,-'1 ? . 1 :! " , - . .. 'it. ' J t I i. t " j . r . ..-.,! i - : . ' .. . -!: 1 - if J "7 f - 3 j ! J t is' .1 '--It "f- M it . r-1 Mf-trii.-W' -A " --'vl ..-J 1 1 t.- r - . . - t- r. - i. 'A I- o si pbii! Will tlicrefure,wiUi zeal and:aiU5eace set hur h U to is wofkitutd" he flatters hinelf that tie WWt mfrrcafc ftLitcratare, Science A-icultorc tfttoommeicc may be! promoted tviri ''"frnifsy'irtrala and refinement it phau; U4ti mSam -iaithoM. and acamst the ewH r 1 ptlib utRiotof hU stTcngth Ghticisi wit; 4iieciiaJ aniiiwe ouin juikcuu 6l,,v H &ktellocttjalpats ha wUoMaaii ,4thJj IKocAjiirf. I BeTwmnz in ta ipatriotisini tad just wtfebtiM trfltHe Ifeidinty and aware ihJ:tin4c? Uame caiilmthihlftth& prppcf vKiCtcrBOTcnt, he wiU fcel ii fib doty 10 ir-sidt the title cd o&wqujr wmca wis "'JC pdiMt?itnst the Admiiiistratfonand vwh i'irii$2iierirt. Its jnstifiabfe, mcasuresJ He rU ii&tseliow5ver to sustain? tHe coatuitiance l r 44 : Uic-fjoltftd SM Baak, with wch checks an : " - . t : .1 !: ifhei Editor ; deems the excise $ the" pouet fuCmiiklhg jcfhrfirorp9ihyfthe genera) ifWrnment-irflhi-'hiirliest deOTeeiinexpwents hobelievc58 MaiMie distribution of large snJrna cf : ; - i v : . . r ' t I a. !lt .' 4 fiionpv bv uaru?rt)63 ana uie rxcsxaeni. wwi-pwr- J j duofe jdalousiesp4tru8t and disaffection, and will , ihrtl Weaken lout, ;union:-to say; poMung irf -tlj; f -r iMrrubtihr? tdeiidv of such leirislatidn. AjrainstJ I ''. IHvhic'hl4ibr itohject, the fostering of ?jtfi:ifeTfsif pf dri4.ection of our ccmntty at W$ ; pxpfcnfd of aitolSciJthe lust .ciicrgicijcf this impel I' KDf we newlirmrmwsated doctrine jbf Nulufica ; ; itifKr; U only aeebsbarv ti say, that in jill its phasef y n snwst settled r. f VieoxciTapctyVandasstuA will be cqmoat :fiw twwlr nk Three. Dollar dpt vi ari in advancrt i 'uV.Vi.-i-'.ni !i v I VMintiA1nhrr thrift J f mk hundred tailus tlbUut fmui Salisiiury, aad hi ali eascs whore the account igyycc one ysar staj-5 ine price wui oe i. 4 W suastTipi I es .aic baul.iunlfjss the Editor choc&u. r '-; ;; ft! v ci rfwr irwrs : mwnnr tK' vluj1i ; kiim i n Jirl-i ; yrViQilifcjed Teguiarly.ivill ho continu-f el at (he saihe rates afterward. ; .' j . i , Alt letters MM; Editor must ,bfr .IWpaul er .thHii3iwtettdc4 to. - j '.' . j : I Pcrsoos adilrciig ihd Editor on the business! of the 01Hce Will address him aa; Editor, of tho Carolina li'Uehimn Those that-writo on oth4 1 rt hnunitst ran direct to l 1 C. Juncsl I ": ! Id $$11 jhi ileriprlQua takea befbro thoj f btred. hecomd idiie to-.tte tubUcaliodlof thn fir4 iwpjer;.; lv.rii.Jrf -; 1 I" t - r II.t eoutiQUeifbr the present, to practice IflWinwCouatiesoi Rowan aiid Surry, I .in'toi&th jq9.ij&',Sup(ioi Court4,.' 1U will, rWistiililStfpcjribr -Courta of StaUos and Da ! vk!s6hihonlo loiJctlle his business in tliotjecourU.! Ilia Office; lat fuiadcr the oflioe ol the aroluia lWaiehhiiuk':affe4ubr8 beloir tlio Mausiou Hotel I H tSe'HSuSef p 4iely.uccuiid.by !Saiii1Joues Esii !iiw.f :;L-l3tE,.: ' Vj ! TP VE fsrltantiy ou liaiut at niv (X.im;ekiW I JlJh Siokc-Cuntcr-ocWiH4 both slack fiHllaridiindlaekCil which I soil at 1 cenu per; Bushel foi Sliekwi : and for unslacked-4-andP when tre ijuaHti bne hundred bi(ishcls rstot eatx air pai4 for, the price will ho some? what leases e.i . ; . ' i " i I '! : H;!!; HIAMES.MAllTIKScn-t.- 1 r 11 Til V Virrue, of a deed executed tome by Enoch' 5 M. Lcachon .he 17th December ABdi , M haU geuHtWbiisale on theSind day of -Opto! 1 ber rkxtkhelractiof land on. wHichl Enoch! M. L,eacarnow avwt, oeing ino iana conveyeq io 'i iMfhhy jJohal Hendricks; the salekwiU take; place on the jPicuiiscs at the usual hoji? , ; al at I the sanie tune -and? places L will full ' various I 1 aVfielesI cfi personal property; vizi SHEEP, i ijpscrij)titinrili be taken fsr less thai ooej fjeil :Alvmlsi will be dont tlieisial fatcsj - I . ! j jij . j iiuuo, iUu.o, ana ono xiwxvorj nouseiioia tz ruicnen rHiruivurej x annmg j wusu, and other articles too- tedious to mention The terms m saloimade kivvn ba the day of sale. I, . SCj0 The i Land will be sold on a liberal cre- ! dit.'also. at the same time and place, I shall ! the C top of said Leach, consisting of Corn, IWhlat, Ry40at1 &c. Fanning Utensils and If :! I mr- -. ;';ZAUOCH.LEAClI. jjtccibcr; Cist; J832 -io-3w. Vttpc-Fcur and Wfailkin OOKS j(Su?cription for Stockm thiscjom ItTany, arekiw openod in theTown of Sal- . Wjgat thctel'of AVm.