I W M MM. A " - 1 -- ' 1 l 1 - I CiliiUij. fM5 irirWl Cents per Vear. -i!Or . 4 i""-" f -: .u nwH fiUb5CriDeiS WDf will ' , j 1 . s .had ior nd gov ii33plilcr forime year it Two Doj -iiiFMi lonira tfie; sanfe class shah m 5- tJ in! advance jth sure of .L ; , tof,i(j cH'ifl fnl?ftll 1 i J J.. slik r.i nuiirr iVo V01T three TjUlattin aUrases. -. StonlwiH tifrtcvedjk less than ""The following Esstyiwas evidently writl ten before the suspension , of specie nay jnents by the. Banks was immediately in j contemplation. f But its reasoning . is, not, on this account, the less clear arid convinc ing .Ya. nr. - ; xta be Jpa'yroen WX' Liii kii f"iantinbed bat at the od- IkKjUiiialU arreafges apaid I -It - .. 1-J Ik - IT UteH-tri th Editor I i i L - I 1 a n 1 ri 1 f " rw it Tlylor i first tfrion, and SH tM'fL'Jk&efor eath insert afltrwardi tfiihfnent will bej Jnsqrtpdjors continadd until'ordprs , wneriio directions ".Djiseinty the year jors"4 months will privMfge of chahgring tbfebr every FRCM THE NATION I. GAZETTE: The July Instalment of thcSurplui OR. TUB PROSPECT BEF6rE USk Tfi Washir2lon OIilet for some weeks past, has boeri-nuking almost latly attirks I . k l e , , ' -.r r -l tr:. i iji Mtwo-tnrcis of the five mill i rwe Dans' oi iiip uniiTO Ojaifs, wnn left if.' " if ?" M if "j :,::;jsALlsi3URi, j Wiiti-feVlS- 16 a 17 cts. i Brandy, Ap- iijIjUa a 50 cU ; ebtian! pr lb. (iu SLfctsi (lotion; bagging j ptr yl. 1G-25J s- ')epir itu lb ja: lb r-ta; tuasnns:s fp j 4 ifUoilon yrirn, froib St. 6 to o Vj i. - ... i L . ii - i M UU CIS ; rfjaii'nr ljr 10; (3i 7: hratlDr bush. Al 124 UA. 30 cLsj Cum prt bu-sh 55 ci i r?Ts; Lp;id ff Hi 8 a lOcts ; , 1 .r J,llkil a O' Pl ItAnoi nor Ih I C) 4 Ml, it' Pr'r ; -j T'TV-T I ' UJ,H r , .A. U .J-.i it. . - - i..ttat : nJ r in t l a. r, mi. l.in i iif-r in :a . a4'perMM tP 21 50hts; Hted, Ampri- sl Cast do.; perj id .. cts:; .aoar d-Ankp do p ; VV-)oJ fleanj pr 'b 30 J . i ii i i r iri 3"!- . ,' I if) ctik l ipe 1. 1 ppennej ors p ai . i oil . graduallriand season aDlyVreay fbrV eht lo each! State tWnext month, ind J C5i be ,dr4wn; and of hat limited supplylthe quartprlflhcrefipr iirinj the jearhasj 8if PTPnenn f milar late to that which tiiade luM:iUltd progress tiiice Jim6. by ; has alf eadyt titenied fiianjTfiilUotisfot dolt oians oi-ira nsirra to the severar states iv VW9 Mpon new a otk ana rwuauei- then deficient, and has nofeen thus chra-j pnil. mos orfu(ie a gehent'dlstrilsU If. jpJeted in a -single case unices the Stateof i if d?f& it rasB depositej banks alone that Ohio be; consi'lered an exception ? The re:i required )ills the Cemand might : possibly porl also jnfonnsus that aUhat date;sfxte 1 be iej; but this iji not the jcake.Tlie5neo 'Slates Wre j deficient ;tf: th ii proportrons i chants who are indebted teris ot intilions l50,o6o,toJSl60o, dvsllptheliEastera produce be 5 A J 75 cis"; !Ialaxa, (sweei) py per al. 45 a 50 cts. CHERAWj j ; 4Mrket per lb 6 a S jiU5.;J:BacoB. per IHlli ctk Ha iH di. 00 00 ct ; Beeswax jr'a jii cit ; Baling. ;er yiird 18 a 25 ijKiferope per lb aj: 12 lfl ri. ()'fee pr. a 6 ?tsC it ton per lOll hs 5 7i 00? ii Cofq per 1 bushel 90 i5 alcis ; FUr btife'pr brl ' 7-S OtM, OfBi) siurps per iilron per J00 I if -$li6i O; oer dal 45 50 a cts': 'Nails cut 'assort- ;S 1. a 9 cts i Wrought do. per lb. 2oJ ;Purk iHi br! $8 9 r Ili-ie pel J0Q Ins $4 tilSoper lb. Ii 10 l-a .afcu; Salt pr Kmjsj,p;ti pel ousnei o i $icisjoippi a B4j)i3riprlb 1 16 r.x fanfiw pr lb 10 iBijT, . iea;impprii p?r io;i a l an ci; k2per!lo10ia ISjcts.