- i III B 1 1 it r hlfct'bavir f :4 ifer&n'1 taken pKr vwi& Secretary of the '.Z,iiw . M t i s..V.r in rpcnwl In tlfioffirftSPTIt Stale . tf the : '-urU,-- money market; sol more; kpeeid J m Nerk. 1 ii kl chf. ' ffruwiD? out r? U late deposit act and :-m ?i" - uWcVWes; applied; If copies w UV I v i : V..i -r.-:iti i.i ...J ,;il (Atwf v - bav been p?'iwy-,"ini??Tu ' w : :beUete,'u rm e rnahf fesappiehensjonn. re gret iiMi fiif 4 Mborrec't man pfet. - 1 v.tl'J4 WAsanjteK, Oct. 2$M83G. 1 Sir: iMhe! present pta or the money mar. fi-L. in England we caol)it With eoofience td a c continuation iffffcfinpys pwcw; mirht they berdeemeaA oenen Departmeniif fbia thneto jbrocure dollars ot nilff n spscie ioiu jia from bank-to bank near, and next Iron Slate to cootra-disUngnishp from the brightest, era ) cteto as np eolh'reH AzJIa an 4 wSlh 'his bead Siate as distance, r-iv 1 I' lef antiqmtj,: which was rather ernihefet;.for, aier.nodTrf,wt!0rniRiheurnVf I I hate, therefore; in cases where !the ptilia tbe tUmt in, htercLlurft, and Uieia'fti' than J &&( tVs& !-iJ4rain: shVetritps" to: maner has larelv accumulated in iant banks la t, ,;,rrl in rientific attiihmnt-W rr Pta"--tdaheahis; nerts in her Ranp, I cial by the ; ' mtlltiHt of I f Wa r 4amaica. SUodf rnctivrbe piyen j o-tbat-rTebtfto'theSapfdoteM tbe Dank of .Arnetics .TOnePnu,. ?, gent (wjthoat any charflfM thpirparttj carrf 1 ti,i2 stirus mosnant ihelpest prospac for!buin jo a supply e,i r-e f y: ,Ve hate the honor tdlhi, sir,wilb ffreat re tpert yuur (nuslobedienorTants. ' : arejrnade to pass su sc tne aniroaiec cantas; eion of enlightened: popl IINJfN. L. SWAN. :U. .VASHaTO,Oct?f2,'l9S6. ... THin'nnn-trslIold fWrtl1AlOnS 10 lands if : ; i I ilhrcmhout the yoited States; theotertrading ot 'j ! iL ftim nereial ommaiff tv. ,na mearansier w -1 T-J '-' ih Ainrolda funds! inder!Ab recent act ,orVC6n?t hi A rMi-i-Df(Daratorv to aldisuibuiiaoamimj I j : r:Viiti 'M 8eaVtasfiaTHtf4adthe balance of tr Vie j I f laTainsitbe ttty Neil hT4k and caused Ve: f 1 ';T$.;..V :r tj Were pressure upiI i"tyAl I ..!', H.iu VU??di lloYitttlmr At will irivS-voii!-oieastte' to remote! 1 1 cIS lfl S A ' officiaWmies; we beg iol5ufr for. youronsidi t f.l iiryffi f'imiihe pdsioneine r I 4 , I 'uoi jlurmiosr to; inaiotitT,; vorof tokks in ine j 1 f ' 5 ihe bariks ot of the Silte; three and su months; il -fV." ffttif ndV in. the mean, ttmeofdiiecl the' bands' on 'H r4.Myi whfdij thosat, warranid jarMra wote place ' the f?.-y places lM? J4 ffv? hmay'pe proper to reunvk. ibat we bate n)t jfHjI-jtiongoihere bo in ' :J)r Jtnip4a&i-.,c1ipa;itjrti Itl'if 1 tji1Wvlts2 the abate factandt.i fdpraent iheia T M 51 thivSecreUryof the reabiTuly;p !- Hv "Boadwl'he feelsa deep til Jerest in the welfare oi a!-. V Ue-'eoooir r v KfV' m - .J-: 1 ,VVe,haTe!rthe honor B ieVir wuh eat 7 .1 ' pect; yoorinosi obr tarits; ' 1 1 ,v ! GEtRaE-GRlSW0LD;: any oce State; and net banks coald be reasons biy obtained in other btaieV wnere oniy aiuio pabiie rniney s!retdy existed,' mae bat one transfer : to accomplish both: objects; and bjr a sin-; ffle i4eration bae redaced.the excess incertain banks and in certain stales, ana piaceajiai iuo State where ii woa! be needed next year; j and where they before had not an equal poriion of the public money i&jTZ fL ! i In accomplishing the3e objects ithra'tiew' to arrange." upon art tjol and proporlnafe -basis, the deposttesacnon both the banks and the States as reqntred. by ihe law. doe notice' of. tb times, andi place of large pay meats, has j been g I ten .so as w proceea.in a graaaau anainc suim Hu seasonable man nei,.crosjderirJg stfddenaSyjnaf mediate transfer of tbeV wholes notialj impossi' bleboiruinotj to the cornlinnity as wl as the, t-' j- i - . m J Li -4 Un. It JFraa oanKs.ano soi m kmM Am mm Sum iooVsofo tVthe reaoarces' of Hbnks, tt the chaining tb human mindlfiom neib5drhodV:witb3ut gieat distresSj r I;bate ex v tended' trfe period.tjt tiine, fjf ibnrinsfers. aud esi3ially ''those lau distanf SiatesjwhicW; are jidednt VmU oone withdu"rdefeatiftine,spi rillakell a thaTwordi of tlaw ahd wijh'outJlazirdinjf itS iaif hfol and. prompt execgp . Adhf ripg lQ these principles J dp wot hesitate onv yoor rpreen iaiki? -to extend thejtiine 4 of pay DjenVfur most of; the" transfers I not ;yet due fromlihfe seteral banks in Ne wVork cjty, thooffb th4ttra8jes)tooarolfighboir licular yjhose or. tne jreduciioo oi ne oeposu?i Theaherfeatuirw.flihe are made to nass Wccifelrjatrevievroliefll .trrrs of jir.Lppnrirn's; 'Mf.' Smith ' fold ihia Rfof'iadl(at;nncek-sIl continond that'' !Sir. VVnaliles badMrliVemrier ton's;; eudf. and ihat Weonlpira'cy had been (vvh.Jl by Tenable 4nd . - i . ' k,.h a le f tkn t IaI Pit 4 '1 are iae general, oiuu k ucicfu was nn-reo iwo la one ainst aee,theiraDidIinextendi5p:dmia onjo rL . r k . , u " Liii' . ' 1 . L-i v "ri v ur nexi neat ihe rea matt oter physical atnfe, yesrctalljibia tl wutd bedirlicuh to assist, .r"V'. meansf;?h tearobUtJvewa; theleadlildtow: ahalind thlnrnflvjthe, proaccytton ofei ed by. Morris with Enciem at-his )ieels,&-wtih- ptdfaltor,Wil IdisuqtiiliyV: 'pmiutvt4M, changin placesr, ahey sweppj rJbhl the ntipe in rnmmprre.niiu new minRtni unnwi- i . inc. jioh lui inr.c mne. itiiirria edge; thb prVvalence and enj'H rnent of ci- "TP AzaitahaUeua asses her follow, til -nd reliV,oi libertf;ifeading.ia tbe rpo, 1 .fer l of lfie e ?akes 8 io ine coniiinniiT as wii as , ? . 1 s i j - v-v , i : T r,iTju is uuuip io pass, a !d ibt.tb oiKrttiooiBbuij.ui. t ; '""!. ''J'T'C'r. 'i f 1 T"M Eh H.wtftopbt him fur i.'r.l' ig -u-t.. iK lhaininrf tnpi hnmnti minrl iinm Yirtlh Hpanrt i nf - J.iw i. J.;- i ,v -r i 4 The residue of the Address consists of iro tn theif Iwrat amonrtt ambfl these banks, 'cannot i ine r with nronriftt. bo'mncn Monger neiaTeo. ssome of tbe poistaodmg transters- nae9quw aouan 00faystor nearly that, to Ttin before payable ; & seteral 01 irtfim,unuunung in au i tuuuiwo uu W Anuria fntlUiinA if flntlnra. krir mif nitabla at a fPJ.. L... i t Alt! 1 . - T v -All those payable oat of the city, and State, iiit the warrants already Urer the amount of transfers payable from other .'drawn -if bsnks ipnbelttyJolNew-Vork, andSiates:benre tbeilst of January ;are less Ihangtne and ajhalf rmlliorrtOf dollars " ? L lTli6strat8fers frora yoOt Jcify, which all flue at nome;r:wiininio oiaif beJWjfe ihe lt of Jaruwry , wiilr therefore, as you desire, be, postponed SO dayg each1, bat cannot; wjih ! propriety be furlhef j eite'nded Those presstte; admbnrtionB, tutlne vouth or the I .1 t . : 10 j lA ruhA wiva krS&Vtn VK-Ua ih sne ninvsneao-here Ibey w "fV -T'T'Li : .1 7 6 passed, Knciero wins the money; M uu t5i.uujiww.i iwaij, ipr me aiwp hsnnehai Alalia' ditnhd. ivbich fall dneut of Jbie Slate, b-fre Uie tst or J4haaryV will at 6ncelVbeplj5oned to the isrof ! jaritfiryVas fhe chief, Ihooijh hot. sole b- ii. 1- Trtaswry DmktiiaMP Oct . 24 1936. f - Gentlemen. Your Cfwmnvunications of ihe 2-2i! - ' 1 'instant hatebolb been pecei ted," and carefully, at the proper , Widered) r' , cii-- 4 . . Ujeybo'oe f InTespect toyonr suMeiQh abont the mint, ta-exphio,t scOri j.oej(anK nt wtiioat cba te tuital fur coi ably fif division: amonjf-tbfSutes - f J U is hoped ihaf, these indulgencles will be em plyed by the banks to eaable them to complete easily the transfers already" ordereii. and to .exe cute iffieenllv the remaininsVtrinsiprs which will be Itiecessary 'oncfer be' act;to tbe directed itereaite, and ot wbieh as nereioire, oniess puo Hceigencies forbid, wbenever large in amount a j doe and liberal I notice beforehand ot the limes and places ot paymant, will oe careiuiiy gtvn:-f-!a--L 1 r&- ' 1 r 11 , : ,i I j . r . ! " '1.1 Uhrisliabitylrall spread like a sea of glory, lh money! is hissee how Morris is frlttin the over a rpfdrmed and evangelized world J i sptir, ereTt jump both heels are struck deep in- uiww lii vain, n.nciero ist baid m band its , you cant are the. stand 19 orris tost at stirring, andpenWusi scenes of active life j :;t iSpr.-perthat we should statethat the course. in relation to theiri dbnes'as. rnen and as cit- i was exceedinglyiheaty. rind , had lately been izens-r-as . citizens of this 'fj-ee and happy 1 tanned, on which accounkthe horses ran - on; the eonntrvi-the institutions and Dahtical con outside of 1 he track, which was equivalent to siiiuiion 01 s wnicn inBoraior ,rnosi jusuy -, 7" " " v Uuds, anilhewln-gemioWof whicri he horses conseqoent ran more than a ,le -i -j ;- ivtTL 4 u .1 each round, it inay be as. much as one hun- ""rrf-'r?""