1- I J I". L I MORE NEW" ams. 8. d. pendm?; t .11 r i k .I i i i i .i 1 1. 1 .j i ii i i p ii i i fV.l-' l Ti ?.':- -., i v fi : - - - " - ? JUAnJ EOO . H ACS! NO; - St -.r : f 'I ": i i .l V . : 2-1 . J, ' i i-t f I npHE Subscriber infufms the public that he ' 11 ctill carries on the above bassinets, in all it Various branches tt hit old sUnd; ar few doorf east of the Coortboas. on Market street. Har- 'i log a full supply J of Workmen tofer yndtrstand their business, t lie subscriber feels" confidence in his assurance to the public that orders tot work in his line will always be exeeated immediately, and in a manner io give thatnost eotira satisfae- tioo. To thls be pledge himself: His work will. ; be warranted. .k .n- ; I ; .) ' v'T; . j : He would also sfatet that be; has now oc hand and Waaler number of vehicles, made in a very superior manner, and of the beat materiel; such as 9- CABRYALLS,t&e7 . &c I , .'- . ?;;. j- -.ch. s f - Persons wishing'such (articles1 wilt please gve the subscriber a call, and they can at all times be accmawdateJ on ireryi reasonable' tewis. I . . -.- i . . tAiitf i on iron l Salisbury, March 12, 1836i-37if Sailor's Hotlw nn.VKRN opr.d eornmlttfrf tothe Jail of Da . JL vidsoo county, N. C. December Jst, 1835, aa a runaway. a? Negro man, vlho lays; his name is GEORGE, a rvd that he Blong jto James . Gardiner, of Union District, S; C.f living H or 9 miles from .the Court House. He states. that te was sold to Mr. Gardiner by" Peterson1 Rawlins, a negro trader, ' abat -four y ears I ago. George says he is 24 years old, 5Jaet 6 injehes high, features full, marked on the right breast with a white Spot : at9o' states that he left home in fod der pulling. . The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay Ihargesj and take him away, or he will s be dealt with iaa the law direct in such cases. I I .1 - J JOHJSrM.THQMASimhrA , P.S. Since the above adveftiseroerjt waspub lUbed,. George has made farther confession. He nays he was purchased from Mr. Gardiner of 3. Carolina by a negro fader named Massingil I He farther states that they were on their wayjto Mississippi, that he ' aod another' boy by the Dame of Haze, came off together they left a boat .50 mites beyond Knoxvilje,lenn.Saturday morning before day.' He says-there was anoth er" oiA with Misiingril named McDoyd, . Jailort Deemie 12 j 1835tf2 1 Going Going Cheap ! ! AJf OTIIEIl FRESH StTPPLY . It 4 0? Eq how receiving at Iii? Stove, ' : 1 OF i-. Which have been selected carefully and atten " ':'itve1jf7ahllXoooght '.entirely for (Cash, iu Philadelphia. and 2Sw lYoi;k tor the Spring of I83d and will be Isold . V ;n at loW as any GOODS can I I " "1 "Tiosi'Id in thia partof " :;;-yif " ! thecountry. . ' j BU Stock comprises every article ganerally ". -hrK .'-,j.-.kefn Stolfisi.i'.- ; f . " - t& kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will bo bought at the ;bighesimarke prices, j ' MT7fends will receive $yi grateful thanks for past, favors, and may rest assured that c patnf will be spared to mem a continuance of tnosdiavors, . ; ii . -rx " X. Salisbury April 22Pd, 133Mr I LBJNTDPOE PURSUANT to a decreiof theCcwirt oflE JL . quity fori Rowan County, at iApril Term, 1836 the Clerk and Master wilt sell at the Coort House, in Saltabury,oii Tuesday, the 17 th ay w .iay next, 1 - 1 40co; TVdcU (jLandi Belongiogto the Heirs at Law of John Batner flecM.aosninsE the Lauda oX Peter! Kerua' and wlMrsp-ons containing THE OTHER CONTAINING aool A cieunoi iweiTe months will y mr.. .j i? wh pproved security for th purchase Ruirra oo toe aay or sale. I 2S,lSS84w40 ! "T i I ' Tnl"kt..M",w ia P Co or JL QHy. w.llrtl MV.h. CoW Huum in GOOUS SALE. SlOHBC t iu"7;w eeit ar the C fnk hnryton the 17th aj ot&Ui -' i Lasd containing -i J So; r-" i t pti T-"?,"' sno Heirs at tW ox John Elleri dee'd. on m Ls. jths,i reqoiriny bbnd snctapprovfd security for Vuchasa caooey on the day of sate; 1 -4 i I 1 S. SILLiMAfi. c k a DBda aixrii! boot dorabfomann ..71 ness.r0 B inn. .nn rio neat add his. work trial Ai, arit! 10 JEW ElilLEEIi.