soijler allra. Hi aain is I'anivi rvOerirK Ilalrinan. now re idiBg ia lsiedoin, Cattaraticos count r New lurki where be ba reaidaj for tbr past sisteea years. Previous lo that date b bad lived uiaay yea ia Wjomlar eouu ly, la lb sain Stale. Ia euufortnitv with e law of lbs Cnilod Slate of the 7tb of aaei IKSi. and tb special act of Kbnoarv iXltfi P? nslw tsf Ax JbnndienUoVUaw year, ixyable saod-aouoallr. aad eooi- mencing July J. IJtill, is paid to tb aged veteran, air. JUteinan ia bow a Boat hundred and nine tear old, and anake bis mark a (iguatur to the peasUa rewipt nay n nv long to enjoy th autoaat award ed by th Govereuieul fur bis l atriotid aer vbe " e ar also iu formed that there is (till another rvlij "of tha time lhat tried uivu's soul" In the persou of an old ravolutionar soldier, upward of a hundred years old, now reaming in Aeaberu. A. U. His nams is not on tbe pension -rtdl,. however. . Would I not ba well fiHTtb .North Carolina delega tion in Cougress, to investiaTal ihe eirrun- alancr lu this case, and obtain for this old and reverend verteiau the pension (o justly wteful hi, and so liberally awarded bv a aTratefu county. Jut. Uttpntck. RrwABD or a Yiarcors Ladv. A counlrv paper wbk-b cornea lo ua from Ibe far west, haa been Providentially ftrmbdied with a solder tut a brat-rate obituary article, in the recent and la mented (Irm u of the old, vel biirhlv-rexiiectcd Mrs. Uriffin. The opporluni y ia beautifully iaiNruvcd ; and among tb fin thoughts, elicit ed, th following w do not remember ever lo have mcl bvlore. The editor, after dcacanting unn me i nruuan virtue ol the deianetl, ex claimed : Though in tbe gloom of winter, and auiroaiMlaHl bv weejang friembt, with a spirit and a boa like bee, b grandcHl plraanre ride of earth ia when borne by the heara to Ihe tomb. w by have none of the grand funeral oratora bit iwm that Ufore? Think of the plaor one mM enjoy, if he Uvea and die right, in lutimg a rule ec Am oioi funentl! Christian Union. 9 rcignntion orfr.r"B ' meet in caucus aiitl ex act a pledge fn.aiew h of ibeir parly not lo be tray the party, aril they, furthermore, riM.lvcd that rortnin-miimtl bill. Were iK-imaTiitic mrlv bills, and llia.t.it loiild la ireHclu rv lo bia par ly for any Htpubicaii to vote lor either one of thexe hit la. j So thin;?" wcrebmiight loa stand. The Ieni ocratacouli not piw their hills, and would not give tb,em up. "inn I wecil," as he is called. very ahrowii and vealthv. IVmrs mtic member Ironi Aew lork citv, wxa icertd and laiinten with bia ludploas Mutation, aod Greeleyi of the Jnbtine, wa in vcatacv. "Jiow will von eel a long now, Mr. Tweed?" "Stand lirni, li. pub licum" !" liui tia're came trom Albany on at urday a killinj; frwt that nipiicd tlie buds o promiae that irrew in Mr. GreeUv's u.irtien. (Ill that day Mr. Wiiiana R-piiblican), of ( liuliiii nne, annouiK-rd Hint he should vote with the Democrats. It la tluirged that he waa paid ?C5. 