- i. i t : till ' i U j. ! ; : ! i ( .-. - '. - - - . - 4-. i i!! : i ? ' - --';J S r it . e I '1 ft toot;;;:: If,. 1-frrF -41 -1 . -.....t v amnDTil T ' ! 7J? 1777 OA" ' TO TE PUBLIC BYDR WILLIAM ; V duh viutujlv sTJJKfii? - Diidases general zid special Cave ntmubes. V BEWARE LEST YE STUMBLE... O ' OOT. WILLIAM :EVANS.. 100 Chat aahi street avail hirmelf.of the-'present oc livfwx to fender bitnost nnfeigtied acknowledge m-ni tu the numerous tnembers of society" ho ' suffering' onder 'all the pains and febes - that , .flesh is heir to') hate entrusted lhenisej ves io H-9 creV' He has the aaiisfaclion of knowing x from many livinz evidences, that his remedies "have' done t heir duty as far jaa lies iihin the wmimss of haman.mearis.vlow distressing u f i 'the afflicted is Djspepsia or indigeSUjm, juMunj ; vff all ihe sources of tbeir enjoyment, and lead-- in io many instances to tne miseries -?i cuu flraieil Hypochondriasis Long as it ha? been - Uhe subject of inquiry by medical authors, it re main ji i o m och bscu ri ty A ppiexy . diseases of fheLiver, Kidneys, Spleen StomachVnd Io- - te-.iin'S, rjladder and its appendages, Diarrhoea, r 1 Dseniary.'Cotn Moltus Allis,' rwrjorm parts in th drama of Morbid Affections. Pri Evans vthes heensiogalarjy successful in the! treatment of the above diseases, by remedies d awn from hisjiw-nWd the researches of the mustfeminent 'mediqal men in the world. V Ke has alWhad vast f experience and success throughout the whole family of delicate.diseases, the impure) tenden cies of which are aggravaied by and! looted in the con.liluiioh through the base conspiracies of i Mercurial murderers, onprincipfed, uoedocated . and onpracticed in any art save that of attemp- - tin" t lead the credulous victim on the 'road to il'iaiZ-.i Di.fiarisHffie 100 Chatham f treet, ft w sopplled wjth he choices t remedies ijrona Kome " and f jrpigft market s, and compounded by ainas. J ler's band oisciediific principles Aphysician - i always jn t atiendence, and a privsie office. " AH those whocome jbeteln the hooriof need, uiLTob orr RKjoiciVo. ' t" '4 U" - ICFUVKR C&MPUtLXT, OF TFJV : YFZUS STANDLXU. Mrs I HANNAH v IJUOVV.Nfc wife of Juseph BrownpV North ; Sikib1 st. near Second t. WiHi.amsbujp, afflic: ted fir tha last teu.vears with Liver Complaint, lorea io iiann inro.iijn me uraimnii ui i Vi C WiiEELER,; RErfECTFCtLV Infbtms his old friends and cusiomTsthjithe has permnaeotlj laied Mmseir in f$alilbrtle will give his coostini personaf aijentin to , the " Apothecary Ousiness which be has ben in fr the lat l-o years and may be fotind at all times, either at bis residence or tbe..sopt where-he wilLlakerat plsurein waiting upon those who may call on him.! - ?S i "' ' t rr I CARI. : . Hi & -C.lt VII ELEI?3 Tl ETURN their lmftirncd thanks to their JL friends a i od ccstdroetv particularly Pbysi- cians and Merchants for, the very liberal pat ronage bestowed j anon them for the past year ; and in: return fqrUhelr kindness' and liberality, are resolved to sell them Drvgt, Medicines, Paints, fre. lwer than any other 5bop in North Carolina. All Physicirs, and others, who or der or bojy Drugs, Medicines. Paints, tyc, from them, where the price or qoallty do not perfect ly please, are at all times privileged- to return them immediately atlthe; samej price; as they hold theibselves responsible in all cases to their friends and cbstomers' for the quality of every article th'f y sell therrt. Tbey will open their Spring! Business wfh 1 the largest stock of Drugs I 'Medicine's 9 Paints, c, ever brought into this market, and- alt those w bo 1 may wish any thing in their line, and have