I 1 j- vJi. . 1 I ,. it flfc 1 11 S i ' - . ?t- f-M I J .;' : t r 11 h "ii- r - y I. - ( : - T- ,, ? U'i I K f is ; , -M ! ; 1 - . t 1 t 111 9 i! I 5 !'l-::.- : xTcxE)rrMor lke tioitnetr of - Blue.: Her' Jiealth to America's friend; 'Xfl , Here's ftmid Inck to the honest and just; j , And h.i will not join in support of j the right k Let ihm still go for. Vao t tkeyimutfi Ii'sHid from tru faith ne'er to swerve, It' good-from the right ne'er to tt,. , f " - It"1 rnd to maintain true DrmocrTacv's Cause,. ' Aod'siicft by OLD TIPPECANOE i n l -V- Here's ,'teahh to OldXippcanbe,! I ':X;r ., llurrtb''lor 01d.Tippecanoe, f ; j - It's wood to maintain DemocraT's caase,?j And rofc for OLDTIPECAN0E! i , H-rs'8a:heahh to 'ih song of the Vest, , HriV gwd wilt to her! niatrtms anil sires; ;i 'ilare's a heaUh ouT faLr, the prid of his ; Stale, v h,f :; - Whose name err trn heart inspires I - Hurratr for OLD TIP.CEGANOBj WmHI ahoat hica from 'I'exas to Maine ; J And; if ((oiir yearVa;a) he chanced! to miss fire, :Piek hisjtint ahd kow ;.tbt himJaoain ! . ' Hra' a heahb ti Old Tippeeinwe, V 'Horrirr forOfdrTippw?atjp ,J j- : . ?' go"d to 0iaintin Dkmocract's CAtrsfc - And toteht OLD TIPPECANOE! - ( -J Great a IVesehnStasre Line, ' FROM SALISBURV to ASHVILLE,N. CI ?fiJ5AG?JBil&5vTO 1840. . j rfflflE above One is now Jn full operation and ' J3 anives at, and departs ftom Salisbarj as fol ) lows : ' C srr:::,, j -;: -: : - v 'Lrarps Salisbury; on 'Mondays, iThiaisd'.ys, and Saiurday8 at:5 oclockAV M.; arnvw at i Ah? iUe nejet days at'.3Vcloc'k P. AL j j - ;if;- ! UearninjJavt A9hvileon MondayRyThars I dajs, and Saturdays, at 5 o'clock At M arrives i-at Salisbury next days at 8 o'clock P. M. - '-' ,.---n '' It W.LONG. I N. B . PaKSPngers leaving Raleigh; N O. i for Nashtilie' Tennessee, will . find no delay nhitever on thia route. ' A. B &..R. W. L. Salisbury -X; C. Jan. t7th. l840.tf 23. ' ABSCONDED about; the last of October, from the .subscriber at tbat - time residing in (ok'es County, N. i v Carolina, njy Negro man- , ..' ahuui ill ax 28 years of age, and of a very bright complexion. Tie is a Shoemaker j trade, has via very bushy bead of hair, a thin visage, is spare built and weighs from 135 ip i40 pounds. ,.;;He has a very large ...scar - vh one ; of his legs . j near the anklp, believed to be on the' right . leg, ;alo a scar on each arm just below thje elbow oc casioned by a bum. His heels have been frosted, which injury has left scars upon thiniv Cole ,man has a wife ( a free woman) iiear -Blakely, N. Carolina, aniit is probable that he miy be .' in that direction, although many persons believe r jthat hfe was decoyed off by a while man, named j Joshua Young; who left the neighborhood about r ; the game time for Indiana5. I will gitfe a re k jward of Fifty Dollars to any one who i will de- liver Coteman to mo near Brook Neal io Camp bell County Va. or who will con rice him in jail, jso thal l get him in my possession. I I I j . f RICHARD OVERStREET. Brook Neal, Campbell cty, Va 'LU -1 December t, 1838 f 1 : TO TH PUBLIC BYDllJLUAM BieVatu centrid M special j?' Care ne Mules' -w 4- - -i j -. : BEWAREjiEST YE ISTUMBLE.., I OCT. WILLIAM EVANS, 100 Chat ham street avails Himself of the present oc casion to lender bis most unfeigned acknowledge ments to the nuraero'us members cf society who (Suffering andef 'all the pains and" I aches that flesh fa. heir tor") haye entrusted themselves to yhia care." ' He has the - satisfaction of ;knovnng- from many livioV evidences thai his remedies have done their dutv as far! as lies within lhe compass of homad meaos. 