if. 1 1 .r t !1 F -.4- Si 1 1 - It-: .. . m m t.. v ?r'-' rf GROCERIES- UST Received and for salejby'the Subscri ' berja quantjjy of best j - "I Santa Cruz Sugar, l' Best Java Coffee, -- Rio !..' - - KnanAib Ctears best qnahly. Whiskey 8. years old quality, Superior French Brandy, and- H Mt fcieellant YVine. - :,'J ANDREMATTHIETJ Salisbury. Dec..27, 18S9-3i22 RAEEMGU register .fiiul A"o. Carolina Gazette. Weston II. Gales, Editor & Proprietor, UTo be published j Rafter the, first day of January, 1340, twice a week at Fife Dollars,! and once a week at ,Three Dollars per annum! - - The Register is the oldest Newspaper; in North Carolina, and has been published coder the same nam, in this City ever siftce jthe year 1799, during tbe-wholeof which time, it has been either under thecontrnl of the piref ent Editor or hiscFather. j Having laker, eharge of its cwlnmns, at an early period of life, tbejj pre sent Editor has ? endeavored j fearlessly to las some alfth responsibilities of his station, and to fulfil, to the test of his abilities, the "obliga tions which devolved tipoft him." The continu ed) and constantly. increasing support of. a gen erous comrauuly, leads him: to that he ji'as not altogether failed in his efforts, and that his labor has; not been: in vain. .'-Vjf - p j r - Located.. a the, seat of Government pf jthe tale, the Resisterhas decided advantages in obtaining and oissettinaiing early and important information. Unconnected, also, in any vjay, either with the ; State) or National Governnnent, and not dependent, in J he slightest'degree tjpon any patronage, other than that derived frcjoi. its gutqcriptkn&r its course is entirely Free ahdj In dependent- -is highest ambition is to support the catiseoi the People,- and, in return, to be soppotu-d by the People jr The political - character of the Registei is known. :ilt is genepaily opposed to. the cnijrse of policy, I he measures and principles of the pre sent Administration . But the politic of j the present day, and the movements of the present partie,'are not alone the' objects of discussiun and sgltciiude. " The eye of the Patriot is tprn ed anxiously to the future J and to mainlainlbe honor, welfare and happiness of the Country, i mport an t ' . PR mcjPLEs a re lo be sustained . These principles, in our judgment, are the pre servation of the Unloin of the States ; the main tenance of the rights of the States; efonomy, kimpJicity and a ccoun lability in the Adminiaua lion ol the Government ; a jealous watchfulpss of all. power, and especially, of executive: riowj er ; and a regard to virtue,- honor and mer:, in the selection of men .1 called opon to, take a part in the administration of public affairs. In furnishing tUe rea Jets' of the Register with the news of the day, the Editor seeks tq, be Con cise : and accurate. The Proceedings of the State Legislature will ie published : in detail, and the doings of Congress will be given, diVes Jed of the mass of cumbrous matter mhich bsa ally accompanies the daily Reports. . The ear liest information will also be given of all, thai re lates to Internal Improvements, Agr1cuttufe,j&c ' With these few brief; retnatks, this Prospec las is Buomittea to me roDitc. 