if. & - I; 'it i I M i 4 J ! f 'is r 1 ft Hi i f V n. il VI Ik J i V, il At. Ik MS f If raisimr a frolic, or t Quilling bee, or things t)f this o am rchange roeii voles, then fr fa pritry eirtinrr ifir aim mnfh Aiffmttir.ti betwixt islho candidates ; and here, fur their take. I fuld Uka id leata flits matter -out nonesij ,cumtj roe to say mure and in saying more, I say M miiirh (or vunr aakes a mf OWD. Hottnd prUlCfr 1 and eaneciillv pies, dcper than any ender-pinning of a fw r 2d, as to the policy of a Law,making it ponisn- barn, and stronger loan tiree year uiacioer wiib i able by death or iraoponauui o; uosnoauga ginger in fi, has bwt your goiae. -1 s, lenaw- i Hollow" for any man or woman ,to isae iiiok ritiz-ns. la aotwa epoou oia ja&nvnita ueorgw I notes -to payment tor wnestjor pompaina or laoor, rrr I.... A ...... - l-iLw. 1 " mm L -.-J i k. confiscation in ail caaet where gold or silver (any bachelor here HicceS'in bis not, mil i can say is, ne UowningviIIe. i -- L f i -.'Kifim KtllotBsoint. at Missouri, now rw, RmioIqiioos. wnico be saia bemtended to can op in oue tiu.. 1st: duty as mati t- oat gstv t jWiwio and in the CvmTeoiionp,a(ier the nomrnaiionjhad beep made.v It speak Stir tiself .iVWelt rSay he be said to be i be oobteat Roman. 1 f cr iHkkitiio, NoVember SO. 1839. GtLBMBirY.lt'be public use which hasbfen made of of name. 10! connexion vnh 4he cuice of President of the Upited States, furnishes the motive, as I trost ittiH form the apology, fur this riou. I address! it to yoo, because oar com mun residence lb the' iame State appears to tne to fender rou the bust appropriate reposildrf and organ of whaiTI 4ish! pow to say." - r ; The Convention ai Harrisborr; to designate candidates of the Oppusition to the present Fed erai Aommisirauou, ror ue omees.oi rresiaeui and Vice President : of the United States, baa been recommended,' and the propriety of it has been generally concurred ia by all who agree as to the necessity of a bhange in the General Ad ministration. i It appeared to me to be the best if not tbe only practicable method of reconciung and uniting thuse who. coinciding in the general principle, entertained dioerent views as to tne most suitable; candidates for those ' high offices, and I have accordingly frequently expressed, and now reneat me exnression or mv convicuon 01 - - I - - r ; the expediency of as entire and cordial acquies cence in the recommendation of the Convention. In the mean time, appeals directly and iodi : it' " : rectiy nave oeen. maae to me sy nigniy respec table Convention holden in Pennsylvania, and by private individuals, to decline giving my con sent to the use of mv name, upon the ground that a distinguished! citizen of. tne state of unio is tne nrst cboice oi tne opposition in renusyc vania. and in the 1 opinion of that Convention would be more likely to conciliate general sup- oort than I should H I have been also addressed by various respectable and intelligent citizens of New York, directly; and indirectly, recommend behalf of anoth distinguished the Uni , i i I The following Uhti jfrom MivClay, was read as to duty on Salt Saltpetre and Salt-- j pecially Salt. J Tp fM1: W'Ui' J Washington principle has led yon to this selec lioo Bf voor Muderator; -;'( illL ThUvrinctph I was born in, and by the bless-1 round coming: own the Mississippi or any t of Gd, 1 mean tb die in it and yon koof H river instead of ftotng up said rivers, which A long life of close observation has every year j the imo Constiiutional course.! - .:. - , - csnvinced me more and more that these prtoi I 4th, as to the policy of givioe every emigrant from abroad a 'quarter section of Public Land, e by was other waa pies sre the only safe guide-boards especially when yoo come to; cross roads V and every, pew invention in politics "'ery attempt at zhotX i.cuui is sore to lead to trouble and disaster" 4 l'f Tht "Constitution of these United States erne strait frum then orioeiDles : and if anv man Will read thai Voristitution cafelully. and be guided bv il t and also read the Bible as careful lyj and be guided by that also, he may be acre ofj fcW things 1st. -."a