-;- I -f". ' 1 FA YETTE VI L LEI ' NJipeafb 75 a 80. D; Apple, CO a 70 kprlt lb a (Hfii C,w.'m rVr ll H a 8 ts iBNprl)hSl 00 a! 000 Kpatljers pr lb 45 a iWfb px 041SI4 l a 000; Iror. prlbjSJ a tJ; M.i f .gall 4(1 pa : I XailsKout Hi a 8 iSalt i30al7j;-S.unaf or fbi74 i a 111 : Tobae.-o: ip 3 ;4V)ieat pr jbnsli $0 00; 0 Whiskey rL 52 55, beeswax -20 a 00 1 x H V11U cii itnuictliaUlu r afld'keady tiiis j w lriu' gid- -wa- femnmsyillfi, N. 0 11. EiKftl0N. May -25 orb Mitch'ell fed by &m Cu-tiartnersliiD f Doc v Byehpie s tliis 'da diiau i ! . I T i )wsnr9 Indebted to the finh.fnrp requestpjl setwe their aecoonLs. 1 he ltavhir ntaKpki fni .IndeWd' to ")r. Sliicbt H, prpvt VUfipptherip cdj Buu-fhllp S Much t,rreouslld io call and t-lis th i - 1 -i t r : 1 : .aouj, 1937 if4a , ,r ,1 lyiH cuntinae the practice ot iMjledirine, 4c Birekt the end offhe Noith East win '.Unsiori Hotel. 0th,t837.4tf44 Notice.-;- E-SuWcri'Der at February C4ort. obtained f. wtiers Of, admiinistrntinn nn thp palate of Lficejtof alii thtise indebted iio jsaid estate to aifntf immediately : and all thoRp bav- present t hpjm, projpfly aflthentil t'1!1 lle prescribed by law, ir this ' pleaded in bar of their recovpry. mUHARD 0717-5144. 'w r 1 . ; j " y.dfjitei jhe Annual tAddrts-belore wierary !Societie$, at ibe! cuiuijeWe- h'ersfty. ;i A.ti!. Vifle.: ,riV,. if- 1 'M'r open bi me ;uiuvc ui ur U,?4atifaDd at iWe Store of Geo W -U. IML - t 1 1 .... Hiiowq-of Salubury, for subset p ttS.f P'at t suck of FavfeUeiilleaod f33ad 1837 4s--t::-. THE COMMISSIONERS upon me the manifest design 'of casting upon that nst he posU iristilution the odium which is due alone to Ihe financial policy of General Jackson. -The G!ol Cannot but be seosible that Mhe humble t (Torts to restore the constitutional enrrmcy.' made by the individual nnder whom to have served was glory enouglirfor hts successor, have brought the country in to it present distracted condi'.ion ; and it- js-also sensible that three months cannot elapse without a, convulsioji, which will convince the most stubborn adherenUof the prty in power the entire failure-cf Hhe experimpnt from which such disastrous construences have resulted. The convnl sionlo which I refer is the failure of the Government to pay over to the Stales the July instalment of the Surplus Revenue; or, what would he infinitely worse, a gener al suspension of specie payments by the bankti, and thf consentient subsntulion. of depreciated paper money not convertibb , into com, for the mixed currency tf om I and convertible paper, which the -country l enicven hen' General Jaekson came nto power, ann nnith it wonln have iCorjtinuen until Ikis d;y to njoy,xliad he not tipen fldtcreci'bi co'irt sycophants into tlif belief, th;it4e possessed, hy intuition, a dpptlv,of finan-hl .kHowledge, which all others have nn ly heen able to ?it:quire by Hard rand la borious study. -Willi 8neh a prospect he fore them, of a stoppage of payment by the Treasury on the on hand, and a rag cur TMicy on the-otlu-r, it is not surprising that tnoe wno nave brouant i'out the oii-'nma C5 should use the eolunn of the otSci-il n- t-.r to forestall public opinion, by attend ing tu pro-e that the dssasters which are now stalking over the land, and which wilt soon knock at the doors of the Treasury, have wholly resulted from the operations of the itiik of the United Stites. Vain nd futile, however, must their attempt. Par ty devotion, when