the cash or good credit, shall be accommodated ; if strict atten tion to their business- good physic and low pri cos will do it. One,for both of tbem, will at -all limes give their personal attention to the bn smess.. mx neir onon wiis oe gpeueu ai . uuuis, lor me tions car cine arid directions; Sri ven in alK cases. The consulia lion and advice cf Doctor Long,' Doctor Douglas knd Doctor gnrrtb, will be given -when necessary, and med:ia! Attention of either ob :ained by appljii.g atuheir hcp. The worthy poor, without money, Ish all not want, for medi cine to relieve them of thf ir afflictions. 1 Salisbury. Feb. 1840 tf30 K -7 FROM S ALlSBUUV io ASHV1LLK, . p. 1 ARRANGEMENT FOR is4C ir - I 'J . iU' , fTlHE above jine is now Jn full operation; and Ji j arrives Sat and departs from" Salisbury a 5 foU lows;., ' Lt s-y. - z ' ; " i- - Learrs Salisbnry on Mondajs, Thuispys; aod Satqrdaysi ?it(5 Vclock, A. M.; arrirls at Ashvtlle next days at o'clock, P M. Reornin,leaye3A9hvilleon MondaT8,1iors' davs.and Saturdajs, at 5 ocloek A. M.; aMrives at Salisbury next 4ya at 8 o'clock P. M. : . if 1 A. BENCINI. , v' it - ' U W. LONp.i ?- N. R. Paesenffers leavinsr Raleigh, N. . C. for NashtiiieJitlVlnnessee, willfind no f elay whatever on this route. A. B. & R. W. Salisbury X. C. Jan. 17th. 1840-tf 25 Hi it t it-- iiknmmodati0 pfihe sideband prescript a Tgrv busii IlieaU of hair, a thin v refully made up at short notice. Medi- spare boilt indtweighs from 135 to 140 He has a .!verv larffe isuury lNIsT re Vm 'EVANS. Sympioms:--H2biiua1ieonstipa- ' . two ol th bfwels, total loss of appeUle;, excru iciaiins: pair. $ the epigastric region j grjeat de pre sjilon of spirits, langour and other symptoms of . extreme debility, disturbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, pain in the risht side, could not : lit on her U-fi side, will.out an aggravation i of r the pain, urine high coloured, with otbjerj symp toiinlnfirjting great Jeraogement in the func v.'- twnsj of the- liver-.rl'5' . ' ! j ' - - Mrs. Browne was attended by three of 'the . first j physicians, bat" received but iiile relief fr im (heir medicine, till Mr Browne procured fcjmq of Di VVm Evans' invaluable ppepafations, i; which eflVctnally reheveJ her of the abeve dis-trrs-Vmg symptoms, with others, which xt is not essential to intimate. l! ! ' j . JOSEPH BROWNE.-. ' Chy and County of New York, ss. ! . ? Xrteph Brffwne, Williarrisburgh, iJpng Island , bt-injr duly sworn,'did depose and say that the facisas set forth in the within statement, to " which he has subscribed h1? name. a?e jdsi and true;" JOSEPH BRpWjNE. 2, f" - Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before mp, this 4th day of January, 1837 PETE It PINCKNEY. Gom.of Deeds. - iCT'Auother recent test of the unrivalled vir tue of Dr iriii EvausMedicines.DV&PEB 'SLt. TRJY YEARiy STAND IftvL-MtJ Mckenzie, 176 Sianlon street wasapicted with the above complaint for ten years, which inca ptcitted him at intervals, for the period of six years, in attending tohis business, jrcitored to 'r pprfpct health under the salutary treatment of :;Dr W.n Kvans;- ;.:N;'-x .The Symptoms were.