' j-Qt'.'V V 1 J .1 J . .ri tn rind fftici-Idinon. 101 ..tMftn. mi - - ited.-FW the truth i .They not n eowu !! Tthma will to resented ihere frwss to force xpon them number of Con IwWr..l.Uaclinrtiuni will Mffi Hf will. But ws 'pf-w J ,hJ5 uf Eastern mom t!VP" hfct it I- itive Htf.tentlt.1 If lh.V 40 f n - it to m thM ,,lPc,i th' Ift.? L-w- nd ve- w-n of " ...i .u.raae well M nere, wi eiian r" d teorneu , IM, Km. n onlv her lair bu to : : t r.,iiiuw. But 'f'" rj.k ..iinaiit resoon ever u mn ese i t - Vleltlilh art .t r.rulina. hers in J"'" THE DISTRUCTIVES . . e -.....! I...ann in ills- TbeeiP' - Mm several times tne ",nM 1" . r -....... .1 , ma is auoui to hd 19 ywBw . i.-llowed tv the Vn Korea pony..- II, carried out by them Oie State Gov Lnm.ni has been broken up by the iruoii Ut CORUUCt M "V becHoioz jendi le pledged im Llfet to tbe dicbreof the Julie .f U .hi. but who nteiedinto t consjiiwcy .hunt theaiMlves ia a body with the d purpote of tetolotioiiiiny tbe8ue attornment. CitiI rol teeui uiu.., tod ia UtryUad - It b o r. Bobbery, fiud, todctery tpecieeof qmty nwy oow triumph. And for wnjtf by, because majority of the elertori rfii tppointed under tbe Constitution end law Mary Und would not agree baawj to ur- nder by prt-coniract tbeir righu toi Asa further deelopemini of ih disor- nixmg & lawtew principles oftbe party," H proposed by. one of their leaders W fenp- vania, that that Stale gaernmem uo, a t be dissolved into lU original cnawic menu. He maintains: that by submitting Constitution of the Stale to a Contention tVe lake Ihe bint from some pjesjanlry of tbo kind in lb Virginit pspen, to furnish our readers jwith tho following eorrwpon. denca on fatnlly .ftiaiterV wltichjately took tiace between a tcnfrable ind grate old la L Madam Rawan, nd bet new uiartted danshter, Mrs. Ditidsoiijnd Mr. . S- g smother:;; frrT 77". nrl her dai)g'ier Mrs. Stokes, From Madam Boutm to Mr$. Davidton 8aubt, Sept I, 1830. 3w rfaor DauxKUr: Your conduct on ihn wruiiMi of tbe 1 lib of August, was so Dinted and aenerons, tbat H made your old - - . , . t inol hot's heart slow witri priae ana ner y ... ... r V Jl.l tt..mkm In Oil wan wars 01 joy. in i the aneient and illuatnoushouM from which too are descended, and I am rejoiced to rail f ou mv child. But vibe mercenaries will Iwupo you in N ot ember. You must hare your house in order, and give them a warm reception; your sons are stout neanea nd true, but as you well know, are not ai wars as qm-k in thru motions as etnoigen cr n'ouircs. I wish my dear daughter you would impress uoimi them the importance ot rallying aa aUongly nnder the White ban ner as they did under the Dudley. It is a airuL'irle. and wonhv of tour exertions, - " . . i - - i Mucb ic cipectea sltfoaa lrt our ,iai- f Tour most affectionate daughter, i I 8T0KES. con uuNic iTiom A-rraaiblv to MathxM notice a norabef of the (ttiMi of t wfH Counif , eonterwd at the Coart llnuM ui 9ialMlile, on WmlDMday Uia 7iuT 8tiMnMr.frr ike iMrpaae of apmnuiint dele im to the Salbbury CmimiHm. and Uk into rooidrailun the utdmsl of Rail tViadt generally. Jtrrwe Campbell :a eallad to ibo Chair, sod J. B. Campbvll and Joel Hogging Jr. appnfc4 Mcraiiuiea. The Ctulruiaa eipUiqini Iho 6 pftt of tha meeting whe;eipon Simiiel King, Km. addressed tha Chair, in a beautiful and e- Miti apeoch in which be put foria the adtan Uges that would' accrue to Western Carolina by tha ouoairactkia of tbe CharleMon and Cineia nalu Bail Road, Sod to still greater adaniigeof a line of Rail Road, ruuning from amne p-iint on our mi board, to iniaraecl lbs Ureal Western Rued, weal of the Catawba. Mr. Janes A King inirudood the following res duiiona : f RexAvtd, Thai in 'he opinion of ihi meeting, it