7. ,;' 'V-V it . , .:.-.: ' ." ", -iHFiiMiiETbM ,c .owes,".--nr.,gusnimv, lavs siawaitmawaWw , . ,,. .. 1. . 1 " : . w " WJJ r- Ilfi,.Ii-I, t ' I TERMS. The Watch'saw m bereaner to bad far JKillIrs and Fifty &inr T"t: ,' nun win . in new subscribers i r,h.WholMm on payment, hall have we ri h,ii unzii tin 1 . j ihe sum . . Aad and i in ulV&nrv Eignl Dollars the "' .uhr, otherwise they will be charged as other eubecn- SoWiberswho P? .V yW ill hechawed three Dollar in all ? NoabS,.Uon will b reeid for leas th. one . .... tw A. Njjnaher wilt oe n'""r" r. . . t ij" mi odd ii raiva amiw arara ti.n far inn ruiiui . uu pvo op - I- be iiit ileU for Itss 5'r- il letters in the F..lii"r must be po paid;, otherwise ! hey win .iiai...j u. . tended to. Tbrms or AnvF.RTiaifi-','' tnuartfor the fimt innerlion, and Tweulif-Fiee Ctititfnqtirt for each Jjj-esf ,n UTI rusemeni win 2" 'tfin na Dollar. v .t Aaihrt&ementa will be conlinacd nntil orders sj IrelWalrfd to slop them, where no directions Vravjttil7iu8ly given. AttToi)aaniiirti'n ty tne year or si uiuuwis win nude at i MIir iwr jmmta fof each, squav ...S; WtMt . J J rtw-' ... . ' ... I ' . - - -W:.WW 2" !5 ' POETRY. From tAe .Vatioiol littdligtiiccr . f THR LAND WE LIVE IN. BT THE AUTHOR OF "THE AMERICAN SWORD.'i ' m Oh! 'tis a noble heritage Ibis goodly land of ours fj It boasts, icdeed.nor Oothie, fame, oor iy inao- tied towers.' " But far into the closing clouds its purple raoun- Sr tains climb The sculpture of Omnipotence, the rujjed twins of time; it And then its interlinking lakes, its forests. and wide, "And 8tream9,trie sinews of iis slrength.that feed it as they glide; t i Its rich primeTal pasture jrrounds, fenced by the I i stooping sky, V And mines of treasure yet unJelved, that 'neath its surface lie. .l Magnificent materblal bow tilb. the. band ot I man li-BfiMMMWiniQut ihe jast Jegn of the . Eter oal plan? ,. ' Lo! where canals and rvtmaas ' turetcn, that t: mountains fail to br, Behold where cleaves the wireless barque, aod 4, Ami the teedluss car! 4-:-.,.- . . ..ir.JST- "Twift frbtn the leafj wilderiesa opspringS'the T4 peopled town, While streams, here rockel the frail canoe, a unheard, and i - - learned the grisly fcsf," The do.ups of gracntul temiles iwell, where thousand, kneel in prayer! $ ' Oh! surely a high destiny, thich we alone cao 1 mar, ju.li Jgured in- ihe horoscope nre shtnea mr rt i en star; The monarchs all are loukjpj on in hope some St flaw lo see Among the yet unbroken Inks that guard our lihrrtv. But may we disappoint the iff of every despot lord. r And keep our Union's gordan knot uncleft by ; 'jj Faction's sword; .. . I i And as, with those girt ia u y ore, new provinces aie iwined, f-rr Still let o with fresh bands f Love the sheaf of IT Frt-edotn bind. Washington, July 4, 18V. J. B. s THR FOR MS. ' You will recollect, irenumep, your proper i jbuw-b, iciriinumi, num s, tn s, auu inieijecunns i and you, the speaker , rjrubrr be mighty dull and you, the sudienc, W fall aaleei.." A UUC. ! .m- . .1 . I 4 l.m - I is over tne tatai nou'im i wnc, Me Tli rnic nf F.loauenceis dumb. 5 ' Mute are the members if the Forum ! We've alied wliat tears ue had to spare, ? jTherbw remain the f ous care 4 -a, dqhaanting a sad reqiirem o'er 'em. ; fkJThe HoJjan drank the ber' wave, "-.V-'THkttrttream iu- gV ' Tdtiathe OrecW"! live forever ; If. fGvt rdhrm otavot Mr t(rtt t ?o(llifoiuroroi to 1m J Cttooittilion mtUv oountryH fam V ' TiiCtition of eathlpmi nan" -. ,i?t Have me the jaWe rave, U The ictor ". (, a 11-W' . And be wno .