j ......... . . , 4 . ' . " " . . v . ,VH - " . .. v . ' mm , - - r 1 .,- j j m ii u J lij i mi ii i "T - - aM-n ta- -!- -i -..a. MM in mii ia - . , , , . . w . . , - , i - .-,, x - v . - -- -aa, v. . , r '. : . . i ' ; . ; . . -. ' .,;'H:L - 4 .;. ... .r ........ v-...-4 - v . ... : .a1?Av ------:: 7. -V V i .. ; ' ..!. V; -.--v; VOL. Vh 7 . ' - 8I8DUllT?H :'JpNiriC.187i,:.. . .- : , , NoT AdmlxiUtrator'A Notice. Tk ml4rMNl kinff qiUt XAmltf irfritor npun lh lm of Jn M. Lorr tt.rehy mmiit all iwrmm rUiM agaia mU IritH kf il.iMl IM4M to klM Wtf l4 ftrrt dav a JuM. 72. Of lliU gtk IU U pim4& m bmr o lK4r iwavvrr.' mM4i-4 jUatinUnUar. I. A. DAVIS. DJtOKr-H AND HANKlil. tTlLL4rl ill I nllnl KlatM, SU. Cmmnr filjel& Norllj Stale rt'Bi uuc WKtKir r . t .K V I 8 II A N j: 8 . - Editor mi Proprietor ' Ona Yfb, patbl.ia Jraa. ...-I-1 00 S Op" MrM... IUCmiMliMa4l4reaa....... SO.U0 HaUt of Adtxrttsmq. Om 6juar, Ural Uairtio...'. $1.00 For Mch aJaitloDal laavrtUtn SO VucmM H.IU.HJ Xoiw, Hi.innt4arWhrrtliaa i iha abv raia. mnf. buv and aril ticKoi( karp dai ac- fMirt and Juatlo'a Ordure will ul.lih. LJm,,. mnJ .lk. ImlrmA a tit aKOW LtAlA jif . aaWt.JaiO. ULtl .Othtf xiXMti. UlfDTl. . - . . Obituary ontiea, oft all line., .bargtnl aa ad rafliarmrnt . CONTRACT RATES. Will rarrifa auWri 4 km ft Sxk and le- m A a nraata, mi tnlerfat hr Mrmiania ana rarnwrs N.iumuI lUnk of CharUHIa. N. ('. KvurciMr aolicila Ilia eorraapnndmc of IIkm ha dll wilh a Calii of iba Uranth Bank of C Kaar Ufr Ilia War. Salubury, May 19. 171 Sm-pd. Tim TabU Westers XT. O. X. &, TAKM KfEKCT &TU 8KPT.IH70. OOISO WEMT. GUi.VU KAfiT. Jrrtr. Lmrt. Jrrtrr. Uar Mia' iirr ; 7 to 8 i ' h tn lu v 4 w " 40 " ' 46 " 10 JS 10 SO " 11 10 II IS " MM" 11 14 -13.48 raj A 10 aa saliliurr. TolrdOra Malnrille. ('! a. Sla Hirk .rr, 'if.rd Muritaatnn. ; Hrl'lrewatrr, ' Marion. 'I H. Fort. n ra 1 - 70 " . 1 9J " 6 ' 440 ' 4 HO ' a ia 1 tie 1 Mm 7 - tW " kU " 4 N IW " 190 .9I " I 49 - I- Hcillot iid Supiwr at Mtrille. Npt 93 IH70. SH-tf R. W. BEST & CO., JtALKJGJI, y. C, AUCTION & COMMISSION Merchants, 8o1k'!t Cooalnmot of Corn. Floor and Prodnce Oenerally. Particular Attention paid to Audio Sale. Kr.rca by rrantvioa to W. H. WiLitaa. Pru t llalfifh Nal'l Bank. W. K. A !", " Jmo . W'iu.ii. Stute ' W. II. A II. H. Tliiia A ;.. Italriuli, X. C ilarrh 17 Sm PACK. ,1 It o o s c o r H a s c a 5 c o o r 1 r rtaiia dWlriav. IUl K-Jarra Cae aa kiMlliavwt fMpla wild that tratiaMMiy ap n nk lip, an! drnoonfa a aamaara kkb la too draAAtratW IHr lrmrral mlr trraaM lit riifranrll are lUck t 8mm-I llie NwlBfra Drmocracf atauM aol Uo ffrrtd iula aucb lr.ldiiWa hf ikr raaaciratkMia arralt af ikrir Naibrra LmUra. I Afritce ia daUlra due o iMf cmialiiHiinaal ajaalaaa, and yet mom trail' laararda rwo'ttifcmary rocar . f aatraxiiweiit aaljjnl b rrawmallj nprttti, fioM nr-rtrre if arrrMloa . II WO, tn conddiifi iLa fault, la ll lo macb la ark pamlrd piiaonrra tf war lo paidoa il t No Von liave g i-a oar trr, 'uiilcr aI aiMiira'j and univrraal aufftapf ." 1 arnnld otily add 'ho ennatilalinnal L'n Lutltuufilaua Fox ila .fU,Caialilaluin ia fart aa t?d aa rr It w, fur Sontk aa wt-ll aa Nmtli, in rpite f llif markf "J ib mailod band ablrh mu.t rrmaln apnn it fr a warning la tbore ibal eua afli r a. There U imihinf in it now wlicli U not prrirctly mnipaiibla with lha bapi nra, wcllare aud Iilwnjr of all iba propl of all lb Stair. Il ia only lb adroiula Italion tbat it at fanlt, il ia tbo inlfrpr laiin wbich i violent. Do Jon Imagine ibat Tlioroa Jt-flVrann, do yon think ibat Jamn Madirnn would ra llii lr olil nr panic fiaata pwriaiia a. pxoirclivf Mi iff or nanfr money j a u I lint in a national bauka nr n-ail-iiiUI diploinnr)' cnuiiU-iianei a 1 Sonar.. 23037.1 5) I3(N 2 SnuaiW: ' IflO" - 44 6liiaOU..2JW. 3Huar. fiOil 9(10 1 2 (Ml 2(1 Oil; ;I.IMI 4 fiim.. I' 8 00 II 00 IS 0112.1 00 37MV) i r i t mi lit i' mi mi 'an nri I K fm i Column. 18 00 24 00 30 00 43 00 75.00 'l''ry inbanaU , crnimliaaiinn, and ibe i oij nn m iii vi nil Ml no I.humi rrnwiiinc ana lx-rirci iinamr oi tuo rvn . V'.om... , . . ' Muibilll 2ZASrZXOOZ i How lAwt, How Urntoml. irT Pn,'llt inn Mlil-.li "t D (TtTf WILll rLKHUi rrD " rl el -.(wlH".Mi niu r. ... ) . rprr i..rn wa.ar Be ilnal WrH", ,nv..liinUr 1 initial ,ln.-.ii', MMtalaa4 par I ' Inoap.cH'. lupiNn.i l M.rrl .