r? 31 S r 3 - t . - . , I . v. -' - $ 1 - - i til rtr r' ! . f s i i . - "ii 1 - J I 1 ! I If Ik 1;CSfXf:!DUDLETJ17 KE 1 14 .si 1 hi a 1 4 r b:- M Wod tUiflbosa : who have risena- tin the greaijuiKM toe vtw ifc fcttei, have done so from the atiam- BT L-.r...r.tfc henee it i is said. party onajpf 1 Uxiestaod SUbte of tbl tndianeU jThe fnoJito- plcir Chiefs and dead men, hare 1 .Iit thev are some where la i"t tri!. thli batuoete tof fishtioz In- L T --. W SB " J BT . i. work, 'jM ateat f as glbriooa aa ' . . Utti Tf AfltUckfi - .. 'fctre reid Genl Ssmee? Hoosftm cO ; ihJ eapioreof tbej Mexico i IPreai- ccota aIread gireo is on colomotex- if! Her 12 hundred as other accounts I jt;sye i thhk the 'rfajhr jwaa; full large lor f .Mtriib Hie smallest number stated, and RidiWriJ jWbat. herduf J'f" Meiicaosmost JiaTe beea I : ; rt.-' - ; ; i; : . . J . if J ! , ! JiePresWeat las: pat hia telo pn tbe act ofCoo- Jgy -jS IayJ Of alllihe exefciaee oflhe veto Liftr ib!Prewdeot,4 it must be confessed the gbsjbeeo fiiH lreqaeo!;Weire not aware kiii thaVihae tkefi so cjearly rightand that pro- j gtjQ go enureij maouesw oensime-rnea tnoif pmes do foolisb tbipgsj and, foolish men -Ji'.Lemt wniJiIrt intn ffi fUsmnnf!' and libl jbings. Wliat' right'has jihe present Cofress j4 ireun their successors ai to the jg,h 0m tHt it wjl take! Jjheni to ocrtheir jtlert jb .-ebplJ work ? Aside pf the Siiulif f I oestion. ii appearsj to ps'airogant yd prnumptiiotts: not oily so; bat it is nagato rr WbiVwdoid hinder the! next Congress ittkiiftspjiwa act ttne very nrst oi tneir Iti wj6c irid: repealing it ? jf Ve ! think if it yptssfd, ibtt a propex seu-regara woaia nare i;dcli acoursei "Ve' aie! glai that we 1 Wl, rccietTedJ the ccount3 of a puilia 4fonr ttewberh coap!iaciitiry ta Gcd cal jpuidlej; Tfee ciillcr tad csaccrcf lleviito tffair just tach lb tre ciclj ibpet foia that cpirilctS,poibl;cdsnd bul lifeenfcojcamamtyvl VYekte ocl &b!a to nro tfie wool cf thece proceedings, but there tr porti.oc9 U;&t we cannot pasj ; oter. Bet ifej!lhe toasts : which are eirscled we claim putlic attention to the modest, tnaii jtn.fpatotie reply of General Dadley, tc thb toast which was oflerecl in com pliment ot bins : ebb to tbe Jildge Gistps ja rrply to ibe Jnf ttatioaicX also to tie Icttff-of tbf .aTbd-deVmixtloo' of bis Honor, to preserire the judicial ermine, fiee ilfaiftof be hailed by! everr patriot as alike honorable tojlheljocoknd the State! jf -f 2i Tbcj State of Tenncesee, the daughter oifNoirthj ( Carolina shej btsitood forth bcldJj snd tnii mphantlj againstlbotb exec utnre j dictaiion; and the flattery of ejeo- i. jTb IfondrabTe HagbL White, a na lie sob .ci( North Carolina ; th trteurrop- tibje junst, uritcrriiied by denunciations, be daes b be an honest pohUaanJlv ' Hi . palrj j dikiegjuisbed guest, Geo. Ewd. Bi paiile lie is entitled to be honored and efteeaned, whether we regard him as the libe raj and efficient patron lf internal imrotmentf the i ndostrioos and hospita ble, planter, or the patriotic and fearless MN DuDtKT arose and replied as fol- is: !H,--1 " 11!,. -. - Sir. President and gentlemen; the onez exacted,!, and perhaps up merited, honour which yoa hae done me since iny arrival in Newborn, depriTea me in a measure of theicoraposuro necessary to thank you as i ought, ana to Respond suitably tc !the senli mefit just expressed. I should Inot have used the terms 'perhaps unmerited,' but de ciddly so, bad I not felt the conviction, tha my; ZmI, if not my dibits, in the cause of ny couotry, and of my native! State in particular,! um been earnest arid ardent. Drawn; froin the privacy of ray fari by the kinnes Janq partiality- of friends, andj placed oetore tny Xellow citizens' in a ppsi- partiality cf cay friends, Co the oora ardu oca and tcrosc:!.!? ess ta ohicb J tavc counted to cr; !:c all ay energies x-iH be pnt fcrthJa behalf cf what 1 1 