V- iitltijgl&l y 44; . if 1 1 I 1 -t: I- r -1' 1- .f " 1 . . ;.. y : : . . - j - - V ' ' " M I I I II - II . ' . ' ' " ' j " -'''I ' 11 - If A3ltE0N JONES. ' v HUolTiect 'is to Jjwrnic and to please 4 He ' u tli thercfort, with zeal and diligence set him irlkriWiis worVmd lie flatt Jiipaself thikt the ! hTMt:i?itcrW IJteraturcL AiCTiUurc and Coiiunerce may prwiwted'by liil ia!biI"t Oood m&plsf andlxefinfmient it (shall iH kyiitidd to egiibldj, and aiinst thej enp tfM of thesdj tvHcthcr ppen" hKldeh;Jie. Trill tjri the utmost pf hw strength. jLnticisrd, wit, is an;ite ant those other jwnfreais ihat 'pvhjest tK&lfcctoil rejjasts:ho will- endraVor to aflbrd in tW afcKmm. . Bclichg in tho'patrjotLsia I afMijuHi tateat andware tha.t BndetTed.Uame cart but himlei Che Jroper ftUi rf noWrnmrait. he will feel it his duty jo tti thetitji oftWyjuy which has been so freely V irlwhlfetnst the Adnibbltion and yin- . TUif with fifnrtr its iustifiafcle measuresi He 1 viU l free IweTer to sustainj the. continuance yife; liniiea piaw3 uajiK, w ucu cubuw miu j!lncaUons a$ eipenence may haTe snown to j. . .I n. Editor oeems me excise 01 me. poweT OSlnp.urctemetilt by the general pfnmentlid tlve i highest dearee inexpedienti ha hlilievcs that ijlcldistributidn pf larse' sums of I timijty lGrtress the President, will pro- dq? 3eaiousiel distrust and disafTection, and will I cflrrobiiUii tendiBUcy of such Iecrislation; r Affaihsli Tm wpAffp.n ur union ir iv pmninnr or me a tariff which has! fur ita object, the fostering of fthiiihltercpfe jcouutry at the expense 01 anuierine oesx energies 01. uus paper Iwiiitwlopposeot.- , ,'t ?i- l;l ,;i ' ' - A Of the newlv roposratel doctrine of Nullifica I I xion, ik; oniy Btary in say,inai in an 119 pusses 3yjewsoi ciTii pouijfanaad sucn wm oe comoaij to ut wie tir uuiuai l . . i . . I - Thb CiROtiSA ; Watchman,! Is -published Vxj.wxct, ai? eeDoHiirs per year, in advance' rnvi'e- tiiiiwi$er live in Counties mora than If one nnnarea iniies uisiani irom oausuury, aau in all chs where the account is over one year;sta.n- r:. the, price wilt b $4J 1 f llsiriptiott fe 1r ar less than' one year : Advertising will he done at the usual rates. No Subscription will be withdrawn until "arreara gts kre paid junietheforcoe. i y ,. Six subscribers 'paying the whole sum in ad vance, cith hivethe l ralt)vman atl- f 20 loir 1 one t4 yearand if aflvanced regularl vill he coiitinu-J ed at the sarafl nu atterwards. ; " i j; .' 411 le-tirs jio the Editor must bc Pott paid or ther willhotbe attended to. - ; . t -f asiiQrentf thEditor on the business J of the Qificej nlfaddress him as Editor oT the I f jar0l1na ! IKArtlarI hose tha: write 011 oth- er bu&inss canidirect to H. C. Jones, i I I'm- 4?. HHW10118 taken hcfureA the itemmetitJerae bi hecom6du publication of the first ?u!lr,Ww-- lcf."' 1 & ii.. m m tiiuviri.ToiT joues. f 1 : ' " 1 " mv mm! - .4 - . .- .. U for llM cqnuflue tor the -present to practice T f f iLawjiilt tftfObnties ofltowanand uy,;MlitJr..-Boro,. inembersf to the Legislature w; btrr;tk;0QUat' npierior; CourtB. ;Kej .will 1 1 visit tnc next Superior Uourts of Stokes and Da-" vuison m order tosettle his business in these cburts.l ; His Office is i of the Caroliaa . A thl.A Inntiinn ....II tL.IJ VIA Oislwgff on' Thursday. of the fcJuiiwE vouri, 10 lajte into jconskiera Mud uifc.rw ut;nu4iis i aiiu . ail inosn ;;t3ferl9lftTER'4 ;" ' .RICmiOND M. PEARSON JA.MESIIU1E. ! iFilKELLY; 11. m ALEX.-long; - in n?Awmnn Mi liUW, &i$imt:4 UALDWELL, 1;;uUOili.aREEVES,h: :r.-K'E. YARBROUGir," JiNO.;4MlMER6EY; Ji ft frilOSUMULL, -Jr. . f I . ' CTfriiojmSMuu-srir m :ii!i:iGEO.FRALEY;i of Salisbury; fllil'iTHUjLS McNEELY,. " i : ALEX. BUIS, - l!-- i i ' ; XL AI.'