- T f , . v I nnHE Suoscriber hajost retdrned from i?hil , ii adeJphia, where jie purchased s rich as sonmeot ji i Watclics, J0 wellery, c OF TIITB NEWEST PASniONSJ; Gentlemen GoWsrwl Silver LeTfr Watcaei, , do i ,GoM Duplex ; Udtcs' G.ild,lrerfand Duplex i d Plainj English and i is Watches Fine Gold Fo( Chaioa and Key. Fine Plated Fob and Guard Chains, Rich kssojrtment of - Rings, Fine Eari Rings, Ladies NVai.t Bock! llrsaal Pins and Finger es, Jet, Gilt &SilTer, Shell LMosic Bixes and Silver Pencils, h A alrg as$orimnt of Silver Spectacles, j Spectacles in SteeJ Frames, I II Coocaive SpcUcies fr wear-sighted persons Ladivs and Gentlemen' Fine Pocket Books, Superior Wade & Batcher's Coocate Kaxort, DoJ ; Pocket Khives, ; Fine Scissors, ' I Leather ihd Silk Money Parses,! Ladies Large Tuck and Side Combs, Do Snuff Boxes and Thimbles, Fine Plated Cantors! St Candlesticks i Together with Chains. Pistols, Seal s, and Keys Sus, Also silver Spoon and Sugar Tongs He hopes that his friends and customers will call anJ examine bis fine assortment, and itty; , He will sell cheap tor Cash, or on a abort ; Credit. Orders will be filled up'frmn a distance. Watch es and Clocks repaired well, and warranted for .12 months; Old gold and silver, bought at cash rices, in exchange for Jewellery. j I JOHN C. PAx-31itt. Salisbury, Sept. 12 13. ' ! .1 Journcytriani Silversmith THH subscriber wijl give good wages and cucstant employment to workman of ihe above mentioned kind, who can come well recom mended. : i i . JOHN C. PALMER. Salisbury Dec. 19th l835. tf 2. SALISBURY )Pt.HOTEL, TIIOHAS A. HAGUE, SafisbiiryyjN. Carolina, THE Subscri'ier infurras the public that he has purchased the above mentioned Estab liahrnent from William H. Slaughter, in whose hands i has been luW and adrantatfeouslv known as a I IMjusc of- Entertainment He flat era himself that by care and diligent at tention.1 he shall be able to keep up the former en viable reputation of this House. His TABLE shall be well supplied iitb the best that a plen tiful market can aQord.l His UAH is furnished with a variety of the' choicest foreign and do mestic liquors. His Rooms are large and com modious.' His Beds and bedding are at all times particularly ne&t, clean and comfortable, and warranted secure against lliose annoyances that a traveller so much detests. His Servants are honest, faithful and obliging. His STABLES are inferior to none always well supplied with old Gfain, and attended, to by faithful Oailers. He invites the travelling community lo rsall once tor. Ais sake, and he dibts not but that they will call again for their own sokes. Stage Travellers Are Informed, that the Stages on the Great Western Line, owned by A. & J. Sherrill, ar rive at this House every Monday and Friday, at o'clock, P M. and -depart every Wednesday and Saturday at 2 p. ; 1 Passengers on this Hue and those on the oth er tints passing through or arriving ut this place art informed, meals will be furnished at 2b cents without detenffon. tC3T Seats in any! of the Stages can be secured here. . . January 9. 