Mhe spoils of victory are helrl out as a reward, becomes turtv hatred, when poverty slates one in the f ice;' and f to suppose thrit political leaders," when thev have nothing to give as the price of s -rvili ty, can maintain their influence with those they .have ru:ned.betravs a want of iicq iaiu tance Willi the princtples which bae held tbedoininant party together since the crea tion of the sin plus 'levenue'. All this, the Globe well knows, and hene the despera tion which its leading articles have latterly displayed. With ail its. violence, however, that jour nal renders tin? Public some service. It has a happy knatk of furnishing the very arguments that overthrow its on ; positions T 1 "L - . . t 1 nus. 10 me paper 01 me 4M instant, in which -it boass ot sis own prophetic sagaci ty, by quoting an article fust published in Manb 1835. in whn h it pronosticated the uisasrt-rs wbicr. would result from a mon slrous,' aii.unhuiNl oj' expansion of twelve millions ot diilar m fotn months, by the Bank l the United Stites, it very simplv lets us nilothe secret, that thid very bank, which bad produced stid) tremendous con seqnenecs, from an- aoamentatjon of its loans to" the extent of twelve millions, (sub s' quciuly iiH reused to twenty. )had, between Oi tobtr, 1830, and April 18 H ( expanded itself to within' a fraction of ttYv millions. ofkM irs, without having produced any Oldsters whdttver, as every one mav recol lect who looks back to the" p riod which pre cedert liie removal 0 the deposites. But is it not singular, that whilst the Globe as cribes such mighty efforts to an expansion of twenty millions of dollars byj the Bank ot liie United Males it should neyer breathe a syjlablo of the. eflects produced by the t xpaiisiou ofJLieneral Jackson's new banks, wbieh, during' tire year, 1835, alone, in conjunction with the others which existed bttore, increased their loans seven' y-tico millions of dollars, besides the twentyl Its silence upon the latter point is sufficient to convict it of intuitional concealment of three-foul th parts of the evidence jn the case, and the Putdic ma therefore judge of the fairness of its statements.! which is certainly not such as ought to be expected in an oihcial journal. . , i I he ground upon which the inability of the Governnjent to pay over the July instal mentOf the Surplus revenue resist is tbe known jenibairassel . condition of ome of the deposite oanKs, and tne fieneral Ki- ranement 01 the. pecuniary aliatrs ol. the On the 26lh; of December last,' the Sep- reclary of the 'Preastiry juade a report to the Senate in compliance' wUh a resolution passed bytbat bodon tbn 2i tb pf ' the same, month, '"calling lor inforajation.iela live to the translers "cpib I ic moneys, or dered tinrthe2SdJbfitffe,TorJie purpose of executinathe actof that dateJror regula ting the dep. sites of ,the public moneJn this report, the istfieiary .stated that nearly ed next psontb to defray current-expend tures.f - frbat this orocess would be atten ded with difiicultv s thus declared But. however difficult the aripwtidtiment among t fie States must.be when it all goes ions to bercserf- f'8nWk.fw9de8ire jt, make salelbf current - exoen'di- I thei?fto"cl4 Pn tbe sprit, are all competitors in the bill; market, a nd their united' demand m'nal ?aw oiuit ... .t H i ! 