I t 1 I I - t 1 I i f 4 A wni j i ! i.p tij n ,..... .. 'i ... -v v ' . :'.-1 s f rr t iii 111 mi i i -hi i i . mii hi yrt t t . ...... i t i j f f yrj i i -i 11 tl n i - s 1 1 n i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 lit a r i v..- 1 11 i u s IMdifOL r leftside ofthal C?;. ' ... . , . . I ' ' " strand, which I rpgarded as a lihf r-! and the culfiTation uf such a spirit in !! lations ctnnot but have'a salatury tTt fJ Thm Whin nf St t.f ICenluckr. 3M US the name hjpochondriasjs r 1 tMV- M; ,,t,aHvnptoms are flali Wratt h.,w.s. acr.d eruciatipn iUi il)P p rB----;-. . .... m Hff? UiPs, and olten an4iuer.nauniy PENDLETON & BRUNERj; w - . HI oien- - f ' r-' hf j V Published Weekly li, lions, - EDITOR ANDf-PnOPRIETORS; ' J ' . j at Two Doll;; anil Eifly CI 8 : K -r ' ' -1 x t XO. 21 VOLUJIE VIII. 7 WHOLE JV-O. 585. "WiA2 Also langnidness- I tl r I rl 3E T : - ' - ' . 1 K I J J ' ' ' " I: I" : V igALtelBUIffiY, SjfiClEMBlESB'' SO, '-1830. BU anil pecuViat train of ideas Jitersity. TLe .1 At! i open to mis amic- - irtilefeilrtln a as pnsabte articlei ins manner, the and the principle A large estabua uuiiuiiB is carriqi TTOlNS, Mm4d 16 a laieJtoor ip the wght, tjr PociaI .iniercourse, orex- ertf mu r immoderate use of mereorvi WtWifflp4 the tjosimcuonoi me men Ht&L U Pa ?ru Option 5 relaxation o I kThe mannfac Wre of theae little bot indis- Sllostrates in a very atrik advantages of rokchinfry of subdividing the labor. hment !or the mattintr oi ci on in the tillage of Hiv- denville, whirhjaupnties khe market for the . .i National Convention. FIRST DAY. YVednesdat, Dee. 4,1839. ' Si t S H T At twelve o'clock, the Conveatioo aaaembled , Lotberan Cburcb, and was called to: or- iei by Mr. Williamson, of Pennsylvania wbo nominated Mr. Bates, of iaasarhodRtislj as i its ' - - - ii :. wholeUnited Sta es, according lo the state- cbairman pro tern, for tbs purpose of .orgaqia- J.k;mr.ift PA..r; F.aVh JRg tn con ven lion. - 13 i kiAM r.ftm.n ttffrihthanfli. k 'f li Uu..Wu oiu Mug,Vy.T.. r'" M Pennav vania. wera sddo nted Secretir taJ ro S-PIt" M A" r;5-;-r. w " 1 f - - r t. III 111 ii ll ii lot tuic mitj I t Am raw material to cbinerv, and bv ( iron ipni causBi vKHW'" - - '.:-- ' ';'. sri"tPr'nf)-tin.rrirhfiitura.'tlae. iTThl orifrci pblt P.fyci? pi . j reaimen i arr, , a- vmhn ,;nff,2 hv : aiimiS rn. n Harnaburg. Ld on immmwm m1 .:rr;a ' u-i. k.. iuon be permanently "fIii!lbeM"ttrbtcli may oe promowq uiou. F.ruww "" rr On motion, adjourned W'FWt hours, regolar meala, and inff classed, so; that the different pieces are r mti,ni i 1 iiM" ""M"'a the finished J state of the em. - ' i . -ww On motion of Mr. Leigh, of Virginia, tbe list or work. The tirt which fives form to the f dle?atss was called over bv tbs Stretarv ST .-.- -: !.l ! J I , .- i !li I . . i . . la 1.13 S - " . : " ki i s , ' ,wWlrro is cat imp citcular pieces oy roa g Mr. Johnson of Ohio, moved that the ctmvn- . wff .ft-ai-'. let' separate person the edges I lion bs opened with prayer each morniDjg;lby khe All the othr turg, $ man oi aiDerem aenominauoos. in inje cuy the table, till )ihe orcaoized. ; : H it im mmhak Tfo bowels 0 costive) nroared wiihWnderful eelerity. ! fp$r,MM$&iy tbe .occasional use The buttons ;njade at this establi sherieW v fVe know:' nothing be teStiCT! bend. Ihan Dr; Will con- u.' LSI: till ten o'clock to mor -ten i' rnsde at this establishment better i itLnu nA ..riliiv villi sin mnrri ranuntv hik: mr v iiiiun 11 i mOUSanu gross rrmu he business cives employ r m r".i . " - r-r: hundred young women. SECOND DAY. -Hi! fill have other agents in tlie pahlie service. But all hopes of remedy are groundless oolesa tbre be onion among tbe oppooe its of currnption and usorpatioo unless there be harmony and eon cord among all the elements of the oppdsitton. This is the pivoUunLwbich tbe b ne ipbe peo j. tii j-i j . JI 1 ' pie torn, ana 10 us nas oefn oeiegieo toe nign duty of effecting this desirable object. I hat. m this grrat coantry there 'should be many men fit to fill tbecbief office, is no matter of surprise, and in thjSt convention delegates baveno doubt warm preferences.; This is all right and proper, uivdj tbe uttermost latitude to feeling ; lor to t bis extent we may an witn respectively. reported tu their principals ; sind that I hereupon the Delegates from tach State r requested to icsetiible as a