1 Raleigh; October, 1839, i. Superior Coott of Law September lerm, 1839 i George .W. Roberts, - "m , r ' ' r - . .' vs, i V Petition for Ditorce. .. Elizabeth Roberts. J fTHHE Defeadant called and failed Judgment JL pro confesso. Urdeiedj by the Uourt. trat miiE fjubscribers take pleasure m annoanc.tng f ,n ioe pcbiid square, in the Town of Mocks pnblication be tnade for lbree; moaths in tbe Uar JL to the Public, that the QKLJlTm grille, wherehe will c4nrinie"to keep a la Mocksvillt jJW C. Tnoim S JFfO ST Eft NFORMS the public thai r he has removed irom nis lorraer cianar ioj pis new uunonigs olina Watchman and the Raleigh Standard, for the Defendant to appear at the next term oi our said Court,, to j be held for said county, af the Coort-House jo Rockford on the 5th mondiy af ter the Sfd monday in February; next, then and there to answer to the allegations in said Bill, or the prayer oil the petition will be granted. ' Witness. Winston Somers. . Clerk of Ba from Salisbury ifjthe Catawba Springs, Lincoln ton, Ratherfordlun, to AsbviUe. N.C. will com mence running on tbe,3td instant CouTt at office, he 5th monday after the 3rd mcnday In Augcst, A U. 1839, i WINSTON SOMERS, c. s. c. Dec. 20, l8S9-3m21 Printer's fee $10 . State of, ' North;: Carolina. DAVIDSON COUNTY., Superior Court of LauFall Term 18S9. : Juliana Bnogle, ! IH 1 1 -; 'Cp - . . c et!iQ for Divorce. Casper Bringle. j: ' - . - TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Coott, JL that the Defendant,' Casper Bungle, is not an inhabitant! of this State : It is therefore-order ed by the Court, that publication be made for three months in the Carolina watchman, print ed in Salisbury, and the : Greensboroogh Patriot, printed in Gre'ehsborougl, that the said Casper Brinrle appear at the next " Sonerior Coort of Law, to be held for the trounty of Davidson, at and ,jthe Limestone. Springs: 1 His House! is roomy and, Commodious; attach- FICES fog gentlemen of tie! Bar, all convert- ent to the Uourt House.' fl he suoscJtcejpiecig- s nimseii w ipe mostoiiigeni exertions, io g i e satisfaction to such -est mayf call on him. His TABLE, B A R & STABCES are pro ided in jhe best manner that the!coun!ry will afford, and his servants are faithful and prompt. j. Jan 26.1839 U26 j . y P. Departs from Salisbury, joi Sundays, Wed nesdavs. and Fridavs at 5 o'clock, A.M., ar- 5j I rives at Ashvilli on next da,,at SVclock, P.M. Leaves Ashvtlle Tor Saliury, at o o'clock, A. M ., on Sundays, Tuesdays, and -Thursdays, ar rives at Salisbury next day j 8 o'clock, P. M. This Line torSPfiED, GOOD DRIVERS, TEAMS, and OA CHES cannot he surpass ed by any line fn ihe Stat. ;It connects with the DAILY LINE at Salisbury for the North, and at Asbville with the lixke to Knoxville,Ten- nessee. 1 t, j;. 1 - f -. .-v . - :z v Passengers leaving Ra,leigh, N. C. for the West will find I this the-bearest Route by 20 miles, and decidedly the cheapest. And for fine roads, romantic scenery ? particularly tne uap i '4 over the Blue Ridge, it is othet in N. Carolina. 4 ' ; F. FRALEjY jteepsl constantly on hand a tun supply oti ready j - . MADE CL&TlimG, 1 oats, Pantaloons and Vestsj also Cloths, Casi- eres and i Vesting, all ofi lvbich he will sell ow for cash.' He is also! prepared to cut and not excelled by any I nake clothing in a very superior style, and war ranted to fit; well. .Garments cot on short no- lice. -DlClNES;i)YE STUFFS, PAINTS if U Oils. Snoffs. frobacco. Spanish Cigars. Candles. Rice, Starch, Soaps, Perfumes, Brushf es; Instruroenis, Paste Boards, Pine Letter ana Wrapping; Paper, QjiiUs. Ink, Drawing ra per and Paints, Madeira Teneriffa ftlalaga, Tori, Sherry, Champaigo, Moscal and Claret Wines, French, Peach and Apple Brandy, X3in3Ionoft irahala and old W hlskey, Jamaica and N. C Rum, - Loaf, SogaMnVarpbhes, Sand Paper, Glass Ware and Bottles, Lemon and dinger Syrup, Lime J nice j Tama i inds, Jug, Cr ks, Pocket Books and Maps, Pipes, Iron and Comp. Mortars and Pestles, Candle Wick, Blacking. Lee's, Dean's, Dy oil's, Anderson's, Hooper's, Seotr. Conk's. Sbiip, Beck with's, Peters, Mof- fii's, Evans, Brand wtth's,and Phelps Pills, Huuck s and Sw aim's Panacea, Moore and An derson's Uough Urops, onua uoxes, opicrs Pepper