V Xi - J " f1 b. ,, S. A4RYLAND ELECTIONS. The riaruairuiB .Mry lane lea ve no room to doubt that tli Whin ha carried a larire mt i irtiy of 'he eouoiie,and the Hoots uf Delag aim, and thai the Suteia dead against Van buren. Frederick, Anns Arundd and Annapolis which one m uilh ago elected Tories, have now elected Whist, Montgomery, thra divided now electa all Wbtgs, tl art lord then all Van Buren, now is half mJ half. The party haa killed lis.fl by the atrocious cmduot of the 19. It is to be hoped the Mfractwy 19 will now consent In rtve Ma r j laud a Uovermoeut Richmond Whig. irMAittimNirifcECTioN At the elect ion held cn Monday last through oot the State uf Mary land for Delegate to Hie General Assembly of that State our readers are already apprised of the success of the Whigs in the eny of Annapolis, and of ihe greatly reduced majority if their opponents in ihe city of Balti more. We eoiuinue i he return a far as they have reached m:JSat. hit PmwcB Gaoaoc's Co bitty. II L Cnmhs. (W.)778; R Ul.i-mlin. (vV J7ii; VV.i. II Tick, ( W ) 774 i B L lia I W ) 750 ; II Day (V B ) 61 ; H C Seun, (V B ) 6J5 ; I' Ikld win.fV U ) 586 i T B Cranlord. (V. U ) &4'J. Avenue Whin; majority 179 S. Fuwli r was dented ShmrTof the coomy. Baltimobk Coustt. Drown t 814 I WmUiingtoo 2.523 Ely 3.5fi I Showers 2.17b Rmteaa 3.173 l Orrick 1,773 j hiii v-siey vvaik-r was eluded noerill o.' the Uy ami cour.ly of llalllnore, by a majority of 1.37 i vow ovW bia loading jipumiil. ...... IUUTFOHD VOUJfVY. "fww;;Kl ! Burenitt ?-rm? . B liinxitia Hough B.yd 1 HI j Mai-y 1,24.1 1.151 1 NeUro 1.136 1,11) Forward I.IIH .If welt 9 Hi G tiiuh is considered a fTh fiction nf Mr. great iniiuiph. ho having vol-,) fur the 'indemtll ty' last win'er.on v. hichc account the wlronjf- el urrHmle-f)Mms weiw niade sjsinl hnn. The v ile in a lull as wai ever taken in the eoun ly and ia conclusive that II trtford i against .Mr Vn Buien J ' Mi. (Jarsins (Whig) elected Sheriff. jtws'vj tuxjzL cojyty The Wfl S ticket oioc.-eUed throughout. C"tn pleie reiunis not rceivt.:. piiKnuaicKcobWrv. No V-in U iilii n.k.l run; u iiihsiariilinjf wl.icn, mi v Iiijjh p.iln.j i,re vim i.tr iln tr Uckei limn iiu-v .(! hi ili-i- S'-fHoiMDrr election. yM Burt Mum LeiVHiKMley rt'indi Uniher 2.005 a, 009 1 .iM 1,64 ' , "Nwbntt nwVHi Lear. - 1 .04.) I.o.o l,4i!l wMirun hi lie luarit trn which ml the - ,laatlictioufv I V..I. B.ir-i luujwity. " .'J'-'-.v. tUBJST COUNTY-.-'. The Whig ticket elecie.l, but complete re- - . Inmaxot received. Mr. CulKmjfh ekcied Slier lU.i t -i,m 1.258 1.JJ4 1.21 1 l,i.2 1.174 Ileiiiittraon Ftt:stt Taylor fgUia) M 1.1 19 j i iiECAftlULA HON. Ifig Van Burtn. '. " Bilitmnre Ciiy; 0 2 , . "B-lii.nora tood'y 0 4 't AftiiHitis Cny 2 0 I..XjAi)ne Arondet 4 0 - v lUrtlord" 2 2 ; X'eeil-- ' 0 4' " V- 4 0 , Q ieeii Aina " 0 0 T.ltM 0 0 S.m. iwt 0 0 Wdieeslef 0 0 Direhler 0 0 Pi;ne U -ofiie'a 4 0 M'lnlanncry 0 -0 Si Ma'y'a 0 0 CaUen 0 0 thnrlea -0 0 fndrik 4 0 V k-.hnigtua 0 4 Alli'2U..y 0 0 Our.il in- 0 0 CO IMENTS ON TH.K RESULT. Float the .Maiyl iiid Clirnicle of yesterday. THE ELECTION. Lust Mmidnj'seleemH U u iiverlly regarded as tmiclutive ol the oie f Maryland, Uxm the Prvwideiiiial quesiiiin. There is not a city or cnuniy hi Hi State, so fr h-ard from, in - avhiitlt th' tirtifli "f ihe Vn Uuten party, hik no been dmiir.mlied. This cily, we have, n Mie fell aoop. lopfkid off upward uf thihtlcii HWDaCD of that vote umi which iur op;Miienu rel ed ae an index ol the pililiia of I lie Suite. In Kederii k county they did nut prexuirw loniine an oppiimn. In Anne Arundel, where their camli. tales prevailed at the Septeinhei elei'tion, by an overwhelming vote, tables have been turn ed. In Hartford, where their ranjority was nearly two hundred, the Whigs have naceeeded in eli c tiii two of their cand dates, and in t'ei-il one of thrt Whigs is within thirty-sever! voU-e nf bung - eln-ted We do not doubt that the returns from th other counties wilt exhibit a like increase of the irt renfth of the Whig party. Under these riiwiiBDStani'es, we feel authoriz ed :o asit'ire our friends abroad that the vole of A'ar)laml,on the Presidential