- i 1 it 'IV- l. UyH ifi'. i J-' !!.:' rirt-Rt 1 1 MT iFTT lilTTTir.Tn'T f Mil 'i I I ' ' ' V ' ; n in i inn ' ' i" ' i : " " ' f' A-A'.Jt.Vlr ; ... j:-j If 1- Conimnnicationi si4 : .1 A CALX.. TQI the SURVIVING PATRIOTS or lifiS n4t?oftsay,tbe glpriwS goverbmetitof the Uaite I p l -I jl " i ?M! is jeopardy; isome say tht if U abeadj I P' l T &qbferted ioto arcpmfleta Despotisni I ilUt ' :tnediate aaspicioassmile of; Jearen,; 'vrhich' ftir- )retsion for thefi benefit of po6terityf to Jxadet i to bmittinnr to oppression, would ' be binding iba t)iens, when they might get better. prejreJ !(io:isist--J Bocii T?flectioiisvhad jdoi , excited t , td resistance, ' we ;woald bzre "spfftr- j 1 1 eo oppression oanng- our natural ujes, rainer litltafjpiave entered Intd sach an unequal cwnflUitj I it being the most hazardous (enterprise that or I er hak any accoo t of, we ieing bot very iejvirn i immBer perhap9 about two tnillionsj including iri jl ipryienominauoiilof while people in the thirHeeo I s British Colonies. In sach a dispersed sitajtion I'litnatllt was difficult to come an understanding, What;cooid or ouiii to oe dooe; but Dy. theCir I tnlatloin awocialion papers through said jftllo iniesyU?e tinited and detertn'med to procure "ee I donlj pot posterity' or die in the attempt,! al ithogh We .had (bmpiratiyely noarms, no j Jim-5 llmnftitonj ho ;money,fnp credit abroad, ,noniti If abU ilothuig or other manitiofis , of warnoap f enmean3 of procuring thenii we were without j offioes experienced in war; had ab Fleet, not no jeffillnt coveTnn.cnt U ccnduct or keep ustioSEth ijsplaftjof 4ur citiiens : 'were exempted, from ili 1 1tary puty op conscientious rinciples,'aud a lrgo jRumber uhdef the allorements of .Untish emis- V 'iEiri turned Tories, under the influence of cfew IMdisej, : aVaiice and aspiration being parsiie thatii was Impassible to withstand such a tow- . erfuj foe; atld that' the King would confiscatelmr estates for the use of saidrories, and also rhake - them ;Xi0rd3 and Taskmasters over as, when; we fchoula be reduced to slave! y, and were1 nlichi nore iroublesunie than the British. We also hid iinanyftfibes of Indians on our backs, but opposed to alt intimidation, we rose like a bandofbrih ers against . the ? most warlike! and powerfolina- iioti Vih? earthy and under the banner oft the lni-? . frarsalRuler, t have succeed ed in the iestablbli . mentjof the best 'government that ever was for 'Jmedncler which!, fot half a century we hlive lienjoy unparalelled happiness and prosperity. - fOuir : peace being only impaired by ai short con- 'jHlci WJin v"e - unusa na inuiaus. wiucn :as btV hWre frolick when a well Organized government, not onjyjrich' ind !polverful,, But able and" willing, to supply lour ltr6 with Tevery thing necessary for their sife- 5fTi fcomiorr. ease aaa sausiaeiiun, ana pay tijem f ' . .4 ' i r . 1 i . t . ' rvej tar'tneir seryices.--in ine war 01 tne rev Mtiutiontwe were destitute of "all these ad van ta- es j add nad-no hopes at government i everjbe- .tr I tvf A kAmiuflMf A tlO frvm r e'ArviMa 1 n m in-i-"'- 2-ir -ib-i -":J i::, . i- r- i .j- iV .11. iJ , Kh;. f n.: ' pecuniary way money, was not our oojeci, ana !rj; .fij.; :-i ei hlgQf ourselves; amply paid t by the acquire-Sfi':liiC- .ehxi-aObd Gve'rnmenn ;4 ' .' lt l 1:. When tne convention lormea tne oonsutniton . (3j ine uniiea oiaies, Dy meir msaon ana exe iffence i not' by inspiration from Omnipotonce, ' hey;, divided . the powers of government mirf separate; and. distinct from eacnotner, viz., jne r.,rclainrft tn make livvs the Ju-liciarvto juigre rjtApm; nrl the ?Chief Magistrate to execute ( 'tiernahd tfie endeavpured to guard eachl of saine povyeri an d aijthorityj they adopted the Cun thbsi iAnciies agimst the, infringement or uir- sthntion jof ) the Upited States, and gave the pati - y Jxi-u-J.' .-.ah ko.lonn-onT.ir tV,o .,tir. I dpfpnd iu and thatehr Dtiinminced to the world eratSWsSd powers, bur said government lis' that slid! Ckstitu'tipn, ajthe laws of Congress, da the same j exceptj 1 could be induced to dte- tentwSelyiahdivondfully administrated j by and trpsfes; were the S tetnelwof the land, regard oaths, ui the same manner that one of the 1 ttaviti ft creat natbnal debt, building, fitting! otf and that: the Judges irtf every ciaie st.au dm vv woiip mem us .u.. Sdfeanm? a-largeeet; keeping up a large bound' thereby, any thmih the Constitution or Jiy tQfl (viz) "Constitutions are but papery fclimTu---.rJ;f-tnU. nr hrn,rfnvidlnn- . lAwsfoflthe said State 1 the contrary nptwith-fl bul breath &c meaning that sacred stanHind" arm v . fortify icr jurther progress m suiv uu"'gi .vv'u- ; ing a'city worthy of tho great name it bears; $ r other ffrat internal Improvements very geai ij DipiotnaUc expenses, purchasing extensive tjr n lorifelahd bivdizing the Indians; and all he Vlt lntlbpPtioioiy .iuan5 except by ajdi- jieot.iax