U expedient to appjtot Ujlejiea lo attend ne Convention to be held in lbs-Town of Sahabory, un Moudsf the 10ih of O-bibw nii Runlrtd. Thai ihe pr.weerfing litis meet Inn i.niJUtiM in ihe Malwtiurv oe.ir - whh rt.e "firet ra.Jitii(f tbefd- Herofri That the pitriotie Cifoto o( Fayetteville, for jheir liberality ttf ptoth aiflg t covpeteni engineer, ai mcir expense to make the suryeya of th cv0- lempiaieo tuu Koaov are- enuuea w j wm thanks of the citizens of the western Coun ties. A I ' - ' JfcassVsoVThsJTht redistribution of the) Surplus Revenue of the United SUtes, and especially of that portion of it arising from (he ale of thjs Publiu Inda, is a messuris bighjy just apd proper in itself, and greair I j deirnble.to the old Stales. . , i AsswW, vThat the proceedings of this meeting' be signed by the chairman and Secretaries and sent to the Salisbury and Fayette? die papers with a request to pub SOUS WRfGHT, am. SHIP KEWS. rirt T mimittgtin. ; - r-jtKBITCO ; ' ; V Sept. it. ickr. Topic, Hawkins, from New Sept, 17. Sehr. Repealer, Sandford from . 8e7rigJCMlisVleryre JilkU Schfc Ward. St JohVfr York. . - - ' .: jS revising iMhat all which bubeco done by. gna( 1 1,,, gis you no occasion to btaoe request ,4 iba Chiirroi .. Jaiw-s R. U.id)e Eq. ,n hwetofore is at an end, and that a new me for my d'poruneat on tho loth of No- (ul Wilkeahawogh.) addrrsksJ the :aneeiinf ta n ' hTl a.M .e!nb. 'I'Le Wl.ui blood our f-.o.lf -f c-wderabl. Ienih. ...tng of sociei) " t - - . Uibieeia of ihe meeting, arxi ine i.nportanw fM nfothar dut. I w'" ""w u" " 1 o.il M.aJa Tba uaMUoe wu ai aaoreaawi Mr$. Dav'uUen to Madam Rowan. LBIINQTOfl, Sopl 0. 183. My dear Mother: I received your very kind and sflectiooate letter of the lit of September, and aiu more than gmti6d that you are so well pleased with iny behaviour on the occasion or the lllhol aujjuji i (!imniinit v Dr. Aboer Franklin. Jam Cnmpbpll Ej , Col. Tbos. A. AHiMW, J.k. W. B-ijrle f.q C'apt J"hn M Yuti. uW . Dvidn. AI eS4nder Tornsmso F.q. Mn. II. RhiJ, Wm. Hdrgrava. i John W. Cry K. James Morrison Eq. W F, C.wa, Ab-ian-der, Joaepb llavklmei and James McHaigie. ti-q'w., Mr -Anwa Sharper Maj Jueeph F. Caldwell, Hoea Redinan Req . Col. MiUon CsmraVH, A. Hina, 8. King. L. N. Aleiae-; der, Wm. R. MoClelUnd. tmoel R Bell, Win. Hirbio. Ur. N nnn Norujn, Ruber! Al- f o and Aboer Feiinster Eaq'rs. J. CAMPBELL, Chairman. ml.A.i l,k at nsirllSlalisir lhllt which all other Pr Sons do not poMeM for ioataitce, it is estorally I.Oin in iraiher lb Drodocis of S Held t .-i. of K . 1't is preposed that Hie ' county which lowing geettomen were spioisted oelegaiestoiher rm ruta ii gtvei one per s hall give Iba largest Whig mijHiiy so be called by' way 6F emmini-nce sud dis tinction by tb honorary til le of -the Whio CoUNtr," course you would uot be ex pected to dispute this boo or with your mo ther, it would be presumption in you to do so: but you way well aspire o tbe honor of berng next in 1m. This w eipected of you sud no doubt will be tbe case. You affocttouato mother, ROWAN. Max. M. Nksbitt, Jno. HaxnoM, Ste'Ui. FoX THE WaTCHMAS. NUIJ4FICAII0N IN PENNSYLVANIA. ' A number of aelf-lled Republican Deruo crate in Pennsylvania bae Seen harping loodly us Ihe subject ot rwUid rigbis sed Mmoa4is e ver ainee ihe Legitlatore of ibai Stale passed lbs charter of ihe Uoiled Suiei' Bank at us laat rM. The nawsptpers of this party pel suasion feav sssuwfd tbe -broad grrtan doc Mine, llul all vesiea riguis or - iwun ... tiaie i is ou JOBL HOOOIRS, J. U. Cam r bell, Jori, At a roeetins; of ihe ciiixen of Ashe Coonty, at ihe Uirt Il ioss in jnerm. nep. I8i6. Jouaiban Faw, waeealled to ihr i,nair, anil R. .M rohieon was appointed Becroiary. uy Jffrs. IlMtrhlSon respectfully ;in- ftiTSBS her friends and ihe aobl. that her School is now open lor lbs reception of puiP)!" sod she pledges herself to pay every rwssible sifeobKi to Ihe eternal, moral, ted perauoal iiupiov.BiNt all seeb as may be inireaied is her care. Boau4 eaa be obtained ia reapvctable famdiea al a rea sonable price. A number U pnpila ran he se eomrondated la Ihe family in which Mis. Huteh- trnrn and .Mmm llernwnnn board. Ocl'iber8. 