j!nUt-e wrongr - Mr. Hone A-e'XlV'jrt. report of ihe introduction LK-, ,? cMl corrected without de.- 6 . 35 s. ii - ' v L.here K 412" of the President's ,l- irtlv coin nrr bend I I ) - . ' A Ailnnl find flira .UTS '? . JnHc IIS I '1 a'. .titorefare it must be receiv A'f'ir" " i i --ii.-; ei...!ri k f j!' ie-b"feH rtr-omc offence -.for if- t -bad Wovtded --no-punish- 1' 1 ihc Presicnt was appealed to for :.i,Ald M sat the. law does hot bciDilfeanged, and Cbcrelore .;harilv. N ,ne ,aw Qrnoi tu- Vr& KiinV 1 iingrd and therefore r at all events, no wouiu use :r tipf Ihnijfd hanhen to r be a priWo, irfd it should be about (lie I ' , : iJ i . i C ln aa a a rrfnf at J iff eieciir v.1. --" i?"r . I-2 j-.iflf.! lf llnnc i 'micrtil. rtcr inJ fli'ft0 squire his inter. ' Ie ccrtai!yr fotind something to Ixlinfaktehce in setting aside an jealure Ifniie. entenfe ts. Cap. Al. I - - ; I-l ; v- - -. r- . v .J4- ! - M - I , . f II - - : ',.. .- t 6 .... , , r- .;, i -Ji . ' '" . J . " . " , " - . Jl - .1 I. ... : . 'I .:-."".. r : i ., ;r ' . ." ' . "rt. w "uu,u I yiS'iiu any tninff 1 intpniT! .h.n T h. S 8 ' - C '! Ba,e" " ,-("end ' f f 'ne?lile'W'H' yoil in person, befote Ton ; -- , " "iiuin'iia jiiu tins "in-nro i . nci ip fmrt a-aii:- ' - a T -t v.-. t. business is gotten up by' Uie membeVrrom iqis cistrtcl to excite prejodice'aeainst four President of Stiutherr principIts'C- t You aie easily humbufoef. inH-f-dJif ihe President ahdhis patjizans can impress j'ou w,,u ucuci inai inis is a nunabug. J - ' If tbis-were the first time tbkt the Presi jclent had tnanifealed aueli a feeling in beh ilf of tb African population, I should bo dis posed to look with more charit- on this re cect ftotrac,-? as ? !haitand;iin'adf ise'd roeasnre," which"; he ifad regretted, arid 1 wV disposed to atcne for ; - but it is, tn truth crrjing pin r?erf princTpie that he hat eteraavocated, wlieij he has bepo brought u any luing oejona an empt- idle proles- SIUO. 1 i- fioCho- LocoFoco. . M 8 conictoi sPt lush crimes, e ,sf dt5inqr3ble arid dishonest cB the testimony of white men and fni!ejne,y eUhe Prf sident could ff,4f$'y9j hts omia iWitfr Hi rnemory, of his tiH diffused from the service fy'i$MWt9 refn,!tet, and ,ne is!i!iienO)e fff ea for condiiiiUie most Jrjcefiit 1 oe jcnt ' on furloffgb for Utears, tliih fai!43jt4l take his pleas- 1,1 gd toe Pr dent lhas followed the 5oa4$? Jhefsrriptue injthis instance fjetnly ild as U Would ej'jdone bjr He, Uoohri. trial? befbro a court that will Lslnaf from pub 1 c:serf ice J and de jikiD o his y,; wh i will be looked Lteroii i its feafure oj his ponishineni l at fcl ow feeding i l anticipation, no i&ioat rjtompdlt But jlhe President Jili os llere Ehd h ir,: ard in the next irt be ij.rs tfo fault is in the lawond abimr-'ibat )ie law'muEl be altered, wfiat iJon't exist ? JHesavs s x jlldthjs ind provided that the laws j seterat State?, except where the Con- litilioa, Ire aiiesjir statutes of the United :mshil dtherwise require or; pr ovidf . kii it regarded as rules of decision in tri' tt fcocopn liw m the Courts or, the ''::eJ StatfS; in cases where tbey apply. ri of. Courts Martial has not ? been nil with to nmch care. Their proceed- ijliTe been fexclusively , regulated by wiiot&fcrence to State laws or llie iDlrotJuct inn of colored 'persons t:liiesjcs.; it it be wrong lo admit them, ilfiohista rticlaw, and the remedy is :kf(jnd in its alteration It is surely a ucessary ? Jl h a tt I should saylto you, sir, i Yss cannot j" tfe accompVished by me. rra l!to 'direiard thef law? as it stands, carcase for so doing; was presented, or fctetfpt to; chinge" its operation; there iaiaeeu-utj cause lor compiaim anu scnetahoni" Kow, how Jesuitical is all i ft is such sophistry as might become rpMmore? all college, bulisurelv is not tdiiatle t'a President, ' 1 ' trincre is do law ! then the saw must tiletfid, atfd Arcan't alteriit ! lie is o- hfilpflfotceilhe law as it stands, which ne?r,bad eijstence and onl? becomes fv because it s not prohibited by au Mjelftbc 0JiIyIaw that applies to the sub it u llie law he has himself fltinted. which 'Mid iiave-llexeltidedf'r'tbiii testimonv in a S.JfcouiDflaw, add notwithstanding enjUis pan :o cnange us oper di wMd indeed be cansei for, complaint I - Si 9 l .K. a . . . . J '. JrtpnciStioh. 