A a I I I t 1 i 1 - si u ill ! ft-. '4 - -ir. H ! I '; - M. I-it' . eUElSTANDING ARMY. silicic we take from the Lj . snirie we iskb irom ire un.i II" 1 I -; f i'll.l l !,!.. -v"7..- - ' - ill fid wc publish it and recommend" il?e moire, because it is very expressive t-i'! . .cil U FV :'1 i AIi"aW ihe Report of the-Secre- sri vt " 1 1 ' Ujr pteferpnr.e to a small Standi iv t Jo htcfeTnat me ncopieoi uie wnoie iLllil te'Uit$d,5houia pay a'lenlion'to the :lr.ft(J ttf-illf efroce-of their blood bought ,:!t!ia IWp'jN capable at aTnomenls '"f.LUvhe irainfd bands of an enemy o( vJljrfJarMl and a fearless encounter !S STANDING ARMY. I Mi tj . f c InLi fi'r.rtarv of War. vn were. i W'-er am82ement at the bold manner in ' which' 'he re. ujf lp pea evrps uc reserve, dui wb be "i: f J.1.2 rrtiool mnQ . in I Via nrnnniilinh .tt e; jtve. w '.the little 'interest iHjannunci'ation" both among our Meddtlfo foes of the Adnjinislra- v.. 'nphaiinmi toHarge StaDd tng Armies t u if PJf a pfominent article in the Re- of tie iiccrgrtizel principles of that party; .MmhleS twdfth- foot by those wha erTeci to; nia jlftlimaie rheirs and' defenders, that Teplt0"'1? t8'a In eyerv omcr par ,J.0Lrgirei3iJ been but a. complete and tlal vers ioti of old-opinions the fera!inik Yesterday -being the Deimoc rtv fcf MJa tiJl' circumstance which has -isnTtcased to;bo amons the marvels of t lirak kw nojiew, proof of the fact can f Jdd fP ifc "mirid. What is - the prop. Vtiboll We,bpg; leave once more to quote 'rqr)Uf;Oidfo(;the Report of the Secre-I :y cf Vi: ;il!says;.;U; i S 1 5 1 '-rfi 1 ..... t. . .1 TT. " 5jpropoea to umue me unueu S'-s-is iiitlfeigfitffpilitary districts, and to yjioni t3e tnilttia iq each distuct, so as c at Hodvor twelve thousand !five- bnndrej pen t active service ; and anoth trbf Iqifal ngjnriberTasa reserve. KThis w $ud an ja'f med mililiaj force of .two ;ti3cre(ibusand mpn, so dnlled and sta LWeU a qe reauy io jane tueir piaces in ieMnklln defence pf the country, whenJ rerlcaltcii upbn to oppose the enemy or r-pet th 'Invader.! 'lhe age of the re r mil u 6 Ham tkehlv to thirty-seven. The iha!etrm of f service to.be'eiffht years ; . 1 Pv .'fl i It J J v: lvH- i r.i till uirih iartl 1 wentj-.five thou. Wave the service every year, pi!kt the 'conclusion Of the: first; term. ' Ir .d J M tt 1 1' iL..i Jj .;i;r Mif mluB futyi altpgether,1 at the end of tbesecfifp. InHhis, manner twenty-live fre. U'wilrbe SHiucient for alii useful pifpostt'tL-.ttheVeioaiiider of the militia, w-LSamiu T-rEUiauiina pruviucu iur men totrrnajertf, ,b enrolled anu .;.oe mostereu it lon;nif -siatM intervals; for in due profesafShf ;timeJnearlv the whole mass of iw nuiwa jwiu fpassj inrougu me uta auu wJiclasses, fand !bo either members of tli -..tft-l.'s. -;. . . I L il.. C.i ..1 thf Active corjis qt of the reserve, or coun- Mam?? thte-exemnts. who will be liable tal7laient;Ttli number of dayr ot service, ".. B 1 -. . . r , i - . 4 I naratf of compensation ooglit to be find bi lay; out! theidetails had better be 5tu ijt;r jo Teguiawon, a pa" ui wmcu 1 1 ifreftired,to pubm,it toNyou " ; , . - An(li!ielPresldentlin; his Annual Mes- nitUmi tlie-recommendation of his SacretivVrwhkli he says. khe cannot tdo i'msh rtcbfntend to the consideration ppowtmn. to increase tne Jteutar i foVio lOO.fioO'men would have : excited apfreln non? ofj the people, who have en always tstight to regard large Standing I W in tiime of ppace as both pernicious 1 f dageroQsnernicious becaase the im- tcn'c cxpehrtj- would 'eat out the sub- umceof the pV)pleV by oppressive taxa- ? langrons, because it would place in U ihands ofthe ' Commander iii Chief j" conynieni-inirnneai,to effect the over- ! ' I,4'innan segmentation or the Standing ja0? slropS. and " felt to tnxiely I. tnen, will be (liscnargeu irom mi- stracted. bv construction, from Itbe f eopfe dotyevery yparjand twenty-five thou- and the States": the new Federalists, who fifhh rerfuits be" received into the ser- ca themselves Democratic Republicans;! . .7 I. . ' . ' f i . ' M I i . - .