1936 25tf 1 jatOR BAIM MY Real Estate, lrf the Town of Hock ford, jand in the County of Surry. N. C, con sisting; of a new Two Story j If.. i """ HOUSE, Yxr. Having Eleven Rnorfs'with fire places besides a convenient DIJVlJVG ROOM, and all suits bleout buildings appeitinant; to which, is i one story Framed Build jng, having; Four Rooms with fire; places, intended for Boarders Also, one oi her small Framed! House otr the same Lot, occupied as a Tailors Shop. Extensive Stabling.St unoccupied ZjO TS, with 1 lOO ACMES Of LAND, contiguous! to and surround in or the unv One Hundred Acres o( which is Yao- kin Bottom, and I . 500 , ACRES in the Hills, First rate Tobacco Land, for which property, I will uk in Cash or yoang Negroes $4,000 : Likewise, a large Tract known by the name of PICJCE&ING FORE3T, consisting of owned by the Hon. James Martin and ! myself there is about One Hundred Acres of g,d Mea d,,,w lndinone bidy in the Forest, and about &xtn Acres cleared, finely set in' Herd Grass. A ftonuderabIe poriioo 6f Pickering Forest, is n" mcot una. oui ia cnienv vainvM. r... i one iwnge : u m offered at Ten Cents per Acres.- Likawi , i j r :. ! 1 n . : . ' ; -"w iui ta JfETT JF0RGE, oafiilertlUTer, iihin bar buHm of I : rtuti. with . j 1000 Acres of Land r i i 6iV n dp u wan several val cable -veins of OREptheaame, for which. I will take $1600. iorchase part lor the wh.oIe f pp!icaUn to the subscriber Uvingln the town rf Rckfwd. i BYBJREBSM .,iyiyi3ri coMPiaAinTpf The Patxht Mcdiciiub Sroifaciucjs; Hxrauc, formed by chymical analysis and svotheslsof several prmnutie vegetable princi ples, are universally acknowledged to j have to tally eclipsed the pretension of every other rem edy , and superceded the1 necesaity of every other mode of treatment, wherever the above diseases are foond to exist, as well as In enlargement of the Spleen aod 'in ticndict. -j ; K -;r . j f Among the sjtoms of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints, are flatulency, sourness or burniog in the stomach, melancholy,; irritability, disa greeable taste in thetmooih great irregularity of appetite, which is someUnies voracious, and at other times greatly i deficient : thirst, Tetid breath, nausea, weakness of the stomachy cid rectationa, palpiution, drowsiness, irregalarity of the bowels, pressure on the stomach after meals, pain in the head, 'dizziness or vertigo; confusion of mind, attended with loss of memory, a gnawing in the stomach when empty, dullness, affection of sight and hearing ; pain and weak ness in the back, languor, d istuibed sleep, cold feet and hands, tremor, uneasiness in the throat, cough, pain in the side or breast, kc. DR. PETERS' Are the cheapest and most approved FAMILY MEDICINE ever offered to the Public. They are extremely mild fin their bperatioo, neither causing sickness of ; the stomach, nor any un pleasant sensation in, the system, as ; is. too fre quently the result from; medicine given to act upon the bowels. They act specifically upon the Liver, when in a; torpid coudi lion, carrying off a large quantity of bile, through the inffoence off theexcernent f unction, which, if suffered to remain in the systemwould produce eit her Jann- diee. Liver Com plaint. Hilious f ever, Fever and Ague, orsome oiher I gtievoos bodily aflSiction. In alt cases of torpor bribe bowels, they act like a charm. In recent cases of Dyspepsia, they arra certain cure, j Many persons who' were subject to violent attacks of sick bead-ache, have been much benefitted and seferal