1 But hear him further : R,i !:.!! is L .i. J vi!ii. it nave not me cuii5iuiiuii liutdoc's Mr Vanj Boren forgetdr have ?. PeppIeforgouqh:t '9. h"ore corded his totu forya-pVeVmblVand ! resota lion in the Senate of jNew York, m the lol-loing-.words':;, ; -VSXf."7-: ".W hereas, Uie inhibiting I M fiirther cx teusion of slavery h these (Jailed "States, tsa subject of 'deep jqoncern to the peoplo of' this State ; and whereas, we consider slavery as an evil raii b to be deplored, and ibat every, constitutional barrier should be interposed rto prevent Us further extension ' J it.". aL' rv " it rlt . -'"t- r, . r ouu inai ine uonsiuuion oi ine u. p. clearly gives Congress the right to require of new States not cotnprehended within the origin al boundaries of thejjU S., the prchibitmg of slavery as a condition of their admission tntolhe Union:. ; V Jicsotvcd, hatj our "Senators be-in-i st rue ted, . and ou r . representatives in Con-j gress be 'requested, to oppose the admission) Willi profound gratitwde and" respect, ' ; ': 1 mi'jouf obedieniVervatil; J ' JUHNnM. BOITS, . - " . . r - !, i?P?w Suptrior Ceur.TLe frll term of this Court commenced here on Monday (a?t, liis Honor JcDGiTPEARSON,presiding7 An !,nusua ' large-amount 'of Judgments wer e Jak en , but tittle other , itnpbttant bu siness transacted." We learn tbatibe Grand been quite engaged in examining illTHOaJerimtnntrf nrrtmitnn mil nf I ha lala j . i : --w K'wn.lfg VW. W IIIV BtV :4 i liieleeiTou: and such b?s bepn the fact at e-- ;eraJ of the preceding Courts in the circuit. ' K .J- - - FRIDAY SEPTEMBER f Vi have tried the Jilapician his must weuther the storm wtih 18, 1 840.1 magic icont do, Tij'iiecanoe. -i ; No! as Ii state into the U not comprised 8s afd hi bUipa of sl i very i lion of, adm ission t-These are without tion of any Territory esaid; making the pro- n tndispe usable condi-l y,ftt9 alter iBe? law. I have no hesitation jit that1 1 ha)re not been able to dis lluniljeilileason 'Why i the rule which lislwhlKf h$ conaenl'and approbation of vidic 41 Should not extended to 'i.- ?! - . IT r--------- iwrltrlbiina sfnf the counlrv." Then xlm lie exie'nd it when he had it in t1fiV herf it rested exclusivelv" on ?5d;8ctio did hVadopt a different 5Vbydifir: besay'.: Jo the absence -uii oft tfief tubject, I-will apply the thll M been established in civil aSbH the i,lr,r;pi of 1789. which Jj;fclaejJtJis testimony ; or did he ,:'lif ok the honor of a soldier was V' tqnetauehce than the nronert? of a ?f n,l" ftefbfe lwould apply a role ,ecM0rMtibn to that established by 0v'p-rJl(zehs. the common law o MdINIrf nb relation :to the subiect ! United Sipii Iiao. nk rnmmnn law o! 0f 8n torlgfess' has passed no law '-ngjtf$ competency; of negro testi i !.Xkl'itons! ronfl outrage upon "'He rtiri'if tila W'nI Cnnltnrn nrSnirkIoa Ko fS!pftt,jithds without a parallel, and i '"ttfimflkler and ilnunder as he mav. kff cse1tbe rrsponslibility of reebm- 2 the Arm HtH tmd nl havin? sane JtJ4 sUobry gatnst . white men, !riies3beeo so highly ;commen ll'&Wion prints bftbe North. i !Uff 1 Vlike the shirt of Ncs I J-'iftukweat.'lt' 'nhdf " ba must take Iwear it and be - 9'ieiices.' He has been in the hab- Hti rr?-f5 r v lie lias ,l kj WII Qeltlbh -ri this he must take s,?l-fv either fori or against ine iasjlaken it, arid let htm &bide C ioIJV4n4 petiont presented to MI eR-l te harmless old women v'rlciMtarcbins or the North, doubt Mr. Vn Buten'si present -views; and lallhongh he is a North- ern man with Sbuthflrri principles, as he is1 fond of answering Questions, I would like) to enquire of him, if be should be re-elect-j ed, and Florida or Texas were m the next four, jears to apply for admission into fhei Uulon, whether he would not in conformity! with the opinions expressed above, unless1 slavery was prohibited, veto any bill that. might pass Congress Tor their admission? An answer to that might test his Southern principles if " ;? Does he forget, or does he suppose the people have forgotten that in 1821, in the Convention of New York, he voted to ex- end the right of suffrage to Negroes, wheri by Ais vote; and one more, it would have been defeated ? Does he forget his vote on the subject of slavery in 182-2, on the r lorida