- t3t r 1 -. iviivi & 1 . . L,t I Wa nurtured tn of """7 " .... v..;m sien ei Resort of fashitn bea Jtv. taatiw The Forum hall mu niphtlr errA With Jill fbo blush'4 their hours to w.ste AlbaNaand such uogdJj placet; iitd quaker girls were thed Jip,, To show, anion? the motlev crrH ! a neir sweet Diue eyes an(LPli!iiacea n,l ,k : L. 11 . J vOv And thither all oor wise ones went, On t futrltu nn( Iarnin KjMtt. With open ears end purses .willing w nere tney could dry the orphan s tear. And see the world, anil speeches hear. All " for a matter of two billing T Let Envy drop her raven quill. Let Slander's venom'd lip be still, And hush'd Detraction's croaking song ! That dared, devoid of taste arid sense, To call these sons of Eloquence, A (Hammering, spouting, school-boy throng ! 'Tis false for they in grave debate Weigh mighty themes of church and state, With worJs of power and looks of sages; While, far diffused, their gracious smile Sooth'il Bonjsyic-his -priBonsle,:, And Turkish wi ves in hararu's cages !. Heaven bless 'em dor their generous pity Toil'd hard to lighter our darken'd city. With that firm zeal that never flinches ; And long to prove, the love they bore us. With "more lust words" they lingere J o'er us, And like a tofn-cat, died by inches ! CilOAKCR 6i Co. quamted; and tuch u hate motiTei.iiuffi- mas ..iLI 1 ' . . . . ' win wnnip inemseivM to mate me young eajerto peruse them, Let an (instructive atorTo-told,ia - a simple, chaste, forcible etyle: or tome ofNatur,'. hand.worka be described In a'plauv' natural and speaking I angoagt-or iBetppncanon oT some of the sciences to the practica) norposef of life, be written in a simpledearntclljgent manner, Mh biography of some exemplary youth ; I.. propel subject which children Md youUn ajmpatbixe with and feel a 5 T-,,e M oor achool-bcoks were or tbig aature.we aVould hear but little bad reading. Who of nr er thinks of cor recting a, child in Its pauses, emphasis, or tones of mce wbu we hear it Ik animated conversation with n of iu nlit imi.. Let the child read what it feeU an interest in, andjt will read an correctly at a eonver$e$, tB ,y ijftjn, a- gain, (for we dp think' this fireat evil of compelling children to pronoucea arords for years to which tbey attach .no meaning whatever, too much ' neglected,) never let cnuaren read wbat tbey do not understand If there are words in the . lesson of which they do not know the meaning. let the dic tionary, or lb a Itached glossary, ot the teacher deSne them, Never let the- vounir reader pronounce a word without obtain- ing the meaning the author attached to it. The teacher should Trvouentlr Question his clars on what has been read, that he mar know how far the readers have comprehen ded their author and ascertain what mean mg they connect with the indivvdual words. If we should ask adults, and evcu liberally educated men, to dense some worlds of the most common use, tbey would besate, and probably be unable to give any thing like a concise, correct definition. Jn .this, the sys tems of instruction in all our 'literary insti tutions are rniseiably defective Educated men arein the constant habit of using wad 10 wnicn tbey rttach a connective raeam indeed obtained from usage, but to wh they would be unable to give a concise ijiimun. mis evil is universal inouriMK tnary schools, and ia seen to a greater oricss extent ia all -our higher institutions up to the professional college. It n no wonder that men mafc auch an imwmrwrJotce of words, that they use many that are equivo gbI, and that they are so frequently isisun ders'ood. Ignorance of the correct mean ing of words does not permit them to select su.