183d ifl orrzitFD ATrnmni $ali A LARGE Mahogany Sirfs essAipaed with iV eerled Wte'bair al80itw etlosaane st IIO-, sMirof large Oil! framed Mirrors st 30i two Mahogaay folding and Sliding Top Break faet lahlea al 18 each; a fine Mahogaay Spring eieel Rocking Chair, at fiOi a Ire. large hifb soar Mahognny Bedstead at aw. neier -1- J.Me Vin KaKihnrtr ' w ' JAMKS MARTIN. Sallahnrv . QetuW . 18i6Vtfaa v ; NEW pismonsx; i IB- ine ch! wilb Of ' in- bft, tint ay'i f lie till l: ata LflA Hlil 'l llltll I VuO- ebu . ihr anji reme I'" lUgBl ato ipblet apr hukl ape J ssur- in Bo- rile' r Ihtf .frtH le f i Mr. WM S a ilia! ndhi I sreE- iiwt w b ene bu ae ilere partf ipia- ackm rfftertl mi W iiorky, evi-ry itb ib Ticket I cMf rlof oealoiv ibeliiil we We fai! i late debts, or the porforma , at an nd: AH righu to property are kniilleo. ano an isiuv . .... its broken up; of coursers good peo- fe of tbat Slate, who have been living to liner as man and wife, will find themselves 'Ibis new doctrine m tbe honorable) es- of adultery, and their issue bastards. Jbey that choose to get married again uni lbs new Constitution, may go ano so, and sv fir wo good . But thnaw that rl the bonds of matrimony a Wile ganing. ay r.ow convenienily slip the trthor. An4 ... . ,mi. ..unit tMitM the L.- Mil 'n.. n. .uiuii - - - MJf Bll MIWI . " f r me of Pennsylvania baa by law eoic to nconuact tritb . CorporaUon, -caiieo ITnitnd States Bank,wblch a party claim the ascendant in the Stale wishao getnd snd which they admit cannet be done ithout disorganizing her whom system. FIRE AT NEW BERRY C. H. S. C. j By private teller we leaxe that a moa oe Iicuts fire took place ia ibis village, on xau . the whole HJare before the Court House, lih ihs eseepuon of OilbalU House, tbe Tai- Shop and Shoe Store, were consumed, ae- Ll other ether houses were st different umes on le, hut were extinguished which was Use dtffl- llisa acewint of the calmness of the Mgns. Ws hws ear neiirhbor. Michsel Browa, an a lugy fcr the sod avtd tortured condition is kich hisadveriieaient appeared income of tba kteaaibera of our emission laat week; to make knU ws have inserted it ss a now one ibis nk. did in Auitust. r do not see my desr mother why I should not contend with you in good works You ought not to call it presumption, were I to mike the effort: but I coofesu it will be almost boDelee for me to do so: if howet- r ih tuna bu nut oh tha oioooriion of - . r ' r t Whig voles, in our repecuve families,, in stead of the actual m tjorily.tlie honor woald be spl to bind ihe brow oT your affectionate daughter, DAVIDSON. P. S. Of counre I shall eiocct to be nejl to you iu the glorious couleul in Noveinbvr next. Frota Old Mrt. Surry to her Daughter . ..... . Jrs-oVoicee IlockiroBD, Sept. 1,1830. You orsceleee huztr how does it hap pen thai you have got it ii.vo your head to to emioiise Uie notion of Whiiiwin. Wby did you not lake piiarn after your mother? Have I soent so mucrf money on your edu cation and morale, have I done so much to act vou uo in tbe world for you to coutrs Ait anil thwart me in mv old sue? It is tery undutiful and unbecoming in you to fiwrt from tour mothers way of Ihntking. h. I taill mti vou a fair caution, and I l, ,n.i ta ahaereo it: I allftll See VOU at iK n.ihLfiuir