B F. FR ALEY keeps constanity rn ! - a fall aapplr of read r MADE CLOTHING. Coals, Pantaloons and Vesta, also Clui, C: meres add Vestinr.' all cf tthih he ti!J V - i; tloelonging 6 the Estate of Mrs. 'for cash.- He is also prepared to cut r PENDLETON & BRUNEB. -,of illoWao County,- I tiiby,.was 25-VOLUME VIII.1 i ' K Published Weekly at, Tivo JDolUl aud Tifty "bin A v f I ' ' um cigmiDg in a tery superior style, an. J v. : mi -Warrant In Mecklenburg; e wai wen. liarmenta cot ca &Lirt : lice; He will teach the An? or" cxrreHTG on the most approredand f ashionzble S:! : Tailor'a wishing mstrocticn. B. F. I .Sept. 6, 18S3 12tt6 fffl llitf pr loteraber last, when I be Madahorl lira after he absconds EDITORS AXD PROPRIETORS coxo U lSriiiff timei 1 have been onable to ot flftBFfck T. J. HOLTON. : J- - T " 8, "' r 4 . i " i 1 1 ii i ii i f ill. i . . :t:lil--. EX ( Continued. : ECUT1VE DEPARTMENT e Got. Dudley's 4 quarter sal-, I 18S8. or. CLf!p.(Baitli Private Secretary, his 4 quar , 1838, v i if iC iBattle, Got. Dudley's 1st quarter saj- 0 C BatUe, Private Secretary bis 1st quar- lary, 1839, , - "f '. 500; 00 75 -;' !-.7". 500 Ik : f ? ... If ! it! 00 .1 00 - 'i ", 00 Lisa oo TREASURY DEPARTMENT Z V$ Courts. Public Treasurer, his 4 quar- Iter-saiary, ido, 375 nWivCirdsall, Clerk, his 4 quartersalary,;;!;!! IMHW. , i V jD V Courts, his 1st quarter Salary 1839, ; : 375 " MebheH Uirdsall. Clerk, his 1st quarter sai- ,. h mi 1839, 125 0 00 00 00 00 08 i i 1 '183&J jSTATE DEPARTMENT liam Hill, Secretary of State, his 4 quar let isalarvJ -1838 :. ; -r:. r; ;V ' ii tLil.aw-iQ.jo .- - !-. ."7--' - - onn 200 0 00 00 hml i. ! ?'! fdoriPfROLLER?S'D $46ooo ! 30?pijliam F. Collins, Comptroller of Public flfi t. . ieounts(, his 4 quarter salary, w v;'" m j an Woi. F Collins, his 1st quarter salary; 250 00 rii: i 250, 00 :"tf".i?:'-: 00 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE BBererly Daniel, Adjutant Genera, bis half MM TREASURY NOTES BURNT. 1 oof 00 Dec fTriasury Notes burnt by Committee of . 1 1 r POST OFFICER Ipyl'TOmas: Scott, Tost Master Postage c.lf.!--:--. - 'J PENSIONERS. : : .-a - : her his her 4i8i ftvV PENSIONERS; m..inr & - ,:v -:i-. vr 1837-8 flfcKsje;HaJsyJiis: I : . Resolution j ;!: jtejHVs SlargaretBeasly, i H Prexilla ijbodwin, .( iJan'f.; -Ajeiander Taylor , Vonn unent, Martha iTIiompsonj v .oluiion, Dec. VsTurrier St Hughes, bill of Stationary for the Reuben Deavor for services rendered in the -suivey of Cherokee Lands m 1838, 1 Jan 18S9 William F. Collins, Comptroller, for extra i - serTices for keeping record of Cherokee! Bonds, t L;; - . v ' ;! ; ; Simon M. Smith wick, late Sheriff of Martin : county, by resolution under an allowance by j ' the County Court Tor insolvent polls.' ' i William llill, to corer expenses for candles i and haulinii Ucl for the; use of the State,? ?- John H. UeCarteret, for binding Devereux s jy and Battle'slReporls, , : I Matthew yaddell0o carry a Writ bfElec-i tioa to Anson county, by resolution of the ! . General Aseinbly 'lrl 7 ' I V; VVm. R il,f Secretary of Stated for copying I v Acts and Resolutions of the General Assem-1 Lunsford Lane, for waiting 8nd attending on :''EkecutiTe"'joflSce,: y-U , r VVto. Hill, for superintending Public Print- Wm. Hill, bis 4 quarter salary as Librarian; : , Bernard Dupuy, for engraving seals for the " Comptroller's office and Literary Board,' John H. DeCarteret, for binding Comptrol- leirs Reports,! : . 