ISi 4h I . I - i : I - - "... -:..:;. '., ;:- -.'St! p. ! - " i I i. r. -'5 3 ':- . m - n H " IT slit 4- ft (, . i,! J i j - l if: ft-: -l " r I i' , - -1,.- mm mm I i -4 "1 . ... --, ti I' V. ) .: 1 '7t'-:- -1 . JF- 1 5... r t S!:: S : 1 km 111 .V j m i (SI f'l 'I" .1 i i i m ' i "I f 1 !i':"t in ft ! Fro Me wVvir Fiw .If imr. 1 ij I ,X-; , -.v:L' ':r'T iisr. 1. frite morcent must come; wheo the hands j that ar-:.Vff": -"-ttnite" .f H Ht-f- H !- t Ift-tSe. firm clasp of Wendshij will jfcret t i AViiep the eyes tkat hire beemU o'er us brightlj n - i ! ; ; I j. ' , - rl : I H - k VJ11 hare ceased to shine Tamamypfvq. ., ' l With pleasure? rfeat trywn V ! i;. V hat, though the tuiure noar oo aim, ft I if Aiie proseni is pur owa.- . . Htm tnoment isccm, ind ajratri weare parting.. -3, Toioara thrtqjjh the worla each ouri separate way; ! Iii tlif bright ey of beauty tlilpearj 4rip it I'-'-i, Yet hcpe( sunoy hope, througii the tear eaeds e i .. its my, " : 1 :M X ,:: i Then breathe again the gnWVs brim -1 . A With Measure's raeate cruWi f ; it - .'i ; I j '-In hojw thtiorh jpresentlhous Jb dim-p "It irhe inomrhjl is past, andithe .Mht.t tiitoo .4 j i " t .' ! j round as. iTi;. 'Kai - : - I Itjite'v'kUich; gathfT'd;! Hafled Ukf ; a ' MX-rirr': dream j And tirnp hns uutwistedi the 1 fond links tha: . -....- ' if --?--- -.-4" - -"'-4 f?-':-!i t-.M . MKM: I ' bound 'ns. ! Tr i- i'1 r"f s, nrrottiA t frt melt irt v th morninT's ii- j j first beam, :'S : p !':'. t , thi I irnMeta hnm 11 11 1 With pleasure's roseate crown t r f r ! ;- I What.thotiirh tits future hour be dim, 1? 1-1 THE DUCHESS OF B ERR!. IK: Tlif loWin;? curious and andi-idfercstinv aiiec unfurtunate PnnefB, I khtitik-m this! berirtc Hut jjeccmDcr :-r j -.m I :J: Few heroirif of ancient days havft displayed rnore courare, self devution, and firmness, than nthls Hirrh souTed and heruie wooian.l It 19 hot i ' -.j pnenUlV. knir.vh in this bbuntry hat in tri : p&r Tvi '-?tiniht' La' Vf n)ee, where H piiHizahs hf the Ji3!f-fi ber orces, and led thff criSrges ;rejeatd :ifiy j Sjie bad a horse shot jdead 'under he, and fiiav)n beeu disarmed in jthe ftll, seized ihe arm3 iuT a 611en soldier next : he, nd ain 'terq; ..ort her fullowfrs. -1 Shej was eleven iuturs inactjqtf, and escaped unhurt,! witji t(hc 'ffipi'of owrae. contuses frodfhe fall ; sod ! When the' rattle was over, was seen administer i ng to the wans f thoiso aronndf ;hp, jdrssibsr fc .beir wounds with her bn'delic hands ahd Fjivhilst sn'rrounded by the I dead ; and dyinj, she iappcari wmniy rearuiess ;oi seiftnGCn lovpr 1 come by a fatu aitd anxiety, that tVw, ereo of I f tihe 6ther SxJ could have I borne so well, f ; ' (.; On another occasion, the Duchess de Berri ' had, with much difficulty, procured a' horse; and lwsslrwpntedlbehtnd a faithful buthu;;uble adJje ;I rent pnrsuinr her r:iu,tejtflf a dfftajit j quarifer. when r)er guide was acc.ktd byltpasant wth .vrl'iiiti He conversed soniej time t;thn patois if the coimtryw: On quitting the pcaMint. he bhsr -". to the Duchess. tliat the uiuh wls chjrrje i I iV u aibecretj missi n tqaplji'ceat&me distance, I ':tid ivas st fatiijued that hejfaredlhe could rjot ; reah i. Shej;.st?ntly sprang froni her: seat, -i dalHd after thei peasant, 'SnnsisiH! on- his ta "!;;ktrif!.;ilje horej declaririff! that sh. pould rejtch , tier dest:natiT 00 fjoti j After walking' fUr triany linur, she arrived at a jmountaj stream that .. ; iyaslsvoln by therecent raib, andhkving leajrrP ' :-;-ctl that! her enemies were tnf pursuit bf her, she l I idctermined to cross it. ! 1 ! .' - '. I ! f . j I Her!ruid assisted by j her, fastened , ar Iaip hit- 15brani:hicf a tr!eto his persinL andi-t,etncr;:aq ex- fftf i 4 s i6jnKi u get ber over. They haul adwancjed fjt- H tre tleeprst jiartoftue stream, when tue buigi? rjbrfkSifKliier guide jfaveihfr up for; list, r 1 to hU furprue and loy, he saw ber boldly clear I j ipin -'jhtf waer4y hisside,arid they son reached! I iHbe Sank insa;ty. During her visit tj Dieppej : -ine mjriss nai actju:rea a proiK4eney in swim j t jTninJ, ind it has since frrt!ently;savedi herf j ilrtnc Miruf tieed. OverrAAferedbyftatiffne anil! :httnH, od ehtlled by JtheciJd ol.; ier drippf jgariieu, tiiis coraeous yooai'l jfelt ihatr 'ytel'-twer8'; were iu Jotiirer capable tf objr i4g fiP wishes, and tht !fu:rthetqxertion wa i:i imposssble. Snein a hon- atj ajdistancej, she ; dijflareil her intention of throwing herself onjhej , ; g'r nerosity i'f its' owner, wliea her gtiide warned t her of the dinner of such I al;edingr, as ibe : oWrier of the House was a Liberal 4tod violently i opp :srfl to her party, i All! his 'representatufhs :rf;iajadd-: in"";. vain. 