i " gC(Dliyorll grate 8ALI3BCKT. rKlliAINMAT ft. JIIK SAT10N CUI.I'IT AM' T11E.A. TIOVH W'flT. Tbs"ijp4li of rvrnit rvffnw W UWox o of Hrltii Inlrrwl Ji over ewwiry. A ,rtU-lof tb lUpuUImn Journal .ml lb-pub- - t a 1 1. lLn iIiwm ar for ri ! J" drU Mr lb rraiiit jmi ra'i.xi Mr. rWraUrr lUMilwell, aad U eaimul ' that b bas w.siiaced ! flaanora of lb couulry wllb skillful ability In n.lnf bUa Una of pullir, I.U-K bj, so far, bern lb Hk7 uf lb jovernairiit Mot ' b I'11 Utfatnra and Ji.arr.al of tb P.- publi-an rty , are Wf Innlnfc o oiiralb.u if. ilM of Nr. I"ocitU' lic-y, wmI ar rapidly beoinlnit a trong frWnds'of revenue rfrro tl aU-al Ule-aien of lbs nppualiluu pony. Tbla fw rwiulara It alnioal certain lit preaenl Guahilal policy of government a ill w t abandon ad, and U public debt Ml lo be i-atd. in wbole or l part, by tb Real generation. Tlt tbl I ibe P'mT can bardl b ilotiUrd, ll oraaa la , by InuWttA suiramra aud gov amaartrt finaJK-ittr, who mill tab ihm paiiialo aaak lhpjvlv Wvil aojiiainlij vitb tb sub ject. Va give below a vary abl artUW on th aub- Jert from Ilia (It'cago 1W, Uia 1eilIno; of-' pan uf Ilia Rrollirn part In I lie North tVswt. 1 h i Trtluin't argument aai lo im lot inviu abll the taVino roucv. ..J .... XU. Qreclr.ln rrcrtit !anlstin of tbe ?po1 Irv of oaying" tii national di-Ll al lLtfr.ua of' o((y) per month, ay i NolliiDK u Midrm a naiiim'a crmlil aa an b vIoim reMiivc IorH awlily out of MA. lUinda growing mora and wore avarc are aura lo a rwial. ThU U untrue. The natinn. wlioe credit in the "atiffwl" in the world llirral ltritnin) and 10 vlikb niiiiulUu will WihI al the Uwrt nitt-a of intereM, ut nlr hit inatlo "no obvioti rr anlr to k-1 rM-4li'l.r mi! of debt," but, through ail Uci Mat'"'" .cwmimurta, M wrll M ljr hrr actual U'ulalion, niioiincn Imt IntrnlKm, go ir aa me pmrni gvnt'ruuon m muwrnni, nerf to IaT hrr debt In dm), for nrarW a (cntnrr ah ha not had alaln-man who Iho I auch etMinw doiml'l". I nilvr Ihia poller, i thoufli not wholly fur thi nnMin, hu be come the hnnktr and monrjr lender of all na- tiona. A aum ronmilerauly jireaier limn me in lerent on her debt in annually nid to her in in lercat on the debt of other ii.nliniia held by her, Ownintr the wholo of her own debt, and a hiri: almra of the di-bu of foreiicn natiiina and cor pur atiou. he MaixU forth a the rredilur nation of the world. While Mr. Grcihr would climate her debt to be l.trj-i r linn that of any olh er people, political t.tiiomit woiiul (i-nxiv that, ot jM-Milion, ohe is the lex! in debt. To ear that "nothins o mi dona a nntion' credit aa an obvioiia reoolre to pet aHvdily out of debt," ia to awrt that nothing o inTile a creditor lo lend money at low rate of intcrexl aa the a4.urance tlmt he will oon hare to chnnge hia Investment. !' to avert that nothing no enumrugue the ooi.u to make a aavmga bank of the nation an to autisfy thou that, if they de posit theiriiionpjf in it lo-day, they muat with draw it to-morrow. It into rt that nothing ao iuviteacapilalUui to buy bund forgoing into auoo.il Jlanking m the nwimpce Hint, alter a year or two, they miMt rerouatrtict their bank on aome'new baain, or iiave the pririlcce of banking taken mrny. It ia to axacrt that noth ln m induce men of wealth to buv n.itionnl bonda a tnalia of providing a fixed Income for their children, or of endowing great inliiu ' , ' lion of learning for all time ( come, or of gir- - ing credit and atability r-r life, ore, and marine inaurnnce eorpoiaiiona, a; the knowledge that - I'l .. . . . U y U n 4 Cungfr. anJ U lo'r wi well " And mh 'W"J ' l.HJfUl I:j.ii1.11cb j'Hiral lleNw Ytk r if Jl. lh rrt1au.t A4rtUrr,h Spring .tj J(rj,mUemm. h Ktiom, tie JIufTalo ( vatm'f. th CMnaatl. Cum m truth lb 8l. Kmd VaAmf.'lWt1lMu rn". lh pitroH fYthw. 4'rfkw tUlMiatai th r-nalir f .Te.aU, ali o-l. in f r fjlr prHartIo f th ra'ara i.f tMr pilllU ! i - . l..iJ la iK ttlinatLm Oflhi.rl.MiU " ... rtj.l j wl Mtoal 4 lb INHificraiif l.n i .... . J.HUBi. . .f rUararler aud blll. 111 ll le of h..o-ty aa J jwlfWllajq In JtHpublU-B la to U (..nad la th f.wt I hat k lo mnrh iBdrjH-adBre to aurrru lrr Ma miI tlonaof tight nnrwrtrdly t lh e.Milr4 l lltfany. YHt aXJUiaraU: I Ilrimwrat lu X.irih Car..li Trntnree ti ! rrela that am manly fudpendrae which huld tole i praUeworthy and palrHle I political oppoiifiit. ll howl U $H op Ij crrtaia amall fry jwdiiiciana who r Ineap Ll of tllug charitable r magntnlium tw of lh art auJ conduct of olher. Th ludeiiendW.! i at our duoum 4 hy three rrtilealaTM f prty. If e Ur U mr la acctrdanc with th dictate of kit woomtI rnr or lb leb lr .f pairlotiam. If La U uol ready U dri nJ evertliitif don by hU owii "party, rfAf or' wrmng, and cvaJmr rrry tMug dun bjr th oppoalng party, right or trrvHtj, lie i pruuounrvd to b wore than a radical, and both IUlicIauii peiuc' crali are warned atfiifiot him. II la arcua ted uf L.iut( a Tnitu and la aiUiawtliil llalli it know a, aril hiiuaelf at once and recelr hia reward. Aud all llila by men wjio are the inot abject of alarr who have atreudy aolj ttieniM-lvri into the vilcat Inindnge that cau be eoiiccived that bondage w hich recrutly cattaed meii, U'lh iu our Slat Leg irlature aud iu Corcn-r, to vote lor tneaa- lire immediately after haviug iniiJe cooviue iui jH-ehv t prvve that they onght not to be paMted. The aneera and aaaaulta of uch men ran excite no other feeling iu th breaala of high uiimled, mairnaiinoiia, houoruble men aud patriot than that of pity or con tempt. It U universally couceded that in private life he who habitually does what he believes to be wr ng ia a diahoneat man; cau it be lean so with men in publk lifd f . ptirpoe. It ia lo aaaert that nothing ao atrength ena a nation aa to put an end to all financial in tereaU which it own people, or ihoae of other nation, may nave depending on ita duration and proaper'lyr It it to assert that, when the people are denied the privilege of lending their aurplua meana to the nation, and ao, aa the next Deat mean 01 mveaiing tiiem, iney jena inein lo the various Stutea, thia doc not give thelenuVrx a itronrer inherent in btate sovereignty than in national aovcreignty-i-in secession Ihnn in Ln Ion. It ia to awert that the attempt to puy a debt by oppremir.g the debtor does not tend to make him repudiate it aJtogether. The itateamcn of England, ICtwaia, France, and even I'nisaia, have found a per contra ac count on thil question to which Mr. Greeley resolutely ahuU hit even. Thia consist, partly, of the destruction of certain utilities which ni ital actiufrea when invcalcd in the form of a na tional debt, nnd which it loses when the debt i paid; partly in the fact that the property iu the hands of the tux p:iyer' ja earning, in connec tion, with their labor, from Yi to 40 per cent the average being about 27 per cent, while tht rate of in le rent on the debt ia betw een 5 and (i per cent. l)oe it tiv to aton a rate of produc tion of 27 per cent in order to get rid ol'a bur- aen oi interest oi only u per cent 7 Mr. Gladstone and every one of hia predecpa aora, back to and including Mr. l'itt, have a greed that it irtwiaer to leave die prajH-rty to inereaxe and niulinilv and replenish the earth in the hands of the farmer and the hiannfactii wr;-rThB'Tfl"r6 to pay it over to the bondholder to stop u per mm But. It mar be aaid. the bondholder must lend it again, and ao. iu some olher form, it muat re turn to our tax paver. No M.. .ilaivy bond- noioerrwouid lend to the nation who would not " ien dtreMt5wndiTeptT-v, to anvof it tax fa' vera, lladjhe principal of 'the debt been toilccted thna imt no uwter than we could pay it out of our annual eAminc. the aunis paid lo , the bondholder would have nought reinvest ment in other form among our own people.- But, by undertaking to wrench from the people for five year past an excessive rate of taxation, the whole producing and tax-paying classes nave oeeu aep -anwt" oi money, rale oi m tereat have been kent hich. and. instead of b ing ready lenders to the government, the pco- ! nave oeoume oorrowtrs irom lo reign nauona by the export vf onr ond, to the amount of a- bout 9l,YW,JW,flW.'' instead of nclng In a con- ' dition-tor lend to the government, many of the farrners in the northwest are borrowing, where they can, to A GO'D SIGN. We at knowledge the receipt of an invitation to be jHKwenl to-day at the decoration of the gravea of ihc (.'oiifederatv soldier in Greena boro; also nt the second nnrirersarV of the Greensboro Ixleetic Literary tin I). It is a pleasing circumstance that Hon ll. P. I n ic has been selected lo deliver the memorial ora tion at the Cemetery, and denotes an approach to the good feelings of the olden time. Two tears ago no utie Would have dared lo propose' thi selection of a leading I'cpublican to deliver an or.ttiou on such an occasion. Itut aa passiuii gives way to reason a kindly feeling returns, and ail are able lo sec that political associations have noritinsi to do with a just admiration for, and appreciation of, the gallantry and patriot ism :hat led the chivalrous sons of the South to pour out their blood like water for a cause rbic-h they pclievnd In lMai'XtmVwWjliOir4rrf be proud. The anniversary address before the Literary Club will be delivered in the Court House at fc oVlot-k, p. m., by I. K. li kfy, I'jxi., of llie I'lttriot. We regret our inability to attend. ikaf rVnale, thereby rrotlng that wtr rinal 14 lh llianllHAy unaa,vrii,(af lb aur lit birth Of ihla yat UalillillJt rd !) Jle.l of. gsn of lh ('4tM-ftsiif p-ny of Nunb n aid anltk lh grral mmtw sat t), cur mil M-toiy aad rrf rudM of (f g'rttsti events 44 a.4 svlal U mrf firi I That akh ki w prlalcd a ir art im4 lh dsd Umm" ft IU a) "ll aoci.l.iiiur (iurrfbor CaUarll a ed.