election, in no lon ger matter of controversy. Whatever pruepeet ol Miixwae Mr. Van Uuren mat' have had. hue beeu biastrd by" the indiscreet arid atrocious at tempt ol a..me of his agents to involve the Stale in the horror ol Kevolutnni The United Statu Senate. The term of ser ice of thf folfowiiig Senators expiresoif the 4lh ol Man-n next ; ' John Pa?e, - New-Hampshire tjioiiriitt, - ' Verwiout, New-Vofk, Pehnsjlvanta, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carotii.a, Georgis, KoiiiiK-ky, tltiio, - - - Lii"iana( liidiaua, . :'','v llllUOIH, T Oideim Tmnftliuton, . , ' ,. Haniitel PrtiUim. vVjVjaya Wnirhi, Jr. ,' .WInev Buel.hnan, Uttbtnvah. . r mm 11 . . Xft AJfn'd Cuihborf, if. r 4, a i Henry CUnj. . i I r? : W-.u. Hendricka, w " I t ...... vauriet .voore . Alaliaina. Loo i K. Linn MiHSouri, Thoae in ttaltce are Wh.irs. - Jour Cotrn ' , PENNSYLVANIA. Thankful fur email favors, the Tory Prints r crowing loudly over the Inspectoral Elec ti.,H, w'nioh lottk plaoa last Friday mk- Pnunsyl. viiiiia'. These' prove very Tittle one way ir, an. ""-utb',r. The lospeciora ara the offioexa who pon duel l!i elecliori. and pirtit a selJoio tliinti it wetih while lo try 4beir ttrengUl ! 'kifruishing (or them when the main battle ia tube fought in a few day As far as iihey1 do in-licate knv ihing, the Tories seen to hafsvearried fhe day. et Monday ia tbo iuiportant day Richmond rw Mil - ' i From the ICawnpha Banner. rOLITJCAL RACE COURSE. ,.- v .4.iUuow;.,Tjck' . The rail raeea over thia eelebrated coarse will shorify "come (iff.1 Some tlioroogh bred noraee have already entered furthetweeratakea. Great pun ana nirn aemvg First on the Iis4 is Ilia bob tailed city bred pony Kintterhook. He is in first rate kerpin, and has hitherto run well over the provincial ronrsea. The Sourihern blonds are rather doubtful sa to his keeping tha track, bavioflr on aome former oo- caiona bolted. He is, however, In he rode by a celebrated j'icky from Tennevsee, OH Hickory, wtiich mapires irieat eonftdence amongs nor there eporis nen. 1 he kn iwing ones of that revion are backing himtat great odds, nginsl the field. Nen comes the Tennessee Grey, a thorough bred nair nf vreat snirit and surnosed boitum. He wan formerly under thV tnmiriir of the cel ebrated J M-ky b fore named, Old lliekory, bat havin'' kick! him on several ucrasKMia as be was curryimr him down, his caia was thencefor ward tunlerred lo Kinderl.ook. The two alrea dy menlioned were named on the same conme. and are aaid lo be very spiteful Inwards each iher. i here will be aome hard paJnea between these two towards the south western point of the course during the first heal. O'd Hickory pre tend to aay he wilt be distanr-ed t Wt shall see) , La.l. but utt least !ones Tippecanne, an old cbiirer of fine tneial and hotlom. He haa been turned out for some yeais until his mane and tail are matted wuh hurra He is lobe rode by an ak'vard countryman (fresh from the people) TheBe two laitet cirrinns anup hive Wen the caub of great inernmenl with the silk slocking (jenny, bul nany g.ai judiresilo not hesitate to ay ihl lie w ill make lU hub tail fuot it haod soiin ly to brat huu Ho cornea upon the tuif in the finest style im agniahlM bead and tail right up, aod moves off ai the t;ipof the drum, like an array w ith banner. ''He ik uhI like a .-as'le." and of the very best Viigmia kiM-k He has had liitle or no training, hm l.m barki.ru look to his wind and boltom to make up tor any ui fi:iiicy on that score. One IIiiiik in iHjriam of Old l ip. he will never bolt H g -srijfhi a had lo the end of the heal, let who will bo bwiire of b h'nd. ft will donb less (H'ii niatltif o) lolliille sport, should the iiorihern kuiiwioK ones "ue bti" by this r untrained old hi4 laeky . Sueh liungs have been iWir-heiuTe; and will be done agiin All we can say ai ore 'nt is.ttiat Whoever beats Old Tippecam must loot it iiaudanmeiy. 