! T,! ,;,,MwcvV drni yards, and the heavy track will account llitS SUIIj WJiCII 1IC Bill 1113 riI IIIO CUII1IICI3. of the Ea.it; 'goes on his coutse rejoicing in 4histren2th so thtsf great republic is pro- ' SWINDLING. ceeuing wuu gigauuu puiocs, in 11s ingucn-i e nna ine louowing exiraorainary oe- reer'iH iiuiiui;, aim, yisuutuuuj . x ca, ( oa - iaus ui swiuuiinr on a lieavy scale) in u:e surely as tbe Alleghany j lifts its head on j N. Y. Herald of Monday last. "high, or tbe "beautiful Ohio glitters "in the , Extraordinary Devi lopebienl The sunbeams; witn awpriu 01 -weaitn upon, its rasnionanie lauies who throng 15 road way, botn;so'8iirefjii9b nod apidty'ap. ' inltlie pleasant days, granted jus. "by the proaching, when pul 'present population will Lord in his mercy, were thrown . into an be augmented fourfold, land when the star- avyful sute of excitement on Saturday, by spanghwl banner Will wave in trinmph from the development of some circumstances, ex tbe Atlantict toithe EaciScp over an imperial traordinajy, and unexpected to all, even the republic, greaUsi.arts and renowned in arms, parties . concerned. foe tbe long time and rivaling if not traascendingthe spten dor of the Augustan sges of France and En gland. ' ( fc I . ' : ; - I; I Charleston Courier.? From the Baltimore Chronicle, ... - -i-r- t. . .', O ' . - - - haf the jrausfer order is now, in ble rain fell duriukf the nighi;-of Wednesday, and and tbe readiness C lbeank ef America- id both form and substance, to that effect. When up to 1 o'clock the "heavfsjs were htmg wuh Most of our readers will remember the beaatiful Dry Goods Ptore of Mr Pember ton, No 575 Broa hvay, opposite Niblo's, snd many will no doubt recollect, the beau tiful and fanciful slock of goods, which or namented Ins elegant store, and the lovely, fashionable young ladies, who pass half their morning in looking over that stock About six or seven months since, the . - a 15 road way loaleis were astonished one morning by a magnificent display in dry . j i' 'v-vt ' aid ths Goyerninei ' U sapply of luitab t( r K nv.ln Al-nVarlrtrril ihEi' lihrnlh bfi aot Tead V 111 I ItAaiitV .1 Thi ''knilwilH ; : lin! Were 8adl V at'l I 1 ' : U U...I: h, -f t1 T1- k!,,ri " lE lavlt Azalta came tn. Long. Wocl wilb h'f etly to work, and finished a stdre. which hr s-fc-' fIonaiToa3 last Aoo'UstkndlSeotetnber-'bad foil ! If, as ttis apprehended from i your remarks repotation, where she had out recently won the J , . .1 r.i c- 1 .VrjT'-littiTV supposed' some, ihat aMrahsfer drift. ih?ee mil; parse inKl Mn against a f;e field. most elegant thing of the kind, in 1 i J 4-the sneifwe Wiwi(sequsted ' to roaVssasSn jean krtyk mofeahan' a Treasury Warrant, be ortjsivas unknown jto fame,tnd expectation ts cityf or perhaps in the Union. he ul v,f I abferepaiatito umia IbeaMntTof 'fneiaY jrdade iyable ooita' face in any thing except was no higherin regard l hiraf. Canary,w'as splendid plate glass of the windows on 'Jvr, I vV:fprubabij ijeededtojc piA.;prov1ded the 'holder, chpos "to jdemand tbe entry of 'pillyjlphrtfon and this was suffi- Broadway ; attracted great crowds of loaf- ii;" l?; ilivopei.atjott& specie, the etjror should be conectedas theldea cient for those whoJhaid mujiey to'loosei to go to ers and loungers outside the store, to gaze I' ;'!' iabfe'sutiwof miMiey4ll)b prepusteroas. (But the Do- a few C's.v upon lrj Eneiero wasj wejl 'known at andaduniie it. and the SDlehdid"slock of ifl:VYV P"TOi w1"?' W", 4,m 1.0 lKi.cii - .au.-iH- uc ou ga.uc.c ,n .ua.. .u, v. . da attracted crowds within. K , ihnn, or opening a Corfpondence Vuh hmi.rbe der ti demand any portion of etiher of them in strong frame, and proved .gameV! induced his 0 v,- , ,sj.i0 r :T-lwiH iiviaay. fartherfiufbfmatioo dWlrableon pecS. -H- - '7 ; f-tj. . 1 -fneSds to bachipi. San. Patch 'looked like a iar the middle of last inon. ti t- f ihi Sum U 'V " , iTnholdPr of the-wsrrant often accents W'nk "inmrH-r. and beinW the nrouertv of one of iheWff- ? ,ieavy Feirl slreet importers, I A:' - f InViDMit to thVother idnies'-in vour loiters, inote lrbs and :si . does the holder of th U-cf liearted men in tU'Oid Dominion; was re ry much astonished one morning, W J'vconnedVwUhih4?pp tbe bills. of gardedtwith favor but not-jtb confidence. He A ' market, you o balances a- was notknbwnas 4;three Jtuile horse, and his r ntd plasre VVemovefiheeisiw would of curse, b always as owner tkshl hiua pretty sharp as a 'two miler,' : if eompaiibleivith myofBiIat-uifes' 4 ; sVaifible !as specie to mW the transfer when andianfinside" stake j was piado that tie-; would 1 K .v' Hu as thusfislltou jusjiy aifign; fof idue.j ;w. -'Jfr . , w..; " ' f beat 'Atalu ' he firs two miles. Ife lust, as the 1w . 1 those Vvils ars'Sttdeeptv led and Wid spread, i l i am, gentlemen, very respectfully your obe- sequel will show. I r I !!. .." A and are so"dis w . .m i It tipncars from - appears from iK.;i. : . rfikv dencewhiehWfinvi V,,,g t-. elte MHS'nectei'' wftbtbl'oderatioi'is - of rdteni servantj f .. . 