V It i V a y !-- if Prrim the London 'Quarterly Uetief 4 Safelu of Rail Road, 7YoreIIiagr.Bal let .1.- in consider rip wend irom . " i oescena iu .itndant! upon GREAT MATCH HACE-' 31 0,000. ' TWO M1LC HUATS. T- . This Vac came off at New-Market on iNEWBERN 'It ACES;. 1 T Thb; Aniiual M,peting;cf .the Club took place on the course on Monday last, a ad was fairly iDectaa on mis occasion. . , , i m;ip hMi. tinned. I , I 'i V " ie8UrY Tbat'deatkls f rerj where-thai he levels ni tnrongcu w,w q.V pV.tnH W Eclipse, out of darn Festival, five years, I07!bs, -v.?hrle. tbe bench! and the i&uage lhe country ; NortSoqtb, East and Weil 1 , j MDa b. f. Va.hti, br iP, Le" baMhe ncWand the poor. he HorsebacK, in warnagn;, vuiwuuwj " 1 dears' old. alios, bolted oa me wsiaeuo m roucnesf, owg, MuVi. "' qairter w. !, , f f f -4 walking. laughing 'and Min Belting and I isdae to Uch of these fine animals id say, timid, are alike tb vieuras wi r' one will beisUed tadenyj and i w peba, S.""; 1. Vr.npr! I fsoeakinar.Hb least fear- 1 ed, and tbat, ort the contrary, be is iariably tbe most I dreaded where he, is Jeast known.-- The poman mina oecomcs jpiiuu,.ty w.g which U has been long! accustomed while; on the oihir handiltis ofteiLover aensiie r?pe tihgibose which1; are newly burn. We beliefe i.-U- hcrwkiinn ire Deroliarly applicable. to the dangers attendant upon railroad mre! )1Rr.as will appear from the folluwtng compari son between it and matfta jsiijcu nmpwyf uf o been hitherto accustomed. v H j p ian9fr of traveilinff in eilher fashion ok ng. as if they and uull care naa neT-i that thebeu was ;Dcauiuirf wuu- kriown.cb'other,,fr he.beU.ng .ga.n.t W.raiV!! o oosion -were a iucc ui pucw 6 , i t mi , i . - v ? dust as the Ei imrfcras50l beating yJ mt i9'. . Whigs this er Portsmon 5 ers the i S firing anil : mistaken At a duarter before theHses raHdtheir U ppearante: Boston 1 o:c lack oiiru . uut u - uaui 97lb4v:;f rl S fi estiTal and Mistake, 4 jears, i 2 The dangers of the carnage t 3 The dangers of the looMwitife powers d LTtis dangers arising' froto murnentaro. or from tbe weight of ihq burden, rcultipled bj the Tolticity at whieb Itlstconfeyed. l-fli .' Til T As regtrds the! first of these, we arpAeerainly t.nmhlv iof ooinioni thai, taleru prinbu&U rail 1 wayjnust b lessVIangiftroos ; ihanai Kighffoad ; i Wadss'it is flat ;instead oV hilly :.because sar- "face of iron issrnuother ihan a surface even of broken stones ; Decause me up oi mo iau wuwu confines the wbeM ; an extra seeUyt Jwhich the common, road dies not possess : and because waowons. Tans, carts, private raffia2S, and all other Teliicles. as well as horses and cattle, be- Itinfrtnnr tothe public, are rigorously excluded. M -L n !. - O : T.l L -i. catne first. Ua m queu anu u.g., vJun Scrims rears 10716s.-: k g dist. :lTi I colta apd llliesj i . 1 1 -J....I. .i.imii h&ie name i n nnvrn r nnnii iiicj buiivuiiw..-& . - hlTh'edangefSof the roadr J"! jd wilri the composure otpiie who lias lived Tirne4ms; 55 see. 2m. 8s. fealne da if iSwi?epstakes for ,oo long in.il ie: wrldf.hd lopiae. m, re8fu( -a part inj many .trying, scenes io- cii:BrtV' gif. GiDgei Ble;bj Sir E(t,a Yfaangbold and arent,the aeemeuto Dant!lor ihet eoiningtcuggle With VaU ite impatience cf iyth standiag ion the verge of manhood, and" longing to throw himself, into the; mtghiy conflict oi ine passions anu mimesis m men. ; , . "At 1 o'clock; precisely tfiey were brought op to tlie sarfmg4)sl. j Tte interest was intense "dinuiig inc tb i 4. l..;::-:::l.4 .T"". ... 7f Juiiracijvom llu Apetai' Of Mr ;utvs$ p)l j cmspondenctirj Iht .VafKMal. Ldtflia-tncer. :it..r i. t at ' . rt it.... ...4' The Senator from New-Jersey aholells as in sqbslanc&that there is much less rea son fur throwing upjegaj barriers against r Jr..iJ tfi JT.ir 1- !l 1 ' r .I -.' '";T. cxecuuvo luieuereaco : anu encroacnoieni . 