- A sense pjT distension and oppression after eating distressing pain in the pit ol the stomach, nausea, impaired appetite, jiddiiiesV, palpitation of the heart, great debility ahdt emaciation, depression of spirits,! disturbed rel, sometimes a bilions vomiting, pd pain in the' right side, an extreme degree fof fangoor and laintness ;-any endeavour to pursue his bus " iness causing immediate e.vhaostion and weari- ' -i Mr VcKeri:ie is daiJij a$lciidinUohislusi- net, andmine of the above symptoms have re curred since he" used the medicine j He is now ai 9troiigand healihyVrnan? H hai Tresorted to mytiads of remedies, but they wer, 'all ineffec tual. ? He is willing Io give any information to the a dieted re8pectingvthe inestimable benefit rendered to him by the use of Dt VVm 'Evans' v medicine. QPANISH Cigarsi fine Chewinr and Smo O ing 'Fobaccat f j! WHEELERS. r Feb. 21 U30 ; j " ' Teas, Wfriis, land Spirit s9 FOR medical purposes, for sale by ! I C. B. & C. K. W. . Feb. 21 tf30 ' I A h RGE AssonroJniof JKIVELLE t? F, KNIVES, PENCILS, JSEEDLES, 1 tiJiUlSL.L.S, ,c.,caa oe wholesale, by calling upon I! C. B. &.C. K. Feb. il tf30 , "r I st of that ABSCONDED aboat the October, from the subscriber, at tirayirWlding in tulips yO j, Carolina, my ISegro man 1 mbojbiStiMar, about ;:7 or;2yeajsof age, and of a very bright complexion! Hie is a bhoeraaker ty , trade isap poinds. 4 Ba scar on one ot nisi tegs near the ankje believed to be on the rightj leg, also a scar on each arm iust below the elbow oc casioned bv!a blrn. His heels have been frosted, which injury has left scars upon them. Cole man has avrife ( a free woman) t.ear Blajcely, N. Carolina, and it is probable that he may be in that directidtr, although many persons believe that he was! dejdqyejl off by a white man, nmed Joshua Voang,;wh6 left the neighborhood iboful the same time for Indiana. I will give a re ward of Flfiy:Dtllars to any one who wjll de liver Coleman to me near Brook Neal in Cfrmj belf County W. oriwho will confine him irljaiii, so that 1 get him in my possession. i Brook Neat, Campbell cty, Va lfo December 2 1,! I S38 J GRANDSIRED BV TTTITT -A MERICAW f ECMPSE, CHAMPIOXl OP AMERICA : : JVJS'JS'ER of UxGHEtil 'MATCH RACE "i 1 TIIH NORTH Til E SOUTH 020.000: la MochsvillefNC. TUOJtlJiS FOSTER INFORMS the pablic that he ha9 removed from his former-stand, to.bis new buildings on the peblic square; m. the 1 own or niocjis ville,' where tie. win couuuub to cc4.a , -v rrriiisc oJEtrtertainmcn?9 ;, - H is House' is roomy and commodious; attacb- -Wh are SIX" COMFORTABLE OF- FICES forenileraen i me uar, au conveu- Pitt to tne oourt nuusc t 9.v..w,,....B ui.lc i it.o'mnsidili?entexertions, to give mHfi thorough-b fd Horse Lath, bred-by TABLE, BAR &f5TAUt Xm '.5wi T Col. ,V: WW of S. Carolina, will the best manner thai the country will afford, make bis sreond Season at Salisbury, comment cing otftlit 21l fn$r d&idingxm thej&Uh of June next, at $20 the Season, and fSOio insure, the money to be paid is soon as the mare is as- cenaineu io; ce in ioai we ymuanj tunge5 ; . :L.i i.iikful inrt nrnmnt. and ni servams are iaii ri . .Tn 26." 1S39 1126 l.vr- - Mares Jwill be weltrattended to, SO cents per day. .: Those will be furnished grafts ; but in no instance, will I be responsible f.r acci dents oir escapes. j R. W.LONG, Salisbury, Feb. 10jIS40. ; , , . owoersL! annd fifty ce0t9 to the groom. sent from a distance and led with main at that wish it, a good lof FOR THE . FALL AND1VINTER OP -,,.-v. ' . i THE ; .SPlNDl. fr do much better ' dies. It is so ( . tr or killing 'he tnt-ul i is so confined by t! serve its balance, r, bing of the stones I think, by ihU water will do at ' and the meal cf ? ; Any person wis''.: dies, may obtain c lion, ( within a ?I : Mocksville, Davb ' bablecst willnc t Spindle ready l':r t The following ; Spindle in si:crc; Kelly, Thos. Fci Foster, of Davie C David J. Rams 'ur of Rowan ; Ad?i? William Doss cf : pleased with its j November S, IF." (DM. nPHE Subscriber informs, the public, 1 hat she I II Ka inst received Ihroosh the Nprlhern . ' . . " , , . . .1 . II has iust received Hhron rueimy that l,atn vas prea. oy. me, ana-inai ni.:th'lAiesl.n6 most approved - I . t 1 .1 Vmbmm - , W lie was loaiueu in uo .oimiii" ui iot n Godolhhln; his dam Pocahontas, LOXDON & PARISIAN FASniOXS, And isnreDared to execute orders in the most stylish and satisfactory banner. J , , WorK sent irom a aistance snau oc caicmuj put op and forwarded. 