Y mm nY 1IAHILTOX C, JOXE9 SALISBURY, Ne SATURDAY OCTODEtl 1 5. 1 830. 'it VOL. V NIK 13.- WiLK NO. 321. r m. 5 saw-a-was. t - Mil I. Ml rt lUl ln" I6i 19 194 1 ,'i-ri' 51 i wrM1 nSii rlh I" I 571 i if iS WW, TEBMS. ft. Watch" y hereafter be had I'JT iUUMiii,rr-ia-.-jfc-.- . at-.f nam. nsw snbscriaers wao 1 rill Lfis.dv.ao. the whole aom at on. m. n the paper u" . . ikua to pay ie auni; -- VBU n .hfLm- terma shall continue. et?wSe lb", will be charged a other aul-cr.- '"J'.K-mbari who PT imi tU Jnt D ... . ..--.J kntatthann. Nowper win oe aiac"" r isVX Editor, unless til .rrearge. are paid VflU letterato the Editor muet be posl 'I . -n t .. 1 a ni t tm al. nii ; otherwise tney win j - - - fe'i or Aovt,. FifU Cnlm eTieJIJ.iror ae iertw artnafY Ian in Uowla 4dvjtieeiitt?rIK Ve revived to stop .SS - - r,irvioly t7- . ... .L, wi itvilWMtaniey J"-' " at LMlar per monin " - ,h th privily f chaajflajr the form every In aiter SPEECH OF MR BELL, ofTennimib OIT TUB NEW HiRHR BILL. " (Contioued.) The accelerated and downward course sound inalim and principle in a trHe n in mat n:recimn.w ur mm mivic; uatraiedhan in tin- change whicn has taken n id l be principle and practices of the final Jackson party, and the party now pt)r( 4HO Wllicn nwnw tvrvm mi ii it It O'W ' '" years sinra, . .j.r. ulfiirf nf that onrta which at- wr'is with a giant's strength overthrew ' t, thin that oppmed it .lid as muih to , iMnphah tbo final undoing of tho late ad- iwir.tioq av any iHhei mivmmt of the A .ig.Uot and energetic comhinition : tf.nedin this countfy: sn lpray sir. " u d.i v.mi supposo that infant ff wt was? Jr hdI) a resolution tffrd to this House - an . m vn n -mw.kiinB nr mili-rs.) calling upon the secretary u . c hi m in to luform the ichhad impelMimto take the prm- j ,t the law from certain publisher iT " ...i i i goapw who had long pertormMi inai i for lb Government, and to give H to lb oa political friend This proc.ee.ting " .... . . coatemporaneoor witn tn repon oi a ieg., Senior frH. (M,, ton) upon the subject of Executive pa- age, to which I nave aireaay ieif iruu. i Moort deorecated the further increase the patronage of the Qoternmenl. and ka accompanied by six mils k n nii anu iit the abuse of it. This movement ii followed up at tbe succeeding Congress the celebrated debate and report, foun I upon to retrenchment resolution .in- iduced into this II njse by a member from L 'Pk.. i hi. anurree Vn which the Jackson party at that day . i . Tim .aiht This wasthe uuon which the vouna nercuie waa . who sat out with th prof'sed deter- Laimn of clearing tbe Und of all politi- r.ilthira ami liiifWMliira. but WhO. HOW t lie ia full irruwn, and without a rival, , rtena to been oc bnntcii tne greaiesi llHNrtorand robber of bta ge. ..... 1 apeak ; lbe. partv, not of it heads, -aup- T . . . . r iL. II....... p, nr. mat any memoer oi uld, at this day, bring forward a resolu- p calling upon the President or any ot heads ol DepartmnU lor wnnnoioing pationaim within his control from an op- knt who had loug'rnjoyed it,&,'H-stowing ion a political Uvorite, wouio ne not oe Mdered a man demented by every mem- of tbe party which now assume the ne, and professH to act upm the piinci- of the true Jackson party? The mo- of such resolution would be regaruen a second Rio Van Winkle one who had It awaked after a sleep of yearn, and found palf fr iu the rear of the improvement the age. But; air, who could have sup kd that ao great a change in public sen knt could have taken place in the apace aix or seven yearsr Who could nave pueed that thia change could have been xlui etl in tbe same nominal partv f A ty. too, which. In the fare of the whole pie of the U Stat,claima to be identi with the party which differed so widely mi them a fe wycara agol . This question pi Ironsge was not then a au'-ordinjte one, Vaa first it chiel;it was regarded aa vital t tnese priceedings uo net afford the striking evience-wlnch' exist of the. ulaiity opposite aentiment which pre- at that day, from those which are a- ed and practised upon by the same nam- party at this day. I no memner irom VtbCaruli ia t Mr Saiindors) wbo broiigbt Vard tlis reoluliMi t'inqmry to which I adverted, coropl tned that the Becre- ol State bad violated a sound principle Vikimr from an individual, not an onV, hjibq tir tnen ao gresi a puritan op- hat ,,blwrt that he ahrunk with horror 1 me idea that aay rrmident wouin tv- a. Mm to remove laitnim puwic msq . at a . a . mm .a... :J.......I ... .hi . aa. mi I mil IIII.IIUV.1 r . na - I - .L.