question f Does he forget thit he acknowledges the constitutional power of Congress to abolish jslavery in the District of Columbia, and have his friends so far for gotten what is duejto themselves and jou. as to attempt, in the face of all this, to palm him off under the title of a Democrat, up on Southern credulity, as a Nnhern man with Southern principles r i es, they hive ; aiid his followers have he hollow heaited hrpocricy to pretend they are afraid to trust Gen. Harrison on this subject, while they profess to believe Air. Van Uuren the onijr man that the South) can safelr trust. All the Whigs are either Abolitionists, or are associated and identified with them, while General Harrison, who has sostaioed more personal and political sacrifices in defence of Southern principles than any ; man alive voting against Mr. Van Burens -anti-sla very principles on the Missouri question, denying the right of Congress or the non slaveholding States! to interfere in any man ner with the subject of slavery, and eveh going so far as to declare that the people bf the non-slavebolding States cannot discuss the question of slavery without a violation of the spirit of the .Constitution, and yet he cannot be trusted hy the South, Suppose as a Member of a State Conver tion, upon a proposition that every free while male citizen,; &c. should be entitled I to vote, 1 were to vote to strise otu ue worn tciic.soas tb admit free negroes, as Mr.; Van Buren did, and then defend it on tl)c gronndthat Mr. Vao B a re n did to wit : that. you had no light to tax them, and reniR them the right of suffrage suppose I Mdg voted for the Preamble and Resolutions plf instruction voted for by Mr. Van Buren ;nj-J on the admission of Missouri suppose! I claimed for. Congress the pnwer to abolish; slavery in the District of Columbia, and jn the Territories suppose I hid advocah'd and decided in my otTict.l character that ne groes had the righfjto give testimony againt-l whith men, and should present myself he fore you as a candidate for Congress : Will you tell roe how many votes you suppose I would get ? Do you thn.k I would get ne ? Do you believe when these objc-; tions were urged fo me, that Mr. Ritchie wouldiell you it was all a pitiful humbug-4Mr. Bolts is a man wiih Southern principles, and the safest mafi in the District ! And is it a matter of les consequence to you that -our President has done all these things? Are Lis opinions and is his influence so much less than that of a Member of Con gress, ihat you wju)d unanynoosly discard me from your, public service," nd embrace him T Even ij Tenteitained these opiniofis I should still havej something left to attach me to Southern Institutions. I have proper ty, friends,-: "and faimily here ; but that wouIdVit avail me. vl Wow hl has Vie to WHIG ELECTORAL TICKET. j 1 Col. Charles MeDowLL, ol Borkeco. 2. Gen. Ja. Wellborn, of Wilkes. 3 Datid KaM80ur, uf Lincoln. j 4. IJavid F. Caliwell.' Rowan. 5. James Mcbank.oI Caswell. 6 Hoo Abraham Rencher, of Chatham. 7 John B. KELLr.of Moore. j 8. Dr. James S. mith. of Orange. j 9. Charles Maklv, vf AVake. j 10. Cel. VVm. L. Loso, of Halifax. j 1 1. Wm. VV. Cherry, of Bfiiie, j 12. (Thomas F- Jones, ul j Perq'imrns. 13. Joiaii Collins :f Wsohiogion. 14. Jamr VV. Hryan. of Carteret, 15. Daniel B. Bakeh. f New-Haitpver. j In answer to thr statemeot which we made j last Week iiv relation tb the appointment of Hen crt.ua as r.simssier, ai uoneurd, we hive re ceived ihe leiter below. The writer denies ' tb core and talks largely about hi. ability lo prove fIsebooJa. Well, this is aTTperfectly nalurl we would as soon believe the bud boastins of the Guvcrnrnent officer at Concord as at any other place. Tbey all know their obligation and the penalty of neglect.' We are not convinced that we have misstated any thing about Henderson's ap p rotmeni. We assure our friends iho state ment made in our last week's paper was made upon the words of three as respectable gentle men lof Concord, as live in the placeand it will take something mare than the disinterested de nial below ta make us believe our iafurmunts are in error. That the appointment is very dissatis factory to those mostly concerned is indisputable. VV have heard it said tbat Col. Coleman, the