-S ! called urion only , in periods ol inva- Uie Globe aiidihe Enquirer t five y t,i, ' ' i I rr"- 1 - V f03fir:imrrrir1ent peril. The manner pf and hv the -latter Daner still rabre wi ui. mi; Misumvionsana to inrow gates ot tne ciapitoi. Ana ints, ieuuw-m-Mr, Imperil Purple over the shoulder of izens. is the purpose for which we are wapi- emoiiipsv war, , ij j ; j ed not iojighl the battles oj Tilt; UUUflf -Balm wb.tt does ihis notable irUm AXrA TRY in i he! field !'of blood ; but tol Hskt Me Hfrm a pibposition to augment hba'Be.i Mr .ArrniF.! tf- ; Oa hecttciof j2yn;?e, It may be worse, u:jjenijng aitogetner ufinn-ipe -rate or com- Jfaiafilbe bercafft-r fixed. .But wbeih-1 vuh ra;e w compensation ia iu uo more i 5r1p's9 than4 !fh'at., now T paid-, to .the re-1 WIJJ1 mr itcffuiar Army, u is very "Wctitthat this, is no time to add such an potmous aidount as it must involve. tp the mymUlijns'ner annurn already expended lT 'is ecoTidmtcaZ Ailmmistration. bv which been drained bf its laltclol- nrccsarv a resort to the deceo Jsplan of replenishing its exhau'slef vaults issueaof VVeasMn iVbfe the exact 'o$weipart0f the Continental Wonev of the ionahd ihe French A?signats ! Let p. foet oi tne warlike Mr. rom3ett, a traitor, j J fie rresiaent tu-day denoun 7 Uie President says be, cannot too ces the Sub-Ieisnry scheme, and they ";jn?'Jf renoimmendp the constderationiot be t adopted, and the thirty mi(- tj3-0( dollars per annum, which ate-riow j'iiyidrswtt Horn the Federal Tasury . rpporttbe profligate extravagance of this! piiistrnttpn, which came into power an. e pompous banner of u Retrenchment yiuii:. niii uo BwrHcu ivi uvuuid ur I mount, And then weihall see PENDliETON BBUNER;! EDITORS AND PROPRinTORS; ; pretenders to IDemocracf. occupy ins ; the (in ground of DrJJohnson and : the Tories; of plej declaring that support of the Sub-Treas-Great Britain, jn theiri controversy .'with thex ory is the I hird article of the Republican American; Colonies prior to the Revolution, I and laboartng to prove JLaxahon noj Ty ranriy V; Suci a recorameiujationj at such a time, all will allow, is a tiiumohant tefo iatioh of; ti. yahi Bnrens pretended anxie- for an econamifal government! I But we have other andlraore decided ob-1 jections to this scheme of a great Standing! if it be not to make the President the law Array, than thbsel which jrrowVoutj of ecp-i making and ; law-expounding as wel jas tlie nomical considerations.; il he nrst is, thalj there is 00 necessity for these warlike dem-. onslrations. Vhat enemy are we called upon to combat ? in, what-quarter of the horizon is a specie' of war discernible ? No where, exceptj with the wretched handful of Seminoles in iFIonda, which even; if they; might not be left to the tender! mercies of 'new allies, ' me bioodhounos 01 uu-ii ba where, it ; seems, we go for-warriors j as well as systems of finance could bard- j ly aeraana me Division 01 me - umoa inio jiruiu umwiuc ouu 1 ressurers ; uuuumeu eight military districts,Vand the drganiza-j becabse, being Pope, the Senate are hound tion of 200,000 militia 'recruits.' It is true to jjbnfirm his nominations so long!! as he we have occasibniilf muttering of thun-l retains a majority oC servile followers in that l Ii 1 f .1 ..IT..! " a - sioniiir a muttering der from the;:Nortbeastern boundary lino: but we have rid idea that! two of the most j enlightened and! Christian countries on the; dobe will consent to plunse into a bloody! 1 1 . 1 war for the saie of ,a strip . of land, whichl ities of fighters and voters either jtoj oper would hardly jbe deemed of a sufficient Vail ate! against a foreign foe, or to 'punish en- ue lobe litisltediby twb neishbbrs in all court OI JUSUCO. il, nowevcr, in mis opiOf yunwunw, mure lauuiui rower, inaumeir ion we be mistaken, and a war shall grow Turkish models, because it is to be a jprt out of this quarrel it willt tbn be time? of their 'dMin to vote accordtng tp j ojderj enough" to raise not a wcrmanenr St a ndinsH from Washington. ll Ii. I Army, to endure through all fuldre time as a source of Lxeculive patronage, and as a pil lar of supportiot the hand that; feeds it dui a temporary Army, 10 oo uisoaiiucu when the emergency that! calls it into exl istence, shall in b longer exist, i t Wo have accidental! danced, in the preceding paragraph, at one of the roost odi ous features of Mr. Poinseetl's anti-republi can recommendation, eirnestlt' endorsed as it is by ourl republican Uhief alagistrate r,n Air. van Kureni ; it s ne autrmeniaiion o Execntive patlonagr and jpower which mujlj be one of its riecessarv