SllcpIbXoyl) State bULISLIUY. illll'Xr. aI'KIL l. IS7I A VI8IT TO THK X 0. INHANI (rrjm the lliUrf. l;.-o--lt .J The In" Ay lim i ( ilci-h ia l.irgn and ptl l.uiMoe, si ' in lerijll. and ! " ""d .arli.M WIOI? nil., r males. 'More arr ".'iH lali. hl.-4 Lalfi-I them nlr Only y l rixiuis ".utiili .... '" -H" foMniiiij; the imra r fcUi Im :i.t ii Ti-..iry ajt utii nanri l 1 1 - Institution. ''i Had it at Leo-laltm-e, ia lin Lull. lii gaplt uly of inmifjr n-l it "n "I' 'I'""' eomforiabli . They have a Kan Machine to lirat or cool lliu luitMiujr in very cold pt ery vi tun weather. Tin y have an abuuiiinre nf nice ntul pmhJ water eon vcyed to cisterns fiom a mmiing stream a iiuartcr nf a mile oiT. Tin-' haro a 1'aitBl Waaiiinf Midline tu.i i.eirl by an bio hit t our li.iml run nli ' 1 00 j.ii cia It It In 16 Lain. I lnv ma,!- their coticc aiij bread by Mi-am,'" li take jual 9 jmunds of crocu colTir and 8 iiiitla ol an gar and 3 callout of milk to make enf, fea for all llm iinnati of the institution and it ia made ami already nrrimrnl and a-ax'U!iid in tin boilers, with so imirli an allowance for each inmate. A garden alia ol vti v rttcnuit c fixe ia t.irkod u la the rmuncl niid it W n'rrndr (fmwinf VatntfaHj-irmf rrrcm-artd-KreirTthtlri ehnierai of Spring viwtabl-. .Suite of UipatDtitTt work al liintu Lot llifii aa a constant thing tliry can't b rrliod on to "pat op a job of work." Dr. Fuller hm hrrn 1 lie phynician in cliuro rver tince the Ajlnm rai rt.irtrd !u 1S5G. He it a moat excellent pliyakian and an aecuui )llibrd prntlcnmu and ia bcluvfd by eve ry iomato in tlie Inalitiiiinn. Tim Innrkt rifr -narJJy vtf wear a ttraifht jacket. None arv confined ia cell. And a l.irpo iiortinn of '.lieut are walked out in tonatln rr-rjr cthiIhj a tingle ktf Ktr in cliargo. W'v uitt a t( of a docen pninjj ont to walk. One ft l ow carted licavy and liia eyca looked at wild at a wild cdlV Mut riill be follovted on after bit - herd. It ia a cliaracteiialic of ihrto peojile tli nt lln-y like t" bu to getber. When we j:nt to the Anyluio we were taken into tlic vrmda nir.nrnjitt llic Wont of the MALE I'ATIF.XTS. Tliey were all w!kiri(; nbont. A few titling by a tablo with a pack of carda on it. One old t-npt. 'I'enny of t Impel Hill. . -we were introduced to j be bowed politely. Major Something wc were introduced to be bad futt been to the city but had no "new to t ll. Another a .Mr. Alex ander from J?bar,lotte tut just ortr in a xorner with hit feet auintt the wall rend ing a newtprtper. Thn doctor told ua it' jronldn't do to talk with him he wnt too jiemltlre. Another littlo fat and pcUiVli iookinr boy tat on a bench the brother of Hilly Hendrrcon ; Re is the "net" of bit ward. Everybody peta him. He iea tint apenk a word to yon. lut you are bound to liko hit pleataul and inno cent face. And there too w at n Mr. I'nr-Jter,-" a MetliodUt preacher from about Waahinton, in the enMeru part" of lint .State; a great bir tat man with a big round and Rrcy head and a goftand plnqt- i w a i l ant eyet lie rmngiur no iia. n tiisi In his feet and tnyt, "a bucket of mutter Jui rou out of thrni nnd that thev were WktDfr It tp in Idcketi down at the Hal' jeigh Depot. He alno nni'ineg tlmt he it the Matter of thia World. Says he baa hit forces deployed and ttationed n round the whole face of tho oartli. He alto told na that thirteen thoiifinnd cunkes bad' crawled out of his iioho in the latt ruonth. And he complained of the coarse ruanner in winch "a monarch of tliid world" wal treated "Why," naid we, "Mr, Parker, yon dress nice." Said he : "Do you call this nigger tweed nice? little folks a heap littler than me can dresg nice, but thia js uo eoit of a drcta forme" And thcij tooT'was Thigpen a smart young stuilniit we n cro at (Col lege with. Four years ago we visited him ' In the same place, and he recollected TtiT pjd room and nBked after one of our old Hends-rr-what had become of him We told him. And he turned abruptly off a.nd commenct.'d walking up nod down belong patsagc. We aked utter him fhli time and the doctor told us lie war still thera bat ho fejired, was "t-inking lowty. By the courleay nf Dr. Fuller were then- ehown into tho Irhcre everpliTiTgWftra3nrrntTTK"a"-T . fin and the wrtmeu looked cheerful, and eome were spinning, some sewing, others . yeajing and a good many making coun- terpanes amT'-bed jSTm attoti ih- oe how neatly they keep their wMuoaa. One old lady culled us in and would get ont a beautiful counterpane she nad mdo and eh- spic4d it on her bed and made us look at it. Wu admired it and also prated her neatnres as a house keeper : These, women are worse lunatics 'BaideyWcTOTwtthaii the-' ment fit them had a switch in her hand eho vowea glie meant to "whip the doctor with " It" All old hag looking creatuie "weut for" ber and there was a regular ecnflle to ' get It out of her .hands. tbo Uoctor in hit own way quieted things and look thw awitifh away - lie, without however he big fat winairholjowSng1 out to him .that 'ho neveritked to givr Ttp thritway to anybody." They have danirs once a month for these patients rtnd those of ihe ' men folks who are "well enongh" toTlancn -the ufficiala of the Institution taking an - Jptjye part. A we walked through out ward a craiy gii! nami d J, t ame bounding tow arils mk anil cnul out : ' ( )li doctor! ain't yoapoing. to hive t party tp-hlght-F- She has been I here ever-itice ' thn"Avlum was rie4. -- AnUti i-f these. . -female pnlii nifl nrsw g".l lliv i titiji. :,. line.. c ftC..