ior aooai wo yfa4s nun.u if pressiye; and raised but yeryjsmau pariuue feevenue tn snort, I thiok-the formation pfjhe crnmetit-f .tht United States, is as wrjfect. s aayl pf the acts of thejiutharf race; anj- rit 1 ever materially changed, if-must be for: the WorSe,!as itTis sure to be in all revolutions hat are i wadtontv made.1 As common report sjys ; this' Glorious Goternment is now in jeonaidy. KtxtjptitQ dtMhenad both: ptofesstng.he 1 1cttte4 by Jtrue republican princi plesThe totd llepublicani may:by a ceep aesignmg t?s JraenlaM IllLHDUi ClllJlia m f4 "T ; 1 UrM the standard of Uberty, and ai ' advanced in astate of superannuation, ywhus out ahlniallneyentat, powers mtah impaiiedj let "S'dluUv inouireiiuto the real situation of iffiaSealiran intrudelsiand the effects thereof, and striate -1oui!ycurg3rethren to ;bejas true to the present Moverninerit of the United States, as their; f f th Yra; wefelto the cause ot Liberty for then; ftfene- thr Unoh; wmchjwas; aboufc' as cwrecsn J iAt.- t.'M..-ihw:toaIa kill WIW .nS nothing &ald best neinoour w pjiniiwiuu."" l- -J s j i ami Aiw. mvw""-7-i- - J' 'S?.tt"T . 'i- i 1 .1. . m rr neW exploded; fey fflSfit t-ITi- v .wtitfitinn thsn to their misrfpresen- I of Uomesiicxuaaujacuws v-f. kl.y Jl. tsvout of the South Caroh St ?weu as the i "l-U i viiilU. "-ii.H,,.- t 1 i : - tM'fnfetP J -drpat with a torergniation,ana if war ever commen te lli4f. SSSuk ccs between the. States, ?we cannot conjecture f jdllfendsKip to WASfluft how it Uf tenmnate-1 he revolutionary motto ; their Ittea In defeiiCfl t0rvi wasi -dnifid we standdirided we faU- I cao- i tA iivrii thereof was jtnfl pmj ns 10 PTV- ,LiftJf t!i.k i).. 'tfn. nf &nhth Cnlin. !the.r IF"" 1 I Pttt Wtrernely. Ps? M StShlSjf iii jbnt Mieirinnst ; lfeanfr Which MTfeife 'iJffiCSi; vSSfto-deTiheVthe Uitf f)l rtnpUy iM ,?"JT?A SsteJiandteruthe ruins thereof, erect a mails, as : IU ; hetelthey pleas without pay ! -M I ' - T i r - -I Ta 1 1 1 T w m Ml mm w M1IIU v mmar. v s -f - f$aitof,Thej m t J ti nbfbrd 10 other nationsnu4 Keased ciye for them, and in return we, should mmm? ii?clc4 5 fhat teywoeld .please ;tol(ask; butby said'pontr 1 TJetlticothe prices cf 6M iiw -Imateriala are en honisei.and ;w6cah msf chasa4 f all ' manulactared ccf cwiua oeiyie oeswes ute great advantage 01 XforntthiQg taanj! bfou'f c?&reaawiih proftwbJu 4t ingf he 1 Vast wpensa of transporting oar taw ooaienais many tnoosaaua of milea te otAef na jUQMand'briflgin their manufactured articles to America and the verv srrat advantaeeof incres- ing Uur jlndependence of het nations, for these comrnna; necessaries of ligi, and eepecially if the Untted;- States should ever be involved in war trith any other nation jl ' t '"-' y'v x ThoJ &utbCaroliniah:c1aini ' a privilege bf secedinjg ifrom tjibe Union as aTOnstitutiobal ght, and have made great '-'eflbrta In a.'warlike manner for that purpose. Ill they have that right it niast rflUct dtace on those Wba formed the eoBStitiitjop ;fj U. Stai$sj hut I think it entire fy unreasonable td suppose-that the best and wisest of tnen.twhikne the injsufficiency of the oldAr ticles ol Confederatioo td keep the Stales together land provid for the welfare of the Union, and to coercff the diflereniptatcf intor.bbedience for the whole, injonld actTso icjdnlistenjlT- with thejr du ty and the iaterestj of the Union as to allow any ichprivilegedr not to guard igainst such event if atUtnpted; for if any one State has V right to secede, each and every oilier State would have an eijual right, which would be transmuting the United States into a 'monster, haviog twenty tout heads, each posscsifiug equal," separata and' distinct powers over the body. My Friends ex amine the; Constitution, and the free and solemn manner ! in which it was adopted, and the more Solemn and sacred oath tovsupport it, and see if such an.'event is not sufficiently guarded asrainst. The INullifiers pretend to fear that a consol- icauon 01 tne mate Lroverpments will tans place; but they know that it is impossible for any event of that kind to take place in any manner, so as to impair the rights ol. any one of, the States, with out destroying- the very 'foundation '"of the Gov ernnieniof the United States; and they have made the (host perfidious attempts to effect that j Vlulethe Copstitutitfejrjof iheUnited States rema(ns inviolate, all.. thpwers that aw neces sairy jlo perpetuate the Stale Go Vernmnnts, and advance,fhe happiness of their inhahitants are se caredi toUhem; but to avoidl culisru.is among the Stales, and more pennants! f t secure t ha peace, happiness and prospttrinihitbt; American people posejStatos; wiejyi .ai icjreetly surrendered saen aiirwuies 01 yreaty as tney possessed, to the; GWramentlthqjynited iS'tates, 'and by said sonjender, the jStates are individoally debark red frornUhe exercise of fald attributes such as raising "a . Revenue by ; impost or export duties, declaring war, making peace, keeping troops, ot snips 01 war in trine of peace, entering into or with a iuret"ii power, -no oiae snan enter into anv - : . . 