perfectly cur ed in a few weeks by their use. They are highly recommended as a preventive and cure of Bilious complaints: Person who are subject to that distressing complaint sea-sickness, by taking a portion or twoofthein a few days previous to embdikinff on board the- vessel, will be. almost certain to escape it.! Females can ose them at all periods, without incurring any risk. Persons going to sea. or to a southern climate, should by all means take some of these Pills with them. Their virtues will remain unimpaiied for years in any climate. No family should be without these Pills ; a portion, of them, taken occasional ly. would be the means of preventing much suf fering from sickness..: It is from neglt ufLkeeo ing op a regular petistaltic action of the stomach and bowels, thus suffering to be absorbed and mingled with the blood, nnawumilated' fluids, that most diseases are produced. Dr. P. feels confident that no person who gives these Pi'ls l fair trial, will ever alter feel willing to be with out them. The testimony of thousands speak ing in the highest terms of their efficacy, might on added, but the very hiirhi reputation Dr. P. has acquired as the inventor of the' Patent Vegetable Medieina Stomachicat et Hepatica," for thecmeot Dyspepsia and Liver complaints, 19 thought a sufficient guarantee to those wish ing to make a trial of their virtues. They con lam not a particle of Mercury, or any ingredlei.t thai does not act in harmony ' with health and op pose disease. ;i . Dr. P. wishes it distinctly underslvd, lhat these Pills possess , henefieiat quail le indepfn deul of their purgative effects ; they are buth io nic and deobstruent, acting ;upHi th secreiintf and exhalenl functhsis thus streitgtliening the patient, while they remote obst rod iuiia- Medieines which iSseSa no other, exceptinj; ea thartic qualities, debilitate the patient, and their repelled use lays the foundation of a long cata logue of Chronic diseases. ' Dr. P. hawuiii been eilocated under the mt eminent American s andi European Metlical pro feasors. and pradiced his pndessi(n many years in the South, w here diseases of the moist obsii nate character prevail,! eKisidrs hiinelf wll qualified to judge Off the nature of diseases iuci dent to warm climates.; j Prepared by Jos ph Priestlet Peters, m. d. p.b. c p. M. U his Insiiiution fur the cure of obstinate Diseases, by means of vegetable re medies. No. H9 Liberty street, New Yoik, in ventor and sole proprietor. Each box contains foriy Pills. Price 0 Cents. "SCT These Invaluble Mfdirines are for sale in Charlotte, by Smith and Williams ; Concord, by Barringer and Carson ; Lexington, by J .hn P. Mabry ; Raleigh, by Williams, Haywood1 and Co.j and in aUuct evert Town in the Slate; And can be had in this i Mc at the Store of JOHN MURPHY. Dec. 19, 18354-6m2!l FOR SBJLBy : i i -us i , . . : J -J i - : 1 I I My; HOUSE and the Square of Four Acres. Mil n Salisbury, either with or without the furr i tore. The House is constructed in the first st) le of building the furniture carefully selected in the City of New-York. I Likewise the Van Deburg GOLD AIINE and MILL SEAT on Ricky River nearly adja cent, in the County of Cabarrus, embraced bv a bout TWO HUNDRED & .SIXTY-FIVE Acres of Land. ; - I i f CJ For information relative to ihe superior advantages of this properly j. for ; mining opera tions, those who wish o pufrhase, are referred to John H. Biasell, Esq. of! Charlotte. JAMES MARTIN, IO Co l. Richard Wi Lose, at the Man sion Hotel, is refered to as to the terms, &c. uf the Town property, i i j j ' ; C Dec. 19. 