1 c , ' ' t . " :" i . ' . V I . . : . 1 ,..:.): ' 1 SHELBY AURORA. Published Thursday; Afternoon l.QO FEB TEAR IN ADTAHCK z WY II. Miller, Kd. fc Peopbiitoi. TIlUIiSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1894! W 'I irl Popnlirt of Buff lo think fee know abouf the oC 1894. . l'-rhacn Si-iea rir.xti'gWII Hat friend John . knows all about it, and oan .run ihe nauonal finances satisfactorily to hiroelf. v" CAMPAIGN OPEHS. out for-Farmer'e Cailile at i rfir and our I.u- IKAWFOUD AND PEAU3QX AT RUTllKRFORDTOJi !lbar.w FurgersM. the Republican f then the Populists will go whoa Toa rained once, save "thev. ooali vo ran Republican and Aliinc y,"It takes both old par woold no hare a Populist, so they; tie (ttt U Jiocrauo and Kpub i took an old brokec-4oira una Address a Huge Crowd- Enthusiasm. OUIt DEMOUItATH TICKKT. rot In i The Cleveland ovunly ticket noln i bated by the Demoorats in a tlrohg m,. hrA rjertonalitv will d . . . , r volts from the Populists. Tint candidates for the state ten ate are men of high character and above reproach. Dr. T. 13. Twilty is a prominent physioian and was. a farmer for twenty-five years pn Broad river. His county has en dorsed him twice and, has FPfe ciated his services in the state sen ate, j R. B. Miller is a farmer, cot ton manufacturer and merchant, who is popular In Cleveland and on the stamp. We hear that he is making a good record ' as a speaker and defender of Democratic doc trines. j ftfrlhe House the Democrats ave a true, tried and honest leader, Cspt. Ed. D. Dick job, who is a-uiet and intelligent, model and success ful farmer. His record is good and all his neighbors praue him. lie; is a ti ae man, upon whom you can r ly. aod his word is as good as his bond, lie is not a slick demagogue that change! with every moon and fullj of falsehood, but he is ever . a straight forward Christian gentleman with out guile. He made a good record in the legislature and will be elected. The county officials have made ex cellent records and to their hands no ill-gotten gains cling. Their faithful services and publio record have been endorsed at tne primary The Htcalar yren j ba been fre quently censured for givirg details of crimes and accounts of horrible murders. It is said that vioeis treated tod lightly and that around crime is thrown a halo of romance by the daily and weekly press. This centuro is too wholesale and only partly correct. The precs should give more of the lights a J better side of life, but we must remembar that life has its shadows as well as sunthine its vices and sin and the press is a comments tor.oot a proacher. The secular press is a mirror to refleot the lights and shadows of humanity and Cowper has truly ' called it a map of busy life. If the press re flect, like a mirror, humanity in all its varied aspects, it must tell of crime and vice,' virtue and true no bility. The mission of the press is to paint life as it i, not as it should be. 8ometijes the secular prets assumes the role cf moralist and castigates the community. It is the duty of the clergy to preach of a no bler and higher life, lo lead men to God, yet the press is not a moralist or a preacher, bet a commentator on man as he is. The mirror of vice and depravity as reflected in the press is not a pleasant one, but the pulpit, the press and law must each stand its share of odium. Every human must bear some of its cen sure. ;. The Rutherford clans gathered at Rutherford ion Tuesday noon aod the antiquated court . hou&A was packed ?! h 'enthusiastic Democrat?, noisy Republicans and ' Populists. The crowd was noisy, frequently inter rupting both speakers with wit and repartee, but there was no disturb ance, or anger shown on either side. Everything terminated in peace and each side said theirs won a victory. A Populist by my side cheered loudly and often the ' rich Pearson, of Richmond Hill, but when Craw- tord gavo rearson some blows as ponderous as Thor's hammer and ex posed the tricks of Fusion, this Pop ulist winoed under the logic and sar casm of Crawford and remarked to the Aurora representative man. "Darn him ! he is smart and sharp 1" The; Aurora representative was disappointed ' in , Pearson's speech, his diction, ' arguments and style, for he expected to hear', eloquence and logio from the rich, cultured and polished Pearson, who has belonged to ail parties and been true to none. IV ' a is a calm, miet speaker, at t .ci&g Crawford's record and ask ing innumerable questions, but Pear son is not the equal of the mountain, man from ( Haywood, who once lowed a bull. Pearson is calm, de iberate and wanting in oratory, yet an o ocrat." You RepuV.icaos, hid to ake him, you couldn't do anything e!ge. They Much I bad him at Ui court - hrfuv ( vet Pearson 1 talks bout court houtd rings) hatched oat, tied aod roa about lz o clock at mebtwaa sot csi v iia rjard uaut: No have Fusion and the Ra- puhlicans