-11. Slaiiditer,aiid ' , at the Mansion Hotel, and will remain open uh- U kh 23th (lay of AugHst next. Tjio iubscri f hers ai plead toleani froina recent)! communis f cation to thehi frota the onunisbiuneirs at WiJ,. f tinm,'imatiiOd)OOStwk ihe ?l?Own bC jVaiaington and 'Fayettevtlle and l..n..lt.u J. : i.v. J 0- IWlES MARjL 5' 1: i MICHAEL BROWN tHOS. L. COWAN. Wii jlL IIORAH, i MAX. CHAMBERS, . Ki' -3" - . f !irf.i-rVi. 4 fT: Wedh5iving .retablisKed hin Itfl.! Iclfin hisloriner line of bikini 11 Store for. the. roception ct J TgTT" rir rY vutn , na, services to -f-Bauci as. . t actor wutr- r orwardih ; " h menus ana eustaner?. : ; j , i t..:rA ' iV.;-! '" ';-"' i I ;' f ' i . , A-l-L - , tr;t H-sttli;' -sir. AiTrnt. . : m 1 1 KSiyecorrespondence in all the Europeah A I ; - lcl-rJijctsV and Jeng lerierimeiitai CB r'SW-Hthe Trad ef lettevUley l"' J'H1 "wbeti, united . A" 4 -f . Ii4ary4--iturdayji IoTembeTi3, 1832; 4! : :pl 1 TOR TJCE FEEfiDKrr, . " 1 y (-"Hi j ' - . "jp'ivv . . .-. The following gentlcmea bayebeea nominated as fodders 6pp(Uw't&Te?-;Xlekct.l -WpramJBr;ilkhart,ofN -v JohB M. Moiefiea,orGmltvr(l J ' Thomas SctiXe,cf Rnckingham '. ' Walter I.r Iake, jf Rwhmojiid; T. .. V Owen Hdmes,-of New Ilanoyef ' ' , '. JValhias ;E:! Jjiwyer, of Chowan .' .- Joseph Jl Dariiel, bf Halifax Ji - Josiah 01 Vatson,i of Johnston 1 ' s Ricliard Dobbs Spaight, of Cftyeti Frahcis Ward, t)f Ply xrwuth jj God. Lee Davidson, of Iredell t ' Abnixn V. Venable, of Grnyltjd - Perigrin Roberts, of Lincoln ! Thp.G Polk, of Rowan , -;! f iAGENTFSi iTlie following Gentlemen will ; oblige me by adlnas Agents for the WAtcIimajc in the sev made hyl them would be as val?4 its if made by myself, tizj "; ' 1 FOR SURRY COUNTE. j i Francis K. Armstrong, 1 1 l! 1 H Capi. John Wright,: i Col.jT.IIJ. Wright, i : Pclcir Cfingmam. jt ? : I i 1 TOKES COUNT?; !' ; JohnF.Poindexto Isaaq, Gibsiui, i i ; WILKES COUNTC. ; Cl.SamL F, Paticrsbii,, ; IMeJsjs. FhUey & liieheiL - i liURKE COUNTY Rijbcrt Pearson, Esj. t'- . jSidnbyS. Erwin, Jijlid P,! Hardin, Eii) I T ,E0C KING 11 AM j Rob4f t G alljway , j r E$l t'Ai. M. Scahs.E. 1 !H P. '. i-v f LINCOf.k 1 C.": 6.HeBdeisobEsa. j . " A, Jl. uurton, tsq Dr. 'J:, DBoyd; n IF; iiu Sknith ESq. : Miles 13 1 Abcraathy. vm- . .: ; -CAIIa. X)aviJSiorkc, Dn J. AlTMebamv - fi : r ASHE ' i Col j A, Mitchell, . i 1 ! HlEDEtU ' AVhltfiehl Kctt. Joseph P.CaJd.cH, Esq. ''' iJohn.P.Iabry. 'l? 'Reasonable comlnisdan wHi be allowed on mtv ny collectudJ ! Ml. C.JONES. Salisbury", July 23, 1SS2. t .2 rderwi , Putrtol.- -At llie last term of Stokes j Snperiut Court, Co! James'Martin of that count ji ag&i 90'years, prpscnted his claim for al pension uner the late act of Congress.- He rode eiliteen jniles apparently without fatigue, and appear ed to bo in fine fhealth and spirits. He had written out with his own hand a detail ci" his services wltich was executed with so much g(Hi taste and literary I propriety, that al .tho it was hot thus intended, the Hon. Mr. Shdp perd, to whom lie applied to draw up his declar ation insisted on seuding the autograph itself to the War Department,-, aiid after preparing, a head andcoiiclusioa according to ; the required Ibrin, Mr.' Shep crd read the declaration before the Court, iheld by the Hon. James Martin, Jr. the son of the applicant. Col; Martin had been actively engaged in the scenes of the Revolution in North Carolina, and hU narrative is full of very interesting matter, and was listened to by a crowded as3mblage with breathless anxiety. To showin wtat an extraordinary degree Col; Martin retains bis faculties at this advanced age: we mention the fact, t.ut about two years since, lie wrote a history .if his farhily ancestors at the . reqtfcstef one olj" his descendants, comprkinglrul ly twenty page, in a Very cleat, and spirited style of couijxjsition, .He was a. Colonel in. the War of Independence, and was in the Battle" of GuilfortL w His js the only claim that wrirave heard vt being presented by a Colonel