-b isexprcas what tbey intend to commu nicate. There is in our district schools another bad practice which sives almost alt. the achooU . vei y.unnaUiiaL and., disagreeable habits. I refer to that high, uniform pitch of voice the young reader is sure to strike into. 1 do not remember ill it 1 ever heard a ktll read jm natural conversational tone of voiCTiiamMtiticti ieacl era should , be. caicful to .have their pupils rean m natural lone?, and to nave tne tones varied according to the sentiment.. Teach ers seldom pay any attention to articulation; and the consequence is that but very few an liculato well. It is very rarely that we hear a reader or speaker give each It-tier of the word its full sound. Very frequently indeed one-half of the word is dropped, or clippod, or in a u di My " ii it IcredT" This d fe ct in articula tion 'keeps the mind 'constantly directed to the wuida, that it may make out what they arc, and the attention is diverted from the subject. This practice is also very unpleas ant lo the car. Teachers should make their pupils give each letter and sj liable its diMmct sound. hen this is done, there is a force and inctning in I ho word which is never felt when half uttered. If I was asked what rules I would give to children in our common schools, that they might loam to read with ease, coirect nejs, and imprestiiveness, I would say, only three, and these aro ver. rirnple. I should not exulain the philosophy of I ho human ,iccf -r-wwuiuiiui spenx of empnasis, inrtex ion,or cadence; neither of pauses, accents or intonations. Hut 1 would aaj, undenttmd what you read rend in a natural, convr. Jtallmal tone of voice, and read often. If teachers will see that their pupils practice these three plain rules, they will have the pleasure of bearing good readers. pulrxcl School. rHlLADftreiA WOtftM; -V VSUte'of Virginia.5 I hava '".V exeurt'lto smmsVa.1 -talJ L . TM rir: ftigki ScAjitin Jloute'oJleprcttnta- WiiUiXds 16, 1858: yrr w MAv a ntvnw ss ""'watar-wrptigbton ?Tb. world', first or, are ours T'Thenameofevef n. tsnau gi' rr--.' Ulrica M ires, LEARNING TO READ. The teacher should confine his pupils but a short time to words mar shalled into ranks, as tbey stand in the col. urns of the spelling book, conveying not one idea, of any meaning whatever. There is too much mere verbiage in our district schools- Childien are confined to these unmeaning words for two or three years. Teachers should see the folly and the ty ranny of this; tbey have seen difficulty; for it is with great labour that they keep the minds of -the pupils on the lessons. As 60on as children have learned some of the powers of letters, and (KMscsses facility and correctness in joining syllables into words, they should be permuted lo read easy sen tences. These sentences should be com posed of words of one or two syllables, aud contain a familiar and pleasing idea. Now, for the first , tune, the child begins to feel pleased with its studies; all before this has been unintelligible aigaaaad combiuaUou of signs. But now it finds these signs con ductors of Uiuugfitof sojnethfftf that in structs and pleases. The child is now gratified with its book; for wttitifl iWeff- sufficient to draw and fix" the attention. At presnt there are a few books whtt-h are simple without being filly, and well adapted to children Such should be put into their hands. After the pupils are familiar with the Unsuae and contents of tiiese books, others containing senttnet-s more complicated, anJ words co uponed of a greater number of avllalilcs should be giv en to them. When the child can pronounce words of two sytla1i.1efc" irput into-the Lugtish Reader. A fi; book for a literary tnau, but entirely unfit for children. If the pupils, at ihis stage ol learning, ar nolsofoitunatcastobo exlulted into tins 'class of