and Populists propose ' to fue or ouerate. Two great black anks ar awallotftng one auoiher in ibiscaaipiigu , You oiu imagine thescece: the allowing business ill continue untif thr is ootilog From Over the Blue Itidtfe. I RUTaXRTOU) BCKJtAU. lo. my recent 'travels in Western ' North Carolins. ; I have been more interested in' the 'shaken-up oondi- Items from Itltirlile. Autu aa'n hero wivh all her gold but the oli 'iu i g'-v:r. ui tr ilvr. ' ; We tr ut that ilo Ei!iL coinmU-: tee will visit Billville. but we ciut FAIR WARNING ! lion of politics than in the sublime promise to lynch any of them, as all soer-f ry ' tne mouniatcs. inis lniiaerupe muuw a erand era in the history of our j We are running for heriff on one rrat oountrr. not onlv in k the read- 1 1?. and .for coroinfr . I -' i on tho other, thit the hour that the Saviour Trs left but two twin.' (Laughter) betrayed ? The Republicans passed I woull like to discuss the great Mr. Pearson and he was nrminatecl. question f the day. bat : my tima is They sppr,itied conference with too short to discuss at' length the the Populuts to try to gat help and I Una. The sugar truit aod the $12 barter awsv the principles of. tne millions ouuiy paia Republican party. Were you thar, Pearson ? (He answers, cyes,n) -The secretary of the Republican execii tiye oommittee called a convention! James U. Moody was chairman of the Republican oommittee. (Hare Pearson interrupts and denies this). Don't ybu know Moody was chair man, you were thar and ongil lo know better.; (This Pearson -again challenged). Then Crawford called out a Re publican! leader, Patterson of Bun combe and said Mr. Patterson wasn't James' H. Moody then chairman? Patterson answers "Yes, sir, he wag 1" (Damocrata cheer and cry Hurrah for Crawford, Crawford I) You have been mahing""?Jrxfge agsinst me aod .been attacking my record, 1 1 am here to answer lor my record. You were talking vtugn that hat. of yours when. xJ were talkiog about me. L-jr- U tsk.ks abouii rig doodle - airs and whaijg doodle air?, but doesn't want me to show up his record. You are the only platform-maker in at the rate of 2 cents per pound. This sum paid as a bounty to sugar planters and reficfers, is enough to run the stale government of N. C. many, many years. The sugar trust made $30 railkons in 5 years past, but the Democrats reduced the tariff from jastmenls of its oipita and its influs trie, but also in its political putien. A terrible conyujsion io the shape of the great civil war, wat the caose of our present condition. Reaction after reaction follows that great cata clysm, as the years roll on ; and wheuj affair will settle down so that con fidence and stability will regtio their hold ip the minds of tne people, no one can tell. I was on the Atlantio ocean, once on a time, when for four dsjs the broken up sea resembled, very mucr, itoiperpound tax and the Ke- th aI P001 condition cf nKirmn. t.. our country. I embarked on a steam. and oudciiUily we are winking one eje at c-m gn-M. I Mwi cf tin . autumn poets are splutirg rail for a living. It i earnestly hojd that the wire fence competition will not ren 'em out of businoas. , - ' There waa a lynching in Ohio not long ago. Thishows that the war is over and the . states are working together harmoniously. -t, Ve are opposed1 to woman suff rage, tu. our family is not, (God bless our home.) TO ALL Wild OWE ME-I will bo .at ,; bhelbyou oratout October 1, for ' the purple of ooll5tiuk wha' Udae. roe. I must aod will have roy money. So mo of whom I hate been- carrying for rereral years, and I can wait no longnr., I must nT my money when d ie. To save trouble and cot make a-ranpe. raentstti meet your notes at nutuniy. The netware at the bmWiof II. 1). la Co. ly up what you owe. W. II. BLaNTOX. ' 3).uj5w. 4 University of North Carolina. Includes the College, the University, the Law School, the Medical Schoal auii the Summer School for Teaohers. Cotlepe tuition $(0 a year; , board 17 .to a month. Session bed ns Sept. fty.AhlreB President Winston, Chapel Hill, .V. r JulyS. ... 'I ' Oar Populist leaders .re crying 'Hard timee" and poverty and telling and they will carry Cleveland county the peope how poor they are, but did eithr dkcuss broad national is his dioboa is not superior to Craw- this oonntrv. If I had -deStetod as ford's.. Crawford is vehement, im- muoh time as jou have done; I firessive and always holds the crowd, could have had af dcren platforms, io is good at repartee, as he evinced And are you going to Congreas so to the crowd when interrupted sever- thjrt you can change the connty gov- al times. , ernment one of your planks.? Pear- a pxrsokal debate son is here now with me, but how .... ,t jt ' . long will her be here with me.? Not on trivial matters consumed most of S November 6ih for 1 win be g peaker?, yet the crowd yelled fre quently and packed the court house to