(- '.'.i. i .nJ ihpneai- loll.'.; ili.-Bi ll. l am ohm t . , well bred" lid' ; "ver mt I I In front of the ward--tin-pt-lt.r a- nit-lv carpeted, anUi'l an -!- -tnt peino hi -. 'Rome lonr lad) ete -u- tn -"il p f lorl Some knittins- :i . u-4 an aeSprere readinir'r.ov. I trndneed f'f t ill-'' in and we bowed. AM it.onit't Imm the piano we err lirtH'l I.1U ha at ruiuiiiMi it whit a vttlcofull of pathos soil natural e-tncaa, winging r..r "IU-iiiUuI 8ir," "A..hU Uuiie," ami rt mn kiss liim fur hit Mtlirr " We auto a ilfaiut fhalalih Mia Itollm of Virginia ho ucd logo I" J If, l)ruc -am) Imm wo foauj an ele- fDW. nm! ar(SiB'li!n l young lie),' W- lnl n after nu.iir of bi r fiii'iiila aiiiT, i 1. 1 ariiinliil.tiMM a Hi I lanr ille. ami grtlicr ae ain-lit a V4-fV teaa4ol ri.tup Drioitlc and during I be ratuptigu Imh uiiiuier we heard umcli of ilia Hyde cotinl v Hinpjaut4 d iu4l , ami u rlaii" KoiaiiM-ol gi ntleinini of 4 he rttale wt-re ild lip io lii rnviablil light llx-irroit net (Hot with or ugi-ltey in ihrr.tlo ol lh- public lamia. Hut imiIh illtalandiiig all that hat been nid irgaidmg the diajNiailion of ihia pub lic domain, the Hruata of Sforlli lUrolioa the other d.iy cooCmied the tale, aLirb waa eitirred into uniler a Republican ad niluiairntion, and suppotcd to have bt-en ifTected by Republican fegeuciet. We have no rouiplaiiil to filter agalnft the Senate for its action in this lualtt r, on the conttary, we are iuduced to ap- i prove it, for we lour tlneo ondert.d lioin Judjre Warren, the leader of the Coutervaltvc party Im the Iegia'ature, and" a geutlemao thnn whom there It no more honorable or n liable in llm State, thai t liia w.i in all reaieclt advantageous to the rniuinoiiaealtli, and ought to be rnnfinnvd. But we do couiluin of that pariiaan apiiit ao deviliah in ita purpoaet and tendencies that it luual nveua mitrep. reijiljhe tnie aiiu iijouinltjitate f.u-ta pel vert the truth, pofaon anil mialeail pub lic teutiinent 6 a matter of great public interest to tho entire people of. North Carolina. It tet-int lo us that It would be much better to conduct political eamptigus fair ly, on tinat.", Mntlglit nut ami actual it tuet, than 'wheedling the peoplo into :he tupport of a party tbrnngk wicked mi rrprcaeutalioiia anil open fali hood.. Tarty aoceaaaea would be auore p.fiuMMtt under tach circumatancet, and perhapi ttroductive of tnoretabttanlial and laiimr tenefitt than we are permitted to wituett oniler the pretent order of Ibiupi. The r.iui,ry onght by thia time to have been pufficieialy amniird with the d-nia-pogne,incj we can aafely trace the source of all our political ilia to this claat of pub lic men, and we conceive it lo be onrduty lo rebuko ll. in epiiit of demagogiem, no matter in which party found, and truth compels ua to say that it etiats at much in one a the other And we aie bound to further declaic it as our opinion, baai-d on the facta in the case, that nothing hut a spirit of the worst deiuagngism, and the principle, whose ox is gored, could have suggested and .inspired this miarepreaeu tatinn nf the facta connected with the sale of the Ilvdc County Swamp Lands. Nor doea the action of the Huuacnf Uepresen-. tatives in laying the- mafter on the table yesterday, alter the case in any material whltevcr. Telegram. A psnileman named Brown once observ ed in company that he had toasted a la dy fur twelve months, and yet bad little hopes of making her brown." NEW SPRING GOODS. M0CK-& BROWN ARE now recolvinu their tafge nriil weH seloc- tafftennil weHi ten Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, ;wLklt have been xeluctrtl with preaf t are anil lioiiirlit ut low price. Their Slock consists of full lines of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, II ATS, SHOES, - &C, &C, which they are offering at low prices. Owing to thftir changed terum of bunhiUNx, vellirp al most exclusively for cash or barter, taking no risk of cru-lit can and will oli'nr intlueenicnts to ptireliuscrs of GinxJ tbutjauut excel the OLD CREDIT SYSTEM. Thu styles of cooila this seustm are handsome and pp'euit as low m bul'oro the war. Their utooa of GOODS in much larger than usual, comprising all the newest and most desiraJilrt styles, and at prices within tlm reach of everybody. Vc rcsntictful- ly nk- an examination of. our Cniotls, iitnl if a toek of tlesn ivbli! G noils, nt low prices, fair and lo st dealing, respuvtful uttcutiou by both Principal and Clerks, will be an indneeinent to fii'Vil-ti of Goods, we proutiriB It.