'How distressing u J me amicieo is dyspepsia orsoaigesiion,poiw-: ing all the sources of their enjoyment, and lead tog in many instances tx the, miseries" of con- firmerf Hypochondriasis Long as it has been the subject ofi inquiry by medical aoibors, it re mains io much obscurity Apoplexy, diseases of the i,iver, Itidri'eys, Spleen Stomach, and In testines, Bladder, and its appendages; Diarrhoea, Dvseatarv.'Con! Moltns Allis,' perform parts Lin the drama of IMorbid Affections. 1 Dr. Evans hesbeen 8ingtilarly Kuccessfdl r in the ' treatment of the above diseases, by remedies drawn from his own and thelripselrches of the most eminent medical men in the world." He has also had vast experience and jsaccss thipughoal the ' whole family of delicate' diseases, .Ihe impure tenden cies of which a aggravated by and rooted in the constitution brough the base conspiracies of Mercurial murderers,: unprincipled, uneducated and unpracticedj n any art save that of attemp: ling to lead the credntutis vjciim pn the rjpad to rain; V Dr Eabficei 1 0p C hatham street, is supplied withj the choicest remedies from home and foreign matkels, and compounded by a mas ter's hand on scientific principles'p' A physician is always in atiendehce, and a , private office.' All those who come :here injthe hour of seed, WILL GO OFF BiiblCKO. ; c3urt:ii compiJlyt, of tejv YEARS' SIlJJNWJVa. Mrs HANNAH BROWNJ5, wife of Joseph Browne, North Sixth st. nearjSiqond! st. Wjilliaai&burgh, afflic ted'for the last ten years with Liver Complaint, restored to health; through the treatment of Dr. Wm EVANS. fSymbtomst-j-Habitual constipa tion ol the bowels,, total loss of appetite, excru ciatiog pain of ithe epigastric region, great de pression of spirits, laogour aud other symptoms of extreme debitity, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain In the nsht side, could not lie on her left side, 1 fiX LADIES FASHIONS ' ' U ?V FOR' IHE-;'-v'. j' ) : ' FALL AND WIXTER OF ,nlFIE Subscriber informs the public, that she j-Jl" has just received " through tbq Northern Cities ihe latest and most Approved 1 'i I h 1 LOXDO & PARISIAN FASHIONS, An(f is prepared to execute orders in the must stylish and satisfactory manner, ff'ilfi ' i ' VVurk snt from a distance shall be carefully Salisbury :tpmale;!deiTiiyi nnHR TjosteeS'of the, Salisbury Female A- il cademyi infoim theTublic, that this InStj tuiion is now uader the care of Miss Emma J Bast.H. a youhg lady inwhose" liierary qualifii cations andtcapacity .for. strch.a iioaiioi,-tbey haverfeci confitience V and. who has hiiherif? taoght mosfcin this and oiher seminaries, with eniire satisfaction., - 'f The second session will commence cn the9thj of March nexUf. ( V 1 . . ' . : ' TERMSOF TUITW.X. Z 1 For beginnerDer session of 5 months -; $S;00 For the Rudimenlis. with Grammar, Ge- r- rlvographyjand History; -'-W - - '10 OQ The above itlit the higher branches in .. - H Literary iOepartment, 12 50 Mnsicon the Piano and Guitar, . : , 25 .00 Painting,' h - 4::: . :u - ; J 10 0(1 h Ornamental JNeedle Woilt,,and the "making of .Wax Flowts will also be taught, if desired; at $5 each.j. J ! , J I V N. B. . TbefFrench language is also tangbt to those who desire it, by a Gentleman who is aj native of France. 1 ' " ' : '3 By order of the Trustees. - i - h fTHOS. L. COWAN, Chn. SaliburyFeb.21. 1840 tfSO j SALISBVR Y G Ut'iRDS. "TTOU are hereby commanded to i Jl parade at the Court House! int the Town of Salisbury, on Sat4 I orday, the1 14tb of March next,. at 10'clock, A. M., in the unifbrnl i of the Company, for the purpose of Company Muster.