-. ...J. A ..... a. job, pub udiin tf the lawa, wno oat r. .- r""" , uadd the can, be the principle. r-' . -niieman Jl?.t time p, turned that dot, latth- Nexl 1, the ..lack ' pports tbem. Welt, .r. the Mo confer it np-m a ( political partiasnj! cua ,-iem,lheo,.g--! fcW",Kj V froTlCeuiucky, whujia. f the ,dea that the Executive would m ; ted meet by tbej.nc pie it the c.did..e of th. party IW Um . J-J . to vacate an office, or .emovean of-, j ' 7' t fr opinion'a ake, never entered the I w P" ut w hia opinions uimn j tton of that genlleman, a. may be P-ge ,u 3 nd lM ; impruvemenU ndidl. and as become J' inierted Irom nia argument v: 1 pst , aa in officer of the Government lately at tending a political meeting at Baltimore iuJ 10 activity and seal, in order to promote- the aucceaa of a party wbirh openly avowa the justice and propriety of the practice of making all office in the eootrol of the tx eeutive the prize and reward of party services and ptrty triumphs! That gentle man does not appear tome to have improved hia political principle as be haa grown ol der. Hi early principles were the beat, and so well am 1 convinced that the day the new doctrine espoused bjr bun shell be eetabliahed and acquiesced in by the Peo ple will be near the, last day of the Repub lic, that, for the first instance! which aball occur of the removal of a faithful public of ficer by a Preaident of the United Statea.lo iniike a place for a political partisan, while I have the honor of a seat upon this floor, I will vote hia impeachment by thi Hmisr, a for an abuse of power, a misdemeanor the most dangerous which can exist under iku likinrnniiiiil Mr JaAum.- r li.il 11 Bond a will to do an act of this kind a any mmm - wtmmtm ete'FreMaWbat'''fc'ri. otism, hi principle, and bis sense of duty restrained bun He saw and be ahrunk from the consequence of ucli practice. Mr. JrffVrson made the proper distinction, and took, the true ground, when he declar ed that any interference of a public officer in the electiooa would be good cause . for removal'""" ' Sir, I put the question. What difference can there be between the appointment of a successor, by the use of Executive patron age and influence, in the name of a parly, and as the head of a pnrty.and the appoint ment of the President in virturo of his of fice? No practical statesman fill say (here is any diffeience in eutatance and ef fect. But it is eaid I hive beard it repeated ly aid and it is the drift of one-half Ike canting maiitr wnicu niiiuiecuiuinns w ... . L.... 1III...I i ..t. pany press- inai me principe wuicu l lke in the pr.-sent contest fr pnlitteil power in trie uniieu aaics are oi sue Ul tmpoaance io me rignui an., iiimi w pP'. ,ne prsiioa u. . - e iisuiuiions. inai eery miir . er atilctly regular or rml.oughl to be brought to bev in order to insure the success of as... aALikKHAao aisa.v aw ast riamisrniisiis "r"111 - - - ami. that certain uaaees f the party are imp.wtaot to be. preserveo. in or tier io seep Py ioge,nw . ... ..u. - a . . ,.lnr. Itnnwt Nniiut til . 7 " ' . . omea. I oe nrsi ana m.n oonm appe.rs io e prar,. . - ..i.n,uu Aniirir iuii la. that all of -- . - ,""r":. U UV yifvw a e pi iriLvvoi - tbt party, it follows, that rewovala from ohVe for npiniona anise are justifiable aud proper, in ord to conform to this usage Upon tbe aaiue -priuciple and for the sam raaon, the patronage and ninimnce oi tne President, he beia the official head of the oartv. tNiifht to be thrown into tbe scale of tbe candidate for the Succession selected accordiug to lb party usige oi caucus nomination The sum of the argument ts. iwanne uryin, uo..u. . - " " if country w use me cao j - ouolic enemv that the crisis is estraordin and demanla extraordiniry roinmn-. - , i OU I II will m "finiv mrw" r- i constitutional restraints ought not to stand j .L.. r.v asufa ikJaMalMnta IwT a BW W"F ..r ik. Uulinn nf (tlx COUIItrV. ' -w ... -a .i ...oh ' - - - - ' : 1 j.riaia io our ci v il aff iirs. that, if a similar ' atatw of Ihinirs - were-to eeur in Ihd (H war, martial law ought to be declared. Whether tbe condition of the country w betbet the puiicpl and -e'esig ns of say mrt in this country, are of a nature so wicked and mischievous a to justify ucb rMmdv or not. the fact