i 1 1. 1 JitQU.GII jCON VES JIQ . , ,;. - - A-r-j2- ?4y-.- fly f '. k r ,r f ? . : 'i'-rt.'- v rnoufi. fair unties tliV:neccia'rifcsoniifei-to In oe market with ! geati:ity.Nir' clui a base and oncorarawly j crealcre aficelher ( roaa 10 iue town of Wilkesboro'; IAtch bereaOerbhad Vn iryttV IwiytV w T,,C,, Gr1 a a no jfrfli w .r rail 4l r If ! i Cnrfi wu iT, , it ! ...f.m urn niM bin whtf alrr of IlVftfTPocbsj ihe, where d.tecu.,s SALISBURY, !H.,r "-i- f'"-3 ''5 " f 11 twf Ibl 16 a Hci?.; liranaj, Ap- :Cottun; U?gm: ydN 3jl nun. - 1 . mm TTTIII I Tlf V IU . '.T li. 1; i nftT trs Feathers wtClb 50 ei ' on (r L, bush 40 cis i B Lrper lets LarJ per lb J5 -ASV - 1 cts; lish da. per lb tSM per Ib i5;k?50e&; Sugar i iv'1J5 13 eU ; Ram (.hmaicaj per gal; f! lkee do. - i 1 ; j VV.wl (cfean)! f pe fb 80 Sol jacts-ovJineii prd. 3 aapcts ,. Malaga, .iaweeij CIIERAW. zltsxA Fashion and llealuv. dv Miss lieao :4 cleric ' ! ; ? , -1 (t t j ; -; - ji8cnpttre; Album - .j .f ' t Jlrchbiftbp beaker's Xictarftft ICaicchisra V llfank&iilduij;by Caul. Wtrjatt-,V ;.; j Sbeplieid le k UiaryNtTa DisenniiTee - Cant. Balckarraiire ' -0 V " . . . ; rr 1. wei?e njoniiis nn iiiiMiaqarryT ature Disftlayed ia her modes' teaching -i rrepen he'(5ifi for 1S37 Vwlei for 1W7 From Htie 'county voMre.iel!ii: .u. James ..lora Uiecoiity of llitwaiiT 04-y.ql- r If'. 4lall 5ra$l!nntiiFranklfrt and XJumbus Ioekeuts.AlmtUiac lbrS3T, f' ci ahead" Black aJod rMm'k-i, 'fr' . filfM.fi r- . !i Itefta natket perjlb 4 a B cts.;:B aeon .; per rJ3t;!fei8:llt!n9 do; 14 16 cts I Beeswax S13 itOcjUi "VBajrgrinsr yard 16 a 30 ca , Ui!e rope per JO I ii 1 4 cis uon pr. b. lib' I a-.ctsi -Cotton i.er lOO Ilil7-13 a -ItlsaiCom per bushel 65 a 00 eas j v Flour fbta lniD per brl $3 0 50, from stored per brl. l9WJtf OOMroo per 100 Ibl $5 Oaa.650 ; Classes pet 451 ai 55 eta f jNaiWfcal asrt 4 oer la 8-1 2 a 9 cts klWrouiht 4o7it fill 20 i 00' per 3V 12 1 &j 1 SJcts V Sal Lpr jruvn, rH per oasnet u ci8pieeiA- iwcia.1 j ea iBipfTjiai per id jij l cu; Hm 30. I a I? 25 ctsj Tobacco rSDjiia fcetared ri Jol 0 af 1 3 cts. , .,! 't'- .i-i' i::!k !i,rlt-. ii':liLi i 'i l.J. S -IT".. A i jia I '- . . .. . Ui4UUJ, Brtndji peach. $0 a 0, ? DofApple, 40 442 K-HSttoiv-prJir 17 U HtW P MJ i i 1 4 ; Flour bbJ . 0 c CO - a & f -aeedprbh t 2$ 4 0 00: Feathers pr lb 00 a iQ if WB 65 a m rrGoitUb 5i-a 6? Mi 45 a 5j&i Jaibircutca a8 ;$alt mm 4 $01 Jagrjfi lbJQiaJ2 Tolacco; g 1 7; Wheat pi b(k,'$r5 T40 Whiskey WW$ Wii a'OO .4 K 1H.a large sdprdy of School t'Bvoks, 'Blank Buoki Fttolsean in letter naoer i 2 , Al spleudjd assortment ol Cutlery and Fancy ArfijlMea. AIso.k W mW.j lirayV Invaluable Oft No; ainlJamea . Fiorh tlie ? cob illy of Jonnson Tennessee 1 'I -'-'. i- .1 totiilH ifte, resource4 Jar as auy diiiand' V! ' : "i" ," ' ' WS.4 v'4- fc eij it h the;svJ)rR0t imdjerakthVthe urn ice brjr lca?P to submit :r tlie folio nfrt Cfinifnilice brrr i rftr rei I ion s,i w Weh ifi' ci t k now frdiie1 f 10Wtn5 jwrsilna were ppointf loVWit ?: .djayiMatfihav lur 'tthe a gr.4teinan' a .!riiWjlliWn. batl taTtiiat lime in thy, liousa J for the I wa wilt immure thili defray thf lexiraofdrmm: Wkk ?TJMwnihpWdiarjbyJhucIl;;' -4ijet 1 I M VMse thoqHaItUeIike i ticfl: bjer. ciniirj0. j S Gas well IiarbiH,atCoU G4cs ,W; ruafoii Uiw ,Wtl?r OTPln yur , From the wmllorSurrv!N U.oruiltin ipLiiotir,;wui.rerave, youe f anrtion. bo(fy;vfaiI Wxiglli, Jacob Difithet4 Devi CfjamiU; 1 (J Haaifitqri,1. Joiart CW)e. qbert eh m. C;. inent, Ho be! had in any quantity at I he it. I-...l.nm 1. . , i ::. rvsaj Vliua xjxijv .iirir. wji i tTURNEK& r .?. . tt HUGHES. HOFE HIT njeri Session of this, cfioo! will muraetce tle Second Monday ;;f i N- yerrtdt?r next, under the care, ot A Jim EmJy AI den ) if Enfield Cuhneciicut. whose- experience anifffiifflf quhlifiealions reader U-i ca pable uf in: strufeji1i'yo$n5 Ladies io the hihef Branches of ieriii ruaKe ii iter principal, iiiinrss to pr)- thfcio1p;oTenifnt uf Invho mayjie placed if her suDerintendence. both in a 'moral and mot undl injteHectuaf iperint senser?,Mic isJo p1sf8sioa of re- cmendatin8 frum vPnriripals - of Seminaries, botbjtolar brdnd' Enfield. ; - K 'N UeaHjtig, Writing: and Arithmeiie; f tf4" 00 GeoMUphy jEutiph Graminar abdu I ftt History, Najur4t Moral and lfitelpi iellectual .Phihisophy, Chwot . . y , . 4itry, Astronomy, Botany ' ' tir,llUeiiiTic, GeiMuetry'-St i r " - , :ge.br?.;?:, ... tOOO prouse Philip Holcomb1; iltiwii Williaqis - fFr.mrihe cntVTJf Wilkeit lrri ;noirnTliomas JisclU Jj'elsnjy ; A;.4 Sir? J in, J tes , J-.ud e3 licodns.J iu ke ; 1 ti' n4-, ciixl' -cri.i..'r...i '.s ! i uiia,.4 cici juuci( r. , f aMJiiii'Cviuirf , A iv auuii, 4 (Mimas oiaucucu iu, Eaimetl, JiiclrVamAy, Ww; PleiuJijIirt I -It, UlHig siU'.'l Lith Sieoheiiii - I . t- - - . --- y r- - i Beiij. ,W; Cass, Alexander '-Chufcli,- John E.- Sainiclair, Rober(. laitiri, f."liTdftr! ('onstant Gray; WtlHaiu AlastinjKobcrtJii Steel, Tlidnias; E. jLawsr Be.njamm 3 II Ilrown, Win. I). Beek. JoJin A 8co)t; Wil- nam .ii uiireatli; Wesley ltnynqJtis,!Vm Sf ICilbey; 'Joshua J4aw$, Martin II. WhenU Ky; Lewis Sebastin, Preilev J3rowii amf Jatr.esi.VVUborn. ? k . i' i k On.rniitioii ofMr E nmett,tbe Hon. Wmr B, Cartcr -of Tennessee,-' c (leu. Win. f?f n6ir-df.iV Q. y re appointed Phideii' ol - tins conventiou ; , on, motion, Jnsali , Cowles EsqoljSurry, aid'Dr:lHH?nHa S Bouchelltf. y(sre aninted'SttCretariie;.i; Oit.motioii'iiSIr, Emmett, t ' j j b ' Jlesolved, 'Hint the (lelibfiHiions ot c'oriveitioni be . eacVday wpeiipil by irayer. IVayer iiiy ilie Ruv Alr JSIiroiiV. J- v (Xi"inolioii of Air, Caldwell, ilut lt 2nd addrrules adiMiied'bv the Salisbury I con vehtion, yere, adopted lor ihet gbyeriv tiieiit.o thibody. 1 I ii ty$ .Julin Vfight of lurry, 17BV7, FASHIONS; i I';;; ; ' .1. ; u S" t 11 " "i. - -.4 1 Si-) 1 - - S'JT-;f.S TOaMSthe: pnbiiettbat al e has: j& L imkrt itim irfk It eJ burr ntnt 'el . I? Tims ' 5 it.., L I - I . .. . . iprpmptDesj; jvp j , ; 1 Wdefrorndiitancf iiU; oe atrick'ly 05 KWd articles f DressWfuUy pack- jVogccoriujr btdirpt$ioD.;ii - -b uwuw"i8, vps, t uroans. &e v mmmmmmmmmmmmWmWmmm9mmmma ' Hit, s ' a v' a ii s F ft- 1TI S fc-r - - 't I . i t ll8cbuoi wi(r be di vided into two Sessions of fiveWionthji eicI ' 0, ! ! 