I s ii 1 i1 r - IMf if ' t . 1 1 I! i 1 - t, its I "I i aSrUon letter. 'P ci'Oft tboSlsl day of January 1 t ' Vif 4tieil5p."Ti a friend called ! f'l 'i1 Mnti'MtafffiDh io the Wes- i-11" . ,.i.isirt words 01 wnicn 1 u l TO&n laaj winter Wned an Ab K L'if' Ohb. 1 Feeling that I was at I?I-icminie4't5en.:lhf"son foi the U hicni.rre,wheihfr thia charge was 1 ' ll s t:-. served with' GenVWayrte; and many soldiers cf the last WarlN.-Yv Amer.. : , v ANOTHER VOICE; FROM NEWYORK. -t :" From the Cooperf town Journal. ; " h O EaWHELMINGVHIGVTUaN OUT' TKOM SEVEN TO ;TEN.THT;SAND 9-RCCMCK AT A : " LOG CJlBrtf RMSWQ" i . We have only lime; to(say, In this paper;hat i.rt ihii couniM 01 me vvesiern i'M i . A Mffraph-allciled to above.and JMljWtein; which' It , 4 : -8 r!ain and j decisive answer. W .IfeMaterybuit-rbceo1 3 tnem- ffr$u$hfrxiF& '1(:1840.. ; fiS-YourileHer-oi ne aiai uit. Hr wnce 11 W89 sent .to H Jit" piMiiP SH: ? t ,r-a society nf that descripupa Ltfc of tkc1 T.? F? """ .ineewng on inai H KSorrAbtooJ So: ISAAC DYER 1 liht;H','l- , :j - . .V.Mr. Smith Las rV E'itiaa'S-'13 Siatesman.from wbteh .rayit3 ry&t"1 f!u."s,"i .s fwPlcW S0me papeH Pf.Jj A'Zumia it ihn damn fwilillca bursuA I Ti .1 Vut I hivfl i!flirminfid !to . notice trt which tBTJ ojiy ppoiidu. t lam deatsif, ,- , r -t , . ! , - hv.IJ. HARRISON., . ni If I7fh if Febroary I 'Teft North" Caro- VSiM nof Worn until a few weeks since jfc'j fett is Stf10i wsnow me reason wiiy uen. ion!4'Ji it? receipt nnaTe snown u wiin- ;'trVe to-genttsmen ocootn poiiucai parues helaic, iiprtrer I Uve been, and now 'jifVnfcri trnhe exasiioauoo 01 an? cenue- ' rz! M .i Ti--i .,1 rf ,ar r uaioima me iMjuce oi a ,i-ogr uauin Kaisinff at Uherry Vallfy vn Pridaf last. lfrew toeitier 'at that plac- fr SEVEN TO TEN THOUSAND FRELjIEN ! ltaf theIarfst poljtical ffathfripwe beliee,;ever known in this stat: Nothtncr'coold exceed the cnthosiasm ;and good feelifiw which pervaded the Vast multitude ! r t V i - " " El tti xBrilt: ; j . VVEtL'DoNE MaISE I CHCCRIN'G IKDICATIOKs' The , Van' Burem men of. tbe-S&je nf Main hare caogh 1 ; 1 he a f riion" feter.lO RT Y THREE cases ,hafej jasl - cceuired there, and the disease is rapidly becoming an epidemic. The Editor of the Eastern "Argus Revived1 has received ihe following - tetter 4 JV. IcTvmt. Hon.. Francis O. Smith ,'.. ) J j -I V' Sia.- A number' of citizens of Baldwin and Sebao who have ever Ijeen members of the Re publican party, and j hkva supported -Presidents Jackson and Van' Bureq-Ubot have'-been com pelled ,1)y the measures kf the Jailer, taisi reluc lantly 16. withdraw j ooi his 3 support -4 h a ve; de cided to hold a political meeting; pn iiefounh day of July next ; atlwhichNhf-y wish to have old Republican prjnpiples set fonh, and the If ad ing features of the policji of the present! adminis tration candidly 'discussed : and on their behalf. we, invue you 10 se; preaeni, anu 10 aoaress me occasiont . I 1 FORTY-TWO OTHERS. consented to deliver the ad dressl Tti, Very'jcspitciful)j "V 41 f Yours &.C. JOHN OWEN. llUoig.sh;ort j?ut comprehensive t?, sfcy tfej highly satisfactory io every jKflddj-4Be5iicedrics-. Speech, which ArU ill iLl. . . . CJIKe poiuesi auu aoifsi urgmiioms it .3 - s -- u - . - 1 - nasi thf rfckless course of the abQl ltion ittetef fiadilfii Aroelica. vlt.is farjstrqng- T'ptrftw Bpcn pr teuer, uiai uas ever .!M4fr; tfje i FlideraV; Tor ranks, jaiiJrBnpfnjiurea gown lo ur, iiio.ni- tlJfhnjrf;''x; el the Gen. has am'cod flergeiJlIrl tdr ' 9 dil aUoliti 011 fs t, I by the ifclifiol fWfof .ilie South .: :. . i. Rifts! iS-jr ' -1 t ' 1 i. m "CfRlilcl! fn; 'antOTfr-:'-tp yoor j inquiry Ibether the eitr arid speeches which have n pabuaieaj int mv .lame bv mv political irij, pjricdy, AioseKnSained in: a pamph ste!jjji;Wjsrin Qincinnaii, by Col. C. ke.jEsq 1 contain! the sen hicli I at present entertain, f iat;I iavj latfly written to a com 4 ee of jn 1 feiJVn Iw York thatil should -Ktisidjp mfselfaVi hohest man to snffer these indeJe bejthus used without "con tfsioo iffiaBjjialferatiiun; hadltaken place in Kill- GfciNNATi, June 20. Gen. Harrison returned