( c, alw Co.rw"P'uri. BillrM.a4 rtu, luo .l by tlt llHiuIr ceofM l xl' " tW Vt . I" a a M .nr'. "i" emit. Th. ehr.lrd autlior. In tt.l. .l I '' r. Hrartj anaoaMral (f m atl.l -y )' el i-meiU-..!' ' th alarmlnn enwiumi i.l iwl' ab ve mmj lr..'cllj cur.l wlthcMil lh. danfrroaa iii- of WitwiU uiulk lie -r th. aw'l-at'na t t knife ; -Intli.r rut irwle f earr alo-e-m Ir; certain ! effrnual, by a.eim-f allien f T.ry Hfferer, no mutter I Hi mi'iltlna any b-. way ear. haaelf aaeaply. . r vnte y anrt ra.ll.lly. Thl. mt naM It. Ill 1 . na'l. O' v.4y J....I. .nn every aiaa la lha land. IU.nl- n "r aeal. In . titaln enTe ep, tn any 1.lretl MWtp.M. .a recel. nl 6 rent, nr two K'It .taml . j Al a Dr. Cule.'.ell'. "Murriaire (iMe, ' 1. Ice 25 ct Adlrr. I" a pnt.li.h-r., fll. Kl INK 0 lT taaery, K York, I'o.t OI B a, 4 MS aurlt-ly. W. F. HiTCI, J T. II. M Ir.FMl)a. wa.T. taw raucs' lUarcl)OU0c DANVILLE, VA., FOB THE HALE Of Leaf Tobacco. Sale, room 166 by 70 feet, with nineteen Bkjr. f tot.,. " " Prompt Attention to tke Intret tnd Comfort of Flanlera .mrieir leama. Crarea' W.rehoiiw lias now t1 I.ar(ret Pale. Boom la TWn. W atrona loekml tii in 'arelmii atni(rht. Dry Stall for Homes. I all nu as act 98 ly. Raleigh National Bank, f N. C. laiiarniefltranreoiMlion of I he Htot-k- holder and authority from the Comptroller of the curretcy, ha. oienel Hooka ni ineir nunc in hotiae in llti'a cilT, fr aulax riptitMi lo the in creaac of lite Xlr-k to half a million llollnns be inr thev authorized capilal. "atf ,C. DEWEY, Caabier. The nvmptoniH of Li ver i'oiiiliuiit nre unenaineiw untl pain in the nitle. Somi'time the pain U in the alKiulder, and i mia- taken W riKKtiiiaueitir tint atomnch l a tlttl with' loaa of appetite and aickriea, howela in general roative, aoninimea niteriiaiiiig wun wx. a t i ri he liftitl l " trtml.lert t unmix- rrhe Iw it li imin, find dull, he t v MiKittmn, cnnaiilera jlile of menttiry, ac-' a.,,,1 ,.nt.i..l w.llk ...i.nA.I av pi '""I " aenaalKin ol liaviug int undone aonieiinnf w nu n ouKht lo have iieen done. Often cotiiplaininp; of weakness debility, and low spirit. Sonielimon man of tli4aboevmD(oinattend lite tliaeane. jiad at oilier .tiiiwa.. very few of them lmt the lirer ia generally tliergstj, moist involved. Cora the liver with DR.MMM0KS XIYEH KECl'IiATOR, a preparation root, and h?rb, warranted to be atrictiy vegetable, and run do no injury to any It hi heen.nwd by hundred, and known for K Ut 41 yetntaa ope al we WW reliable THE COURSE OF TUB DEMOCRA CY IN 1 HE PRESENT CRISIS or THE COUNTRY THE C0NSTI TL'TION Afl IT IS A LETTER FROM JOHN QUlNCY ADAMS. The following lellrr from John Quincy Adnmr, lale llie Doniocralic Gorrrnor of MaMocburiellr), to a citizen of Mi.roari, hni born ffiren to ibe world ihrougb lite Coltitnn. of ibe Sr. Loui Republican : QrixcT, Ma C, 1871. A. Warr? Keltcy, Etq. : Dkar Sib: I bave the honor to ae know l.-dpe the receipt of a eommiinicalion Imm JfJ fticloa'mg two eilracla from ncariiapiTi upon which joti n (jnert my ctiiiciini oiid I infer from yuir letter ibat on wieh to learn my opinion opon ihe publie querlionl difetteaed in thqae arlicltr. Yu are qnite welcome to know them if you are v illing lo accept them aa rim ply aprt'iilalioltr of nit individual. I rep resent nobody, and do not bonat a follower in the win hi; nor do I Know i nut my notion, are thared by any cotif idrrulle .onion of uny party. The people of the IJuiled 'States feel inriiitclivt'ly I lmt they are (rnmg wronp, but I hey an; told ibat it will be tlnnperona tn rctincc l lieir att pr. 1 hey know tli.il i'.iC pit ih upon wlii cli they have filtered ia bcHi't with pilfilU; but even a bnd pars ia better I bun the precipice. The eweep i f reaction ia stayed by the drend ol rfvnluiion. The policy . of rhrewd Denmcrnts and the duly of good citiitenr ia to liiiel iliia appiehenriiiii, no inn it it bow foolish it may set iu to then). Short of honor and good f.iilh no raetifirer should be fleined revere w hich would rtif fice to lay that liminiihp rprclre. For llirii reason I deplore ibe liHlting, beritatiu rlep wilb which the Dt-mociacy in rttPHk tnynp'to its inevitable pfiriiion. For thai rear-on X elwireyour rrgtt t at llie studioun ambiguity which ret ina to reatch for a rally-port through w hie.b lo dodge its des tiny. And while I belter like the spirit, I equally condemn lite policy of I lion who oi'ilprocluiined their purpnre of revolution. iSurh indicalions ol rcniiincnt annoy me, riirplv becanre they prolong a j situation iru tigiit a iib great danger to t he dearest inlcn s a of ua ail.. The doinitiant purty- an rt'iain a power whieh ha- grown too great for the public welfare only hy an iiult fiiiile exlenrion of the moral con- diticna of iheiivil war. The Repuhliciiu oiKaniftion can rally to no cry lmt a slogan and conquer under no standard but' a ftwar. 