- . 1 Ltj vxuki ui mo vauiaiu, , JOHN H. WE ANT, I - -0.-5. Sali8bary(N.C. ? 4l0 F Feb. Jllrl840. f 4w3 fj ESPEClllCLLY Informs his old friends and cusiomers, that he has permnaently located himseiin' Salisbury he will give his constant personal attention to tbe Apothecary! Business, which be has been in for the last tea years and may be found at all times, either at his: residence or the shop, where he will take great pleasure in waiting upon those who may call on! ithouti an aaoravation of him. . i i -i 1 1! f . -! . BO' 1 F NEW ' ESTADOSiT313Mra: llll! MM1 i rr i C 1 6 " V If If n ju.-. m ;A' MEETING of the i Citizens of Rowan -CbL County Js - respectfully " solicited on the Tuesday of tbe next Superior Court, at 12 o'clock SI. at the jCot-Hofee inj Salisbury , when sev eial Addresses will be made on the subject of the FayetteviHe and Vesterh Rail Road.". Af ter which Books of Subscription. will be opened, andean opportunity offered to any patriotic; citi zen 'to aid in the great Eaierprize. ; r ; - t ,vFeb.21j 1840 3 wSO ! k for THB " . - - - I HORACE H HEARD, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and the' public, that he still carries on the TAI LORING BUSINESS at his old stand on main street; next door to the Apothecary Store. He is ever' ready to execute the orders of his custom ers in; a ityle and minnerot surpassed by any workman in the Western pait of the State. - He is in the regular receipt of the latest London and New York FASHIONSi and prepared to ac commodate the tastes of the fashionable at all times.!-,. !Hj-v-.. . in v. SCjf Cutting garments of all kinds attended to promptly, and the latest Fashions furnished at all times to country tailors, and instructions given in cutting! . - ' i Salisbury Jauuary 171840 ly25 v; Joseph Browne being duly sworn, facts as set' forth! pui up and forwarded. 4 y- X . - "-' .'"S. U. PENDLETON. t; "SCP few Bonnets Caps, Tubafis,v arid other artieffs, will be kept on hand for sale. il V Mrs. S. P.5 is also prepared Itbjlexecute Crimping and Fluting on reasonable fetms - ' : Salisbury. October 18. ;18S9. f It 1 T ESPECTFULLY offers his professional M services, to the citizens of Salisbury- and surroundiPff Counir?,Mlis' bffic itak Mr. West's new brick building, nearly bppusite J. j August 80, 1839-tfo V -lr TO OWNERS OF MILLS. rid! the pain, urine hih;coloured, with other symp toma i indicating grjeal derangement in the func tions of the liyerj I j , - ! Mrs. Browne? jtya attended by throe of the first physicians; bar received but Utile relief from their medicine till Mr Browne procured some of Di Wm Elans' invaluable preparations, which effectually tejieved her of the abeve dis tressing symptotos, vith otliersi which it is not essential to intimate. f II JOSEPH BROWNE. Gity and County of iiNew Yjcrk, ss. , vYiIIiamsburgh, Long Island, did depose and say that the ani the within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, are just and true. 11 1! Jf JOSEPH BROWNE. Husband' of the 6aid Hannah Browne. S worn before me,:this4ih day of January, 1837 PETER PiNCKNEY, Com, of Deeds. Cfs'JlnothtT recent test of llie unrivalled tir fue of Dr IVntEtaik ' Medicines DYSPEP SIA. TEJV rmilS' SmVDJJYG.