-lually killed -and lh asm wa nfdn) front th rolum t.f It, "tVf.7rs, If near! erf rf In the ra.sr. J (ur l-ea f 1m (t day nf April contains art In foil, day w deem riilirlv aprnrUt la Its vLli.-iUi. Art Iho) aiWnrl. WfsiUaT n k" aud ite Mhatt lldrU." ( . T1XE-KUKLUXUW. ' , Tli AViiKrfS of Ns York, is lb wbll wk f pav psiblUhed ta lb Ulerratof lh ItrfMib- licaa party. That paper aajaua ap th Ka KImi hw a Mlowwf , i r- .- "The Ksl.ile b J.le lb Idtrr of tsssut- loll.w by dotlaring thai lo b nllifnagain4 lh 1'l.iled llslc ahictV nirthlrftiMre .ban viuW lo bulivUluals, and by rmining ll.r writ f kaUmt sarM to b ti-Hnlrd in llw of prc by autbiariaing lh I'Valdriil puy lh Military (urer in rr tA-h'g opousiliuti Iu Nnialaw without any iTpplUwikHi (aiHu authoriiU by vitevHlCg lh pmhiblilmi i-f lb fourth nib anvnUjtxnt to ca of private wrong; and by eh'iing ibe national rtwna ilk jui-ltion rr ordinary crimra and with lit funotiun of ordinary radii rrprcairf. ll (ladatr th rntitW afiril of lb CwrMiluthMt by r h (erring nwift lh l'rvidnt in llw f pvaaw mtliury dsxaetioa wtlch belontto bim only M com it a nd-Ain-ehif In tim of artttal war; and by ikwtmyinjl lh w-Ntrate alllMHigh Mib orlinal lnd p rtaUttc of the Nam within their rpnprial apbems wbii-h wsa lirnilv c UblNbrd iai lb Coitatiluliua aa an tjaHiuliai t- tur A our InfcjiiutH'iT TU A'aat-Vtitk abl and rrapcctaklo l!icatiirwn paprr, I diaciairw on lb aani stilJSct i "It cniM4 b disgtiiaetl lhiL lb paxax of this bill makes a crits In th Viii-l tn.iorr of the nation; a crisis which isKsfur all the wisdom of a great people lo meet itpwpi'rlr. In anr other country than our own ll ohJJ iu- rvitaily lead either to a ceulrallicd imrrialwaai or to ei'vil war. It ia only among a peopl loo? habituated to froedom and to nrprt r law llnl rulers omld be Kund la htdd aikh iHiWerK even fi.r k Week, without danger to liberty." "Ia oilier nations, with such a grant of power as this, a strong exuentira would strike (of abao lute snrervignlr, and a weak on would quickly l led hy ambitious adriacra to do the same. Her w are safe against such a danger. The present President, whatever mistake in states manship he may have made, ia an hhncat pa triot ; arid thai usurpation w hich Gen. lirnnl i too faithful and loo pure to deity, even a reck less and corrui man in his place would be (h prudni to alteuipl. The habit of freedom ha foVTrriyrd-mnng ntir"Tcriple the material of which slaves are made, and no sudden aeutircul ab-xditte Kiwer Is lo be feared here. The fal.1 step must Im? retraced. The Act must be disowned bv the nation, liul it is with regret and remonstrance that palriolie citixtii will hear Ihc exhortation already intend In .NOTII f.UioUXA KTATE 1A1IL H .I.. Ktmp P, Laul., rroIJiiit of lb X. Caruliaa Nat fair, La j pointed oo direrdar to Uk char; of rack depart nicol of arlUleaon takilritioti. ThU dlrtwtor will mwuu with Mom If lw r snore' oik sf pvraaai of inssllb (rmwanj skill aha I'd aid Mm la lb pr fnnnami of Im dmiaswTI Cwsusuitw at rbsrgr4 with ail Miwiskwa relaliaig lo ibrir drrtm4Nils, whb apiHdnlmeotofJudgea, prtij ar I'tacliig of aitU I.- f.ir aklUiiua, Ao. ThU erjablaaiion will sawk (rvaUrtuiciincj In U maaagraur of t t,r. V glv twluw l lrtir of Mr. IUtil lb Chaliaian, aod U tr aante and reapedlv drlartartila Fia j Hy virliMMaf srodulion of.tba Kxecw liv lWndaali4SMi:lHr. I aiixdnl you Iu iI i harp, aa'tlVfaulni'd of J'm'rs frilfj aii'flfcvj, t U otlrnanUivd that shall aUle with voursrtflwo or anr g.-otbmcn intrriatrd ia it. iiefHirtmrM, sad that you will endeavor by rurnirfiU or and other mrsna, la arcurt al our Brat rMat l air aa larj: an ribibilliHi of ut.J.11 uiHlrf your eat aa a-.il,Ie, All auo bar atlrdd our orrtiuoa Plat Fair bar .! I I.t ' . . . t I . roim-vu ana rr(m ihai va ry aiany erucica, hUb Wasald Jo 4 Slal credit, cannot b aaiad lh grouiwla, ami are krpl awav on ao cotiiit vf the wnt of tairrjirUa and iudl fjervne of Ihrlr owner, Th l.'xntilit CuaiOiltlr minrt and ex pect that yol wili m arrh out such arlk lea and rndeavor to avrur ll VMoU-r next numbers ao grwal and of a ijualii ao auprrior a will inter rM and InslriH t tbf "s'jir and tiroprrly show bsruduea.ii and , aTof 4nki'riiaa. 1 f yuu acn pi Uii M will b IW pm tliicr of your t'onioiillr, at the next Fair, In that ll.e artielti ia onr lb partms nt are proprrly l lscd Uit rxhihiliun, lo secure ihr artki ul skilunl sad rrltanui JiuTea in tlic. coinpiiilH n for prt nuuaaa, and beswre lhal llieae I.. ' . . I. .ll .1.. - i l l ... an i tiij'iiiiv. If lh pLm bervin rontrwiplalml shall be car ri. l uil with cnerjrT, I am iniiGdeul the lu ll Ksir wilt be ihc iuuM attractive ever known in ihu Suie. Vi-rv reaprctfrtllr. " KLMPi nATTLi; Pmddent CIIAIMEX OF (t)MMITTKl. kRbcrt F. I Ink. Kaleij!h I'ertilisri iTsiXerr, lUJtih Mimrjlj MnJ'blLdaw.