'i liU party needs siril'e to i urn re its succerr, but goMl leeling is nccersury for gwid government. ow, die liorttliiy to the Jo: h amend ment is, the stock in trade of the (omeuter of an if- ; is it woitlt gtaiifing at the t irk f( permanent suTJeciion f The South ir galled to-day not by Ihe presence ot that Minenilineiit to the Uonrtiiutioit, but by th utter -b nee- -tf - tlw) V"mite iHm- it , i c i f V :' l t aril, i nt y ieej a t o isrcn wntcu aults them, but ihey find no onrliiti t on o protect ihciu. Il ir not ailly, then, to squabble about an amendment whieh would ceare to lie obnoMntts if it wa not detached from its context. It ia nnibblitrg upon a tecbriTcal!ty of law aud relinquishing the subslauce .l it never was the Constitution which invaded or conquered a Hlale; la Is lint ihe Couriiiu ion which oppresses ibe Slates Ii was war civil war. Cloae the war, and you restore rrlf govern men I to l he people of the Slates. If they cannot recti re I heir own peace and happi ness, lei nr look around next year, not fr ihe first President, bat for the 6rrt dictator Now, if you or any other man doubt ihe round uers of my judgment in I hi mailer, all I ark is a true Democratic administration and you shall see -it for yourself. Your, very rerpcrtfnllr, Jonx Q. Adams. VALUE OF RE-PIANTED CORN. The practice of ' re-planting corn is comuion enough, being itrtial nu evi ry e i . . . mrin ana planuiinn where llie slaud is i not pi Heel iu the firat inatance. Aecotd- j ing to the snggerlion of hii inl. lli-i-tit pUiiler, ihe ri planted corn ir of efuctilinl ' value in ; lie crop. more, than is aniiareul. ami he liittin If makes it n rule lo it .Lint, whether the first riant! is good or iiot.-- If the first clitid a perfect, as rarely oc curs, he nill reilania in about every fif teenth or twentieth hill in every tenth or fifteen ih row, either cutting out the plant already proving, or putting in nti extra inn, if me rpace w in ailiutt. I lie purpose of ihe replanted, ,rr lale rlnll.r, ir lo fur nish pnl.cn. in case a dry rpell should w-ilt llie laxrel of. ihe first planting be fore llie praii. are filled. One rlalk in Iwn Limited will shed pollen in abun dance. If ihe weather turns very dry in the filling lime, both ihe silks aud tarrels wilt. When rain fulls, if it comer in time, the silks recover and become frerb again, but the tassel once dry doe? not revive. The it'phililed corn being younger, will when ihe laurel blooms Inrnieh pollen for all l lie older stalk around Defieienl nt unfilled ears are caused by waut of pollen on ihe ailk. . Such1 is the rti'rirestion of nn oiservs.ni TECULUB NOUWEGtAN CCS- TOMS. - ; ' I shall nr vefWet lb Msadliac and coidialli alih wliieb, po a recenl visit la Narva, 1 was received aa) eatarUia. ed la ever bowselenld ibraagbntit iba eoaurr abare, ftr a bwtfr ar abort er prrUd I waa a gaal ana aa Inmate. tnr caa ' I earll forgri iba aa awkward blunder I cnewmtUed Uf ra I bream initialed Into ibe fasbloai and nianwer of mv kind aMtrts smalr Ihrwagb la norance, against lha rsublisbed and lima honon a nateoual catl of cerrmon ana behavior. Do in Roma aa Romans do" ir a very wiae receipt, but somewhat diiiirnlt to fnttnw-whrn yng rirfnnw- rmw-Trre'-Ro mane , bal bav. la waitaud Um.ru Ibat first. bad, for inrlauce, uo iiba that il aa the r its mm in Noi way as also lu Denmark and twrdea tagaaoaud after diuuer aud shake hands wilb ev-ry one present, ladies and f endetnrn.'fiiilsliing off wilb the host and boaiesr, and aaying In each the Norwegian word velbelentrue, which Is about rtjnivaUiit to May ibe meal agree with you. Al a largo dinner part of rome two or three hundred guests ibis handshaking becouca a at-riiiua buriuers that it lake soma lima and ruurcle to go ibroaga with, aud aire almost gel buugry and Ibirsty again by ibe I law it ia euaimary in ever Norwegian family in iba cities a well a in the country, lo say take for ceflee after