1 be other Jocki'ys are ev idently alarmed mnce hn sppeand upon the course He wnlks II in first ain a'yie i and all acknowledge that the bone and nms l are there. The lutotiie groom of the bob tail, I'. Ritchie, is saul to have lt hi appetite and his at-'usiomed confidence tojjether, both unusual things for him. iiis judgment wk never known to fail hut once, and that w.ot in precis. ly singular ca.se;when an tdJ charier of unpromising apH'drance beat the lavonie najr of his own training V hat a etngular --iglit n w ill he to tee these three nugs as they move off. The bob tail.with his rider, in all Hie pomp and paraphernalia of a ihon.ngu bred offiuiaUidtng as if ''by authority.'' ad having al the same li ne the advant"ea of the iMd(t wh:Ui the ola Grey and ulT Tip have to fuot ii on their own l-g We raiher eoxpect thai old Tip will make the burnt fly as they approach the wesiern po'ni of the course, as ii is uudi rstood hy the knowing ope he will make a paaa al lite bob tail thereabouts. Old Hickory swears -by tun Eternal,' that he will umt:mce the olu Grey at leasi.and it ie supposed by loauy thai he will attempt to r.de hi.n do it The old Jkey luik-i rather queer, wuh his long legs lat.giing lo the ground as he turns in the rmlii and K fl, aaggenng and boaiilinu of the proweiw ..f a. ... ... i I k. . a a . i ma inue uruicn pony ne swears, H Kunir liMik don't loot it, he will g t down md beat the old tjirny mi (K,. 1 ho barkers of the pony con less, a the tune draws near, that ihey deend mine on me rmer than the horse w hile the south ern bloods launt htm by eaying that nu rider cm keep ahead ol hi saddle. The rider of old Tip ......... L I , . . " ii uin:ng Hiuri anu mot-Kasins, hai a torn anawK and lutcher knife in his bell, and does not lok unlike a Hotter or a Buckeye. !! rides oatebacked, sits his hore straight as an In dian, and aaya little. He has however a know uieer.as i.e casts Ills eye and rolM his an d every now & then towards the immense crowd t.f countrymen who cheer him no, as he walka round he oo-trse. TV northern knowing ones pretend kt ridicule old Tipthey tell him "he ia spavined" "paces behind and trots before" "blind nf one eye, can't nee of t'other" "that hta tail has U.n drove in ..... Htt.aay to all this, "lithe crtuer he ride don't make the pony 'feel fcmall ai d look inean' beloie atiow falls, Iheu call htm a liar thai's all." THE SENATE OF MARYLAND. Tho annexed article, from Urn Annapolis R. publican, conveys information which cannot but be- exceedingly gratefpl to the ptoplt tf Iht Stale of Maryland, aa well aa to the whole Union: A Dawning r Light We have good authority for atuitrtinn that John S. S. lltnan, Eq. and wo have reason to hone that his colieagno. Wesley Liuthicutn, Eaq also have said that if the Van Buieu ticket is de feated in Anne Arundel county, they slull considei it as an cxpreneton of the will of Ibe cuiinty against the course ibey. aa Eleo tors, have pursued, and aa an instrurtion fur thcuitogo into the College and qualify, and that they $hull d so accordingly. ' w beard iV asaetlcd thdt the MilmdtiatattiKiliiin .'creBorToTAniip.' olts has uttered , similar language in icgard to our city election, but bip Hot been able to trace the re pur t to distinct anthoniy. We hv furtlref Icarncrl, from what we Hc-ni giHMl authority, that $even of the tihm twn Kleftws re I aged to enter into furiher oliltgtioii not in any event to meet the Col b'ge nnd qualify, than was r.npltd in their joint publication; and that a one of them re served a written un ers'o;iing, that if they found it xiK dieni to return and qualify, they should be ai -liberty to do so without ben g t hargeahle with a violation of good niui wan uittir associates of the leebf nine HORACE EVERETT ELECTED. The Van Buren papers have aaitl and repeated that Horace Everett not e. Jecled from Vermont.' The r.laromnnl tN- H; ,E"fle ruu, on lhe tilhority of a letter from Wra.dainck,'fVt.) tnat Mr Ev. ertfll it re-elected to Cougress, by a majr- iiy of from 40 to 50 votei. AH the lowns inthet Diatriet Itave been heairt! Iriirn, giv ing Mr. EvrptiU .clear majority of about 200 votes over Pstridge and Fiint, which was reduced to. between 40itnd 50 by bout 160'tcattoring votes. i " . IV. learn iliatf tha raetA'las'erdereJ a Court ef lawniry, to eonsiat of Major General Macomb, aa President ; Bridadier Generals