. CLAYLAND ; VlIfJEORGE EOSTIL i MM. NATHAN CH AFFIN. ; ' ;;;fOHN BEARD,jr I : ' I - if IjlOTO.flil COWAN. MICHAEL BROWN, Cje ! Grand Itury iof Rowan rCounty of Pleas St Quarter, Session?, approve; the above no- IC3, and recbthhiend it to the attention of our mmmmyvoema:'! m BAMUEL CULBERTSONi I' f 5 Til PETERiA 1 .n Ri f : f it r .1 -auuu file, J; iJOSEWl UtVlN, ' ; JAMES fa KNOX JOILSLIPPARH i- i - SPPSOLSHOUSER, I w i u uia:u u WAN , ir. )yiLLUM HOWARD, DAVIp DA WALT ! JOIlNiHAl.L. ! f JOHN H. PATTERSON; - J 1 t - V to : V - - ,? i t i. Ti mWmmW jmm mV M jM km M tm -i 1. . IT'riLWE ccnstinifir inA A 'Lv 'v,t(LIi!nn. JL : m Pfjkcs Cctyw s,ron-Iiine both slack tf T1 wich UseUritiSS'- cehtfeer BuyeJi SUckcd; and 50 for unsUcked-id hen the quanuty of one hundred bikhrl U-VJ S mce and pd fgr, thd price'wUl be some f MARTIN SenT. j achrhaTi a fewdoors bplbw the Mansion llotel ; in the Hofee lately occupied by Saml; Jones Esq J1 tasajTaverni' r.i- -i ' H . -ii v - - . 1 , . I t SSaU$BarybZt:5aturday,Septenh2 lf32 : t t" ' ' - 1 1 " 1) 11 i ll' agents; r H The foljoAVing Gentlemen will, oblige me by u;tmMas fgents fcr the VVatchmaii in the ser ral untics where they reside, land receipts ihadey theul would be as valid as! if made, by imyeiVyH::!"i:r-i. I w 1 : f 'J -, ' , : f FOB SURRY COUNTY. I ,1 . 1 1 Francis K. Armstrong,! 1 llt'a'ptdJoha Wright, ; ; it Coi. lVir. Wright, j : 1 1 STOilfiS COUNTY: If. . 1. John Poindextcr, Jisq,' Isaac UihsonEsq.1j 4- I I 1 - IL I WILKES COUOTX 1 Cot. Saml F, Patterson; j Messrs. Finley &;I$ouchel, !H t BURKE COUOTYL If Roberi Pearson; Esflj "1 4) rfiSidneVg. Er,win; 1 j 4 jK j. John V, iiardm, risq-jl f jtl-llAROCKINdllAIkt j Hubert Galloway, jfi Esq A.IM. Scales, Esq J ' ) . '! LINCOLN C. Q. Hendersoa,'Esc A.AIf'JJurtun,Esi:Mr.1 j: ! Imecklenburg Dr, Jr D. Bojdi ! 1 A F. ;L Smith: Esq. . Miles3 B. Abernathy; CABARRUS. Davd Storko t EsalH ! H !.fD M. Bamnger. jsq: -.-it. i it UUILFUIU ij Dr.' Jf A. Mebane, it; ASHE il Col, A, Mitchell, IREDELL. ;i I !i Whitfield Kerr. Joseph P. Caldwell, Esq. il .:' DAVIDSONS ! :l . !t4ohh-p.Mabryi. ..-MKU'- " " . sonable commission will be allowed on mo- 'peyllected. . H.C; JONES. : Salisbury, July ,23, ; , !f Ezttact of a letter io the Editor. - ;; .. i - i .' 1 . it fc .- Iillsbojiough;! Sept. 12th 1832. M captlidatl hereabouts. i ! I ! 1 ' I . j - A' jarge meeung o tne people lot Urangectr. wasiiieid on yesterday at this place : Duncan liaiTeilnin tiTPsidpd. All th nmmmnt !mpn t in I tk.-.UL -if u". L.i o i- ;. I PtxTss, the! Representative frornitlrs District, 1 the Bdtttity JSt-Boru members to tho Legislature, j rpsluuortcundemiiing in fpoiriteU .terras"! the u'C!rne.ot rtullincatioii a3 unconstitutioh:.! land traitorous in i its tendency was ! introduced, and le public explanations from several per- resent was carried unanimously with ! the xc uouuiVUC,suiiuiry voitj.t aUI pUOUC meil I . oted for it. 'with a united, voice." iiAfterlNullifi. ter Nullifi-1 atipu was. condemed, Anti-Tariff resolutions Kvemultroducad, upon .which, there was great division ; upon counting the votes; there was so neriy ajue, u wasesoiyeo, mat tne larmer l'spration t e? postponed' until nex1 month, wh"4 another meeting is appointed to be- held. f If .tfems- ?m alwaysj be- et dxtremes, and many well meantaz. .and -hon- i 9. - 1 i-. ; - - w . ( f i tli. I ' w i " r.. ! . - 1 4 Jit . I" I T I .L S KW ; w J ilea '"'TirVflrftCuW tat? a .rmddle . ground I between the lilnressnt hiirh rates cfdntr khd: ai'jil nnlnn. J I irhen of the prote ctive system, J are led from ; the areme , violence ,ana tit! R&bW nartvilto onnose thenii atid all thr M0etlihcs.rrooda9.well as bad ;-i Tiii4 'Jt ...jiji.:'!.. iwiliiii .u- 0.,1 J i; . H" ,...u,a. yyu j. uangcrousas yrvW mat m avoiding the tuigci. uiat pcyiia j w as cangerous as mat fepUt uoon the rock, andkhatiieatt!.. 1-' - I ? i . . ' brirliov to the Union carr :ei ki. stoi wit ,.it fi,rth u-Vtli1 1 - v. "UMgftMVM U4 Uie jUara "Jrf-" uwou. jl ais we mope ana believe will be dons m a reasonable tMe and to the sati j faction of all reasonable men.' U; f Fob, Tiri Watch Was-, s PRESENT ADVANTAGES.' The and !pifieo:rcrr1atm6sphere4 Providence is ;prtfuryikmi to tlV,l",ieree!dijKse is cutting m ijausands of systems itt oui bsler States, Ulst we enjoy .anj almost! perfect immunity. sjthhat ardent gratitude should present cir caii4tandes thrill our f bosona ? i Have wo any good rca-son, however, to j&hticipate permenent .teritiveiyi can we not hear the diitant muttering ruf wrathful thunder? Dd fnoti the eep land : dreadful rollings cf the mighW ctaxiot ct death ' tUr.titf C Jrwi ' :ii - 1 ame presentJunmtuTrupted peace in our plea- i ,a VAUtk fi,.0iw- k; t 1 j i.L!