11: ... Treaty, jAUiance for C6nwdj?rationj grant letters of marque and reprisal, coin moaey; vnit bills of credit, make any.thifi? bnt gold or reiver coin a tendejr in- payment of debtsVpass any t)ill of attain der, ex post facto4a'w( orJlaw impairing the obli gation ofjcontracts, orgr4ftt ay title of nobility.' "The South Carolinians stickle much on a claim to spvreign 'prwer and apply it in a sin gular iniSner to the, Government uf their own Sate,: add not to the UnijStates in our Dec laration of Independence Uhe title ut sovreignty is j not! ascribed to ahy cf the Slates. By "said Declaration! we abrogated jjthe word sovereign; ankl delegated to the pe3l.f acl State, a su pipmo-iiuwer wcgnsmutea Kiyc" yr injyw. came eon'virjeed of t,he nelespity f a mora per manent union ot saia ??iates,t()r the satety,bene- fiti and happiness of the pedple thereof, by the standing, I have had - i sincere hope that the mil ifiers! had become cortVinced of the imnroon- etV of their lebnducti and that they were ready to retrace their steps, as they have appeared to de sist from! their violent acclamations, butby lat Dublications f discover that the violence of party spirit Still exists, and that they are actuated by . -. ' . : .. m . Uieir lormer pnncipies, ana ine unionists are oe . - j- - - r i t - a- wt ' r . l ' termined at! the risk of termined atTthe risk of their property and their lives to resist thej operation of tho Ordinance passea oy couvennon in ijkiarcn iojo, compelling all officers to take k Telt i Oath 'as a condition As boiuing office) which- iheyj think uncon SUtutionil ahd opposed toibe sanctity of baths al- ready tatcerf to. proteet ana; ueienu tne vonsuiuuan of the United Stales, and think the intention is - ' ' 'ii . - . ii ilt iliL to oissotye tne union,tjn;tae exisieoce ui wnicu $The present situation gf onr uoyernmental at; fairs beas a gloomy aspetitj for if insurrections, or rebellions arise in the ohion j they must be repel- led.fandj although the South Carolinians,, who were fit to fun mad to gef General Jackson elect- I . , . - . . . . . .-? ,A u va5C ..u W'?J",4UU "" f (strtieedto issuebyaue sexrse ofy, and which, perhaps, may sav the nqion1y causing gentlnjto rette morlously, jtnd better nndestanapn wnat groutdaney stood. ' j Sometimes a spark of fire; raises a great ft ame, - or caostjs a;grea explosion; we Jkftow that re- i ubUcs areonoxious to tpe irowns ot monarch war ever wanted to secede from the Union for the nPoseW establishing -alleparate; and 'distinct, sovereign, and indie pendent Ggyernmeat of their twn hich' wonfil placi4hem pfitj disa- dod-1 greeabie giiuaiionas iney mast. .uow iui any WoaM lever command the respeei of other Da- r A- .ir ; ..s. Soumem Cfederacy, In which other States, v A W a. H r K r. ll- i n ""i t t: WatK apprisedja and have a pariicular art of eulogising ... . . .iT I '.111 ? J C.. v although enfee- admonish each iMjLt l wwi. tn tnosia un.and conxnouw miw wwarua vinff our guwiouB v hbwwj f i - ; --Kur-1'.. I' ! ' ' the yomeniho are h$?&j&&0ftwM ciatmg the. value of said government astthoVei that experimental! v Kno-v n!i KfSit -m' JayeA-gwKf eflect;--4dtisei inem ItnaiaVe hot heen rnformed of the evi's. n. ifieih.r f hr Mveofefelbarihe -wernaeiktr jptHrtions by.dividing and subdividing their I gpvernments. iiauijr 4cvjies f uumouation ot incuen ttalr office hunters,; to thinly seriously on the subject and determine in their own minds, wheth er it is possible tbil any good cinresuli from ahy J diyieion of these United States; and at the samf time to consider, the . in'calculablek evils, that Would result. from any suchdivisipn, Wnich must greatly accnmulate the expenses, itrpair the hap - ppess,,and safety of the people and jeop ardise the , whold nation.! The princip flul. Bfiers teem to Utii froni I t&eir T fi ulous pretensions joC'-'ftticanisni sinice - Ihejiha so clearly convinced" the world of, the fala y of said pretensions ; by endeavoring j to desq jy a Government founded on genuine republiean priii ciples formed amicably and rmaheotlylfunl der which they had eojoyed so man v leslngs, and a vast increase of opulencyt; without bjvinjj arjy sufficient reason for so doing, or the least cause of complaint Against the principles of Vsaid government.