'J 1 Si - 10 mis As regards thi 'secood of . these 'idan5ff8Vwf: 'Voiced could fee lierd all was breathless Unped and off:they got like anowa they subait to ouf resdeistnat, cauns vanmu, a t ansietvHiitt nser interest " The dram 19 railway! car musi b less danofirousjihinjajiiage Upe(j anj off thev goi : . I f. it L . Jf - lid nanlrii ftf r it If i or ma.,cuavM,iocu. ?o r f"!V tiurry awavPMitambuth has tfie start ihed emotV. is; low instead of hih ; because i h i 1 m . - . t iSXg?r. .ft low instead of MghpfUide tPf 1 3 m?k " andwtiVits'idebecaiise its-axles, receding 06 from the w(d.go,,nd;ifh.rd running e to break and cbnaeduetit-r will raalie orlosl gr0ti4 he mast recuv- ietks.'are less liabl r 1? because aiuge.her jit isTless liable to orerset: As regards tbe third of these dangers5,- We conceir there tan be; no doubt whatever, that cctlerisiparibuij a Jocimoiive engine mustbe i less dansrerocs than fur horses,, because ; it is : uot liable to run away,! tupble downj of sby. af latjangefobjpcis oir Doisesbftcausa it as no yice in -tii-"becaaise it is not, like a borse retained Tand guided bjr numberless 'straps, and buckles, the breaking of ant one of which would itnake intake fright -Ard, lastly, and because .by the v opeuing of a valve its restless enierprising spi- lit can any moment, be tamed adrift, Heaving nothing behind it but a dull, barmles3,j empty , copper vessel. v. f , - h 'if .It is true that it impossible for the boiler to explode, yet as the eafeiy -valve is i the line of ' leau resistance, mat acci cent who mamema tical certatDty can be so easily provided against. ; that it is not now apprehended ; snd even if, ' contrary to phi lophica I calculations, it if. ould ThappeaVthe sudden annihilation off the i jcomo tfve power would injure scarcely any bul j thost Tfiremer or engineers answerable to j the jpuhlic for their neglect which had occasioned te mis jortioney while, to the great bulk ojf tlie paseo gers,' it would create no inconvenience, except a gradual halt of the train. TP - ' , 7 NViih respect to the fourth of theae i angers . it must1 be admitted, that hut h the speed sOd the li weight of a raiiwayHain vare infinitely greater than. lhe momentum of a mail or stage coach. ; Tjetl if the latter J in case of eeriiius 'accidents, be sufficient to cause the death of the pasuengers, - it migltt be suggested th a c the former can! do no more Jjjust ai n i'9 practically rgoed bylojd sol' dies, when they rebuke recruits liir dfeaJingar- tljljery 4 that a musket; ball kills. a man fs dead as cannon-shot.. If a railway train, fat" 'full speed, were to run ftgsinstuhe solid; brtk work of the tunnel, or to jioveMne,of ttiestleep era bankrneotp, the j efiVet would inechanicalty be jnnitely greater, but! perhaps iuli4 morel fit a I to thej. passengers, than ti the mail -ra t"it3 pnmonj pace, were to do 4 he nuni : 'besides which it most always be remembered, that though the tajje! nay profess to j travel aikhej.sa; jluke Wairm pace of eight miles an hourt I yet any ac suddenly accelerates or bulls op its jspeed p.lost grO er liii. T Theflrst half;!mi!e is nearly! run ; ihey are near'tlie'hill on the .baek l the course andtheirl relative ipositions are utU changed. AtihelliliU Bptott makes a rally; reiving upon bone and; his youthful antagonist; he makes a mighty; enort; ne cant come. ; ji-uritjuiuuiu tHw him a cleaji pairiqheel8, and during lb remainder of the jjieat asily maiiitairis his victorious positidriL and is a winner by six or eight lengths. : I: v t: I Time-j-3 miri. 50 sec. The knowing ones laire no w takehlaUa back.v The ease with which Portsmouth won the heat, makes them shake, in shoes- t Such attempts at hedging never did see." jThos. who had made bets of two and iliree? ito'onevWbuId nbW have crept through a gimblet hole if by8c do mtl tnev coutu ua?e ueeu ou. Handicap Purse, i mile beats, beat three in five Col. Bryan's b,;g Sam Johnson, ,T t pedigree bi,5yearT90 lbs. -v 2 2 1 uot. waeueotfisb i victoria 4 - ,T! tloe aame littlri filly acquitted- herself with evident oroiifldf aicommon powers, bjt' the las- ting enourance m oam jonnson, una ex ou ngu. weigtii,iseemea jpyeniwo oiocn iur iuvt-grra tojrn pi speed, Ijen her owner Very properly withdrew her, Uter the 4th heat.' V i think she i)ids fair for hfgi distinctioniT i 1A match! wst hKmedlaiely' concluded between Gen. Cutlilr aid ilr David MeDantel,' tf fil teea hundredolltrs to 1200,that Victoriacoutd pout SJam fwiih ;heif appropriate weights to come off" a -llaleTh, in October next. I WOjw..vrialf)f ourrworseis ne.w,,and ftlcwk. deep in kU carihlland of course very slow, but w e t i n k joo ! a 1 i e mot e usage it ! w il V beeonSe indepeoderit er hand, the 8elfJ tefytng and! liberal d would Olten stue w to overhaul I firm and sored tdfair time.". !Noi having , feeu bq th'e course, we avail nur se If pf tbe; above sketch furnished by a Corres- Spelfafor. poodeut. r? I rnrTruTin nv the rijnii. fs--m "r-: - r? 1 their M irnn and Oyster boys with joy such The I Fish were jbeside -themselves huzzastiich shaking of hands, euch cbngrMulalions, such drinkit g of jn laps, old New MTket pever saw be fore; it was a caution,, and no 'mistake " ; V keh the - interval Allowed between flte heals had elapsed the horses J werf j aga i o brought to the sUnd,apparcntly as fresh as when they; first left their Slables. This time the start was a fair. one. 3 Boston was little, ajvery: iittle aheadr buti was' soon pasted by Hortsniouthhoai. a length la bead fur eoinething ovr ra, ' quarter ot aj mile, when Bostonj taking the ti ttd the persuaders freely got up and made itj boot evening of lifts Muodonde tdp andl)bbt-top (or about 300 yardstwhen crme, there is iajbiiss, tf cident . to that of the railroad, under whieh circomstani cesi - the carriage is: ungovernable. In ffoinsr down hill, if a link of the pirchains break if the reins snap-or IfhV tongue of i littjej buc- kle bendstbe scared jcat tie run awkyand it is this catafiif ophe, it is the latent passion ,tandtot the nrdinaty appeararice of theborse8,f which shood ! be lairlyj considered, when a comparison Js made between railroad and common ripad tra.' nlin ; for torely.thlere is infinitely llssldan jgeij in riding a horse that obeys the bridle at twemy miles an hour J than there U io sitting demurely trotting, at the rate of eight miles an hoar, on a runaway. brute, thai is only w$itirig f6rjth shade of the sliadu w of ; an .excuse ' to '.. place his.iider.in a predicament almost asun enviaSU as Mazeppa's. I-1 There is nothing, we undrstajd,, atL all ei theirdangerous or disajfeeable in going! what is s vulgarly termed fastif no objefit inerjrenes mechanically to oppose the pngres9 ; and jthus, not only at this moment do the crows, I heavily 9 ikfitf nns. r In na Am - rrt 't.. t travel on tbe rail road, but every lit lie bird that nops out oi tne tiedge as lhe tram passes fwtthh out conceiving lb at he is incurring danger) leave, ii oeuina nin. iiow, we nave already shown that the obstructions which exist on a grail road : uri . 1 . 1 . . t . J are inuniifij teas iio' loose wnicnXts on . Thigh road inasmuch! as from" the former -every ' namaooeing, animai, ana venicieris excluded. excepting muse sateiy included , m tbe Urain, It is true that in case of an, unforeseen i obstruc lion, a coach can pull up, s:y m iwentv vards. while a train at fall speed caonbt beatopied in less man say iwo nunorea ; out, on the other v lrtand.lt must be reqUected that,assistfd ;by the T signal men. who nr fligs or bugles (especially in it fg at which tune asdans la nuitf uiosles chats sons gris)' can . commuoicate, llkd ieie- . grapns, one wim anoioe; toe conduptr of a .train may be said to$ee considerably more than teh limes farther before him than lhe driver of a -man coach, and tberel.-re he is better abl m avoid the obstruction Indeed, if any one would paTtuire fronilhe lndon lNroffice of opr mails T a foggy or anowyr wtotei1 r ight, be! wunl f almost feel that nothing shirt of a miracle could enable the men and burses, against wind -and v . wealher, as well as in df fiance of all obstructions bri the road, lb keep jtheir tioie: sod. with these T ideas o bis mind; bej would prbababljt' feel that this danger of iravllng by such a i conveyance m , was if.Ooitely greater.ihan in a rail rWd train, i.i . i . : i: . ..i t ; ujiog aiong me iron .groove or us well protected ... omit. ". .v;-;-fi; r-.f' v T:t j T;'"l IT . . ; " ! So laoeh foij. theory r in practice,- ilje;preeise Tvamonot of ihe j daftger; of rail rwadirjaveilieg, even at ;ihe ctmmenc?mext wp( he experiment, , will aj once appear, foii tbe i.fficial repurts, lo . base been about ten passengers killed; out of nflre ma forty foDiiaillfoos! T ' 'j j I ; Porslmbuih vmadea gapj of some 5 jorO yards belweVn them,-w!tich he easily kept open until they came !to the head ol the quarter etretch on the second mile,' when he added 10 to i'2; yards more to the dts taVtce betiyeen them, and won the rate and $10,000 