to this city last ere ning, accompanied by ! Gen. Solomon Van Rensselaer, of New York, and Alaj.l Clark son and Col. Todd! j J j i ; The meeting of Generals Harrison and Van Rensselaer, at Colunibus, Avas deeply affect ing. "They had been captains under iVVayne ; they fooght together at 'the memorable victory. of the IVlaumee , aqd, tHroughout a long and event ful life, have been devoted friends. Their mili tary services and sacrifices give them the first claims to the gratitude (Jf their country. ' Gjen. Van Rensselaer commanded a troop of drag oons on the 20ih orAogust, 1794, and was bad ly wounded. In the late war he led a gallant body of troops to the assault upon the height of Qneenstown ; he stormeil and carried (the ene mie's batteries, ' Upoti )his occasion the distin guished GeniBROCKjfell, and Van IIensse laer received six severe wounds npon bis body. It is scarcely necessary Ito remind our readers of the disgraceful fact, thai all these services and these wounds could not j protect the gallant sol dier from the prescriptive system of Mr. Van Boren. He was Postmaster at Albany,, and was removed lasl yelV because he would not use the patronage of his office in support of the Ad ministration The gallant old hero is on a visit to uen Harrison -llepuulican; I v . From the Lbg Cahinr iwwin'eiijfwhi The New Orleans! Bee of June I6h says We have received a letter from an intelligent gentleman of Kentucky, whose means ii knuwl frde upon the sobjetfare aniple, unfoMina; V scheme of the Locwfoco party for checking Th progress of reform, which it well behooves )h Whigs to counteracf. j jlrhe allowing e ract8Sf poses a stupendous system of elect ion'eeiingj aj the expense of the Pqpie, whiclHias been con cocted at Washington jicity, and "which will be pushed to the utmost jripjurces of the Treasury .'f At this moment the whole couniry is infest ed by a band of vampires, under the insidious guise of p st office age.dts, at an expense to the Government bf ctgftf dollars a day each, whose ostensible duty it is to j examine into the condi 1 lion of the different pbst i.fiices, but whose real busioess is to solicit subscriptions for that noxious sheet, the Extra Globe, and tp superintend the organizition of the parjy in all the States The ajent for this section left here (Louisville) a few days ago on a mission through the country." ! L TUfe Mist; '-t tin Jr.rmV 5iff:r th FCtPjijEjj IN:EARNET. i;le3Trt from the Portland Ad- iWal. Keatwas; on Wednes- .romHiatea tor ineiiiie 01 iov - vitni9ni; asscrnoieu ai Aususta ;. mat - Mua.ra,i.:jsjain(jor,i were nominated as 'Jy,i ? Vsldeeitfand Vice President at vi W tia feere were present 104S dele- a,sqcid be- between six and seven v i WkZoen6w, Esq., of Par wo(tntof theXonvention.; itM Vhlg Convention, 2 f3! -Wfaicai meeting which ev- , --W riff it'R me v:.ai .voocoro MURDER WILL OUT. I ' One fact is ivotlhmorcHhan a hundred professions? Mattin Van Btiren has been styled by his. friends, UA 1 Northern rnan with Southern principlas" jWhatjauthonty they have tot the assettionl it is etlremely diffietm to as certain; and although the Magician hasdis. played great! talent! in concealing his tijue principles, yet he lia's shown the clpven foot at last. -Under his own hand has he ajc knowledgfed.jthat t leie is no lrnpropttety in receiving (the testimony of a negro i gainst a while mdti Hejs willing lhat the character of a whkq citizen, shall be at the mercy of every blackamoor ; that his integ rity and reputation may be assailed and de slroyed by a class cf being?, totally devoid of every thing like moral eentiment,"or hon esty ; and whoso evidence can be procured THE OFFICE nnLrFRs cnxvvK. r. ; r j tion. r .1 U pn'the last day. of the Greal Conventipn of :lhe Teople'at Baltimore,' slender and sickly band ."of i the 'dwindling adherants of j the ijynasly of Aiisrule assembled in tue Musical Hall of. that", city- It professed to i comprise Delegates from twenty-bhc of Ithe terity-aix Slates of the Union; but' some of them were no' more delegated by 'the States from Which they frame, than by Egypt ; or Tartary. For