is that a ort of law-martial baa been proclaimed, and the 1 proper officer and autrnwitie are actively engagnd io carrying it into execution in ev ery part of the Umon Without pausing to inquire to what catastrophe the iccesa of any tne obnoxioui snu mrantn "i parties in tin country could lead, more dis astrous, i.ore directly subversive of the ve ry loundiLob stone of our glorious politi- cal edince, than ine eaiaoiiaiiinoii. new and unwarrantable doctrines and piac-. tices, I propose to inquire, for a moment, what tbe principle of thia party are, which Urns generously tep forward and proceed to oaiciate as the only afe guardian of our dearest right, I mean to mquire what the principle of thi party ore. not what the tLmilM nf it nrofeaa I wth also to in quire what aswrancef;jehat.ew5Uw..rt. - ih n..at conduct and piinei- Gan ai r Se. , its leaders, that It ia fit to be trued with the cnttie political power of the coun- Jo party, I pto,He to apply the proper test upon thia point also &The first and moat eciaivn to .urncd b, tbe o.ig.n.1 ItTh. gaiiist caucus nomination. 1 be most ia 7 . 1.1 ;li Ab Crawford wa ,lbl deauncuuon, of the alleged . . ui ' Mr Crswford fell adrc;u but I do not intend to dwell fur- 2 .L.-.,.l,n svhtcfi ahodtd . : h reiuo- "rr::"- 1, remo ly aee 10 p.. o. , - ''' . ihoani irmn iHnrr.inn iu irwe ; sum - ' a,H 1W K" inputs ' 1 a titt nntwit-iifiir iiro fwbwHt' , . . , aHrtf-ded - . um1Wflli WW'I . T W . .. -r - j -r: .l..;. ...I nn l a,. llud ffOID thUlf itoUOn, n4 10 a . s .a iititi iiiumi s. las iiniiii niiwa - - -'r . . ai ine nxriv aamasaewaw ceiv the execration of an indignant Peo- pie. These, air. were the doctrines ; and t eentiments oi the true and genuine JaciaoTjia is going quite party, and they were held to be vitel in the ; as far a any advocate of internal improve creed oi that party What are the doctrine lb , raent ever gone in thi Hinim. No man. practice now of the party which claim to be , tbtsamef Wbv. sir. that the noila of office ! are tbe rightful property of the victors the patronage is wbst they have a title to- that tbia is one which it is essential to the preser vation of the party to observe. As a natural and inevitable result of this usage,' it I the duty of the Preaident to administer tbe pa tronage of the Government ao as to ad vance tbe interests of the party So much for Executive patronage and the doctrines of this new republican prty in respect to the manner in which it shall be distributed. It seems that all the notionaul the old repub lican party, in relation to the proper end & use of patiooage, are now regarded as old fashioned, exploded, and, in fact, anti-repub-liranl I now proceed to notice some of the more important questions, which may he regarded as- testing the !principfeloL.'Uie party, in the order in wtiich they have a risen for the decision of Congrpas. . The first which pieseulcJ itself waa the miljecl of internal improvement hy the General Government, involving both the exKiliency of the eyatem proposed and the coimtitu tional power of Congress oyer ll.e ayhjecu In the South and Southwest with few ex ceptions the members nf the Jjckaon par ty were strenuouuly opposed to the whole scheme in Virginia. South Carolina, and Georgia, upon constitutional ground. Thia w is supposed to be a fair tent question be tween the republican and letleral parties ; the great line of principle which separated them being the proper rule of interpreting the C institution whether atrictly, and with a view to limit the power and patron age of the Government, or liberally, with a view to enlarge iu powers and give greater strength to its action. In the North and West, however, the members of the Jack- sou oarty differed from their political al- lie of the other section and strenuously maintained both the expediency of a ayaiem of internal improvement and tbe power f the Government l carry it into effect. The Jicxson party iu Kentucky, Ojjio, Indiana, lllm.iis and Pennsylvania, were the leading patr-ns and advocates of the system Even sfier the veto of Maysville road bill, the party in the Joules uorth of the Ohio con tinued to support the A lminislrstiou, Upon the ground of the exception made in the veto message iu favor of the Cumberland road i aud the States of Omo, Indiana and IUmiois. have continued their allegiance up ott ttie eon.lition that large annual ipro- oriiiiioiia should b made to complete the great highway, oo lar men as rrgu. liiosrt State mid that great and splendid ... t- .i ..i ivurk. tne orjieoieJ system of internal na ontveuaeut has tecn sanctunieil by the Ge neral Government. It is pretended that una execution i iutitid by the compac iih rri.l.