8U TERMS, The Watchman may hereafter be had lor IV .1 1 pa nil h'ifiv Cents per rear. ..iv.ii.p. Kilir oems ' J"' A Class of FOUR will PV I" t.lvunce the wtiuie hhhi ai p..e- '..in. it i. ..... ii.o naiwr for one year at I w o L'oi I tKS eaeil. ana p , . tlilti,,.l t"U tup'"1 Jvau.MI ill Milt: ..I, t'ljlil llt;ir i saiiiH terms e-h:ill cmiiinite, j 'Verwisethey bo charged as other suhr-cri- fcrs.id-ii!" rs who "do n.it pay n'l the year i'll ..hat-reJ I It we Dollar in nil .-ase--. I No b . riptua will bo received lor less than "Nj'i'i'''' wI" .lis? liitiniir 1 h'lt st the op. , .1 ..t.in.rfid t in ftU'iYP elass shin l !iu IVUlof, Mli':?s i i " !'"' u;i. "r I i l letters to th1 1' K' ir in'i-t he pal itli.fwii! limy w.'., cr in t bo ,it- i.'ii.l' .l 'I'. u-i; or YnvF.'irris.isn .Sixf 7 fi.-o n fin lur the first fiM (7ii,i, (( J I J insertion after irnrh u a IV'T'isiMii-ut will be inseilod lor Its .1 ut Dui.t.vu.; V.Kerii-i-i't' iis u im ue conuniteu nnm oruers ,v re ivc.l to stop them, where no directions ,lt, previously oiven tvfiiisi'iii'-ou iv 1 In year or six months will brt mi'l'" at a I) dl ir per month for each squa'C wiili th privilege "I liiinjiiijf thr.orw everv (jiiaiii'r. , ,., ..... ..... U(?i UTS. SALISBURY, flteswax per lb- 16a 17 els ; Itrandy, Ap pV r sil- 45 a 50 ci ; (.otto,, per lb (in ,.,.J; 3 cis ; Cottun bagging per yd. 10 2a (.; C'iffim per !ti. lb a lb ctt ; Castings' per t 4 a iots; Cot tun yarn, from N.i 0 u No .11, L 75 a 5tT 00 et ; t'Katti r- jn-r lb; 35 t; Kloni prbl.6i 7iWlieat pr ousli.l iil 1 ij,'Jat pr bushel 30 i-U; Cum pr buslii els. Irm per lb. 0 a eta ; Lea J yrr lb 9 a 19 ots i .M)li.- mt gal. 75 ct j fiiU pur lb ! a V tii ; BmT P"1, lb 0 a 0 r.u ; U4' ijh jh r Ij liil ca, Uuttox i 10 ilk c's ; 1 niii per It. li f u; SH per S-ihl rjl 25 1 ii. 1-; Steel. Aul' tl nn blisler, per b t0 eU ; I'- l li u pt-r lb 20 ci ; Cast do. per" !b li J" a 3'' i-is ; Sho.h pi lb. .Hi a 15 eu ; Kuut (Ja-n-neO ! r gait i ; Yani.-e do. ; Wool (etuj ( r 'b.SO i-n, I'.illo per lb. 10 lit ei.s-.'l'u.v ri u pr yd l(i iil ci; Wiue iTent'riil'c) i-f (:il l 50". I'jrtuiil ti. 1 50 f I 3 ti , . Cir't li pet 'jjiil. j i a I 75. ctai.31 liuJ(),e)) jiur if4l.il i Whiskey per jul. 45 a 50 cU. CHEUAW. - R.;.iTTiriiiirh;t por 10 s 4 b cm.; Bacon per -1 a II cib; H-.t us 1 ) W r,tu ; UeL-gwan per IU a Ui t tn ; 1 i ii-j p ryarl IHa -2'j tij ; Hale ropf ptr I 1 1 14 us ; C'offep pr. lu I.M a 10 cts,(Jjitin i H0 lb f5 8 Wip '"I 00; (Jutn sr M 10ft a cis ; lbiti t ir:ii wan pir :nl 7 0i)0, froui Htmes p r til. 10 a 13 tlruo fx rliMiltM (5 fi a 0, AJol.tsses ptr is. i t 5H a eta; NaiUciit nisuit- J per Hi S I o tt ) eix ; . Wrought ls. pr lb. 2i its ; I'ork.pei In J ; Uieti per 1ml It. I 4 a u SiWa pr lb, I i JO J i cu ; Salt pr mc 13 $vij;uii pP( .jtiMf87i iruipel .- nwnuy. peict, ras o. Ilo. Apple, uo a i Hi pr lb y 10 a 000; Coiton pr It- 6 4 b i t i ' ,T t.. i II . J L . I.M 1.11'... .-a.in: u' 1 14. 1 2 . r .ur ihm. fcj m r 1 ',... -i.ki m. 00.1. . . ik .e 1 i.l.irielill ih.Ier nr I . Ill 111. la 'I' i in . , 11, 'i'-. 1 . .'a,J reltrred to, w ith the , xceptini, ol the i-ea- tl s uaiis,- iienee no deiiito II,, , . il n, 11. .. . 1 I.1-, . iu ; son previous to il,,' ., mentiom-d. Tl.e fl-,M d fu' .J.lfo? Xiffd teiurcd per IblO ST5 e . v'"" "cotlon op t.r the S .i.ib b.innma e-oft.- '.n..t frnploi as lo the power ol PtYPTTPVlilP?' M'H market .it New Ojloa-ts lbib, d. , -S;'-yu 4W rK"''4.' ' Ol Corn pr nusk 1 a OO-t; broi. pr IS bi a 6. M I "ranches at lii.tse places, Ins been lo ; uj -lasses pr gal 37 40 a 00; Na.lfe cut 7s a S ;Sa.t ( r,ase the bills ofexohmig ,dia,vu . on L . pr bush 50 a 75; Stiar jr li, 7 all i Toi.aee.., rope or, the northern ciiir by the ou r leaf i a i ; Wheat pr bush 1) 00; 0 Whiskey el.ai.ts' who have shipped coitno. Uy it e prgal-52 55, Ikwswai 30 a 00 1 . ' purchase of these bills, payable 111 the ,e - POCL.lM'IIO.T. 2?y the Governor 'of Xorth (:n!ina. $200 REWARD- WUF.UKAS it has beer, made known t. me oy the verdict of an Inouesl In Id b"v ili "lo i. r, iliat A. G Kyu. of ihe c umy, tt mio.i, was recently murdered in said cmntv iitd -thni George V. Coburn, (..f the t-ouuty and 5laie aforesaid) standa chsre.1 will, ihe coin- ii.iioji oj the said felony; and whereas it is rVHesenied that the said George W. tJoburn is ia;mive I rot,, justice. . .j. " , , MiruiuiD, u me ruu mm inn mou hei orge w. c-oburn maybe spprchetui