concomitants, and which is, in ouhopinion,!the leading motivi of its authors! j We believe so because it i$ in It ppnmtr with eveirv nilier measure of the i Administration)! the whole of wliicn go faf beyond tne old federal doctrines 01 uam ilton. Jay and the elder AdarnsYih this tha whereas, the old Federalists went for a strong central governrhehttbey proposed ftp. mak) Congress ibe depository of the! powers, ab- 00 likewise for a strong central i?overomenti but propose 10 maKe ine rresmem me oe denositorv of toe bowers abstracted not orjil ly from the People! and the States but, from Congress also ! j Look, for example, . at the process bv which this gradual assimilation of our system to tne fjonarcnies pi curope is 0infforr: 1.1 The President claims to be . .I.4 '- . ' custodian; of the public purse : and the! Kiih.Treasnrir1 scheme, ax demonstrated bii , ' TM: ears ago. recently; concedes to him this dangerous prerogative; J " r . I , 1 . " though by thelconstitution it is expressly confided to Congress. 2. The President ciaims to be sa component pari oi tae Liegis lative department ; though by the constilu- tion, the Executive and Legislative depart- ments are sejjariited bytwide, and,jjwe had hoped, impassable! barriers.' Si The Prclir dent now asks: to be placed ; at the head of 200.000 militia, to be : renularlv orgnn- nea ana paia : pyune leaerai goveimueui a scheme which will place him l the head of 200,000 (VOTERS as wellhas 200,OpQ soldiers, to be ltd to the polls under his bf- ficers, who, nhen the countiy shall be divi- ded into eight military districts, will have his sphere of political operations mark- ed out for him, and which wilt be a much more etTertual jrhode of overthrowing the liberties of Jbe (country than if they wire headed by an Usurper and marched to the battles of THE PARTY at the poll A Standing Army oi ueguiars wpuiq naveno right to rofep-liefice the Admipistralion gfe fer a Standin Armv nominally oi DiiUlia. but really as! efifective and as bbnoxiouslias regulars, who tciil nave mat ngot, ana wno mil doubtless exercise it in cobformity with we orders nhose who oavi them, civen through the r dfficers, whose f DUTY Wit will be accbrdini?, to the Report of the rank federal! Senator Wall' & New Jer I sey, adopted Hbv thn whnle Administra- lion party, fp feleclioneer in favour of the meo in power ! Anli d A Th Prett jient is now. the only authorized expounder of the cannons; of the Republican creeo' : differenco With ! whom taregarded aa trea- f son, and .the dissentient is punished! ! as are all heretics who co not echo bis wsrenoo'i?cnjg cry.To-tnprrowi , hede clarea that ?support of the Sub-Treasury is a fejl of republicanisra ; "and behold, they who deny it are excommunicated and anath- I ematized, whilp we have seen such men even as Mai. Ch. Yancev xf Buchiogbam i buu i nnm a nurnin ni. rv iriimnrifi. biiii hosts of others who might be named giving . . V , - y: R'uuiisnccl ivccixy i S .J tbeir adhesion to an Address to thPeo:- creed ! (See Democratic . Addres9 jtp the reople of Virginia issued by the late Con vention al Ricbmond.) ; , j ' What, we ak. in the'name of common sensed what is the meaning of alilfihete measores jcoupled. with others, :whieh might, if it were necessary, be mcntione'd. law executing power in the government,- tp arm him with the Purse and the! S word, - and to make htm a Monarch in every thingijut the name ? According to the '?ietc Dernocratic creed, be is, j vi Jrtr$t, out Political Pope, to dissent from whose opinions is treason, to bo published by excommonicalton and decapitation 5S oeconcuy; ne noias tne furse, ovexer- teisrng the anlimitod power of appointment, inq the irresponsible power of removing r.AiMli:!!. J..L. . . 