Delegation, and bal lot fur candidates for tbfficts of President and Vice PresidKtrinTTiavtng done so, to cumcnit the ballot designating the voifs uf each candid ate, and by whom given, to its onnmiite : ai.d thereupon all tbs committees shall assemble! attd compare the several ballots.1 nd reKit ibe res'ulf of the same to their several ' Delegations, togeih er with such facts as may bear utonithe nnmin atioo : and sccb Delfgation shalt lonhwiih n assemble and tallut again for candidates for ibe a J bove offices, and again commilt be result tote safety go; but if we go beyond thib, mischief above commit tees, and if it shall appear, that a will jesolt. We masrj be prepared J each and majority t4 the ballots are tor any one man ror can the whole, to sacrifice all sectional feelins-f-all personal considerations,' tor the good of our coon di)dae for President, said committee shall repot t the result to tbe Convention fonts consideration , try. W should poorly folfil the ekpectsifcma ;-but it there -shalibe no such roajoriiy , then ibe . Thursday. Dec. 5,U839. i'-ViJ- - ' ' " - 1 ' s ;i It!'! Pursuant to adjournment the convention met The Rev. Mr, Sprecher, officiating il clergy lean of the Luthersn cburcb, offered up to At liiiahtv GkT: a most fervent prayer for His bles- . t k'jj kn eAnntilir stated Uing on tbe convention, our country faridUhe m mm1- !,f!S1!!: i. he Mi 'ptUtn. iha.tfl.li.il rubber .11 , .,',. ,2.! r,. .chs.niiR iprnmiUEUUCU .1 a lire i r.- ,. r-1 . . . . tit ; j i il ui xtii uuii"uci vi ii aNwiiuii . iftlSvm &uld to;make good glur,;Dut lt wu neve t.ru u. - t'0 ji, cfficer8. made tbe. folU.ng trt UJV."'J '"j .i. .... . .a ' I Wa m k AMMd AMOS of our constituents if we permitted any s'fisb considerations to influence our acik-nsl We-aie not here for veoal pulpoes, lonying after the fl-sh pots of Egypt, but. have higher and hosier aims we are here to uiake an effort for tbe Re formation of our guvernment, and to check ; its and tach State represented here shall vote its downward course, bo far as I am concerrfed, full electoral vote by such Delegation in the com the nanxe to be selected is a matter of perfect in mtttee. Delegation shall repeat the balloting until ruoh a majority shall be obtained, and then report tbe same to the Convention for its consideration. That the vose of a majority of each Delcjs- tion shall be tepuited as ibe vote of that State; tlfltrtMonrde, Schuylkill, afflicted Iftthftbialivelstressin MI.apotfi!flaolenc- rest ner breathing, tightness J Jinfuj!itynd Restlessness, could not lie Mixture to Uiu&fl inir tunuCaUOUi -uaipiisiiun. f I 9n(tlhfi aril w " a which will eterj jtnite glasrsb iarto render the fracture almost imperceptible ;ontbiig is equal 10 isiogiais oouea in spints ni wuit? Jimer.; farmer. : s i i' 5 hooters in AJamnnugfaiiire, tuning icnny parts 01 iu'iHai, usr following mixture with" ver gf"d ef Melt togf tner, in an eartnen pipiitn. 4 o2 of hogs-lard, 5 nd as much bpes wax ; i,&stticpujtyUtiveness, pam oMhe stomi he i f! feet. Sitpiccqvery; and dire despair sat nan a pouuu r'tf .rfL-ii4liu -1 orcnriniereRtedin 1 02. of turoentine an MilhB conuten.in vi t- r---'- : . . h i a. . . a 'i Wnceppp y accident he makeHhe boothorougn.y tiry ami warm. 1iS,t 6i ilmibilftifDtfDer some cures enecieo uy i antl ruD m tne mixture weu,- wm., t feVatfevAlflii MEDICINE in his corn- tow a9not asilife hand cin bear ;1 or else t W" ,i80i iPp,et& I the leather hasijnoroughlyt imbil rjrWom.o mixture fll the same pu saV bigimotwe tor inis aeciarauuu. , , . i 13J ..I o:. ,,1 lor nsnermen, is, uecs-wa, uuiruiiu; i; and iurpentine, of each 2Uz ; or till bed it. Anr mose, and , ivu t i-n.,Mi,.inainr tnm( piHPB enecieo ov i n.l mh in the mixture well. Willi a Hllie iJcWteiiitU him t' purchase a pack-1 v ,a ie boots over a very gentle fire, I l- -1 1 w. . . -1 si '-4 L I 1 1 m.1 At A I V I P 1 it 5 - - . I 7 ' - . . ti9iiat jfitijijrl! Ti. 3t a. h Kin MAT 1 W S y 'tb.mrelw'ith: . the same or anv symp- I sea iL'ifnll'arl io"ltdsa Irom 'which he is happily pitch t44d, toay ; lilceWise receive tne inestimable I tallow, 4 oz.; iMLiitt'llijvl.