1 believe to be t3 bases cf IXcrth Cirolica's tree fcapj pztzi and ; prcrpcr;ly-cdccstiC3 and ia ternU isprovesestla connexion ' with this dciermtsstxsa, and as bnt poorly -pressive cf the feelings which tb kindcecs of ray heads in your town Ins excited, il j low tse, Ur, Pxerljesl to oCer the following tossu Cb'-1 1 n -: : lv I i TSe Ttes eXWV5frnp--reaiwned fbf hospitality aad the taerit of her sans. 21 ayj she too, partake of the benefits cf a Iibersl sjstca of Internal trsprbvemenf. "V M'M fi. The caeaorr of those tlecklenbar? Petnbtsy what first txplifted the banner cf Independence pa the 2Qlb of flay, 1775. 7. The HonWilHe) P larahe ! abld and eloqnent defender of the constita tion, the bigh-minded, honest aodindepeo dtnt statesman, who neither ajks nbr desires anything from the band of power.! h:'1 11. Those faithful sentinels onlbe watch- towers of liberty, the Whig Editors of North Carolina . s : tMiditoLuU the! acts 0f tjdrbyarStoO conspicuous r mys humble a PresiueBt to approvei j i I . ft i m it t . ; ! I. if I t5 -'- - i slLISBUItYi Berawax per lb. 16 a 17 cts.; 1 V Monday, Jtuu 6tb', 1835. Gentlemen, I'"" . -.U' . ! . '-i : "' t t i I 1 ." . F'r "I"" ' .; ( ; I jliave this 'moment hajl the hnnour to receive your polite inviiaiion to attend the bob lie dinner complimenury to Gen. Dadley, jrhieb tstu b given Uiie day, by a n amber of :the CitK sensuf NewberaJ Fur this mark of Tver" atten tion, 1 pray yoa to accept my grateful kcknowH edgemenis. ; -.-! - -b The high respect which I eoteruin.for Gen. Dudley , would prompt me to) unite in any suita ble expression of this sentiment, but I fel my self obliged to forego the gratificaiioa of iloing you on ; this occasion by public eunsierations which I' trust will excose wf x absence, i ! Wilhuui presuming to lay down any rate for the government of others, r hare enjoined it on myaelf.ever since 1 was charged with the duty of administering a portion of th public justice, to keep as; much aluuf as a freeman Well can, ;frrra party struggles andtbe manifest lions "of tparty tVeting. It b of high importance'that ev ery citizen of the State should feel entire confi dence u trie impartiality of its judicial tribunals. Now without denying i hat hi possible (bran individual to mingle earnestly in political con tentions, and afterwards act with; rigid imparti ality in passing, aa an umpire, on the controver sies which frequently grow out of them. I am fully convinced that many cannot resist the sua ! picK,n that party attachment or party pr. jndico S ff MTa 15 has had an iiifldnce on the decision The in- fz i! ?&Lt IL SS'l ,? ? i 3 C - - !- Henrietta with; Goods1 for Sundry tlerchabts in Fayetteville: and I for 'tl7ilbaasj t$ Cp-'lloberis tc, Johnson, and J J .Thompson cf the intf Tto--1 : fJ .r JLSO, on the 5th June, Steaser 'Clarea dba, bttb ;Soga Piougbs, try oods, &c for Sandry Ierchaots.in! FayetWille, iaooV for-V7 Ua4e mood, ErHines cjr'Co. P Evans U CoVA B'Stitb, R & H FancetJ FilJng, 0 otllowan, fJHilQia J HilU llcUran, A Hargrare, Satbael UargraTe ol the Inte rior : rMM ;mm i? - -AlS0 June J 1st, Steamer John - talker, with Goods loir Sundry Merchants in 1 Fay eMeriUe; arid for T L. Cowan! lilff rv. Armstrons &! Me bane of the Interiorwi X. DEPARTEH, f tj j June ;7th, Steamer GUrerrdon.with Goods, for" Curtis' 4 My rover S W Murley; P TtllinsliasW ini for P 4Jiley cif Fayette- tiie..,!i i:it;mttri..ir:ii'.., i ALSO, June 3d, John Walker, with Sun- :drv rasseneers. i: 4- --h l mi - 1 1 : I Ap- ptf per gau xoi.aisu cis-; VOiion per lb. (in seed; 3cts Cotton bagging j per i yd. 35 cts: ; Coffee per lb. 16 a 8 ctsj Castinss per lb. 4 I 5 cts :t Cotton yarn, from No. 6 to No " ,r ; .5 -V, .... X lMl,s R2 fcarUe that Cceffr w fusirisaie tne surplus reveaae among the States, and as ear ewe sltate will thus be provided wi:h the means ct iatecti Ung tmportanUwerka for t!:9 Internal Icarove meuf nhe cssntrr it karoea ithe pnr a pfodent forecast to orge the claims of oof com. muoity to a partidpatiuo on the benefit that may be expected to accrue from Ibis soorce. - 1 ; AiFublie Meeiinff. TOILL therefore : take place at SalWwry en " V h of July next to consult and agree epoo the proper measures fir connecting 8a l a bury, by means of a Rail Road, With some im portant market. A general attendance ii the citiwoa is requested. 