-.. .m -T, Georg W. LTae-WtriUleigb-Mulea, liouJir uaTs ll arket- 'i gb florsr ' and The bulk of it is held abroad, and, when it is paid off, ilia, capital represented .by it goes to .itroper -in niobt cases to be reinvested there, hot her. '. The unxlatesmnnlike attempt to squeeze th bulk of the debt out of our people jn uja.or twenty years nas catiseti me exporta tion of all that part of it that is hot kept here . .iy soma legal xeslraintau , ' - It is simply a question of time how long the country can stand the effects of thi great blun der. Idr. Greeley- may extol if, but the Kepub lican party will nnd that it consequences gen- - eral distress and stagnation in alkind of busi ness r a heavy burden for them to varry aL the next national election. ", J. U. CiHPESTEK, of the Uulherford Slur, J udge' Logan's recent messenger, is mil in a.card in that paper in which he denounces the editor of this paper as "a wilful and malicious liar," on account of the statement made in these col umn of 4lie Jiule Logan n flair. The whole matter will probably undergo a thorough in vestigation, hiid if it shall appear that we have done Judge Logan any injustice we shall feel it our duty to make the amende honorable, and all take pleasure in doing so. While the statement of MrCarpenter, admitting it to be true, shows that we were not accurately informed as to sonic of the details of the matter, it does not show that we did cither him or.Jtide Logan an lujiisltice. it is certiiuily a matter of no conse quencc whether Judge I.ngan's original lcttei or a copy of it, was read in the Senate. As to the original destination of Carpenter it wax so well known in Kuthcrfordton that Mr. Carson was immediately despatched to Washington af- hW'tOT.tnTfTttra false is that Carpenter's affidavit was read in the Senate. We had seen it staled in eome pa per that such was Ihc fact, but it now appears that hirt-rtaleiiuut..aa.!u.UM it not swfirh to? as Carpenter, like Judge Xogaft," "afraid"" to sircar To Tifs'sfafchtcntT For surely, uuless the statement was such that ilr. Carpenter was "afraid" to swear it, no serious injustice can be done to him or any" one else, by so fminaterial an inaccuracy. And now we say to Mr. Carpenter, as Uncle Tobj said to the ay, "Uo, poor thing, the world is wido enough for me arid thee." v me (inarlers lo meet it bv violence and disor der. The constitution, which has I tin outr.iK- id by paing this Hill, provides the means for lis own viiiuicmmn. ' 'll ins ursi irsi esse nun can lie brought behe the Supreme Court oflhe I niled Stales it will don' :!inl0 found and de clan d, in a way whi- n fanaticism it lf w ill b'eed, that 'Congress cannot sliolisb (he Slal.-s and renl the cons.ilutloiv. Lren ahonl 1 it l iiiiuuiible t'i ct!'nBch a jilgWMiil before ihe next ini-etiug of Congrea, yet the Act will, tre then, have been studiml b he 'peeple J aud public opinion will demand imperatively thai it be removed fiom the slalule hook, liy such oniv eN iwu iaifu, uiukr llat (nrnta jit law. be met in a manner Worthy of tlie nation, and the means, w are confident, are udi-juate to th end. : y-y - '. . ; "7 J From the Telegrami J!y THE WAT, when will it anil the conveni ence of ohr( "independent" neighbor, the Td& gram. 10 aenne tu position, or when- Will it con has becrf made too poor to own its own debt. I .,; " Z,:-j l",u" "'" "' w die f Sentinel. Tfaeffru will aiBjiydtfliiel the convention question, by actively opposing thai m-fliire, when in the estimation of its conduct ors the time shall have arrived for the ocnin'g of Jbe campaigns tor the present, the Telegram baa other matters to attend to, aud occupy the attent'on of its editors matters pertaining to the well-being of the State and the "material in terests of the people matter which thc&nriW and other' party organs setra to have entirely ignored, thriving as perhaps the oiay do, bet ter on fwliticmlrwritwnenT and party hate, than in educating a healthy public sentiment, and encouraging and aiding the indtflrial -intertl of the eoimtrv. The Scjiiiuft mar lrawcNeT rwtT - X.i .1.1 e. .1 11 .i .l a"urcU"Vi liic-liie, inai, in iiun.an in nil ou.er . v , .i. ri.A..A.i -;n 1 r.MiunArro.i ru.a mn.a.iii. uu lwi I .. .iT.,L... .ll..i ,... ih. I'ti,,,," T........ Tllesftld -expresses HStonisTilnelit at the con 1 " "" "'fc-r! ."r. -:'. .- r.:.. 