-. r - a Quarter of ifrlVlikRRft P TIC DOtOREUX. her of a pound !fjEaubhsi wite oi vapt. sepu lhe bool8 mU8 f, qmle dry, ana tne rai jfeMtf iLiHEyMass was severely; afflicted lorc appiied rU warm. ; 1 M iltenltilJTje Dolereux.violent pain m0ja8O8 is used in cooking, it is ieVn,lart a burntno; . heat , , n - boi and 8kim j; 3iJC2 j- u sa. iAva nor rnnm r , . Ofliauicuj5.M,,..v... . . i jr ., ..I,...,,, .ho ,,n. ste, and makes it almost as Where molasses is much t in ni at I tr" rtrorvnrft flhl or or two gallons in this way at a time. : ! . . . , r l J r hall a pouna oi Dees- wajt. dund of rosin, and a quar- beef-suet. In all cases, iiihi&fomacbfa S&lrtnfrrlrla nhlVel el from the ik Ii:Jiiifj-iiiliyJrU. mti..inpa nf nnv kind. I nleasar.t raw ta MillfiirfelieMa bominenced usins Dr Evans' I good as sugar. llriiHniflhfidMillatham8treet,Tand I ned for cooking Tlx -ij!! -r -.P..7 5 iJBT ,1 . . m . , Jflihbaiiyaai4nd, and feels satisfied.' 11 iowkeiliil!edicine a few days" longer MthS NthloJIlihel above, by calliog at Mrs fwmiMjMNr Store. 389; Grand street, Et:iJ'!ltll-f:..V-:- .Sr v '.- ', No 115 Lewis , afllic- Gor. Jihn S Pters. of Coonectjcut, Guv J A Shuize.of Peonsylvania,-. G v David Hazzard, of Dtla4re,f Guv. Geo Howard, ot. Maryland Guv. John Pylet of Virginia; j Gov. John Owen, of N. Csrolmiji f Gov Thomas Metcalfe, of Kentucky ' P R Livingston, of New York,j j Jacob Burnett, of Oliio, ! I C Bates, of Aiassacbusetts, y : ,'aa. Wilson, of New Hampshire, . . E M Huntingdon, of Indiana, !i . " E'Marshv of .New Jersey. j; I SECRETARIES. I . Charles 3 Penrose, l Peansylvaniay I .'--JS w Ralph, of Illinois, - S R Lyman, of Maine, 1 s C Paine, of Vermont. I On takinff the chair. Gov. Barbour made one nf the. ifltist eli-auent addresses ever lisieredf;to jWe regret that oorreponef can only ;iresent an imperfect sketch ol his remarks, merely touch ng on the leading points. I . I Gentlemen, said Gov B.$ I feel deeply Aiig d io yoo for the distinguished mark.of yoiir non lideraiton, which you have kindly conferred ip- Sn me, and In return I offer you my assoirice hat 1 ill, to the utmost' of my capacji josti 'j your confidence, by discharging inj' Jdu;ies vith scrupulous fidelny, in which 1 shll Irfoubt less receive lhe co-operation of each ibdividoal member ol this body. difference make it upf what letters of the al phabet you please so that ifbe certain of suc cess, and I shall be among the loudest in my ho- 9a nua In I f '-'-'! i - J - . ., i! If Public expectation is; standing on t tiptoe.ja- waiting the issue of this conTention Not only tbe patriots of tbe land, but our political rivals ook with anxious expectation to your dehbera- lions. The people oljthe United states nave centred all their hopes In your action, and from if they expect new light to break on the dark nps that now hanjfs over us I there any who will suffer personal le-djngs to interfere with bis decision so as to cover With sorkHmh and ashes those who would guard the ark uf our political safely ? God ftirbtd. Ml ; j ' It would be usles3 for me, said Gov. 15. , to take up yonr time with a recapitulation of the evils the country is laboring under .They are known tuyou all.' Bm as " out of the fulness ol the heart the moUth spaketh,'' I niut be per mitted to remark that we have fl og ;tbe broad banner of Liberty andlhe Constitution to lhe breeae. inscribed withjihese :tiqkiitMiw wotos -one Presidential term 4 the integrity the pub lic servants the safety of the public M)ejjf and the general go-d of the people. : . ' Y hei ljr.ast my eyes trom one end of our jniry to ihe other; perceive no (ground for THIRD DAY. I . , FatDAY. Dec. 6, 1839. Conventibn met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Caseins Clay, of K n'uckv, i ff ted a res olution that the av es and noes be called, and lhe j delegates declare etW toct their choice as a ran- ! didate for President, and that where a delega tion is not full, the absentees ?ast the, votes ot thebsent members. ilr C. addressed the convention in favor cf his motion. He said he wished every pot lion of the people to be heard. - He knew not that bis own favorite would be mentioned he did not khow eten the result of the balloting, but be wished a full, fair, and candid expression of opin. had already" been correctly assured that.it . t . are smceTe in their uvo'ion to i not on his own account alone f measuieof hi fame is already full but t they rnlieve lum to be the man cf h;3 c Bat Kentucky will not prote nawcrtl.j mao whose fame is but another name f r t v" She loves lhe eoonirv mre lhan s' ' CLAY ;. and her delpgates have met hf people will meet at the ballot b xes, on i! platform ol determined hostility tu trt Buren. Side by side with her brethi: other States, the Vhigs of Kentucky end for the reiurmaiion of iho3e abt?f 1 now i tbroateo 4 hdet ruction of our 1 ' country, and strive to make her what f rt - ers will noi--prtisperous and happy. M r Rev erd y Johnson of S try land, f. ' .Van land's choice was well known -tt necessary now to mention tbe "individual. delegation hid upheld .that choice to tl Out satisfied, tm ibe consults ! n wt'h is - gates from other sections f he fjcti n, 1 M ' choice of ,1arylandI would .not be th ' thtsconretition, t that in opinion of a n j r delejates there was another name th?' c ? rv dismay in'otheiaiikiof theenemY.hf rr ; on ibe part of-he delegation from -Jaryh o5fer a resolutiomhai the result of the ..:! be uoanimotilT eonfiimed, and that Gt n tlAtf llKsar ?HAaarsoH be .'.presented ' American people with the sanction of Ih L ventton. - , .'- ; 5 . Under this biiiner4 said Mr J , we c:. mcst, and w WILL TRIUMPH ; s . order to afford lime for h report of e rs tee as'toihe candidate for he Vice Prr-:.' hs proposed that the cWivention take a xco half an hoar I and he- felt satisfied thai a f would be presented in Connection wilh tt a t on which the . fr'ieids f : Harrison and " could unite withihe same unanimi;v t! u ; trils amthg:thp Trieodf of .Clay ?r.d Sr : regard to the. nomiuation of Harrison. In.-, applause - - . '; "'. : Mr. Cherry, of Nnrth Carolina, said thtt t' Mate herepre9enert.naa remainea coinj uia lv quiel in tbe Selectjrn ot the' -Yominfe. J had her liM chjice as well as other'Snif ; he had loo Uosr,f"'?hl against lhe spoilt r ! to know her duty, and she m o-ilJ B-a.ol t ! sister States in tbe-present ".Von test, ; by j v Gen. Wm Hi; Harrison, a determined ph; : and whep the election returns come u, 1 C.thev will show thit OLD KIP IS U IS . AWAKtl AGAIN! P1 Mr. Preston 4 Keotocky, said tbecorspn alion fn m his State cSme here for concil.au and compromiser-harmony and concession t: he was cetiain that the resointinu tie ivas to propose was one that would meet tl. .appr ' lion of the convention; If m'ghf naturally I thouffht, said Mr. P, that Kentucky stanu l in lha altil A 4T onft li 18 HHt llfi 1 Pd Ol lit f ; mWsmM F.t Kennv : IpfUeWeldlB union and '.Houston 'at 8. ir ilnl Vyrsltviih the following Tha honor, gentlemen, you have fionferred hnnn roe. is enhanced bv the beliet I hat it. isjnoi Simple remedy to purify Wateri It is1 8l) mach a mark of personal regard, as a rtesi- not so generally iknowji as it ougni to oe,i paoniai oirespeci to.ine aocicm vmuinvw?" that pounded aliim possesses the property that -.mere represent , a..o u, F.rr. iiiot puiuiucu ; T( . . I , - J I lu oU,.,iU. la.rro tha Hiaiinniinn Conferred to Durify wateri A large table spooniui o f - :" " " ' " t r-T.f lo Y" "y I' ,i 1 . j Kkohonrt npon her wilh sensibility. s H; pulverized alunjj sprinkled into a hogshead aswe;reby the PeoPle,;.t a lime never surpassed in importance, to represent hem on subjects ol lhe greatest interest; it is com deaDair. IFe can redeem the country But;e- ven if it were otherwise, it would siill.be rio'Uws our duty to contend fair her dearest ilnterests He who is a patriot only when the tide of a tri umphing majority flows with him. is no whig But he is a true pamot, who, whether in lbp maioritv or miouritv, has his country at heart, and no si nier purposes. 1 hope "and believe that 'his body is' i composed of patriots of the lat ter clas. : Is h . ' I have high authority for the assertion thar it is lawful to lake -counsel of our ebemjes.1-- Let us imitate them in? adifiiy. if KWTf When defeat. . theejiethy do nof'Ayf - haps fur the reason that mit.kmU 3' "Hr Zealous for e?il than sf6od. j member tht noroaitefs how T st ill he is an American. jf II. I .r. 1 ...Ii.n C!i;?" " ram ii mi luatnu'ir,.- with ten talentfjtfs? e n t 1 1 i s i n?S50 2 ,hewholMD?:tf "iv i man re frits influence, fnd his country hn.nnhri th tribe h only half a al fl natural world. Public senli- jon, and the were pot for ton. ! $tt: Davie9, of Connecticut, opposed the mo tion of Jlli. Clay, aud moved thai it be laid up- On'the table. A;reeti to Mormer, of New Jersey,' offered, a reso lution to procures correct list of the "delegates and ihir nost ofhre. to he nuhlifihed with the I I iu oKiiiA llr neonle it was true nai ' nrOceedtnvfs tl ice convention. I nfeference ; but uey were nigs aru t . - i - Aerredtn . I aneiam thir mnntrv i and to prove uai ii &'"' : . - I v j, Uf. W.l ;am.nrt mnxJ that a nmm ltB ff I tlffJl CnolCO Will BUSiam mem III l"ftt vutnnr. trig . ww 1 1 a ur"m tu'cu ti. m . ----- Ah . : . . . I.. n I :ii ..... IL.I iL.i-.l ...' 