000 for his vote. Winans will he the heft amis- cd man in the I'nioii for a few weeks. There are many tbous.iiiila thnt would lake the abuse for lh e same money 1 "Iloss Tweed" js a trump in a legislator, as legislation now goes I Mr, fireelev is too siinvle and old lo npnrcciatchiiii, What Mr. (!. knows "ahont farming" is a verv diflerent sort of kuowlcdtre from. what Tweed knows about legislation. It ia clear the philos opher cannot muke anything out of Tweed, and we believe it has been decided bv the best far mer that they cannot make anrlliiiii: out of trcctey:j--.fca. inrpntrn IIINll t - i. .1... .i..:. ... i ceil.sl villain oil Ihe train .l i. -.1 R-tilK. I lie rigtit of woin rMptrt,rrh k-,imr. r trvf... o... en u nude the t ouatitoiion ,.f ihe iKinlur waa nun.Hitioi.l. Ik r. I ... I -ailed Mates ia aoou to bo teated iu South of that oflrii dt riHcl rhivaliir iril ol . uibi it. ' t'"r,,h""- At the election iu last October in men. It acema, a uilv.ei.ttiins the ui. b. bik I Mate lite colored women were allowed a rent thai had hern ihtoj iui by a tr.o g.-r fn ' lovot at a rertain place. The iiianagers.of aoine of the mo.i tii-uiit Cafifa, wbi. b aanie ' 'be election were nrreMed. tried, and Fen-" when Le returned from a rnnti.hr about tl.r d,.. tvnred loeix months' linprisoritoetit aud to pot, he oWin.lcd, and with oaiba f..rr,rt hi rloji aya fiue of 'Jt)0 each. The manager nave carried the W'iut it CoTS to Make a Pater. The Xew York 2'rAM arrived at the age fff- thirty years on Monday ; and tromaneilitomr refer- Lastly, the outs" are opposed to V: rant : and here ia bis greatest danger. There are tbonsands of 'ins," but there are tens of thousands of "outs." A hint is sufficient to call up on innumerable host of hungry Rad icals whose only hope for plunder lies in a change of adminst rations. Let them open upon Oranl s track, and ther will chase him out of the nomination Convention. Then, too. Gen. Grant has no elements of strength in his character, lie is no lon ger looked at as a military mat., but is re is ! a . J "" 'v aaac, a-ntn lis Ti ir 1 1 Ultl slta 52 ..?. n IJU4rK.luMktMe fortl,te. lft anil, a In ii arm u- 'vitonffisfTrOTife enmeracy will ring to the fact we extract, the following para graph to "show what it costs in these times to carry on s first-class newspaper: "The d.iilv Tribune was first issued orv, the 10th of April, 1841 ; it has therefore completed its thirtieth nnd t,o-day enters upoa its thirty- hrst year. It was originally small foho sheet, employing perhaps twenty persons iu its pro duction ; it ih now one of the larfst journals is sued in any part of th world, rontiiiilin ten to hrtcen times as much as at brat, and embodying in each issue ihe, labor of four, lo five hundred person aa wriiera, printers, &c, Ac. Its daily ' contents, apart from advertisements, would make n bur r2n0 volume, anch asaella fi-om ll comjicileil to issue a supplement, ila edit, .rials, have the pleasure of beatiuir him iu l7l I corrc-bondencc. ilisnalcbes and rctHirt. ( n-hii'li rt-l r: . i T . , . ' !. . . 1 T. seldom leiVye room for anv hut 'a mere-shred of selections,) etj'lal in quantity an average octavo. The iotal OO- of its production the first week wa&25; ill8 now nearly $JO,Ot)0 r week, with aNonstaut, irresistible tendency to in crease," , aa A Sur of Tint TosorE. "Martha,' my' dear,", said a loving' hnwhand to his stHuse, who waa several years hia iuniour. ''what do von sav to moving tar West?" "Oft, I am delighted with the idea! Yori recollect when Mr. Mor gan' moved out there, he was., poor as we are; and in three year, he diei, leaving his witlow worth a hum red thousaiid dollars." The etlitors of the I.umlierton Tiohrtmiian have been au. ,1 for liitrf by 1. K. Rice, of Wil uiiiiKtonrho Isvs his dainaes at $"i,(ltl(l. The fiflv-fifih animal convention oflbe Pro testant J'.is-, t'hurch'in the fSle of North (4irol:n:i i. ...... .ii.i... I m..,.t t'iit,nni.f.l See. 4. -This art shall be id foTrcrnJrri slid Tt 1.114 h WifrW. 