1.'..- tr-P A fear Rnnnets. Cars; Torbans, and had verv low at WHEELER. OILS LAMP, TRAINED AND LIN SEED, for ale by j CBJ& C.K.WHEELER. Salisbury, Jan. 10 1840 tf24 JYUJtlMilER SiX For Sale at Wheeler's. Jalisbqry, Jan. 10;fl840-tf4 A LARGE assortineot of fresh and genuine GARDEN SEEDS, just received from the JS"eu Lebanon Shakers, (see catalogue at their store.) Also, neat Oval Boxesand lland bwifis for Ladies-, for sate by a B. &. p. K. WHEELER. Salisbury, Jan. l0 1840 tf24 NEW JEWELLERY, fc r i i JOHC. PALMER AS another new supply of Gold and Si WATCHES, Plain English and Fie do; Gold ob Chains and Keys, H ilver lench Pins and Finger Rings, Silver Butler Patent arid plain Pencils, Tooth Picks, Chains, SrieotacIes!andThimble3, Steel an o f Fine breast Krfives, Fob i "a nectacles rob Chains and Keys. -IALSO A VERY FINE AND LARGE ASSO MENT OF'RAZORS- AND POCK -11 AND PEN KNIVES. by different makers, and other articles nsfially kept bv Jewellers. All of which will bes sold low for CWilorfonly six months credit, farter wnicn time, interest win oe cnarwea. varK RT- KE! HUNDRED GALLONS of FresK done faitbulJ aidjpunciually. uatiiiuiic in i it-sir t --.-.-"j -.-i-..-v...j Coloiless, C$ld Pressed CASTER OIL. Salisbury, May 3, 1839-tf40 . - H- AppIv to ! - -r U f I f. , life f k; VVHEELER-N'BWE'JZTA'SBXOXns; IFOR THE f ! - t- ! .A Real Blessinir to motliers. ' fJOr. 1 E?ms' celebrated Soofmg Syrup. ' A Jortfifldrsn cutting their He th. r&lTllJi infallible remedyas.r preserved hun- fi. dreJs of Children, when; thoi?gqV past r . -covery, jom Cfm'fuUions.-A9 soon ;asr the Sy- TJIOOSCAP. Lflterand WrappingPaper, Ji. and raste tJoards.at wholesale by ! C B. & C. K. WHEELER. Feb. 21 tf30 was got by bvSir Archv M his idam Young Lottery, al so, Sir Archy.out ofColj Singleton's celebrated Lottijry, by the imported Bedford out of the imported mare Anvillina ; Godolphin was got by Eclipse ; his daln Sylph, by Ha?phesrion out of Lottery by imported iiedlord c.-.Hao- al-Uce9t wi1 De kept on hand for sale. pnesuon was got oyj tne imponea oozzara ou-1 . , g P ;s as0 prepared to execute V' " - . . Crimping and Fluting on reasonable terms. Salisbury, October 18, DJR. R. T. DISiUIiES. HAS lccaled at Col David Ramsay s, uakiy Grove, Iredell co. K. C.,and respectful ly tender his services to the public, in the va rious departments of his profession. January 10, 1840 tiiM of the dam of Sir Archy. - ill i -s DESCRIPTIfJN, PERFORMANCE, c. LATH is a fine bay! without whiii45-band9 S inches high, with good bone, and capital ac tion. At 3 years oldjlfbe won the produce stake at Columbia, 2 mile heats, beaiiog Mr. Taylor's b illy, Daisy, and Captain pann s Colt, Con vention,! nine others paying iorteit. 1 wo weens afterwards ! he won the Jockey Club Purse, 3 mile heats, at Augnst-a. beatiner Kite, and dis tancing Black Bird' At Charleston he was bea ten by Clodhopper for he Jockey Club Purse, 3 mile heats ; being very reuch amiss, he was drawn after the first ffheai. At 4 years old he won the ! Jockey 'Clubi rorse, 4 mile heats, at Camden, beating Sir Kenneth and Dorabella at 3 heats ; losing the first in consequence of bolt ing wlien severaKlengths in advance of the field, jdst before he reached! the judges' 6tand; and getting entangled amcngst the carriages; he sustained an injury