1 rj-' Before starting f wo to one was offered and ta IthiDenarimeni. it islfiah'lvloraencable that a LEVl WOODBURY, i I ken. Canary and Enciero' against the field and i i' 15 nv Hnrablei or efficient'relief can beobtained ex I eepi by airemovai'or - Jn'rirtca'tiiitfbf the causes 15 .!' .i It ' ?" rj n ' r r, wtJOO to 80 Canary against Knc,ero. by a strange infatuation large be is were made thiMnselves Thi iP Pforgewf8W,and Benjamvx L Swm dspiung oneof hisj legsnd shoWed the marks the chief and primarypauses,must:dependn Ejrs.Now York. - - r j '. in the ilini swelling of the muscles of hiajeg. tha reurn4rudenleneratib ,. ' fV-" : - s'. ! . " t : First Ieat-AI an appointed signal, they all sense irthecw 1 .f W b? Pf? ' t . - ft - r - - trade Uhin' numeroas ibtreasouabl btuariabaomng ;!plinaUon wto the ftclshaMf alllhe above -ild9p!liWis in lands and stocks; 4 transfers to oihertates rum New York; - i 4 I ! t - ' t 3 t .. r , - . a v.. - . a. .a. aa hiAi ui any w nc?xn ra : vsawm m u r . : . X . ...r.i"".-' -l-iiK ' '.."-.'.? - . ananrti;firaa ahniilt tnLA nl-ttrp. ttlAm Would stricter: regara no irue oanking principles. , r i vw" r'- r , , - nu r- ;IFv;.Vi. n 1 still 'rf main in ttfat state, and most of the amount t tn i.mniiitlirAl iffW.ntf? in its commercial capita . about; ten millions of "1L '.if 'ti -i-i ' - I tUnrj TOikli m npv. nr nuiLA fife mit got off well together,! Saui x.atch ahead and the " a a a -V . a ' . f( a otners all up. un; tne oaes stretch a severe 8truowle ensues between him and Vzalia. and withoutchan;ing places tbey pass the stand some of were ve- oti learn ing that Mr. Pemberton had failed for a bout sixty or seventy thousand . do!lars, and that Mr. Pemberton had vanished. On reaching the store, formerly occupied by him, it was found that goods to the tune of at least 20 or $30,000, which i had been recently purchased by Mr. Pemberton, and paid for in rmtes, Stc. were missing, andvs there was every appearance of fraud in the transaction, .the creditors, of Mr, Pember ton engaged two active Police Officers to got at the bottom of it promising $500 for success. Mr. Penberton was arrested and brought up before Judge Oakley on a charge of frajud, but he refused, to take any nieas ' - a l1rlevey been downed by- Pemberton He :. said, hartthf eartraari badtakeri i frorri MrPemSer-f ton's house, only Miss Venables snd ' Mrs.;Peni- ertoH trunks, and ome ofher artielfS if Aipii-J iraoiei and uk theja a ftht ti me pf njgh tofjhis own ccord,and tti saitbis own i ciinvesieiice.p iw Thesnine' evening a writ -of Repleriri traslis edaqd"i!eryed by Mr. VVmi-Redirrwid.wlho, the moment he entered lhir-'R;oreV5dtnt.fifHt Jlnt nf linens as his own. and as some he' had sold tu4 tVnibertoii in Sintimbpr. v ?: " I I s Ml V enables denied tbis.declared tt.wns m- 1 juipsible, and to back, bis assertion, he produced a to4i uiieu ins lourin oiepieiooertrioMtttse e receipted by Some perin, a stranger; at No'-lO Bruadway, arid to make assurance dciub- y'-tiUce.lind proof inure positive. , he Point eif knit thai 0 per cent vf-the atOQunt wasAaked off ifor i i. k Sbp a little, raid "MrMi-dmond. lit went dowrl to hs store, andJhmohfjjp Jos ' Wka SrHl on examining them, found ; that pn trie t-2h f orpioiuos m uira ery linens, nave Deentoia to Mr.' Petnberton. Th .-re. was no mistake there tne puoj&ers and marks of each ."piece, were carefully and correct! v set down. Mr. Vrnahle deniei this in toto, and as it. was lather lake; pbthijhg furrber was done that niht, and the creditors retired . 1 . jOri Thursday the creditors bad another raeet- ing.ahd determined to tret the. affair in its prop- per light, nd as a criminal oflVnce. . ITiey had I evert reason tosaonose that Venables had nin. Spired with Pemberton to defraud his creditors. and as it came under the statute or fraud, they applied, on Friday morning,in abody for repress to tbe Police Office Justice i Bloodtrood wild beaTa tbe complaint, granted a I warrant, and on jc rtaay nigni aoiui i o'ciocJcir. Venahies was arrested by Huntington and Smiih, & put in jail. Mopaturuay morning different writs of replevin Were! issued and .the creditors, of Mr Pecnberion flocked into Venabie's speadid store in searWbr of !heir'gix)ds. ' t j These are ours' said one gentleman, pulling dofl a pile of sjlks from the shelf, examining the marks and numbers 'Herd is our mark.' Here are some-, ! know are mine, but the marks are off, and I dare not swear to them,1 ex claimed another. I 1 T Iri a tew minutes nearly all trie shelves