by lohil8 toi2Q yards. , j 1 . From the 16tb! number of lheStndentsMag-: axin, alperio lical published at tbe Intiiution Tot h IJIiiul, finff niladelpbiaj we copy tbe iuflowing Ootiuary, khe composition of Henry Juette CtltiT, of Virgir.13,' a blind boy in bis fifteenth year. It will, we trust, awaken new interest in this Irjptitution,. ' , T 1 Obitoary, by & PupiL There is a delight, an inexpressible pleasure iaThope, when the mind looks torward to fiiturity's golden boors' with n eye of joy ; but leere is a deep and awful gloom cast over -.the aojul, when we reflect upon O.e past jyith sad anpl melancholy regret. ;' Theref is a charm io the CbiliQ summer eveuing, when the last ray of the' setting sub paints the, horizon when th Batblers or the groves seek some bree- v height ti'sing their farewell songs to depar ting day ; and tope is a charm to the eye when the blnei vault of Heaveo is bespangled with my riads f iwrnkiin:: star.s But when tbe irreli gious oiilrf'H in the twilight of life, and he shades otHhaty.oningf gather, thick and heay arbond jhim wb n he is jdston ike Cirifioes fol an eternal world, nr, known, untrodden by.livjng mantherVi is a fear,ia horrur.a feeling vyhich' he aloob knb vs. Bit to thogmjd Christian, whose ded and undirumed bv ough pain. In dvin& 1 country than in EDgIand-that in Englaodjthe ! chief Execuuve Magistrate is v .- ! j-.-K?,:! fi'- T Bli . nereaitarv nere na is elected bv tbe Deo- pie i .ind hence lhe Senator would seem to iujcr iu4i uc euuuia qq iree: irom jqonsiuu- Uonal or legislative resaiots. l But this ve- ry circumstance ol the popular election of tue lyniei aiagistrate, in, another aii0"jftire philosophic) ve wTof the fubjecV'creates the greater necessity; for raising barriers by la w against- the abuse ofhia avlhprity ; be- ingjebtjajen by tie ?pbjfc naUitally!"bas their sympathies ard .;cpnJBdein?f;.The' see jhini In; thle Creature bf their piwer -the reflfctedl image fojf thjeir) sovereigntvThey are,' tfieVefore, very riatarally lessf disposed to - tSe jealous or distrustful of him, than they wbbWirje bf tiii hejredituy5 Chief Ma gistiat4 holding his! existtnee and power y oi ineir :wui. - ua ine o iir eecttiChief magistrate, hira oo! thepe Natural ay mpathies ispbsitidns in tbe popular mind. be I tembteel to - abuse them i and! unless restrained &i"iaw,;.to venture ua sirtcoes ui 'Ivuuvukv ur auuiyriiy wiiicu an lierUil?r8gu3ir3,te, lb, copstant Tbi iect of nuolic vigilance krid iealousr . would: be unwilling to 1 risk I Accordingly, one of the jmost liberal as wen as profound politi cal jwrttersblj the age,". lone whom his own country mtn CTallevrand). pronounced to be a second Montesquieu, hai remarked io his generally canrlid vieWf ojf the -AracVn in- stitutions, thejt public officers here are ordi natily' "-Mat more tnepino'enf SSithintheir sphere of action than the civil Jofficerso iiis owncoiiritr; ,ana iom a reiianceioo the sympathy and indulgence oi the peo :jde, ? wno-e1 agents taey are, hhey some times yinturi manifestation of thtir powtr Viftidi, as6ii een an purcpean. 'By thi .'mtc ni? hi, adds 'habits are form ed in theShiaffcof & free oim may.onedaj 61 fatal o its libtrtiesJf These j remafksTpf JDe Tocquevdle are not made wilh irelerenye .to th r resident particularly, pui applied to American public otacers it general. nw uouk is oy tar tue most3 favorable Iview ojf American institu tions that bas been pres New York, April 15; The Great Western was off the Hook last n 1 1 h t, . and reach ed the wharf this lionii t: , ner passage nas oeo long one f 221 days, having sailed on the oight of the 23d alt. bbe haa not had a fait, day, but hasstrovgled with strurlg westerly gales, and her .paddles show signs of a. bird j conflict. " She brings but 109 NEVV Time 3.U8s Petersburg Intelligencer.) MARKET RACES. Ports- won A milrli Rr rioliviiair Rn.tnnvL m0uth,i$i6 OOOj yside,2 mile heats oy jL nis uoumi inf iwo fieaia. v , Same Day. S weiepsUties;306 entrance . r.iyu lorietin two neata Win. R. Jofinsors Shark colt, ' J Si Corbin's Chateaiiilrilly, N. -Raines's T T! L -. ,3-2- Time 1st heat;; lro. 54s 2d. do. lm. 54s. Seeond Day. Proprietor's PujrseJJj mile heats, 300. passengers, among whom are officers of the British Army for the Canada. Juige HaHbtir- tint tbe Hon Mr