breakfast or lunch, and take lor ihe after supper, al wbich lea is always served. AH children, even grownup ones wilb children of l heir own, always say lo their patents lak for mad (think for meal) al every rul under ihe parental root, or even in their own home, if the parents are present. In few countries is filial affec tion carried to such an extent as in Nor way ; father and moiberuaints there only second In and held in Jess reverence than that of (Jod. - - - - - - planter and we submit it for ibe benefit of our readers. The D a k b a r i iypor Wi r - Kii g Ltm ir, the fulher of ibe Enipcior Napoleon, ibua wtolo in one of bis lellerr : - "1 have bit n as ciiihusiasiic and invtur as any I i. . . . - - aiter t- victory, tint i coiiivrs ttiai even the right ol a fielj of battle baa not only rlriick me with Lnrror, but even turned me rick ; iind now that I am advanced in life I cannot understand, any more limn 1 could at fifteen years, how being that call tin tnselver reasonable, and liu ti' so much loiesiglil, can employ this short existence, not in joying and tilling each ruber, and parsing through it ns gently ar pnsgfble, but tin the contrary. In erdtav-; uring to d er t roy e acot h e r a J jf t i me .n ul hoi do Tt MiiTisNilicli-iil rapidity. WtnTt 1 ihiiugbt at iifieen years, I still think; war, which- rrfeiy draws upon itself, i butu-wgaiiji-tlMHrrf awf trtt Illinois bas sirange w-ayr, even of com mitting suicide. In Warrenrburg recent ly Mrs. Alice Day dircovered her husband bad another wife, and shot hcrsejl de:id. The husband, w ho was in prison lor big amy at ibe lime, when lie beard of the seil-mntder of1- his consort, vm so -ver- coine by sorrow and remorse that, having tiiilhit'g else withirr Tmchv be swallowed a but of hooks and eyer, a bottle of hair dye, a brass breastpin, several piece of ghits, six vest butlntis ut.d a small pen knife. These miscellaneous articles f!d ... . i . not prove fatal, bill at last accounts l couiplaiiied of indigestion. An Indiana man demanded of a drug gist some "tinker's violin," the oilier day, and the druggist found, after a vast a mnunt l questioning and cogitation tbul he wanted some lifeline of iodine. TUfirATpHKEIV 'Bona twraty-tre year, age, wbea I pastoral a cb arch la I leak occasion en evtulnf la attend a aocUl taterting at lie ebartk ia tbat place. .Jit k tbeir Castra aa euck aeeasiont, ana afW anotber rose and give la Li or ker iperienea, . AIW a tiasa, a ana la Wan, lie cirewBastaacM, all la 11 ore, and wiik a very Vffcmluat, iqacaklnf valce, rose ta git ia a piece of I la tiperlciice wLtcb wa done ia the followUf ta to ne r i "Brelbrrn, I bae been a member of ibia cburcb fur utaay t ears. 1 bare aeda ii4 rtt ittBuymi r ta mlly fc- bn - m nek aSlu-trd f but I -have fur Iba first Urn ia my HI to aea mj pastor ar aay af lb truster, of lb l church cross ibe three bold of my door." No sooner bad be ottered tbt part of hi eiprrienre tbaa be waa suddenly Interrupted by one or Ihe trustees, aa aged nan, wboroto np and id ia a fitm, Hid to ice i "Mr dear brother, von anuat oat tba :. t . . . .. devil behind yon." On bia taking bia aeat, the pa tor ia charge quickly, rose, aud alao replied .to the little man a follow : "My dear brother, yoa must remember that we shepherds are tent lo ibe X.0IT beep of the house of Itrael' W hereupon the little man rose again, and, in answer, said, in a rery load lone of voice.: "Yes, and if I'd been a FaT one, yoa won id have found me long ago." 1 he effect upon the audience can be better imagined than described. Iteittuiice ol I ho ravage, d iV g 1 1 is e d"Trr-rrwi me 1 1 1 e d . Hale, however The Catholic hero of Lntbnir," the young Maiqitis of Bute, all hough admit ted lo be the gieatert "catch" matrimoni ally speaking, in Great Britain, and one of the largest land ow ners in the realm, has never yet made his rcrpecta to-the Queen at court. Tfits singular circum stance ir now accounted for by ihe Court Journal, which rtates tbat the young Mar quis promised his' mother on her death bed never to permit himself io be presen ted to Queen Victoria. The reason of ibis extraordinary promise, which the Marquis ha icli-iously kept, is to be fount1 infhe Implacable hostility of the Marchioness lo llie qneen. 