1 body: ' i s I , Thirdly, ho proposes to place himself at the head of a Standing Army of 200,000 men, combining the hitherto disunited4 qual- emips" at home a disciplined corps of And fourthly, the President asserts: his right to interfere with the legislation, of Congress, by declaring that "the Executive; is a component pari ui me gisiaiiye ue parfrnent.'7 With these powers and prerogatives, is he not every inch a King? Wei appeal; to thel sober and dispassionate judgment l of; ale men of all paities? If there be any thing else necessary to make him one, it is only f"B exiernaia oi me Kingiy omcefin- mbnds - lhe stars and 'garters which will viuwu aim ate uic-riuc ruws auuni'a not oe zong oeiore ne will assume tor him-i self, and dispense to his followers, il'Slust theeaitri quake, before the people will; be aroused. jFOR THE? CAROLINA WATCIIMAN.3 Friends of Freedom! onward press ; Wrongs and grievncrs redress; ly Tyrants rout and rogues repress,! r . ! And rescue; Liberty. WhoMl surrender freedom's boon t I: For Van Baren or Calhonn ? Who will prove themselves so soon Unworthy to be free ! j Hireling sycophants disperse, p (Unworthy to be named in verse) j Whoto 8 word would add the pur?e, f In base servility. Who, to answer party aims, Yield up all our dearest daims. Leaving naught but empty narues ; To mask their tyranny. Soldiers, who, with Washington, Sumter, Green and Marion, Battles fought and victories won Where's your courage nVo f Have your offspring no remains Of your blood within their veins? j Shall theytwear a tyrant's chains U-i f 1 1 E'er yet their Fathers' dead ! No, there si ill one hope remains, j On Ohio's fertile plains. I I Ardent love of country reigns i ; : Likeihat of Washingtorj.J . Jeffersonia us ! rally round I I Him, whose principles are sound, A true Republican is found . In General Harrison. fj IJ- f - i t By the late arrivals from Europe we learf the dissolution of the French Ministry. The VLmg had three days given him to reconstruct f j but Our accounts say the time had passed with j 111 I WO or three hoars and the Country was slil W i hbu t a responsible Government. I The following extract from the Nai I ...... elligencer will be read with interest : ooa " I" forming an opinion of the ones I ion be- tween the French King's Ministers abdt )he against the former the dissolution of t He Minis- Uy took place, it ooght to be noed that the pro- pusiiiuu jm uie uui(iw t-uuuw ment oi line Uuke de JNemours, one of the King's Sons, was founded on a resolution passed by ihe Cbimber of Deputies in December,, 1830, a few mouths after Louis Philippe was called to thelihrke of France. aad which ma v be regarded aa ilariof th. dnnal tlntinn nf thxl Cnvcrn man on! r..ll.tvo fTbe dotation of the vounsrer sons of thre Minw shall be regulated by a law. as the Prildes shall attain the age at which their establishment shall oecomo necwsij. ine iving'8 .Ministers, tharefbre,:in proposing the dotation of fhe pDjuk. V?:!!10 W'ffPi bot popular, however, aad - the Minisil were defeated. The Chamber of Deputies rial become too Republican in sentiment for ihe system .1..-11. -r ! . uovernmeut 01 wmcn iuai vnaraoer is a pari. There is one crrcumstance ronnected with the laieaeieai oi ine ivoyai wimo me i;panoer oi pepnUes which shows that body toHntertain Kepreaenutives. Inert, when they sdeslre free the Members Irom the influence of the L.x ecnino iaTor or aispieasare in ine decision ot any ' ..: i . r . . ' i.ii i!n.i iaiucuiar qnesuun, toey resort io joe cauoci! oruaers, imposed ai ine aesaion uiituc Ac"ioia jjcc, iu uiuei loasbcn tuo luurpeuueoco vi f Kir ' J v" Tiro Ilolls. and Ftfiy iCtS,'i . - ::fc.t?t - TV publicao, that of the' Phamber of fOeptities of France, cr that of the House of RaDxesen a lives of the United Slates ? J: j ;! if From Uie Missouri Republican, WHAT BOES IT MEAN. Col. Bent oa being invited to attend ; the: eel it 3 -1 oration of the Eighth If January, at fhiladel- e- phia, sent ihe suoinedpetter and toast, which, coming ftiira hioi, is ratjier ominoosi Cab it 6e ( that Lol. Uenton revolt! at the " base coalition between Van Baren and! Calboan f 1 The Cin cinnati Gazette thinks the South Carolina Not the by a hold move, tie may: yet place i himself on high ground before the parly. Not behir:able to attend at Philadelphia, fie sent the following iet- er and sentiment : Washingtow Pitt, Jan. t, 1840. Gentlemen : I have to thank you ! for the kind invitation of the democratic citizens of the city I auu coumy. oi rnuaueipnia, 10 aenu ineir am- versary celebration of the victory of the;8ih of JiottA , . r . u t Vuff u IQ ra r 10 attend. I mnt tflko lh IiKortD tn cand ivnn a I toast, which 1 flutter myself, will be found ap propriate to the occasion and not inapplicable to - r v - - - Vfi W f . 