'She 1boIdtpjeuird the i hhuse and addrtsius tho master o it, rxelainied ': ycn e ftrfore you the tmhappy mother! if i Ifjrtkjn! proscribed and pursodJbalf dead 1 xyltli flipjiuecold, wet; iridj j hurry youiill ; ifvhi efse:lief a rhorsel of f ourftirf ad, a.xrnet vqut- fire, and a b d to rest her weary limbs ob. 1- fitnister of the Jxuse tltrew himself at fer - &t ahd, wiih tenfs sf reamiTi fr4i his eyes qj cimd ;hat his hUist, and all that as , his, were : at her jtrice ; '!r4'for er-''daJ while' j flaW ir.pursuit'aftwher.wU hoUest she remained unsus rrticted b thi asylum; the ipvfiticsltf the master placing lumouVof snspiduh r and.when -she left n ; accustomed to all the luxu rmhat such an exalted , has thliMcrbt bpralf station as can give ffLipnuuajie, uuung many a nigni o line last year, K whcn 4he cyiild have the shelter fblr the goriest iral rith''browt bread ammilk fbr fohd, ; and has partaken, at the sino bundle hoard, the M if slieiwas fallowed by the tears and prayers of the whUe f he family arid f iheirliependentsf ! S!irhW hefi'e woman, i nurtured M ciuirtk: and I'MiTUjallfrpist bfthe reasant, vholheltered herl crrs, qi s niawriaj caiiea mjse, maa cxwprs ,4t!ej ol the same coatse stuff; with a bood, c6u --fljpleted hcrlume :f'-.; !;f .'. "d-i ff ) 1 1 IVhtn one 'of her friends who had seen her In l:ili-tlit,wtfMwi expreised his! griefaj the I dreadfll I poaftte brsh on the dwatji'-w&jjo theyj weiv 1 ttuieriinihd said-! diallsleenon that imt P0to!ginty an4 many nights I have $ad no better t i sh?jJMctfcai Wtre aflardedbv a few' wild shrofc or trees ; ana i nevr stepij Detrat llosny. iny tnaiitle was long enough to'allow ot its cover; fhz ibM feet when, I slept, 11 should! have nbtHin to Vriivplam of, but then it rmght impede liny Ui3it.6oi nmst 00 content' 1 Itil tttiavid Henrr Baron deCblsselthe Dutch Governor sftia '; cifidel of Antwerp, is. a I- 14- Lieatcaant-feenbral CommanderI of the military rifarf 'William, and an Officer of the Legion of Honor.- i lie was Vorn I at Tiel inGttelderland, on the i8th ofMarcb, 1 767, his father-beirie a Major m the regi ment of Munster. Ieent?red : the serrlce' of the: UiStites! of Holland, m 1775, its a,C?oct waimapcleriaht in 1731,Cap ttinin 1737, Lieutenant-Colonel in 1703, Colonel 1 8 03. Malor-General in ; 1 3 1 4. Af ter tho revolntion of Holland in 1787 donnf which he attached I jhimsjelf to the! part) of thevp3tripts hejgmttjbri his country and went into the rviceslof the French army and by his conduct he-obtained in 1793, the rank of Lieutenant-colonel. He: distinguished himself m the jlbattjcs of Monqueron, of Hooglede,and Stade; again entered his na tive country jn pi 795, with Pichegra'a army; andiagatn soon Quitted H to take part in the campaign of J 790 tinder the. command of the Dutch General: Daendels. In 1795, the English having made a decent upon the coast of Holland, Col. Chasso displayed greet military talent at the head of a Dutch Corps, whq fotlghtisevcral hours gainst a large bod? ;bf Eagtish w troops.- This cam Mirh hatine terminated, he quitted the.coun- tryof Gepnanyl jjHejvas at the siege of Wurtzbursri took a battery tromtocrAustnans, and 400 prisoners JiThis happened on the 2 7th of DfcemWr, 1 8 00i In the year 1805 and 1 sod, fie sirred' with distinction in the war against Pntssia; under, the command of the Dutch deral lumorwan But abote all, it was i-n th Spanish war Hhat j General Chasse wasjmost distinguished. He exhib ited prcpftrJegratestintreD among the soldierslprocured him the hon orable title of JBaypet GeneraV' m cbn seauenceof tne'l fiutentaiid " ;rapcessful use whicb he rnade; of that instrument? of warfare, j To recorjpense the services which he had thus rendered, Louis Bonaparte cre ated him BarW tyith