honour.' they are privi leged by reading in the back, purl ol the spullingbook, or in the Columbian Orator; reading equally unintelligible as fiat in the English Reader. Thus the child, from the time it commences goin" lo school, till its parents require its constant labour at borne, spells and reads, wiites and rehearses words and sentences or words, and whole volumes of words without ever trying to obtain a clear, distinct, useful idea from them. The ihill r.vr ftiinbtf rkf lifirifr miiiBti,- what it has just r-d- If q-" of this nature -hould be put, the child would bo as incapable of answering as if H had been reading hieroglyphic. The pupil at school does not think that books are read because they have a meaning, but because they have words to be pronounced and sentences to be radensed or emphasized. TUu whole effort consequently is not to find out the meaning of what he reads but to finish his verse without 'missing a word. I1r we ' discover the cause of so many blundering, unnatural, ineflicient readers, Imagine tne etlecl upon oursivcs, 01 reaa- ino what we oia noi unuersiana iot even ... 11 r. one weeK. 11 wouia unni us tor any im nressiveness, cither in tone of emphasis. But the vouth in our schools aro anoweo, from infancy till the time tbey 'finish their education, to read what tney are noi re nnirAd. or even exoected lo comprehend It is not surprising Uiat tne onv or voice 13 iiyow lei us a:i accpraing 10 common sense o unsuUable to the sentiment.the emphasis I in disrecafdlo thcldictors orders, whosein- so improperly placed, and the whole man- Ucrosril is l keepLer along; Tel us give her net so artinciai vano. unnatural. e 00 1 oniy me gora pwwcrs. a uis propoiiiou think that nearly all the bad uaoits which l was reccuoJ, ana,aiicr an. amendment at . r nMifuwt to witness aod excise, both I the suircesion rf mother, who, Drooosed - . - . i 1 -,- . in private and public readers, are lormea giving it 01 tne gooapowaers at a time, was from this mechanical, indolent practice of I adopted. -The patieit was easy," ind "slept reading during our childhood . and youth I quietly unter the opyalion; but she never awoice. xianiror dial, r The Glole takes so th cause of Gen. Hoos- tonnd cliechea his vindVation.by oooiparinghia to the suffering sustained a Gen. Jackson, The Government rraas discovfc g strong inclination clutch mM appropriate lb evenu in Texas, as Jackson XchievmenU shall not be surniis- icS, no interest. Let such books ed to see bints to this effei grow Into assertion, a !a.' . - 1 I ' t ... ...a I.. Z.a. - - - a. 1 . . - , r,ni3ff ir hands as are level with e "V' 'ZT:,7 K WH 1IWUSMM HtUIStlllf mJ Ml hit tkt AatfitlKft IAI ltar.f1iJ.As aJla... 11 i .... S Jobosofc war,. eWed;::;".'- v a - Jthd realekWene.--- -n?ZZ??2. w-- wa avHiuLsiffa ear hbi nnai In tontijuing the ice'nes of; Thursday pigni sou rjiuay morning, it is necessary to say that be call of the House, demanded by Mr. Paris was sustained. . That you may pnderatand the process of this busi ness, it is breessary to transcribe one of the standing rules of the House, under the direction of which the operation 1s man aged.' Thfc 51 sl rule is as follows 1 Cpon Ji call of the House, the names, of fcrmbers shall be called over by the clerk, and the absentees noted : af- f icr which, the names of the absentees shall again be csd over : the doors shall then be shut, anfl those for whom no excuse or insufficient excuses are made may, by or der of tho present, fifteen in number, be taken into 1 ustody, wherever to be' found by special 1 ncssenger appointed for that purpose." . 5l . .... . iKiMer. -the roll had been ' called over was annoui ced that one hundred and eigh teen'membt n had answered to their names. 