4 SWHW i J WV4 M tne events ot tne timesJ Gen. Jackson and h s VictoriesThey were oreat over the British.lland irreat over the Indi ans, but greatest of all over the prejudices of that part of his countrymen who believed that nVli- THOMAS H. JJENTON. ThisliTnt at the events of thel at the People " nowf!" preferring elite lams jp all others.T s Is, lo say awful squinting towards Harrison is a man that always means mure than he otters. Oh this account, his letter and toas attract par- ticular attention, at this time. - ' We knew there ws a party in the mi led States secretlu Anxious to establish ti tles and ranks of nobility, but lwe did ript expect so soon to see them try Iso broad a step towards their plMect as they hatie tried with their broad seat." j ji The above extract is copied from the last Western Carolinian. We think this ather a bai),grace from men who, wnen they commenced their ed itbrial career, was ail the head of a Dseudo Vfhig paper, but kept veering jrpupd until it has become as thorough a Vap Buren pa- per as any in the-country and we think gentlemen if any party in this country is in tJ r i. iJ-1-. i.- -. ii L . :;.: lavor pi ranKs oi nobility it is the one you have now enrolled yourselves with. Your . r m . 1. .. ! : President it is stated will not 'allow none but the rich and thos!e high in favor to vis- it ihf Whii. r?oc:o lnA n,a r.r,A ; ha eo with most of those jimder hini, !? L 1 have nothing but circumstance degrading to the descendants of T ; - 7 and show the hardy veterans of '76.-rCiaroe Journal. Petticoat Jlllenl -The Tory papers are still harping on the story, that t be ladies of Chilicotbe, Ohiojhad voted jGep. Harri spn a -red flannel' petticoat." I This story onginateo in mis way. iur.; Alien, tne present Senator in j Congress (Ironr Ohio, first started the story in a s peech, some rears ago. Ihe ladies of C nlicothe tm- Ml mediatelv denounced it as a falsehood, knd o RrioHpr Honpl M ihn nhir mttitt noh. ihuJi u X- - ?vt.:J; i t- . . . J,.- 6 . 7"" " ",v- - Tj -mm rv drel. Allen, never Resented ltl-Fat. Ob- server 5 t Charleston a JVaai Station. We earn from tthat the Navy Dep?ri- ! ' o ipiriiuiiiru iu ujaae vusnesirn a na- val slaton, and have appointed CapU Edward hubhIck thefirit, and Lieut. Knight the Hlcer " ineatatioo. - i f , . ; I j luiiiuairUiiViKi vuai itrviuil? IS IO 06 .Jl. l. :.:'! r! n i .gete.'or' sccb sloops' ofj wa r as ca n tfiooie in to i is Representatives, the vafe bjjballot U abolished, TO THE" WHIGS. OB' NORTH OARO- and the Executive inflaence sallowed full play, ' T tVA in all that concerns ihe felection of the Officers , f V ' i - Mr ' ! of the House. Which Wactice is the moil Re- Fellow Cilisens ; It will be recollected .--.-- i ' I .... r . 1 inerhas out generaied biro, by fallmg into arras ot ihe XNorthern fnan with Southern prin tary cnieitains would nipt make safe and good ohJJStates of their just share of the Public IWG Mr Robert INionroe, bcboyikiil, tl.c Presidents, and who hve been so well bured bf Upds. property, for which North Carolina W,J tbe above distressing malady. Syn.j ta:.- tbeir error since the example of his administra- n0ured out freeW snme nf Iipc best hlnnd Great langour, flatulency, disturbed rest, rrr iron, that they now prefer those chieftains to all J?3 JL t vousheadacheV difficulty of breathing,, tightnc f others. ) j !? ;37.hl;h W??I(? pl3,? dtsposaU a and stricure aCross the'breast, dbtzioesss, r,cr i Resnertfollr 4r,nr WlnWri hL f - nr that would carry the blessings of Ed u- VOus irritability and restlessness, could net li vuk Ji PWv I : c!Mon into, every-poor man's Cottage ;; let in a horizontal Position without the sensation cf j waters. 1 his (as th;Patnot remarkjs) ibe De 1 In- partmentcan do withiboiWaj)plicaiio!i to Con- gress ; and it expresses the opinion that a lit tie more exertion willlprocore for Charleston the lad vantaoe of a nam nnrrt fnr rnnkJttrUnn 1 I -i I Jowcr of SteamThe Liverpool Adver tiser in alluding to the terrible gales on the iixufliniu iu i uwemper gnu uecemoer, anc ihe stormy passage! both outward and home f the Liverpool steamer, says that off Inipa- ;n iJwa vii ivr T jNew York. the N.. 