and uraui.t 10 trial. I have thought pioper to ibsue ri ..f wit 1 LnHr 'A I,, . ' i I undred do ho i. to anv norson or nernnns who n ,y rr.Kiainaiiun, onernur a rewa sill apprehend and confine bim in the Jail, or Wiver bin, lu the .SheiilTuf Martin county ; and on uiorever herebj r.npure all eflii era, whether i 'Ml or military,, within tlus Stale, io use tbeir lf "'i PXertioiid to apprehend, or cause lu tw ap ptlieuded, ihe said fugitive Given under my hard as G ivernor. stti. S and ilia Great Seal id' N'.rlh Caruli ns.atthe Cityof Raleigh, this S6ib May, A. I) IH37. , , uun juDn.nuDLiiy Christopher C. Battle, .Ser 1 . Ci. W, Coburn is about 50 yea, ofs;e, abnot 6 Wt D 'Inches bigh, thick e, . .! an a.l.li i,,- nnd )isi:ular constitution, complfXion r-.iii. r ti.irid, hill fare, kpeaka abort and ,j k whet. ..,kn '''. with eyes somewhat !.. east, li is ot-iieved k' wore on leaving, a bluu cioih coai with vl el collar. " . , H47 ESTABLISH M EX V OF TlIE'iJOIJItW JIlQJttsSUsGE cfiifw o WING to the intendcu) oonovil of one of the Editors and the wish of the other to de- '" himself wore exclusively to the duties of pToteasluri, tho undersigned ofTor fur sale the iublihmern of the North Carolina Journal Of " ,;e. The Orticeis well (ound in Job, newspa Vrand ornani,i,tal tvpe, tho list of subscribers is I..I.....M.. I . . ... ".aL,,, ,.,rge,ana they doubt not might be great ly augmented by little exertion. To any per son d esiruus yimbauugie-tfteboe,nees'-rt-onert m. nr-ciiienis n inferior to anv in this State, but 'a practical printer ihsy know of no inveetment " Jld mske of Ida money that would yield him . prufiiabla rHurn.v " ,; - HYBART & STRANGE. iyoiievUle 21)tk May 1857. , '--- From the National Gazette. - ' THE CONSTITUTIONAL CUUHEN CY.' NX). 3. ' lit Mtr nrtielrs jimler tliin licad recently pn IjI is?im! in the Natim a (i izettc otx po pirtl in tin- National Jiitelligener. lhe pu'MMit writer has shown that Gen. Jaek Mn greatly ileeeiviul himself in supposing tl '. any of the ' humble t fl'oru" which he liad made during his VliniuiNlr:ition hail i onir)!uti'i in ili slightest di-ret; to re Inte t'tr " nnutiiiiniial eurrency of gnh! :iimI' filv-f r." S .clearly am!' irrefutably w ih this Ttei pniveil liy docuiiientary evi ilenee furnished by il Treasury dtpart ini'Mt and u'h"r aiiilinrilica, thut ni ithei the V.ishtn(,'t.iM lilolip nor any other "consli tution il currenev" tppf"ha8 ventured to inter a single svM Ji'le in replc.-Awntcr, In. never, in the Gl.ihp, ofllnt rj' April, whose proiUtfliuu iigncd Z) itt n-rum-mended by the editui mi the ground of its author' liaviug access to aui hemic our..ci insists that the present cVilf, whrJi'i have -iituliial rurrcii-y-ould hive trncetl to and. bve cmicltuively fixed up- ultiied the pouioii" tl(tf jj gentfcmaii on the meaetires General ekrt..iirc main- ' ww. ""l hlatne-for the fwsiiu , tecs ly to be arriherl to tlie cnersc pursued bv A;"!"? ftam the acte of tweaty-eijjji States. Ut?JlwA;4iijtaro4te.-v iti Hiavinl 1di'i'errHor! at 4 a:.'vcrnmei,t ; that ' Hie cxieQded Jtft loan nearly wenly uflHtl,,.!?.4!.,i'?. 9.f.35I newr- backs, and inf JW. of. Uollere, between NofemtM t.lUi, when too eouiivjy uau jubi recovered iroiu trie panic occasioned by thtemoi)l of Jje de pimiteiiTin! July 1835. ' II mtn : "these dangflioun and Hidden additium" of nearly ft ft v per eeiil; wiihiuthe "short,, perioiJj( only ciebt luouvfm, t btrth' ducouiii ai. I issues, tempted ami stimulated the cortmiu niiy to orer-tradingvei-iianklnir, and oth er tpeeuhlione of a, cbanctcr the wildest and most ruinuue." The , Editor vi the (il-)U', alao, in bis paper, of 7tli Ajirtl, gives a comparative gia'ement of flie aggre. snto discounts , and circulation of afl, the banks for the years 1835 and 1836, togeth. er with the amount of foreign imports and sales of laudator those I wo years, and fol lows the;n by there remarks : I. .. . i. .i ; f t f : " Theiufliicnce of lire United Slates P.tHand- tl.e rujrioue excesses i,i over-J . I' ' I . it . t trading ami speculation cauieanii tiiwt ant iuddcexpauthn in -iS34-'35 ,re-, manifest fraC - Tl.. ?-strr7vK,-irn;-rrr. l. .1... n....i. . 1 - i... .