1 .i . t.: t- i.: nr an iu. ,to-al itll or l.artw alillilier.iliiiw I lll.ueu.ui.uu oi uic iruu ....4,o""i. loeii, p,,,. ' . . I it aaySK'i going; ytras steadily" now a Id the Tlie rr?!jrm!rrte1nietf rttm the Corr j trwst disturbed fear, yiieeoatovcn ia Kt ventfon question last winlcrlJProTe the bilFwasf ready crwnVda'tb FnrrMtR wftbrogh -rtiw passed or even intrrsiuctu a position mat int season naa omy cointneucefi. na 11 is ex greil remocratic and Whig ta,teJim-'ri of North jtecled that beftire eumriter the w;eekly de- HORRID SCENE IX KUTIIEKFORI) COUNTY. On Wfdnpsd.-ty etening,' the 25th inst. abi nit 7 or 8 o'clock a father mother aud four children were murdered, io one house about 11 miiea north iif thi phicn. On Wednesday evening as Silas Weston "and hisfamily were arising from their supper a noist was heard 011 the premises which attracted thr atten tion of Mis. Weston and a she approached the door a (hot was fired tluoiiii a small hole iu the door taking effect near the eye of Mrs. Weston; in 11 u instant three tueu bursted through the door and entered the house with pistols in hand one firing shot after shot into the father, another firing on the cli i llt eu killing ane afier another until the entire family of. -Hair lav 011 the tioor. l'lieii they fell 011 the mother beting and st.iMiiuic her in ;i great number of places u till slut and a sni.ill child were supposed u be dead. When the work was complete as they supposed tlicy set the house on (ire hoping to consume the bodies and runoff. The mother succeeded in crawling out of the house after tlie parties left, but before the (he had made much headway, with her youngest child, about (ins year ohl, which was still iilive. T he lather and the children were lonsunie.l iu.lhe .tlaihes. ' The mother, with the small child, iliude her way to a iitijliluu-a;-itiMejuitiB liitlf mj'fl-.ilstaji?! where she p.'cicurcd a-irgtcal aid and i8lili alive t'j tell of this horrible scene. Her wounds are prououneed by her physician as dangerous 1 and that it ia hardly pobfiible fur JlaklllUgV.ffra .IJhll yOttUstllUJyibJlibJuia. a dangerous wound 011 the neck, will pro bably receiver. --ib aiming. UMHfeer sw positively t the parties being Ciumibus Adnir, Govan Adair and Mrtri; Rgtlard, al so to the part (lint eiich one Jfted in the scene. The parties live netialmr and she knew them well. The ollicis of the law and the whole people olJiat part of the county, were vigilant ir apprehending the parties and deserve Jfreat praise t.r s promptly arresting ad bringing to justice the felons. -Jlr. Wefton wus a witness in a ease now fortriat ifj which, the Adairs and Danard were defVjidaDU. aud wa thought to neanimporUi'at witness against theiy and it i supposeif jliat for this oause this horrible crime was committed, no -othes rerHihlicans of the at ictk-st sect aud nothing Uol. F. Hoke. OVo, W. ftlecknall and W. P. Wililamaon Trial ofrWd. Kolsrrt W. Wynne. Kait Icb-Cattlc. Sheep and Goat. Kiehard D. Haywood. Ralslcb wia. IVw! try and le. m. A. Illoiint, Kinatnn Vegetable, Hour, leal, liacon. rUli.rlt I'rovimona of all kind, Prrad, Cnkca, lrrrrviL third Fruit. Soap. Ac J. M. Heck, lUbji'ijh Fruit, Fruit tree and tl men. . M'm. G. rpeburvb. Ralehrh Cotton. Grain, Pototiws, Tobacco, sad all farm product ia a raw at ale, t M . . -j Petit C Smith, rVoiland Neck Famdiig .... . implement and I'tcwmg snutcinw. It. 1. Williamson, Kalelgh Machinery, In eluding stram, bora and hand power. - F A- Vonler, Salem Vehicle, Saddlery, ( abinet Work, ahoea, bala, hardware, earthen ware, holloware, brick and marble. Thomas M. Halt, Haw Kiver Textile fab ric, paper ami printing. K. lrevard lvibon. Charlotte Field crop. Peter F. Peacud. Kahih-Household fab ric, l.iiicv work and flowers. It.itiicl M. lUrruijtr, Itakigh Statuary and paintings. ( onimiltee to revsa Frrmium Lit uoU'ii F. Hoke and William G. I'pchurch, Kaleieh, Thomas M. Holt, Haw Liver. - InlrmMioK IahI s uHb4 of n deiMirt- nienl rail be had of the gontleman in charge tncrenr, or Irom . KlfP P. BATTLE, Tres't Jw.. lnrBR 't Written if the' Old Nerth 8tte. TIIE ORI3IN OF SOXO. Song, likeeveryiiingelse, had a beginiug. aud it4 bd IWMM-Urmg-to do- wrth- Hv Thv musician discovered by . man. It tries aim. M" every thing on earth niai e if there Is ulisie iu it. It persuades Igreat bell in the tower .