-J2i. 1.1. .l ti, 1' - . - . - .Jii krJ; ' r.?.. ,-., irrirL " snes Will be.a mmd surrender tif ourselraa to thankfulness and smoothe repentance 1 1 ; tin? of citizens ee fatfIxocklbrd:.brrv wtmty,on Tuesdar the 4th rdaSiptember. ikW; ijt-1 i . J vun- and object the;mce ing was then explained in a concise and I The cheerful spirit of health! now- reisrnsi ?cn- ecdlVih ourTown i-with Ithe! texcebtion ! tf a llTa feineWinffcasesj ottafe welOkilZ are invful "uu oy . t ie we must first striirhten the paths 1 u . T.v rfr" fr'r; iranjfcrat .: the iMgh -plMM -ml kwr Hives br J STJr ATt ... GAi.csDPr:ir-rj. ;c. .QACTRDAy, .G3P'irrs3ntirss,i iocs'. ' .... - . . ; u - lucid manner by Mr committee consisting son, Richard C Puryi N icholas L. Williams. John Ednxmdson - and Jusjah Cowles, appointed to draught resolutions expressive .of te - opinion uf the ; meetingj who having retiied. a short time; reported, the follow- a. i camuie ana xvesoiuuns. u i i 4 - s 1 1 L H - i " situation ears Pre- sidents--re cannot . but (iercei ve. jihat ithcj moral and political standing of our; Ooyerdmnt has de-preciated---that the ties which heretofore have bound the Union together are by becoming related threaten destruction, and that the political virtue of the earlier and better days jaf t the Reputilic is fast degenerating into; a mercenary 1 contest 'for "place and power j"--nd , ;..: WTiereas, we cannot but attribute this imelan choly result to.the' misrule of IAndeir; Jicksonu who; by making the offices of the Ooveriiirient- the reward of dovotion to his willji . 1anp the I de priTatioQ thereof, jthe ( punishment of !twe who dared to be indpendent, regardless bf he jhonesr ty and long services of those dismissed; or the hi fcrrry of those rewarded, jhWgiyen''j(canal pfecei dent to that train of events by Which public opi nion is gradually sapped and placed in th scale of'f Exeentiye patronage." ; That5h0j lia in he exercise of a constitutional right; taken the sini gle and high responsibility of, interdictihg the1 existence of a! National J Bank; , jwhoSe henefits were felt j and acknowledged, ' throughout the Union, thenby exhibiting a .total hxpaf or.Jregarc( for the general good when ia collision tj with bis own will. I That he has in that.Vtt pj ptoinulgai ted djctrines- directly at. war Nutii thei&n(jamen4 tal principles of our GiiVernineiit, Mteftipting to overthrow an Independent udlcsiry, the best safeguard of our Uhet$eti, iaisseitinjg fhit eve-j 8' officer ol the (Jovernmenti. j is to judge the onstitution as he believes it betting upj their individual whims and prejudices against the so lemn opinion of the adjudged expounders of the constitution and mat he lias turthe? evinced con tempt for that Institution ? and wjth a Silence "full of meaning hza encouragedphe State of thereby inducing her to add strength to the de4 structi ve doctrine of Nullification in? Sdutbi Caro-j lina by adding Georgia experience ?andteimpbi I to the theory of South Carolina. 1 1 ij jUI il - 1 Ana r unncrmore, noircunceot iwitQ aa-i 1 a l.m w m. m - . r sailing me uignixy 01 . me; senaia ; inrougui a j pruetituted rress-. -whenj. iey dared i to usseniomjncmuia James Jl. Dodged and jaT d by the State; indsiiby the5' indir idual" atock ot Dr,r Pleasautjiender- 1 holder. Is .f j . , i ear,! William C: Bird, I j" The act of ineornoiratioft nrntrlM v fr h L ' : -IVhjtreai.tM contrasting the present oi oar .country, with what it was but a fevry amce; odsr the administration of our fjrmfir WT - 5f,Py?y y 'JHTmT1 n kUlpd, Sa women and ch ldrert prisoners made with their advice . and .consent, he has ?t - , , , , shown in the appointment of Samuel ilGwyn (a4 precise number j could . not, be. ,-ascer-m5ng others) to a Land Office in tti Mississippi! gained, s the f greater ortipii: was slain a disposition to wave the spirit and Ihej-I letter of 'aftfcr being forced into tlie river. Our loss that in trimentnd construe for hirnseif--! that the President is 'sole supreme in lapjxint-l men Finally, intact, he has shown j himself in the progrtof aflairs-thepass oi a party, ana not nis leuer urusiri .Monroe; nmmW 'th:ii.