1 Brdmrt-mesrectable families atS5 per monj and Bucks foroished at (rPkUadclphia lk p urest, Uctober 26lh, 1836 1 ; 'MgH-t'! Mismukes V. i Cuuntv Line : Revp.;n,BiU4ld, Couniy LiiWp. O.: Wm. pniapi Betnajjy Church P,T).b Key. J aslufrlotet iWih Caruliiia. fe.nbr 5,!l83r,4 16; "1 lames ! 1 A- ne5liyj,;dire EoWilkeU - .CA GofePjiillips oV-Ahe,- ,. ' - Joseph; (a jlwell l$$q, of Ireilcll,'. a j . T A R NeUo.j Eof Cuncr, ' Col Green .MVnife f Jolmstofi. i .T Col Giles VV; caj-soij ol Kowuh, were appointed a-aiamiing commi!k?e : j - Op nioiion llyfe convention aljourned to P o'clock to niorfow 1 T Nov 1st 180: Convention met, ' piirsnanrTtp, iljo'urii-i mcnt. .'I'lie, stamling ronimithi juade ; report on the yarhyis sii'jectsreier;rd'io themwJiich wis read and receivedito ivit : 'Hie com miltee to whom wn? referred the varninV resolution stibriiitted' to the rernnikiei w (ic tie ver any I C6m pi n v Vi iWor iwirated for r j hip purpose r liner nai improyeriienisirail c iiuecriuu.Bnu piu or . secure o ui ue idthall'itsgk.4 j soi. oCCarteinld Greeii loorhbsurf i cihtosi p i " 4 i L i ' 1" wwAna in neeuyi man? can ptver live ' - i' r h i ' j'nr I f r tH; !tK nim rMdy: to tiiii.ipii)ureI-;4 Audtlllai rea.1 i- .Jopef.rat. sells ari ancs . looH 'V1 F0r r aH-projeti Holfetlt "redi; Jurgentiliiy woUinjUt :a- i ;V . j struct rail niadstheviconsid.ir themlaS tiii- eui-ichi ;T.ihatVirh-widajioihairi4X i. ; :; ' ayalfinrgtifriit"riViia ' ail . ar ii a in in iv a iiaw 7-v urn in arni fni i iik&v r : : , , -r . tvhance accu in of a railroad the iirrdws Id1 and prrtepcjniy ojtheiopleejwidd 'F'1 ! r,le f13"? Ijy L . a-Ur of jbe orpbrV mtiie mw rh of IPJrPPl W?K tie U"uel te 4pi sefciaily of tbe a pinion f tf lis Tqnriiefi ariri VrVginia'. cogvttfy thai itV is pfarticaliJVachf. olilthe tpmpleliViQ oCa rail toad ? to Wi'lVes j vl ,,",i 'via. wv1M.1 ",ni 'v 1int lofest'end tbil' fmine. to i tbfe Ter ex pet Mil tU'.NP l'nK;tbis convention therefore, lecom tt)p(l;tliat in applying ;fr a.p'afjneidrhent of lkt$r lift iter of ilu ICapaFar, j3Talkiii arid Pi'lee Rail PiOdo'.hnauv the stockholcl- mi. v : -i . . . . .i it . J afif iii-j fron the sales of the nubile latids ande woulcall uporAll on ,Qii motion jplWilliani Vi lden&fj lltsohel, Tltft tbe pibceellinif ijlus Secrjtarian.f b published iii the ioilowr ins news oancrs. to wit : 1 he Washin?tdn els niay! liave ihn rmlii Irv oxLnli it frrim jpuUlicih 4nd a .reiinpsseeSrtnti.ieljion VV ijkcboroJ to -ho . 1VnnWL!irt,' prdv,- "nesooroy i enri; ayeueyiiie. joiirnai;anu fledVihey should cleeniil ojyie&ick 'to; yetteville Oosvtyrr; tbJqHr&lina cb f ? : ! ! r- I ;! 1 ,ns," and WiiStern atrii1iarii tjtliei . :i 'keloivvljl T&t "a " com.nilt4 of five ? '4 delfjltei bi:upp6inted by livCba!ir to oie- M10 f tJ,V wbq my el;intected i.i jM trtvfo!fii& Iatnre . foremen amend.: . woj luterml. lo4Koyeiiienti.artf 'V.r S I.. LtT&M .J t. vZ .w. . vim . v- 4. . fully requested tr oiibiisli the samis? ni r 4 viik iii ji l ii it i ii.iiiri ii itii: -a ijc i- rzai . a nurj ar w i .. ...Jill 'kma1ird'fld."l ! 