15... - . t.. deposite-banks j tbe iibility j ofj exchan2VeTei1 if tne7 ing year.7 The- total to ptirchise bills could be procur- iiilo final erTect. merely? for " the collection 1 ed? Cankhey compel pavraent from their andpayjog-'tr sncb'riQnn3e, sums intcf-. dbtp wji(Jraye nothing to ! pay with but netv-brands, and however widelr; and with j lands?' ;Eery tody will agree that, to a whaY I embarrassment some of the money 1 very great extent, this must be impossible. must,-in the end, depart from the usual j Gin they extend their issues, so as to pur 'channels of commerce j Ind of bur . fiscal cliaselbilla with their noted, without! render 'operations, the directions of the act in this ihg their situation raosr precarious? This 'respecti as stated in my annual report, could ! wll hardlyi be pretended by any one who not with propriety be neglected y tbe De- j reads the following table made up from tbe partaneit, and are in the course of coniple- ofljcul statement of tbeijr condition, as it Minn ar mo nrntwr nnriAria uuit inn I n nsiu ' sifiiici iiii nr nparinp ifii ni rvnvpmhpr iscr. . i i i - -ri : - - - as given iji the appendix 'to the journal of the select -committee of the House jif lie this mdne contracts, lengaiements. ; arui enterprises to a . large amount have been entered into. Pennsylvania, by a prudent jujiccuue, nas escapee from the disappointmentrj which'taiusi be severely felt byome?pf her sister Slates, d""S msuc no oisposiuon or her share, and will therefore-be ableto meet the: cri. sis without any- derangementll her finan- ees s remaps x par W devoiinn n States TOayjsmoiher thVebuUhions.of an ger. wbrch cannot fail to be excited Wainst I not1 inellllillnn. - .nJ the Secretary, for not making theirt- fnlfiH " the klicker, and if it varan far that ton wow see trouWein itrbt otT, anl-PlT 0 jop; but I know itwi!l $eh the bid wptbb all ft ' susash. However, he iwitcheJ oui tjie klicktr " or balance wheels abd jthejold watch fid xbhitf tor a spell, I ttll yoo; Swao of them little- wWis went m fast you feuuld'at see notbia oil.wa fur ? ?ik . P" a4' sl ks-eltrd up, trod; another cot : it leetb knocked out. IShe s Jp'd a dpI. then k a spring smpI, and liiuVSTakiR.'and thV Bplinters flew; and1y th? hulUciapa r n in - stopM. ri Zfkel akekVt bw kev ddWand hoc d . " t roe,aodays hevMfih,r, wj iavi Mi that ' old watch, hot I doat vllf the loss bn it an sttm J' -: their j obligations, but in others a clarhor i J1 f-4' a Poiii.by it;5Ar.t . - ; will-be raifed against all the aider and a- u"! J fV'vI? " I amount to be distributed a- mona (he States was $37,468 359 Of prescntatiyes on the agency of the deposite .this ainpunt 11,594.001 was the propor tion faljing to the eleven1. South western and Western St ites. nam'ly, Al ibmna, Ali.-siss i, .pi, Louisiana, Missouri Tennessee, (kr n tu k y, Obto. Iiiihatri, Illinois, Arkansas, and Mi''ii:n The amount of public money in tfie pp Ue kinks of ti.03 t;,tfs was. on or jnenr the lSLol INoveaiber last, as will hereafter appear, $20,232.9j0; so that, alter deductins the enure sum to which b'-tnks, sta 18J7 - 3w45. tiiey .vpuld be entitled fir their whole four instaliT)f nis. they would bu tin r the neces sity 01 tr.inslerring 8 bd5. 4ob between November. 1836, auu 0. 1 bi r. 1837, to the Atlantic cities. f iThat no pirt of this vast sum, or at ieist only a sin ill pari ot it, can iave been up to ilns p riod trinsferred, is more thin probable iron the. fact that, as ihero existed in the Atlantic cities a fund luKq-iHle ;o pay the two first instalments in Januiry and April, no immediate necessity txi?ted for the tiausfer. These deposite nk, as a whole, if the statements of the G'! 