a pension iof 3000 florins Sc hamed hini Commander of the Roy al Order of the.Uniqn. During the six years of that myriierdUSar. General Chasse re mained in Spain, and was prcseat at the battles of DnrangoTlayrn de -Miss d1! run, and Almcnaold I he! contributed greatly tQ the success of the 1 battle to Ocanna, where the uiXfcn troops cyverau uiMusura "imikiwi and at. Col. de Maja, in the Pyrenees, where he saved, by frare valinir, the corps of the army of the Counte jd' Erlon, at the head of the 8th. Sth, and the 54 regiments of the hoe, and ibe 16 Uiht infmtry. The de coration of thcrl; Legion of honor was the reward nf this Hrillmht feat, and the Duke jof Dalmatia (jbriri3jl Soult)demanded for himUie rank of Litenant-ueneral, he obtained W bunting the French service, Napoleon-knew! hovvfto appreciate the brav- ery which ; Ueni Unasse cispiayea m ine bourse of the; war, and he midehim a Baron of the empire, by degree of the date of June U, j: j- -,t . In the month; of January 1814, he re- reived in order to set out immediately with bis four regime'ats, il order to join the grand army in me viciniiy pi raris. f wn nif 1 4ui ments. a column, of 6000 Prussians, suppor ted by a battery! ot gx pieces of cannon, July fnngedlitfear lir sur Aube; -and aflr the jetreat of the injfantry,he sustained three obstinate -ittacKS of f cavalry. In this aflair lie received a wbuhf; and in the two cam paigns ofjHJ 4 I ant 181-4, he had three hors's killed uriderhtm and two wounded. He again returned tp his country upon the jfirst 4apitu1io:ofaris, and the Sover eign Prince bfHIollhd rendered homage to to his skill.; ajnld hi well -earned bra verjr, by admitting ijitn njhis army, with the rank pf Lieiit'nt Goiierallionl the 21st of April, ;1314i At the! battlS of Waterloo, in 1 3 1 5, General Chassp rs'istined the reputation he had gained ja4 ian itftrepid soldier and a clever generial In Uiis battle,' preceiving khe Old Guard uttacing an English battery jrehic.h had leased it fiiring having exhaus ted its ammunition, jhe. with a tnie milita ry eye, perceived trje v fatal result which Would follow, were fjthis battery taken, di rected Meer. 1 1 Vaiwer Smissen to advance, with fits artillery, 4ho directed the firing with mich preif ion hat the assailants were compelled -to retexIn dis;ri r, leaving the jdecliyity of Mpnt 3 Jean covered with their bead and wounded. He knew how to profit by the advantage gained, and charg ed with the bayonet with some Belgian arid Dutch battalion with the happiest ef fect. This movement concided with the general movement made by the En2lishar my; nd the jrjsul was most complete. The Duke of Welhbfton evinced, by a let ter honorable jo; General Chasse, which Was made public m July following, the eminent services rendered by Ithat general ofiicer un- uer lug cxrcuiusiances aireaay ueiaii- f - (7 jMrSixy tn As (fVenci Chaviheri ff peputf&V) J?he Chamber of Deputies were discussing the subject of an f Address" to their ling &c wlien, I r IVl Odulon Barrot gaid that the govern!; mentl ought be!ver:1to quit the pale of legality, bat if in the absence of that cham-J ber, imoenous necessity compelled it tni do so,: it should take the earliest opportuni-f ty of explaining to the representatives of the coRintry; the nature of that necessity, and uirowtng ltseil on their mercy; in mat case inorderio save atoim cntrustei totiinu to place Vie inhabitants under martial latel he felt theilleyMiiyUfthe'act, and as toon cw ti e ttort w-er teas pajssta, $urrenaerea atw self a prtsonef teas tried , and condemned although hlhad ta&jg thi toicrt; the cilzens of the United; Slates ajntite'd the justice of the sentence, ufj at tp,e same time apprecia ted hUmoth'e-andoptned a subscription to pay thelfnej W'that Gen. Jacksun is noto President cf'tl&Xinited State. Bil t acf in thuij ilalsnipii secure not only the muuigenccf out mz csieem oj laetr jctiotc cilisens; 4uf! what (cbnUnued the hbnbral ble deputy) cin be said I of an:.administrai tiou which put3 four departments and the Ill Kf capita! pritput,) the pale :its ot tne J of the lawH-ith ipjajl better j excuse p forjts extra-legal bdue ih ishtive doubts.