Assistant Postmaster at Washington, fixed the business with Henderson when in Cabarrus on a visit in the Spring, as aboot that lime a change is known to have come over Ihe spirit of his dream, and he aoddenlr transformed from a broken down, inactive and desnairintr fnlinuor I of th Magician, to a most daring, efficient and whole hog man of the party in the Couaty. - y:' .... . . - -1 aver;aioee the flappieg of bis wings: Tkc, $fr, t nced iiie race witlj this don't know Dordoa't care preacher of Fisherlsm,Vart Baremsmi ffom miscalled Decaocr-tic pewvpapers.',v'Bat-s,irthe time is conie when every fieeborn'soo of Colum bia should care. D on' t care js, lolsay the hwsr of6hnn, a very : pjbr companion. .v.T&e Whigaof 7 6, manifested dot bis spirit when wmiuS fu, mai Dijod-bougni treasure wnien We are now the tirood nd hann ixisjtft&Mrft. Such a spirit haonieii not the itnmortal Harmon. i TVr -at the Thames. Fort Meigs, or Tippecanoe.: "tf Tbe spirit of that monster (. Don't care1) his g " ppearuig u ih : ; ' . IREDELL COUNTY. - -. . V , i- - -. --v. . ... .... 1 . - .. ... t t ,i- -.. Courts of. Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ' ': ; :. I ,rcn?i.,l340. Gf. B: Parkes to the use' df : ( c Jusiah Cow If s. ' J Josiices Jt'iTjmf.f, - - $.,,,... JLeTiPd up-n li e William Raah and ; land ofDefi. Ras!?. , . . .. satisfaction of the Court. moiupiieo wiaowand orphans upon the lace of 1- nauvniiam H'5b isnot an'inhabuant t the whole earth, and doomed its milliooa lo irre- this Stale; Jt is therein ordered bv the d u:t trievable woe. ,5ocb a swrit no donbi finda a I tnarpoblication be mtie for six. wpks in ihc Ihome in the bosoms of those whose dirt v I Carolina Watchman, rrintid. at Sallsburv. that wwiv ii is, iq siauaer ine pevpte candidate lor j ,"" cnani, viwiam,riasn, appear at ttie President. And lastlv. such a snrli called forth oext Coortof Pleas and Otnrter Seaslons. to bo the cold and indifferent replvfrom oe now in fheUfof ihe count v if Iredell, at ihe Coot hoc?e power, The President finds nothios in the case i n laieaviUei on the' third niondar in Noreoiber of Lieut. Hooe, to reqoire hls - inierferenca; J xt, then and there to shew cause, if any ha That spirit however, is now rebuked, tod th I ba. why the -aid land should cot be cundenn- spell which boand good metnirg oicd to the par- j ed wiMsfy plaintiffs debt and ail lawful cost. ty with which it is identified is brok-n. Harri scn.ii is said, will come in like a whirlwind.' bui the figure i$ not qmte bold tnoogh. . He will - come in sir, witn all ihe re&isiless impetuosity ol a tropica! tornado. The goddess of -ieiorj is even now no-ering over our effort, and wii! swn perch in security pon the broad banner of noli tical reform'. The day oi oor redemption draws tiigh.and the shouts of ransomed thousands will rend ihe air from centre to circumference of this our again happy Republic. WHIG VOTER. V ine-s, J. F. Alexander. Clerk of our said court at tfiicb.Ihe; Srdloonday in Aefr; 1S40. J. F. ALEXANDER, clk. eplember IS-OsrS : Printers' Fee $5 62 Si (For the CarolinaJValehmani IREDELL COUNl Y: Court oj Pleas and: Quarter Sezcicns , 2ugul Term, : - Joab Richards,'.- ) ---C 'V -vW .Va-Kv- vs i. - 0ririnal Attachment ls- William, Rash, j " : -.- vied on Land. TT appearing to '-he satisfaction of the courr. JL I I THE RALEIGH CONVENTION. I from the spirit that seems to be abioad in Old Rowan, we think she will march in? t I - - . . ! i force to Raleish on 5h of- next month. Ai goodly number of Whigs have already a fp go'down,and we hear of various others 11 who are anxious to be of the number. irrangemenl is for the delegates to meet i front of the Rowan Hotel on Tuesday 29111 )nst.r and to match in procession through he town of Salisbury on their onwwd road liUcept elderly gentlemen and invalids, the frip is to bp performed ou foot. They will arry their baggage wagons with them, and Nil! meet their fellow-citizens from Dsvje I - . Ii Iht! Ashborough. Rowan means lo do her ! j - j ! duty in this matter, and will do it on 12th Hull November next. l! Concord Sept I4ih 1840 Messrs Pendleton 4 lirxmer Sir, In vourlast oom- I b.?r of the Watchman, I see yoo have roeniiohed my name in connection with the rust othce in Concord. You say