'be are correct, ate not very prompt in tu 11 movements when moneySs to be paid. i . I his iiianilestly appears from an article pub- lish'fl tu that paper of the "16th January, 183 j. in which it was siatedr upon official auliionty, thai the loans and discounts ot all tjie dtpiisite banks were In July and August. 133G, I64.469.S23 And 111 December, 1836 ement G. PEPQSITES TO THE CREDITS OF Dfrtosite Banks. Cir'lation. U. -S. 1 reasurer. - - - Alabama 1 Bank, $2,052,515 fl, 335.553 Mississippi 2 do. 2.843,529 1,958.307 1., s-ana.l 2 di. 1.989.759 4.705.455 Ti-u ipJ 2 do. 4,00207" 777.391 f K knacky, 7 do. 2 422 955 1,399,942 Ubio. 8 do. 2.600.026 5.130.875 lildtana, 13 do. 2239,875 2,257.895 hl'n.'is, ! 1 do. 71 967 72,320 Michigan, 3 do. 940.198 1,616.118 '29 $19,163,131 $19,253,856 DEPOSITES TO THE CREDIT OF ! Deposite Banks. Public Ot6er D-po-j ! Officers . sitories Ala. 1 Bink 284,68Q 24,407 133.310 46,258 100,360 189.779 18.815 Miss. 2 L,imi. 2 reiin.2 K-n. 7 Ohio 8 ladi 3 III. - 1 Mch. 3 do. dp j do. ty dp.! dp. db. do. 231,495 $654,537 1,690.934 1,24514 694.302 633 970 1,106.585 399,800 19.161 683,468 Spcie on hand $282,915 860,218 696,030 241.504 930 638 1,379.775 1,121950 36,185 378.751 29 l66,4o4,733 Tunis' show in that tiiesc banks, instead of curtailing their loans St discounts so asto be prepared to meet the instalment it become due!, actually augmented tiurn to the extent of near two millions of dollars, and-by that mens reiidtred it mine dillicult to mett the Subsequent ones. 1 say, with such evi dence before us, it is more tlnn prob-ible thai no transfers from the West to ihv East have thus far been mad; and the question very naturally occurs, hov ran these Wes terh .and Southwestern banks collect an transmit eight and a half millions of dolhis to jthe Atlantic cities in. the' present em barrassed condition of thf money m irljei? Kvery body conversant -with trade knows llHt theie ate but two h !es in . Inch re mittances can le prole from tue West to the Eist one in bills of exchiug -. the other injspene. As tn bills, th supply through out the whole Western and S'utbwsieri country is extremelv luniteil o t(f th cessation of demand at the Ee4 tor the pro $1,029,104 $7,128,271 $5,927,966 Arkansas and Missouri none. Fiuij ine ruregoing statement 11 will appoar (hat the cash liabilities ot thuse twenty nine banks were as tullows Circulation! Public deposites, $19,253,856 I .Ditto,! ; 1.0211 104 $19,163,131 Oiher depositors, 20,2S2.90O 7,128,271 no 1 pay i-oiisidera without t 1 H Alt It IS, Admr. Cw.42 d cscriptioi done NfeVARiRANTS; t Sal4 aCtbis Officii i t f ni.A.li.itViM.tnl r m . . .1 I 1. n .Mi.ai n I I n I .. f Ithe public uionfy t"Hininj in tin- Trea sury on the lt laj)'jry..l837. excepting five millions of doll irs Nt. FJoc- -Amount to be toral votes, deposited dm iig ttie year ? . 1837. Slates. : f Maine N. Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Vermont Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carohua Oeorgia Alabama Mississippi louisiana Missouri i Kentucky Tenaesse Ohio indiada- Illinois Arkansas i Michigan ' . 10 7 14 4 7 . 8 42 8 SO 3 10 23 15 11 11 ... .. ? 4 ... 