under the late pension act ;' A 'I ! Thewctionj in Pennsylvania,! tor Governor, has resulted in the choice of the Jackson Candi ilate, ybl-vjer the Antinasonie Candidate Ritner by a majority of about throe .thousand. ThU'result Wait somewhat unexpected, vot en to usijbr Sve jmev:ithat theri vere a great raa- I ay-focal j temnstano pperaunjaaitnst Wolf, 1 which wuuld prevenCthe full force of the Jack- J soa partyl from hein put f rn!i iff his &vc : 'and wnica, posequBauyj Tii. jii ' u uu.ugn. Had Ritner beaten Wdf, z?,ytiktiU should have belHi confi.v. .rtPeuusylfania would haye given her vote to Jackson-; AVe are glad, however, that the election J has resulted in thewayfit aaaj iffor no oijreasoni than to prevent the bolsters rsote of; triumph, from be ing soaaded jia our cacsjby the opposition.' It is amusing to, see priHi what facility tlio jopposition Editors caatangea defeat into; a triumph;--f WhVn Kiiitiicliir pave h'er Veto to the Jackson candidateitfvr Gov 'eruor ia spttb of the confident asspnions bt, tne Ulay cuiiars w me cowrary; u was said Immediately flai Bubkner was an f Aut:-SuBhlay-mail-iruin, and that incxnsetmence of this unpooular ductrlne. a creat mlnV Clay mchwoulJ notvotetuf inm; rennsyivania - - - i "k , i . m ' ft : i the track oil Kentucky; : and mow iwnat ccMneyi - -as to wr. van uuren,lue cenaaeocc ot too W$r the e!cetioa', tst Gcvcruo no I pooph? of Cie United Statcsianc cif his ovn Stks -1 - fish'- '?m ; i -' t:. - . -" r-1 ' .ihi , ! W t-i- "" . --- ' 1 i - : " I ? " i - -,--- -...-'":-....'. i ' -'' "..,Jimlx..ni I. - " mi n.'.jl.i) --i-i.n- ' ' -,", 0 lr,n , -rr- ' r,,L ..j..,,- " " . ' i. I - lt5Hrtajftandtf4T end wi vifllien show you who U' t trornrcst.--IIai -a! baWrironder whal" tliey trUl.sayi atter - ORIGIN OP, NULLIFICATION, , j Not long sinisj' a warWHiaeiple! Sof thoi tievr igled Doctrine of : NulliScatioaV was ho)dm forth warrnly "at t harQtotIbtejrott jthfliliter tiea cf hid fatrerito creed, ani bpame so ' extrara gant as tadlyMwogst other things that tt was eal origin--? YoUi are right there" re- tarded Counsellor B ? for .erv;waaf certain- ly the first N ullifier that, crex existed; and if youdooXtake caro some of yod will tho road that hewent .-, . Hi y;-r l: ii:l'f,: ijl At the Races last week at this place j a Gen tleman who. riad a faToriraceV'a fine Wooe4 mare, by one of those iktowarcl Accounts which Fortune. seems often tQ thuow In itwixt csp and lip, to mar .onr most assured: calculations, had on two- suocessiTe daya gut )i ititM: bMencR occasion of which, toe of our jicquaintarices ask ed anbtlicr how friend ? took his vdefcat- . , ii '1 ... ! . ,1. Oh, replied he, I expect Jo scc L him. on the Jtnxiou teat before lung." i 1 i r ELECTIONS Notice is hereby giren.thatan election will be held in this county on the 2nd Thursday of Novem ber, ( befn? the 8th dav uf the months fur the purpose of electing Electors1 toybte for President and Vide-President of the United States. The polls will bo opened at thja Ulowin places. D twit : -t . ... nil Salisbury, ' Mocksyijle, , ! Haae'x. eelyMill, Tliompsoh's Infill, aMonran Standi 13rickh6use's, Piukstohs Store, Being the places appointed f by the County vuurfc loriioiuing ejections in said county; ? Fi SLATER, Sh-ff October 17th; 1832"" I T( ; ; jj j , ( fVoii Camden Journals J The Editor of the New York. Courier and Enquirer, who has lately turned arfhortf corner in his politics, and seems striving immensely to say usnuch acrainst Gon. Jackson, asho said for him a few weeks ago, f has' lately elabordted one ot ttiose Singularly wiso and. aatisiacfory cal-! culations, by which it is made iriarvellously clear that aiven -candidate wil or ;will not bp ejec- j ted. Col. Webb, or as oiri friends of .the'; New ; York'Evcniug Journal And Richmond Whig used, bclvrej he left Jackson! 