4 MAfiV CITIZENS. SalUbury; June 18tl836-Sw43- J' f a. . b7. m iL- ! a i . ; uiau i can per onn, and ae disappointed by I jurv thus inflicted on the character of eurts f lW'dmzlonAdverlisir.--The first nnmberiny enucieS. tould you read JUie senti- Uiice, is not, in my judgment, atoned W by 'litlji Mpender.'t.h:e 'proprietorship; of Col.'J. I m?Ta,,fcM7 "fr.iuieaooi iisieni igtotiiein comtnuniiy oy ii ejoog WCcthfabas! come to hand: The valedi 1! -uld medium of ihkdeq-iate . saSSer e or correct p-uucai principles. F? T '" V i j- ; .JcilSnhU.i there mav h.e extraordirtarv uccasSnna the inaugural iftLiol. U. rrj' --mt -r- -p t ! i utioimu uur tiuuniiT. anil mi oiaii- M IISIC SCflOO ti I nnHE Subscriber ! lespecifally informs the , M- 1ub, lHat he has, by Engagement, located himself in Salisbury as a Teacher of Music He will gi re instruction on the Piano, the Guitar. & in &ingwg. He intends uoHflecuon on others, when he says' that be finds the sute of musie ia this part of the Country Teiy imperfect. This he believes is pot owio to want of musical tal ents in the youth of the Cduniry, but rather to defects in the s stems of jinstroction. .The Subs-riber baying been instructed by the ablest Masters in Germany, and mo wo being noteply his profession; but hustod, and! delight, he flatters himself if his pupils; shall have Ulents, to be able to call them forth, and j impart skill and taste in this most; beautiful atid moch ad mired accoajplishmenu aa acAmpliahment 1 1, si 62 m i 87 eta : Fe&HiWm nr tv I wbicb not only elevates the mind but refines 80 ctsl Fioui oer hi. afi 0(h Wheal ner h.,Vh si I the feelings and improves the heart. Nature lOats per bushel 20 cts t Corn per bush 40 eta I bts not bestowed oooa all equal talents for mosic lroo per lb. 6 a cts; lead per lb. 9 a 10 eta i no more than jyr any other ol he arts & sciences, jiineit per gat. 1 ou cts f 4aua per lojiia 10 I vuuu jua&p mu : tuaiiy ets ; "Beef pr lb 40 a 0 eta ; BaconpT lr9 a f Pficeiif, but be promises to spare no labour in id eta. Butter oer lb lik'tr 1 rlV-, ik ,n properly cultivating that shire of talents ! with ets ; Salt per jbushel $1115 cts; Steel, Ameri- which ch of his pupils may be gifteoV and to i4uiiuto i.fieir wsiev pt ujskiu? in em acquainiea me most aamtrea pieces oi me nest music composers. l ; Yankee do. (1 ; Wool f clean) ; per lb 25 His Terms of instruction are Fifteen Dollars cts ; JLaJlow per lb. 10 eta t- Tow-linen or vd. I oer Quarter. H will farnistJ th uu .,f ntn. 16 aO cta- Vi(ie .CTeneHfte) per gal. $ I; 50s I menis to take lessons oh. S - i cta j Claret do F. W.1MEERBACH. laaiasa. (sweet) I i. c lJi ?a. .:r:. per ga.. l 1 Wh ske, per.gai. Sp a 40 cts. L. Cw.n. and claries Fisher Ecrs. as to his LlLlJ L 4J 'T3 my JWiL 3 f Uit tS tZ tZZl CZtZ a a. tica US CQUCSCi C.ZT 32CUSCT Fr!m. ft ncsa cf yccrj Uia tars alrciiy trca tav cdvtd;bst as ta ascarkst eia Is cttxbtd at zzy time; aba will ccstlacs to rccciro pspHa at aay ' period daric tbe etsilca (a Una cf 5 csatha t bsr;cs cads caly ; frca their tics cf eatra-csJ In this ccLcoIats taoqlt ill the impcrtxnt trancb ! ea ;f ta EcUsh lidccatLn, tcth trJ,as4 t cmaxr.ir.izl, , i i 1 - ; ' Iirdirj can bs cbjalacd ia rested ferUcs i at $S permcata:: t'-f ;fv''Q: :j'; : Fcr the information jaf three at a dbtaace,ahe would observe; that the situation in which thia 1; school iauexht, is about three miles north of Charlctt-; recirlayj beajthy, and in a ae tgb-p borhoo4 disticgoiahed tor the good mortis efiia cittzena, aad convenient to the prcsbjurixa -4 Chardi. ' v ji: i 1 -1- : .