on loth of Novem'iw an l if sou do appear in that odious whitt drett Wl.irt KlfnM thu eou would out on wiiu " ..' st the elecuon in August 1 shall disown you So miud bow you displease too. Your mother as you conduct yourself. . JjUKRY." hy Col. George tlvvrer, Kichard uenny CJ Jonathan IWion, R. Mnrcbiauo and ti-heiej when tbo MUwii.g prttamble ana rtsoiaiioua : l . Wbi reaa werjouder ine imernai iiupiw-w- meut of iur Siaie. au .Hl of the hi,(tie. -men) to the ciirsvnaof Aho, anu beliritg ihal Ihe tie to fast nppH!h-f , when tho reroee ul ibe Slate will j i-nify a liberal eipendilure lor lhat purine : Au I wh-rea s Kai. Roati x, vaniiou lo be hold w Salisbury, on ihe lOih day of October proxi'M, w oonanlercd unpHwus tberofW : . """ .. . . ... . KcriUtd, : That we eawatty ceaire n Rail tt.i,d be coiHifUcled from "aveiteviiw m halmti.il y. euioe olher poinl within oor emcn. and lhat we will co opeiais wun or irimw i-n otttieroou-iiea in Inn aecomplishwont o that dmi ruble object n.J.A. That b atxkrtnt we rlo not. wteh in be uoderatwod a oj-foeinff otht-r placet for ibe perruaneiil iiitprovement ot lue aiaie or anjr p" theionf. , , Ruolv I. That Ashe CouMy send aeven ei From ihe following it would seem thai Micw u wiU not ai laal have tbe plsaaore of voting k Lnde Van. He is evidently loosing on every Vod. and now that the true principles of his pat- art beginning lo develops themselves in rsnn vsnia and Maryland, ws cannot doubt of bis erihrow. We trust there is virtoe anu ve oi laei enough in this natiun toput down him lhai uuld rise on the tuia of his coonuy. tCorreapondeoceof the Nsw York Esprees 1NTERESTINU FROM MICUtUAM. . Mojixox, (Mieb,) Sept. Uth, 136. Thi C.it...ina la the tasalt of tho election in icbinn lor Uelesatee to Ibe Ann Arbor Coo- kiiiion, to ataent or dissent to the piopueitwos Cutigtese relstive to adiusMoa aaa ataie, sou U boundi ry quettron. Tbe wauibor of delegates oe ejected m the l erntory is nuy u pulous part of the State bafbren beard Irou, lucb make it evident b u will ge. VathtenaWt uviogsion, Leiiswae. I Jackson, '. St, Juieiph, butlori. alacomb,. Uaklanrf, Si. Uutir, Wayne, Hlladle, Atieont . 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 a 8 Dusent - 4 1 ' I 4 1 Frern Mrt. Slohet to Mrt Surry. 0aM anton, Sept. 6. 1834 Mn dear and honor $i JolAsr; It grieves j. . l i;..-U.m.iI .iili me sadly tonsuyouso mur.oiapivww - me for tiowg what I conceived lo be my du ty in August last And tbe more so, that I ,kn.4ht I wan action on the very same prin- iiv sjw a. I J Jl ihaieeMi tourself bad always bold . . . g . ' I .a nrl inatmcteo sne IO ioiiuw. i mv dear mother that some of your dpen- k... limwieed von. I know there hi atMM about vou. who affect lo be anx loot for tbe family honor, but who in tact mi- far thini$tlv$t. They tell you VVf W t'W - ' , j . m k a. a . E. a s-a dAnx that aucn and sucn inmgs oogui ikH aJanLition that f ou should put on sucb fc euch a dress Si mince youi steps in the i.ii New York fashion I do no not think ,l. iiu Aaautv fashions and city notions at all suit oar bsck ctmntry people. Tho l.n ..ui mmnt out last AuSUSt 10 nnr ALrA ktil Van Burtn pump and silk ntockinns with your .homespuu petticoat of tbe old republican cut all your neigh- fcf.l--Wi1k Davidson laughed at your odd figure: O i 1..1. n.v..n ai.t she hardlv knew her old ft ind this trickery of Ibe foreign fash- egalet to the Salisbury CtiiiveU'n. ... llwtvtA. That P.yn-i Col.ard, R.Murchion. John U. Waiann. and James Belevina wimpiw' me delegaii'Hi on the part ot Hits iueennr, am. Ih ti the eerelary of ihi ioeeii;.g ia aoihoriied t invert ihe names of Ihe oilier mrer ..ru directed by the eiiiaeus of the lower, and upper nidi of the cooiity. " tfesoteel, I hat in in npnin m i.a n.