1836-tf22 4 ; C&SMi FOIt .YUGltOJjS. THE Savscriher will. rnrrhae any number of likely young NEGROES during the next aix mom bs,-for which liberal prices in cash will b given., 1. 1 i: 't I wish all letters or business, addressed to - i " KESPECTFULLY in forms his Friends an the! Public, that ne still continues tw carr7 on ' the above business, in all its various branches ""Hia Sthop ts still kept on the Main-atreet, in SaSisborjr, oho door above the Store of Samnel Lemfy It Son. Watches and Clocks off every kind will be repaired with neatness, at short no tice, on reasonable terms, and WARRANTED FOR 12 MONTHS.' ; ' He will al way g keep on hud a, rariety of ar ticles in! his line ; anch as .-if i Patent Lever Watches, (English, Freoc; I Swisssnd Dutch,; 1 1 " f J I Gold and Plated Fob Chains, f , Gold and Flatcd Watch Guards. f G6ld itndKPIaled Watch Keys, 1 - I Gold anc Plated Watch Seals. 1 - Gold Ear-bobs, Breast pins, and Fingerings I (latestifashion,) ; I Silver Ware; Ever-pointed Pencil Cases, and I Silver! Spectacles, and steel frames & glt&ses, I Fine Poeket and Dirk Knives, and, Silver I Frait Knives, f ! i Pocket Pistols and Dirks, .. I Breast Buttons and Musical Boxes, J ! Gilt and Steel Watch Chains and Keys. 1 Cp,01d Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased at his shop, and in pay ment for work done and debts due. D, L. r. 1 Salisbury, Sept. ,12, 1P5 tfS Tempting to the Enterprisin fl s ij ' . r nnHE Sbbscriber offers for sale on advantage t JL ous terms, his Real Estate on the South Yadkin River, called Richmond Hill, con taining aboot j 800 aOHBS i of excellent JLand ftr all the pur poses oil Husbandry, viz . for Cotton, Wheat, Rye, Oats, and Indian Corn. There is also, a good proportion of first rate meadow land ; A good country Kesi dence, and ajl the usual Outhouses. And what is no small consideration In out latitude, it is undeniably healthy . But the greatest va lue of said property consists in the immensity of its WATER POWER sod the great conveni ence of commanding it : Including as it does, the Celebrated falls of the South Yad kin River, 18 feet fall can be had in a distance of 100 yards, and a firm rock foundation for Fae ry or Mill Seats. There is already a good GttlST 1JB Stf It" JllMLL, of Cast Iron machinery, at the end of a race of three quarters of a mile long, all in the beat style and newly repaired. The dam, which is at the head f the falls, is pinned down to the solid r:k bottom with iron bolls, and is consid ered impregnable. Any one at a single view, must say, lhat ior poMoer can be here bruught into' use at a less expense than any other piace in the southern country. Il is especially and confidently recommended to persons wtshiMg to enuijre in the business of MAJUFACTUU- For terms. Sic. or other iniormain. adores :: II. iC. Jonti, Esq. Salisbury, .V. ,CV (po paid.); will take great satisfaction in giving infor mation to such as may call on me on th preini SrS. GILES W: PEARMJN. . Richmond Hill, R wan Co. December 19, 1835. J If2i- STONE CUTTING. jtpigjv jntoL&novsiti:. GIVES notice ihit he will execute at hit inarry sevn miles Suth of Salisbury, aP kinds of work in his line of busing, m as cor rwaa hi vie and at as cheat) a rale as such work can be drne in this OMititry I he siuenor quality! of .is grii strongly recommi.ds hs work tn Miller and tiold miners in iMrnrulsr. tie pnunlses the uimost pnnliialiiy in rilhrtu his r (riiopfoents. Orders tli;eciel to the Pt Office m . , a Salisbury will be pmmptlj