Uunard, of Nova Scotia, aod the Gamble8o! Florida. Mr Kiyle, a O'otem menl messenger, is also a passenger. , 1 he News is that of Feace. The Nlessase of Mr Van Bureo was carried mi in' 1? days. but the proceedings of Congress, which wot out in' the steam sbp Liverpool, had not reach ed London. T ;,The hot remarks imputed to Mr Webster wereii hbwever, copied in the London papers, with all the warm dt-bate in tbes Uuited States Senate of that day, as reported in some of the New. York papers. lhe Alimstertat press is very considerate. A very mad print, tbe Liverpool Mail .raves. The London Morning Herald and Standard,, high tory prints of not much influence, also talk of cannon and big guns but the ; Times, 'which ts generally ou r bitterest enemy, lhe organ of .Sir Robert Peel and the Duke ot Welitngtotr, as well as of the London merchants of the Conservative faith, speaks with ocexpected force lor peace, it even advocates a compromise a concession the bargain of tbe boundary line of tbe lower pan of, tbe St John for the Canada roads. Now if the great Oppcsiiiun orga talk lhaa, will powerfully advance what we know to be the pea ceable views of i the British Mjntstry I he JIt morandum of tbeBtitish Minister andMi For syth afforded universal satisfaction. The ca lamity of- a' war is felt With as much force on the other side of the Atlantic as on this. There was great uneasiness in London, and an entire suspension oi business in all American securi ties but the, belief was almost universal, that the good understanding bet weeo the two nations would be restored. T Thexheeriog news is a further advance, and a grea: liveliness in the cottonmarket. This news will have.an energetic eflVct uion our long depressed money market, 1 and relieve us, we hope, ffom the gloom under which wehave been sunering. . lbe suspension of business in some Ameiican securities may, hwwever, be a temporary drawback, but it is out probable ' r . The Belgium, qoestions ajre eettled. The Chamber, altera long debate, agreed to the terms of the rrotocol. The French (Mole) Ministry have been beat en in the elections.,: and have resigned, l he King,' on the 8ih of March, had begun to frame a oew Ministry, but even at late as the 20th the names were not ofHciatly announced. Tbe cause or this delay was the inability of the King and. the new Ministry to agree u loo terms. Suuit, Dupin,T,heirs, Passy, and Humann, are to be members of this new Ministry The laboring ' disaffected part of the British population are said to be arm u g. Large forces from the artillery have been hurried ff from Woolwjch to-MaucheMer. - The Guardian, of Manchester, re ports, a great business to bo go ing on io the making and selling of pikes. The news from toe Eastern world was not favorable to a continuation of peace. The pros peel of an extensive war with the Burmese was daily becoming stronger. T 1 T Papiuaugh has arrived in Paris. The Great VVesieru leaves this city next Monday., . There a. a reHrt of the rigraiion of the British Min istry, who had been defeated in lhe Houge ol Lords upoo' an Irish quest'en. The Princess Charlotte JSasoleoo, daughter of JoaepU-Buna-parts, is dead. b , - . Postscript, Our own , money market has a reliance, ou the sympathies and -protection temporary electi'iciiym it, created by he nevs to venture on unwarrantable " lhe Ceat Western. Stocks have gone there lisef ftn ... V with rat ht :: Ueporter .!ei, r ciiybas ben (T many, very t hate been Ctitir menaces ct n. r tested Ward, a u off W big vou , guards have ! they have ear- thus won is t: ; marked t fu.o t cooijileie ov,rs! Qutrrelirrr an ; . phances i a apolojy ; bllt a ting' at all, is a whrh changes The evenif dilional insane JUUlnizkt L For some days hate, appeared several of tl. ! With colon. lis er wards to rr, a oe.retuu is, . terrfay,,m ti e n of 100 to 150 II ouse, late drove lhe buunUr and robbed oil, ai ding several t T crs, .;pe it !smi, ben taken C cessary. h was: ming of the raj cofocos, aud the c in N. Jersey , an ! part of these d.. siiiutiotis. EXECUTIVE The printing i Departmctila, f. neatly exclusive ; end execuU d 1 1 dertand, hit n by others. t j . he oflered to which he It s '. the exceptKHi i the rtturtis sS . ! ' Thus is heT sand dollars a v nasty oj Vie (. t bas been presented by