Sauce, Uowaod's Tootc Mixture, uacjc oamon Hoards. Matches. Balm of L-oIumbta tr bald heads. Elixir of ODium. waim's Verm fuge, and a thousand other articles, Just receiv and for sale cheap, ii the Apothecary sign, by Salisbury, Aug. 23, 1839-114 morvs n 'uifr icaulis: TUBS S. V . i . A. BENCINI R. W.LONG. Salisbury, Nov. 8, 1839.1-1115 N. B. Tbis Line intersects the Line at Lin coln ton for Greepville, S, C. via Spartanburg, ne jwui eacn me 1 1 AiiT or otrrTura FB1HE Eubsctiber has for sale deliverable1; a f JL ter" the fall of the leaO; from EJGUT THOSAJYD to TEJV THO U&ijYD genu ine Moros Mnlticaulus Trees, fram roots and n the most approved ahdFashionible Style: to cuttings, now growing in and near the Town of Tailor's wishing instructijj&l! B. F. F pjttsborooeb, North Carolina. These Trees are &ept. I80 lamo , j A lUGfitA IMl- TO 77 E PUl . Ef'AJVS. 100 Li Diseasts general BEWARE LE B OCT. WILLI ham street av: casion to lender Lis; roents to the muner (suffering nnder al! flesh is heir to,") ! - his care. He has r from many living cv have done their clc. v compass of human : the afllicted is 1J3 ?; ing all the sources 1 ing in otany instar nrmed Hypochonur; the subject of irq ; mains in much tt the Liver, Kidneys testines. Bladder c Dysentary.'Ci:: ; in the drama t-f 3 ! has been sinjiaJarf of the above diVa his own and the it medical men in t! experience and s . family of delicate c. cies of which are : the constituttun t:.: Mercurial murdert , and onpraciiced, I ting to lead the c; ruin. Dr Evan;' supplied with the t the Court House in Lexington, on the 1st mon day after the 4th monday. in March next, and answer. to said petition, or it ;will be read expar te, and judgment awarded accordingly, Witness, 'Andrew Huntjf Clerk of our said Court at Office; the 1st monday after 4th mon day in September, A U. 1839. j ANDREW HUNT, c. s. 0. Dec. 6, 1839 3ml9 Prfnter's fee 10 trrP The North Carolina Standard, and Knoxvtllefrenp.Y-Arffus, will insert the above advertisement weekly for four weeks, and for ward their accounts to this: - , , A.! JYO JOKE TIMIS TMJflE. ami . .- large and snperror, many of them now measure an(j fareirQ'cnri from siio nine feet, well branched, many' pi ter's hand on sei which will count from one to three hundred buds each. I will sell any number that may be B. & R. W. L. S-. m.T t ! 1 . Ul: . .a.m. i : -I " . . . - , . " . . . i . Mv luonaayjoi, r eoroary uonn. low, roe- ireao red at market Prices, bv the tree, ov ihe mjr ing 3rd day of the ptonth.) will certainly foot, or by thehud, but would prefer selling by pe soio.-ine following ! property to tne highest VVUlf iFEWEEEEIZ W bidder, for cash : EEWAEB ABSCONDED about the last of i October, from the fsobscjriber. at that ttrae residing in Otoites Uounly, IN. Carolina, my Negro man about il or 28 years of age,1 nd of a very bright complexion, j He is a Shoemaker by trade, has a very bushy head of; hairf a thin visage, is 8 pare built ahd weighs from 135 to'l 40 pounds. He has a vryjlarge scar pn one of his: legs near tbe ankle, believed to be! on, the right leg, also a scar oh each arm just below the elbow oc casioned by a burn. His beefs have been frosted, which njory has left scars cipon them.! Cole man has a wife (a free woman) hear Blakely, JN. Carolina and it is probable that he may be One neat and comfortable Dwelling Il0U$C d the great North square of said town of Salis- nry. une other House ana L.01 opposite wm. Howard's fthe Lot exiendtng back to the La Itheran Chtirch. Forty Aires of excellent Land tbe bud. Also for sale, one million of the best, stock of Silk-worm Eggs for feeding". 