attended to. Sal iaoury.Nov 2819 U - A constant full supply of JVeu? Goods. rThe subscribe! receives monthly, at his store, in Salisbury, Goods ol'all kinds from Philadelphia and KNew York bought at the most fa- vonifjie time, and on the best terms tor casn, wiiicn ne as sures the public, will be sold at the lowest nrices for cash, or : T . a ' otherwise. I JonN Murphy. Dec. 19 6m22 I Samuel O. Woott ?it. KGS lea vp to eay io Ins Virginia and South ern friendx, and arquaintunees that he is a ortnt locaul in the xtentie Esiabliohuiem td Mesr:. Rhoades, Wi, t Co. MPrii Good dealers. 65 IAb- t-rty; Street, NKW YOHK, whtrehe aiu.uld be 'plessed to se them at all nines. April 9, ISS6-3m The Carolina Gazette will inert ihe a hiivr of ice a w et k for iw mmhiiIs, ami forward his! areouut to Ihe ffiee of the Danville Repor terjfr ciJleri ion T For Sale or 11; nti I WILL rent or sell on good teru.P. my eab ludunenl a few dK8 east of the ConrihiMise in alisburv.on JWain strrt-t. Ii has .been ru pied as a Tavern for a nutnVr of yt?ars, and might be made one if the bi stamls for boMi nesa in Tow n, I will sell the House and Furni turje together or separately. Aoy indu-trKHi. attentive person can mike the money out of the House before I will require it. f i j , JOHN JONES N- R I w'll still continoe ti entertain my old friends and costoiners as usual. , i ;. .ill I ; J. J. ; i 1 T jjlil J - 9 C . 3 ; Till stand this Season At the S table of the Mansion Hotel, the season Lto coamsnee on the 1st day of April, and end on istaay oijnjy . .J . He will be let to mares at the very moderate price of FIVE DOLLARS the Stnzle Leap. TEN DOLLARS the Season, aod FIFTEEN! DOLLARS to insure a mare to be, tn foal; the LeaD monev oavable at he time the fcervice is reodVred tie Seas n money at the expiration of mo oeason oc me insarao.aa soon s me mv is ascefiaioed.or the property changed ECPt ifty cents to the gmoax in every caseonCTTGreat care w til be taken to prevent 4cctduts. sot no liabtlitf for any that may htppen. It ia;deemed unnecessary to make any; labored statement of the unsurpassed excellency cf blood fiimjand action of .Vyclypper, as the Pedigree below) pill sufficiently indicate that be Is of the best blood in Americans regards either tue tun. addle for harness; and all who wish to raise fine horses Will wily have tusee him bis fine limbs. great muscular power and action and his geoeia. beautiful form io be pleased with mm., ad op Durtuhity now offers for the farmers and sports men of! this seciiohof country to impr ive their stock of horses, seldom never equalled; and tneir intersst calls upon them to embrace it. I DBsompTion & pEDiamic. JUYCLYPPEU is a beautiful choanal sorrel, sixteen; and a half hands high, fife years old thie Spring! perfect tn all bis limbs, excepting nis risht hiod leff. whieb was injured in his nrst and only ippearanceon the turf; when and where he fully proved himself to possess both bottom and speed, and was thought by his owner Col. J. C. Uoode,;oi Virginia, to be the best colt he ever raised, and he has raised some of the best Crack JSast of Virginia, for instance, the tar-tamed Poly Hopkins, half sister to .Uyclyppcr, who ran upwards of twenty races, generally victo rious; and when taken from the track her eqoa or superior was not supposed to be in America she was then purchased for the large aum of 42.500 and smt to Enzland aa a breeder. WYCLYPPER was got by Cadmus; his dam the dam of Polly Hopkins, by the imported Archduke, imported Sterling, imported Obcun- tr imported