4 1.3lUr I finance be appointed i Mt Lee of .Massachusetts flir; r., i wm swie iniimnv . io?e appointed Chairman. this Convention rrom tne r ion. u. .-j , On motion the convention adjourned till three if read will display the spirit that animals in regara to,ijeu. iianisun. muicu mat Hnmha nf KervttirlfP. in Whose no83eS3iun I. letter was. be renuestf d to read it ' .-.-!. 1.1 The convention by acclamation uesireu . i.. the letter should be lead Mr Combs Said-that his colleaa-nes had tn., If, said he, i he ' is not 'broken ; Le r tocky was born a Whig- State, "she has liv d WhigMate, and I hope to Uod sue may i r Whig State! The life of her son, Uzr Clav, 8id Mr.;C. isJiis eulogiarn aud t: historian musto him justice. Mr Combs then read a letiei'fromlMr C urging upon the delegates from Kentcrk y t '. importance of onion among the elements J t ; position to van uorenism, .urging uieui io o'clock. . I SAME DAY AFTERNOON. After prayer by the Rev. William Barnes, of tbs Methodist E. Church, A.tiWar,tiilk I ' . . . V-sj riiiiui. Aijurned till seven o'clock this evening SAME DAY-EVENING. , Mr Wetrooie, of New York, offered several resolutions relative to the assembling of a na tional Convention of YOUNG MEN. to re- onbnd.to the nomination of this convention. . - 1 J Mr Wsiaied inaijiie resotuuons proceeuea friwn a highly respectable body of Whigs in N. Yor lion of water f the water stirred round, at Hh distressing l:me:'v wlii after lhe lapse of a lew Sours IT I w- - m M ' rilp.tation. dailV ' Spasmodic I . in iU knttnm nnnnie rr- ffltfvhebgaaUlosaol appetite, paipnation ui - , ,ual ;. win he found tc i WSSS ; m and -.I.V p He.ofl-betraani swe,.arsvurnea iesi,;uuvi i-1 rr-, 4 n, a Pail inL-Si- ui ii .L-.'.ut a .a nti nf the nkirfest aorinir water A .ran P"J tf engastng in any ining lua,. ucuiauucu .w-w. r-ri- . . - , c H ortdurl mdiimes a visionary idea of ful, containing fdur gallons, may be pimfie I aravati)rt;Mher disease, a whimsical aver- f H W!Wi'tW fP001 v Easy modi Wedging ' Razor s.-jOu Hhe I OSR rough side of iiP.oi Leather, or ot art piiAeiulMdSf jevery slight occasion, she r;;'i:-" Si v.v! ii,-.-.,-li. ? -i:...u.-.twt t .1 If LI unuresseu can ,ti Vmikrahf.ftri Anver was one 60 bad, with imeiiatfolaciriations. - iMl Kmi ld!!the!ad vice of several eminent yctl, iy course to numerous medi bhuy ouin even temporary allevia :,lbM'dsiiisir,jBtate,iiH''her husband per 1I.S.t(ihiiW iris'f of m v modo of treatment. I I - passed over this it will acquire a nresumed that eerv member will feel ; the re sponsibility of bis station, and bf prepared to re- ,jong. ipond to those measures best calculated io ad- jr Graham, ivance the objects of our mission . ,f j j j fr0m the State ofj men i is tne tiron. wnicn fHirr.;- Gov.B concluded Vefflaiks with a solemn aDneal to 5 aven to ss he holv. which hasonh in view the best ' interests of country, and the perpetuity of our free insti k He did not, howev-r, press the resolu- gard his own piion. fand paying a merited s at this time.i . I I pliment to Gen. llarrisim, whom be siyltd Some discussion now'-took place on a motion to fake a recess till nine o'clock. The motion prevailed. ' ! NINE O CLOCK, P.M. Mi R Johnson, of Maryland, said that as no result had been arrived at, in balloting by dele- aaiions, he would move that the committee on 1 The American people have too long: nao io qi!e3,,n the Sporoplain of the mal-administraiion of the Gen lha Tote ol Arka'jJ ral Government. A large pott ion off them; are an, Vice Presiyf now nneo who aniriy tuu maiw. : "yfi ' j moved snouta o, iin binding of a book, rub liud that their fears and alarms were; idle; and without foundation ; but in this soleruni place, wtianditi" as I do before Heavm and my country, rind by tne letiet about movins for. a 4Je 1 M if?n t . . i ta i iannin(i hs- i :ceiVUherdie nor live;sbe wept, a piece oi t n,;pr a comuiu, , . that a crisis is ,pproaching.hh dor fiefdgd-j " and. ; thougftt-.atie lea. a tar nail ajminuteior mi ute ics "ctuT!. eDd desiroc i iwt x n i. -.1 n. l i. t n n iin a ten nail w 1 1 ii m mm n n a b luse y w i in ; i metal. If the razor be leather half a dozen times finer edge than by any other method.i-cria"' .Magazine. j A method oft preserving Cream. Take 13 oz. of white isugar, and as many grains deied magnesia, and dsisplyp ma 1 quantity of water over a lAfier the solution has takep new cream should be and the whole uniformly Mfo,ILd& ifi tt. riermher. mixed whUe hbU Let it then gradually 111 liifk'lf i .