instance,; Phineas 'Allen graces the list as sole representative oflthe SoVereignly of .Massachusetts butTboi Party? in Massachusetts expressly votedjnot topend any Delegates, and Mr. Allen fold the Conver t on he had no authority to sit tfiere Never .rhind,'' .saio!..Isaac., Hill,: put him down." So; Mr. Allen appears: on the record, but did Massachusetts appear in his person ? So will several other Stated.! Whele obe or two persons could tirtini up a schpol-house meeting in some little! nr-j I'gf.lhey were, readily appointed Delegates for the Stale, and appeared to wield its: uiuiiqer.i tvnere tins ,iaiiep, tne Members; of Congress weie brought in to eke out: the! representation as far ast; possible- V Thtis,3 Kentucky had t hrtt Delegates m the Con- ventifrn, :u?a of themihe only two Lo30- Foco; Alemhert of Congress from ithat St?te ; Louisiana ditto ; Mississippi had four Del egates, three of them Members of Congress j Alabama, two out of! four; Indiana, five Members of Congress out of nine; Arkan sas bad sent nobodyV but her M. C was on hand, &r. cc. Was not this more like a Congressional Caucus than a National Convention ? ,j Hon. Felix Grundy of Tennessee. thjSl Senator, and late Mr Van Buren's Attorney General, appeared as spokesman and chief manager; Hon. I. Hill, of New-Hampshire ex-Senator, Governor, &c, and now Pen sion Agent for the Government in ins own Stile was President,? pro tern. Ex Gov! Indian Commissioner Carroll, of Tennes sf , was chosen President ; Ex-Gov. Van Ness,; of Vermont, who has drawn many thousands from the Treasury as a duplicate; Minister to Spain, was a Vice President Hon Alex. Morton, U S. Senator from Lmi. isisna was another.; Mr. Clem. C. Clay, U.;S Senator from Alabama, was Chairman of tbo Grand Committee on Nominations of-President and Vice President and so on, to theend of the Chapter. It wss: em phatically an 0ce-H61ders, Convention. ; l Of course Martin Van Buren was nom mated for ro-electioa to the Presidency, without a dissent From a body so consti tuted, this was the most natural thing; in the world. We had feared at firM, thai the People of the old Jackson party might be represented there, and might demand the nomination 01 oiu liickory tor a third term. TAaf would bate made a 6ght of it even at tins late day. But it seems that the Peel pie aloresaid, having rorne to the conclusion lhtthe only way to effect the Reformsjtliey soeki, is by supporting the old Farmer o( Npitb Bond, troubled, themselves very little abbut the doings or decisions of the Office Hfiers'i Convention. ( j iThe immolation of Richnrd M. Johnon was the next business in order. 'The Pari ty-4-thal is to say, Mr. Van Buren and his rented associates and confidential wire! workers had resolved to thiow him overi boWd., He had been used and pretty much use upjn making Mr. Van Buren PresM dent, and he could not be used to advantage any longer. The States where his strength i lier Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, 8tc one; determined not to vote for Van Buren I any; how, while the South and the uppermost of the Parly' generally cannot stomach him. So, he must be whistled down the wind f but how ? By resolving to make no nominj tion for Vice President! Alas for ' the usage of the party ?' Ahs for ' Regular nominations !" Has the Great Part) which lately lorded it over the land, haught?, im per ious, and invincible, indeed fallen so; low, even in its own estimation, that it dare run but half 9 ticket ? It would seem so. Col. Johnson was to be sarrficedrthat was written in the book before Ihe Cnn-f with a dram, or a s a master's threats, ciple ? fs this the 1 meet. Simple and unnriElendioff in Li manners, all bis habits ar)d tastesiforniea from his life-long jntctcourf e with his broth er 'tillers of the -foil," thotrgb often zl the t call of, his country mingling in her Councils wVtb the lortfesirGovTTrJKR is' just such a rain as any farmer -would S reioice . to' have for a neighbor or comhsm'oh, and with whom ai.y piain citizen would enjoy a social eve mug, uiacusains ne anairs oi- me neisnoor- hpod or the Nation the