- whotly adefjbate tbf bal ance the injury it inflicts 1 1 upon' the ftinda mental compact? .11' I I; 1 L.i" " PCO SFECrrUB. ; Spirit ef the Times, I N nndeitaldn? the tmblication of a raoer. de trntcwi a t k5 ta itAfticmnf t be. 1 tr . th 1 nlAit ! sores, amusements, fashions and , divertisemenls of life; the 'smliBbSbejrl l1oai!Bd the nersuasive encourasreoients 'andi; cratot promises of support of many of the. most iwflueb tial, enlightened and respectable mVmhers of the New-York commuuitj; Itj is toi certain' ex tent, a field occupied by others, and one I which is deemed important to be filled. I For while the omintry, have each their separate oracles,' which (like that or Delphes) proclaim aloud and defeud their several opinions and iaterest; the cause of fashion, reasurable enWrtainment aod recreation find but few lltcaQhs of aj periodical lund, ap propri&ted f)lyj to I liljeacojBiiweai: a&i supports ; To paint flife as it is,' without the artificial embelishmcnis of!romahra; to: speak of its propenued of (Bnjbymeiit; the appetite tor pleasure, and indrdgeuce; and itr tendency to enter into follies, is to, op What! mapyi must ap prov.;, and no one condeinni S For ,:it is certainly no more improper; to record tiie acts of ; men than to promulgate diem I morally to the world. Pleasure, "siys the noble. . Frenchman, , is the chief busines ot life," and hoi e ve seemingly in correct the inaxim m.aylbe inj ,vhe:resumatoo jof sme,yetit;ia lii(Brally triie tx th devoted !eer tai'oly talfeasure id -the jxerq&e of khis rt liafion ; ibej f 4ierbhant juit iniecha&lc in tkeir seVenl branches j of employment ;' and this : miin of letierun his books ; while jthe sportsman who chases the hare or attends thie ring or the race, is only pursuihg Ipleasdre ib congeniality with his natnral or cultivated tasteJ : ::) j j . In presenting this new candidate for favor and patronage to .the publicj it is the iDtention of the publishers to render it as interesting- as possible, and to please ill if they ! cah,l without j writ ididg the feeiingsbx ;di4turUng thie.ptejudjces of any. Tne language: will bo always chaste, ab that the most delicate jjinay approve. r;The paperj wjll treat the Fashion, Taste arid seines in Ileal Life, gathered from the ; every-day exhibitions of the world? fTheatrW,! iNlu$eum and other fashionable placvs of resort; will receive j appro priate notices' while the! Sports of the Turf, the itiugJand the Pit, of the Either Jand Fowler, will engross no inconsiderable portion of attention. The proceedings of the Courts civil and. cri minal will, as far as possible, be given; when matters of iutererest occur ; and mlire especially tnose of ihopdlicej where L.ite,, inkll its forms and colouring, is so taiihtully pourtiayi. it is also the iutenjUonof th4 jblittji-s, :f o : idevote a coasiderablei portion ot each paper tk the compi lation and diiinmation Sufrtiie iiewsnf; j itiedity, in asummariai fbrnt-f-hich ;'-w.iijl serve asa brief and fatthiul jTecprdjorall impptani passulg events condeo&ing a iaxge mass into a compara tively small compass. ' ' : " ;lf ' With theso intentions, fully fand fairly pro claimed, and witu to:moi pel feci gOQ.teeIics towards our od-lao irers in ; the same vocatia, we present Ourselves before an eahgh toned coin munuy as cahdidaies lor ; their patronage and smiles. - ; i 11 ' 1 W f Ki :; WILLIAM T. PORTER, ij Jjitititi iiQWB. j j;;:;; $C3 Postmasters, knd othetGeniemen who will act as Agents for our paper, by giving as notice, can nuve furwarded to them buoscr.piiou iper3 a-d extra copiesj I 1 j ! f ;"'f: lIJ Uebtlemen can be ; furnished with a spcr-wuen io. by forwardmg theu uanies iree of oxpcruse. ! ;ii r- L ! M ' ! K - ' ' Editors insertinj bur Prospectus will en title tnemsekes to a tree Exchange, aud the iavor wui be tnankfully Ir'clptuieaiieui ' I! "v ; i April the; 171 1832. . tjf Subscriptions will be.teceivtxi at this RA.NAWAT ;fom th4 Subscrjtbef in Jfune last, a negro man named V . ; 3g.