which occasioned his with drawal from the Tarfil LATH was ai race horse of the first class, which he evinced in Ki9 trials with Bay Maria, Charlotte Russe, and jfKitty Heth, and in point of blood he is inferior Jo none, whether imported or native. His constitution is robust, having ne ver been sick, anf hif temper good. His color, 1 JYJE If JfJE JVJLJEJLtJEil lorm, anu action speaK ior inemseivas. in a word, Lath unites in himself as many claims to public patronage, as ny young Swjion-that 1 know.f 1I W. HAMPTON, Willwood, JanS. 221 1 839. : !v : :- ; j . ; I & , . :- From-the above Certificate of Col. -Hamnton. who bred and had LATH trained for the Turf, it wilf be seen that be considered him a Race horse of the first class, not only from the races he has mentioned.' a$ having run publicly, bat from private trials he pas made with horses which ate now on the Turfjand running with consid erable success. : It Will also be observed bv his CLOVBR SBED. . i . - i 4 quantity of Fresh Red Clover oeed, JUaL a superior article. Also. a few bushelsof Orchard Grass eed The shnve Seeds are for sale at the N. C. Book Store by TURNER Sc HUGHES. Raleinb.Feb.7, 1840. ' We shall receive in a few days, the following Grass Seeds: Lucerne. White Clover, blue Grass, &c. T. & H. npHE Snhserif-rr JL ; his friends ar: ' moved to ihe lux Brown's Store, w I.. sortmenl ot Molasses, - Sugars C Salt, , Powder a..' ;Sm7; c.. French lh Holland (i. jHalagac: - Champc'i :r . ' Muscat, Lemon S . . Also, an " 'r " And other things in i lion, whirh can he I at any other place ia March 20, iS iO nr. hT&AZlt Respectful; 'services to th surrounding country West's new brick L and W. IVlurphv's Angosj SO, ISS'J B. I Vcir, Tobacco Chcwcrs, i vob want"' ihe thinff that is niee" and cheap, jnst call at WHEELERS. Feb. 28, 1840 i f3l FIXE KOKTSIEIIN ! J f 'iMOP 1839 Sl '40. HORACE II. HEARD, "O ESPECTFULLY informs his friends apd Jtft the public, that he still carries on the TAI LORING BUSINESS at his old stand on bain street, next door to the Apothecary Store. is ever ready jfcTexecute the orders of his custom ers in a style and manner not surpassed by workman in the YViestern pail of the State. is in the. regular receipt of the latest Londoa and ac-all times. is New York FASHIONS, and prepared commodate the tastes of the fashionable any He tpvy rujeu ou vuc uuis, iiio ctnio; win , .irwi.v er.j This preparation is if innocentljBo efSca rf coiis- ami so raeasan;. iu&i no cniia hwiii reiusa j, o ii ns'gdms pe rubbed with jt. When infants are at the agtfV four 'months, though there is no .Mp'arace of-Vetb, one bottle cf the Syrup shiulrbe UisedL-fjn the gpms, to open the pores - YY fen ' tl6 nc 4f a nhiJjl wakes in the night with pai gum, ihe Sy rup immediately jt ves . . ft- r . rr.'i f r--r is shoulfl never be wtfhout ihe Syrup in nursfifj where, the re are; young children ; for in in the ease bv opens n the notes'ind healing th giims; there- k- f r , 1.: v L u? lMir-rniUjr Willi U ISIUII!, T e TffTS, QC. $3 Proof positive of ITie' Efjivacy of Dr. Epans soothing Syrjr.; To the Isentof Dr Evans' boothlnc SvniD: Uearj oir le gpat beneni arTorded to my suf r Vexing infant by yiiifr siRithing Syrppj jin a case - of pro'ractedknJ painful dentition,,! must con- narouches, Biiggicsj Sulkies, All with! Harness, and Northern Matched Hor ses, may be had cheap by applying to C. B. & C. K. WHEELER. Feb. 21-ifSO p I I $CF Cutting garments of all kinds attended to nromDilv i and ithe latest-Fashions furnished at all times o country tailors, and instructions gjven in cntting. Salisbury, January 17, 1S40. Iy25 Jtiorus JTIuliicmdism - .ft- vipce