Wildair, imported Cub mare. Csdmus got by Sir Archy ; his dam by Shylock, imported Bedford, PoSo'a Old Celar, .ij oi ,.r i f k.. imponeo loCKiasi, ouv oi a yuuug r earuougut mare, i - Salisbury, April 2, 1836-37tf COPARTNER WAXTEJD J mmmmmmmmm H business of conducting this paper has become so burthetisome, that I cannot do it justice land do uiyaeli justice in other respects I wish therefore, id lake a partner into the lL.di to nal department of the Watchman. . I ahould re gard a high degree of qualifieati in as indispensa ole I for whether the present Editor possesses ihal ornot. 1 am able to show incontestable proof that the es'ablinhiuent is iu a high degree pro- ntable, and every way improving l.wonld prefff Kuill m Mrillinf l.wonld prefer a ffen tit-man of the bar. who partner, tti p in law practice ali.f setters (post paid) will tbe urotnptly answered, detailing the auairs of the nfnee, (more than iiosht to be done in an advertisement) and giving my views of all the advantage ol the propuSr-d arrangement : a peiSonil cm ference, however, would be necessa ry before closing such a contract. If' H. C. JONES. Waichman Office, J : I ial iwbury. N . C . J J Horace ii. Heard, Resnectl'ully leoder his thanks to the citizens of Salisbury and its vicinity for the liberal upp rt he has hereifre received in his business, lie inform the jf ublic that he still carries on the T.tlLOiti.VG tSfSi.YilSS IN I TS EVKUAL BRANCHES AND VA KIEIIES AM) ACCORDING TO THE LATENT FASHIONS FROM Paris and London, : Via New : FlrA and Philadelphia. lie i assure. Iim -usiuinri4 ihnl their woik shall be dodi faiihluliy and according to promise , and lhar is ma what every mechanic cau say: At last it is not what they do. Salisbury, April 23. l36if40 JVew .irrivals AT THE AOUTll CAUOLlAiA BOOK STOREf. Japhet in search ! b aniet couiplete The IfiTate and the three Cutieis, by the same Author Cl.airuU s by the author of Pelham One in a TlHiusaud, by the author of Richelieu bceues and Characteristics ol Hindoston, With SkeJtches of Society, by Euiiua Roberts Gilbt-rt Guruey, by the author ol Sayiufr and Doings I m predion s of America, by Tyrone Puwer Casket of Knowledge, Phrenology, by Mrs Mills Kirbvfs Htsioty, Habit and Instructions of Ani tiualfi being the 7iu No. of ihe Bridge water i 1 realle. j For sale by TURNER & HUGHES. Apr! I6'h, IS1 lialeizh jV. C. v .t jfi.inija i BUSINESS. f I HIE St.o-cnber informs I be public that he is JL prepared lo t arry irtiihc ab.ivp hosinet. in it several varietus hi the Umn .f Salislmry at the .uner w Here the Un-e of the Weatcrn Csrolf 1 Ofaii useti tobe. lie assures I h.e who my f-; dHppl to patrotuz-him lhat hit Work shall bej faiUifailv mi prouiily xeottd, and orders! from 4 distance strictly airenrled tn. j 1 ! WARREN GHEEN. I Temper an e .UGeiiug. f - -' . j - l Mill r nrt annual lunpmnre Meeting in Jl. Mftern ftoctiooi.f CaUrrns Coooty, wil e held at M.Kinl Pleasant, on Thursday, th ih -If Maf .xt When and where several genl!em-n oT literary attain nuieois ate expected fiu liver addresses; atMmg . whom will be the Rv pr Robinson, Rev air. Peniek, Rev. rl Murrain. , 1 GEORGE BARNHARDT. Secretary. April iy, ipo. rTTNFORMS the ooblie. ti... li'IT UL reived the AfifFronrfr pfg? PHIS Spring and Summer AfmW FASHiaNSFOlt :iM d will execuU work la the varii5ir htt business, in lbs moat iuhimJ jfideltty and promptness. ; , i 7 .t8 j C3 Oiders from a distance will 5 ! ! attended to, and articles Dress'earafS?) ed and sent off according to direciiM W ; r. a. Airs; r. Keeps on hind, fur ks ' cf