3m lo call him; " the Kerucl, has constructed a tabular sjatement after the intancr of Hczeitf th Uie ! general roci ' pient of satinet breeches, whereiu and ' whereby it is takbri for granted thai tho eleven ; votes: of South Carolina will bo Myen I against Abdrew Jacksonl. The Col. may yvell revise hisarith uictic. Those eleven votes vyill . be given for Gen. Jackson. Wc believe !jwe have ipretty conclusive and unexceptionable authority for this declaration, for the -Uotolri najfty-of this! State ad? nearly uaannnous furis reflections abd ie nuliiScrs have Unequivocally declared themselves so. It is true eoouih tliatl suio nf tu mkr ter publtslied in this paper fro4 Geu. Jilair ; in which he will find an tisitraiict from Mr. (Jul- houiiinat ucncraiJaCKson iciUt tccice . the vole af thi State. This, thqi Editor maybe entirely confident, is altogether conclusive. If Mr, Cal hyan should tell the nullii'iersbf this State to vote fbr Henry Clay, Henry Clay .would ! be Vo ted fur to a dead certainly ; and wc saw indica tions a few months sinco ilia t such would pnjba bly cnocgh be the case, but a different mandate has gone forth, and it will, be as well tor the New York neophite to look out1 for tlie eleven votes; a foresaid. somewhere elsci Perhaps he cbuldibe accuaunodatfid m Tennessee. : - . -ji ' The Secretary of the Hartford Convention. who is now filling his Daily Advertiser with 4 invective against utneral Jackson, ctmp)ains biltcrly that the Piesideut does " not enforce the judgement of the Suprerfw Court in the case of the iM isaionaries." Vy e have repeatedly shown that the President has ho po wer to inter fere in this mat ter any , more than he has to meddle with a pro cess from a Justice's court i fori the collection of debt. If he sliould bring the force of the Govern ment to control the action of a subordiuau: branch of the Supreme Cunrt,'as is required ofliira jn this case by the opposition die renders himself liable to tmpeqehnient and degredation from office, for vi olating tlie constituton anil laws. i'Mr. -Secretary Dwight knows this perfectly : well inde I the very letter frpm the cabinet which ho publishes to justify hi outcry, decl ires expressly, that the J the. circamstanccs" of the case,-and he 'bither brings "what he is oonsciodsis-a false accusation r.tainst General Jackson or; he is so imbued wjth the spirit bf tfiej Hartford ConveVtioh as to think that Uie constitution Sc law should be. lie barrier against the cbnsamiuatiou pi vishesof his party. His clamor springs! either , from dishon est v or from judicial bhndnessj Jor perhaps i from botli, and of course" unworthy serious 'attention : i.... . : r. .:..?!.. :.:. - . ' esa and THE ANTI - JACKSON iBANNElLi; I ; The flag of the new eualitKiii Mllw. JraixlaTl- edi to the !ize of its adiuiring.nlluWers.i :i It pre- sen is me ngure 01 a aiKutai nu,". and i an Anti Vasoni fondly eaurabini bach other; ithe right hanluf each locked Mit;ri'C -stt&tSr friendship J ihe left armed: iyttkaHiar,:but half concealed uuder tho -thin teaafuhlic good' in -which bpth' figubel are parlyMed, to hide their w ant of syrjirnbtry ; and to pre vent the unseemly appearaacb of bael of them treadhW on the toes of the other. '4 Both are made te l walk in the same narrow path, intended ito lead to a lofty hill j on whose summit' isi ;anx edifice over rw men coats tne "-oiax opaneiemjanner -r M urn strange mistake of the artU the; figures; are so placed io the picture that they are 'pronounced 'by the best judges to he passing: dotci, instead of xtp the hill; i Each appears to ; push hh companion forward on thb waTf hd jet V watching ; with af suspicious eye: lest he "shoull Lbqlleft ibehmd" himself. I , , ' , "r",f Ir ! I !- t i f MOTrb--IIelp each other ! -The mearSr--cU-rnor'aad prbsciription. The end--kjftice j j ' I - Jour,' (i'iif Sadltf.: I CONSISTENCY IS A JElVElil i On the' 19 Januwy, 1829, puff Green. JCdiwr Hivernes3i meir ieeiins towarus every man who entertains respnet f the tbhle country, but Col. Webb will do well lii remember a late let dopled by the desperate oprosttionjwe( quote, brand U ,. - f : j . Slmdarf'$ naa louoweu in i oi me u . & vwgciuu, says V I " : 1 m it i z i. l. . .i . t-v 1 -1 .a. "mielaTil'f&UIwiUi tlw i actirir-andP ,wijkm wtucu uDuaa aicea, give juui claims uponj General Jacksca which ; sown lb Jiiut: Jto rum as one ot taeAext cabinet thoulS General Jhm niake llU wiUWhetheT he ac cept any appuihtmeat m tho of the President lect; is a question! fijr Mr. V. ! U.ta! determine. If AC dots,li& will be indebted to his own mtogri tffi character, jaU emineut public service, hie c KnmeUdeed capaettVsthe cttaiietixfUiR rxcmle. I and Of ANDREW JACKSON, for -the "distiii gmsaexiiionoT-H an femur which itt bdktt Mr. alhpattwouId e!asj readyras Gen. J. to confer. s m iae rivalry between Mr. C. and - Mr. Van liurcn, we trust tliat the only one betweeu them will he, as it has, heretofore been; which can do wostto promote the welfare ahJ prosperity of our WiStf .5. 