- A nd now it appears that they ave instead of republicanism adopted the fulsome tuund of sovereignitya which they harp so much; thit to me it seems probable that if they were separa leoirom, ine union ny mutual consent, that on the incjease4of party discord, aspirtkM, ib du her of theirfjobilifyl ' they wtuld divide theinet; mory inioanumoer ot sovereignities tn propor tion to the number in Germany,: where, accord ing to, historical accounts, there are more than three hundred sovereign princes. Is sovereign'-! ty magical enough! to expiate or absolve from the obligation of oaths pr the crime of perjury ? : ( It seems to me very strange that "any created be- .ing in the most prosperous circumstances,, and ap parently in tne most nappy situation that we can reasonably' suppwe our Creator ever design ed them to be in this state of probation should be the ImoSt reckless andi anxious ' .for a change ; but sacred history proves ; .that fact. The angelsj of light j supposed to be the first rank of created beings In a state of per ; feet happiness, by ' aspiring after ah equilibrium withJUieir Creator nullified bis kws and were hurled "to perdition il Adamiand Eve being: pla4 ced abDarentlr in nrfpt tto rr konmh-o nulhSed the laws ot God, and -thereby broutrhn disgrace and misery bo themselves and their off spring. For nullifying the laws of - God the Sodomites were destroyed by fife' and brimstone and the world was drowned,' and the ancient; nations destroyed by the sword,' plague,pestilence and famine, &c. &ci. ;': : ) s:j v:ya s r "aouiugMjnj aaia me Very idea of the power, and the right of the. peo ple to establish a government, presupposes the5 duty of every individual to Pbey the; established, Government he also said the propitious smiles i of Heaven, can never! be expected on a nation that I disregards the eternal . rules .of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.! ; It appears to me that ne of the most prominent rules of orders ordain$d by Heaven, is the intro duction of olenm oaths, forthe promotion of jus tice, and security of life. ! liberty and propef tyi, and m revolution I was convinced, that ah Umnipoten:,Omnidcint and Omnipresent Deity, did deign m his mercy,to lexik down & iii some de gree to act as an arbiter in great national affairs. Hence the voluntary flaking ot a false oath, does seem, to be, the most? presumptuous wifAHnfiU that a man can be guilty ofj in which he invokes ti''n-i;.'' WMffi 1 . he draws i to sed his bfessinor orJ venjreance on his soul according to the; truth of falsehocdi of what he says or promises to : do ; under Cte aforesaid belief, I never could be induced to take an oath of allegianceiW the Government of the United States, and then take another oath, di rectly counter to it; coinpacis were no ntfre than blank paper, and loai sacrca oams.weie no more man common air; md his promotion si ncej shows an acquiescence in his opinion. Good Lord deliver us from such men ! Principles which will promote private virtue, will advance public; happiness. Having already given ray ideas, on the origin design, and pernicious consequences of nnllifica- iwu, vui owPiFumy fu' ism; mfeat.ing th,; usurpations .of .the President of 1 will now explain mv vh.v on Jackson , . , . hadno personal enmihr against his public services to their full value, and desirous that he should be well paid for said ser vices, but was opposed to his being, elected Pres ident of the United States ; because did believe that he was the most dangerous man in the Uni ted States, for President, for the following rea sons: while he was commander-in-chief of ;the Southern. Army, he convinced me cf his; violent and dngovernable temper; and disposition; not restrainable by the Constitution $c Laws, of the countrv : and in the mean time gave the Span- I J y ish people just cause pf war, against tbp United - 1 &tae?, and nothing but their, imbecility pre- vented sucn a war ; and placing no stress on me. reroris 01 nis Drotaneness. immoraiiiv. ava- rice, or hard heartedriess, in taking the; JiveS of six respeetahle mtlitia men, in an instant when the exigencies of the Government did hot require it &.?, and as 1 was not informed of h;s having made any great display, of superior talent in the fulfilment of any of his duties, in any of the civil appointments he had rilled, I did believe, that his opponent was In every respect, much better qualified to preside over the Governmtpt of the Uoiled'j States than General : Jackson. His opponent J. Q. Adams haying been Sufficient ly tried, and convinced the world of his com petency and integnty, under? the fery Jm portant appointments he, had filled j although he was calumniated by a combination of design ing men, for a lucrative purpose, who knew that President Adams already had a full Cabinet, tod toppusintr if he kcbnld, be . supDlanted. ; that his. successor, would dismiss them, and promote - U jY. : . . - .' ; ' . i , his own friends: while there were others, who, in my. opinion did not believe that Gen. Jack son was' a safe repositorv bf Dower, exerted them- selves in favor of hi3 election under an expec i' -a m . M T. . 