-i.iu u.. i..ir , 11. Bi.in.Tinr in. 01 .1 IT !. l. . . toe iiiiiteaouiine-eaprsrrnt- ptr .tr; (ieneal Jaeksptr'a Frllyiii' iiiedtllTng willi j things he did not understand, merit a par ticular examination.', Tiatt4ve ttmtk trf-tbe Iftiiioil Suites, cx len.letl her lin,s ai,d discount l.elueen the niontbs of November, ' 1831, anu' July, 1S:I5, as asserted by ihe writer in the (I'viiie ft, the amount if near ttvea'y mil- lions of doibirs, will imt be tltspnw.cL. An expansion of iireTians of that h;u;k has ul-j ways 1 .Ken pi. ve at 11, ? tur.t' oi t!. - 1 CUlilltllllg II, COtlll! ill tl, iu i..ii.,.v; e ti. . summer, a ltZ'- shun t.f ihe tverriiitM.s . . . . ttie U inii 01 tne liiiietl ftiutes, trir-ito". 1 females, thr-tii i tt the hank, the mercluii.is of the S m.. J"j?-T other rmej, ioll.e inorttb O.-toher. ai1.t ",: 'f" ' ;d t'Sld lb;,'. Mc I have Lu-ch enabled 10 pay the planters m j reprcci.t. d 111 the v, 1.1 j Louisiana, MUisissippi. Alabniiia, Teunes- j ,;,,t ai1 l,l,tlkf- 1 " !,- -ke ol -arnrnci. , see, and other Ki.-.tc-. for their "cotton ; who tu' r" ,liJ,l 'it--d eonsiiiutional objeca ! 111 turn, have to ei, en..l.. ;l tit pay-lh ir 4 u"u ;','f'1 the hi I; cban. ,. as it win I dt-bta 10 the coi,y merchants ; ami t'lte l' '"s,,,i J; '"ivrc.s, un.J thai Genera! J.,. k , last aeiin, to tho merchanl in New Y.01 -mis u. kii.ml. d,;.-.! to lei em, rely , x 1 and I'liiladelobta. Iu iiedoMitiuK this i.:.i ni.'l ' on, ' 114 11 . luf too e -n- n.,. .( h of ttcidar fuiiclioti.-tbl, iiotus ia) the Ifauk have ..... iii teahiy been nothing but l .;,li-ale bi'.U.'f cxchiinge, abf'd'Hely reprr--eiitii,g a certain quantity of eutloti, t ikii v the pi'iie.e nl ihe Oiipinai bills which l!m shippers of the col l"ll "two, nil . j'i 1; IIIH I'll u.iwrt..- ..... 1... I .......... 1 . 1., ... ijji- over uie latter, i o t! , iipri r 111 uniters ai ctl.,!it and negoii .hi- wnhout eii.h.r.-i mmt, j,.v could he apt bci! to ihe ravmenl .. . . . '. ' ol every ittpotittt ol debt whether great or .. . " h email. Thry were therefore preferred' to any other sort of bills to which a sale of coiton can goo rise; and if they did not get back to the bank in Philadelphia as soon as the bills for the purchase of which they were issued, it was because they had t" travel a more circuitous route N w, for the writer in the Globe lo pre tend that such an operation as this occa sioned the other hanks to extend their loans one hundred and $li lif jur millions oj dollart, which was the supposed amount of their total augmentation between the 1st of January. 1835, ami the 1st of Janua ry, 1837, betrays the same want of ac quaintance Willi the principles of currency as thai which lias been so signally display ed by General Jackson in the course of his " humble efforts.'' The short lime those notes remained on ihe road, in their rapid flight back to the Bank at P.hilAdiJiihiav Trmjrperi,iittc(I them to lorm any part itiliniv f It A s.- TAl.fi I if si t -nn 1 '.i f t n 1 1 a 111 1 11 V Pr iHNTuWTSve' been no great, r than that which an equal number of bills o"a dini for cotou, deliverable at the Norihor in Europe, could have created, had they been circulated instead of hank notes"' The "constitutional currency" writers must be bard pressed indeed, to resort to such flim sy arguments as this to defend the folly of ineir revered fjoattcter. ,i not ma wri ter in the Globe aw-.3jt,ijLUli TiH"ot"January. 1830, and the 1st of Janu ary 1835, according to the Secretary of the Treasury's repm 1. there were. (WQ. hun dred Unit thirty-eight new banks created by Gen rat Jackson's "humble efforts.'' which xould not possibly lieflrt fwiby..8nurtpinr? onI ( eertim ib.l, whleer credit ttrit ".' hve hr,, .1 ; . r . ! v uiiuiuien 4iie I peUJauoij,. there were ... . o the u,nte, State, bear the otli.i.n ,. (Jh. ! oral Ja-ksonV i.l.. ...I. - T : . 1 be (leieived lortt time bv i..n,nl a...i .1; iiv iiuiiiiC iimv ' lorij talcmpMn lm 1.. ... 1 .1. . . muM ajipear. , .... . 4 ,. 1 l.t rc- wag one ground, bowerer, which the wr,ter .7f tL7: ." ) pert to harraeon a J(fect defon.-e fia. . ry? wttrx- jtral JaekOll aUeinnied. He llmnnkf it 'fhaWe that aome of the advocatee of ! "1c"ui10" 4,1 bk ia i tne uutount f li I, ill 111 n. .l ayaintllibns of dollar Wiia ifii tiir'ftve'ivhicli i.e ttad noc.n rt.!.' aatirt I i ll '.'.Aii..n. i .-! u.i.