&2S,;ii,i ; aged about forty yearslhe is upwards of six (bet high, strait and well formed His com plexion is a light black, Msj face is rather long and his features very i prominent, be is a very intelligent man jandjrnay have ro cured a certificate bt j freed pm. alt ! is be lieved that; this j fellowjii making his iway for Charletor---I : will give jtlje Above j re ward of twenty dollars; to any lone who wil' deliver thie faid rieo fat f the IVlines ib Burke cbuhtylbr! to Drj j rauel Henderboij " at Charlotte N. C. i and la reasonable - re ward to any one who will lodge him in an Jail and'givefrne immbdiato notice thero- OI. 1 : t WM; D. HENDERSON. Brindlctown, ,1 urke'eounty; February 2f 1833. . WW ILL Stand the( aprirMchihg Season at "Concord, and such ; obr7place$ in that Vicinity, as may I hereater be f found suitable. ; - j. j - , ', . ( M' Jh: j -. HE is ah Animal of uncommon; size ana fine ; appearance; and ; recbraibend-iUons from G$ntemen, of the first o; his qualities; as a foal-getter respectability j Willi be pro- duced TI1QSE who wish I; to raise Mnles from f - . , -V; . . --- . : is ' f. . ; i -f 3 " i - one e of thej besj Jack$ ever exhibited in this part of th coifntry, m X do well t Embrace this opportunityi U j pj;!'H: - I f: . . THE otheri Stands, and further partico ',' i ! l f ' .i 1 -: : . .'5- : : - - f- - Sa x tik I r ED. DAVIS. Feb; WmTLnXECy?EDTs THIS - j: . j msjsmm I ! ..t OFFICE, f I i .. .' - jf. jr fe! -.!:;.. .'...---. j Ui vmisiiiwuvm a Saturday i FAMILY ATJFSMPER Of TIIE il ; m i fLAnoEsr: class J f ifl 1 1 gf only i2 per aiuxnm, payable inf advance.' -. ENLARGEMENT & IMPROVOENT. finHE publishers . of the Saturday jCourier UL . gratefully acknowledge the 'extensive and unexampled pationage which they have receiv-1 since the commeBcement of their paper, snd the list of subscribers now exceeds Ten Thousand , a fact which sufSciently attests the high; standing which the Cfomer enjoys in public estimjition; :, The plan of the Saturday Courier is po com prehensire as tcf embrace every variety bf topics hich ban be introdeced into a public journal. Jterature-Science- the n Arts Foreign and Domestic News Police Reports Sporttn? In tlligence a, Register of passing erents-.Ccm. naentaries on New Publications Dramatic " Cri. theisms, and pther subjects, receive constant and sedulous attention; and the publishers do hot hesi tUi to assert that in the interest; novelty, ap Pfiatenefes; diversity and general excellence of its contents, the Courier may fairly claim prece dehceover anjr similar publication, j ! h j The literary department of this paperSis sup-j pied by .original contributions from the best and most distinguished 'American writers ; and se lections icarefally and judiciously made from the! whole range iof Eeglish periodical literature! y hatever can be obtained, whether at ; home or abroad, calculated to amuse, interest, or instruct, firpvidec it be suitable, is procured and pun ished, without reference . to, expense or trouble. -,, . ' j - -I i iln furpishirrg news, foreign or domestic, the piblishers ofjthe $aturday Courier have very geat advantages, and they confidently appeal to te pasthexperience of their patrons to ! sustain them in saying that; they have generally jbeen, in this respect, in advance of their weekly contem Pbrariesi i j . .J. The Saturday Courier is at present the largest newspaper, uiiconnected with politics, published in the United States. It is printed on a sheet of gfeater size, and contains, by actual measure rajent, a; larger amount of reading matter- than ay other weekly journal of a purely miscellane ous character.: Notwithstanding th is superiority, tSe publishers, anxious not merely to merit but to insure a continunce and extension! of their great patronage, have determined to increase the size, and otherwise! improve the Courier, so as to roake it beyond all question the largest, cheaoest, and most desirable weekly papnr in this country. For this purpose, on the First of January, 1833, Tihe Saturday Courier will be enlarged by the addition of four Columns in width, and a propor ti.iate increase in length, so that it will then contain an amount of matter nearly to two hun dred pages off a common duodecimo! bookj This immense sheet will be filled with the ehoicest tales and poetry --miscellaneous essays-rextracts frtim recent popular publications and all other topics relating; to the literature ot the! timse. ideBess the strictest regard to the agreeable, due niatteon