Bia dyand Atkinaun, nembers, j and Captain Samuel Cooper, as' Judge Advocate and Recorder ; to be held al Frderick, Maryland, as aiam as the slate or Iheservie will permit j of which Ihe ftesi tent of th B.iM tvitt WmiiMi?mmi gale the eaawes of ihe failure of the eunipaiii" it Florida eadet General Suoiland General Gaiuea, and ol ibe delay in pruaecutina the cemuaiun gatnat tbo Creek Indiana in Alabama. .Vero potitan. At a puhlie dinner to Mt. Bell, in Tennessee, me roiiowtng well-deserved compliment was drank in full bumpers : "Daniel Webster i A nsme not nnfiilv asso eiated with those of our distinguished guests, as being, not of 'the part, nor 'a party,' but of 'his country hia who o country, and nothing but his i-uuoirv. The Globe affects to be in agony that such a .nasi siioqmi ne given within the dmniniou nf 4n drew Jaikson, and thinks this is enourrh to m duee ihe .State to vote fir Van Buren imuead of Its justly -esteemed favorite.Mu.lire White. Km Tea iieesee has proved herself loo independent to oney me oictsiion either ol the Globe, or the king, tia maaier. ratrtat . We marvel that a nurtv' ahitnM k . shamed tif iis 'seandjdleat"iw we presume the van uiirenties are. from the circumstance of ihe omiMinn of their names on their printed Eleem ral Tickets. We would adNe them lu I mk out for candidates whose names will not discredit the Electors. lajnth. Virginian. The Washington correspondent of the Newark Daily Advertiser gives the follow ing as of undoubted authenticity. Scent at a Fathionuble Party While Mr. Forsyth was at the court of Madrid his reputation as a gallant man stood as high in that nation, as it had previously, and has since, stood at home He was ambitious of the honors of a Grammont. and wnui.l seal eel y disdained Ibe fame of a Ro..ster. At onof thrt splendid parties Given in Via- tlrid Mr Fi-rsyih bad jHt waltzed with a laiiy, who was considered the most distin guished of the court for her beauty and ac complishments At the close of the move meiit Mr. Forsyth hands the lady to a Vat on a sofa, and w ated himself by her side, She sccnsied him in Spanish. Mr Fori ylh shrugged up bis shoulders, blushed, bowed, and contrive I very auci incily to make the ladt understand that he knew no Ibing of Spanish She ex jessed some sur prise, but recovering herself. )Mlitev d diesstng bitn in Fitnch Eutendee vouz?' The thou I d-n of the minister were shrugg ed again, the dye in htsrhe k was ruddier, and the raising of his,haud and eye-brows bowed he was again at f ult. The lady, almost, dweoncerted, tried him in a f tr i language. " Did he iindeistand Italian ?" It was sll in vain. The minister, through aome kiud medium, replied that he knew none of I ho languages. The phil-soph. and politeness of the fair questioner vani-b- eo tngfinw, and bursting into an immo.ier ate hi or laughter, which infefled the wholi ',,rf ,j.c,.,l,e'' ,n nn tongiie- - unuersia it no linjjiiage-T IT."a v ens t The unite. i states has sent us a mu'e for a mm i.im r i l i . .? uiiin wciine so annoy ing that Mr Forsyth, una bin to endure it nw no jeii me room. It was long, however oeioretlie rircumstancp was forgotten, oeut ve, nowever, that Mr. Foisith speaks A. IvCl ... .i. i n -'wu cpameu ana rrench since that day. From the Lincoln Transcript ma k I ne ixirih Carolina Standard seems to lake it in high dudgeon that the friends of JuJire White I 1 .1 I l. a? . ... nave oeen round eating and drinking at (ViiMwrvugn, rayetiviiie. U islow, &c . and seems l he greatly alarmed lest the cause niuperaiMm inay nave miflnred rli says "they cui sucii wild antics , fairly lu out jump Jim Cmw." This i- pungent; "yon have a nimble wit,' f hllo (aa Jaque said to Orlando) "I think it was made at Atalaula's heels," or, aa Jaques saja of his fail, he hath 'in his brain (whi. h is dry as a remainder biscuit after a voyage) strsnge placca crammed with observation, the which he cuia in mangled torms Philo seem- to thnk the electing of a Governor ia no matter to rejoice about, and that leaating is unpardonable. Weil, Viouiu nu lurgiven, tnis ihiug or the feast - k u.ueingwn one sine must t raiher