'fenriopinntUfsO lor pnqjir-k ;0ieohefi Tbatitetlhanks. oU tliis iruv. S1 'ystritirtttjif otks oprAeiHNih entpViiirc biW toAft'Hony;lrtr, rwroii ih jhmI XSiif Vipi fjniptt4 fof tblitdfgnt d -f:,r5,",i GraiyelnaietfVi fiedrSndr-trnp4rttal anfier'wbiciiey ' frjVi'etf,; TbiuJah .icdo'd'fatei piirveyf .bavT? niclnrged tfijeirdutier :-U presiding' oTlhe mist prarticiiulei route Imm stheJKaof ' kjn pt ti'flibleJpUnt the i CeKEi .Narrows (; W dk sUoro' bo rnadH all 4 of v-, j ".k.- .v HtLe iitl nVitil i&oluVions. were adT.ptcdl uJarii.v nrdif lioucheWe, fori tbcu satisfactory vtnanneflm tile -will m rn,t,MiiybiniS;vberv.l8d thy n UietnSaeand 'what- puW." W , Li .1 . lv .1. f 1 ihui ku 1 1. leave inera mi py . c eaU thny wtif thaok dath fat "it andnotTtW. i At-aiaperT , su.ided ihaUhef fwlish tHfckerins: nf.'irn ;dbV reuts and. lb(? u'ver-stern c4riattt f i,; fi, 4v,i I Kth inore men and twobfn to i4lkiit t-wifi vlV lhan eirwnicfws.iy - V. : 4 M-..j;...,.My .ro?! ti,, marry iiiH.nsi.jiet. - f 4fHt uffvr nvl thjj ftms M: pa&itb f A lj; for' f f , ' theyball leani n.HlunUifre'bu VpfitJt blaidit " 1 Qiyv andaiheisro. 'And itiyraveh ifiy eUla' j "2 '," I few- lron.ijuiijret;'lhVV'aball pnfll- iheqj j ' f noihingc tbaH aoneted u - . i r -""fvni, soar r : ,. 4. ' 1 'the.nui j:.' hut rest t6 live by that DfoiIou can , fiir.! w ir. ' -t f ' t - - - ' . "-y ! thuu tram an honest man or a -gdi4 jd.bifisMatt u Besidet. it in r, cie?5es,iwv,0,,er 10 nue,r tharrs Fof r sddiers; tn peac0 aieIilvTchliniieyai.o Mraif ! - t jT M!r.Tivnil in-thii-einrrdr without hm jind J " V cattle abi.Qt thee; liir be thai rniUelh bia hanvt lMiL ' 1 Ihe jwr)r for everyWIVnei tf Wwhold; is like i t hinv fhat kepnb water jo f jvliidXwhaf V V Ih'puripiiance of ibe powers coiiTorted by tli 4 tli resolution, the CJrur pointed ine toilowi3S 4?nmiiiilife,.to wil : ;; 4 L royjwulioahaU, ant; learn (u bay u aCAU t : ?liet hand,; for 4hertf 1$ one penny! saved in 'Iu.r7i V ' 1 W'-U'r nee(j ,nd wen tnraar , j ; kets iBdasons seirjBiitttfst fur e ed.with'knnsmuisiurfnfii "1 :ay '; fer:tb4itfcl 7 l 1 1 pttochaarejowrpas for their head are mi fl 4 r xicjued.AtvJ fcerath.efiW1j((MVffew;than 'W V'; r ine.TOilijftiFlUiiil well, Jnd pay tVm'' fft A J rJ with'iiieiiiit'jaDd; . ?' Vifeserriceit tlieir lian(l . ' iUVv-Mkindrean . - t lb?e nd tabW A jj i Her.airce;and farther, them ifi all honi! -ft, . . L l , I'.' W by; lhia meaos; : Urpu shalt sdiJoMble'tlie baud i4 i , nature. aahoii'iaalt-firKl therksa mirfyrl.JiL' SI Uie.Wi PCaldwell nf ' Iredilll. Gil. s ,V. Person 1 liowVw, , f l Jjsiali Cowles of Sum, -. lflifj!i 1 Slok'-s of 4Vdkes, Itjrbnrd Gcnjryf Ashe O i,moifon,trCol. AVm C Einia&ttph uU lift a .comtnUeef tbreeers6nHfroni . 