1 1 -" March. Myers & Minms, oNcW York, (or Execu tive wafers,;! 7'"' C C. Battle to remiiio W, H, Ayie of Fay- etteville, for hiservices in supeiintendirg ruouc Aims ai i ayetteviue, f Resolution of the General Assembly in far or of thej Presbyterian Church for the use of J he Bell during its;8essib.o;''viV I : William H. Hay wood, by reaolutioD, for ser vices rendered the State, ; : " JohnCj Ehfinghatis. as per resolution of the General Assembly, ).;.;;: :' W -i Wm. Uilip Secretary of State, his 1st quar- ter salary as State Libraiian, ! 'by 1837-8, 80 00 100 00 M ' i f res- 150 00 100 00 100 08 MM 1180 00 100 00 200 0 ij'j; ! 100 00 it od 1 s 838 p9 I REBUILDING STATE CAP ITOL. Paid Sephen Birdsall, Secretary to the Board ;of Commissioners, - - . .; v. 42,815 81 do i do do . . 3,709 34 IA do-'- - : do 'do . . 9.821 76 PUBLIC PRINTING. ;S50f9j. , . Joseph Gales &. Son, for ptintihg Comptrol ler's Report in pamphlet form, and other , , Joseph Gales St Son, by order of the Le- gjsiaiore, aisQ sucscripuon to ixorin Ainer :y. 110 50 s ican Review. Thomas Loringr printing for th Legisla ture, - v.:'A;A--&V'z 830 83 Thomas J Lemav, printing for the State j Offices, - - f--;;vr- Thomas J Leraay. printing for; the Litera- ; f ; H ty Bjard. . ; - ; t$7 50 Leonidas B. Lemay, Editor bfrtie Micrc-f p i cosm, far printing blank Cherokee Land fl certificates, for the bse of the Comptroller. - TA0 25 $1,493 95 - COUNCIL;OFiTATC:i Pqid Cooncil of, State, con vebed V to advise 1 ?t V me appointment of the Literary Board, 5 0 86 SO D lire- CHEROKrp T wn cir ' iT 'Reuben Deaver, principal Surveyor of Cher- : Contingent expenses incurred by Samuel F -Patterson and Chariesli Hintoncouiinis-: sioners for eule of Cherokee Lands, in lftaa. Charles L Hinton, commissioner for sale of ! 1 eherokee Lands, his compensation, ." r John F Jones, clerk to commissioner's, Parker Rand,. ' ' ; u -' v--' : V? J Erwin :-;"K:?:-:;:S Samuel rF. tPatlerlon, commissioner, hia 'compensation,.-'' . -' ' y ; William Mastic,Clerk to the commissioners, t; H P Grennell, -C'? J W Hawkins Charles L. : Hinton, tor counlerfeit twenty " dollar note received aUheJcherokeej-Land aale, in payment for lahdsX i'- Charles L Hinton and Samuel F-Patterson being in error in return of cashl received i for the sale of Cherokee Lands in 1838; as!l vv4iiuii9aiuucra OI sale, bfy. 4 i CONTINGENCIES. Paid Thomas J. Lemay, bill of Stationary, lor.ine use ol tbe State, I! - -178;60 Hi IL' - 6035 95 a, sou !oo i, t 3 ; i:i i- (.500,00 28 CO. -1 I " x 118i00 1 ! r 24140 -1 -5. i May " Jone " July ." ; Oct. fc 258150 !if!;! 24 00 'i- i-i 100 100 12 50 lis ieo 1 50 21 00 ' t" ' V I , : 98 00 April ,100 00 650 00 - 8 05 12 50 ii- -$2,894 05 't-i Recapitulation of i Reteipts from the 1st day oj November vl838r r 1 ; BECAPITULATION. Bank Tax, Bank of Cape Fear; M- v Cherokee Land sales, (sale of 1838,) Buncombe TTurnpikel jcompany, if ,r Bank dividends, Bank of Capo Fear,- - . Balance due Noith Carolina, Nov. 1, 1838, 1.770 29 49.2SG 01 750 00 50 00 37,468 57 Balance due Public Treasurer, 1$ April 1839, $89,292 87 27,12100 $116,413 87 Recapitulation of Disbursements, from the 1st November, 1838 C i; f : to the IWfi JIpnl 1939. f 4 RECAPITULATION. Cherokee Land sales, (sale of 1833,) Executive Department, ,4 Treasury do . Staie j do Comptrollers do. ' -: . Adjutant General's Office, Judiciary,; . . General Assembly, Rebuilding! Slate Capitol j Treasury Notes burnt, Fost Office, Pensioners, Government House, v Public Pf ihling,i?; t fj.. Council of ! State, , Contingencies, : , . 