1.r--1 L' r i u ifty : thb ; encomium ? He ! did not then stand io tho way of Mr. Calhoua, - lie does now, and must be defamel outof tlfieC way uf the niil lirying John, C. Calhoun, and of, his, attornry Duff Green. PariUfbUefralrunii f-,:!''- if h-k - -!,-. ThfiHonoiahlf? kr. Slaaborry.t of Ohb, -who BWpu& Ftevsotprietyil' la his mdvo metits, connected with honest Duff s Stupeii aousFraud" charged upon the ifj67emmont has had rwnjjbsiun to suy at home, from his constitu ents whb ducted a Jacksbn man iri his place, i f' f 1 i ' . Pavisylcanuuu QanotaTt Siaiuc of JVaAuiQn-VcfM uotiiLtendod to haye sitd one word more on this' subject; until we eouI4 "have announced the cemoktion of the Work aurhorbed by the last cssui' of oar; Ge6eral ''Assembly. But we tve seea a paragraph iq the last 4Jrensborbugb Patriot which requires some notice. It . is there Stated, that Mr. Hughes, the : artist employed to restore the injured .Statue,, had managed - to get hold of $3,030 and had rwiciioay" The try statemoct of the'easef, is we believe, as follows" ; Mr. ifjftc arrived here early in the Spring and he aad an Assistant, were ' constantly and busily employed in makiug.a mould of the Stat ue, preparitoiy to. a restoration. ;of 1 th Statue itself, and had Jioarly, completed that part of the Wyrk; when the Cholera broke ouUvrith great violence in Newi York. I Mr.iHL" hcimr "alarmed 4ur the safety of , his family, thought it faecessary to pay tliein a visits Hs did and we learn that, lie ;removed thmintothe iCouniry, and thus pressrvad them ixi sickness V hut ho lost his prmcibd workmau by the- Cholisra. and ner haps some others, which f greatly1 1 deranged . Ids busine, and rendered 1 his personal attention ttecessaryj. Fittiing thai he could: not immedi ately return to N. .Carolina, he wrote to his As sistant, to, pack up and send on the Moulds which had been made of the Statue to New-York, to be. worked upon there previous to his retuni. But as it is believed tho. Legislature, when they au thorized this' Work, understood 'that it should be executed liere the Governor expressed an un willingness to have the moulds sent away. Wo have no doubt, that, as soon as MrJ Hughes can arrange his bobesti at iNcw", York, ho. will re turu to Raleigh, and finish the Work in a man ner which shall pW the Legis lature, and to all who have takca-an interest in restoring this masterpiece vf Art from thsruiiuins sute m which it was left by the deputing Fire Will ioA'ffl tlie Capitol Ti c Tiiemial Conten tion of the Epis copal Church in lhit United States, met in the city f New York, on the 17th instant The present is said. to be the most impor- t int session that body has ever held. The question of the resignation of Buliop Cbasc, of the Ohio, will o discussed-Kind the following gentlemen will be consecrated to the Episcopal office, viz: the Rev Mr. McUvaine, of Brooklyn, N. Y. as Bishop of Ohio, the Rev. Mr. Smith, as Bishop of KcntucHy Revj M. G. W.Doane, of Bos ton, as Bishop of N. Jersey; Rev. Mr. Hopkin6f Boston, as Uishou of Vcr- Welconie yisitors-TliQ Svvis emi grants, says tlie Boston . Centincl, li4 in number, who" arrived -at- thfs riort on .Wed ncsday, in tfi sirip . Gloucester j from Havre, are of tho class ' who arc an acquisition to our country. They cxt no amongst us with minds and ha f ds prepared for toil and, use ful citizens 'we know they will be. With the intention of proceeding westard, many have Jbrbugbt heir wagons and harnesses, and nearly all iave with thetn a murket and a clock. To amuse in their leisure hours, some, we notice have wjth them, their mu sical instruments. Success and joy attend them. ... sk ftrederKksliirgy OcL 1 9. The Mineral resources rf Virginia are every day developing themselves. To fjay nothing of tho lron,Coi!, and