safe passage inroogn to is HJe.and a eternity. . " V li I dn't mean tha i there should be no ormbsi- t ion parties one ti&toe and tother &eZdur the frue line it cao't be otherwise; bot tbeevills when any one of these prevail, or then yon getjarega from oae shd ikum from tot her ; the true line rs lust aboot the middle of the barrel there khe eider runs clearest : and a eood sound political varlri is exactlv like a barrel wf eider I when it is dne working, the dirt and nVegs all falli at the bottom, and the tfcumaodYrofA floats on tqp ; but tbe clear liquor is in the middle, pome- limes run Iters get mixed ap by the neglect 1 in not keeping the barrel still, and then we get dirt on condition thai he votes tor ibe man who pro- . L- t r i l. .. !L jl l:.Li , itata puars inst ail ruoiic asanas wuuin uow ym shall be riven to said SuieL i ; ! . v He was proceeding to offer Kesolutions irom a hirh ni! hfor him. when the Moderator said it was dinner time and the1 Convention adjourn ed. cor- The following iVao ektract from the; respondence i of the Richmond Whig & Public Adveriif er .; lMr Calhoun, (whose lueid Iritervale ex hibit a sagacity as penetrating as that of anv living mau.) foresaw andj foretolJ the present state of paities.j Me did not, how every foresee that it woul(2 come, when he was unhsnilv to be vnder 4he infl i- enceof his dari: hourA He said thai the whole tendency of the measures of the Administration was to produce a new state of auu ihiui ioi b bjii au iuiii p lugmuei, .oc i parnei, ir wnico one wouiu ve corerrtt- ,og me t0 decline Ihe contest in fur a time all is muddy ; snd it is tben thatfwe faii er eminent citizen;s;W ho has been lam wnaum, , ai.u u. ... w ger ui.c.a r- fuiglment or the prophecy has followed in both the military and civil service of soon aa .We ; and this Js theblessing of ;our q & Enunciation : bit the ted Si.tes. ! r II I ' f tonSUIQUon. , Il we OOIO W IMM men lOings i -r , j . . ir j . . L. ,1 Whilst I har Wn ihna nrtrnll .:..t.. ti 'a .i.... LLlUfif-1 doot oroohet himself, frot to his own bor- I w.niwt 1 P.WsMto moa urgently r ll 7..,rir.rr r rrwJTi,TI ral ..: hihiu,J!i . nd U fully sppro.$hedJ numerous pnvsie "k. T k LTr Oil P?W meetings ;ind;c6nvention. in uiaiuiiii w ianci vpi,b sswrj.uv yu -iwwww.ssw w. Mri-isMis m-i r fc I rnifsi SialM fr.na tif thsa&A f la t I I VI SS V ass w V w w v a a me evrcences oi uis uecay : ior countries, and middle, top and bottom all would get confused and riled up together, and no 3ore clear liquor lube found than in a hog mire Some folks finding it is their nature wben matters sire onit- iu link amon? the dreers or -float In. the skum, snd ihot equally be shunned by jal boiW est folks can't anurd to remain so, 'toot are ier- iially at work to roll the barrH ever and mix op maitrrs. . Now it is on these kind f -folks, all honest men must seep a sharp eye and take care pi oie dosl (no m&tier by what party name that dost J Li Th wants of out vebin'e hi a cheap cptn- omcation thrbugh il h those of lh? people our.iigiauu.-., dondition; however, ta j ainerejii, ;o w-- tfte greater extent or crur temtory. , o" .l. c.;.ii.i. Plitiffii an saferv be reduced iWonUnt. to whofi v haa J been .a . t It uathen pause before we take the final I may almost aay the fatal, atep. ' - . ' i v.j i:''''''.-' i ' i The direct tendency of this Iswless con dact, si a resort to fioleuce. n3 coose- CONG11K Correspondence cf V.: In the Senate, t. - : I ' , . J.....niiAi r Va ffn.rnm0nt i JTn.cT- it one; penny. J j 0 ptobjb.y o. q.... . y -- IrTJ .T dsn be reduce loUworeenl. 0ecenis,mnu rtj if he nine nigu. nanaeu coursa. u.u rraw," ; &n cenu, Keoking o the dtinee hicb uue by the Whigshd ihey been of Abr.hin a . 'J? tifA"l!ti in'thccendanL weshonldh,., expected .Se;e,ident WrMXT ooih,g e. J. W WhiSs thj,, ,n Jct isiAiriiflnin mil im i i s a si bi fc a a w r iirmciifi kJCASiuai bourse of business or their immediate neighborhooa.. . There is but one way to get it done, anu hat Uio aend in Petitions ftoni all: quar ters of the country. Ve thejetore, recom niend the lollowingf Wroilof petition. To the Senate House of liepreseniatiea in Conzresa assembled: :LSS T , m i: . .