'The absent tea were then called, and on motion of Mr. John Quincy Adams, it was voted i!iat the order of the Hbuse sheuld be c rried out lo its fullest extent. Tfi9 . Strg tnt at Arm, was directed to -pfoceed an arrest members at their lodg or w erever they might be found. r'hen this Tiler was issued, Mr. Lewis.of labama, r eand asked where the Ser teant at A h expected to find Mr. Den Hardin, of Kentucky. The Cha ir called Mi. Iwis to orier. Mr. Lew . -' I wish to know, sir, where Mr. Hardin is. " Mr. Polk 1 Mr. Hardin has not been ex cused, and ft is not in order for the gentle man Iroin Alabama to make the inte roga tory. " Mw- ivhere Mr. llardin is Mr. Polk The gentleman from Alaba ana will talir his seat. Mr. Lewis. I cannot lake my seat, fir. 1 Ifll T khowf -lr Mr Hardin is. Mr. Pol 'Ti the duty ol liie Chair to keep orJfr, and if necessary he must en force ii. ; Motiou af:er motion was made without effect to. get a suspension of' the call of the Houses and in the mean time, 'the House was enteriaiied with questions of order and anecdote and wit. llMrv Wise roseto could be done during the peuding of a call of tire House. .Mr. Tollu Certainly noi. A call of theJjiewUi au endto ail oAl-!- aeU.r: Mr. Wi.-e. Well, sir, I should like to knowhow iHf jaiunbexs . getttleniCH. ex pect to grt heie by thiA proceedure,.. an J yet I insist, that it be carried oOt. What will be th effect of it f Why, sir, the Sergeant ttjll proceed to the lodgings of thu tneml and rap at the door. Who's there ? is lit; grufl" reply; what do you want I Jewish you to repair to the House of Uepre-iitalive House. Very well ; go back and tell ein Til be there presently. Away goes no other apology to Cffer ihan that be bad become weary, and went to btfd. He was excused; 1- yr::ft .v.-i v:v'f ?- Soma half a ozen . others were tben brought in, and after a long confab; -were excused en main, and on motion of Mr. sjs aa m 1- Miner or, rennsvivania. ail rurtbor nrocea. dings in the call of the House were suspend aea, ana, the Mouse resolved itseir into 1 committee of the whole. Mr. John Q. Adams now offered his a mendment to the Arkansas bill, and discuss ed it at length. Messrs. Cusbing, Brigg, nu uorn 01 Massachusetts, also spoke on the subject, and warmly denounced the , in sulation or slavery. Mr. Slade next offered an amendment, which called up Mr. Jenifer, who made a number of very hard remarks in relation to the administration, and finally assailed Mr, Bynum, which rled toahetcai6n'in words, which led to a duel that was fought a day or two since. I must omit the remainder of the scenes till a future occasion, J From the S. Tclegnph. , Woe ! Woe I Woe I The waitings of the Globe are becoming louder and deeper, every day. A Rachel wept for her children and refused lobe comforted ; so weeps the Globe fir the loss of the loaves and fishes. The whole style will soon be heard around the empty troughs in one harmonious trfueaking for the vanished swill and porridge. We feel for these people ; but our sympathies atop short of tears. Had they employed the public money as honest stewards of the people they might, in lbs loss of power, have enjoyed the consolations of a quiet conscience. As it is, how bitter must be 1 heir reflections. I bey made a desperate effort to sosijin themselves by bribervi intriirae and corruption t - Tbey used the public moneys with the utmost extravagance and prodicaliiv. In or- the &rr63iit : llie member gnpes, an id stielchcs, nd yawns, and throwing himself into bed, les to sleep again. . The Ser geant ' ra, at another member's door: WT10V it ere t The Sergeant at