-."- . -nnl. am! nniirfitSnto a bottle, which mult SIrlfB-eni 5 vnVe moderate firel Ufte .eniai die did, at; any period of her existence. in -i.UUf MKy,puibaa "Vf the aforesaid Anne Pce 2onceBlpf .s&enty v If 41 4 : - ."-" - j- immediately addid,) PLqfE:pi?CKNEV, Com. of Deeds. t.uui) oh e-"' ;"T f""" . ..-. ... Hilt. if i . --.1 o.i be carets Jiy cortfec. 11 nepi in a cuu. uation, and not Exposed to tbe air. it may IaEillivABLECASPOE'ACUTE be preserved in a sweet state lor several IUIUIUSI, Iwith an ; Affeetion of the weeks. and even knonths. HI; K8isHriidiifiidr the treatment ofXDoctorl - I j etion to our form of republican self- i.IJ. I. !: . ovetnraent. It is to arrest mis mm caiduiuy iu.i rA rr ii nw ftf assembled. f !M i When I look over Ibis Convention; said Uov. parbuui, at lhe men here assembled! mUyi of whom deserve the digMfied appellajipn of ihe tocscript fathers of the republic; men l.o;havc devoted their Irves with disid'er' l j airioiism L the cause d ireedora at.d their county ; fvljen I see soch men leaving their homeland jtrieir to ait ine in (ire-sides, and exposing themselves clemencies of the season traveling .ouishna, said that a letter iknsas, authorizing and re from Louijtiaina to cast candiflaies fur Preseni en received,, which e e said he was glsd-to Slate T.f Arkansas was Ihe cause nf the coon- try, and breaking fjoin he shackles of Uentbn & Co. by whom n bail beeu held in thraldom. Af'erome discu?si'p, the letter was laid upon Ihe table. But the vqte was eventually recon sidered on the motiunjof Mr. Shaw, f Massia huselts, and the letter was read The leuei wa from the Chairman of the M U ci n.miitee. i.H stated that the delegates elected by 'hat S;ntp nere in favor of Mr Clav fur Prefi Jnt, and fwiiV. Tvler. of Vrirsrinia. for Vice Presist On motion of Mr. Chambers, ot p. libslyv inia, ih rules that rovern the House of Rrprepnta- tives of the United States, were adopted for the Jhf subject be instructed to i report prepress, nd 'at if then h" discharged, and that the Cbti t 4 ii i ion then proceed io Vote for candidates for evident and We President, per capita HarVie.ol V tairiia, rooyed tu lay the res illusion of Mr R. Johnson on lhe table. The quesihio was then put on th motion to lav the resolution on the table j prevailed: Mistinouished citizen of Ohio. On motion the letter was o'fdered to be enter on the Journals. ' i ' " Guv. Barrtour of Virginia, President cfjj. Convention, said he rejoicvd the letter froin 1 1 r. Clay had been read " For his town part, af: : the report of the committee las,t evening, fr rumors which he heard he had been incline 1 t thiuk that oiher acthin tntght be taken. As i -gards the disinterfsted subject of tbe pit action, said Gov. B., distinguished by the gr -crisis when this Union seVtned to be thrcateo-.!, I would say a word or two with your pernrm-u -. Whon . longer nnrlonried It WIS his r3tinti-I I' and superior genius that weathered the storm I A motion was made that ;tbe Convention da nieA not euhiffiae Mr. Clay! ' He will .occuj-j adjourn. Lost. I thiough all tin o come h he experten g rrjanyles government of the deliberations of the conveh- .ora in aid us with their counsel and iene of their vears I cannot but re- n,, motion of Mr. Johnson, of Ohio, the i . it . - k.i tha a iv Tn I shlerri- I t .