-Mr J McKenzie, 176 Stanton street was afflicted with the above complain tjfor ten years, which inca pacitated him at intervals, for the period of six years, in attending l his business, restored to perfect health undej the salutary treatment of Dr Wm EVani.f ' f i - . The Symptoms wer. AJ sense of distension and oppression after eating, distressing pain in the pit of the stomac, nausea, impaired appetite, giddiness, palpitatioi of tbe Jheart, great debility and emaciation, depression of spirits, disturbed rest, sometimes a bilious vomiiing, and pain in the right side, ah fxlreme! degree of languor and (aintness; any endeavour to pursue his bus iness causing immediate exhaustion and weari ness.. . ; j : : Jlr Jticlfeniie is -tfAltif attending lohis busi ness, and none of the above symptoms have re curred since he used! the medicine. He is now a strong and healthy man. He has resorted to myriads of remedies;; but they were all ineffec tual. He Is willing to give 'any information to the.-afflicted respecting thej inestimable benefit rendered to him qy the use of.Dr Wm Evans' medicine. : j ii CRI. ! .B. & C. K. WHEELER,: RETURN their unfeigned thanks to theirf friends and customers particularly Physi-j cians and Merchants, for the very liberal pat-j tonage bestowed upon them for the past year;! and in ret or n for their kindness and liberality,! are jesolved jloj sell them Drugs, Medicines,: Paints, fyc lower thananyiother Shop in North! Carolina. AflpPhysicians, and others, who or der or buy tyiifjgs, Medicines. Paints, 4rc. from? them, whera ihe price or quality do not perfect-) ly please, arejait all times privileged to return; them immediately at the same price ; as they hold themselves responsible in all cases to their friends and customers for the quality of every article theyfselj them. 'They will open their Spring Business with the largest stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, fyc, ever brought into this rnarkej, and all those who may wish any thing in their line, and have the cash or good credit, sJiall eacommodated ; if strict atten tion to their business good phy6ic and low pri cos will do it; One, or both of tbem, will at all times give their personal attention to the bu sin ess Tbr;iShop will be opened at all hours, for the accommodation of the sick, and prescrip tions carefully made up at short notice. Medi cine and directions given in all cases. The -consultation f'nd advice of Doctor Long, Doctor Douglas and Doctor Burns, will be given when necessary, and i medical attention of either ob tained by applyjpg at their Shcp The worthy poor, without, money, shall not want for medi- State! of Nortl Carolina. j bAVlDSON COUNTY. SupetiifA Court of Lauf Fall Term 18S9 Juliana! Bringle, ) I , . I jis. , iPetjtion for Dirorqe. CasperiBringle. J y TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court JL that the Defendant, Casper Brinerle, is not an inhabitant of this State It is therefore order ed by 'thej Court, that puBlication be made for three mcntbs in the Carolina Watchman, print ed in Salisbury, and the Gffeensborough Patriot, printed in Greensborougb,: that the said Oasper Btingle appear at the nexf Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county ot Uavidson, at the Court House in Lexington, on the 1st noon day after ,the 4th monday;in March next, and answer tosaia petition, or u win oe reaa expar te, and judsrinent awarded accordingly. Witness. Andrew Hunt Clerk of our said Court at'Office, the )st mohday after 4th mon day in September, A I D. 1839. " ll ! ANOREWi HUNT,c. sc. Dec, 6, 1839-rSail9 printer's fee $10 cine to relieve them of their afflictions. Salisbury Feb. 21,1840 tfSO CJPANlSH Cigars, fine Chewina and Smo k ing Tobacco at Jf eo. ai-itsu Teas, WHEELERS. fffliies, and Spirifs9 UAOR medical purposes, for sale by -M- H C. B. & C. K. Feb. 21-1f30i W. x 1 1 the same business, IHH1HE Subscriber has an improvlsdfl-patent ! iL SPINDLE for Mills, by which. a mill will do much better than with the usual form i-f Spin . dies. It is so constructed as to keep from heating br killing the meal in any'manner. The runner ,fs so confined by Ihe Spindle as alwayit to pre- v serve its balance, and of course there is no rub bing of the stones. 