- ' . v wuo.Ltl.caII thu attention of Coun Iry-Merchanls to onr lariro and we'l Kt lccted rfttw-k.- Innlinir confident that we can make it to their jutercst to liny goods of ns. We 4 at largely - in all kind of Conntrv Frodnce.Ami pay caih oi liaftcr. as desirvil, raaraiui, ... . MWiiL 4' KKOWJN. SPRIa AXD SLSBER IHr0HTATIOt i Millinery aid Straw Goods. o ' AB.lVr.STXt.ONa, OATOH A CO., . . , laroKf I us a josasss or . wsTiiri tm-xnito i tkltIet eibohb, Jtvnvet Sills, Safins and VeJivIs . t Blonds. Nats. Crapas, Smhai, Flowers, ' rethri, OrnatiaBti.' " . AKI Ladies' Hats, Trimmed ntnl I'litrinimed, Shaker ZZoods, dec J.J7 if- 2.10 I! ill i, not e St., it v. nioiti:, .mi. - Otrer the i!irj:et t-twk lobe foiinrl in rliis '"ittiiiTrv: aij.t iinefjTt-rH'-rt iw-elioiee. vnrit'ty an J gjtcji f lies, citiiipri-inu (he Iiilift Ivtiropcau liov-Slic-. - - I Inirrs itrtl, tiiid irinipl attt nti.'ii piit ii. Mtiieb 10. I;i.4'c Sniilhfirrr'1-ann Hn&no.v i t'tU-tt'N WIstllNt; i,, hsafc MCT KBS j lnf.witiiil!i-ii.-ra-ernB-et.-i lfK?.RILT. Tll'4- , n e pap nM 'C " P UfiflT '.ll-w-I.r.foVpcl.' ' '' ' - ' ' ; .1 ti.. liit iTt-i.: ....Iti-t. v.. nil rr o,.iri ii 1 t: lt..i ni.',r Rr? aa.l i'Ih-hi-I . - . . , . . 1. Personal. AnT hif.rriiiHtinn nf the ureo n l.l II !.. ttfll.TO " a.t UR ,'..TSt. . f fltrtpi-l , It. , , rtr, Ml.T rt.T I ItMlftt. - lllll.l - ITJ 11 11 I .ajllUUVd. . . . . ' Ae tt infrl-.niStp -n pi 1,-e .,1- ,t v A,-. i..a v,J, No, .S"- III .attsv. Nw oik. or A 1 Li " f'wlu-renbntita f Wr.'J.H. Hobin-K.n, alio for .1. ... ' .....Ii iil-iMta.a aJ-ln .v.i im o-i.. .1 .Li. ..i;, 'i ..11 1 n:iii ! vi-.i....i 1 l..l Tin ii. ifus 4 TAT R R -li tS coitimenccA MouJav. J.snnaryj ... .. .. t.t .... u . ...... - - - - - , - -. - - 1 ... ll. . - .-- - - . .-. - - - I. . , , , ; ill vl 14 IMIMUPW IU 1111" -Vli."H Ul lUC .ITIlt fTTTTTn ..T.'-JJilia' "f '-,,; ','"":i.,"H .. - pMipiiii. in-., , '-I J", mnrwitV. . I Oruixr. w ill be tUnkndiv rv vi ;-- l IH.I n F' ti." A -.l .! 1 . ft 11 'I . i". r , (rl iv. i:ir um J'unur .. '. Illix. ' i"" '" : .-,, ,".', ..!.;. -...-:.., . 1 ... ic 1. . v . .... . - t-'. -. : . 1 1 r t ir AI.-.V r:..c lice. Uonry.T. HolmboMV- v Compound Fluid EXTRACT CATAWHA C.RAIM-: PILLS. ( vmixtmrnl ra- (( hlrlmrt t,'kit LithttHil Haiti Hstrilrf t'ahiaUl ' lira j Jiihf. -t'f I.Urr t niiliat. Jjua .. IUH kms IIW ltn ith ur itiit llenilAt . I wl'iviitM, rU . I'mrlf n . KiMUittrkg ka Ucfotij, Mtnffa ur drlrirr wit tJrf I f Tin IMU art Ita aiu-l .IfH, I lfi,ll (.Iriuiri mOfil., l ..ini r ul, !( nun. u, i-l. . Tbsla t B"l'Utii( Ittuia a:ivUl!a U luiaaed. Tkr ! aa4 rauaa ar.lWf aa. arm nr miim. 1 1 rj htv r-m)- J i.l lfc liv.l iarrtiiftiU xhrtt Urn difnm iu.ria h an imrlafaliaa uf la nliiru-a lake l.i ei-r !l'tlia U tb arak ami rmtlr., a artUer ahitia (iwm Imtajra. at . II. T. Iltflnilwlii'a l ompniinil Mtra I t'a. ! i.ia 1'iHi ara an a(ar-aiU. Auia Ida Im-I II at .;.r rot4 I'll U do not iIimIik, tJ ! llir.Mifi. l.r afciiuaall alllxnil tlUJitiia, ar.iw -nil) ).i h.. iiru.larx h iWiril rlto.1. lit) l l.t i.ri; l'i;l ia lvliJ n 'i " 'r'lli ltt-ir twlng suh ft ttr J . li. tlttl CKNfH I't.U IUI. E IIKXKV T. lli:i.MlMI.I S ittiitit r ox-rTi: m n imvi ui m Klniil Kxtnif' Sai-snpttlla Will I a Jialty a -ttfrtiiiuaUi 'tunt Ikr aUrui lulu ltt SjlitlU. tYiri ar. l';.r.i h.-tr I w. .! U.ulh. aura tlaaj. llrutt lotu. ml'... .mm. Klt It'iraia. 4'abaata, Huuuilt-. llui.i lU ti.tna. 4 ll.rkru. HUuUuiar iiIiiik-. N t ' t harala. Kaa. IVtur, H ttu4 t all kut.U i.'.ir l I.' lilM-ulttaiiaia. aii.l a!) Iiixx a rltul Lara Lt. iiu l-iLllll ia Utr aJaU'ia ln yoaia. L lleinff nrwnarp.l rTpreaalr for tS al Mivf rum nlalnta Ila tiloml. purifying prn) it .ur irrcaU i tlian any nihi-r pMparatlon of -tiua.arilU It f i . . a tlm i.iii pleiiaa a rlear and lira It It t ami if atunai I U: ubaul lo aslatd til llvallh ni I'urit. Kur iurif iiK Ilia bl.nt.l. rrrauviiiK all rltfuuit run A lutiunal lipai-a armnif finni an ini.nlr aUI.'itl lac IiImmI. and Ihaonly rrllaltlr in.l . kn n rrniatly the ran of laiiia tail tarlllna- of hr iHinra.' tlfrratiana af lltalkmal and l.p.lll.i. li. rimjileaootlir lr. ..'rTnlltalsa mil til araly tii lloi.a uf Ilia skin, anJ Urautiljuf tho eon. pit-it I.. n. M IIKXItY T. IlKLMBOLDS ft( KKTRATKt KLl'ID KXTKAL'T HUCHU, The (rent Diuretic ll t ciiro.l evrrv cttr of IliabaU-a in which it kaa bcn iveti. Irrfaiinn of the ntrk ol tli Rlu.l.l. r anJ inilmiimation ol tl hlitlnrva, 1' It cut ion of i' Kl.liirt aii.l Itla.M.