- '-'M - il.A.1 CALDWELL. pi 7, Jane 18,182S-.2w9 : -.Vi r n . , " V, b NOTICE ; vail per j bushel 91 iI5 cts; Steel, Ameri- -M,v' can blister, per lb. 10 cts ; English do. per lb lm?" 20 cts; Cast doi per lb 25 a 30 ets; Sugar w,th pep lb! 12ia 15 lets; Riiru (Jamaica) per gal. m? a T a '1 uj Mf. Loring and ijuin ihe numBer bef Tljere ;sio two wayspi.,.. -JjfI1 jIf-, h:f.fiy-riQ lion committal no; chalk tv. wau r , hiuLt M Ufi.illll,1 -fcigt and oqlFne a jid iZ ln m Vpr)j i,,,,! Utitet Vm editorial chance as a iwweiful ac-1 end&Aviliini to stii in nla..in. N..7ih r.... n th& TV11li9l hl. intci!!f lt'l lttifrlh I linitn Lin L....I.IU:... I ...i : ottntijr &Hhat too,in i par pf the virieyard I coininerriai imiKwlance. B rn wilhin htr f! HT T";! r-T'-'r1 tJ4 loKhdsehoso highly honoring r. President, that n fee ness than of geiiuiiie pntri- inay re exiraoroirtarv uccsatns nn which a departure from this oenral rulV uiny bo j istified, but as a general rule, I feel it ray duty to oberserve it, . 13elieve roe, Gentlemen, j i very truly your obliged friend j and fello'CUizn. j WILUAM GASCON. To John Pt Dives, John Suad." standing and quahficatious. We take much pleasure in bearing testimony to the good character, and professional qoatitica- tiona 01 Nr. aieeroacn. wr jm. is a uerman ornfssor of music, but ia nnw rrntlv fmm tlm 14ta 16 cisj; Cotton per ! 100 lbs $13 50 a City of New York, where he was expressly en- ..L.i'lvr.. ir -i !. . . . Beef in market per b 7 a 8 cts.!: Bacon per 12 a 00 eta: Hams do. 15 cts ; Beeswax Pr Ibj 16 a I8ct4; Bajrgipg per yard 20a 28 cts ; Hale nine ner lb 11 a 121 cts 1 Coffee ir. in 16 62 ; Crn per bushel 75 r 80 cts irom wagona fwr brl 7 7 50, from stores per brl. New Yiwk, a short time since! we look pains to aajvua y uuj. inm er iuu in 4 ou a o oo 1 make Cnquinrs among nis arqainti Ud seeded cptiQitng and pruning as much as ifwh Yj hive nodoubt from t(e f peci- witlg hesqns from my youih u4iwarii ran'a labors w u vl IrJW1 He sirs. 01 Kituirefi. aunfAote, the; spirit of emigration which nas uepriycc ntr ol tbous tods ol j her wor 1 19 before 03ttU kS ia ibax if ihm. 'A?,hm--b Col. Cochrat ;4n&(eB CostmimtfStneei the late I thiest sonsJ I'ohhj puxi minv verv OnmanaorpahlA caspsnf I fectlpn,-! a! inOrO wterior Fltf? haveWcurred in thjs liiiihecuQntrT aroutidj' It will! be Been I - - - - 1. - 5 i - . ; 1 town from join Tin jjre I w.Obitasrj hadL that ft has cast a: sad gloom rtne family in Hrtaf place. Ve j have imi MsfjUj ' proving fatal u any other rhstaju?. S,boiiitd friNils Enquires. borttersL protected ;by her Uvs, jissjmi tte) Jhn 11. Bryan, John I. Pastuer. Cum mil tee. cts a 5 sack enquinrs among his acqaintances concern ing him. We also bave in our possession writ ten testimonials from highly respectable individ- ; rrK pei on outio ; itice per -100 lbs $4 I uals. Forming our opinion tjfdm these sources imj; suar t lb. l 12 a 15 cts ; dalt pr of information as well as fnrri our personal ob it 40$'i;lo;ali per bushel 75 cts jM eel At I servat Molasses per gal 4) a 45 cts : INailscut assort ed j per lb 7 12' a 8 cts ; Wrought do. per lb. 20 fork meric'in lilisier pr jo 10 cts ; Tall.iw ions, we feel no hesitation in recomman- Pr lb 9 a I ding Mr. M. a an honorable gentleman, and as a J 3 i t TURP fwiT. t the trainlr of 'John B a scom be, 8Bte4 iffiKtago CJvch a he went -i! oo was mkiiijj nri jnn on tti tr run riat piy that aie.was pietty wire ol 1 ty ttl ihf rmiiiutiiiyi ill Jaee, and if he du.