1?' ' . . - ' i i i 1 hail lire resolutions .uloptt'd by the Uonyen- mm HOUSE ectfiii yI lit , ... it.L ft public, jtbat bo bas purcbas 1 homas iWMdill Ibe above Es. Hfhich be has placed under trie .l?1 conjtrr I of ?Jr. if "liihineoi, ind UVe public fiiY'T 5 hu M German BoHini iS) 1 4 W superior quality. (A-cLo 1 S v " ' - 'J W'lCjlAElj BROWN,". Xb1 U3t3.-tf IB .I V J ' Cdmmittcd to JfaU in Stnrs. villelltfcJe3l cuuliy. K,.Coivto.ii7ii. I a darl tnulatto rrian-whu rea.N hlniseil Dread Smith. "'He savs he isa free roanl thai ii. wa burn Mad raised in Anson Cuanr. ami ihn t. E 1 : - 4 S' : nas m ie and six children, in s Abhtgirnf ry cu. 4le u ft in Indenture dated in theyear 1801. JtjsiipPM&ed tHat it is the Indenfurd! bwlso-t'fl aDnt five feet nine mohes jjMvuiif-y , mvu. suar.on one corner or his ratH ba on a taiat otrnixed red blue'home spuniiknespuiv rrpH waiteoal JblackchHh panujjwnsiid has a handkerchief h whioli is a vn?j I M'rthin. particularly a Ilmi3d.chiath- 1.1 i k 14 ''.- i " - - . . J - jl . . uiutf qua i. cunar veivei. a triiud dal wnm 4 Tk. if lfe a slave Is requested tu brove hi I, and; take hiinf away, if hl ia freeVhia pre reqnesteu io lorvrxrU the proper evi. uf jtis iVecdom; as the na pert he orduced riiTii5 years of age, whereas his appear uutajnui-inaieaie more than 5 m 30. ; ABRAHAAl Al AST1N. ownen j ProPf aenctft I i. 4ji -'1 -i t-; ijaiior. iyemoer o. iM.sti3wl6--p K 'tllWilnr: -p ice ad v. 2 h n the r :fi irt ,1 tk.t .5!,. , . s there "bet a .mwyfWte!: V JL hldTilieir ihext minj W thl 9ih of No- fiu'ieLil Geulre Church, the lime, and place uf ihri I jruwtlii 4 it vtbt tfesiy tery of Uonrurd X puitual jatteiTiIauce ul, the :-memWa - is ear 4! havinr.f't"torum to ?n business. ' J. . J. . Nuve.it.btir 5, 1S3S lw!6 i-1 -l: ;-; to the Stated liberal sbare of the probis to be derived from iijipniveidentd nvtihin her limits -" -r . - ; ; . ."Mi Xoai committee believe a railroad con necting Faye'teville with tiie nioyntms, to be demanded by a birge, and W hen' its yesources are ueveiopeo, .an immensely wealthy seetinifof this tate, Tennessee &, Virginia, and Trdin tbeirTknowledle of the resources ol the country, west of Wilkes, and Iroin inTormitiofn tbey- are in !posse sibn of, atd tlie'prarticability ofif route, to Tennessee? theyMfeel cpnltdeut that much time will uot elapse before life mbuntams will no longer present a. bajriicf ib:com merce arid 'the cars from Payette ville will pass urrenoesseo . u j. V , shall, be- a jipori utrd w Inise duty iishajl be to ,t;iin subsWlPMoHsfrom the citizens of their f.u i4.i ii .u cohvention have bad the same .under cou-1. '7 v I n u- , H, ,i v sideration,and report: 1 i j That- tliey have given the important tjnat lers submitted to thm all the - aitetfboii that tinip' would I permit. All Whel't the tune for action has arrived, anlthcy respertivir.MiIutf;i, for the purpose id rna knt a sum y of a rOiteibr a rjail roailfrom the Tf ndkin river at some poirit above ;JlHe, Narirptvsio theiUowh of Wiltiesbprif, and. tbeiu toitheTerwekseehnc, and .kosucb pond in the Statof rennessep. as the riti- - .?ii i conveniion au uuriieo soie 01541 I.-v - lion which : neiu ai ij:nii ury. ny ;p iu;ir ir -. r '1 . 