-r. JlcU-nt.o'n ol L'riiw, diil ofllie I'matmle i:liil. Stone In tl.e Itladder. Cal i' ii I iik. if ravel. I.rii k-tiii-tt ilciuKit, and klnrona r milky ili'h irjrr. ami for t-nfeehled and tleliriile conatitnliiina of Imth wtxea. atU-nile.1 with the ful. tiwinfi ayniloln.: I it. J 9itniliuo to r.xrrtlon. Inwof nier.liiiu of iiirtiiory.niilii-inty ol orrathlnc. weuk nerTe. Irmililinj, hmir of iliwaan, wakefnliieaa, diaineaa tif vtaiun, paiu in the lat k. dot ha'nl". Wnahiiiir oftho no'Tv,' Jr) iicas uf tlie hkin, eruption on the fn.T. t tllhl coin. U-nrnce. universal luaaittidr of the VnaA-ular ayati'm. ete. l'Md byH'raoiii'fr.iin the .lirea nf ait'liteenln tiron. ty rivo. ami from thirty-Rye to Afty-fivr nrin thnlr ciine or vhanvaof lil ; all-r ciinlnirinet t or labor IwiiK, ayi wottinf in rhiltlren. B llelmVilil'it Kxtnirt ttut-lin tsPIilTetlr sml lilooj pnrilying. an I enrt-a nil ltseis tirlsinf Irom hali iiK of .1 '.iiaifiMl i.i:i. mill tx ts'ii unit imprti Irm e in life, impurities of tlie Ol.ititl.rtf.. tfa;i"'iling ropa ira in nT.'. titi'it. for liiclt it is tun I. an .1 S it 1 1 . t Mtlei'tittns ii,thfHt tisraaes Usu inouiiiit'i li'tii viitli liL'iiuliul J's Ki.i sc Hash. LADIKS. In miny anV-rtiona pcrnliar to I.niVfa. tlie Kx tract ll'ifllm i ini'in iHe'l ly any otht-r reiin-ily as in rlilonMit or mlt nlimi. Irrf'ii !snty. piinfnl- nesa or npirrasioii ol ' cuHtoniury evacuation', nl t'ruteJ or Hcinrrua atiile ol lite l'lrtis. l.eiirorrli(r:i or VVIuUjs, nU rility, ainl I trull units inciiieiit to Him sex. whether ansina lioln iii.Ijm Tt.tion or ImliiU ot ,lis4ip itioti . It is pn'scril,..,! xlcSiivily tiy the most pininint'nt.pliyietiiiis nml llnlwires Inr Kiifeetileil and dt llt att- constitntions of both sexes and JI age J (lUcudctl with uny ol thu ubovcayinp tonis. , II. T. Ildmhihl's Extract Buchu Cures Discuses arising from Imprudences, Habits qf' Di6siptitwn, etc. in all their stu'tM. at little expuiirsi, littlu or no change in diet, no Inconvenience, anil nu expuMire. It cansss a lieiaient desire, nnil gives stunnth Ui t'rinate. Hierehyrctntvinf otistrnctioni). preventing find curing atricturcs of the tJ ethra, nllnyinp piins and intlamnintion so frequent in this dsn's oi dlseu es, and expeilin all powunou.s matter. Thousaudii who have boon the vii-timn of Incom petent "Tersojis. and h.l havapaid hcavj fees to he cured in a shmt time, have loun.l that they hare been deceived and that the -poison' Iihs. by. ilic-me of -powerful arrangements.'- hecii dried up in the system, to break out jn a more agjrrav.ttoJ form, and perhttps alter MarrTfiSel Use ileliubold'a Kxtract liuoliit for altitlTW'tinM and iliseases of the Trinity Organs, wln thcr exist IlUt iu Mate or. Female, froui.wuat4.-ver cau e orinl. natinp. nnd 'rto niattcrof how Ion sttindiiiif. I'rice, fl.COl'K'lt UOtTI.K. L JIMMY. . II KTAl HOLD'S IMl'lUlVEt) -"K03E" vrxnr Cannot 'lie asa face Wash, and wilt he found the only soecific remedy in every species of cutaneous ittlection. Itspeedilvcradicates pimnles. sputa. aorl-ttr8lr'Hes rdr44ioii,i-HM(.)irt). ens mem i.i sue, etc, utseis ie.luca.ana !ii.-iiient Indaminadon, hives. r'h, with patches, ilrvnossof scalp or akin, frost bites, snd all purposes for which ' nr nitiintrnis are nsea : rcsturi's the skin to a lata tifpunty and softnekx, anu iismw.... healthy actiou to the tlasue of its vvhwIs on hich depands tha'c anil vivacity o. completion no nuicb sought, and admiied. but howerer valuable as arviucdy f(tr existintr defects of the skin, rt; T. H.-Imbold's Hose Wash has toaavaatataiaad itnpttttatplw ului..tauiiUtturLjfcJ.(iaJ.. trona by pttaat'iiainii qnalitiea which leader it 11 Toilet ApiiendsKe of the most supcrlutivit anil con trenialcUaravtar, comhinitig ia aa eltifratit formula those proiuiaeirt rerptisita, Satcty and KMIi-aey tha Invariable S'-companimentsnf its u-. ils a i'nuer. vativeantl Uefreslur of tlic C mpl"in. ' It ia an 'txeeitent.T.ntion S.ritii-aj()f n Svphilitle Xa'nrc and aSan injection for disease of the Ciiiiary Or esns arising trom habits of dissipation. Iih.I infini iM'ction with the Kxtract of liuchii; Karsnparilla find CatawlKt Urane I'ills. in ach diseases h mom. metKletl, raniwit fafstirjm'til 1) Full'aml explicit dirrctinusscceinpany Iho nieil- Icinca. KvMen'ee of the most responsible and reliable cliameler farnishf J on application, with hun'treiis ol ihonils of livin? w!tn-se. and upwarda ol Sn.lNKI unMiliritetl certirirales and refommendatory lcttcfi. nijotynl which are Irnnithf- hijrhest souri-.. lurliiil.t'U euiinent l'hysi.-i;itis. C!eiynTi'ii. Stntps men. i-tf. Thcor.ipnetor h'ts :ifver rcs.t-t d t' their pnhlii atii'ii iti the ncrarapf in: Iia tlo. s i ..t .In t't IswrAa'tait til it tlteJJtlCles "-fln(.-ss t ilidaril I'rc C o Htluiis, .iu.i ilii m.t iTt to la-) -jl i.p by i it I'licSteJ. " Item T. lldmbold's deny inr Prcp-lru'whS tVlitc-t 'I tn anv tl.lre.s. SV'-urf from ..lorva lii u. -.r-tbti-lir'.t iitia. at. I f TttUVtV VK.IH. lTU.JIPCtU.1 l)f THE PATRIOT." . nllK rATUIOT." a ilail IVanorflllWl a I I'uiMirvalita avra(.r, uUi-.l ' l'alfi4 NaMTr ,iwiauui, al ."- V.T I' oOort, t4aera NiMilt aiJ IwHlh, 115 vl tTt.Mt. ) -h IVlrl.4" ill a.l.-U. a n.m4 afil --Wr, rrMti.mii.Mi f idr I Mi.rfi In all iu " ami ila tSUliia int. ritr ; riwlily awn. a iIh Klalra aa K.,fl-, .r I tlx- i..olilulW 1 llu la.llM.tial i, to... , ,.( : tluatirfllliua l.-KI'O; llm ibr eivtl mmt, anl U- r.