-widMitnfaXBtW.!tl 1 mitUurefore Resolved, That j. we !; view thri .1 arLn . P reason t f.rtWyl .United States, asdestrucUve I to thelbest t intex4 r Ji esolved. That a committee, etinistincr of Jo- c!i. v....l.. l...r.. Dii..U.. derson, Thomas Wright, Joseph AVilltams and John VVrighi, be appointed toi:ineet thelcocumitl tees from the other counties in thisiDistri at! roo Tuesday next, to homiuate an Wilkesboro Elector for this District opposed to i tlie re-elec- tion of Andrew Jackson. ilesoiveajurUier, 1 nat thetoregomg JUesolo "vi haiuiwduo puuiiauou m , iuo vaiuiiua i j vvatcaman and Catawba journal. ; j l : r i i' ' (Signed) HENRY P. P01NDEXTER, ,li ! !' Chairman! WM, BUROH, i f JOHN WRIGHT i r : ; Chairmen. Joseph Willi am s , Sec'rys ; Tj 1;. !,Tn Union Bank of LoutsumaJ--Under this title, the Legislature of ! Louisiana cljartered an . 'i f . ,' "I r 1 ! ! . '"; . institution in April last, of a somewhat hoveli character The object was not merely ii estab4 hsh a 15ank for general purposes, but1 to. provider uic means 01 uorruine 11s enure capital on ria-i vorable terms abrjad. "The foupdon 1 is I laid gaffe on such property, of at least j, equal --value with me amount, of stock subscribed SfFVnirlmili lions are to be secured on property ih the city of pew-wieans. oiaves are not w oe taKen as security, except in the j proportion! of . orie Hhird security, except in the j proportion one Uuird 1 wm . ..... i; -. it : " : t . S ? s f oer. Unckbuildinsrs are onlV!to W taken as sc4 restrictions1 VKa e one mini, anu mere, are Shttut nnlmnm. lali 1, ; r T ; purpose, the State pledges jpfidtjjgU issues d hve per cent sijck lor the amount iti bonds of one thousand dollars each, one fourth' if;wHich is pay! able in twelve, one fourth in fifteen one ;- jfourtll i m iweniy f 3 ears w i Bank ire brpwght; in? : ;!'-!'.; i; V i These, designs appear to havej succeeded 1 peri fictly, and me security of the! boniiitoihav0 i biol 1 i . - . "J- l ; i 1 . til T: i 1 satisfactory to the monied:.eoiiimtttyj r has already been , announced that the wholesum had been taken by a Bouse" in this MtJll iini connexion w iwi nouso iu LAJuuvm j atapremiampi o 1-I4tn pr cent. 7 Tk. K.J.1 t;iJ, v-S!Ili.t 'i ..."1 , L T w 100 ns on tneir VY,U TU9' 4"! "l1? la.?rr t tor exceemng m an, one halt; then? aihount ?film1S!:ten years, Che-interest payabl4anndallti'ia'! advanccL rr- .f- u,um aup fpui- 4 No dividends are to be made of profits until tire 1 ursb set m uonus laii qub. k ro ut u ia m i any time imposed by the State.lbut id isonsiderai tionf its assistance in procurihr ttsdl foah feel 'wjuwoaipB wye e XtH 1 iVWhen the bonds of the State havi alt beri ipaidbyjth BaiilE; itoahir.'are. Uunidated' lorjiweuty-uvB -years; tne last mree ot wnicn are to bo employed in 'wmduupjii-rijfii'1;!;'; 'f of .Hie institution is to be troveraed bra jbcan twelrc Diretturs, six of whom are ;to be . autwu u tf gi m.is ot oufif ,.jm. ares Liedt Ritneri . i t. Mir- r jt- m.-j ,; lii 01 one nunureu uuuars,to oe euDscnoed oy; cui-4 fn, , j 7Dne..rtU(i.ta ,Aua vi 8Uii,i-rJ,iH i 1 he Cay alter. I to marker . " r : tabjishroeot of various dfcecs, and the distribu tion pi various sums in loans nnon th nmnprtr m sundnr parishes of the State, JA large propor tion of the whole canibti : ik ta K 1 bond and mortgagef jmBank U trestricledHto f per cent interest jon all loans upon negotiable Pyerfjayable within mbnthsand is net Ito pke more than seven; per cent peri annum in anv case, except when payments fed j tl he made kt matunty? In such ase it! y entitle XL. h,Wn. HjyWwtjf,4t;aiy; time any U i Pk " STTl t"?"' flnetionor. ; iilnr ? ft??PPre hH keen1 devised with financial ability, and