77.. .T,;. iil,1 v.,Vn..l. : qi.ie, r-Ttr a IV Gen. Albert Pike of Arkansas has been the editor and proprietfir of no lets than tn-pntr-five ti'itfi-rriit rtewpnrsr two. 1 v AN ACT Tt ehdnge Ike Mrihod of Appointing the Proriee ana inreaori in all tbrjMralivnt in which the oaaaaut aua wucratf. 1 Section 1. The General Anmbh, of A'nrta rv,r. nlina do enaH, That all power now vested in lb? Governor of the State to appoint a uroiv nr proxies or Directors tb represent the interna ,.f ne oiaie ire any coriwralion or ro:ninn n hich the Sute haa an interest, be and tbesame Ijcreny annulled. Sec, 2. That the President of the Senate and speaker of ''the House of Representatives are hereby authorized and .empowered by a paper writing signed hy them to apsint nil proxiee and iJirecjora in all corta.ration in which the State has an Ihterest. " Sec. 3. Afl laws in .conllict with this aet are hereby' repealed after its ratiticjitiiww. JUlibcd the Oth day of April, 1S71. TKRitirrio Hail-Rtorm. Jackso MlHS., April 1.1. A terrific hail storm pass ed over this vicinity last night. Hail fejl fir fifteen minutes. Many stones measuring six mentis, m rircuinlereuca were found, and "kP7 , Tife greatesteneicy. Bnt.' Jyiheet iron roofs were perfutabid aud gar. said Miotics, "don't the Hibl say. Mr. , jem oej fr,,,w. 0j frui, ..rioiia. Preacher, thalwe are to love bur eneinie!!! I damatred. The f..rt f..rMt ir. -Oh. yer, Jue. but it don't aTT,Tfnr tfffstripied of thi tr fatare. ami l.o.iri. r awallow rhsm." '.''.'..' I birds kilh-d , ' thirds of which he boaTs of kijiinc. , Edward King, tbe foreign correspondent vacate. 1 1, is fact bubg madr known lo a young member of the lVcatur btr, a bo had mIm goi eVM tUhWW- Jut. Ub.Uli. WVid idntlitH,th? ernor, if mi, unworthy the name, ripnt ih ('oiiducl.tr to lie called their. Whereupon, re- raTiiiK tne (acta, the Irate limb of the Ijw de manded that the sromidii I be made to rcstort- tlie scat to the lady, or hnt thr Pnaarngcra, in wboae U'hnlf he iokr, would Ink the mailer into their own hands, stop the tram nnd leave the lingeiitlemanlv rullian, beside the road alone in hia unenviable glory. The conductor, reeiprocatiiiK t.ucju.--t luoiguauun ol young lawyer and passengers, repaired lo Ihe scat in . .: .1 . r. -.1 t . . qucMton, iuu attcr a wituering reuuke to its un worthy occupant, ordered him to vacate it and reseated the lady. .Thus waa amicably a.'juttcd an incident, soul-stirring and appellative to the softer nature of men, out of which I might have produced a sensational novel I I bad determin ed to have a "linger in the pie," and now na the old iron-horse sped on with me, minus the glory and fame which I might have gained bv a dra matic finale lo the rumpus, I naturally felt some recretk that it had so terminated, but consoled mvself that it had been seen bv me. Onward onward, we go, throntrh the almost trackless forests' of toweriiwi'Alahania pines, see ing riotliiiiK but here And there a rude log cab- n, a saw-mill nnd Jumhcrvard, or some povertv- stricken farm. Now and then, a rustic citizen trudging homeward with a fine buck, the re ward of his morning excursion. 