-4uph: v. lie. hot re.s:.. r.Ji ,'i 1;- MOf lor'tlMwucbit-t winch bad resuheO. iui.ftuvih r.rr iu uv........u thesa posiuaHs. wlncli planjible.vt W apc..r to be nt. iia.i weneral Jickson enion ..i.iei cr- Xlllllll.tllul V.Klilnlir... . . . ....j....... u ivnirinir.i me Delaware into tho Schuylkill and Hank, as .nany,ofil,e Souther,, l'e: .. do ; ..ri,cUrly at a time' wbVn nobody cow luvolvtJig a seiisa of cou;oot,oid oli,.4;,- , ,na,l (hat the waer was not deep enough tmu. noone would have ,ee j..t,tief nib,, .ill the purposes of navigat.o,,? There tondeuimng b.m lor hi, r. io., to Mgu a is ..t a schoolboy in the land who could auk .'harter. liui ,1 so happens Hut he I nut perceive thai the attempt would be cmi tad no such conscientious ohjeet.o ,,, n, f,t I v Mupid; for although, ,f sullicent a bank, a is evident Irom the lo ,,,., p.u, , r . n , he applied, il would be posst- ifAttznaa Avl..i..iul r..... I .1.1. . - 1 , ."n- 1 v uuiii 11.9 veil, l,R'Sib2e Ol 1 1 t. I. f I 1 rt , O , 1 01 o .1 in v, 1 c : . 'Tint a l;.uik of the U-itled Sfute, ,, pelnil t.t all tho duties wlm b may be re- i ihfhmvviirUi ,0 or- :U,4 a liatetl (towers, or lUn r. c, r, . r.,,1,, . .t... g .Uil powers, or Iho r s. rve nhu oL thel 7 1 - -i 'v" ui - SL'.lli. f ritw- . .. ' I . ... 1 l dr 'nor 'm:r!tmi p du:t. td ! the LTtcutlvt l c i ('rilled uvoii to fmi.di d , : . . . 1 . wic prrjeiioi sucu ii as in.-tiliil ;f,Jlie a1hJi4 wou.ii iKitj hri i, rhrti! jM-rformed. . 1 ibe ubacui i such u c !l, it is oiAimjsl- proper that bo shon' confine liiuisHf p iniit out th. 1 1 mm ient Jenturef iu'l the art prtieti'eif tvdtcb , l,;s opinion, make it i!.ii.o.p,itili,e wUh !ln Coiittiiutun kin! tr.-.-in; poiiry . -- - il.i vl'ju-i,;,n, thus it Appears, were m l ..T-i-i o !'m k hut ""jjfist what ihf Rinh.i e r 111 I'.,,,. I led irr s renceto ith. Iirrncial tk. to w l.u-h be thoiieht. ,i f : oiilli .1, I,-! wo'ild wit!, ;ien,ui! bit fur- 1 j.i:.Hft a piojcr, i.',d ii ia highly' ptobu'.lu jio (, bad Uto utMstiaflii Jtii7i.''8s . - 'iseiiH'u ; tii.it the Cxrvttlive stioui.l bavo'ii i ii oni l ovi.-re4l to' ciindsc the Pfttiil. ,.l i.f ihe i .tk. t ie cL-irlei. such us it .is, would ' lii.t iiiii e b en found so iin ot'-,-.i nl Aitb i','t,7 witU the (...:,.-4,;. i'l 1 .., a U ' H:'uppo.sitio, I - t Its renewal il hat claims ecuild lie hav.; It.,- ci iiiiitii.u iiom ii iu,s, tm, I, lot "Il iJiv riibi.st' oi ti.io, titesie ' od.o' htwn Ills eriiicv.t ol il.e- ut po.it,s r , R ' i hi.- i .M. we h,ne pun e l in f..ru cf ati.i i ..J. w. ft' ililiiiiii ly rc-ler in oiagiiil.i 'e Hi mi tiin.io tvhieii down) Loin in re oppori i .ii, lo the bank cha.ier; mi i i.s ho w .s h iitiid bv no tonsi ii:iiii..us ohliouiions of li.ty lo icsnrl to tlial ie:ih ne, it is cleor lh:.l be could on I e yiMify it Uui, the ground ' uf'tiLiuiid pobc,'.' And now h i too a.-k tho leader, what dties he think of the mini, ' justs tire distiibtition. her admimsiralion o cial skill of the man who, with the view i f i er this vhsI machinery produces no shock establishing a gold and silver concur) , nnd will, the fact bcloie Ins eyr-g ib.it bis hostil ity ugninsl the bank of I ho United States had already, prior lo (Ktohrr, 18 .13, ma ted 161 new banks, should puri,e a cotiifii) at that period, the mevil ible lei,d n. y of which was to engender all over the United Slates a mania for cicating new Banks, to bcramblofor the public depositee And funlier, let me ask him. what does be think ot the powers of that mill's mind, who, uf ler seeing the results ol bis various bumble cfforis' to restore' tho 'constitutional currt n cy,' should say, with nil tho Btlf-cotnplacen-cv and self-gtatulalion of i)e who bad a- chieved aaignal Ktwyrwmrftrrthrmr,Vn bas.been .dpne. towards, tins- aeeompiwmnerir of ibis, most dcsirablhatjjbjjpct It is ...very If is worihjr of remarki.tb.at tbftiuaJiMo. Ibenrantccoriling to the statement of tlus writer, were as follows : July, 1835, before tho re- - . moval ol ileposiies anout fo.i,;iou,oou "November, 1834, 411,751,291 "July. 1835 ft I 07 (101 ' 1 ' It thiis appears that these " dangerous and sudden additions' to the currency, to whieb the Globe and its contributors jseein tn aro-ihf! suclu disastrous . consequences, were nothing but placing, the business ol the bank ti sftfft quo ante, the loans of tbe- baiik' in - July, 1835 not being two inillioiis of dolrars. more than' they in Julv 1833. at a period when uobbdy compiajuei "3 rjpcf in me uocs or Ireland. . " Every hodt in PhiUdelnhia' L n ih.i I.- . 