overflowing. ' Not one half honr publicans helped the suzar trust. The tariff is settled and tiafes will improve, things will be more pros perous. TBI ALLIAXCK DKMA9DB were next spoken of and Mr. Craw ford made his explanation about the 6 or 6 cards that he signed with Postmaster J. P. Kerr as witness. He signed five demands, says the af fidavit of Tomlinson. the publisher of an Alliance organ at Asheville. These demands were adopted by the Demooatio state convention at sleigh that year and constituted the Democratic platform. I signed and I do not deny my signature. I signed theui in good faith and the Democratio party of N. C. adopted them. The Sub-Treasury, I said two . ttt:i : . xt r a..j.. er v t umiDKbuu, 1. j. va ouuuj,i August 26th, 1883, the day on which an earthquake shook Japary id sank an island with 100,000 people. The steamer was four days making the trip to New York.' During these four days, the ocean quivered, its surface beieff chopped up into irre gular wares, which kept the vessel trembling without definite progress towards our port of destination. Lit tle fishes leaped from wave to wave, as if friehtene J. Seagulls swarmed around our ship as 11 seeking relief ; and stormy petrels rocked on the foaming wavelets. The old captain said he bad never seen the ocean in such a broken-UD condition before. This was the result cf a great earth- auake on the ODOOsite side of the s-lobe, concerning which we knei THROW IT AWAY. er snr ncd of C wearing clutnsr. r)ia&nir Truswis. wbloh irirft only jmrthii relief lit b.t. tM-rer cvn b'it often Inlttrt (tmtt Injury, inducing IntinmniRtion, BtratHfuUOtoa HERNIAL upturn, no multM of bow ion tnndlni RETURNED -FK05I- or of what stw. mrJ nrmnntlv cured nd without pain. Another r. stae. is promMly ltbout the anutf. NEW YORK Of nittlrve opfmtions. PILK TUMUiib, I. years ago was a . fraud and I say so nothing until after we landed m New t t m xi w m w v again ; u is a irauai carnes wita a 1 yorv vhere we read about it in the by at least. COO majority, average, oyer the , Fusion and Confusion ticket, which is half Repubhoan ind t alf Populist a bad mixture. Sheriff M. N. Hamrick has a clean .rA r,A mA a ftiftifni rf&oT money is the chief ! aim and nd ba bus nrr rit bin behind In man the summum bonum 1 . ; ' " t his tax settlements. This rpejaks well for him. T. D. Lattimore has filled accept ably for many, many years the office of clerk of the superior court and his oharacter is above reproach. man in Cleveland county ever made a better and more popular clerk. The question is not about his election but how big will be his majority over Quinn, a clever Populist, Only ore objection has been urged against him by the Populists "that he has held office so long 1" but the voters (not T. D. Lattimore) are responsi- iAVfiyMpnTirn nf fifaj ,i custodian of the county's f unJU and none ox the taxpayers money has ever been found in his pocket For this office of treasurer the compensa tion is small, about I500J. J.Frank Williams led the Demo cratic ticket at the primary and has not held office more than two terms. He is polite, pleasant and attentive to his duties and he ! will be re elected. , All of the county officials are mem bers of the Baptist church and all occupy prominent places in that church. ' Who says they will not be re-elected?. i elect me and I will help to bring prosperity ." They I talk too much about poverty and riches, and lead the people to . think that wealth is the only road to happiceso, that end of Is this true and honest for the office hunter ? Ii it not a delation : and a snare for the voter ?. ' f. . Elect him to a fat office I This helps niM, not you, and he is power- No le" to put money in jour pocketor to bring we lift to the masses. He is not a Moses to lead the people,- or an. Atlas able to bear the world on his shoulders, but he is a small potato and few in a hill. sense and wishes to deceive. Listen not to his oheff. ! No party, Democratic, Republican, or Populist is able to put money in your pocket, or to banish pove gard it as. a cursa, sues, but little personal matters, such as signing the sub-treasury demands of the Alliance and Crawford's de nial of -his own signature usurped Pearson's speech ; how the ' political turn coat Pearson got the Republi can and PopulUt endorsement and Pearson's ; inconsistencies and acro batic performances were paraded and ridiculed by his sharp antagonist Crawford, I repeat the Aurora was disap pointed m both speeches and ex pected a fall political discussion of live issues by two intellectual giants, but il l was a petty rquabble for a seat in Congress. ; Pearson was bid ding for the Populist support and Crawford was busy In defending his own and his party's record. Pardon iv:. j: Jt j i v:i ne is talking non- tlA nrat.rfl tha jn. of fche Sky, where the land was hung up to dry directly after the Flood. flourish of trumpets .was heralded to be here, but Barnes is not here to prove that I lied, in the campaign but you have lived a ; hundred of them in that time. : You would plead the statute of limitations to everything. You have been trait or to every party. You have riden that old cow, the tariff to death. - - The pay for mileage at the second session of Congress has been criti cised by Mr. Pearson and he called it a steal. I voted against this bill) yet it became a law over my rote, PiatlOrm. I V .n VAlvm. n ma tnr m Ae iuuna uy? uu wuig gu rnilaafe. The Democrats. re-elected and he will stay at Rich mond Hill to watch his fine" "cattle. (Here the Register, a Republican paper at Asnevilie, was mentioned and .Pearson independent plat form was ridiculed.) .: . . I THE BE PUBLICANS . . J i havo abandoned their W. T. CBAAVFORD S SPEECH.' vetty. and he said poor ye have with, you alway.1 The world's greatest heroes have been born and died . poor. Earth's benefactors came not from palaoes, but the cottages of the lowly. All history in all ages and climes tell in The Aurora cannot give all of urawiora s speecv, tnat woma do .pr th prtpni?,t , lion, containing Ue alient poiulli With von.TT'S??? and true men in their party and have made in the past a noble record But now they have gone. back on the illustrious Lincoln ; goneJkack on President Garfield ; gone back on Jim Blaine; gone back on Reed, and taken up a broken-down, politi cian, a' renegade Democrat, like Pearson. They have gone back on their record and have taken up Pear son, a vote-catcher from ! Richmond HilL How are the mighty f alien! Vote for Pincipletl Men live, and die every i day. Men pass : away, but Principles are eternal. Republicans ought to vote for Principles. Your past record shows what you will be in the f ature. Yon claim to be an Independent Then you are not a Republican and cannot go into a Republican caucas. You arc not a Populist and cannot camp-w AT" ve Republi cans and Populists including Jerry Simpson took; what the law allowed them. Yqu intimate that there waa something wrong or dishonest in it You would have taken twice that much, and no man can truthfully say it was a steal. It wm a law legally passed by Congress. Ywur man Reed wanted to vote st once, he wanted the money! 1 . i , Didn't you say to a friend that if you (F) could keep the Alliance cards before the publio and this mile age bill, you would (defeat me and go to Congress? Pearson I may hare said it) Oh yes!! Reid wanted to shut off debate . on this mileage pay and prevented a vote being re corded Here Pearsen denied this, but after a few minutes Crawford papers. - Sooial earthquakes have broken no the political sea on which the ship of state now rolls and tumbles, making slow progress towards the glorious haven of civil libeity, for whioh our ship set sail. The physi cal earthquake cannot be oompared to the social and political up-heavals that cause nations to tremble. The real earthquake strikes spots here and there ; while social convulsions are world-wide. ; v As frighted fish, men are leaping from wave to wave.- As sea gulls and stormy petrels, they are feaslirg on the waste of wrecks. I am not able to say what party will succeed in elections in the im mediate and remote future. All seem shaken-up. When will the setting-down take place ? Q. CherryTiUe Chat. Triumph In Conservative Surgery tm eure, or . f fPTTlf niQ Orarisn, Fibroid and other X U iUAS XthJ, varieties, wlUiout too pcrus bowover larfre, ViRtula. and other dtnpar of tho lower bowH, promptly cured Without rxiln or resort to the knile. i OrpAMl? in ho Bla)iT. no mattrr how D 1 Vil Ci large, ia crutbed, I'UlvorUcd, and washed out, tluw avoWinu cuttlnir. GrrDTPrprrnp of urinary pansoire Is j D 1 IllU 1 U IV IJ nlio removed without euttlnir. Abundant lefwno, and l'amph Iets,oa shove disrusos, sent pii!M. in plain en velope 10 cts. (8tmp). WoKiD' pisrw SaaT ManicAL Ausociatiow. Uug.akH.M.Y. j -Henrietta i Mills, Havtrp Jnt returned fiom New oik, Ehlladelphia and ' Baltimpre, wbcro I are i purchased ray fU stock of kh1, couslatlog of DRY GOODS, NOTIOIiSw, HATS, i SHOES -and a - M6IGEL1NE oV A 'GROCERY DEPARTMENT. IfflS, BOYS' PROGRESS heloR our motto, wo are making prepar ations for a much larcer trade than we have ever enj yed and, in order to secure this immenso trade, our buyers, who have 'iust returned from the northern markets, have bought very lar ce stocks and tnusrht them so as to compete with , anv cit v in botn onaalv ana price, l nis immense stock is now being opened for Konr Inspection ! -AND- Children's i .Clothing, Bought with the net spot cash, which always brings the lowest prices, i We have iu stock the prettiest, cheapest and most stylist stock of Correspondence fihelhy Aurora. 