'J he late Mar chioness of Bute wa the sister of Lady Flora Hastings, the young and beautiful maid .of boimr,-ahom-JQuceiLiYictoria. then n girl of 18, suffered soon after her accession to the ihrone'to be driven from her presence und hunted to death by eJafidi rH--bu! " sinew Iwrtnpioted.- The cnltl and cruel conduct ol lite young sov ereign at that lime lite family of the vie-' ttm have never forgotlen or lorgiven. When i he rpiren rome year ago visited Rniheray. Huy- in heryacbt, and lay for several flays in right t,f ihe rttptib reri dencc of I he Marchioness of Bute, Mount Stuart House, the Marchioness not only refrained from Kilt Hiniini; to pay liet -cor.rt to the Queen, but actually ordered all '.he blinds of I be w inflow in Mount j- Stu wt to. bekspllped"so long as llieitoyal yacht lay wiihin lime has not softened. in ler sense of injottice which 'burdened ibe motrter'sireart. Ti is even 'taid that lior- UOW DRUNKENNESS IS PRO DUCED. A sudiien mental emotion can send too much blood to the brain ; or too great mental excitement doe the ame thine. Il is the essential nature of all wine and spirit In send an increased amount of blood to the brain. The first effect of taking a glas of wino or stronger form of alcohol ia to send the blood there faster than common; hence it quicken the circulation ibat give a red lace ; it increase the activity of the bra1 in, and It wotka aster, so doe the tongue But the blood then goes to the brain faster than common, it returns f.sfer, and no special permanent harm rc 'snltr. But supposing a man keeps on tliinking, the blood ia sent to the brain so much filler than common, in uch larger quantities, tbat in order to make room for it the arteries have to enlarge themselves; they increase in siae, an i in doing so press against the more yielding flaccid veins, which carry blood from the brain, and thus diminish their s:xe, their pores ; the result being the blool is not only car ried to the arteries of the brain faster than is natural or healthful, but is prevented from leaving il a fast a usual ; hence a uiiulile set ol cause ot dentil are set in operation. Hence a man may drink e uough brandy or other spirit in a few hours or even minute to bring on a l.ital tit tack of apoplexy ; this is literally being dead drunk. GOOD JOKE ON THE BUSTY ... MAfcON. - There era le cUssr af Matone we da aot )lk tba ,parrerU, and lb rwt.M The former ia one' wb think that I k ritual la all Masonry, wb ibiuke ibat tbe riiaal la all ar Maaoai who will iH-od day and week avea flndlnr out If fucb a ' word be "or nr and, yet wb will net devote a minute lo the indy ar Masonic history aad prto ciplaa. Tb latter U awe wb would nv er bar joined the luathutroa If b bad trf eipecied to be peeuaUriiy bearf uaJ ihercbj, and being dUappoiated ia tbat, rare aa mora for it Give aa lb brigbl Maaoa, wbo reads and ttudirs, and conse quently understand ibe grandest ia exlsune. Tba "ratty Maaoa" lcbrra irigly depicted by tb-Wllgaf-tb Naw York Democrat, follow i On of our aeliv and saaloae Mason foand himself in a railroad ear just a boot leaving for Albany, fit a tit a lib one whom be remembered several year tinea to have met ia a Lodge in tbi city. After lbi Inlei change of th usual compliment, lb former, A, asked tbe latter, B, to what Lodge be now belonged. B Ob, I don't belong to any Lodg now. Alasonry did me no rood. 1 never mada by it." A WW,' I did not iottr- Maaonrr to make anything out of it. Qnite ibe con trary i aud yet I unexpectedly made some thing out of it tbi very day." It "Indeed ; bow Is that!" A "When I went to buy my ticket, I made a tign and the brother civ me a first class ticket for a coud class price." B pTiu auite rusivi I fornt tbe tign. ' What one did you make T" A "I placed the forefiinger of roy left hand on my left cheek, and middle finger of lb same on my right cheek, forming a triangle . I then pointed the index fin ger of ihe right band through the trian gle, aud wagged it at him. He rt-cogniaed it, and you kuow ibe result." Albany was. reached, .and a few days afterward B was returning. He went to the ticket office, and did exactly as A bad described, at tbe same lime banding the price of a second class ticket, and demanded 'one of the firat class. Tbe ticket agent demanded tl 00 more. The lgri wa repeated. " hat M the devil ar vow making face at me for !" "Why, it is ihe sign," B., "'don't you reergnixe ill .1 want a first class li kel for a second class