in the new? part of the elegant store wre emptied, and owners vweie busily engaged identifying their goods, which they had recently sold to Pember ton, iat which bad never been paid fur. At least frooj 15 to $20,000 of Pemberton's goods, with the marks on, were found on Saturday and ma ny thousand dollars worth, which the owners can Identify, but dare not sweai vas the marks are defaced. ' ; -'lie whole of Saturday were Bccopied by be creditors in picking out and piling away their goods, and while the slore was crowded with them. laHies would come in, ahd seeing 'all the men so busily engaged, pops out. I do wonder what's the matter now,1 exclaims one as she backed out. What a sight of men,1 said another. 'Something wrong,' says a third, and thus they went on -popping io and out wandering 8t pit tying, and flying about among their dear frieods,' to spread the news' that Venabies'waa dime. 4 1 'Mr.' Venables was confined in jail enlii Sat4 urday uinht.'when he gave bonds in 510.000. Si wasafischarged, and will have 'a hearing this j P .A at 4 lle bad offered if he was set at large, uncimdiiiuna lly, to assign the whole of his stock. which is valued at $1:25.000. The creditors havhowever refusrJ any such compromise, and are peiermmed to push the matter to the very extelit ot the law. Ihey hate PubliShcdstatCm i pleof Kentucky aboutiTcxas; ans; : wbichsomehms orher 1 cac! olher-and lhat,not shoulders,' tbey intend to bat.? 14 ' game at honied 1 f nior1 game Journ ar!J? appeared in the) n ial of Jtonday laie .rKSl reply to fhe expose in of Texas, which we cohsid.11!?;' to makc on lour return frotW .ti tstgned byT J , Cbambiil proirsses io oe a lienerai m theT' jnio( reserfe 1Vedmit that Gtrx 1 bers has wholly reserved himselfy' as during her diffieulties. :an,i a.T General, we rather siifct He u J?fa the pomp arid cifcuinitancA he 6ghting plart f it j i Jlf J' This Gen Chamber attemptsloili tho impression that what we biie lationto Texias is untruei now, taxi ing into a newsparjerTconirbvem!! reserve General, we would there-Of his piece is a tissue of falseWdfSh ginning to end that is, all eWm derdash contained in i it and its author LIAR, a POLTROV Ere thev mount jhefii!! j Mcrria is up sl"ng ures'then, and adjourned until thehextday Side, and as they leave the back stretch Azalia has tak(Mi post inJrbiiji and wins tiuj instde. stike. Here Sam Paten sr.aue; his Mast jump' and ptillf d J 1 i! rT ITia niM ltfrviKILH Vllll Will TPflill I V iwr .J.t .'h?i::i.lSL -1 1 ' .l' - - , rrti.ro Ihifl 1hu"kllhld .nriiretmft - rMlrLIIin I i ceive ipai us srverauprovisions naving. emana- ivivw ..j.-,tr.--r,.r---.- up immeuiaieivait paso;;. iworns riitc$opi I ted frvn CorressVatiwtlthe of that tate, 'under the provisions;ofthe depostte Azalia-Encieroind Canary fn close conrersa, l: legally becbabgtdoieme'byi' Congress. 'a- ict; " ! , v,' l 'l lion tweuty yards! behind i Now the scene be- ! lone. In the mean i tltpe, those prov Wons it is" L ?i h'cj" th?e?. original depute banks m thatxity animated thaf I Morris is too strong for I rev duty, and will befiaf clie?fattbfufi to en- !,adi ty'the last returns? nearly a nuHion of dolj her; and vet with!a fox lik pace she keeps be- i - J a, Sii. t -i ' - aT - I ! force; white they remain a ftef the law of the land.. But every indulgence which can be gran 1 ted, consistent; witirtboe provisions, .will cheer j ully be given Jto the Jcil agents of the Trea ' l sury, and throah them to the commercial com munity, as.well as to l persons unfavorably af- arsleach more puUfo money .than lbree-fourthS hflir tim u Wbidno- het tail V cried una who )f the! amount of their respective chartered cap- :3 . filijd wllh technicalities o tbe turf You tals. But the excess has, since, thedeposue tBee oay light between his head and her law took effect, being four months; ago, been seat j,,. He bounds like an elk ! She like an An- sooably placetl under trabster lootijer oanKsome telopel The mtld ii very deep there, Azalia ; of which are within, and others out of the State; hnni'fur the hard place t but donl Push iiorris .; f- 1' "Mi- . - i f J-V - if f ; - fe?ted by the operatiofl'pf a 1 portion of ihe depo- P ew i ont, ana pajame miurc pmous , tff lne very Weil. i rhat;tjirt or Morris's - siteae!f ?WlMl , ' jng what ww regarded reisonable time for-the mdicale hefgdntbe spor-he has gaineda e 'So far as regards yotir requests, there is a dis- operation. ! footuq hei ! Theyate rourrdl and look ! Caoary - crimination to be noli between two species of I " . is coming up Does she go foi lb heatf. If quired by tbe iOH xvia.i. ui o nvm u vuwuir ! NA ADDRESS. i .Til- 1 -.iv so. she has made her run too laUv and is profit- lessly worrying liei self Here comes Azalia arid 1f.rria iha rheanuVhAs tir bv.'lLe ear 'and she We have pciused with much gratification, keeps poking her nose outi as if she. knew that ithis w ell writtenand truly eloquent Oration, j that is what she ious get past first. That shy jdefivered before the two Iiterarr societies of dog, Enciero I he sfaniles to'tbiok how they are Uyh ithe University of North Carolina, by the ki,lin2 themselves,! quarrel ling for an oyster, effect 11 u;n 'upinv p. 