1 Rev. W. P1. McCo.ol is conduct in tt . a crotracted meetine in the Dethodist Church this holds services at night The Lutherans celebrated their regular communion service at St Mark's Church last- Saturday ana Sunday. Two sermons were preach ed on Saturday and two on Sunday. Two children were baptised and 17 confirmed and transferred We ask. you to do us the favor of call in and examining oar large stock and fcettiof prices.' yiiEMEMBEK we sell to all alike and guarantee all goods week. He I to be as represented. (Jlad to serve you in any way. THE HENRIETTA MILLS. lTmaytf buT'rrhnTJeTpTechaiTt SLf jnTuTnir: I r nforl XZZ would be too much forthe Aurora JjJ; hlg g0 by 70n"t in Congress, which wa. read aloud, sod i?!J!!!:w f2.0n clo"hM Legislation comes through great th colobkd thief. week, one and a fourth hour's speech then Hon. W.T.Crawford at 1:15 p.m. be gan. The weather was hot, and perspiration rolled do wn CTs cheek's i t . - . trumpet tones the poor do the most a9 "e,f POKe yf nemenuy. v:i t. u Fellow citizens of Rutherford The time-worn and immortal little prayer, beginning "Now I lay1 me down to sleep," was written, it ia said, by the martyr, John Rogers, and the long-metre (8 syllable) dox ology "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" was composed by Buhop Ken, of England. New York Republicans have nom inated Levi P. Morton and his j bar rel of money fcr governor of New York. Morton is presidential j tim ber and if elected he , will be the Republican candidate for the presi dency. All eyes are now turned upon New York whioh may select the next president i t J , Let us take a retrospect of Ameri can history. In the year 1G2Q the Puritans landed at j Plymouth Rook and established themselves in Mas sachusetts, and their ideas have dom inated for two centuries the New England states, in the same year 1620, slaves were imported into U. 3. and the Puritans and slaves land ed in the same year and state have been disturbing elements and impor tant factors in our American history. The slaves were used in cultivated iu 1G16 in Virginia, and in cotton culture introduced in 1621, one year after slavery. If the Pilgrim fathers had not landed here and introduced slavery into the South after it' was found to be unprofitable in a colder clime, would not' the current of his tory have glided into a different and smoother channel? die an4 are soon forgotten. The Bible teacfies us to' aim high er than money and toj live nobly and that doing good to others . who need your help is better than riohes. The man whose chief possessions are lands and a big bank account, is a fool on earth and 'a stranger in heaven. Money is ' a good thing in its place, bat it will not buy charac ter, nor bring happiness to the palace of tho rich. The lofty oak is often torn ' asunder by the storm or de stroyed by the lightning, while -the modest violet escapes unhurt ; so the rich have sorrows and cares in their lofty palaces which ; visits not the humble cottager earning his daily bread by toil which ; brings sweet sleep and contentment A Populist speaker in Cleveland county spoke of only a few dollars being coined as mint specimens this summer and their being stamped and sent to Alabama for campaign purposes. This statement was erro neous and intended to mislead his Populist hearers. V He was talking at variance with the facta. Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle in a recent letter to Hon. John T. Heard, of Missouri, shows that within eleven months 3,970,727 silver dollars have been coined from bullion. Nearly four millions of silver dollars coined says Secretary Carlisle. Perhaps he The Sunday School Institute of the western division of tho King's mountain association win meet wita the Sunday School at Lattimore church on Saturday j and Sunday Sept 29 and SO 1894. j Itroductory sermon Saturday 11 o'plock a. m. by Rev. II. N. Hawkins and Missionary sermon Sunday 11 o'clock a. m. by. Rev. U; P. Hamrick. Talk to the children; by W. W. Washburn. , j 1 query: What would ba the best plan to encourage ohildren to take an interest in the Sunday School? Speakers; W. W.-; Washburn and L. L. Jenkins. . "2 Should unconverted children be taught to give to Foreign mis sions.' speakers ; ; Key. ii. P. Ham rick and F. P. Gold. . Is it the duty, of all i christians to attend Sunday School? Speakers ; A. M. Lattimore and J, D. McSwain Scriptures ; . ProvV 1713 Speakers; Rev. B. M. Bridges and Gordon Washburn. 