-he intended j jitdgmetit sitd feelings. wlttiiteMetr Nor$i'fn locomotieeai with I AVrof j, in llie prvscnt P l - , :-lTllE MAILS. i Hill o - . nRjhnjr aod nt very Complimentary lf iyUra A mujs or . bis', men," lihait f wfould freqHipfiUyi get the j latest ?k intfiligetfce fium the Charleston 11a r IbUli (ifuifrtriH lease. noUrithstamlinJ : .s .! - ,. - . s - r r :. .1 . ! ortbi 1 protluccd in ine'a stronger af- more ; heart-Sell reluctance t dt serUon. Determine. I, tin- re- lorefto siatjd ur fall with the fortuttes of my MatftMitdum priuleiMP, na alisolnle duty. deiiMiidtMl IImI mv feeblo assistance slionl.l le ChcetfuJly rendered to sfurli of! inr ni ter plisiitg iiitizifris as are devoted M t hi true wHiiirei f1 tho' com non wealth fWliiliv I pledge iiWr1 14 gentlemen; that llitS asis- lHfn e sliilHiievir be withheld. 1 nt the sitiii limcf iJirlHiru aiivrfiierit for mv, course. lo yont) wlut is diie lo the diAcliWrgH iif a ilu ctuteu by j niy own occasion J In pns overiin iirnri the boiiour wlmh mv lei lov t'iti.Mis h ive doim hi by nuntncr die as acairtnldle tor the rlu-l mngiatrxcy ol the State, it miiiht noooir rather uii failed i- f that to vout Rail roau meeting. W havelieen r"qested to state to thf' D;le: gates appointed 10 represent York District at the Kfi"Xnlta Kail it.n.l lyirivt-niiiwi-llial a uieeiiiig jk ill oe held m J mbi'imh. 1 enu. fr oaco pr lb j a; 121 t Coiton pr . lb 14 a 15 et$ the purple ,.f cil!pctiiir inf.nn nin wiili , fH- CoTeHprl M a I H; Flour W. $5 50 a 6 00 vrnr.l i iie Route in" winch F.orfi -!l. Ot.eier, llaxaied pfTjh $1 1!5 a 0 00; Feathers pr lb 00 a Y'xk)in( ibe fteihh rinj iroiiuiit s of Norih Car- 45 Corn pr Difeb 75 a 00 j Jrm prlb 5 a 6; Mo 10 cts ; Tea Imperial per lb 41 25 a 1 52 els i terv sunerior Teacher ol Music Indeed aa a Hyson ila. pr lb 75 cis 1 00 ; Tobacco raaou 1 pt-rlorm-T, and Instructor, in hiuaic; all who.be factured piuM W 00 ets.i- f . . come acquainted with him, Wjil roun see that he i.as but few sujermra any whre, and certainly no equals in this part of the country. CHAiUFlSHEIl. : s TII0S.fL COWAN. Salisbury. June 18, 1836-t48- J 11 . iAitM ppani a uoav, oxniora n tsv JL authurixfd Aaeots. to collect and irrant d'w. charges for all debts ftbat may.become doe for r iciui urusgDiup ocarrtea oown oy oieamev John Walker -aad lot boats; aad to settle all claims that may ccmstgiicst said beau frca ths eato'thereof; - 1 h -' . t ' j . DOYLE O'HANLON, ; T 7qpnsfor ef SUsacr John Walker. Jone7ih 1836. -i.1 ' - THOS. SANFORD c CO. wonld take this opportunity to state to their friends ta all parts of the Stste, that) they will! attend to the receiving and lorwarding all Goods that may be seat to their address. They have larre Wara- hoases, removed from the centre of the town, where Giods. &e, may be stored in comparative safety, from the danger of lirev: - fane 7111, loSw-nts '. '. !-1 P4Y ETTE V1LLE ' ! ! II rand v. neaeh -ifiO a fiO. Ilu Annl AH RO n!ina arei interesnd. aiwl il iNis;ihl hr ex imine ;las$eSpr ipildi .00; Naila cut 71 a 8 iSalt xtrutii8of ihf Hiiif iir ilifii'lve view. ; l h tteiH ai'-.s ir.n Ii nk,.l'.-iv nr ratn jon ihe 2 Vll, and. . it l dt-sir?i;dM 1 hat ih !eletrnUS from S niili tyar-lina sli-ml.1 Of ui hc-eoti tlie 2t'li in in c'ei lu J.tn siMruuw'" with tlio Nor in tJanilnr-i iefjtii.i i fhi4 reqiivm Ii is l n m ule at 1 lie instance ol Iseili;W Le-(ie. Vh l Im n ilu n.iucH oi th JoneKtmr.Hiiti uietiiii was eiivevd ' hv .1 J ICrwiri, E-r.nf" iMan'mr Kr lliull 4t ih liail It dd (Jiiiinuit t-H 4f ihti :pbi - ' 1 Vvrkv lle Tims 1 ha 1 .mi I pr Uuh (53 a 70: biwar wr lb 21a 14. Tol.acar. or gal. 3f I 3tij BeesAx a 23 I ntn !!iay;be preslpn'e! in the iroig-ti pu n l of leaf tl a Ti NVlieat pr bush 0a 1 25; Whiskey ....... -1..1.. .b . 1.. 1... 1 11 a s a j iSii .i l r j : VJLI.VABI.IS I TOWN PROPEBTY 1 tioiigtif nouefiy than th practice virtue. 1 tjhall t!ieri fore brit fly s iy eetitmnJ tliiit iIi'h boiiour h nit of my iefekiig Imprji PS;d with tho belief that mailt tfl ml fallow rilizenn hth innrn wnr- 'W'fh ajrivaU fierea wkk by Slaffeb I tbv of tbh ktiiliori. Hiii.-li mom ranHbl nt I "i: i A :..r.?....i---L,i... t:J..