bfest mode o aging a fdrm;or of puttinc an cudip tiauuus nara limes. man-these iMr TfTeirL ha hpm Kiitnnrarl tnltl,, Iwgbcst r stations likjibe gift of his native State among ot he rV those; of Governor and lioited States Senator, : the 1 latter he was'elected .over John RandoiDb." oostin? tliat eccentric 'genius m thW fullness !of bis fame, by a vote of 1 15 to tme (1828) he has been fore the eyes of the Union recall one act or vote throtiglibut his Sana ferial career which jostly censure ? None. 110. Sine that prominently te Yet who can subjects him to j! Gov. Tyler was educated in the strictest school of Jeffersonian DejnPcracy, and has fiver been an ardent discip e of that school He came into the Senate; a decided sup farter of the Election of Gen. Jackson, and jjf. course of his Administration. lie did not hesitate, however, to oppose and defect bch measures of the Exertitive as hin judg rnent pronounced pernicious and h s vote rind influence were cast against several of he President's most cherished but excep tionable nominations to jpflice. It was doubtless unpleasant thus j to provoke the wrath of the potent chieftain who ruled the INation and was the idol of the domin ain. an3 the ; part which Ger.craf IUrrtion acted ir tliadra ma, Ji 1 ?e ; been matter' of ijstb!of tbojtast iwcKij.f0ur"'ears; ant! Ira ve h e;r i :tofdr be t nXo ni versally; accredil e4 tie ; Administration partv areT no W us ing e very effort, to" persu a d e th e people that uCJr uveDeendelnded, anu that uen. Har rison never, was in i battle in lus life.No facts merely bistotical can be better au then ticaledjtban GeneralHirrisonVafeiir and bra?rl; ? a commanding 'officer.- THey ar al!8l5d fey wbrecbrtl of Congress, of aids ad a large number of the ablest ofii-1 cers of the country, who fooght with and under im. whose probity or judgment in these batters ! have; never been doubted ; and finally, by : thousands of the people themselves,; who fought, bled, and conquer ed und?r bis command. Still, in the face of ail tjiis 'proof, we find tliem continuing, with ap efTort wjirlbypf-aetter cause, to nrge upon the people the belief that he was never m a battle. That in so extensive a body as the Congress of the United States, there .sjionld be found one or more individ uals, f ho, urged on by the rancor of party fee!ingr, should o far loose all regard for self respect, as to depart from what was strict I jj true, should not be surprising ; but that thlpre should be half a dozen or more, who claim a fair standing in the communi ty, aridj so far as our information extends, have hitherto sustained it, that would un blushirjgly, rise in their pjfees, on the floor of Congress, in the presence of the assem bled representative of the nation, and utter as truei facts which they themselves must iy.WersoRi pa tha 4th J uly : for the' accororaddati n of , i. Liadiesjo which 11 are respectfully invited lpiltUan''CTtamiarsti' T. L. f' Cowan. damue( Fraley, ; Jg Cwlre rftou--,' Beard, ' Jiltxcnder Lorx. Mu L. Broten. John Jones, -Wet C. Pendleton, G IV. Brown. ' . Jarcn irooWffi, Kiuchcn Elliott, David nalson- DS J. Davis. 4 ll.M.Morah: ' Mrs. C: McCulloch; I f ' 4 - U -i. ine loiiowing persocs having-btca'v on the4tb of Joly, are xcquestrd d'r Henderson's Office op fridaj thA:'3 o'clock u V'" ; - -;' Col Holdsliovscr, ll'm. Iscke, " J'Jin Barker, E II. BurckheaJ. . ; James Cowan.'-- " ?. Crotref. ' David E Perl. 1dam Trexler. Jr , ' George Shuford r Robert Huie, J. U. McJScely, 9 know,tand which are well known by every person; at all acqnatnted with the history of ant party, but duty left no alternative. After I the cotintry, to be ntterly false, for the pur- pen. Jackson committed His great error of! pse of injuring the well earned reputation permitting himself to be offered a second ; of time as a candidate for the Presidency, Mr. jfTyJer perceived that the tendencies: of the Government to deviate frond the Republican track became day by day stronger arid more controlling; and when the Deposites of the Public Money were removed from the Na tional into fifty State Bank 1 by the simple