will be paid to the useful; and all im portantfact8 connected with the rise and fall of stocks, the fluctuation Of the grain market, &c! wfll b especially and carefully noted. ; IVarious emellishrnents intended to adorn the Cburier and gratify its patrons, are now in pre-" paration, and these will form a part of the pro jected improvement?. The price will continue asj heretof jre-4two dollars per annum bat as an extensive list of subscribers, and punctual pay ments are both necessary to secure the publishers against absolute loss, the price of subscription must invariably be paid in advance. This con dipon will in all cases be insisted upon and nqj exception I can he made under any circam 8tinces. "'. : ' : As Uie publishers are anxious to know how ' many additional papers it will be necessary for theatto print, they request all who may be dis pred ta subscribe, to direct their orders covering tbi necessary! enclosures, as soon as possible, to S , . ' : 1 WOODWARD Sc SPILZGG. I No.p Athenian Buildings, Fran&lin , I .1 ; Place Philadelphia. BlZJEJfIMUJfSm persons procuring five subscribers to this paper anjd forwardihg the ; amount of a year's subscrip tions. Ten Dollars, will be entitled to a sixth copy gratis. jPer3ons forWardinT ten subscribers, and remit ting Twenty Dollars, will be entitled to an extra copy, and a discount of 10 per cent. Persons forwarding fifteen subscribers, and ' ny Dollajra, wilI be entitled to an extra ropy of fi'ie paper,ahd aieopy of Lord Bvron's! Works O J..- T I a"i L, r . oij. tfajit-r ouuu b i ors, ur any oumr wgrK 01 a similar character and value, which may be pre- Lferred. It - ! Uicurrent botes of solvent banks received at rffl AKES this method of informing the ! inhabir . L tans of Salisbury, that she intends open in t a School for small children, on the first Jl, onday in February, at the house; formerly oc ci pled "by thbltev. Thomas Wright. i Having been for many yean accustomed fto the bt sines of Teachi ng, she con fidently expects, to give entire eatisf action, to those j persons who may confide their children to her care. As the School is expected ' to consist chiefly of, young children, her attention will be principally direc ted to Spelling and Reading ; but to those suffi ciently advanced, Writing, Arithmetic,! Gram mar, and Geography, will be taught also.: ITELVS $3 per quarter, or where j two or three are sent from one family, something less will be charged. Persons who find it inconve nient to pay Cash, may make payment in any of those articles; which are commonly requisite in tha consumption of a famUy. janoary 36 3wg7 . nfl H E Conimissioners appointed by Goremoi il ilwain, have this day opened tbeii Book of: I Subscription for : Stock in the capital of said Uank, agreeaoijr to toe directions in nis procla mation, at tne lore ot i nomas to. vowan, sq. iu this Townl where it will be kept open the Ume prescribed. Persons wislimg to sub scribe tur Stock in this Institution, are desired tr cajmt said Store and enter their names. I D. F. CALDWELL, MAXWELL CHAMBERS, THUS. L. COWAN, I 1 MICHAEL BROWN, j R. 11. ALEXANDER, I ; I Commissioners. 3PDeis, H - . lit'' i "TnffT4NTKf1- Wm mn mirrh.nA Snv nnm - berbflikel young Negroes for the next twelve months; Tor which we will i give liberal prices in Cash. Any communication addressed t either of os at HuaUvilJe, N. Carolina, will mees prompi auenuow; u ;: , . 1. JAUtiAl 1, T. GLEN. January 19 U2fJ Itonmg from 5am, .V. C. tt Wythe C ' House in Vurgbua,Viree times a iccek '-; JF X:;mndbi.Vi 't I IjlrilS line starts from Salem etrpry Monday, t JL Aednesday and Friday at 5 oclock,A M. and arrires at Wythe , Court Court-Honse at 6 o'clock P. M. the next day. At the same hour that thesStages leave ! Salem, theyj alsri laave Wythe(rfIIouse and! arrive at Salem at 5 orclock : P. M..on Tneays ; ThOrsdays and Satnrdays. This Line is so arranged as tocor respond tin its arrivals at Wythe Oourt-House, with the- arrivals bf 'the jGreat Lines leading thronghjtheTalleyNjfs Virginia Itlalsol corres pond in jts arrivals at WTythe,Court-Iouie with the arrivals of a tri-weekly line ruortinfflietween that place and the Salt Sulphur, ihe Red Sulphur and White Sulphur Springs in