5 - ----r - - , . which lie on it, route. H,.,i..nif creek ' "".,,"r,",, ""If iiiuuiii . t it inik v..r,.kU crnilinir (littl river, and the fct ascendmij the Dela ware.. The city of Philadelphia placed Jie- twesn ta l wo . riven. ia ;i.nr..u, i,.t k IT" "S. ;oey r nobody -eW Liieurs oi a loon tide in the one ri.rr .1 lb. bich tide in the one rier. 11 the aine lin.c that there is a low tide in tho cjher. This arises from thoweli.known lavol Nnlure, by whieh water finds. Ms ol, ami In nee it is that tho licigbt of the water in !ih rivers of any given nine is the' same. Th:a woold even bo (rue ' i.f tho 1 Scboiill were tp bihcoiiie shallow uy da-J ptw;i4, of .alluvion pr dirt thrown into it for, although g much water would otl as. ccod it an before, yet t level corresponding w th thai of the Ddaware would be pre-! servi .1. Now.'euppos.' that, by the gi aduaf operi!on i f the causes mentioned, ibe bed ' T.Tr.r- veuot a Kiel U tbiS. hoylktll should be so raised that here the water used tobetwecty feet deep what wold 1 thouobt of tt,e man who! iuci uwd 1 n.J ..opose to rese the old depth b, I pinnVing the water w'ah steam engines out ... . . n " 'O r-iwe t!,e w ,ler lor a tune 111 the I j .'J.!.:.' ...iiuuv ne natural love,, ir woultl 1 J oil ,s:.nj raiiid, but . would suWido by do- I . . a, .. r.,r. ,-n.- -r.-.vr-r:-. i ! s('in,v !i!l, ubovB ilier natural lokel. if wiibl 1 rn;tia-Jt4i..sniili an t o, lnnr:.r-TvnnTH 1 f. w..,k J4-t4W maain the com"! v. howe., .,, 1 hi, knowled i,. .. -.r: . . :.. . 1. . . wie s tht tor pmper wajF to rnfor'r, the old ' '"'."iiiruuii ina su'ij'M i, wouiu 1101 1 .1 . .f - "Mhi; water iu the Schuylkill wot, I'd w. ii... .... 1 , 1, .1 ... bu 1 . 4.v.,rttlti1vrt m pomp i": r into it, and unie ;ar'.n ul.,rly wo.ii.i H4V m if. he s.i , h it, alier sumo piftipi.ig had been tried Momedi.'ttrt etl.-etin i li en . increase t' e t!. p silt of sand and raJ- instead ol dr.v:i.ji .'fc.ii awnv, anj-nhus deepemug tho W 1 a. is Into of tticr is true t.f joM awl Th j streams I ich have been How-c:it'i- i s, ho u the mtfiett of Mexi-.ii.r,u-i-uU.r.-t;ut.tri8,-.teek :j i. ; ail lite cbsnttrls of etrcailatton i.v r.; ftr-il over tho race of the ' ' Id; aud,l y UU'liatutbcd ,tt . ' a , Uorernments mid qutuk ... would lind il, sonnet or hie, . !..M(t er in (in 1 Hit ir w nu i ...n il. Ay t;,c. JhUltLTi will,, a uucrrijig cwtaiuly asnter. KiH, coini!ry.. is. soio lo reeeiVo, n, llw general ih.-t, ihi.ti in, precisely the q initlil which (be eX'.ilt of Ut pjopululioil, wei'lli, ami fo.t.uii.rc.e tlnhuuia, under its peculiar cir ru.ii.ilaurt g, as to confidence and ((edit. (Jm. counti y where creibi is unktiown may , .,tre twice as oiiich coin lo cireolnle its 'omm.itlili. s ami pinp.-rty fts am,'. her of e qo:il W'.'ilhh and t xl. nt of tr a u act ii.tis. .win it- en .'.! in .")) h i, n ::n- prct:-ici.l; iii.il jet, although lie i'i;t,j;:.le qniiit.ly tl I'm cr. i ii ,.- ii.eia !.s ih j.-. eat. r ui ihi! ii. cuiuiti) lii!,u i,j i:e , i, (he same level .H prestrud. Were tio.s. not, .ihe vatf, llu j ii- ees nf ii 1 1 i'fin tti i o I ii in i i.i. .in n , . v li In i sop-p y was grt-atevt would rise id ovc .tlioct: ' J -d ihe otl.tr wheo it was lost, wbirbmoobl mi:u 't- Ihe hi'Ti t t koaivny Redd .Tttd sd tr in e change lor its rr..doelious, lluU tnl ol toe dear ciirn'iio.lil it's of the former, tint 1 1 tiiO leVl't sheuld bu li'SloiRtl Indeed, it IS by the -operations of com 'licree that tho lev el Is prcsrrved .throughout tho w. rid, nnd when the proccn.a is b-ft lo the mild, gentlo, unseen, ami untea power l.y which slut ad- or convulsions. Tl'e Umieil trtre ia one of those c ninnies, in wtiicb .s.r i-tedit has for many year bittii, extensively substituted for the precious rnetals, and iLertH" ett doubt that nwiiig to" this cir-eient-Uiiee, llie ij i inwiy of gold and silver id tb'' country lias always been lets Hi oi it would have been bad public eonfiileiice b en morecir Cuiin-etibed. I will not awteil that this t-oi.fi deuce has boen jodiuiously exercialpd. It is inf tV-iutit for me to know thai a belie! in llie bene! His resulting from the xisience of banks is at, universal, that no ttutitu.aii. Would disregard II In his measures, and pat tioularly when h saw that tho Legislalores of ail ibe Males and I'etii liries, in ibe face of deniiiieialioos of paper mon ey, from a high and itifiue niiu! soutcc had gone r 'HS'",or"; "'"7 " the river Scbuvkill. ..l?tuet.moy4-tWeltuvr on w kicfi7by its gradual dsprits, has dimiiiisbet! ihe depih of the chanunl ltid kpt outa, Jara tKMiy 'bt 'wifer.'ouVsi'ill leaving depth enough for navigation. The Delaware, a larger