'I JAMES J. HORjXE. Pittslorwgh, Sepl 6, 1839-f6 f Bxonus r.roirioATjLic, ' Fruit: Trees, c. is always in am All those whocc: WILL CO OFF RF.J ICTLIVEII C YEARS S7V2.V BROWNE, wj Sixth st. near bf : led for the last t. restored to Leal 1 h 1 Wm EVANS. Sy; lion oi the bowels, ciating pair of the nroislan if cniri! . ' The Subscriber informs the public, that he has j extreme debility, THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING RE MOVED IMS' SHOP TO THE BUILDhYG FORMERLY KjXOWXAS THE j fOST OFFICE, Continues to keep on band a good assortment 0 II atchcs and Chains, Breas t Pins and Rings, . Silver Sp&oris and Pencils, Musical Boxes and Silver Thimbles, Rodzers' Pocket and Pen Knives . And all other articles in his line. CLOCKS & WATCHES jjin tbe vicidity of Town. ifrb8 condition of sale I for sale, at his Nurseries in DaTidstm County, I of the menses, pa; iwtii.De casn to tne amount 01 aoorji jouu a 15,000 trees 01 tne Moras Djuiitcaaus. ineseiueon ner ten t reasonaoie creoit win ue anowea on ine oaiance. lAl the sa me time will be offered a Tract of 124 Acres, lying within-.4 tnt)ea of Town, mostly woodland, with good bmldKtgs thereon. t ! : :i - i ( -si ; J. JONES. December 13, 1839. is. SALISBURY A Lj urn suoflrior to cuttings without roots to prona-1 the pain, urine t.i gate from. His prices shall be the market price toms indicating grc of the article in the North and elsewhere. He tions of the liver, also has a large stock of Fruit Trees, consisting Mr3. Browne . of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums, ; Cherries; first physicians, I bemer selections ot the best American and i trom meir .meoici European fruitsTall of which are grafted or in oculated, and in healthy, growing condition. I will have trees delivered in good condition, at any reasonable distance from' Lexington, say 75 or 1UU miles, ( 11 amount or orders wiujusti- oni the Mocks ville Academy. Tl E. TROY, respectfully informs the fub- M lie that he has taken charge of the Mocks ville Academy, From the healthy situation of sthe village, and the morality of the community, he hopes to be patronised by an enlightened Spub lie. The first cession will commence 13th January, 1840.; - v.. ; ; ' . TERMS. I y. Reading, Writing, Spelling and Arith- meuc, r . .r - . Do. with English Grammar and Geo- ography, ; ! - .. "' - H : Do. with Latin, Greek. Algebra, Sur- veylng. &c. .rj-i,: pecetnber 27, 1839 22 w3 r - I 1 in that direction, although many persons believe Repaired in (he best manner, and warranted for h uo was pecoyea ow oy ajwnue man, named twelve montbs m Ud Uold and Silver taken in jrenoa xouog. wno telt the oeiffhborbood about exchange for articles purchased, or in payment iue 4iuc uuie mr iiiuiaua.j j win give a re-1 for debts due.? ward oi t itty Uollars to any one who will dp liver Coleman to me near Brook Neal in Camp bell County .Va. or who! will bonrlne him in jail, so mat i gei mm in my possession. : f tj h; ' DAVID L. POOL. Salisbury, Jane ?, 1839 tf45 niHE Trustees ofHbe'Salisbory Female Aca X demy,! inform the public, that thislnstitotion fy it,) fur which I will charge the usual. price of win oe opened) on: mpnuay ine inn oi uciooer baniing- it win ue wen ior loose wno wisn io next. It is their intention tb place this Seminary obtain trees, to get the Catalogue of the Nurse on a peimanent and resplcfable basis; and no ries,: which contains prices, and will be sent grat care will be wanting on thejr part, to render it in is to all applicants, the postage being paid. every respect, worthy . of the confidence of the I Communications will be promptly attended to irienus oi eaucaiion, s mora pity ana religion, wno i uirect to L.exngion, n. kj. !R Brook Neal, December; CHARD OVERSTREET. Uampbell cly, Va ) tfl, i 2i, i8sa i 1 1 NEW JEWEULERY, c. SO 