-. ...it..A - M-Mf llllllg IUU IOH'IIII Illlllt-B ' IMrriHl it . I 1 1 . . . . . . i - 1 1 ing ijh; 11 .1. . A . rii 1 THE RACES. It would appear from the fd!owin MAJUilETJ 0:i Wednesilav1 . everting 8th ms. at Nowbnv by thj Rev. Tbomas fte redith, WILLIAM A GRAHAM; Eq;,f Hills iri!;i lo Mks SUSAN WASuING-t rOlS. daughter pf John Washington, Esq; of Nf'wlnif ' ' " !i i . I : ' 1 DaaasassaaaBntesawaFv?ei p. thai 1 T,v this towni on Sin.;ay 13th inst.j ran s.iJLr, on John HaSRsmbe was tint enteral Air Hie I rIlfll AS fi I L JURIST, infant son of ni Tiuiinus G. folk, ased aoout ty W l- - - -. - : during the ttP;n!!.';about ojiyliglit A Aiirm i.IaI. ; 1 --vhi uii-i. wrpp m" Vt? ",a! s,,e l,au raised aj lie waS with the olinont reluctance pnrso. Ths Itices Tlie weather whole week v?is utigeiiteel and ijdiriy Ni'iilior tlio tlirt-t! nor the four mile! races coultl be run on the appointed daysi and were vtbiixeU lor iuirUay. rifin or : . 1 f m .1.. . r 3 . . ! Eillt-BO Vr feXPL6siONl! of.liSaisjwljo seeiiiied to believo jiny ac- The track was a neat letUck. deep, aiml gH Wnnf ! i 4 1 qtiireic'wotilit iironmtu the ihteiriis of worse as the day wont on. f iN iitneTOiild I"Paper rert tt press, an CcU n.eatei, aid advance tho canse of tli s.- be made, but it was in spite of all as gl- VtJ. $lJWWnly haracier or- uUiarelnobiy conlendins fr Ihcj rextor-' nt rumiiiig as need be seen. In th three Neif W,k,r ali.irt t.flo.ir coitsailtitional iighls aniUiler .nile race, Ca liitus. imported Flulterer, Vj-..i7lFPTte -D. llsnlnn. i.Esor.:- - was. ... i I cLi. ..i..:..;...- ... .... .. ii ;n, S v.! kpv suit! Sli-1 'J. we, bad 1.0 tilunre THE Subscriber wishing t live a more re tired life, offers for sale thak valuable Prop erty known as S 1 1 V A DDILsVS AVERN, Situated in the ton of Wadesborough, N. C. or the Norh East corner f fe Court House Square, contain, eg fiur half acre lots, or one ol ihe centre fq area in the plan ol said town. Jhi nnURNER c HOCHES have just rteeived Jlr thefollowicg nawjind interesting : Books. viK t , - i , .-r-i- ' ilienxi. the last end of the Tribunes by E. L. . ". Bulwer, 1 vol. j NimrodVi Hooting T(ors, Interspersed with . " Characteristic anecdotes, sayings and do ings of sporting man, including notices of the principal Crack! Riders or England. The, Actress of Psdos sndother talcs, 2 vols. Harry Crlveiley i The Empress, by G. Bennett CarvV Library for 1835 6; bound Allen's Life of Scott 1 B(wells Life of Johnson The life of Bishop Heber 1 lla venserofVs Works, ' Annals of America j " Sketches of Turkey Revolution in England Tour to the Lakes - I Geologies! Manual j Voyages of the Potomao Life of Clarke Biblical Cyclopedia Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, with 100 i Engravings , . . ProHxIs pleasant Peregrinations Chapman Interest Tables b Mason Farrier, new edition . .' Horner's Special Anatomy Webster's Dictionary, octavo f , Colored Toy Books, aso'd SO different kinds. Also, s gieat rarisiy of other Books. For sale by j . t TURfvER & HUGHES. Jons 9. i NOTICE. ' l' I i fTUIE Snbaeriber wiabes ito ' purchase a few JL NEGROES for bis own use : He will give the best of prices for jwbat be wants, j-' C7 AH those that ate indebted to the sob scriser either by note or book account, a:s re quested 10 make immediate payment, as he is a bout to leave the Sute. 1 f ' Wm. H. SLAUGHTER. Jnne 18, tf43 i j Sunday 8clijOol Union. A meetin? of thia Society with the Will of J. Divine Provideneej will uke place on the ... . . ' .1 ', r 1. . i yi m I 4th ot Jclv next, in the rresoyterian nurca Motih East criier of ihepiilrl. (66 feet North in Salisbury at 9 o'clock . AJ. at which all the 1 , L , . V I .i" the Couit Iluuse) Oo the firt floor 1 I oabbath ochoola ia eonnesion wiin tue oocieiy on? rocsuay, loin insi, viii .. . ;J , . M I or willing to become connected wiin 11, are