unpalat able to those on the onpMite side. Yi cause nl rejntcing! why did Philo before ihe elee ....... ... wi s wiwupn .promise tuhave ins iarKe vun nred when he heard th. ,..i.o but it so turned oat that Philo and R.,.,n... Spaight were lound largely in the Minority; this he appears lo think livhtlv of he 01 w. mm I- . I. ie nicnaru uoons sink or swim wreck or no wreca; -as ii is a spare life look yoo, it fits his nu.n.ir wen; out as mere is no more feasting in it, it goes much against his stomach." - Tub Great Match Kentucky ogaintt e. The ir.atch between Kentucky and f tiff' ....... L. . ... J Tenmitee, m VlintNIUH, -ftt in. nft nmnm .1... 1 1 ...... .... v.ii ui ri inn . jiiiis.iii. ... isi mi. ituaoion waaihH fhmni ..t .7aluckf Jt .Aiigiira appear w the part of y ..r0. 4 ne purse was 15,000. but the by- kJ m7 . n DP MJ "o ran in ihe Western count r. Th.:, " Rudolph, which is thus stated by the Joor- "I'robaly tenthrmsand persons .inM .t. eoulest. rhe track, m .u. . , ooiooh anti violent rains waa in . m.t execrable cdu-on Angora t.aik the lead at t.rtinr .j i. . L.?. the middle of the second mile, Wl.en Rudolph paswd her with the uiinost case, and cameoi P.t the end if the fourth mile mora u. .t.-.. a yards ahead, completely distaRoing hia enmoeti i.,arrd thus deciding the eonieatThe he w.i T X?lMU 58 ro"as- "Jpfc. "utwi.h ... -.wuiupiiaiieu ine oistance in a I SSI I a. a. t mm fTk.u..k V....L L L . mm. .Annnvaj oratpn lennessee tha latter.we are sure, w ill not "slay beaten " Thi ownernt RiMlclph has been off. , md 15,Uf)0 f.,r him. which bemused. He ortg.n.lly C one hundred and fifty dollars ' ' ,.FOR SALE, THIS OFfJCE . 0aHiK, Sept. 1,? From Tri"M-Wk h"e this utotnent learned by an arrjvat Iwm Galvesinn Texas, l fllr ina inforiuati. froiw that an'trter. f ,Th election ihere baa resorted in the eleva.ton of Uoust.in to V the Presidency, and Lam ir loihe Vice rreat- oency. Atiother'siteinpf,' which proved onsuo eeeafiil, hat bee rnadby Sp?mrif Ihe name of Payes. lu ruacua.Jiauu Anna. Upon being examined, he stated th.it he was, employed fur ihe purpose by the Mexicsn Cnnsdl of this city ; ibis,1 Iwwver, is doubtless void ol all utiuua Tha armed Texian anh'. Terrible had taken fJLHf!M! .vbiclt wM wwt in lor adjudication. The Texian army, lwui 3000 strong, ba.1 rn moved thnin encsmnment to the Garctie neat Matagorda Bay. . Nacoodochis ( 1'exa,) An 29, Proclamation from Gen. Sam I Houston to the citizeru of Tcxut : -.,- - i r rom reports which have reaohod me, I am induced to believe that our situation is iinsal ' ; soma Cherokee with the native Casiillnvis.havfl retorted lo the Cherokee villain from Maiumn ras.and say that the Indians nn the Prairie and a Mexican force are about lu aitack this poiiinn of Texas. The counties of San Angostine, Sa nine, lanahaw and Ueval. as well as Nounirdii- ches, will forthwith oruainse the inilnia of each county. The following lequisittons are made to sustain the United Staten lorce at thi place, mi ul reinforcements can arrive at this place from Gen. Games, viz : Sixty -Mir from 8n A gustine, fifty six frum lanahaw. filly six fr:tn Snoiue and thirtv.ilir.xi fruin, Beval,k,Jrbfc iroous will repair tu thisi place won iite. reast prnwiDle tf. lay, aiu! rennrl to the commanding general aa aeon they srriva Tins call ia made rhnnrgh the JiK'gea of tha several eounties. and must be rairarded as the law f the land, the troops will only be detained a few days, so soon m Gen. Gaines can tend rein- foreementa to thia place, they will be tfischar- Let arms ami ammnnition be brought ; at least one handle J rounds are reij nested. Th oin- manoer in eniet will bo with tha freemen of I exaa. If they have to meet sn enemv all th. men of Texas must have their arms in order lo have liberty, we mtMt be watchful. Signed, S. ..I. HOUSTON; com. in chief. LATLST FROJM FLORIDA. Cfcrrfctfo Sept. 23. Br the arrival at lhu Do1 vnnliilili tf ika chiwirr Moinm. Capt. Willy, we are mil in piamemion ur tne JseKsonviita Courier untie 22d , : a. a. ai . . 