2,857 91 1,150 00 1,000 00 400 00 500 00 : 100 00 12.511 28 33,795 93 56,346.01 1,290 67 168 04 1,070 00 748 33 1,493 95 86 80 2,894 05 -' ' - $116,413 87 839 DISBURSEMENTS DURING EACH MONTH- April By disbarsemenis daring'this month tiom 'the 16th to - lit May f ft " 1 !". v- 6,080 10 7,472 82 822 73 9.740 67 8,93-2 61 7,660 73 8.791 85 Add balance due Public Treasurer II 6th April, 1839 M. - S r t.li" , 57,607 51 27,121 00 $54,728 51 Amoant doe Presidentand Directors of the Literary Fond of - p N. Con the 1st day jf November 1838 j $42,956 54 Lied oct ibis acoooot doe lreasuref of Internal JUnprovprnent rand on the 1st day ov; i8S9 . I 19,770 63 : r ueuuet amount doe raouc lreasarer on 1st da? ot IN ot. 1839, ! I- This amoant inhandfof the Pablic Treasurer 1st Nov. 1839 r 3,380 56 day of 1SJ51 19 29,845 35 Com nt roller's omce. i f f i " , Raleigh, Nov. 1st. 1839 ? WM. F. COLLINS, Comm. The following exibitlhe disbursements at the Treasury , from 16th Ap'l 10 9181 uciooer mciosive. jpM&JSVRjSEJflEWTS. 1839 JUDICIARY, i April lHJ Hon.Frederick Nasb.Jodge of the Soperior Courts I ot Law and- Jqoity, nis half year's salaiy, O cer .j Hon. Jobn j)L. Bailey, his half year's salary, lOcer. J " Hon. Richmond M. Pearson, his half year's sala 1 ry, 11 certificates .? I 1 - " Hon. John M. Dick, his half year's salary, 10 cer. Hon. John R. J. Daniel, Attorney General, 1 ftsr. Hon. John R.J.' Daniel, Attorney General, 2 cer. James R. jPodge; Solicitor, 6 certificates David Outlaw 6 certificates " Alex. Tro 15 certificates ' Hon. R. M Saunders, his half ;y ear's salary, 10 certificates! ". I (( Hon. Thomas Settle Lis half year's salary, 10 certificates' : " John D. Toomer, kis htlf year's Salary, 6 cer. John F. Ppindexter, Solicitor, 11 certificates' " James W. Guinn, Solicitor, 5 certificates ' John R. Ji Daniel, Attorney General, for attend ing Janeerm of Supreme Ccutt 975 00 975 00 April May June Joly i - Oct. Hon. Thomas Roffin Chief Jostice, bis 2nd qr: salary as ode of the Jodges of Supreme Court " Hon. William Gtistonj Judge of the Supreme Coort, bis 2nd quarter salary I ' f Joseph J. paniel, one of the Sopreme Court Judg es, his' 2nf qaarter salary 'f ' Thomas P. Devereax, Reporter to the Supreme court, his jjialf year's salary " Turner & Hughs, for Printing publishing and dis . t rtbu ting lievereux and Battle's iReports " : William H. Washiogtoli, Solicitor, 10 ceitificates ' John L. Ienderson, Clerk to the Supreme Court, his half year's salary also for Books and Record ing. 1089 pages a 30p. ! ' James R.jbidge, SoiciUr, l certificate " James, Ginn, f f 4 Ditto " Paschal B Burt, S'ff.of Wake county, compensa tion for attending Supreme Court " William H. Battle, Solicitor protem., 1 certificate John R. JjDaniel, Attorney General, 4 cer. James R. Dodge, Solicitor, 3 certificates AIexV.TroJ;A';;-,;. :.-:,f:!' 4 do j ";. DaviJ Outlaw :v'':0t:-'rf-- doK"";---'-" ' Hon.Thonias Ruffio, pblef Justice, his 3rd qaarter ; " salary ' . i ' ; .f- : . jv :r r ' VVilliaai Gaston, Judge pf the Supreme Court, his "3rd qaartef salary v -j' ::.' 4i : ,, Hon. Joseph J. Daniel, Supreme Court Judge, 3rd -.. . aryig.