-rl G tvermnenl sod me States noilh ol" me 0 no, which atipulaied n.t certain nrHionioii of the proceed .r ihe Dutilie Unds in ihse .Sulea should h uBoiied to ! couatructiou ol a road from the Aila itic to those plates is noi VW,...i. ill a atiitulaled oMlMKtioii ot the BU - w 1 r ( oroeeetU iH the public la.i :s was applied IraifU tkfllt ui iimr. lUVJ wIIU i " . T a... a..ia . T al. . - r ai pact were fultollcd. and the power of Federal toOlferilHieill i;cw. i maAm. wiieuier me reoerat W . uW..y under the tim- aa ... ..a.k akaiala A . lUilllllUr 4. trtHOlWII www 'w " r such a h.iL adiDiiun that it had, still the truth is ..... ..f muiriial improvement ha uiat 9J mn " i... ...-iin-,l hv the ireenl l uiiiiuira- .. . l....uur nrUA ihe cKecution of it HUU, II"""' . may l.v Im!ii. Tliere ItiW uot oeeu atusle a.iiiroitrtalion to that road maue riti JsckwM came inte M.wer, wh.cli could be luslified by the eompucL riw nracucal and eff-cuve conutact un -...... tii(.a annrooriaiioiia have been Ubl II madu, i the tacit one, that Uie moment sp- pn.priationa lor ttti roau cease, me concerned w4l o longer giv.s support to the Adtninisiration Such, sir, Irom th nrai, have been the lmse prtuciples M tne party upon th.s qiesti-.n; qde.uou winch. I think. Vir.tuu and Georgia will admit to be a test question. All, or nearly all the ieiitletueii of Hie Northwest wnu belong to Hie domiuanl party in this House the advocates 1 of a system 5 internal improvement. 80 are llioae from Peunsylvauia j and o from Kentuc kv 1 all food internal improvement men. f ' .... .Jt. .h nreieusiona of that party .ZZ'tZwr h uch TieirtV gbtm will ' .11 ou-attouaofa pany nature in Una Ctr to be regarded aa the exclusive ne- SlXltriawr e?i5.tt4isi. RPl!bJ$dr Ssuuceillmle Tmure specifid and pat- 3.r l-nel1: ether agreeable to tnuiviuu-, . r I question olhigh principle, and it is In ha tiXollCtt ibis is ue- Impose no ore will 4u.uo bu uhat .1.. nr.ncioles of the two o..ru emcn'selccted by the dominant par y sriiuioH. t-j rrO the niKntna- - a man, m mj - "A' " .. turn of the -:r rm th, - ... ... gwiitletvan ml unprovei uistinguisiieu a'" " .h.mld Mini"- and ' work, of internal tmprovr -, - I ...aai.l.a. WUich b re 1 various souuu -a aai aititM Wlliajia I ...... ,.1 ate, be carried orr br the State, exce auch as are utivfrtalln dmt'iti bt of nor any party, has, in ray knowledge, ever contended that the Ftderal Uovernroent ought 10 construct any works except such a are of a national character. It is true that Virginia appear to reluctate a little at the idea of giving ita aupport to thi nomination, but my friend from Kentucky peed not be uneany at this ( the party in that State are only preparing Io take him with a better trace, or 10 eonniv at his e- ection. That State has given her sanc tion to principle and practices far more o dioua and monstrous to the seus of the real republicans of the country, than auy principle of hi to which they have taken exception. But a more important inquiry is, whsl are lh principles of the nominee of the Baltimore Convention for the Presi- deiHjy..'.(McVan Bureu,) aod what -i-lo be his course nimn the suluect of internal improvement f f If any man know what' hi- principles are, or what his eouise is likely to be upon this subject, from any thin he has explicitly stated or avowed, is is more fortunate thsn myself H there , - . . . . ' a ! I is anv Inend ol hi in this u.wre who is Hener informed ilia, myself. I hn he , mi .u . .1 .1 :..-:.... . 1 A. ,.m 1 do that rentleman the juatic ui let u know what his principles really are 111 re- lalion to this subject. Hut, sir, 1 do know 1 what the principles' of that gentleman are underabMid to be. and what his course is .iM.ni0ll 1.1 h in th.t Statfia north of the U-1 ... . . . . ! h o. There, air, he is representeu oy nia c 1 V;. Li:-.