7 . inat.oniainiiig ihe loll owing accuont of a battle lougm whd the ladiana sear iMewnansville .. ANOTHER BA ITTK. ' - We have been favored with the perusal of' a letter, dated Fort Gillilatid. Sept. 18th, contain ng tbo subs anee uf a report to the Cominmder m chMofa battle with the Indians, fought on the 19th instant, near Newnansvttle. On Sunday evening, the I7ih, the Indians CAine within a mile ol that Fort and ca pi nred a carl and fired on three whites and two negroes. As ii wss too late and rainy lu make a success ful attack that night, spies were sent tudieeovsr he iusiiionU ihe Indians They are posted a ibe neighborhood of San Felaimu hammock. Sunday morning1 Col. Warren marched out to u'ive battle with" 130 mounted men. being de ach neut iron Capi. Walker's. Ward's, snd barriKHi's oompioi-ra, with 25 mm noder Cap !in Bnikhaiu. Who, their time ..f ser ice having et;Hrd. . lu ilrtered tor tfis special purnwe. and y-pv D. I) Tnnpk bh.IsI R g. U S. Artillery, wuh a 24 p Hinder- m,i i r an 1 45 of his men. I be advance waa in three colomns the riht under Col. arren. the left under Lieul. liol. lilia.and the centre, under Capt. Tompkins When within three fourrisf a mile uf th hat mock. they met the Indians, and the batiln hu meticed along the right wing and centre. The Indians attempted t-i tarn the left fluik. hut were charged with spirit by that wing and driven into a thick oak scrub, thence iuto the uorder of the hammock, where theanillerv play -d on iheu with ounaiderible effect. l'hen they attempted lo turn the right flank, but were driven. If by that wing, and into range again of the Artillery, which opened upon them with " great effect. 1'he Indians made deeper He attempts io maintain their pieition. They charg ed timet mi the Arttlliry. I'hey were beaten . ff at all points, and driven a mile knd a half into a denao hammock where they could not be pursued with ad yanUge.-Thaoti.Hi Jiiied ine hour and a half one hour nf whirh n.n. k. nesvy on ine wbole line. Their force was esti. mated ai 300 men. Indians -ere seen to fall hePire the fire of the Artillery ,t parlicttlnrhj on the lc1 Several per sons rep.1 thai they saw a mounted Imfian (from -ei-.-iitr giving orders and a Chief tall ociiretne nreol the Artillery. Adjt Gilliland rati Mil lei lhal kak mm . I s- as . B larift) ,emw mounted in front of the right, and from his recollection of his person minx he was Jumper. Adjutant G. or dered a platoon fired at him, snd several asaert that he fell. No Indians were found dead but from the traces of blond 'many must have been siueo ana wouuded. What larih.L -- .--...u.0 r.,,LB BATTLE IhlS fflUSt nave oeei ; nUht one hour and a half in three di pla. it4r an the time and I t. aa 1 " ftaaasaa ' lK ' ' . a """ near it an ye nation -draw a Lille nWti psEADr trt O ibe military glories of the Ad- miQisiraiioo. ED C. Wat. POaTUlalB'S BOIvflT 10,000 Dollars for 4 Dollars! The Ut h tings ot the NORTH CAROLINA OTATaO LOTTsSmr To be drawn n the fimular Tennmatingri: gure System. A a are m m urettuboro', on Saturday ,29th Oct PRINCIPAL PRIZES. rrize of Prixe nf Prise of V Prixe of 10.000 dollars, - 4.000 dollsrs, . 3,000 dollsrs, 2.000 dollsrs, f onn j..ii . 6 Priaea uf If priiee of tirjn. tn r itnH . v l2Trri- 200; beside, .,ra,.ya"'4'W0 " 'W' " of ins .11 t. i AT.?""lti' mount. rV V Dollars. A riertifigaie lor . Mk. Jr i. will cost onw 2ir ir; '. ters S"?4V!Te U had Z " " iw WHEELER & BURNS', October 1. iW JNiiy. N. C. ' ' - t. 1VATCIIMAN. Balislmry, Oft. 15, 1830. Wa'tci.mnn ! VVatchmnn.! what, of the nihi ? And the Watrliiiian answered" ;"sll 's rfulit' . ForfAe womiigcoel"lijitltAFOii White!!! rimu'u7oTijcKEr. For imrnMent HUGH h SOX WHITE. For lite President, JOHN TYLER. AoAimf Orricu t Dictation ! ! A I gainst CAtcrs Nomination !! Against rERSEcuTion Fun Opinions Sake ! A' oainst Extra vaoaivce a .id Corri ttio.n ! ! -Against Manwoiishif Abolition and Hdmbdggerv M HON. JOHN GILES, of Rowan. HON W J. ALFX ANDER. Mecklenhnrir. JOHN M. MOREHEAD. of Guilford. JOHN 1. LESKUR. ol Rockingham. COL AND. MITCHELL, of Wilkes HON. I. IJ.TOO.MER. of Cumberland. CHARLES MANLY, of Wake. WILLIAM W. CHERRY, of Bertie. ALFRED WEBB, of Rutherford. JEREMIAH PEARSALL. of Duplin. .vy. iiiiiiiv rx.itu. ul mnklia ! Dr. JAMES H. SMITH, of Orauire. ' a a IT ww an va . . i BMlufl I tULbM AIM , o Lenoir. JOHN L. BAILEY, of Paaquotank. Gen. J O. K. WILLIAMS, of Beaufort . THE VAN BUUEN TICKET. 