toe Cell Calculated to promdte .the'inr of a State (which pmes ses,capaf juej fur fiiabliddustry, tar beyond its wpitl, the plinf derives I additional inteVests ; ft fw the fact; that-several of Western States; as-we?understandwill likely totasji mmilar institutions for their dwn b?nW8e,tad ptticulariyj to prevent thedam age whieh might iitherwisd result, from the withdraw of the funds ofT thei United Suites Bank, should that, iuatitution fail to obtain a re newarof itscharterj".:n' --U ,hA'l ":" J P ol Commerce, if- the f Wasliintrton (RlnKA 'I From ! S ! INDIAN WAR.; 'CJ- i j The' official inibrrnatidn j has been re ceived at the DpaHmeiiti of War: Aead 4s. iftAcrpn North 'lfaVnAnny, j j ;j Prairefdu; Chiefl,Au 25th, 1832. 1 j SijMfl have he honort to report to you Uiat I crossed tlie Quiscorisin Jon the 27th and 28Ui'ult. wfth a select boky of troops, consistirig ofthe , regulars under Col. Taylor- foui hundred in numberpart of Henry's Posey's; i and Alxander brigades and Dodge's battalion i of the mounted volun- teers, amounting in all tOj thirteen hundred men; arid immediately fell upon the trail of 4t, u - J:SUU J U...!. through a mountainous , and difficult coun- P r'l' f vy iue anainsi: wnen ctoie. up, wltn his mainjbody on the; m . : w 111 uum iuiTiiM.iiuii1ueurjy opposite uie moutti 01 tne ioway,wnicn weattacKed, and defeated and dispersed, iwith' a loss on; his of about one hundred and fifty men in killed and wounded, which,! is stated be low is very stnall in comparison With the loss of the enemy, which be may atriributed to the enemv's beinff forced from his nositions bv U ' i, Ka,j U a 'LarnM m'A a rapid charge at the commencement and uiruugiioui uie t vgageiup iuo remnant of the enemv. - tut- llo and disheartened 1'ttossedlta tliicppsite side ofjhe river and has fled into the interior, with j a view, it is supposed, of joining Ke-OrKuck and Wap ello s bands ol acs and I- oxes. tThe horses of the volunteer troops being exhausted by long marches, and the regular trobps rithouff shoes, itj;was;not thought advisable to continue the ; pursuit; indeed a stop tb the further effusion ofblood seem- ed.to be called J fr till ilimigm be ascer- t-infa if tho enemv would not surren- I V. ft is ascertained from-pur prisoners that the enemy lost in; the battle on the Quis consin j68 killed and a very large number wounded ; his whole toss does not fall short of three hundred-7-aiter the battle on the Q;sconsin the enemy's women and "chil dren, arid somevho were dismounted, at tempted to! make -their escape by descend- tPg that river, bUtaudtcious measures Deing taken py CaptT Loomis and uen- btreet, In- j dian Agents and; thirty'-too women and enil- 1 ren ana tour men nave oeen capiurea, UnA smnfi U men-killed bv the detachment the battle ori this river, I place by water,; and the mpunted loinusl to-iday. jRtis now my purpose to direct Ke-o-K of the reraaimnsr i principal men ot the tios- thft n-rfv which from the' large number of J UTfUIl I .SIIIII I'lllllliril '11 Li JJUIU Ui3 Lift aSUillft 3 VVrTrn 1 IT " , L...iLi 4i 7 plied with.! Should it not; they should be I A i a . -- -1 t ' . vi iff . . pursued and subduea, astepj uiajor uen- V : i ... fe ll' - 1 .? 1 . LI 1 1 ' 1 Cased in the last battle and. fatiguing march Uiat precceaea itf aa.s"yj ii uiv icjiuiia of the officers o jbrigades anq corpa are ttanhyi! in. vthi i shall bd submitted; with furthertremarksj i i Ha - i j- - Ij; -.-.v. 5 killed and a woundea otn jnt, S 1 i wounded 5th jhf. 11 Cabt 5 prices Dodg battallionmoun- 1 Lieut. 6 privates, Henry's 1 1 i privates woiihd, AMxander's v ? prvatq havej tlie honqrto be iitn great Sspeet, V, i your plrt servl, ; it H. ATKlKSON,l ' ?lmlBilgMGenlU.8: if I M ! i Coinimnufcritn Chiefs irashington. Front; tho Chatleston Couner. . 1 ; i n. Jftrfnl rVlAJThere are ihony . honest lAmencans among me xum,y - we nniL ana reuuauu; iw redeem meipledges.1 Its pisnmon, it is flat Trtoaoa. and oocnlv avowedit isj understood. Our trade U alread V crippleo-stock Is about to be Tpmnvpd debts cad no looeer "be collected--. must now strug o! have' hitherto City Election is Grained bv that t)artvi every4 Union : man is a haakmnt. ererv adooted citizca is an alien the tro ttriii & !