par infant son of Gen, Thomas G. IS a (linillSC rOOm 4b DJ. lO-l UcuUrly requested to send one or two Delegates. ihe Eseeetive lom, j li TORRENCE, Secrsury pro tern. as G. IS a (lining rOOml 4& DJ. IB UcuUrly requested to send I feet, a passaffe, Tost Office, bap BdiVil inter- r L i?kl ' CHASM June 18, 1CSS. jljtf . blawiirup. Ui, Hn(iioi r L .'II ct'iisenleit i Sfm dwn along side 'ubii 6 ad of the Oriir I iitehitd he arttiimeiil T : : - --- - :B...a S S ed ven hv wobdnlMV ai.d 1 Willi Miugti, who is me nest mree inner The ie?ultie-ts with tliefrei-j extant ; ihvy never got bis neck straight. Hte whefher I 1b aiiccrssful I Hv won the two first heats under 7iU. fost u 1 y won me lour nine race in two beats in between 8 ami 9m. each, against St or the relets, iny atiar.hinvnt to my native Stte shall SsiifTer nn diminution. nir sh-ill iny jtndf avumrS it prennottf her I pros:eiity 1 9 t 1 anchor in the Inieain. clown 1 'over ion 9'IW niatnifT liA.r-ct i I l3fr..l: tit. J ".P - T. TT-. ic ips iRquur hiwiuh. ; litjErro 1 . tT I.lsnlo,cintnys. lf a candidate for the withdrawn alter the Ursl neat, wiuqli was fT devoted and sltillul Physicians, Jbll45 on?r8iUrf U-7f,,VuI; 8Ulln .ilWitii. I ,d,jected to hlV V.n ? heautirul one,.;. Tie. four first namel hor. theleonde 6f a deeply affected com- WwMia Bnrli asla Northern man, in feoli4 and in wete i,icesanUy changing msMions, munilyf were bbt nugatory, while that bo- WeSil J. f ! -arl-liAli $ miilKaUp'Hmenlslti the ni one keeping the lead, or any. particular tlial WoUld tave divided her sufierings, SiaafLefet my friend, who had not plaee, for moye than . quarter of a, n,e. on- trwf. ; H !! t ! feho4f fildi'fto 5gT2S riiy44r.Um4Ped the ul near the end ol the thml, when Post Boy . Wm!counlyj? the J 1st bap mVaaraidlUtialldistin in. h.mk oflTtlie crowd -nu" left,U,em U throw- U1ES ifojARriN. E .sgrd 48 ef btw twdfa,- y tiak ng it merely a geogrfphtc.l al each other. )he second was tu- yHe left. fcidw and aeveo rhildren! to HHL V ;r aV ? one t THe wU are conversant with e.lh frel.8 chiefly frunv the continued and in. of 1 land and Jadicioes huaband L4:iiSenn ,-lei "t,f er ir ,u1dl4 coiirse or my private ojlintons. Uetermmed .truggle that grew tout, oflieasy and father, 1 tad iffilhi Vlef neef noyiJtulo that the I.Ucr wasjiot my Be. bets upoii fronette and Henry; Archy and Wbhc sptnt made Vliir.M uniilil lis )M1 Iitr ntunov: I lPie Cirniarrni pnirir. mu bcvui ,uwu. Ilio REltT, Polk, aged about live years J . . . I . t '- . . e 1 i l S s -J : i. I lit tlie tleatli tu inese neauuii 1 anu inter- nA PnVlr cslitic rbiblren, (there are cirrumsiances of I TT " . .WT . a peculiarly rlulClive riiaiai-wra icw iijrs 1 1 im t-wi j, ui f iuru m iwuww before they vere altacKeci wiiiLtiie atsease 1 ,t:i'"iV , M,r ,"rc r ." ?. thalltenniriated so falallK their lather left eU olilatedi Under the feouse u a cellar them foi the North in the bloom bf health, I With St01ie JFalUMQ blj 30 anven yet tkes not know tiat nis mtie f divided into tWO flDari- Chapel.earM.shach Pikkston's.Esq. on 4th ones are deposited in the cold gave;. A as, I Jh aiVZUeU IIUO sJipO paf JulyVseveral addresses are expected. Seirieea who ran realise the pang that : raqst be in-1 mClltS Oil CI OTlCtZ partlttOtU OTIC I to commenceat 13 o'clock. flirted, when this mournful intelligence I 1.' L.. i..iJ u June 18, 18S6. sball rparn nun 1 anu wow : ujiicuiavc r i theirent in the tnother9a heart thus doubly llOUSe OT aiSUeping apartment wounded with sorrow, while ; deprived . ol JCOTICE. A meeting of the members and friends of the Temperaree Society .jprill be held at Wesley V, 3 n N)ard iha hrin ,.t f. .1 Nan!:?0?nded? ' The IWt Iliad v. . -.pnrwi r.. il angemus- was on e interior; but we .....1 ' ': -::- - tfit-f1?1 Who. are. Ihe owneTs. oSClarendon atjd Henrietta, VW" eek inW thWUock teZmk&on ahoreifpossi: W 'Pfe e?l'4 mflluikaArl 1 kl rem the present a suitable I LJMc,!.lrrn.l,.ui . nnrIii.ion hv too 1 .wrvr Tf"lr"n""Y t a " -VJ J" J; iv rl while thev ton the verr iksii, iniiiism .nw . aim i.niuu: ... w ., . i t, i "g-'ii UI .ii .Liii ,. -.U-,;!. 