Gold, contain ed within hct; territory there , are many other articles whicli will, erp long prove sotirccK for ::gteatw alth. The g public is already infortneduf tho discovery of a quar ry of Qif StOflej--e can neither jsnelKnor pronouoce its technical name--in the coun ty of Louisa, which t now ' worked pretty1 extensively and bkjs fair 10 make handsome retunis.i Wo have : in our f possession, a! peico of the; steiie, wlch 4 id pronounccd by workrne to bo, superior to the TurldaU Tn'the coursb of M& Ilothsbbilds cxamih on beJTorq . thef ' .Cnitteij japrtomtcd to irVveigato the concerns off then llank vf EngI-dthatgenUeman atVjid; that ic hadjbmight lately iin Paris X800,000 ster ling tjiear .$5,000,000) in gold, that -came from fioiPej of ?A!ikrs which' hid been lookel uri ia tha ceflar, aijd did raebody any feiNTO? A WIFEJ t v; 1 4. TWr lady wwr lately told by a married ladyraatahehddlbetterl brecipitata hcrsth'off the Pateiis Falla nt4 thb pas n beneath, thun m&f, t 7heyoea?'ldy; rjpluMlif'i -wyuld cruld f id XkusbendzX the Wtom t -' it-is rely posble that'sbme pour husband may have ;ea: refuge !here.tk .4 .'. n .r;.-; jkj Yzb r-arE jci4.v---Yoalie! t said the Corporis ) ! uever tbldia lio in I my Cfet", said tho acdsed party. I Tlut a Hel" joarbd? the CY-rn:?f ;f -it liptcr fW YmC. t " 1 1: -. 1' -A f t .1 1. at pbet stablo. 4erthe out her. to procure it . . Oa being asked by thj o . j he should make the charge, the rep. ti .t.u aa cagaging modesty, tempered with a slight slijvv of iadig jiatioii at the asking of eo impertinent a question; Miss Walker jSUisSker dr style, aud has not fcceajieard1 of since, V-'4 v 1 ; : .5-fREEimj'; i - Two Jonathans stepped into a bar roim. in Uiis tewn, and callinglor a ghosi of New Engliml ; Urank it between, them. A long aiuo ras v tliea purchased, and cut in two, anu with envila raplaeoncyihe two bucks leaned pack 4 jtheir chairs, trolling out dense cLulls of tobacco smolte. At length one broke alienee rith.wI iay Jo, what d'ye apose mother would thmk if she knew we axe Sprceing it. f iLoufeU Contpcnd I ' " ' ' ' ' - I 'How to mm Watsr-eionS(tp Squashes "'throrv the melon up about ten feet and when It talis there will u a. Snu.tah ' f Shenstone tliankrd Heavch thaf Lis name was not obnoxiua to a pun. A ! young beau, better known by tho nickname of ' Snultw than any other, would have died to bo lable ' to ' join in the prayer, had he heard the following dialogue about him the other- evening ; "And so! you really think.? said '.he beautiful Ellen,; giving at the same time one of her must earnest looks out of those eyes which might create a toul under the ribs of Death ; fyou rwilly think you might bo induced to marry Suuft? '--MYes, lt might take "toira at ajtiiich," Demurely aus rerbd the young -lady.. - . i . -; Aneczvtig-- schwl master, tougiit his boys wheacver they heard hlra sndeie, tojrisejp with solemnity, cross their hands op their; bosohvand ejicnlato ; God -preserve tur venerable tutor ! One day he took them but for a walk, and the weather being hot fe proposed- theyjshould halt at a well ; the wcllr was deep eo- the master made them join their turbans f together for a rope and descending to the bottom, handed them up their drink, one after the other. The refresh ment ,over, he bade them dr-iw him up aain,and had nearly reached the top, when the coldness of the well made him sneeze. ; The whedo posse instantly let. go the rope, threw themselves into their attitude, and ex claimed with great fervor VQod prejrve our yc nerabls tutor '! who fell and broke his leg. JSxcursio. -The President aad Direc tors of the New Castle and Frenchtown Rail Road Company, having completed that useful work, and successfully tried tho ex periments of locomotive ; steam - 0!tnes the reur5bn. d etcrmincd to celebrate tbo lat- yna on Saturday in an excursion in a stsam engine. Accordingly, X on Saturday, 200 gentle men embarked in the steamboat Wra. Pcnn, at the Chesnut street wiarf, at half past nine A, M. They arrived at New Castle a quarter before 1 P. 31. where, they were mot by gentlemen 'from the neighboring country and from Baltimore, After a short time, one hundred and sixty of the party tooir seats in tlie splendid cars, to which the small locomotive steam engine, built by Stephenson, of Liverpool, was attached and the whole caravan set off in fine style There were tea passenger cars, and two cars in which was Johnson's fine band of music. The passage was made in about one hour and seven rninutes. On returning, tho- party sat down, to the number 137 to a splendid dinner, prepared on board the steamboat. 