-le'p; it makes a mouru- 't pines; it plays ujion f trills forth its solemn mid riples the surface of sort of a Kouud out of the when the sexton is ful harp of the fori the tree till every h nnd beautiful notes. the river that runs . APPOIXTMFXT OF JUDGE. Governor CalJwrfl ba. appoint! Col Will- A. loor. Lbowau. to DII It V eaacy U lb Judgeship ia this, tb Snd Ja dlelal MalrWH. I . The Judg srl'l iMninnc bl dulle at F-drwei'ttib Conrt om Moudar it W (xiufra our Satl.firlloW al tb swlcctlon of Cad. )l,m auJ iUwiti it la cLarttod that h tumbled lutif.tb radical rank a w var sine fvt lh purj. of ubululn Jodgrhlp. wa yet bava eoufljenc Iu hiia a a aem Iowa a of ability aad reicUbllity -whibthU legal acqu'rwneula aroaaldfi tVrryrlr. Ill tb beat Sfleclloo lhal aMild bar bera niad from tb radical ranks m bit ll must bat lwg a sever blow lo thr Taultiaf ambliioa f rvrtain Nieinlnsrs uf that party la this Uistiict wbo tuiuied id iMwltloaas peculiarly tLrlroau, Jud: MiHir will w.evl a lib tb twi r speelflil R.nlderatlowto bis OrWdtle and we feel sure that h w ill so fur forget bis uarty prciileclloiis as lo tveuro a riutiau aao- of thai rrsprel Jusllv d'l III high anu 111 viiuiii a ponio- wroow w rrnor, 1 A Seller !. a lady, w hvw busln l was, unforto- rflely, addicted to tb habit of drluhlng tiMik il Bl. herx IC, to vtrit tli place wber bar Hi ge lord g4 tha,nian id iia rulu fur lh imriMNi' of putiinf a iop to It sale so far as iter family -uoirl febaweot Intn tb bar-roin V Ith -w slink ta her baoa usititf it with vigor nrw'tl the hrd and sboul del t.f the denier iu lisfuor. Hxiq fned bitO to bent a u tieal.H Rh then brok a deeauter on thentiinlrr. amnylrd th lamp orhedt in h r wrath and fifty knocked lb wiudoW. KTistrand attnTr.frrTrrMirrTmdplay4 smash geiieia'har A number of gentlemra who "rreia lfi bar-room at th tun "r I ir-l in KIM order," avouiiugly auiiireban' sive that rfeir turn Uiigbl come next. Th iuj :redifM and luothrr. after beardiug the hi den. aud wrraklng Iter vengeance e Implement f hi trad, quietly re urea to her home, no one otfmiog any lrtnc to hrr. The straugest part uf tb hob; story i yet to b tolJ t The conduct f this plucky woman wa endorsed by the giMMi sropie 01 llie ioh 11 grnciaiir. o mat to.leir! steps wereTaken lo punish tins In fiartioii of a linuor seller's riahis. We mention no uiames, let it should bring U K- trofip to look after on of lb Pouthera female K. K. i. Rockingham, Va. Jlryuter rr.-r-lu a iielvhlMirlng town, a fw weeks bo There I a thread in our thought as there isa pulse In our heart; he who cau hold theoiie. kuov. s bow to think : and be cau move the other, kuowa how to feel. We art-beiy in a wayfaring pjare ; what we si-e is but thr furniture of au iuu ; it does not belong to us, save for a momentary use. A roung mnn, George IMham by name, was stung 011 the ear by a honey bee in Y estkill, Greene coumv, 011 Thursday last, and died from ibe ellecis ia es tuun an hoiir. The local ac counta say that, soon after Icing stnng, he "com plained of feeling faint, and turned spoiled.". SAL1SMJ11Y MAltKLTfc MAY 5, 1871. axroBTaa sr j. 4 Mccoxaai'ouxv.eaoctB Bacon. peruound. l-'ollr. perpouna, t'm, per buab.of N1 II., Heal, buaU. 40 " Couiicraa.. litl IwMuJ. Cuuilles. Tallow, Adauiaiiline, Cotton, (Kir K)0ud, i ara, per buacu. 14 to 9-i to 76 to Ml to oiiumi ib q . 20 lo 86 to 11 to 1.40 to 1 BO "46totu" r- mother, with the father I children, been this the good cousuiited iu. the house, people of i hat neighborhood ihight have been suirerint! in filthy prisons for tm crime on tha charge vf being rebel Ku Knsx. The father we eohmtd and tbeniotlier WiAwtifle' i ; 1. . . 1 1 !a - J..-.1.I. . 1 wuicu wiium iimv ivyn it n uihioiv coiorim of K- K. in the eyes of radteaj official. I ia trulv a Provideura to tha Deon'e olnhi eouuty that this woman was spared to telrthe tale, not only that Ihe felons may be brunghl o justice, but that the innocfut may uot sutler tn these times of wild excitement. Z 'Mie iiffer;:nce. For some weeks past the Democratic and Conservative press othe country haa been teeming with praises of tfie mauly and pat riotic Murse ifnatorsTjwtibull;jwnd Scbars iu relation to the Ku-Klux bill. Ther have, it is deelaretl. proven tliemselves to be ' palriota of tbe hitfiieat type byi rising tupe- nor to party dictation and interests vt t!tir country trammels, -geualor Trumbull has even "re-1 brlore' lh fimaluretof the presidiliir oiUccrsbad JuIii.llinnoV-T.T'a: tfrrdi y n.elu t'" allacTieif U the birf. Profeasing lo keep , .k.Min. . .1 . , i- . . i nn wrth b biuo, and piibkshing a liv newtL I.-J7-A newspapcr-t to be .fstahlidied i 11 A44rM UMne people ofl mM Stntna" .J, copied Ihe bill for vbluiofl 4he -fhetl.r.t.. h called iV rMountaineer.-JJLMc-by the IVini-cratic atd (VavrvaTiye tneinJ T'lrs" the morntng after its filial passage in. Neili, editor and proprietor: 1 -. j t.arollia.eiawineu am ueeiareo 10 oe tne oniy 1 prtures from tiiat port will average UJaal. r - .1... iLJSrThM isxition Delore we were oorn : ana our rea- tu ina r,ri.,;.,l fnim i'Un: in -.fut- f n .r. a 1 de" ,UMl Ut ef ll,e 'nvonVT V i Tipper-arv. Meath. Westmeath. ' and the lte of party .i:., .c- e onl.ltgd o in GcLl v L, I iviiii: a e'jiwii t. , tins jut its base aa murmering accuniiiiuieut. What a inelo ly il siugs when li givea a concert with a of the sea, and performs an autWm'betwceu the two worlds. thi.t goes up. perlmpa. t.i the stars that love uiusie most aud sang it first, . The