river than the hchuykill, may be compared to Edrojie, where the quantity of com ia much greater than in the United States. General Jackson is the jPfof""8"' of llydranjica, who wishes lo inereass ,a,l ouuji"'" "J ioi . mimm mm. ..k I ..a I ..I , i. I. nrvlan.l ti.l M ...IA. He VI. fHll.p luva.w ... n m h u iw.iww has succeeded for llie moment in increasing the depth ol the water Jive "feet, whilst by the ope ration of Ihe currents cttated bu hit own acl, the bed of the river has beeu elevaled 1 UiS letf. The level oftks!Schuylk,ll,; therefore, lias been placed fi fleet) feet above its former level,: wlulst that of IbavJJelswawfrns been brwht'ddWiT two or three feel perbsps, below its forme level, by the lows of water. The proes which the countrv i now underaointr ts nothing-but the tb peopla who k4 aoilt a,h..... ...t i JSin-Hf AQ'm "V rJIHMlMr l.f 0 !LVSi r rend Scl.ujkill, after stop. K ?."rcin ,U,,,P' " hin' i attenafN M pretrenl the ,eturi, (lf u,,,, , Europe, which l i i ""'fwrdy forcl ffom her cff.r.. 1 Le direct lu,p,(r,8lt(H 0 f Mpg , u.cre4,l demand wTMioLej bj tlm uhV11101, from ciruwlauo-, of brL n,.i.7.r . u,.' . :.. 'Ion ilian h .h.llaf. ftele(i ,y f ,hp ?Mllle .i.l il,- P-ek-t-piere.. thai iid and,; HV,P, , m,y cut the aid ..rf-.reMisr ,,um, , at u'iL ; c.'iii'i tor bv 1 1 yiMlll..ll. if nut . I. 1 - ' Was any prnxiMr ln.WIe of i rpvei,ihig,ii ' t i irMclliiiiaiierrtevctiOirein (,V I nas-iry Order. w Hv Jayai, e.nb.o ,m the specie in ihe VM, wmbleed nif an ie:'vB contrsclinn of UMik l.mim. ,v ,ich perseas ni.ieliied u Kn 'W i'y lad. ..r Uw-nUeroJ uiwible to o,.i,,.n.-,ml l.in.U fr reiiiillaiice, may punt, ,,e ihe'pi'riud of Hie iraMi,i:on, but cfiinfJUumt J utU U iim ecrrf Jacksnnt sfcuuld live a very law years, lie will hesr aatd of lion Boraething very much like wbal wis once Said of saolher ptigcclor of ,ra ossible feals : ' The Kii.g of Frsoce, with forty tboassnd ' m!n, " iManhed up 1 la hill, and ihen marched down ayain. " Indeed eveiv budv who reads lLa uAwsimimt . " . - 1 .V m. '" 4W'"'".'M ' bruar.tbere ar ! o 'u, 7'Z .m", ol Uullars; and that a fuilli. r Hum, 111 all pr.iLa lMlily,'vMtrreid Hi New Ymk in lb laiiur 7 m .- fin vi'n lllllllllll 1 end of March, by 1I1A arrai geuu in ti u.lo wiib ! tbe UanU ol t I.e United Hluie, und Lll.er ina'.iHi lioos, to iHue bonds payable 111 Louden. 1) u Ibis is iikt all: after the coinj.!. n(.ii SI ihis un pr.ifiiablo operation, a Iruo nuteuici.1 nf ;lie , f feels ol lbs Genera) 11 ' bumble rff .ris to resi..rc tho Coli.slilotloiial eurreney ,br ihe fircing pro e,n, wuuhl bli.iw dial lbs iieoide of the Li.iMuieH bu.l paid ihe ej .ciisejjjjf a AuuUJ freigbr, dnidilo in sulanec, and double coinuiibsiuus, and bud , 1 u",ui' loinunboiuiis, aim naa tuj u,-nv,l 1"-J of l h.eiiiujS.t ML,eb wmild j - haviv "vrsult. d fomi 1 ho cini.l.iviiii.ni n, ImeiKii.l " " " ""' t".-,lv n TrroT , S,'''e; , C' . . fc . . 1.1m lououj, tjy iv ttlun Uioietar.oS ol l.eoolo hi J ull have Uen iniiied. mt.well aa thai t.f Eimlnnd. by which an anioiinl bus Ih-sii losl by Ihe fall el pi ice of e.iii.in, lobavco, and uilu r Allien. aiL piiducii.,, j.r.biTily eTjnilTn ""ainouut 10 the whole an in olspf ei.i w lii.'b was fuicod into the country tu restore 'iliu coieilitatioiial ciiKV'n'ry.f Another allium or two will rloso this invesli jjauou. AN. EXAM IN KR. ti:,vian roLincs. From the Georgia Courier., Letter ol General M.JB. l,nmar. Vice Pre; tulfoToITi-ttxasv ih answer to "an invitaT tion of tho citizens of . Marion, I'erry County, Abtbama; to partake of a public dinner in that place, through which be , lately passed on Sis way to Washington City ' .. t urnf$ Resiitr.nce, Terry Co., May 2i. (E!tTLtMF.N : Be pleased to accept my siuceic and unaUcclt'd thanks for your (l.u leiine; note ou the part of the citizens ol Mat ion, iuviuug uie to a public dinner in honor ol in y hiiMihlc sei t!ieus. over-utluiia-teil in the cause of Texi an iiidept ialenire. In rel'eiciiei; In tKiit portion Which m per- o.Ml y cniii; linn nlaiy, I hope I may be p mulled to s.ty ihal the hil..ty of my hi'.' will show that I lia'-e. r.uhei avoidt d i!i ui coiiiitt! public h.'itors. My hiohct-t iinhitii h Ice ever been lo Ih'-iimuI ; ami , in iictoiiiii.' so larce a poniou ol ,o 1. ehle , eoergio at tue aaeiune , i ne.ilUi mi trail- a. I '""'"' w- " '""" j U. ...at,.. ..I wh it I ilteined v it.it I tlte.m i j ! ' ' ' , , 'l, '"""'". i I I I.I., ....... (..II ,,.,i n,,.l I... lili'. c lii-eie lull iieuci il ami aiiiui .te.l l.y no olhi r coli.sider.i'ioii thai, a h usc of e'liiy, without M'l.