every teejing parent how essential an ear lytappiicatiort of such an invaluabje jmedicihe is tn relieve infant misery and torture My in fant, vhile teethings experienced Jsuoh acute euIVring?.ihat it wts-Mtacited wiih Convulsions, anl my wife and fa mill's opposed that death yoold son release the babe Irom anguish, till wa procurcd-lbofile ofoar syrupj wfuch as soon a applied iolhe goms, a wonderipl i:hange vas pMced, and after a few applications, the child displayed obvious relief, and by coatijining jn Hs use, I am glad to inform yon, the child has com pletely recovered and no recurrence of that aw ful coraplaiajl has since occurted ; the teeth are emaoatin? easily and the child enjoys perfect healthy I jive you my cheerful J permission to mak hUcknowledgment public, and will Hadly gtvejRHTinformation on thi$ circumstance . . ;avm JOHNSON. i u. . Sold ty thcfoUowin'g Agents. OEOttGE W. BROWN, Salisbury, N. C. JOHN A. IHGLIS. f Bookstore) Cberaw, S. C J. H TDERSON. Camden, S. C. E. JOHN HUGGINS, Colombia, S.C. W. af. MASON Co., Raleirb. N- C TAYU.OIK HARRIS &. Co, Charlotte, N.C """XI X:1' Lmcolnton,N.C MayjD,lS39-ly4l Salisbury Fernale Academy. fTHE Trustees of the Salisbury Female A- JL cademy, inform the public, that this Insii lotion is now unoer the care oif Miss Lmma J Baker, a young lady iri whose literary qualifi cations and rapacity for such a situation, they have perfect confidence; and who has hitherto taught music in lhis and oihtr seminajies, with entire satisfaction. ' The second session will commence on the 9th of March next. TER MS OF TUITION. For beginnes, per session of 5 monthp, $8 00 r or the Rudiments, with Grammar, Go ogrphy and History, 10 00 The above with I he j hiuher branches in . Litjprary Depacirnent, Mnic on the Piano aid Guitar, if i -I. bese CONSIDERABLE NUMBER of REES may be had at Fayettevilll, N C. about the last iof next summer or the fibt of the Fall.! The proprietor can verv readily! dis pose of them at the North, but from oatfioaic considerations,! he prefers that they should be taken by htsi srtative State. The once will be the same as in Bahimore or New York, and will be forwarded tol purchasers on the money's being remitted.; It is hoped thatsuch as may wu)h to enawe, may do so at an early day. inquire of E.i LAWissl'ow, h ayettevule N.-C. is n j .1 - I. Feb 16, 1839 tf29 THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING EE MO FED HIS SHOP TO THE , BUILDING FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE POST OFFICE. certificate, that he considered Lath of the purest .Continues to keep on hand a good assortment blood, not to be surpassed by any horse, impor- 1 Patches and Chains, leaornauve. h i : i otircr &uuuna uu Painting, 5 "t. ft 12 25 Ornamental NeedTe Woik, and the 50 00 10 00 makin? of Wax; Flowers, wtfl also be taught, if desired, at ;j cv.ii. s m i . N . B The French language is al?o taught, to those who desire if, by a Gentleman wbols a native at France. ;'. i By order nf fbTroies. TfHJS. L- CO WAN, Cbn. Salisbury, Feb. 2U 1840 tfSO (WILKES COUNTY. I February Sessions, 1840 Abner Carroichael Benjamin &. Thomas Kelley, Waogh i Murehison i' rl I . Benjamin 4 Thomas Ketley, TR O N, From) the Kinfs Mou7itain Iron Company r IM subscribers, nave made arrangements JL wuh the above , Company, for a regular supply of superior frott, which is well adapted to WagnnanJ Carriage work. Horse shoeing, Sic. j which will be sold on reasonable terms. I Ml 4- W. MURPHY. Salisbury, Dee 1839 dm 19 SOB i'teiJVTMJVG Of every description neatly done at this i Office. .1 consider it entirely unnecessaiy to attempt to eulogise LATH, either