musician of geniaal a privileged be Mig. II Is not forbiden to violate the se verest precepts of niusia. when the depart tire from them 5 jus'ified by the eflect pro duced. Iu music, as io all other fine arts, it is the business of the artist to assign aud '-hj'wiefTtt provinoe of genius. "' ! We will givJittiful serenade "The Li(iojJJlt -which half bep written on tibad cffecl'4if iiitemperate' fiidulge"in strong onus, lucre is so inucli trutlijtrl tins serenade that all" who have seeu it ad- " mire it for its truthfulness : 1. Of all the crimes that ever Has been", The selling of liquor is the greatest sin. It has caused mote misery, pain aud woe. Than any other crime on earth, I know. Chorus. Oct nnt of the way, ye liquor seller. You've ruined many a clever fellow. 2- It's caused the father to bewt the child, And set tlia mother almost wild. 1 It's eau.ai-d tji cl.ildren bitter cries. Aud tears to stream fron the mother's eyes. , ".CWua J , 3 76 luS.So 131.00 30 to 39 to 3 to 0 3 to 6 t- 6 to 0 63 to 30 to 6 to 8 to e to s Ter pftHnd," Kiour. neraack. Kiali.Mackeral, 1. '1. 9. 3. Fruit, dried, apples pealed, . " " unp id, . Pe ?liea,. I,i,al'. , " " aiiiwaled. Leather, npper, per pound, . " sole, ' Iron, bar. " 6 to 0 " castiuga, " 8 to 16 Vails, cut, ; e to 0 Molasses, anrglmni. er ga 50 Vt'csi India, " 60 to T7 " Hyrlip, I .Ml to 1.97 Onions, per bushel, 60 to 74 Poik. per pound 19 to 10 Potatoes. Irish. er Iniahel 75 to I. Ml " Sweet. " 8.1 to 1.00 Sn)far, Brown, per pound 13 to 18 I tunned. " 1 to 16 frushed Pulverized 911 to 9(1 Salt, coast. per aack l.0to9.H0 Liverpool, " 9.9fi Table, 6.P0to6.00 Tobacco, Leaf, per pnnnd , b to H Mnnnractiiivd, ' SO to 1.60 Hmokiiiir. 40 to 1.6(1 1, AVILL CUBE THK 8EVERE8T Headache -1st 0XE TO FIVE MINUTES. MAGNOLIA WILL CUBE ANY CASE OF THE iinpurUtloa of lb .'. 175 flhds. 200 Bbls.i ALSO Ifx) II1.J. a"J 2tx) lil.l FU0AR. HOUSE WOLAHSKH. I'ur sal by WOKTH & WOUTH. IS lut Wiluilujtoa. K. Ct I Wuns. rirn a. H Mfl .is a 1, rmp aw lyils Sm Mmi ll ,m4 4 C iiaim HA , I. i ial Neuralgia IX Ff?E Tb TEN" MINUTES. MAGNOLIA WILL CURE ANY CASE OF Rheumatism (WBKai IT IS AT ALL CUKABLK,) IN ONE TO THIUTY DAYS. MAGNOLIA WILL KILL ANY SORT WILLIONa Slrar 1rlaiy . V4i'Kl tril ISwa, Thrywa mt U faary ftrUh, Mar raa Kan. n klkr. 1'rnl rlrti a a Strfaa . 1.1 a ara ililtHn aJ awl 1 imialia aaaaaab U.uiMlifil " TmiIc. -Am-t.T "laiaan'ta, 1 hat ImI 1 1 tl )rr i w 4 1 aaUiaamal raSautaat an ' aim M4U. l ii.nr i-MnHts hi K na llta ' Wff.l.. teii frVw Ktri'lrWli illi M1aa.' aia. Tis-T'ia.iaAT HI.Otr ri Bt FicuaiHi a i.i rr fiivimii rai irkat. aprrlxut li.W(.i.r aI !. i4 Om Iraaav carrjluS ut all ivtav w aliar aaMl sairia ImS las atalilijr nxxlll1""- h a as'ran w tuar Ha . lara acourdiea l alnctlffia Ml u a-llx ki( av0, nravi'll 1M1 ionra nn aVmy. y salawal r4swior oiIh'I r.Uf. ml Un luU rca aaa4 Wrnml llw poll'1 '' "I'll' Tkrr ar a (i ilr I'araollv as wall as Taalr, rmlnr. Um. Umt iulwr ari( ml aaUnf a 1 vwt-l fu! spmt In l!lrlir t il No ar ll Saw nation of thr l.lvrr. at4 all ika Tua-vral Utgaa. FOIt rKWAl.KiOHri.AI.XTM.Iraauwar ol.l.marrl arnwi iai af amnilial xiat . ihr tun) of Ills. tl Tonw UlUrra saw riiial . pr I aSnmiMC lory a4 CkmU St ktaaa It.M a a liaai, raral me UOrMlaa, Hllluaa. Kaaalllrat a lalraltlS 9mm tcra, illsonw t.rabe 111, Liver, K la tins and rllinler.i'a" nillrrWalaaM .mv-sl'd. mrh Itlaaaar arr cubstJ by Vlllatr lllaoil. Ui'-li 'iifisnilf puslao il t racawtw ul Ilia Dleallie )ik. U Hr-KI-KlA Oil IMMUKXTIOX, B arbf. Pa'n I" llnMio'i....('o.irh. T'alilaraa of law t'lisst. Illiilnrv,. g..ur Crurlallana Ik MfaMct. Da'l Tastr In Ills Mania. MilHMu AltacSJk l'al:IMa al lli li'nr' ! Sai.im.m. D of W Irfinsv Paia la than (la of : li. kldori . --Ml a hui. inl olbrr pajaral araa Ivrna. int ilu ne-f-lu- ( f Oyaa-aala. Tlisy tuTifforr.fv Ihs s ..narb anaiimn1atsWlorahl l.ltsrri l Ri 'Is. wlnrh rs is' f Hi m f anriaaJM rllira, ) in rls-as n a lb I lu, f til linpiirtlh-a. aa lm partlhT n lif au ri :hr to tbe a Uolr t'ttt-m. I s! IN llr:ASKM. lim-(lon,Tcttrr. Vail . Ilbrum, i:mtrb . rimMi, I'astnVa, Holla, Car- r. n tt r;n. Ss,,l l lint. R,,rs Kvsa. Knalar- "rtr.Uewrfr. Ii!nanailins ,-l llir Mill,. UuMonavl iiim-.!.' .1 il.: .-!.:u.4'l w.iatr t nao or isaiuw, at (il. Ii.liv 1uf u M i ' :irst..t 1 i:1 of lli. srs'rlli la a ab'STt I'.mt Ly 'lit us,- ,.l Ji w ltitUL-s..U ImmU Ik aw h . a-.a viilcoatuL-i Uia aiiul iisuraauluua rf Ibair cafB Iho td.r's. CIraL the Ti'fi,'1! T&j.1 Irm T-r )o fl'uJ Ita Ira ' puritia liur. iif tii-oiu-li the sl.iu In P!'Ti;ilsa, Eraa ttAin or - c!ii I; lii vin (lifl li ubstnK-iM aml'lazt' h ia lh .l i: cl It Wm It ladsal, aisl y.mr fiHirr.