-" .l .. 2n.tl Auinbl ift i C onlil Mac- isivt nra -,bw j otpl Ihe depjuito of Ihe puldie o may on me lerutaoi me fieposii" i" m ' -- ... ... n i. .u .1.. . .ll.at I'IH- irreaa: a.10 main win m-j lature of W. U. ttiaelo io appmpnain - (.h a portion ihoreot) f"T ihe tit-mal rnprote- mil ul the state, ano ioi " "- Kdueatmn. . . , Ruototd, ThatthM pr ieeenin i- bed by Ihe Chairman and w:reiaiy aim J- 4-to Salwbury fm publication. "' Copy Irou, the minnlea, J FAW, Chm. and appropriate tbeni to hie own use, in moo of Siepbca or Thomas, who, in a '' ...i uii.iiM laa aa aoual tin bt. '1 old i. a MiKiinnatiua uf tho detcstsble opiniui.a of ihe riuU tfannV WrLrbi: who Uisisitd ibsl It wasan.infiieineiii of ihe laws of nsiere to bind one man and woman together W liieey iu iha axpluwua of an oisers. w rudiments of eivil i 1..- A.A ihia IVmucralic party of nra - - Fe..osy Hants have progressed so Isr ss to baio tbs lev-a opinion of El Menstor Oeorge M. Del ias, nppreviag ibe doctrine ; who very gravely tvlls bis eleiiia (a eonuuitiee ol some County or ward roeesng.) Jbai lbs charier graeted by the LegialaturO'ttt Fenosylvsnis to the U. aisles Bank and aooepled by , US stockholders, eannot be reiwalad vt aWogatod wiihoul tbe oonaenlof both parties, kcousa if giees (As Bank vetted 1 n't-ftf. Tboa larht gela on WeU.ano men oi- . . - - ..IUJ 1,1 kuiend uni .in. aai nju.cuvi.ru V...V. the Stale Conetiiution, may abrogaie sll e-nating I laws totetber wiib the Uank charter. Jiou mu. Pnoy lvanta nty nd herself ol ber contract, the Cuoeuuiion of the United Stsies notwitb sunding. Tlina doing that indirectly, which it isadmilted, cauoot tw oono oiiecnj , "- Peraiaa iaeneral, who, heo eiipulaimg tot the, ...n.n.i. r a tvaiee-ed frarr oon. arreed that no blood shoHld be ahed j and kept bm pruiuiae, by cauain-l all the pria.wert lo be buried li. I he artrcleVaiewvanigniT has been applied to many and vaiioue purpnees durmf 'the present Adiitinuitrwiion of the Federal Cwternuieni ; wheihor tbry bat,- all erit-ii from the abuse of power or -iwt ia eneertairr ; but it is well known tbst OKWt of them have. " ' , In Ursnu is. it was first applied to robaina the Indians of heii fanda, and the Adminisiraiun .tA iuii ikri. leal it u.'ffM looao uooie fiieoda. It'waa nni ui.Nl id aum varouna . repeal ihe TariB, ai.J h Ad.oiiiiatrallou eaany r . . ....I .iil. . Wm 1 .ul MMimrtm aewatiee oi - a r hu0r,. ii Mo lately twen o4 -in- MaaBaehuaeita ...a i... 'r,ir luirixei-a ul Aboiiiioii ; it ia unknown whether the Ailminieirmion williuier-i-r . nut in one Siaie it ia likely it may: 'oi ia it there are no frienda fc l.e; in ibe oiU, .niimf tu nrevious ooetoui, U canieH no es JLook Here I NEW GOODS! ALL TERV tnBAP. AVILMIU MUIlPIIYe B'-gs leave to inform his . friends snd the public, that be has just opened x laigo and handsome ' ' stock- of Jllewnud thenp GOODS, POD THli 17 n 1 1 a n n Wi liter Trade. wV.-wm ' - ' - TLe .ie.e. ...v.i kftftntf beeQ purchl fi SW esvev-w' Bfcw v i-e - i io Kew York, snd PilsdelHbia, entirely ...K .l frnn ihe vert latest importa- Xi a. as sera - , -.ill I . anlil ft rh. Ot OD S anoil uvna, - " " ' - .,.. ,n Mineiaal customeis, as low sa sny ' i. ... iw, aold in this section of coun- yUUUI VBJU w a- HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF f,,V( P cV OOMtSSTiC DRY GOODS ; i 1IABUWABB A!hD ClITLEBT QutrtiHteare una Groreric His friends and the public are invited to cull and see, and judge for themselves. M kind$ oj Country Product bought at th hlgfutt market price My Jrltndt will receive my grateful thank$ Jor putt Javourt, and may fit auured that n 'patat tout beeporttt to mar- U a eontin uauoe twte fvrt urt. Salisbury, Oct. , 1 856 -4 w 1 1 I v -.'