00 10 00 12 50 f ! '' I seek for their daughters a'place where intellec tual and moral colttire combined, will prepare them to occupy with nsefulness and dignity, the sphere to whieh they may:be tailed. I hey are now making : an suttaoie en ns to seen re for Teachers, a gjenileman and lady of hiah niialification9. i ; Mpanwtil a thev tiaVfi ftnorno-ort ."Vlisa H mma a iuiu, wm uc pmuiwucu iu nmHsivuuji J. Baker, a young lady in whose literary quali- a dailt paper, under the aboe title; afford- fications; and capacity for such a situation, they inS to the People at large the first opportunity have perfect confidence; and who has hitherto offered of obaining!frora Washington a complete tnnrrht Minfiir in hi sinri iitbor epminarioa with report of the many farcical doings transacted entire satisfaction! As soln as the other teach- here and 10 the citizens of the District them- CHARLES MOCK. Lexington, N. C. Sept. 6, 1839. Reporter and JflornUig Rai ly Omnibus. TCiROM and after the 1st of Decemper prox .X' i AVIN&iocatedM JLJL spectiuiiy tenners pis protessionai sen so lis cuizens, anu tnose or me ftorrounoir i i Dr. Gm R Douglas, re- rices e coun try. His office ia the one recently occupied by Dr. Bouchelle, wheie he can be found al all limes, except when .absent on professional! du ties. Salisbury. June 7. 1839 tf45 j - RESPECTFULLY informs the Citizeps of Salisbuty, and lis vicinity, that he ha ta ken an office at the Mansion Hotel for the pur pose of practising Dental Scrgert , in . a I its . various branches, on the most improved an sci entific: principles, viz : Scaling, Plugging JEj trading. Inserting Teeth on Pivot, Gold Spring, Plate, Sic.' -.i ' v . He is a regular - graduate of Medicine and hopes by attention and assiduity in the line of ! bisprotession, to receive a share of public j pat- ronage. 1 C'! ! . ; , JV, B. He i in possession of a material, not rior to any thing tliat ever yet has been dticov eredjbr- Plugging , particularly in large cavities teherif the nertfy is- exposed and tooth 6ih eww ise ; uch diseased, and would particularly rfcom tmui t to all before having their teeth extract- .C oUierwist might be saved bu having VSHd. - 1 I ! F r. aLAu waited on at their private res- RESPECTFULLY offers his professional services tu the citizens of Salisbury and surrounding; country. ; I His Office is in Mr VVest's new brick building,! nearly opposite J and Y. Murphy's store. - August 30, 18S9 tf5 40 or SO Deer Wanted A GENTLEMAN resiilnz in the vicinity .j of Salisbury, wishes to purchase from 40 JTOlV C!.. PA '.TwIF!W . - isl Li-- j f;i' i ri'j- tu i' I colvaa n hAver.failinrr dm A nf humnr sihrt flmnp. HAS another new supply of Gold and Silver ers ootaioeo, miss caiser win again oevote - " a . -WATCHES, Plain' English and French! herself extWely tesica department. . . f :h- Mnar . ... . . i rr I ! J iKKJtm rill I'll IJ- I . u.'u.i . For beginners, per session of 5 months, $8 00 dependent, (not reckless,) in the most extended For the Roo'iments. with Grammar. G- sense of the term : the editor being convinced do; Gold Fob Chains and Keys, Fine breast rms aoa r inger jnings, oiier uuuei a.iucs Patent and plain Pencils, Tooth Picks, Fob Chains, Spectacles and Thimbles, Steel and gilt rob Chains and Keys. j 5i 4 ALSO . . A VERY FINE AND LARGE ASSORT-? MENT OF RAZORS AND POCKET AND PEN KNiyES, f by different makers, and other articles usually some of Di Wm 1 which effectually r tressing sy mptoir.s essential- to intinut to 50 Deer, for which a fair price will be paid kept by Jewellers. 