- ii . . Your Detitionera believe that it wdold be i great benefit) toj the (leoplefofl the United Statea, aocialrooraI,pbliticU and pecuni ary, to reduce tbe postage on tetters. I ney therefore pray that it ! may pe reduced so hat the greatest postage on any single let- r shall not exceed ten cents. . -ff All Editors of newspapers and peri odicals, favoutable to. the reduction of post age in the U.S; are reqaested to insert the above Address and Petition.) : L friends of their country. I hey preferred to general, as they v;c r i.J - .ir.snrhisemeni. rather The President I ucar wuiiojjw. - than peril the safety of; our government. They have manfully and ably stood up and exclaimed against the injustice,. but they have done nothing to break the peace, and ihoir forbearance deserves the admiration of all the friends of order. What must be thought of those who that I hfi M PS-? 8 n 6 f 1 ecutive character ; llubbard the Sen: Session i and zUz: ' adjourned. I suhioin a list c. ' men of he Slandfr STANDING Finance Mr V; Foreign Uelatir but respect citizens and various parts conventions. We flliO in(!(..j 1n Pnnalania ilfielH haa done ma tha him among the ihoughdess and ex,cited honor to express! tieir confidence in me, and to throng who are snootingf and rejoicing at I intimate tbeir wishes tnat I might be the candi- every sic p pi me prugreua ui uesiruciion. i uij oi iuvp . i: - S f v:i ,! I ' Following that banner on! which is inscrib ed ' Peiish credit netish commerce V thev see in a bankrupt Treasury, a ruined trade, a disordered currency, a despised and vio- lated Constitution, I the natural effects of fs rais'd) from blinding that eye. . - r tar l . '. -. l- r J - ; I lion- like a good sound bar r I, well hodpd, id of revotutibc, which theycall Reform, they imr KncinjutB is In Lxnn il htintt ,m and iizmhil- I VI6W tillS SCenC of Cltil carnaze MtriAco7- . w-. r - o -r - -"T'-p" f - ! ... . . " . i. . aadthen we shall slways know exactly w bit re postrre" as cm tne noneat anc real lie- to put in tbe spiggot when we want to clear liquor. draw I bublicans of revolutionary France, who. . , looking in sincerity; to the institution of lib- were yet 8Q infected by this as not to see what was visible . Fellow Citizens of the DowningtUle poneei- frrtv and law tion you. are asseubled here from all parts ofour J !-, i ' t . j.li'Lli- vervaDirit a Dienseu couniry in couoancB oi a TOna.ofrao,e - , 'C;nA k-. 1,K.. .V,- r.;h.f.,l faithfol lo the hiah lrut mnfiH-d tnita iUdrma, e on't a'iolpUide assassinations and horrible impieties Which D parioiism, cifinot be doubted ; and having ttAi IStlJ fV,r ff ml iixriiiah thir atJeinn. drama, wph th full view of the jwhole ground, it will be moi riling op of the contents litic. to look into the cause a remedy these sre great duties, and call for the exercise of sound patriotism yoo fiaveall read tbe urigioal call of this ,Coeeniioq and therefore know tbe duties of your Moderator in disctiatging those duties 1 hope to merN your approbation; but that we shall kaew mo're about wben we get through pur ork. - i; (Hare the Moderator read the original call of t he convention and resolutions then passt;d You now know your duly as I hopej J know mine and that we may all start fair ahd kvoid perhaps much delay, I would here ssjy few word about 4 the general rMlea' these .woold require a great deal of time to write our!, a id af ter all some men's minds are so curioos in 1 tven tioo, itjis pretty hard to match them with rules, and one appeals and then another appeals and all keep peeling, till nothing is left of thi role ' supposed to be at first eouud. So I'bafe come to the notion to give out the rules ae i wanted and fit them aa required there is no use in cut ing a patch till one inoics exactly how bigthq hole is (il re jibe Moderator happening accident; llj to look lowardr the gallery, a shoot of universal ap prtival from the h4inet8crowded'!herem.usf have told him that was sound doctrine J The) nextf thing 1 would call attention tb is wbst is called freedom of debate." (Now no man inlcreation admires lo bear good