1 Ithink.bv .this improved Spindle. i vater will di at least one-third mora 1 and the meal of superior quality. ! Any person wishing to use one bf these Snin- rdles. may obtain bne or more, by making applica tion-, ( within a short time) to tbe Subscriber at Mucksville, Davie Co. N. C. . I think iihe pro bable c st will hot exceed $S0 for the Patent and Spindle ready fot'osev; ---Jt : j - .The following; persons have my pftbnt Mill Spindle in successful operation :GpL;W. F. Kelly, Thos. Fter,i Joseph Hall andiJSamuel Foster, of Davie County ; Gilbreth Dicxsorand David J Ramsoiir of Lincoln ; Charfes Griffith , of R.iwan ; Al?ism Moore of Daviiison, and William D ss of Surry, all of whom are AgWy pleased with its pelormancft.".: ' iffi.l ' ' L. M.GILBERT. November 1 839 tft5 "7" ANTED TO HIRE,, a negro woman f T -c'apabl of doing the cooking and wash ing ft a small family.; iCP-EnquWit thia Onlce. . . -' - - j j r . -January tfl-SJO : ' ti f A" ' '. A EcalBlcssinsr to Mothers. Dr. Wm. Evans celebrated Soolhihi Surup, jvr QHuurcn jailing ineir teem. THIS infallible; remedy has preserved hun dreds of Children, when thought past re covery, from convulsions. As soon as the Sy rup is rubbed on the gums, tbe child will recov er. This preparation is so innocent, so effica cious, and so?pleasan, that no child 'will refuse lo;let its gums be rubbed with it. K When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no appearance of teth one bottle of the Syrup should be used op the gums to open the pores. Parents should never be without the i Syrup jn the narsery where, there are; yoUn? children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in tbe gums, the SyrUp; immediately gives ease by opening the pores anil healing the gums; there by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, $c. i&PraofpwUtieiof thi Efficacy of fir. Evaa ipothing fcyrup. ; '. To the Agent;of Dr Evans Soothing Syrup i Dear Sir The real benefit affurded to my suf fering infant by youlsoothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and pajnfol dentition, itnust con vince every feeling fiarent Hnw essential an ear ly application of: such an invaluable tnedicine is to relieve infant misery and torture My in fant, while teething, experienced such acute sufferings, ihitijtwi attacked with convulsions, and my wifej and1, family supposed that death would soon Tieisei he babei from anguish, till we procured a botilalof your bvrup; whfch as snon as applied to'th gu'jns, a wpndertol change was produced, and after a few applications', the child displayed obvious relief. and; by continuing in its use, l am glad to inform yon, ihe child has com pletely recovered a rid no recurrence of that aw iui compiaini: nas since occurreo ,.m leetn are emanatins easily land the child ehtoysnerfect health. 1 gtye ypuSmy .cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give ay information on this circumstance X 1 Wm JOHNSON. - Sold by W foticrwinz Agents.-' . X GEORGE W.BnbWN, Salisbury. N;C. JOHN A. INGLI. f Bookstore) Cheraw, S C t IUDKRS0H. Camden, S: C. . ; : E. JbHN H UGGLNS, ColombiaV S.CV J?? Co:,Raler?h;it TAYLOR. HARRIS & C.r tharlottri, N. C TRANSCRIPT OFFICE. Vi P, SUM M EY &! Cb, Y- f Lnto,N.C stay mitt-Mt 7 mr- A LARGE Assortment of JE IVELLE R F, KJYtm$l PENCILS. NEEDLES, THIMBLES $c. can be had wholesale, by calling upon -S:lbjB. k C. K. Feb.21-Nlf301 very low at WHEELER, j GILS.