price." The agent telt insulted, and said if he did not pay flOO more he could not have a ticket ; and if be mad any more signs at him he would kick him out. B paid the fare, and in the car met A. He told what bad occurred, aud said he wa more convinced than ever thai Masonry wa a humbug. A laughed ouliight and said, "Well j you must be very rusty indeed, llie sign 1 gave yon was upward trip. If you wanted a ded ution made joii should have referred hands, and mrtde tint wagging with the index finger of the left hand -Thai w as the sign return ticket. One siirn would not do for both way of course." He opened hi eye, acknowledged be YOUTHFUL AMBITION, rrrt et tAaaU U triUtmo io tree bo- fort kt ttmlkt. , There ia hardly a yaanf man wb joe ant from bia faibera boee , who doe at waul money before be ear lU There h hardly a young taaaibal ', goee eat late life ibat We aot waat the rrpatatUa af being smart before b U mart. Tbre lo hardly a tlagU tlrcla la which yoa sea half a dorua ywaag eaea, that yoa da da tv aa them aping soma-' thing making tlu)V Mputtiug air.' They whth la bavt Iba' appearance of a' bravery. aMrspoaltion or tomb?tig else, wbich they liar not attained They are not willinr to creep before i her walk. Tbe very beginning of life develop a tendency ia men lo false appearance i" Uaiaeerny. UajietiaialiotLbick ia radi- rally unmanly t a desire to have what doe not belong lo ihem what thy have no right to claim by reason of anything that they are, or that they bay keen. To be without pretence: to desire ta have only thai which yoa caa leritimatelr claim of praise, of sympathy, or reputav ' lion, of mean lo hava a manly pride, by which yoa shall be tba factor af tbat. which i in your poaacasioa tbat ia thor oughly salutary. Aa honest maukoad scoru prt-teoM aod appearances. TwBXTr-axTxx Ccvts' Woth or Mamiaoe. In Virginia, where the law fixes the marriage fee at one dollar, there ia a reminiscence of a couple who many years ago called on a parson aod request ed him lo marry them. "Where is my fee?" laid the function try. Tbe parties wbo were to unite tbeir fortune did so at once, and found the joint amount to be twenty seven cents ' Can't marry you for tbat sum," said the irate old gentleman. "A little bit of service will go a long way," suggested the male applicant. "Oh no," said the parson : "you don't pay for the eixe of the bill, but for tba good you hope it will do you." The lass, intent on marriage, begaa to weep, but tbe parson wa inexorable, and the couple turned sadly to depart. Just then a happy thought seemed to strike th forlorn maiden, she turned and cried through her tears : ' "Please, sir, If Jou'canl marry US full up, won I you marry ua twenty seven come for the rest cents worth t We can some other time." This was loo much for tbe parson. He married them 'full up,' and they went on tbeir way rejoicing. HOW TO GET RID OF CARE. efficacious and haranilese preparation ever of fered to Ihe mflering. II liken regularly anil persialenllyt a wrtre ty-core SLegoIatofJ iK-.tietwia, headache. !jaundiee,cxtireness,sick headache, chrome diarr- ia-a, liect tori of the blsdr 1.1.. . in ti . J L-.uti fmW m C kcUotToi llie kniyey, nervousness, chilldiar eaaea of the skin, impurity ol llie Wood, melan choly, or depret"ii of rpirits heartburn, colic, or pains in tlie. boweJa, ain in' iiiejiead, Ajver arnTaau dmPfrT. t"'n in tbe hack, Aa. JWrew oi'ir by J. 1 L ZKlLTNTO-,- " - Drt igg ita, Iacon, Jrio-1; bv mail $121. Forawlaby I F- KLtTTZACO, tk2(1y -; fialbory, N. C . liberty. The C'onslitulion was struck don by the assault upon Sumter, as all coustitut on must fall before ihe face ol the supreme arbitrament of war. It ean never be lifted' up" "while war is flierant. I The ptople w ilKiiever rerijru the atilLnde ot hostile vigilance, which is tho real .sjgj'jfif aucejDfj.be pfCHi-ui administration, until they ktow that no one of their war trophies is longer tliipute.l. Then rh-y" will gladly resume the habits which (hey love and ibe good fiWnre whicli il o re press, vt bat tn n is the meaning of the Improvement of Moiialitt. - "jfW of , i lit ancients, standing al CtcsaVs tomb, w here is I ow the finurishiiig bcunty nf ierar I What t iieeome tit bin -trnrgni li cence f Where are the arinie now? t here arc imiw the victories, the triumphs uiHl irojdiiesof Cass.ir ?' " Caryl on Job CAPACITY OF