edict of the President, in c efiance of a di rect vote of Congress, of the fbrmnl opin ion of his own Cabinet, anjd of 'thestrenu (our resistance of ihe offir entrusted by law with the keeping of thi Public Moneys, IMr. Tyler pronounced the oct most despot ic in its character and dangerous in jits con- sequences, and opposed it with all his pow ers. The attitude he then assumed he has since firmlv maintained. P ! l 1 11. a rcsisiance 10 me uai 01 nu invinci ble chieftain was by no means tho first evi dence afforded of the stern independence if 1.:- i. i .... L jfi- yi uis cnaracier. in me -prcccuing year. a man whose life has been, spent in the services of hia country, merely because the people! e thonghtproper to call him from retirement tolfill theJiighest office in their gjft, is astounding. But that the Pres ident'(d!f the United States, should so far snctifn this degrading course, as to coun tenance one of the first propagators of this falsebcfod. and reward him with a high of fice uhller the Government, is still more as tonishing and humiliating to every lover of truth, or of his country. Men who thus act ancj expect long to retain the confidence of the people, must place a low estimate on their Intelligence or j ustice . Highland Messenger. Singular Occurrence. Yesterday roorn- iSam'l Lucf:e; t,Jr ' John h Vfrxill, It irftiTr-E L?c :t Job n it put r , ' Jrscph fc Told, ' Joseph P. x! . JJux B E-ird,' O G. Foard, Ttwmas Slokcs. r SHERIPP'S SAirr-. "SriLLibe sold for cash at the' Cour Ho.s v v in Satisbuiy on the 3rd day of. August next, being Court day, the " . T.TVERJV gift 1 novt. irg, the pilot boat L. S.'Lucass Capt Lea, in eigll fathoms water, Charleston light bearing W. N. W. fell in with the Sloop EmmaSf' Eliza, entirely abandoned. On boar'dine the 'sloop, the sails, compasses. the measures of Gen. Jackson against the watar, provisions Sec. appeared not to have attempted Nullification of iSouth Carolina 'were under discussion in CongrcssJ warmly supported by the great mas ot tne People bf all parties; " Mr. Tyler jwas opposed to Nullification' and had done all in bis pow er to avert the impending cjisis, btit hedep Vera ted the passage of the itorcc Bill as fa tal to the independence ofjhe States. Hi?; tnglevsolilary vote slandsecordea oh the journals of the Senate in opposition to the passage of lhat bill. It may pave been a mis taken one, but the principles which govern ed and the feelings- which dictated it wili commend themselves to every manly bressf. j In 28S6, Mr. Tyler's injdependence and inteentv, were subiected to a still sterner trial The Senate had ddibera that the President, in causing pi me jueposues, nao assum.n confided to him hv the C I Lw. A newXeeisI ted the Senators for the expun the journal ed compliance rotcd ova' s not, and ia direc- to vote otfon from Ty ler deem ate an abiect been at all disturbed the jibfand mainsail partly poieted, and on the table in the cab in therp were appearances of a meal having been tiken immediately before the crew left, a in pan wiUifooV-efTee pnt, and plates lauding on the table in their proper order, j The boat wag missing, and all dr criptins of clothing appeared to have been taken.way. Tha Sloop had onboard a cargo ffflive oak and cedar Und but little witrr in her, and leaks but to a trifling ex tent. Fhe on!yr paper :frtund on board. were a conple of. bill of lading, one for 299 bajrs of cotton, dated 28thMarch last, the otlifer for 2G0 bags, dated Ilth April last, shipped on board the sloop Emma $ UrraJS. XV. Hadley master, at Darien, bound o Savannah. What" circumstances rould Qave induced the crew to leave the vessefjit is impossible to conceive V-Ilad they ben taken off bv any vessel, it is but natural to conceive that the sloop would. nave oeen strippeu, vve can jnereiore :oniy uppoae mat tney tooK the boat anu lanueu Charleston' Lou- rier. Jim I V isiiiLJ . ; AND:;LOT- in Salisbury, oc.cn pied by Wra.' I). Cn f r i, and which the said Cravford porchs-d of T?.o-. A. Haue; to satisfy a Wri of Vr-nj'ifiofu ex ponas in favor of I). F. Cldell ami wift a gainst saiJ Crawford: Also, at the sanie Hir e and place, - -; r - - SIX valuable SEGfSOER, a man named John, a wemn turned tij, -jirl Elizn, girl Martha, boy Bb and bo? Jau u Lut in Salisbury, on which is situated a g" it Threshing and Cotton Machine ; and an unttn proved Lot adjoining Mrs. Woodson and oMirrs to satisfy Executions in favor of D rA W.Marrh, Adm'r., Andrew Buggerly, illiau. Walton and others. - , ? J. H. II A R DIE, S-'fT. July S, 1 840-4 w49 - ' . , - Just Received and l for Sale, Wholesale or Retail, 18 finds. Snrjar, 189 Bags Coffee.;, . 