'i,Jjww.ij j. I which is no sooner opened than he comes in for : ; 6on a paciieable, qH4ccrdingv5io the'tr- r;T"""r; "T.SJ I ST " it.'giting each M tbem a shell. Here they cornel tf station of Urntenfe They suike thefground and the earth trembles it ran reawoaoiy oe yeaected, consldenngu tbe f w- , "r: t"vt .a,lu4",a,! beneath them ! : i Morris bas her! A lew, more vsrious ei.reaiinstatie iiobrdetedNrith'eoMla2e oMor,?fand sas calculated to conuibute jamp8 and ihe aliis won! Give Azalia tbe ana an. or a-1 spurs org : again i uig i ii won't oo . xuor- The Spirit 'if I ris wins the beat, and Azlaia has biro by the detelopesthe leadinff 'char- throat. Canary too far up to win aext ume,& I .distribution of the public mdny ie t ' rhefirst dtstribuhpp v Js between different H banks, so tbaCnoohels to, hold j, - permaityin(W;i$ - fouTtlis the amoonVoJitgi capital This is not in iny, degree postponedj by the acj to tbe next year, aim, cntw w wpr-tMyu. in your diy alone, I largely w u tamo as a writer t its operation will retire He( transfers of some-1 lof .. iThe 'Ad'drs ii eotitleo uiii Haeeigu v nuiiiws uojurs trom the old I ibe Awe,' and it ot iF???.- acte.ristiofeage,wah great beamy and Enciero just disunfiag as il- oroiit ot it. i , y H t r IT - m tilui, W ,li:.airaiw,n mJ? in . Af tog his tail. Sani Patch disUnced.--Time--bai. r vs-Tbe1 aeleetioa o4 prgsnrzatieii tf new bank L,c,ty "luslialion, and m strain of 2g to Teive Urge tmtlodlbew fervid eloquence; whtle U is toarked throogb- rha Km. aihl In hvor of Enero and .4- t: iN- 31 r fyi!-'; il of so great - an ammint gradually and out by correct sentiment, political and nior Canary, though occasionally a tisje with the likd opexaii.n in other al and is thoroughly 'imbued with a paUl- was made thVt! Morris would s of the country, severely taxed mt t ntir rWi in Vif the mncl tikaaal-anrt am.rt. I TliA, stl frnt oCir thpif rape Tf tmlmii fii hlkin I ai.na n....ik. 1 . . . l. I . - . . ' ' I . . " awixKHi si.v iwi9 mi iNuic uivuius, iuu aio 81111 deisgit. ' "f I Temoval ofso' great ;jao safely; sections sive character. banter of 5' to 3 win the money. very well and when It opens with a fine paraj- b hugle sounded to saddle, looked as ;fresb as exinc f Besides this first distribution of the Deaosites. a second one is rendered oecessary by the dpo-: site act. among thelliifferent Kutea in mth! proportions. Undef tibU bpfctioo, tho propor- lei between tbe two Carol in as, in reference M -k .J.u-.:c- Jj j OEC0RD nuT-atin-sranooi loeornm - w T ITy they went again-Canary ,nd Azalia in the glories of our struggle for NaUonal 0 Enciero and nMorrU traiUng in the independences next aottv adverts to the ' In tliio nrrtpr ihpv: niM .nnnl .rut ,-,m thaisJiotoireijto be ; actually paiaovet 10 1 pCasiou--tbe College Festival, which had I half'way up thef bill 1whn Azalia goes ahead; in LOtaiea ui 1 nexinyery,aod quarterly theie- gathered its throng of generous Notaries, to and Enciero draw i op nearer tby turn the after during the yeaf J . f , , ' bfftir tnin fk k ii,.. i:.....-. I s.rnr and aweenintr found aremmincr nn htimti BK the preparation beforehand to ensue i, Encierol dasher at the s Wreshe Kuwtuiij imu 113 proper 5u , , ? j - , . if rm ' " . ,' . ' . -. . r w . i I trnnmrla With flrJvlDff fftmp. mtitl aken thw been carM andconstanind coupled, whenev, SsLtll. SfT - peJodgs stand is still to ftt. tfe r cntentent wttbte first apd -earliest dist pbatKally one. 0 Soenc, leading to prae- j, back tf few fee and takes breath- There butino required a.mong th? baoks, so as td- pre- w and useful results, and pushing onwaid lBey : oo- up? taeHhtlll l " Halloo. Canary is vent wogreaiiwrHiucwa.;4iiu prmaure in r 'fw uuguiy impulses, mo great w one 01 so-1 gone Morris has passed Her and she labors jruoney market attentlaht 00 douLlo tuuifersj5rat hard but in valnU-td keep np with them. En ami meanwhile Mr. r. cleared out, ard it is supposed sailed for England. 