speaking mute than 1 do bat cafe must be taken tjbat il is good speaking. I mean speaking to toe ipint not; long-winded wordy speeches filliigj be ws papers as' big as a blankwt- I wontisten to such and let iuv dinner git cold and t bet coun try runi listen to such if I can help lit And thr ia an rule if followed will keen that mat ter as straight s a beso pole it is thiaWlet ev trv member when he listfa to speak, Wnow; exact lv what he ia doicff W sav. and as soon as he has said.it stop and sit down. . . Ik ' And now Fellow Citizens let us' go to! jwork, . and as I desire to set a good example, I put thai - rale .in ! practice, and take' in? seat. li 1 A motion was made bv :Mr.'TraHridgeJf)f Md., .for the a;pointmeniof Vice Presidenta.mi there waa no President and a Vice Moderator, was never beard of he withdrew his muti(n! Mr. Ltadbcattr. of 111., moved thei appoint merit ot Secrt-taTv. and Major Dowain? was . named, but he resect fully declined, say fog that he had glory enough for one day, and named Mr ladbeaier himself, which bein seconded by Zf'rubabeLDoty. Esq., of VeimUt Mr. Lradbater was duly appointed secretary. I Major, Downing then moved' thatj .Sargent Joelbr appoinifd Sargent at arms, door keeper. and runner of errands, and past some suitable eoconiums on hi fitness for the siations p-and he was accordingly appoioied. The Cpttveniion biftag now fully urgauzed, Mr. Corncieker, of Kentucky, moved thai the Secretary cause to be p'linted; 10,000 copies of the Mod era lory address. JVr. UUason offered aa amendment!' ior iu, v 000 read 84 " ' 1 J Jlr. Hisrdow thought ha might clarify; the a endment by pioposing that hatevet number oft copies was ordered, the same should oe printed by the Downtnsville Democratic Expbunder," whieb proviso was accepted by Mr. Gla- n, whoj thereupon renewed brs amendment amenaea "ior v 10,000 read 84,000 carried. fN. B.Mr. Gleasoo is editor of the ''fUponnd r.M) ifl-v Mr.. IVtsltrhi moved that no women be al lowed to anter the Hoose during the l ousiness - fcoura. , This was atrocgly sod warmly opposed by several members, and some spirited j land gall " faotrmaflra were 'elicited tbe mKt rioinied bv ai.x.. n..ninir who nnlanded lhal' if inu mol mjvt vuw. "'- j jj I- mn were reent. he expected to see before the conveution ended, one membei jwll anoiher' nvce. and insuad-of .a fibl there! woold be tfaauk ye fur saving . my pocket bandker; ehftr No no.'V says be, ever since my v tn.mfnv sent me to bed without my aapper far Uttina Bill Janes of my age . and inches lick ob and Tmado so resistance, I bave respected wop' men ; and so long a men respect women, tnev will rMBMt themselves, and tatn alBgoee right. tlnn.ai .n1 raiiected wflmen keep hen honest m.A ....i.ku fiim stav and look down WATCHMAN. itibo for the office of Chief Ma gistrate. -J, ; . .-.:!" v It is perfectly j manifest that I cannot comply with all these conflicting opinions and wishes, nor, f apprehend with any one of them, without disobliging the others. ITnftatr I hoc a mhrmcincr iirinmatnM I this modern democracy j But, unfortun- have though; it most advisable to lea?e to the adely lhey;profit not by the spectacleJ In- Convention at Hairisburg the free selectioa of . flamed with the passions of that wild spirit candidates as being the assembly to which, by common consent, tnat impor;ant duty nas oeen referied. Representing as it probably will, all parts of the. fjnitef Stales, bringing together the feelings and viewa of all, and comparing and weighing the local information which it will de rive from every 'portion, it will be most compe tent to make a nomination acceptable to the great majority of ita constituents. I bat it will be ent a more likely to make a Selection agreeable to the great body of the Opposition than any separate conven tion could do, however enlightened and patriotic it may be. If th Pennsylvania Convention, to which I have juat alluded, be right in aopposing that the distinguished citizen whom it prefers would be more iikely to be successful than any other, he ought tin be nominated, and undoubted ly, for that reason will be nominated by tbe HaK risburg Convention, should it entertain the aame opinion. 