&e2ot li 1 ir ! - !Tnis lBiralXVa--Tbe St. luis iRe- 1- I publicah, received Jtry last mailj furbxthc f 1U- li nirinn tnf.imtlm4 6 J-' ' I : ' : Oj t ...I., t. 1. it - iuuww; iiuuiua Mate ujlu uuuqjiueu1 and - they are 4 nov retummg toohj;ir hjtaes. General Atkin i passed thu city? cu Satur day night last "m the steamboat Warrior, Lr landtras the? WarriortwaS leaving; b some jtriendly Scs,"that a band of Siuxs hau encountered the hjstile Sacs and Faxes, aad inithe: engagement ; which T ensu Ifrom viooi to: 140 of the hitter were slain; Blaci Hawk was said to -haveibeenHof the number The reporfirests pon the authority of two' htiie Indians who alone escaped to me camp of hc fKcndly SacsL JVe learnfurthcr,, that Keek- uckthe chief of the friendly Sacs,l had given up hancpWryeVw.fai he murderer of a niannamed WilliiajSi in Warren County -nm -r.!?: .-r?? 'J ? ?i - " . Voun? men to - t rwimrS-ir the whites, subsistknee to teacs and Foxes.' r i i li . . ? . l'iwi i?e,lienJB Pub" i iished? that the number of commumcahts ! I connected with the Presbyterian Churci ini represented and abused as had Iwh I or three years bast, it ! may be expected to prosper as it Jiis never done before. The mtthodists have! been, persecuted1 till they have become by far the most numeral Hn. nomination in the countrv, ami the mi I course of treatnent 1 appli presbv- tenans o any other ; sott, will tend to the i .f-- N T. Jswr. of Com, QREENHpw i ON QHOLERll. Messrs. Carey?andLea havW hvnii!1i.bnt work,called f Cholera, as itl recently appeared pthat Hwas; but all concur in saying, that! Hoc m the towns of New i Castle and GnirhA I rasioned a strancf trpmniniM mntLm. Th !A- including cases illustrative f its rhysioWy and pamoiogy, with a f view to me establ.sbnii. nt sound principles of practice" It is an K1a y. position of the natire of this hew and hitherto al- mast unknown disease, and .will be found of ffreat rZi' .PPV to the medical faculty. The authur4 afer treating of the nauie, phys- lology ind pathology of v the 4 disease; adduces a number of cases illustrative of the four! degrees into which he has. fclassed thb Cholera. These instances are suckas come under his personal notice.i j - The Tredisposuiff causes of Cholera! h divirlps mut vwo ciasses-natural and acquired. J The naural cause arise from the net-uhar nKranie Structure if the inHivKtnal. anrl tUa al tendency to specific diseases. The acquired ! Liverpool (JVV 8.) Jlag, 16t!i,On Sunday , causes are to be found in whatever has a tendency imorning last, about 7 o'clock; the rith inst, na to debilitate moral or physical- health ; more hy of Our inhabiants felt, a blight shock f an especially to dimiriish tlie healthy tone of the di- -earthqnake.' IhaVe since been informed sthatHt gestive systein. . After speaking ofhe )Qwerful was more severely felt at Shelburaej shaking mflence of fear! as a predisposing! cause, he down' the plastering ' uv some of their, buiidr "itnas been remarked that wherever ! Cholera has hitherto! prevliled it ha$ principally attaek- ed the broken down in constitution, the dissoluto, theabjdct poor, those devoid of proper bodily epm- forts, whether mhdgmg, clothing, or diet, those enfeebled by ge,and the inhabitants; of lowdir iy , anaiii-veniuateo situations .and, witn tew exceptions, such his been thease in Newcastle, These, then, must be considered as the general pruisuusing causes oi an acuirea pnysical na- ture ; we may add to these exposure to gTeat fatigue; damp, cok, or dietetic excess. A dili- gent inquiry would, I am. satisfied, enable us to discover instances3 of all these circumstances navmff led. moie or less.' directlv to I the attaek i butofthd effect of the latter-cause in particular dietectic excessl the extraordinary irruption if the Ahupnati at Gatphpad. in the itiit,t t th Christmas feastimrs. affords a ra;t f remarkaLle example.' Dr. Greenhow devotes considerable Ispace to to discussion of the true nature of the Cholera. and submits, in conclusion, the following proposi- llonS'rr . - .