Arms. The door peiis, and the member 111 uiglit cap, slan iig iu his . Order ! order ! order ! At this moment Mr. Dromgoole, of Vir ginia, ros , as .well as lie could under, ex isting cir Aiinsiances. to stale to the rhair lliatlwoaf his colleagues, Mr. Charles Fen ton .ercer, and Mr. Johnson, were at j to me ooor, biiu wisneu to oe admitted - Mr. Pik said that the y could onU summed oy a vote of the nairii nr out everv hnmbus ofdet loi- r . : . . .. - y .t.. . w. tain 10 men naooa ine meaoa 01 cvuvinwu , vu the intelliience of Con ress .baiUodlairrt-' dettiaron. and ila virtue defied the eoatairhw-cf their leprosy. The uvmey of the public is cb loo- ?er in the hands or Messrs. Whitney and Blair, t has been wresteJ from their grip ; aod oog hi they not to have the common pnvelegs of the street t Ya, let all men give ah ear to their ravinsrs. The following ia ibe sad Jole of &ttar day last. ' . , ". - Mr,CALIIOUX'S R ETREXC UMNT:.-: Mr. Calhoun ha been laboring ineecsanlly to gLAJhr.Mnm hiil,.sinc.th;pjuige uf ihe laM depoHiie bill. This shows how be underslanda the disivition which the latter makes of the surplus. It ia plain that be is m prtpwirw.? frr8 oy maltTng-the depoaUtflysUi a dmiribtrtivtt ayaiwB. And a be one labor! toriM bv sacrificina; the Soulh lo pouaoie a iurib(Hwrt ia ih tariff, a, Wnsuwa-latsf. nl itfinrovumeots : an.i tbo snsiocratio interest generally in a national ...bank,, so he "now seeks ......t.t.iinn wiih the Hiim rary ihrotigh bia ei.inoM.niae with Mr. Clay, which has raised an imni(ti!w surplus, ol wnicn nr w .ubi. u ,.,. th diairibiiiion. And this surrAns he ir..u. 1.. .uake aa irreat a poible by ciii.pling for the nxi year he btlU for the public defence, fc.h w.r wtmrelv defeated Tor the last Bji how.will (ite hkiiU endure Mr. Calhoun's nnw aaln of ill interests for his selfish ends' That dev iled cti'n cannot have forgotten that ii wan tli a innant complaint of .Meeers.' Cal houn. Ml)nftV, and alt their nullifying friende, that the Tariff was a tyranny which juaiihed revolution and a disrenoluiioii of the Ln ion, sun kr.nu i.f ih" uneo ual aniotml oUhe lax ii.-l.irri.it levied on the South. Mr. M'Duffie if we miHiake not. inswied lhal it to.1 40 bales of Cot- Kin out of the KK) for ti.e share ol ihe 1 reasury ami lhal it operated in the same proportion as a bounty to manuraciuring labor oftl. ortblj. Call r c,..n prom.se "2?Sii ihe ahares of nine a i..rpl..s wrh;J.'h'i, j, evident he is laboring :,,i lX7eVt as ooble.nd t cmveri in-oan mg states, is even the ex- feW days showWhoW. for ii..4-. 1 . t j ' SJ v rstsvvsj w gant appmpjUUwiay.wMf wtw f ireeorTorti ;( people will aeeffw ViiOioni of Van TJ treiif hiAAMl In nva a 1 1 . i.k.. . w j ... uni,Mio.in,a 1 nea will be heard tK Jea n. ll, r this . eouotry, which - will startle these la their most secret place j and thew mentations of Ibe Globe, and ita trai will u Um Uia rf MENTasd UtfJTORM.' APPOINTMENTS OTTUE pr nr and with t!Tradvic xnj conscr. David frvinv.of Michigan ia he ate Judge of & TerrtUrf 0f V . , Geo. Wolf of Peiinsy lranis,to L... . trolley of the Treasury of the) Unite in tb'e place o f Josenh ' A 0 dersu ! , ed to take effect on the 1st day 1836. t r IVv'.f, , - Judge of the United States for tho of MisaouTfcljrihfl placeof James . deceased.'"!:V''i.;'-"1 z's.-.. t Louis D.r Henry. rN'orih Ca" be . CommUsioner.-lloliU. J. llm. Wew York, o be Secretary, fjorneli ness,4-th jjistnet tfColunbia. Clerk nnder tb et t,r,ry.qu tbe convention between Spam ac i j States: .r.-...i; v John Rarfdofph Oay, to be Cbarr faires of the United States to Ra&na Beniamtn Johnson, id be Jud 'a , Unite' States for the District of . . . .. ..... .... BBS. -V, .."