1 be following is ibe Van Buren Ticke for North Carotins. Hon. NATHANIEL MACON, of Warren ROBERT LOVE, ol Haywood, JOHN WILFONG.of Lincoln, GEORGE BOWERS, of Ashe, WILLIAM A. MORRIS, of Anson, WILLIAM P. FEB RAND, of Onslow, JO.IN HILU of Stvkes. . ABMAM W, V EN ABLE, of Granville, Wm B LOCKIlART.of Northampton, LOUIS D. WILSON, of Edgecombe, OWEN HOLMES, of New Ha nover. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, of Rowan, HENRY SKINNER, of Perquimona, JOSIAH O WATSON, of Johnston. JONATHAN PARKER, of Guilford. THE SALISBURY INTERNAL IM PROVEMENT CONVENTION. -SUCCESSFUL BEYOND ALL CALCU LATIOV. This body assenHded in the Presbyteri an Church, in the town of Salisbury, on 10th of October, and continued in Session for three days. BARTLETT SHIPP, fc-q., of Lincoln, was chosen President, ami JAMES R. DODGE, and WARREN WINSLOW, Esq'rs. were appointed Sec retaries. Delegate were in attendance from nineteen counties, to the . number o( 131. V It included as much business talent and sound practical aeitse, as we have ev er seen collected together. There Was lio ittempt at bra7ory o sensible discussion, and many sound sta tistical views were taken of the various matters submitted. The members seemed to have come together, with the fixed pur pose of preparing to act : and the impres sum maue, we think, is moat favorshl. to the hopes of the friends, of Internal W provemenl the success of the proposition tin rnMAmmAnJ .1 ' ' . 1 " "u ",0 ",re nith and two fifths principle for the adoption of the Leg. without the least halting or hesitation, one nunareu wa thirty amonir the i aubstanlial and respectable gentlemen of 10 counties, selected from aU politicar parties of the Stole, gave the proposition a full 0O. ...y m victory out a most auaniciAi.-j glot ious one, .... v " copy the other resolution. th-v f 7k-m.i.. ; """"-"r norery .trong, bnt ,n annexion wuh Die reaolotio ot immeotately under the charter "granted ... .ci-o, .or a Koad from payeWefiIe "mmiipi thertarrpws,they too are encuuragmg. Ii W1 K- that books ar tK. J-- r .u - . m a snort time lor the tuhscriminn r . . Charter wh.eh fw , . . , T--r"" aiuca unit.. .1... NamrnrrtThrYlalnn . una as need ha . i.t. .. .-wm wo,- mat he was with 11.. fc...:Vo.-. " w aineu Ufa. - - . 1. . . work and the pronublenes. ,.r .u. o. . . . tab f 1.0 1 . vi "'" ne Would I " w v. .n mftawtr k.e m a . .1 extent (Ve Wirat he ftrterJ Hid. in pmite co:er?Mlhat h,l take aiock to the amounfof $20 onn kltoWaihntJ.'Si. vBW.CL::,)00 . " . Ml rn.. .. I um.- We learn also Tlfal . 1 Lwalrf,ieiiineri;iiriu, vl . 1 to inrgeiy to inn i'cn)lion.i fn , confidence is atf last hegun to be fe( ' ly in an enterprise that will do',' r.r tliis ricii stiil almodunt country, v slioulJ never get aiiVfuriher.it JidMe cnieireiiieiii."Biit as Afi" ,, said in hie remarks to the eiitewj . might as well try to atop . ' ivrur nun oiv eniipie CliCrgJ 0f a arm, as to arrest me progress oi interi iiiiprovcineiH wuen it had once been W Whether it will be best to extend hi ine uirection of the Catawba Wilkefthoionir'i or in k:..t. . ' " """ are rajd wiiurn win iiavelo ho provi(letl lor h, ,.f".l. . ' niiiiiniuirui im uio irc8ent ciiarit'f, v can do doubt be readily had: and bt litre llin U'ork alisll . .1 . ins arr(1 those interested will be best able to dtj runic as to its furiher direction. Jon, whole the result is most cheering : u, tjs, who have had our heart set unn , subject, the most delighted dav of UJ tonal life. We rejoice, we bimud hope, and we bow down with grautui. the giver or all good gifts, that light last breaking upon us. . . n t artt five be appointed, whose duty it lui to i!raw up a niriuorial lo the 1 rxt L, laltire rei oiniiiending the experiieiirr necessity of adopting some general for the equitable distribution of ourrJ .: . .r .i ... . ii uon oi ine surplus revenue to bt rtra ed from the General Government fort ol internal improvement. i . - ., 2d. Bt ii fitrlhtr