-o.e altoti i l !.r Hfl ! liUniil I. lit. a i. ! lalan-ii -II ! llr 1 a ill It , . m lit , ll.v a Ihi- alnl iMIif - palhtoa 4 aMiai, Un l.tia ttttuloall; U LutkI 1.1 -n nit : A 'I'anll ittinw hi rtitrr ika rifaiMlit-ort-a i.t aii awanauical a.liloi4ralit4i, ait.l It ' ll.a JtX kUi uata u-l Ua i u trr 1 h aii I , a taan Ut Ilia (f llii tftttnt taf tllnrf'llaitl .rMrt lum ataa,Ul aHMM4jlaa BIhI UImI gttuwal ai(ialilr i taerl anaaiibrturrra : 4(.ii-llt.u u( Ida tawaiKaiioia ih! opiera aivat atalo taf laijltun, Uah aa alinl lo ilitlitw lut liamru ami oil inUrrttal rr'rliuc ; 1. ilk'! M.iion. In rt. ry U.iailiiwiil ol llir i.i ii.iiM i,! an. I rHrrmhiiii-nl uf lli eilx-nara IVIffm .1 llir il.U a rtritaj III all Ila UalKh--, I itil, liiiurr ami .Sitjl: ..ur, aii.Mial rurrt-iM-v, riiall iliatrilai ifl aniiMY Hik Mati-a, aiml pitanrtrd Kloat t' ul itii v lloHttaliunat Tin ricltla of Ititi'lllitetit ll, aptinat all a (-.! aa.l lr4wlair it Nct-inii btawtisVa la iiltlw l.ntila atlIU h it.l ( ai-tnal aarialav. iixl m a rtiiiria-4 Naiiitnal -mlii, in inii.n In ike lUilirul (h.ii.'v 01 i-itHtriitoita )r-ait(a to n-tvuia.iura anu rtijit arln ur a : 1 I i, fnll.-i aiut limmt lion loAnx ri I tan rili. ita alii..nil: i-...Ajl.inJul aviU4tJ.Ut..iUtalI tplaaltiuu. . irlnii; lor Ilia ri 1 ami ll n ni. nl. ll la inlanila-.! U a lir..'tatxr of il.l lina claaa, awl In eoli-l Uia Iwal avaitaiila laju.l ill all Ila tlejuirtnu-nta. Term InrnriitlJti Ctith in Adrnnrr : Tlie Tv.iilr Patriot, f snuiiin, f 10 (1 fi e V.iil It 1':i in..!, r aj.niiiii, aln- ele inpr, 2 M Tlie WeelK I'uiriut, la-r annum, t'lulaj of tttijir ninie, t 00 Kiniitlaiioi. uiay U In.i.Ie liv Ir:tfta orclivika iwryahU- ia aay uf iky priuuiAl riliaa, or Jijr I'.a-t t Mlitv ortl. r. l,iiiin-aa, J AMl4 U. I'.KKICKT. 'Ptilriot JMIi.T," M':u.liinkl..ii, I . ('. iliou:il Drown lif Cx'-rotirr Irtldnt Cummillcr. W.vsiuswrox. I). .luiiHrt -ih, 1S70. V lake .I.niirw hi r. txiaiuu inKon iinlr ui4I to Um- umaN't of our iViuucmlic and (.'onserwive frii inl tlirongiiotit the iniuilry "Tlm P:urva ' nrw"tti r, aa ;iiinouiix.l ia the foritroing itroajiyvtua. Tln-re i no journal si the Capitol throtigh alii. It lite voitv ofopiallion can now If heard, or tin- almat and iitiipiitica of lit party i-i siw- er ht:ir bv- expiaanl. Sueii an organ has become an admitted ne cMity, which we are rwraitatW will be ably and Mtiafaetrilr aupplutl by "The l'atriot." This enterjiris riui titon a firm fiaintlalion, and ia entitled lo the confidence and Ciror of all men who desire to redeem the (torirtnnint from misrule mid corruption, and to bring back tbe principle, simple virtuca, and integrity of our forefather. COMMITTEE: Ram. J. Randall, W. C, chairman, T. M. Smith, II. W. ShHiiin, M. C, A. St. C IVnytr, F. None, M K T Mfrriek, X I. Jellries, Kccr rctnry, Thomas ewann, M C, Trcitaurcr. CO NT, n K8S 10 X AL COM UITTEE '. Eugene Cnsaerly, C'sl; John I SttK-klun, X J; Win 11 Illinium, Ohio ; 11 V riloeiiin, N Y; .John T Rir.1, X J ; Hnm'l J iT-fliitall, I'a; 11 T IVl; K Stone, Mil ; J V Jnhn-lcii, Va j F K Sliober, X C ; KVnii Trump, tHiio; W K Xibhick. I ml; A (i l'.iirr, I II : II im lnter, Kr; (J A Nhcalc, Tenn ; K WelK Mo; C A KIHridge, ,Vi; KM ilw.n, Minn ; Josephs nitlli, Oregon; .1 A Johnson, t.ul ; J L minor, Texas; 1' M D Youn G ; A llailcy, I.n ; A A C ligtrs, Ark. " Jtf WILLIAM VALENTINE, Tin: jjakiu:k, rETUR.VS ni.S TIIAX'KS to his OLD V FUIKXDH and the Public for tho liberal ftatrolia(:ti heretofore extended tohim. lluuow iiilonns Uieui that Liu baa lilted up a new and commodious Shop, in Sr. Henderson' Brick UnUdlng-, Hoom Wo. 3, where he "vfniild he pleased to see them. IIo ifiuirauteea to trive satisfnetion in every ease. lie has in his omploy of the best Hair Dressers in Veteru North Carolina, llereijuests a call from all. SalUburi, X. C, Dec. 17. I-On. Hfl-tf The Greatest I'tiin Kxtraetor in the World1 1 PoM.AHP S BHKCSI A Til- OU Ncrvo and Bone Liniment; Fvr itun and lhast ! ' It strikes nt tlm very frui miof the disease, penetrates through the fleh to tho ione, ills seiiiiiiu,linir4tiuioUiUij( and healini? iullu en vt removes the most cxcnie.iatiiif' iaiu, proiliieinj; a speedy ami permanent cure. In till eases ol Illieinii.'ilism, I'arhlysis, Krvipehis, Xeur.iliin, riifnt,Oliitlli)lr.s,rMd'ttor'ii Hunts, Scalds, Tet ter, 1'oisonoii.s JJites and Stiufts.Spruius, t!iit-s, Cjaiiiett oiiit'Vorrnnroip.rer m-rfptiottv aU JOS. P. II, Propri-itor, Siill'ilii. Va. For salo by T17K0. F. KU'TTC ,t CO., IMiw .ulisbiiry. X.C. mm ;Watervhelt O0UHIM0Bg 1 tjLstKD FCR A CIRCULAR- nAIL'S HAIR RENOVATOR And Color Kelorcr I Tho;niost and harmless preikaratiou for prescrvim.', Iji-h uti tyinir and re'storiiifr the Haie to its Nntei'irl Oolnranil Vitality. U Vu ltures tirrty liilir to its niiltira! eidnr.- prevents it fioui lit. i'i t . j. siir.tiibites iini iuirurts new i lite to lilt; ro..u, promote a vi'm iis iirowth. .mil cit'i i lv rcirc,td It t ntifa dy f. 