-I L K-i.. r-....rnr. awa. friendsjol is bel eved to be in favor oTa sya- - lem ol Internal IinproveroeuthytheGmeral I , Government. This is the general belief in theae Stales Seine of his more judicious 1 frienda, I understand, represent that : he ia an advocate for Internal Iinproveraent so far .. r ates In the mtereata and' wanU of la ihose Stato.. and ..... satisfies the People. Now, sir, I call upon ihe memhers ot tuts louse who represent any 01 iitose awes, iid are friendly to tbe election ol mat gen- tleinan, to correct me,n 1 nave inuainieu or ..iunnMiMil helief which Drevails in : I 1 .k... ...i...n f IT ii.in in ndaiion to the oriuciules and probable course of Mr. Van v..w. ... -- - - - - 1 Buren unon die suhiect of internal iiu nrovemeut. It is due alike to him and to themselves that they should slate whether these llniia-s be Uue or not. It. ia neetitess to ssy that in the ooutr mai genueman ia niidersiiMul to enteritin ptiuciples direct Iv Hi - ntooaite of those ascribed Io him ZJ0U: Hir. it , a singular fact that, in the exposition of the re Uti vi proa peels of .Mr. Van Uuren and Judge W hue for the rriwnlencv. contntned in an esrly and ably written article of the Naah- viIIm llioon. a iiewititaoer irot uo.tor ine pxnreaf nuriHtse of advancing "th interests of the Vice Presiilcnt in Tetmessee, ihe ground was openly-sumed. and conaider- iiir wimni it wMiliine. and under whose a ison-cs, it was moal siidmcttmsly aaiiiiBC'l I tat Judi?e W bile, coel.l 1101 gel ibe voles tf the Stales north ol ihe O 110. by n-ason of Itia rigid course and opinions upon the jui.iierl of iht rnal iiui.rovt iaeiil, nui Mr : . . .. .... 1 - I 1 r V ni Kureii. II Waa lell IO ue iiticrinu lUlllill. And whv.v sir. could litis represenlauve i.v,il. tiiiti ia to be. ol tbe xcluive repub lican party iu this counliy, gel the votes of those tUaies I Lei Ihe Soumeri. geuuu 111 11 who MiuiMirl Imu answer ihia quer-lioii It is worlliv of iioiiv, becauke very small circiuneuncea eoiiielnues imlicate the most ...iMirtunl rcautia. liial lllis article ol the Nashville U111..11 wss republiflied in the ....l.miwl MiiQiiirei. and. a I reiiieruber, without coiuiiieul upon this point 1 have 1 r . . . ... sain enouKo noon ' j'- - asvaieuiofiiAernal imj-rovcuicnt by the Fcucral Oovcrnmenl will ti-.d no imped,, . . . i.; . ..1..0..1 t Kiiotv if at .ue.it. in the i.rn ciplca ot iwo gei.iicu.e.. who are auj.jH.rted lor ihe twu highest ol- A.wa of the Government. aaaaaai T.ysieui id naiiooal patiy,ik e Awen- avaietn : a eya.etu whicn was iaw " . . . . .. 1 1. i.i. l .: ... a.r ii.aa Dmitri- maa hi nuiw i V7r q intvav er' a.. m w , 1 .1 ... ...iuaf ana It I Auk .11 a,., t mil Lu LliAl PVItT 1. .aak .a. a af niiasinm aae ssasissum s aws aw - .... ..i. .anuina Dobhoanaoi inai WHOM . .. . . . . .I,-..i.h Wall. air. boih ihe eaudidaiss Lf that party u. which Virginia adheres for the twu hiirlMiei ..mcea anowe ... - . T m ... iui k. m.u'ulkiia. and. filled lor me lanu " . ' . i upon evsry prmoiple. memtaji iooew-.w -b5.sl.ii. T w hich -grew out of ibe omubuhnI d mutual inu-reat -I m au-ealled Atuericau aya- .em. U may be. -na has ViT'-'ltl. ,,d.ihs. th g .ile.a vutsd as .bey m .u.. ..... ... .uai4m ibeir party 1 hat way be truest ihalis prectssty ihs -bf et iun I ha. eto them. or. raibe,, to lbs party of .wbieh .hsis .1.- 1 .1 Thrte seoilemen Ul do ihe saws ibtegsgam,or any W4'l mixiouTto ausum ibeir parly, i hw ia lbs irus otmetwnioihe pany hicbis now biumil ihs Untied Suies. si.J 10 soy parly wbuae sag . j ..,ii.- ia ihr exiMCiaiiuu ul sharing the ...1 ny., uf ...a Uuveraineuu wn. -v ufa parTy nature, are obliged to aubveii X . . .4. -a.! faa laaaMbl all " r - - ... ... .-Mnv- g.,d tor sou.Mipr..!c.p.e...n.. r .., power, svea lbs wdigat-uaa ol U saddJ beumoe aumirdmarf. oonatderaiKwa. A rnerai re ... ... iham. VV OKU aut. Hi'J " laxation of uval aud ot all ue " a" ...ma 1.. a.miMiv Muaoea . v v..-. ... -1 .hall m.ti. the aueaiio ut oulltncaiKin br. i," Taa auintry h-ind iusM. " Md ex rows rem-ots. .www -..- -!. lbs deeWSoS Ulww - Tbe uea. question wbieh was prvaenttHl unds M ,he svwenoe I hau i ne t.c.. - ... ,he nrlsent dnui.ifaiion, and which ww rs- , cii.led l n.. Iiuls a aa. 4bt ee -.rdrTaTia any teg res a teal of panic.. Mlbe Uii. gentlemen, who b... alw.ya bhS "ffW- H'c t-.be. W.WM go,.(d fur sortul ....u.uv- tocMB iV1lBl Bfl CUHWI www , www -s fl:l. J "TT-,. uin-eted eeatesi b"eea ttaMfb 1" UaJ: ndamm to I'hat i a .h. Vadwral 0.r..ioeni a ad tne ou.s ,H Slh- c.,ol.,.a. b- 'rTTT . Th. I... me-i.. wburh for th. , exclusive . 