-'-i'S ?rm . ! ' . - " Hoa. Joh M. Dick, Judge of Superior Courts of 1 Law & Eutfy, his half year's salary, 9 cer. " John R. Jjl Daniel, Attorney General, 1 cer. , ! Ale'xanderjjTroy, Solicitor, - leer. . , " David Ouila w, Solicitor, v 7 2 do " James R. Dodge, do j , 5 do 975 00 975 00 20 60 40 00 120 00 120 00 300 00 975 00 975 00 975 00 220 00 100 00 JOO 6b 1339 ! - PUBLIC PRINTING. April P'd Thomas I-bring, Editor of the Standaid, piintint . , i nie usvoi ids ireasary oince -'.v Thomas J. Lemay, for printing Journals of thn two Houses of Assembly and documents upon the subject of common schouls - I . May " Westohi R. Gales. Printing for the Literary iwara, a reasury ana Uomptroller's Omces " Weston R. Gales, sundry charges under contract with Secretary Hill for printing Joly ' Gray Oaies for; publishing the sale cf cberckea lands in; 1839. also for Southern Review Sept. " Thomas! J. Lemay, printing done for the ess cf the State 't"' . '-: 'J, I 21: 1,117 f r r- 1839 I REBUILDING STATE CAPITOL AprilP'd Stephen Birdsall, Clerk to the Boatd of cocanls ' ;vl "... sioners for re-building Capitol : June " Stephen: Birdsall, clerk to commissioners JolT August ; Septi- October K u it f '-a tt 5, 4 . r, ' - - 4,c: 5.5 i 1839 - ! COUNCIL OF STATE. April P'd C C. Battle, Private Secretary to Gov. Dcdlay, tojdefray expenses of the Council of State, con vened to advise the appointment of a Public Trea- "- 'Surer ! . ! ' ' ' A:" '..- ; (; 1839 j CONTINGENCIES. April P'd Wjeld onj Hall to pay for ad vet Using -the sale of ' . ) eherokee lauds, in 1838 n " 1 : 625 00 635 00 625 00 c- 150 00 371 20 2007 00 500 70 20 00 80 00 153 00 20 00 SO 00 60 00 - 80 00 60 00 625 00 625 00 625 00 975 00 20 00 20 00 40 00 100 00 July $14,529 90 1S39 40 00 " sr. - T I- .. - i -y '- : -j. -V -' - .7- - 855 00 mi 42 50 490 00 1152 00 196 00 144 00 550 00 140 00 140 00 u& 00 20 00 f4"32.4t $2'85Tpt C: c . GOYERJmENTHOUSEl Cft Paid GOV. DlldleV. beiner imnnnt-aHvinKMt h - J W B "MWWM. U V .J WW V. . i S . f ' "j uim m repairs 10 uovemraent House, - - 74S 33 Charles Hinton; Public Treasurer in account with the State ' 0 North Carolina, as Public Treasurer, j t 1839, ! '. :- T " DR. , - -, :-y-K ' Jolv To cash received of E. H. VVingate, Cashier' being ; : :vr; in full of dividend no. 60 ot 4 perceni cecrarea on 10 shares of stock; held in tbexapitat stock of 1 he b Bank of Cape Fear by the State, for the half year : ' ending 30th June 1839. . An. !' Cash received of Sheriffs this month, being amount - Z -v': .''.- of public revenue collected and paid by inemiorine :V;Tear IZSSP: ' '-' - -' 11456 92 . Cash received of Sheriffs, being ont of public teve lK nu4 collected and accounted for on additional returns v " for 1837 and former vsars. I ' ', - v. ' Cash received of J. W.Guioh, Cashier of iheMerf." ; chant's Bank of ISewbern, as a tax of per. cent ; on individual stock. '-'tAli Sept. ( Cash received of Sheriffs, being amount of public . revenue collected and 9aid this month for the vear v ; : 1838; - I ., ' - .; : w 66556 94 Cash received of Sheriffs, being amount of public - ? . Revenue cellected and - paid bv- them for the year 1 1 fl I ' :V 1 837 and former years, as additional returns, i r i 2 17 79 " ' Cash received of Charles Dewey, Cashier of thef ifj.,, ':- . Bank of the State, as a tax of a per cent, on wdvid-j tf 1 ua stock n sad Bank., ' T' l; Sow yv 63 80 1562 50 Cash received of H. B. Hays, Clerk of Wake Su- 1 peribf Court, being amount of judgment obtained a- j gainst rbiltp iioonei, entry; laser 01 vasweu, ior 1 failing to make his annual return tome secretary or.; oute as requireu oy iaw, 1839 Nov.f Balance file Public Treasurer Ut Nov: I839t2$0 56 IT:' 4 ' is h -i. i. moo 00 :c4--8il347,,95 'ferS4,727 MUinr.