.'' art Milliner and Mantua Jiater, vvnnMS ih pwSlie. thst she has jnai re- PHU t'aUoki ttiatef .. , t,f r It lorn for 1 8 JXG-'7 ' . . . . . . m and will ekecsle work n the various ort "cocao. her husineat, in IhA moSl laewonaoia aijie, wm fljeliiy and proinptneaa. tr-w OidMa rrani a distance will h srrfckly attested to, and articles efDrett earelotly fk. ed sud sent olLsceording to slireeMon.- P S. Mm. P. keens on hand, Kir sale, s stock of Faal.ionabla Bonnets. Cspa, Tsrbsoa.ke, scu Snlisenry. OeUAer I, isjo. t rORTXXND'3 HOIVIIS 10,000 Dullars for 4 Dollars!,: The lit h Clnat of tho NORTH CAROLINA GTATD IiOTTBRT FOll 1930, To be drawn on ihe Popular Terminating F- i gureyeient, . At Grtentboro on Soturday,29th Oct. - riUNCIl'AL rKIZES. 10.006 dollsrd, t Prise of t frne of I Prise, of 1 Prise of 0 Prisea of --v.,, r-aee- 'i' mi 1 " far ISI.I8M. ; ..,... . ... nn I uii awuniwi, in" i u-.i .. ,.ti u.aiirra. ..r ik. Waatorn Carolin- I enaried lor ine iinnwmm i yi.-j, - .n..;...-... , - of the yveetern yeroiin i t" . ! ,i.. .n..,Vr. .nd U,e teia Aoner. ... I m...... r intact and nnwiiame Witt L Si V LV " di .H kmd ot b-Oeorg. Bright. An. K-- 3 . Ml .U(Mld;,,c. ,. Usi r:"' "V"""Vr ....r-anvenactioent lor its uroiee- ble Urown. relet JH.,..r . -i. (Sinned) politely -na- - J . ;,;..,a.ha. In u.i Bairxsrly, Jotrpb 0 Z. ABEL GRAHAM. Cbro. ... .1 ever, indic Uo.u.. L Ikall. M "' jOM. F. McCoxtx.See'rv. 9 6 1 0 1' SO Thus from tbs returns w fsr received, it ap- r inti tiere m i large aarity againtl as "iiing tu ihe pr.rxMioon ot Congress. Tbe e- cihev was very-warta. End lh grealcal exer- la wet miJ i upon both sides to carry the e- im, Th" DTora' Free Press Abe! Alba- Arum of M cliiffun.l boldly dictated toother nntrv papers the courve they rnunt nursoe, and jtly dtoounccd 'he who were not favorites of ort viHWit. The Wgi were miW'ly sgainsl rriiating biate, and mny of the van lloren a.' ' 4.- .. 1 riminiHr ui m loit,ll 0 X"o jv -- -e- - - - -you so adored iu temper and I should be al.noaMi:oaolate only that I know you ...r.uni. a,i.a roiiault vour true digni- ... .......... 1.. aiKntH I hoiH- VOU will liSr ' .. .. 1.1k. al..nff. ten More you goaniurinenniouoa..u u.L..kii iiasa n l tiilv adont'O. As to my courae 10 Itoveuioer dci iiopted my determination after due reflec tion and from a high sense ol propriety and a xitf h ...s. axt.lk axtKrasex I hlVf) IO Wl'H greed on all form occasions: out u y irinlned to hoist the abolition colors in N. ..ember we mutt teotr. I care not so , about the fashion, thou R. Mcacirrrow, See'y. Jefferson. N.C. Sept. 23rd J8S6 N. B. The Editors ian, Faystteville uoerer, N. C. Journal ureeosnou, friendly to the eaoae aw gite the abuts an intsnwii . . . t . .nii ratwM-tahle meeting hch Ala iBiKo r . j aUIamplonville. Surry Co.;on the 1st day of October, for ine purpose oi w...8 .- -..,i.trtirin t ie propriety oi oiiu.B Delegates to the Rail Riad Convention, lo be held xt Salisbury, on the 10th inst. Oiimoiioti of Ephraim. Ilmigh Esq.. Cspt. John Wright, wm .called to the Chair, and Dr Jno. Hampton, and Capt. Maxwell M. Ncsbilt, appointed Secreu- nThe Chairman In t few forcible and per ... ..b. xnlained the ooiect ol the 11 lie III rciuai - I" . reeling when Josish Cowles Esq., offer ed the following resolutions wuiou Retohed, J'lut we view wi. ur .ttding inurresvtne enonow-- u, constructs itaii , io the mountains, and that we will cheer fully concur in all prudent measures, for the furtherance of that great object. Rttohed, That this meeting highly sp prove of the project of holding a central feail Road Convention xt Sal.isb.try. on U.e lOih insane and cheerfully respond to the loviutiou to send members. , Retold That Alfred W. Martin. Jj- nW DuUthitt. rredencx iong. -": w " . . rrtj -, w m,h. W lam luioert, a'i ue.