111 j With a just a (id proper sense of the high honor of being voluntarily called to the office of Presi dent of the United States by a great, free, and enlightened . People, and profoundly grateful to those of my fellW-cilizens who are desirous to see me placed in that exalted and reponsible ela tion, I must, nevertheless, say, in entire truth snd sincerity, that if tbe deliberations of the Coa vention shall lead them to the choice of another as thecandidaiejof the Opposition, far from feel-: ing any discontent, tbe nominntioh will have my best wishes, and j receive my cordial support.! And, gentlemen,' 1 hope that you, my friends' and neighbors, will excuse the liberty I take in ex j pressing !o you jpy anxious desire that, discard-; ing all attachment or partiality to me, and goided solely by the motive of rescuing our country from the dangers which: now encompass it, yoo will heartily unite in jthe selection of that citizen, al though it should not be me, who may appear to be most likely, by his election, lo bring about a! salutary change o the administration of tbe Gen eral jGoTeromenil-f-a change without which we shall be mocked by the forme, and slripl of the substantial benenis of free institutions. From the tenor of this note. I scarcely need observe tfiat you! are at perfect liberty to make sucn use oi u as in your oiscreuon may seem ptoper. ; i 'irjlfif I am, with high respect, yonr friend, i;:-ifl! j.. HENRY GLAY. To Governor Thomas Metcalf. Gen. Lxs- lib Com be 4, dad ttie other Delegates from Ken tucky; to the Htft risburg Convention. I FRIDAY! DECEMBEIl 27, 1839. REPUBLICAN WHIG CANDIDA TES. FOR PKESJDERT, WJI. II. HARRISON, 4 OF OHIO. J FOR TICE PRtSIDEHT, JOHN TYtER, ! h OF TIKGlZfuf i FOR GOVERNOR JOHN M. MOREHEAD, OF GUILFORD COtTNTT. 4- distieguisb their atrocious drama, were the sure prognostics of ultimate despotism It is a melancholy spectacle to seehJohn C. Calhoun reduced to play a subordinate part in inis trageay pi iveiorm ; piaying, riot second j nor third nor fourth fiddle to Thomas' Hart Bentoh bt occupying a far inferior condition. In al state of probation. working for admission Jinougn working fTectnally. i They ma let him in but hat will be all ! l hat party is too preten der to make him a leader, who never tha ead any party botUrufn., BE SOMETING.! One principle of the Mosolman creed ii. that every person should have some trade. Phus it should be the whole world over. See that young man, no matter what are his circumstances ior prospects if he has ho plan he will never accomplish much. If he relies opon fliis present possessions, nr opon the anticipated favours of fortune, ten to one if his fine hones are not blight ed and he find, too late, that the only path to true greatness is following maxim nwould apply to sons of every condition in society, by I application. Tne are about entering upon active life. Choose, after mature deliberation and consultation with judicioo, thai vocation which is most suitable for vouJ Be not diverted ! from your purpose let nothing prevent : you from qualifying yoo rself thoroughly for it; then pursue it with' unremitted diligence, and you will honor yourself and be albless- - ri If ing to the commnniy. ICP VYe are authorised to.annoonce Col. R. W.LONG, as a Candidate! for the Office of - --t j . Sheriff, for the County of Rowan, at the next election. ! ! I .... i i ; i ii Qr We are aothorized to announce JOHN H. HARDIE, as s candidate'for Sheriff; at the ensuing election. POblV As some persons at times, send pamphlets or periodical papers to theirj friends, and i ndorse their respects or compliments opon them with out knowing that it subjects their friend to pus tage, as of a letter by weight it is of importance, that the regulations of the Post Office depart men t, a pon the subject should be understood. We extract the following from the rules : It is a violation ! uf Ifw, to enclose or con ceal a letter, or other thing, or any memorandum in writing, in any newspaper, pamphlet, or mag azine, or in any package thereof, or to make any writing or memorandum