7 -- i i. tation, that he would serve only one term of tour years, and if they i weretnot elevated, by him they -would huzza themselves into the favor of as General Jackson's claim1 to ; the . Presidency tieularly on his success m the battle 'olJSew was DraoiaiHini ma miuizrr : cuvnuon of leahs, and knowing t Governmsnts have been - w great militaryCbieftains 1834. ..a . , -r - II . ! r da wai Kwell calecrated t& &kv-Xtts: m mj Md he exciled mi lnfferthW any ryaferiantsr6t ca Flinch ItJe. Aat thiP .UEHTLTi C i in nis amaiuoos views nu ns alaiobt reined thA V ations.? Military servifeRa ari to theleartsofme, than any thing , e, a-U - i Micvaie ine umind aaa na:Ja lv have the command of ?eis and men, fuUj e- qual to themselvesJn ever renect. onlv in lint t Tes4n 0ver resoect, only in -.iut ' of graded the enforcing prao)pi obedience will make themmore aossere and arrogant, aid in due therfl to believV they were bora ;to com mand.and will havS ksa compassion on iothers; & we are too apt to comeet theMe nf wlnrv uritK tb4 of success.. General Jickson; hasten bet- omer services iinfermed that he Hver was wound in the public serjrice; nor much exposed to da eri and hissnfierisgS wereJ ,nrio f-.K.. a mere nothing, in lparisoa to ifrhat we expert encpa in tne Indian Campaign id the year 1776. f wehaving nogovetoenrovidefsbe inJ beforpM, fJLLl :.3A, : I in before our State Constitution tra formed. Iani unacquainted with General JaekWn lalpnta Vn ttopcsfr his friend have neeinibrtned die of a- I PfSlaJ' yea Ishipihat Iro hasmade, " V ground it Drfeias was a 2aerwrtt sepcted hysome person for making fortificatkos,t ril rapraved by art;hut whether the commander miit-f was the greatest engineer in fortifyu.g, I Je ' was mere well Used with a suf went number of as good officers and soldiers as i mid be paraded, well fortified by nature and art n such a manner- that no act of Generalship wa necessary or could be displayed by the com ma der. Whether it would have been proper for Sen. Jackson to have risked a ; display of Ge eralship by pursiping the endmy oh j their re tre; (when they were in a state of consternation by ie loss of their hief commander, and other offi xrsornot I am not prepared to give'an opin ion! But whether General Jackson Was elected President of the United States! uider the influ ence of a combination of designing mer is "not thehuestion; but letus examinethow he has ad ministered the government One of the most eminent Senators in congress in his public speech on tie removal of the Deposites, said, "the eyes and tlie;bopes of the American People aie anx iously turned to Congressi they t feel that they have heed deceived and insulted, their ednfidence abused, their interest betrayed, and their' liberties in danger; they see a rapid and alarming concen tration t)f all power in one man's hands,' and al so says, the will of .:oqe man alone prevails and governs the Republic;." i i : By takings viewof the publications of Gen. Jackson's conduct towards the committees, com posed of highly respectable citizens,' who were delegated by many - thousands of his constituents, to bear their memorials, and explain their griev ance cm the removal of the Deposites, and par ticularly his reply to a, delegate who was the bearer of a Memorial from Massachusetts aS fol lows, ' I . . ' In the eame of God; fir. what do the People think to gain by sending their memorials here, if they send ten thousand of them signed by all thej men, women and children, and bearing' the aajes from all the girave-stones, I Will not relax a particle from my position." puts an end to the question 'whether this is a government of the tic cxaueu ser vant of the people, aiits like an inflexible master. This removal of the tTeposites was certainly, an unconstitutional act, which neither the President of iho U. S. nor the Secretary of the Treasury had any right to perpetrate, for although the Se cretary (of the Treasury) has seme power in the recess of Congress, to direct where deposites should be Dade, yet he has no pr-ver to remove them aftef they are made, without a special act of Congress, makings appropriations &c. for that purjlbse; and the precipitate and disgraceful maper ii which that business was transac ted shows that the principle object of the Presi dent was, to deprive j Congress of their constitu tiiial power, and get the command of the pub lie purse (which agreeable to the old adage, wfl command the sword ) I understand the Ptttipnt had no ilmiht of thfi fsafitr nf thfi PnH liittiohe where it was properly placed, in the Bank of the United States, and was raising a reienu? of sixty thousand dollars per year : and .it k ow placed in many State Hankswhere it . J, f raises 5 0 the z H 1. r1 - W m - ISJilUU kV UO lUtadlC, BUU lai.