1 . .r " .;MfV . nit., is a new era in the History rf Nortb T" -H " rH." i '; r " WAL ;LEiOIH,' r. .. ; nu or - i - i, i . .i i 7nt? iiT those connties wl enniesseeicbiclr . . .-.tf,V- 'itVj'i4m'i I Crfiolma 1 be 2-5 principle, while it1 se- . . ... u- v ' i. -,.2; v-- iy :'W,t,M"??l :w .' . . I are represented in Ihis convention may- . i - !-r4--.fc-;4ii --f . '.-. .1 i-ures 10 the Main 1 he servires ol practical. Ay -.-; ii. tj;i " JosfAH Cowtns; " ) i 1 " 1 1 , . . . . - dwm .Expedient, and that 'Sato commitiee V.-,A" t . .VeVii ' s men, embarking; their capital in a schemei - - 4 DO;nU .i- Tiioi. S.C!cifil.tB ) ff Plr- i approyecforbytheirjudgaienndehablek ' ' j" J I k av f -v 4T ftlk4T Iilii4f 111 ttt rtf-f iJf T1 V tT V w t " V . . I-: - IT - . . . A -l - - i . i.ivr III ir i.nn f 1111 11 jmoiio innf 1 mv i v- n Your committee' have directed rile thfere fore; tpVpprrrsolbiTon ing an amendment, of the present, Vharter. of'tlieCape Fear,r YaCkin 7ldee Railj road company, it be left? opubnal with thej company" to.v.'exteod the -rail Toad -i froni' Aikestoibug tovthe '3 best route Trom f, Fayetteyille! to Mf UKesoorougnyourj committee jrave left it,wU re ir wil! baye f-nltiraateljf; to c rest: namely, with the Stockholders and Engin eers being satisfied that-, the. most practi cable route :will be ,lelbted but all unite in the ;1iiecessity4 for an iraoiediatel surrey irora gome pointabbyeihe NatwsVsto ; WllkVsboroughi soaaltotconnecLwith the nv'kKv: i-'.: -p'l'LnK rp iayeiteyiiieauryeTottheTroaawuie Xad xu: uiuj iiubiucw ,ui vauxx ttH.;:i0 order to-exKlbit to the country - , urnamuntal 1'aintin, v Will U tatcn of ;oaI habits prHrred, and if in the opinion j of the said, comiuttee i wiicn asscmtiico, a sunjcieni amount been subscrlbud to?tneet?lbe emergency, jrom e;trn ll tweir counties, wnose nuiy . ii shalV be lb employShe services ojf a corn pttent. wbicb 'theybave discharged then duiiei as Se,relarijs. - R" , .K. :-J ' fj ' itraupdThat tbeJbankii'or this Cs n ve n f ion re d u'e, a nd are berj-by teudeied f pjt bJlKverepVl Mrl SIir vj(T f or w"lte ajleudaPceon fhis cbnvehtibnl IHr " til 6d,libp 'ofJlmSs H m f .rrr:.' .v:f44--.. .j-i-,4 ,l i-'r. vocal es to otead kwilixrv fur iIipa Ktiiiwl ii. K-r. Uut shake on. ihoeeiowwprtn, meanbaraW ' k i " . wjiiHiii nu mil, poo lawn ( r orirlhee in the gummeKiJT tin r L,;." H ri '9rtAru sL'irm thotf will Lhdfi.r 1 1... " than. V He own tlfipoat 1 rather Ivud ' ihymunej; thy aelf.and nleas- M-r i mi vibi. luce nu ifHira ? u m ' anlariwuh' winter.: fi, 4 . BevriirH of .suri-;isfjin or thv hnt fnni T r --.V. uecay Utit ;ilmucaftst;not otherwisfi -1 v 7 , ur tuy irienu, ilea -4 v i.rwoireat.iina.i.tni5 tnariKFji. tnisconi:ior i'inott,snait near. no (witit44'Uiberw! i vention aie heftljy trjridered to lbe Worliao shalttclipse th crnfitj h hj freedom' f shipnirCcitifof Wim iV'y, mannVinnich ll 'j-J.'J ..r .i.i rCc..' nk. .V J l-PM"" hath 1 keeping days ot payment ia JordJ . x Z" On rnouon of James, Il..l)odjjy, lqM the tteei a