ipereon, and deliver tbe same into any. Post; Office, or to any person for that purpose, in order that it may be carried by post, free of postage j jand many attempia are made to evade the payment of legal postage, by communicating intelligence by means of dots or marks, designating ipsriacular words and letters contained in newspapers and pamphlets. In all such cases the newspaper, pamphlet, or maga- zineshoold be charged with letter postage ; and ii tne person to wnom ine paper or pampmet is addressed refuses lo pay letter postage thereon, you will immediately enclose tbe paper or bamph let to the f ostmaster tram whose umce it came, and request him to prosecute the person who plac ed it in his omce, tor the penally of five! dollars prescribed by law.; ; L- . f he P(imaster at this place, bavin? written to the Post Office Department for a more par ticolar explanation, has been, by it iaformird. that the words "with resneciiof." or anv other mem orandum written on a newspaper, or other print ed paper or magazine, and transmitted by mail. subjecta such pa per: or pamphlet, to charge of let ter postage by Weight.-fFttfern IVhxg Ban ncr. . . M j I! MEAGilE.-.k:& An eagle once ! was asked why she led her yoobg so high tn the air ? hhe answered, ! woold they date mount an near the sun should 1. br.pg tbem op on earth r ' Mother, wooldst, thou 'that thy child eboaid l relish high and boly things t bring him not up uon ut and go and czsit as the; choose? acd u roo aear tae earin oTttsx aatcsaza participated in this act from party consider ations I . But what must be thought of one ho ioirs in it without the poor plea of par- t flin. to excuse the nefartousness of the transaction. The representative from this district pretends to belong to neither of the great parties of the country, lie says he is a Stale Rights roan. Tel be is found to ting to disregard the broad seal of a sover eign State, and to set aside her commission ed representatives. He is found co-opera ting in a conspiracy to do a monstrous act of injustice, for the express pui pose of put ting a Speaker in the chair, who is not tbe choice of a majority. , It may be considered by some as a re deeming cueumstance, that Mr. Fisher final Iv voted for the speaker who was elected against the will of the Yan Buren party But this was only done after ten ballot tings, and after be had several times voted for the candidate of the Administration par ty. Mr. Hunter it is said, is a Whig s well, he it so : But he is a Sub-Trtasuru JVhi : . ' w . nis name and the Loco locoi anect to be rejoiced at l Speaker bis elevation. - v oat were me consioera I The members t tions that, induced him (Mr F.) to fall in with the Whigs in the eleventh Aourvts for him to explain. Whether it was the cast of his politics that induced the Globe and En Quirer to feioice, is left for further devel opements. ; - . ! lo our last, we put the course of Mr. Rhett, of S C. in contrast with that of Mr F. on the question of tbe N. Jersey mem bers. It would seem, however that tjie magnanimity of this high-minded south reo " had been exhausted in a single effort. He now declares, we learn, that he will go on with tbe usurpers, to keep out these members whom be has once solemnly de dared he thought entitled to tbeir seats. Mr. Shepard of N. C. has shown a determina tion to follow him in undoing the only praiseworthy act, we have noticed in bun since bis apostacy. Congress at Our last notices, was still in a snarl. A Speaker has been chosen : but the question of admitting the New Jersey members, still occopied the House, and kept it still in act unorganized condition. No Clerk has been elected no Message has been received, and what is worse, no rules Commerce Mr. Manufactures ' Agriculture Mr. Military AlTiirs ai.i;.;. Mr n - aa iibib4b t k a a & I Naval Affairs '1 r Public Lands." Private Land CI v Indian Affairs ? ' y On Claims Mr . i Revolutionary C! - Judiciary Clr. Post Offices Mr. : Roads and Car.:' District of Loir. , Patents and the P , Contingent Ei 'Engrossed Bills sembledinConve;::: Chairman) renev. r Speaker. After t! Dromgoole rose, c; authorized and ?r