-iitd Ui adopt any me!iurtf by w inch adhrenui liiay be dimmied. And laa ly. in Peiinaylta ,... Siaip auveiLiffiitV will no duubl be enoi-ur- I-cmihh ll acinars l be intended looeraie upon and email an objeci 'of I he Pieaideul'a ape cial avetMion ; a monater lhat baa hauo'ed hia h,l I. fi.iinv veara -an.) al luat. when beaup a m.. H...nUul . annihilated, eluded bis l. i. -. 1 - - .,..1 nut hwiniid hia hotter. S it... .......... i.. iiiM Judicial ottlnion of ihe it . M. ri-ll.- in fart ina hia law lo its foil hum. .. , j- m . w be inusl ueoeasiiily aoppose ibe Suteol PenntylvniiiawlieB asoeiubled in CoavenUon.to ho without S hahiiation or a name ; diaeoivea in I alamrow. And then further sop- ,ae. lhat eucp Convention will begiu sud ereci an entirely pew State t.ui of ihe maiKittls of the old one : rejecting of courae aoch as are deemed relten and 'refuSs' i ib'g which r. leee naieri Sk., inuai oeciaeaiily be included all Hank rhsj- . .11 rr.nn. loueiher with Dill' 01 exchanire. leilersof oredit, and every aieoteS of JutureoUi$atim. . ... . , . i : i.- ..I .11 nraikililv uf ano- : i, ..taut lm nmeiih-d thai no taw shall be ..,j,.. r- . LIST OP LDTTDRS . . a ... UEUAlNIMi in the r.ioin.-eai uoncoro, Cabarrus County, Worib Carolma, Uoto her 1st, 1836. A Gen. William Allen. Wm. II. Archibald. Bmuaium Alokandei i Ur Atoram Aiesao- B -Miss Sarsh Br-hsw. Alias Sosan Childera. Sitae Corxius, Clerk of County Cuorl. IbtiO CstoooU. I) K r. IJavidaon. E Wiu.C Euiiniil. r Janiea Farr. (j -Uevd. t.rssber, George Goodman. II TUrnnaa fljilg-ritn. K e-u- Keupal, m John Keppel, Andrew Korrikr. .... L-tiuorge Liltle, Levi unuwica Mltal:ih Meicall, Eq Jdm W. M s . a " ll.l. IT I Mia, E .liw-lu AliUler, Uuiau iuikub. .McOany. ' . W -James d. fHiiy. P-rltobert T. Plunkel. U-James Roach, Samoel A. Rorltfere, Uan lelli. RidinhiKir, Win. Kudder, uaio Thoa. KatlirT 8. i S Thoutrs Slephtnaoe, Bamoei u. ; V To Venders of Mediciue. W Rev John Wilum, James Wallaoe, O L Wallace J. K- ediiigun. Yl alherine Veoun, K.erio. ne o las Young. . UZiUUUb a a . - i.. .1. - D...I ALITof lititera leioatnwn m Ofll al Seliebury Nonh Caiolma, Ocis i ltM J .11... 3 ; S.000 dollars,V X . g,O00-dolUrs,..X;j. ' IJiOO dtJIsft. " ;Vfi 10 prises of ft MM). 10 ef40Or 10 sf 300,IO f V", ' l00 heeidea mer.y of lf, 50, ..'4V'. smennl ft iog m all to 1 80000 Dollar; -t ' ; Molt Tickets $1 JJoeeilCrV rJ. A certificate lor a paekel of ten whole 'Tick-; ! i. I4.im ail f ). & Oiiae.- f 4 , eia win eoe, ' lers fti 7. To be had in the jr? I . t .inn Kat. ... - -.-e " - ar,sty..- - .r' - -. ' e . 1 . ' . -- HWJ' arnmn xa- esns. Edward UfcSrc.d ri;LiL.i usee mm touw inform the public, that be hss ptfrrlias .? ed of Col. Thomas Wsddill thd f hove Es. laUliabment, which be has placed under the r" entire management "snd conlrrl of tre4 ' IWUlugloH it. .FlMrtJltya.xboJV , e.ill sll titis be happy to see ih old rue- . s tmner of the Estsblishmcot, sud the publio uenerally. iradss6ortfMgk Sept. 1, I330--Twll 5ke R AnJOITR.HED RA1LKOAU MF.KTINO. The maertni whirrlr-as beld 'at.Wiruiirv oF 4th of July lal, having icanlved tl at ad joorned meeting of tbe eliif nt of Row sn, hH take place at Salisbury. on lOih dy f Ortober neEi ; ii is earnestly boed that, aH ihive win have the leaal regard for their own pfepeinVjI Ibalef Ihe eornuiunily in whirh ihrv ',Ve, .yviij giva iheir prompt aiieiitloi-to il o bh'.jW and noma io the reecue el Hie "Siai fni;i ih" entiije w, surra.