any foreign writer llano ne noius tnera uo. indeed, tor imitation iarjjd gradual Jntroducioii in Eu rope, asanas j'te oiuereni circumstances if ihn old and IliR np.sof urnrlH loi II admit The remark!! l&vojq-ioed fromi him, there- lore, coming Iv a" source. consideraiibn rdm so enlightened & friend- deserves iat feast the candid of every jnan who cherishes, and woul,H'bjpstrve and perfect, our free popular institutions. lt shows that we should not ba coi tent with lhe fact, impor tant as thut is, that Our!principal public ol ficers ro .clioj en byi unh are, at fixed peri ods responsillel to, t he ! people that every circumslunce rnky embolden them, from a 1 1 2 dis O P. Hare's Willis, Wffl. R JohosonTs . Rnpker. - " : John S. Qorbin's Bandth ,: ' E J. Wilson's Tom Walker. James Tally's b hi by Tjimolann, ) S W. Morgan s Virginia Robini 1 3 2 5 3 son. 2 1 4 3 dist. dist. and lhe popecioiisifiess oflwell spent days gne by rriakH hia dyicj pillow easy Thus it fas with! ouiif'teod Mtd tutor, Julius IL Frif.l4n der, whose mecnory will ever cherished 'by us, and; waiose name, id afier ers, will, shine wiilji uudiuvjhisbe brigbtness and lustre in the history Iof ibenevplenrinstiiulions. The jvraftiri the S'afeSriiso, and the hero, all seek for (lairfe-; but j on r ie naaie-ot ;hose whorn blind a!m ou;on us ie inrougn seas oi oiooo mere is left an ifftjejlihle s'igroa. a tarnish wh'ch time can nevli weariafvay. Not so with bur friend, oar tnucn lamented frtend. ' I ISix yars havakiot yet elapsed since this i?0od man. infj ienced by the most humane and noble . i ?i . i ki : i L .... i ; i ... i leeungs inai eeriwarmea ana antmaiea me bo- som ojf lian.oide his kindred and flis own ha live: land1' ;adieo, and sought a home in this, a landj of si rangers -inot in pursuit of famej not' in parsuit Of hooors, not in pursuit of wealth ;but in pursnti of the m re. laudable and praisewor thy M'jeet-lrthe al eviation of the afflictions; of the br.brtcnat blind the alleviation bf our faf flietion8iwe,'whise brows miefortone with lier cruel hand has marked .with sadness' and with sorrbwijilt: was alone to pluck the thorns from thebliodf man's dirked and rugged path through life I thatT he ibht oor shores ;faW."by his lonjf' aop; on eirid: exertions, the dark ghlora which once surronjnrled as ha been' dispelled, and: the brig nt imirttfe ofedocation partly thrdwn around jtjs.i But, jahs!, he is bo more! TJiat kind, Ujat generics heart -hasi hai ceasedj to beatj; tii ' feble : fulie ; has sunk to steep, Ihw mil and gentle )ice is hashed, and bis bright beatjuingi ey es aim felosed in death j 1 but there is left no crime, no onrnanly action; to cl a shade over, htSi name.; t He is gone; yet: all that's of the people excesses! 1 1 lie true security oj freedom is io throw jup, Nlorehan, barriers by law against ih,e abuses :ojf-per.iiongh it be voiilerreoj by jho peOpto ; anrLihen the re- spotisiointy oi itciivt ittgents wni ue some thing real ardj c tf ctual. 'It would be a danjgerouJsi del ulionl? jjlr Jeffeson haatnld us, 'were a ci nidencern the man of our choice lb siler ce our f ars for tbe safety of ouiUiglits.' n q'estibn ofjpdwer, then, let no more befhard of confidence in man. but bindthirn tfou?Hj fVm mischief by the 000911101101).' . I chains of til P a trood deal.. .Mrrieyed men ftl much easier, The cotion holders are delighted. There is great relief fell! in VVaiLstreet, and' in all the business parts of the city. Private letters speak' of tht continuation of peace as certain, Indeed, all ratioual iuen of all parlies in England speak of a war as fratricide. These letters also re mark that the airangement of Mr Fox and Mr Forsyth is considered a mit happy 6na. ,'; There were large sales of U S Bank stock to-day at 1154. The advance on cotton in Liv erpool from .Iarch 1st lo 2dd was about a penny auu one-fourth. - - The JevellW r, ; p'cs of t he it iV'z country, 4iiiV' .? NationarintciJ . duty. These i.';. canism into Jar very foundaii.ii , ; purity and . iriu es, they raits t! -gainst the ponr, : ion in the c m;: !. ptecate. ' Tie ! . interested 'deer;;: tound to be d( -;: perfect .Msjur V profej's'tifi! j ht; i: the, dear j.tcple ; They a if. ur,.ki t? : to oai au I'-iace u. . o And yt how of i en lias bis syren song-a-bout the menlof oUr choice been sung to lhei jealousies bf affree people, and to inli stre this first to' be flacked! by the rude hand of the ' de- biroyt-r. . ix is i gone ; oor rrtend'is gon, and gone forjever! Tboygh his c.pse lies low iih tbedead,a tenant ut the silent tomb his pure sbul! ha; winged way tohat bright land of bliss, the hallowed home of God. ! 