THE HUMAN MlND. I find this problem stated and differ ent! v answered bv different bhilosotiher. and Rpparenily without the knowledge of each other. Uv Lbarlea Bonnet the mind ia allowed to have a distinct notion of six subject at once ; by "Abrabam-Tcker the nn tuber is limited to four ; wbileDe'at nelt Traev seaitt amnlifies it to six. The opinion of the first and last of these phk losophers appears to me correct. You enn easily make the experiment for your selves, rut you must beware ot grouping i Inl objects into classes. If you throw a handful of maibles on th aoog, you will find it difficult to viewAal once more than six, or seven at tbe most, without confu sion 5 but if. you group them in twos, or threes, or fives, you cau comprehend a many groups as you can units, beennse the mind consider the groups only a units: it views them a wholes, and 'IZSJggl throw their parts out of consideration. i r.gnt nnTSaTfir-y- also by lite son the Lit- . an ubi v. minimal mil SiB-VVrflAartETxnr; ror.nt the notion of being obliged to con rider Queen Victoria the head of his church plays no small part in intU cing the Mniquia of Bute to abandon thai church for the communion of Rome. lEPEsf AKt'K." You ini-'ht pf.und a lump of ice with a pestle into a thousand Llr.ui Bui bring it in beside ynnr own biilit and blaiing (lie, and soon, in llint geniMlgTow' ihe liviiiaT water flow. A man may try to make iimrelf enntrhe. L He may reatc'h out hissins, and dwell on their euormiiy, and sill fet I no true reK-ut"ance. But come to Jesus will, Hi words of grace grotesque contifrtion ct those w ho pro- nd train. lA t lhat Dinty, Iroxeii spirit liark lit the beam of the; Sun cf RighfA euusnes- then will it nielt. - fer a fondirt- for camels and yet strain so fantastically at tin gnat ? For the es sence of all Democracy ia cnnalil y- no- :inguTttyi'qiialiiylf"iTre It hn-just bttn decided bTV-lrfrtW tne law- qnai ana riser jtrrt-cv to every man, and rae'i to share in the government of all. This ts iba -onljr-geouin demo- debating society - that no woman should talk about "right" until the can show a cjean, healthy baby. How happy the hiirtian when he die ! He goee to live with ChriaU lie rises aliove llie woild.to eif, ct, unfading honor end happiness. O Christian, set k those honor and treasure w hich are lo be found ill Christ and in the pursuit and pruciice of .true gndliiies I Thy dwelling 6TT e:iH ri fffry TrTiteaw-oiHi-tJiy. grajoun not teed t-l.uV IImhi riail. Have a mansion in the skits,. while, in ihe most important and ph asit g rcfse, thy name shall be bad itirtuicnibiaii.ee. , 1 Mr. II. B- towe.ln her new story, says: "Men need wives who ate in love with them. Simple lilerarce is ni t t uo'ucli :o stand ihe strain of mar lied life. and to marry alien you do not truly love U lo commit auactoiu.il justice," f Brlatitc If auiT A pitlfy eonrin. 4 "For thb Sake or mt Mother Hooker used to say, ''If 1 had no other' motive for being rthious, I would most earnestly strive to be so for the sake q my mother, that I tuiiiht requite her care ot arto- ami - cause ; her widow ' -heart ' to ing fur joy." y - - --- "I Corset a great many thing which happened last year,' aid a liitlu gill, the tear running down her cbct k i ''but J can't forget the angry words I spoke to my dear inotner wbo is now dead."" - . 4 "What f dey call dia nrt o wool mo-Imi-, !' like to know.'V Dat ilu't wool, honey; dat dar kiai off a goat and d'y call it mohair case a got have mo buir dan a Le, p." A Vermonter,, who was lifted over a fence by I ho horn of. a neighbor' bull, haa recoved three 'dollars damages, Ibe ftery taking iku ground thai ihe! f How wa goingTEar way ' 'auijbow, aud a bis tnTrT corduroys were alreaBy Well - worn, three dollar vt enough.' ! was rusty, and had no one lo blame but himself for not making money out of Ma sonry. A Plea for those Who Slkkp irf thc MoiiNlVo. Tbe fact ia, that aa life be eouie mure Concentrated, and it pet suits more eager, shorrt sleep and eatly rising become imppossible). We take more sleep '.harj onr ancestors, and we take more because want more, nix hours sleep will do very well for a plow man or bricklayer, or any man who has no other exhaustion than that produced from mt iiual labor, and the sooner he takes it after hi labor is over tlio belter; but for a man .whose labors i mental, the stress of