5 I 21 L 9 5 $1,2-4.451 02 4 82,115 71 784.2S1 53 509 780 41 891,1 15 71 1,019.560 81 5.35 2.694 28 1,019.560 81 3,323.353 06 382,335 31 1,354 451 02, 2,931.237 34 1,911 676 53 1,401.896 12 1.401,896 12 893.115 71 509.780 41 s 637,22.51 -509,730 41 1.311.676 53 , i 911.676 53 2,676,345 14 1,147 005 637 22K Making a total of 46,574.362 To meet vhich they jointly held a stock of specie equal to less than six millions of dollars, lining in proportion of one metal lic dollar jto seven dollars and thrpe quar ters of paer. From this view of the case it must be evident that the ability of these banks to purchase bills by fresh emissions of paper drediis will be impossible; with out the hazard of being brought to a stop pntre of sjpecie payments. That they can- eght and a half millions, or -any hie pniuoii of that sum, in specie, be same hazard. is eauallv evi- 1 K ' le a ; and it may therefore be fairly as yined that the transfers cannot be made. ! But, it is t be noted, that the defalca tion in nr. 'r:nmission of funds from West to tjie: Ha? i is not the oely ditliculty that will pe experiencetl by the Western and S'Uiiltwestern deposite bnks. The settling of balances 'between those of .dif ferent States, k even between those of the same State, must be attended with great embarrassment. 4 ne same remark will pp!y to those of the Atlantic cities. Ca ses havd already occurred iu which the de; posite banks of one city have not been a ble to obtain the balances due bv those of another city ; and it is ktiown to the wri- la 1 1 1 I terthat dralts drawn oy one oeposue oanic upon another have been protested from non-payment, and that already a Treasury draft upon a deposite bank has been dis honored Under i his condition of-things, ; it may very natu ally be asked, what course will the Sectetjarv of the Treasury pursue ? Has be th; power, and if he has. Will he bring suit against the deposits banks who may oe unaoie to pav, ana meir suretie bettors of -' -the.speriinenu9' for having o fosslyi fleceived the Public witt their quack financiering.4: : I s And' now let us inquire what influence this raeasure;ioul(l have, upon tlie state o the money marketand.how far- it would, go to wardf relieving UreT existing, pressure? I answer that, if the deposite banks should default in their payments j to tbe Govern ment, and be thereby relieved from the ne cessity of a rapid reductiojof theirjloans, without which no payment can be4maBe on the 1st of Jul v, the indulgence would be immediately felt by Jtheir debtois and by the community. That portion of them, therefore, whose pecuniary embarrass ments were of a nature to be cured by LI. f . . . reasonauie extension oi lime would have the chance of being saved from rum.! But there would be great danger thai the banks might be imprudent, and extend their is sues, in which case a suspensioof specie payments ; would most assuredly follow. and bring with .it a tram of disasters even worse than those under which we are trow writhing. The greatest evil that could befall this country, not only 'as regards her prosperi ty at home, but her honor and character a brpad, would be general suspension of spe cie payments bv the banks. In the prevention of such a catastrophe, the Gov ernments of the Union and the States, as well as the whole People,! have a deep and lasting interest ; and it lis; for that reason that I assume it as certain that the' Gener al Government would 'pursue the course which 1 have above indicated It is in deed probable that the Secretary of the Treasury, judging from his official notice of the 1st instanv.jn which be . Uuti mates the possibility of a diminished revenue, might, if he had the power, voluntarily withhold from the Slates one or both of the instalments yet to