'After the discui sion of the viands prepared fori the occa sion! the regular toastxcecdinly pertinent, were drunk. , To a toast, given .to internal improvement, conimerco, &c Richard Pe ters, Esq responded in a handsome com plimentary address to the hosts,' and a pertinent toast. . A letter was read fromtKc Hon. John Sergeant, apologizing for his absence, and offering a toast ,which included a neat and ap propriatc compliment to the'stato of Dela ware, " .' Kiv" ' The company was subsequently address ed by Afr. Senator Brown of Lou issianGen eral Mercer of Virginia, John iSwift, and Joseph K, Jngersolf Eqs. arid by.JIr.'Bobth the President of the company. "After a day of rich enjoyment, they landed' at , Chesnut street "wharf about 'clbbk in the evening satisfied that tho- work whose" completion they had ceUbratedj JwouUI be of private and public advanhe, and gratified with tho liberal manner in V.iurh it3 accompluhpciit GST KTEWS. GREAT BlUTjiIN.?f 4 - : ; Extracts from the Loudon CwrrespoMeoce ci the 1 , New York Jowaal cf Jpomaibrce. -! . ! V -T'f '-j LoKpoirSfiyr.". r. Joseph Bonaparte t baa stated toftaose mith whom he is intimate inJwulon, thut 1 it u bU intention to reside , iaE?"",'J ' ' cet aa act of "der1- large Ikmiss if Croent, Hyde " nigttificeut ' - ia the co" santfort mtirr thaf frorf Vi) IC IIoL aulL saw th much t 1? ... f-! ' - r 1 ,buu,pca, asJ "UinjU'laV yy-i are out it first strtidc1 jUh t j - f his want of sightrf-far. ta? e jeg -4 folly home out as. regards . hhoelf, for hu 'as never content' except when travellingl m. .j O'Connell has throatcaeJ to addre ?af iettcv .to Brgham the bogalwo, f fw-gli brig' AnguHy aiid Althor the liar . Yoa may bo . assured Ciat the letter will be a rish ' bppc'Iaea or O'CoancU invectives. Dr. Doyleis as th grcap agitator,r-lRj b a wall known and distiajtihed ' wnt4T jne who is considered i a and out of Ire Hatl aj 4 bt'iug of up-rror miud a uua who pbrliapH has aj much . iafiuence in. 'his ittitire cyunuy as the member fbr Kerry. Thlni cek braled individual has addressed to Lord Alglo sbya long, able, and eloquent letter, on an fibset vaUonr reported to have bncnaaioby fei Eiei lenby, relative to the illegality of passive 'resist ance u the law of tithes. In this production tho Government is soveraly handled. There is au under current rinning throughout the. greats partof it, containing sumo of the mt 'puiutod and.dehcate touches -the most refined, but biv xngatire.' : I fear, Itarwever, that it is hewing bbeke with a razor. But Tithes aro goaa fore ver The Rev. Doctor thus expresses hiuiseif- jUnlcssyour Excellency can cbaagoTur na tareyoa will not alter our purposo--4t is i fixexl -aid iaunovcabk.n Prosecutious arc.- gettyrj more than over, ;. ' l' Lbypox,Spjt.45,lS32C- ; I cannot better eornmchce this letter tina hy saying, that I have , hitherto t escaped bVeo - U slight attack of ' that pcstilenco whioh walkoth like tlnuught which' sweepeUi "away tain, i, ven as the winds scattereth tho sands. Taro -thbjmercy of God liitve been ;spared.I ji havu rt Sifin much pjtlie desolating . seouTge---naoy of 'y my friehds luve gallon beneath, its jvkulqnce-4" ' several aeqaaintaaee have rsbd away. ' taoyJ gpndemea connected vyith tho London - Pni have been fatally attacked. Mr Ggodwin of th . xoktnxQ CiiaoMCLC, a son of j the Hccli&rataJ " author of Caleb Williams, and a young man ! f . much p-omise ; Mr. Motherwell w tho n. Post Mr,; Palmer f The Globe; m- Pureell of Tte Spectator and;rVr.J Hcnchell of xTht tJilfndX Mr.' David Blakio has al w fallen by the epid nnk.J , Hbjwas the! originator and editor of tlialjEdiu-l ? burgh Evening Pest and tho literary Gazbtto.! bir. Albert Peil, one of the Judgos.