'iifiin tl.t.' Ii In.! Will niil soil the tine- hilin f tTeTiiif r itint trrTfrlrtrttHi ---; fumed llsjii lircssiiiif in Ihe WorUi Tn it I cue .mil ?5,ci nISi MN. P. 'HALL. Jr. Proprietor. .--Sultilk. Va. For saV- by Til KO. K. K IXTTZ Jk 00. Siih-iiiui'V. i . i . ... myiinif ua i Th9 Vmt Mtilktl Dlnroirrf! tar. WAUiU 4 OAUITOItSIA VINEGAR BITTERS, H I Datwlreali ef TlttMitaMt I I aa( laataa.. Iknf aaaWtl V J Caiis awa. t i WHAT ABC TMtY? is? ' e fl hliFAnCY DRINK w-a. a4 Prx Bum. TKIakar. V "Walaka-r. iwfvwir- (m. and tUfuaa TaV imra. V. iiuara. taaauw (aalaau,aal laaa," thai a aad raa, ka.1 Mas Maua at - A mat. avav,taat laaaaBa Kl -jMlava. aaaaa In taa aua SUaia llU t4 (JJuU.rVCrrmi alt Ajaoholie o MM m a I an f. TWT a 1 ha U H K A f ll I A HJU lajiurxauiaMLjraioiviaici vunn. aflW CIV L.W. a aaaaaai ll aa. la 1 aa, aaiTTtaa otail S3 ana! laalnrlaaT taatlail ha Mtauat aa Uaa ibaaa Htltara, aaauallag tVafiaiiaaa, aa4 laaaala ka unlL till aill baairaa. Lj aa Upcarattla aaaa. a. I trMaaa tia m it ara a a kr amharai .aauua nr oiba aaaaaa, aa4 llm TUal wiaa jaatad tanaJ lha faal ef rrrair. Tor Iaflamm-aory aiwl Chrooia BHaoa tmaitam. -an4 UtMia. I-rpapaia. or ladia aaaUon. liiUoua. ltaautiaatl, and Inlar. rtiUaui ITarara. Uiaaaaoa of tua lilood, jar. Ki'lnajra. and liladdar, tfc a jlit. kara hi Ua mat aa i 1 ilwl. Bueh lta 1T VIUa4Hl lUotMl, tiltK limf Iuaea4a taa 1ianaah.aaj aUaatala lha Uvni I llnw aa4 Bawata, wLa taaiar UMaa p am0ll.-l ataraef ia rlaaailaa taa Uaujaf I all imiMMtiea. aadunfaulaaaaawuji 4 rtfa u lha a txila ayatria. DraMDala or Indlraation. Baadaeha, Fata la ti.a MliaakBta. luwta, 1 athtaaaa at I MakB-ra, Kuaaa, i ataiam a uia Ctwal, IMutuaaa, Buur Unaaaaa. Httt aW la lha aiouU., UUwaa Attacaa, 1 aiiatatioa at Um ll.rt, C.n"ta lHv.Wraa af Cnaa, Taia la tha rwa at taa aaiaTa.aa. kirt4 waay plnfal aympUaaa kkk ara IK aAtaaa of IiraiwpaU. am aai4 ay I aaaa Btuaya. r1 Um Vliataad lUwal wbaaarar jnm M ' Ila Impuntiaa aunUaa? tknMura lha alua la Tub. aaa, Lraptnoa, a Mat alaaaaa l aaaaittta ItNtLaatltuorlaalinaaailltrUriMiwaaa. Kara tbaMaoa psra ao4 Um aamnkaf Wm i, nai vtir lollov. UN, TArt, aa4 aiaar WOUta. larkin la tha araliw of aa auar Hi imaaaJi, an aaartaaDy mttrmrrwA aA iMjiniaa. furfaU airaataaja, waat aawSaUytaa airaalaa afoaad aarh butti. arlaMd M Saw liajaaaaa . Knrtiaa. ()rmaa, Fraacb, aaj Spaa'". J. W ALKKR, n M Ooaamrwa Unas, K. T. FroprWtor. . H. MeDONAlJ. a, CO- DiaailMa and Clianal An)a. aa riaaaaana, Caltf.aaia, aad tl andM Coaa. matna htrMi, K. Y. r aouTbr axx. dscooibts akd VT.M.TM. 1 C3 I I H ft IilPuUTAXT XuTiCK TO CONSUMERS of MiY (iOODS. All HetallOrdrra araonnting to $20 ana over iieiiTcrca tn any 2 art ol tbo Country h:i:e f kxi:kks chakukm llnmilloii latrrV .Sous, OK liAl.TIMoUE. Ml).. In order tbe la tter to meet the want - of their liotail Customers at a distance have establish ed a .S X M V L V. II U U K A U, snd will, npon applit nflon, pnmiplly send by mail full limn ol humpies of tht-Xeuest and uol,U,4 l'aaK4;u. Ivnoi.iao and Iiomkstk! M.iinil'actnri.. itnaniiiteeinial nil times to sell nr. In- if not at lvx jii irn, bun any house in the eoiietrv lliii-nir onr ptKHis irom llm nrpc-t ami most celebrated niiilmlnettirers in iln- iMfi-rciit parts of Europe, and Importiiijf tin. aini by steamers direct to Halt-more. mr .-tork is ut it! limes rromptl.V supplied WHJt the llovelfits of the .ondon and I'aris innrkets. As we buy arid sail inlj t'r cA, Hint mule Hti Ittil ifciti.u e are -iMeninl willitii- to sell onr fronds at KltOll TKN TO I IKTrKN ITR IIK.NT, LESS I'KnVIT thtlll ifwe .w-' .-redit. hi'iftuUi ij Jur i.;. tfLflfif thrliml iJ ffoiiil Hi vifil. We k.-t ;."! I'.e be t 'laths of ev er J- elai-s i fpiods, li'niii tl.t lowest to the most cosily. I iT Orders accompanied bv the cash will lie sent (,'. O. i. Promjit-pnyin WHOl.K.v I.K IirVKRS are invited to iuspect thu Stm k in imr Jobbing and raekupe Departmei t. Ail. Ires- HAMILTON' IvASTI i; ,t SfNS, 177. tll. VI n!id2li.l We.-t Ihtllimore St.. Oct. 21 4-.:lv. It illimore, Mv Raleigh National Bank, Of N. C. liAl.KKiir, March -JOih, 1S71. This Iank flintier a resolnlion of the St(K-k-holders ami authorily from the t tun pt roller of the ciirrency,ji has opened books at tin ir liank ina bouse in this citv, for subscription to the in crease of tho Stock to h:ilf a million IMInrs, be- ins the authorized capital. 12:lf C. DKWF.y, fa IlKT. 2UCAZ.2XOOI : Uotc L l. ie Il start d., JV-T I'll llh .1, n. w Hlil'.n nf l . rt'CVKIt liI.I.N O hHIimill SNIV (Hi- Hi" rs.l rl-t u r (wltKt.Ul mt.l tt lit-) if S...t" al . rr n ii.rtr Sc ttttiial WV.I.MM, tovlnutsi.c -iuliial I.--.-V:.., Ii.tiptilcnc.', Urrtnl i.n I phr I al luc t,,oit, llm, nl t i I rrl- ace. etc , nl.. Co npt nai liilt'l U . snil t'ltii, lii.luc tl l.v snlf ntliir.'r.xi; ur k ul.e&tr vititiiit'. f . ir :-, tn a s aletl nyrUtpei itiy , cent. liMt c.lrl.ralatl aullwr, in lata aMa aa.y. r.