14OO lbs. Loaf Sugar. . 16 Kegs Powder, . 1 bbl. Madder, 200 lbs. Spanish lodig", 200 Bottles Snuff, 15 large covering Hides, . SO pr. Elliptic Springs,' f 15 cases Hats, , . ' 10 cases Shoes, " 100 pr. Trace Chains, . 8 Mouse Hole Anvils, . 8 Bright, Vices, 9 pr. Blacksmiths Bellow?, 300 Sacks Salt (large size,) i'ia Kega Nails asst'd sizes, -100 Kegs Whiter Lead, By J'& W. MURPHY. Salisbury April 29, 1840. N IZVrC A R R i A G E ftlAKI N G mm Ral ESTABLISHMENT. ejfhhiibbd Bartlett presided oM . , at' iow oieTens, 01 L.iaremont, lmmeioi Governor. The 54 v!!'8 Electors for. President limit .MWasbinston, and George LteSf franHRo'; -Electors ai large j aito,toHr,; of. Hiilsborougb. r-p r war, of , C heshire, and Amos afMiConway,! Wilson, of Lynn, S,VV,,H Ktene, -and Tyler, of Coo- if1' '!t.fi';:- ' -r li&nefd slates that the prcces li 'fMNlifepwple.: i , ij;-.i:rSair l?;i ;:ts '!.vi ; - fe9?tal2OZJ SoWers ?v jPfoPLE Jin; Council. ins., the Sanrramon Journal W5?!f.meH5 Cowing account, cx :L -llEfef columns, of a most en- ilwtV held there by the young J!0 :ani 70 counties were V,kJ'8tlast5000de!eMnc mA A,M. H flf K0119 accompanied or assem iriem JFhf- ,xm lasted two days, i;fusday-i without the slight . " na nnai !?i;onfivleril and reolf i, 11 r'seat iiii- ""v, mam. nlling, or be extorted by Is this a Southern pnn feeling peculiar to the South? Are Southerners willing! to plC their reputations, br their fortunes in tjiq mouths of their slaves, or the slaves of j a personal enemy ? j The whole South has but one voice upon this subject.) In our own State, and in everv other Slave hold ing State, negroes are forbidden by positjve enactments, to testify against a white m$n, hp. thai nearo freeman or slave. Should they, weak, treacherous, and deceitful j be trusted with a weapon so powrriuir wan Buren responds inlhe aifirmativr. He may indeed thtnknegroes as worthy of credit as the Whites, as hi3 chief associated for sever al years past haveS been such men as Ken dall, Blair, Bentbp and Duncan;? men not at all calculated to elevate the character of the Whites in thiei eyes ol any one. j I Van Buren has been styled contemptu ously 'a INouhern man with negro feel ings," and verily khis one facV speaks loud ly for its justness U estern Whig. i 1 CP The Globe informs us that Atnos's sub scription for ihe Extra already exceeds 20,000 ! No wonder, when22 members of Congress take 10,000, and the ffca in tbe departments are compelled to 8ub4pribe for copies proportioned in number to the amount of their salaries ! At all events, it is a raoriey making business for Amos, and that is all he cares for. j $20,000 for six months, instead of $6,000 per annum, is a good exchangepariicularly when his health is mbe vention assembled. But the hand that dealt the blow was to be concealed if pos-j si hie. New York Van Burenism, with exl treme delicacy, proposed nit to vote on thej q uestion of making a nomination. It stood aloof. But the vote without her stood ; 03 Jor a nomination John?on to 90 against ni 1 his was a poser. u this emergency, Mfssrsi Dix, Oliver & Co. were obliged tp slibw their hand, by casting the 42 votes of New-York against a nomination. Thus, by the direct finger of Van Buren is Cof. Johnson sacrificed. ' I We suspect this act is one of those whiri somewahere on the coast. iprostration of the digo-dindependence Uf the Senate at tbe footstool of unboended Executive Power. He wasj a 'Republican, land could not vote as he was directed , but he was also a firm believer in the doctrine that 11 representative is bout d by