Virginia J which has ben lately f established. At Salem it correspodds with the arnvats of "'Stnithfs Pied mont Lifce, and the Raleigh lane, bqth o" which run three times a week; The whole of this trip is performed in the day; time. Thft Route passes within a mile of the .Pilot Mountain through Bethania Bethabara by Mount Airy, crosses the Blue Ridge at Ward's Gap, goes by f ropiar L-arap furnace and the Lead Alines ofWrythe, and ; affords some interesting scenes t4 those that admire the sublimity of na ture. lite accomodations of diet, lodging,1 &c. are excellent and cheap. The subscriber hesi tates not to recommend bis teams and drivers as first rite. His coaches are most axeellent being newly procured from Troy, ! New York. Fare tjirough the whole route 5 dbllar way passtngers 6 cents a a mile C7 The utmost care and attention vpill be paid to baggage and other things entrusitcd to his care but the Subscriberwill not be liable for accidental 1 1 D.WALKER. Feb. 183S. 31. I I . The Constitutionalist, at Raleigh, The Camdenjournal and the Georgia Courier will insert the above s'rx weeks and forward their account to the proprietor at Mount &rv, I Surry, co. N. C 1 - I I oanolie Stage LIMB. THIS ville line of mail coaches leaves Dan- fevery Tuesday, Thursday andSSatur- day mornmgs at s o cwck a. aj. and arrive at W arrentoh same days by 9 o'clock P; M The subscriber has also established an accom modation line of I f I POST COACHES. 1 From Warrenton, N. C. via Weldon artd the naitxvoao to i-eiersourg, v a. assengeraijy mis line wjll le!ave Warrenton every Monday, Ved nesdayarid Friday mornings, at 5 o'clock 'A. . M. and arrivelat Belfield same days at 4- o'clsck and leave Belneld next borning and arrive at Pe tersburg by 2 o'clock P M. ! j Leave Hetersburg every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! at 10A- M, and arrive j at Belfield same day jleave Belfield every Tuday, Thurs day and -Saturday morning, at 6 o'cloek and arrive at -Warrenton by 2 o'clock P.M. The subscriber has made this arrangement on account of jthe almost impassible situation of the roads. As! soon as the Roads permit, and the Rail-Road Company receive ftheii other locomotive jpngine, a different arrangement will be made sojas to give greater expedition. 4 ne sposcnoer nas procured spienuja RE3TR6Y coaches. Carrying Nine passengers instde and fite out sfde. Tliif line forms a conneition with the Roanoke line from Warrenton to Dan viHe which departs imipcdiateiy after the arrival of the ac commodatiob line from Belfield, and arrive at Danville eery Tuesday, Wenesday, ao4 Fri day, by Tclock, P. M. Persons travelling South or Sfuth-West, will find this route as pleasant and aflbardbg as many facilities as most routs in the Southern Country.- This line forms a connexion whn the South YVesterh line, from Fredertckburg to . Lexington? XV. p and the Piedmok line at Danville from Wshing- ton City,; WJuiuedevdle Georgia, From Petersburg to Danville, 10 Dollars. -Seats taken at the office of the i Rai Road Company, Petersburg, also, at Mr. Bellamy's Hotel, Warrenton. - - J Fare fron Warrenton to j Petersburg. f5. JAMES W. JEFFREYS. Feb. 2$, 1833. St. ; f 1 -1 The thorough bred Morse, WILL stand the ensumg season at Bea ties FonL Lincoln County. lie was gotten by the justly celebrated Race llorsc and breeder. Old f ! His damapll blooded j mare-f-her pedi gree cantbej traced to many of the most distinguishhed Racers bf their tiay-4As to SIR ARCHjE, his reputation and that ot his colts and their descendants are so well established,! it is scarcely; necessary jto say any thing a the present day, as tbey have been ampnd the most successful distance Horses in tie States of Virginia North and South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee for the last fifteen years. i RIOT is a handsome Bay, hive tee tnree inches In height fonr years oId next Spring- litis expected that he j will make a good breeder, as.his form and blobd are good. Pakiculars made known fa due time. 1 - 1 T ill. G. BURTpN, ! J j It; IL BURTON. Tnfi-r 5. 