-arly il.Binnstral a fr in a thb y rcat ' acc sal uruallca.t hi the ajwmiaa, Konttttuurcf t -m-tf. ah . '" raaaallr cur- I w it ft rJ s. i rim w a k a jjifiiL M AJni ? III Titrr avti var a nui ell .III ut lha ifanir ! Km a-WtWfllwlaaaa. tait. MMtWiatMiat lawklwaWtig,.!"?. m't,11Ilu aal a lijillat.iailHHnaJllUtJ"0!? !.c"re , , , ff jTy. -v-'vfi- sltinrrs'm la; arrtnin n.l rttVciaal, by riifiniiiTMtiliiN i vrj rullrrrr. lie mailer I hi hia vn lllluli majr , tuajr cur' I na. ir t h. ply, r vite j ami rit'.ically. Th' 1 lu r -Innlil haiii t hint l ol ev. jy joulh anil tvery man Iti lli lto..l. - T.nt, rCer ?t, lir a phthr:mye,-ft ana Mdrraa, .slptti.l, ivn ri' l ttl ti ct'lila or Uu p.tft II amp. Al o Ur Culvr n-i ll'. -'Miirrlitn liuMr, ' p tcr S5 eta A.l.lrea i puhllth. rs, I'll AS. J.!". KI.INK4 0O. i1 Hoifcrj, tm Vork, Foal OlSea U x, S3. mar24-ly. STATE OF KOKTir UA , 1'ritKK C'OL'KTV. ' Mary McElrath, Plaintiff, onanist hVTTTialiiTir I ..... . l f L.: ma l anon, janieo r air aim wite mmj run, Joseph E. Pntlon and wile Anna l'attvn, Sal lie l'attou, (a minor) Ht'njauiin Davis anil wife Lanra Davis, Milliam i'atton, M. Kobe son anil wife Sofihi liobesun and Uradchaw Sanders, IX-lanuauts. '" To Henjumin Davis anil Laura Davis, M. llobeson and. wtjiAj iSophia Jtohesou and Willi am i'aiious " 1 , -Yon arretwreby annimnned to bo and apiear Tielorlns ttonor, the Jude of our Superior Court, to be held fur the' county of JSiirkc at tbe Court Itutia in Morganton on" the Hlth Monday after the SiOIpniTtiy fit -Maft'fi n kt, ihen and there to answer, the complaint of the idiiiutifT Mary McKlratb. which 'will be filed in said (,'ourt during the tirst three days of the j next terru, ami you will take notice, that no- i Iism said complaint bIihII be answered ilnriHU i said term, jtiihrmcnTwill be demantled accord- j mi.' to the prayer of .stud complaint. "freriln fait not, and have you then ami there thia writ. " ' " ' T 'V "" ' i ''AVTirtesa, FitASK 1. In-TrUlcrk of onriid j Court, al oflice in Murirniitoo, the lOJi Moo- ; day after the rd Monday in Septciurtr, A. , IS, 1. ;' Issued ihe 2Tlh fljiv oi" March 17.1. F. L. IK YIN, llirk, Ut i d at this ( f- , : till l Co.ii)iH;ticii(.Mu(iifa '..Lil I iih. 0vt . lTItASlZmimUurrmjlMtitiltliUlir. 'I ITH IXTKRF.8T IIAfl UORK THAN PAW ITH UltMEA jrOUTUtTAKT TIIJUTtKN KAIW. Ratio of XhcpeoLsen lOWFtRTnASlSAH .Dividends Paidjn 18702,300001 DIVIDKMiH I'AYAIILK IN 1871. ILt&O.OOO I Its difiJends rt ptftUAt ut il tJ lu i'ulirU ar nutt-fuantlTaiiL au - sired, a raial ujf l'liy will be granted, or tbe tartda dwe ttva aactalasr wlU be ruturiitd lu cash, ll furulaUat luauraaco couiblnlng lit advtatarva offered l aJl oiler UompaaWt. Jan. 7 tr. Uflice oppvalte roaioffice, lUMck. K. O. JStLA.BRAISllArtAfl,!iJHmrt " - ' v , PIEDMONT AND AKUNQTONHfE INSURANCE COT. HO MIS RICH MO Aaarla lO.h Nrplembrr, 1H70 ... Annual Inroinroicr I'o lUJcaula-aied . U .laiDec X H20 . PREMIUMS ALL CASH REDUCED BY THE ANNUAL tAS'll Dl V1DEXDS ON THE CONTItlDUTlON PLAN. OFFICERS W. C. CARRIXOTON,... JOHN E. EDWARDS,. .'. 1. J. HOI'KINS D. J 11AUT800K I'BOF. K. U. 8M1T11,.... J. E. WOLFF, n. if. cornrs. Gt. Alitor rfirrn n. IT ACTIVE A(j KNT.S WANTED EVERYVHEUE. l-eb. 10 I jr. the HOWE SEWING MACHINE WHAT Wf CLAIM. Will hut m f i7-7SW Hrinn tnruU of Harris til Sitri .SVnaiJi'ci'y naxf lrJreUn oj Mx!toiim llaruje of 11 ore rtUmiu 1 uriuicl. POISTS OK SUPERIORITY. Pcrfeftiun nf Sfikk ami I'tiuinnKuf of Ope ration ami Miiniiiji-mrmtfl-arijiiMivij lak l.t 2 he oral lliimntr and Jlmuler m fn II vrld. THK WORLD KENOWKKP HOWE SEW1.YG UAfflHES- try the oldest estsblishetl of any in the world. I hey lieins lie II re I fs'i ini .Muchiiica ever mailt, anil linvtuii Ikscii in.iiiiifai tint il ct.ntinu insly uniler the SiiiMirviaion of the Original Inyentot KI.IAS lli)WK. Jr.. aiiic tln-ir first intnitlnetion. rn IH4A Aiuniig the m injr"ir'irt I'lt iuiuiin." awunlrd thn KLIA8 1KJWE SI-:WIXO.MACHIMiS, msv be unitioTietl the fnlltia inn : l'h liiternatiunsl Kx .on of all Nat oiu.I.od- dun, lHvJ. a Intl. I .Mobil. . New York stale r'slr. !Si6. Kxisititiu llaivt-rwlle, I'arls, IM67, a Cold Med al. Cross of the Legion of Honor, toElias Howe, Jr., as tiiiiinsl Inventor. Ohio Slate l air. IHtM. New Vork State Fair, 1868. New State Fair, ISB8. HI" If yu are prejudiced in faror of any Machine, at least examine I'll K I lows before you purchase. . Iteeollet tthat Ur. Iluae whs tlie I ntr i ii it 1 Inveu torof Sewitiif Ma-hines,antl gave 00 years ol bis life to ix-rfeciinK this Jlachiua In r.i litre of work this Machine cannot be Kiiltialeil. Will work equally wollcn thick or flun goods, from caure to heaviest beaver coat ings, or even leather, without change of needle, tension or thread. We will warrant them to tlo this. Our fine work is equal to any, and our heavy work excels that of any other uiachins in tbc'world. This machine makes the celebrated Lock Stitch, the stitch invented by Mr. Howe, alike on laith sides. What we claim, in substance, is, that this is in honest machine, snd, if put in your family, will do any and all of your work rrfectly, will last a life time, is a willing and ready servant, ami is not subject to ITS. Persons who have tried all machines are un animous in declaring this to be the easiest learn ed ot any in the market. In the majority of c- ses our customers learn irom mo insiruc' a Mr I Ian nut fJStlaTt book wilhout further aid. . AWESSOUIKS FURNISIiP-'- v Each family machine is furnish.