-kiug or sighing for any reward hi ynud the plcasuro of a quiet ami appro ving conscience. Ko far ait 3 our kintliieH. and courtesy to me is intended io honor my adopted counti y, it cm not fail to ex cite in my bosom a lively, ami I hope a la- tmi' gratitude. This,' however, is not the only evidence of a generous solicitude of llie citizens of this State for the wellare of our infant Republic. I cannot forget ti 1 at Alabama, as well as my ownuativo land, were amoug the first whose gallant sons unfurled tbeir banners in the cause of Texisn independence. They were des tined soon lo seal ihei'r devolion to the ho ly cause with ihe blood of martyrdom. Their doom was a dreadful cue. II they bad fallen in ihe field gloriously struggling with ihe sanffuinarv foe. the fume of iheir ! valor might have softened ibe rcgrel which I was felt for their loss ; but, instead of this, . they wer basely betrayed by heartless professions, and, Jell. the defenceless and unrffiittiuj iclttmL.Jot-'perfidy and- eel t . , ' . " ; IjTrir Ili'eTr bToooTniTrirnCinto th ground en revenged.snd their foul murderer prelected Iroiu batis.tif-lwe'"ywwi,e, is "'Mfffalttiyiisiv fault of ihjjne. The demon has departed in peace from the land which I.e has stained with llie best blood of chivalry ; you have seen him moving io triumph through your own free country, and fi nally conveyed in one of youi national veseela to t), home -of his nativity, 'bete to run a new ca reer ia crime, or to revel in the luxuries of hi ill gotton wealth ; bill be assured, gentlemen, that in thaae tilings I have bad no agency ; and 1 nope thai you will believe of me that no in cense which the y,l!aa.r4,uld.b: oflS mir vanity, r.o appeals which bis wealth oould have made to my interest, nor all the blessings j w b'.ch he .couM..IJ xlmweiiti4Hi-''my--VHoaar try In tii pii niiudn of bis power, would have I solicited ii'iy abhorrence of his chsraeter, or staid j the righteous infliction whit-h ' hi enormities t demand. Jt may bo eolicy-to rardun and pnn lecl lh,Jui,t on '" ,u'e mV len' bmihet Inwbotirfe; and then deliberate) faint in hie chln fbal ihi a wiei weuimy leeiin ir:-mr will nut fei ai. pay for the moat halted' fed enduring gW. 'ihi . , monstfi 'who hail, played W fromd gtiwe i now out or the reach of engai ce. and , a only re. ' mains for oa lb do juetiee lHie, uauiory of thuae whe bate been WiinW to hie feroci Ta ' me It I. a nutter of nonmall iert'that I cannot ' -"V'-avatl myaeirofthe oppurtunity wi tch yoor kind ' invltaiion afTorda, tii n;,y ptmng triboie t their noble virtaet. The taak wuuld b . t.l.-- " inif one, dui June win not imrinii it now. Me ... r . - v .f" "T'"' ,',f' ',,,ber her conaidera- "l" " rrp " rVa ,h P'"""e hich oifiatw' . . - - j m J ff w nuij-.j4-4ir-k- i l.!. .. tbnw l..r my adopted and luncl, loved country, " Yours, rfpeeifuly, : ' ,''''," jMJKABKAU B. LAMAR."VVt; 'y tkxas. : V CorrM,w,(.-M ffte Courier If Enquirer " Ttfe repnri"Which' have been hr crroutalioh r-'" 1 POnjj tbeoibi.bord,uaiio,i ii,e Teaian army , . are without louiidatmii, Amung the psssengsre --s V thai arrived yevterday Irwi, Maugorda, were, v iwoTesiao cffiers, direct from the camp on . " La Uses river. They biim thai the ssssssina- - - ' tio,, of Uie brave Cohmel Teal was anaulatett ' ad, co,na(illed by two or three Vulaau,-I.-whom the dfaeksed hsd pin in confinement lor a ! :' . b,eeb ol discipline; and thai perlttct onlei and v t" ' w, K.iiinuiiion pievailed in' the ,my . (ittieral - ...... Fehx sio,, La bas taken the command, sin! T' i? has obtained peu.'aion from - - , ... HW buiieni of In health ; and he is f xj.eele.l to sr rive by (be riiHl vessel. Ceneul Iliikim is In fuvorofa iiioveuient westward ; bet se I olisrv- ed 00 s (miner occasion, Ike I'msidem (uiun) and I'liiiijirsd are op potted In II l.i coovu .ence, one hail' of ihe unuy will Imve leave of r Uence, to :il..rd ihe voluuiecrs an ipor luoii y of lora linij lim lads 'n uhieh tbey ate entitled, lluv tt.g p irim r.