-:; i.i -S "That the principle of contagion is acknowl edged to be unequal! to the explanation of the man ner in which me disease, extends itself, without the " assistance cf ah epedemic condition of the atmosphere. r . ! : "That an atmoshere agency of more or less intensity, and of greater or more confined extent- sion, which visits 4inerent places in succession, greheraily leaving, harticularly or entirely, one place before it arAvs at another whose distance is. not very considerable appears solely and fully equal to the production of the pbinomona which attend me', progress of this sextraordinary disease.; '- 1 . i -iT-S;.tV'pLi-V J TUn UNEXAMPPp SAGE STEAM The new. and elegant steamboat jCUmjdain, CaptGorhatn, came up from New. York yesterayjn(V;hbuTsandl3 minutes, do- ducting loss pi tune; including iosstv nours and 49 minutcs,-k5o Argus-1 1 GEORGIA. W W WIIWttp canoiuaes w.mwob xn 1- . . WTiiwn a pauriouc leiier io lue rticumouu coumjr CommiticV. in which ' be makes the tolloWing manlv avowal bW fientimeitta : MI ami no NnU lifier. j Indeed from j the different intorpretatipi s of those who are advocates of th doctrine of Nul - lification, it is a matter of no little diiBcuity to ascertam what t is the precise difirutk : they affix to the fcrm;i It isVtcxt upon which each Nullifier makes his bwn commeiury. Of this, howeverrl aai ratisfied, that it is neither a con - stntkiQal or pespeful Incde of ebtaininff redress cf CTievanccs. vn messumeci oi ( me wnu mere . -.1 '! . d?i .1 -v. 8l:-..l i is, I think, but one opinion in the state, that in TKerc is an 4 Eastern stonf ; of a person whbtalightUs parrot torepcatonly the words Whit doubt is thereof that r'lHe carried it to the market ' for sale, Ifixing the the priceat 100 rupees A toogui asked the parrot are vou worth 100 rupees ?w The par- Scwo':' jiVhat : dSubtJ isi therelof bought the bird. pe soon found iout Ithat tluVwas aU( hed sayrf of his bargain, he f said to hmiself;.- las claimed as siu&4 What doubtlis Jhere 7i. T i " - -r .-..-, m.m i i 5.. . - ii,opeiaiiou is oauuwHj uupuvuu, uuwuw thetbridZCS Of r emi aoout v litui qrantly impohtk an .unjust. 1 But ty remedy Owrto, bvthat of Don. MiguelJ and kfttr by hficatipnM . t appears.to ine, not Jbr ujg g the morning ( uiitU ,7 irk iUTobject a repeal of the Iaw alone the inevita- Pgnung irom .;2Tif.j Uecodsequeitsdoptibn is sepaiksi ofour the evenjng, Donjedro S Umon,andavU warlaslttfTiatural results : andcaptured S0(rsoners. - Several regn u i pharUsiot& Vj Qcz; benU had joined his standard.pThebrr:di , h- : . ; ".i . , M .- - I USA wa v k w . D . i if t toil. ir-HoJ t; - ' 1 From a Parts paper. 1 , YOUNG NAPOLEON.! F v - :r Apropos ol Wapoleon. His unfoijaite son; ? &HpeUi his PhysiclaaTtad; 8ne ,uo? spoken of him in such ia inaaiwri 43 leA1 XW Me nope,V but f that 1 little hasF vanished. :The Duke of Riecfistadls dis-! 5 18 4 palraoiiary phthysic, f which owly je?10 him. ;The poor ygman said a bw since, So young, u - there no Iremedy? y,. "death j. then will be the'oujy Pnt f remembrance." Some lime :-! since Jus "omseitt to hi? the superb , cradle that was5 v1 de !t U in ? lFn -?J. faUingthe circumstance ti bis miTu!. s fU J1 rans me tunanisjMrtn, and iwusspr. n present to the troira f e miani already aecoratedt won a crow wouJd then have anticipated that, '.-j him mrough dVadrds,I die at Vienna ? His mother is ill at si infant already decorated, with a crowni , Who would then have anucipated that, proscrued d see hiut from him. His loss wUl be regretted; he is gud ciever, ana nan' administered, to mournful idestmyis r . -. The Halifax Nova Scotia of August 22. can i uuusiue laiiowmg paragrapos; . It Extract from a tetter dated jriwlrJuir.. U13.?We had a small shock of an eartlqua; e here on Sunday morning, at about a duartcr Ft- l tied to tw Wbr.lTiIfw.to felv"y 4K-.Kuu.jr iub vHiegr? v , .cautmy , I aaa lie. neighborhood of Spa Spring, "1 undbisiir t we toraier piace it cracKca some, oi ice jiasir . ling. It was so early that few poople ir. C ef viuage leit it, aitnougb a lew were avfvJt. : y ; it.. ' By some, it is said, that it was notaccqTi-, panied by any rumbling noise, and ty bthfij- cademy was rocked rather alarmingly, ind a cottage not laron, was moved ina manntir tliat ' made the timbers crack, and to suggest the idea of a shin in motion. I cannot ascertain its di- rection, but should think it was north and south. Did you feel it in Hafitax? 