John W. Jones, i r as, a c: This, being the -Whole number to a choice 1 15 i ceived by Dixon H Lewij, John Bell, R M.T. Hunter, Francis Granger, Francis Thomas, i- ml REDUCTION OF POSTAGE. We readilyj comply with a tequest tb give citculathm lo the following communi cation. -The example which has been set by tbe BriUsh! GoTernment, of reducing the postage oa leliers to a very low rate, and thereby mcteasing utility of the Post Office Depariment is well deserving of im itation, in this country. ' The rates of post. age, especially on me most irequenteu routes, where the number of letters is great, and the produce immense, are most unreasona bly high. TjheVe is litfe doobt that the rates might; ibe mccb reduced, without. causing any redctiion of the amount of in come. If such be the fact, it calls most emphatically lonjCongress to make the re duction,1 and o, extend the accommodation. If even there: fwere i doubts on this point. mere is no goyu reason wny me prouuctive routes should be so heavily taxed, for, the maintenancebf so frequent a conveyance of the mails bn routes which are unproduc- uvm.m-Eosi(miirairiQi, . . To the People1 of the United States: The British r Government has set an example to this' country It is a reduction of Postage. ' ". r-.. In a rountrv where every farthing, that CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS: ; We look upon the exclusion of the New Jersey members from tbe House of Repre sentatives! as bne of the mojst detestable acts of ruthless tyranny, that party madness. ev er yet ventured upon. ( This exclusion waT made by a tie among thos wbo assumed to judge of their rights, in determining which question they had as muchj right to vote as any of them, but in order to carry tbeir pur pose, they were silenced bjr clamor and bul lying, and partly neutralised by the adrois-1 of order have been yet adopted to restrain tbe angry discussion, which such a proceed ing naturally leads to On the bead of those who have attempted this mighty injustice be the responsibility of this delay, and waste of public money. . Seventeen of the tweniy-one banks in Rhode Island have resumed specie-payments, and the others, with the banks in the country, will fol, low. New England and New York are now specie paying States, aion of others, who couldj not pretend to membership. Having thus momentarily sti fled tlje legal voice of a sovereign Slate, they proceeded to suppress1 it altogether by the tie aforesaid. The remarks of Mr. Salionstall, of Mas sachusetts on ; this j subject, are so pertinent and forcible, that out of njany other forci ble expositions, we selec the following, which we commend to the perusal of the admirers of eloquence! ,1 ' It is not necessary for me to go at large in to tbe consideration of questions which have 'No choice. The House then vote, which result Whole number t ceived by Dixon H. Letvis, John Bell R M T. Hunter, F Thomas, Air. Lewis dech: Mr. Waddy Thoo; whether a member, bound to vote on i' other? The CI:::: bound to vote on :. interested. This t The members l; vote, which result: Whole number c to a cboice 1 1C. Dixon H. Lewis, R. M. T. Hunter, John Bell, South Carolina Bi7 We are author- been so lung under debate : bht I bold that there ized to state'; that the Cape Fear Branch Bank in this place, receives in payment, and on deposit, the-Bills of all Banks in South .Carolina, except those of George Town. Western Car olinian. are some few principles, weQ settled, and some facts not disputed, which lead irresistibly to the conclusion that those gentlemen . who have been regularly returned according to the laws of New Jersey have a Constitutional right to their seaia here, and: this 'notwithstanding this pro- rviattinn haa not hnl! maintained ' ttv nta rtf the majority. I know Inotlwhether the New The Lincoln Republican has passed froar the Jersey members are bow in fthia Hall; I trust handa of Mr. Thompson, to Mr. Rwb't William- sjo, Jr. Mr. Williamson is said to possess a knowledge of the bbtory of the Country, and abilities as a writer. ; tbey are. Had I been so relumed and I now address the member of this House, and entreat