- 1.1 be neni l.i ihe It 10 Hravo, f,r the pmpw .1 of keeioiy. the tuddiers emphijcaT""' Most of ,'lie Mexican oflieers, (thirty seven in ,.'hiihii;ii' iu ir rrlirn Xu- Itl r... il.. nuiuin t 1 mi vveie inui.i iiinni,er f ii.m iiyii of - - im - JnnTrtTr; -eTtiTwTio wTTeJIajjy.jidtuoieil MUcuuOmmHvt- br ibe TiiTioi. un.f 'toon , liUloli.r ) I... vveie oral,. jiiinul.ef iI.m .f.t)tf iilu:imdiiaMHyr bF 'be TiiTaiit,', tind 'sent to rew Oil.Jhiis, h;vi t un.aiki d fur I'ainpieoj snd u. j'i.i in uiiijiiic t;lua(lO siamsi 'leu as Kid few of il,., Mexican bi.a'lors drew Ihelr swords at Si ii Juelr.lu ; and now that they am out ol ihn powe, ol their yeiien.ut enemies, ihey talk olt'leattng 'IVxaa of ilToTii,7,(I'iji .' Goneial C.w, Colonel ttiiiaa, and two more of ihcaa da- generste dtscendaiibi nl lltonan Cortez, or Kioii.'?' tezuma, bnaht of baviiiff refused in submit wan ' - oath which was in',, ndod lo oxarl of llien, pre- riously lo their ridease Iron, eiiiauieut, namv r ; ly, that they should never again take ap antiai- gainst Texss I as if ihe Tsxians cared for such ! cowards H Cos and all hie bfficere. Bat howe ver, I know, from the best authority, that no such ostl, or condition whatever was required j7 from these fellows, who travollintr eirwttaea tm. New Orlsaiis were partly defrayed-by tbo iJexii;: iiris 1 and," to Ibe 'greit aliiine of the Mexican Ji, Uovernuteni, no provmton has been ttade to re- " ' beve 400 or 500 piisuoers, dally eipscied at ; " New Uileaim from Texas, or la pay their pas- -4 sage lo Tampico, which will compel ihe Tesian sjenis hete lo send lliem. at the expanse of im ' -Texiaa Cabinet, to sort, Mexican " pori ; tlx Senor Pixtiin, Consul of the Mexican Its public, i says iht he has no funds at h la disposal. 4 Ytl ' ihe Mexican petsist in rsllingbs Teiians . v; b.iiiriiiu Kortunstely f..r thai btwliful coM' ' : J fry, Jlhxieo, an highly li voted Vby Nature the time is noi far dsanf when the mixed ; f ractr- of i idolent ' Indian MiVMsit. '.-'; '$panih ' ' IdiHid which now inbabif it, mvit moke 'room or tliotr, white, iuU lligmtttanil niterpruing Ian ditli ! in wboin tl.eyhy far morv lo f , ii.dci en item, and brsve Norihem.lndiAn waa.'C'impelled in ted- Ins vasi empire; and , seek an as) lum in the wilds ami pralrleeof' the ' AIUfiouil or the Itocky l,,iiiiialiii. I JiujtflrfCS of sq.ii'ters ard "i'.eers are lreadyt,xplring the' fertile Isc'i "" ""pe "in h nt uravo, aim a. f y . i... -1 . . . ..j ii . , ia h vi'tiitiietu ri'iira j ... ii.i..ii. ii,tm . . -"rT'..' ''Y:W" " -v"'"-"' Ja ifllXe:amiohJttL'Z' v MMii (.r.iV wfclpj; , k II t-r-.iV which sailed iVom New. Orient ah.,M,.,. e w.kiiiaek; bon4 lotha -tsexiran . I ....... .... oa. . rriwrw re jpptx tne oay iw lure ytsiurda woiiotit ii. .'ig n ils io tant bercarg.. It tppcats ibat ihe u le lo CUStom' lidusf SVHleiU litis under s tetiiaikMilofliange; In-Mexico, under, lie now ii.lioiiinirsn.Mi I'lhal all the f .rmer cuieu " house t'liii-rs have beerrfemoVed, and ne or.ss appoiiiieu, with very high aalati i and finally, thai vsry severe rriealures bare been adopted '; check nt much an pomibte contraband trade. The gtintraliiy uf Iho uircbnt,at" Tsaipfcn ' havehailcd ibcuo ,,isMiree of tie Uuetsmeiite adutintstraiioii will, pb asure, hut nol.eo toe o. . unrest i,ho, tiett-ral-f te trs lit particular, V nihvessltil rninuiati'l u g'i (;,i eim I etas and lliw bm induced some'-KjV.'titaloVS' ai Nev Orleans lu go up the riv r, an. I, availing ihein Solves of the great euibai rar.-ui.-nis undor which many of the Mississippi planers are laboring, buy iheir negroes aod carry iheti, 10 Texas. ' Mr. Green, the Englishman who id about to ascend in a balloon, from buffalo, baa orocured a balloon formed ol linen, coated with India rubber, from ibe factory VfTtha Messrs. 1'ike, New York There ia ' t oot a single stitch in the' whole' machine, which ". . contains 1.300 yard of linen, is the cipict- -ty of 13,000 cubic Tcot, with an aaeeosivej pu wxU oo-HMwcsr imrttnrcij1j jS sustain that weight for one hundred boors. -Thetgajtjiibf ,iuai4.ubu,ceaf Is) tullsts) Tins inaebtne will be 2,800 pounds of zincVv and 9,000 pounds of auipliuiic acid.' Cincinnati, June 8. Distressing Steamboat '.Accident Wj T learn from an authentic source that lhe steamboat F.aqlb was capsized in the Ohio river by a tornado on Tuesday afternoon, short distsnce above Portsmouth, and that tTiowned vtzr 1 air. Hubbard, from Ohio, the cabin boy, (UutOD and a colored women ' There were twenty . passengers on board. The tornado ia re presented to us ss being of unosuV f lence. The boat lay bottom tipwtf , ;t terday morning.- - . " e. :.: A '.?.....-' I ,-' ( -V, - i r 1 ( . . .. -T " ,: ,)-'