'i - : 'i ' rf uape W as s0 heavy .that her prfwerful ma- cmnery could net drive her over a knot and; l a "aI per hour, and then justly observes : I The result of the recent voyage of the Liverpool is anoter grand j prbof of; the; newer of ilMtn anil the satetv Of hn U nrn-i pelled by ii : in hurricane, io jraging W or in.whirlwinds.le urging powrof i the1 ; mMnerjr being bplow the deckp and not aloft, attached to rjiasts, a steerage way isi of I g,Ten to tne nuiity unaer an circumstances -l.r.i.j 1 . '. ,---r ui wiuu auu wcamcr, anu any course cap be steered, according to the emer?encv of i me occasion, tne Joss of masts being of se cdary consideration? and I beiPgVthrowi tol ' :V . ;i 1 - 1 Jadge O'Neal has granted a yritt rrory-jr onion, ioroiaaing ine collection ui mir-w u f i. i . i . lit .,1 t.t4. t.iJL uc i luif. i-ornacn oifra. - it i ' - ; mioLE A0, 400. . ' that at the Whig Convention, held in P fta leigh on the 12th of November last, it wis recommended that meetings shonld be cal led in each Electoral District" to annoint Delegates to choose an Elector for that Dis trict, and that the name of the gentleman selected, should be forwarded to the Cen- "jl Committee.; to be published and plac- eH pn tne general bleetoit! 1 icket. la mi nyJ of the Counties, meetings for this pur- pose have be;heloVJt is of the highest iniponance, that the recommendation of the Convention should receive the prompt at- j lcqtion oi-an wno are inenniy to tne eiec-1 tidn onniliarn ll JIarrison zs President, tJh" WerJice president of the United States.- It cannot be otherwise than aesiraoie, mat tue ticKei suoum be made I out ai aseanv a perioa as Dossioie ana sun. ..J a -1 . I : a - tli mitted to the People. Let all then, who jr - " . I are favorable to the election bf those able Statesmen and true Patriots, who in everv public trust, amidst every temptation, hive proved themselves honest, and faithful to le Countrv ct who are opposed to the v f" extravagant expenditures of the present Ad- ministration ; its reckless attempts to break dpwn the credit system of the Country ; to u on peopie a poiixy tuey nave to nee irjccipu iiirougu uieir nepreseniaiives i prpscription of faithful public officers, for L opinion's sake ; its efforts to deprive the GEO. W. HAYWOOD, HUGH McQUEENi -W. REGALES, HENRY W. MILLER, WILL: H. BATTLE, I'liUS. J. biSMAY, Whig Central Co7n?m'ffee. j Raleigh N. C,:.Mfcrch 26j 1840. f' MOST E-XTRAOftDlNAUY CASE. I 4 t-i For some time past the curiosity of cur citizens has been kept in the qui mre concerning an ex inordinary physical pbenonenon,and of which, a? jet.no satisfactory explanation has been! at tfmpted. The learned and unlearned medical and non-medical the sceptical and the credu lous have been all equally puzzled by the $p dkr case, as it must par excellence be called, and by which souoriguel it still stands acknowledg- lf F - , en. l ne rumouis, wnirn are aiversineo and in any instances donlt!essex?gi:era'!,are, as we can trace, derivable at first hand from the medic- j at gentlemen who have seen the case, and which finally being communicated from'ono to another, Have assumed such a character and conferred I c nli m nnvt r r An lhA eohionr aa Tnrtl1 miv fur t 7UvU IUIVSI laiJwO VU J OUUjbUVy U3 OU1 lUi ther silence. The patient while on a visit to a friend in the epemtry, felt, while in' bed, an object of Some kind fall upon the upper part of the cheek bone, j!bst below the left; eye -She brushed it away. land after a restless ntght, awoke in the morning smienng us consequences in me lurra w acme pain, during which time she removed irom the eye several fragments of the legs of a spider. ueiurning io luiaciry a lew oays auerwaraa, fipon complaining to her mother of similar sensa tion, an examination y formed dead spide fed. Anbysician 1 ligationw8 made &over the seat or hmos oi tne proved fruitless Noinquiry has. yet been, able t to detect.lheir seat of empire, and yet theyihave- eonliuoed ta be remoTed from each eye alternate- Ut SnmPlimpa from one alone, sometimes! from both, for a space of six" weeks, to an am iont on an P ;h er isnme ;ihn8 'attendant. I The eyes assume at times much Inflammatory irritation and swelling of the lies, with ah in jected condition ol the ball, and copious suffusion of tears. . By some, the spiders sre snpnosed lo be of dif ferent species; they are, certainly, as we can learn, at different stages of maturity. The facts we now give have been submitted to the medical gentleman who ha3 seen the case, io'crder to