be paid, upon the ground that the wants of the Treasury to meet ; appropriations demanded such a courseBut he, possesses no such powef. The monev must be paid, if it can be ob tained, and after , being once paid, can only be recalled by gentle instalments, not ex ceeding two hundred and 11 forty thousand dollars in any one year frojn the State re ceiving the largest.share, and from the oth er aiaies in me same, proportion. AN. EXAMINER. u up in me iVoiluHslon GInh, 'rhm, j M; that to lkeGfernhen!i and tell the Gmeral there is Jtuumiihrfi;.I ittikstmnicon who wtnt tattieddle with hauU and naoney-maiters withooU knowing ill afc.ui Vm anil tvitl. i Wit . . r"v . -. - . . - , kwuk. a kiss U BWilciicI? mil anl tnM ' i.T " 4J 1 '4 POISON BY JA31E!iTOWN WEED. V Daring the past week. Mr. James' McG. of lJbfVr,,Iaffe bl "several of his family partial-!: ly poisoned with Jamestowh seed. -The cir&-: camslahces were as Jnlfwsi Mr. McGoteny uaa raisea a crop ni buckwhea amongst which ihis poisonous vegetablerew to leomtf extent; and was mowed and threshed with thu. what. Apprehensions were entertained in reeard to the ? safety of using iC However aAer? passing' tbe grain several times ihroaghapiteoj wheat -lanir and also through a cockle e'ive. i it waa deemed . ; clean, or; soibciently .6a to ,yenture its' uoe ; therefore grist was tent loTmillf orl.'thefe- turn of the flour, the familr prearVd otre uf if Tor the table. Five or sixlof the J fauiily ale if , H,anl were in a short lima, aUrrad by yrap- s toaas of poison ; sbclrujf thetaauH as had used !1 freely of the bread wee".ieiad with ot-hrium, or crazy firs; such as bad eaten but hide of it, Vv were only affected with singular yr dncniuorr 1 ; feelings. By ttie aid k of liiedicbiegpniicioal ly activit emetics, the poison aa tmbVed. One ' 4 or two of to casps seemed to rt quire M the aid that medicine could" afford, : and then ifcreateneJ ? for a while tube fatal. We have ten thus palv' . ticular in relating tbe circumstance, io K. per-. 4 wns on their guard against this veeub!, (cutii : - inuuiy caiiea gympson,; ana urieraiBO inetn the necessity, in Cases pf the kind, p anpif as , speedily as poss ble lhat khid of medicifte that : a II i"'.;V.- i- win ujeraitj quickesi iu cleansing of unloading , the stomach tfi' i 1 This is ihefourih or fifth instance-of wison by Jamesiun or JaiuestoWo seed wbicflu Tbas come io ourknowledge; one of the cases' having provea latal- this was a IiUl buy. seven or . reighi yearsold, who bad chewed an J is allowed a quantity of, the seed sufficient U baffle the .aid v V of medicine. Ii occurred in liejbrook, Greene vM coui.ty, Ohio, about sixtween years .ago. -Ff te tress. , The words of the Distribution Law of 23d June, 1836, are these ; . Provided, further, That yhn said money, or any part thereof, shall be want ed by ihe-Secretary to meet the appiopria tions made by law, the same shall be call ed for, m ratable proportions,' 'within one year, as nearly as conveniently may be, from the different States with which the same irdeposited. and shall not be called for in sums exceeding ten thousand dollars from any one State, in any one month, without previous notice of thirty days for every additional sum of $20,000 which at any time may be required.'' TIMES PJSTJA'D TIMES PRESENT. ' ' Philadelphia, .Vat 12, M DEATH BY POISON , A Coroner's inquest was held, en Tuesday atVf '1 ternoon, on iLe body ol a ptrsoo' named James . Thompson, aged apparently tbwat thirty