1 am sorry -K wy-i that 1 was so fast asleep ! that I missed it, as I fdiJW 1817. ,1 7 f j U, 1 1 ! Extract of a letter Jrtyn Wirier Island 'ytUtedl wg. 16-On Suaday moniing last, aboui hatfi st seven, we had a very heavyshock of an parthquake: Itfastedtbe best parTof a ininute and was so violen't that I could not stand stilt ; Via I ilinrl. vpta fthalron down. "' - ' f i 1 r I- PoLaitiy On another page may he found the address, of the American Polish Committee in Paris, endorsed by the J'good Lafayette," to their Ifellow citizens of .the United Sutcs giving an account of the manner in which they; have ci- poseo oi me iunas; cutnnuiieu w im tr cua for the relief of the suffering Poles! s We regret, and are almost ashamed, that those contntuilcnn .were so smui, ua sun uure, ui wucu.o uuu ling appeal has 'been made to the people of the United Statee by the Poles themselves, solicit- j; ing the hospitality of our country, it is received J ; with an apparent coolness by Tuany, as if to show j to roiand and tne wona tnat our nrisy s thies in their behalf were mere professions and hypochrisy. There are however some excp tiohstn this remark: here and. there a Ipa fir ISeemod to kindle witn the spirit Of 11 IJ .u cn Reading the appeal,; and has responded toitj a I manner worthy of - Americans and of Here the Baltimore American: I Give to the Exile Poles a home upon the frUl tier. Let them Jive together, on lands giv them by American gratitude, under their ; o vri institutions, and in due time, let .them j become Inember of the confederacy thus presrrvir.g their cherished nationality, while th(?y bcoiiwp Identified.with us in our cUrins Union I The gi" would be wormy a niitjr-peopiiy- . jusi iut pen of the sympathies of m-ble minds, and a a Argument for Jreeddm and far Coristitat:yrH, powerful enough to dismay the Tyrants m K rope and to enspire the nations in tlmrasataco toopposition. To i the Liutod butes, it : would? give a hardy, warlike, industrious, aridvHl jrxpulatioD, full of tlie spirit of independence, ar.d an impregnable defence to the fronUer in case ot Warmer hostile incursions 'of any j kind.;'! tie .fc w 0f attention of 1. , - ' f'i t i 'i K . ! : -i; STILL LATER FR03L ENGLAND, ij rjoNFIRMATiON OF THE REPOln ED BATTLE BETWEEN THE TROOPS Or DON PEDRO AND DON MIGUEU By the Packet Ship Columbia, Capt ; jDc UruL vchtc-hr. armed vesterdav f6ai Lorit ; . t- , r Portsu.duth on tlie i t - 7-0 f- ast Aug we haie received London etcto Inff OaoeTSOf the Slst July, thOSO Of tllC I morning of that day having been reccirod bft 1 h.Q Pacific ii k ..; r " i H if f 111 1 1 1 rhe rumors resnectinff a battle Iiavirii 1 i ri, t K ntmeiet mrtles ut fiIT It anr that thb Portugal is confinned, 1 Steam-packei oiuraoia h n. I ii-.'4he 28th, having Jett unonaj n tuo - I .1 I Dn'the 25th, Don Pedro's force was, mot 1 sum. It LONDON,UULYi, (Eveniu We yesterday annourred the arrival if th I hllTlTl jrt. iWibnbTtweenmearnw dflTon Migt4 AJr . . . vu . .... . ii ? j pedra n the 23d, which terminat d . in dTor of the Utter. There were so many rfifi, ferent versions of the report, and some i f : io palpably ahsurd. that , we did ( gSSSn S fej ailtb th same evau distant ; of ticaSle roads, to their S r: . . '.u.j- .Mnmrtni at Uiv rt - 4 ft! i'4 "I i V :t :f-5 -lit 1 1 .3 11- i Ls. M- -. Its; -- -i - Vi -' ' i," j . t .41' i: '"If f its . ,3 If hi -. i J! 4 ' r: i i i . . .. el .: 1! I lit! t l';v : , ' if'". r. 4 . j i. i I I ill St . i 1 54H i' 4 4U - -. 4 i ! - ail ri , 6 -J5

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