1 All of which will be sold upon oeliteryh Apply to the subscriber at the low for Lash, 'frnjy six months credit, after wn icr ume, interest win oe cnargea. wor done faithfolly and panotoally. Salisbury, JNlay S, 1839jtl40 I Office of the Carolina Watchman. TAVNER W. FORKNER. Salisbury ! I Pec. 20, 1839--Sw2l i j - !l i ' Jflorus Jtlulticatilis. 4 A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these J3l1 TREES may be had at Fayetteville, N. C. about the last of next summer or tbe first of I the Fall. The proprietor can very readily dis pose iof them: at the North J but from patriotic considerations, he prefers that they should be taken by his; native State.;' The price will be the same as in Baltimore or New York, and will be forwarded to pnrcbasersoh the monev's bein? remitted.. It is hoped, that such as may wish to en?aie, may; do so at an early day. Enquire of E. L. Wisslow, Fayetteville N. C. ij' - i y m Feb 16, 1839 tf29 j t LADIES FALL FASHIONS 1 ipAD wllV ii AD WINTER OP IllJSS)o THE Sobgcribet informs the public, that she has just received through the Northern Citiei'lhe latest and most approved j LONDON) ii PARISIAN FASHIONS, And is prepared j to J execute orders in the most stylish and satisfactory manner. Work sent from;a distance shall be carefully put up and forwarder. idences. State of SLottli aroUuit, ASHE COUNTY. c. D PENDLETON. ! f SupeHor Court, Fall Term, 1839. other articles, V Mrs. S. Crimping and ? Salisbury, Dec. ,;8S9.-4w2Q t Stntc of SLorrxeatroltufl, Superior Court, Fall Term, ihu f! Elisha Baldwin; ! VS Charity Bald 6T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, .JL rin: "i Iwia.j Petition for Divorce. CP A few"! Boh nets, Caps, Turbans, arid i . ritU : ,.: .! I 1 I ii wiii uc ttrut.uu iiuu mi saio. t P. ps; also' prepared to execute Fluting on reasonable terms. I Salisbury,pCtbbr,184839. : J 1 ii . t ! , i 1 i 1 1 ' fr- j. i- it'UI. jj: 1 - -.:;; The I Subscriber I kFFERSilbr Rent. the Store house formerly occupied by : himself, situated in the very that the defendant. Charity Baldwin, is not I centre of business.. immediately above Mr. Geo. an inhabitant of this -State, it is ordered that W. Rrown's Store, fot. one. two or three years. pobtisbed at Saiisbaryirid the Whig Banner, i the wbscribet deems it unnecfary to say mole Micksville, Davie Ca NiC. I think the pro- ography and History, 10 00 The above with the higher branches in Literary Department , 12 50 Music on the Piano and Guitar, 25 00 Painting, I ( : M 10 00 Ornamental Needle:W6rk, and the making of Wax Flowers, will also be taught j if desired, 'at $5 each. j 1 1 By order' of the Trustees. 1 THOMAS Ll LUWAJM, UhT0. Salisbury, Sept. 27, 1839 tf9 . :-. ' . ; . ' l( ;. . I Bagging, Hoping Groceries, Just received for salefiwholesale $f retail SSOTh Pieces Cotton Bagging, 42 to 44 inches WU i 30 coils Bale fiope, I f SO Kegs Nails : 40 Bags Coffee, 1 ! 18 Hhdsi. Sugar, 1000 lbs Loaf do. j 500 lbs Springfteel, ; 53 pair Eliptil Springs,' j . 20 large covering Hides, . j 500 lbs Blister ijSteel, : 144 Bottles Tola ic Mixture, ! 500 lbs sole Leather, j 100 Kegs White Lead, 1 bBy J. & W. MURPHY. Salisbury, Sept. 20 1839 tf8 , TO OWNEKS OF MILLS, THE Subscriber has Ian improved Patent SPINDLE for Mills by which, a mill will do much better than with the usual form of Spin dies. It is so constructed as to keep from heating or killing ihe meal in any banner. The Winer is so confined by the Spindle as always to pre serve its balance, and of course there is no rub bing of the stones, j U 1 think, by this improved Spindle, the same water will do at least onfe-third more business, and the meal of superior quality. Any person wishing to use one of these Spin dies, may obtain one or more, by making applica IC ELLIOTT.! ' Wm. II op pas f . r i Petition for Divorce. , Uatbanoe tioppas.j - ; . IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court