-CP IJU ICICIIUC III .Ills j,, . -. ui:- t,; collar men1, by secret contract, receives Soy inter est on said money or not I am hot prepared to say;-ibut ,the money is placed, in i many Ranks, ! over i which the Government i ot the United States has no control 3 and if Congress was to P3SS a law for returning -said Deposites, ;the President would be sure to veto it : so I do not know anv wav to ffet it cut of the hands cf the President and his party, and thereture, we, the people; must suifer extremely by that unjus tifiable usurpation of power. B Ine predictions of the Great and nood V ash 1toion. ahont xtrfeitie oartv-smrit. ("thelbane of "jb " . j a 7 ' ... . . ... r 1 iiepuDUcantsm,; destroying mis uovernmeni.is aJmafetyerified ; and the most atrocious step to- incr worn omce. so raanv nunareus 01 ine oesi 01 '. m . . i i . t Y I . . C waras it, was. inai 01 ine rresiuem a ui'' bfc4rt(against whom there was no complaint,; tor tie only purpose m supplying, ineir piacea, witbfhia partial friends, to strertsrthen hjs party Those 'officers eXDecti'ricr to holdiheir offices, da- ring good behaviour, provided no other means 01 maJriuj a support ; and after brig service, with great dexterity and integrity, ana wnnouv nj complaint against them, were turned opt, and their families ruined. iy an ; old puoucauon fthe truth of which I have never heard ; ccntro- irertd the removals from office were as follows:, irln VVashtngton's Adra'tion. '8 yearsj 1 tana i ' " ... TY . Y: . ,1 no doubt for good reasons. John-Adams' j Jefferson's i,f Madison's : Monroe's ! fJ. Q Adams ; it it ! it Jackson's in According to this stitement, in forty yitv President's removed from office only seventy-four knerf, and in one year and a half, Jackson remov ed fourteen hundred and seventy ; and it is aid that an enquiry after the cause of said removals, U conceived as an insnlt. ; i J 5 ? dt kt. dC thm above Statement, and thatfmany hundreds of good of& ) naye no couui 01 uie uum v Add lfcert have since shared the same fate; and I think 1 ihe object of the President isso clearly demonstra- nan. i im nr uis ususocuuus ; iuuuiw Or - fthtasbject is unnecessary. . .-;. .--t -jr. b ..1.. uu i A do: i 11 co.f 8 do. ;36 do.f a go. 1 a 00. (9 do. I 9 do ; 'd i O An a ti 1 j. 1 si, uii. Ii da. 1470 do. hat ancient- Republican II ilOypubJicaUons.It appears, that tne rresweu uniformly subvetted by I has aearly absorbed the executive powers of the I , and ithat his dispose- Senate, and only hiu&s himself bound t oy tne . H-NO. 51 where they meet ; eom3ji:vt .wifl its praraiSes and thd exptatii. fc fh'ends;- w- r . '-t - w' . a4-T lri 7"? JU,X sta I mini stratr.srhisiVfifpf publredebt, 4 the last ot) Jacisun'si eiefasive of wiblwday il-jJ year ily Jackja, A 33, ' S,0)64r And he ha rtwst ia ejferj. wpect accontra- 2 l lUons to his predecessors: and the I:' ,0, " 7i J r l 4 - G3i a,w ,QU nP - Ue wa4peafSito;iwit4ti,f,g Wilishiwsof ades 1 1 'i. But my dear friids. let's not viveiin the pot z -f cut my dear fntibds. Ieta not jrira n th ship. While we can bq$fthi auspicious smilea r'ica'cl1 re anamaoie : uur Government is tn jeopardy, and our j greatest exertions are re quired to save it; extensive memorialising Jias been tried without snccek ;; we hate no re lief by impeachment j and it will not dok to raise mobs, cr insurrections, of any think like a miUta- If ;f "T 7 1 - v TfT ?l wyernment, except as a denret resort. We 17 Vl l ituum, as iue pnae America, he baneef f Tyrants, the envy of enslaved nitionSi and a Satterri to the world. enslaved nitionSj and a fatterh to the world. In whal does our freedom consist f t answer, in aething hut the freedom and frequency of e lectiotw ; aad in that Wi. if w Mk v .temaijt winost, not on!yj dhouat-jaance the conduct of the PriientandiNoyiaew ; but we most withdraw oar jconfidence from ail who justify ; their usurpations J It may. with some propriety, be said, that the Revolutionary soldiers wre raised in the dark ages of the American people, when a liberal ed ucation, waj not, to many, attainable ; ; but we can communicate our ideas to, and understand each other as wellas those who have spent the primeof their lives in literary and. scientific 'tu dies,'at Colleges andothlr Seminaiie3 of Learn ing ; and we have aai good a right to express our sentiments or jdeas, in puv dognatical , manner, as the most brilliant rhetorical orator has j and let It not be forgotten that,in those "dark dav there most certainly wast Jess sophisuy, r jtrty spirit, envy, intrigue, pride and insolvent nd piore pairtousm, punctuality and 1 6iny lQn in the present, enlightened age ; )fdl' therefore admonish and! intreat eaclt of you, to exert your selves, in the fearless toosj of manly freemen. and notin the cautious Whispers ; of tremoung slaved ; , let us not be, bashful, 6ccause we were not raised at the feet Cl Gamaliel, nor oecause our mental powers are impaired, but remember ' sacredivxit Saya. IhaL. Hod ihas chosen the foolish things of the world, to confound the wise," and the weak things f the world j to confound the mighty," and that thd truth of this Scripture was verified in the Revolutionary war 5 there fore