that you have it ' upon the best authority " that Mr Cravons petition went on several days in advance vl mine. Now sir this is a fa's hood, and I am able to prove it, by as gooa evidence as is in the State. You further say that I was appointed op an ' almost individual application" ; , Now sir th:s is another falsehood,and I am able prove it. There were as many signer lo my petition as were to Mr Cravons, and sir there were twelve whigs of aa high standing as ate in the County .indeed some of the very leaders of the party, signers of my petition, and all these aie Citizens of Concord. My petition was signed promiscuously, by Whigs and Van Buren men. Now sir yon are WH aware that any man who indostrisusly circulates falsehood though upon the best authority " is not exempt from the merited odium attached to soch condoct. I am willing to compare my petition with Mr Cravuii (who is a gentleman) and should not fear the result of the comparison either in numbers or the ifspectabiliiy of signers, supposing that youst lo dal Justice to every Man,) shall expect to see your notice corrtcled in the next Watch man. YOO 1 8 & &, & THOS S HENDERSON 1 jThe Richmond Enq-iirer and its satelitea, are accusing N. Carolina of 'being-ah alw.liiion Sta? iarid the last election is adduced as the proof Wle : : .... Sate not prone to take umbrage at ordinaiy charg :eS frooiour cotemporarie&, bil the ourse pursu led by this paper towards our State is most insult ing and provoking". In one breath we are called i Federalists and we receive from this father cort i : t j lessor of the troe faith at Rirhrocrd, a homily f for the sin of having elected: a Governor jto suit ourselves. In the next breath, we are kind !y told what true democracy i; and we aie ckj- jded and patted on the back as good sound R? publicans, and advised to voiej for Martin Van Buren. Nay. it is even declired that tee will do soon the 12ih of next November. i Now, we tor one, protest Rinat foreign inflo ence of all kinds, but of all others, we spiirn the that William Rath is not an inhabiiant of Messrs. LditorffOirSttntisj ihe 12ih inst., 1 this Slate : It is therefore, ordered- tbtt rubli- a patriotic fellow citizen of Davie count v. Mr. I cation be made in the Carolina Watchman for John Foard, gave to the Citizens of bis neigh- I six weeks, for the said Raskin ccme in at the br.thood and friends generally, a real Tippecanoe next Term of this court, lo be held for the ccun- jolhJUatwn. ty of I re Jell, at ihe Court House in StatesviM!, Wr r card is the owner nf several vert valoa- I on the third mondav cf November next, ihfn ' Kla nlin'.n.... a n !.... C . : . 1 ..J L. Ll J.. 'it. .... 1 : I fi'a'iio in uuwiii sf unwitj couuiics j one i mo mere o piwaa tuur irpievj. otoci isc juij; 01 tnem. iis ureenville pface, lies on both sides ment hv delault will be taken against him, and oi tne ooain-Y adkin river. 1 ne frequent cross j the property! levied on condemned ' to satisfy ing 01 me river by ln hands has heretofore been ptarntttl sdebt and all lawful costs. attended vnh considerable risk, which prompted WiinesS. J. F. Alexander, Clerk of our sat d mm to construct a large Canoe for their safelv a a -- T and convenience. On the dav anootnted for launching the " Tippecanoe (invitation having been previously given) a considerably nomber'of' persons some of whom were from several other Couniiea, besides Rowan &- Davie, met at Mr Foard's residence and escorted the Boat to the court at office, the 3d monrfav of Angosr, 1810. J. F. A LEX AN D K R , elk. ; Sept IS 6w8 :'PrintersFee $D C2 IREDELL COUNTY, liver accompanied by a band of Music She was Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions, launched at Hall's Foard, about one .mile above her nnas destination, amidst shouts of hozzas for Harrison and Tippecanoe, and sailed down in triauiph to ihe boat landing, where an esceliani Barbacue bad been prepared for the guests, who :- . ' m aa. a uutieu in me utmost harmony and triendhip In theeeieb-ation. One icho teas there. intrusion of Thomas Ritchie, j We have been! Hole to live and get along in North Carolina wiih j out bia kind soperyision ar:d guardianship, and We trust lo be able to do so for th time to come. . mat. a SFlp5flf "tMren attempt to