the wish es of his constituents, and h could not vote L L. I LJ - J .1 . against wuai appeareu iu uuiuu rcunwainis of his Virginia But one course remained, consistent with his principles and honor; He resigned the station in which he had re- centiy been re-elected lor a term i six 1 abscess. andMhe dus drawn off bv r j - . I ft,-. UnAi AC rrila i Ir T'l ' . llieir ycuis, nu iciucu iu tun 5Muta i)i p"" 1 means pi a pump. ineoniiu was hepi up?n Surgical operation for Consumption. The l'Iiiladtlptiia inquirer mentions an instance of a ; c rr'ti i nnor-itinn nnrf .r rr a A in 'hit rltv frr fttij n I rbi twi tutu uov ivi cure ufcon8umption of the lungs, on the 15th of May last. The disease was in the right side, a fflatportton of the lung being occupied by an absceswhich communicated -with the cav'nvof , chest-Jihe diagnosis being based upjn physical exjloTa!on. An incision was made about three inches ng between the sixth and seventh ribs; a gum eiasuc luoe was iniroaueea. miu meca? life. He has since represented his L.ounJy j and thf tuoe appl.ed unul ther pus (which a- . in the Lgislature, havjhg been elected by 1 or untt to -J4 ounces; is enureiy remcveti. Junanimoos vote ; and he lias received the i The piuent immediately after the operation br vbtes of th Whis MembcrJfor Uft-S'.Sena-purely reheved ; his cou?h sobbed, and ; nis respiration occamp easy. . lie is now conva 1 (Talleyrand characterised as 'worse than crime a plunder.' Col. R. M. John sot son's tbr, but he has not sought office and he Was the only Member of tbf National Con vention at Harnsburg last winter jo whom lis nomination to the secbijd office in the linioii was a matter of embarrassment or in difference. By all beside, jhis acceptance, under the delicate circumstances m which d with a burst ol 1 s resp lescen'j havintr had no bad symptoms ; since the operation. Pet Jut. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform Ms friends and the public at large, that he has commenced the above business, on Main Street, n(rihofhe Court-Hoose, where he is now pre pared to make to order, on short notice, ; OF EVER F DESCIUPTIOX, on the most moderate terms, out of good and du rable material, and in a style of 1 workmanship inferior to none in this section of Couniry. In lending- to make his stay permanent, he hopes by strict attention to business, to be able to render satisfaction to all those who may favor him with patronise. SCP Orders from a distance will be thankful y receitrd.and faithfully attended to. llepitring of every description io his line will be dor.e with neatness and despatch, and on rocd ernto term.? to correspond with the times'. N. B. One or two good workmen In thea btive line of business will meet with employment, it' application be made soon. L NATHAN BROWN. Salisbury, June 20,1840 6w48 character and history present very assailable points, but none that were net notorious when he was first nominated. There is no reason for dropping him now which was riot equally cogent against taking him tip at first. On the contrary, he has discharged the duties of his station to far better accep tance than has Martin Van Buren those of Ins; and he is a sticnger man with tbe Pep pie to-day. I Col, Johnson has written a manly letter expressing his readiness to be sacrificed.! if that be deemed necessary to the triumph jof the party which has elevated him so high. That is no more than was to have been ex pected of him.' If they had thiown lam overboard manfully and nominated Polk, is they wished, it would dptibtless have been more acceptable for mm and politic for 'the Party than now. Amonc ihos toeelkg, and heartily co operaiingj'sb much beneflteij by the " exeiteroeot of com- he was placed, was receivei ejnthusiaslic joy and thankfulness as the kLnrt nf iininn and the assurance of a slori- .i 1 . pus iriumpn. Such is John Tyler, the date for Vice President of t Sleam Boat Disasiet Morris, in descending ths NEW AND GOOD. Just received at the Salisbury Xoffee Home. ONS. ROUGH E respectfully informs hi) Spupous Half Dimes. A gent'eman -how ed os fes'erday some half ditms. which