-. i J w - Apl 16 By balance due d. W. Courts, late Public Treasurer, jiff .fl.V ii t Zl ,Qt InJ m.mmmA m . t -i! S : . Du lUQ IDla OITOI'Apii'i mrnr .mm vavocu u mo credit of Charles L. Hintoni his soccessor in office 2121 to -1st f f!Tf f: Amount of Disbutsements from 16th April November 1839, 1839 i"'".,;:j'"'9 i fT'-.l j - v 1 -- V: CAT ' i4: ' 51 00 51 QiA,ify balance 4ePublt(er lt Nov 1839, rftSSO comptroller's oince - i Raleigh, Nov. 1st, 1839. VM. F. COLLINS, CoapH 56 - - EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT: July. P'd Governor j0udley, his 2nd quarter's salary, end-. 'r ing SOibJjine '' V - rx- j . " C. C. Batle, Private Secetary, his 2nd quarter ' salary, ending 10th June r : r ; r Oct. ' Governor Dudley, his Sjd quarter salary, ending 30th September ; ( 4 1 " C C. Battte, Private Secretary, his 3rd quarter's salary, ending 30ih September ' ; 500 00 75 00 1 500 00 75 00 $1,150 00 1839.1 I TREASURY DEPARTMENT, f " ; July P'd D. W. Courts, late Pdblrc Treasurer half month's " I salarv op toi the jime-of bis resignation - 'i i" :- Jaly 1 " C. L. Hinfoo, Public Treasurer, his salary from' i the lot n April ro sum June inclusive- v i " Stephen Birdsall, clerk to the Tieasorer, his 2nd : ! I : quarter salami ending SOlh June. 1839 1 , t CI Ost; - C. L. Hinton, Public Treasurer, Lis 3rd quarter - " 6alarv. endinffSOth September V - : f V ' Oct. !' Stephen Birdsall, clerk, his 3rd qr. salary, ending , 1839 DJ 62 50 S12 50 J25 00 S75 00 12S 00 $1,000 00 May " " John Maloan, for fire wood furnished the State Of ; fices under contract v -. v,' -- : : " 'WheeMr St Cooper, for eeaU Press, and other in cidental: expenses for the use of the Sopreme Court ... . Oliver H. Perry, for dUtribuiing- the laws and . joornals, also school pamphlets r u John Nutt, for disiriboting the acts and journals in 18cQunties j - - - ---." " Willis Doudy for carrying writ of election to ths f county of Moore, as by resolution - " yilliam Hill, Sec'y of State, to pay for coffee , bags used in distributing the laws and Joarnab, , &c. of the last General Assembly : . J one VilIiam Hi Haywood, jr. for negotiating a loan ' - ' far the Slate in 1836, of four hundred- thousand . dollars ---f' '. . . -v James Page, for distributing thelaws, journals and . School pamphlets - ' " John H. Docarteret. for binding done for the usa" of; the State, as per bill l . -" Pfsteure. & Moore,' for advertising- proposal to ; printers - J 1 . :" - ' VVilliam C.Tocker, for coffee bags used in distri buting the jaws and .foarnals ' ' " WtHiamiHilf, Secretary of State, his 2d quarter ', salary as slate librarian-vn;-:, t- hf-. -----August " Andre Mathieu, for storage of public arms at Sal isbury 1 : -v ;: L : Q. C. Battle, Private Secretary to Gov. Dudley, . for having the mortgage of the Raleigh and Gas tan Rail Road registered in the counties of Wake, Warren, Franklin, Granville, Halifax Si North ampton! : v;.; '. '--!" ... 