--LAMP, TRAINED AND LIN SEED! for sale by " j ! G.IB. & C. K. WHEELER. ) Salisbury JJanj 10, 1840 tf!4 Xx ujfinR six v ' ' For Sale at WheeleVsr- ? Jalisbury,fan. 10, 1840 tH24 - ' ' . - State of $Lovtix Qtnvolinn. JI i SURR1T COUNTY. Superior Court of Law September Term, 1839. George W. Koberts, 1 vs. Petition for Divorce. Elizabeth: Roberts. S t nnHE defendant called and failed Judgment JL nro confesso. Ordered by the Uourt, mat publication be made for three months in the Car olina Watchman and the Raleigh Standard, for the Defendant to appear at the next term of our said Court. ' to be held for said county, at the Couri-Hodse io Rock ford, on the 5th monday af ter the 3rd monday in February next, then and there to answer to the allegations in said Bill, or the prayef of the petition will be granted. Witness, Winston Somers, Clerk of said Court at office, he 5th 'monday after the 3rd monday in August, A D. 1839. 'x WINSTON SOMERS, c. s. c. Dec. 20 1839 Sn21 Printer's fee $10 I rv ;!! Mocksvillet 'JAJ. FOSTER. INFORMS lhe public that he has removed frpm his former stand, to bis new buildings on thepublic square, in the Town-of Mocks- ville,- where be win continue to Keep a House of Entcrtauiment. His House is roomy and commodious; attach ed fowhich are SIX COMFORTABLE OF FICES for tfentjeuien oLthe liar, ?all-conven- ient to the uouri-tiouse. x ne auuucJii-cj jncuS- f3 himself io the most diligent exertions, to give satisfaction to such asf mky4 call on htm. His TARl.E: BAR &. STABLES are provide n the-: best manoer.thatjhe contrytwill aBord, and his servants are faithful and prompt. - Jan 2t. 18391126 : Mortis JTIulticaulis. 4 - A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of these -OL TREES may behad at Fayetteville, N. C. about the last of oextummer or the first of the Fall. The propneiorcan very readily dis noseof them at the North, hot fronr patriotic considerations, he prefers that-they i should be taken oy nis naiiveoiaiu. . auo piuo "h the same as; in Baltimore or New Yorki and will be forwarded to purchasers on the money's being remitted. It is hopsd that such as may wish to engage,may do kbat ah early day. -r Enquire of E. L. WiwsLoty, Fayetteville N. C. : -v'V- X-X'X'. - : - Feb 16, 1839 tf29 . ' JYE IT 'JjEWIaEIaEJI TBE SUBSCRIBER HAVING EE MOVED HIS SHOP TO THE BUILDING FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE , POST OFFICE, Continues to keep on hand a good assortment o Watchei and Chains, Silver Spoons and Pencils, Musical Boxes and Silver Thimbles, Breast Pins and Rings, Rodgcrs Pocket and Pen Knives; And all other articles in his line. CLOCKS & 1V&TC1MES Repaired in (he best manner, and warranted for twelve months. ' Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for articles purchased, or in payment fordebtsdue. ; - DAVID L. POOL. Salisbury, June 7, 1839 tf45 ItlORUS MUITICAULIS State of ilortii aroUu i I ASH & COUNTY. Superior Court, Fall Term, 1 839. Wm. illoppas X, i ij- -" ! ! 