1. . .1 -a a. aaiairai a. kit aa a . , au4 fmimsa, lau. So tar, tasrefcr, as regards tbe subject of sslliuesiMj. las sresenl exclave im pruacnp live'par'y In pewer caa claim la have se new laursla air ins bruw ot damiraey. 1 a genne man from Georgia (Mr Towsa) baa thought proper to Uast ms up- the subject ot y vote npun this subjaol. Sir, I do sot regret, ear wuoM I recall my vote spue ibat suhjci, bwv er much I regretied ia ooeaatoa ujf it. I la Mntea the errors U Suatb Carolina aa aiseb as I dimppruvsd Ibspuliey wide pruvuLed aer ui sxtrsmea. 1 ha v oai'tad to sotics, im iu prsprr unlei.tl.a qnealioe of lbs relaiivs junadtcimo and eovei Mgniy uf lbs 8tsts and Federal Guveioaieut u ver Ihe Indian Iribea aod larniuriea wiirtin tl limiia ul the Males. I island, however, paas it over with a remark or two mil v. Thi, it i well known, waa uue ul the m.l deln u. JL Jif OcqIi quaalimtt w likb baa ariaan un.ler ilua U- eriiMteiii. I be JaekaoU party waa aiviaeu bjuhi lbs pulley .il removal aa eip dimd adupied i) 'be Ad mi 1111 rauua iu urijer to avoid areaier autbar- raaainaiiia, whioh were likely Is arir-a la our In dian Ma one With a tVi xeetiNi, the en lira Piin4vlvaiiia aeUKulu wers huiiimmI to ike sitmtiiiaifaiitMt. umi ibis sutj el, yet Ggia and PeHH)vania are equally eniladan-l a drnia im peaiefibMf SV aierwaiif .aenirsing In pai ty law and wsagH.the very wan (Ja'it Ahitc) who omiiriruiieil more than auy mhef aingle in.mtwi uf I'vog"" locrry that qiirstmn m la- j vuf ,4 Georgia I Cau Una v- pany foundea up w pnnciple t I . . a.. iL. I.l ..ataaata lal MaaaaasaLaSa thaw 1 ..- . n- 1 '" JThI oil' uy 1010 in- cihhmh'ih-i uiiihufi . . .i.v-., r ij, ...a M. 'Ui .imtU,M wwu(u . , . IM (rrMull anu ianri.eting acq ihhkm hi ih- eouu mil inean iu hriwme th advueau; r aiiul.tfmi of the bank I noiioe ttm aohjeui uterrly aa a uieana uf lllu-lr ill'i Itietroe eharaeler id ihe , a a ummm iiiu-tn ....... w . .u .auiiiiim.ii.Iii.1i. i.r .'11.1.1 Mik - r- - liionb.Hl.iX and waiaialeiii prmnolea - n the ( fa 1(irk,d tl ,he r haa been desnaied m load Una ,, ( .lclnpBr,t ire,-l((.lil,1,l,r rjtj n( llt,msBlvea,fia' ibe u. ai eigia eara. ( tf, Van Buren.) m hiaeelnbraied apoe ib rule, uf the Senato.mkiofc he isteose lube full rap-ainuo of tow pul.iioal esjawaa. kept h.''u " ' "IT i.u Tib j ( .n- Ul n,. 7woe. j ni, mtMn. Thai I may am appear io a hl ,nlu.,i0 ttpnn il.,a panl. I ill read I men . . . . ' .1 .1 kM gseeob nai ne ) upuw pni. lar lalcrriiitf to ihs kiiroer oplidmis uf Mr. Madl eon arwn the qui-allun is eiaiaiiiuiswai wri,.ii. - . . ...t 1 aiatwg ma. n. na.. y.o-u -rT the taut ebailer, Mr. Van ilsreo, 10 lbs speech slluded Io, proceed Ibus : "Ilia asst-iit waa now piaoea on tne espreea gruuiid thai lbs leeugiiHMn ul the auinuritj m ine Government, in feUitun to Ihe uld bank by the Stale Government nd the euuna.aa wen aa the Pw..nle, had precladed Ibe question of omisii t..i..a..l.ia Thus the suwer in queaiiuii uiuai d , WMi) ttMl b... v- ,r a a t w led, sl thia T - . 1 .... WV' s . ar. aa .... - aj ii.. ...w ..ffit .il duif to Pii umm mw puui J .a .11- aanaaiIliakfV Is tfailuiiteXsf t l.inilV ' a S a' j w , - a j m nn 1 ia weiiiniw uwiiiihw "e - liiuDClal.OM ufany upMMMi.dellli. raie.) SMtneo, t., ..oh uf the nuMl.irnui m rn-au inwBpiaun. ih.i .Mii countrv haa produced Ii w n anileM froS thss pasaagea mat . - , . .... .L. tr . tJ,.( laid aaide all cuna.i.uUunal il.u nuna.ii uii.aial nttealin Ii aeruuira i - - f...-..i-i. ........1. ihC.a.tiiu.iu Ii lam ri iaiiun nur.u Id. uuwer iu nuauiwM - -r ,,r..- . .. . ..K Mr in .he $iijjtcifHty ol in ri'nwiii. wrn, a . .. J ... ... at aaS llawat 4ha4t 41' .Ml. Ml lllrttWiaeiraMaiMn - r .1, nil.v.. ... ! ' - ' . . J...J ... .. 1....1. 1... -It V n. Uuren. -ui oi i.i.i u.. ....mi.... s Ills olimloii waa umw.r.. i - ripreae.J pla nly eniHtgh, s u. the .tl.ci.d ...r U.Imm's coura. ; in givii.g'.hia aanelion Iu ll.e ...1 . i..... ..... i.i I . uiletl PHalea na mil i.Hui'-'".a . . hia upoilon. U.e puw-r can so !... . V" . . .. ..... I.... kii,. I.' rtarllr-ia Jkl'K nj . vt. .... - - 1 a...l nlil.oi.irh In- haa hiiuwn n p..-,.-. frimiu l en'el lii.11 opmimi. in""---; IU..U ai.d Ibeve weie ctauntsmcs UmI U Longieaa - ... f. H..f.,Jii t.t lliw w . .. ... I 1. .a. laBlSI in In- fi.'-i .ti.esw.jje, Jel ibis .imi......h----"- all siH-ceedii.g one. eie ao ra-.... -. ...I ,Za hia beat Inenda cuulo no. Wittl cerwisiy. liner "-r - -. uoun the queiitim tdreer.arterjltH3i, be - .