-1, w1i,h.'nem" inrr, umititt, Kuitur, a iitni- , .;v,.r. ,!! lu.ii arj 2 wrenches, anil All machines are a-rately ana equsjiv w, made. The difh.nce in prices is due solely to ornamentation of tlui ruacluiie, slianflnjiali rCaKC INSTRUCTION.- t?asaa. rl1wVthtlUr; will ha thoronehlr Instntc- ' f .ii ii ;n it,. nanf the machine, snd is at all times eU'LerLto and. will wilt receive prompt artea- uon ano air Vrn; TmtniiiMMM . . ' ' N. N. 8HEPAKD, Raleigh, 1 - General Agent lor N. C. "L. C. IIANES. Aaent. Leainirton. N. a Jhg Agents wanted in tvtty nunty far the 'STate. : -feb-ir y-- rsirszoir roTicn. - Wc offer our services to the soldiers and widows of soldiers of the war of 1812 to oU.iin the' pensions prorided for ty the' late Act of congress. 1KY1)E & lJAIl.KY, ' March .1 2m '- ' - Attornfys. t. STOP AT THE Yarborcugh House, G. W. IJLACKNALlK-rrourMtor.- l Vtf .' . . w. p. r. a. a'piaSaoa. I w. r. law (Draucs' lUarcljousc D A NV iLL E , V A7, -N. ' KOtt TIIESALEOP - LOST T 0 IJ a C C 0 ! Fait room ICS -by TO fi!,"' with nineUcn $f' Lights. . ' . t,..,T.I fl 1 1 .. 11 1 Inn In the loll-rst and OOlfttrl -fiJ Clul... .n.l IU T..II.4. 1 1 rare,' Warehouse ia jow- tleLa rcet Sa les . liooiu in Town. Wssrnna Inrted-np in arehnme at nieht. In-y J5Ullsfi llr.. tali ln4Teeu. 0't2S-ly. ! to Income) 0 09. iwr.n com past: UnjirU ymr, mmd timmullg tktrtfltr. , r tlu atxoud annual paraocaL. aU if aU. 8. J). WAIT. Cement Agent, OFFICE, N D , b V A $9,011.0011.70 ...1,000,000.00 PltSIDKIT. a a A8I8TAKT 8CCKETAIT. ' 8KC ITA EY. ACTPAET. .SurEKIHTtSDtKT OF AOEVRKB. '7" LEWIS C HANKS, Aoext, LXXIHGTOK, N. C. nun, x. r. Advantages of Life In surance. w The North America Insurance Caaaaay fijtto prrinluaia ftniSly without rhatfe, W. H. lIULUKkKFKSt, Aireat, Nortli America Ufc Ins. Ca. TaoMasviLLK, N. C. Sir. Vou will please .aooept my aia eere thanks for your prompt payment, trilkmt chunjr, of the amount ol tbe policy of Insor anee op my Husband's l,lfe, niuonnting to lbs sntu of three thou 'and dollars- At your ear. nest altd repeated solicitation be was induced to insure in your Company, and now wa art til a rccipcuW ol its benelits. To vou nnd the Xorth America Life Insnr ance Couipuny we shall feel under obligations, ' such as only the widow and fatherless can feel and express. May yon hare success in inducing other to insure in yonr most liberal company, and may the Ixinl of tbo w idow and orphars bleaa yea und prosper you in your good work. MAROAaET C. IURa-ftl, ' ' of Jlowan Mills, N. O. Mr. irolderness is also agent for tha IJrer pool, London and Globs Fill Insurance Corn pany, which insnrea all kinds of publfe and prr vatn buildings, Hailroint Depots, Bridges Far- Tories, Kounderios, Mills and Merchandise and pay" all iu losses promply. All lettors addressed to Mr. Ilolderness, at Tbomaitville, N. C will receive prompt atten tion, dee 3 tf piAr SIX COLD MF,ALS .-J VnaamtaW. lfwSO. Uve just been : In Octojj to - w-. iti STEIFFt n.J Avar Italti Blare. For tLo best,L: .rf v. Y0ri, piaBoa. orrit'E ABD warsrooms: q ivvniijswijiwtwi . . BALTIMORE, Md. STEIFF'S PIANOS have all the latest im provements, including the. Afrrone irenie, m7 KreaU and tb improved French Aclioa, fully war. ranted for five yeara, with prtyilege or emiuaage. within twelve monuis n no enfrotj iMBr pnrckssers. ... '' ' , " . . . , m .-J 0.1.. rirn.fw alaraya rsecoua aaoa i lauva " o on hand, from 50 to 1300. ; f Ttcforeacelt; wo aaTwewr rraw. . ,. u V. Ijo I ailntrtoa. Va. '.it . -t t ()en. Rouen nsnaom, n iimiiin". . " ov. John LeUiha'. Uxingtoa. Va. Messrs. B. Burwell Hon, tharlotta. H. C. -ITeif,1nmb and mind Institute. BaWfk, K. C. Misses Xash sad KoUoek. HilUbara Ut C. Terms Liberal. A eall Issaliaitod. r.ti j - vi ty Brown Beinhardt ara agent lor tM aala af the abo-e celebrated Pianos. -r fianos sold at Fsytory prices.. jaly ly Change ofx ScHeduIe On and afler TodncsdaT, Jan. 25th. 1871, trains will be run over this road in accordance with tha ful lowing . - - TOETABtH. CrRAILlaOAD TRAINS N0BTU : siraaji 1;lj an I.. - l aiva. , Lsava. aaaira. Lax a. VzZSte :. tti. - ; i ii? r rihiikft t.M P. M. I .F- mm - r roafh a,... UoklatKH-a',. 'I I t jiiuj ' ixra. laaiy'a. I Lai t a. ''ssstya. ! Mtava. stt..s. CharH4t, t ran Sali.hilrj, 1 Orrn.oro C.SIna, .11.11 IMM 4M A (an a a iim- T41 . I.iifl r. , l - IN , tara! i ll,i n IIH ;ll.eTaaila.s i 43 lal'lf. ' a.e A ol,lsl.oro i TT. Hr0HKEr Mailer of Transportation. nuii'imij riwr.- - Mrs.HenryJMUIeCs .... n r Boarding IIouso, COR. Si-WHEP.X A rKRSOXSTS. It A LI! I (all. A c- M.II-tf OrtXF.D JtOVXXBFK HC2 i'-i i ... ".'-. BWr J I