1 HWURU Wl 1 -T WIUM WUC. V WU Ironette, Henry Archy, Veto and Mi o. the .staining solace of a hushand's sym-l i if ' . ..' lauer ociiii oistanceu as usual, aim veto I nattiv I The. constant attentioi?s tif anxious I un we premises a range j vuw,Bm 90 ieer long, aiviacarinio oug ing rooms for regittar board ers and members of the bar. ALSO, STAB LES C RIB, SMOKE-j HOUSE KITCHEN, TWO WELLS OF WATERj&e. &eU-ALp NEW. To a person who wishes to le Hons, cf EUitertsinment, tb'ts lUtabliihmf nt pfferss tos oy inducements as any is the Western part of the State. Wadesburoogh ia a hfealtby situation, and tslocaud obthe maio road leading fmca ...w mmmmtw m ... - ... - . . ... . . 1 .HonW. 1. lJ. HI III, . , . . t. rJ. r t- e. . : - I imm inunotiul a nation cii ail avna smew " " i w . . jo-Li. ii:n . d.i f7? woy aiooe wier awo. mues - :x:j"nfF;iIiV- rTgl" "l" , I Davidaon. llowsn.aioaef t the bolea.l.'r"t,to?wYcy " U nMi. In F . --.if SaaBaSBSBBBSSMBBSBBSSSBSBBBBBBaasasaaBB I . o . . il Match of Horsefly FOB SJLLE. nnHE Sabscribet has lor sals JL a fice match of blood bay horses of good size sad excellent JOHW I. 5UAYER. Ssliabery, Jona 13.349. t " ! ' mm I i . ... 1 "X I J BIBS. 8. D. PENDLETON outside of thee track i obfcHioHS tt thit I Gentleman rest principal- . - '1- . . - a L'" ' It m1liisami souinern lenngs. evinceo oy issouri q icsitoti, on ine more recent avowa I of tlm Oower of CenWess to abolish slavery in .: . 1 i !-. w r - s - of j . i . j - . - MwTt,wi have learned from 1 i " i-.t 2. it... .J.t. wnr1 triotisrny and I need not assembly that the South ogly assist m the elevation she canncl fully conSde. cusioni -igecllscssa, pexatiae to distrWMs N SrV-I r nw vowan 1 M inifc. nreserit Sti?11"101 f? Daniel wiUfeetel nowi complete double race, and wost noblr con teted ; tlie siz'snd strength of Ueury Ar chy proving too much in tlie deep mud fur the gallant little mare. What objects those horses and riders were 1 There hadj been a tremendous shower between these two heats, as if it bad not been act enough already M.k - v.i, r : rVoeB&'aEJnD FORSALEi sVTTHlSOmCII arryjWilkes4oarke. Iredell, Lincolo, Mecklenborg, Qa-I j Trvrt rMf Vz Mailt ZZCrTallCr. barrus. .Jrc ; ia fct, almost ll the tr mllio TNF0RMs thejMie. M-st she his just rs frum Cberaw to ifee W estern pj jt of North Car- -fted tho JiBW YORK(f PUlLdVELr Carolina to tne ooom tvesirrp oiaic.- jfratja-Mim , muuw Western Line of Stages from iFaycttevius tol afUa -ill ezecate work In the variocs branchrscf L'tocelnton, sod the Line fronl Oheraw to Sabs I b9f fruiatn, fa the Best fa Vtir.zV, Styls, with bnrv mas tour times each week. 1 1 will toke l mUt and tmittness. I .1 Negrue ia pay mint. or. sen tbai Establishxaeot 1 Qfden ft0Q ,033 fee sxriclry dlatanee who wish to. purchasejwdl d aad sent draccerdiojr to dneetica. . , prompt Bursiraa swicwivj - -4 NOTICE fr II --tsf- A iLL persoos indebted to Ssmnel Lemly aad I Sua. are requested to coma frtrd aad I w aiito by the Is tf Anrsst. All debts doe slier thatdate u ill be placed in the bands ef aaoQ ccr tor collection, without respect of persons, i ! WMml SAMULEMLY&bON.'' Jane 18, 18334Sw43-i -- 4$' - Otictery discripiiottfibrxale i ix thus vikiva r i - postage unpaid. ri . T. WADDILL. Jr. Yaieabcroc-h, N. C, Jeae 1 1835 w43 t. o. aiis. r.aeepacn cxno, wraai, cf Fssldonabl. Bocceu, Caps, TcrUas, te. f i 5 8 I: ' I ' S - ti J n J ?3 - . V I-'- i - 4 .' "Ij. j : l - - ' . - - - - Ir' j: 1 j. . --Jl:-; r,;.:; . I : -,; . - ?- j j. bbyyih'- : : f .. . ; " ' : 1: I I- -. .. ;j : I I ; H: - '- :. I L : '; T.;-:;; -' j" ;J j"' ' " I j "tM -p - j " - . -.'"l-.-'-r

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