obtain his permission to lay them be- ifore the public, as well as to avoid any errors. We are informed by that gentleman that the ;rport we make is in the main correct, wanting such particularities of detail as weTof course cau- not be presumed to know or understand. f Charleston Patriot. VOICE OF MISSISSIPPI. The Whig3 and Conservatives of Adams county, MississippiJield a great roeeiing ,,iC 10th ult., to respond to the Harrisburg nomina tions. Judje Winchester, Judge Montgomery, Col. Bingfiaro, Gen. Barrow, ad several other distinguished men, made eloquent speeches, nerviog the hearts of the People by.thejrelo quenee. Popular meetings are about to be held in various other portions of Mississippi, i Ihe roar of public opinion is beginning to come np from that State like the sound of a thousand seas. !Lotrrt7e Journal. i. ' . 7" Lm -Terr. The child who is born on the 29tb day ef, February will behold the recurrence of hislHrtb jajLbotonce in four years. , Aod this beibgleap yearvlbe- ladies accordiog to anciect custom may address the .man, and a baabfoJ ad mirer may be saved the horror of popping the qaes lion- lieeo v iciona, counco ; & iw by giving bim a rose, thus setting an example to others. I it all suclir- EXERT themselves, and be pre-j impending suffocation rpalpitaiion.of the bf art. .linieV aid I pared for the annrnar.hin ffbntp.st. - I tiistressln Morh. Cf'Stiveness. nain of the t( military 1 r CHAS. MANT.V I' I ach. drowsiness, sreatdebility and deficiency f i ihe least, an J mrnvrn KDViw the nervous energy. uMrR Monroe gave i:p WU rl I.? v44, w. uiunn, i .. ij j:. . was made, when a perfect, sion io panicuiar persou? uu j"avcS, B.u.n.u.. r,of sfcall size, was .renin v- apprehensions of personal danger and poTrrtv, beinff called, all proper inves- n irKsnroeneaiiu wbiuws .in order, if rM,ssible, to dis- ted. disquietude on everyr sngnv tx.i., r uiiiuiaio wm in io i t average of from two to three every other; day. ciim,oiiiotuiu n w"" 7 "'T a'i " ortiobs ofwhat is sbpposed to be the ovum, tion other distressingMaie.ii.i u avbbn also" discharged.. Each' exitof jeitl. . aoaded Jiertomake iriaioi my mooe.,, ' ; . . ' . -i - i .i L: ; 1 annw nnilt. rpliPVPil. Slid iilldS 1'ff-' k a nt ma or-weo, is preceded oy acme pam in. ..- " .-.v- .r, ". , , c,-, . . . - - r . ' . J .. .r.rk.:- I At ..ni-inQKiA nriipndtn(r ta her dr imesn ? Al port :on ot the r.rgan, ana attention oeing v -; . . . ,t called, the object is easily removed by the .lairs, out avows ina n WJU7 'V .TT-OW spirits is t certain state tr t!1( r Mj accompanied by. indigestion, hfrrin"Y greatest evils are apprehended orn 'o : grounds, and ihe worst conseqner.rei i'm'?',, ' Ancient medical writers supsed ihis til to be confined .u those particular' replcn ef t' abdomen, technically called bypechohdn i u h are situated ti.tbe right or left L'e tl that ci uy, whence cme3 ihe name liypcchcc J.-ias.V ' - - .'.YMfTOMS. The common corporeal sjmptcrrs are flaii;!: cy io thesiotnacb or bowels, acrid crucial! costiveness, spasmodic pains, giddim . . fm.u of sight, palpitations, and often an utt?r ims of fixing the attention opon any subject .f i; portance.or .engaging irr any ihing that c mands Tigor or courage. Also lanyidars? the re ind becomes irritable, thoughttuT, tc-r : iogmelancholly, and dejected, accompanied wi;' a total derangement of the nervooa sjsitn: The reent3l feelings and peculiar tram cf J that haunt the ; imaginai. ;and,;t'verlrl;; the judgment exhibit an infinite ?;Tersity . 'I i -wisest ana best of men are as open to this cf...-. tion as the weakest.': : - '' ' 'causes. ;;i-"'TV',: ':. A sedeolary life of any VLiod, ejpeHa'Iv -rete study, protracted to a late hour in i t n'.-'-t. and rarely relieved by social iniercourpf , r -erctse', a dissolote habit, great excess ' in : ; and drinking, ihe: immoderate use uf nwtjty, violent porgatives, the spppfessron t ! bitcal discharge, (as, the tbHiruciion of ill., u ru ses,) or long cunlioual eruptina j relaxauc, i r bebility of one or more important" organs wi.h::: he abdomen, is a frrquent cause. i Th? objects of ueatmentjir tu t tb enliven the spirits, which may U prruM, by exercise, early hours, regelar - mei!s, c. Dleasani conversation." -.The bowels (if conv ) being careiuuy reguiatea cy me occasio at ' t i a - 1 a i 99 V r . - ota miid aperient. e i Know, oomirg knu r calculated topbtaib thisend, tjian Dr. Willi: : . Evans Aperient Pills being "mild and c:rui :: in their '. operation. v Tha bowela being ci v, cleansed, bis inestimable Camomile Pil!s,(w l.ic f; are tonic, ap'odyne, and, anti-fpasrnodicj arc an infallible remedv. 