- died -on the-. )th, and strange tb say, the disease remaiapj iipJ onhha for nearly a fortnight, tho llabovo' '' must be added Mrt Gal vert. M. P. fcf the burjugli ofSouthwarK. . . "f; "' II mm. West, the wife of tho -Presided of the Royal Academy, has just died of clis) lera. - 1 -; 1 1 ' , facL!fp. ThUilandof potatona and strife the finest country In tho world and the 'worst gH verned the most Inoble people i and -tha wwis: treated.is now inr a most lamentable condition. IThe peasants aro peyentod frojn giving if eat m thiar indnaat and excited feelings by, pubihy meeungs laey are not aiiowea to oiscass any scene, and every person is compelled to re'ure, or; beoome the victim of thz lots. But thoui the are not permitted thus to state their . determina tim not to pay tithe though ihey are not allow ed to express their hatred fur the .persons aad their disgust for the governmentyet they have aaopteu a more learioi ana ternaie raoae 01 givin, utterance to their wrongs. r Ths ffovernmentar t 1 dofermincd to collect the tithes at the point of the bayonet. The people say; " we will hot pay; you may seize. Now the only, things thai cat bo seized from an Irish peasant are hts cow, pig, hay or cora these are of course ; taken, and in pounded. They are then advertised tot sale, aod driven lathe, stand of, the 'aactioneer byv battalion of infantry and i; detachment of dra goons. The salo commences ; the hay ii first putop.aiidhis Maieoty's Quarter t paster lis ou ; expression ; anj as r.ee jt-' V jjiae ;ahimateJ,isj-cj U-J r j ihat'thseyelsas eloient; ..jjr itVii"' I .r.ce.has, trjng)yn;developU'. J ,pt j u oi xoecmjuvenesa.anii uaf'Tirai. t!iAt, ir n the point of jbidding,Fwhena rumor tieachef htor . f that:the hay has bqen salted i that is, well Spric- i I C Kieu afsunic i u.ixA s ho uas no wtn uj poison his master's hoMQ3 he decline to j rlr chaseand the hay is knocked down to the se cond bidder, who 13 generally the , parson htmseh So he gets paid fbr: his tithes with hay full of arsenic ; and has to buy the : live stock and food them upon iC This is Paddy's mode; of passive resistance. ' 1 Time will , show: how 1cm j-, aucb tate of things will last, bui as they now ' appear I dread to contemplate the future. " At a hale valuation in the county of Cork, collision f took place between the; peasants' and thefraUiiar) and ! am' sorry to add, that,' fifcoen of the ! furmer weretrftherldlXod jor-wounded'-Mr. O'Con ucJloflors tojosint concrvativcs--if they I will support him in the repeal of thi Unioat 4 44 ' .Vffairs continue to $totkl ominous ia Franea. Chateaubriand, the Dj d'Kcars, VJ Prides. Lavcl Montmorency, Dakc do Crillon, and Gen eral )lK)urmant, are at present in Switzerland,' 6 their meeting on neutral ground eoapled JwitU tho rnovemeat of. iCIiarlesv.X: and st'eanoef but giro nse to .abuadancd -bfpecidation Tho war &a La vendee coatiaues annoy tne, go vernbent, bat they are not tomptod io pursue a -vigorous cxxir and rnit d)wu tho tasnrrections. ? Until they act with firmness, ruling eaa be 'a chietcd. TheThicbess must be taken,, and 'if taken, the vboplu of Paris will deraand her head. Louis Phihp is fearful cf this, atd be is anxious to lave her; but if she persist iu her wild Quia- " otic course, it will not bo in the power of the i? Viioyen to alfard her even the chance' .of escape. The Cholera U on the eve 4 departing from P ns, and but few deaths cesur daiiy The Barun de tach, the celebrated ' astronomer, aad; U!. Meynbr,the historical painter aad academician ' have fallea in itr victims. kS7 ',' : ttllbose sad roguesi the fainters cf Ruis, harei entered into a" league to destroy! all . I prtos calculated to diminish manual labor, ana meir aeceriiunauim a ics-. ol ution' into effect- was - only : ptovente by -trbn body If of police) di arjariy of Guards It is ncaorcd thai "f rshalP Soult liavo-adiffe?- ccnsetruencc he will not ' ' Citnnet Tbc most irerlBrc ccsistamV 1 ritscanrons;;but will not discov- j thect fio jtwtio. , ) Secretary wNa'- Hip la U0iame -is hudgtwo of the past. ; ; jit literary .rat papers ' . Ttcdxtatwa- . -i ft- rl 1: s 4" f - fV ! I ?7 r.r-. ' i 1 . 1 "-I 4 7 St p. 31 I 1 -.iff i 1 -A 1 - n 1? 15 to- mi it 5. M V, if f4 21-.. 1 . joes s r r 3

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