1 Time 1st heatl 3:53;' 2nd do 3:46;' 3d l:S:r:i ? "T jdo. 3:57. "l : - This wssonftlbf the most interesting ra-1 bright 'jmusij. fadetjib brightest still ike' fleetest: ces wh ich we ever witnessed, and the time It 1 "? fare fl'wen of the garden is loo often the of tbe second heat tssaid to be the buick- jBst ever made on New Market. M W the first qtiarterof the first heat,Vir gjnia Robinsjon?srider was thrown jb the breaking oPthej Stirrup" leather, ndtwith standing which the mare kept thelrict,and af the entjoflhe heat came out ahead by a length. She of course was ruled heat given fioWillis id - Theiderweiare glad to hear, Was but slightly tPjuretlu j j - ' , . . y Third Day 4 mile heats-JockeylCltib Purse, S700. Ldmnnd fTownciV b h Stebi;vby . Fylde.daoi Constitution, 5 years old; iio Ibsrlj-i . T': : ' Euwaro J. Wilson'e g m Omega,by T'aiolf 00 Cropper, 5 .Tra oiuvtujr lbs ft! " -..-;. :( -VHare,s M Champagne; hy , lipae, danj; 3ii Arthy 5 years ' old.l.0;lh I ;r nmlJ Tt James Talley's q rn Betsy White.by f u vuanci, 4 years 1 I ! T - - i ngtheu the brrn Jof tlelegated powef-In verv repdrt of ihefSenator from New Jersey, j fhej st rbpathies; of thej people are constantly intoked on jbehalf of the ofHce hblders; i whose interfrlrence wkliiheirmost sacred rights is sought! lo be stit'jected to sotrte legal restraint, by being told, in not less jhan hllf a dozen doleful passages, thai these po H pi oscrtbed oflScers' are the people! offijrers hohored ; by the choice aurj corifiderjde of jlhej people V In like manner, if a jroeisure of the President, deemed idapgerous to the liberties and best interestsofilelcoufltry, is opposed, and op posed wlh effect, the generous feelings bf the people ar at once) appealed to, to corns forward and sustain the President of their r i ..We learn from the Armj and Navy Chroni cle that a Board is now bitting in this rity.com posed ot naval aod civil officers, assembled for tbe purpose of consulting on and devising the best plans and mod lea for sleam vessels of war, three of 'which were authorized by an act of the late Session of Congress." The Board is com- posd -of the followiag individuals I Commodore Stewart and Captain Tii. 0. terry, of the IS a vy ; S Humphreye, iso. -ChieJ Naval Con etiuctur, and Mesbra Hurt and Lenthall, Engi neer of the U.S. steamship rultfurt and IVm. Kemble, Esq. one of the proprietors of the West Toinl rouoaary. -r TT JSat. Int. From the National InieUieenccr The New York city election has resulted in the so cress of the Locofoco ticket, by a majority of between 1100 and 1200 in 41,266 votes. 1 h power of tbe Government has proved, for the present, too strong for the friends of order The bauds of office holders and retainers id that great commercial emporium the new (election eering) duties which the edicts of tbe Govern ment now exact of all holding office who are !-'-J'fe.'iJA jtl FAIR HIT, - ! '1 : the 1 ; rr.11kfd--:rTL4' V :.,.T. r. .: . 1 T I dav relates thai fiillnw inrr anirt.iiA in ill.. P. lion ofEIiari hotidosof theifjunited StatcsTT : Ctkoey siftMtsmanT who! had read with I deltehtj.Mt HojETmao's new work on the 9F'4 4 iootf passage is sTi --Lorjdc packet, and affived here daring the ! preei Si 3 Goliah, dm -old, 97 lbs TimeT 1st het 8:84-2nd heat 8:2. 4 dis wild ion nrfnt weeki n searcb of wild game. He brotinht letters to ar highly tespectabie merchant.' with whom we! are .well acqnaintedT, and desired after delirtring them to be directed loUbe best hbnt ing ground! wit boutdelay, as ha eoold Only icnaiu flEftt t lew uajs, purposing 10 reiurn in itJ T..f. .11. : :j Tl. I. " n? pi viern.., no nniou ne .came q oewiiorii principally io snoot oears. por mercanfilel'lriejod satisfying himself ihstf his ru juiiu,Bai lotfspori naa oeea great ly cur, vpj here, and. recommended him to proceed to PhiiTl tdelphia. ij He depart8 for that city r this day : & We call op-m our friends there to extend tt the distingiiisM