2 Er. 20-3 Speakers ;D. S. Love laoa and J Y. Hamrick. - John Gkxex, Sect v . r Would't Divide Time. . Stone Mountain, Ga., September 16. The Rev. Robert F. Todd, the third partyite who is a candidate for congress against Colonel Livingston, spoke here yesterday. The demo cratic party was represented by Dr. licms, of Decatur, and M. B. Curry. of Atlanta. They demanded a divi sion of time of Brother Todd, but he refused pointedly. The demo crats all left the place of speakingat once, and Brother Todd had for his audience sirty-two populists and boys and twenty-six negroes to lis ten to his harangue. His hearers came from different portions of this anauwinnett Counties. The third party is growing beautifully less every day.. I am truly glad to be here today. Am truly glad of the auspicious circum stances that Surround us today. I am always glad to address you. I now wish to thank the citizens of Rutherford for your kind endorse ment of me. I return many thanks for this kindness. I thank you for the nomination while I was at Wash ington in Congress attending to your business. .You nomi nated me unsolicited ; I asked no man and wrote to none for a re nomination this year. I am here today not by my ap pointment, but, by the appointment of W. S. Pearson and Mr. Barnes of Raleigh, who summoned me here .to answer the charges of Barnes and Pearson. This is not my appoint ment, but I am here ready to answer the charges, heralded in the news papers. : It has been published that the Allianoe Secretary,Barnes would come here from Raleigh to help Pear son today. : But before we go farther, let us call for Mr. Barnes. Mr. Sheriff, please call for Barnes at the door. Barnes is called into court, but no answer ! Where, oh where is Barnes that was to demolish me ? Barnes is absent; enter a nol. pros. Let him be fined. 2( and let Mr. Pearson pay it for him. (Immense cheering and laughter for several minutes.) - Then the speaker turned to his opponent's eaily candidacy in March be fore the snows had melted from the mountain peaks and told how Pearson had foisted himself upon the. people as a candidate with Pear son's peculiar platforms. I am sorry to stand here against-Mr. Pearson my former colleague, so young, so innocent, and pulled so fresh and early from the .vice of Republican committees, yf men airect and snape the laws and acts of Congress. -Here grave ! matters are discussed and weighed by party leaders, and the committees shape legislation, but Pearson would be left out, as he be longs to Ho party and has nothing to stand on, but his little platform. He talks about hard times 'and Democratic legislation and what he favors, lie says there is relief in the election of Richmond Pearson and all reliet must come , through Richmond Pearson. Did you know (pointing with a sneer to P:i"t) that there were other men in Wash ington beside you and mt? '(Laugh ter) !;..;. i lie has baen an Independent, Re publican, Democrat then Republi can, now a nondescript, a hybrid Independent He has voUd with every man in this house unless he is a young man casting his fret vote. He has belonged to all parties and now be proclaims, nI am an Inde- E en dent and my politics is in my at when ray hat is upon my head." Your past record shows what you will.be. In Haywood where, your speaking was posted by the Republi can leaders as "the Hon. Richmond Pearson, Republican candidate for Congress will addrees you" (reading from the; Haywood circular). In Buncombe it suits him to be an In dependent . Over this side of the Blue Ridge he masqueracet as a Populist ; in Rutherford where Mr. C. L. Harris i, he wants yon, Topu lists and can't get alone without vou. It is a ground hog case and he courts the Populisms. Where is Mr. Alphonsa Wallac, and doesp't he live in Rutherford? (A voice "There he is ; a red headed man") He wntes Mr. Wallace a letter, be ginning Brethren of Rather foM Alli ance- (reads a ahort extract t bout Grover Cleveland striking d.rn the Buver : dollar "I can't stand this") Did you ever hear the list? He persons proved his statement from Congres-1 members to Rev. George's pastorate eional Record page 44 L This gave I durine his 2 months' service the Crawford an advantage ana ne aaia 1 baptised members not included. 7 rl Tfc Mm4 - Anting CI ..fi.liiMifcl.i TsSce meets on Saturday of next 1 near Pom aria, S. C. Oar It is charged that I SDDointed a faur-wiu oe present and will visit negro thief to an office at Washing- his parents who live near thcre ton, after 1 had been a witness Mr. William Plonk wUl go as dele- against him in court It is true I Tfm the pastoral charge. Mr. appointed a colored man upon the Plonk is a good man and will rjepre- rAonmrnfindatinn ot a friend- hnt I I ouw mo vuiuuuci wwiu did not then know he was a con victed thief. When I heard it I had him discharged from service. I did appear as a witness to an endorse ment of my signature on a check, but I was not a witness about his theft, of the theft I knew nothing and did not even remember his name. He was discharged, but before I had him appointed Ewart gave him a place immediately after lie theft ; COUNTY ' GOVKR5MKNT. Pearson wants to relieve the peo ple of this damnable county govern ment Yes, he wants it now repeal ed, but when in the legislature he voted to lay that bill on the table. In the legislature a bill was intro duced. Here, Pearson objected as misleading but Crawford said the record proves it and he afterwards