- ....... L. Mjim. atoutil ua ..' - ..f fkhlll lid Hie VUflwimr niil" - 1 -- - .....1 "" - " " L' ...... ..iu... Iitcta ...... !...- wihii iiiihiii --1 . t . ... M -a,u. -; ndhn. 'J' 'U h n'ln.d iu re- - . 0-rflh,....a.ur. (o chtl.f , MW trtM( ,a aauUdituw Lk, ... 1 bad variuita reastnta lor ihiai:Miiif.nd 5 a 1 . .la4 aaa.wf -J -a -a .JheM lu.l IIICnWem' "uT" i...ka.-. U Jiny subject, were r w - v - ,fcia,ub,r. SI tauil uptw. -T-- ' . ....k uolof " I fc. allnded. Would Vos epdl .beqww- On th. e--.ir.ry. . !' lorn lai rrviiBi)vit w - . .L. svtbm. .My ea.lne 1 . . .It Itavnl IdR dv w de upea. sna re-,.- uwMaiiw :-- .iinni ital in thia ll.iuse. US : aw na I ... Miiare- deciaie ot. thia . pontic and I dt-UMUoh. d usveuudoutu that Ibe if all circOiualaiices had beea " favtHabit), to ra- shaner the late bank. " . ..f the first meesaff". IH29. in. - - , - . of the law ereatiiig the prese.il bank had . ..' 11 .,.ul...Mllil s larse pormsi I .... . ....IM IM If 1 H ni in u.. . awen ...' Y """7 '. l ...u.ir Ii. SUIT IS ( CIlnaillMk-nB." 10 mr w ' - 4 IU n.u i .Kii.ii inH, im m .". Hi uitiminiw". -( - - . . . n 1.. hia annual nMwaasi. in S hrsuieT- Ih-. nothing b -r-. to a aw. w aai taasaaa ai w.. w ie-- IbsnK.s i7S5. ;. . ha .lUMvhMUiao IPHO .... ,J .... au. .j. .,., f .h. pre. 10 hs .av B.nk ' Ul ! ..,-,,.-. to ohvistesll eoosiiio.H-is. .no ; ,, , a-brTHI 10 is. 7 II .. erssmf wrgsa. au:aa) Baw .. Mf. IlleaX IH , - i Aw la.laam.al a a- aak a. 1 1 ta alWaTTUBWNI IIISJ a aai- Ob the resoluiios id s genilewan """Tg ufB( for upmaw's'sske, and ju.uly be une Clayton.) P"1 M f11Bf"lf,l2. u?E..ep..r..n.ge in cwairelhrg tlec uma fair. f the bank ; ay. -r, sv. 1 m tbsvs., "ecrMM1); ,nM,ni ,d .mvrg .he roe url report id tb minority of lb ComwiUee ul aa a J t -.. tiiy uf tb WiyaaUd Mean-. m Sf aiVr" ' "ir' .- . single ra-Brk ew Id be dslecled aJrtM Hi impruvewHil by The' Vederaf Utivemm. bt J i.r.- aiiher of ihese clasaes ul gentlemeB, 10 ' . . ,19dil. l'ien.. bask., butihraiastd ibelaal pruul whira the fieaiSnat yawhatbe had ap SWTnirw ro " reeharier the Ute bank. In bw veto uf lbs bill uf IMS he spiesnes bmwrlf in tbe llliv ing language j" I smrerely reget that, is the sit belies aie, I can perceive bmiK uf thuar niuu.fir, UiMMjuf ihs bank charter wbra are aeeeaM.ry, in my up ni., la make it eumpatihls with lie, wuh aound H'T' ' lb ('stiii Imm of ear euaalry " Who now shall ay l it the Piesidenl waa not htmaelf a bank mas. .t that be has sol determined in rreharier in lai hank, had 11 received rwidiflcaiKiea wmluf untile Io hia views f Dm I am able to ral- aiKiie turiber svulenew f Ike flexibil ly ff n e priiiciidea ot tbe rriy upon ibia aoijd - rue genileiuan (Mr Juhnann) whs waa wreckd by the Hluiii.ie Cunveaiiua K AH the sscwnd tf. hue in ihe Uuvermnenl, and to near lbs ser od honor in ibe gift of 1 be party, waa aidorHity an alvial uf e nauk.ai ibe tiuie he waa humi liated by the CuMveaiiun. whaievr uuiy be loa vit wa ai this Uina of anew an iiiaiitaiHwi. - I'bs President kits fermahed the world wt H evident- wbieh I have not tei noticed ibal be ia aeiii.er so mucb uppuaed to a bat k, r to bank men. as ihe PublM bave lees made i tielive It well known that S'ler tb eUUatewl -f ibe ds piM.ii- qiieatiue in 1834. Hie- Freaideiit bad n-prt-si d a deal re iu re orgn .- hi ealam 1, s S to miike 11 a wail. and. runaeqnenily, ioiri ! it greater euergv in currying ibe urniey ul "is Aiu!ii.airaiiNi Mr clme, ui ine state i paiinier.i, waa gr-rwrallr upnied to riiflV-r wuh thi firatdem in hi view ut"'' IR euiiiect n a bank, it mS ul Ihe bank. II- renred. Well, air. Jiw aa ine plaoa alM ? y ' a yentiamjiu Mr iihviIi) inniiiiiNhd niuujli U M I rue. t' hia lali-nta anl -iici'H, but 11.1l at all r. ruaikaiilf tur mh.-li iiiiaiini uimn the u j:t ul Hie bank I In g n'biiiau, lit the temu no un Dir 1. iiiuval ul On tieuu Ilea, rupr--Via Oa- ' ctd. d op 0 in fav.ir d thr ruetiuev "I ra- oparli-rnig ihe bank, wnn wiuie luunioeaiH'iia j V hal.Ktr. ra we lu undi riaml no, atlh all ih. . lai-: ht-lore na. are iht. ml dictriurs and iM.li. t ul tl.t' pant in relation lu 1I1K qneanon of bauk 7 Une Itiliiff S. leaal In Ceilain I alia that la. ibal whtr triers baa been so uiueli ta- . .maia'-ene) . nd su lllila regard tor aeet-,ef 1 pnncipla bereinfise, there can he mi s;rimsJ f , , ouofi.Kinoe fur Ihs Isiure Ii will screely say , . , j priae thia ll.aise. alter aba" I have akowa