FrtHdthe! Cabinet uf Bibflrrapfty. hif ltd RD BUIU .El 0 lTSr AfiVld e?T0 HIS r Engineer and make necessary irrangcments untir ine foregoing' resoiuioi me iui- SON, ROBERT CECIL. Sox iloBERtThe yiriuous inclinations of thy matchless mother, by whose tender and god- ly earetuy miancy was governetuiogeiuer wnu thy edncn'iton tinder so zealous and excellent' a tutor, puts me in lather assurance than hope.that appoin Iqwi rig persoiisfvv ere inittee, tpjw.it j Caawell Harbin, ' 'AVir'-BjWiisdn Beat I jams,. , v Capt Jtdin M Yourig ii PlicebpHouslon,' -f Jobn Calton, ; v ' Jacob Pouthit ? ! llenry P Ponidexter, j Henry G Hampton, ! fJalnesCHuuti:; j AbnelJ Carmtcbael, "wmiab.W Peden, -Richard Gentry, JobP B Watson, 1 1 Morgan ) Ban, -L Isaac! P Tipton, ';'L William1 Gait, Robert Reeyei v;1 Green SlMooie, ! 1 . ) A D Smitb, Richard Dooley, ,1 On YQOtiob of James IU Dode, x as a com- of Rowan. of JredelL V"' " .. j of Surry. i ;: " i of Wijkics. ' ' ' 4 y of Asbe. 'fvVK'Gnderiake no suit against a pour man'HUb -receiving tn nek .wrong; forlrside jhat ibou ma- 1 kW;hiur thy .compeer,1 lU Wi M . coiiqo, (6 t trtuuiph where ijier.ssttll 7rcsistaiie. TNei- iirr w aiusi, ajij.Qjan ;Drrre you be tullly resolved thaviliou hastjright on ihy.side; & 1 then pare nut .for, either" rntey t of paiwi ; fJttn cause or two sutullowed an4 obtained will Ixee tU from suits a great part jf thy .life, VII. Be sure to keen aim ureal inua- ihv friend, but trouble him ivit for ; trifles., Cumpli ,"r went him often with many ,yt sraia)) gifuad of1 1 Ii title charge, And it thou hast cause to 1'mW I any great gratuity,' Jer !t'6ej sooielfilng which may be daily, in sight ; other wine, in thti ambi; K -tious age, tbob sh'al: remain like a bop wuhout hole, live in'oUcurity, and beibiadea foot-ball for every intuiting companjoo to jkcurn it S"- -V VII. lowardsiby orrioribeihnnjbleTPt thou art fuimnun bonum which is Sily , able to J geuerous . YV tlh thine (uab familiar, yet f re- i make thee happyias well in ihjf death as in iby jpectye. owardi tkir iuferiors f how moeh ' i iiumanuj, sou some lamiiiarny : as; to bow tna 1 ( 4 , 1 -I . . of Carter Tenn. t -1 of Johnson TeDn. in. ; i . . -"('. ' b .r - 11 how slight the'difaculties 3n.-ihe route are, lWJlplved,Tlnt Villiam P Wsosb;Joo.. mmnared with tKs imnpirsp fipld thn ''. Inll WrioKt and Hamilton i Brown, be a soecjal by rr.3 on the Lsnal t-rms. i boy rbed lb ctimmerce.the cbmtnittee'wiU -Vn- ! -'catwitteeitp rauait by J stibacriptiioa the ne ;ato:t ibe-assrf la rr to uui to Ueavor toxivasoirbid-a cf ; the Resources cessafy fond$ and1 employ a competent En- JOHN" V RAINEY lus op.acu-.; ne coynuc3 ciuowanjur gineej to maKea sunrey oi ine route oi iue - ' - w 1 a m -mrw - . a. m a life ; 1 mean the true knowledge SndSorship'f j of Uiy Creatur an Redeemer without whicli'j an other thing? are yam And miserable, do that iby jytitn being gqided by"so sufficient a teacher, l loake ho d'HibtJliat he" will furnnb thy life with diy ine raNid. moral docume niSv .Yet iat I j may 1 . 4V'. 