1 ji.M C Smith and Huntingdon were 'he officers selected, each of whom went about the bus iness in his own way. Huntingdon adver tised, and one red a reward of $100 to the Cartman who carried goods from: Mr. Pem- bertons store, about the middle of Septem ber, if he would come forward and inform where he carried them to, and Smith went quietly about, in his own particular wav. He did riot say much, but like Patrick's owl, he kept a devil of a thinking ,,V Abo.ut threeweeks since, Mr. Venables finding his business increasing too fast for the accommodations of his establishment, made arrangements for enlarging his store, and on Saturday week the enlargement was finished ! making the store probably the most splendid one in thcUuiled States. On Saturday the store was closed, in order to give the., clerks an opportunity of arranging the newjgoods.and on Monday j re-ope ued with additional splendor, and great increase of ne w and elegant stock, and Mr. V's business-was now more extensive than ever. No person came to claim the $100 offer ed by Huntingdon, and while he was wan dering whyoraeone did ndf come to him, Smith was going cautiously 'about, and on WednesdaVnprniiig he lit upon the very. j-man he was jn search oL After a great deal 01 cross questioning he ooia smith that He had, about the middle of last month, carted two very, large loads from Air. Pemberton' s store, and'said he, If you will go withtihe, l will show you where 1 took them. Smith -went with him: he crossed he park fwent nght up the stairs that led to reale s JAloseum, and - pointfng toI side door, said '; There ; they ail wenl through that doof into a private rooatf f rhe goods were takenbetween 3 and 4 o'clock in tKe morning1 ori two occasions ; butH tlon't know what tHeV we're.' s i l This was enough formilbiHe went own instantly to ihecre.ditorsV Mr; Pemberton. A raeetiog ofthemj'was, immediatelylealled;! and tbey all repaired to the house of wr. E. b. Brown. 01 tne mm 0: ; Farther Particulars Yestprday morning, E. H. Newinad, of No. 125 1-2 Ca; h am street, was arrest eJ !by the tianie officers on a charge similar lo thalt preferred against Venables. Mr. Newman was formerly a clerk with Mr. Pembrr ton, ani a fejw nit)r.Hi since he opened a store on hb own account at the above place. His stock of goods also was very select andelegant, and va9 one of the finest in Catham street. On the 7th of this uttilh. the officers and she riff pa id a visit to Mr. Newman's store, having as tfiny thought, good reasrn for so doing, and fowid ihwrea large quantity of the goods of Pem berton's to the aipouut of $10,000 or $12,000. Some of them were in the cases as they had been sentfto Pemberton 's, and had never been touch ed ot unpacked at all. Others had the marlcs .effaecd, but were identified. j ; The evidence of Mr Newmans having been an accomplice of Pembertous' in defrauding his creditors, was so satisfactory, that Justice Blood good;committed him in full. Ob the who!e,this is one of the neatest places of business of the kind we have had to record for a; long" tune, and fully comes up to Mrs. Mt ry Ai'Kinly of Pbiiadelphia wV. Y. Herald. -7 ; Lord Nelson A late English writer, an eye-witness to the scene, gives, the .following description of the amputation of this hero's arm, k his subsequent death, after, the glorious af fair of Trafalgar. It makes one's blood run quick er to reau 11 : , 1 'No sooner had Nelson been examined by the sargeon than immediate amputation was recom mended. I undressed him mvsell, and laidbim down on the cabin table,making fiim as comfort abletas possible but the wound was one whicp must have been dreadfully painful, for the burre was shattered to" piecesnd I never remember Uj have seen such a fracture before. 'I'm ready said: Nelson ; 'so, doctor, despatch, You know business loo well for me to fear, or yoo to cause useless pain.' ' I thought I should have dropped when 1 saw the first out. XMelson lace never moved. His lips, it is true, were 'closely pres sed together ; but . that, I hate been told, is a strong siga of determination." His cheeks were pals from the. Joss of blood ; and be appeared fairit from the exertion of rescuing some of the.men: whom he sa ved- from the' Fox. Oh! bow 1 felt when I saw the long knife, bright as the bionacle lamp, dazzling ail round. Nelson looked at luand in a moment it was down to thebooe, right round and round tbe arm. It did not flinch from