let us enquire diligently into the character and political principles, ot ' all the candidates, who may offer for the State or Federal Legisla ture, and for all other important appointments, ahd vote for none, who pre varicate, or-.Jtaye not independence to openly and positively .'declare, their political principles, in favor of the I Union, to our satisfaction; taking fare in the mean time, to not be deceived by the 6phistry of designing aspirants, for in the present polluted isiate of men, power Will not fail having supporters, and flattery is by some, supposed to be a speedier and more sure high way to preferment, than merit or abilities. ; I j I ; ! In elections, let us no! regard partial friend- tship, nor relationship, but above all things, pro- it either ot my sons was a candidate, and I knew him to be attached to any party, that was against the Government of the h rated States, or desir ous to abridge or curtail any of the essential pow ers thereof, or only careless about its preserva tion, 1 would vote against him, in favor of any man, that l could depend on to be troe, and firm, in the support add defence of the Un ion ; or if any candidate for an important ap pointment, had done me thfe 'greatest favor, that one man. could do for another, and I knew he would oppose the Union in any respect, I would not vote for him. but would endeavor to reward him in some other way for his favors. Rrother Soldiers, I feel an indelible attachment to you, for your patriotism! ; although many of you I never saw ; and supposing that you have -y j t 1 . -11.1 ir reciprocal leenngs towarusau taose wno partici pated with you in the arduous struggle for Litj erty 1 have, with my feeble palsied hand, writ ten this long and incoherent address to you, in a crisis that,' to mi? exh&its -as great si arm at did that or the year iii 6 The object of this letter is to stir up iJie spirit jpf 1776, iaxirder to perpet uate the best Government that ever was estab lished, and to prevent so many , patriotic lives being sacrificed m vaLi, 111 the establishment thereof; and to not let our posterity be deprived, of the benefits for whicb we snfl'ered as much hardship, and as many privaops as our constitu tions could oeari &. some of 1 us hvjourown blood spilt by the lead of our eojnmon enemies ; and now when ou uflspriug appears to beSr dangrr of being involyedin a jivilwar,aid the: untry drenched with their blood, arid in awoise K4W tion than under British oppression If the tro of 1776. orevails thrduarK these; United States, we are safe for no despot or combination can get fixed !so permanently, butwhat a pru dentexercisedf our power at the Ballot Boxes, may defeat j their machinations. It might 1 presumptuous in me, to expect to live till the next election j But while 1 do live, my ?rdent wishes for the duration and prosperity of the Un ion will not cease, and if the loss of "my life would restore to the Government of these Uni ted Slates a perfect reconciliation and tranquility, I would not hesitate one moment to urrender it ' ' I fio'w Wd a final farewell, to my Brother Sol- ?'ipr5. in hones the Gracious smiles of fleaveri, Wut roatnnnfi Tnii!l till we meet in a State of perpetual bliss: WM. LENOIR. '1 (IA.L lOH. trri The! hand of the author of tbe foregohigT ? V.-i.lrox hoinr mncti nslsied.as 10 ienuej' 11 difficult and very fatiguemg for him to write legi Kj,l have at his request Written thut true copy , t - 1 - j I. U V - I one in nis own mjuiu fiwx' - -v j i :TllOS. LENOIR The fire in thaTreasurj par iment seems likely to answer much tUe same purpose ibr the Preasury ufficr8,thatthelbonfiittthe old cas tle oi Kavenswood, in the Bride of Iammermoor, did to the oldsteward, Caleb Balderstone : "ISo ; 'this fire said Caleb, 'for ! a fire it shall be, if 1 suld burn thtf old staite to make it mair feasible 'this fire, besides that it will be v an excuse lor iskinr onv tbimr we want through the country this fire will settle moujr things on an honors W fnntintr iae the familv'li credit, that cost me telhn twecitv daily lies to s J wheea idle ebaps and aueans, and whxt Worse; without gaintog credence JkHon Daily ddr. M-TMsiuns oi ine ouprense vourt, his approbation. ' 1 : . fit o. ; -- : - iw nas'frftdeot ?Uxckorr r JL WHOLE iXO. ;I03t j ' - t x r it Jn tcc .tra j . .1 i - L . J axciy,n part of Ihe troopa trcre creatine a certain Tlar.e n-r Kiln"s'T3-r?-'v sammer iicmn a ccldjer: Whd Was !W Y T ( w .,w 4 .U.i.ki cellent twimmcr aisf l Veil as- fifer took hist fife WitfiJjim to'Xhi Water and ebgedia fifing and jswirarnins at the same rJmbf !Th Cirjsiceachcd the ear of l4factte.) 