'is r Petition for Divorce Catharine Hopnas N i If 1 appearing to tbe satisfaction of tbe Uourt that the defendant, Catharine Hoppas, is not an inhabitant of this: State; is ordered that pub lication be made in the Watchman, published at Salisbury, and the Raleigh Star, published in Raleigh,; for three months, that the Defendant t appear at tbe next Superior Court to be held for Ashe County, at the Cborthouse in Jefferson, on the 6th Monday after the: 3rd Monday of Feb ruary next, to.plead) answer or demnr to tbe pe tition in this case:;; Otherwise, judgment pro confesso, will be taken against her. Test,t R.;GENTREY,cl-S.c.x. December 13, 1839 3m Printer's fee $10. " TRBBS. : THE Subscriber has for sale (deliverable af ter the fall nf the leaO from EJGHT THOS2NDto TEN THOUSAND genu ine Morus Mnlticaclus Trees, fram roots and cuttings, now growing in and oear the Town of Pittsborough, North Carolina. These Trees are large and superior, many of them now measure from six to nine feet; well branched, many of which will count from one to three hundred buds each. I will sell any number that may be required at market prices, by the tree, by the foot, or by the bud, but would prefer selling by the bud. , . : , Also for sale, one million of the best stock of Silk-worm Eggs for feeding. JAMES J. HORNE. Pittsborough, Sept. 6, 1839 lf6 , . - .... i " - - . - , :" BdocirsviLLE PnorrnTCL SALE. A' LARGE assortment of, fresh and genuine! the. New Lebanon Shakers, (see . catalosroe at ueu siore.j j Ajjso, neax uvai uoxes and ilanq Swifts for ladies for sale by B. & C: K. WHEELER. 10, 1840 tf24 SalisburyJ ii'V 1 ONE HUNDRED GALLONS of Fresh Coloiless, tiold ; Pressed CASTER 01 ll I . :'-. . ... . ii appjyjo v r - C B. & C. K. WHEELER. 34(i4tf26 ! Jan. 24, T?OOLHpARLetter and Wrapping Papei JL and Piste Boards, at wholesale by I u 41 !C. B. & C. K. WHEELER. Feb. 2 lift SO ; -,y,:l Tote, I Tobacco Chetccrs9 WHEELERS, j - p TF you wapi i'lihe thing that is nice'and JL cheap. jWt call at Feb. 281 840i-tf31 FINE NORTHERN " '1 if 'a x: BaroUchcs, Buggies, Stiltiicl All with Harne?, and N6rthern MatchedrHo ses, may be had jcheap by epp!yio to :irc- fc K-WHE&LER Baldwin t : iJ VS I tate of ilortft avQlina X I li;i;'-ASHEil COUNTY" enor Court, Fall Term, 1839. :- - Petition fot Divorce. CbarityjBaldwin.j Kj 1 appean as to the satisfaction of the Uourt, that the defendant, Charity Baldwin, is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made in the Caiolina Watchman, published ajL Salisbury, and the Whig Banner, published at Lincolriton, for three months, that the defendant appear at the next Superior Court to be heM. tor Ashe County, at the Courthouse in Jefferson, on the 6th IMonday after the 3rd, Monday in Februarys exti o answer, plead or demur to the petition in this case ; Otherwise, judgment pro confesso will .be taken against her. lest, ) , ,i f!i.- . : R. GENTRY, c s. c. x. December 13, lS39.--3tn-Prioter's fee $10. .. l. 2 3- ' j 11 Ll. : State of ilortji eavoUu xf;. STOK&S COUNTY! , .'; Superior Court of Law Fall Term, A. D. 1839. Joseph Wolf, vs Jane Wolf. ; ' - -i Petition for Divorce. ii Ii! I N this case it appearing ta the satisfaction of JL tne uourt. that Jane VVoU. the defendant, does not reside within the limits of this Stale: it is therefore ordered, that publication be made for three months in the Watchman, published at Salisbury I and tbe Greensboro Patriot, that on less the defendeni appear) it the next Superior Court oLLaw, to, be held for the county of Stokes, at tbe Court House in German ton, on the 2d monday after the 4th monday in March next, and plead, answer or demur or the petition will be taken ro confesso, and the cause set down for hearing exparte. fyl.-: - V -T: Wins, Isaac GMingl Clerk of said Court at office j2d ; monday after the 4th: monday in September, A. D ::i8391p! "" . I - : ISAAC HOLDING, e c. Det!T50V lS3$m2lPrihVefi feir m FOR JAM still offering for sale, at a very low price, my house and lot in Mocksville. 