five yeais, Jie hadJett. hi Mmgs nd alkd out k to the neighborhood of t'tiraiount, where be 7 was taken sick;' and, beifigYobae. d by' tme persons passing, hey ahTisledXto remove turn to the Robert .Morris Hotel, where a pbsician was, called, and tfie .gentlemanly proprietor caused;?6; every attention to oe paid to mm; lie buv, ever t : continued to get worse, and eeniually dud in much agody. Previous to his death, he itated that he had purchased, the evening previous at a drug store, what be supposed iort- ceuiw worth of cream oi tartar, which he had taken in the morning as medicine. The jury was not eatUfied as to the exact cause of his death, and would not render a vt r- diet until an examination shmild be had by pby- ' 6icians; accordingly, Dre. l.uktn, Rhoadts, jnd fennock, were called in, aua alter a post mor tem examinaiicc, pronounced that the oeath of the above-named individual has been cacstJ by the effects of arsenic, and, from appear! es, he must have swallowed near ball an ouuee. The verdicijf tbe jury was 'thai bin drath was caused by taking arsenic by mistake tor cream tf tartar. - 17. S. Gazette. From the JS'ew York Evening Star. We have had occasion frequently to recur to the writings and sayings of various, individuals, who wrote and eptAe ofeveni9 that were to fol low in ihee-ent of such and such courses being adapted as were urged at the period when they thus w rote or spoke. But we have rarely met with any production that, seems to cover so much ground, io the shape of prophecy, as the follow ing extract of a letter written by Maior Jack Among the passengers in the ship Montreal, which sailed trom iw York lor Loridan on Thursday, is tbe veteran CouJiiiodru Uopglus, of tbe Navy. .Vat Int. Manufacture oj Beet Sugar in prance. The French Minister of Finances states. ' this to he, fur 1835, 6G3.93G.7G2 1s and I for 1836. 1,012,710,580 lb. The aluc t J j . i ... .oo-; ...... Downing to his old friend, HheGineral,' as long the raw sugar irom me narvesi iw- w aroas SeDlember. 1SJ3. now nearly tour years j 30,31U,34U irancs.anu oi 1000. w.w-oua There are 512. manufactories at The Major, it seems, had come on to iew York from Washington to ascertain fir 'the Gineral,' liow things would work in case the deposites were taken away from the United Slates Bank, and given among sundry Slate banks. He felLm with his old friend Zekel Big elow, and tbey together entered into the inquiry, and the Major thus writes ; j kiit7Jhrf is ust atQQt so mucn nara - - M - - work, and 39 are being erected. 1 " ' m The Express Mail of yesterday after noon, from the South, brings information that Commodore Dallas, commander of our naval squadron in the Gulf of Mexico j hai thought it his duty, on examining into uic in circ m order to contracts t ; coerce the fulfilment of Should he do -il raosi certainly1 bring about, specie payments, whic trpnnine raw mirrpnfj JksontsHpiij'' Such an er hazard" prorj S82, - - a i t : - . ): it bo objected Io this sum will be wa J f - - i - - - - - M - , all the 4ransferv whicfwrhad been ordered j the Government, harl reference tn the remoVat of , funds from bursemer.tf, I r' some of the"bnks whieh'had ger sum j ing frdnvthe on deposite' Uian th law.alloweil, to other i Uian adeo banks in the game plice of lb other States, ? formed j but that 'the process pi iransit-ia ;iw ;pf,F7 flf " (portionrnent of the deposites smong we ar x i srttci in inn nrMrriDea nruuuiuuiu. su -au : ' V-''--:v' i ' i ! r 4 s 11