stinger their usual nospttafiiy the political organ.tzitipn of public ofiicer. or from the prerogatives conferred on the President by the Conslilution itself, or from all combined) the fact s undoubtedly true, that xeciiWpowerlias attained a strerifltb and develojK?ment i here which it does not possess: at Ihis lnomey in any other const i- tutionalisystrextstilng in the world. In England and F)rance,fwe know the Execu tive veto has fallen into totalj disuse.: Here, it pas become an ordinary and habitual re sort. IhEnndNd in France, if a mea sure of the Ex ecu live bp defeated hv the- Representatije, branch of thej Govement, ministers resign, and! a new systeat) of ad ministration,r accobm adated j to the views 6t 'the isls'tirel ti'formedi Here; a la vorite measure of thle Executive may. have been cohdpmned land rejected, time after time, and e itfis kgain andi again present ted and; arged upon the Legislature and tle nation w tlioutj this slightest regard to me repeated manifestations pf the opinion v mo cypie anu toeir uepresentaiives a- gainst it. t ions, the these causes, combined with inoUsb violence 4 the absence of legal guards againel the roost fla- g tan t abuses of the elective franchise-have giv en to the worst spirit of Locofocciam the worst elements and the worst prineiplesof society, so cial, political, and religious, a triumph in tlie chief city of the union. : lois na tesult mnch io be deplored the more so as triumph, has been acheived in the overthrow of the best chief magistrate, it is generally admttiedihe rhrjet active and efficient, one of the roost enlighten ed, which the city of "New York has ever had. There lSjaoweter, no security fgaiost these tri a ths of force over reason, and right, and- or der, where the materials for violence and fraud are so abundant, until . tbe ascendency of good principles to the State Legislature shall give to t 4 Sk - tf ' 1 119 people oi ew lurk tbe same taieguaras f?r tbeir rights as are enjoyed in Philadelphia, aod happily now in lfaitimore. Some idea may be bad of the scenes of vio lence which this election presented . by refer rinsr to tb details in a nrecedtosr column. The New Yo k Express bf a subsequent" day. adds the following: T -' ; ", The World have voted here, and, what is APPOINTMITN Hepry W V.,( erl Jl Chestt r Mates for.Mhe i- James V (inn hnlt lo be! M?r 'lr.nua.oa - nr . 18th of ianuarj , mend an act ei:t;! if' the District t ; ii.itrl f,.n 1 1 I .1 J ' I V. M .... ' - v. . " lune ltVlbdS. ATLANTIC An interest iij Aroer ean niiz : Niw York- Ci'"t iollovvinij list f navioating the A ttrn thin'f do II I i IJraal'WfsiiV' buili in Bristol, Britissh Q'TreLi built in L'iiu'i n Liverpool 1, inj Liverpool. President, (A' power, built m I IT.. '.t.-.A V.n i .' built in Liverpf United Ki!'T . ' er, built in i.ive r Atasat ia 1, built in Lieq New -.York t Tlius, in the c ne employed t ' no less than e-iu lowing each lo s.S Vf.wr c i V - r INSTRUCTS We.llave b this snbjfd, w! what is beti r, i the Hon Be if in the Siape f Oxford, he h ' Parson td t r ' rogb, and thr ! to pretty m. : ' in store f-r t aiIature. .He . J i t . r V ' I f jocose inanr.r r. -this is thed ss Try. Yo'i cert, part of the v. r! but g od l-uir. ' are so very n.- a Deonocrat.' 'I then do y 'i is your O.fim. that thtp li"s' warrant if 11 mg your vcis'i -way to a W 'J Parcon, "ihi more, it ha.i not bran ennteat with Voting once.. Apd,' in' this very matter of c!ec- but has voted over and over again. We have tei nost vital in a free renrtentatno I never seen so much ferocity and brutalily as tl haa hPn Hifthlaved at the PONS. 1 he SCtOeS 101" .1 . . . ti ll..! M.i in sjV tu ine ' lain ara nave own pnocnin?. iii .moi t-"" j close ; UoverntnentJ the i ?Fir If1? W latHyj not to ppeak of oihr instances rbo4 publiclyshownin the two f'2st ciiies ol the ilinion) open, system sAic. and nnfkilffiii4nrfL r ' ter of fad Js- t le won! i ; orkins tf ' nd I- of the polls id the 1 ih Ward, the Locofo-j rfrcf.' g' rid obhed upon a large posse of constables, and j Kot obet r. j op! their staffsof office in a iwioklingl In dropped ue si- cos- roki broxe no j the 4lh Ward .they , have been desperate, and I: ; ; : i 1 si it-' ).- r lit ill 4 . j : ! ' ! n IS .1

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