- . er I k. k'lm'w.oittritii inatrurtinff )IiP oatd-Jt as aoie lesnuiouj ma i oiunoo uunru j j r r 1 ity jkf the crisis is properly appreciated, til is p resident of the Cooventioo to pr-cute the R fu v. jijt Taylor, of New York, moved the eommtt lee; lake a reeessUur half an hour, which was af terwards altered to an w ir, and agreed to, t V HALF PAST TEN, P. M. A mn as tlie Con vr niton wns called to order, jrj,,v. 0'n. of N rth Carolina,, anooonced that-the eiiri.minee had bad the subject matter under consideration, and had instructed ihe Chairman to report progress and ask leave to sit . l . t... .1 I .1 1 ... . il.o ratltttlf gaam ; ana inai me nuiuwiiij wa uic the bailolings tor President. Two hundred and fitty-tour ballots were can. nf which I Gen. Wiirrir.LD Scott had Hon. Hekky Clav. " Gen, VVm. HHaBBisos, Wii TvNtrlJ v. The Middlesex Mercury, a new paper m mm fl 5 - . U I - nflVAfilUin flevooily to bs hoped, that wnen sucn, men iyt.u rjiergy ol tiarrtsDurgio open ior . .T he sanction of their presence, good will result every morning with prayer, was taken up and from our deliberations ynt even the fmaligrtity aj0pted y . of faction dare not asperse the purit otheir Qn motion of Mr. Morris, of Pennsylvania, the I i nrn httiro itifv ih'-tt the .i n.n.L.n.rt ncoro inwited id take seats mnllTes. Wlien men KJ . truvnn n ui nc w ru ri t. ' -:. f; . -vot .irt ;tuu vinauiam wvie, new- - , - ,. tf ,,' m "-Sfr :.UfviI ia Centr at. lately established at Lowel, says : ' If m "f.irl;-. V" H ii t, c..nr tr. tvitK w nnn(Jrlv forbid a man to appear m ,v! r .v ft a I 4 V mB7v vj & W rere always jn tne streets in woman's apparei can forbid hiai td many his grand motiier. they can certainly forbid him to set up b i I! JL erog-shon. to make ich E"-f-D-lllff sJiirftie'si; -.'iu.uon jt. the tongue K; ;wliiteneR8 -; loss of appetite i . '- I 1 . 1 ' .- n .1 nftfil ii -r I 7? Vf'Tt'K w-ww.w " j hxUM':eiootA : and ElelW!i,lunSitended by : relief. FlrwiothlliS jikiU Jlilijw -wt t ' Jtt . with en often he a- mSp'l Itirik were enti rely removed , Ol ttTaus. j JARVIS. liJfecpa cted by Dr! V yl;-li-i-"BENJ.lJ rfftmt SlJsJ ik'toini; 'tTIi'.Li:ir '.iti'w AtL- ft i n " iob icis siateu in me a. 'lBwnetvrar -T-i rl or? v?4 Salisbury; JV. C. I ; l r4JVDW' 7JBooJfcoreCmw S. C. I n. f.TDF.T.' kn v r.n r? women widows ; and biaces which now know them will soon Know 1 . i .1 . 1 1. - . .-. Ivi . i mro and nil inev nave iiiny furrn llieUi u uiui -, j i: Si! bast tne asnnaiiuos ann -i-f- i distinguish the miserable " seekers pi office. f . a f ik.MnAliwn hnf aa Such men stand noi nere ior uieiu3ciw.ro, f - i . f.. m,n.irT noneratmns lliev nave no irusiers iui -"J'""'n .. . "' , inlprpsl sbut those of poseriiy I cannot b&t be Amejicaitj.jjp'- n muowa. -y r . biKlvuf the to steal awav the senses of their grann- m9ttar k hat oartv names they may mofAer't grarwl children, by making tnem rjna,, will, feel that a voice coming from f Wed ffont Ie ofj,.. lhe foil drunks f " h v - I I body like this is entitled to respectful atteotjon, dopledt8,he order of proceeding; I t -l : - .a . ' e U J twfkr nKsttinA lifts - . f , ; on tbe fl .r of the Hotie Mr. Sorairnt.. of Massachosetts, said that s tnmp itifTt,roniRi tif oniiiion roiht naturally exist r i ; . ; relative to the mode of proeeedirg in giog m ntes for the different candidates tor f testdeni , nd saihev ht.u d endeavour to reconcile tnu?e HifTri.fPi. and nrtsettt harmonius action i tht , , " . ... . r ... indinrr as the Convention did, in toe ironim a " . .J,. t A A . 1 fnrmidsb enemv. ihev mieht presen. an uum " '. . . . . ... ... L. vided front, fie oBered tne ioiioig ?- 16 90 143 254 ii. it will come from a body whose posltiofl lilts ... pnrn(U, nr Pennsvlvania. moved ihe fql- . - , - ' i Ji. 1 I I ... -.----- ' , . . e ft above scspicioo, and wbose memoers.sre u'.ij t joWjnor amendment to Ihe original reaoiuuon i- actuaied by a feeliog that tney nave pa country eJ . b lhe dewale fr0m Massacnuetis, t, w. tn AS WBII BS llJf - cu tF"i . iy( I KnrtitllLl . . 4 . i t: -... . V. " .t..L ' I -w.ti-- ,4 . !.itl-jl L Trnls. we are in tne miosi oi a reumnvu. . Ti.it tj,e Tot 0r cnsjoriiy pi eacn aeiegi- t is no idle dtclaration. Tbe foundations .fefjoor j tj00 sh,n be reported ts the vote of that State; ; VJL v with Jhe above vompany, ioa regular 1 system are Detn sappeo wiiD icaiiu tfld each State represented nere snail yoie us supply of.supenarimn. wnicnjs weu iaoapico lapjdity. Those conservative waiisereqeuj j foU eiectoraI jrote by atichdeiega.on.in inecom to Wagon and ! tilarrjage woranow onoeiog? fathers to protect y restrain me oiueicu. ar'snVhea of the eovernmeui u. uu fi t . i j.-.- k th font of Dower. aod we irampteo uwu - S. Lf .ii v -! i v.niivA hlacinff itself above the Le nnu me jcv"v- i . - .4, -. . IROl. Jroni the Alnr t ifUountairi Iron Company. fTOHE Sobscrbers have made arrangements . i flit t. i. t J Am .A.'