introduced another county bill re- Mrs. J. H. Sigmon and Marshal Coetner are on the sick list Bth have been real sick. They are im proving, some. Miss Pearl Mauney left for Hag. erstown, Md, , Monday p. m. She will attend Kee Mar College, one of the oldes best, and most thoroughly equipped Lutheran colleges, in this country. Her father aooompsnied her. Miss Mauney is bright v and studious and will certainly make rapid progress. : The Academy is doing well. Sevr eral boarding pupils are in atten dance now and more are expected soon. Over 40 pupils are in regular attendance. Mr. Starrette, the Editor of The Lincoln Courier, delivered his lec ture on "Things la General, ia the Academy last Friday night. The lecture waa spiced with wit good I on tll&i DRESS GOODS we have oyer had. We have a biff stock of clothing, tint was bought slncp the twiff Seduction! " ' ' ' ' " ' ' :. j and you will flo. 1 our cLhlu much cheaper than before In SllOEi i we can't be beat we have the goods and our motto is to sell tbem ! , AT SfiORT PROFITS M We havrf some bljr JooTT) Ai. i'jf ww A tir Aiem' bilk Windsor Ties, HHk'M t rl colors, that we will sell for 15 cents', tht-ir value is25cciU; also big Hoe of Silk Handkerchie W. I DOUGLAS S3 SHOE noTUp. , Best Calf Sboe In the world for the prioe. W. L. Douglas ahoee mim sold aryw bar, everybody sboald wear them. , It la duty yoa ewe yourself to fat the best value lor your money. Soosomise In your footwear by purchasing W. L. DouglaeShoes.wbioh rapraaant tba bMt valua at Xbm prloaa ad aruaad above, ma tbouaanda oaa taaury. JS"Take No Substitute, jrjr. Beware affraad. Tbs renoln wbnt W. t. DoukIas dim and prlca tamped ob bottom. Look for U when yoa buy. W. Im rtaaalaa. Brack tan. Slaia. Sold by , s, 50 per cent ' below regular rriccal In piece Roods, ftheetinfr and plaids we have Kos u)fmina attne rijrLt prices. , We can give you these KKUt any price wanted. 17" All we ask youf js io conje and inspect our stock and we are sure to sen you I ' YOURS TO SEM, W. C. jVHISN A tlT. Oiept-lf . I' . - I quiring magistrates to givelwnd. If common sense, poetry and rhetoric. ne wantea 10 cnange county govern- This lecture was free. Our people ment why did he vote agiinst it V emoved the lectnre and hone to! hear He is an infant and needs a political onr friend again, x gg.y-'.-ij 1 in u M - ;. n 1 n ' ill;, f lmrmrm ism! (Laughter) You have Wnffed J41 - - t 1 uiiifiLV Kiirrv nr ft ::' to eyery party and now you are In dependent," and don't know to what party you do belong. You voted for Cleveland two years ago, but now you have deserted the- Demo cratic party, yet Cleveland has two years more to fulfill his promises. You voted for. Cleveland, the cham pion of Tariff Reform," now you say Jou are for Republican protection, fy Lord, what a soldier yon have made ! ! You have changed so often your party that nobody trusts you, or would believe your promises for six months even if you would swearJ to them. , ' I am going to get after you, Mr. Pearson about that secret caucus in Asheville and how you sought the nomination so early. The Republi can leaders met in March io this conference and it was then and there said a Republican could not be elect ed to Congress from this district They had tried and failed and help was necessary. . Pritchard was dis cussed, ; but he refuted to run. E wart's candidacy -rwas oroDosed. but Ewart said, I can't aooept. I have business that prevents." I can prove all I state. Mr. Person was Here Mr. it) Crawford discussed NATIONAL ISSrJKS,' the silver question including bullion, coinageand seignorage and tbe re peal of the purchasing clause of the onerman ..silver Jaw. xcu say 'Cleveland struck down silrer"! Cleveland tried to put up silver that was already struck down. Tae Re publicans first demonetized silver and other nations adopted the gold Btandard and in the commercial marts silver ws s rejected. Yst you say that the Democrats struck down one-half of the people's money. I am in favor of silver and voted for gold and silver j to be our currenay. I voted against the repeal of the pur chasing clause of the Sherman silver law. , Here ilri P. arson's letter to the Brother, Ai Wallace was 3i dis cussed, in which Pearson says he is in favor of Protective tenfi and an income tax (what a straddle), 1 then the Tariff was discussed at some length by Mr. Crawford. -' s&ook says the PopulisM have a mission .to perform to help put back the Republicans in power) and guardian. You can't tell where he is. The lion and lamb now lie down together. t Pearson, Lusk and Pritch ard, Buck Kitchen and Butler and Barnes now lie down together. What a mongrel crowd ! The above is a resume of Craw ford's speech. The speech of Pear eon and Crawford would fill the whole sheet, so Pearson's aggreasive speech will appear in part next week. Pearson had his own stenographer to take down his - speech. Kgret that1 1 cannot' give, both at - once. Will give Pearson's next week about same space. 