'and without dispute Kavc proved a great blessing i0 the nomen-us public, Some physician have, recommended a (:e? use of mercury, but it should not be tesoned t ; ;;m'0'm7. " 'L?'",. t j r ; - .. - . itreresrui5rna wasionwtui i-flcis. f CP ASTH M A ,T H R E E YEARS STA? ' everv thougnt oi recoveryj on the countenance of: eery person interested in bis existence or happiness, till by 'accident I: noticed in V public paper some cures effected 1 ; Dr Wsi. EVANSV MEDICINE in his can plaint, which induced him to porchase a p? ( !. age of the Pills, which resulted in complete ly removfng every symptom bf his disease lis wishes io sav his motive for this declaration ir, that those afflicted with the same or any symp- toms similar to those Irom which. he is tiappny Restored! may, like w ise i ecei y e jt h e i nesl i m a I ! : benefit;-; !t ':-:'r'-::.t:i -;-'L.;: I; A CASE OF TIG DOLOR MUX. vMrsj J. E, ohnsoii;wife, of Capt. . Jo?rj.!: Johnson, of Lynn, Mass., was seveicly afilict I for ten years with 'Tic'Dotereuxi violent pa;:i in her headend vomiting, wiih a burning Let in the stomach, and unable to leave her rcjcr.,5. She could find no relief from the advice of se v eral physicians, nor from medicines of any Li;; ' , nnlil after she had commenced using Ur l.v:ir. medicine of 100 Chatham street i and frura tl.it time she began to amend, and feels Mtbfit -J if she continue the medicine a few days Itrgrr, will be perfectly cured.' Reference tan be i 1 as to the truth of the above, by calling at M " Johnson's daughter's Store, , SS9 Grand street. N.Y., .--V;.;. ICPilrs Anne.r ,ivenny,;io ii j street between" Stanton and Houston sis , cf!!;c ted for ten years with the following distrfs-ir symptoms Acid eructalior, daily spastriori.c pains in the head, loss'uf'Sppetite,paTpitati( n j i' of her heart. gtddines9 aiid dimness of sih t .t ( ! i not lie on her right side,"distorbed fpst, ttirr in ability bf engaging ip any thing that demanc'j : vioror or coorae, soraeumes a visionary idea i f an aggravation of her disease, a whimsjcul avf lamented, desponded, and .thought fhe Ird .:: most miserable life never was one so bad, v. frequent mental' hallucinaiions. ' Mr Kenny had the.adviceof several crr.i rent physicians, and had recourse lonqraeiofs u.e!i- preseni J. Kenny, Kenny. . V-; ' ; ;- . ,- Sworn before me, this Hihday of Decerr . r, 1936. 1 "' ;V:3:;-;'. r , , P:ter Pikcciset, Com,. .of Utca. ecremarkabTecaseofacut:: RHEUMATISM, with an Affection i.f il Lnscorfd under the treatment of D -c WmT EVANS' 100 Chatham svrpet, Ne-.--Yerfc. Mr Benjamin S Jarvis, 13 Centre Newark, N. 1 J., afflicted for. four years wn.'. eyere pains in all his joints, which were ahva;. increased on the slightest motion, the tf-r'i. preserved a steady whiteness'; loss of ap( 'u . dizziness in his head, the bowels commonly iy costive, the urine high colodred, -and profuse sweating, unaltendrd by relief. '1 i. j bovesymptoms were also attended with et t.-i:.'-erabledifficoltv of breathing, with a frf tightness across the chest, likewise a great v....: of due energy m the nervois sjsirra. The aboe symptoms were entirely ren.r.vi . , d a perfect cdre effected by Dr Wm hj; 1 - -...v -I .v BENJ."'J J A R 1 5-.: and Benjamin S JarvU beiog duly sworn, doth pose and say, that the frets stated m if e bove ceriificatesubscribedbT J'". : respects troe. ; -RENJ.S. JARV Sworn before me, misxoiu oi iioien-..- WILLIAM SAUL, Notary Public, v taa gtreet."v:'j - 'y:'- Sold bj the rfoUoiring JgMm GEOtlGE I? BROWS jSalMw,'; JOIWJLWGLIS ( Bookstore) Lhercrj; o. J. H. JUS DEU S OA", Camden, S. C. E. JOHJV HUG GJVS .g.wV.&'rC' W M.JMISONib Co.Raleish,JS. O. May 10, 1 839 411 I every "nOUSni OI lecoveiy, iuu uno ura;:an i - a - -- . . i ..mm Ma m mo 0 rv wr .' i ; i . i Attvi not i i or n ia nnr it r t s f i . . i . I .1 .1....... ..a. rv f . r 'j r v ".!.!.' . : as stie'iiu ai any pcri'u ui n iai" husbaod of toe aforesaid At . c. i s M 11

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