1 Early Kt? nexl inohuns he sent an offieEr or the mart who had thui disobeyed the or ders of tho carhp 4 ; j - -1, . :i The soldier was a f halivd cf COTnecticnl' ahd a mart of rulbT iTFhea arresteolby tho officer he considered iKatjpcVKsphi might escape a severe punchmenf by den ting tho deed. , On a moment's re3ec&n,1h6weverf" he said to himself. I have! a!wat the truth-rrcannottell i lie." . i T, : With ihts principle in hii mind,'helcamo into the presence of the general woo asked " " ine inaiviouai, wno piayed; upon, the water the evening previous; to which he replied I am." i ' " ': , uTo morrow evening, her at such an hour, I wish you to repair to my tent T i He came at rtio appointed thpe. j The general then informed hirjj; thit thmt hnr which he had f?eaf d tKe cven-n? before arTect ed him very much f hat on a former occasion it had been played at the funeral of A dear friend of his, who died in his native couu try Since then, until nowi, he hiad never met with an individual who could play i. uFor the purpose of 4ndtilgir.g i the mel ancholy pleasure of Jiearing jit once more, I have,' said bH 'sent for you. j . The gtMral afte; being agrteably enter tained with the conVbrsution afai- m-.sir of pjpest, dismissed ! him with bis thanks and some money from hisj puise. as an expression of his satisfaction in the per formance, f ' follok1101 tC" 'le'" iS !a Sod rule to i A! K Jrtrror. CHARACTER OF THE VOICE. tract is from a volume of perjrnomii tecentj7 published in Edingburghina wriMenouuij as it may sound) by Jarjowllojgthe Ettrick Shepherd. t ?s I 1 know some young rv6pte wpo choose tbeir friends by tbe ejr-10 81106 13 l',e.v choose a coat or a ve I do not disapprove i of this altogether;, or, there certainly li something in evry jhuraan! countenance less or more avract:ve,or less oir more re pulsive; and I would j trust n?ore to Lavater ! than toSpurzieim. But never once form the least esttotate 01 a cnaracier umu yuu hear him or her speak. Trio tones of tlu voice are the best symptoms in the world whereby to form a true and immediate judgment dfa chariater. They are the iui iuusic,-ytrrj"may as easily iiloge cf tlie sterling value of the character as jof a violin or an organ. 1 here is net a sjnalo featuro of a character which is not delineated in the tones of tbe voice, i f have been taken with the appearance and cb.inlenan ces of young men in public assemblies, and yet the verv first time I heard them speak, I found at once that they were cbnsumatc blockheads But whenever 1 found the countenance and the voice accord in sweet ness, I could ten form an jcstinate of the character, whicly. in all my life, I have nev er had occasion to change. I But there 13 one thing, I think) I may affirm that irtiho whole world, amcteg human! beings as a mong sheep, thcruis cotouecharacter,coun tenance, nor voice, exactly! like another; and yet, among all ,thte diversity, you will scarcely find tivo individuals! in whdm thero -is1 not sonv point oTT Gmtnsvurm ,j render them agreeable and accepUbleto each other. We are,! indeed, strangely 5r wonderfully made." j i JS I". Mirror. JOE MILLER. is a fact not generally! knownV'tfays 3fr. Mathews, tn bis 'celebrated Moftopoly logue, that the well-known Joe 5Iiller,who has fathered all our jests for the last half , 4. .a t'.e.. centurv, never uiterea a jest in n uic. Tkovgh an excellent comic j actor, ne was the most Uciturn and saturnine raaa orcatn- irig. He was in the I daily habit of spend irig his afternoons at the Black Jackj a &m known public-house in Portagal-ftreel, Clare-market, which was at the tirrle fre quented by most of the respectable trades men in the neighboVbodd, who from j J oe's imperturbable gravity, whenever any fisiblo saving was recounted, derisively, ascribed it to bun. . After hisj deatty having left his family unprovided fox, advantage was! taken of this badinage. A Mr. Motley, a well known dramatist of that day; was employed to collect all the stry jests then current in Atftwn. Joe .Miller's; name was prefixed to tbemi St from that tiay to this,tne man wno npfpr uttered a iest has been tne reputea I utbor Qf CTery Jck past, ! present i and to Pcbme. i few, YcrkMirrcr. Tlie J2on TF3b A small lad asked per- n ,1 1 ti:. ... .V.A ,4 him it mission to go to a xkm4 uf411' "f was a bad place for UyM "vnj rnower. did at yoaand father use to go to balls when yea was oun?' "Yes but we have aewi ths folly of it," answered the mother Well mf!' exclaimed the son,. tcantiosee IhefoVijy U toor t .. j . ' ?! . Jl fCMd rtpjr-A nobleman observing! a tirgb sWelymrnear his g?te. ordered his ? rjryenrf the serxattt,I were to throwt to hu, it wald be mere out J fm krcsbip s way .: IwH.tiwl thejory eiturrciated in the folldwjg paib- Jr,i.' , . -,t . i tnrrp.thpr riAstihifM rf foundation. r',l-'- ' ! 1 l .. 1..- ft- -1 ? . . ' : t T - ! i T 1 - V; : ,f 6 i j -if- W !. 'f! " iY. 4. "i yi't- jiir'-"r-i ' - ' ": : ' j : i . ; . ' . '. : - til-' ' ' - I i I - " 'f . i - iatiii f ,h . i. I JH ! " - - ; 1 1 ' ' i j 1 ' y Y- t; . . ' " ; . i : ' ! i j : . . t . . , . ; ... 1 - i-i' I

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