-.. V ikf'jv...,.; i TLomas J . Lacev. to be Attorn Elias Hector, to be Marshal," of the ( Sutes for said District, ; 1 Lewis Cass, to bt Envoy, Extrao. and Minister Plenipotentiary 16 Fran to be commiasioqed orrtiL" notice been received here that the Govern t IT1" baaippointed mi Qister to 1 1 HOW TO' CHEAT THE DOCTOR. Somo years ssice, a Physician was called to young woiian very sick. After a care ful examination, he leu two Kinas 01 pow der to be givdi her alternately. One of the powders emtained Opium, and whn administered, hrdduced quiet to the patient. The next powJer was some what nausea ting;-and the parent was less quiet under its operation.? , A convention or the wpmen in the neigbbkrhond was held,and address ed by one of their number in thif.wise; what we do not anderatand. ir thu tiA ah. and we think ho on will i ' Xdoubt it, we have found Ihe cause of that f.c.tive readins which so often offenis the ru and disaraces the readers. W say. r S1 ,et cbi,drcn 01 j oulh tet h1 lrev Siot understand, or that in wlich a. be capaclg. ' resent it Mr.W aftdr the unless ill Mr. would b . A IUI M' r Mr. H ought to ouunde would 11 with th Mr. 1 At la and Mc iirTaniT I object to their eoming in. a a come in unoer arrest. Keunan asked how long i- .1 i ieiore m ciEcam wvum 1 1 it re in a very few moments. .i-i . . 1 . ri. 1 ininK, sir, me meinour allowed to come in. If I were 11. . j 4 wisneu 10 come in,inoao uoors 'slop me. By I'd down in an instant. k. Order, order. the Sergeant-al-Arms returned, . Charles F. Mercer and Joseph Johnson! f the imperial kingdom of Vir ginia,.- vlked- into court. . Mr.. Mercer looked lt seven viuegar crueu : but Mr. Johnsoivas good naturcd, and' appeared to laughft the afflictions of this world, - Mr- f dkr Gijnt!emerracall of the House winir beeh had, and you not . hay. itiarjj5 at-Armasdirected to arrest you. lie has donio. You are now at the bar of the lloaS to answer for this contumacy, and if ji have any excuse to offer, it will now bufeard. Mr, l-rcer. ' It is now twenty years and upwsrqjrince 1 1 have .had a seat in this House Jid 1 believe that 1 have at all times faithful discharged my duty. 1 was in this Hde. from ten o'clock yesterday, till twelvelclock to night, without food, and I deemel it necessary to go out for refresh roent. iVhilst I was out, and at a tir BihonXiiunnoAll (hat tha Ifaum bad "ad- iourndf 1 looked up and saw , a light.. V I suDDoii I was wanted. 1 caaae up, went to y oUWoor, and wasdenieo qo)iuace luvatfat i'neijaaMv of ihe imposition which, ac o..r.lijr 'Mr- Al'DufHe, the Uriff levied on Sou b 'in labor, la . drawing its share in the dis tribution of ihe surplus raised by Mr. Calhoun's cooipruinimi.-iwo fifths of the Southern labor it rowtte t out. Although the slave labor contributes most to raie the surplus in the Treasury, in con sequence of the unequal operation of the tariff, and although tbe manufacturing labor receives more than an equivalent in bounty for all the bur duns of the tariff, yet.wben a division of the sur plus ia called for, Mr. Calhoun consents that, for the most part, it shall be according to the repre sentative ratio, and two Afiha of the slave labor taxes to raise it, is excluded altogether from ibe calculation is distributing it I 1 . Mr. Calhoun's letrencbment of appropriation forf national objects, tliarofnrA. not to retrench the taxes, but is alto gether to increase the fund for this unequal dis tribution.. Ill to increase oiaie extravagance ai tbe expense of "the common defence and general welfare. . r 1 Alaa ! these are sad lamentations I That word arTaewcHiwiiiT has a "quick, stranffe Jar upon the ear" of .the Globe. . From "What these folk say .one wonld Suppose the Compromise Bill of laiVrir ie m a, mrgest 1 art-utK-ttr passed, not excepting Mr. Vsii Boren's priu9 act ol 1 oaa, ana siui more precious - nut vv;.tn bomnatun$n as the Richmond anair ca'" 18i8. lo ssy nothing, of that "txcelU;'' T'T"" mef" of July, 1831 which was,,--Zi the Adminiatration,a Termor t ":!." , which, at the smallest CSf3,lZ' V-. creased the surplus at iSSS. dS? . , r-ih..