ia r. 1 ,. .. Iaiiun to the upinsais uf the oral ne-a hubs' ssr) ; , ty, that thw is the msiiI spon whlcb I ha brea J 1 luoat pressed, noiwniy ov me sowmv. pec. , . puraueis, bal by Ilia rrsaiaeei SjitewMi. ia. - , . " v who bad tar uii ripped wa ia bis views oa r . -Ihe subject til a baiik betug willing -aiMi - . una st ihe seat uf Govrrnno-itJ-a aaitoml sank, , founded upon the putihe eradp escb a bask af . - .' wtwld have aauciMied twly wbee t waa presu- a, , sd to surrender every guaranty ut hbesiy in lb ( t . , ' - l ..d..inullon floudrawud Ma. deSOuaee hi ( entertaining opinetiis favorabls Wa bank f '-Aad T' " J bUiMired ul biaieal ciuieiii. bavs. in Ihls way, " . ! been made to believe ibal my ftrtowwr St.!'". ' j oji perntcsHia snd nmnsinajs charsrtef I Uui, to amie enu to ine rasa-en ni ui tite ... . ... . . . .... t-..- uattv, U.4 hm ins w note m-iwar. rewaj ,r deb gallon vote tor ibe bai.k ekarter ia IMl t ns waa nut -'-'-'" - patriotic Mate unanimously is faVoTuf .tbe bask lit that ear f A mi jmiiwa'a w " ft- i 1,.. link, aihal ulies. WliSl evttlMu;w - bsvr ibe) svi-r giv.a to the country thai tby i,w ars not ready any day to anppirt a baak ebarteff when llahall ba reeouimendeu aa a wen. , aure by Hie leaders d the iriy The tuene ' . . ' .f 1 - ... .. . 1. la-rs id the party now Virginia runri..r ,,. .B a charge id such gr.w dtargard d prtnciplen : Iwi there ia one chaiga from which I eaouol e .Mieraie tliew I . Ibal will. Ibell tyea t Sj ' and when mey see and kn. w thab-a iiu.ji roj .4 then party aHa.iao tii Hon H. iine. and in he ouu.r).are prered tiiaai.eiiuii a bank, and tv r: mbei uu-aaur wbieh ihey prolraa to -deuut. )" they anil prulea- u take their preaeat courae 111 pHtuca npun Hie g -wind id" pfiiMjip. J I have d -ni , Mr thaumau. wuh ibl ' a eraiKHi l teat qn.iioiia The e. ulin ratio way no' be iipl. ie.bii' I think I have Mi.iHed none . I a p ruwiieirt and ..inuring aa.nr. . Well, sir, what ciMirloa.oiis may we ju.lly draw o in ihubrufo view ul'ihertstrae .4 ih nanr hereiofure t W lore, air, aie ih.ae proe. 'iiilea ol ihe pary hteh. II lasan! mutt tj t'P hklu ? ih" pump" which, like ue Li"a itself, ! mhsI It fttttrvtd t th ee priiKTii le wbuU. juaufy .saou.M Jficb a ndattaula ilo., m una a device aa the IValnnHUr naiv. oih i. lor he election ul a ri-atoii. ina.eau t - a 1 . ...l..i.... at... l..f.h m. I tr ai!inumatai iinaia 01 i-im;..... eei f here are h prtneiple w bn h juidiry ibe upen and dneci mu ihi. ice m tne r.anra- 1 ... .. 1 . ... , . n. ..f .nit th (un fits in ine BifC'"m " .... i-uv . -- aeaueol prantiuuon id ibe whole pairot.aue uf " .. r .. . 1 t Whn. I ra. Ilm liuvsriitueui 10 iiai 'j-" . . - ta-ai, and what are ihtwe irnietpi-a wn.n, ... Endangered by dividing ihe pnr.y ? W bal are . r a. I ... .a.tflaiaw Sl V Iran iboa. uimtlplea w nu n tea.ur j-a" ' ' . .1 . . v .. m .11 Im. u.nurlni sS Buna (ll uaruour; ""- , . . ..... vi l... il.. n.ifirii k-rn dividing 1 lie pwrij r r. ' : - which another isarneo aae.-ia. . nreme C urt -I ihe United Keu-a (Mr Vt-t .J r . . . ...... ik. u..Uiniat bad in b.a mtno nen m - laat mmnh i i fsv, ul ibe practwe e. n.Mniaaiuma ? havehown mat mr .. it.. diMumalii uar.y sanetioo renxval .-. J; " " ... lhM , ra.ab- I T . . , .V.t n. i in tavur uf lhee,peH..ures MP-f W) "- W r tiut-llaarni in avsry, startca m me p u.w -r,- vieeT ut. ahov. all. I bavs Snu.n inai rf WJ . . ".a a .-.aL-aa'Jwwwwssnva sreprejarsd to sancnon andjuatity ibe dwet- Snd uoen imefterenre ol ine rrawioewi ir .m lee'eiwta ma "-" . ... . ar ".atliat tAi i ........ ..nirk wuuiti mi lurtner.r II, ...IW " . I. J be III" principles woc 1 r-- . j 1 j terved, that every other e.a.eiderati.Hi s 1 1..... . ... a., ifniuiri.ni u ..tu and nractiee mOM W m-trw.v-.- . j- WW I I . . lrauiuled Uimhi f ' V bal Ste those princip'edf trdersl pvny which ibe i -yV rve auhorrenee. and bow do 1 , -w urae.MW ot ii 1 are uutfhl deserve d I .. , - I ,rter fr-n lH-e d the party m f 7 v , m. member id lb. House do me 'i f,f . - ....aai.daai 4 I 1 I B m if' - f ' ATiiie, w7. than .he pMe. 'ki;d to heluna: to lb ssl- e; eoniuitted 1 - t ..jwiil'i. a.H.i.1 that T ."e is no 00 partnerahip eaauiagl Wt tC ubsenhers at thia time, nor has ibere b-va ainee tbe first av td.Junuar W . " . HENRY W. CONNER, H u. 1.0NQ. r . June 35, IWO. tf-40. o the pre. wt - y. a.

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