gel m 1 Anne, and yon are told WHinfalwe upon you ?' "The Tgia iii:.L - .... .... . ' ... at . - ii : i ' ' 1 enemy comes !l M all ihe hob2oblin? raw- pjj-r.iy flpbdjt-bones ofihe"nursery"are But iwhcn :the4Jhief '''at'iii1 'tf It nation takes this tmpor- wlnt f T ""5 practical; aooituon, ana Let him take care of his own Stale, and ofnleiis we are gjreaily deceived, he has more 1 ha n his hands lull there. We le rn that he was an a-.' vowed a ? litionist himsr-lt in 1830 that he ad-' vised Ihe Legislature of Virginia lo take all iHe slaves of that State from their; owners without any compensation. We havr) no use for any such preachers against airolfionas that.- ill j By the way of abolition. One of the holiest and- most virolent electioneet-rrs for Mr. Van A New Orleans paper; of 2d instant, states that letters had been, received in that city, from Opeioos.is, containing information that foar hen died negroes had planned an insurrtciion in the Parish of Lafayette, which was to have taken place on the night of the 22 J ult. One of the negroes informed hie master--icurnstance, B 'r a ' and the ring balers werey f whom were to be bung on th For white abolitionists who ifL l the The Whigs of Divie county invite their friends from all parts to join them in a Social liepast on the 22d of October A BIG DINNER AT MOCKSVILLEIJ Our Barns, Cribs and Meat-hoase. are full. Our crops of wheat, oats, corn and all sort of vegetables are as ahondant as heart can desire- but we have no money at home, nor can we get paid for baolmg our produce abroad. V e pro mise a bountilul supply of every thing that is wholesome, to our ft lends but" yellow boys. As we cannot furnish Champaign and Bur gundy, we must sobstitute "hard cider.1 Inviiali-ms have been sent to all ihe most dis tinguished Orators in the Country to attend and give usaUo intellectual Repast. MANY CITIZENS. August Term. 1840. Cowles 4 Wilcox,") I ts. , vJosticcs I Jucgmen: Levi? i Wm. B. Deaton. j opon Defendant Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of, the court, that William B. Deaton is not an inhabitant of this Slate : It is therefore ordered 1 hy the. court, that publication be made in the Carolina Waichman for six weeks, for the said Daton to appear at the next court uf Pleas and -Quarter Snessions, to be held for. the county of Irr del, at (be Court House in&tatesilie, onvthe third raondav in November next, then and there to show cause, if any he has, - why "the said Landk levied should nut be condemned 4o satisfy plain tiffs debt and all lavtfol coss. - - i T --f Witness. J. F. Alexander, clerk of'onr naid . court at otnee, the 3d mnnday tn August, IbAO. J. F. ALEXANDER, cik. Sept 1 S-6 8 : Printers Fee $6J State of iiotlt atojfuro IREDELL COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jiugtal Term. !840r Francis Ybuog. "i ' '"' V'V "l ': -1---'' vs i Justices Judgment Levied William Rash, j ipor Defendant's Land. IT appearing to ihe satisfaction of 4 lie court, that William Rash is not an inbabitant cf negroes !o revolt, have beej in confinement. Camden 1 aced i naene of Abel ptist preacher i U tier copied into attacVAim tb yor iriterests ? He has nei-g ther'properiy,; friends nor family; he eh- tertains opinions antl has acted upon them J most hostile to injtetests that you hold dear and all this MLto be olT--etied by la hollo wf and idle profession jof Southern jprincjples expressed for thej first time when he is cM terihg for your votes, and heard of for; thf last time, ! will tepture to say, after Noj vetntiir next, whenj they shall have failef to accomplish his i-jfttid; J & But I liate already trespassed too farjoji vour time and oatience. and infiaitely be- . T . .I i ' - - 6- ..? i- ommttufcatcon0. "j' For the Carolina Waichman It is perceived by theVan Bo'en papers that our' fiends on that side.tiave kindly volunteered ! save ih Whigs ihe trouble ol norairiattng Senators. The Standard recommends two dis tinguished Whigs as deserving support although by applying the name of ' Federalist,' ihe Ed nor intends to injure ihe Whi? cause. I trust that the troe DmocracjLwill not be driven In ra the support of these distinguished gentlemerror any others thy may choose by ihe application of this term by oor enemies. The