this but just before, when - 1 1 a a L the surgeon drew tne sEinDacic, ne lookeo op Then came the saw ; and I'm blessed if the car penter sawing off the heelpf a studding-sail bopai could bavestto work, with more coolness than 4be doctor.: Off fell the' Rmb Nelson's good COWAHD; and altbough we cnteru X ' opinion of hitn,.should he feel imfJ4 this notice wewtl a.ve the op,, pieasod of hi total? want of eterf gJ ble principle,' and give him whW faction bis uoiindid sense kauri stimulate hrm toemand.l v I T: r Si -GUPOSTLETHWkrrv Chambers can find; u. if. -f convenicnccLwill beat allincomrs 1 1 coming up to this plCe; ebu titiit the trouble of , coming hMMoftflaL?; Frotn the Louisville Joornt A CARD The Lexington 0. . Reporter of yesterday contains a Tctfnut Edw'd J. Wilson and O. L ;Ti!eiktii!f i? with personal, abuse against mjwlf. oJ escend.t bandy epithet with bm MifD. pobljc. The duty I owed a .suffering wd ttxJ abused people, required that t should expe t J put down the calomnies with w bicb Meva Wilson 'Co. have sought to gratify tie nity of iAr disappoiuttd dvtoict ani tjonityij oiasiing a pcopio siruggunjr nxt ejrsrenee have vindicated that people, and, ta fat u have heard; satisfactorily to the public: t I kawa AA& iklo tlltl k. 'nalaj ...uJ.Vi; svoe evithtts, but by irnpregaible ftctalt ini sistible deductions. HTbisjsi estaWisWd M alienist of Messrs. Wilson Postlethwiiii fct ate its efifacts by bvUying in ie pobbt persr! ldo noj remember to have ben from the per formaoce of a dotr bv persottl f-ail by bullipr.g orWwTexianSai.fftejk- suiiujertng inem. 1 wear mj vwititnx aini it nuttt.n but littf with me, whettwl A ploy it aa.inst the hired extetminatorff 4 i noi.'or the mere execrable ealymHofofi WlJp feting people. In either case the Tipiri'li ti Aliuio and San Jacinto will direct its jwst . J My duties witt perrait me, to renim.'m.-lasji ville one week longer, and hold rtwjCf sille in every teay orll 1 have wnUfnR ;n viiidiciitioii ol my country iamj wriaerf cation, and in tbissard. i 1 T. JEFFERSON UrlAMoLU Louisville, Opt. DtR, 183d'. , ; F t r P S. Those jvipers who have wrbbM calumnies of Mesrs VVilsori and Poss!aibv against Texas, and are situated at wgreiit1 tauce as not to be in danger tron iff;? j these pugnacious gen'lemec, will domfPl mnA nniirplfxl neotllfl !UStice.tbV VXiU'iiWi answer, notwiinsunoing us iengvu., . . . it mm FROM MEXICO. J The arrival of the schooner 1 Naw Orleans from Tamnico. 0 insu brings newsrom Mexito. ( terest. We compile, front the gf leans papers the annexed items gence : t" .. :-tj it t tV MPTicaris areffi At tfUVluw a a - v- fVv cing operations in good earnest Cromier states that, prepous.wM ture, news had reached Tampi?! iid instant,) that 6,000 rneh JSiS march from the city of Lulsle Potost,; the 1.500 -m. beea under training at TampicP to mnrrh from the same pUClia - a. iunction with them. He also nW? to be s right arm (one that Hn the W ndQdr previous with tbe Spanisii gon-buats, had deferl-1 i-. , rauaitioc r jt dell its owner, and tT hjfr-f Tl I V "tMtie &t 5?! . . . v x -C: .kLt 9tA Tihtarv stores o-r, . h'Siva naps-aa jonn pyaesaeauo. nwtui .up 1 rrr , u VKry-ew limb dressed, the knives removed. lheassitajit rTexasV 'MUSrrAM:: i Mtgeoa''pslcbed toj ..look-fori hers;Tiban;op If fFbe messsage orvie- $u&fj gets tbeAdinlral, and 'Braey saya tte.-get jQiud Stales re'autWf jv-ffr, some paper, and write dbwn tbe: despatch as 1 1 e3Cknou'ledgraent of tne J?r JJj tell tou.,' And it's as, troe as tbe 'Gospel, he ,VaLm mtid tJJiave rnadef1., -. told every.wordraod held tbd paper and read it himself, to see that it wis all correct, : although oesiues inese iroops, duw" 1. . companies were said to be a different parts of the country. t0W.i united, ihey will make a terWj force. He confirms the r?eu g; made by Capt. jrnaux of tbejW that whatever dissensions or fffcfr ings may exist among er respccts,theyiappear tobe ip tti nmapntifinh of ihis main pbftpi y Cormier represents Tampico a,j.f tranouil. The approaching ciP-j gainst Texas vas the engrossHt the day, almoit to the enure , every other, ' pV- " ! Voluntary subscriptions made through alUhe Pfincfpaii Republic f for the purpose o1. Government in putting to, Jrl war in 1 exas. x c cwu - - 7 sion id-MBxico. I it was eleven ocic at nigut.ciure it was na-i --fv- Aricerssad crs T; I ttamstoUiaad lJrown. baavv cred. fened ! , T ..vapu '"ri rr, , i ; cial, tacxal ' and . physical .improvement as h ; ' ( : " ' ! t4 j -.1. - ' i w 1 n ft . ; t k::J- 0 V1 'A v. 'A' 'm