'The build ings are new and commodious, and well suited for a Merchant or Tavern keeper. They are situated in the most desirable part of Town, be ing near the Court-House. , Those who may wish the most interesting location in one of the most interesting villages of North Carolina,would do well to secure this. JLCLEMMONS. Mocksville, Davie co.,Jan. I, 1840v25 6t, : r r-J ' KEW HOVEIiS. I f DAMSEL of Daiien, by the authoT of Yem . masse, &c. The adventures of an Attorf ney in search of practice, bv the author of The adventures of a gentlemao in search of a horse.' vols. 1 he man about Town- bv Cornelius XT ' tr mm .. . nan warren, or me uipsy .jotner,oy 2 Webbe. the author or The Squire c. Charles Tyr rell, or the Bitter Blood, by James The Gen tlemen of the Old School, by James, author of the Robber, c. Jost received at' ? TURNER & HUGHES' , N. Carolina Book Store. (HOME A N D SEE -TheSu bscrtber ha v. ".V'lnK 00 hand a large supply of mahogany and other materials, and also having in his; employ several good workmen, is prepared to make :to order all kinds of Cabinet and Chair Work from th plainest walnut job to the finest work of jnahogany. The greatest punctuality will be paid to all orders for work of every kind in the Cabinet line (Prices moderate ) All kinds of produce, plank and scantling, will be taken in exchange. K. ELLIOTT. f CardlSVhe bndcrghedliaving permanently established himself in Mr. iElHott's employ, would be thankful for all orders for ma hogany work, and promises that all work done by him shall not be surpassed, (in the way of workmanship, at least,) by any other whatever. w i C. H . DEJERN A'lT; Salisbury, Jan. 31, 184D tf27 SEW ' s-, - IIR O J8i From the Ktns Mountain Iron Company THE Subscribers ibave made arrangements . with the above. Company, for a regular supply of -superior Iron, which is well adapted to Wagon and Carriage work, Horse Shoeing, &c. ) which will be sold on reasonable terms. , : " , J- 4i W., MURPHY. Salisbory;Dee. 6, 1839 Pml9 . m ercry Jesctiplipn neatly done at flits Offittf. WAT do Golii V Pins and i'i Patent and Chains, Sprcu rr A VERY Fi: MENT OT K ' by diflfercnt ; kept by JewF1. low for'Cfl.s.'i, which time, ir. done faithfully Salisbury. quanlit' ( . J3l a surer- , Also, a few 1 The abov ? : Book Store bv " Raleigh, IX ' Wf-shall rt Grass Seeds; Grass, &c. A TLAS ; JOX. the us3 in fact for al) lo have it in i! modern Gec Tr the present divisions, IV Oceahica, with t Stales, Ternt. by numerous V. objects of Nac : sentations cf ri plified and c.! v irated by an Ai to accompir.y carefully colour whole woik i have received r of the Gocgrs j various parts ii ; they would rr ! a pamphlet, v. f they are too I a We do most ear. of the work by r ing before youth is, also an out!:: the Geography, i onred, but calc i! tCJ Just c:X. ville St., where.;, together with c and many rare - Raleijh, J.in. .tjrsjlo: 4 -. BF. FHA1 a full s'j: MdD Coats, Panta! meres and Vt ' low for cash. 1 make clothing i ranted to fit wc ' tice. He will i on the most aj : Tailor's whIi'i. j , Sept. 6, IS.: lust He c ... IVIsc: w'x:ii5. Ker? 800 Bars 2000 lbs. r 500 lbs. :.. 1500 lbs r, : 15 Kcps ' 24 Hl c! GO Bn-r 100 Kv; 15 Coil 20 Piccr - 40 Boxt, 20 do. - 40 Nov. 240 Don! Salisbury. J FORMERLY siGr; : Corner of J" , ciia: nilHEPrr;;: OIL ly of tl.p informs his fri prepared to a : him, and nil ' 'X' February, 1 '. 'nnnis cfi- JL' irtg sea son County. IX day of March, next : this injr; from Nali-' Sahsbnry, ar;-i , siand is fnt;r Thompsfin's, r lowing prirf ; paid at the iir Season, and !'. The insarar r mare provf i changed. AU vent accidr . Jack 1ih 6t( I C, and i health, vii.r r in the connirj . March G, I " rfv I S