- livjwe iuvvi w s . . olont. I ihoTforefurtwar fuilber du.guuog de- laila. i PalU Gutf Cvtlon. Col. WacDarhars, a very .,UM. .ninid Planier of Rowan, baa lurniabed ua ttiih-suhntusaii btsouful epecimens of Ibis article produced on bis farm, accompanied with tha following uute : At.. Jnara-I have beard much uf ihe Petti fl.At I 'aalL.il .' . friend foroifebed me last Spring .J AitMi iiuooriatioa. I have i, . f.it uial. and . find lhat if will an ..... eUmai adoorably. Ita growih BjwtjB Vea w r- l iewoie luEuriaut and rapid inauoui oruma,, r 1....1 Pultun-, the b.lla are moob larger tbe sta ple longer and finer, which you will at oMn Uve frvta the tu.all asin?le wbicb I send tor youj.a.ptoc.oo, - B. MACNAMARA. Anofl Rowan, Oct. d,16J. , is .kv. x - sj'iiatahAiti i rrtaiin stauvjwi 'wka CWroenl, M A Coriia, Joseph Cbafflu, Sarah UVVii;iaiu ueaowap, George Duke . J Le Rsy Davia, , filCap. John Elh tbe. Joahua Wwards. Daniel Karrewl, Jjnn r.ji. vmi....- F Folteo Lodge x, janwa Fraby. ' O Jeeae UiNean, Vorge oan, F It AIL RO ID NOTICE. ... . j era WE hereby invite ibe eliefidniee or ueie. estea from tbe several Counties interest l ed in ihs subjects lo be bfouibt solure re pepe ,4 Rowii. eooniy. oe ihe tOih dsy of Oelar i uaiai unr eilisros In ceruint to a MIS ....... w. . . ... . , - , Fibps. Lewis and intelligent ouocluaioa on the ins iters lata to he scted on In M xtOsh. on M Aai U. 7 .. Kir Hdudiri. M. C a central' Mimi MrUJAftET; rORKKwex.. --" of late Hd iwience.oi oiaica,m W Menrue, I) Mitchell, I Chappel, .... It will nam me much to disagree ,nae? ... ...k phitlio-1 Ilaleombe. John mh'xmiHhcrWwbomtlidlfdcMty a..Jvl P.-n'ra.. (JOC on tersottnava;-- . r; ljowle. Xi Charletron 8. C. on g5tb loat. Miss HAR RIE'l' TORREY.neice ihia town.. M-e wasamoHl younj lady. fi,ilandWOJgiahe BOLTING (3LOi US. mmion ofE. Hough Esq was added) be, mia mey mnt k rihhaaibr sale German Bolting are hereby ap- I 1 rubao!" every soperior qualny. (Aucoof wu 1 . . . i Convention. . ., . , a., i.. itM tfl0 t White very mucb Wom,, my c oai pinion , but I do cxre for ffnifffrincipeidttd 1 will Chairmxn be revest- S.lb0ry.0t..t l9iW.-tf 10 U I'l.rmlll Harris. iinrt Hk, Aleisn der '""M. lladMi, Andrew narrm, HaiDD'n. fSamueinuasiein, ,,iin ..-r ' . , I..nk InnM. KFrancls L Rineannon.) 8 Kermnihy. Ab. L kLe. John R Keab, Micbael Htclaek J JaiiieliKeaib, . . t L Mis Alsrgaret Iog. Alley C lks Samuel G Linn, Jama Lynch. Zjhn -.Num. Patoal M.nei.Wm March flkH. kIod. Jacob Milter, lte jonn o NhUuiH Miseiiharoer. Forest 1...ik.- sua. atrial ' liwikMeNeely, J ilipm ......-. - a, nacKiosie. CanJme : Coonaoghey, . U Jane Uene, 't . p.Wiliiam II Phillips. Tboruaa prestos. -- D..ll.n. VKLesn R.ds. Elleo Rsites, Green B. Redwme. William G Header. ; , - ' S-Alel Mn.a.1 . ", r. ., - Uaiuei nnmn, .. .in.... anD rhn Sbep- rTFrederiek Tborniav-i . J;ew- Taiom. John Troti, (Atwslam or Charles 1 huma,)JJb Thomas Wh,isot.;!yter. . . . W Anderec in . " V. V ' ii George W Ht.el.r., Z SI Williams. VVilli.ra 0 Weodson, Hugh Wekift. - bAMUfcL REEVES. P.M. Any. 30,1938. JOflJV OfLKS. It O. JOXES. B. CR IIVR, (,'emmttlta. RUNAWAYS,". 5th loat. Miss UAH- SAlei Mie . " ' T. of JWrs MaithieX, of ! Snllien, Ge..rge S Shaw' Daniel Smiih. VY l lovely aod amiable j s.,.,t;lhuini.e Smiib. 'l ! ?T BumrMbedT-.,.l4 tunc. J' Willism Sme, U FfTVO .N -2m men namtJ UAVE and J. t,EORGE. ransway frow me at the Brio-, dUion mii.'-e, Burk couny. i.ey eiw oa by me at S!ibury for one year, iron in id Dr rerrr.d. troin January laet. It is pns. hie -that both tht-e felloes ere either la the ieiiibrriH f Saliebory.or in the Jersey fret ilc'eni.Davideoe county 1 wlltrgite.tex dol Ian a poe f ibe dehtery of these nen -fce -SbenH4 Rowsn.Vfure the fiet day of lto bet nxt and n reasuoaUs reward if dhsitd af,w.roa. . ' TENCH C. CARSON, ' Sept. ll.Jtefi-r-SwsV : l Otl SALE AT THIS OFFICE