for his performances on the. l un or as to bis blood, since in every res pect he is so well attested. SaTWiil remark wiai la i nas noi ipniy descended irom pure bloodibut has come from stopk both Sire, Grand sue, DamJandlGrarip dam, that are of theun ning blood. For irtsiaiice. his sire Godolohin made bis four miles in 7 minutes acd 50 seconds. his Grand-sire the American Eclipse so well known at the Worth and booth, made his time m the great match rce, the North against the Southi $20,000 aildl, in 7 minutes and 37 se- conds,;which Eclipsejwon with considerable eclat. This race which gained him the memorable name of the Champion of (ie North ; his dam sired by tfie renowned $ir fVrchyJ whose reputation as a racer, fctc , stands enqsestiond both in Eno-. land and America; jU'he grand dam of LATH. nu ! IL...: I L. j' L.i! .1 ' . Mr, . ' -fia ijouery, orea dv me greai southern Ama teur of horses, Co). R. Singleton, of South Car olina, has produced Inore fine race horses than any other mare In Ihe Union. Thus it will oe seen that there ;is .united in LATH two of the best studs of thje South, Hampton's and Sin gletons, crossed wiihj Gen. ;CoIes, of the North Jhe public is n&w -presented with soch an op poriuniiy of improviig 'the! blood of that noble, anu useiui animal i the horse, as rarely occurs io this (section of country. And the Public ran have in addition, ih ajshorttime, the opportunity of judging more satisfactorily of Lath's blood, Sec?, by his colts, of 3as Spring's i get, as it is expeet ed there will hie many of them dropped by mares in this section in a felv days. As a sure foal getter; Lath stands ajmost unrivalled, as is pro ven by his last; Spring's services so vey few of the large number of mares put to him not pro vingin foal. j , 1 R. . N. B. Mares senfrora a distance will find LATH always at;home, as he will not be remo ved from his stable in Salisbury, under any cir cumsiancpp, during the Season. J April lB-337 1 ; ; ' ) ig ' ! State of iljirtti eatrottna, Musical Boxes and Silver Thimbles, Bredst Pins and Kings, " .'i.?.- Rodgers Pocket and Pen Knives, And all other articles in his line., CLOCKS & IWITCIBES Repaired injthe best manner, and warranted for twelve months. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange f6jr articles purchased, or in pay merit for debts due. Salisbuirv, June 7, DAVID L. POOL. 1839 tf45 MORUS MULTICAUOS Original at4ch ments levied on Personal proper ty of defendint's William W.J Wheatley ;! til k- Benjamin &. Thomas Kelley, J IT appearing to the satisfaction of Ihe t Qopi X that the Defendant is not inhabitant of this State : It Is therefore ordered and adjudged! that publication be made for six weeks in the faro lina Watchman, for the defendant to appetr i l our next Court of Pleas and Qoarfer Sessooe, to be beldjatj tb Court Houpe in Wilfcesoro on the laijmonday after the 4ih monday tf pril next, aad Plead, or inifo'ment final will Kb pn- Ured and Jhe property levied upon be coodmo- ea io saiisiy f i.ioufjs debt and cost. noes. William Mastin. Clerk of ooisaid Cooit at Qffiee, the 1st monday ot Feb 1840. MIA3I1,C . C. 9 . &q . S. March 2(1 6 w 34 Printer' fee 6 ford.i !dj j COUNTY. uarter Sessions, Februa- 1840. r Original Atlachment. DAVIDS Court of Pleas arid 'M ' rv Wm. D. Crawford, 1 vs. cewis t iizgera TT appearing t0 h Court! that the Defendant jaLiLewis t uzgerald, is not an inhabitant f mioiaie: iis ordered that advertisement be made in the Caroling Watchman for six weeks, tor the said Lewis; Eitxgerald to appear at ihe nex Coort of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for said county1, at the Coort