them to divest themselves ojf party feeling and prejudice, and say whether lido not expiess their own feelings bad I (been ao returned, and had come op to this place bearing in my hand the commission of my State, under its great seal, I should feel bound, not withstanding the vote you have passed, or any yote yoij may pass, not to recede from the Hoose ; bat. when the other gentleman,; admitted to be) a Representative from mv State, upon a commission trreciselv si milar, should be called u pi to be qualified, I should go forward and demaad to be ewoin. I wouia noio up my commission, reier to tne on- The Office of tbe Knox vjlle (Tenn J Regis ter, baa been conveyed to Messrs. Homes and Moses, heretofore the conductors of tbe Knox ville Times, From the spirited msnner in which tbe Times has been edited, we feel no doubt but thai the Register will merit the con- tinoatioQ of tbe patronage it received while own ed by Messrs. Ramsey and Craighead, its fur atitoiion of the Union and the laws of mv State! met worthy conductors. land I should say lo , this body, assembled opon aA . kikA ka S I a Anlk.i.il.UL. Z at rill iftiJ AIIKUVI Ul UCiiCf espial VI II J11U9U IUlDrt ' 1 II IS I fJ. 'a ma Cnnsfiintki, aQthoriw. ih Jl..... , wiJ ! FflBfa Ingenuity -The Globe says: "We on the subject j of ejectionsJto determine how 00lice ia Beigum paper, called l he Commerce, they shall be holden, and hoW tbe result ahall ln company is aboot to be formed fur the can possibly and indirect. be ..raised by . taxation direct is wanted to carry on the Gov ernment, the Parliament has reduced the Postage, all- tfter Vhe kingdom, to one pen. ny;everjrjetter not exceeding half an ounce: in weight.; The Government has yielded to the; wishes and petitions: of the whole people but not till it waa reasonably I proved that the revenue would bet as great wiia a iow-pr witn a nrgn rare oi roauge-. be reiurned, en leas superseded by the legislaiioo casting of types, sterotype, printing lhhooranh. of Congress. My I State hka legislated; She tn(1 f JJ?Jtitr m"?'X has prescribed the Up ald manner of "J! m wfU e a capital of Aofoefeeltena .. Bevrespdativcs, :? the fB. nd na of dollars. It is to be es- votes shsll be returned aud examined, and bow ber Represeotativa shall be commissioned Her laws have not been altejed by Congress. I have been duly" commissioned, according to law. Here are my credentials, I an ready iu be sworn. I claim a right which has clever been denied to my predecessors, holding aijnilar returna, from the beginning-; of this Govetoment nay, from tbe begincing jbf the) old Cfnfederat;on uf the thirteen Sjaice, whose effonfi and sacrifice woo our independence j; To such a demand what ao swer could be gives i f i Coujd he who shall hl that chair could tbiis Hoosl rejocl : me ? No. No man has ever cnme mtolthia Hotse - beforel taousueo ai orossels, and will be sustained by Drl nooses of Berlin, Leipsic and London ,M A paper making machine of an entirely hew invention, by Mr. Maxfield of Boston, will be eatablisbed. This machine will make 500 reams w paper in a day. The members t" ballot, which it. . number 232 R. BI. T. Hunter, Dixon H. Lewi.: J. W. Jones John Bell HUZZAH FOR a virginia - postscri; the mail is clcj, Hon. R. M. Hun: Speaker of the 11 This result ' eleventh vole, v, ; Whole number ry to a choice 1 1 : filr. Hunter rc -suit was annour. Mr. Adams Cu! Mr. Banks to ci Chair ; arid Mr. minister the oit'.i ; the House imi:;t .. tion of Mr. Wi From the the following ta! ferent candidates on. the elevenili For R. M. Alford, J.-W. A Audrews,BarnLf Bottsy Brijfe, I Sampson II. I' -Campbell. Wi:i. I Chinn.Chitter.J er, M. A. Co( tion, Crockett, C G. Davis, Di f left, Edward?, I! er, R. Girlar. , Gcggic, G d . , Green, GiC , W S. Hastir- , man, noiiijt J Correction. -The second line of the last par- graph of Cypboo, which appeared io our laat t fer fjh. Jul; weeka paper,- should if aJ Io thu attempted King, Lr;rt : distinction between rietht and nmrr. inf aiH .,f1 K - - - - - , . -mm, m,m m, - W W ; . IJ U VVI iU It 1 riht and ftratg. .i :.-t i

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