Federal partly hts long ceased to exist, aruLthese gentlemen; have proved their Republican principles by ari able and effectual opposition to the increase uf jover in the Federal Executive. Permit.' Messrs Editors, a Whig to mention .he name f another distinguished man in con nection with this appointment: it is that 'of Liiwis Williams. I am aware Jiis uame fr a long liuie has stood prominent among; those spoken of. Mr. Williams is well known as an experienced 6tat?man and an unflinehinyVV hig. When we look back upon the Jackson torrent by which our once happy land has been desola ted, we find him altnnr iheonly prominent man in our Slate, who at all tiroes and undtr all cir cumstances -temmed the flood undectivert bv the pretended moderation, unseduced by hs flat tery and onawrd by the power, of the Hero of tvtti wars. Mi. Williams was always found warning and exhorting his fellow citizens to ral ly to ihe-Mreixruex f their Country, and piloting out in anticipation that deplorable result whih is now a mailer of history. Mr.-Williams sh j taioed hiinsell by his energy, and those energies are still undiminished. He has-been tried byt open con'est and sedrel stratagem and has tri umphed over open and hidden foes and the re sult of all the roceni elections in his district is evidence of the collect information hedisemi aated. By his firm and upright course he has from an avowed abolitionist. They are in close ! f cuonoence 9.. 9 rkCinn ra ta hn haAn Inn H 4lnV T.I IflA I hey repeat and te i! ' ij :. j ,t., . .... i . , . . .... . . . ..;. the; Senate, which be is calculated to nil with fo much ability would be a fit and piop" reward for his consistent!, upright, and or flinching courte. A WHIG. The lVMgs of Davie Are request ed'To meet in Mocks vj He tn Satnr dav the 22nd inst., for the purpose of organising this State: It is therefore ordered by the court, a I ippecanoe llub, and appointing lMegntes to that publication be made in the Carolina atm the uonvennon and celebration at naieigh, on man for six weeks, for lb e delendant. imam Monday the 5th of October next. j ftash, to appear at I be next .'.Court of Pleas and Mocksville, Sept 16. 1840. Quarter bessions. to be held lor. tne county oi Iredell, at ihe Court HonseinStatrsville.cn the m F?i)Mr.fi'em rrrin w.i.. third roonday in November next, then and ihera .f Republican- If lug Jfiectt tig . u if hfi h wt)- lhe Mid Jar!(i Will be held at the Court House in ConcoTd. should not bo condemned to satisfy plaint iflfs Cabarrus County, on Saturday, the 19th inst., debt and all lawful costs. . , , (or I ha mirrtiMK nf a nrtui n ir rr fvt.Taa in Ilia W'itnrs. J F Alexander, ckrk of oor smj Raleigh Convention on the 5th of October, court at tffice,; the 3d mondavf Angusl, I84i. when the Whigs are invited to attend. t " J F ALEXANUEL.clk. Bv order of the Tiunecaroe Club of Caharrua Sept 18-68 ; Printers f Cf W J . f I r R W. ALLISON, Sec'ry. Concord, Sept. 7, 1840. .."S Buren, is an abolitionist by t Brown, a real or protenocd Baj iiassaciiusBiis, u iu a wis ji the Enquirer, shows that he has lati ly opened a Van Buren mretii g with Prayer thai he Irfo given great tiftHnce by preaching political Ser mons and uiaking 'poltical player?, containii personal abuse. Not only this, but it , is very luauifest that this holy abolitionist endeavors jpy insinuation to charge the Whtj9 of Norihampipb with holding political revels in the Corgrega tiooal Church. The falsehood of this ts plain ennimh when ' voo ; come to attend to the letter closely, but the miserable fraud is evidently de signed. - - - ''"" ' - - I :; I And still our adversaries here, have the "ef frontery" lo charge us with art alliance with Uie abolitionist? of the North. They run an open; abolitionist fur Governor in Vermont. Theyi have.their political meetings opened with prayer ; ATTBNTIOET ! .... OFFICERS OK THE 8Sth Regiment of ' i - Davidson County 'N. Caroli na Juilitia. State ot Jlovttt ;eaVoHtta, IREDELL COUNTY." Court oj Pleas and Quarter Sessions, j JUgusl Term, 1340. Cowlei & Wilcox ts . 