re$oh4, Th Convention doth recommend the ador ol thia principle, namely : that whfJ any eoniatiy incorporated for the pJ oi internal improvement, shall hart , scribed de paid, or secured lo be paid; of its stock, lhal the Slate shtlU pledged to a subscription for the rn ing x-otha. 3d. Jttiolied, That in the oninm this Con veniion, the interests of aid wealthy and populous portion of thtSj ol INorth Laroliua, require the ipJ coiistruetion of a Rail Road from the J of Fayette ville lo some point on the V in uiver, almve the Narrows, and taf by two hraucheg, the one running dual i" me town oi w ilkeaborougb, ths running aceross the Taller of the Cati River, ao as to intersect like Charleitn; Cincinnati Rail Koad at the most ild poiut. ROWAN SUPERIOR COUHT. rwa 1 eiminates iu sestuon ibta day, H i H '"" i'ii presided. J he most mpni trial was that f Hwnry Swink, fir the aJf hia wife, on which ibe Jury waa divided! eral days, snd Continue to bang nutil lbs olr piper giiinf 'ta'presa-;--- - uad Our Town in consequence of the Court Cm vent ion, has been more thronged villi cent strangers than we ever remember u a seen it. itj- We will give the proceedinn i vi ai large in our next paper. expect also to publish them in pamphlet W The Editor's attentioo hss been so mwk ached from bis desk by tha business of d vention and the Court, that he has ' woe political viewa which be would bind ly laid belure the public : particularly I no,5" "' itntarkable humbug, last b issued fjfJhe Standard press per or Jrf' Van Buren Committee. We call upon low citituns however, lo read this prodw-iw,) Ui observe the trick it evinces to smuggl favorites, iittU Van Dick Johnson intotJ under other men's merits, snd by theaidof altstie words. We are forciblrremindd fbf effort of one of Hogarth's whims, which tJ group together a number of animals ol species, in such a manner as to make "lbs H tne belong to another of a oifferenl ordei, tne .ion s head at firat view aeemcd tobM me Goal : I he Bull's to , Md & gls's to the Goose. ELECTIONS. Several State elections lake place abort time: ? have heard of none very """ except Marylapd, where the Whigs W adid attdden and violent re-sciw mantleaj. ' 1 Gromou, the Whig eauae in 17 wui' heard Irom ia about 3000 a head, ne H .an ue made with ssti.Cu.n.u. .m.ll i turn t we goess however: "wiih .m eonll4 "wswa waa saw mm theexeuaes bno spoils press, that they are anna I led bv tbS fiti ,! I'trntSTLVAsu, the Vaoniiee are cr- 'henisslves into fits at thi result of the ! for inspectors, which ihev claim aa havin ror ihems to this the New York Expre looe the la w requiring votes to be regH these clseUoea antount to nothing j It id Iw otiny tMsjga of a local nature are oit1 together in this election, that it will do a indication that ths State will bo for Via H f bwld Wa' friends triumph in wwu4 JESSE WILSON. Esa.'.a diu'n t we regret to iajr, ie no more t W in efery sense a gentleman and i n" Wenta to the Whiir DarivJ he w li Ills roe sefti etH trici disc Cm isiu lice per he. dom AD. f met of I on A'M-' seat, relai II on t mad dopt orde this was Com O Thai derst Jamt Jlur Willi Noal M.C Broa Willi an Willi ibald to re aboul that I some tsonie ho v Th J.J Th brhall ,0m views leys of oi-rcia one id i eaar) ability ilated girra onset)) Bade is ItiH w eeo dll Ml and Upset I em red tefore ve had watten anquir; f t't.1 re in i iffHCtin f ihe 1 BummiM Biiaptioi VtanCt Jacun : reasure labile o! as an f pnije ry. M the Soul iUK-rior J i reeled eultivati rufii to ulnriuai 'al gan ihe eipt ror aevei 'ij ial in Aada,ai 'Kbesi i fori hese tat udei Ven . I. rftacci: "iffleien Brioiiiiat o ei.cou Market u-an Tt u Fayet JT has lo tunties t Tubae Huns of i favorabh the br pen it g y mere eiieral i tkeiy to dinvem obraiiit " uems 'act, am linn. W 'bis of ou irodoctim tton, a oarkei. ue inbaci utnodtt lTr pMd; Tuducls a iingldbc puubt be ii Qpiove ) f" regardi yiosHrfiu, 1 he or rbd hei FW)dee UlUof uu hat immt tout New Mroiina. ,' look t v brodE "ow inu f es to M fun the "er,at I....'. T-tf.WJL: ..M a x ine more io, that wercMfld 'X

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