1833 tf!4 1 I s. TheFarmcrs, and Miders Journal at Charlotte also the jRutherfbrdtonj Spec tator, are requested to insert tbe abjure ad- ertiscment,; and call on the above named dropnetorspr compenssuon. j j WHITS the United States. tU V? long been individually known t ed Letter Founders, that thel&? copartncrshipmsaidbuisnesslkt their united skill anekt(ms2W to fe rable to give full sitisfaoa may favor them with dcTW of the tedious jmd j utmeililiii7,! casting type by hand, tonga-Urf! IiyitheJein animer!! wa, by American.' ingepaitri wf? eipenditure of time anjl mbsey JAM of pur .senior rmtner, first xcUk complisliedj Extensivuseof tCra cast Jetter, has fully tested and surieriority in every parMcular Prcr :iA by the old process. 4 j Fi aiicr De carnea on by f lie parties iZ under the firm of White ;fer v .. kpvimvu vAuiuiu a vomr 1 irqm Uiarnond to book and the news type bculg inUl "vucm ngiu ana stvio,T 1 , r tvu:.. it J - t- a "I pumu, iiargar . uo. are ajrenht. sale of tlie Smith Rust Prinun which they can furnish I to if,i, l Ti at the manufartures' prices. I ChasO Composing sticks. Ink!' nH.2K l,alrl in ka Prt:.-. T & : i W.U U ; UX M. (II U II and furnished on short notice. 01 taken in. exenange for new at 9 pouna. i News paper proprietors above three insertions will he Five Dollars in such articles as tictjM selectlrom our specimen, j L It! ' I e. vhitrii f I '. w. HAb, jPALL AND! wilNrat 14 HORACE m Respectfully annownces to thi'PuW U'aJ has just received of Messrs Wilsoa & SaSl New York, the - ,."' . X 'fpTj Fall and nnter jFaslAom tor 1832-3. Uliich he has no donbt, will pleafee his He continues, to have his work done1 in 1V iu.-in nn.inv oniDi at is urtunuaii nnui hLs- ll llliNU is superior to any in borbuod. His shop is on Main Street to Dr. Burns. ! j A belt; NrrBrHe also returns his sineer thaalft i i: - customers and mends, for their liberal and hopes by a continuance of ipuhctoilitt strict attention to his shop to merit it fbrthti Nov. 10, 183-19 tf. ; ! ' J '-j I tl-Two or three JOURNEYMEN Tj LOllS wanted immediately by the! feu ber ; us CASH STOHS, THE subscribers tie C 4 an excellent and general assortment of; . Hardware, Cutlery. Cm All of which they are determined to sell tt price than they have ever been ;oUre k a' part of the country. Those disposed tafrf are respectfully invited to call and jjud. themselves. .-'r ' I- i JOHNI?:GAKvERji& Statesville Dee. 18, 183223. i'-! ;f A SI am determined tb move to t!f wcrt Xjl fifteen miles South p Concord JImt pel led to settle my business here; andallj indebted to me by note or otherwise, are W ed to make immediate payment, ;on or frtrl Court, as no longer indulgence can ibe K This is without respect .to persons, j .' Anv Derson wishinrr to wirchasei GOC at Cost would do well tb call, as I ada rcsil tosel ; . i , Any person wisning q pnn'nase a a m 'A m ilJ jI SlOCK OH QaOm might find it to their advantage t6aplaj .'I subscriber, aa his are newi having bpeif ed in Charleston last May by myself, huff fnr mat Snd rarriacrp i I ' I Jill 1 wHl tbo SELL or HIS' 1 5 adjoining Gen. Barringerfs " Innished, containing a good Stobs mg tioom ana veiiar, together wiui f, nartments no stairs for a familv; -bff? firp-nl.if Thor ia atari ITitrlifi to the premises. j" iiy Nrropa. nr rrrwl nnfMt trill fc .rtCf payment ior a pan ot mo pnee, aiw given for the ballance. ' : if,; e .1 : - . J Wx Possession can be gives af any ovfv tO I have also new ' AGO? TEAM OF FOUR" MTJLE.S WH t seU onigood terms. i ' Jwyrtj2t Concord, N. C. Feb. 23, 183J:-31,- p4 ot t:31-f'! T ' : 3siuamis j Faiiusr, i . .( I L W, Mil, . 'mm,----.. Has removed his TaUoring Esta the House latelv ocdjoied by Fraley as a Contectioimy I Sbop, wW-rj &vor him with their work. He aK5l Fashions, Imported from Lotdon ;aw Inj. y has a good number of first ;rat ) ortw j i..... ; it- ...;it rrMiite w f( etU. Snrvmnr ta aftTI in i jrr I the country, and wiil warrant it to tually attended to. He is San Ag and Sagueisof New XvtXrtffi&f, WardPhiIadelphia, "dJ any Tailor those systems bf. cu wit his instruction. He j Pf&P sincere m uj - - - Ltof6? f t;hotl na.trona?e which they nave w&j : . . lit u ri.; wn WIdiiousau1 mi who trfil em-fuj 1 Jr ASH If VPi K 4 i : f J H . ? v.. ! 4 4'--. ?-J-: W If: ilrif - s . .-f ' - UK 1-' 4 - r - & i: i ? -1 ; 1 1 IM t

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