1 W;m. B Deaton Justices Judgment LevifJ npon Defendant's Land. !MT appearing to I he 'satisfaction ofthe -crmrt. J. that William B. Dea'on ifobtan inhanit?r of this Slate: It is therefore ordered by funr! thf mthlin t in h made tn the Carolim TOU are commanded to parade Watchman lor six weeks, for the said Deaton to X at George Hedrick', on ihe aopear al Uhe next Court of Pleas and Quarter correspondence wiih him. They repeat and Ire publish all his vtje slanders agaiost the - Whigs, and still say the Whigs are in league whji the a a a a . I Ma nbolitionists. That bell has been sounded too of ten to deceive lhe people of North Carolina. Rip Van Winkle. We learn that Sena lor Preston at a large Whig meeting fafely held in Greenville, South Carolina, said! he had M once applied the name of Rip Van Winkle to North Carolina, but he woiilJ now take that back, and bestow it where it was better deserved, on . his own Stales For the Carolina Watditnan. ' DON'T CARE." Messrs-JuditoTS t During our late elec'loneer- 15th of Oct. next, at 10 o'clock. A. AI., armed wiih Muskets for Drill ; and on ihe 16th at 10 o'clock, A. M., with ynir subal tern, with ix rounds of powder for General Moser. By" otdfr of Wm OWEN, Col. Com'nt. IRA FITZGERALD, Ad't. September 18, 1840 4 w 8 . NOTICE. rip HE. undersigned has been eppointed spe 3 cial Administrator on the Estate of Joseph Conan. deceased, and in pursuance of his ao thority wilTproceed to expse to public sale, on thf 13th of October. 1840, at lhe late dwelling of said deceased, the following prcperty, to wit : Two Horses. Thirty six head of Cattle. Hovs Sheep, and a quantity of Corn Wheat and other articles. LEVI COWAN. Special Jldm'r. of Joseph Cowan, deceased. September 18, 1 S4ti 3 w 8 bessiors, to be lit-Id for the coouty of Iredell, at the Cour House in Sta'esvihe, on the il.ud mondtv in Noveuiber riexf. thfn ard there to show cause, if any be has, why , ihc said land should not be cot.wmned to satisfy plaintiffs dt-U and all lawful csts. - ; 7 'H ; . Witness,' J F, Alexander, cletk of our -aM court at office, the 3d ov ndav of AuguMlS :(. J F ALEXANDER, elk. Sept 1868 f Printers Fee $5 62 N ihg campaign ihe expression which cunstitutes lhe caption of this article, fell fieqaenlly from the Hps of a certain Tory candidate ta this coun ty, j It happened however that being regarded It!: only in the character of a blind guide, hot few t choose to risk with him a notch into the di'ch, was South Carolina that is aaerp, while ouni wh.fe on lfce memor.ye ,3lh of August, 1840. Northern sister is gallantly clotrig her duly?) be landed so effectually bedraggledjas to prevent YOELvH. JENKINS $ JAMES BILES, tJ beg leave to give notice that 1 hey have sue Cfeded Mr. Thomas L Cowan to the Mercantile business, and have taken the stand lately occu pied by him, where they offer for sale the Slock of G mds recently ownedby -Vr.;C. to which they iniersd M)n to add a very general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, &c , from the North. fgHOMAS L. COWAN, having rented his J. Store to Jenkioa Biles, who succeed bun in the .Vercantile business, rfspeclfully requests all who are indebted to him to eall and settle ibeir accounts, and if they cannot pay the money, give a note. He may be found at the Coontiog Room of Jenkins & Biles.. - -Salisbury, Sept. 4, 1840. V " fit TxKEN up and coiered on the Rsrr's books of the -Ciniy'of Cabarrus, by John C. Cochran on ihe I Ih day of August, IS 10, a mare muh, from 8 m 12 years old. cf a Lrown color, appraised at 35 dollars. The owner' hereby notified to come forwaid, prove proper! y pav chaises and receive it as the law 'direct. " J. M.MILSTER, Ranger, , ... ,o.n V Cabarrus Cuun:y. August 14. 1840. 8ir3 MRS. HOWARD respectfully informs ih gentlemen of Silisbary.and citi2?ns gener atiy. that she wilt make panlalcone, vs?s. an i Summer coats, for half the price row paid Tai Itrs for such woik. She bas dene a great deal f seh work for the Tailors, and will insore aU that may fee given her, 10 be dnoe ardorable and neat as any done by them. Shir's, bosoms, Lc , will also be made at a very reasonable prices. 'hh.rr. Ag 21. 1840 I f4 'iu c.tlH'g of Rice rn the Capo Fear river has rommenccd. The crop is tut only,Wil. Chron. ' Curious Coincidence." Paxsnct's Last. r.-i.m. it U aid has such as irrMi.we tendency downwards now- days hal the boys can't fly kites made if leco feco newspapers. Loc i 1 J !' '-'' -'lis '.',.. I S