House, in Lxington.on ihe2nd mondav in May next, an4 answer the erimnUln, t-;.:ar : r " ; ui inn piaiuxu, or against him for the Jocfffment will be plaintiff's debt and "cist mJ i n e8HCHS!5IOCK, c.c. c March 206w34Printer's fre $5 nougtasy B-ASlrmoved bis ofilce io No. 1 JLjL of tbl office! row of ihn KTrcL cj!,iatery occupied by Dr. B., Austin TREES. I rlHE Subsciiber has for sale (deliverable af Ji ter the fall of the leaf) from EIGHT TH OSAA'D to TEN THOUSAND geno ine Moros Mnlticaolus Trees, fram roots and cnttings, now growing jn and near the Town of Pittsborougb, North Carolina, These Trees are large and superior, many of them now measure from six to nine feet, well branched, many of which will count from one to three hondred buds each. ; I will sell any number that may be required at market pricp3, by the iree, by the foot, or by the bud, but would prefer selling by the bud. Also for sale, one million of the best stock of Silk-worm Eggs for feedinor. JAMES J. HORNE. Piltsborovgh, SepLG. 1839 tf6 llitchclV& Geography find ATLAS-; a new Geography and Atlas, for the use of Schools and nrivate Iparner in fact for all who may wish to read history, and to have it in the family, A complete System of modern Geography ; comprising a description ot me present staie ot the world and its five great divisions, Europe. Asia. Africa. Ameiirji'im,! Oceanica, with their several Empires, Kingdoms. Stales, Territories, &c.i The wbole embellished oy numerous Engravings of various interesting objects of Nature and Art j together with repre sentations of remarkable and noted events, sim plified and adapted to the canacitv cf tnv ill,,-: trated by an Atlas of 16, maps drawn & enslaved to accompany the work, most laskfulFy and careiouy coiouiea ana elegantly put op -The whole wotk is neatly done. The publishers have received numerous testimonials in favour or me ueography from Teachers and nth-r. in various parts of the Union. There are so many, ..7 uianw pamphlet, we would make a pamphlet, we woold select some of them ; but vvire 100 or foT l'ewPaPr advertisement. Ve do most earnestly aolicit a critical examina of the work by all may feel an interest in plac ing before youth a correct Geography.: There is, also an outline Alias which can accompany he Geography, the maps of which are not col onred, but calculated to aid the learner cht tCJ Just call at No. 1. Cheap' side. Fayette ville St., where you may find the above work, together with every new publication of the day, and many rate works! of older times , ,. V TURNER k HUGHES. Raleigh, Jaft.l, 184H F.FRALEV a full supply c MADE Coats, Pantaluons v. -meres and Vesitrn, low for cash. Hp i make elolbng in a . ' ranted to fir well. ( lice. He will i'h :, AliT c: on the most appro ; 1 ailor's wishinir n : Sept. 6, IS39 'V,,. . af TJ2H AND fl Jl f his f fiends nr i carrying oil the hi back of Mr. Fial an's, Brick I lun-. his line ; but fpf 1 it fity'of cash pa):.: ford Io oiye as , woik. : His prices he will chargo ilie has to b-mk n Salisbury, .Marc I t Sai.i-: : (':' Bacon, ? . Brandy, ap. a ' peach, n ' Butler, 8 n 1 Cotton in seed 1 1 l vi clean, 0' CofTee, 15 n 1 Corn, Feathers, :J3 a Flour, . Flaxseed, GU a ( Iron, per Ibkf a t Linseed Oil, pr. ClIERA'.V, Beef Bacon Butter Beeswax i Ba2g'ngyd Bale rope lb ; c 8 a I 111 20 a 1. IB a .. 8 a 1 Coffee lb Col ion 5 Corn bush C2?; a Flour brl 43". a Feathers 4 .) u Iron lOOlbs f?. r Lard Molasses Tallow 11 a 40 a a 1 1. Favettj;vji.; Brandy, peach 40 1 Do, Apple S7 a Bacon, - 71 a Beeswax, 22 a Coffee. 121 a 1 Cotton, 7 c Cotton Yarn, 15 3 Corn, CandiesiF.F. Flaxseed Flour Feathers 90 a t o-i a 'I s