.n .kl itiwrvSD O. V n.tlirft Will OB 8UIU lill ISISUlltU'5 y t in u it a -i Salisbury. Dee 6, I839-Pml9 Ww- 1 vts" riltn ! h i re. some able stout . N tf liberal no men t . I"jrf1 ,. ! - -' . -1-:.. Hi Mr. Leioh then withdrew his proposition . and the original proposition by Mr. Sprague with le One hundred and forty eight ballots beinsr a majority of the whole number. General W IL LIAM H. HARRISON, ol Ohio, was duly se lected as ihe Candidate for Ihe Presidency. ; The report was received, and ibe committee had leave to sit again : whereupon the Conven tion adjourned till 10 o'clokj to-morrow, f 7 j FOURTH DAY. ! - Satdrdat, Dec. 7, 1839. Convention met pursuant to adjournment. v A prayer was offered up by the IterlJ W. R. He AVitt.of Harrihur2, when IJlIr Banks, of Kentucky, rose snd said, jbat; as a delegate from -Ceritueky, he bad come here to acquiesce in tbe decision of this Cnverition J hA rutwed he lore us determination, anc or- tw assure the Convention that the numtnaiion made lf Aninr wouTd receive the beartv support 01 hie tvt.tiinent at lea.t. it would not be his fnVt if if Hut nnt. - The situation of the Ken- it. Uaminn had. he said, been one of" pe culiar responsibility-they had their first choice, ik.f im her id sustain the nomination when made and, on their part, he a88ur;d tbe py w.nt;Aii thv would do so.; Among his Conf .,;,.o Jlfr R . said, tbe nomination wuuld be time one of the faiiest pages of r country's history. AWben danjer ha threatpr . IKnry Clay has always been the , forem. ?i t . avert it ; and bis patriotism and fhmnees vn l occasions, will embalm his memory in the :a of the American pcbple. :" But .ywnd .I e con sideration which ,asa citizen of the t n.' , regard Mr Clay, said Gov, B , there are cti, -reasons for, my ardent attachment to him. ! have, known him from mv infancy, and the i - tercourse under the guard of. honoratle cor.fi J r and private friendsbip.on no occasion hare I ev : heard a sentiment from Henry' Clay which v not that of an ardent, patriotism, and e'en: friend of his country- There is no self.;: abiut him no peiiy scheming for his own z !- vancemeil Arid bad it been yonr pleasure, r tleroen, to nominate him to the Presidency, I election would bavenpened a new epocn in , - - .mm .a a history of mr cuunliy-: lie would nt nave the little, dirtylpetty lord of a party ; but w. i ! : .' m. . m. ar.rk irnli I have cleansed me Augean iauB -5 happy people " x r , Bot rib'.withstanding my feelings for Mr L! . said Gov. B. and the s cjeJ enteriaioed that t wm,)d receive your notninaiiuti, I nave eo . e the conclusion, that so far as my vote a d in:! . ence eo, they shall austainfhe baiinnny ct-t- Convention, and I inair mereiure 'o.e i- r n,nimmi nbminatiwn cf GENERAL "A H LI AM HEN BY. HAKlilbOtN. Mr B. W. Leigh, of Virginia, said that : concurred in .'the sentiments of his -cuila -, (G?v. Batbour,) and would join him in tits fur the unanimous entry of the nommaiicn en t! . 1 t ' l't i f ... - . . f f l- ttti an ts... i"iirnai.. toe. 1e1111.uij.-1Mi. vnjs " " j - dene thai in bis heart oisinxeresiea jm,. was soperioT to all other feelings. 3 tie (. .r 1. coold not think that the ambition of such a r as -Henry Clay conld be gratified by bf Z r PesidenlV He has already secured a u rr, i wrll live as long as pure governroent-a rc that will survive V marble rnonocent that . cover bis grave-and a renown moro htsfMr Ls) opinion 'ban any siauoa ixut. high and exalted it may be. . -M-Wr Le:ffb said :thaf one of the pcrpvsrs f .; ... . m ' t.J -r.t -mA tt.t r Uonveniioo .nauiuc ma hiefl. l .t,.r.ll..;nn i . . l'.:,.i t . , - 1. 1 l-ias-iai nnmfflnm. f WUicw luy .. i. 1 . gislative ana juaicm in..i i-rTi jTj j " unoasiy, M-,wnicu tuoiwtwuS - vmj j -.m. i received as ow. -j .-" . r-- injHghed. and he lei. one. woo ia gte Sfficer of the nation has becometbe jrar reliead ' to; the ad- wir0wn itt labors with success. r arta TJf , stid that he .00 hadts l c ,r pirtjMtticesDicu , r - jfommiltM not eiewtftng tbree to anbr i. ia "'t1""" . ouisnv ..u:.j.s...mt-i twwnd,oc.roti.a.ii '';'' ir' Jfl1lw.i.ir '''"M vl.t.t ' V . . t I NUlr Vtll TiK i-i. . T. . ' ; n ' . i Per , 1 swm " t I 1 1 rr ' 1 "" SHBHIPFS' - DE3DS 1, t 111 till if; v vv ;; r . l S:, .i . - " t - . '' ; ( . .. '. . .... t . .. "