4 iLm mm LJL.junlMi... AM VMM ff ,fcktja his clidd otr inat ihc&ahoaldea havK caosetb depvejby Whoietelii ity and welfare dher from others ba (man' whence ;tbod rectivest thy breatbiid beiiig. I think if fit and agreeable to the a flection 1 bare thee, to he!p;tbeewitirsocJi4 rules and advertisemenis tor. iue,squannw oi mij life as are rather aind by .experience than by much reading. Ijo the end ,that,'tiwtlering:ialo this exotbttant agetbon majestibe the better pre pared to shuo ihosej scandalous courses hereunto the world, & the lack of experienca mly easily draw thee. And becaosel will not cmitbond thy memory, 1 4liave reduced ibem into terf precepts; and next onto Moses Tables, iltbob; impriat them in tby miod,'thifa shall reap the 'benefit, and I the content. 1 And they are these follow- , I'."1 When it sbajl please God to bring thee to man's estate use great providence and sarcotn spttoa in cbobstri thy wifej for fruif;ibhe8 will sprirt-r'all thy good or eyil And fit ; ui; an action of thy life like nntb a strategerai pf war wherein a man caperrlwt jonrejII ' tby estate be guoJ, match near borne t aod at leisure ; if weak far-off and quiekly" Injuire. diligently of her disposition, and how Mer prents nave rxrn inclined in iheir youth. Let -tec; not, be. poor. 1 U body j'stretch ibr tb the hand, and to cccover the neao ;4wnn sucn inte popular coaipbmratg. Tin first prepares' ibywy toadyancementf-iUt V ' j cood makes thee known fir aitr.an "well hr4 1 'a -' . :4 the third trains a coyd report : which tin fa nut tm easily : kept For tight buciaoiiy, takes such deep root nMhe minds of the rbnlutadt, as ihf & fare more earn! gained by unprintable coortniea jthan by cherish benefit Yet! advise thee i4 i jto effect, r neglectv populantyl top moch. SSrtk pot' to be Essex, shun to be Raleigh, i i d yU ? IX. Trtiatnotany maa with Ujj r lile ar4h0A oresuie- For h it more fol(j( fira maa i eri- ibral b imself to bis friend, as f boogb, occasion being oflert-d, fae should cot dare to becotae ; aa eoeiny. j lA- l:W-VJ m'h 4 'X Be not SCTrrfloos io conversation, cor- $iti-l rk-al in thy -ts Tbeooe wil make tlwe-jnV welcome to all crtnpany i the other pall on quar i. rels &. gel thee hatred f thy friendJ. For soave weioosts;whenapbf then savory uf. troib,i Jeave a bitterness In lbs mmds pf those iiich are touched. :And, abeit I havp already pointed ii this inclusively, JttJ. tbink ii Becesaary, loi leave it thee ass special oofion ; becaase h have seen many so prone to qft and gird, u ihy would rather luse, tkeir lend thin iheir jest. 'And ifyperchaace, their baling brain yi-Id W qu4U44 H44,tiT, nui 4iii ii uejireijvn . it aa a. woman with ch::J. . These eieaare but the froth cf wit.. 1 'r - . h- I : ... mm v : nimble 7?ap- BLZHJn DBB3S FOK bALK iAX HllUJrFlUE t : i - . .- -ji i mm- mm.Aa Mr w:n... .M mk.li. f nwi mmt -rl frnm ri nt in n t ha . v a l ir rt- si i i.nw nansmnt uiM,r ; inr i min eaa iut nuva r m a r-v-. . s- ( isSk"' - v ' ... y-1 -u- (4 . ' 4 x;.

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