1 t .1 H At Henrietta. Mr. Editob: Anne' and go to Henrietta, and see for yourself. The half has not been told to you, of ' the scenery, the enterprise, the intern genoe, the high moral atmosphere. the" elegant church building", i- the wise application of capital and the marvelous growth of that New Bed ford of North Carolina. I was de lightfully surprised. ,1 : Y ' ! Two days in the splendid and clever home of R. P. Scruggs, the popular and efficient mill man, gave me opportunity to learn and to love the city of spindles. To Rev. H. T. Hoover, John Lumley, Ben Ivy, Prof. Bridges and other Hennettians I am indebted lor many favors and kindnesses. The citizens of that thriving town are contented, and seem to bs satisfied with democracy. witn tee world as tfod made it and with the leading of . Providence. They are. content because they are busy all at work and ' always at it There are no roaming murmuring politicians who know more than the rulers and parliaments of the world in that highland of industry and de light They feed well and work well and do not exempt preachers ahd editors. Arise, sir, and go to Henrietta. ' ' 8. -M. Davis. Senator Jones, of Nevada, Asked to Resign. . Carson, Nev, Sept 17. Senator John P. Jonee, of Nevada, has been requested by the Republican State central committee, to resign his seat io the United States Senate, to which he waa elected by the Republicans This request is made in a long letter which was drafted by Chairman Trennor Coffin and approved by the State oentral committee at a meet ing held in this city. The letter as follows : We desire to remind you that you were elected to the United States Senate: as a R9pablicin. by the Republican, party. In the strict est sense the cifioe is a -political one aod the Republican nirty is entitled to representation for the full term of six year from the 4.h .of March, 1891. As you now ancoouce that yoa cannot aoi with the prty that elected you, every consideration of propriety and delicacy requires you to resign. Io the same name of the Republican party of Nevada, we res pectfully ask you to do so." Facts About Silver. The amount of silver dollars coin ed before 1873 in the United Stales was ; 13,031,000. The amount of gold during the same period was $795,091,0. The amount of ail. ver dollars coined since 1872 is 419,000,000, while $152,000,000 of silver at coinage value has been used on the basis of the Sherman treas ury nots. We now have 1419,000.- 000 of silver which is full legal ten der. : for Infants and Children. Caatmrla Imkowi-U ariaptM tooliiwlmn tnr.t . I rwoninjffil It rK Kii-n-Srt-iiny jrrscr!jitinn known (oiix-. V jlL.A.' Aianrt, M-I., r " . ' . " "The 0 of Coxtoji-t t: M fc:kivorsal mm!. Ita nwrits wrll i:..v.n t!i..t it. -:nr. a work of upon-rialin t- riwrsi- i; i'fw am th lnUllii-tit fai-iilii-t w!nj i;.,t L(-.(;.iitiri I CAi:; "atv::, T. Ii.. , Yor'jCitjr. Castorla csmi Colic, Oonfltlpattoa, . fkwr Rlrtmacli; Irtarrham, Krucf 4U1 n, " Kinn AVortun, gin slflpp, mod jruiiM- ,, Without lnjarlou medication. I For anrvral jean I hava MWommrnlM( jrmr 'iaeuria,' and nhil always evmUnun to do ao m It haa lnvariallj( rmxlunxl U-iu-llcUU rpmilu." r.rrnif F. rAitncK, M, I)M ; IS.lli KtPor and 7U Atb., Nrw York Clly. ' Tn Ckstai (VmrAmr, 7! Mcsrat Braitrr, Xsw Yosa Crrr. Tbe First Thing In the Morning. My practice sinoe I . was . thirty years of age, has been to read in the Bible the first thing I do in the morn ing. John Quincy. Subscribe forthe Aurora. USE POIMD'S EXTRACT Ilavejthc early frosts or too late a lin gering y the garden gate again aroused that rheumatism W peacefully slumbering th summer long? Well, if it's very bad you must chancre vour diet and perhaps" take some distasteful drug BRUISES the doctor wjll tell you what but first CDDN itio rub thoroughly the part afflicted withlwrnrtlw FOR PILES BURNS SORE EYES WOUNDS pond's SORES Headache AND ALL FOR COLDS CUTS PAIH EXTRACT, then wrap it.; warmly with flannel, and the rheuma tism may wholly disappear. It will cer tainly be much relieved. Now that you have the PONp'S EXTRACT try it for any of the many thingSits buff wrapper mentions. It's a wonderful curative. But don't accept substituted 'J POND'S EXTRACT CO., 76 Fifth Ave., N. Y. SORE THROAT Catarrh AND AFTER SHAVING I AM NOV A mi WvilJ n-nA yov hi war vloiin I irnrh rrtjaration CALTH08 frini. by aeilrj ". suaraatca tlr LALTHOt, will P ! I P T aaalaraaa, Va. vwiib .i ua I ni trmablad and TarMwe.. kuJ hiul iw.-i trmrmrrpinlrlhririiHi;il . A m( . At ft 1. RCCTflDCi ndrtWT'.i.lUanynlnii ' . I1S.O I UnCI ,7:.rr-':jivjr," k, use u crpay if satisfied. Address VOM MO ML CO.. Sols American Agents. Clno Inrtntl- O ' view X .1 Ji 'i " . ; : : i - . . . .- . .jj.r. ' ; " I '.' - ' '''' ' ' '. 4 r

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