'ivvr " Lunsford Lane, for waiting and attending on the Ex. Office . -zZ , - i 7 u Edward B. Dud ley; to defray, expense for a, seal Tor CabarriiScouoty , : , ' Samuel Biggs, amoant remittsdjto the treasury of rife by ihe clerk of Orange county, and due said liiggs as per resolution i ? ',' Robert B. Davis, Sheriff of .Washington, due for taxes and commissions on land sold for taxes andr purchased in Lr the State -'-'"- James p. Turreotine, sheriff of Orange, amount off insolvent taxables for the years , 1835 abd 6, as per resolution of the General Assembly V John W.. Taylor, "sheriff of Greene, to pay fcr county seal ; - k , ' r Fjlelcher Fowler, for advertising eherokee land sales, ; j ; , kw :-Xx r-ti:Xv! X'xX ?;" -Oct'r. E. H. Wingate, for all arrears and salary due the late Gen. H. W. Ay re, of Fay etteville, for super- , intending public "arms, 4- - " T - , " Turner i& Hogbstaiionary bill for the different State offices . 1 - , -; ' : - f Discount 00 Georgia Bank Notes : William Hill, Secretary of State, his 3rd quarter . salary as State Librarian . . - c ; ; 1: Cl ic: 1::; ic Sept. It Shcriflns for ketiling tax for 2 C PARTMENT QF STATE. - rf Joly P'd William Hill, Secreury of State, his 2d quarter - J -.1. . ' . .- .1." -'-i5" -M ..!;'-; "' 200 00 Oct. " William HjJI, Secretary of SlatelSd qoarierealary 200 00 $400 00 1 jjj r t.-.ii. i COMPTROLLER'S DEPARTMENT. Joir ! P'd 1 Wiliiam FColIinsJ Comptroller of Public , Ac: i " COUniB.DISWU quanci au.; r "V Oct. L 41 William Collins, Comptroller of Public Ac- , counts, his 3d quarter Salary ; , v 1839J 250 00 250 00 500 00 1839 i 100 00 '. ADJUTANT ;GENERAL'S OFFICE. Jolv 1 P'd Beverly Daniel, Adjutant General, his half year's salary, cnuiug uy, --,s ? ; POST OFFICE. ut. Pi Tiinmn Cl Scott, his n:taffft account against the - t f ; -: KtMotive J AdiotanVGenl And Conip.'. Offices .. ' t f 184 57 Sent; " Thomas G Scott, hii postage account, against the - 4 ; Tteasury and Comptroller's Departments Aug. P'd Aon Patterson widow of Job o Patterson, dee'd. 9 22 $193 79 haviog beeaillowed by the county court of Iredell j , $2 50 Wm. D Rascoe, Leslie Giliam L B Krimminger ; John H Hardie Isaac White Wm. Thompson Willie Jones Nelson G Howell Eli McKee i SamoelTery Robert Thomas Abner Carmtcbael John W Taylor TbosTH Philips Tbos S Lea! Etheldred Peebles John M Smith J A Pool ! George Philips James W Carson Jas. Simmons Thomas Wilson J H Pearson B MSelby I John B Dawson J Williamson Nathan Bagley J C Turreniine R McDaniel James Queen TN Alexapr Curtis Thompson Jas.R Riddick Allen Gristt Wm. D Petway S Stooe j Jas. W Dote Martin RobSrts John Freeman Hardy Walters John McCleeie R B Davis 1 Israel Brooks E Melntosh CWMelvio D W Sanders A Johnstin Sh'ff of Chowan Co.; for 1833, Co .Granville .v. j do Cabarrus . .; .'do . do Rowan .-' - . do . do '. ' Randolph t ' - da do - Wayne : do do Buncombe do do Haywood " do. . do Macon ; , do do Richmond do do Henderson do do Wilkes do j do Greene do do Mattin doT 5 do Caswell do do Northampton - do do Davidson . " ' '' "do do Pasquotank " , do do Ashe do" do Riberford do do , Halifax . do , do Yancey do' do Burjce & do Pitt . . do ; de Craven - do . do Columbus .; ,' to do Perquimons do do Orange do do Jooes : - . . do do Lincoln ' ' : do do Mecklenburg do do Sampson do do Gates do do Beaufort do do Edgecombe do do Stokes . do do Guilford -do, do Rockingham do do Bertie .. do do Person do do Tyrrell 'do do Washiogtoo r do do Hyde do do Moore . do do Blades do do Onslow ' I do do Cumberhud V r - 31 1.: r r5 1! IC l: i l 11 L7 ci r t f A 3 i: i: i: : i r :l S . ' iri: . i- ji f - . 4 i .if; j i ! J! ! """".. r-

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