1 and my fellow-Tarheels, feeling but lilile interest in our surroundings, cnnvaed the k liticnl status of uur native StJte. lvhi!e thus earnestly enLne- d, we were almost thrown out of nur'aeata bv the sudden stopping of the train, aa the crier sang out in nis nion merouious twang, "l ensas lundinu VanscnRtTR go on -board Steamer leave far jtisT 2 hi imHte:-Oirwe sprtnirriinrf -tne rtistrc, nusue, nnd confusion of a iaty transfer, were'soon on board a verv fine steamer, and soon, gliding over the placid bo som of the Bay at the rate of more than twelve nots an hour, i.re long, we were .eastunir our yes, and appetites too, upon an elegant nnd oW-vivifving breakfast. Tnlkintr. readimr. suioKing ana enjovinir the Uav-breexe and ste- nery, wc found ourselves, almost nnawaree. iiast .1. i..t t ,,, ... . : 1 me tons oeiow jriouiif, ana ere 111s jtlajcstv King Sol had attained the meridian of his d"i. urnal course, we were unlading on the wharf at Mobile. litre, quickly transferred to one of Charles .Morgan s that Prince of Internal improvements, finest steamers, the Louise, we Were Roon npain jrfoitpJtmg'-the-gtTrm bile lay. it is needless, 10 speak of the prince. ly ixtaras, irom wiucii we Icastcd the "inner man," suHiee. to say they were unsurpassalde. Hut the uiotin light scene from on deck wis de lightful. Header, did you ever witne.-s, enjoy one ! The moon, that benign dispenser of nocturnal litrht. esaaved to noiir forth brr briirhimi ni..l fi'west U-amai the strange and. varying criea of me ",-n-uirun coiurasieti aiimiraoiy witn monot onous surges or the steamer; while, aa I ami my companions sat fin deck enjoying; the anper ex cellent fumes oinnlive "Iliirfiam" Tobacco, our iiiuiiijin. w.onn-reti uoniewarti 10 tne Joveu ones iiifre.aim myriad goiuen-tuned memories swell ed iii from the inner soul, nnd sang to os of the hallowed "long ago." Jxuig and exquisitely Jid we enjoy the scenery and the converse. Hut all things earthly have an end. This was not an exception Uicrtfbre, wlica luk Luna had driv en lie? silvery chariot f;ir toward the uicrLIian of tile Ktliprt ii,,n,i. ti-.. .Im.l. I?. ...l..l 1... the genths surges. of tha steamer & eM.i.ived. niv slumber more than I cm tell. Ami beiiev'e me, I rei;retletl More being aroused next uion mir, to take-a tilth class train 011 Lake Pond case to the United States I irruil Court, w hich meet in Charleston Ihift ff.t'VlluAVr1iiVriniafnoUrk"WnalieVtt Vote. That's a poor basis. J THE 8USC1ICU 18 AGKXT krUieaalbrsl4 WALTER A. WOOD u MOWING AND Reaping Machine. Tbia achlaalakyataiMtaalreraal raaaral tl "atf "-"---T-1 aavlaa laliiail. 11 1 - r" al j fan- st a felt h it kaa r W. a a kibilr. t.Uarr la U.l raaaUv ar u. aaa k far taaaa leaf all tU beat SULKY HORSE RAKES BOW la . Abe for Ibe boat aad avaat ianral THRESH 1XG AXD WlXXOMSG Machines, aaf wblck ar tb otUbrstH ' r!uti?h?'?'