tlint the defendant, Catharine Hoppas1. is not an inhabitant of this' State, is ordered: that pub lication be made in the Watchman, published at Salisbury, andx the Rsleigh Star, published in Rahiffh, for three 'months, that the Defendant appear at the next Superior Cuurt to be held for Ashe County, at the Courthouse in Jefferson, on the Gib Monday alter the 3rd Mondiy of Feb ruary iiexl, to plead, answer or demur to Ithe ne- tition in this case : Othrw ie, judgmfcht pro coarsnt ui ue lasen againsi uer. published at Lincolnton, for three mcoths, that I iijan it possesses, adtanuges both as to location tbe defendant appear at the next Superior Court an( arrancecbenC not inferior to any other in the 1 tu uc uo.b iui amis viHiuijr,av iuv jVvuiiuuuge place. -"'r'-S i. in Jenerson; on the btb londay alter ine 3rd, Monday in i ebruary next, to answer, plead or demur to the petition: in this case ; . Otherwise, Test, December 19, J" R.GENTREY.c.8 t839-T-3m Printers fie 10. JuVment pro confesso w;ill be taken against her i ! k R. iGENTRY.r8 c:L December lS39.i-3m Printer fee 510. rrp Those who are indebted to the subscri her eiiher bir noil or accoorit, are respect foil and orentiv reauesieo locuiyuu uhmikhuwui, , .. - .-. "i' JL the earliestpo8Stple day HEW JTOVELSC v j T AMSEIi of Daiiep. by the aothdr of ,Yenj- masse,' The adventures of an Atto in searchfof practice, by the author of "The A RICH PRESEti )BVTL I W0 T ALL A" ROOKMbyfrbomaMre.6nien jLA didly i Hlastrated. with thirteen errlTin?8 1 adventures of a centleman m search of a horsel and handsomely bound in a Super Royal ocv0 2 vols The' man about Town, by Cornelias Volume, and it is a pteifdid .wprk Burton's Webbe. Nap DarreU.or the Gipsy Mother, by Literary Spnvenir for 18J40. elegantly hound in the author of f The Squire, fro'. CharlesTyir enibossd ; Morocco. .With ihtrteen splendid, en- rell, or the JJitter Wond, by James,' Tbe Geo graving on sieel.-r-Joitt published, and for sale at tbe North Carolina Bool-Siore, by II! 'I URNER 4- HUGHES ladgh Oct. 1839, tlemen of the Old JSchooU by James, author If the Upbbef, o,-Jost received at . TURNER &. HtTGHES J . Larulioa Book Store. bable c 1st will not exceed $30 for the Patent aud Spindle ready for use. The following personsiihave my patent Mill Spindle in ' successful operation :Gul. W. F. Kelly, Thos. Fster, Joseph Hall and Samuel Foster, of Davie Coooty Gilbreth DicKson and David J. Karosotir of Lincoln ; Charles Grimih of Rowan ; Addison nMonre f Davidson, and William Doss of Surryj f II of whom are highly pleased with it performance. h 1 j ! j - L. M. GILBERT. Nnvember 81 1839-lfl5 . A LL persons indebted to the Subscriber whose OLaccoontsare i lover twelve months standing, are requested to call and settle the same either by eah or note by, Ihe 1st of Janoary, 1$40 uther wise their acceonts will be put into the bands of an officer for cilleeiion. ' . ' ' M l HORACE H. BEARD Nov. 15, 1839 8wl6 . . mat ii is ioaepenaence alone wnicn can saure to the newspaper press theprood station it should ever occupy, and that without this it can never subserve any useful end. . As a faithfol ' reporter,' politics and the movements of political men. will be boldly dis cussed ; and in point of variety, humor, and promptness in news matters, the " Omnibus" 6hall not be surpassed by any other paper of e-: qual dimensions ; for it shall be our pride to re cord with despatch, land in a pleasing style. i ne ue vices quaint, and tomes ever Knew, That tread on each other's Ribeo." with such swift variety in this ever-chanrinfr. vast, and Wonderful world. I The Reporter and Ojanibus' will be printed n ine neatest style, opon good paper, about the usual size of penny