work fa rm his brain and tterwm As the branches of a tree return their eap to the root from whc at river poors its stream to the sea whence system," and who is tired in tho evenirig-jftg stream wa supplied, so the heart of - with a day of mental application, neither early to bod nor early to rise is wholesome. He needs lettlngdown to ihe level of repose The longer internal between the active are of the brain and hi retirement to bed, the better iii chance of eltep aud retirement. To him an hour after midnight is pro baly as good air two hours before it, and even then hi sleep will not so cam pie te ly and quickly restore him as it will bis neighbor who is physically tired. He must not only go lo bed later but lie llonger- Hi best tlm p . probably lies in ihe early mnrninK .hour. wpcn.alL tne nervous excitement has passed away and, he is in absolute rest. . How poor nd narrow a heart that must that Christian have who confine bis love to thing present, sweating and bill ing for a small part of the goods of this worldp which 4t-if-4a--ir.---l.iMlel-r-Wiy, doth be content himself wile some part of ibe earth, when be njay be bud of the whole heavens I Let us not, tborefore, wbo nrc to die lo-mnrrow, afflict ourselves for that which may peiisli rooncr than we. Let us not enjoy that which we are shortly to reave-; but,' let u lay up our treasure, i 1 1 h e v e n t h 1 1 k i n gd m of the blessed, where the icbe, joys, and com forts are eternal, aiid can Deter be taken from us. I will tberefora ludy to use tbi' world with iudiffereney, and shall not bo puffed upw hen thing succeed happily, nor dejeeted wlien they fall out roe!y bnf. shall bless God in all condi tious Whether rich or poor, I will bless the Lord at all times. His praises shall be ever in my mouth ; I shallnever com plain of the tieecilic ' of lifer inee. IB61itthfrfgr-f.fl me, thei r ean of- my raivalfon will not tail me ; lor even lhat want may be a meaat to.obuin it.. Life is full care, beset with difficulties. What heart is there that has not some secret bitterness, some painful solicuitude, of which it would be gladly relieved ? It leis down with the man at night it rise with him in the morning ; it is a weight upon hi spirit to aubdue, if net consume it, day by day. But beloved, however it may be with others, it ought not to uo so with you, ibat are Christ'. You have a refuge which others baverrot; you may take all to Oue who says, I caf for you: One that bid you come to Him, and let Him care instead of you. Oh j be persuaded to II im whether He will be a good as His w-ord. Trust Him with this day's anxieties ; and, if it be for once only, see if He fail your hope, thongh it be ever so faint and feeble. Oh, no ; He has never failed ihem that seekUim. He haa said, and lie does as He says, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." GRATITUDE. a grateful man delights in -returning a benefit received He acknowledges hit obligation with cheerfulness; be looks on his benefactor with love 1 and esteem. And If to return It be not in bis power, he will nourirhihe merrory of it in bis breast with kindness ho will not forget it all .the days of bis life. The band of the generous man is like lha rains of heaven, which drdp upon th earth fruits and flowers. But the heart of the nn-grateJuLia-Ukis: swallows with greediness, the showers tbat fall burying them in hit bosom to bring forth nothing. Itnvy not thy benefactor, nor strive, to conceal the benefit hu haa conferred. For though, to oblige is belter than to bo obliged, though the act of generosity "Ctmtmand admittiiw j"y the hnroiKty of gratitude touches the .heart, and it commendable in-sight of f!od and min. But receive no favors frouf the hands of the proud ; to the selfish bud" avarice will never be satisfied. - Bklikf. The real lest of belief i ac tion -If a man tolls us be believes a cer tain course to be the right oue In adopt. but iii his own case acts o if he believed ibe contrary, we justly consider JLjm dear titute of he beliel Jie prvfessts. ! - r'Boy," raid an ill tempered old fellow to a noisy liiilr JwbifTare y on ,bollerin' for when L am' going by ?" "HumDr, returned the boy, "what are yon going by Tor ben I am hoHeriaT. l-; Dronkennes turn a -winn- eat of bint elf and b are an animal fa- bia soom. - "iJT- Vi

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