?i ?.r"ff . Wittier . . and JUelick MACHINES. ALSO CIDERMILLS, of the IhmI qaality. Peraoas la need of aay al IL abort Marhinea ran obtain thrnol tia aabatriWr delivered at tlie nearest I'U'OT, at MANUFACTURERS' TRICES. The aiibarribrr abo mtRafarturr at dkrrpacoa staotly 00 hand loraale all kiadaof Agricultural Implements of tlie latratand must approved pattenta. Ala all kind, of MACHINERY Made cad repaired at tlie SHORTEST XOtiCl!. ' Address, JOM.I II H. TUOMPSbJf, April. 81. I87l-tf. 1 Trao,taviibioo ( 0- : S. C. 4- rritiora Coi ut III.kmma. There is a curious iliieuima iu tme cff the Courts of (icorgia. The son of a murderer is the Solicitor-General of the district in ,whih the inniilt r was committed, nnd he insists upon cotldwtmiir Ihe prosecution. Tfe and the Attorney-tJeiieral of the Staie were discuss ing the question a few- diys ago. when he became enraged and hostile, aud was at length arrested aud imprisoned. The admirable speech delivered in the House of liepresenlativcs on the 4lh April, bv Hon. 8, S. Cox of New York, on the Ku Klux bill, has the following text from Mirabcau on the fron tispiece: ' "Too often are baronets the onlv reraedv an- "'plied to the convulsions of oppression. But " bayonets never re-establish but the peace of " terror, the silence of despotism. Ah I th " People sre not a furious bird which must be " kept in chains. Always quiet and moderate "when truly free, they are violent and unruly " under those governments where they are aya ' tematically debased, in order to have a ore. i . . . .1 ., iei 10 oesjiise meni. fTid s Al Auction Sale of CHOICE IiOGSrg 'onaiating of Pnre Cheater White aaeY En (1 KoriTi Stile Jjisimofy, i imntHie" n 1' '' .ril 2Sth, 187J, at 12 o'dtnrk, A. M,' " he, The l,ee Monument AntoeitUion I'und.TUt Committee of the Ladies' Lee Monument Ann. ciation Of Georgia Itave itirwarded $2,833.77 to rttenmona."" cwiwaao. Arv The revilera of If orace Greeley's chirograph v may now prepare to turn their guns southward. 1 ne senior editor 01 the Mail headed an article the other day "A Cut and Dried Affair." The printers set it up "A a Cat and Dried Apple." The Capital tells of a challenge that passed between Senator Ames (Butler's son-in-law) and Senator Frank Blair, which resulted onlv in a trip to Bladetisburg, where, the parties having iwwiiw aouer, mey uia not want 10 nght. The Northern General Assembly of th Pres. hyterian Church will meet In Chicago on th 18th day of May next, and be opened with a swrrc irr thr RevrlY of the Ib'Ston Jfmnitl. was mistaken for a severitJ tnousaod window-ligtoirweJiUtiPr4sW a iinr- rur cacanai fr.im TriV.Ut.l mob. ..ibiiiir 1 but his, C'lei.ey in J'rcnch and his lirocUina- tion.of bia AuiericuH citiienahip Mved hiin from what Blight have proved his assassina lion, . ' liiiiii H."lttr"TulUliTrng7imibirilj;TWf Ttrir . rctt.01 1 itv," through the fotfs ami mist of tlie 1 attic r of aters." At the first sinsof re- wtuig iuu we enter the slumbering citv. Reader, while I visit the sights and wontIe.ru f this scene f "lU-a-t" JhTtlers eumtnrreytl 01 0 I you may rest, with me; A Ll.sbUllY v M A HKk'l M '. APBILJI, 1871 BXroBTID ST t. A. MCCOKataDeaKr.OBOCCB. Bacoa, per pound. CoHee, per uound. Corn, perbnsb,of66 Iba., " . Meal, buab. 46 " . . Cojfirieras, per pound, Candles, Tallow, Adamantine, Cotton, per pound. arn, per bunch. Eggs, per dvztn, i'eatliera, per ponnd. , Flour, per sack. Kish, Maokeral, i. 1. 3. . 