-a i:i I il5 iwho. K -sa tba nlu4 pur, and lit- h ul li . i" aA-'. iu w ll(.illo. I'Ih. Tapn, bb I ottiiT W nmia, lurklnr In th ariU ia of su niin (Ikiuj .d ., t,r (titaaily drstrorad Sllt PITH-V,,,I. tjUT a 'tM'fl'-nl.hsU ply"alrlal'. l.trs U Kurrefy Tn'ftrWrttifr-nitTtr ihr S saTUia mrlh mnmr l. slr '10I tmn tlf rr -mrr i4 wo-ma. ll la -furt anon tba liwlllir s4.ti4a l taa ainly that arunn cwf, t ut U'mh 'hs (lisiia'Ml lianhsra ft .1.1 atiinv uViNtaat Iliaf lirt'S! llta tlTTfiv mnnataf af - iiiiihiiaily.'nnr &$sn-.ztr2xi?z,.. want uitlrra. J. WALKEK. Pr. aHrtrr. It. Tt. MrPOJIal.D r CO, Vranrlata ami llm. Arsnta. Nin Vrsrwloso. California, awi N anil 31 Cnwuu rrs S'n t U Srw York. iE-ioLO by a 1,1, nruiimnTK and orLrn. . UUY EST. or PAIN JH ) I 1 i I -- SATL-IUiAY, THK tiyth lilt., a Tack axe, wliicli ia snpHMel to Imve lietn plncrJ in niv buupv tbrotiuli a mixtakt". Thcownor can bav tlie same ly call inn at tliis nfliee, ilecribin)f tlie property, and paying for nils aaverTtwawni. .--- t. W. O. WATSON. Salisbury, May 3f, 1871. 2t -NOTICE. I3VILL .0EEH11 FOR SALE at tlie Court ails iKxir, in Ihe town of Albemarle, on Sat urdaJlie 3U day of June. 1871 Fifty Acres oi Land, ihc property of Marcus Palmer, situated in Stnnly eonntr, on the waten ef Lftng-Craek, ailjoiiung tliatlunds of . r. (Jrowell and oth a. :rt Said land will be sold for the taxes due there on for the year 18119 anil 487G JOSEPH MARSHALL, Sh'ff. April 28, 1871M, , Stanly County, N C. , v 3. You've robbed thd rich man of bis weahh. a a ! 1 . I 11 ... . . You've picked the pocket of the poor, And sent thmu to beg from door to door. tfJhw'""-) : 4. Yoti've rohbeil tbn sutuaman of hia brain. Aful Mind hia, lied axiti aa iicbiog pain. M.r iu ma Kniit-r K.iind, rr-, r....i: ,-.j e -7. t 1. "'""S "iiu mr ma grouua., .t-norug.j 717' ; Vstenctb, " And brought him down in the mud full length, ' And left bim there to swear and roll, Aa though yon eared not Tb'r Us soul.' (Chui:u. . B. Yotl've bronirht some snrioliil cities low. And proved some riairoti'a overthrow. -You've crowned soiiid iijiglity king with v triad, !;. And stained soin placs with their blood. 7. Your, victim was in the chjprchjard foaad, a laying spread out upon the ground. Whh Tmttbjf wbtsWittiiifiiaTid, - Saying, -lielp me tip and 111 ftke a dram,". U, S. Internal Revenue. Collectoh's Office, 6th Pist, JT. C, uliiOinry, May lat, 1871. TXZS AIJWTJAS LIST - Por'187lA as been placed in nvy hands lor rob 4r4lM l tnxc ajaicam come due and payable. All persons having Tax es assessed ,againt them on that List, or due and remaining unpaid cm any other LUt, are hereby notinctt to meet toror my Ucpntie m the times and places mentioned below and ay said Taies., ,, A penalty ofclrve per cent and interest at ' the rate of one per cent per month will oe exacted Irom those who may neglect to pay for ten clay after the appointment Tor the coumy'in which inpy rcaiue Arrv person who shall exercise or carrr on any 'business or profession, for the doing of which a special lax is imposed bv Law. with out payment thereof as required, is subject to a tine ol not less than ten riprj APQOIXTMEXTS: For the preMfit Month,"MA Y) 187J. 1 PALISliURY, Mar 22. YADKIN VI LLE, ... " 23 JI()CKSVlLLV, 24 MONROK, 25 9. 'I'telt "YoaTlr;1a yoor concern, - i o te rftirt fbo far, J, greatly fear. You've led so mahy men astray. :. Yoa most b) lost in judgment STATICS V I LLD, CHARLOTTE. ' LlXCOLNTOX. URKVARD STATION, NEWTONf ' WILKTISnORO. " TAYLOllSViLLE. 22 26 & 27 25 23 23 2A ;SAH'Ii II.1 WILEY, -CoUectcfc- 15 FIVE MINUTES' TIME. WARRANTED. IT IS HARMLESS, IT IS A DELIGHTFUL PERFTJME, IT DOES NOT INJURE TIIE SKIN The pnrcLaM monej trill bm cbverfitllj retarned if it faila to do what we here assert. ... FOR SALE (W H0LE8ALE AND RETAIL,) - TIIE SUBS0RIUER IS AGENT for the celebrated WALTER A. WOOD MOWING AND Reap ingMachine.. This Machia ia ky alrnnot aniversal rnent tb very best ever invented, havin; taken tb bigbest . premium at every fair at allien it has ever been ex- -bitiitcd, either la thia country or Europe, lie is alse agent forth sale of all tin best- SULKY riORSE RAKES aow la as. Also forth best and most t a. proved THRESHING AND WINNOWING Mac nines, among which ar tb celebrated Westivyhuuse," Qtiu't unit Whaler , -an4-Metkk- MACHINES. U. W. BEST A CO., Raleigh, if. C., -General Agents CIDER MILLS, at tha haaf nitatitr. Paranaia in ff4 Aran a! Cl,aw'i I aim ii Mai hill's I sn Hlilm lln Mini Ilia aalaii lias) delivered at tke Prarei4 I'Kl'liT, at MAS UFA civ n Ens' PRICES. The snharriher sImi nrstmfarturrs acdkeepieoa staatly un bauj toraale alt kiudof v . - . Agricultural Implements brthr lafotln J rno approved patters. Ala all kindvi f r- And by aU respeeiable Drvpgisft in (jig -., ? " " 7 ' 7 SOJPtnERN STATES? May 4, 18717- 18tn. Kade aad repaired at tlie - Address,. JOSLTH n. TIIOMPSOV . -r Tvba: IiaviaAav 4ava April, !, 1871 tf. V.C.