papers, and sold by the carri ers at one cent per single copy, or six cents a ufeek. Price of tbe daily for one vear fwhen mailed) five dollars. - , CJ For the accommodation of those in the country, who prefer it, a tri weekly edition of the paper, containing all the readiog! matter of the daily, may be had at Ihe very low price of three dollars per annum, mailed to order. The tri-wsekly per month, fifty cents. Address, (postage pid,) " REPORTER AND OMNIBUS," Washington city. N. B. No order for the paper by mail will be attended to unless accompanied by the1 cash or its equivalent. UNPARALLELED ! A tri-wkerly paper from Washingtos C1TT, FOUR MONTHS FOR ORE DOLLAR I ! The publishers of the Reporter and Mopi, ing Daily Omnibus," in Washington city, desi rous of a fiord ing to ihe people at large an opportu nity of receiving during the approaching session of Congress a Congress which promises lo be so replete wifh important and interesting inci dentsa correct as well as entertaining and a. musing report of its proceedings ; as also to fa cilitate the circulation of a troly independent pa per, offei the tri-weeklt Reporter and Om nibos," as above, for ihe onprecedenled low price of One Dollvry! Three times a week, for foar months, at Une Dollar ! ECT Always in ad vance.jj rijiy scnis a montn. j j C3 Two Dollars cash remitted will pay for one copy durtn? be whole session, which is ex pected ;o consome jelsht or cine mnnil.a ? and Ten Dollars cash will pay for six copies donn tue session. ! . ! . . . Moneys may be remitted by members of Con gress, or by mail; (posiage paid) to - tj : " REPORTER AND OMNIBUS," -. Nrv 26 V ' Washington city; . &li toil generally will -confer a favor which will be gladly reciprocated, and be entitled id an exchange,. by giving the above a few conspicu ous ioer I ions, and .forwarding tbeir respective papers. , ' , -f ' GOImD, SZZ.VSZI AZ7D COPP22II biiOjze prlntijxq, ..;;7; an bcgicaily Cttcuted at this OjJlccf v 4r .. vv City and County c f . " Joseph Brow ne, V. being duly sworn, c facts as set forth ir which he has sul::: true. HusbanJ i Sworn before me, t. peter pi:; f - tCJ" 'Another re: tuevDrlVmLv.: SU. TEA' YEAl McKenzie, 176 S; . the above Cfitnplaiui , pacitated him at in t years, in attending j perfect health un -t Dr Wm Evans. The Symptoms r and oppression after the pit of thestomac:. , niddiness, palpitat i m and emaciation, der r I Test, sometimes a ( . ! the right side, an c aid famtness ; any iness causing inju.- J ness. Mr McKenzie it ness, and none ot it t curred since he usf i a! strong and healthy myriads of rernedif ?, tual. He is willing ' the afflicted resneei rendered tu him by ti medicme. A ileal lilt s Dr. ma. Evans' Syrup, for Child i rHIHIS infallible r Jl dredfl of ChiUn covery, from convu! rup is robbed on the q' er. This preparati - c'ous, and so pleas jh: toilet its gums be rul are at the age of f. . r appearance of teeth, should be used on !. Parents should nevf r the nursery where ti if a child wakes in i: gums, the Syrup opening the poies a: : by preventing Convt Proof positive y. Evani? i To the Asentof I) Dear Sir The grt laflnj I u I. ... of protracted and p i vince every. feeing j ly application of sec! to relieve infant n , fant, while teeth ir sufferings, that it v and my wife and would soon relflase t : we procured a bottle as applied to ihf? ut.-; produced, and after a displayed obviou? re! use, I am glad to ii.f pletely recovered ar i ful complaint has sir emanating easily : ! health. I giv- you : make this acknou ! gladly give any is f ; GEORGE W m.n JOHN A. INGLI. J. H ANDEHSf). E. JOHN !HTGGI a- at V. M. 1AMJ V P k V i r r it Mil X tJ 1, ll.lll.il TIUNcniPI P.SUMMEV & r.. May 10, 1H3Q 1 i ii.