liar been nionounced snurious coin: and it is said i that tllere are a considerable n-imber of ihem irv cir'cnlalion. They can be easily detected, as the vijnette of the Goddess cf Liberly, on the efiiifriate coin. i3 surmounted bv thirteen stars, 1 aherels the e.iunterfeii has not anv otherwise ! -JX friends and customers, and the public gn h would be difficult to distiofraish the one. from ; erally.ihat he has no on hand at his -Eatatliah-the otlfex. Charleston Courier. meat in Salisbury, a splendid assortment of ev- :. - ery thing desirable in bis line of business, arnl The Loco foco, who raised su-h a long and which he will sell very low fur cash : Sojar at dolefuf ouicry about the death of Cilley, think it i 8, 0 and 10 lbs. to the dollar ; Coffee at 5, 0 ar.'J exceedingly wrong for the Whigs to say one , CHbs. to the dollar; Loaf Sugar of difldrent niiird iirnt the murder of Laurrhhh, ihe Whig ; qualities at 20 and 25 cents per lb ; first rate Tb' 5r I 1 j-Marsrfal at Baltimore. They think it a nmu ! tjhewing ; Tobacco from 20 to 75 cents per lb. ; People's Candi- ie United States; Jjnrr I Cabin Mdbilc, June 11. river, on the : hur'ribfe thing to kill a mm in a duel of his own, j and all kinds of drinkables such as Albany Ale; I THE VICE PRESIDENCY. We wish every freeman in the Union Were acquainted, even so slightly as wc are, with John Tyler, the Reform Candidate for Vice President of the United States.' A nobter representative of a nobte race,thb frank, 'warm-hearted, bospttible Planter bf Virginia, we ever had the good fortune to hougn consider her plaoks and as compelled to ther boat is said Tie !. -crfoft!r in aaii nai t an nfTirer in N'ph Ark C'rfer ' London Porter : ihe be-sl kir t night of the Sib ins'.anl, wpien about twen a Wh procession. i l Claret Wine, it;d al! other kinds of Wir.r- ; ty miles above the city came in cpntaci wan the Arkansas, going up, arid received uch damage as to sink in a fe mimites. It is not fully ascertmcd asJto,pow the accident occurred ; both boats weU under a full head of steam, and stnickUn each other's how with ttemendoos forcel The Arkansas is the target and stronger uoai, aou fsu-iu without senous damage, al ably shattered in some o timbers in the bow ? she out back to reoair. . The to have been cut into as ftr back as the cap. stan, and will be a total tiss. '(The cargo on board, about 230 balejs of cotton will be saved, though much injured, and the en gine, furniture, ect. will ahso be got out. Lime Juice and Lemon Svron : air kinds tt The American Sentinel ii Wednesday an- : Cordials : all kinds of Liauors. and frreat manv nounefs the deith of Judgs Rosell, U. S. ojf,pr Kinds cf Grrceris, acch an Tea's, Clovrr, I3istr:t Judge foNew Jersey, at his residence Clnamon Bark ; all kinds of Nuts, and a gTt : ni Mount Holly on Saturday. i many other articles (bat be has un hand toor u- ; merons to rrenhon, and according to the prer- Jlutnored Fight. Th Milwaukie Sentinel sure of ihe times, he will sell very low icdec of June 2. says : ' There is a rumor in town to : fcr Casb. dy,4nal 109 tIOp3 at Prairie du Chien have t Mons. Rouche returns his thanks to thr r-b "had ajbxssh with tbe Winnebagoes, in which 16 ' c for ihe liberal patronag? he has heretcfure r ot met lorujer, anu iu m us latici nsis " ' itTibtvftitb'standirrz the facts' wlwolk trvl epired during the late wax with Great Brit- of danville, o the 26th yea of her age i - Tile Major of Baltimore has offered a reward of oo thousand dollars for the apprehension and conviction of the murderer of Thos. 11. Laugh I in. I ceived, and hy his strict attention to bus.n ; hopes its continnanre. Salisbury, June 12, 1840 Iy4G Hr. James G. IVomack, HAVING located himself the Town of Salisbury, tenders ht 61 Saturday morning ;l20th oil., at the ce to its Citizns-'anA tbe ljaren rtn'tt' j resides co-h' faiber, MrrBnJamin Watklhi, a'T the various brapelw oC-Jjis-Profe.r.:-ifT4lrVtvlTaPra covrrrfl W:, 'Ul Vantea Sane i 'can be fturid at hja office on ruain' IlSfliSwife 6f HdtSeit W VH!foas. iEa&.t door below the r ffice tf the Wattle t ar (Juoe 26. 1840 -wly