-' " ln" J'' to propose at$ again ; Mr. Calh.. . , w lhnM. f Marn tirv.oal menage recommended, and that ths q,9 has greyly extolled it .untiltht recommen 4ation ieartnuly meted oh. Then, indeed, and not liV8" we heard ibe groans. Aye, it nuba thsn volumes. It shows that these people tve'been using a Isnguage to the country, h;,proraises ttey. never meant to fulfil, It hoyf, beyond all doubt, that It hMke defeat , rf Ih4 sohemas of exuairaganee that , has aogd I York, to. be Secretary of Legation to Andrew TJudson.lov be Jud?e United Sutesfor the District of Cc (JhSrlM K. CardnAP. Ia hm - Am! tne' Treasury for tbe Post OClce ) , Joseph Balertier, to be consul of 4 nited States for tho bland of Sirica ; the Malayan-sa,';V..'f Henry Li- Ellswortkr-of Cennectj bo Commissioner of Talents.. - -Carey A. Uatris, to be Commissi, Indian Affairs.: ituss w iinus- nrMicbigan, to be bt the - Unued-St&tes for the- Die Alianigan,'-. -.-: Dwiet--.G0iwin.of-IicnTglnVjf Attorney of the United States for a weT 'X ' j Conrad Ten.. Ey ck, of Michiga' Marshal of the United States for sa trict. V t-r7? The commissions of the three la ed officers to fssne,wberl theStale t ga aball be admitted into the Unioi ding to Ihe'proy isions of the act't lish the northern boundary line jsf I of Ohio; and lo provide for the a of the Suleof Michigan into the I certain conditions. ! -5-4 J Thos. 11. Kenan, of Georglai to shal of ths United a'tsteftj for the D Georgia. " "-' . : ' ! i Samuel D. King, to be ptincif ! on the publie landsttrjdctvaW4Ui-orff.--g tn Oeperal Land O.Tic Mead Fitshug'5, io.bai'fwtrTcipal ' private land claims under said act. ' John M. Moore, to be pnncipa clerk of the surveys, under said at Hudson M. Garland to be Rer the General Land Office under eai Wyllys Sillimin, to be. sohcilo General Land Office under nd tc; -JIaT5S' ' Mr. Vanderpoel, tbe Krnderhook R tive.undertaking lo whitewash Parson 1 .. horn, the agent who negotiated the f Cherokee Treaty. ! M. Wise rose and asked Mr. Vender could certify aa to the churches in wbil merhurn bad been, and is, a pew AohA derpoel haa lately given a certificate of ture, In elucidation of Mr. Van Bar gion.) . . ' I The House was made merry .and Mi poei looxea suiy. 'do BaOnantJ . .. 11 7U Deposito Most hitter has beenls bill (pifj) gans. Most of them after denouaeing I stigating the Present to veto lt,Tike h tohavebettMreconeiled byMr.Aatt. mendmesy""5" certainly changes and ipjj" de,E' wnni the operation of I MMeecssitl nut caoioa has extorted gracious approbation. - Tbey see In 1 ana ceuisuuoo 01 the revenue, a ratal I ed at .he eartopt Hspoils'eyslen jeare so much care asd cunnldg so prop -y wheti the sustaining arm of Gen.- Jac, become Impotent, i Tbey res' in it the. the fjatal warning: whirl appeared tc! urious BBonaren iao-- .ey cot in their hearts lo act'' Rives i madges with rod', Podence. and? . were tot virtuer""i"ej speclallT,- thelr secret j,W0M burst fbrth 1 . , 1 ilia. Mritt.iiM. m . nio lury agv dor"-" "i to thai the1 1 hope of reunitinr its pr! ft' To. RK'1) MnaiU ww'd be Jedemolmtl? epuf a of party-f ttxl -ur Ww7' nfulnokS and acqiuescsnce.wiraje ,, Aea tinn oref loternuiv. - t n -. , ' -, , i - , . 1 SI "fjlnatoohat-Vsttey.'-w