3. Fruit, dried, apples pealed, . " " unp Id, . ", reaches, pealee, . " uniieiiled. . Leatlirr, upjier. per pound, . " sole, " Iron, bar. 1...... r, uc ... jniut-r s eumtnrreyu ope rations, aiitl take a sliort respite from the fa igue of ".My Trip to Texas" thus f ir advanced cas'tings, ; ' .. XXaibucui. , Molasses, sorphum. per ga . - West India, " .. " Syrup. .. Onions, - per bashel, i'nrk prro-,iiiit, .. Potatoes, Trish. perbiuhel, .. Sweet, Sugar, iW-ein perpntfmTTTr t larilinl. The Kafirs.a-Teas railroad is being laid southward through Indian territory, twi mile iraily. The ma I wheu complet d wi!l o'uitrMl th great TerasTirttle trade. I - " Crushed Pulverired Salt,riaat. per sack, . --w "I.iTerpmil, " Tah'e. . Tobsi'co. I.raf. prrponnd.", " Manarartared, " Smoking, . 14 to 89 to 76 lo lb to SU to 25 to la'to 1.40 to 1 60 13 to 15 40 to 60 -2 7ojh.rg.95 81.0" 30 16 52 to 3 to 9 t - 9 to i." 6 to . ... 62 to 30 to to , H to 60 ;.. BO to 77 1JO0 to 1.37 60 to 74 13 to in 75 to I. on Hl to l.tsi Ii to in lfi to 16 ....s... 90 to 25 ltdl to 9.4W ......... 9.25 0.60to.Of ....r... ku u ....i.. 80 to I. Ml 40til.SO A t ED WA RD . SILL'S Tif?TTn CTADf X7it U VX KJ i JJLkXJ, SitHaburif, JV, C.f Miir alwars bn bod. ovcrvthuie in lb -a- of lriga, Jetlkjinos, Chemicals, . 2 russcs, Syringes, Breast rumps, Cathe ters, ttc. : '"Vr- f; 1 In a word.verrthfnir nsnallv kD in a flrab. class Drug .Store, both fresh and gebnine. In addition to his own invaluable. AG UB I'JLL, which, from i's never-Jiuliits; proper) rvf pmuiptly and effectually arrei-ting "chills, be ventures to call THE DEAD 6U0T AOCE CURE, whose claim to entire confidence is predicated upoa the fact that of the many hnndieds of per sons residing in this town and neighborhood who have used these Villa during tbe past sea son, there has been no slngl rase of failnre Price only 25 cents per box . The advertiser also prepares.aud ha on sale, DOCT. MAYE'8 AO UK CUBE. being the Prescription of a prominent Tli'vai. cian of -Jn.vevillep &, which prosoriptioo, . Poet. Hayes has been selling throughout the South for the past year or two. Price, 40 cU. only. . 1 v 1 ..- Profonndly grateful ftir tbe substantial: wan ifcstatlons of rnnfidonce shown biiii. It will be " the aim of the advertiser to merit its continu ance, as well in tbe tnperior quality as ia tbe very low price? of his goods. .-i..'. EDWARD SILL. Aprif lS -2t ; . .. ;l I FeeM I Feel ! I FeeM LIU 60a TO KING & COBLENS', AtJenkvn'a Corner, terf lWlitff. POST OFFICE, a - ? f And buying me a suit of Clothes, bocaua they have Ibe finest, beat and above all.iha aaaioai stock of - '" t Spring and Summer CIotliitif fur Men. Boys' and Tooths' wear, that base er been brought 1 1 thia market. They bare alio a very large tock of Gents' Funushing1 n 6 13 75 38 0 "v6 Also, an emit s vuriety of ? -HATS AX tl CATS. They have alsoa very large stock of " 2JCCT3 4 SHOES, which thev nreofferipe at verr lor Lnmi JWs.fmrTn-irtTd trrny ntttw abo vr tjoods irtlt savcuioney by. examining - Ring & Coblens Sjoc-k" lieTorc purehaalne elaew here t rjlr&l .Iisconnt . made-to Wholesale Bayer. - Dou'l rorgellljsjilace. - - - - KInc JL CoIiIcnM, i . - JKXKtJJS' COBSB. - -Vewtisoor. to far ftaf Vflr, - . - SaJisbnry. N. C. Manufactory N. ?20 aud 32 V. B Utitbore at . Baltimore, Md. rl Afarch 31 St.