Fashionable Bonneta; Caps. Tv7f Salisbury, jTjftH SO. 1836. ! lH Salisbury i Female sicSS MRS. HUTCHISON mak public. that ahe ha. prgA partmeni oi uosie me seiicei W, MEERBACH. Pnora.soabf Germany, who. sbe is sssuimI i. highdrgrte to instruct young Udki :Mi. V ano Forte and Guitar His kiowledMi as a science, and his skill in axen1 !.:- ly very rarely equalled. . - -- . She likewise gives notice 'that tUi 'i swjse gives will uke cl FnnicTM will uk ti'r i.r 1 French. The known ability and snxEa j aa a classical Tticher fS.5 r-- wb-wbzv ua upr uentieman aa a classical Tticher futI years past together Ith ths (fact, ta, 5 Icrtci his vernacular language, ai circfeKil that make comment useless. Ml; N. B. Mrs H. announces tht eoj of ent session to be Saturday SOtjh fJuly: ; 1ft Jl ginning of the next 9th of Octon 1 ence to parents abruad, it is cwiclodeio S but one vacation in the year nd thit Rt ioJ ihose months that are considered sickly Salisbury April 30ih l836-4i--4i i j WHOLESALE ; V ESTABLISH MEji 1 FOOTOFHAY 110TJ!I t Fatetteville JirtH Caifcj JCi IV A.XUi DESIRABLES fTTHE Subset ibers are now reeefvin?Ij 1 SPRING SUPPLIES; which JUi i - I ! larger and more general aasortniPht ibaa etdaj firm fifTVrfHl in f hia mtilr.t anH ti Wirk iv'ifl consist of the following articles, viz: -5 ....r. iiva ijwhh. - ah EXTXirsivE assoaTWrirrfor I ? il i Fancy and Staple Bdtisi, French, India, and pcJaeiC: Hardware and Cutlery. ! fel l , Saddlery Hardware, (a-eneralxssortoiitU ! Jieu-s and Uovs'Uack and -drab 5iH,r a Wool Hats,'- , ; i a -t ' Fine and coarse. Palm Leaf Hats, H I; Men's and Boys' Shoes and Brugtnt, Women's and 'Mioses Alarorrn. lliiVtir Prunella Shoes, l i t f . I Saddles and Bridles of all descriptiemfi - oiun anu vooi uarus, ? r rencTk Haakvis. - m Cut back an Gi Saddle Treek Worsted, Coiiot., aae aod Reia VV straining wt-on. Halters' 1 rimming, , Dutch Bidiing Cloths, NosjS to i, Morocco and Hog Skins; 14 King's Cast Steel Axes, &.C Together with a gieat variety pt oth u hirh mjbi their assortment liffetJi nui roH f..r tliH Conntrv '1 mde. aiid mtk general than can beloonu in any wivwur .... - . ( . -i the place. 1 neir piesem cna-a m -j op the most sdvantazeous iennslloi .t vviirir fvxi.v. .TrliiiT.lt)ifii tot' they would invite lheatteikj"wfjjOl!Je- chanta and the public generally. ii t IIALL&JOSCy Mav 7. 183fi-426t 1 GItjBItI0 m rfflHR Subsi ribers would inrftsJ J. of Couutry Merchants and ihjjj erally to i heir present stock of GRh which villbe found looanpHse lg assortment as can be obtained in f to consist in part of ths follwJ'i a- viz: . 250Hhds Sngars and aHilw1 250 bags Rio Ceflee, 25 do St. Domingo hoj v$ 25 ions Swediband r2ln TOiif Slieet. Band and H-f 'S firman. Criwley, fcheir i Ameriran Blister Steel, inn L-t 75 d.aenTatent Coro, Cri Scythe Blade. 25 d Frying Pans.! 1000 lbs Bar Lad, 100 U;s Shot, , ft J 50 kejrs Dopint's Powder, -i 10 buckets Sweet Oil, I f If 10 Hhdt. Cror kfry. JjSsiJ 100 d z-n Weeding fl 12 d.kpsdes'strd Show ? S boxes Tin Plate," T . - 25 keg White Idjo ', f h d' Red ) 1 if SOdorer. Spin's 'lnM U Pepper, Sptce and Ginrr. VliS'i 50W5 n- f'Mr i nhni4et ltgTtfi d Train and Lamp Of - 0Wi Trace Chains. AilM Mni-ndX cut Saws, P ; R,xes.&cJi j -Jfs Teiher with a large and r0"1 , J latent Mdicmfvf 'I ion riai - -r- : j. ' t n n i : ma at Gertii&ntoo.Stokea county.. Jnly IS; I835i-tf52 i "A u JSTK BUEDS i)fivcrydekeription for halt FOR SALE A1THIS0FFICET I AT THIS OFFICE Fof bale si tivr H il fir "1 i KERNS

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